"timezoneselector-notchange-temp": "Timezone used for user interface is not temporarily changed.", "rss-desc": "Displays RSS feeds on MediaWiki pages in a standard or in user-definable formats using template pages", "pagetriage-del-tags-dbu2-label": "Nonexistent user", "pagetriage-del-tags-dbu2-desc": "User pages of users that do not exist (check Special:Listusers), except userpages for anonymous users who have edited, redirects from misspellings of an established user's userpage, and for the previous name of a recently renamed user (which should normally be left as a redirect to the new name for a reasonable time). (U2)", "pagetriage-del-tags-dbu3-desc": "Galleries in the userspace that consist mostly or entirely of \"fair use\" or non-free images. Wikipedia's non-free content policy prohibits the use of non-free content in userspace, even content that the user has uploaded; use of content in the public domain or under a free license is acceptable. (U3)", "pagetriage-info-problem-blocked": "Blocked user", "pagetriage-info-problem-blocked-desc": "This page was created by a blocked user.", "action-modifygroups": "modify user groups", "invalidusergroupname-title": "Invalid user group name", "invalidusergroupname-error": "The name you have entered for your new user group is invalid.\n\nReturn to [[Special:UserGroups]].", "nosuchusergroup": "There was no user group found called \"$1\". Did you perhaps want to [[Special:UserGroups/new|create]] this new user group?", "right-modifygroups": "Create, modify and delete user groups", "usergroupnameexists-error": "You cannot create a new user group with this name as it already exists.", "usergroups-desc": "Provides finer control over what userrights can be registered with which user groups.", "usergroups-editgroup-delete": "Delete this user group (WARNING: This is irreversible. To recreate this class, you must use [[Special:UserGroups/new|this form]].)", "usergroups-editgroup-desc": "Select a user group from the dropdown below, or create your own with the \"create new...\" option.", "usergroups-editgroup-newgroup": "Enter the name of your new usergroup:", "usergroups-editgroup-revoke": "Set this user group to revoke instead of grant permissions", "usergroups-log-header": "This log records changes to the user rights of each user group.", "logentry-usergroups-create": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|created}} new $7user group \"$4\" containing: $5", "logentry-usergroups-delete": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|deleted}} user group \"$4\".", "logentry-usergroups-modify": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|modified}} user group \"$4\". $7Added $5; Removed $6" "echo-pref-tooltip-mention": "Notify me when someone links to my user page.", "echo-pref-tooltip-user-rights": "Notify me when someone changes my user rights.", "echo-error-preference": "Error: Could not set user preference.", "echo-error-token": "Error: Could not retrieve user token.", "notification-user-rights": "Your user rights [[Special:Log/rights/$1|were {{GENDER:$1|changed}}]] by [[User:$1|$1]]. $2. [[Special:ListGroupRights|Learn more]]", "notification-user-rights-flyout": "Your user rights were {{GENDER:$1|changed}} by $1. $2. [[Special:ListGroupRights|Learn more]]", "notification-user-rights-email-subject": "Your user rights have changed on {{SITENAME}}", "notification-user-rights-email-batch-body": "Your user rights were {{GENDER:$1|changed}} by $1. $2.", "wikibase-blockeduser-tooltip-message": "You do not have permission to edit because your username or IP address has been blocked.", "wikibase-mylanguagefallbackchain-babel": "You can edit it by putting {{#babel: }} on {{GENDER:$1|your}} [[Special:MyPage|user page]].", "usermerge-desc": "[[Special:UserMerge|Merges references from one user to another user]] in the wiki database - will also delete old users following merge. Requires ''usermerge'' privileges", "usermerge-badolduser": "Invalid old username.", "usermerge-badnewuser": "Invalid new username.", "usermerge-nonewuser": "Empty new username. Assuming merge to \"{{GENDER:$1|$1}}\".
\nClick \"{{int:usermerge-submit}}\" to accept.", "usermerge-noolduser": "Empty old username.", "usermerge-same-old-and-new-user": "The old and new usernames need to be distinct.", "usermerge-olduser": "Old user (merge from):", "usermerge-newuser": "New user (merge to):", "usermerge-deleteolduser": "Delete old user", "usermerge-submit": "Merge user", "usermerge-userdeleted-log": "Deleted user: $2 ($3)", "usermerge-logpagetext": "This is a log of user merge actions.", "usermerge-unmergable": "Unable to merge from user: ID or name has been defined as unmergable.", "usermerge-protectedgroup": "Unable to merge from user: User is in a protected group.", "usermerge-move-log": "Automatically moved page while merging the user \"[[User:$1|$1]]\" to \"[[User:$2|{{GENDER:$2|$2}}]]\"", "twnmp-signup-error-invalidusername": "This username is not available. Please, pick a different one.", "twnmp-signup-error-nonfreeusername": "This username already exists. Please, pick a different one.", "twnmp-become-translator": "Become a translator", "twnmp-join-community-info": "Not a translator? You can still join the community.", "groupssidebar-desc": "This extension enables site admins to include sidebar elements for specific user groups" "sitesettings-veryprivatedesc": "Users can only view the main page and their own user page", "sitesettings-closedregdesc": "Users can only be added by an administrator", "accountaudit-desc": "Audits active/inactive user accounts" "stablepages-list": "This page lists pages to which only certain users can make edits that do not require review.