# rawdog: RSS aggregator without delusions of grandeur. # Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Adam Sampson # # rawdog is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it # under the terms of that license as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # rawdog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with rawdog; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free # Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301, USA, or see http://www.gnu.org/. VERSION = "2.22-wmf1" HTTP_AGENT = "rawdog/" + VERSION STATE_VERSION = 2 import rawdoglib.feedscanner from rawdoglib.persister import Persistable, Persister from rawdoglib.plugins import Box, call_hook, load_plugins from cStringIO import StringIO import base64 import calendar import cgi import feedparser import getopt import hashlib import locale import os import re import socket import string import sys import threading import time import types import urllib2 import urlparse try: import tidylib except: tidylib = None try: import mx.Tidy as mxtidy except: mxtidy = None # Turn off content-cleaning, since we want to see an approximation to the # original content for hashing. rawdog will sanitise HTML when writing. feedparser.RESOLVE_RELATIVE_URIS = 0 feedparser.SANITIZE_HTML = 0 # Disable microformat support, because it tends to return poor-quality data # (e.g. identifying inappropriate things as enclosures), and it relies on # BeautifulSoup which is unable to parse many feeds. feedparser.PARSE_MICROFORMATS = 0 # This is initialised in main(). persister = None system_encoding = None def get_system_encoding(): """Get the system encoding.""" return system_encoding def safe_ftime(format, t): """Format a time value into a string in the current locale (as time.strftime), but encode the result as ASCII HTML.""" try: u = unicode(time.strftime(format, t), get_system_encoding()) except ValueError, e: u = u"(bad time %s; %s)" % (repr(t), str(e)) return encode_references(u) def format_time(secs, config): """Format a time and date nicely.""" try: t = time.localtime(secs) except ValueError, e: return u"(bad time %s; %s)" % (repr(secs), str(e)) format = config["datetimeformat"] if format is None: format = config["timeformat"] + ", " + config["dayformat"] return safe_ftime(format, t) high_char_re = re.compile(r'[^\000-\177]') def encode_references(s): """Encode characters in a Unicode string using HTML references.""" def encode(m): return "&#" + str(ord(m.group(0))) + ";" return high_char_re.sub(encode, s) # This list of block-level elements came from the HTML 4.01 specification. block_level_re = re.compile(r'^\s*<(p|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|ul|ol|pre|dl|div|noscript|blockquote|form|hr|table|fieldset|address)[^a-z]', re.I) def sanitise_html(html, baseurl, inline, config): """Attempt to turn arbitrary feed-provided HTML into something suitable for safe inclusion into the rawdog output. The inline parameter says whether to expect a fragment of inline text, or a sequence of block-level elements.""" if html is None: return None html = encode_references(html) type = "text/html" # sgmllib handles "
/" as a SHORTTAG; this workaround from # feedparser. html = re.sub(r'(\S)/>', r'\1 />', html) # sgmllib is fragile with broken processing instructions (e.g. # ""); just remove them all. html = re.sub(r']*>', '', html) html = feedparser._resolveRelativeURIs(html, baseurl, "UTF-8", type) p = feedparser._HTMLSanitizer("UTF-8", type) p.feed(html) html = p.output() if not inline and config["blocklevelhtml"]: # If we're after some block-level HTML and the HTML doesn't # start with a block-level element, then insert a

tag # before it. This still fails when the HTML contains text, then # a block-level element, then more text, but it's better than # nothing. if block_level_re.match(html) is None: html = "

" + html if config["tidyhtml"]: args = { "numeric_entities": 1, "input_encoding": "ascii", "output_encoding": "ascii", "output_html": 1, "output_xhtml": 0, "output_xml": 0, "wrap": 0, } call_hook("mxtidy_args", config, args, baseurl, inline) call_hook("tidy_args", config, args, baseurl, inline) if tidylib is not None: # Disable PyTidyLib's somewhat unhelpful defaults. tidylib.BASE_OPTIONS = {} output = tidylib.tidy_document(html, args)[0] elif mxtidy is not None: output = mxtidy.tidy(html, None, None, **args)[2] else: # No Tidy bindings installed -- do nothing. output = "" + html + "" html = output[output.find("") + 6 : output.rfind("")].strip() html = html.decode("UTF-8") box = Box(html) call_hook("clean_html", config, box, baseurl, inline) return box.value def select_detail(details): """Pick the preferred type of detail from a list of details. (If the argument isn't a list, treat it as a list of one.)""" TYPES = { "text/html": 30, "application/xhtml+xml": 20, "text/plain": 10, } if details is None: return None if type(details) is not list: details = [details] ds = [] for detail in details: ctype = detail.get("type", None) if ctype is None: continue if TYPES.has_key(ctype): score = TYPES[ctype] else: score = 0 if detail["value"] != "": ds.append((score, detail)) ds.sort() if len(ds) == 0: return None else: return ds[-1][1] def detail_to_html(details, inline, config, force_preformatted=False): """Convert a detail hash or list of detail hashes as returned by feedparser into HTML.""" detail = select_detail(details) if detail is None: return None if force_preformatted: html = "

" + cgi.escape(detail["value"]) + "
" elif detail["type"] == "text/plain": html = cgi.escape(detail["value"]) else: html = detail["value"] return sanitise_html(html, detail["base"], inline, config) def author_to_html(entry, feedurl, config): """Convert feedparser author information to HTML.""" author_detail = entry.get("author_detail") if author_detail is not None and author_detail.has_key("name"): name = author_detail["name"] else: name = entry.get("author") url = None fallback = "author" if author_detail is not None: if author_detail.has_key("href"): url = author_detail["href"] elif author_detail.has_key("email") and author_detail["email"] is not None: url = "mailto:" + author_detail["email"] if author_detail.has_key("email") and author_detail["email"] is not None: fallback = author_detail["email"] elif author_detail.has_key("href") and author_detail["href"] is not None: fallback = author_detail["href"] if name == "": name = fallback if url is None: html = name else: html = "" + cgi.escape(name) + "" # We shouldn't need a base URL here anyway. return sanitise_html(html, feedurl, True, config) def string_to_html(s, config): """Convert a string to HTML.""" return sanitise_html(cgi.escape(s), "", True, config) template_re = re.compile(r'(__[^_].