<?xml version="1.0"?>
<api servedby="mw1024">
  <error code="help" info="" xml:space="preserve">
  **                                                                                          **
  **                This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page                **
  **                                                                                          **
  **                               Documentation and Examples:                                **
  **                            https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API                            **
  **                                                                                          **
  Status:                All features shown on this page should be working, but the API
                         is still in active development, and may change at any time.
                         Make sure to monitor our mailing list for any updates.
  Erroneous requests:    When erroneous requests are sent to the API, a HTTP header will be sent
                         with the key "MediaWiki-API-Error" and then both the value of the
                         header and the error code sent back will be set to the same value.
                         In the case of an invalid action being passed, these will have a value
                         of "unknown_action".
                         For more information see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Errors_and_warnings
  Documentation:         https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Main_page
  FAQ                    https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:FAQ
  Mailing list:          https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-api
  Api Announcements:     https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-api-announce
  Bugs & Requests:       https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/buglist.cgi?component=API&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&order=bugs.delta_ts
  The ApiSandbox extension is installed on this wiki. It adds a graphical interface to interact with the MediaWiki API.
  It is helpful for new users, as it allows debugging API requests without any external tools.
  See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:ApiSandbox
  format              - The format of the output
                        One value: dbg, dbgfm, dump, dumpfm, json, jsonfm, none, php, phpfm, rawfm, txt, txtfm, wddx, wddxfm, xml,
                            xmlfm, yaml, yamlfm
                        Default: xmlfm
  action              - What action you would like to perform. See below for module help
                        One value: abusefiltercheckmatch, abusefilterchecksyntax, abusefilterevalexpression,
                            abusefilterunblockautopromote, addstudents, antispoof, block, centralauthtoken,
                            centralnoticeallocations, centralnoticequerycampaign, cirrus-config-dump, cirrus-mapping-dump,
                            cirrus-settings-dump, clearhasmsg, compare, createaccount, delete, deleteeducation,
                            deleteglobalaccount, echomarkread, edit, editmassmessagelist, emailuser, enlist, expandtemplates,
                            fancycaptchareload, featuredfeed, feedcontributions, feedrecentchanges, feedwatchlist, filerevert,
                            flagconfig, flow, flow-parsoid-utils, flowthank, globalblock, globaluserrights, help, imagerotate,
                            import, jsonconfig, languagesearch, liststudents, login, logout, massmessage, mobileview, move,
                            opensearch, options, pagetriageaction, pagetriagelist, pagetriagestats, pagetriagetagging,
                            pagetriagetemplate, paraminfo, parse, patrol, protect, purge, query, refresheducation, review,
                            reviewactivity, revisiondelete, rollback, rsd, scribunto-console, setglobalaccountstatus,
                            setnotificationtimestamp, sitematrix, spamblacklist, stabilize, templatedata, thank, titleblacklist,
                            tokens, transcodereset, ulslocalization, unblock, undelete, upload, userdailycontribs, userrights,
                            visualeditor, visualeditoredit, watch, wikilove, wikiloveimagelog, zeroconfig
                        Default: help
  maxlag              - Maximum lag can be used when MediaWiki is installed on a database replicated cluster.
                        To save actions causing any more site replication lag, this parameter can make the client
                        wait until the replication lag is less than the specified value.
                        In case of a replag error, error code "maxlag" is returned, with the message like
                        "Waiting for $host: $lag seconds lagged\n".
                        See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Maxlag_parameter for more information
  smaxage             - Set the s-maxage header to this many seconds. Errors are never cached
                        Default: 0
  maxage              - Set the max-age header to this many seconds. Errors are never cached
                        Default: 0
  assert              - Verify the user is logged in if set to "user", or has the bot userright if "bot"
                        One value: user, bot
  requestid           - Request ID to distinguish requests. This will just be output back to you
  servedby            - Include the hostname that served the request in the results. Unconditionally shown on error
  curtimestamp        - Include the current timestamp in the result.
  origin              - When accessing the API using a cross-domain AJAX request (CORS), set this to the
                        originating domain. This must be included in any pre-flight request, and
                        therefore must be part of the request URI (not the POST body). This must match
                        one of the origins in the Origin: header exactly, so it has to be set to 
                        something like http://en.wikipedia.org or https://meta.wikimedia.org . If this
                        parameter does not match the Origin: header, a 403 response will be returned. If
                        this parameter matches the Origin: header and the origin is whitelisted, an
                        Access-Control-Allow-Origin header will be set.
  centralauthtoken    - When accessing the API using a cross-domain AJAX request (CORS), use this to authenticate as the current SUL user.
                        Use action=centralauthtoken on this wiki to retrieve the token, before making the CORS request. Each token may only be used once, and expires after 10 seconds.
                        This should be included in any pre-flight request, and therefore should be included in the request URI (not the POST body).

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***  Modules  *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 

* action=login (lg) *
  Log in and get the authentication tokens.
  In the event of a successful log-in, a cookie will be attached to your session.
  In the event of a failed log-in, you will not be able to attempt another log-in
  through this method for 5 seconds. This is to prevent password guessing by
  automated password crackers.

This module only accepts POST requests
  lgname              - User Name
  lgpassword          - Password
  lgdomain            - Domain (optional)
  lgtoken             - Login token obtained in first request

* action=logout *
  Log out and clear session data.
  Log the current user out:

* action=createaccount *
  Create a new user account.

This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  name                - Username
                        This parameter is required
  password            - Password (ignored if mailpassword is set)
  domain              - Domain for external authentication (optional)
  token               - Account creation token obtained in first request
  email               - Email address of user (optional)
  realname            - Real name of user (optional)
  mailpassword        - If set to any value, a random password will be emailed to the user
  reason              - Optional reason for creating the account to be put in the logs
  language            - Language code to set as default for the user (optional, defaults to content language)
  captchaword         - Answer to the CAPTCHA
  captchaid           - CAPTCHA ID from previous request

* action=query *
  Query API module allows applications to get needed pieces of data from the MediaWiki databases,
  and is loosely based on the old query.php interface.
  All data modifications will first have to use query to acquire a token to prevent abuse from malicious sites.

This module requires read rights
  prop                - Which properties to get for the titles/revisions/pageids. Module help is available below
                        Values (separate with '|'): categories, categoryinfo, contributors, coordinates, duplicatefiles, extlinks, extracts, fileusage,
                            flagged, flowinfo, globalusage, imageinfo, images, info, iwlinks, langlinks, links, linkshere,
                            pageimages, pageprops, redirects, revisions, stashimageinfo, templates, transcludedin,
                            transcodestatus, videoinfo
  list                - Which lists to get. Module help is available below
                        Values (separate with '|'): abusefilters, abuselog, allcategories, allfileusages, allimages, alllinks, allpages, allredirects,
                            alltransclusions, allusers, backlinks, betafeatures, blocks, categorymembers, centralnoticelogs,
                            checkuser, checkuserlog, deletedrevs, embeddedin, exturlusage, filearchive, flow, gadgetcategories,
                            gadgets, geosearch, gettingstartedgetpages, globalallusers, globalblocks, globalgroups, imageusage,
                            iwbacklinks, langbacklinks, logevents, mmsites, oldreviewedpages, pagepropnames, pageswithprop,
                            prefixsearch, protectedtitles, querypage, random, recentchanges, search, tags, usercontribs, users,
                            watchlist, watchlistraw, wikisets
  meta                - Which metadata to get about the site. Module help is available below
                        Values (separate with '|'): allmessages, filerepoinfo, globaluserinfo, notifications, siteinfo, tokens, userinfo, wikibase
  indexpageids        - Include an additional pageids section listing all returned page IDs
  export              - Export the current revisions of all given or generated pages
  exportnowrap        - Return the export XML without wrapping it in an XML result (same format as Special:Export). Can only be used with export
  iwurl               - Whether to get the full URL if the title is an interwiki link
  continue            - When present, formats query-continue as key-value pairs that should simply be merged into the original request.
                        This parameter must be set to an empty string in the initial query.
                        This parameter is recommended for all new development, and will be made default in the next API version.
  rawcontinue         - Currently ignored. In the future, 'continue=' will become the default and this will be needed to receive the raw query-continue data.
  titles              - A list of titles to work on
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  pageids             - A list of page IDs to work on
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  revids              - A list of revision IDs to work on
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  redirects           - Automatically resolve redirects
  converttitles       - Convert titles to other variants if necessary. Only works if the wiki's content language supports variant conversion.
                        Languages that support variant conversion include gan, iu, kk, ku, shi, sr, tg, uz, zh
  generator           - Get the list of pages to work on by executing the specified query module.
                        NOTE: generator parameter names must be prefixed with a 'g', see examples
                        One value: allcategories, allfileusages, allimages, alllinks, allpages, allredirects, alltransclusions,
                            backlinks, categories, categorymembers, duplicatefiles, embeddedin, exturlusage, fileusage,
                            geosearch, gettingstartedgetpages, images, imageusage, iwbacklinks, langbacklinks, links, linkshere,
                            oldreviewedpages, pageswithprop, prefixsearch, protectedtitles, querypage, random, recentchanges,
                            redirects, search, templates, transcludedin, watchlist, watchlistraw

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---  Query: Prop  --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 

* prop=categories (cl) *
  List all categories the page(s) belong to.

This module requires read rights
  clprop              - Which additional properties to get for each category
                         sortkey    - Adds the sortkey (hexadecimal string) and sortkey prefix
                                      (human-readable part) for the category
                         timestamp  - Adds timestamp of when the category was added
                         hidden     - Tags categories that are hidden with __HIDDENCAT__
                        Values (separate with '|'): sortkey, timestamp, hidden
  clshow              - Which kind of categories to show
                        Values (separate with '|'): hidden, !hidden
  cllimit             - How many categories to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  clcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  clcategories        - Only list these categories. Useful for checking whether a certain page is in a certain category
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  cldir               - The direction in which to list
                        One value: ascending, descending
                        Default: ascending
  Get a list of categories [[Albert Einstein]] belongs to:
  Get information about all categories used in the [[Albert Einstein]]:
  This module may be used as a generator

* prop=categoryinfo (ci) *
  Returns information about the given categories.

This module requires read rights
  cicontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue

* prop=contributors (pc) *
  Get the list of logged-in contributors and the count of anonymous contributors to a page.

This module requires read rights
  pcgroup             - Limit users to given group name(s)
                        Does not include implicit or auto-promoted groups like *, user, or autoconfirmed
                        Values (separate with '|'): bot, sysop, bureaucrat, reviewer, autoreview, steward, accountcreator, import, transwiki,
                            ipblock-exempt, oversight, founder, rollbacker, autoreviewer, researcher, filemover, checkuser,
                            templateeditor, massmessage-sender, OTRS-member, abusefilter, epcoordinator, eponline, epcampus,
                            epinstructor, oauthadmin, confirmed
  pcexcludegroup      - Exclude users in given group name(s)
                        Does not include implicit or auto-promoted groups like *, user, or autoconfirmed
                        Values (separate with '|'): bot, sysop, bureaucrat, reviewer, autoreview, steward, accountcreator, import, transwiki,
                            ipblock-exempt, oversight, founder, rollbacker, autoreviewer, researcher, filemover, checkuser,
                            templateeditor, massmessage-sender, OTRS-member, abusefilter, epcoordinator, eponline, epcampus,
                            epinstructor, oauthadmin, confirmed
  pcrights            - Limit users to those having given right(s)
                        Does not include rights granted by implicit or auto-promoted groups like *, user, or autoconfirmed
                        Values (separate with '|'): apihighlimits, autoconfirmed, autopatrol, bigdelete, block, blockemail, bot, browsearchive,
                            createaccount, createpage, createtalk, delete, deletedhistory, deletedtext, deletelogentry,
                            deleterevision, edit, editinterface, editprotected, editmyoptions, editmyprivateinfo, editmyusercss,
                            editmyuserjs, editmywatchlist, editsemiprotected, editusercssjs, editusercss, edituserjs, hideuser,
                            import, importupload, ipblock-exempt, markbotedits, mergehistory, minoredit, move, movefile,
                            move-categorypages, move-rootuserpages, move-subpages, nominornewtalk, noratelimit,
                            override-export-depth, pagelang, passwordreset, patrol, patrolmarks, protect, proxyunbannable,
                            purge, read, reupload, reupload-own, reupload-shared, rollback, sendemail, siteadmin,
                            suppressionlog, suppressredirect, suppressrevision, unblockself, undelete, unwatchedpages, upload,
                            upload_by_url, userrights, userrights-interwiki, viewmyprivateinfo, viewmywatchlist, viewsuppressed,
                            writeapi, review, validate, autoreview, autoreviewrestore, unreviewedpages, movestable,
                            stablesettings, templateeditor, superprotect, flow-edit-post, flow-suppress, flow-hide, flow-delete,
                            spamblacklistlog, tboverride, tboverride-account, titleblacklistlog, transcode-reset,
                            transcode-status, globalblock, globalblock-whitelist, globalblock-exempt, securepoll-create-poll,
                            renameuser, nuke, torunblocked, skipcaptcha, hiderevision, oversight, override-antispoof,
                            centralauth-merge, centralauth-unmerge, centralauth-lock, centralauth-oversight,
                            globalgrouppermissions, globalgroupmembership, centralauth-autoaccount, centralauth-rename,
                            centralauth-usermerge, viewdeletedfile, collectionsaveasuserpage, collectionsaveascommunitypage,
                            abusefilter-modify, abusefilter-log-detail, abusefilter-view, abusefilter-log,
                            abusefilter-modify-restricted, abusefilter-revert, abusefilter-view-private,
                            abusefilter-log-private, abusefilter-hidden-log, abusefilter-hide-log, abusefilter-modify-global,
                            massmessage, moodbar-admin, mf-uploadbutton, vipsscaler-test, ep-org, ep-course, ep-token,
                            ep-enroll, ep-remstudent, ep-online, ep-campus, ep-instructor, ep-beonline, ep-becampus,
                            ep-beinstructor, ep-bereviewer, ep-remreviewer, ep-bulkdelorgs, ep-bulkdelcourses, ep-remarticle,
                            ep-addstudent, usermerge, mwoauthproposeconsumer, mwoauthupdateownconsumer, mwoauthmanageconsumer,
                            mwoauthsuppress, mwoauthviewsuppressed, mwoauthviewprivate, mwoauthmanagemygrants, checkuser,
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  pcexcluderights     - Limit users to those not having given right(s)
                        Does not include rights granted by implicit or auto-promoted groups like *, user, or autoconfirmed
                        Values (separate with '|'): apihighlimits, autoconfirmed, autopatrol, bigdelete, block, blockemail, bot, browsearchive,
                            createaccount, createpage, createtalk, delete, deletedhistory, deletedtext, deletelogentry,
                            deleterevision, edit, editinterface, editprotected, editmyoptions, editmyprivateinfo, editmyusercss,
                            editmyuserjs, editmywatchlist, editsemiprotected, editusercssjs, editusercss, edituserjs, hideuser,
                            import, importupload, ipblock-exempt, markbotedits, mergehistory, minoredit, move, movefile,
                            move-categorypages, move-rootuserpages, move-subpages, nominornewtalk, noratelimit,
                            override-export-depth, pagelang, passwordreset, patrol, patrolmarks, protect, proxyunbannable,
                            purge, read, reupload, reupload-own, reupload-shared, rollback, sendemail, siteadmin,
                            suppressionlog, suppressredirect, suppressrevision, unblockself, undelete, unwatchedpages, upload,
                            upload_by_url, userrights, userrights-interwiki, viewmyprivateinfo, viewmywatchlist, viewsuppressed,
                            writeapi, review, validate, autoreview, autoreviewrestore, unreviewedpages, movestable,
                            stablesettings, templateeditor, superprotect, flow-edit-post, flow-suppress, flow-hide, flow-delete,
                            spamblacklistlog, tboverride, tboverride-account, titleblacklistlog, transcode-reset,
                            transcode-status, globalblock, globalblock-whitelist, globalblock-exempt, securepoll-create-poll,
                            renameuser, nuke, torunblocked, skipcaptcha, hiderevision, oversight, override-antispoof,
                            centralauth-merge, centralauth-unmerge, centralauth-lock, centralauth-oversight,
                            globalgrouppermissions, globalgroupmembership, centralauth-autoaccount, centralauth-rename,
                            centralauth-usermerge, viewdeletedfile, collectionsaveasuserpage, collectionsaveascommunitypage,
                            abusefilter-modify, abusefilter-log-detail, abusefilter-view, abusefilter-log,
                            abusefilter-modify-restricted, abusefilter-revert, abusefilter-view-private,
                            abusefilter-log-private, abusefilter-hidden-log, abusefilter-hide-log, abusefilter-modify-global,
                            massmessage, moodbar-admin, mf-uploadbutton, vipsscaler-test, ep-org, ep-course, ep-token,
                            ep-enroll, ep-remstudent, ep-online, ep-campus, ep-instructor, ep-beonline, ep-becampus,
                            ep-beinstructor, ep-bereviewer, ep-remreviewer, ep-bulkdelorgs, ep-bulkdelcourses, ep-remarticle,
                            ep-addstudent, usermerge, mwoauthproposeconsumer, mwoauthupdateownconsumer, mwoauthmanageconsumer,
                            mwoauthsuppress, mwoauthviewsuppressed, mwoauthviewprivate, mwoauthmanagemygrants, checkuser,
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  pclimit             - How many contributors to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  pccontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue

* prop=coordinates (co) *
  Returns coordinates of the given page(s)

This module requires read rights
  colimit             - How many coordinates to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  cocontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  coprop              - What additional coordinate properties to return
                        Values (separate with '|'): type, name, dim, country, region, globe
                        Default: globe
  coprimary           - Whether to return only primary coordinates (``primary''), secondary (``secondary'') or both (``all'')
                        One value: primary, secondary, all
                        Default: primary
  codistancefrompoint - Return distance in meters of every result on Earth from these coordinates: latitude and longitude separated by pipe (|)
  codistancefrompage  - Return distance in meters of every result on Earth from the coordinates of this page
  Get a list of coordinates of the [[Main Page]]:

* prop=duplicatefiles (df) *
  List all files that are duplicates of the given file(s) based on hash values.

This module requires read rights
  dflimit             - How many duplicate files to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  dfcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  dfdir               - In which direction to enumerate(enum)
                        newer - List oldest first. Note: dfstart has to be before dfend.
                        older - List newest first (default). Note: dfstart has to be later than dfend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  dflocalonly         - Look only for files in the local repository
  This module may be used as a generator

* prop=extlinks (el) *
  Returns all external URLs (not interwikis) from the given page(s).

This module requires read rights
  ellimit             - How many links to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  eloffset            - When more results are available, use this to continue
  elprotocol          - Protocol of the URL. If empty and elquery set, the protocol is http.
                        Leave both this and elquery empty to list all external links
                        Can be empty, or One value: bitcoin, ftp, ftps, geo, git, gopher, http, https, irc, ircs, magnet, mailto, mms, news, nntp,
                            redis, sftp, sip, sips, sms, ssh, svn, tel, telnet, urn, worldwind, xmpp
  elquery             - Search string without protocol. Useful for checking whether a certain page contains a certain external url
  elexpandurl         - Expand protocol-relative URLs with the canonical protocol
  Get a list of external links on the [[Main Page]]:

* prop=extracts (ex) *
  Returns plain-text or limited HTML extracts of the given page(s)

This module requires read rights
  exchars             - How many characters to return, actual text returned might be slightly longer.
                        The value must be no less than 1
  exsentences         - How many sentences to return
                        The value must be between 1 and 10
  exlimit             - How many extracts to return
                        No more than 20 (20 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 1
  exintro             - Return only content before the first section
  explaintext         - Return extracts as plaintext instead of limited HTML
  exsectionformat     - How to format sections in plaintext mode:
                         plain - No formatting
                         wiki - Wikitext-style formatting == like this ==
                         raw - This module's internal representation (section titles prefixed with <ASCII 1><ASCII 2><section level><ASCII 2><ASCII 1>
                        One value: plain, wiki, raw
                        Default: wiki
  excontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  exvariant           - Convert content into this language variant`
  Get a 175-character extract:

* prop=fileusage (fu) *
  Find all pages that use the given files.