\nEdits made by other users are not displayed to readers by default until an authorized user reviews them.", "group-autoreview-member": "{{GENDER:$1|autochecked user}}", "revreview-editnotice": "'''Your changes will be displayed to readers once an authorized user accepts them. ([[{{MediaWiki:Validationpage}}|help]])'''", "revreview-edited": "'''Your changes will be displayed to readers once an authorized user accepts them. ([[{{MediaWiki:Validationpage}}|help]])'''\n\nThere {{PLURAL:$2|is|are}} [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAMEE}}|oldid=$1&diff=cur{{MediaWiki:flaggedrevs-diffonly}}}} $2 pending {{PLURAL:$2|change|changes}}] ''(shown below)'' awaiting review.", "pendingchanges-watched": "($1 active {{PLURAL:$1|user|users}} watching)", "unreviewedpages-watched": "($1 active {{PLURAL:$1|user|users}} watching)", "validationstatistics-users": "'''{{SITENAME}}''' currently has '''[[Special:ListUsers/editor|$1]]''' {{PLURAL:$1|user|users}} with [[{{MediaWiki:Validationpage}}|Editor]] rights.\n\nEditors are established users that can spot-check revisions to pages.", "wikilove-desc": "Adds an interface for facilitating positive user feedback to user talk pages", "tooltip-ca-wikilove": "Post a message for this user showing your appreciation", "wikilove-dialog-title": "WikiLove – Send a message of appreciation to another user", "wikilove-notify": "Notify the user by email", "wikilove-barnstar-admins-desc": "The Admin's Barnstar is awarded to an administrator who made a particularly difficult decision or performed a tedious, but needed admin task.", "wikilove-barnstar-brilliant-desc": "The Brilliant Idea Barnstar is awarded to a user who figures out an elegant solution to a particularly difficult problem.", "wikilove-barnstar-civility-desc": "The Civility Barnstar is awarded to any user who excels at maintaining civility in the midst of contentious situations.", "wikilove-barnstar-special-desc": "The Special Barnstar is awarded to a user as a gesture of appreciation when there is no other barnstar which would be appropriate.", "wikilove-barnstar-surreal-desc": "The Surreal Barnstar is awarded to any user who adds \"special flavor\" to the community by acting as a sort of wildcard.", "wikilove-barnstar-writers-desc": "The Writer's Barnstar is awarded to any user who has written a large number of articles or has contributed a large number of edits.", "wikilove-err-invalid-username": "The username is not valid.", "wikilove-err-redirect": "The user's talk page is a redirect.", "wikilove-err-max-exceeded": "You cannot send WikiLove to more than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|user|users}} at once.", "wikilove-anon-warning": "Note: This user is not registered, he or she may not notice this message.", "sf_forminputs_placeholder": "Help text that appears in the input until the user clicks on it", "group-linkadmin-member": "{{GENDER:$1|link administrator}}", "right-linkadmin": "Administrate user-submitted links", "maintenance-changePassword": "Use this form to change a user's password", "maintenance-changePassword-desc": "Change a user's password", "maintenance-changePassword-option-user": "{{int:maintenance-generic-username}}", "maintenance-changePassword-error-nouser": "No such user: $1", "maintenance-checkUsernames": "Use this form to show which usernames are invalid due to configuration changes. If nothing is listed after running this script, all usernames are valid", "maintenance-checkUsernames-desc": "Verify that database usernames are actually valid", "maintenance-checkUsernames-error-notvalid": "Invalid username: \"$3\" (user id $2)", "maintenance-createAndPromote": "Use this form to create a new user and promote it to administrator. Check the bureaucrat box if you wish to promote to bureaucrat as well", "maintenance-createAndPromote-desc": "Create a user and promote to administrator status", "maintenance-createAndPromote-option-bureaucrat": "Promote user to bureaucrat status", "maintenance-createAndPromote-option-username": "{{int:maintenance-generic-username}}", "maintenance-createAndPromote-output-creating": "Creating and promoting {{ns:user}}:$2...", "maintenance-createAndPromote-error-exists": "{{int:userexists}}", "maintenance-reassignEdits-desc": "Reassign