*?__)') def fill_template(template, bits): """Expand a template, replacing __x__ with bits["x"], and only including sections bracketed by __if_x__ .. [__else__ ..] __endif__ if bits["x"] is not "". If not bits.has_key("x"), __x__ expands to "".""" result = Box() call_hook("fill_template", template, bits, result) if result.value is not None: return result.value encoding = get_system_encoding() f = StringIO() if_stack = [] def write(s): if not False in if_stack: f.write(s) for part in template_re.split(template): if part.startswith("__") and part.endswith("__"): key = part[2:-2] if key.startswith("if_"): k = key[3:] if_stack.append(bits.has_key(k) and bits[k] != "") elif key == "endif": if if_stack != []: if_stack.pop() elif key == "else": if if_stack != []: if_stack.append(not if_stack.pop()) elif bits.has_key(key): if type(bits[key]) == types.UnicodeType: write(bits[key].encode(encoding)) else: write(bits[key]) else: write(part) v = f.getvalue() f.close() return v file_cache = {} def load_file(name): """Read the contents of a template file, caching the result so we don't have to read the file multiple times. The file is assumed to be in the system encoding; the result will be an ASCII string.""" if not file_cache.has_key(name): try: f = open(name) data = f.read() f.close() except IOError: raise ConfigError("Can't read template file: " + name) try: data = data.decode(get_system_encoding()) except UnicodeDecodeError, e: raise ConfigError("Character encoding problem in template file: " + name + ": " + str(e)) data = encode_references(data) file_cache[name] = data.encode(get_system_encoding()) return file_cache[name] def write_ascii(f, s, config): """Write the string s, which should only contain ASCII characters, to file f; if it isn't encodable in ASCII, then print a warning message and write UTF-8.""" try: f.write(s) except UnicodeEncodeError, e: config.bug("Error encoding output as ASCII; UTF-8 has been written instead.\n", e) f.write(s.encode("UTF-8")) def short_hash(s): """Return a human-manipulatable 'short hash' of a string.""" return hashlib.sha1(s).hexdigest()[-8:] def ensure_unicode(value, encoding): """Convert a structure returned by feedparser into an equivalent where all strings are represented as fully-decoded unicode objects.""" if isinstance(value, str): try: return value.decode(encoding) except: # If the encoding's invalid, at least preserve # the byte stream. return value.decode("ISO-8859-1") elif isinstance(value, unicode) and type(value) is not unicode: # This is a subclass of unicode (e.g. BeautifulSoup's # NavigableString, which is unpickleable in some versions of # the library), so force it to be a real unicode object. return unicode(value) elif isinstance(value, dict): d = {} for (k, v) in value.items(): d[k] = ensure_unicode(v, encoding) return d elif isinstance(value, list): return [ensure_unicode(v, encoding) for v in value] else: return value timeout_re = re.compile(r'timed? ?out', re.I) def is_timeout_exception(exc): """Return True if the given exception object suggests that a timeout occurred, else return False.""" # Since urlopen throws away the original exception object, # we have to look at the stringified form to tell if it was a timeout. # (We're in reasonable company here, since test_ssl.py in the Python # distribution does the same thing!) # # The message we're looking for is something like: # Stock Python 2.7.7 and 2.7.8: # # Debian python 2.7.3-4+deb7u1: # # Debian python 2.7.8-1: # return timeout_re.search(str(exc)) is not None class BasicAuthProcessor(urllib2.BaseHandler): """urllib2 handler that does HTTP basic authentication or proxy authentication with a fixed username and password. (Unlike the classes to do this in urllib2, this doesn't wait for a 401/407 response first.)""" def __init__(self, user, password, proxy=False): self.auth = base64.b64encode(user + ":" + password) if proxy: self.header = "Proxy-Authorization" else: self.header = "Authorization" def http_request(self, req): req.add_header(self.header, "Basic " + self.auth) return req https_request = http_request class DisableIMProcessor(urllib2.BaseHandler): """urllib2 handler that disables RFC 3229 for a request.""" def http_request(self, req): # Request doesn't provide a method for removing headers -- # so overwrite the header instead. req.add_header("A-IM", "identity") return req https_request = http_request class ResponseLogProcessor(urllib2.BaseHandler): """urllib2 handler that maintains a log of HTTP responses.""" # Run after anything that's mangling headers (usually 500 or less), but # before HTTPErrorProcessor (1000). handler_order = 900 def __init__(self): self.log = [] def http_response(self, req, response): entry = { "url": req.get_full_url(), "status": response.getcode(), } location = response.info().get("Location") if location is not None: entry["location"] = location self.log.append(entry) return response https_response = http_response def get_log(self): return self.log non_alphanumeric_re = re.compile(r'<[^>]*>|\&[^\;]*\;|[^a-z0-9]') class Feed: """An RSS feed.""" def __init__(self, url): self.url = url self.period = 30 * 60 self.args = {} self.etag = None self.modified = None self.last_update = 0 self.feed_info = {} def needs_update(self, now): """Return True if it's time to update this feed, or False if its update period has not yet elapsed.""" return (now - self.last_update) >= self.period def get_state_filename(self): return "feeds/%s.state" % (short_hash(self.url),) def fetch(self, rawdog, config): """Fetch the current set of articles from the feed.""" handlers = [] logger = ResponseLogProcessor() handlers.append(logger) proxies = {} for name, value in self.args.items(): if name.endswith("_proxy"): proxies[name[:-6]] = value if len(proxies) != 0: handlers.append(urllib2.ProxyHandler(proxies)) if self.args.has_key("proxyuser") and self.args.has_key("proxypassword"): handlers.append(BasicAuthProcessor(self.args["proxyuser"], self.args["proxypassword"], proxy=True)) if self.args.has_key("user") and self.args.has_key("password"): handlers.append(BasicAuthProcessor(self.args["user"], self.args["password"])) if self.get_keepmin(config) == 0 or config["currentonly"]: # If RFC 3229 and "A-IM: feed" is used, then there's # no way to tell when an article has been removed. # So if we only want to keep articles that are still # being published by the feed, we have to turn it off. handlers.append(DisableIMProcessor()) call_hook("add_urllib2_handlers", rawdog, config, self, handlers) url = self.url # Turn plain filenames into file: URLs. (feedparser will open # plain filenames itself, but we want it to open