tableName( 'user' ); $userspace = NS_USER; $max = $dbr->selectField('user', 'max(user_id)', false, "getSQL"); $condition = '>' . (int)($max - $max / 100); $sql = "SELECT 'Listusers' as type, $userspace AS namespace, user_name AS title, " . "user_name as value, user_id " . "FROM $user ". "WHERE user_id $condition ". "ORDER BY user_id DESC "; return $sql; } // Just list names. Probably desirable to add links to talk, contributions, etc. in future. function formatResult( $skin, $result ) { global $wgContLang; $userPage = Title::makeTitle( $result->namespace, $result->title ); $name = $skin->makeLinkObj( $userPage, htmlspecialchars( $userPage->getText() ) ); return $name; } } /** * constructor * $par string (optional) A group to list users from */ function wfSpecialNewusers( $par = null ) { global $wgRequest; list( $limit, $offset ) = wfCheckLimits(); $slu = new NewUsersPage(); return $slu->doQuery( $offset, $limit ); } ?>