edits from one user to another", "maintenance-invalidname": "Invalid username!", "maintenance-reassignEdits": "Use this form to reassign edits from one user to another.", "maintenance-re-from": "Name of the user to assign edits from", "maintenance-re-to": "Name of the user to assign edits to", "maintenance-re-force": "Reassign even if the target user does not exist", "interactiveblockmessage-desc": "Creates new magic word {{USERBLOCKED}} which if on userspace indicates if user is blocked or not" "wminc-viewuserlang": "Look up user language and test wiki", "wminc-userdoesnotexist": "The user \"$1\" does not exist.", "right-viewuserlang": "View user language and test wiki", "group-test-sysop-member": "{{GENDER:$1|test wiki administrator}}", "wminc-fs-userpage-title": "Create your userpage", "wminc-fs-signup-text": "If you already have a user account, please [$1 log in]. If you do not have one yet, please [$2 create a user account].\nIt is not required, but strongly recommended, and only takes a few seconds to create.", "wminc-fs-userpage-text": "Please now create your userpage $1 with some basic info about yourself. You can also see a link to it at the top of this page.", "wminc-fs-globaluser-text": "Your user account is local. It is recommended to make it global via $1 so you can use it on any Wikimedia wiki.", "editcount-desc": "Displays [[Special:Editcount|edit count]] of a user", "wom-desc": "Easy Page Object Model for wiki user" "blockandnuke-tools": "List of Users who have recently contributed and are not found on the Whitelist:
To add a user to the whitelist edit extensions/BlockandNuke/whitelist.txt", "lqt-thread-edited-others": "Edited by {{PLURAL:$2|another user|$2 users}}.
\nLast edit: $1", "lqt-preference-custom-signatures": "Show custom user signatures", "renameuser": "Rename user", "renameuser-linkoncontribs": "rename user", "renameuser-linkoncontribs-text": "Rename this user", "renameuser-desc": "Adds a [[Special:RenameUser|special page]] to rename a user (need ''renameuser'' right)", "renameuserold": "Current username:", "renameusernew": "New username:", "renameusermove": "Move user and talk pages (and their subpages) to new name", "renameuserreserve": "Block the old username from future use", "renameuserconfirm": "Yes, rename the user", "renameuser-submit-blocklog": "Show block log for user", "renameusererrordoesnotexist": "The user \"$1\" does not exist.", "renameusererrorexists": "The user \"$1\" already exists.", "renameusererrorinvalid": "The username \"$1\" is invalid.", "renameuser-error-same-user": "You cannot rename a user to the same thing as before.", "renameusersuccess": "The user \"$1\" has been renamed to \"$2\".", "log-description-renameuser": "This is a log of changes to user names.", "logentry-renameuser-renameuser": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|renamed}} user $4 ({{PLURAL:$6|$6 edit|$6 edits}}) to $5", "logentry-renameuser-renameuser-legacier": "$1 renamed user $4 to $5", "renameuser-move-log": "Automatically moved page while renaming the user \"[[User:$1|$1]]\" to \"[[User:$2|$2]]\"", "renameuser-renamed-notice": "This user has been renamed.\nThe rename log is provided below for reference." "pushtowatch-desc": "Allows to push a page to another user's watchlist" "disableaccount": "Disable a user account", "disableaccount-confirm": "Disable this user account.\nThe user will not be able to log in, reset their password, or receive email notifications.\nIf the user is currently logged in anywhere, they will be immediately logged out.\n''Note that disabling an account is not reversible without system administrator intervention.''", "disableaccount-nosuchuser": "The user account \"$1\" does not exist.", "disableaccount-success": "The user account \"$1\" has been permanently disabled.", "uploadwizard-desc": "Upload Wizard, a user-friendly tool for uploading multimedia" "bs-usermanager-admin-nodelete": "The administrator account cannot be deleted.", "bs-usermanager-idnotexist": "This user does not exist.", "bs-usermanager-invalid-uname": "The username is invalid.", "bs-usermanager-user-added": "The user has been added.", "bs-usermanager-user-deleted": "The user has been deleted.", "bs-usermanager-user-exists": "The username already exists.", "bs-usermanager-titleadduser": "Add user", "bs-usermanager-titleeditdetails": "Edit user", "bs-usermanager-titledeleteuser": "Delete user", "bs-usermanager-confirmdeleteuser": "Are you sure, you want to delete {{PLURAL:$1|this user|these $1 users}}?" "bs-extendedsearch-pref-logusers": "Log username with search queries", "bs-dashboards-pref-userdashboardonlogo": "Site logo links to user dashboard", "bs-avatars-desc": "Provides generic and individual user pictures", "bs-avatars-warning-text": "You have set a user picture in your preferences. Using avatars will clear this setting. Do you want to proceed?", "bs-insertmagic-revisionuser": "The username of the user who made the most recent change to the page, or the current user when previewing a change.", "bs-widgetbar-desc": "Adds widgets to the user interface", "bs-whoisonline-pref-maxidletime": "Time in seconds until a user is marked as offline:", "tpt-translation-restricted": "Translation of this page to this language has been prevented by a translation administrator.