the file with # urllib2 so we get a URLError if something goes wrong.) if not ":" in url: url = "file:" + url try: result = feedparser.parse(url, etag=self.etag, modified=self.modified, agent=HTTP_AGENT, handlers=handlers) except Exception, e: result = { "rawdog_exception": e, "rawdog_traceback": sys.exc_info()[2], } result["rawdog_responses"] = logger.get_log() return result def update(self, rawdog, now, config, articles, p): """Add new articles from a feed to the collection. Returns True if any articles were read, False otherwise.""" # Note that feedparser might have thrown an exception -- # so until we print the error message and return, we # can't assume that p contains any particular field. responses = p.get("rawdog_responses") if len(responses) > 0: last_status = responses[-1]["status"] elif len(p.get("feed", [])) != 0: # Some protocol other than HTTP -- assume it's OK, # since we got some content. last_status = 200 else: # Timeout, or empty response from non-HTTP. last_status = 0 version = p.get("version") if version is None: version = "" self.last_update = now errors = [] fatal = False old_url = self.url if "rawdog_exception" in p: errors.append("Error fetching or parsing feed:") errors.append(str(p["rawdog_exception"])) if config["showtracebacks"]: from traceback import format_tb errors.append("".join(format_tb(p["rawdog_traceback"]))) errors.append("") fatal = True if len(responses) != 0 and responses[0]["status"] == 301: # Permanent redirect(s). Find the new location. i = 0 while i < len(responses) and responses[i]["status"] == 301: i += 1 location = responses[i - 1].get("location") # According to RFC 2616, the Location header should be # an absolute URI. This doesn't stop the occasional # server sending something like "Location: /" or # "Location: //foo/bar". It's usually a sign of # brokenness, so fail rather than trying to interpret # it liberally. valid_uri = True if location is not None: parsed = urlparse.urlparse(location) if parsed.scheme == "" or parsed.netloc == "": valid_uri = False if not valid_uri: errors.append("New URL: " + location) errors.append("The feed returned a permanent redirect, but with an invalid new location.") elif location is None: errors.append("The feed returned a permanent redirect, but without a new location.") else: errors.append("New URL: " + location) errors.append("The feed has moved permanently to a new URL.") if config["changeconfig"]: rawdog.change_feed_url(self.url, location, config) errors.append("The config file has been updated automatically.") else: errors.append("You should update its entry in your config file.") errors.append("") bozo_exception = p.get("bozo_exception") got_urlerror = isinstance(bozo_exception, urllib2.URLError) got_timeout = isinstance(bozo_exception, socket.timeout) if got_urlerror or got_timeout: # urllib2 reported an error when fetching the feed. # Check to see if it was a timeout. if not (got_timeout or is_timeout_exception(bozo_exception)): errors.append("Error while fetching feed:") errors.append(str(bozo_exception)) errors.append("") fatal = True elif config["ignoretimeouts"]: return False else: errors.append("Timeout while reading feed.") errors.append("") fatal = True elif last_status == 304: # The feed hasn't changed. Return False to indicate # that we shouldn't do expiry. return False elif last_status in [403, 410]: # The feed is disallowed or gone. The feed should be # unsubscribed. errors.append("The feed has gone.") errors.append("You should remove it from your config file.") errors.append("") fatal = True elif last_status / 100 != 2: # Some sort of client or server error. The feed may # need unsubscribing. errors.append("The feed returned an error.") errors.append("If this condition persists, you should remove it from your config file.") errors.append("") fatal = True elif version == "" and len(p.get("entries", [])) == 0: # feedparser couldn't detect the type of this feed or # retrieve any entries from it. errors.append("The data retrieved from this URL could not be understood as a feed.") errors.append("You should check whether the feed has changed URLs or been removed.") errors.append("") fatal = True old_error = "\n".join(errors) call_hook("feed_fetched", rawdog, config, self, p, old_error, not fatal) if len(errors) != 0: print >>sys.stderr, "Feed: " + old_url if last_status != 0: print >>sys.stderr, "HTTP Status: " + str(last_status) for line in errors: print >>sys.stderr, line if fatal: return False # From here, we can assume that we've got a complete feedparser # response. p = ensure_unicode(p, p.get("encoding") or "UTF-8") # No entries means the feed hasn't changed, but for some reason # we didn't get a 304 response. Handle it the same way. if len(p["entries"]) == 0: return False self.etag = p.get("etag") self.modified = p.get("modified") self.feed_info = p["feed"] feed = self.url article_ids = {} if config["useids"]: # Find IDs for existing articles. for (hash, a) in articles.items(): id = a.entry_info.get("id") if a.feed == feed and id is not None: article_ids[id] = a seen_articles = set() sequence = 0 for entry_info in p["entries"]: article = Article(feed, entry_info, now, sequence) ignore = Box(False) call_hook("article_seen", rawdog, config, article, ignore) if ignore.value: continue seen_articles.add(article.hash) sequence += 1 id = entry_info.get("id") if id in article_ids: existing_article = article_ids[id] elif article.hash in articles: existing_article = articles[article.hash] else: existing_article = None if existing_article is not None: existing_article.update_from(article, now) call_hook("article_updated", rawdog, config, existing_article, now) else: articles[article.hash] = article call_hook("article_added", rawdog, config, article, now) if config["currentonly"]: for (hash, a) in articles.items(): if a.feed == feed and hash not in seen_articles: del articles[hash] return True def get_html_name(self, config): if self.feed_info.has_key("title_detail"): r = detail_to_html(self.feed_info["title_detail"], True, config) elif self.feed_info.has_key("link"): r = string_to_html(self.feed_info["link"], config) else: r = string_to_html(self.url, config) if r is None: r = "" return r def get_html_link(self, config): s = self.get_html_name(config) if self.feed_info.has_key("link"): return '' + s + '' else: return s def get_id(self, config): if self.args.has_key("id"): return self.args["id"] else: r = self.get_html_name(config).lower() return non_alphanumeric_re.sub('', r) def get_keepmin(self, config): return self.args.get("keepmin", config["keepmin"]) class Article: """An article retrieved from an RSS feed.""" def __init__(self, feed, entry_info, now, sequence): self.feed = feed self.entry_info = entry_info self.sequence = sequence self.date = None parsed = entry_info.get("updated_parsed") if parsed is None: parsed = entry_info.get("published_parsed") if parsed is None: parsed = entry_info.get("created_parsed") if parsed is not None: try: self.date = calendar.timegm(parsed) except OverflowError: pass self.hash = self.compute_initial_hash() self.last_seen = now self.added = now def compute_initial_hash(self): """Compute an initial unique hash for an article. The generated hash must be unique amongst all articles in the system (i.e. it can't just be the article ID, because that would collide if more than one feed included the same article).""" h = hashlib.sha1() def add_hash(s): h.update(s.encode("UTF-8")) add_hash(self.feed) entry_info = self.entry_info if entry_info.has_key("title"): add_hash(entry_info["title"]) if entry_info.has_key("link"): add_hash(entry_info["link"]) if entry_info.has_key("content"): for content in entry_info["content"]: add_hash(content["value"]) if entry_info.has_key("summary_detail"): add_hash(entry_info["summary_detail"]["value"]) return h.hexdigest() def update_from(self, new_article, now): """Update this article's contents from a newer article that's been identified to be the same.""" self.entry_info = new_article.entry_info self.sequence = new_article.sequence self.date = new_article.date self.last_seen = now def can_expire(self, now, config): return (now - self.last_seen) > config["expireage"] def get_sort_date(self, config): if config["sortbyfeeddate"]: return self.date or self.added else: return self.added class DayWriter: """Utility class for writing day sections into a series of articles.""" def __init__(self, file, config): self.lasttime = [] self.file = file self.counter = 0 self.config = config def start_day(self, tm): print >>self.file, '
' day = safe_ftime(self.config["dayformat"], tm) print >>self.file, '

' + day + '

' self.counter += 1 def start_time(self, tm): print >>self.file, '
' clock = safe_ftime(self.config["timeformat"], tm) print >>self.file, '

' + clock + '

' self.counter += 1 def time(self, s): try: tm = time.localtime(s) except ValueError: # e.g. "timestamp out of range for platform time_t" return if tm[:3] != self.lasttime[:3] and self.config["daysections"]: self.close(0) self.start_day(tm) if tm[:6] != self.lasttime[:6] and self.config["timesections"]: if self.config["daysections"]: self.close(1) else: self.close(0) self.start_time(tm) self.lasttime = tm def close(self, n=0): while self.counter > n: print >>self.file, "
" self.counter -= 1 def parse_time(value, default="m"): """Parse a time period with optional units (s, m, h, d, w) into a time in seconds. If no unit is specified, use minutes by default; specify the default argument to change this. Raises ValueError if the format isn't recognised.""" units = { "s": 1, "m": 60, "h": 3600, "d": 86400, "w": 604800, } for unit, size in units.items(): if value.endswith(unit): return int(value[:-len(unit)]) * size return int(value) * units[default] def parse_bool(value): """Parse a boolean value (0, 1, false or true). Raise ValueError if the value isn't recognised.""" value = value.strip().lower() if value == "0" or value == "false": return False elif value == "1" or value == "true": return True else: raise ValueError("Bad boolean value: " + value) def parse_list(value): """Parse a list of keywords separated by whitespace.""" return value.strip().split(None) def parse_feed_args(argparams, arglines): """Parse a list of feed arguments. Raise ConfigError if the syntax is invalid, or ValueError if an argument value can't be parsed.""" args = {} for p in argparams: ps = p.split("=", 1) if len(ps) != 2: raise ConfigError("Bad feed argument in config: " + p) args[ps[0]] = ps[1] for p in arglines: ps = p.split(None, 1) if len(ps) != 2: raise ConfigError("Bad argument line in config: " + p) args[ps[0]] = ps[1] for name, value in args.items(): if name == "allowduplicates": args[name] = parse_bool(value) elif name == "keepmin": args[name] = int(value) elif name == "maxage": args[name] = parse_time(value) return args class ConfigError(Exception): pass class Config: """The aggregator's configuration.""" def __init__(self, locking=True, logfile_name=None): self.locking = locking self.files_loaded = [] self.loglock = threading.Lock() self.logfile = None if logfile_name: self.logfile = open(logfile_name, "a") self.reset() def reset(self): # Note that these default values are *not* the same as # in the supplied config file. The idea is that someone # who has an old config file shouldn't notice a difference # in behaviour on upgrade -- so new options generally # default to False here, and True in the sample file. self.config = { "feedslist" : [], "feeddefaults" : {}, "defines" : {}, "outputfile" : "output.html", "oldpages" : 7, "maxarticles" : 200, "maxage" : 0, "expireage" : 24 * 60 * 60, "keepmin" : 0, "dayformat" : "%A, %d %B %Y", "timeformat" : "%I:%M %p", "datetimeformat" : None, "userefresh" : False, "showfeeds" : True, "timeout" : 30, "pagetemplate" : "default", "itemtemplate" : "default", "feedlisttemplate" : "default", "feeditemtemplate" : "default", "verbose" : False, "ignoretimeouts" : False, "showtracebacks" : False, "daysections" : True, "timesections" : True, "blocklevelhtml" : True, "tidyhtml" : False, "sortbyfeeddate" : False, "currentonly" : False, "hideduplicates" : [], "newfeedperiod" : "3h", "changeconfig": False, "numthreads": 1, "splitstate": False, "useids": False, } def __getitem__(self, key): return self.config[key] def get(self, key, default=None): return self.config.get(key, default) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.config[key] = value def reload(self): self.log("Reloading config files") self.reset() for filename in self.files_loaded: self.load(filename, False) def load(self, filename, explicitly_loaded=True): """Load configuration from a config file.""" if explicitly_loaded: self.files_loaded.append(filename) lines = [] try: f = open(filename, "r") for line in f.xreadlines(): try: line = line.decode(get_system_encoding()) except UnicodeDecodeError, e: raise ConfigError("Character encoding problem in config file: " + filename + ": " + str(e)) stripped = line.strip() if stripped == "" or stripped[0] == "#": continue if line[0] in string.whitespace: if lines == []: raise ConfigError("First line in config cannot be an argument") lines[-1][1].append(stripped) else: lines.append((stripped, [])) f.close() except IOError: raise ConfigError("Can't read config file: " + filename) for line, arglines in lines: try: self.load_line(line, arglines) except ValueError: raise ConfigError("Bad value in