* prepare node for offline actions (but note the idrac update is not offline, its just easier to offline the node and do it all in one offline window) * offline the node (icinga maint mode, etc) * screen session on cumin host for cookbooks * command example: sudo cookbook sre.hardware.upgrade-firmware --comonent idrac kafka-main1005 ** Pick the version just shy of 6.0, 6.0+ has https idrac mgmt issues ** Update will run on the host, flashing to the specified version, and echoing output. * command example: sudo cookbook sre.hardware.upgrade-firmware --comonent nic kafka-main1005 ** upgrade to, as breaks installer ** Update will run on host, etc... * (optional) command example: sudo cookbook sre.hardware.upgrade-firmware --comonent bios kafka-main1005 ** we just always pick latest version of bios available, never had issues. ** Update will run on host, etc... * Rejoice!