\n\nReason: $1", "tpt-discouraged-language-force-content": "A translation administrator decided that this page can only be translated to $1.", "tpt-discouraged-language-content": "A translation administrator decided to focus the translation efforts on $1.", "tpt-discouraged-language-force": "This page cannot be translated to $2.\n\nA translation administrator decided that this page can only be translated to $3.", "tpt-discouraged-language": "Translating to $2 is not a priority for this page.\n\nA translation administrator decided to focus the translation efforts on $3.", "tpt-priority-languages": "A translation administrator has set the priority languages for this group to $1.", "translate-magic-help": "You can translate special pages aliases, magic words and namespace names.\n\nSpecial page aliases and magic words can have multiple translations.\nTranslations are separated by a comma (,).\nNamespaces can have only one translation.\n\nTranslating the project talk namespace $1 talk may be complicated.\n$1 is replaced with the project sitename (for example {{ns:project_talk}}).\nIf it is not possible in your language to form a valid expression without changing the sitename, please let us know on [[Support]].\n\nYou need to be a translator to save changes.\nChanges are not saved until you click the save button below.", "supportedlanguages-summary": "This page shows a list of all languages supported by {{SITENAME}},\ntogether with the names of the translators working on that language.\nA translator's name appears larger, the more edits the translator has contributed.\nThe color of an underline indicates how recently a translator has been active here.", "translate-messagereview-reviews": "Reviewed by {{PLURAL:$1|one user|$1 users}}", "group-translate-sandboxed-member": "{{GENDER:$1|unapproved translator}}", "managetranslatorsandbox": "Manage translator sandbox", "tsb-reminder-title-generic": "Complete your introduction to become a translator", "tsb-email-promoted-subject": "You are now a translator at {{SITENAME}}", "tsb-email-promoted-body": "Hi {{GENDER:$1|$1}},\n\nCongratulations! I checked the test translations that you made at {{SITENAME}} and gave you full translator rights.\n\nCome to {{SITENAME}} to continue translating now, and every day:\n$2\n\nWelcome, and thank you for you contributions!\n\n{{GENDER:$3|$3}},\n{{SITENAME}} staff", "tsb-email-rejected-subject": "Your application to be a translator at {{SITENAME}} was rejected", "tsb-email-rejected-body": "Hi {{GENDER:$1|$1}},\n\nThank you for applying as a translator at {{SITENAME}}. I regret to inform you that I have rejected your application, because the quality of your translations did not meet the requirements.\n\nIf you think that your application was rejected by mistake, please try to apply again as a translator at {{SITENAME}}. You can sign up here:\n$2\n\n{{GENDER:$3|$3}},\n{{SITENAME}} staff", "tsb-selected-count": "{{PLURAL:$1|$1 user selected|$1 users selected}}", "tsb-user-posted-a-comment": "Not a translator", "tsb-didnt-make-any-translations": "This user did not make any translations.", "tsb-delete-userpage-summary": "Deleting the user page of a sandbox user", "translate-translationstash-welcome": "Welcome {{GENDER:$1|$1}}, you are a new translator", "translate-translationstash-welcome-note": "Become familiar with the translation tools. Translate some messages and get full-translator rights to participate in your favorite projects.", "tsb-create-user-page": "Create basic user page", "logentry-translatorsandbox-promoted": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|promoted}} $3 to {{GENDER:$4|translator}}", "logentry-translatorsandbox-rejected": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|rejected}} the request from \"$3\" to become a translator", "flow-user-moderated": "Moderated user", "flow-error-prev-revision-mismatch": "Another user just edited this post a few seconds ago. Are you sure you want to overwrite the recent change?", "persona-error-invaliduser": "There is no user matching your Persona account.", "privatedomains-emailadminlabel": "Contact username for access problems or queries:", "smw_concept_cache_miss": "The concept \"$1\" can not be used at the moment, since the wiki configuration requires it to be computed off-line.\nIf the problem does not go away after some time, ask your site administrator to make this concept available.", "smw_smwadmin_permissionswarn": "If the operation fails with SQL errors, the database user employed by your wiki (check your LocalSettings.php) probably does not have sufficient permissions.