#!/bin/env python3 import argparse import json import pandas as pd import plotly.graph_objects as go from plotly.subplots import make_subplots def calculate_CPU_usage(record): """Return the used CPU delta (in ms) and CPU usage in percent since last tick""" cpu_percent = 0.0 cpu_delta = ( record["cpu_stats"]["cpu_usage"]["total_usage"] - record["precpu_stats"]["cpu_usage"]["total_usage"] ) system_delta = ( record["cpu_stats"]["system_cpu_usage"] - record["precpu_stats"]["system_cpu_usage"] ) cpu_count = record["cpu_stats"]["online_cpus"] if system_delta > 0 and cpu_delta > 0: cpu_percent = (cpu_delta / system_delta) * cpu_count * 100 return (cpu_delta / 1000000, cpu_percent) def read_json(fileobj): j = [] first_line = True for record in fileobj: # Skip the first line it does not have previous recordings if first_line: first_line = False continue record = json.loads(record) cpu_delta, cpu_percent = calculate_CPU_usage(record) tick = dict(read=record["read"]) tick["cpu_delta"] = cpu_delta tick["cpu_percent"] = cpu_percent # Calculate the time (in ms) the container was throttled since last tick tick["cpu_throttled_ms"] = ( record["cpu_stats"]["throttling_data"]["throttled_time"] - record["precpu_stats"]["throttling_data"]["throttled_time"] ) / 1000000 j.append(tick) return j def plot(df, title="foo", output=None): fig = make_subplots( rows=2, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, subplot_titles=("CPU %", "CPU (trottled) ms") ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=df["read"], y=df["cpu_percent"], name="CPU %"), row=1, col=1, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=df["read"], y=df["cpu_delta"], name="CPU ms"), row=2, col=1, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=df["read"], y=df["cpu_throttled_ms"], name="throttled ms"), row=2, col=1, ) fig.update_xaxes(title_text="Time") fig.update_yaxes(title_text="%", range=[0, 100], row=1, col=1) fig.update_yaxes(title_text="ms", row=2, col=1) fig.update_layout(title_text=title) if output is None: fig.show() else: fig.write_html(output) if __name__ == "__main__": """ Generate the input file with something like: sudo curl -s --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock \ "http://localhost/containers/${CONTAINER_ID}/stats?stream=1" | jq -c '{read: .read, cpu_stats: .cpu_stats, precpu_stats: .precpu_stats}' > foo.json """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Plot docker stats CPU usage data") parser.add_argument("input", type=argparse.FileType("r")) parser.add_argument("--out", type=argparse.FileType("w"), required=False) args = parser.parse_args() j = read_json(args.input) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(j) plot(df, args.input.name, args.out)