#!/usr/bin/env Rscript .libPaths("/a/discovery/r-library") # Check dependencies: dependencies <- c( # Essentials: "devtools", "testthat", "Rcpp", "tidyverse", "data.table", "plyr", "optparse", "yaml", "data.tree", "knitr", # For forecasting modules: "bsts", "forecast", # For querying, etc.: "ISOcodes", "uaparser", "ortiz", "wmf", "polloi" ) installed <- as.data.frame(installed.packages(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) if (any(!dependencies %in% unname(installed$Package))) { stop("The following R package(s) are required but are missing: ", paste0(dependencies[!dependencies %in% installed$Package], collapse = ", ")) } suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(optparse)) option_list <- list( make_option("--start_date", default = as.character(Sys.Date()-1, "%Y-%m-%d"), action = "store", type = "character"), make_option("--end_date", default = as.character(Sys.Date(), "%Y-%m-%d"), action = "store", type = "character"), make_option("--omit_times", default = FALSE, action = "store_true", help = "Do not include a table of execution times in addition to basic statistics"), make_option("--include_samples", default = FALSE, action = "store_true", help = "Whether to print head & tail of existing datasets"), make_option("--disable_forecasts", default = TRUE, action = "store_true", help = "Skip forecasting modules to make the test run shorter"), make_option("--update_packages", default = FALSE, action = "store_true", help = paste("Update dependencies in", .libPaths()[1])) ) # Get command line options, if help option encountered print help and exit, # otherwise if options not found on command line then set defaults: opt <- parse_args(OptionParser(option_list = option_list)) if (opt$update_packages) { withr::with_libpaths("/a/discovery/r-library", devtools::update_packages(dependencies)) library("uaparser", lib.loc = "/a/discovery/r-library") update_regexes() q(save = "no") } # Other packages used: suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(lubridate)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(knitr)) # Build a table of modules and reports within them: config_yamls <- list.files(pattern = "^config\\.yaml$", recursive = TRUE) names(config_yamls) <- sub("modules/", "", dirname(config_yamls), fixed = TRUE) reports <- dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(config_yamls, function(path) { config_yaml <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(data.tree::as.Node(yaml::yaml.load_file(path)))) reports <- data.tree::ToDataFrameTable(config_yaml[["reports"]], "report" = "name", "type", "funnel", "max_data_points", "description") reports$path = paste0(file.path(dirname(path), reports$report), ifelse(reports$type == "sql", ".sql", "")) return(reports) }), .id = "module") # Give preference to metrics over forecasts, SQL reports over script-type reports: reports <- reports[order(sub("^(forecasts|metrics)/.*$", "\\1", reports$module), sub("^(forecasts|metrics)/(.*)$", "\\2", reports$module), reports$type, reports$report, decreasing = TRUE), ] if (opt$disable_forecasts) { reports <- reports[!grepl("forecasts/", reports$module, fixed = TRUE), ] } elapsed_total <- numeric(nrow(reports)) rownames(reports) <- NULL # Execute the reports the way update_reports.py would, but without checking for missingness and without writing data to files: message("# Test Run\n\n## Parameters") print(kable(dplyr::bind_cols(opt), format = "markdown")) used_pkgs <- installed[installed$Package %in% dependencies, c("Package", "Version")] message("\n## Dependencies\n\nUsing the following packages from **", .libPaths()[1], "**: ", paste0(paste0(used_pkgs$Package, " (", used_pkgs$Version, ")"), collapse = ", ")) message("\n## Reports") for (i in 1:nrow(reports)) { message("\n### Report ", i, " of ", nrow(reports), "\n") if (!is.na(reports$description[i])) { message("_", reports$description[i], "_\n") } if (!is.na(reports$funnel[i]) && reports$funnel[i]) { message("**Note**: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.\n") } else { message("**Note**: this report is configured to have one row per day.\n") } if (!is.na(reports$max_data_points[i])) { message("**Note**: this report is configured to be \"rolling\" -- ", reports$max_data_points[i], " maximum number of days allowed in the final dataset.\n") } message('1. Executing report "', reports$report[i], '" from the ', reports$module[i], ' module.') if (reports$type[i] == "script") { command <- paste("sh", reports$path[i], opt$start_date, opt$end_date) message("2. About to run the following command: `", command, "`") message("\n**Output**:\n\n```") elapsed <- system.time(system(command))["elapsed"] message("```") } else { message("2. Filling in the timestamp placeholders in the SQL query.") query <- paste0(gsub("{to_timestamp}", gsub("-", "", opt$end_date, fixed = TRUE), gsub("{from_timestamp}", gsub("-", "", opt$start_date, fixed = TRUE), readLines(reports$path[i]), fixed = TRUE), fixed = TRUE), collapse = "\n") message("3. About to run the following query:\n") message("```SQL\n", query, "\n```") elapsed <- system.time(tryCatch({ results <- suppressMessages(wmf::mysql_read(query, "log")) message("\n**Output**:\n\n```") write.table(results, file = "", append = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE) message("```") }, error = function(e) { warning("Encountered a problem: ", e) }))["elapsed"] } message("\nIt took ", tolower(seconds_to_period(ceiling(as.numeric(elapsed)))), " to generate this report.") elapsed_total[i] <- elapsed if (opt$include_samples) { if (grepl("forecasts", reports$module[i], fixed = TRUE)) { # ... } else { filename <- paste0(sub("modules/metrics/", "/a/aggregate-datasets/discovery/", reports$path[i], fixed = TRUE), ".tsv") if (file.exists(filename)) { message("\nSome of the existing data in **", filename, "**:\n\n```") system(paste("head -n 2", filename)) message("...") system(paste("tail -n 2", filename)) message("```") } else { message("\n", filename, " does not exist!") } } } } message("\n## Summary Statistics\n") reports$seconds_elapsed <- ceiling(elapsed_total) # otherwise seconds_to_period's output will be funky reports <- reports[order(elapsed_total, decreasing = FALSE), ] reports$time_elapsed <- tolower(seconds_to_period(reports$seconds_elapsed)) message("* It took ", tolower(seconds_to_period(ceiling(sum(elapsed_total)))), " overall to generate these ", nrow(reports), " reports.") message('* The quickest report took ', head(reports$time_elapsed, 1), ' and it was "', head(reports$report, 1), '" (', head(reports$type, 1), ') from the ', head(reports$module, 1), ' module.') message('* The slowest report took ', tail(reports$time_elapsed, 1), ' and it was "', tail(reports$report, 1), '" (', tail(reports$type, 1), ') from the ', tail(reports$module, 1), ' module.') message("* The median is ", tolower(seconds_to_period(ceiling(median(elapsed_total)))), " per report. The average is ", tolower(seconds_to_period(ceiling(mean(elapsed_total)))), " per report.") if (!opt$omit_times) { message("\nHere are this run's times:\n") print(kable(reports[, c("module", "report", "type", "time_elapsed")], format = "markdown", row.names = FALSE)) }