\nEither grant this user additional permissions to create and delete tables, temporarily enter the login of your database root in LocalSettings.php, or use the maintenance script SMW_setup.php which can use the credentials of an administrator.", "smw_smwadmin_datarefreshdocu": "It is possible to restore all Semantic MediaWiki data based on the current contents of the wiki.\nThis can be useful to repair broken data or to refresh the data if the internal format has changed due to some software upgrade.\nThe update is executed page by page and will not be completed immediately.\nThe following shows if an update is in progress and allows you to start or stop updates (unless this feature was disabled by the site administrator).", "smw_smwadmin_datarefreshprogress": "An update is already in progress.\nIt is normal that the update progresses only slowly since it only refreshes data in small chunks each time a user accesses the wiki.\nTo finish this update more quickly, you can invoke the MediaWiki maintenance script runJobs.php (use the option --maxjobs 1000 to restrict the number of updates done in one batch).\nEstimated progress of current update:", "smw_smwadmin_smwhomepage": "The complete user documentation to Semantic MediaWiki is at semantic-mediawiki.org.", "smw_smwadmin_questions": "If you have further questions or suggestions, join the discussion on Semantic MediaWiki user forum.", "group-smwadministrator-member": "{{GENDER:$1|administrator (SMW)}}", "smw-pa-property-predefined-default": "$1 is a predefined property (also known as [https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties special property]). It is a built-in property that comes with additional administrative privileges but can be used just like any other [https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Property user-defined property].", "smw-pa-property-predefined_ask": "$1 is a predefined property (also known as [https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties special property]) which links to the meta data [https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Subobject subobject] of a query. It is a built-in property that comes with additional administrative privileges but can be used just like any other [https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Property user-defined property].", "smw-pa-property-predefined_asksi": "$1 is a predefined property (also known as [https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties special property]) which collects the number of conditions used in a query. It is a built-in property that comes with additional administrative privileges but can be used just like any other [https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Property user-defined property].", "smw-sp-properties-docu": "This page shows [https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Property properties] that are available and when filtered, only user-defined properties that match the condition are displayed. For a differentiated view, see the special page [[Special:UnusedProperties|unused properties]] or [[Special:WantedProperties|wanted properties]].", "babel": "Babel user information", "babel-desc": "Adds the #babel parser function to allow automated generation of a babel userbox column with the ability to include custom templates", "babel-autocreate-abort": "The username you specified is used for [[$1|Babel]] category auto-creation and cannot be registered.", "babel-0": "This user has [[$1|no]] knowledge of [[$2|$3]] (or understands it with considerable difficulty).", "babel-1": "This user has [[$1|basic]] knowledge of [[$2|$3]].", "babel-2": "This user has [[$1|intermediate]] knowledge of [[$2|$3]].", "babel-3": "This user has [[$1|advanced]] knowledge of [[$2|$3]].", "babel-4": "This user has [[$1|near native speaker]] knowledge of [[$2|$3]].", "babel-5": "This user has [[$1|professional]] knowledge of [[$2|$3]].", "babel-N": "This user has a [[$1|native]] understanding of [[$2|$3]].", "babel-0-n": "This user has [[$1|no]] knowledge of [[$2|English]] (or understands it with considerable difficulty).", "babel-1-n": "This user has [[$1|basic]] knowledge of [[$2|English]].", "babel-2-n": "This user has [[$1|intermediate]] knowledge of [[$2|English]].", "babel-3-n": "This user has [[$1|advanced]] knowledge of [[$2|English]].", "babel-4-n": "This user has [[$1|near native speaker]] knowledge of [[$2|English]].", "babel-5-n": "This user has [[$1|professional]] knowledge of [[$2|English]].", "babel-N-n": "This user has a [[$1|native]] understanding of [[$2|English]].", "thanks-thank-tooltip": "{{GENDER:$1|Send}} a thank you notification to this {{GENDER:$2|user}}", "notification-link-text-respond-to-user": "Respond to user", "code-author-haslink": "This author is linked to the wiki user $1", "code-author-orphan": "SVN user/Author $1 has no link with a wiki account", "code-author-dolink": "Link this author to a wiki user:", "code-author-alterlink": "Change the wiki user linked to this author:", "code-author-orunlink": "Or unlink this wiki user:", "code-author-name": "Enter a username:", "code-author-success": "The author $1 has been linked to the wiki user $2", "nuke-tools": "This tool allows for mass deletions of pages recently added by a given user or an IP address.