"query_id" "original_query" "original_query_with_labels" "rewritten_query" "prefixes" "nodes" "operators" "047ac7c8-511b-49c8-9667-ba93a6bfa40e" "SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?name ?coord ?propertyLabel WHERE { ?item wdt:P131* wd:Q62. ?item wdt:P625 ?coord . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""en"" . ?item rdfs:label ?name } } ORDER BY ASC (?name)" "SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?name ?coord ?propertyLabel WHERE { ?item wdt:P131[""located in the administrative territorial entity""]* wd:Q62[""San Francisco""]. ?item wdt:P625[""coordinate location""] ?coord . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""en"" . ?item rdfs:label ?name } } ORDER BY ASC (?name)" "(distinct (project (?item ?name ?coord ?propertyLabel) (order ((asc ?name)) (join (sequence (path ?item (path* ) ) (bgp (triple ?item ?coord))) (service (bgp (triple ""en"") (triple ?item ?name) )))))) " "bd: 1 wikibase: 1 wdt: 2 wd: 1 rdfs: 1" "NODE_VAR[name]: 1 NODE_URI[bd:serviceParam]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q62/""San Francisco""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P131/""located in the administrative territorial entity""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P625/""coordinate location""]: 1 NODE_VAR[item]: 3 NODE_VAR[coord]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[en]: 1 NODE_URI[rdfs:label]: 1 NODE_URI[wikibase:language]: 1" "project: 1 join: 1 service: 1 sequence: 1 distinct: 1 bgp: 2 path: 1 order: 1" "cef55317-fb5a-40ef-b870-3faee0939e7c" "SELECT ?pid ?prop WHERE { ?pid wdt:P2250 ?prop. FILTER (?pid = wd:Q6318641) }" "SELECT ?pid ?prop WHERE { ?pid wdt:P2250[""life expectancy""] ?prop. FILTER (?pid = wd:Q6318641[""Puerto Bermúdez""]) }" "(project (?pid ?prop) (filter (= ?pid ) (bgp (triple ?pid ?prop)))) " "wd: 1 wdt: 1" "NODE_VAR[pid]: 2 NODE_URI[wdt:P2250/""life expectancy""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q6318641/""Puerto Bermúdez""]: 1 NODE_VAR[prop]: 1" "filter: 1 bgp: 1 project: 1" "227b4b7e-c159-418d-b2fc-df286619b01f" "SELECT ?pid ?prop WHERE { ?pid wdt:P2044 ?prop. FILTER (?pid = wd:Q1808448) }" "SELECT ?pid ?prop WHERE { ?pid wdt:P2044[""elevation above sea level""] ?prop. FILTER (?pid = wd:Q1808448[""Itapiranga""]) }" "(project (?pid ?prop) (filter (= ?pid ) (bgp (triple ?pid ?prop)))) " "wd: 1 wdt: 1" "NODE_URI[wdt:P2044/""elevation above sea level""]: 1 NODE_VAR[pid]: 2 NODE_VAR[prop]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q1808448/""Itapiranga""]: 1" "filter: 1 bgp: 1 project: 1" "e8dbea50-cba4-431f-9ed1-88efc5774968" "SELECT ?pid ?prop WHERE { ?pid wdt:P2250 ?prop. FILTER (?pid = wd:Q1785871) }" "SELECT ?pid ?prop WHERE { ?pid wdt:P2250[""life expectancy""] ?prop. FILTER (?pid = wd:Q1785871[""Cerrito, Rio Grande do Sul""]) }" "(project (?pid ?prop) (filter (= ?pid ) (bgp (triple ?pid ?prop)))) " "wd: 1 wdt: 1" "NODE_URI[wdt:P2250/""life expectancy""]: 1 NODE_VAR[pid]: 2 NODE_VAR[prop]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q1785871/""Cerrito, Rio Grande do Sul""]: 1" "filter: 1 bgp: 1 project: 1" "99e4e459-341a-494a-b665-98633c9f2694" "SELECT ?pname ?o ?olabel WHERE { { wd:Q17047801 ?directClaimP ?o . # Get the truthy triples. ?p wikibase:directClaim ?directClaimP . # Find the Wikibase properties linked ?p rdfs:label ?pname . # to the truthy triples' predicates FILTER ( lang(?pname) = ""en"" ) # and their labels, in English. OPTIONAL { ?o rdfs:label ?olabel FILTER ( lang(?olabel) = ""en"" ) } } UNION { wd:Q17047801 schema:description ?olabel FILTER ( lang(?olabel) = ""en"" ) BIND('_description' AS ?pname) } UNION { wd:Q17047801 rdfs:label ?olabel FILTER ( lang(?olabel) = ""en"" ) BIND('_name' AS ?pname) } }" "SELECT ?pname ?o ?olabel WHERE { { wd:Q17047801[""Señora Acero""] ?directClaimP ?o . # Get the truthy triples. ?p wikibase:directClaim ?directClaimP . # Find the Wikibase properties linked ?p rdfs:label ?pname . # to the truthy triples' predicates FILTER ( lang(?pname) = ""en"" ) # and their labels, in English. OPTIONAL { ?o rdfs:label ?olabel FILTER ( lang(?olabel) = ""en"" ) } } UNION { wd:Q17047801[""Señora Acero""] schema:description ?olabel FILTER ( lang(?olabel) = ""en"" ) BIND('_description' AS ?pname) } UNION { wd:Q17047801[""Señora Acero""] rdfs:label ?olabel FILTER ( lang(?olabel) = ""en"" ) BIND('_name' AS ?pname) } }" "(project (?pname ?o ?olabel) (union (union (filter (= (lang ?pname) ""en"") (leftjoin (bgp (triple ?directClaimP ?o) (triple ?p ?directClaimP) (triple ?p ?pname) ) (bgp (triple ?o ?olabel)) (= (lang ?olabel) ""en""))) (filter (= (lang ?olabel) ""en"") (extend ((?pname ""_description"")) (bgp (triple ?olabel))))) (filter (= (lang ?olabel) ""en"") (extend ((?pname ""_name"")) (bgp (triple ?olabel)))))) " "schema: 1 wikibase: 1 wd: 3 rdfs: 3" "NODE_VAR[p]: 2 NODE_VAR[directClaimP]: 2 NODE_URI[rdfs:label]: 3 NODE_LITERAL[en]: 3 NODE_URI[schema:description]: 1 NODE_URI[wikibase:directClaim]: 1 NODE_VAR[olabel]: 5 NODE_VAR[pname]: 2 NODE_VAR[o]: 2 NODE_URI[wd:Q17047801/""Señora Acero""]: 3" "bgp: 4 extend: 2 project: 1 union: 2 filter: 3 leftjoin: 1" "859b8e3e-8754-4eb2-b3bf-fccb8d149f0c" "SELECT ?canonical_SMILES WHERE { OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P233 ?canonical_SMILES. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P231 ?CAS_Registry_Number. } FILTER(?CAS_Registry_Number=""68990-11-4"") } LIMIT 1" "SELECT ?canonical_SMILES WHERE { OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P233[""canonical SMILES""] ?canonical_SMILES. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P231[""CAS Registry Number""] ?CAS_Registry_Number. } FILTER(?CAS_Registry_Number=""68990-11-4"") } LIMIT 1" "(slice _ 1 (project (?canonical_SMILES) (filter (= ?CAS_Registry_Number ""68990-11-4"") (leftjoin (leftjoin (table unit) (bgp (triple ?item ?canonical_SMILES))) (bgp (triple ?item ?CAS_Registry_Number)))))) " "wdt: 2" "NODE_LITERAL[68990-11-4]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P233/""canonical SMILES""]: 1 NODE_VAR[item]: 2 NODE_VAR[CAS_Registry_Number]: 2 NODE_VAR[canonical_SMILES]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P231/""CAS Registry Number""]: 1" "bgp: 2 slice: 1 project: 1 filter: 1 table: 1 leftjoin: 2" "1411747e-00eb-4f17-9bcd-0f3c7c0c180b" " ASK{ ?x ?y ?z }" " ASK{ ?x ?y ?z }" "(bgp (triple ?x ?y ?z)) " "" "NODE_VAR[y]: 1 NODE_VAR[z]: 1 NODE_VAR[x]: 1" "bgp: 1" "03a332f2-1c57-4bce-9ca3-c17f40bfbe1b" " ASK{ ?x ?y ?z }" " ASK{ ?x ?y ?z }" "(bgp (triple ?x ?y ?z)) " "" "NODE_VAR[y]: 1 NODE_VAR[z]: 1 NODE_VAR[x]: 1" "bgp: 1" "660e58df-86f0-4e1d-9a23-443c140f4f37" "SELECT ?item ?item2 WHERE{ ?item wdt:P1889 ?item2. minus { ?item rdf:type wikibase:Property } minus { ?item rdf:type ontolex:LexicalEntry } }" "SELECT ?item ?item2 WHERE{ ?item wdt:P1889[""different from""] ?item2. minus { ?item rdf:type wikibase:Property } minus { ?item rdf:type ontolex:LexicalEntry } }" "(project (?item ?item2) (minus (minus (bgp (triple ?item ?item2)) (bgp (triple ?item ))) (bgp (triple ?item )))) " "ontolex: 1 wikibase: 1 wdt: 1 rdf: 2" "NODE_URI[wdt:P1889/""different from""]: 1 NODE_URI[ontolex:LexicalEntry]: 1 NODE_VAR[item]: 3 NODE_URI[wikibase:Property]: 1 NODE_VAR[item2]: 1 NODE_URI[rdf:type]: 2" "bgp: 3 project: 1 minus: 2" "5c8bd901-67d4-4e6e-842c-f87156fe167a" "SELECT DISTINCT ?compound ?inchikey WHERE { ?compound wdt:P235 ?inchikey . }" "SELECT DISTINCT ?compound ?inchikey WHERE { ?compound wdt:P235[""InChIKey""] ?inchikey . }" "(distinct (project (?compound ?inchikey) (bgp (triple ?compound ?inchikey)))) " "wdt: 1" "NODE_VAR[inchikey]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P235/""InChIKey""]: 1 NODE_VAR[compound]: 1" "distinct: 1 bgp: 1 project: 1" "7b1d53ce-ddc5-4267-a575-a5e4a61d1e7f" "SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?pic ?commonName WHERE { { ?item wdt:P685 ""61674"". } UNION { ?item wdt:P225 ""Acipenser sturio"". } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?pic. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1843 ?commonName FILTER (lang(?commonName) = 'en'). } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"". } } LIMIT 10" "SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?pic ?commonName WHERE { { ?item wdt:P685[""NCBI taxonomy ID""] ""61674"". } UNION { ?item wdt:P225[""taxon name""] ""Acipenser sturio"". } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18[""image""] ?pic. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1843[""taxon common name""] ?commonName FILTER (lang(?commonName) = 'en'). } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"". } } LIMIT 10" "(slice _ 10 (distinct (project (?item ?itemLabel ?pic ?commonName) (join (leftjoin (leftjoin (union (bgp (triple ?item ""61674"")) (bgp (triple ?item ""Acipenser sturio""))) (bgp (triple ?item ?pic))) (bgp (triple ?item ?commonName)) (= (lang ?commonName) ""en"")) (service (bgp (triple ""[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en""))))))) " "bd: 1 wikibase: 1 wdt: 4" "NODE_LITERAL[Acipenser sturio]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P18/""image""]: 1 NODE_URI[bd:serviceParam]: 1 NODE_VAR[commonName]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P225/""taxon name""]: 1 NODE_VAR[item]: 4 NODE_URI[wdt:P1843/""taxon common name""]: 1 NODE_VAR[pic]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[61674]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P685/""NCBI taxonomy ID""]: 1 NODE_URI[wikibase:language]: 1" "project: 1 slice: 1 join: 1 service: 1 distinct: 1 bgp: 5 union: 1 leftjoin: 2" "662ae92b-f059-46de-a8d7-1426d3c74eeb" "SELECT ?canonical_SMILES WHERE { OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P233 ?canonical_SMILES. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P231 ?CAS_Registry_Number. } FILTER(?CAS_Registry_Number=""1413410-98-6"") } LIMIT 1" "SELECT ?canonical_SMILES WHERE { OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P233[""canonical SMILES""] ?canonical_SMILES. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P231[""CAS Registry Number""] ?CAS_Registry_Number. } FILTER(?CAS_Registry_Number=""1413410-98-6"") } LIMIT 1" "(slice _ 1 (project (?canonical_SMILES) (filter (= ?CAS_Registry_Number ""1413410-98-6"") (leftjoin (leftjoin (table unit) (bgp (triple ?item ?canonical_SMILES))) (bgp (triple ?item ?CAS_Registry_Number)))))) " "wdt: 2" "NODE_URI[wdt:P233/""canonical SMILES""]: 1 NODE_VAR[item]: 2 NODE_VAR[CAS_Registry_Number]: 2 NODE_LITERAL[1413410-98-6]: 1 NODE_VAR[canonical_SMILES]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P231/""CAS Registry Number""]: 1" "bgp: 2 slice: 1 project: 1 filter: 1 table: 1 leftjoin: 2" "ae2b94a7-2ec7-48fe-8211-bd1467d93a81" "SELECT ?canonical_SMILES WHERE { OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P233 ?canonical_SMILES. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P231 ?CAS_Registry_Number. } FILTER(?CAS_Registry_Number=""1029872-29-4"") } LIMIT 1" "SELECT ?canonical_SMILES WHERE { OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P233[""canonical SMILES""] ?canonical_SMILES. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P231[""CAS Registry Number""] ?CAS_Registry_Number. } FILTER(?CAS_Registry_Number=""1029872-29-4"") } LIMIT 1" "(slice _ 1 (project (?canonical_SMILES) (filter (= ?CAS_Registry_Number ""1029872-29-4"") (leftjoin (leftjoin (table unit) (bgp (triple ?item ?canonical_SMILES))) (bgp (triple ?item ?CAS_Registry_Number)))))) " "wdt: 2" "NODE_LITERAL[1029872-29-4]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P233/""canonical SMILES""]: 1 NODE_VAR[item]: 2 NODE_VAR[CAS_Registry_Number]: 2 NODE_VAR[canonical_SMILES]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P231/""CAS Registry Number""]: 1" "bgp: 2 slice: 1 project: 1 filter: 1 table: 1 leftjoin: 2" "c18d0377-9d3f-4a6a-8598-a336d0e561a1" "SELECT ?item ?itemType ?p1 ?p2 ?value ?valueType ?valueLabel ?psvalueLabel WHERE { ?item ?p1 ""Rio Negro State Park North Section""@en; ?p2 ?value; wdt:P31 ?itemType. OPTIONAL { ?value wdt:P31 ?valueType. } OPTIONAL { ?wdproperty wikibase:claim ?p2 ; wikibase:statementProperty ?psproperty . ?value ?psproperty ?psvalue . } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""en"". } } LIMIT 5000 " "SELECT ?item ?itemType ?p1 ?p2 ?value ?valueType ?valueLabel ?psvalueLabel WHERE { ?item ?p1 ""Rio Negro State Park North Section""@en; ?p2 ?value; wdt:P31[""instance of""] ?itemType. OPTIONAL { ?value wdt:P31[""instance of""] ?valueType. } OPTIONAL { ?wdproperty wikibase:claim ?p2 ; wikibase:statementProperty ?psproperty . ?value ?psproperty ?psvalue . } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""en"". } } LIMIT 5000 " "(slice _ 5000 (project (?item ?itemType ?p1 ?p2 ?value ?valueType ?valueLabel ?psvalueLabel) (join (leftjoin (leftjoin (bgp (triple ?item ?p1 ""Rio Negro State Park North Section""@en) (triple ?item ?p2 ?value) (triple ?item ?itemType) ) (bgp (triple ?value ?valueType))) (bgp (triple ?wdproperty ?p2) (triple ?wdproperty ?psproperty) (triple ?value ?psproperty ?psvalue) )) (service (bgp (triple ""en"")))))) " "bd: 1 wikibase: 3 wdt: 2" "NODE_VAR[wdproperty]: 2 NODE_VAR[psvalue]: 1 NODE_URI[wikibase:statementProperty]: 1 NODE_URI[bd:serviceParam]: 1 NODE_VAR[psproperty]: 2 NODE_LITERAL[en]: 1 NODE_URI[wikibase:claim]: 1 NODE_VAR[valueType]: 1 NODE_VAR[item]: 3 NODE_VAR[p1]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[Rio Negro State Park North Section@en]: 1 NODE_VAR[p2]: 2 NODE_VAR[value]: 3 NODE_VAR[itemType]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P31/""instance of""]: 2 NODE_URI[wikibase:language]: 1" "project: 1 slice: 1 join: 1 service: 1 bgp: 4 leftjoin: 2" "2d78ab5f-7744-41f1-9424-706842204037" " ASK{ ?x ?y ?z }" " ASK{ ?x ?y ?z }" "(bgp (triple ?x ?y ?z)) " "" "NODE_VAR[y]: 1 NODE_VAR[z]: 1 NODE_VAR[x]: 1" "bgp: 1" "c6e954fe-3cf6-4402-afb0-ebdd718f40da" "SELECT ?canonical_SMILES WHERE { OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P233 ?canonical_SMILES. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P231 ?CAS_Registry_Number. } FILTER(?CAS_Registry_Number=""84082-79-1"") } LIMIT 1" "SELECT ?canonical_SMILES WHERE { OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P233[""canonical SMILES""] ?canonical_SMILES. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P231[""CAS Registry Number""] ?CAS_Registry_Number. } FILTER(?CAS_Registry_Number=""84082-79-1"") } LIMIT 1" "(slice _ 1 (project (?canonical_SMILES) (filter (= ?CAS_Registry_Number ""84082-79-1"") (leftjoin (leftjoin (table unit) (bgp (triple ?item ?canonical_SMILES))) (bgp (triple ?item ?CAS_Registry_Number)))))) " "wdt: 2" "NODE_LITERAL[84082-79-1]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P233/""canonical SMILES""]: 1 NODE_VAR[item]: 2 NODE_VAR[CAS_Registry_Number]: 2 NODE_VAR[canonical_SMILES]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P231/""CAS Registry Number""]: 1" "bgp: 2 slice: 1 project: 1 filter: 1 table: 1 leftjoin: 2" "aee35c7e-971d-432f-aca9-4b3a0a4df285" " SELECT DISTINCT ?music_track ?music_trackLabel ?artist ?artistLabel ?album ?albumLabel ?publication_date WHERE { SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""en"". } { ?music_track wdt:P31 wd:Q134556. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P31 wd:Q7366. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P31 wd:Q2188189. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P31 wd:Q207628. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P31 wd:Q7302866. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P31 wd:Q9748. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P2207 ?_spotifyTrackID_. } ?music_track rdfs:label ?music_trackLabel. ?music_track wdt:P175 ?artist. ?artist rdfs:label ?artistLabel. OPTIONAL { ?music_track wdt:P361 ?album.} OPTIONAL { ?music_track wdt:P577 ?publication_date. } FILTER regex(?music_trackLabel, ""^ステレオ・ハーツ(feat.アダム・レヴィーン)$"", ""i"") FILTER (regex(?artistLabel, ""ジム・クラス・ヒーローズ"", ""i"") || regex(?artistLabel, ""gym class heroes"", ""i"")) } LIMIT 10 " " SELECT DISTINCT ?music_track ?music_trackLabel ?artist ?artistLabel ?album ?albumLabel ?publication_date WHERE { SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""en"". } { ?music_track wdt:P31[""instance of""] wd:Q134556[""single""]. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P31[""instance of""] wd:Q7366[""song""]. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P31[""instance of""] wd:Q2188189[""musical work""]. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P31[""instance of""] wd:Q207628[""musical composition""]. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P31[""instance of""] wd:Q7302866[""audio track""]. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P31[""instance of""] wd:Q9748[""concerto""]. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P2207[""Spotify track ID""] ?_spotifyTrackID_. } ?music_track rdfs:label ?music_trackLabel. ?music_track wdt:P175[""performer""] ?artist. ?artist rdfs:label ?artistLabel. OPTIONAL { ?music_track wdt:P361[""part of""] ?album.} OPTIONAL { ?music_track wdt:P577[""publication date""] ?publication_date. } FILTER regex(?music_trackLabel, ""^ステレオ・ハーツ(feat.アダム・レヴィーン)$"", ""i"") FILTER (regex(?artistLabel, ""ジム・クラス・ヒーローズ"", ""i"") || regex(?artistLabel, ""gym class heroes"", ""i"")) } LIMIT 10 " "(slice _ 10 (distinct (project (?music_track ?music_trackLabel ?artist ?artistLabel ?album ?albumLabel ?publication_date) (filter (exprlist (regex ?music_trackLabel ""^ステレオ・ハーツ(feat.アダム・レヴィーン)$"" ""i"") (|| (regex ?artistLabel ""ジム・クラス・ヒーローズ"" ""i"") (regex ?artistLabel ""gym class heroes"" ""i""))) (leftjoin (leftjoin (join (join (service (bgp (triple ""en""))) (union (union (union (union (union (union (bgp (triple ?music_track )) (bgp (triple ?music_track ))) (bgp (triple ?music_track ))) (bgp (triple ?music_track ))) (bgp (triple ?music_track ))) (bgp (triple ?music_track ))) (bgp (triple ?music_track ?_spotifyTrackID_)))) (bgp (triple ?music_track ?music_trackLabel) (triple ?music_track ?artist) (triple ?artist ?artistLabel) )) (bgp (triple ?music_track ?album))) (bgp (triple ?music_track ?publication_date))))))) " "bd: 1 wikibase: 1 wdt: 10 wd: 6 rdfs: 2" "NODE_URI[wdt:P361/""part of""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P2207/""Spotify track ID""]: 1 NODE_VAR[album]: 1 NODE_VAR[publication_date]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P31/""instance of""]: 6 NODE_LITERAL[ジム・クラス・ヒーローズ]: 1 NODE_URI[rdfs:label]: 2 NODE_LITERAL[gym class heroes]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P577/""publication date""]: 1 NODE_VAR[music_trackLabel]: 2 NODE_VAR[artist]: 2 NODE_URI[wd:Q9748/""concerto""]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[^ステレオ・ハーツ(feat.アダム・レヴィーン)$]: 1 NODE_VAR[music_track]: 11 NODE_URI[bd:serviceParam]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[i]: 3 NODE_VAR[_spotifyTrackID_]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q134556/""single""]: 1 NODE_VAR[artistLabel]: 3 NODE_URI[wikibase:language]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q7366/""song""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q207628/""musical composition""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P175/""performer""]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[en]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q2188189/""musical work""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q7302866/""audio track""]: 1" "bgp: 11 slice: 1 join: 2 service: 1 distinct: 1 project: 1 filter: 1 union: 6 leftjoin: 2" "fc97cd0b-e80b-459d-b47d-f773edc878b2" " select ?person ?personLabel ?date_of_death ?genderLabel ?date_of_birth ?age ?manner_of_death ?manner_of_deathLabel ?cause_of_death ?cause_of_deathLabel ?place_of_death ?place_of_deathLabel ?country_of_death ?country_of_deathLabel ?citizenshipLabel where { ?person wdt:P31 wd:Q5; wdt:P570 ?date_of_death. OPTIONAL {?person wdt:P21 ?gender} OPTIONAL {?person wdt:P569 ?date_of_birth} OPTIONAL {?person wdt:P1196 ?manner_of_death} OPTIONAL {?person wdt:P509 ?cause_of_death} OPTIONAL {?person wdt:P20 ?place_of_death. ?place_of_death wdt:P17 ?country_of_death} OPTIONAL {?person wdt:P27 ?citizenship}. BIND(FLOOR((?date_of_death - ?date_of_birth)/365.2425) AS ?age). filter (?date_of_death >= ""2008-06-02""^^xsd:dateTime && ?date_of_death < ""2008-07-01""^^xsd:dateTime) service wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""en,fr,de,it,es,bg,ca,cs,da,et,fi,hu,id,jv,nb,nl,eo,pl,pt,vec,ru,be,uk,ro,sh,sk,sr,sv,sw,tr,te,th,yue,vi,zh,ar,bn,el,fa,he,hi,hy,ja,ko,pa"".} } " " select ?person ?personLabel ?date_of_death ?genderLabel ?date_of_birth ?age ?manner_of_death ?manner_of_deathLabel ?cause_of_death ?cause_of_deathLabel ?place_of_death ?place_of_deathLabel ?country_of_death ?country_of_deathLabel ?citizenshipLabel where { ?person wdt:P31[""instance of""] wd:Q5[""human""]; wdt:P570[""date of death""] ?date_of_death. OPTIONAL {?person wdt:P21[""sex or gender""] ?gender} OPTIONAL {?person wdt:P569[""date of birth""] ?date_of_birth} OPTIONAL {?person wdt:P1196[""manner of death""] ?manner_of_death} OPTIONAL {?person wdt:P509[""cause of death""] ?cause_of_death} OPTIONAL {?person wdt:P20[""place of death""] ?place_of_death. ?place_of_death wdt:P17[""country""] ?country_of_death} OPTIONAL {?person wdt:P27[""country of citizenship""] ?citizenship}. BIND(FLOOR((?date_of_death - ?date_of_birth)/365.2425) AS ?age). filter (?date_of_death >= ""2008-06-02""^^xsd:dateTime && ?date_of_death < ""2008-07-01""^^xsd:dateTime) service wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""en,fr,de,it,es,bg,ca,cs,da,et,fi,hu,id,jv,nb,nl,eo,pl,pt,vec,ru,be,uk,ro,sh,sk,sr,sv,sw,tr,te,th,yue,vi,zh,ar,bn,el,fa,he,hi,hy,ja,ko,pa"".} } " "(project (?person ?personLabel ?date_of_death ?genderLabel ?date_of_birth ?age ?manner_of_death ?manner_of_deathLabel ?cause_of_death ?cause_of_deathLabel ?place_of_death ?place_of_deathLabel ?country_of_death ?country_of_deathLabel ?citizenshipLabel) (filter (&& (>= ?date_of_death ""2008-06-02""^^) (< ?date_of_death ""2008-07-01""^^)) (join (extend ((?age (floor (/ (- ?date_of_death ?date_of_birth) 365.2425)))) (leftjoin (leftjoin (leftjoin (leftjoin (leftjoin (leftjoin (bgp (triple ?person ) (triple ?person ?date_of_death) ) (bgp (triple ?person ?gender))) (bgp (triple ?person ?date_of_birth))) (bgp (triple ?person ?manner_of_death))) (bgp (triple ?person ?cause_of_death))) (bgp (triple ?person ?place_of_death) (triple ?place_of_death ?country_of_death) )) (bgp (triple ?person ?citizenship)))) (service (bgp (triple ""en,fr,de,it,es,bg,ca,cs,da,et,fi,hu,id,jv,nb,nl,eo,pl,pt,vec,ru,be,uk,ro,sh,sk,sr,sv,sw,tr,te,th,yue,vi,zh,ar,bn,el,fa,he,hi,hy,ja,ko,pa"")))))) " "bd: 1 wikibase: 1 wdt: 9 wd: 1" "NODE_URI[wd:Q5/""human""]: 1 NODE_VAR[person]: 8 NODE_URI[wdt:P20/""place of death""]: 1 NODE_VAR[manner_of_death]: 1 NODE_VAR[date_of_death]: 3 NODE_URI[wdt:P569/""date of birth""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P31/""instance of""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P509/""cause of death""]: 1 NODE_VAR[citizenship]: 1 NODE_VAR[cause_of_death]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P17/""country""]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[2008-07-01^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[en,fr,de,it,es,bg,ca,cs,da,et,fi,hu,id,jv,nb,nl,eo,pl,pt,vec,ru,be,uk,ro,sh,sk,sr,sv,sw,tr,te,th,yue,vi,zh,ar,bn,el,fa,he,hi,hy,ja,ko,pa]: 1 NODE_VAR[country_of_death]: 1 NODE_VAR[date_of_birth]: 1 NODE_URI[bd:serviceParam]: 1 NODE_VAR[gender]: 1 NODE_VAR[place_of_death]: 2 NODE_URI[wdt:P21/""sex or gender""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P27/""country of citizenship""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P1196/""manner of death""]: 1 NODE_URI[wikibase:language]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[2008-06-02^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P570/""date of death""]: 1" "extend: 1 bgp: 8 join: 1 service: 1 project: 1 filter: 1 leftjoin: 6" "93cc1919-bb9d-4c20-99db-7172c71d2d69" "SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?label ?altLabel{ { ?item p:P39 ?positionStatement . ?positionStatement ps:P39 [wdt:P279* ] . ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . minus { ?item wdt:P570 ?endTime . } ?item rdfs:label ?label} UNION {?item p:P39 ?positionStatement . ?positionStatement ps:P39 [wdt:P279* ] . ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . minus { ?item wdt:P570 ?endTime . } ?item skos:altLabel ?altLabel} } " "SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?label ?altLabel{ { ?item p:P39[""position held""] ?positionStatement . ?positionStatement ps:P39[""position held""] [wdt:P279[""subclass of""]* ] . ?item wdt:P31[""instance of""] wd:Q5[""human""] . minus { ?item wdt:P570[""date of death""] ?endTime . } ?item rdfs:label ?label} UNION {?item p:P39[""position held""] ?positionStatement . ?positionStatement ps:P39[""position held""] [wdt:P279[""subclass of""]* ] . ?item wdt:P31[""instance of""] wd:Q5[""human""] . minus { ?item wdt:P570[""date of death""] ?endTime . } ?item skos:altLabel ?altLabel} } " "(distinct (project (?item ?label ?altLabel) (union (join (minus (sequence (bgp (triple ?item ?positionStatement) (triple ?positionStatement ??0) ) (path ??0 (path* ) ) (bgp (triple ?item ))) (bgp (triple ?item ?endTime))) (bgp (triple ?item ?label))) (join (minus (sequence (bgp (triple ?item ?positionStatement) (triple ?positionStatement ??1) ) (path ??1 (path* ) ) (bgp (triple ?item ))) (bgp (triple ?item ?endTime))) (bgp (triple ?item ?altLabel)))))) " "ps: 2 wd: 4 rdfs: 1 p: 2 wdt: 6 skos: 1" "NODE_URI[wd:Q5/""human""]: 2 NODE_VAR[label]: 1 NODE_VAR[altLabel]: 1 NODE_URI[skos:altLabel]: 1 NODE_URI[p:P39/""position held""]: 2 NODE_URI[ps:P39/""position held""]: 2 NODE_URI[rdfs:label]: 1 NODE_VAR[item]: 8 NODE_VAR[positionStatement]: 4 NODE_VAR[?0]: 2 NODE_VAR[?1]: 2 NODE_URI[wdt:P279/""subclass of""]: 2 NODE_URI[wdt:P31/""instance of""]: 2 NODE_VAR[endTime]: 2 NODE_URI[wdt:P570/""date of death""]: 2 NODE_URI[wd:Q3044918/""member of the French National Assembly""]: 2" "project: 1 join: 2 sequence: 2 distinct: 1 bgp: 8 union: 1 path: 2 minus: 2" "6732a9c6-3a36-45f4-a6b5-6be4611afcf8" " SELECT DISTINCT ?givenName ?familyName ?birth ?death WHERE { wdt:P735 ?given . ?given rdfs:label ?givenName . FILTER(((LANG(?givenName)) = """") || ((LANG(?givenName)) = ""en"")) wdt:P734 ?family . ?family rdfs:label ?familyName . FILTER(((LANG(?familyName)) = """") || ((LANG(?familyName)) = ""en"")) wdt:P569 ?birth . OPTIONAL { wdt:P570 ?death . } } " " SELECT DISTINCT ?givenName ?familyName ?birth ?death WHERE { wdt:P735[""given name""] ?given . ?given rdfs:label ?givenName . FILTER(((LANG(?givenName)) = """") || ((LANG(?givenName)) = ""en"")) wdt:P734[""family name""] ?family . ?family rdfs:label ?familyName . FILTER(((LANG(?familyName)) = """") || ((LANG(?familyName)) = ""en"")) wdt:P569[""date of birth""] ?birth . OPTIONAL { wdt:P570[""date of death""] ?death . } } " "(distinct (project (?givenName ?familyName ?birth ?death) (filter (exprlist (|| (= (lang ?givenName) """") (= (lang ?givenName) ""en"")) (|| (= (lang ?familyName) """") (= (lang ?familyName) ""en""))) (leftjoin (bgp (triple ?given) (triple ?given ?givenName) (triple ?family) (triple ?family ?familyName) (triple ?birth) ) (bgp (triple ?death)))))) " "wd: 4 wdt: 4 rdfs: 2" "NODE_URI[wd:Q61628951/""Anatol Schuster""]: 4 NODE_VAR[family]: 2 NODE_VAR[familyName]: 3 NODE_LITERAL[]: 2 NODE_LITERAL[en]: 2 NODE_VAR[birth]: 1 NODE_VAR[death]: 1 NODE_VAR[givenName]: 3 NODE_URI[wdt:P734/""family name""]: 1 NODE_VAR[given]: 2 NODE_URI[wdt:P569/""date of birth""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P735/""given name""]: 1 NODE_URI[rdfs:label]: 2 NODE_URI[wdt:P570/""date of death""]: 1" "distinct: 1 filter: 1 bgp: 2 project: 1 leftjoin: 1" "69ba21f8-51bc-41cb-afc0-8c19c4c8ac8e" "SELECT ?item ?itemType ?p1 ?p2 ?value ?valueType ?valueLabel ?psvalueLabel WHERE { ?item ?p1 ""IFC""@en; ?p2 ?value; wdt:P31 ?itemType. OPTIONAL { ?value wdt:P31 ?valueType. } OPTIONAL { ?wdproperty wikibase:claim ?p2 ; wikibase:statementProperty ?psproperty . ?value ?psproperty ?psvalue . } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""en"". } } LIMIT 5000 " "SELECT ?item ?itemType ?p1 ?p2 ?value ?valueType ?valueLabel ?psvalueLabel WHERE { ?item ?p1 ""IFC""@en; ?p2 ?value; wdt:P31[""instance of""] ?itemType. OPTIONAL { ?value wdt:P31[""instance of""] ?valueType. } OPTIONAL { ?wdproperty wikibase:claim ?p2 ; wikibase:statementProperty ?psproperty . ?value ?psproperty ?psvalue . } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""en"". } } LIMIT 5000 " "(slice _ 5000 (project (?item ?itemType ?p1 ?p2 ?value ?valueType ?valueLabel ?psvalueLabel) (join (leftjoin (leftjoin (bgp (triple ?item ?p1 ""IFC""@en) (triple ?item ?p2 ?value) (triple ?item ?itemType) ) (bgp (triple ?value ?valueType))) (bgp (triple ?wdproperty ?p2) (triple ?wdproperty ?psproperty) (triple ?value ?psproperty ?psvalue) )) (service (bgp (triple ""en"")))))) " "bd: 1 wikibase: 3 wdt: 2" "NODE_VAR[wdproperty]: 2 NODE_VAR[itemType]: 1 NODE_URI[wikibase:statementProperty]: 1 NODE_URI[bd:serviceParam]: 1 NODE_VAR[psproperty]: 2 NODE_LITERAL[en]: 1 NODE_URI[wikibase:claim]: 1 NODE_VAR[valueType]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[IFC@en]: 1 NODE_VAR[p1]: 1 NODE_VAR[item]: 3 NODE_VAR[p2]: 2 NODE_VAR[value]: 3 NODE_VAR[psvalue]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P31/""instance of""]: 2 NODE_URI[wikibase:language]: 1" "project: 1 slice: 1 join: 1 service: 1 bgp: 4 leftjoin: 2" "45700aad-6812-4e33-93e3-84d6e487cfd3" " SELECT DISTINCT ?music_track ?music_trackLabel ?artist ?artistLabel ?album ?albumLabel ?publication_date WHERE { SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""en"". } { ?music_track wdt:P31 wd:Q134556. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P31 wd:Q7366. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P31 wd:Q2188189. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P31 wd:Q207628. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P31 wd:Q7302866. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P31 wd:Q9748. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P2207 ?_spotifyTrackID_. } ?music_track rdfs:label ?music_trackLabel. ?music_track wdt:P175 ?artist. ?artist rdfs:label ?artistLabel. OPTIONAL { ?music_track wdt:P361 ?album.} OPTIONAL { ?music_track wdt:P577 ?publication_date. } FILTER regex(?music_trackLabel, ""Devil Town"", ""i"") FILTER (regex(?artistLabel, ""cavetown"", ""i"")) } LIMIT 10 " " SELECT DISTINCT ?music_track ?music_trackLabel ?artist ?artistLabel ?album ?albumLabel ?publication_date WHERE { SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""en"". } { ?music_track wdt:P31[""instance of""] wd:Q134556[""single""]. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P31[""instance of""] wd:Q7366[""song""]. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P31[""instance of""] wd:Q2188189[""musical work""]. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P31[""instance of""] wd:Q207628[""musical composition""]. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P31[""instance of""] wd:Q7302866[""audio track""]. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P31[""instance of""] wd:Q9748[""concerto""]. } UNION { ?music_track wdt:P2207[""Spotify track ID""] ?_spotifyTrackID_. } ?music_track rdfs:label ?music_trackLabel. ?music_track wdt:P175[""performer""] ?artist. ?artist rdfs:label ?artistLabel. OPTIONAL { ?music_track wdt:P361[""part of""] ?album.} OPTIONAL { ?music_track wdt:P577[""publication date""] ?publication_date. } FILTER regex(?music_trackLabel, ""Devil Town"", ""i"") FILTER (regex(?artistLabel, ""cavetown"", ""i"")) } LIMIT 10 " "(slice _ 10 (distinct (project (?music_track ?music_trackLabel ?artist ?artistLabel ?album ?albumLabel ?publication_date) (filter (exprlist (regex ?music_trackLabel ""Devil Town"" ""i"") (regex ?artistLabel ""cavetown"" ""i"")) (leftjoin (leftjoin (join (join (service (bgp (triple ""en""))) (union (union (union (union (union (union (bgp (triple ?music_track )) (bgp (triple ?music_track ))) (bgp (triple ?music_track ))) (bgp (triple ?music_track ))) (bgp (triple ?music_track ))) (bgp (triple ?music_track ))) (bgp (triple ?music_track ?_spotifyTrackID_)))) (bgp (triple ?music_track ?music_trackLabel) (triple ?music_track ?artist) (triple ?artist ?artistLabel) )) (bgp (triple ?music_track ?album))) (bgp (triple ?music_track ?publication_date))))))) " "bd: 1 wikibase: 1 wdt: 10 wd: 6 rdfs: 2" "NODE_URI[wdt:P361/""part of""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P2207/""Spotify track ID""]: 1 NODE_VAR[album]: 1 NODE_VAR[publication_date]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P31/""instance of""]: 6 NODE_LITERAL[cavetown]: 1 NODE_URI[bd:serviceParam]: 1 NODE_URI[rdfs:label]: 2 NODE_URI[wdt:P577/""publication date""]: 1 NODE_VAR[music_trackLabel]: 2 NODE_VAR[artist]: 2 NODE_URI[wd:Q9748/""concerto""]: 1 NODE_VAR[music_track]: 11 NODE_LITERAL[Devil Town]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[i]: 2 NODE_VAR[_spotifyTrackID_]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q134556/""single""]: 1 NODE_VAR[artistLabel]: 2 NODE_URI[wikibase:language]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q7366/""song""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q207628/""musical composition""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P175/""performer""]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[en]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q2188189/""musical work""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q7302866/""audio track""]: 1" "bgp: 11 slice: 1 join: 2 service: 1 distinct: 1 project: 1 filter: 1 union: 6 leftjoin: 2" "2ca6bf08-0b82-4e4c-82d9-a297988f3082" "SELECT ?image WHERE { wd:Q269707 wdt:P18 ?image. } LIMIT 150" "SELECT ?image WHERE { wd:Q269707[""Riom-ès-Montagnes""] wdt:P18[""image""] ?image. } LIMIT 150" "(slice _ 150 (project (?image) (bgp (triple ?image)))) " "wd: 1 wdt: 1" "NODE_VAR[image]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P18/""image""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q269707/""Riom-ès-Montagnes""]: 1" "bgp: 1 project: 1 slice: 1" "a775100e-315f-4bb1-9d56-87d3679d8c3d" "SELECT ?canonical_SMILES WHERE { OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P233 ?canonical_SMILES. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P231 ?CAS_Registry_Number. } FILTER(?CAS_Registry_Number=""171102-41-3"") } LIMIT 1" "SELECT ?canonical_SMILES WHERE { OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P233[""canonical SMILES""] ?canonical_SMILES. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P231[""CAS Registry Number""] ?CAS_Registry_Number. } FILTER(?CAS_Registry_Number=""171102-41-3"") } LIMIT 1" "(slice _ 1 (project (?canonical_SMILES) (filter (= ?CAS_Registry_Number ""171102-41-3"") (leftjoin (leftjoin (table unit) (bgp (triple ?item ?canonical_SMILES))) (bgp (triple ?item ?CAS_Registry_Number)))))) " "wdt: 2" "NODE_URI[wdt:P233/""canonical SMILES""]: 1 NODE_VAR[item]: 2 NODE_VAR[CAS_Registry_Number]: 2 NODE_VAR[canonical_SMILES]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[171102-41-3]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P231/""CAS Registry Number""]: 1" "bgp: 2 slice: 1 project: 1 filter: 1 table: 1 leftjoin: 2" "29f88b10-fc5f-42bf-a2bf-223d8d620bf4" "SELECT ?pid ?prop WHERE { ?pid wdt:P2131 ?prop. FILTER (?pid = wd:Q112086) }" "SELECT ?pid ?prop WHERE { ?pid wdt:P2131[""nominal GDP""] ?prop. FILTER (?pid = wd:Q112086[""Randall County""]) }" "(project (?pid ?prop) (filter (= ?pid ) (bgp (triple ?pid ?prop)))) " "wd: 1 wdt: 1" "NODE_URI[wdt:P2131/""nominal GDP""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q112086/""Randall County""]: 1 NODE_VAR[pid]: 2 NODE_VAR[prop]: 1" "filter: 1 bgp: 1 project: 1" "ca550faf-af40-4fa9-bbdc-d2d294bede9a" "SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P1047 ""jeanc"". }" "SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P1047[""Catholic Hierarchy person ID""] ""jeanc"". }" "(project (?item) (bgp (triple ?item ""jeanc""))) " "wdt: 1" "NODE_URI[wdt:P1047/""Catholic Hierarchy person ID""]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[jeanc]: 1 NODE_VAR[item]: 1" "bgp: 1 project: 1" "445c0c26-4cbb-4b65-8dd4-20efc70bddf7" "SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P1154 ""2-s2.0-84994731835""}. SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""[AUTO_LANGUAGE], ar,be,bg,bn,ca,cs,da,de,el,en,es,et,fa,fi, fr,he,hi,hu,hy,id,it,ja,jv,ko,nb,nl,eo,pa,pl,pt,ro,ru,sh,sk,sr,sv,sw,te,th,tr,uk,yue,vec,vi,zh""} }" "SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P1154[""Scopus EID""] ""2-s2.0-84994731835""}. SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""[AUTO_LANGUAGE], ar,be,bg,bn,ca,cs,da,de,el,en,es,et,fa,fi, fr,he,hi,hu,hy,id,it,ja,jv,ko,nb,nl,eo,pa,pl,pt,ro,ru,sh,sk,sr,sv,sw,te,th,tr,uk,yue,vec,vi,zh""} }" "(project (?item) (join (bgp (triple ?item ""2-s2.0-84994731835"")) (service (bgp (triple ""[AUTO_LANGUAGE], ar,be,bg,bn,ca,cs,da,de,el,en,es,et,fa,fi, fr,he,hi,hu,hy,id,it,ja,jv,ko,nb,nl,eo,pa,pl,pt,ro,ru,sh,sk,sr,sv,sw,te,th,tr,uk,yue,vec,vi,zh""))))) " "bd: 1 wikibase: 1 wdt: 1" "NODE_URI[bd:serviceParam]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P1154/""Scopus EID""]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[[AUTO_LANGUAGE], ar,be,bg,bn,ca,cs,da,de,el,en,es,et,fa,fi, fr,he,hi,hu,hy,id,it,ja,jv,ko,nb,nl,eo,pa,pl,pt,ro,ru,sh,sk,sr,sv,sw,te,th,tr,uk,yue,vec,vi,zh]: 1 NODE_VAR[item]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[2-s2.0-84994731835]: 1 NODE_URI[wikibase:language]: 1" "bgp: 2 project: 1 join: 1 service: 1" "c093fbb0-4596-4cb9-9d86-a6865a76214e" "#Tool: wdi_core fastrun SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P214) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))" "#Tool: wdi_core fastrun SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P214[""VIAF ID""]) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630[""formatter URL""] ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))" "(project (?id ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel ?value_type ?formatter_url) (order ((asc ( (strafter (str ?property) ""P"")))) (extend ((?value_type (strafter (str ?propertyType) ""#""))) (extend ((?id (strafter (str ?property) ""entity/""))) (join (leftjoin (join (table (vars ?property) (row [?property ]) ) (bgp (triple ?property ?propertyType))) (bgp (triple ?property ?formatter_url))) (service (bgp (triple ""[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"")))))))) " "bd: 1 wikibase: 2 wdt: 1 wd: 1" "NODE_LITERAL[[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en]: 1 NODE_URI[wikibase:propertyType]: 1 NODE_URI[bd:serviceParam]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:P214/""VIAF ID""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P1630/""formatter URL""]: 1 NODE_VAR[property]: 2 NODE_VAR[formatter_url]: 1 NODE_VAR[propertyType]: 1 NODE_URI[wikibase:language]: 1" "project: 1 join: 2 extend: 2 service: 1 bgp: 3 table: 1 order: 1 leftjoin: 1" "7950ff5f-888f-49dd-9226-7a840ae861d8" " ASK{ ?x ?y ?z }" " ASK{ ?x ?y ?z }" "(bgp (triple ?x ?y ?z)) " "" "NODE_VAR[y]: 1 NODE_VAR[z]: 1 NODE_VAR[x]: 1" "bgp: 1" "cedf0b8c-7c11-4fc4-9f22-ef4239610062" "SELECT ?canonical_SMILES WHERE { OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P233 ?canonical_SMILES. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P231 ?CAS_Registry_Number. } FILTER(?CAS_Registry_Number=""90320-46-0"") } LIMIT 1" "SELECT ?canonical_SMILES WHERE { OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P233[""canonical SMILES""] ?canonical_SMILES. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P231[""CAS Registry Number""] ?CAS_Registry_Number. } FILTER(?CAS_Registry_Number=""90320-46-0"") } LIMIT 1" "(slice _ 1 (project (?canonical_SMILES) (filter (= ?CAS_Registry_Number ""90320-46-0"") (leftjoin (leftjoin (table unit) (bgp (triple ?item ?canonical_SMILES))) (bgp (triple ?item ?CAS_Registry_Number)))))) " "wdt: 2" "NODE_LITERAL[90320-46-0]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P233/""canonical SMILES""]: 1 NODE_VAR[item]: 2 NODE_VAR[CAS_Registry_Number]: 2 NODE_VAR[canonical_SMILES]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P231/""CAS Registry Number""]: 1" "bgp: 2 slice: 1 project: 1 filter: 1 table: 1 leftjoin: 2" "90d1f22d-e55d-4029-84ef-0e3555e391a0" "SELECT ?item (?itemLabel as ?title) ?imdb ?article ?instanceofLabel (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?actorLabel; SEPARATOR=""|"") AS ?actors) (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?directorLabel; SEPARATOR=""|"") AS ?directors) (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?releasedate; SEPARATOR=""|"") AS ?releasedates) WHERE { ?item wdt:P345 ?imdb . FILTER(?imdb = ""tt0376582"") #?item wdt:P31 wd:Q11424 . #instance of a Film ?item wdt:P31 ?instanceof . OPTIONAL {?item wdt:P577 ?releasedate.} OPTIONAL {?item wdt:P57 ?director. } OPTIONAL {?item wdt:P161 ?actor. } OPTIONAL { ?article schema:about ?item . ?article schema:inLanguage ""en"" . ?article schema:isPartOf . } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""en"". ?director rdfs:label ?directorLabel. ?actor rdfs:label ?actorLabel. ?item rdfs:label ?itemLabel. ?instanceof rdfs:label ?instanceofLabel. } } GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel ?imdb ?article ?instanceofLabel" "SELECT ?item (?itemLabel as ?title) ?imdb ?article ?instanceofLabel (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?actorLabel; SEPARATOR=""|"") AS ?actors) (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?directorLabel; SEPARATOR=""|"") AS ?directors) (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?releasedate; SEPARATOR=""|"") AS ?releasedates) WHERE { ?item wdt:P345[""IMDb ID""] ?imdb . FILTER(?imdb = ""tt0376582"") #?item wdt:P31[""instance of""] wd:Q11424[""film""] . #instance of a Film ?item wdt:P31[""instance of""] ?instanceof . OPTIONAL {?item wdt:P577[""publication date""] ?releasedate.} OPTIONAL {?item wdt:P57[""director""] ?director. } OPTIONAL {?item wdt:P161[""cast member""] ?actor. } OPTIONAL { ?article schema:about ?item . ?article schema:inLanguage ""en"" . ?article schema:isPartOf . } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""en"". ?director rdfs:label ?directorLabel. ?actor rdfs:label ?actorLabel. ?item rdfs:label ?itemLabel. ?instanceof rdfs:label ?instanceofLabel. } } GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel ?imdb ?article ?instanceofLabel" "(project (?item ?title ?imdb ?article ?instanceofLabel ?actors ?directors ?releasedates) (extend ((?releasedates ?.2)) (extend ((?directors ?.1)) (extend ((?actors ?.0)) (extend ((?title ?itemLabel)) (group (?item ?itemLabel ?imdb ?article ?instanceofLabel) ((?.0 (group_concat distinct(separator '|') ?actorLabel)) (?.1 (group_concat distinct(separator '|') ?directorLabel)) (?.2 (group_concat distinct(separator '|') ?releasedate))) (filter (= ?imdb ""tt0376582"") (join (leftjoin (leftjoin (leftjoin (leftjoin (bgp (triple ?item ?imdb) (triple ?item ?instanceof) ) (bgp (triple ?item ?releasedate))) (bgp (triple ?item ?director))) (bgp (triple ?item ?actor))) (bgp (triple ?article ?item) (triple ?article ""en"") (triple ?article ) )) (service (bgp (triple ""en"") (triple ?director ?directorLabel) (triple ?actor ?actorLabel) (triple ?item ?itemLabel) (triple ?instanceof ?instanceofLabel) )))))))))) " "bd: 1 rdfs: 4 wdt: 5 https: 1 wikibase: 1 schema: 3" "NODE_VAR[instanceofLabel]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P57/""director""]: 1 NODE_VAR[actor]: 2 NODE_VAR[actorLabel]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P31/""instance of""]: 1 NODE_URI[schema:inLanguage]: 1 NODE_URI[schema:isPartOf]: 1 NODE_URI[rdfs:label]: 4 NODE_URI[wdt:P577/""publication date""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P161/""cast member""]: 1 NODE_VAR[imdb]: 2 NODE_VAR[itemLabel]: 1 NODE_URI[bd:serviceParam]: 1 NODE_URI[schema:about]: 1 NODE_VAR[item]: 7 NODE_VAR[director]: 2 NODE_URI[https://en.wikipedia.org/]: 1 NODE_URI[wikibase:language]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P345/""IMDb ID""]: 1 NODE_VAR[article]: 3 NODE_LITERAL[en]: 2 NODE_VAR[instanceof]: 2 NODE_VAR[releasedate]: 1 NODE_VAR[directorLabel]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[tt0376582]: 1" "bgp: 6 group: 1 extend: 4 service: 1 project: 1 filter: 1 join: 1 leftjoin: 4" "fd9a4f39-a6d5-4020-8f4d-32fe87c50376" "SELECT ?a ?aLabel (COUNT(?item) as ?value) { ?item wdt:P570 ?dod FILTER ( ?dod > ""2016-07-30T00:00:00Z""^^xsd:dateTime) FILTER ( ?dod > (now()-""P32D""^^xsd:duration) && ?dod < now() ) ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . ?item wdt:P27 ?a . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""en"" } } GROUP BY ?a ?aLabel ORDER BY DESC(?value) LIMIT 10" "SELECT ?a ?aLabel (COUNT(?item) as ?value) { ?item wdt:P570[""date of death""] ?dod FILTER ( ?dod > ""2016-07-30T00:00:00Z""^^xsd:dateTime) FILTER ( ?dod > (now()-""P32D""^^xsd:duration) && ?dod < now() ) ?item wdt:P31[""instance of""] wd:Q5[""human""] . ?item wdt:P27[""country of citizenship""] ?a . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""en"" } } GROUP BY ?a ?aLabel ORDER BY DESC(?value) LIMIT 10" "(slice _ 10 (project (?a ?aLabel ?value) (order ((desc ?value)) (extend ((?value ?.0)) (group (?a ?aLabel) ((?.0 (count ?item))) (filter (exprlist (> ?dod ""2016-07-30T00:00:00Z""^^) (&& (> ?dod (- (now) ""P32D""^^)) (< ?dod (now)))) (join (bgp (triple ?item ?dod) (triple ?item ) (triple ?item ?a) ) (service (bgp (triple ""en"")))))))))) " "bd: 1 wikibase: 1 wdt: 3 wd: 1" "NODE_URI[wd:Q5/""human""]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[P32D^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#duration]: 1 NODE_URI[bd:serviceParam]: 1 NODE_VAR[a]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[en]: 1 NODE_VAR[item]: 3 NODE_LITERAL[2016-07-30T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime]: 1 NODE_VAR[dod]: 4 NODE_URI[wdt:P27/""country of citizenship""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P31/""instance of""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P570/""date of death""]: 1 NODE_URI[wikibase:language]: 1" "bgp: 2 slice: 1 group: 1 service: 1 extend: 1 project: 1 filter: 1 join: 1 order: 1" "1df74543-f697-4548-8b25-4ddc8d23d59a" " ASK{ ?x ?y ?z }" " ASK{ ?x ?y ?z }" "(bgp (triple ?x ?y ?z)) " "" "NODE_VAR[y]: 1 NODE_VAR[z]: 1 NODE_VAR[x]: 1" "bgp: 1" "91e2affd-40aa-4c19-a392-362846c6003e" " ASK{ ?x ?y ?z }" " ASK{ ?x ?y ?z }" "(bgp (triple ?x ?y ?z)) " "" "NODE_VAR[y]: 1 NODE_VAR[z]: 1 NODE_VAR[x]: 1" "bgp: 1" "e4c4f22f-9f51-498c-8468-d0a83dbf202d" "SELECT ?canonical_SMILES WHERE { OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P233 ?canonical_SMILES. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P231 ?CAS_Registry_Number. } FILTER(?CAS_Registry_Number=""1088920-65-3"") } LIMIT 1" "SELECT ?canonical_SMILES WHERE { OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P233[""canonical SMILES""] ?canonical_SMILES. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P231[""CAS Registry Number""] ?CAS_Registry_Number. } FILTER(?CAS_Registry_Number=""1088920-65-3"") } LIMIT 1" "(slice _ 1 (project (?canonical_SMILES) (filter (= ?CAS_Registry_Number ""1088920-65-3"") (leftjoin (leftjoin (table unit) (bgp (triple ?item ?canonical_SMILES))) (bgp (triple ?item ?CAS_Registry_Number)))))) " "wdt: 2" "NODE_URI[wdt:P233/""canonical SMILES""]: 1 NODE_VAR[item]: 2 NODE_VAR[CAS_Registry_Number]: 2 NODE_VAR[canonical_SMILES]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[1088920-65-3]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P231/""CAS Registry Number""]: 1" "bgp: 2 slice: 1 project: 1 filter: 1 table: 1 leftjoin: 2" "d6e78380-dd33-4dee-932e-9bee82973497" " ASK{ ?x ?y ?z }" " ASK{ ?x ?y ?z }" "(bgp (triple ?x ?y ?z)) " "" "NODE_VAR[y]: 1 NODE_VAR[z]: 1 NODE_VAR[x]: 1" "bgp: 1" "f8379190-3a02-48b9-86c6-574939089171" "SELECT ?person ?personLabel ?givenNameLabel ?familyNameLabel ?countryLabel ?personDesc ?article WHERE { VALUES ?person { wd:Q51246560 wd:Q51287057 wd:Q51287277 wd:Q51287559 wd:Q51289888 wd:Q51290896 wd:Q51315765 wd:Q51324529 wd:Q52156497 wd:Q52156500 wd:Q50417690 wd:Q50418115 wd:Q47453910 wd:Q47454000 wd:Q47454127 wd:Q47454238 wd:Q47454910 wd:Q47457393 wd:Q47457413 wd:Q47459006 } ?person wdt:P27 ?country; #wdt:P734 ?familyName; #wdt:P735 ?givenName; rdfs:label ?personLabel; schema:description ?personDesc. OPTIONAL { ?person wdt:P734 ?familyName. ?familyName rdfs:label ?familyNameLabel FILTER(LANG(?familyNameLabel) = ""fr""). } OPTIONAL { ?person wdt:P735 ?givenName. ?givenName rdfs:label ?givenNameLabel FILTER(LANG(?givenNameLabel) = ""fr""). } ?country rdfs:label ?countryLabel. #?givenName rdfs:label ?givenNameLabel. ?article schema:about ?person; schema:inLanguage ""fr""; schema:isPartOf . FILTER(LANG(?personLabel) = ""fr""). FILTER(LANG(?countryLabel) = ""fr""). #FILTER(LANG(?givenNameLabel) = ""en""). FILTER(LANG(?personDesc) = ""fr""). }" "SELECT ?person ?personLabel ?givenNameLabel ?familyNameLabel ?countryLabel ?personDesc ?article WHERE { VALUES ?person { wd:Q51246560[""Lili Petschnikoff""] wd:Q51287057[""Alvan S. Harper""] wd:Q51287277[""N. Dash""] wd:Q51287559[""Aidan Apodaca""] wd:Q51289888[""Bing Wright""] wd:Q51290896[LABEL_NOT_FOUND] wd:Q51315765[""Connie Lawn""] wd:Q51324529[""Foster Langsdorf""] wd:Q52156497[""Trygve Thorberg""] wd:Q52156500[""Hale William Bolton""] wd:Q50417690[""Jonah Williams""] wd:Q50418115[""Mrs Van Brunt""] wd:Q47453910[""Kacie Oliver""] wd:Q47454000[""Tess Kielhamer""] wd:Q47454127[""Dallas Goedert""] wd:Q47454238[""Urule Igbavboa""] wd:Q47454910[""Abner Reed""] wd:Q47457393[""Vandit Bhatt""] wd:Q47457413[""Stacey Martin""] wd:Q47459006[""Ed Red""] } ?person wdt:P27[""country of citizenship""] ?country; #wdt:P734[""family name""] ?familyName; #wdt:P735[""given name""] ?givenName; rdfs:label ?personLabel; schema:description ?personDesc. OPTIONAL { ?person wdt:P734[""family name""] ?familyName. ?familyName rdfs:label ?familyNameLabel FILTER(LANG(?familyNameLabel) = ""fr""). } OPTIONAL { ?person wdt:P735[""given name""] ?givenName. ?givenName rdfs:label ?givenNameLabel FILTER(LANG(?givenNameLabel) = ""fr""). } ?country rdfs:label ?countryLabel. #?givenName rdfs:label ?givenNameLabel. ?article schema:about ?person; schema:inLanguage ""fr""; schema:isPartOf . FILTER(LANG(?personLabel) = ""fr""). FILTER(LANG(?countryLabel) = ""fr""). #FILTER(LANG(?givenNameLabel) = ""en""). FILTER(LANG(?personDesc) = ""fr""). }" "(project (?person ?personLabel ?givenNameLabel ?familyNameLabel ?countryLabel ?personDesc ?article) (filter (exprlist (= (lang ?personLabel) ""fr"") (= (lang ?countryLabel) ""fr"") (= (lang ?personDesc) ""fr"")) (join (leftjoin (leftjoin (join (table (vars ?person) (row [?person ]) (row [?person ]) (row [?person ]) (row [?person ]) (row [?person ]) (row [?person ]) (row [?person ]) (row [?person ]) (row [?person ]) (row [?person ]) (row [?person ]) (row [?person ]) (row [?person ]) (row [?person ]) (row [?person ]) (row [?person ]) (row [?person ]) (row [?person ]) (row [?person ]) (row [?person ]) ) (bgp (triple ?person ?country) (triple ?person ?personLabel) (triple ?person ?personDesc) )) (bgp (triple ?person ?familyName) (triple ?familyName ?familyNameLabel) ) (= (lang ?familyNameLabel) ""fr"")) (bgp (triple ?person ?givenName) (triple ?givenName ?givenNameLabel) ) (= (lang ?givenNameLabel) ""fr"")) (bgp (triple ?country ?countryLabel) (triple ?article ?person) (triple ?article ""fr"") (triple ?article ) )))) " "wd: 20 schema: 4 wdt: 3 https: 1 rdfs: 4" "NODE_URI[schema:isPartOf]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q51246560/""Lili Petschnikoff""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q47457413/""Stacey Martin""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q47454910/""Abner Reed""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q52156500/""Hale William Bolton""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P735/""given name""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q47453910/""Kacie Oliver""]: 1 NODE_VAR[familyNameLabel]: 1 NODE_URI[schema:inLanguage]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q51290896/LABEL_NOT_FOUND]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q47454000/""Tess Kielhamer""]: 1 NODE_URI[rdfs:label]: 4 NODE_VAR[person]: 6 NODE_URI[schema:description]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q47459006/""Ed Red""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q51287057/""Alvan S. Harper""]: 1 NODE_VAR[givenName]: 2 NODE_URI[wd:Q51324529/""Foster Langsdorf""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q51287277/""N. Dash""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q51289888/""Bing Wright""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q47454127/""Dallas Goedert""]: 1 NODE_VAR[country]: 2 NODE_URI[schema:about]: 1 NODE_VAR[familyName]: 2 NODE_VAR[givenNameLabel]: 1 NODE_URI[https://fr.wikipedia.org/]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q47454238/""Urule Igbavboa""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q47457393/""Vandit Bhatt""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P27/""country of citizenship""]: 1 NODE_VAR[countryLabel]: 2 NODE_URI[wd:Q50417690/""Jonah Williams""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q50418115/""Mrs Van Brunt""]: 1 NODE_VAR[personLabel]: 2 NODE_VAR[article]: 3 NODE_VAR[personDesc]: 2 NODE_URI[wd:Q52156497/""Trygve Thorberg""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P734/""family name""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q51315765/""Connie Lawn""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q51287559/""Aidan Apodaca""]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[fr]: 4" "bgp: 4 join: 2 project: 1 filter: 1 table: 1 leftjoin: 2" "1d312a43-908a-435f-bd18-bb9ce1a76c4b" " ASK{ ?x ?y ?z }" " ASK{ ?x ?y ?z }" "(bgp (triple ?x ?y ?z)) " "" "NODE_VAR[y]: 1 NODE_VAR[z]: 1 NODE_VAR[x]: 1" "bgp: 1" "426ac639-92b3-4e06-9a1c-970169244e83" "SELECT ?item ?itemType ?p1 ?p2 ?value ?valueType ?valueLabel ?psvalueLabel WHERE { ?item ?p1 ""St. Clair County""@en; ?p2 ?value; wdt:P31 ?itemType. OPTIONAL { ?value wdt:P31 ?valueType. } OPTIONAL { ?wdproperty wikibase:claim ?p2 ; wikibase:statementProperty ?psproperty . ?value ?psproperty ?psvalue . } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""en"". } } LIMIT 5000 " "SELECT ?item ?itemType ?p1 ?p2 ?value ?valueType ?valueLabel ?psvalueLabel WHERE { ?item ?p1 ""St. Clair County""@en; ?p2 ?value; wdt:P31[""instance of""] ?itemType. OPTIONAL { ?value wdt:P31[""instance of""] ?valueType. } OPTIONAL { ?wdproperty wikibase:claim ?p2 ; wikibase:statementProperty ?psproperty . ?value ?psproperty ?psvalue . } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""en"". } } LIMIT 5000 " "(slice _ 5000 (project (?item ?itemType ?p1 ?p2 ?value ?valueType ?valueLabel ?psvalueLabel) (join (leftjoin (leftjoin (bgp (triple ?item ?p1 ""St. Clair County""@en) (triple ?item ?p2 ?value) (triple ?item ?itemType) ) (bgp (triple ?value ?valueType))) (bgp (triple ?wdproperty ?p2) (triple ?wdproperty ?psproperty) (triple ?value ?psproperty ?psvalue) )) (service (bgp (triple ""en"")))))) " "bd: 1 wikibase: 3 wdt: 2" "NODE_VAR[wdproperty]: 2 NODE_LITERAL[St. Clair County@en]: 1 NODE_VAR[itemType]: 1 NODE_URI[wikibase:statementProperty]: 1 NODE_URI[bd:serviceParam]: 1 NODE_VAR[psproperty]: 2 NODE_LITERAL[en]: 1 NODE_URI[wikibase:claim]: 1 NODE_VAR[valueType]: 1 NODE_VAR[item]: 3 NODE_VAR[p1]: 1 NODE_VAR[p2]: 2 NODE_VAR[value]: 3 NODE_VAR[psvalue]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P31/""instance of""]: 2 NODE_URI[wikibase:language]: 1" "project: 1 slice: 1 join: 1 service: 1 bgp: 4 leftjoin: 2" "1d990c21-e184-4636-9e59-8897cdc69796" "SELECT ?product ?image WHERE { ?product wdt:P279 wd:Q1527901. OPTIONAL { ?product wdt:P18 ?image. } }" "SELECT ?product ?image WHERE { ?product wdt:P279[""subclass of""] wd:Q1527901[""unmanned vehicle""]. OPTIONAL { ?product wdt:P18[""image""] ?image. } }" "(project (?product ?image) (leftjoin (bgp (triple ?product )) (bgp (triple ?product ?image)))) " "wd: 1 wdt: 2" "NODE_URI[wd:Q1527901/""unmanned vehicle""]: 1 NODE_VAR[image]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P18/""image""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P279/""subclass of""]: 1 NODE_VAR[product]: 2" "bgp: 2 project: 1 leftjoin: 1" "ea6f7636-25b3-4443-9909-b58b2536d5ba" "SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P646 ?fbid . FILTER( ?fbid in( ""/m/039bpc"",""/m/039c5"",""/m/039crh"",""/m/039rwf"",""/m/03_3d"",""/m/03_5s0"",""/m/03__y"",""/m/03_dj"" ) ) }" "SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P646[""Freebase ID""] ?fbid . FILTER( ?fbid in( ""/m/039bpc"",""/m/039c5"",""/m/039crh"",""/m/039rwf"",""/m/03_3d"",""/m/03_5s0"",""/m/03__y"",""/m/03_dj"" ) ) }" "(project (?item) (filter (in ?fbid ""/m/039bpc"" ""/m/039c5"" ""/m/039crh"" ""/m/039rwf"" ""/m/03_3d"" ""/m/03_5s0"" ""/m/03__y"" ""/m/03_dj"") (bgp (triple ?item ?fbid)))) " "wdt: 1" "NODE_LITERAL[/m/03_3d]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P646/""Freebase ID""]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[/m/03_5s0]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[/m/039c5]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[/m/03__y]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[/m/039bpc]: 1 NODE_VAR[fbid]: 2 NODE_LITERAL[/m/039crh]: 1 NODE_VAR[item]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[/m/03_dj]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[/m/039rwf]: 1" "filter: 1 bgp: 1 project: 1" "e4e1be13-f250-476f-a289-f0e609dddf89" "SELECT ?pid ?prop WHERE { ?pid wdt:P2250 ?prop. FILTER (?pid = wd:Q4111402) }" "SELECT ?pid ?prop WHERE { ?pid wdt:P2250[""life expectancy""] ?prop. FILTER (?pid = wd:Q4111402[""Villa de Cos Municipality""]) }" "(project (?pid ?prop) (filter (= ?pid ) (bgp (triple ?pid ?prop)))) " "wd: 1 wdt: 1" "NODE_URI[wd:Q4111402/""Villa de Cos Municipality""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P2250/""life expectancy""]: 1 NODE_VAR[pid]: 2 NODE_VAR[prop]: 1" "filter: 1 bgp: 1 project: 1" "7d8b65da-00df-4536-81be-aac78547e737" "SELECT ?subject ?subjectLabel WHERE { { wd:Q306466 wdt:P31 ?subject. } UNION{ wd:Q306466 wdt:P31 ?subject. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"". }} " "SELECT ?subject ?subjectLabel WHERE { { wd:Q306466[""Österreichischer Sparkassenverband""] wdt:P31[""instance of""] ?subject. } UNION{ wd:Q306466[""Österreichischer Sparkassenverband""] wdt:P31[""instance of""] ?subject. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"". }} " "(project (?subject ?subjectLabel) (join (union (bgp (triple ?subject)) (bgp (triple ?subject))) (service (bgp (triple ""[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en""))))) " "bd: 1 wikibase: 1 wdt: 2 wd: 2" "NODE_LITERAL[[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en]: 1 NODE_URI[bd:serviceParam]: 1 NODE_VAR[subject]: 2 NODE_URI[wd:Q306466/""Österreichischer Sparkassenverband""]: 2 NODE_URI[wdt:P31/""instance of""]: 2 NODE_URI[wikibase:language]: 1" "bgp: 3 project: 1 join: 1 service: 1 union: 1" "560fc452-0473-4f97-9b4d-7390eab31750" " PREFIX wikibase: PREFIX wd: PREFIX wdt: PREFIX rdfs: SELECT DISTINCT ?labelcat ?labelcat1 WHERE { wd:Q39546 rdfs:label ?labelcat. ?mot wdt:P31|wdt:P279*/wdt:P279? wd:Q39546 . ?mot rdfs:label ?labelmot. OPTIONAL {wd:Q39546 rdfs:label ?labelcat1. FILTER(LANG(?labelcat1) = 'sm') } FILTER(LANG(?labelcat) = 'ny') FILTER(LANG(?labelmot) = 'ny') } " " PREFIX wikibase: PREFIX wd: PREFIX wdt: PREFIX rdfs: SELECT DISTINCT ?labelcat ?labelcat1 WHERE { wd:Q39546[""tool""] rdfs:label ?labelcat. ?mot wdt:P31[""instance of""]|wdt:P279[""subclass of""]*/wdt:P279[""subclass of""]? wd:Q39546[""tool""] . ?mot rdfs:label ?labelmot. OPTIONAL {wd:Q39546[""tool""] rdfs:label ?labelcat1. FILTER(LANG(?labelcat1) = 'sm') } FILTER(LANG(?labelcat) = 'ny') FILTER(LANG(?labelmot) = 'ny') } " "(distinct (project (?labelcat ?labelcat1) (filter (exprlist (= (lang ?labelcat) ""ny"") (= (lang ?labelmot) ""ny"")) (leftjoin (sequence (bgp (triple ?labelcat)) (path ?mot (alt (seq (path* ) (path? ))) ) (bgp (triple ?mot ?labelmot))) (bgp (triple ?labelcat1)) (= (lang ?labelcat1) ""sm""))))) " "wd: 3 wdt: 3 rdfs: 3" "NODE_VAR[labelcat1]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q39546/""tool""]: 3 NODE_URI[rdfs:label]: 3 NODE_VAR[labelmot]: 2 NODE_LITERAL[ny]: 2 NODE_VAR[mot]: 2 NODE_VAR[labelcat]: 2 NODE_URI[wdt:P31/""instance of""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P279/""subclass of""]: 2" "bgp: 3 project: 1 sequence: 1 distinct: 1 filter: 1 path: 1 leftjoin: 1" "0495bf86-855e-4b14-874b-05fd99a37ae1" " SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1807494)} ?person ?p ?statement . ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), ""en"")) # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), ""en"")) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""en"" } } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement " " SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1807494[""Ingvar Andersson""])} ?person ?p ?statement . ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), ""en"")) # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), ""en"")) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""en"" } } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement " "(project (?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label) (order (?wd ?statement) (join (join (table (vars ?person) (row [?person ]) ) (bgp (triple ?person ?p ?statement) (triple ?statement ?ps ?ps_) (triple ?wd ?p) (triple ?wd ?ps) )) (service (bgp (triple ""en"")))))) " "bd: 1 wikibase: 3 wd: 1" "NODE_VAR[wd]: 2 NODE_LITERAL[en]: 1 NODE_URI[wikibase:statementProperty]: 1 NODE_URI[bd:serviceParam]: 1 NODE_VAR[p]: 2 NODE_VAR[person]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q1807494/""Ingvar Andersson""]: 1 NODE_URI[wikibase:claim]: 1 NODE_VAR[statement]: 2 NODE_VAR[ps]: 2 NODE_VAR[ps_]: 1 NODE_URI[wikibase:language]: 1" "project: 1 join: 2 service: 1 bgp: 2 table: 1 order: 1" "7429f739-9f1b-4d58-9e20-9ca3ebf3b865" "SELECT ?pid ?prop WHERE { ?pid wdt:P2250 ?prop. FILTER (?pid = wd:Q1807869) }" "SELECT ?pid ?prop WHERE { ?pid wdt:P2250[""life expectancy""] ?prop. FILTER (?pid = wd:Q1807869[""Morada Nova""]) }" "(project (?pid ?prop) (filter (= ?pid ) (bgp (triple ?pid ?prop)))) " "wd: 1 wdt: 1" "NODE_URI[wd:Q1807869/""Morada Nova""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P2250/""life expectancy""]: 1 NODE_VAR[pid]: 2 NODE_VAR[prop]: 1" "filter: 1 bgp: 1 project: 1" "cccb051e-7a26-4871-a32e-b64f5802f103" " SELECT ?company ?companyLabel ?countryLabel ?ownerOf ?industryLabel ?hqLabel ?hqPostalCode ?hqStreet ?hqStreetDep ?hqlon ?hqlat ?extckr ?legalFormLabel ?parent ?ownedBy ?ISIN ?legalEntityIdentifier ?openCorporatesID ?OKPO_ID ?hungarianCompanyID ?companiesHouseID ?germanTaxAuthorityID ?EUTransparencyRegisterID ?DUNSnumber ?danishP_number ?GS1code ?dataGouvFrOrganizationID ?permID ?bloombergCompanyID ?australianBusinessNumber ?australianCompanyNumber ?australianRegisteredBodyNumber ?czechRegistrationID ?austrianFirmenbuchnummer ?expediaHotelID ?centralIndexKey ?companySize ?UNSPSCCode ?inception ?legalName ?streetAddress ?website ?subsidiary WHERE { VALUES (?company) { (wd:Q97408730) (wd:Q97408824) (wd:Q97409066) (wd:Q97409068) (wd:Q97409072) (wd:Q97409111) (wd:Q97409113) (wd:Q97440668) (wd:Q97443226) (wd:Q97500817) (wd:Q97502284) (wd:Q97577682) (wd:Q97578854) (wd:Q97602082) (wd:Q97602083) (wd:Q97668332) (wd:Q97669401) (wd:Q97670928) (wd:Q97699809) (wd:Q97960875) (wd:Q97961710) (wd:Q98013286) (wd:Q98057099) (wd:Q98137619) (wd:Q98142300) (wd:Q98153035) (wd:Q98155618) (wd:Q98277906) (wd:Q98277946) (wd:Q98284884) (wd:Q98385842) (wd:Q98392314) (wd:Q98416691) (wd:Q98456627) (wd:Q98511877) (wd:Q98518127) (wd:Q98518304) (wd:Q98522581) (wd:Q98523592) (wd:Q98523602) (wd:Q98523603) (wd:Q98523601) (wd:Q98523606) (wd:Q98523607) (wd:Q98523605) (wd:Q98523610) (wd:Q98523611) (wd:Q98523609) (wd:Q98523614) (wd:Q98523615) (wd:Q98523613) (wd:Q98523618) (wd:Q98523619) (wd:Q98523616) (wd:Q98523617) (wd:Q98523622) (wd:Q98523623) (wd:Q98523620) (wd:Q98523621) (wd:Q98523626) (wd:Q98523627) (wd:Q98523624) (wd:Q98523625) (wd:Q98523630) (wd:Q98523631) (wd:Q98523629) (wd:Q98523634) (wd:Q98523632) (wd:Q98523638) (wd:Q98523639) (wd:Q98523636) (wd:Q98523637) (wd:Q98523642) (wd:Q98523640) (wd:Q98523644) (wd:Q98523651) (wd:Q22674044) (wd:Q22695992) (wd:Q22713751) (wd:Q22922501) (wd:Q22954415) (wd:Q22956395) (wd:Q22963292) (wd:Q22966012) (wd:Q22979581) (wd:Q22981476) (wd:Q22994281) (wd:Q23301483) (wd:Q23727093) (wd:Q24041385) (wd:Q24061680) (wd:Q24061883) (wd:Q24061888) (wd:Q24191164) (wd:Q24341742) (wd:Q24435721) (wd:Q24576328) (wd:Q24693576) (wd:Q24698783) (wd:Q24946205) } { OPTIONAL { ?company p:P159 ?hqLS. OPTIONAL { ?hqLS pq:P281 ?hqPostalCode. } OPTIONAL { ?hqLS pq:P6375 ?hqStreet. } OPTIONAL { ?hqLS pq:P969 ?hqStreetDep. } #todo: located on street (P669) OPTIONAL { ?hqLS ps:P159 ?hq. } OPTIONAL { ?hqLS pqv:P625 ?c. ?c wikibase:geoLongitude ?hqlon. ?c wikibase:geoLatitude ?hqlat. } } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P946 ?ISIN. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P1278 ?legalEntityIdentifier. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P1320 ?openCorporatesID. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P2391 ?OKPO_ID. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P2619 ?hungarianCompanyID. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P2622 ?companiesHouseID. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P2628 ?germanTaxAuthorityID. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P2657 ?EUTransparencyRegisterID. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P2771 ?DUNSnumber. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P2814 ?danishP_number. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P3193 ?GS1code. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P3206 ?dataGouvFrOrganizationID. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P3347 ?permID. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P3377 ?bloombergCompanyID. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P3548 ?australianBusinessNumber. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P3549 ?australianCompanyNumber. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P3551 ?australianRegisteredBodyNumber. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P4156 ?czechRegistrationID. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P5285 ?austrianFirmenbuchnummer. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P5651 ?expediaHotelID. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P1128 ?companySize. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P1454 ?legalForm. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P2167 ?UNSPSCCode. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P749 ?parent. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P571 ?inception. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P127 ?ownedBy. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P1448 ?legalName. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P6375 ?streetAddress. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P5531 ?centralIndexKey. } } UNION { ?company p:P414 ?exchangeStm. OPTIONAL { ?exchangeStm pq:P249 ?t. } ?exchangeStm ps:P414 ?e. ?e rdfs:label ?l FILTER (LANG(?l) = ""en"") BIND(IF (BOUND(?t), CONCAT(?l, "":"", ?t), ?l) as ?extckr). } UNION { ?company wdt:P1830 ?ownerOf. } UNION { ?company wdt:P452 ?industry. } UNION { ?company wdt:P856 ?website. } UNION { ?company wdt:P17 ?country. } UNION { ?company wdt:P355 ?subsidiary. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""en"". } } " " SELECT ?company ?companyLabel ?countryLabel ?ownerOf ?industryLabel ?hqLabel ?hqPostalCode ?hqStreet ?hqStreetDep ?hqlon ?hqlat ?extckr ?legalFormLabel ?parent ?ownedBy ?ISIN ?legalEntityIdentifier ?openCorporatesID ?OKPO_ID ?hungarianCompanyID ?companiesHouseID ?germanTaxAuthorityID ?EUTransparencyRegisterID ?DUNSnumber ?danishP_number ?GS1code ?dataGouvFrOrganizationID ?permID ?bloombergCompanyID ?australianBusinessNumber ?australianCompanyNumber ?australianRegisteredBodyNumber ?czechRegistrationID ?austrianFirmenbuchnummer ?expediaHotelID ?centralIndexKey ?companySize ?UNSPSCCode ?inception ?legalName ?streetAddress ?website ?subsidiary WHERE { VALUES (?company) { (wd:Q97408730[""Association of Kinsmen Clubs""]) (wd:Q97408824[""ARMA Toronto Chapter""]) (wd:Q97409066[""Toronto Camera Club""]) (wd:Q97409068[""Samaritan Club of Toronto""]) (wd:Q97409072[""Toronto Focal Forum""]) (wd:Q97409111[""Toronto Travel Club""]) (wd:Q97409113[""Women's Canadian Club of Toronto""]) (wd:Q97440668[""Club Vela Camogli""]) (wd:Q97443226[""Arbeitsgemeinschaft für produktive Flüchtlingshilfe""]) (wd:Q97500817[""Casal Popular de Castelló""]) (wd:Q97502284[""Feldmusik Strättligen""]) (wd:Q97577682[LABEL_NOT_FOUND]) (wd:Q97578854[""Clube de Choro de Brasília""]) (wd:Q97602082[""Geographie ohne Grenzen""]) (wd:Q97602083[""Philatelic Club Hannover""]) (wd:Q97668332[""Freunde und Förderer des Kölnischen Brauchtums""]) (wd:Q97669401[""Sixteen Tons Arbat""]) (wd:Q97670928[""Sartre-Gesellschaft""]) (wd:Q97699809[""Tumorzentrum Aachen""]) (wd:Q97960875[""Bristol West India Association""]) (wd:Q97961710[""Balfour-Browne Club""]) (wd:Q98013286[""Neue Stärke Erfurt""]) (wd:Q98057099[""World Association for Chinese Studies""]) (wd:Q98137619[""Whistleblower-Netzwerk""]) (wd:Q98142300[""Grundeigentümerverein Berlin-Lichtenrade e.V.""]) (wd:Q98153035[""Ultimate Akademie""]) (wd:Q98155618[""The Bohemians""]) (wd:Q98277906[""Waseda University Go Club""]) (wd:Q98277946[""Barnard College Botanical Club""]) (wd:Q98284884[""Unabhängige Wählergemeinschaft Reinhardshagen e.V.""]) (wd:Q98385842[""Römerstraße Neckar-Alb-Aare""]) (wd:Q98392314[""Max-Baumann-Gesellschaft""]) (wd:Q98416691[LABEL_NOT_FOUND]) (wd:Q98456627[""Förderkreis Alte Kirchen Berlin-Brandenburg""]) (wd:Q98511877[""Dicimus Club""]) (wd:Q98518127[""Toronto Medical Historical Club (TMHC)""]) (wd:Q98518304[""Madawaska Club""]) (wd:Q98522581[""Creativ Club Austria""]) (wd:Q98523592[""Athenäum – Verein für die Abhaltung von wissenschaftlichen Lehrkursen für Frauen und Mädchen, Wien""]) (wd:Q98523602[""Gesellschaft für erweiterte Frauenbildung und -berufe, Baden""]) (wd:Q98523603[""Gustav-Adolf-Frauenverein, Graz""]) (wd:Q98523601[""Frauenerwerbverein, Brünn""]) (wd:Q98523606[""Erzherzogin Marie-Valerie-Kinderspitalsverein, Salzburg""]) (wd:Q98523607[""Verein Katholische Arbeiterinnen Dornbirn""]) (wd:Q98523605[""Österreichischer Reichsbund christlicher Frauen""]) (wd:Q98523610[""Bund abstinenter Frauen in Österreich""]) (wd:Q98523611[""Katholische Frauenorganisation für Oberösterreich""]) (wd:Q98523609[""Christlicher Wiener Frauenbund""]) (wd:Q98523614[""Arbeiterinnen-Bildungsverein, Wien""]) (wd:Q98523615[""Reichsverband christlicher Hausgehilfinnen""]) (wd:Q98523613[""Verein katholischer weiblicher Angestellter, Salzburg""]) (wd:Q98523618[""Verein für Fraueninteressen, Linz-Urfahr""]) (wd:Q98523619[""Frauenwohltätigkeitsverein für Wien und Umgebung""]) (wd:Q98523616[""Zentralstelle für Frauenpropaganda, KPÖ""]) (wd:Q98523617[""Verein der katholischen Hausgehilfinnen Salzburg""]) (wd:Q98523622[""Christlicher Verein zur Förderung der Frauenbildung""]) (wd:Q98523623[""Österreichische Liga zur Bekämpfung des Mädchenhandels""]) (wd:Q98523620[""Verein Wiener Handelsakademie für Mädchen zur Förderung der höheren kommerziellen Frauenbildung""]) (wd:Q98523621[""Neuer Frauenklub, Wien""]) (wd:Q98523626[""Verein für Fraueninteressen, Troppau""]) (wd:Q98523627[""Verein der Heim- und Hausarbeiterinnen""]) (wd:Q98523624[""Einigkeit - Verband der Hausgehilfinnen, Erzieherinnen, Heim- und Hausarbeiterinnen Österreichs""]) (wd:Q98523625[""Sanct Ludmila-Frauen-Verein, Prag""]) (wd:Q98523630[""Zentralstelle für weibliche Berufsberatung""]) (wd:Q98523631[""Verein der Beamtinnen und Hilfsbeamtinnen der Wiener Städtischen Straßenbahnen""]) (wd:Q98523629[""Verein für erweiterte Frauenbildung""]) (wd:Q98523634[""Verein zur Abhaltung akademischer Vorträge für Damen""]) (wd:Q98523632[""Unterstützungsverein für Hebammen""]) (wd:Q98523638[""Schulverein für Beamtentöchter""]) (wd:Q98523639[""Verein der Industrielehrerinnen und der Lehrerinnen der französischen Sprache in Österreich""]) (wd:Q98523636[""Frauenverein zur Unterstützung der evangelischen Mädchenschule, Hermannstadt""]) (wd:Q98523637[""Verein zur Gründung und Erhaltung eines Heimes für katholische Lehrerinnen, Wien""]) (wd:Q98523642[""Verein Kunstschule für Frauen und Mädchen, Wien""]) (wd:Q98523640[""Katholische Frauenorganisation für Niederösterreich""]) (wd:Q98523644[""Evangelischer Frauenverein zur Gustav-Adolf-Stiftung, Wiener Neustadt""]) (wd:Q98523651[""Frauenzentralkomitee der SDAPÖ""]) (wd:Q22674044[""The Frederick Hotel""]) (wd:Q22695992[""London Hotel""]) (wd:Q22713751[""Resorts World Birmingham""]) (wd:Q22922501[""Hôtel de Londres""]) (wd:Q22954415[""Hakodate-Onuma Prince Hotel""]) (wd:Q22956395[""Laugesens Have""]) (wd:Q22963292[""Ancienne hôtellerie de l'escu de Bretaigne""]) (wd:Q22966012[LABEL_NOT_FOUND]) (wd:Q22979581[LABEL_NOT_FOUND]) (wd:Q22981476[""Hotel Casa Amsterdam""]) (wd:Q22994281[""Hôtellerie de Sainte-Catherine""]) (wd:Q23301483[""Milestone Hotel""]) (wd:Q23727093[""Stare Kino Hotel""]) (wd:Q24041385[""Hotel Freiderica""]) (wd:Q24061680[""Iowan's Hotel""]) (wd:Q24061883[""Lindell Hotel""]) (wd:Q24061888[""Klondike Hotel""]) (wd:Q24191164[""Aspotogan Sea Spa""]) (wd:Q24341742[""InterContinental Hotel""]) (wd:Q24435721[""Antlers Hotel""]) (wd:Q24576328[""Flora""]) (wd:Q24693576[""Lucky Dragon Hotel and Casino""]) (wd:Q24698783[LABEL_NOT_FOUND]) (wd:Q24946205[""24 Rynek in Jarocin""]) } { OPTIONAL { ?company p:P159[""headquarters location""] ?hqLS. OPTIONAL { ?hqLS pq:P281[""postal code""] ?hqPostalCode. } OPTIONAL { ?hqLS pq:P6375[""street address""] ?hqStreet. } OPTIONAL { ?hqLS pq:P969[""street address (DEPRECATED)""] ?hqStreetDep. } #todo: located on street (P669) OPTIONAL { ?hqLS ps:P159[""headquarters location""] ?hq. } OPTIONAL { ?hqLS pqv:P625[""coordinate location""] ?c. ?c wikibase:geoLongitude ?hqlon. ?c wikibase:geoLatitude ?hqlat. } } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P946[""ISIN""] ?ISIN. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P1278[""Legal Entity Identifier""] ?legalEntityIdentifier. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P1320[""OpenCorporates ID""] ?openCorporatesID. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P2391[""OKPO ID""] ?OKPO_ID. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P2619[""Hungarian company ID""] ?hungarianCompanyID. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P2622[""Companies House ID""] ?companiesHouseID. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P2628[""German tax authority ID""] ?germanTaxAuthorityID. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P2657[""EU Transparency Register ID""] ?EUTransparencyRegisterID. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P2771[""D-U-N-S number""] ?DUNSnumber. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P2814[""P-number""] ?danishP_number. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P3193[""GS1 Manufacturer code""] ?GS1code. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P3206[""data.gouv.fr organisation ID""] ?dataGouvFrOrganizationID. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P3347[""PermID""] ?permID. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P3377[""Bloomberg company ID""] ?bloombergCompanyID. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P3548[""Australian Business Number""] ?australianBusinessNumber. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P3549[""Australian Company Number""] ?australianCompanyNumber. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P3551[""Australian Registered Body Number""] ?australianRegisteredBodyNumber. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P4156[""Czech Registration ID""] ?czechRegistrationID. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P5285[""Firmenbuchnummer""] ?austrianFirmenbuchnummer. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P5651[""Expedia hotel ID""] ?expediaHotelID. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P1128[""employees""] ?companySize. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P1454[""legal form""] ?legalForm. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P2167[""UNSPSC Code""] ?UNSPSCCode. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P749[""parent organization""] ?parent. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P571[""inception""] ?inception. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P127[""owned by""] ?ownedBy. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P1448[""official name""] ?legalName. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P6375[""street address""] ?streetAddress. } OPTIONAL { ?company wdt:P5531[""Central Index Key""] ?centralIndexKey. } } UNION { ?company p:P414[""stock exchange""] ?exchangeStm. OPTIONAL { ?exchangeStm pq:P249[""ticker symbol""] ?t. } ?exchangeStm ps:P414[""stock exchange""] ?e. ?e rdfs:label ?l FILTER (LANG(?l) = ""en"") BIND(IF (BOUND(?t), CONCAT(?l, "":"", ?t), ?l) as ?extckr). } UNION { ?company wdt:P1830[""owner of""] ?ownerOf. } UNION { ?company wdt:P452[""industry""] ?industry. } UNION { ?company wdt:P856[""official website""] ?website. } UNION { ?company wdt:P17[""country""] ?country. } UNION { ?company wdt:P355[""subsidiary""] ?subsidiary. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""en"". } } " "(project (?company ?companyLabel ?countryLabel ?ownerOf ?industryLabel ?hqLabel ?hqPostalCode ?hqStreet ?hqStreetDep ?hqlon ?hqlat ?extckr ?legalFormLabel ?parent ?ownedBy ?ISIN ?legalEntityIdentifier ?openCorporatesID ?OKPO_ID ?hungarianCompanyID ?companiesHouseID ?germanTaxAuthorityID ?EUTransparencyRegisterID ?DUNSnumber ?danishP_number ?GS1code ?dataGouvFrOrganizationID ?permID ?bloombergCompanyID ?australianBusinessNumber ?australianCompanyNumber ?australianRegisteredBodyNumber ?czechRegistrationID ?austrianFirmenbuchnummer ?expediaHotelID ?centralIndexKey ?companySize ?UNSPSCCode ?inception ?legalName ?streetAddress ?website ?subsidiary) (join (join (table (vars ?company) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row [?company ]) (row 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?EUTransparencyRegisterID))) (bgp (triple ?company ?DUNSnumber))) (bgp (triple ?company ?danishP_number))) (bgp (triple ?company ?GS1code))) (bgp (triple ?company ?dataGouvFrOrganizationID))) (bgp (triple ?company ?permID))) (bgp (triple ?company ?bloombergCompanyID))) (bgp (triple ?company ?australianBusinessNumber))) (bgp (triple ?company ?australianCompanyNumber))) (bgp (triple ?company ?australianRegisteredBodyNumber))) (bgp (triple ?company ?czechRegistrationID))) (bgp (triple ?company ?austrianFirmenbuchnummer))) (bgp (triple ?company ?expediaHotelID))) (bgp (triple ?company ?companySize))) (bgp (triple ?company ?legalForm))) (bgp (triple ?company ?UNSPSCCode))) (bgp (triple ?company ?parent))) (bgp (triple ?company ?inception))) (bgp (triple ?company ?ownedBy))) (bgp (triple ?company ?legalName))) (bgp (triple ?company ?streetAddress))) (bgp (triple ?company ?centralIndexKey))) (filter (= (lang ?l) ""en"") (extend ((?extckr (if (bound ?t) (concat ?l "":"" ?t) ?l))) (join (leftjoin (bgp (triple ?company ?exchangeStm)) (bgp (triple ?exchangeStm ?t))) (bgp (triple ?exchangeStm ?e) (triple ?e ?l) ))))) (bgp (triple ?company ?ownerOf))) (bgp (triple ?company ?industry))) (bgp (triple ?company ?website))) (bgp (triple ?company ?country))) (bgp (triple ?company ?subsidiary)))) (service (bgp (triple ""en""))))) " "bd: 1 ps: 2 pq: 5 rdfs: 1 p: 2 wd: 100 wdt: 34 wikibase: 3" "NODE_URI[wd:Q98523624/""Einigkeit - Verband der Hausgehilfinnen, Erzieherinnen, Heim- und Hausarbeiterinnen Österreichs""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q22674044/""The Frederick Hotel""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q97669401/""Sixteen Tons Arbat""]: 1 NODE_VAR[czechRegistrationID]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P452/""industry""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q97409111/""Toronto Travel Club""]: 1 NODE_VAR[company]: 36 NODE_VAR[EUTransparencyRegisterID]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523607/""Verein Katholische Arbeiterinnen Dornbirn""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P4156/""Czech Registration ID""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523642/""Verein Kunstschule für Frauen und Mädchen, Wien""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q22922501/""Hôtel de Londres""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98277946/""Barnard College Botanical Club""]: 1 NODE_VAR[inception]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P3377/""Bloomberg company ID""]: 1 NODE_VAR[ownedBy]: 1 NODE_VAR[c]: 3 NODE_URI[wdt:P17/""country""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P2391/""OKPO ID""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q24041385/""Hotel Freiderica""]: 1 NODE_VAR[streetAddress]: 1 NODE_URI[p:P414/""stock exchange""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q24698783/LABEL_NOT_FOUND]: 1 NODE_VAR[DUNSnumber]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523610/""Bund abstinenter Frauen in Österreich""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P127/""owned by""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523632/""Unterstützungsverein für Hebammen""]: 1 NODE_URI[pq:value/P625]: 1 NODE_VAR[hqPostalCode]: 1 NODE_VAR[industry]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523609/""Christlicher Wiener Frauenbund""]: 1 NODE_VAR[l]: 2 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523602/""Gesellschaft für erweiterte Frauenbildung und -berufe, Baden""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q22713751/""Resorts World Birmingham""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P2619/""Hungarian company ID""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523620/""Verein Wiener Handelsakademie für Mädchen zur Förderung der höheren kommerziellen Frauenbildung""]: 1 NODE_VAR[australianCompanyNumber]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P5285/""Firmenbuchnummer""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P856/""official website""]: 1 NODE_URI[wikibase:geoLongitude]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[en]: 2 NODE_URI[wd:Q24341742/""InterContinental Hotel""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523616/""Zentralstelle für Frauenpropaganda, KPÖ""]: 1 NODE_URI[ps:P414/""stock exchange""]: 1 NODE_VAR[bloombergCompanyID]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q97577682/LABEL_NOT_FOUND]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98137619/""Whistleblower-Netzwerk""]: 1 NODE_VAR[ISIN]: 1 NODE_VAR[dataGouvFrOrganizationID]: 1 NODE_URI[pq:P969/""street address (DEPRECATED)""]: 1 NODE_VAR[e]: 2 NODE_URI[wd:Q97602082/""Geographie ohne Grenzen""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523634/""Verein zur Abhaltung akademischer Vorträge für Damen""]: 1 NODE_VAR[openCorporatesID]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P5531/""Central Index Key""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P5651/""Expedia hotel ID""]: 1 NODE_URI[pq:P281/""postal code""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523639/""Verein der Industrielehrerinnen und der Lehrerinnen der französischen Sprache in Österreich""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523622/""Christlicher Verein zur Förderung der Frauenbildung""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P2814/""P-number""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q23301483/""Milestone Hotel""]: 1 NODE_VAR[companiesHouseID]: 1 NODE_VAR[website]: 1 NODE_VAR[permID]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q24693576/""Lucky Dragon Hotel and Casino""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q97443226/""Arbeitsgemeinschaft für produktive Flüchtlingshilfe""]: 1 NODE_VAR[hqStreet]: 1 NODE_VAR[hqlon]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q24061680/""Iowan's Hotel""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98518127/""Toronto Medical Historical Club (TMHC)""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P3193/""GS1 Manufacturer code""]: 1 NODE_VAR[hqStreetDep]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523623/""Österreichische Liga zur Bekämpfung des Mädchenhandels""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98155618/""The Bohemians""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523605/""Österreichischer Reichsbund christlicher Frauen""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98522581/""Creativ Club Austria""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523626/""Verein für Fraueninteressen, Troppau""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q97440668/""Club Vela Camogli""]: 1 NODE_VAR[parent]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P355/""subsidiary""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98456627/""Förderkreis Alte Kirchen Berlin-Brandenburg""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523619/""Frauenwohltätigkeitsverein für Wien und Umgebung""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523637/""Verein zur Gründung und Erhaltung eines Heimes für katholische Lehrerinnen, Wien""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q97960875/""Bristol West India Association""]: 1 NODE_URI[pq:P249/""ticker symbol""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q97670928/""Sartre-Gesellschaft""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P1320/""OpenCorporates ID""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q22981476/""Hotel Casa Amsterdam""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q22994281/""Hôtellerie de Sainte-Catherine""]: 1 NODE_VAR[companySize]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P3549/""Australian Company Number""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P3548/""Australian Business Number""]: 1 NODE_VAR[hqLS]: 6 NODE_URI[wd:Q97408730/""Association of Kinsmen Clubs""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P2657/""EU Transparency Register ID""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P2628/""German tax authority ID""]: 1 NODE_VAR[centralIndexKey]: 1 NODE_VAR[subsidiary]: 1 NODE_VAR[ownerOf]: 1 NODE_URI[wikibase:language]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523630/""Zentralstelle für weibliche Berufsberatung""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q22979581/LABEL_NOT_FOUND]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q97409072/""Toronto Focal Forum""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q23727093/""Stare Kino Hotel""]: 1 NODE_URI[wikibase:geoLatitude]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98385842/""Römerstraße Neckar-Alb-Aare""]: 1 NODE_VAR[hungarianCompanyID]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P2771/""D-U-N-S number""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q97578854/""Clube de Choro de Brasília""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q24576328/""Flora""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P1128/""employees""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523625/""Sanct Ludmila-Frauen-Verein, Prag""]: 1 NODE_URI[rdfs:label]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523627/""Verein der Heim- und Hausarbeiterinnen""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P1454/""legal form""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q22966012/LABEL_NOT_FOUND]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q22963292/""Ancienne hôtellerie de l'escu de Bretaigne""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98277906/""Waseda University Go Club""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98284884/""Unabhängige Wählergemeinschaft Reinhardshagen e.V.""]: 1 NODE_VAR[hqlat]: 1 NODE_VAR[OKPO_ID]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q97409068/""Samaritan Club of Toronto""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523629/""Verein für erweiterte Frauenbildung""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98013286/""Neue Stärke Erfurt""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P3206/""data.gouv.fr organisation ID""]: 1 NODE_VAR[australianRegisteredBodyNumber]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98392314/""Max-Baumann-Gesellschaft""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523631/""Verein der Beamtinnen und Hilfsbeamtinnen der Wiener Städtischen Straßenbahnen""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q22954415/""Hakodate-Onuma Prince Hotel""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523592/""Athenäum – Verein für die Abhaltung von wissenschaftlichen Lehrkursen für Frauen und Mädchen, Wien""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523611/""Katholische Frauenorganisation für Oberösterreich""]: 1 NODE_URI[pq:P6375/""street address""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P2167/""UNSPSC Code""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q97699809/""Tumorzentrum Aachen""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523601/""Frauenerwerbverein, Brünn""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98153035/""Ultimate