This module requires read rights
  fuprop              - Which properties to get:
                        Values (separate with '|'): pageid, title, redirect
                        Default: pageid|title|redirect
  funamespace         - Only include pages in these namespaces
                        Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  fulimit             - How many to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  fucontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  fushow              - Show only items that meet this criteria.
                        redirect  - Only show redirects
                        !redirect - Only show non-redirects
                        Values (separate with '|'): redirect, !redirect
  Get a list of pages using [[File:Example.jpg]]:
  Get information about pages using [[File:Example.jpg]]:
  This module may be used as a generator

* prop=flagged *
  Get information about the flagging status of the given pages.
  If a page is flagged, the following parameters are returned:
  * stable_revid      : The revision id of the latest stable revision
  * level, level_text : The highest flagging level of the page
  * pending_since     : If there are any current unreviewed revisions for that page, holds the timestamp of the first of them
  If the page has protection configuration, the following parameters are returned:
  * protection_level  : The right a user must have to not require review on the page
  * protection_expiry : When the protection expires

This module requires read rights

* prop=flowinfo (fli) *
  Get basic Flow information about a page including whether Flow is enabled on them

This module requires read rights

* prop=globalusage (gu) *
  Returns global image usage for a certain image

This module requires read rights
  guprop              - What properties to return
                         url        - Adds url 
                         pageid     - Adds page id
                         namespace  - Adds namespace id
                        Values (separate with '|'): url, pageid, namespace
                        Default: url
  gulimit             - How many links to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  gucontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  gufilterlocal       - Filter local usage of the file
  Get usage of File:Example.jpg:

* prop=imageinfo (ii) *
  Returns image information and upload history.

This module requires read rights
  iiprop              - What image information to get:
                         timestamp     - Adds timestamp for the uploaded version
                         user          - Adds the user who uploaded the image version
                         userid        - Add the user ID that uploaded the image version
                         comment       - Comment on the version
                         parsedcomment - Parse the comment on the version
                         canonicaltitle - Adds the canonical title of the image file
                         url           - Gives URL to the image and the description page
                         size          - Adds the size of the image in bytes, its height and its width. Page count and duration are added if applicable
                         dimensions    - Alias for size
                         sha1          - Adds SHA-1 hash for the image
                         mime          - Adds MIME type of the image
                         thumbmime     - Adds MIME type of the image thumbnail (requires url and param iiurlwidth)
                         mediatype     - Adds the media type of the image
                         metadata      - Lists Exif metadata for the version of the image
                         commonmetadata - Lists file format generic metadata for the version of the image
                         extmetadata   - Lists formatted metadata combined from multiple sources. Results are HTML formatted.
                         archivename   - Adds the file name of the archive version for non-latest versions
                         bitdepth      - Adds the bit depth of the version
                         uploadwarning - Used by the Special:Upload page to get information about an existing file. Not intended for use outside MediaWiki core
                        Values (separate with '|'): timestamp, user, userid, comment, parsedcomment, canonicaltitle, url, size, dimensions, sha1, mime,
                            thumbmime, mediatype, metadata, commonmetadata, extmetadata, archivename, bitdepth, uploadwarning
                        Default: timestamp|user
  iilimit             - How many image revisions to return per image
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 1
  iistart             - Timestamp to start listing from
  iiend               - Timestamp to stop listing at
  iiurlwidth          - If iiprop=url is set, a URL to an image scaled to this width will be returned.
                        For performance reasons if this option is used, no more than 50 scaled images will be returned.
                        Default: -1
  iiurlheight         - Similar to iiurlwidth.
                        Default: -1
  iimetadataversion   - Version of metadata to use. if 'latest' is specified, use latest version.
                        Defaults to '1' for backwards compatibility
                        Default: 1
  iiextmetadatalanguage - What language to fetch extmetadata in. This affects both which
                        translation to fetch, if multiple are available, as well as how things
                        like numbers and various values are formatted.
                        Default: en
  iiextmetadatamultilang - If translations for extmetadata property are available, fetch all of them.
  iiextmetadatafilter - If specified and non-empty, only these keys will be returned for iiprop=extmetadata
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  iiurlparam          - A handler specific parameter string. For example, pdf's 
                        might use 'page15-100px'.
  iicontinue          - If the query response includes a continue value, use it here to get another page of results
  iilocalonly         - Look only for files in the local repository

* prop=images (im) *
  Returns all images contained on the given page(s).

This module requires read rights
  imlimit             - How many images to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  imcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  imimages            - Only list these images. Useful for checking whether a certain page has a certain Image.
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  imdir               - In direction to enumerate
                        newer - List oldest first. Note: imstart has to be before imend.
                        older - List newest first (default). Note: imstart has to be later than imend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  Get a list of images used in the [[Main Page]]:
  Get information about all images used in the [[Main Page]]:
  This module may be used as a generator

* prop=info (in) *
  Get basic page information such as namespace, title, last touched date, ...

This module requires read rights
  inprop              - Which additional properties to get:
                         protection            - List the protection level of each page
                         talkid                - The page ID of the talk page for each non-talk page
                         watched               - List the watched status of each page
                         watchers              - The number of watchers, if allowed
                         notificationtimestamp - The watchlist notification timestamp of each page
                         subjectid             - The page ID of the parent page for each talk page
                         url                   - Gives a full URL, an edit URL, and the canonical URL for each page
                         readable              - Whether the user can read this page
                         preload               - Gives the text returned by EditFormPreloadText
                         displaytitle          - Gives the way the page title is actually displayed
                        Values (separate with '|'): protection, talkid, watched, watchers, notificationtimestamp, subjectid, url, readable, preload,
  intoken             - DEPRECATED! Request a token to perform a data-modifying action on a page
                        Values (separate with '|'): edit, delete, protect, move, block, unblock, email, import, watch
  incontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue

* prop=iwlinks (iw) *
  Returns all interwiki links from the given page(s).

This module requires read rights
  iwurl               - DEPRECATED! Whether to get the full URL (Cannot be used with iwprop)
  iwprop              - Which additional properties to get for each interlanguage link
                         url      - Adds the full URL
                        Values (separate with '|'): url
  iwlimit             - How many interwiki links to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  iwcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  iwprefix            - Prefix for the interwiki
  iwtitle             - Interwiki link to search for. Must be used with iwprefix
  iwdir               - In direction to enumerate
                        newer - List oldest first. Note: iwstart has to be before iwend.
                        older - List newest first (default). Note: iwstart has to be later than iwend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  Get interwiki links from the [[Main Page]]:

* prop=langlinks (ll) *
  Returns all interlanguage links from the given page(s).

This module requires read rights
  lllimit             - How many langlinks to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  llcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  llurl               - DEPRECATED! Whether to get the full URL (Cannot be used with llprop)
  llprop              - Which additional properties to get for each interlanguage link
                         url      - Adds the full URL
                         langname - Adds the localised language name (best effort, use CLDR extension)
                                    Use llinlanguagecode to control the language
                         autonym  - Adds the native language name
                        Values (separate with '|'): url, langname, autonym
  lllang              - Language code
  lltitle             - Link to search for. Must be used with lllang
  lldir               - In direction to enumerate
                        newer - List oldest first. Note: llstart has to be before llend.
                        older - List newest first (default). Note: llstart has to be later than llend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  llinlanguagecode    - Language code for localised language names
                        Default: en
  Get interlanguage links from the [[Main Page]]:

* prop=links (pl) *
  Returns all links from the given page(s).

This module requires read rights
  plnamespace         - Show links in this namespace(s) only
                        Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  pllimit             - How many links to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  plcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  pltitles            - Only list links to these titles. Useful for checking whether a certain page links to a certain title.
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  pldir               - In direction to enumerate
                        newer - List oldest first. Note: plstart has to be before plend.
                        older - List newest first (default). Note: plstart has to be later than plend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  Get links from the [[Main Page]]:
  Get information about the link pages in the [[Main Page]]:
  Get links from the Main Page in the User and Template namespaces:
  This module may be used as a generator

* prop=linkshere (lh) *
  Find all pages that link to the given pages.

This module requires read rights
  lhprop              - Which properties to get:
                        Values (separate with '|'): pageid, title, redirect
                        Default: pageid|title|redirect
  lhnamespace         - Only include pages in these namespaces
                        Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  lhlimit             - How many to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  lhcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  lhshow              - Show only items that meet this criteria.
                        redirect  - Only show redirects
                        !redirect - Only show non-redirects
                        Values (separate with '|'): redirect, !redirect
  Get a list of pages linking to [[Main Page]]:
  Get information about pages linking to [[Main Page]]:
  This module may be used as a generator

* prop=pageimages (pi) *
  Returns information about images on the page such as thumbnail and presence of photos.

This module requires read rights
  piprop              - What information to return
                         thumbnail - URL and dimensions of image associated with page, if any
                         name - image title
                        Values (separate with '|'): thumbnail, name
                        Default: thumbnail|name
  pithumbsize         - Maximum thumbnail dimension
                        Default: 50
  pilimit             - Properties of how many pages to return
                        No more than 50 (100 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 1
  picontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue

* prop=pageprops (pp) *
  Get various properties defined in the page content.

This module requires read rights
  ppcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  ppprop              - Only list these props. Useful for checking whether a certain page uses a certain page prop
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)

* prop=redirects (rd) *
  Returns all redirects to the given pages.

This module requires read rights
  rdprop              - Which properties to get:
                        Values (separate with '|'): pageid, title, fragment
                        Default: pageid|title
  rdnamespace         - Only include pages in these namespaces
                        NOTE: Due to $wgMiserMode, using this may result in fewer than "rdlimit" results
                        returned before continuing; in extreme cases, zero results may be returned.
                        Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  rdlimit             - How many to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  rdcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  rdshow              - Show only items that meet this criteria.
                        fragment  - Only show redirects with a fragment
                        !fragment - Only show redirects without a fragment
                        Values (separate with '|'): fragment, !fragment
  Get a list of redirects to [[Main Page]]:
  Get information about redirects to [[Main Page]]:
  This module may be used as a generator

* prop=revisions (rv) *
  Get revision information.
  May be used in several ways:
   1) Get data about a set of pages (last revision), by setting titles or pageids parameter.
   2) Get revisions for one given page, by using titles/pageids with start/end/limit params.
   3) Get data about a set of revisions by setting their IDs with revids parameter.
  All parameters marked as (enum) may only be used with a single page (#2).

This module requires read rights
  rvprop              - Which properties to get for each revision:
                         ids            - The ID of the revision
                         flags          - Revision flags (minor)
                         timestamp      - The timestamp of the revision
                         user           - User that made the revision
                         userid         - User id of revision creator
                         size           - Length (bytes) of the revision
                         sha1           - SHA-1 (base 16) of the revision
                         contentmodel   - Content model id
                         comment        - Comment by the user for revision
                         parsedcomment  - Parsed comment by the user for the revision
                         content        - Text of the revision
                         tags           - Tags for the revision
                        Values (separate with '|'): ids, flags, timestamp, user, userid, size, sha1, contentmodel, comment, parsedcomment, content,
                            tags, flagged
                        Default: ids|timestamp|flags|comment|user
  rvlimit             - Limit how many revisions will be returned (enum)
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
  rvstartid           - From which revision id to start enumeration (enum)
  rvendid             - Stop revision enumeration on this revid (enum)
  rvstart             - From which revision timestamp to start enumeration (enum)
  rvend               - Enumerate up to this timestamp (enum)
  rvdir               - In which direction to enumerate (enum)
                         newer          - List oldest first. Note: rvstart has to be before rvend.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: rvstart has to be later than rvend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  rvuser              - Only include revisions made by user (enum)
  rvexcludeuser       - Exclude revisions made by user (enum)
  rvtag               - Only list revisions tagged with this tag
  rvexpandtemplates   - Expand templates in revision content (requires rvprop=content)
  rvgeneratexml       - Generate XML parse tree for revision content (requires rvprop=content)
  rvparse             - Parse revision content (requires rvprop=content).
                        For performance reasons if this option is used, rvlimit is enforced to 1.
  rvsection           - Only retrieve the content of this section number
  rvtoken             - DEPRECATED! Which tokens to obtain for each revision
                        Values (separate with '|'): rollback
  rvcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  rvdiffto            - Revision ID to diff each revision to.
                        Use "prev", "next" and "cur" for the previous, next and current revision respectively
  rvdifftotext        - Text to diff each revision to. Only diffs a limited number of revisions.
                        Overrides rvdiffto. If rvsection is set, only that section will be
                        diffed against this text
  rvcontentformat     - Serialization format used for difftotext and expected for output of content
                        One value: text/x-wiki, text/javascript, application/json, text/css, text/plain
  Get data with content for the last revision of titles "API" and "Main Page"
  Get last 5 revisions of the "Main Page"
  Get first 5 revisions of the "Main Page"
  Get first 5 revisions of the "Main Page" made after 2006-05-01
  Get first 5 revisions of the "Main Page" that were not made made by anonymous user ""
  Get first 5 revisions of the "Main Page" that were made by the user "MediaWiki default"

* prop=stashimageinfo (sii) *
  Returns image information for stashed images.

This module requires read rights
  siifilekey          - Key that identifies a previous upload that was stashed temporarily.
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  siisessionkey       - DEPRECATED! Alias for filekey, for backward compatibility.
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  siiprop             - What image information to get:
                         timestamp     - Adds timestamp for the uploaded version
                         canonicaltitle - Adds the canonical title of the image file
                         url           - Gives URL to the image and the description page
                         size          - Adds the size of the image in bytes, its height and its width. Page count and duration are added if applicable
                         dimensions    - Alias for size
                         sha1          - Adds SHA-1 hash for the image
                         mime          - Adds MIME type of the image
                         thumbmime     - Adds MIME type of the image thumbnail (requires url and param siiurlwidth)
                         metadata      - Lists Exif metadata for the version of the image
                         commonmetadata - Lists file format generic metadata for the version of the image
                         extmetadata   - Lists formatted metadata combined from multiple sources. Results are HTML formatted.
                         bitdepth      - Adds the bit depth of the version
                        Values (separate with '|'): timestamp, canonicaltitle, url, size, dimensions, sha1, mime, thumbmime, metadata, commonmetadata,
                            extmetadata, bitdepth
                        Default: timestamp|url
  siiurlwidth         - If siiprop=url is set, a URL to an image scaled to this width will be returned.
                        Default: -1
  siiurlheight        - Similar to siiurlwidth. Cannot be used without siiurlwidth
                        Default: -1
  siiurlparam         - A handler specific parameter string. For example, pdf's 
                        might use 'page15-100px'. siiurlwidth must be used and be consistent with siiurlparam

* prop=templates (tl) *
  Returns all templates from the given page(s).

This module requires read rights
  tlnamespace         - Show templates in this namespace(s) only
                        Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  tllimit             - How many templates to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  tlcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  tltemplates         - Only list these templates. Useful for checking whether a certain page uses a certain template.
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  tldir               -In direction to enumerate
                        newer - List oldest first. Note: tlstart has to be before tlend.
                        older - List newest first (default). Note: tlstart has to be later than tlend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  Get templates from the [[Main Page]]:
  Get information about the template pages in the [[Main Page]]:
  Get templates from the Main Page in the User and Template namespaces:
  This module may be used as a generator

* prop=transcludedin (ti) *
  Find all pages that transclude the given pages.

This module requires read rights
  tiprop              - Which properties to get:
                        Values (separate with '|'): pageid, title, redirect
                        Default: pageid|title|redirect
  tinamespace         - Only include pages in these namespaces
                        Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  tilimit             - How many to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  ticontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  tishow              - Show only items that meet this criteria.
                        redirect  - Only show redirects
                        !redirect - Only show non-redirects
                        Values (separate with '|'): redirect, !redirect
  Get a list of pages transcluding [[Main Page]]:
  Get information about pages transcluding [[Main Page]]:
  This module may be used as a generator

* prop=transcodestatus *
  Get transcode status for a given file page

This module requires read rights

* prop=videoinfo (vi) *
  Extends imageinfo to include video source (derivatives) information

This module requires read rights
  viprop              - What image information to get:
                         timestamp     - Adds timestamp for the uploaded version
                         user          - Adds the user who uploaded the image version
                         userid        - Add the user ID that uploaded the image version
                         comment       - Comment on the version
                         parsedcomment - Parse the comment on the version
                         canonicaltitle - Adds the canonical title of the image file
                         url           - Gives URL to the image and the description page
                         size          - Adds the size of the image in bytes, its height and its width. Page count and duration are added if applicable
                         dimensions    - Alias for size
                         sha1          - Adds SHA-1 hash for the image
                         mime          - Adds MIME type of the image
                         thumbmime     - Adds MIME type of the image thumbnail (requires url and param viurlwidth)
                         mediatype     - Adds the media type of the image
                         metadata      - Lists Exif metadata for the version of the image
                         commonmetadata - Lists file format generic metadata for the version of the image
                         extmetadata   - Lists formatted metadata combined from multiple sources. Results are HTML formatted.
                         archivename   - Adds the file name of the archive version for non-latest versions
                         bitdepth      - Adds the bit depth of the version
                         uploadwarning - Used by the Special:Upload page to get information about an existing file. Not intended for use outside MediaWiki core
                         derivatives   - Adds an array of the different format and quality versions of an audio or video file that are available.
                        Values (separate with '|'): timestamp, user, userid, comment, parsedcomment, canonicaltitle, url, size, dimensions, sha1, mime,
                            thumbmime, mediatype, metadata, commonmetadata, extmetadata, archivename, bitdepth, uploadwarning,
                        Default: timestamp|user
  vilimit             - How many image revisions to return per image
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 1
  vistart             - Timestamp to start listing from
  viend               - Timestamp to stop listing at
  viurlwidth          - If viprop=url is set, a URL to an image scaled to this width will be returned.
                        For performance reasons if this option is used, no more than 50 scaled images will be returned.
                        Default: -1
  viurlheight         - Similar to viurlwidth.
                        Default: -1
  viurlparam          - A handler specific parameter string. For example, pdf's 
                        might use 'page15-100px'.
  vicontinue          - If the query response includes a continue value, use it here to get another page of results

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---  Query: List  --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 

* list=abusefilters (abf) *
  Show details of the abuse filters.

This module requires read rights
  abfstartid          - The filter id to start enumerating from
  abfendid            - The filter id to stop enumerating at
  abfdir              - The direction in which to enumerate
						 newer          - List oldest first. Note: abfstart has to be before abfend.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: abfstart has to be later than abfend.
                        One value: older, newer
                        Default: newer
  abfshow             - Show only filters which meet these criteria
                        Values (separate with '|'): enabled, !enabled, deleted, !deleted, private, !private
  abflimit            - The maximum number of filters to list
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  abfprop             - Which properties to get
                        Values (separate with '|'): id, description, pattern, actions, hits, comments, lasteditor, lastedittime, status, private
                        Default: id|description|actions|status

* list=abuselog (afl) *
  Show events that were caught by one of the abuse filters.

This module requires read rights
  aflstart            - The timestamp to start enumerating from
  aflend              - The timestamp to stop enumerating at
  afldir              - The direction in which to enumerate
						 newer          - List oldest first. Note: aflstart has to be before aflend.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: aflstart has to be later than aflend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  afluser             - Show only entries done by a given user or IP address.
  afltitle            - Show only entries occurring on a given page.
  aflfilter           - Show only entries that were caught by a given filter ID
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  afllimit            - The maximum amount of entries to list
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  aflprop             - Which properties to get
                        Values (separate with '|'): ids, filter, user, ip, title, action, details, result, timestamp, hidden, revid
                        Default: ids|user|title|action|result|timestamp|hidden|revid

* list=allcategories (ac) *
  Enumerate all categories.

This module requires read rights
  acfrom              - The category to start enumerating from
  accontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  acto                - The category to stop enumerating at
  acprefix            - Search for all category titles that begin with this value
  acdir               - The direction in which to enumerate
						 newer          - List oldest first. Note: acstart has to be before acend.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: acstart has to be later than acend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  acmin               - Minimum number of category members
  acmax               - Maximum number of category members
  aclimit             - How many categories to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  acprop              - Which properties to get
                         size    - Adds number of pages in the category
                         hidden  - Tags categories that are hidden with __HIDDENCAT__
                        Values (separate with '|'): size, hidden
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=allfileusages (af) *
  List all file usages, including non-existing

This module requires read rights
  afcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  affrom              - The title of the file to start enumerating from
  afto                - The title of the file to stop enumerating at
  afprefix            - Search for all file titles that begin with this value
  afunique            - Only show distinct file titles. Cannot be used with afprop=ids.
                        When used as a generator, yields target pages instead of source pages.
  afprop              - What pieces of information to include
                         ids      - Adds the pageid of the using page (Cannot be used with afunique)
                         title    - Adds the title of the file
                        Values (separate with '|'): ids, title
                        Default: title
  aflimit             - How many total items to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  afdir               - The direction in which to enumerate
						 newer          - List oldest first. Note: afstart has to be before afend.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: afstart has to be later than afend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  List file titles with page ids they are from, including missing ones. Start at B:
  List unique file titles:
  Gets all file titles, marking the missing ones:
  Gets pages containing the files:
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=allimages (ai) *
  Enumerate all images sequentially.