config: " + line) def load_line(self, line, arglines): """Process a configuration directive.""" l = line.split(None, 1) if len(l) == 1 and l[0] == "feeddefaults": l.append("") elif len(l) != 2: raise ConfigError("Bad line in config: " + line) # Load template files immediately, so we produce an error now # rather than later if anything goes wrong. if l[0].endswith("template") and l[1] != "default": load_file(l[1]) handled_arglines = False if l[0] == "feed": l = l[1].split(None) if len(l) < 2: raise ConfigError("Bad line in config: " + line) self["feedslist"].append((l[1], parse_time(l[0]), parse_feed_args(l[2:], arglines))) handled_arglines = True elif l[0] == "feeddefaults": self["feeddefaults"] = parse_feed_args(l[1].split(None), arglines) handled_arglines = True elif l[0] == "define": l = l[1].split(None, 1) if len(l) != 2: raise ConfigError("Bad line in config: " + line) self["defines"][l[0]] = l[1] elif l[0] == "plugindirs": for dir in parse_list(l[1]): load_plugins(dir, self) elif l[0] == "outputfile": self["outputfile"] = l[1] elif l[0] == "oldpages": self["oldpages"] = l[1] elif l[0] == "maxarticles": self["maxarticles"] = int(l[1]) elif l[0] == "maxage": self["maxage"] = parse_time(l[1]) elif l[0] == "expireage": self["expireage"] = parse_time(l[1]) elif l[0] == "keepmin": self["keepmin"] = int(l[1]) elif l[0] == "dayformat": self["dayformat"] = l[1] elif l[0] == "timeformat": self["timeformat"] = l[1] elif l[0] == "datetimeformat": self["datetimeformat"] = l[1] elif l[0] == "userefresh": self["userefresh"] = parse_bool(l[1]) elif l[0] == "showfeeds": self["showfeeds"] = parse_bool(l[1]) elif l[0] == "timeout": self["timeout"] = parse_time(l[1], "s") elif l[0] in ("template", "pagetemplate"): self["pagetemplate"] = l[1] elif l[0] == "itemtemplate": self["itemtemplate"] = l[1] elif l[0] == "feedlisttemplate": self["feedlisttemplate"] = l[1] elif l[0] == "feeditemtemplate": self["feeditemtemplate"] = l[1] elif l[0] == "verbose": self["verbose"] = parse_bool(l[1]) elif l[0] == "ignoretimeouts": self["ignoretimeouts"] = parse_bool(l[1]) elif l[0] == "showtracebacks": self["showtracebacks"] = parse_bool(l[1]) elif l[0] == "daysections": self["daysections"] = parse_bool(l[1]) elif l[0] == "timesections": self["timesections"] = parse_bool(l[1]) elif l[0] == "blocklevelhtml": self["blocklevelhtml"] = parse_bool(l[1]) elif l[0] == "tidyhtml": self["tidyhtml"] = parse_bool(l[1]) elif l[0] == "sortbyfeeddate": self["sortbyfeeddate"] = parse_bool(l[1]) elif l[0] == "currentonly": self["currentonly"] = parse_bool(l[1]) elif l[0] == "hideduplicates": self["hideduplicates"] = parse_list(l[1]) elif l[0] == "newfeedperiod": self["newfeedperiod"] = l[1] elif l[0] == "changeconfig": self["changeconfig"] = parse_bool(l[1]) elif l[0] == "numthreads": self["numthreads"] = int(l[1]) elif l[0] == "splitstate": self["splitstate"] = parse_bool(l[1]) elif l[0] == "useids": self["useids"] = parse_bool(l[1]) elif l[0] == "include": self.load(l[1], False) elif call_hook("config_option_arglines", self, l[0], l[1], arglines): handled_arglines = True elif call_hook("config_option", self, l[0], l[1]): pass else: raise ConfigError("Unknown config command: " + l[0]) if arglines != [] and not handled_arglines: raise ConfigError("Bad argument lines in config after: " + line) def log(self, *args): """Print a status message. If running in verbose mode, write the message to stderr; if using a logfile, write it to the logfile.""" if self["verbose"]: with self.loglock: print >>sys.stderr, "".join(map(str, args)) if self.logfile is not None: with self.loglock: print >>self.logfile, "".join(map(str, args)) self.logfile.flush() def bug(self, *args): """Report detection of a bug in rawdog.""" print >>sys.stderr, "Internal error detected in rawdog:" print >>sys.stderr, "".join(map(str, args)) print >>sys.stderr, "This could be caused by a bug in rawdog itself or in a plugin." print >>sys.stderr, "Please send this error message and your config file to the rawdog author." def edit_file(filename, editfunc): """Edit a file in place: for each line in the input file, call editfunc(line, outputfile), then rename the output file over the input file.""" newname = "%s.new-%d" % (filename, os.getpid()) oldfile = open(filename, "r") newfile = open(newname, "w") editfunc(oldfile, newfile) newfile.close() oldfile.close() os.rename(newname, filename) class AddFeedEditor: def __init__(self, feedline): self.feedline = feedline def edit(self, inputfile, outputfile): d = inputfile.read() outputfile.write(d) if not d.endswith("\n"): outputfile.write("\n") outputfile.write(self.feedline) def add_feed(filename, url, rawdog, config): """Try to add a feed to the config file.""" feeds = rawdoglib.feedscanner.feeds(url) if feeds == []: print >>sys.stderr, "Cannot find any feeds in " + url return feed = feeds[0] if feed in rawdog.feeds: print >>sys.stderr, "Feed " + feed + " is already in the config file" return print >>sys.stderr, "Adding feed " + feed feedline = "feed %s %s\n" % (config["newfeedperiod"], feed) edit_file(filename, AddFeedEditor(feedline).edit) class ChangeFeedEditor: def __init__(self, oldurl, newurl): self.oldurl = oldurl self.newurl = newurl def edit(self, inputfile, outputfile): for line in inputfile.xreadlines(): ls = line.strip().split(None) if len(ls) > 2 and ls[0] == "feed" and ls[2] == self.oldurl: line = line.replace(self.oldurl, self.newurl, 1) outputfile.write(line) class RemoveFeedEditor: def __init__(self, url): self.url = url def edit(self, inputfile, outputfile): while True: l = inputfile.readline() if l == "": break ls = l.strip().split(None) if len(ls) > 2 and ls[0] == "feed" and ls[2] == self.url: while True: l = inputfile.readline() if l == "": break elif l[0] == "#": outputfile.write(l) elif l[0] not in string.whitespace: outputfile.write(l) break else: outputfile.write(l) def remove_feed(filename, url, config): """Try to remove a feed from the config file.""" if url not in [f[0] for f in config["feedslist"]]: print >>sys.stderr, "Feed " + url + " is not in the config file" else: print >>sys.stderr, "Removing feed " + url edit_file(filename, RemoveFeedEditor(url).edit) class FeedFetcher: """Class that will handle fetching a set of feeds in parallel.""" def __init__(self, rawdog, feedlist, config): self.rawdog = rawdog self.config = config self.lock = threading.Lock() self.jobs = set(feedlist) self.results = {} def worker(self, num): rawdog = self.rawdog config = self.config while True: with self.lock: try: job = self.jobs.pop() except KeyError: # No jobs left. break config.log("[", num, "] Fetching feed: ", job) feed = rawdog.feeds[job] call_hook("pre_update_feed", rawdog, config, feed) result = feed.fetch(rawdog, config) with self.lock: self.results[job] = result def run(self, max_workers): max_workers = max(max_workers, 1) num_workers = min(max_workers, len(self.jobs)) self.config.log("Fetching ", len(self.jobs), " feeds using ", num_workers, " threads") workers = [] for i in range(1, num_workers): t = threading.Thread(target=self.worker, args=(i,)) t.start() workers.append(t) self.worker(0) for worker in workers: worker.join() self.config.log("Fetch complete") return self.results class FeedState(Persistable): """The collection of articles in a feed.""" def __init__(self): Persistable.