11:11 < mutante> in a RewriteRule i use "^/tree/(.+)" to match /tree/foo and then reuse the foo part in my target URL. it's ok so far, just when i request something like "/tree/%2F" it is still 404 because of the %2F , how do i also match those 11:12 < Unbeliever> fajita: AllowEncodedSlashes 11:12 < fajita> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/core.html#allowencodedslashes 11:12 < Unbeliever> mutante: possibly this ^^ 11:12 < thumbs> mutante: .+ or .* will match it. 11:12 < thumbs> but yes, allow the encoded slashes first. 11:13 < mutante> hmm, aha! looking at that, thanks 11:15 < mutante> ugh, now i dont know if that will influence any of all the existing config there is and i see " Allowing slashes to be decoded could potentially allow unsafe paths." 11:15 < thumbs> mutante: indeed. 11:15 < Unbeliever> mutante: indeed, it can be a security risk 11:16 < mutante> i wish i could just do this in the context of my rewrite rule 11:17 < thumbs> fajita: AllowEncodedSlashes context 11:17 < fajita> AllowEncodedSlashes may be used in the following contexts: server config, virtual host 11:18 < rbowen> mutante: There's a rewrite flag for that. 11:18 < rbowen> fajita: rewrite flags 11:18 < fajita> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/rewrite/flags.html 11:18 < mutante> NE? 11:18 < fajita> noescape (no uri escaping of output) 11:18 < rbowen> Is it NE? Or B? 11:18 < rbowen> I always get confused between the two of those. 11:18 < rbowen> Depends on what you're trying to do. 11:18 < mutante> but i need to match those types on the left hand side 11:18 < Unbeliever> possibly both :) 11:19 < rbowen> fajita: NE 11:19 < fajita> noescape (no uri escaping of output) 11:19 < rbowen> pfft. Lot of help that is. 11:19 < rbowen> I think it's B, but I'm not sure. 11:20 < mutante> it seems that NE is only about output, B is a good point, reading 11:20 < Unbeliever> you still may require the AllowEncodedSlashses otherwise apache may returna 4040 simply because it finds %2F in the URI path 11:20 < Unbeliever> er 404 11:20 < thumbs> Unbeliever: correct. 11:20 < thumbs> mutante: anyway, you can limit this to your vhost 11:20 < mutante> ok, then i need to test this behaviour on the production setup and see that first 11:20 < mutante> right now i was on a labs host 11:21 < mutante> thumbs: ok! thanks 11:21 < Unbeliever> test on the production setup .. an oxymoron if ever there was one 11:21 < mutante> haha, yea, but it's not as bad as it sounds :) production also has "canary" servers