This module requires read rights
  aisort              - Property to sort by
                        One value: name, timestamp
                        Default: name
  aidir               - The direction in which to enumerate
						 newer          - List oldest first. Note: aistart has to be before aiend.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: aistart has to be later than aiend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  aifrom              - The image title to start enumerating from. Can only be used with aisort=name
  aito                - The image title to stop enumerating at. Can only be used with aisort=name
  aicontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  aistart             - The timestamp to start enumerating from. Can only be used with aisort=timestamp
  aiend               - The timestamp to end enumerating. Can only be used with aisort=timestamp
  aiprop              - What image information to get:
                         timestamp     - Adds timestamp for the uploaded version
                         user          - Adds the user who uploaded the image version
                         userid        - Add the user ID that uploaded the image version
                         comment       - Comment on the version
                         parsedcomment - Parse the comment on the version
                         canonicaltitle - Adds the canonical title of the image file
                         url           - Gives URL to the image and the description page
                         size          - Adds the size of the image in bytes, its height and its width. Page count and duration are added if applicable
                         dimensions    - Alias for size
                         sha1          - Adds SHA-1 hash for the image
                         mime          - Adds MIME type of the image
                         mediatype     - Adds the media type of the image
                         metadata      - Lists Exif metadata for the version of the image
                         commonmetadata - Lists file format generic metadata for the version of the image
                         extmetadata   - Lists formatted metadata combined from multiple sources. Results are HTML formatted.
                         bitdepth      - Adds the bit depth of the version
                        Values (separate with '|'): timestamp, user, userid, comment, parsedcomment, canonicaltitle, url, size, dimensions, sha1, mime,
                            mediatype, metadata, commonmetadata, extmetadata, bitdepth
                        Default: timestamp|url
  aiprefix            - Search for all image titles that begin with this value. Can only be used with aisort=name
  aiminsize           - Limit to images with at least this many bytes
  aimaxsize           - Limit to images with at most this many bytes
  aisha1              - SHA1 hash of image. Overrides aisha1base36
  aisha1base36        - SHA1 hash of image in base 36 (used in MediaWiki)
  aiuser              - Only return files uploaded by this user. Can only be used with aisort=timestamp. Cannot be used together with aifilterbots
  aifilterbots        - How to filter files uploaded by bots. Can only be used with aisort=timestamp. Cannot be used together with aiuser
                        One value: all, bots, nobots
                        Default: all
  aimime              - What MIME type to search for. e.g. image/jpeg. Disabled in Miser Mode
  ailimit             - How many images in total to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  Simple Use
  Show a list of files starting at the letter "B":
  Simple Use
  Show a list of recently uploaded files similar to Special:NewFiles:
  Using as Generator
  Show info about 4 files starting at the letter "T":
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=alllinks (al) *
  Enumerate all links that point to a given namespace

This module requires read rights
  alcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  alfrom              - The title of the link to start enumerating from
  alto                - The title of the link to stop enumerating at
  alprefix            - Search for all linked titles that begin with this value
  alunique            - Only show distinct linked titles. Cannot be used with alprop=ids.
                        When used as a generator, yields target pages instead of source pages.
  alprop              - What pieces of information to include
                         ids      - Adds the pageid of the linking page (Cannot be used with alunique)
                         title    - Adds the title of the link
                        Values (separate with '|'): ids, title
                        Default: title
  alnamespace         - The namespace to enumerate
                        One value: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Default: 0
  allimit             - How many total items to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  aldir               - The direction in which to enumerate
						 newer          - List oldest first. Note: alstart has to be before alend.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: alstart has to be later than alend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  List linked titles with page ids they are from, including missing ones. Start at B:
  List unique linked titles:
  Gets all linked titles, marking the missing ones:
  Gets pages containing the links:
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=allpages (ap) *
  Enumerate all pages sequentially in a given namespace.

This module requires read rights
  apfrom              - The page title to start enumerating from
  apcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  apto                - The page title to stop enumerating at
  apprefix            - Search for all page titles that begin with this value
  apnamespace         - The namespace to enumerate
                        One value: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Default: 0
  apfilterredir       - Which pages to list
                        One value: all, redirects, nonredirects
                        Default: all
  apminsize           - Limit to pages with at least this many bytes
  apmaxsize           - Limit to pages with at most this many bytes
  apprtype            - Limit to protected pages only
                        Values (separate with '|'): edit, move, upload
  apprlevel           - The protection level (must be used with apprtype= parameter)
                        Can be empty, or Values (separate with '|'): autoconfirmed, templateeditor, sysop, superprotect
  apprfiltercascade   - Filter protections based on cascadingness (ignored when apprtype isn't set)
                        One value: cascading, noncascading, all
                        Default: all
  aplimit             - How many total pages to return.
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  apdir               - The direction in which to enumerate
						 newer          - List oldest first. Note: apstart has to be before apend.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: apstart has to be later than apend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  apfilterlanglinks   - Filter based on whether a page has langlinks
                        Note that this may not consider langlinks added by extensions.
                        One value: withlanglinks, withoutlanglinks, all
                        Default: all
  apprexpiry          - Which protection expiry to filter the page on
                         indefinite - Get only pages with indefinite protection expiry
                         definite - Get only pages with a definite (specific) protection expiry
                         all - Get pages with any protections expiry
                        One value: indefinite, definite, all
                        Default: all
  Simple Use
  Show a list of pages starting at the letter "B":
  Using as Generator
  Show info about 4 pages starting at the letter "T":
  Show content of first 2 non-redirect pages beginning at "Re":
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=allredirects (ar) *
  List all redirects to a namespace

This module requires read rights
  arcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  arfrom              - The title of the redirect to start enumerating from
  arto                - The title of the redirect to stop enumerating at
  arprefix            - Search for all target pages that begin with this value
  arunique            - Only show distinct target pages. Cannot be used with arprop=ids|fragment|interwiki.
                        When used as a generator, yields target pages instead of source pages.
  arprop              - What pieces of information to include
                         ids      - Adds the pageid of the redirecting page (Cannot be used with arunique)
                         title    - Adds the title of the redirect
                         fragment - Adds the fragment from the redirect, if any (Cannot be used with arunique)
                         interwiki - Adds the interwiki prefix from the redirect, if any (Cannot be used with arunique)
                        Values (separate with '|'): ids, title, fragment, interwiki
                        Default: title
  arnamespace         - The namespace to enumerate
                        One value: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Default: 0
  arlimit             - How many total items to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  ardir               - The direction in which to enumerate
						 newer          - List oldest first. Note: arstart has to be before arend.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: arstart has to be later than arend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  List target pages with page ids they are from, including missing ones. Start at B:
  List unique target pages:
  Gets all target pages, marking the missing ones:
  Gets pages containing the redirects:
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=alltransclusions (at) *
  List all transclusions (pages embedded using {{x}}), including non-existing

This module requires read rights
  atcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  atfrom              - The title of the transclusion to start enumerating from
  atto                - The title of the transclusion to stop enumerating at
  atprefix            - Search for all transcluded titles that begin with this value
  atunique            - Only show distinct transcluded titles. Cannot be used with atprop=ids.
                        When used as a generator, yields target pages instead of source pages.
  atprop              - What pieces of information to include
                         ids      - Adds the pageid of the transcluding page (Cannot be used with atunique)
                         title    - Adds the title of the transclusion
                        Values (separate with '|'): ids, title
                        Default: title
  atnamespace         - The namespace to enumerate
                        One value: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Default: 10
  atlimit             - How many total items to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  atdir               - The direction in which to enumerate
						 newer          - List oldest first. Note: atstart has to be before atend.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: atstart has to be later than atend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  List transcluded titles with page ids they are from, including missing ones. Start at B:
  List unique transcluded titles:
  Gets all transcluded titles, marking the missing ones:
  Gets pages containing the transclusions:
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=allusers (au) *
  Enumerate all registered users.

This module requires read rights
  aufrom              - The user name to start enumerating from
  auto                - The user name to stop enumerating at
  auprefix            - Search for all users that begin with this value
  audir               - The direction in which to enumerate
						 newer          - List oldest first. Note: austart has to be before auend.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: austart has to be later than auend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  augroup             - Limit users to given group name(s)
                        Values (separate with '|'): bot, sysop, bureaucrat, reviewer, autoreview, steward, accountcreator, import, transwiki,
                            ipblock-exempt, oversight, founder, rollbacker, autoreviewer, researcher, filemover, checkuser,
                            templateeditor, massmessage-sender, OTRS-member, abusefilter, epcoordinator, eponline, epcampus,
                            epinstructor, oauthadmin, confirmed
  auexcludegroup      - Exclude users in given group name(s)
                        Values (separate with '|'): bot, sysop, bureaucrat, reviewer, autoreview, steward, accountcreator, import, transwiki,
                            ipblock-exempt, oversight, founder, rollbacker, autoreviewer, researcher, filemover, checkuser,
                            templateeditor, massmessage-sender, OTRS-member, abusefilter, epcoordinator, eponline, epcampus,
                            epinstructor, oauthadmin, confirmed
  aurights            - Limit users to given right(s) (does not include rights granted by implicit or auto-promoted groups like *, user, or autoconfirmed)
                        Values (separate with '|'): apihighlimits, autoconfirmed, autopatrol, bigdelete, block, blockemail, bot, browsearchive,
                            createaccount, createpage, createtalk, delete, deletedhistory, deletedtext, deletelogentry,
                            deleterevision, edit, editinterface, editprotected, editmyoptions, editmyprivateinfo, editmyusercss,
                            editmyuserjs, editmywatchlist, editsemiprotected, editusercssjs, editusercss, edituserjs, hideuser,
                            import, importupload, ipblock-exempt, markbotedits, mergehistory, minoredit, move, movefile,
                            move-categorypages, move-rootuserpages, move-subpages, nominornewtalk, noratelimit,
                            override-export-depth, pagelang, passwordreset, patrol, patrolmarks, protect, proxyunbannable,
                            purge, read, reupload, reupload-own, reupload-shared, rollback, sendemail, siteadmin,
                            suppressionlog, suppressredirect, suppressrevision, unblockself, undelete, unwatchedpages, upload,
                            upload_by_url, userrights, userrights-interwiki, viewmyprivateinfo, viewmywatchlist, viewsuppressed,
                            writeapi, review, validate, autoreview, autoreviewrestore, unreviewedpages, movestable,
                            stablesettings, templateeditor, superprotect, flow-edit-post, flow-suppress, flow-hide, flow-delete,
                            spamblacklistlog, tboverride, tboverride-account, titleblacklistlog, transcode-reset,
                            transcode-status, globalblock, globalblock-whitelist, globalblock-exempt, securepoll-create-poll,
                            renameuser, nuke, torunblocked, skipcaptcha, hiderevision, oversight, override-antispoof,
                            centralauth-merge, centralauth-unmerge, centralauth-lock, centralauth-oversight,
                            globalgrouppermissions, globalgroupmembership, centralauth-autoaccount, centralauth-rename,
                            centralauth-usermerge, viewdeletedfile, collectionsaveasuserpage, collectionsaveascommunitypage,
                            abusefilter-modify, abusefilter-log-detail, abusefilter-view, abusefilter-log,
                            abusefilter-modify-restricted, abusefilter-revert, abusefilter-view-private,
                            abusefilter-log-private, abusefilter-hidden-log, abusefilter-hide-log, abusefilter-modify-global,
                            massmessage, moodbar-admin, mf-uploadbutton, vipsscaler-test, ep-org, ep-course, ep-token,
                            ep-enroll, ep-remstudent, ep-online, ep-campus, ep-instructor, ep-beonline, ep-becampus,
                            ep-beinstructor, ep-bereviewer, ep-remreviewer, ep-bulkdelorgs, ep-bulkdelcourses, ep-remarticle,
                            ep-addstudent, usermerge, mwoauthproposeconsumer, mwoauthupdateownconsumer, mwoauthmanageconsumer,
                            mwoauthsuppress, mwoauthviewsuppressed, mwoauthviewprivate, mwoauthmanagemygrants, checkuser,
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  auprop              - What pieces of information to include.
                         blockinfo      - Adds the information about a current block on the user
                         groups         - Lists groups that the user is in. This uses more server resources and may return fewer results than the limit
                         implicitgroups - Lists all the groups the user is automatically in
                         rights         - Lists rights that the user has
                         editcount      - Adds the edit count of the user
                         registration   - Adds the timestamp of when the user registered if available (may be blank)
                        Values (separate with '|'): blockinfo, groups, implicitgroups, rights, editcount, registration
  aulimit             - How many total user names to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  auwitheditsonly     - Only list users who have made edits
  auactiveusers       - Only list users active in the last 30 days(s)

* list=backlinks (bl) *
  Find all pages that link to the given page.

This module requires read rights
  bltitle             - Title to search. Cannot be used together with blpageid
  blpageid            - Pageid to search. Cannot be used together with bltitle
  blcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  blnamespace         - The namespace to enumerate
                        Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  bldir               - The direction in which to enumerate
						 newer          - List oldest first. Note: blstart has to be before blend.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: blstart has to be later than blend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  blfilterredir       - How to filter for redirects. If set to nonredirects when blredirect is enabled, this is only applied to the second level
                        One value: all, redirects, nonredirects
                        Default: all
  bllimit             - How many total pages to return. If blredirect is enabled, limit applies to each level separately (which means you may get up to 2 * limit results).
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  blredirect          - If linking page is a redirect, find all pages that link to that redirect as well. Maximum limit is halved.
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=betafeatures (bf) *
  List all BetaFeatures

This module requires read rights
  bfcounts            - Whether to fetch how many users have enabled a certain preference.
  Get all available betafeatures and show how many users have enabled them:

* list=blocks (bk) *
  List all blocked users and IP addresses.

This module requires read rights
  bkstart             - The timestamp to start enumerating from
  bkend               - The timestamp to stop enumerating at
  bkdir               - In which direction to enumerate
                         newer          - List oldest first. Note: bkstart has to be before bkend.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: bkstart has to be later than bkend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  bkids               - List of block IDs to list (optional)
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  bkusers             - List of users to search for (optional)
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  bkip                - Get all blocks applying to this IP or CIDR range, including range blocks.
                        Cannot be used together with bkusers. CIDR ranges broader than IPv4/16 or IPv6/19 are not accepted
  bklimit             - The maximum amount of blocks to list
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  bkprop              - Which properties to get
                         id         - Adds the ID of the block
                         user       - Adds the username of the blocked user
                         userid     - Adds the user ID of the blocked user
                         by         - Adds the username of the blocking user
                         byid       - Adds the user ID of the blocking user
                         timestamp  - Adds the timestamp of when the block was given
                         expiry     - Adds the timestamp of when the block expires
                         reason     - Adds the reason given for the block
                         range      - Adds the range of IPs affected by the block
                         flags      - Tags the ban with (autoblock, anononly, etc)
                        Values (separate with '|'): id, user, userid, by, byid, timestamp, expiry, reason, range, flags
                        Default: id|user|by|timestamp|expiry|reason|flags
  bkshow              - Show only items that meet this criteria.
                        For example, to see only indefinite blocks on IPs, set bkshow=ip|!temp
                        Values (separate with '|'): account, !account, temp, !temp, ip, !ip, range, !range
  bkcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue

* list=categorymembers (cm) *
  List all pages in a given category.

This module requires read rights
  cmtitle             - Which category to enumerate (required). Must include 'Category:' prefix. Cannot be used together with cmpageid
  cmpageid            - Page ID of the category to enumerate. Cannot be used together with cmtitle
  cmprop              - What pieces of information to include
                         ids           - Adds the page ID
                         title         - Adds the title and namespace ID of the page
                         sortkey       - Adds the sortkey used for sorting in the category (hexadecimal string)
                         sortkeyprefix - Adds the sortkey prefix used for sorting in the category (human-readable part of the sortkey)
                         type          - Adds the type that the page has been categorised as (page, subcat or file)
                         timestamp     - Adds the timestamp of when the page was included
                        Values (separate with '|'): ids, title, sortkey, sortkeyprefix, type, timestamp
                        Default: ids|title
  cmnamespace         - Only include pages in these namespaces
                        NOTE: Due to $wgMiserMode, using this may result in fewer than "cmlimit" results
                        returned before continuing; in extreme cases, zero results may be returned.
                        Note that you can use cmtype=subcat or cmtype=file instead of cmnamespace=14 or 6.
                        Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  cmtype              - What type of category members to include. Ignored when cmsort=timestamp is set
                        Values (separate with '|'): page, subcat, file
                        Default: page|subcat|file
  cmcontinue          - For large categories, give the value returned from previous query
  cmlimit             - The maximum number of pages to return.
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  cmsort              - Property to sort by
                        One value: sortkey, timestamp
                        Default: sortkey
  cmdir               - In which direction to sort
                        One value: asc, desc, ascending, descending, newer, older
                        Default: ascending
  cmstart             - Timestamp to start listing from. Can only be used with cmsort=timestamp
  cmend               - Timestamp to end listing at. Can only be used with cmsort=timestamp
  cmstarthexsortkey   - Sortkey to start listing from, as returned by prop=sortkey. Can only be used with cmsort=sortkey
  cmendhexsortkey     - Sortkey to end listing from, as returned by prop=sortkey. Can only be used with cmsort=sortkey
  cmstartsortkeyprefix - Sortkey prefix to start listing from. Can only be used with cmsort=sortkey. Overrides cmstarthexsortkey
  cmendsortkeyprefix  - Sortkey prefix to end listing BEFORE (not at, if this value occurs it will not be included!). Can only be used with cmsort=sortkey. Overrides cmendhexsortkey
  cmstartsortkey      - DEPRECATED! Use starthexsortkey instead
  cmendsortkey        - DEPRECATED! Use endhexsortkey instead
  Get first 10 pages in [[Category:Physics]]:
  Get page info about first 10 pages in [[Category:Physics]]:
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=centralnoticelogs *
  Get a log of campaign configuration changes.

This module requires read rights
  campaign            - Campaign name (optional). Separate multiple values with a "|" (vertical bar).
  user                - Username (optional)
  limit               - Maximum rows to return (optional)
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 50
  offset              - Offset into result set (optional)
                        Default: 0
  start               - Start time of range (optional).
  end                 - End time of range (optional).

* list=checkuser (cu) *
  Allows check which IPs are used by a given username and which usernames are used by a given IP

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  curequest           - Type of CheckUser request
                         userips - get IP of target user
                         edits   - get changes from target IP or range
                         ipusers - get users from target IP or range
                        This parameter is required
                        One value: userips, edits, ipusers
  cutarget            - Username or IP-address/range to perform check
                        This parameter is required
  cureason            - Reason to check
  culimit             - Limit of rows
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 1000
  cutimecond          - Time limit of user data (like "2 weeks")
                        Default: -2 weeks
  cuxff               - Use xff data instead of IP
  cutoken             - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* list=checkuserlog (cul) *
  Allows get entries of CheckUser log

This module requires read rights
  culuser             - Username of CheckUser
  cultarget           - Checked user or IP-address/range
  cullimit            - Limit of rows
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  culdir              - In which direction to enumerate}
                         newer          - List oldest first. Note: culfrom has to be before culto.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: culfrom has to be later than culto.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  culfrom             - The timestamp to start enumerating from
  culto               - The timestamp to end enumerating
  culcontinue         - When more results are available, use this to continue

* list=deletedrevs (dr) *
  List deleted revisions.
  Operates in three modes:
   1) List deleted revisions for the given title(s), sorted by timestamp.
   2) List deleted contributions for the given user, sorted by timestamp (no titles specified).
   3) List all deleted revisions in the given namespace, sorted by title and timestamp
      (no titles specified, druser not set).
  Certain parameters only apply to some modes and are ignored in others.
  For instance, a parameter marked (1) only applies to mode 1 and is ignored in modes 2 and 3.