__init__(self) self.articles = {} class Rawdog(Persistable): """The aggregator itself.""" def __init__(self): Persistable.__init__(self) self.feeds = {} self.articles = {} self.plugin_storage = {} self.state_version = STATE_VERSION self.using_splitstate = None def get_plugin_storage(self, plugin): try: st = self.plugin_storage.setdefault(plugin, {}) except AttributeError: # rawdog before 2.5 didn't have plugin storage. st = {} self.plugin_storage = {plugin: st} return st def check_state_version(self): """Check the version of the state file.""" try: version = self.state_version except AttributeError: # rawdog 1.x didn't keep track of this. version = 1 return version == STATE_VERSION def change_feed_url(self, oldurl, newurl, config): """Change the URL of a feed.""" assert self.feeds.has_key(oldurl) if self.feeds.has_key(newurl): print >>sys.stderr, "Error: New feed URL is already subscribed; please remove the old one" print >>sys.stderr, "from the config file by hand." return edit_file("config", ChangeFeedEditor(oldurl, newurl).edit) feed = self.feeds[oldurl] # Changing the URL will change the state filename as well, # so we need to save the old name to load from. old_state = feed.get_state_filename() feed.url = newurl del self.feeds[oldurl] self.feeds[newurl] = feed if config["splitstate"]: feedstate_p = persister.get(FeedState, old_state) feedstate_p.rename(feed.get_state_filename()) with feedstate_p as feedstate: for article in feedstate.articles.values(): article.feed = newurl feedstate.modified() else: for article in self.articles.values(): if article.feed == oldurl: article.feed = newurl print >>sys.stderr, "Feed URL automatically changed." def list(self, config): """List the configured feeds.""" for url, feed in self.feeds.items(): feed_info = feed.feed_info print url print " ID:", feed.get_id(config) print " Hash:", short_hash(url) print " Title:", feed.get_html_name(config) print " Link:", feed_info.get("link") def sync_from_config(self, config): """Update rawdog's internal state to match the configuration.""" # Make sure the splitstate directory exists. if config["splitstate"]: try: os.mkdir("feeds") except OSError: # Most likely it already exists. pass # Convert to or from splitstate if necessary. try: u = self.using_splitstate except AttributeError: # We were last run with a version of rawdog that didn't # have this variable -- so we must have a single state # file. u = False if u is None: self.using_splitstate = config["splitstate"] elif u != config["splitstate"]: if config["splitstate"]: config.log("Converting to split state files") for feed_hash, feed in self.feeds.items(): with persister.get(FeedState, feed.get_state_filename()) as feedstate: feedstate.articles = {} for article_hash, article in self.articles.items(): if article.feed == feed_hash: feedstate.articles[article_hash] = article feedstate.modified() self.articles = {} else: config.log("Converting to single state file") self.articles = {} for feed_hash, feed in self.feeds.items(): with persister.get(FeedState, feed.get_state_filename()) as feedstate: for article_hash, article in feedstate.articles.items(): self.articles[article_hash] = article feedstate.articles = {} feedstate.modified() persister.delete(feed.get_state_filename()) self.modified() self.using_splitstate = config["splitstate"] seen_feeds = set() for (url, period, args) in config["feedslist"]: seen_feeds.add(url) if not self.feeds.has_key(url): config.log("Adding new feed: ", url) self.feeds[url] = Feed(url) self.modified() feed = self.feeds[url] if feed.period != period: config.log("Changed feed period: ", url) feed.period = period self.modified() newargs = {} newargs.update(config["feeddefaults"]) newargs.update(args) if feed.args != newargs: config.log("Changed feed options: ", url) feed.args = newargs self.modified() for url in self.feeds.keys(): if url not in seen_feeds: config.log("Removing feed: ", url) if config["splitstate"]: persister.delete(self.feeds[url].get_state_filename()) else: for key, article in self.articles.items(): if article.feed == url: del self.articles[key] del self.feeds[url] self.modified() def update(self, config, feedurl=None): """Perform the update action: check feeds for new articles, and expire old ones.""" config.log("Starting update") now = time.time() socket.setdefaulttimeout(config["timeout"]) if feedurl is None: update_feeds = [url for url in self.feeds.keys() if self.feeds[url].needs_update(now)] elif self.feeds.has_key(feedurl): update_feeds = [feedurl] self.feeds[feedurl].etag = None self.feeds[feedurl].modified = None else: print "No such feed: " + feedurl update_feeds = [] numfeeds = len(update_feeds) config.log("Will update ", numfeeds, " feeds") fetcher = FeedFetcher(self, update_feeds, config) fetched = fetcher.run(config["numthreads"]) seen_some_items = set() def do_expiry(articles): """Expire articles from a list. Return True if any articles were expired.""" feedcounts = {} for key, article in articles.items(): url = article.feed feedcounts[url] = feedcounts.get(url, 0) + 1 expiry_list = [] feedcounts = {} for key, article in articles.items(): url = article.feed feedcounts[url] = feedcounts.get(url, 0) + 1 expiry_list.append((article.added, article.sequence, key, article)) expiry_list.sort() count = 0 for date, seq, key, article in expiry_list: url = article.feed if url not in self.feeds: config.log("Expired article for nonexistent feed: ", url) count += 1 del articles[key] continue if (url in seen_some_items and self.feeds.has_key(url) and article.can_expire(now, config) and feedcounts[url] > self.feeds[url].get_keepmin(config)): call_hook("article_expired", self, config, article, now) count += 1 feedcounts[url] -= 1 del articles[key] config.log("Expired ", count, " articles, leaving ", len(articles)) return count > 0 count = 0 for url in update_feeds: count += 1 config.log("Updating feed ", count, " of ", numfeeds, ": ", url) feed = self.feeds[url] if config["splitstate"]: feedstate_p = persister.get(FeedState, feed.get_state_filename()) feedstate = feedstate_p.open() articles = feedstate.articles else: articles = self.articles content = fetched[url] call_hook("mid_update_feed", self, config, feed, content) rc = feed.update(self, now, config, articles, content) url = feed.url call_hook("post_update_feed", self, config, feed, rc) if rc: seen_some_items.add(url) if config["splitstate"]: feedstate.modified() if config["splitstate"]: if do_expiry(articles): feedstate.modified() feedstate_p.close() if config["splitstate"]: self.articles = {} else: do_expiry(self.articles) self.modified() config.log("Finished update") def get_template(self, config, name="page"): """Return the contents of a template.""" filename = config.get(name + "template", "default") if filename != "default": return load_file(filename) if name == "page": template = """ """ if config["userefresh"]: template += """__refresh__ """ template += """ rawdog