\nInput the username or IP address to get a list of pages to delete, or leave blank for all users.", "nuke-linkoncontribs-text": "Mass delete pages where this user is the only author" "accountinfo-desc": "Allows a user to see stored private information about them", "googlelogin-form-choosename-title": "Choose username", "googlelogin-form-choosename": "Please choose your username to create a wiki account", "googlelogin-form-choosename-error": "You must choose an username or choose one of our suggestion.", "googlelogin-form-choosename-existerror": "The username ''$1'' is already in use, please choose another.", "googlelogin-form-chooseown-error": "Please let us know your desired username or take one of our suggestions.", "googlelogin-form-merge-title": "Merge user account", "googlelogin-googleuser": "Google user", "googlelogin-link-other": "Your Google account is already linked to another user. Please unlink the connection or contact an administrator, if you have no other wiki account.", "proxyblock-logentry-blocked": "action \"$2\" by user $3 on page [[$1]] automatically blocked." "ratings-starsratings-desc": "Displays a simple star rating control allowing the user to rate a certain property of a page.\nThe current vote of the user will be displayed initially when they already voted.", "ratings-par-showdisabled": "Show ratings when the user can not vote (in read-only mode).", "ratings-current-score": "Current user rating: $1 ($2 {{PLURAL:$2|rating|ratings}})", "userstatus-no-user": "The user you are trying to view does not exist.", "viewapc-clear-user-cache": "Clear user cache", "titleblacklist-desc": "Allows administrators to forbid creation of pages and user accounts per a [[MediaWiki:Titleblacklist|blacklist]] and [[MediaWiki:Titlewhitelist|whitelist]]", "titleblacklist-forbidden-new-account": "The user name \"$2\" has been banned from creation.\nIt matches the following blacklist entry: $1", "right-tboverride": "Override the title or username blacklist", "right-tboverride-account": "Override the username blacklist", "sudo": "Log into another user's account", "sudo-error-sudo-invaliduser": "Invalid username", "sudo-error-sudo-nonexistent": "That user does not exist", "sudo-error-nosudo": "You do not appear to be logged on as another user using sudo.", "right-sudo": "Login to another user's account" "lookupuser": "Look up user info", "lookupuser-desc": "[[Special:LookupUser|Retrieve information]] about a user such as email address and ID", "lookupuser-intro": "Enter a username to view the preferences of that user. An email address can also be used, and will show all accounts using that email.", "lookupuser-foundmoreusers": "Found more than one user:", "right-lookupuser": "Look up user preferences", "action-lookupuser": "look up user preferences" "configure-setting-wgDBpassword": "Password for $wgDBuser", "configure-setting-wgDBadminpassword": "Password for $wgDBadminuser", "configure-setting-wgDBadminuser": "Username of database administrator", "configure-setting-wgLoginLanguageSelector": "Show a language selector on user login and registration forms", "configure-setting-wgSecureLogin": "Let user authenticate using HTTPS when they come from HTTP", "configure-setting-wgAutopromote": "Conditions of automatic promotion of user to specific groups", "configure-setting-wgAutopromoteOnce": "Conditions of automatic promotion of user to specific groups that are done only once", "configure-setting-wgWhitelistRead": "Pages anonymous user may see", "configure-setting-wgEmergencyContact": "Site administrator email address", "configure-setting-wgEnableUserEmail": "Enable user-to-user email", "configure-setting-wgEdititis": "Display user edit counts in various prominent places", "configure-setting-wgActiveUserDays": "Time after which a user is inactive", "configure-setting-wgNamespacesToBeSearchedHelp": "Namespaces to be searched when user clicks the \"{{int:searchprofile-project}}\" tab on [[{{#special:search}}]]", "configure-setting-wgAllowUserCssPrefs": "Allow user preferences implemented in CSS", "configure-setting-wgDefaultUserOptions": "Default user preferences", "configure-setting-wgHiddenPrefs": "Disabled user preferences", "configure-setting-wgUserrightsInterwikiDelimiter": "Character used as a delimiter when testing for interwiki userrights", "configure-setting-wgMaxNameChars": "Maximum number of bytes in username", "configure-setting-wgNewUserLog": "Maintain a new user log", "configure-setting-wgPasswordResetRoutes": "Allowed ways to retrieve forgotten username or