This module requires read rights
  drstart             - The timestamp to start enumerating from (1, 2)
  drend               - The timestamp to stop enumerating at (1, 2)
  drdir               - In which direction to enumerate (1, 3)
                         newer          - List oldest first. Note: drstart has to be before drend.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: drstart has to be later than drend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  drfrom              - Start listing at this title (3)
  drto                - Stop listing at this title (3)
  drprefix            - Search for all page titles that begin with this value (3)
  drcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  drunique            - List only one revision for each page (3)
  drtag               - Only list revisions tagged with this tag
  druser              - Only list revisions by this user
  drexcludeuser       - Don't list revisions by this user
  drnamespace         - Only list pages in this namespace (3)
                        One value: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Default: 0
  drlimit             - The maximum amount of revisions to list
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  drprop              - Which properties to get
                         revid          - Adds the revision ID of the deleted revision
                         parentid       - Adds the revision ID of the previous revision to the page
                         user           - Adds the user who made the revision
                         userid         - Adds the user ID whom made the revision
                         comment        - Adds the comment of the revision
                         parsedcomment  - Adds the parsed comment of the revision
                         minor          - Tags if the revision is minor
                         len            - Adds the length (bytes) of the revision
                         sha1           - Adds the SHA-1 (base 16) of the revision
                         content        - Adds the content of the revision
                         token          - DEPRECATED! Gives the edit token
                         tags           - Tags for the revision
                        Values (separate with '|'): revid, parentid, user, userid, comment, parsedcomment, minor, len, sha1, content, token, tags
                        Default: user|comment
  List the last deleted revisions of Main Page and Talk:Main Page, with content (mode 1):
  List the last 50 deleted contributions by Bob (mode 2):
  List the first 50 deleted revisions in the main namespace (mode 3):
  List the first 50 deleted pages in the Talk namespace (mode 3)::

* list=embeddedin (ei) *
  Find all pages that embed (transclude) the given title.

This module requires read rights
  eititle             - Title to search. Cannot be used together with eipageid
  eipageid            - Pageid to search. Cannot be used together with eititle
  eicontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  einamespace         - The namespace to enumerate
                        Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  eidir               - The direction in which to list
                        One value: ascending, descending
                        Default: ascending
  eifilterredir       - How to filter for redirects
                        One value: all, redirects, nonredirects
                        Default: all
  eilimit             - How many total pages to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=exturlusage (eu) *
  Enumerate pages that contain a given URL.

This module requires read rights
  euprop              - What pieces of information to include
                         ids    - Adds the ID of page
                         title  - Adds the title and namespace ID of the page
                         url    - Adds the URL used in the page
                        Values (separate with '|'): ids, title, url
                        Default: ids|title|url
  euoffset            - Used for paging. Use the value returned for "continue"
  euprotocol          - Protocol of the URL. If empty and euquery set, the protocol is http.
                        Leave both this and euquery empty to list all external links
                        Can be empty, or One value: bitcoin, ftp, ftps, geo, git, gopher, http, https, irc, ircs, magnet, mailto, mms, news, nntp,
                            redis, sftp, sip, sips, sms, ssh, svn, tel, telnet, urn, worldwind, xmpp
  euquery             - Search string without protocol. See [[Special:LinkSearch]]. Leave empty to list all external links
  eunamespace         - The page namespace(s) to enumerate.
                        NOTE: Due to $wgMiserMode, using this may result in fewer than "eulimit" results
                        returned before continuing; in extreme cases, zero results may be returned
                        Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  eulimit             - How many pages to return.
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  euexpandurl         - Expand protocol-relative URLs with the canonical protocol
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=filearchive (fa) *
  Enumerate all deleted files sequentially.

This module requires read rights
  fafrom              - The image title to start enumerating from
  facontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  fato                - The image title to stop enumerating at
  faprefix            - Search for all image titles that begin with this value
  falimit             - How many images to return in total
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  fadir               - The direction in which to enumerate
						 newer          - List oldest first. Note: fafrom has to be before fato.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: fafrom has to be later than fato.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  fasha1              - SHA1 hash of image. Overrides fasha1base36
  fasha1base36        - SHA1 hash of image in base 36 (used in MediaWiki)
  faprop              - What image information to get:
                         sha1              - Adds SHA-1 hash for the image
                         timestamp         - Adds timestamp for the uploaded version
                         user              - Adds user who uploaded the image version
                         size              - Adds the size of the image in bytes and the height, width and page count (if applicable)
                         dimensions        - Alias for size
                         description       - Adds description the image version
                         parseddescription - Parse the description on the version
                         mime              - Adds MIME of the image
                         mediatype         - Adds the media type of the image
                         metadata          - Lists Exif metadata for the version of the image
                         bitdepth          - Adds the bit depth of the version
                         archivename       - Adds the file name of the archive version for non-latest versions
                        Values (separate with '|'): sha1, timestamp, user, size, dimensions, description, parseddescription, mime, mediatype, metadata,
                            bitdepth, archivename
                        Default: timestamp
  Simple Use
  Show a list of all deleted files:

* list=flow (flow) *
  Shim to query to the internal Flow API.  This API is obsolete and has been superseded by submodules of action=flow.

This module requires read rights
  flowworkflow        - Hex-encoded ID of the workflow to query
  flowpage            - Title of the page to query
                        This parameter is required
  flowaction          - The view-type action to take
                        Default: view
  flowparams          - View parameters to pass to each block, indexed by block name
                        Default: {}

* list=gadgetcategories (gc) *
  Returns a list of gadget categories

This module requires read rights
  gcprop              - What gadget category information to get:
                         name     - Internal category name
                         title    - Category title
                         members  - Number of gadgets in category
                        Values (separate with '|'): name, title, members
                        Default: name
  gcnames             - Name(s) of categories to retrieve
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  Get a list of existing gadget categories:
  Get all information about categories named "foo" and "bar":

* list=gadgets (ga) *
  Returns a list of gadgets used on this wiki

This module requires read rights
  gaprop              - What gadget information to get:
                         id             - Internal gadget ID
                         metadata       - The gadget metadata
                         desc           - Gadget description transformed into HTML (can be slow, use only if really needed)
                        Values (separate with '|'): id, metadata, desc
                        Default: id|metadata
  gacategories        - Gadgets from what categories to retrieve
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  gaids               - ID(s) of gadgets to retrieve
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  gaallowedonly       - List only gadgets allowed to current user
  gaenabledonly       - List only gadgets enabled by current user
  Get a list of gadgets along with their descriptions:
  Get a list of gadgets with all possible properties:
  Get a list of gadgets belonging to category "foo":
  Get information about gadgets "foo" and "bar":
  Get a list of gadgets enabled by current user:

* list=geosearch (gs) *
  Returns pages around the given point

This module requires read rights
  gscoord             - Coordinate around which to search: two floating-point values separated by pipe (|)
  gspage              - Title of page around which to search
  gsradius            - Search radius in meters
                        This parameter is required
                        The value must be between 10 and 10000
  gsmaxdim            - Restrict search to objects no larger than this, in meters
  gslimit             - Maximum number of pages to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  gsglobe             - Globe to search on (by default ``earth'')
                        One value: earth
                        Default: earth
  gsnamespace         - Namespace(s) to search
                        Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
                        Default: 0
  gsprop              - What additional coordinate properties to return
                        Values (separate with '|'): type, name, dim, country, region, globe
                        Default: globe
  gsprimary           - Whether to return only primary coordinates (``primary''), secondary (``secondary'') or both (``all'')
                        One value: primary, secondary, all
                        Default: primary
  Search around the point with coordinates 37° 47′ 13.1″ N, 122° 23′ 58.84″ W:
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=gettingstartedgetpages (gsgp) *
  This API is for getting a list of one or more pages related to a particular GettingStarted task.

This module requires read rights
  gsgptaskname        - Task name, for example, "copyedit"
                        This parameter is required
  gsgpexcludedtitle   - Full title of a page to exclude from the list; also used as the base title for recommendations based on a given page
  gsgpcount           - Requested count; will attempt to fetch this exact number, but may fetch fewer if no more are found after multiple attempts
                        This parameter is required
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=globalallusers (agu) *
  Enumerate all global users

This module requires read rights
  agufrom             - The user name to start enumerating from
  aguto               - The user name to stop enumerating at
  aguprefix           - Search for all users that begin with this value
  agudir              - The direction in which to enumerate
						 newer          - List oldest first. Note: agufrom has to be before aguto.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: agufrom has to be later than aguto.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  agugroup            - Limit users to given global group name(s)
                        Values (separate with '|'): abusefilter, abusefilter-helper, apihighlimits-requestor, captcha-exempt, delete-global,
                            editinterface, founder, global-bot, global-ipblock-exempt, global-rollbacker, global-sysop,
                            new-wikis-importer, ombudsman, recursive-export, staff, steward, sysadmin, wmf-researcher
  aguexcludegroup     - Exclude users in given global group name(s)
                        Values (separate with '|'): abusefilter, abusefilter-helper, apihighlimits-requestor, captcha-exempt, delete-global,
                            editinterface, founder, global-bot, global-ipblock-exempt, global-rollbacker, global-sysop,
                            new-wikis-importer, ombudsman, recursive-export, staff, steward, sysadmin, wmf-researcher
  aguprop             - What pieces of information to include.
                         lockinfo       - Whether the user account is locked
                         groups         - Lists global groups that the user is in. This uses more server resources and may return fewer results than the limit
                         existslocally  - Adds the information if the user exists locally
                        Values (separate with '|'): lockinfo, groups, existslocally
  agulimit            - How many total user names to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10

* list=globalblocks (bg) *
  List all globally blocked IP addresses.

This module requires read rights
  bgstart             - The timestamp to start enumerating from
  bgend               - The timestamp to stop enumerating at
  bgdir               - The direction in which to enumerate
						 newer          - List oldest first. Note: bgstart has to be before bgend.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: bgstart has to be later than bgend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  bgids               - Pipe-separated list of block IDs to list (optional)
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  bgaddresses         - Pipe-separated list of addresses to search for (optional)
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  bgip                - Get all blocks applying to this IP or CIDR range, including range blocks.
                        Cannot be used together with bkusers. CIDR ranges broader than /16 are not accepted.
  bglimit             - The maximum amount of blocks to list
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  bgprop              - Which properties to get
                        Values (separate with '|'): id, address, by, timestamp, expiry, reason, range
                        Default: id|address|by|timestamp|expiry|reason

* list=globalgroups (ggp) *
  Enumerate all global groups

This module requires read rights
  ggpprop             - What pieces of information to include.
                        Values (separate with '|'): rights

* list=imageusage (iu) *
  Find all pages that use the given image title.

This module requires read rights
  iutitle             - Title to search. Cannot be used together with iupageid
  iupageid            - Pageid to search. Cannot be used together with iutitle
  iucontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  iunamespace         - The namespace to enumerate
                        Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  iudir               - The direction in which to list
                        One value: ascending, descending
                        Default: ascending
  iufilterredir       - How to filter for redirects. If set to nonredirects when iuredirect is enabled, this is only applied to the second level
                        One value: all, redirects, nonredirects
                        Default: all
  iulimit             - How many total pages to return. If iuredirect is enabled, limit applies to each level separately (which means you may get up to 2 * limit results).
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  iuredirect          - If linking page is a redirect, find all pages that link to that redirect as well. Maximum limit is halved.
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=iwbacklinks (iwbl) *
  Find all pages that link to the given interwiki link.
  Can be used to find all links with a prefix, or
  all links to a title (with a given prefix).
  Using neither parameter is effectively "All IW Links".

This module requires read rights
  iwblprefix          - Prefix for the interwiki
  iwbltitle           - Interwiki link to search for. Must be used with iwblprefix
  iwblcontinue        - When more results are available, use this to continue
  iwbllimit           - How many total pages to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  iwblprop            - Which properties to get
                         iwprefix       - Adds the prefix of the interwiki
                         iwtitle        - Adds the title of the interwiki
                        Values (separate with '|'): iwprefix, iwtitle
  iwbldir             - The direction in which to enumerate
						 newer          - List oldest first. Note: iwstart has to be before iwend.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: iwstart has to be later than iwend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=langbacklinks (lbl) *
  Find all pages that link to the given language link.
  Can be used to find all links with a language code, or
  all links to a title (with a given language).
  Using neither parameter is effectively "All Language Links".
  Note that this may not consider language links added by extensions.

This module requires read rights
  lbllang             - Language for the language link
  lbltitle            - Language link to search for. Must be used with lbllang
  lblcontinue         - When more results are available, use this to continue
  lbllimit            - How many total pages to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  lblprop             - Which properties to get
                         lllang         - Adds the language code of the language link
                         lltitle        - Adds the title of the language link
                        Values (separate with '|'): lllang, lltitle
  lbldir              - The direction in which to list
                        One value: ascending, descending
                        Default: ascending
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=logevents (le) *
  Get events from logs.

This module requires read rights
  leprop              - Which properties to get
                         ids            - Adds the ID of the log event
                         title          - Adds the title of the page for the log event
                         type           - Adds the type of log event
                         user           - Adds the user responsible for the log event
                         userid         - Adds the user ID who was responsible for the log event
                         timestamp      - Adds the timestamp for the event
                         comment        - Adds the comment of the event
                         parsedcomment  - Adds the parsed comment of the event
                         details        - Lists additional details about the event
                         tags           - Lists tags for the event
                        Values (separate with '|'): ids, title, type, user, userid, timestamp, comment, parsedcomment, details, tags
                        Default: ids|title|type|user|timestamp|comment|details
  letype              - Filter log entries to only this type
                        Can be empty, or One value: block, protect, rights, delete, upload, move, import, patrol, merge, suppress, review, stable,
                            spamblacklist, titleblacklist, gblblock, renameuser, globalauth, gblrights, gblrename, abusefilter,
                            massmessage, pagetriage-curation, pagetriage-deletion, institution, course, student, online, campus,
                            instructor, thanks, usermerge, newusers
  leaction            - Filter log actions to only this action. Overrides letype
                        Wildcard actions like 'action/*' allows to specify any string for the asterisk
                        One value: block/block, block/unblock, block/reblock, protect/protect, protect/modify, protect/unprotect,
                            protect/move_prot, import/upload, import/interwiki, merge/merge, suppress/block, suppress/reblock,
                            review/approve, review/approve2, review/approve-i, review/approve2-i, review/approve-a,
                            review/approve2-a, review/approve-ia, review/approve2-ia, review/unapprove, review/unapprove2,
                            rights/erevoke, gblblock/gblock, gblblock/gblock2, gblblock/gunblock, gblblock/whitelist,
                            gblblock/dwhitelist, gblblock/modify, globalauth/delete, globalauth/lock, globalauth/unlock,
                            globalauth/hide, globalauth/unhide, globalauth/lockandhid, globalauth/setstatus, suppress/setstatus,
                            gblrights/usergroups, gblrights/groupperms, gblrights/groupprms2, gblrights/groupprms3,
                            suppress/hide-afl, suppress/unhide-afl, usermerge/mergeuser, usermerge/deleteuser, move/move,
                            move/move_redir, delete/delete, delete/restore, delete/revision, delete/event, suppress/revision,
                            suppress/event, suppress/delete, patrol/patrol, rights/rights, rights/autopromote, upload/upload,
                            upload/overwrite, upload/revert, stable/config, stable/modify, stable/reset, spamblacklist/*,
                            titleblacklist/*, renameuser/renameuser, gblrights/grouprename, gblrename/rename, gblrename/merge,
                            gblrights/newset, gblrights/setrename, gblrights/setnewtype, gblrights/setchange,
                            gblrights/deleteset, abusefilter/modify, abusefilter/hit, massmessage/*, massmessage/send,
                            massmessage/failure, massmessage/skipoptout, massmessage/skipnouser, massmessage/skipbadns,
                            pagetriage-curation/reviewed, pagetriage-curation/unreviewed, pagetriage-curation/tag,
                            pagetriage-curation/delete, pagetriage-deletion/delete, institution/*, course/*, student/*,
                            student/add, student/remove, online/*, online/add, online/remove, campus/*, campus/add,
                            campus/remove, instructor/*, instructor/add, instructor/remove, eparticle/*, thanks/*,
                            delete/flow-delete-post, delete/flow-delete-topic, suppress/flow-suppress-post,
                            suppress/flow-suppress-topic, lock/flow-lock-topic, delete/flow-restore-post,
                            suppress/flow-restore-post, delete/flow-restore-topic, suppress/flow-restore-topic,
                            newusers/newusers, newusers/create, newusers/create2, newusers/byemail, newusers/autocreate
  lestart             - The timestamp to start enumerating from
  leend               - The timestamp to end enumerating
  ledir               - In which direction to enumerate
                         newer          - List oldest first. Note: lestart has to be before leend.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: lestart has to be later than leend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  leuser              - Filter entries to those made by the given user
  letitle             - Filter entries to those related to a page
  lenamespace         - Filter entries to those in the given namespace
                        One value: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
  leprefix            - Filter entries that start with this prefix. Disabled in Miser Mode
  letag               - Only list event entries tagged with this tag
  lelimit             - How many total event entries to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  lecontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue

* list=mmsites *
  Serve autocomplete requests for the site field in MassMessage; not intended for use elsewhere.

This module requires read rights
  term                - The prefix to search for
                        This parameter is required

* list=oldreviewedpages (or) *
  Enumerates pages that have changes pending review

This module requires read rights
  orstart             - Start listing at this timestamp.
  orend               - Stop listing at this timestamp.
  ordir               - In which direction to list.
						 newer          - List the longest waiting pages first. Note: orstart has to be before orend.
                         older          - List the newest items first (default). Note: orstart has to be later than orend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: newer
  ormaxsize           - Maximum character count change size.
                        The value must be no less than 0
  orfilterwatched     - How to filter for pages on your watchlist.
                        One value: watched, all
                        Default: all
  ornamespace         - The namespaces to enumerate.
                        Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
                        Default: 0
  orcategory          - Show pages only in the given category.
  orfilterredir       - How to filter for redirects.
                        One value: redirects, nonredirects, all
                        Default: all
  orlimit             - How many total pages to return.
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  Show a list of pages with pending unreviewed changes
  Show info about some old reviewed pages
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=pagepropnames (ppn) *
  List all page prop names in use on the wiki.

This module requires read rights
  ppncontinue         - When more results are available, use this to continue
  ppnlimit            - The maximum number of pages to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  Get first 10 prop names:

* list=pageswithprop (pwp) *
  List all pages using a given page prop.

This module requires read rights
  pwppropname         - Page prop for which to enumerate pages
                        This parameter is required
  pwpprop             - What pieces of information to include
                         ids   - Adds the page ID
                         title - Adds the title and namespace ID of the page
                         value - Adds the value of the page prop
                        Values (separate with '|'): ids, title, value
                        Default: ids|title
  pwpcontinue         - When more results are available, use this to continue
  pwplimit            - The maximum number of pages to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  pwpdir              - In which direction to sort
                        One value: ascending, descending
                        Default: ascending
  Get first 10 pages using {{DISPLAYTITLE:}}:
  Get page info about first 10 pages using __NOTOC__:
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=prefixsearch (ps) *
  Perform a prefix search for page titles

This module requires read rights
  pssearch            - Search string
                        This parameter is required
  psnamespace         - Namespaces to search
                        Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
                        Default: 0
  pslimit             - Maximum amount of results to return
                        No more than 100 (200 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=protectedtitles (pt) *
  List all titles protected from creation.

This module requires read rights
  ptnamespace         - Only list titles in these namespaces
                        Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  ptlevel             - Only list titles with these protection levels
                        Values (separate with '|'): autoconfirmed, templateeditor, sysop, superprotect
  ptlimit             - How many total pages to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  ptdir               - In which direction to enumerate
                         newer          - List oldest first. Note: ptstart has to be before ptend.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: ptstart has to be later than ptend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  ptstart             - Start listing at this protection timestamp
  ptend               - Stop listing at this protection timestamp
  ptprop              - Which properties to get
                         timestamp      - Adds the timestamp of when protection was added
                         user           - Adds the user that added the protection
                         userid         - Adds the user id that added the protection
                         comment        - Adds the comment for the protection
                         parsedcomment  - Adds the parsed comment for the protection
                         expiry         - Adds the timestamp of when the protection will be lifted
                         level          - Adds the protection level
                        Values (separate with '|'): timestamp, user, userid, comment, parsedcomment, expiry, level
                        Default: timestamp|level
  ptcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=querypage (qp) *
  Get a list provided by a QueryPage-based special page.