""" if config["showfeeds"]: template += """


""" template += """ """ return template elif name == "item": return """

__title__ [__feed_title__]

""" elif name == "feedlist": return """ __feeditems__
FeedRSSLast fetchedNext fetched after
""" elif name == "feeditem": return """ __feed_title__ __feed_icon__ __feed_last_update__ __feed_next_update__ """ else: raise KeyError("Unknown template name: " + name) def show_template(self, name, config): """Show the contents of a template, as currently configured.""" try: print self.get_template(config, name), except KeyError: print >>sys.stderr, "Unknown template name: " + name def write_article(self, f, article, config): """Write an article to the given file.""" feed = self.feeds[article.feed] entry_info = article.entry_info link = entry_info.get("link") if link == "": link = None guid = entry_info.get("id") if guid == "": guid = None itembits = self.get_feed_bits(config, feed) for name, value in feed.args.items(): if name.startswith("define_"): itembits[name[7:]] = sanitise_html(value, "", True, config) title = detail_to_html(entry_info.get("title_detail"), True, config) key = None for k in ["content", "summary_detail"]: if entry_info.has_key(k): key = k break if key is None: description = None else: force_preformatted = (feed.args.get("format", "default") == "text") description = detail_to_html(entry_info[key], False, config, force_preformatted) date = article.date if title is None: if link is None: title = "Article" else: title = "Link" itembits["title_no_link"] = title if link is not None: itembits["url"] = string_to_html(link, config) else: itembits["url"] = "" if guid is not None: itembits["guid"] = string_to_html(guid, config) else: itembits["guid"] = "" if link is None: itembits["title"] = title else: itembits["title"] = '' + title + '' itembits["hash"] = short_hash(article.hash) if description is not None: itembits["description"] = description else: itembits["description"] = "" author = author_to_html(entry_info, feed.url, config) if author is not None: itembits["author"] = author else: itembits["author"] = "" itembits["added"] = format_time(article.added, config) if date is not None: itembits["date"] = format_time(date, config) else: itembits["date"] = "" call_hook("output_item_bits", self, config, feed, article, itembits) itemtemplate = self.get_template(config, "item") f.write(fill_template(itemtemplate, itembits)) def write_remove_dups(self, articles, config, now): """Filter the list of articles to remove articles that are too old or are duplicates.""" kept_articles = [] seen_links = set() seen_guids = set() dup_count = 0 for article in articles: feed = self.feeds[article.feed] age = now - article.added maxage = feed.args.get("maxage", config["maxage"]) if maxage != 0 and age > maxage: continue entry_info = article.entry_info link = entry_info.get("link") if link == "": link = None guid = entry_info.get("id") if guid == "": guid = None if not feed.args.get("allowduplicates", False): is_dup = False for key in config["hideduplicates"]: if key == "id" and guid is not None: if guid in seen_guids: is_dup = True seen_guids.add(guid) elif key == "link" and link is not None: if link in seen_links: is_dup = True seen_links.add(link) if is_dup: dup_count += 1 continue kept_articles.append(article) return (kept_articles, dup_count) def get_feed_bits(self, config, feed): """Get the bits that are used to describe a feed.""" bits = {} bits["feed_id"] = feed.get_id(config) bits["feed_hash"] = short_hash(feed.url) bits["feed_title"] = feed.get_html_link(config) bits["feed_title_no_link"] = detail_to_html(feed.feed_info.get("title_detail"), True, config) bits["feed_url"] = string_to_html(feed.url, config) bits["feed_icon"] = 'XML' bits["feed_last_update"] = format_time(feed.last_update, config) bits["feed_next_update"] = format_time(feed.last_update + feed.period, config) return bits def write_feeditem(self, f, feed, config): """Write a feed list item.""" bits = self.get_feed_bits(config, feed) f.write(fill_template(self.get_template(config, "feeditem"), bits)) def write_feedlist(self, f, config): """Write the feed list.""" bits = {} feeds = [(feed.get_html_name(config).lower(), feed) for feed in self.feeds.values()] feeds.sort() feeditems = StringIO() for key, feed in feeds: self.write_feeditem(feeditems, feed, config) bits["feeditems"] = feeditems.getvalue() feeditems.close() f.write(fill_template(self.get_template(config, "feedlist"), bits)) def get_main_template_bits(self, config): """Get the bits that are used in the default main template, with the exception of items and num_items.""" bits = {"version": VERSION} bits.update(config["defines"]) refresh = min([config["expireage"]] + [feed.period for feed in self.feeds.values()]) bits["refresh"] = '' f = StringIO() self.write_feedlist(f, config) bits["feeds"] = f.getvalue() f.close() bits["num_feeds"] = str(len(self.feeds)) return bits def write_output_file(self, articles, article_dates, config, oldpage=0): """Write a regular rawdog HTML output file.""" f = StringIO() dw = DayWriter(f, config) call_hook("output_items_begin", self, config, f) for article in articles: if not call_hook("output_items_heading", self, config, f, article, article_dates[article]): dw.time(article_dates[article]) self.write_article(f, article, config) dw.close() call_hook("output_items_end", self, config, f) if oldpage != config["oldpages"]: filename = config["outputfile"].split("/")[-1:][0] # get the filename only filename = filename.split(".html") outputfile = filename[0] + str(oldpage+1) + ".html" f.write('

Older blog entries