password", "configure-setting-wgShowIPinHeader": "Show the IP address in the user bar", "configure-setting-wgUsePrivateIPs": "Use private IP addresses forwarded by a proxy server to determine a user's IP address", "configure-setting-wgAllowUserCss": "Allow user Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) pages", "configure-setting-wgAllowUserJs": "Allow user JavaScript pages", "configure-setting-wgBlockAllowsUTEdit": "Allow a blocked user to edit his own talk page", "configure-setting-wgEnotifImpersonal": "Send a generic email instead of a personalized email for each user", "configure-setting-wgEnotifMinorEdits": "Email notifications also for \"minor edits\" (user preference is shown and user needs to opt-in)", "configure-setting-wgEnotifRevealEditorAddress": "Reply-to address of email notifications may be filled with page editor's address (user preference is shown and user needs to opt-in)", "configure-setting-wgEnotifUseRealName": "Use real name instead of username in email \"from\" field", "configure-setting-wgEnotifUserTalk": "Email notifications can be sent for first change on a user_talk page (user preference is shown and user needs to opt-in)", "configure-setting-wgEnotifWatchlist": "Email notifications can be sent for the first change on watched pages (user preference is shown and user needs to opt-in)", "configure-throttle-group-user": "Per user account", "configure-throttle-group-newbie": "Per new user account", "uploadwizard-desc": "Upload Wizard, a user-friendly tool for uploading multimedia", "mwe-upwiz-tooltip-skiptutorial": "You can re-enable this tutorial in [$1 your user preferences], under $2 → $3.", "mwe-upwiz-tooltip-sign": "You can use your wiki user name or your real name.\nIn both cases, this will be linked to your wiki user page.", "mwe-upwiz-error-signature-blank": "You must sign with your username or real name in the field below.", "mwe-upwiz-error-signature-bad-chars": "Your signature contains symbols that are not allowed.\nPlease do not use wikitext or HTML here, just your username or real name.", "mwe-upwiz-campaign-owner-choice": "Allow the user to choose between own work and non-own work", "userwelcome-desc": "Adds <welcomeUser> tag to display user-specific social info to logged-in users", "updateeditcounts-updated": "Updated stats for '''$1''' {{PLURAL:$1|user|users}}", "user-stats-weekly-win-congratulations": "Congratulations to the following {{PLURAL:$1|user|users}}, who earned a weekly win and $2 extra {{PLURAL:$2|point|points}}!", "user-stats-monthly-win-congratulations": "Congratulations to the following {{PLURAL:$1|user|users}}, who earned a monthly win and $2 extra {{PLURAL:$2|point|points}}!", "user-stats-report-weekly-edit-summary": "automated weekly user report", "user-stats-report-monthly-edit-summary": "automated monthly user report", "g-error-message-no-user": "The user you are trying to view does not exist.", "g-give-enter-friend-title": "If you know the name of the user, type it in below", "ur-error-message-no-user": "We cannot complete your request, because no user with this name exists.", "ur-add-no-user": "No user selected.\nPlease request friends/foes through the correct link.", "ur-add-error-message-no-user": "The user you are trying to add does not exist.", "ga-error-message-no-user": "The user you are trying to view does not exist.", "populateuserprofiles": "Populate user profiles", "user-profile-edit-profile-update-saved": "The user's profile was successfully saved", "user-profile-preferences-emails-friendfoe": "When another user friends or foes you", "user-wiki-link": "Wiki userpage", "update_profile_nav": "* Special:UpdateProfile|user-profile-section-personal\n* Special:UpdateProfile/personal|user-profile-section-interests\n* Special:UpdateProfile/custom|user-profile-section-custom\n* Special:UploadAvatar|user-profile-section-picture\n* Special:UpdateProfile/preferences|user-profile-section-preferences", "user-type-toggle-old": "Use wiki userpage", "user-type-toggle-new": "Use social userpage", "profilelogpagetext": "This is a log of user profile edits", "avatarlogpagetext": "This is a log of user avatar uploads", "right-avatarremove": "Remove user's avatars", "userboard_noexist": "The user you are trying to view does not exist.", "coll-invalid_podpartner_msg": "The supplied POD partner is invalid.\nPlease contact your MediaWiki administrator.", "right-collectionsaveasuserpage": "Save books as user page", "wikiforum-forum-is-empty": "This forum is currently empty.\nPlease contact a forum administrator to have some categories and forums added.", "group-forumadmin-member": "{{GENDER:$1|forum administrator}}", "globaluserpage-desc": "Automatically fetches user pages from [http://www.shoutwiki.com ShoutWiki Hub]", "globaluserpage-preferences": "Use [[s:Help:Global user pages|global user page]]" "phalanx-help-type-user": "This filter blocks a user (exactly the same as a local MediaWiki block), if the name or IP matches one of the blacklisted names or IPs.", "phalanx-user-block-reason-exact": "This username or IP address is prevented from editing due to vandalism or other disruption. If you believe this is in error, please [[Special:Contact|contact us]]", "phalanx-user-block-reason-similar": "This username is prevented from editing due to vandalism or other disruption by a user with a similar name. Please create an alternate user name or [[Special:Contact|contact us]] about the problem.", "phalanx-user-block-withreason-exact": "This username or IP address is prevented from editing due to vandalism or other disruption.\nIf you believe this is in error, please [[Special:Contact|contact us]].