This module requires read rights
  qppage              - The name of the special page. Note, this is case sensitive
                        This parameter is required
                        One value: Ancientpages, BrokenRedirects, Deadendpages, DoubleRedirects, ListDuplicatedFiles, Listredirects,
                            Lonelypages, Longpages, MediaStatistics, Mostcategories, Mostimages, Mostinterwikis,
                            Mostlinkedcategories, Mostlinkedtemplates, Mostlinked, Mostrevisions, Fewestrevisions, Shortpages,
                            Uncategorizedcategories, Uncategorizedpages, Uncategorizedimages, Uncategorizedtemplates,
                            Unusedcategories, Unusedimages, Wantedcategories, Wantedfiles, Wantedpages, Wantedtemplates,
                            Unwatchedpages, Unusedtemplates, Withoutinterwiki, DisambiguationPages, DisambiguationPageLinks
  qpoffset            - When more results are available, use this to continue
                        Default: 0
  qplimit             - Number of results to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=random (rn) *
  Get a set of random pages.
  NOTE: Pages are listed in a fixed sequence, only the starting point is random.
        This means that if, for example, "Main Page" is the first random page on
        your list, "List of fictional monkeys" will *always* be second, "List of
        people on stamps of Vanuatu" third, etc.
  NOTE: If the number of pages in the namespace is lower than rnlimit, you will
        get fewer pages. You will not get the same page twice.

This module requires read rights
  rnnamespace         - Return pages in these namespaces only
                        Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  rnlimit             - Limit how many random pages will be returned
                        No more than 10 (20 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 1
  rnredirect          - Load a random redirect instead of a random page
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=recentchanges (rc) *
  Enumerate recent changes.

This module requires read rights
  rcstart             - The timestamp to start enumerating from
  rcend               - The timestamp to end enumerating
  rcdir               - In which direction to enumerate
                         newer          - List oldest first. Note: rcstart has to be before rcend.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: rcstart has to be later than rcend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  rcnamespace         - Filter log entries to only this namespace(s)
                        Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  rcuser              - Only list changes by this user
  rcexcludeuser       - Don't list changes by this user
  rctag               - Only list changes tagged with this tag
  rcprop              - Include additional pieces of information
                         user           - Adds the user responsible for the edit and tags if they are an IP
                         userid         - Adds the user id responsible for the edit
                         comment        - Adds the comment for the edit
                         parsedcomment  - Adds the parsed comment for the edit
                         flags          - Adds flags for the edit
                         timestamp      - Adds timestamp of the edit
                         title          - Adds the page title of the edit
                         ids            - Adds the page ID, recent changes ID and the new and old revision ID
                         sizes          - Adds the new and old page length in bytes
                         redirect       - Tags edit if page is a redirect
                         patrolled      - Tags patrollable edits as being patrolled or unpatrolled
                         loginfo        - Adds log information (logid, logtype, etc) to log entries
                         tags           - Lists tags for the entry
                         sha1           - Adds the content checksum for entries associated with a revision
                        Values (separate with '|'): user, userid, comment, parsedcomment, flags, timestamp, title, ids, sizes, redirect, patrolled,
                            loginfo, tags, sha1
                        Default: title|timestamp|ids
  rctoken             - DEPRECATED! Which tokens to obtain for each change
                        Values (separate with '|'): patrol
  rcshow              - Show only items that meet this criteria.
                        For example, to see only minor edits done by logged-in users, set rcshow=minor|!anon
                        Values (separate with '|'): minor, !minor, bot, !bot, anon, !anon, redirect, !redirect, patrolled, !patrolled, unpatrolled
  rclimit             - How many total changes to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  rctype              - Which types of changes to show
                        Values (separate with '|'): edit, external, new, log
  rctoponly           - Only list changes which are the latest revision
  rccontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=search (sr) *
  Perform a full text search.

This module requires read rights
  srsearch            - Search for all page titles (or content) that has this value
                        This parameter is required
  srnamespace         - The namespace(s) to enumerate
                        Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
                        Default: 0
  srwhat              - Search inside the text or titles
                        One value: title, text, nearmatch
  srinfo              - What metadata to return
                        Values (separate with '|'): totalhits, suggestion
                        Default: totalhits|suggestion
  srprop              - What properties to return
                         size             - Adds the size of the page in bytes
                         wordcount        - Adds the word count of the page
                         timestamp        - Adds the timestamp of when the page was last edited
                         score            - DEPRECATED and IGNORED
                         snippet          - Adds a parsed snippet of the page
                         titlesnippet     - Adds a parsed snippet of the page title
                         redirectsnippet  - Adds a parsed snippet of the redirect title
                         redirecttitle    - Adds the title of the matching redirect
                         sectionsnippet   - Adds a parsed snippet of the matching section title
                         sectiontitle     - Adds the title of the matching section
                         hasrelated       - DEPRECATED and IGNORED
                        Values (separate with '|'): size, wordcount, timestamp, score, snippet, titlesnippet, redirecttitle, redirectsnippet,
                            sectiontitle, sectionsnippet, hasrelated
                        Default: size|wordcount|timestamp|snippet
  sroffset            - Use this value to continue paging (return by query)
                        Default: 0
  srlimit             - How many total pages to return
                        No more than 50 (500 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  srinterwiki         - Include interwiki results in the search, if available
  srbackend           - Which search backend to use, if not the default
                        One value: LuceneSearch, CirrusSearch
                        Default: LuceneSearch
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=tags (tg) *
  List change tags.

This module requires read rights
  tgcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  tglimit             - The maximum number of tags to list
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  tgprop              - Which properties to get
                         name         - Adds name of tag
                         displayname  - Adds system message for the tag
                         description  - Adds description of the tag
                         hitcount     - Adds the amount of revisions that have this tag
                        Values (separate with '|'): name, displayname, description, hitcount
                        Default: name

* list=usercontribs (uc) *
  Get all edits by a user.

This module requires read rights
  uclimit             - The maximum number of contributions to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  ucstart             - The start timestamp to return from
  ucend               - The end timestamp to return to
  uccontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  ucuser              - The users to retrieve contributions for
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  ucuserprefix        - Retrieve contributions for all users whose names begin with this value.
                        Overrides ucuser
  ucdir               - In which direction to enumerate
                         newer          - List oldest first. Note: ucstart has to be before ucend.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: ucstart has to be later than ucend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  ucnamespace         - Only list contributions in these namespaces
                        Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  ucprop              - Include additional pieces of information
                         ids            - Adds the page ID and revision ID
                         title          - Adds the title and namespace ID of the page
                         timestamp      - Adds the timestamp of the edit
                         comment        - Adds the comment of the edit
                         parsedcomment  - Adds the parsed comment of the edit
                         size           - Adds the new size of the edit
                         sizediff       - Adds the size delta of the edit against its parent
                         flags          - Adds flags of the edit
                         patrolled      - Tags patrolled edits
                         tags           - Lists tags for the edit
                        Values (separate with '|'): ids, title, timestamp, comment, parsedcomment, size, sizediff, flags, patrolled, tags
                        Default: ids|title|timestamp|comment|size|flags
  ucshow              - Show only items that meet thse criteria, e.g. non minor edits only: ucshow=!minor
                        NOTE: If ucshow=patrolled or ucshow=!patrolled is set, revisions older than
                        $wgRCMaxAge (2592000) won't be shown
                        Values (separate with '|'): minor, !minor, patrolled, !patrolled, top, !top, new, !new
  uctag               - Only list revisions tagged with this tag
  uctoponly           - DEPRECATED! Only list changes which are the latest revision

* list=users (us) *
  Get information about a list of users.

This module requires read rights
  usprop              - What pieces of information to include
                          blockinfo      - Tags if the user is blocked, by whom, and for what reason
                          groups         - Lists all the groups the user(s) belongs to
                          implicitgroups - Lists all the groups a user is automatically a member of
                          rights         - Lists all the rights the user(s) has
                          editcount      - Adds the user's edit count
                          registration   - Adds the user's registration timestamp
                          emailable      - Tags if the user can and wants to receive email through [[Special:Emailuser]]
                          gender         - Tags the gender of the user. Returns "male", "female", or "unknown"
                        Values (separate with '|'): blockinfo, groups, implicitgroups, rights, editcount, registration, emailable, gender
  ususers             - A list of users to obtain the same information for
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  ustoken             - DEPRECATED! Which tokens to obtain for each user
                        Values (separate with '|'): userrights

* list=watchlist (wl) *
  Get all recent changes to pages in the logged in user's watchlist.

This module requires read rights
  wlallrev            - Include multiple revisions of the same page within given timeframe
  wlstart             - The timestamp to start enumerating from
  wlend               - The timestamp to end enumerating
  wlnamespace         - Filter changes to only the given namespace(s)
                        Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  wluser              - Only list changes by this user
  wlexcludeuser       - Don't list changes by this user
  wldir               - In which direction to enumerate
                         newer          - List oldest first. Note: wlstart has to be before wlend.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: wlstart has to be later than wlend.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  wllimit             - How many total results to return per request
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  wlprop              - Which additional items to get (non-generator mode only).
                         ids                    - Adds revision ids and page ids
                         title                  - Adds title of the page
                         flags                  - Adds flags for the edit
                         user                   - Adds the user who made the edit
                         userid                 - Adds user id of whom made the edit
                         comment                - Adds comment of the edit
                         parsedcomment          - Adds parsed comment of the edit
                         timestamp              - Adds timestamp of the edit
                         patrol                 - Tags edits that are patrolled
                         sizes                  - Adds the old and new lengths of the page
                         notificationtimestamp  - Adds timestamp of when the user was last notified about the edit
                         loginfo                - Adds log information where appropriate
                        Values (separate with '|'): ids, title, flags, user, userid, comment, parsedcomment, timestamp, patrol, sizes,
                            notificationtimestamp, loginfo
                        Default: ids|title|flags
  wlshow              - Show only items that meet this criteria.
                        For example, to see only minor edits done by logged-in users, set wlshow=minor|!anon
                        Values (separate with '|'): minor, !minor, bot, !bot, anon, !anon, patrolled, !patrolled, unread, !unread
  wltype              - Which types of changes to show
                         edit           - Regular page edits
                         external       - External changes
                         new            - Page creations
                         log            - Log entries
                        Values (separate with '|'): edit, external, new, log
  wlowner             - The name of the user whose watchlist you'd like to access
  wltoken             - Give a security token (settable in preferences) to allow access to another user's watchlist
  wlcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=watchlistraw (wr) *
  Get all pages on the logged in user's watchlist.

This module requires read rights
  wrcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue
  wrnamespace         - Only list pages in the given namespace(s)
                        Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  wrlimit             - How many total results to return per request
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  wrprop              - Which additional properties to get (non-generator mode only)
                         changed  - Adds timestamp of when the user was last notified about the edit
                        Values (separate with '|'): changed
  wrshow              - Only list items that meet these criteria
                        Values (separate with '|'): changed, !changed
  wrowner             - The name of the user whose watchlist you'd like to access
  wrtoken             - Give a security token (settable in preferences) to allow access to another user's watchlist
  wrdir               - Direction to sort the titles and namespaces in
                        One value: ascending, descending
                        Default: ascending
  This module may be used as a generator

* list=wikisets (ws) *
  Enumerate all wiki sets

This module requires read rights
  wsfrom              - The name of the wiki set to start from
  wsprop              - What pieces of information to include.
                         type             - Opt-in based (includes only specified wikis) or Opt-out based (includes all wikis except specified)
                         wikisincluded    - The wikis that are included in this wiki set
                         wikisnotincluded - The wikis that are not included in this wiki set
                        Values (separate with '|'): type, wikisincluded, wikisnotincluded
  wslimit             - How many wiki sets to return
                        No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  wsorderbyname       - Order results by name

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---  Query: Meta  --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 

* meta=allmessages (am) *
  Return messages from this site.

This module requires read rights
  ammessages          - Which messages to output. "*" (default) means all messages
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
                        Default: *
  amprop              - Which properties to get
                        Values (separate with '|'): default
  amenableparser      - Set to enable parser, will preprocess the wikitext of message
                        Will substitute magic words, handle templates etc.
  amnocontent         - If set, do not include the content of the messages in the output.
  amincludelocal      - Also include local messages, i.e. messages that don't exist in the software but do exist as a MediaWiki: page.
                        This lists all MediaWiki: pages, so it will also list those that aren't 'really' messages such as Common.js
  amargs              - Arguments to be substituted into message
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  amfilter            - Return only messages with names that contain this string
  amcustomised        - Return only messages in this customisation state
                        One value: all, modified, unmodified
                        Default: all
  amlang              - Return messages in this language
  amfrom              - Return messages starting at this message
  amto                - Return messages ending at this message
  amtitle             - Page name to use as context when parsing message (for enableparser option)
  amprefix            - Return messages with this prefix

* meta=filerepoinfo (fri) *
  Return meta information about image repositories configured on the wiki.

This module requires read rights
  friprop             - Which repository properties to get (there may be more available on some wikis):
                         apiurl      - URL to the repository API - helpful for getting image info from the host.
                         name        - The key of the repository - used in e.g. $wgForeignFileRepos and imageinfo return values.
                         displayname - The human-readable name of the repository wiki.
                         rooturl     - Root URL for image paths.
                         local       - Whether that repository is the local one or not.
                        Values (separate with '|'): name, displayname, rootUrl, local, url, thumbUrl, initialCapital, descBaseUrl, scriptDirUrl,
                            fetchDescription, favicon
                        Default: name|displayname|rootUrl|local|url|thumbUrl|initialCapital|descBaseUrl|scriptDirUrl|fetchDescription|favicon

* meta=globaluserinfo (gui) *
  Show information about a global user.

This module requires read rights
  guiuser             - User to get information about. Defaults to the current user
  guiprop             - Which properties to get:
                          groups     - Get a list of global groups this user belongs to
                          rights     - Get a list of global rights this user has
                          merged     - Get a list of merged accounts
                          unattached - Get a list of unattached accounts
                          editcount  - Get users global editcount
                        Values (separate with '|'): groups, rights, merged, unattached, editcount

* meta=notifications (not) *
  Get notifications waiting for the current user

This module requires read rights
  notprop             - Details to request.
                        Values (separate with '|'): list, count, index
                        Default: list
  notsections         - The notification sections to query.
                        Values (separate with '|'): alert, message
                        Default: alert|message
  notgroupbysection   - Whether to group the result by section, each section is fetched separately if set
  notformat           - If specified, notifications will be returned formatted this way.
                        One value: text, flyout, html
  notlimit            - The maximum number of notifications to return.
                        No more than 50 (500 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 20
  notindex            - If specified, a list of notification IDs, in order, will be returned.
  notcontinue         - When more results are available, use this to continue, this is used only when groupbysection is not set.
  notuselang          - the desired language to format the output
  notalertcontinue    - When more alert results are available, use this to continue.
  notalertunreadfirst - Whether to show unread message notifications first
  notmessagecontinue  - When more message results are available, use this to continue.
  notmessageunreadfirst - Whether to show unread alert notifications first

* meta=siteinfo (si) *
  Return general information about the site.

This module requires read rights
  siprop              - Which sysinfo properties to get:
                         general               - Overall system information
                         namespaces            - List of registered namespaces and their canonical names
                         namespacealiases      - List of registered namespace aliases
                         specialpagealiases    - List of special page aliases
                         magicwords            - List of magic words and their aliases
                         statistics            - Returns site statistics
                         interwikimap          - Returns interwiki map (optionally filtered, (optionally localised by using siinlanguagecode))
                         dbrepllag             - Returns database server with the highest replication lag
                         usergroups            - Returns user groups and the associated permissions
                         extensions            - Returns extensions installed on the wiki
                         fileextensions        - Returns list of file extensions allowed to be uploaded
                         rightsinfo            - Returns wiki rights (license) information if available
                         restrictions          - Returns information on available restriction (protection) types
                         languages             - Returns a list of languages MediaWiki supports (optionally localised by using siinlanguagecode)
                         skins                 - Returns a list of all enabled skins (optionally localised by using siinlanguagecode, otherwise in content language)
                         extensiontags         - Returns a list of parser extension tags
                         functionhooks         - Returns a list of parser function hooks
                         showhooks             - Returns a list of all subscribed hooks (contents of $wgHooks)
                         variables             - Returns a list of variable IDs
                         protocols             - Returns a list of protocols that are allowed in external links.
                         defaultoptions        - Returns the default values for user preferences.
                        Values (separate with '|'): general, namespaces, namespacealiases, specialpagealiases, magicwords, interwikimap, dbrepllag,
                            statistics, usergroups, extensions, fileextensions, rightsinfo, restrictions, languages, skins,
                            extensiontags, functionhooks, showhooks, variables, protocols, defaultoptions
                        Default: general
  sifilteriw          - Return only local or only nonlocal entries of the interwiki map
                        One value: local, !local
  sishowalldb         - List all database servers, not just the one lagging the most
  sinumberingroup     - Lists the number of users in user groups
  siinlanguagecode    - Language code for localised language names (best effort, use CLDR extension) and skin names

* meta=tokens *
  Gets tokens for data-modifying actions.

This module requires read rights
  type                - Type of token(s) to request
                        Values (separate with '|'): csrf, deleteglobalaccount, patrol, rollback, setglobalaccountstatus, userrights, watch
                        Default: csrf
  Retrieve a csrf token (the default):
  Retrieve a watch token and a patrol token:

* meta=userinfo (ui) *
  Get information about the current user.

This module requires read rights
  uiprop              - What pieces of information to include
                          blockinfo        - Tags if the current user is blocked, by whom, and for what reason
                          hasmsg           - Adds a tag "message" if the current user has pending messages
                          groups           - Lists all the groups the current user belongs to
                          implicitgroups   - Lists all the groups the current user is automatically a member of
                          rights           - Lists all the rights the current user has
                          changeablegroups - Lists the groups the current user can add to and remove from
                          options          - Lists all preferences the current user has set
                          preferencestoken - DEPRECATED! Get a token to change current user's preferences
                          editcount        - Adds the current user's edit count
                          ratelimits       - Lists all rate limits applying to the current user
                          realname         - Adds the user's real name
                          email            - Adds the user's email address and email authentication date
                          acceptlang       - Echoes the Accept-Language header sent by the client in a structured format
                          registrationdate - Adds the user's registration date
                          unreadcount      - Adds the count of unread pages on the user's watchlist (maximum 999; returns "1000+" if more)
                        Values (separate with '|'): blockinfo, hasmsg, groups, implicitgroups, rights, changeablegroups, options, preferencestoken,
                            editcount, ratelimits, email, realname, acceptlang, registrationdate, unreadcount

* meta=wikibase (wb) *
  Get information about the Wikibase repository.

This module requires read rights
  wbprop              - Which wikibase repository properties to get:
                         url          - Base url, script path and article path
                        Values (separate with '|'): url
                        Default: url
  Get url path and other info for the Wikibase repo:

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***  Modules: continuation  *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 

* action=expandtemplates *
  Expands all templates in wikitext.

