Expression 'target' always passes null check at this point because it is already checked at line 456 . packages/codex/src/components/tabs/Tabs.vue (456:20-456:26) CONSTANT_CONDITION */ select( tabName: string ): void { const target = this.tabsData.get( tabName ); if ( target && !target?.disabled ) { this.activeTab = tabName; This array is useless because added elements are never used. 5 minutes ago packages/codex-docs/docs/icons/AllIcons.vue (43:7-43:9) USELESS_ARRAY dirSpecific: boolean, langCode?: string, langLabel?: string }[] = []; for ( const iconName in allIcons ) { Condition 'value === ''' is always false. packages/codex-docs/component-demos/typeahead-search/examples/TypeaheadSearchWikidata.vue (61:19-61:31) CONSTANT_CONDITION currentSearchTerm.value = value; // Unset search results and the search footer URL if there is no value. if ( !value || value === '' ) { searchResults.value = []; Condition 'value === ''' is always false. packages/codex-docs/component-demos/lookup/examples/LookupWithFetch.vue (34:19-34:31) CONSTANT_CONDITION currentSearchTerm.value = value; // Do nothing if we have no input. if ( !value || value === '' ) { return; Condition 'value === ''' is always false. packages/codex-docs/component-demos/typeahead-search/examples/TypeaheadSearchPendingState.vue (80:19-80:31) CONSTANT_CONDITION currentSearchTerm.value = value; // Unset search results and the search footer URL if there is no value. if ( !value || value === '' ) { searchResults.value = []; Condition 'value === ''' is always false. packages/codex-docs/component-demos/typeahead-search/examples/TypeaheadSearchWikipedia.vue (64:19-64:31) CONSTANT_CONDITION currentSearchTerm.value = value; // Unset search results and the search footer URL if there is no value. if ( !value || value === '' ) { searchResults.value = []; Condition 'value === ''' is always false. packages/codex-docs/component-demos/typeahead-search/examples/TypeaheadSearchInitialValue.vue (55:19-55:31) CONSTANT_CONDITION function onInput( value: string ) { currentSearchTerm.value = value; if ( !value || value === '' ) { searchResults.value = [];