To review: these are all related to the wb_terms migration and are not yet ready: wbt_text wbt_type wbt_text_in_lang wbt_term_in_lang wbt_property_terms wbt_item_terms -------------- could be dumped, probably useful flaggedimages flaggedpage_config flaggedpage_pending flaggedpages flaggedrevs flaggedrevs_promote flaggedrevs_statistics flaggedrevs_stats flaggedrevs_stats2 flaggedrevs_tracking flaggedtemplates wbqc_constraints wbs_propertypairs -- really only useful for the property suggester, but public so why not -------------- obsolete or deprecated ep_articles ep_cas ep_events ep_instructors ep_oas ep_orgs ep_revisions ep_students ep_users_per_course geo_updates -- removed from extension geo_killist -- "" -------------- may not be useful global_group_permissions -- CentralAuth related, doubtful there's a use case given we can't dump the user table global_group_restrictions global_user_groups localuser pagetriage_log -- all of these are used for enwiki page triage only, a mirror might only care about new triage pagetriage_page Are they useful for crunching numbers for researchers? Unclear. Can't see a bot use case though. pagetriage_page_tags pagetriage_tags wb_changes -- these relate to propagation of changes from a wikibase repo (e.g. wikidata) to client wikis wb_changes_dispatch wb_changes_subscription wb_terms -- deprecated wb_id_counters -- this should be rebuilt by looking at the largest id in use for items/properties/lexemes; if it is simply dumped and used, it will be out of sync with the other tables wikiset -- from CentralAuth, only exists there, not useful generally for mirrors ------- already dumped wbc_entity_usage wb_items_per_site wb_property_info