This module requires read rights
  title               - Title of page
                        Default: API
  text                - Wikitext to convert
                        This parameter is required
  prop                - Which pieces of information to get
                         wikitext   - The expanded wikitext
                         categories - Any categories present in the input that are not represented in the wikitext output
                         volatile   - Whether the output is volatile and should not be reused elsewhere within the page
                         ttl        - The maximum time after which caches of the result should be invalidated
                         parsetree  - The XML parse tree of the input
                        Note that if no values are selected, the result will contain the wikitext,
                        but the output will be in a deprecated format.
                        Values (separate with '|'): wikitext, categories, volatile, ttl, parsetree
  includecomments     - Whether to include HTML comments in the output
  generatexml         - DEPRECATED! Generate XML parse tree (replaced by prop=parsetree)

* action=parse *
  Parses content and returns parser output.
  See the various prop-Modules of action=query to get information from the currentversion of a page.
  There are several ways to specify the text to parse:
  1) Specify a page or revision, using page, pageid, or oldid.
  2) Specify content explicitly, using text, title, and contentmodel.
  3) Specify only a summary to parse. prop should be given an empty value.
  Extended by MobileFrontend

This module requires read rights
  title               - Title of page the text belongs to. If omitted, contentmodel must be specified, and "API" will be used as the title
  text                - Text to parse. Use title or contentmodel to control the content model
  summary             - Summary to parse
  page                - Parse the content of this page. Cannot be used together with text and title
  pageid              - Parse the content of this page. Overrides page
  redirects           - If the page or the pageid parameter is set to a redirect, resolve it
  oldid               - Parse the content of this revision. Overrides page and pageid
  prop                - Which pieces of information to get
                         text           - Gives the parsed text of the wikitext
                         langlinks      - Gives the language links in the parsed wikitext
                         categories     - Gives the categories in the parsed wikitext
                         categorieshtml - Gives the HTML version of the categories
                         links          - Gives the internal links in the parsed wikitext
                         templates      - Gives the templates in the parsed wikitext
                         images         - Gives the images in the parsed wikitext
                         externallinks  - Gives the external links in the parsed wikitext
                         sections       - Gives the sections in the parsed wikitext
                         revid          - Adds the revision ID of the parsed page
                         displaytitle   - Adds the title of the parsed wikitext
                         headitems      - Gives items to put in the <head> of the page
                         headhtml       - Gives parsed <head> of the page
                         modules        - Gives the ResourceLoader modules used on the page
                         iwlinks        - Gives interwiki links in the parsed wikitext
                         wikitext       - Gives the original wikitext that was parsed
                         properties     - Gives various properties defined in the parsed wikitext
                         limitreportdata - Gives the limit report in a structured way.
                                           Gives no data, when disablepp is set.
                         limitreporthtml - Gives the HTML version of the limit report.
                                           Gives no data, when disablepp is set.
                        Values (separate with '|'): text, langlinks, categories, categorieshtml, links, templates, images, externallinks, sections,
                            revid, displaytitle, headitems, headhtml, modules, iwlinks, wikitext, properties, limitreportdata,
                        Default: text|langlinks|categories|links|templates|images|externallinks|sections|revid|displaytitle|iwlinks|properties
  pst                 - Do a pre-save transform on the input before parsing it
                        Only valid when used with text
  onlypst             - Do a pre-save transform (PST) on the input, but don't parse it
                        Returns the same wikitext, after a PST has been applied.
                        Only valid when used with text
  effectivelanglinks  - Includes language links supplied by extensions
                        (for use with prop=langlinks)
  uselang             - Which language to parse the request in
  section             - Only retrieve the content of this section number
  disablepp           - Disable the PP Report from the parser output
  disableeditsection  - Disable edit section links from the parser output
  generatexml         - Generate XML parse tree (requires contentmodel=wikitext)
  preview             - Parse in preview mode
  sectionpreview      - Parse in section preview mode (enables preview mode too)
  disabletoc          - Disable table of contents in output
  contentformat       - Content serialization format used for the input text
                        Only valid when used with text
                        One value: text/x-wiki, text/javascript, application/json, text/css, text/plain
  contentmodel        - Content model of the input text. If omitted, title must be specified, and default will be the model of the specified title
                        Only valid when used with text
                        One value: wikitext, javascript, json, css, text, MassMessageListContent, flow-board, Scribunto, JsonSchema
  mobileformat        - Return parse output in a format suitable for mobile devices
  noimages            - Disable images in mobile output
  mainpage            - Apply mobile main page transformations
  Parse a page:
  Parse wikitext:
  Parse wikitext, specifying the page title:
  Parse a summary:

* action=opensearch *
  Search the wiki using the OpenSearch protocol.

This module requires read rights
  search              - Search string
  limit               - Maximum amount of results to return
                        No more than 100 (100 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  namespace           - Namespaces to search
                        Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
                        Default: 0
  suggest             - Do nothing if $wgEnableOpenSearchSuggest is false
  format              - The format of the output
                        One value: json, jsonfm, xml, xmlfm
                        Default: json

* action=feedcontributions *
  Returns a user contributions feed.

This module requires read rights
  feedformat          - The format of the feed
                        One value: rss, atom
                        Default: rss
  user                - What users to get the contributions for
                        This parameter is required
  namespace           - What namespace to filter the contributions by
                        One value: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
  year                - From year (and earlier)
  month               - From month (and earlier)
  tagfilter           - Filter contributions that have these tags
                        Values (separate with '|'): new blank article, extraneous markup, de-userfying, Possible self promotion in userspace, possible
                            vandalism, signature added, discretionary sanctions alert, image added to template, nowiki added,
                            userspace spam, changing height or weight, possible libel or vandalism, End of page text,
                            non-English content, Extraneous formatting, reverting anti-vandal bot, Possible vandalism, Rapid
                            reverts, adding email address, nonsense characters, removal of copyvio templates, bad external,
                            large unwikified new article, removal of articles for deletion template, Section blanking, possible
                            cut and paste move, coi-spam, autobiography, repeating characters, categories removed, removal of
                            Category:Living People, very short new article, possible link spam, reference list removal, image
                            template removal, shouting, talk page blanking, blanking, removal of speedy deletion templates,
                            self-renaming and bad user talk moves, visualeditor, visualeditor-needcheck, visualeditor-switched,
                            wikilove, mobile app edit, mobile edit, mobile web edit, HHVM
  deletedonly         - Show only deleted contributions
  toponly             - Only show edits that are latest revisions
  newonly             - Only show edits that are page creations
  showsizediff        - Show the size difference between revisions. Disabled in Miser Mode

* action=feedrecentchanges *
  Returns a recent changes feed

This module requires read rights
  feedformat          - The format of the feed
                        One value: rss, atom
                        Default: rss
  namespace           - Namespace to limit the results to
                        One value: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
  invert              - All namespaces but the selected one
  associated          - Include associated (talk or main) namespace
  days                - Days to limit the results to
                        The value must be no less than 1
                        Default: 7
  limit               - Maximum number of results to return
                        The value must be between 1 and 50
                        Default: 50
  from                - Show changes since then
  hideminor           - Hide minor changes
  hidebots            - Hide changes made by bots
  hideanons           - Hide changes made by anonymous users
  hideliu             - Hide changes made by registered users
  hidepatrolled       - Hide patrolled changes
  hidemyself          - Hide changes made by yourself
  tagfilter           - Filter by tag
  target              - Show only changes on pages linked from this page
  showlinkedto        - Show changes on pages linked to the selected page instead

* action=feedwatchlist *
  Returns a watchlist feed.

This module requires read rights
  feedformat          - The format of the feed
                        One value: rss, atom
                        Default: rss
  hours               - List pages modified within this many hours from now
                        The value must be between 1 and 72
                        Default: 24
  linktosections      - Link directly to changed sections if possible
  allrev              - Include multiple revisions of the same page within given timeframe
  wlowner             - The name of the user whose watchlist you'd like to access
  wltoken             - Give a security token (settable in preferences) to allow access to another user's watchlist
  wlshow              - Show only items that meet this criteria.
                        For example, to see only minor edits done by logged-in users, set wlshow=minor|!anon
                        Values (separate with '|'): minor, !minor, bot, !bot, anon, !anon, patrolled, !patrolled, unread, !unread
  wltype              - Which types of changes to show
                         edit           - Regular page edits
                         external       - External changes
                         new            - Page creations
                         log            - Log entries
                        Values (separate with '|'): edit, external, new, log
  wlexcludeuser       - Don't list changes by this user

* action=help *
  Display this help screen. Or the help screen for the specified module.
  modules             - List of module names (value of the action= parameter). Can specify submodules with a '+'
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  querymodules        - DEPRECATED! Use modules=query+value instead. List of query module names (value of prop=, meta= or list= parameter)
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  Whole help page:
  Module (action) help page:
  Help for the query/categorymembers module:
  Help for the login and query/info modules:

* action=paraminfo *
  Obtain information about certain API parameters and errors.
  modules             - List of module names (value of the action= parameter)
                        Values (separate with '|'): abusefiltercheckmatch, abusefilterchecksyntax, abusefilterevalexpression,
                            abusefilterunblockautopromote, addstudents, antispoof, block, centralauthtoken,
                            centralnoticeallocations, centralnoticequerycampaign, cirrus-config-dump, cirrus-mapping-dump,
                            cirrus-settings-dump, clearhasmsg, compare, createaccount, delete, deleteeducation,
                            deleteglobalaccount, echomarkread, edit, editmassmessagelist, emailuser, enlist, expandtemplates,
                            fancycaptchareload, featuredfeed, feedcontributions, feedrecentchanges, feedwatchlist, filerevert,
                            flagconfig, flow, flow-parsoid-utils, flowthank, globalblock, globaluserrights, help, imagerotate,
                            import, jsonconfig, languagesearch, liststudents, login, logout, massmessage, mobileview, move,
                            opensearch, options, pagetriageaction, pagetriagelist, pagetriagestats, pagetriagetagging,
                            pagetriagetemplate, paraminfo, parse, patrol, protect, purge, query, refresheducation, review,
                            reviewactivity, revisiondelete, rollback, rsd, scribunto-console, setglobalaccountstatus,
                            setnotificationtimestamp, sitematrix, spamblacklist, stabilize, templatedata, thank, titleblacklist,
                            tokens, transcodereset, ulslocalization, unblock, undelete, upload, userdailycontribs, userrights,
                            visualeditor, visualeditoredit, watch, wikilove, wikiloveimagelog, zeroconfig
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  querymodules        - List of query module names (value of prop=, meta= or list= parameter)
                        Values (separate with '|'): abusefilters, abuselog, allcategories, allfileusages, allimages, alllinks, allmessages, allpages,
                            allredirects, alltransclusions, allusers, backlinks, betafeatures, blocks, categories, categoryinfo,
                            categorymembers, centralnoticelogs, checkuser, checkuserlog, contributors, coordinates, deletedrevs,
                            duplicatefiles, embeddedin, extlinks, extracts, exturlusage, filearchive, filerepoinfo, fileusage,
                            flagged, flow, flowinfo, gadgetcategories, gadgets, geosearch, gettingstartedgetpages,
                            globalallusers, globalblocks, globalgroups, globalusage, globaluserinfo, imageinfo, images,
                            imageusage, info, iwbacklinks, iwlinks, langbacklinks, langlinks, links, linkshere, logevents,
                            mmsites, notifications, oldreviewedpages, pageimages, pagepropnames, pageprops, pageswithprop,
                            prefixsearch, protectedtitles, querypage, random, recentchanges, redirects, revisions, search,
                            siteinfo, stashimageinfo, tags, templates, tokens, transcludedin, transcodestatus, usercontribs,
                            userinfo, users, videoinfo, watchlist, watchlistraw, wikibase, wikisets
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  mainmodule          - Get information about the main (top-level) module as well
  pagesetmodule       - Get information about the pageset module (providing titles= and friends) as well
  formatmodules       - List of format module names (value of format= parameter)
                        Values (separate with '|'): dbg, dbgfm, dump, dumpfm, json, jsonfm, none, php, phpfm, rawfm, txt, txtfm, wddx, wddxfm, xml,
                            xmlfm, yaml, yamlfm

* action=rsd *
  Export an RSD (Really Simple Discovery) schema.

* action=compare *
  Get the difference between 2 pages.
  You must pass a revision number or a page title or a page ID id for each part (1 and 2).

This module requires read rights
  fromtitle           - First title to compare
  fromid              - First page ID to compare
  fromrev             - First revision to compare
  totitle             - Second title to compare
  toid                - Second page ID to compare
  torev               - Second revision to compare
  Create a diff between revision 1 and 2:

* action=tokens *
  This module is deprecated in favor of action=query&meta=tokens.
  Gets tokens for data-modifying actions.

This module requires read rights
  type                - Type of token(s) to request
                        Values (separate with '|'): block, centralauth, delete, deleteglobalaccount, edit, email, import, move, options, patrol,
                            protect, setglobalaccountstatus, unblock, watch
                        Default: edit
  Retrieve an edit token (the default):
  Retrieve an email token and a move token:

* action=purge *
  Purge the cache for the given titles.
  Requires a POST request if the user is not logged in.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  forcelinkupdate     - Update the links tables
  forcerecursivelinkupdate - Update the links table, and update the links tables for any page that uses this page as a template
  continue            - When more results are available, use this to continue
  titles              - A list of titles to work on
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  pageids             - A list of page IDs to work on
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  revids              - A list of revision IDs to work on
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  redirects           - Automatically resolve redirects
  converttitles       - Convert titles to other variants if necessary. Only works if the wiki's content language supports variant conversion.
                        Languages that support variant conversion include gan, iu, kk, ku, shi, sr, tg, uz, zh
  generator           - Get the list of pages to work on by executing the specified query module.
                        NOTE: generator parameter names must be prefixed with a 'g', see examples
                        One value: allcategories, allfileusages, allimages, alllinks, allpages, allredirects, alltransclusions,
                            backlinks, categories, categorymembers, duplicatefiles, embeddedin, exturlusage, fileusage,
                            geosearch, gettingstartedgetpages, images, imageusage, iwbacklinks, langbacklinks, links, linkshere,
                            oldreviewedpages, pageswithprop, prefixsearch, protectedtitles, querypage, random, recentchanges,
                            redirects, search, templates, transcludedin, watchlist, watchlistraw
  Purge the "Main Page" and the "API" page:

* action=setnotificationtimestamp *
  Update the notification timestamp for watched pages.
  This affects the highlighting of changed pages in the watchlist and history,
  and the sending of email when the "Email me when a page on my watchlist is
  changed" preference is enabled.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  entirewatchlist     - Work on all watched pages
  timestamp           - Timestamp to which to set the notification timestamp
  torevid             - Revision to set the notification timestamp to (one page only)
  newerthanrevid      - Revision to set the notification timestamp newer than (one page only)
  continue            - When more results are available, use this to continue
  titles              - A list of titles to work on
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  pageids             - A list of page IDs to work on
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  revids              - A list of revision IDs to work on
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  redirects           - Automatically resolve redirects
  converttitles       - Convert titles to other variants if necessary. Only works if the wiki's content language supports variant conversion.
                        Languages that support variant conversion include gan, iu, kk, ku, shi, sr, tg, uz, zh
  generator           - Get the list of pages to work on by executing the specified query module.
                        NOTE: generator parameter names must be prefixed with a 'g', see examples
                        One value: allcategories, allfileusages, allimages, alllinks, allpages, allredirects, alltransclusions,
                            backlinks, categories, categorymembers, duplicatefiles, embeddedin, exturlusage, fileusage,
                            geosearch, gettingstartedgetpages, images, imageusage, iwbacklinks, langbacklinks, links, linkshere,
                            oldreviewedpages, pageswithprop, prefixsearch, protectedtitles, querypage, random, recentchanges,
                            redirects, search, templates, transcludedin, watchlist, watchlistraw
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required
  Reset the notification status for the entire watchlist:
  Reset the notification status for "Main page":
  Set the notification timestamp for "Main page" so all edits since 1 January 2012 are unviewed:

* action=rollback *
  Undo the last edit to the page. If the last user who edited the page made
  multiple edits in a row, they will all be rolled back.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  title               - Title of the page you want to roll back. Cannot be used together with pageid
  pageid              - Page ID of the page you want to roll back. Cannot be used together with title
  user                - Name of the user whose edits are to be rolled back.
                        This parameter is required
  summary             - Custom edit summary. If empty, default summary will be used
  markbot             - Mark the reverted edits and the revert as bot edits
  watchlist           - Unconditionally add or remove the page from your watchlist, use preferences or do not change watch
                        One value: watch, unwatch, preferences, nochange
                        Default: preferences
  token               - A 'rollback' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        For compatibility, the token used in the web UI is also accepted.
                        This parameter is required

* action=delete *
  Delete a page.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  title               - Title of the page you want to delete. Cannot be used together with pageid
  pageid              - Page ID of the page you want to delete. Cannot be used together with title
  reason              - Reason for the deletion. If not set, an automatically generated reason will be used
  watch               - DEPRECATED! Add the page to your watchlist
  watchlist           - Unconditionally add or remove the page from your watchlist, use preferences or do not change watch
                        One value: watch, unwatch, preferences, nochange
                        Default: preferences
  unwatch             - DEPRECATED! Remove the page from your watchlist
  oldimage            - The name of the old image to delete as provided by iiprop=archivename
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required
  Delete the Main Page:
  Delete the Main Page with the reason "Preparing for move":

* action=undelete *
  Restore certain revisions of a deleted page. A list of deleted revisions 
  (including timestamps) can be retrieved through list=deletedrevs, and a list
  of deleted file ids can be retrieved through list=filearchive.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  title               - Title of the page you want to restore
                        This parameter is required
  reason              - Reason for restoring
  timestamps          - Timestamps of the revisions to restore.
                        If both timestamps and fileids are empty, all will be restored.
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  fileids             - IDs of the file revisions to restore.
                        If both timestamps and fileids are empty, all will be restored.
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  watchlist           - Unconditionally add or remove the page from your watchlist, use preferences or do not change watch
                        One value: watch, unwatch, preferences, nochange
                        Default: preferences
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* action=protect *
  Change the protection level of a page.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  title               - Title of the page you want to (un)protect. Cannot be used together with pageid
  pageid              - ID of the page you want to (un)protect. Cannot be used together with title
  protections         - List of protection levels, formatted action=group (e.g. edit=sysop)
                        This parameter is required
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  expiry              - Expiry timestamps. If only one timestamp is set, it'll be used for all protections.
                        Use 'infinite', 'indefinite', 'infinity' or 'never', for a never-expiring protection.
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
                        Default: infinite
  reason              - Reason for (un)protecting
  cascade             - Enable cascading protection (i.e. protect pages included in this page)
                        Ignored if not all protection levels are 'sysop' or 'protect'
  watch               - DEPRECATED! If set, add the page being (un)protected to your watchlist
  watchlist           - Unconditionally add or remove the page from your watchlist, use preferences or do not change watch
                        One value: watch, unwatch, preferences, nochange
                        Default: preferences
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* action=block *
  Block a user.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  user                - Username, IP address or IP range you want to block
                        This parameter is required
  expiry              - Relative expiry time, e.g. '5 months' or '2 weeks'. If set to 'infinite', 'indefinite' or 'never', the block will never expire.
                        Default: never
  reason              - Reason for block
  anononly            - Block anonymous users only (i.e. disable anonymous edits for this IP)
  nocreate            - Prevent account creation
  autoblock           - Automatically block the last used IP address, and any subsequent IP addresses they try to login from
  noemail             - Prevent user from sending email through the wiki. (Requires the "blockemail" right.)
  hidename            - Hide the username from the block log. (Requires the "hideuser" right.)
  allowusertalk       - Allow the user to edit their own talk page (depends on $wgBlockAllowsUTEdit)
  reblock             - If the user is already blocked, overwrite the existing block
  watchuser           - Watch the user/IP's user and talk pages
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* action=unblock *
  Unblock a user.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  id                  - ID of the block you want to unblock (obtained through list=blocks). Cannot be used together with user
  user                - Username, IP address or IP range you want to unblock. Cannot be used together with id
  reason              - Reason for unblock
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* action=move *
  Move a page.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  from                - Title of the page you want to move. Cannot be used together with fromid
  fromid              - Page ID of the page you want to move. Cannot be used together with from
  to                  - Title you want to rename the page to
                        This parameter is required
  reason              - Reason for the move
  movetalk            - Move the talk page, if it exists
  movesubpages        - Move subpages, if applicable
  noredirect          - Don't create a redirect
  watch               - DEPRECATED! Add the page and the redirect to your watchlist
  unwatch             - DEPRECATED! Remove the page and the redirect from your watchlist
  watchlist           - Unconditionally add or remove the page from your watchlist, use preferences or do not change watch
                        One value: watch, unwatch, preferences, nochange
                        Default: preferences
  ignorewarnings      - Ignore any warnings
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* action=edit *
  Create and edit pages.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  title               - Title of the page you want to edit. Cannot be used together with pageid
  pageid              - Page ID of the page you want to edit. Cannot be used together with title
  section             - Section number. 0 for the top section, 'new' for a new section
  sectiontitle        - The title for a new section
  text                - Page content
  summary             - Edit summary. Also section title when section=new and sectiontitle is not set
  minor               - Minor edit
  notminor            - Non-minor edit
  bot                 - Mark this edit as bot
  basetimestamp       - Timestamp of the base revision (obtained through prop=revisions&rvprop=timestamp).
                        Used to detect edit conflicts; leave unset to ignore conflicts
  starttimestamp      - Timestamp when you began the editing process, e.g. when the current page content was loaded for editing.
                        Used to detect edit conflicts; leave unset to ignore conflicts
  recreate            - Override any errors about the article having been deleted in the meantime
  createonly          - Don't edit the page if it exists already
  nocreate            - Throw an error if the page doesn't exist
  watch               - DEPRECATED! Add the page to your watchlist
  unwatch             - DEPRECATED! Remove the page from your watchlist
  watchlist           - Unconditionally add or remove the page from your watchlist, use preferences or do not change watch
                        One value: watch, unwatch, preferences, nochange
                        Default: preferences
  md5                 - The MD5 hash of the text parameter, or the prependtext and appendtext parameters concatenated.
                        If set, the edit won't be done unless the hash is correct
  prependtext         - Add this text to the beginning of the page. Overrides text
  appendtext          - Add this text to the end of the page. Overrides text.
                        Use section=new to append a new section
  undo                - Undo this revision. Overrides text, prependtext and appendtext
  undoafter           - Undo all revisions from undo to this one. If not set, just undo one revision
  redirect            - Automatically resolve redirects
  contentformat       - Content serialization format used for the input text
                        One value: text/x-wiki, text/javascript, application/json, text/css, text/plain
  contentmodel        - Content model of the new content
                        One value: wikitext, javascript, json, css, text, MassMessageListContent, flow-board, Scribunto, JsonSchema
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        The token should always be sent as the last parameter, or at least, after the text parameter
                        This parameter is required
  captchaword         - Answer to the CAPTCHA
  captchaid           - CAPTCHA ID from previous request
  Edit a page (anonymous user):
  Prepend __NOTOC__ to a page (anonymous user):
  Undo r13579 through r13585 with autosummary (anonymous user):

* action=upload *
  Upload a file, or get the status of pending uploads. Several methods are available:
   * Upload file contents directly, using the "file" parameter
   * Have the MediaWiki server fetch a file from a URL, using the "url" parameter
   * Complete an earlier upload that failed due to warnings, using the "filekey" parameter
  Note that the HTTP POST must be done as a file upload (i.e. using multipart/form-data) when
  sending the "file".