') bits = self.get_main_template_bits(config) bits["items"] = f.getvalue() f.close() bits["num_items"] = str(len(articles)) call_hook("output_bits", self, config, bits) s = fill_template(self.get_template(config, "page"), bits) if oldpage > 0: filename = config["outputfile"].split(".html") outputfile = filename[0] + str(oldpage) + ".html" else: outputfile = config["outputfile"] if outputfile == "-": write_ascii(sys.stdout, s, config) else: config.log("Writing output file: ", outputfile) f = open(outputfile + ".new", "w") write_ascii(f, s, config) f.close() os.rename(outputfile + ".new", outputfile) def write(self, config): """Perform the write action: write articles to the output file.""" config.log("Starting write") now = time.time() def list_articles(articles): return [(-a.get_sort_date(config), a.feed, a.sequence, a.hash) for a in articles.values()] if config["splitstate"]: article_list = [] for feed in self.feeds.values(): with persister.get(FeedState, feed.get_state_filename()) as feedstate: article_list += list_articles(feedstate.articles) else: article_list = list_articles(self.articles) numarticles = len(article_list) if not call_hook("output_sort_articles", self, config, article_list): article_list.sort() # if config["maxarticles"] != 0: # article_list = article_list[:config["maxarticles"]] if config["splitstate"]: wanted = {} for (date, feed_url, seq, hash) in article_list: if not feed_url in self.feeds: # This can happen if you've managed to # kill rawdog between it updating a # split state file and the main state # -- so just ignore the article and # it'll expire eventually. continue wanted.setdefault(feed_url, []).append(hash) found = {} for (feed_url, article_hashes) in wanted.items(): feed = self.feeds[feed_url] with persister.get(FeedState, feed.get_state_filename()) as feedstate: for hash in article_hashes: found[hash] = feedstate.articles[hash] else: found = self.articles articles = [] article_dates = {} for (date, feed, seq, hash) in article_list: a = found.get(hash) if a is not None: articles.append(a) article_dates[a] = -date call_hook("output_write", self, config, articles) if not call_hook("output_sorted_filter", self, config, articles): (articles, dup_count) = self.write_remove_dups(articles, config, now) else: dup_count = 0 config.log("Selected ", len(articles), " of ", numarticles, " articles to write; ignored ", dup_count, " duplicates") for page in range(0, config["oldpages"]+1): print "on page: " + str(page) if config["maxarticles"] != 0: pageArticles = articles[config["maxarticles"]*page:config["maxarticles"]*(page+1)] if not call_hook("output_write_files", self, config, pageArticles, article_dates): self.write_output_file(pageArticles, article_dates, config, page) config.log("Finished write") def usage(): """Display usage information.""" print """rawdog, version """ + VERSION + """ Usage: rawdog [OPTION]... General options (use only once): -d|--dir DIR Use DIR instead of ~/.rawdog -N, --no-locking Do not lock the state file -v, --verbose Print more detailed status information -V|--log FILE Append detailed status information to FILE -W, --no-lock-wait Exit silently if state file is locked Actions (performed in order given): -a|--add URL Try to find a feed associated with URL and add it to the config file -c|--config FILE Read additional config file FILE -f|--update-feed URL Force an update on the single feed URL -l, --list List feeds known at time of last update -r|--remove URL Remove feed URL from the config file -s|--show TEMPLATE Show the contents of a template (TEMPLATE may be: page item feedlist feeditem) -u, --update Fetch data from feeds and store it -w, --write Write out HTML output Special actions (all other options are ignored if one of these is specified): --dump URL Show what rawdog's parser returns for URL --help Display this help and exit Report bugs to .""" def main(argv): """The command-line interface to the aggregator.""" locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "") # This is quite expensive and not threadsafe, so we do it on # startup and cache the result. global system_encoding system_encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() try: SHORTOPTS = "a:c:d:f:lNr:s:tTuvV:wW" LONGOPTS = [ "add=", "config=", "dir=", "dump=", "help", "list", "log=", "no-lock-wait", "no-locking", "remove=", "show=", "show-itemtemplate", "show-template", "update", "update-feed=", "verbose", "write", ] (optlist, args) = getopt.getopt(argv, SHORTOPTS, LONGOPTS) except getopt.GetoptError, s: print s usage() return 1 if len(args) != 0: usage() return 1 if "HOME" in os.environ: statedir = os.environ["HOME"] + "/.rawdog" else: statedir = None verbose = False logfile_name = None locking = True no_lock_wait = False for o, a in optlist: if o == "--dump": import pprint pprint.pprint(feedparser.parse(a, agent=HTTP_AGENT)) return 0 elif o == "--help": usage() return 0 elif o in ("-d", "--dir"): statedir = a elif o in ("-N", "--no-locking"): locking = False elif o in ("-v", "--verbose"): verbose = True elif o in ("-V", "--log"): logfile_name = a elif o in ("-W", "--no-lock-wait"): no_lock_wait = True if statedir is None: print "$HOME not set and state dir not explicitly specified; please use -d/--dir" return 1 try: os.chdir(statedir) except OSError: print "No " + statedir + " directory" return 1 sys.path.append(".") config = Config(locking, logfile_name) def load_config(fn): try: config.load(fn) except ConfigError, err: print >>sys.stderr, "In " + fn + ":" print >>sys.stderr, err return 1 if verbose: config["verbose"] = True return 0 rc = load_config("config") if rc != 0: return rc global persister persister = Persister(config) rawdog_p = persister.get(Rawdog, "state") rawdog = rawdog_p.open(no_block=no_lock_wait) if rawdog is None: return 0 if not rawdog.check_state_version(): print "The state file " + statedir + "/state was created by an older" print "version of rawdog, and cannot be read by this version." print "Removing the state file will fix it." return 1 rawdog.sync_from_config(config) call_hook("startup", rawdog, config) for o, a in optlist: if o in ("-a", "--add"): add_feed("config", a, rawdog, config) config.reload() rawdog.sync_from_config(config) elif o in ("-c", "--config"): rc = load_config(a) if rc != 0: return rc rawdog.sync_from_config(config) elif o in ("-f", "--update-feed"): rawdog.update(config, a) elif o in ("-l", "--list"): rawdog.list(config) elif o in ("-r", "--remove"): remove_feed("config", a, config) config.reload() rawdog.sync_from_config(config) elif o in ("-s", "--show"): rawdog.show_template(a, config) elif o in ("-t", "--show-template"): rawdog.show_template("page", config) elif o in ("-T", "--show-itemtemplate"): rawdog.show_template("item", config) elif o in ("-u", "--update"): rawdog.update(config) elif o in ("-w", "--write"): rawdog.write(config) call_hook("shutdown", rawdog, config) rawdog_p.close() return 0