# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This family file was auto-generated by $Id: cd1caa72b02b64185d9394fff1d0d122996f5ad0 $ Configuration parameters: url = https://wiki.vvfh.org/index.php/Main_Page name = vvfh Please do not commit this to the Git repository! """ from pywikibot import family from pywikibot.tools import deprecated class Family(family.Family): def __init__(self): family.Family.__init__(self) self.name = 'vvfh' self.langs = { 'en': 'wiki.vvfh.org', } def scriptpath(self, code): return { 'en': '', }[code] @deprecated('APISite.version()') def version(self, code): return { 'en': u'1.29.1', }[code] def protocol(self, code): return { 'en': u'https', }[code] def ignore_certificate_error(self, code): return True