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  filename            - Target filename
  comment             - Upload comment. Also used as the initial page text for new files if "text" is not specified
  text                - Initial page text for new files
  watch               - DEPRECATED! Watch the page
  watchlist           - Unconditionally add or remove the page from your watchlist, use preferences or do not change watch
                        One value: watch, preferences, nochange
                        Default: preferences
  ignorewarnings      - Ignore any warnings
  file                - File contents
                        Must be posted as a file upload using multipart/form-data
  url                 - URL to fetch the file from
  filekey             - Key that identifies a previous upload that was stashed temporarily.
  sessionkey          - DEPRECATED! Same as filekey, maintained for backward compatibility.
  stash               - If set, the server will not add the file to the repository and stash it temporarily.
  filesize            - Filesize of entire upload
  offset              - Offset of chunk in bytes
  chunk               - Chunk contents
                        Must be posted as a file upload using multipart/form-data
  async               - Make potentially large file operations asynchronous when possible
  asyncdownload       - Make fetching a URL asynchronous
  leavemessage        - If asyncdownload is used, leave a message on the user talk page if finished
  statuskey           - Fetch the upload status for this file key (upload by URL)
  checkstatus         - Only fetch the upload status for the given file key
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required
  Upload from a URL:
  Complete an upload that failed due to warnings:

* action=filerevert *
  Revert a file to an old version.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  filename            - Target filename without the File: prefix
                        This parameter is required
  comment             - Upload comment
  archivename         - Archive name of the revision to revert to
                        This parameter is required
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required
  Revert Wiki.png to the version of 20110305152740:

* action=emailuser *
  Email a user.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  target              - User to send email to
                        This parameter is required
  subject             - Subject header
  text                - Mail body
                        This parameter is required
  ccme                - Send a copy of this mail to me
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required
  Send an email to the User "WikiSysop" with the text "Content":

* action=watch *
  Add or remove pages from/to the current user's watchlist.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  title               - DEPRECATED! The page to (un)watch. use titles instead
  unwatch             - If set the page will be unwatched rather than watched
  uselang             - Language to show the message in
  continue            - When more results are available, use this to continue
  titles              - A list of titles to work on
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  pageids             - A list of page IDs to work on
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  revids              - A list of revision IDs to work on
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  redirects           - Automatically resolve redirects
  converttitles       - Convert titles to other variants if necessary. Only works if the wiki's content language supports variant conversion.
                        Languages that support variant conversion include gan, iu, kk, ku, shi, sr, tg, uz, zh
  generator           - Get the list of pages to work on by executing the specified query module.
                        NOTE: generator parameter names must be prefixed with a 'g', see examples
                        One value: allcategories, allfileusages, allimages, alllinks, allpages, allredirects, alltransclusions,
                            backlinks, categories, categorymembers, duplicatefiles, embeddedin, exturlusage, fileusage,
                            geosearch, gettingstartedgetpages, images, imageusage, iwbacklinks, langbacklinks, links, linkshere,
                            oldreviewedpages, pageswithprop, prefixsearch, protectedtitles, querypage, random, recentchanges,
                            redirects, search, templates, transcludedin, watchlist, watchlistraw
  token               - A 'watch' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required
  Watch the page "Main Page":
  Unwatch the page "Main Page":

* action=patrol *
  Patrol a page or revision.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  rcid                - Recentchanges ID to patrol
  revid               - Revision ID to patrol
  token               - A 'patrol' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* action=import *
  Import a page from another wiki, or an XML file.
  Note that the HTTP POST must be done as a file upload (i.e. using multipart/form-data) when
  sending a file for the "xml" parameter.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  summary             - Import summary
  xml                 - Uploaded XML file
                        Must be posted as a file upload using multipart/form-data
  interwikisource     - For interwiki imports: wiki to import from
                        One value: meta, nost, de, es, fr, it, pl, outreachwiki, test2wiki
  interwikipage       - For interwiki imports: page to import
  fullhistory         - For interwiki imports: import the full history, not just the current version
  templates           - For interwiki imports: import all included templates as well
  namespace           - For interwiki imports: import to this namespace
                        One value: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119, 710, 711, 446,
                            447, 2600, 828, 829
  rootpage            - Import as subpage of this page
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required
  Import [[meta:Help:Parserfunctions]] to namespace 100 with full history:

* action=clearhasmsg *
  Clears the hasmsg flag for current user.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
  Clears the hasmsg flag for current user:

* action=userrights *
  Add/remove a user to/from groups.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  user                - User name
  userid              - User id
  add                 - Add the user to these groups
                        Values (separate with '|'): bot, sysop, bureaucrat, reviewer, autoreview, steward, accountcreator, import, transwiki,
                            ipblock-exempt, oversight, founder, rollbacker, autoreviewer, researcher, filemover, checkuser,
                            templateeditor, massmessage-sender, OTRS-member, abusefilter, epcoordinator, eponline, epcampus,
                            epinstructor, oauthadmin, confirmed
  remove              - Remove the user from these groups
                        Values (separate with '|'): bot, sysop, bureaucrat, reviewer, autoreview, steward, accountcreator, import, transwiki,
                            ipblock-exempt, oversight, founder, rollbacker, autoreviewer, researcher, filemover, checkuser,
                            templateeditor, massmessage-sender, OTRS-member, abusefilter, epcoordinator, eponline, epcampus,
                            epinstructor, oauthadmin, confirmed
  reason              - Reason for the change
  token               - A 'userrights' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        For compatibility, the token used in the web UI is also accepted.
                        This parameter is required

* action=options *
  Change preferences of the current user.
  Only options which are registered in core or in one of installed extensions,
  or as options with keys prefixed with 'userjs-' (intended to be used by user
  scripts), can be set.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  reset               - Resets preferences to the site defaults
  resetkinds          - List of types of options to reset when the "reset" option is set
                        Values (separate with '|'): registered, registered-multiselect, registered-checkmatrix, userjs, special, unused, all
                        Default: all
  change              - List of changes, formatted name=value (e.g. skin=vector), value cannot contain pipe characters. If no value is given (not 
                        even an equals sign), e.g., optionname|otheroption|..., the option will be reset to its default value
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  optionname          - A name of a option which should have an optionvalue set
  optionvalue         - A value of the option specified by the optionname, can contain pipe characters
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* action=imagerotate *
  This module has been disabled.

* action=revisiondelete *
  Delete/undelete revisions.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  type                - Type of revision deletion being performed
                        This parameter is required
                        One value: revision, archive, oldimage, filearchive, logging
  target              - Page title for the revision deletion, if required for the type
  ids                 - Identifiers for the revisions to be deleted
                        This parameter is required
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  hide                - What to hide for each revision
                        Values (separate with '|'): content, comment, user
  show                - What to unhide for each revision
                        Values (separate with '|'): content, comment, user
  suppress            - Whether to suppress data from administrators as well as others
                        One value: yes, no, nochange
                        Default: nochange
  reason              - Reason for the deletion/undeletion
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required
  Hide content for revision 12345 on the Main Page:
  Hide all data on log entry 67890 with the reason "BLP violation":

* action=sitematrix (sm) *
  Get Wikimedia sites list
  The code is either the unique identifier for specials else, for languages, the project code

This module requires read rights
  smtype              - Filter the Site Matrix by type
                         special  - One off, and multilingual Wikimedia projects
                         language - Wikimedia projects under this language code
                        Values (separate with '|'): special, language
                        Default: special|language
  smstate             - Filter the Site Matrix by wiki state
                         closed   - No write access, full read access
                         private  - Read and write restricted
                         fishbowl - Restricted write access, full read access
                        Values (separate with '|'): all, closed, private, fishbowl
                        Default: all
  smlangprop          - Which information about a language to return
                        Values (separate with '|'): code, name, site, localname
                        Default: code|name|site|localname
  smsiteprop          - Which information about a site to return
                        Values (separate with '|'): url, dbname, code, sitename
                        Default: url|dbname|code|sitename
  smlimit             - Maximum number of results
                        No more than 5000 (5000 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 5000
  smcontinue          - When more results are available, use this to continue

* action=spamblacklist *
  Validate one or more URLs against the SpamBlacklist.

This module requires read rights
  url                 - A pipe-separated list of URLs to validate against the blacklist
                        This parameter is required
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)

* action=titleblacklist (tb) *
  Validate an article title, filename, or username against the TitleBlacklist.

This module requires read rights
  tbtitle             - The string to validate against the blacklist
                        This parameter is required
  tbaction            - The thing you're trying to do
                        One value: create, edit, upload, createtalk, createpage, move, new-account
                        Default: edit
  tbnooverride        - Don't try to override the titleblacklist

* action=transcodereset *
  Users with the 'transcode-reset' right can reset and re-run a transcode job

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  title               - The media file title
                        This parameter is required
  transcodekey        - The transcode key you wish to reset
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required
  Reset all transcodes for Clip.webm :
  Reset the '360_560kbs.webm' transcode key for clip.webm. Get a list of transcode keys via a 'transcodestatus' query

* action=globalblock *
  Globally block or unblock a user.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  target              - The target IP.
                        This parameter is required
  expiry              - If specified, will block or reblock the user.
                        Determines how long the block will last for, e.g. '5 months' or '2 weeks'.
                        If set to 'infinite' or 'indefinite' the block will never expire.
  unblock             - If specified, will unblock the user.
  reason              - The reason for blocking/unblocking.
                        This parameter is required
  anononly            - Specify this if the block should only affect logged-out users.
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* action=cirrus-config-dump *
  Dump of CirrusSearch configuration.

This module requires read rights

* action=cirrus-mapping-dump *
  Dump of CirrusSearch mapping for this wiki.

This module requires read rights

* action=cirrus-settings-dump *
  Dump of CirrusSearch mapping for this wiki.

This module requires read rights

* action=fancycaptchareload *
  Get a new FancyCaptcha.

This module requires read rights

* action=antispoof *
  Check a username against AntiSpoof's normalisation checks.

This module requires read rights
  username            - The username to check against AntiSpoof
                        This parameter is required

* action=deleteglobalaccount *
  Delete a global user.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  user                - User to delete.
                        This parameter is required
  reason              - Reason for deleting the user.
  token               - A 'deleteglobalaccount' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* action=setglobalaccountstatus *
  Set a global user's status.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  user                - User to change the status of.
                        This parameter is required
  locked              - Change whether this user is locked or not.
                        Can be empty, or One value: lock, unlock
  hidden              - Change whether this user is not hidden, hidden from lists, or suppressed.
                        Can be empty, or One value: lists, suppressed
  reason              - Reason for changing the user's status.
  token               - A 'setglobalaccountstatus' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required
  statecheck          - Optional MD5 of the expected current <username>:<hidden>:<locked>, to detect edit conflicts. Set <locked> to 1 for locked, 0 for unlocked.

* action=centralauthtoken *
  Fetch a centralauthtoken for making an authenticated request to an attached wiki.

This module requires read rights

* action=globaluserrights *
  Add/remove a user to/from global groups.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  user                - User name
  userid              - User id
  add                 - Add the user to these groups
                        Values (separate with '|'): abusefilter, abusefilter-helper, apihighlimits-requestor, captcha-exempt, delete-global,
                            editinterface, founder, global-bot, global-ipblock-exempt, global-rollbacker, global-sysop,
                            new-wikis-importer, ombudsman, recursive-export, staff, steward, sysadmin, wmf-researcher
  remove              - Remove the user from these groups
                        Values (separate with '|'): abusefilter, abusefilter-helper, apihighlimits-requestor, captcha-exempt, delete-global,
                            editinterface, founder, global-bot, global-ipblock-exempt, global-rollbacker, global-sysop,
                            new-wikis-importer, ombudsman, recursive-export, staff, steward, sysadmin, wmf-researcher
  reason              - Reason for the change
  token               - A 'userrights' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        For compatibility, the token used in the web UI is also accepted.
                        This parameter is required

* action=abusefilterchecksyntax *
  Check syntax of an AbuseFilter filter

This module requires read rights
  filter              - The full filter text to check syntax on
                        This parameter is required

* action=abusefilterevalexpression *
  Evaluates an AbuseFilter expression

This module requires read rights
  expression          - The expression to evaluate
                        This parameter is required

* action=abusefilterunblockautopromote *
  Unblocks a user from receiving autopromotions due to an abusefilter consequence

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  user                - Username of the user you want to unblock
                        This parameter is required
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* action=abusefiltercheckmatch *
  Check to see if an AbuseFilter matches a set of variables, editor logged AbuseFilter event.
  vars, rcid or logid is required however only one may be used

This module requires read rights
  filter              - The full filter text to check for a match
                        This parameter is required
  vars                - JSON encoded array of variables to test against
  rcid                - Recent change ID to check against
  logid               - Abuse filter log ID to check against

* action=userdailycontribs *
  Get the total number of user edits, time of registration, and edits in a given timeframe

This module requires read rights
  user                - Username to query
  daysago             - Number of edits since this many days ago
                        The value must be no less than 0
  basetimestamp       - Date from which daysago will be calculated (instead of "today").
                        Count returned in timeFrameEdits will be editcount between this date and the date
                        "daysago" from it.

* action=massmessage *
  Send a message to a list of pages

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  spamlist            - Page containing list of pages to leave a message on
                        This parameter is required
  subject             - Subject line of the message
                        This parameter is required
  message             - Message body text
                        This parameter is required
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required
  Send a message to the list at [[Signpost Spamlist]] with the subject "New Signpost", and message
body of "Please read it":

* action=editmassmessagelist *
  This module has been disabled.

* action=visualeditor *
  Returns HTML5 for a page from the parsoid service.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
  page                - The page to perform actions on.
                        This parameter is required
  format              - 
                        One value: json, jsonfm
                        Default: json
  paction             - Action to perform
                        This parameter is required
                        One value: parse, parsefragment, serialize, serializeforcache, diff, getlanglinks
  wikitext            - 
  basetimestamp       - When saving, set this to the timestamp of the revision that was edited. Used to detect edit conflicts.
  starttimestamp      - When saving, set this to the timestamp of when the page was loaded. Used to detect edit conflicts.
  oldid               - The revision number to use (defaults to latest version).
  html                - HTML to send to parsoid in exchange for wikitext
  cachekey            - For serialize or diff, use the result of a previous serializeforcache request with this key. Overrides html.

* action=visualeditoredit *
  Save an HTML5 page to MediaWiki (converted to wikitext via the Parsoid service).

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  page                - The page to perform actions on.
                        This parameter is required
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required
  wikitext            - 
  basetimestamp       - When saving, set this to the timestamp of the revision that was edited. Used to detect edit conflicts.
  starttimestamp      - When saving, set this to the timestamp of when the page was loaded. Used to detect edit conflicts.
  needcheck           - When saving, set this parameter if the revision might have roundtrip problems. This will result in the edit being tagged.
  oldid               - The revision number to use. Defaults to latest revision. Use 0 for new page.
  minor               - Flag for minor edit.
  watch               - 
  html                - HTML to send to Parsoid in exchange for wikitext
  summary             - Edit summary
  captchaid           - Captcha ID (when saving with a captcha response).
  captchaword         - Answer to the captcha (when saving with a captcha response).
  cachekey            - Use the result of a previous serializeforcache request with this key.Overrides html.

* action=templatedata *
  Data stored by the TemplateData extension

This module requires read rights
  titles              - A list of titles to work on
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  pageids             - A list of page IDs to work on
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  revids              - A list of revision IDs to work on
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  redirects           - Automatically resolve redirects
  converttitles       - Convert titles to other variants if necessary. Only works if the wiki's content language supports variant conversion.
                        Languages that support variant conversion include gan, iu, kk, ku, shi, sr, tg, uz, zh
  generator           - Get the list of pages to work on by executing the specified query module.
                        NOTE: generator parameter names must be prefixed with a 'g', see examples
                        One value: allcategories, allfileusages, allimages, alllinks, allpages, allredirects, alltransclusions,
                            backlinks, categories, categorymembers, duplicatefiles, embeddedin, exturlusage, fileusage,
                            geosearch, gettingstartedgetpages, images, imageusage, iwbacklinks, langbacklinks, links, linkshere,
                            oldreviewedpages, pageswithprop, prefixsearch, protectedtitles, querypage, random, recentchanges,
                            redirects, search, templates, transcludedin, watchlist, watchlistraw
  format              - The format of the output
                        One value: json, jsonfm
                        Default: json
  lang                - Return localized values in this language (by default all available translations are returned)

* action=wikilove *
  Give WikiLove to another user.
  WikiLove is a positive message posted to a user's talk page through a
  convenient interface with preset or locally defined templates. This action
  adds the specified wikitext to a certain talk page. For statistical purposes,
  the type and other data are logged.

This module requires read rights
  title               - Full pagename of the user page or user talk page of the user to send WikiLove to
                        This parameter is required
  text                - Raw wikitext to add in the new section
                        This parameter is required
  message             - Actual message the user has entered, for logging purposes
  token               - Edit token. You can get one of these through the API with prop=info,
                        or when on a MediaWiki page through mw.user.tokens
                        This parameter is required
  subject             - Subject header of the new section
                        This parameter is required
  type                - Type of WikiLove (for statistics); this corresponds with a type
                        selected in the left menu, and optionally a subtype after that
                        (e.g. "barnstar-normal" or "kitten")
  email               - Content of the optional email message to send to the user.
                        A warning will be returned if the user cannot be emailed. WikiLove will be sent to user talk page either way.

* action=wikiloveimagelog *
  Log user attempts to use a custom image via WikiLove.