Akademie""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P1830/""owner of""]: 1 NODE_VAR[germanTaxAuthorityID]: 1 NODE_VAR[t]: 1 NODE_VAR[australianBusinessNumber]: 1 NODE_URI[p:P159/""headquarters location""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523636/""Frauenverein zur Unterstützung der evangelischen Mädchenschule, Hermannstadt""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P3347/""PermID""]: 1 NODE_VAR[austrianFirmenbuchnummer]: 1 NODE_VAR[danishP_number]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q24061883/""Lindell Hotel""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q22695992/""London Hotel""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523603/""Gustav-Adolf-Frauenverein, Graz""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q24061888/""Klondike Hotel""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523617/""Verein der katholischen Hausgehilfinnen Salzburg""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q97602083/""Philatelic Club Hannover""]: 1 NODE_VAR[UNSPSCCode]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P1448/""official name""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98057099/""World Association for Chinese Studies""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q97961710/""Balfour-Browne Club""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q24191164/""Aspotogan Sea Spa""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q97502284/""Feldmusik Strättligen""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523621/""Neuer Frauenklub, Wien""]: 1 NODE_VAR[legalEntityIdentifier]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P2622/""Companies House ID""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q24946205/""24 Rynek in Jarocin""]: 1 NODE_VAR[GS1code]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523644/""Evangelischer Frauenverein zur Gustav-Adolf-Stiftung, Wiener Neustadt""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98518304/""Madawaska Club""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P571/""inception""]: 1 NODE_URI[ps:P159/""headquarters location""]: 1 NODE_VAR[country]: 1 NODE_URI[bd:serviceParam]: 1 NODE_VAR[expediaHotelID]: 1 NODE_VAR[legalForm]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523638/""Schulverein für Beamtentöchter""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98416691/LABEL_NOT_FOUND]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q97408824/""ARMA Toronto Chapter""]: 1 NODE_VAR[exchangeStm]: 3 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523606/""Erzherzogin Marie-Valerie-Kinderspitalsverein, Salzburg""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523613/""Verein katholischer weiblicher Angestellter, Salzburg""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P3551/""Australian Registered Body Number""]: 1 NODE_VAR[hq]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98511877/""Dicimus Club""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98142300/""Grundeigentümerverein Berlin-Lichtenrade e.V.""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P1278/""Legal Entity Identifier""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q97500817/""Casal Popular de Castelló""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523618/""Verein für Fraueninteressen, Linz-Urfahr""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P749/""parent organization""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q24435721/""Antlers Hotel""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523651/""Frauenzentralkomitee der SDAPÖ""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q97409066/""Toronto Camera Club""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q97409113/""Women's Canadian Club of Toronto""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523640/""Katholische Frauenorganisation für Niederösterreich""]: 1 NODE_VAR[legalName]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P946/""ISIN""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P6375/""street address""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q97668332/""Freunde und Förderer des Kölnischen Brauchtums""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q22956395/""Laugesens Have""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523614/""Arbeiterinnen-Bildungsverein, Wien""]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q98523615/""Reichsverband christlicher Hausgehilfinnen""]: 1" "extend: 1 bgp: 44 join: 3 service: 1 project: 1 union: 6 filter: 1 table: 2 leftjoin: 36" "9ef45530-7632-4038-9373-d88405c2b2c6" " PREFIX xsd: PREFIX schema: SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?IMDb_ID ?Freebase_ID ?sitelink ?publication_dateLabel ?genreLabel ?country_of_originLabel ?original_language_of_workLabel ?number_of_seasons ?number_of_episodes ?start_time WHERE { ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424. SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"". } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P345 ?IMDb_ID. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P646 ?Freebase_ID. } ?sitelink schema:about ?item. ?sitelink schema:inLanguage ""de"". ?sitelink schema:isPartOf . OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P577 ?publication_date. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P136 ?genre. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P495 ?country_of_origin. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P364 ?original_language_of_work. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P2437 ?number_of_seasons. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1113 ?number_of_episodes. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P580 ?start_time. } #FILTER(BOUND(?IMDb_ID)) ## filter anything that has an IMDB # FILTER(BOUND(?publication_date)) FILTER((?publication_date >= ""2014-01-01T00:00:00Z""^^xsd:dateTime) && (?publication_date <= ""2014-06-30T00:00:00Z""^^xsd:dateTime)||(?start_time >= ""2014-01-01T00:00:00Z""^^xsd:dateTime) && (?start_time <= ""2014-06-30T00:00:00Z""^^xsd:dateTime)) } " " PREFIX xsd: PREFIX schema: SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?IMDb_ID ?Freebase_ID ?sitelink ?publication_dateLabel ?genreLabel ?country_of_originLabel ?original_language_of_workLabel ?number_of_seasons ?number_of_episodes ?start_time WHERE { ?item wdt:P31[""instance of""]/wdt:P279[""subclass of""]* wd:Q11424[""film""]. SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language ""[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"". } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P345[""IMDb ID""] ?IMDb_ID. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P646[""Freebase ID""] ?Freebase_ID. } ?sitelink schema:about ?item. ?sitelink schema:inLanguage ""de"". ?sitelink schema:isPartOf . OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P577[""publication date""] ?publication_date. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P136[""genre""] ?genre. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P495[""country of origin""] ?country_of_origin. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P364[""original language of film or TV show""] ?original_language_of_work. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P2437[""number of seasons""] ?number_of_seasons. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1113[""number of episodes""] ?number_of_episodes. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P580[""start time""] ?start_time. } #FILTER(BOUND(?IMDb_ID)) ## filter anything that has an IMDB # FILTER(BOUND(?publication_date)) FILTER((?publication_date >= ""2014-01-01T00:00:00Z""^^xsd:dateTime) && (?publication_date <= ""2014-06-30T00:00:00Z""^^xsd:dateTime)||(?start_time >= ""2014-01-01T00:00:00Z""^^xsd:dateTime) && (?start_time <= ""2014-06-30T00:00:00Z""^^xsd:dateTime)) } " "(distinct (project (?item ?IMDb_ID ?Freebase_ID ?sitelink ?publication_dateLabel ?genreLabel ?country_of_originLabel ?original_language_of_workLabel ?number_of_seasons ?number_of_episodes ?start_time) (filter (|| (&& (>= ?publication_date ""2014-01-01T00:00:00Z""^^) (<= ?publication_date ""2014-06-30T00:00:00Z""^^)) (&& (>= ?start_time ""2014-01-01T00:00:00Z""^^) (<= ?start_time ""2014-06-30T00:00:00Z""^^))) (leftjoin (leftjoin (leftjoin (leftjoin (leftjoin (leftjoin (leftjoin (join (leftjoin (leftjoin (join (path ?item (seq (path* )) ) (service (bgp (triple ""[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"")))) (bgp (triple ?item ?IMDb_ID))) (bgp (triple ?item ?Freebase_ID))) (bgp (triple ?sitelink ?item) (triple ?sitelink ""de"") (triple ?sitelink ) )) (bgp (triple ?item ?publication_date))) (bgp (triple ?item ?genre))) (bgp (triple ?item ?country_of_origin))) (bgp (triple ?item ?original_language_of_work))) (bgp (triple ?item ?number_of_seasons))) (bgp (triple ?item ?number_of_episodes))) (bgp (triple ?item ?start_time)))))) " "bd: 1 wd: 1 wdt: 11 https: 1 wikibase: 1 schema: 3" "NODE_URI[schema:isPartOf]: 1 NODE_VAR[IMDb_ID]: 1 NODE_VAR[start_time]: 3 NODE_VAR[publication_date]: 3 NODE_URI[wdt:P31/""instance of""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P279/""subclass of""]: 1 NODE_VAR[country_of_origin]: 1 NODE_VAR[sitelink]: 3 NODE_VAR[number_of_episodes]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P136/""genre""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P577/""publication date""]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[de]: 1 NODE_VAR[Freebase_ID]: 1 NODE_VAR[number_of_seasons]: 1 NODE_VAR[genre]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q11424/""film""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P2437/""number of seasons""]: 1 NODE_URI[bd:serviceParam]: 1 NODE_URI[schema:about]: 1 NODE_URI[https://de.wikipedia.org/]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P1113/""number of episodes""]: 1 NODE_VAR[item]: 11 NODE_URI[schema:inLanguage]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[2014-06-30T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime]: 2 NODE_VAR[original_language_of_work]: 1 NODE_URI[wikibase:language]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P646/""Freebase ID""]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P345/""IMDb ID""]: 1 NODE_LITERAL[2014-01-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime]: 2 NODE_URI[wdt:P580/""start time""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P495/""country of origin""]: 1 NODE_URI[wdt:P364/""original language of film or TV show""]: 1" "project: 1 join: 2 service: 1 distinct: 1 filter: 1 path: 1 bgp: 11 leftjoin: 9" "76f27321-d6b6-4d5e-9771-1cb360e846be" "SELECT ?pname ?o ?olabel WHERE { { wd:Q24037320 ?directClaimP ?o . # Get the truthy triples. ?p wikibase:directClaim ?directClaimP . # Find the Wikibase properties linked ?p rdfs:label ?pname . # to the truthy triples' predicates FILTER ( lang(?pname) = ""en"" ) # and their labels, in English. OPTIONAL { ?o rdfs:label ?olabel FILTER ( lang(?olabel) = ""en"" ) } } UNION { wd:Q24037320 schema:description ?olabel FILTER ( lang(?olabel) = ""en"" ) BIND('_description' AS ?pname) } UNION { wd:Q24037320 rdfs:label ?olabel FILTER ( lang(?olabel) = ""en"" ) BIND('_name' AS ?pname) } }" "SELECT ?pname ?o ?olabel WHERE { { wd:Q24037320[""Julun Yeti Reshimgathi""] ?directClaimP ?o . # Get the truthy triples. ?p wikibase:directClaim ?directClaimP . # Find the Wikibase properties linked ?p rdfs:label ?pname . # to the truthy triples' predicates FILTER ( lang(?pname) = ""en"" ) # and their labels, in English. OPTIONAL { ?o rdfs:label ?olabel FILTER ( lang(?olabel) = ""en"" ) } } UNION { wd:Q24037320[""Julun Yeti Reshimgathi""] schema:description ?olabel FILTER ( lang(?olabel) = ""en"" ) BIND('_description' AS ?pname) } UNION { wd:Q24037320[""Julun Yeti Reshimgathi""] rdfs:label ?olabel FILTER ( lang(?olabel) = ""en"" ) BIND('_name' AS ?pname) } }" "(project (?pname ?o ?olabel) (union (union (filter (= (lang ?pname) ""en"") (leftjoin (bgp (triple ?directClaimP ?o) (triple ?p ?directClaimP) (triple ?p ?pname) ) (bgp (triple ?o ?olabel)) (= (lang ?olabel) ""en""))) (filter (= (lang ?olabel) ""en"") (extend ((?pname ""_description"")) (bgp (triple ?olabel))))) (filter (= (lang ?olabel) ""en"") (extend ((?pname ""_name"")) (bgp (triple ?olabel)))))) " "schema: 1 wikibase: 1 wd: 3 rdfs: 3" "NODE_VAR[p]: 2 NODE_VAR[directClaimP]: 2 NODE_URI[rdfs:label]: 3 NODE_LITERAL[en]: 3 NODE_URI[schema:description]: 1 NODE_URI[wikibase:directClaim]: 1 NODE_URI[wd:Q24037320/""Julun Yeti Reshimgathi""]: 3 NODE_VAR[olabel]: 5 NODE_VAR[pname]: 2 NODE_VAR[o]: 2" "bgp: 4 extend: 2 project: 1 union: 2 filter: 3 leftjoin: 1" "538da57d-3f45-4233-9b9a-ad312e82b0cd" " ASK{ ?x ?y ?z }" " ASK{ ?x ?y ?z }" "(bgp (triple ?x ?y ?z)) " "" "NODE_VAR[y]: 1 NODE_VAR[z]: 1 NODE_VAR[x]: 1" "bgp: 1"