DROP TABLE IF EXISTS neilpquinn.toledo_pageviews; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS neilpquinn.toledo_pageviews ( `count` bigint COMMENT 'pageview count', `year` int COMMENT 'Unpadded year of request', `month` int COMMENT 'Unpadded month of request', `day` int COMMENT 'Unpadded day of request', `http_method` string COMMENT 'HTTP method', `http_status` int COMMENT 'HTTP status', `uri_host` string COMMENT 'URI host', `agent_type` string COMMENT 'user agent type', `access_method` string COMMENT 'Method used to accessing the site (mobile web|desktop)', `referer_host` string COMMENT 'Host from referer parsing', `referer_class` string COMMENT 'Indicates if a referer is internal, external or unknown.', `client_srp` boolean COMMENT 'Whether client is search result page from referer parsing', `home_language` string COMMENT 'Home language', `source_language` string COMMENT 'Source language', `to_language` string COMMENT 'To language', `rurl_param` string COMMENT 'rurl parameter', `continent` string COMMENT 'Continent of the accessing agents (maxmind GeoIP database)', `country_code` string COMMENT 'Country iso code of the accessing agents (maxmind GeoIP database)', `country` string COMMENT 'Country (text) of the accessing agents (maxmind GeoIP database)' ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' LOCATION '/user/neilpquinn-wmf/toledo_pageviews/daily' ;