This module requires read rights
  image               - 
                        This parameter is required
  success             - 
                        This parameter is required

* action=mobileview *
  Returns data needed for mobile views

This module requires read rights
  page                - Title of page to process
                        This parameter is required
  redirect            - Whether redirects should be followed
                        One value: yes, no
                        Default: yes
  sections            - Pipe-separated list of section numbers for which to return text.
                         `all' can be used to return for all. Ranges in format '1-4' mean get sections 1,2,3,4.
                         Ranges without second number, e.g. '1-' means get all until the end.
                         `references' can be used to specify that all sections containing references
                         should be returned.
  prop                - Which information to get
                         text            - HTML of selected section(s)
                         sections        - information about all sections on page
                         normalizedtitle - normalized page title
                         lastmodified    - ISO 8601 timestamp for when the page was last modified, e.g. "2014-04-13T22:42:14Z"
                         lastmodifiedby  - information about the user who modified the page last
                         revision        - return the current revision id of the page
                         protection      - information about protection level
                         editable        - whether current user can edit this page. This includes all factors for logged-in users but not blocked status for anons.
                         languagecount   - number of languages that the page is available in
                         hasvariants     - whether or not the page is available in other language variants
                         displaytitle    - the rendered title of the page, with {{DISPLAYTITLE}} and such applied
                         pageprops       - page properties
                         image           - information about an image associated with this page
                         thumb           - thumbnail of an image associated with this page
                        Values (separate with '|'): id, text, sections, normalizedtitle, lastmodified, lastmodifiedby, revision, protection, editable,
                            languagecount, hasvariants, displaytitle, pageprops, image, thumb
                        Default: text|sections|normalizedtitle
  sectionprop         - What information about sections to get
                        Values (separate with '|'): toclevel, level, line, number, index, fromtitle, anchor
                        Default: toclevel|line
  pageprops           - What page properties to return, a pipe (|) separated list or * for all properties
                        Default: notoc|noeditsection|wikibase_item
  variant             - Convert content into this language variant
  noimages            - Return HTML without images
  noheadings          - Don't include headings in output
  notransform         - Don't transform HTML into mobile-specific version
  onlyrequestedsections - Return only requested sections even with prop=sections
  offset              - Pretend all text result is one string, and return the substring starting at this point
                        The value must be no less than 0
                        Default: 0
  maxlen              - Pretend all text result is one string, and limit result to this length
                        The value must be no less than 0
                        Default: 0
  thumbsize           - Maximum thumbnail dimensions
                        The value must be no less than 0
                        Default: 50

* action=zeroconfig *
  Get configuration of the Zero extension

This module requires read rights
  type                - What kind of Zero info is needed
                          config   - get a trimmed-down carrier configuration based on the X-CS header
                          message  - get lang-appropriate verbiage based on X-CS header; requires agent param
                        One value: config, message
                        Default: config
  agent               - When setting type to message, include a source agent value as well

* action=featuredfeed *
  Returns a featured content feed

This module requires read rights
  feedformat          - The format of the feed
                        One value: rss, atom
                        Default: rss
  feed                - Feed name
                        This parameter is required
                        One value: potd, featured, onthisday
  language            - Feed language code. Ignored by some feeds.
  Retrieve feed ``potd':

* action=pagetriagelist *
  Get a list of page IDs for building a PageTriage queue.

This module requires read rights
  page_id             - Return data for the specified page ids, ignoring other parameters
  showbots            - Whether to show only bot edits
  showredirs          - Whether to include redirects or not
  showreviewed        - Whether to include reviewed or not
  showunreviewed      - Whether to include unreviewed or not
  showdeleted         - Whether to include "proposed for deleted" or not
  limit               - The maximum number of results to return
                        The value must be between 1 and 200
                        Default: 20
  offset              - Timestamp to start from
  pageoffset          - Page ID to start from (requires offset param to be passed as well)
  dir                 - The direction in which to enumerate
						 newer          - List oldest first. Note: start has to be before end.
                         older          - List newest first (default). Note: start has to be later than end.
                        One value: newer, older
                        Default: older
  namespace           - What namespace to pull pages from
  no_category         - Whether to show only pages with no category
  no_inbound_links    - Whether to show only pages with no inbound links
  non_autoconfirmed_users - Whether to show only pages created by non auto confirmed users
  blocked_users       - Whether to show only pages created by blocked users
  username            - Show only pages created by username

* action=pagetriagestats *
  Get the stats for page triage

This module requires read rights
  namespace           - What namespace to pull stats from
  showredirs          - Whether to include redirects or not
  showreviewed        - Whether to include reviewed or not
  showunreviewed      - Whether to include unreviewed or not
  showdeleted         - Whether to include "proposed for deleted" or not

* action=pagetriageaction *
  Mark an article as reviewed or unreviewed

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  pageid              - The article for which to be marked as reviewed or unreviewed
                        This parameter is required
  reviewed            - whether the article is reviewed or not
                        This parameter is required
                        One value: 1, 0
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required
  note                - personal note to page creators from reviewers
  skipnotif           - whether to skip notification or not

* action=pagetriagetemplate *
  Fetch templates that are used within the PageTriage application.

This module requires read rights
  view                - The PageTriage view for which you need the templates.
                        This parameter is required
  template            - The template to fetch.  Separate multiple with the | character
                        This parameter is required

* action=pagetriagetagging *
  Add tags to an article

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  pageid              - The article for which to be tagged
                        This parameter is required
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required
  top                 - The tagging text to be added to the top of an article
  bottom              - The tagging text to be added to the bottom of an article
  deletion            - Whether or not the tagging is for a deletion nomination
  note                - Personal note to page creators from reviewers
  taglist             - Pipe-separated list of tags
                        This parameter is required
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)

* action=deleteeducation *
  API module for deleting objects parts of the Education Program extension.

This module requires read rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  ids                 - The IDs of the reviews to delete
                        This parameter is required
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  type                - Type of object to delete.
                        This parameter is required
                        One value: org, course
  comment             - Message with the reason for this change for the log
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* action=enlist *
  API module for associating/disassociating a user as instructor or ambassador with/from a course.

This module requires read rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  subaction           - Specifies what you want to do with the instructor or ambassador
                        This parameter is required
                        One value: add, remove
  role                - The role to affect. "instructor" for instructor, "online" for online ambassadors and "campus" for campus ambassadors
                        This parameter is required
                        One value: instructor, online, campus, student
  username            - Name of the user to associate as instructor or ambassador
  userid              - Id of the user to associate as instructor or ambassador
  courseid            - The ID of the course to/from which the instructor or ambassador should be added/removed
                        This parameter is required
  reason              - Message with the reason for this change for the log
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* action=refresheducation *
  API module for refreshing (rebuilding) summary data of objects parts of the Education Program extension.

This module requires read rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  ids                 - The IDs of the reviews to refresh
                        This parameter is required
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  type                - Type of object to delete.
                        This parameter is required
                        One value: org, course, student
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* action=addstudents *
  Add multiple students to a course.

This module requires read rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  studentusernames    - The usernames of the students to add to the course, separated by a |
                        This parameter is required
  courseid            - The ID of the course to which the students should be added/removed
                        This parameter is required
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* action=liststudents *
  Get the usernames and other information for students enrolled in one or more courses.

This module requires read rights
  courseids           - The IDs of courses, each separated by a |
                        This parameter is required
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  prop                - Which property to get for each student:
                         username       - The username of the student
                         id             - The user ID of the student
                        One value: username, id
                        Default: username
  group               - If group parameter is given, the query will group students by course.
  csv                 - If csv parameter is given, the query will return usernames in CSV format, and it will return the articles assigned to those students.

* action=echomarkread *
  Mark notifications as read for the current user

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  list                - A list of notification IDs to mark as read
                        Separate values with '|'
                        Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
  all                 - If set to true, marks all of a user's notifications as read
  sections            - A list of sections to mark as read
                        Values (separate with '|'): alert, message
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required
  uselang             - the desired language to format the output

* action=thank *
  This API is for sending thank you notifications from one editor to another.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  rev                 - A revision ID for an edit that you want to thank someone for
                        This parameter is required
                        The value must be no less than 1
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required
  source              - A short string describing the source of the request, for example, 'diff' or 'history'
  Send thanks for revision with the ID 123, with the source being a diff page:

* action=flowthank *
  This API is for sending thank you notifications for Flow comments.

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  postid              - The UUID of the post to thank for
                        This parameter is required
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required
  Send thanks for the comment with UUID abc123:

* action=flow-parsoid-utils *
  Convert text from/to wikitext/html

This module requires read rights
  from                - Format of content tossed in
                        This parameter is required
                        One value: html, wikitext
  to                  - Format to convert content to
                        This parameter is required
                        One value: html, wikitext
  content             - Content to be converted
                        This parameter is required
  title               - Title of the page. Cannot be used together with pageid
  pageid              - ID of the page. Cannot be used together with title

* action=flow *
  Allows actions to be taken on Flow pages.

This module requires read rights
  submodule           - The Flow submodule to invoke
                        This parameter is required
                        One value: close-open-topic, edit-header, edit-post, edit-title, edit-topic-summary, lock-topic, moderate-post,
                            moderate-topic, new-topic, reply, view-header, view-post, view-topic, view-topic-summary,
  workflow            - The Workflow to take the action on
  page                - The page to take the action on
  token               - An edit token
  render              - Set this to something to include a block-specific rendering in the output

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---  Flow: Submodules  --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 

* submodule=close-open-topic (cot) *
  Lock or unlock a Flow topic

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  cotmoderationState  - State to put topic in, either locked or unlocked
                        This parameter is required
                        One value: lock, unlock, close, reopen
  cotreason           - Reason for locking or unlocking the topic
                        This parameter is required
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* submodule=edit-header (eh) *
  Edits a topic's header

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  ehprev_revision     - Revision id of the current header revision to check for edit conflicts
  ehcontent           - Content for header
                        This parameter is required
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* submodule=edit-post (ep) *
  Edits a post's content

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  eppostId            - Post ID
                        This parameter is required
  epprev_revision     - Revision id of the current post revision to check for edit conflicts
                        This parameter is required
  epcontent           - Content for post
                        This parameter is required
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* submodule=edit-title (et) *
  Edits a topic's title

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  etprev_revision     - Revision id of the current header revision to check for edit conflicts
                        This parameter is required
  etcontent           - Content for title
                        This parameter is required
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* submodule=edit-topic-summary (ets) *
  Edits a topic summary's content

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  etsprev_revision    - Revision id of the current topic summary revision to check for edit conflicts. Null for a new topic summary revision
  etssummary          - Content for the summary
                        This parameter is required
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* submodule=lock-topic (cot) *
  Lock or unlock a Flow topic

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  cotmoderationState  - State to put topic in, either locked or unlocked
                        This parameter is required
                        One value: lock, unlock, close, reopen
  cotreason           - Reason for locking or unlocking the topic
                        This parameter is required
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* submodule=moderate-post (mp) *
  Moderates a Flow post

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  mpmoderationState   - What level to moderate at
                        This parameter is required
                        One value: delete, hide, suppress, restore, unhide, undelete, unsuppress
  mpreason            - Reason for moderation
                        This parameter is required
  mppostId            - Id of post to moderate
                        This parameter is required
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* submodule=moderate-topic (mt) *
  Moderates a Flow topic

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  mtmoderationState   - What level to moderate at
                        This parameter is required
                        One value: delete, hide, suppress, restore, unhide, undelete, unsuppress
  mtreason            - Reason for moderation
                        This parameter is required
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* submodule=new-topic (nt) *
  Creates a new Flow topic on the given workflow

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  nttopic             - Text for new topic header
                        This parameter is required
  ntcontent           - Content for new topic
                        This parameter is required
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* submodule=reply (rep) *
  Replies to a post

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  repreplyTo          - Post ID to reply to
                        This parameter is required
  repcontent          - Content for new topic
                        This parameter is required
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* submodule=view-header (vh) *
  View a board header

This module requires read rights
  vhcontentFormat     - Format to return the content in
                        One value: html, wikitext
                        Default: html
  vhrevId             - load a specific revision if provided, otherwise, load the most recent

* submodule=view-post (vp) *
  View a post

This module requires read rights
  vppostId            - Id of the post to view
                        This parameter is required
  vpcontentFormat     - Format to return the content in
                        One value: html, wikitext
                        Default: html
  vpno-children       - If set, this won't render replies to the requested post

* submodule=view-topic (vt) *
  View a topic

This module requires read rights
  vtno-children       - If set, this won't render replies to the requested topic

* submodule=view-topic-summary (vts) *
  View a topic summary

This module requires read rights
  vtscontentFormat    - Format to return the content in
                        One value: html, wikitext
                        Default: html
  vtsrevId            - load a specific revision if provided, otherwise, load the most recent

* submodule=view-topiclist (vtl) *
  View a list of topics

This module requires read rights
  vtloffset-dir       - Direction to get topics for
                        One value: fwd, rev
                        Default: fwd
  vtlsortby           - Sorting option of the topics
                        One value: newest, updated
                        Default: newest
  vtlsavesortby       - Save sortby option, if set
  vtloffset-id        - Offset value (in UUID format) to start fetching topics at
  vtloffset           - Offset value to start fetching topics at
  vtllimit            - Amount of topics to fetch
                        No more than 10 (10 for bots) allowed
                        Default: 10
  vtlrender           - Renders (in HTML) the topics, if set

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***  Modules: continuation  *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 

* action=scribunto-console *
  Internal module for servicing XHR requests from the Scribunto console

This module requires read rights
  title               - The module title to test
  content             - The new content of the module
  session             - 
  question            - The next line to evaluate as a script
                        This parameter is required
  clear               - Set this to true to clear the current session state

* action=languagesearch *
  Search for language names in any script

This module requires read rights
  search              - Search string
                        This parameter is required
  typos               - Number of spelling mistakes allowed in the search string
                        Default: 1

* action=ulslocalization *
  Get the localization of ULS in given language

This module requires read rights
  language            - Language string
                        This parameter is required

* action=stabilize *
  Configure review-protection settings for a page

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  protectlevel        - The review-protection level
                        One value: autoconfirmed, review, none
                        Default: none
  expiry              - Review-protection expiry
                        Default: infinite
  reason              - Reason
  watch               - Watch this page
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required
  title               - Title of page to be review-protected

* action=review *
  Review a revision by approving or de-approving it

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  revid               - The revision ID for which to set the flags
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required
  comment             - Comment for the review (optional)
  unapprove           - If set, revision will be unapproved rather than approved.

* action=reviewactivity *
  Advertise or de-advertise yourself as reviewing an unreviewed page or unreviewed changes

This module requires read rights
This module requires write rights
This module only accepts POST requests
  previd              - The prior revision ID (for reviewing changes only)
  oldid               - The ID of the revision being reviewed
  reviewing           - Whether to advertising as reviewing or no longer reviewing
                        One value: 0, 1
  token               - A 'csrf' token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
                        This parameter is required

* action=flagconfig *
  Get basic information about review flag configuration for this site.
  The following parameters are returned for each tag:
  * name 	: The key name of this tag
  * levels 	: Number of levels the tag has (above "not tagged")
  * tier2 	: Level the tag must reach for a revision to be tier 2 (quality)
  * tier3 	: Level the tag must reach for a revision to be tier 3 (pristine)
  Flagged revisions have an assigned level for each tag. The highest tier
  that all the tags meet is the review tier of the entire revision.

This module requires read rights

* action=centralnoticeallocations *
  Obtain the banner allocations for banners served by CentralNotice for all user types under the parametric filter. This is a JSON only call.

This module requires read rights
  project             - The project to obtain allocations under
                        Default: wikipedia
  country             - The country to filter on
                        Default: XX
  language            - The language to filter on
                        Default: en
  anonymous           - The logged-in status to filter on (true|false)
                        Default: true
  device              - Device name to filter on
                        Default: desktop
  bucket              - The bucket to filter on, by number (0 .. 4, optional)

* action=centralnoticequerycampaign *
  Get all configuration settings for a campaign.

This module requires read rights
  campaign            - Campaign name. Separate multiple values with a "|" (vertical bar).

* action=jsonconfig *
  Allows direct access to JsonConfig subsystem

This module requires read rights
  command             - What sub-action to perform on JsonConfig:
                          status - shows JsonConfig configuration
                          reset  - clears configurations from cache. Requires title parameter and jsonconfig-reset right
                          reload - reloads and caches configurations from config store. Requires title parameter and jsonconfig-reset right
                        One value: status, reset, reload
                        Default: status
  title               - title to process
  content             - For command=reload, use this content instead

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***  Permissions *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 

* writeapi *
  Use of the write API
Granted to:
  all, user, bot

* apihighlimits *
  Use higher limits in API queries (Slow queries: 500 results; Fast queries: 5000 results). The limits for slow queries also apply to multivalue parameters.
Granted to:
  bot, sysop, researcher

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***  Formats  *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 

* format=json *
  Output data in JSON format

This module requires read rights
  callback            - If specified, wraps the output into a given function call. For safety, all user-specific data will be restricted.
  utf8                - If specified, encodes most (but not all) non-ASCII characters as UTF-8 instead of replacing them with hexadecimal escape sequences.
  Format the query result in the json format:

* format=jsonfm *
  Output data in JSON format (pretty-print in HTML)

This module requires read rights
  callback            - If specified, wraps the output into a given function call. For safety, all user-specific data will be restricted.
  utf8                - If specified, encodes most (but not all) non-ASCII characters as UTF-8 instead of replacing them with hexadecimal escape sequences.
  Format the query result in the jsonfm format:

* format=php *
  Output data in serialized PHP format

This module requires read rights
  Format the query result in the php format:

* format=phpfm *
  Output data in serialized PHP format (pretty-print in HTML)

This module requires read rights
  Format the query result in the phpfm format:

* format=wddx *
  DEPRECATED! Output data in WDDX format

This module requires read rights
  Format the query result in the wddx format:

* format=wddxfm *
  DEPRECATED! Output data in WDDX format (pretty-print in HTML)

This module requires read rights
  Format the query result in the wddxfm format:

* format=xml *
  Output data in XML format

This module requires read rights
  xslt                - If specified, adds <xslt> as stylesheet. This should be a wiki page in the MediaWiki namespace whose page name ends with ".xsl"
  includexmlnamespace - If specified, adds an XML namespace
  Format the query result in the xml format:

* format=xmlfm *
  Output data in XML format (pretty-print in HTML)

This module requires read rights
  xslt                - If specified, adds <xslt> as stylesheet. This should be a wiki page in the MediaWiki namespace whose page name ends with ".xsl"
  includexmlnamespace - If specified, adds an XML namespace
  Format the query result in the xmlfm format:

* format=yaml *
  DEPRECATED! Output data in YAML format

This module requires read rights
  callback            - If specified, wraps the output into a given function call. For safety, all user-specific data will be restricted.
  utf8                - If specified, encodes most (but not all) non-ASCII characters as UTF-8 instead of replacing them with hexadecimal escape sequences.
  Format the query result in the yaml format:

* format=yamlfm *
  DEPRECATED! Output data in YAML format (pretty-print in HTML)

This module requires read rights
  callback            - If specified, wraps the output into a given function call. For safety, all user-specific data will be restricted.
  utf8                - If specified, encodes most (but not all) non-ASCII characters as UTF-8 instead of replacing them with hexadecimal escape sequences.
  Format the query result in the yamlfm format:

* format=rawfm *
  Output data with the debugging elements in JSON format (pretty-print in HTML)

This module requires read rights
  callback            - If specified, wraps the output into a given function call. For safety, all user-specific data will be restricted.
  utf8                - If specified, encodes most (but not all) non-ASCII characters as UTF-8 instead of replacing them with hexadecimal escape sequences.
  Format the query result in the rawfm format:

* format=txt *
  DEPRECATED! Output data in PHP's print_r() format

This module requires read rights
  Format the query result in the txt format:

* format=txtfm *
  DEPRECATED! Output data in PHP's print_r() format (pretty-print in HTML)

This module requires read rights
  Format the query result in the txtfm format:

* format=dbg *
  DEPRECATED! Output data in PHP's var_export() format

This module requires read rights
  Format the query result in the dbg format:

* format=dbgfm *
  DEPRECATED! Output data in PHP's var_export() format (pretty-print in HTML)

This module requires read rights
  Format the query result in the dbgfm format:

* format=dump *
  DEPRECATED! Output data in PHP's var_dump() format

This module requires read rights
  Format the query result in the dump format:

* format=dumpfm *
  DEPRECATED! Output data in PHP's var_dump() format (pretty-print in HTML)

This module requires read rights
  Format the query result in the dumpfm format:

* format=none *
  Output nothing

This module requires read rights
  Format the query result in the none format:

*** Credits: ***
   API developers:
       Roan Kattouw (lead developer Sep 2007-2009)
       Victor Vasiliev
       Bryan Tong Minh
       Sam Reed
       Yuri Astrakhan (creator, lead developer Sep 2006-Sep 2007, 2012-2013)
       Brad Jorsch (lead developer 2013-now)
   Please send your comments, suggestions and questions to mediawiki-api@lists.wikimedia.org
   or file a bug report at https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/