-- Postgres Version -- author: Sebastian Fiedler -- date: 2013-11-29 -- https://github.com/svn2github/wikia/blob/master/extensions/RandomFeaturedUser/ CREATE TABLE mediawiki.user_points_archive ( up_id serial NOT NULL, up_period integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, up_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, up_user_id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, up_user_name character varying(255) NOT NULL, up_points double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 0::double precision, CONSTRAINT user_points_archive_pkey PRIMARY KEY (up_id ) ); ALTER TABLE mediawiki.user_points_archive OWNER TO wikiuser; CREATE INDEX up_user_id_archive ON mediawiki.user_points_archive USING btree (up_user_id ); CREATE TABLE mediawiki.user_points_monthly ( up_id serial NOT NULL, up_user_id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, up_user_name character varying(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::character varying, up_points double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 0::double precision, CONSTRAINT user_points_monthly_pkey PRIMARY KEY (up_id ) ); ALTER TABLE mediawiki.user_points_monthly OWNER TO wikiuser; CREATE INDEX up_user_id_mon ON mediawiki.user_points_monthly USING btree (up_user_id ); CREATE TABLE mediawiki.user_points_weekly ( up_id serial NOT NULL, up_user_id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, up_user_name character varying(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::character varying, up_points double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 0::double precision, CONSTRAINT user_points_weekly_pkey PRIMARY KEY (up_id ) ); ALTER TABLE mediawiki.user_points_weekly OWNER TO wikiuser; CREATE INDEX up_user_id ON mediawiki.user_points_weekly USING btree (up_user_id ); -- part of http://pgfoundry.org/projects/mysqlcompat/ CREATE FUNCTION mediawiki.ifnull(anyelement, anyelement) RETURNS anyelement AS $BODY$ SELECT COALESCE($1, $2) $BODY$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE COST 100; ALTER FUNCTION mediawiki.ifnull(anyelement, anyelement) OWNER TO wikiuser;