This task will outline the installation of Racking Plan: List out what the racking requirements of the system are here. Example: System X is in a cluster with system Y, so they cannot share a rack. ** on-site specific steps [] - receive in system on #procurement task [populate task # here] [] - rack system with proposed racking plan (see above) & update netbox (include all system info plus location, state of planned) [] - host has a netbox state of Inventory [] - bios/drac/serial setup/testing [] - mgmt dns entries added for both asset tag and hostname [] - network port setup (description, enable, vlan) ** end on-site specific steps [] - production dns entries added [] - operations/puppet update (install_server and set to role::spare) [] - OS installation - this and the initial puppet run must take place one after the other [] - puppet accept/initial run [] - host state in netbox set to staged [] - handoff for service implementation [] - service implementation team updates role in site.pp from spare to actual role. [] - service implementer changes from 'staged' status to 'active' status in netbox once system is in service