The blocker also gave this additional reason: $1.", "phalanx-user-block-withreason-similar": "This username is prevented from editing due to vandalism or other disruption by a user with a similar name.\nPlease [[Special:Contact|contact us]] about the problem.
The blocker also gave this additional reason: $1.", "phalanx-stats-entry": "$4 filter type $1 blocked user $2 on $3", "comments-block-warning-anon": "Are you sure you want to permanently ignore all comments from this anonymous user (via their IP address)?", "comments-block-warning-user": "Are you sure you want to permanently ignore all comments from user $1?", "comments-anon-name": "Anonymous user", "comments-ignore-remove-message": "Are you sure you want to unblock user $1's comments?", "group-commentadmin-member": "{{GENDER:$1|comment administrator}}", "right-commentadmin": "Administrate user-submitted comments", "whoiswatching-desc": "Provides a listing of usernames watching a wiki page", "checkuser-summary": "This tool scans recent changes to retrieve the IP addresses used by a user or show the edit/user data for an IP address.\nUsers and edits by a client IP address can be retrieved via XFF headers by appending the IP address with \"/xff\". IPv4 (CIDR $1-32) and IPv6 (CIDR $2-128) are supported.\nNo more than 5,000 edits will be returned for performance reasons.\nUse this in accordance with policy.", "checkuser-desc": "Grants users with the appropriate permission the ability to check user's IP addresses and other information", "checkuser": "Check user", "checkuserlog": "Check user log", "checkuser-contribs": "check user IP addresses", "checkuser-contribs-log": "recent user checks", "group-checkuser-member": "{{GENDER:$1|check user}}", "right-checkuser": "Check user's IP addresses and other information", "right-checkuser-log": "View the checkuser log", "action-checkuser": "check user's IP addresses and other information", "action-checkuser-log": "view the checkuser log", "grouppage-checkuser": "{{ns:project}}:Check user", "checkuser-target": "IP address or username:", "checkuser-blocktag": "Replace user pages with:", "checkuser-block-success": "'''The {{PLURAL:$2|user|users}} $1 {{PLURAL:$2|is|are}} now blocked.'''", "checkuser-user-nonexistent": "The specified user does not exist.", "checkuser-email-action": "sent an email to user \"$1\"", "checkuser-reset-action": "reset password for user \"$1\"", "group-checkuser.css": "/* CSS placed here will affect checkuser only */", "group-checkuser.js": "/* JS placed here will affect checkuser only */" "guc-desc": "Allows users to view a user's contributions across all wikis", "guc-invalid-username": "Invalid username or IP address provided", "openid-desc": "Let users log in to the wiki with an [//openid.net/ OpenID].\nIf this is enabled on the wiki, they can also use their user account URL of this wiki as OpenID to log in to other OpenID-aware web sites", "openid-identifier-page-text-user": "This page is the identifier for user \"$1\".", "openid-identifier-page-text-different-user": "This page is the identifier for user ID $1.", "openidconfigerrortext": "The OpenID storage configuration for this wiki is invalid.\nPlease consult an [[Special:ListUsers/sysop|administrator]].", "openidsuccesstext": "'''Successful verification and log in as user $1'''.\n\nYour OpenID is $2 .\n\nThis and optional further OpenIDs can be managed in the [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-openid|OpenID tab]] of your preferences.
\nAn optional account password can be added in your [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-personal|User profile]].", "openidserverlogininstructions": "$3 requests that you enter your password for your user $2 page $1 (this is your OpenID URL)", "openidallowtrust": "Allow $1 to trust this user account.", "openidconvertinstructions": "This form lets you change your user account to use an OpenID URL or add more OpenID URLs", "openid-convert-other-users-openid-text": "$1 is someone else's OpenID.\nYou cannot use the OpenID of another user.", "openidnousername": "No username specified.", "openidbadusername": "Bad username specified.", "openidlogininstructions-passwordloginallowed": "If you already have an account on {{SITENAME}}, you can [[Special:UserLogin|log in]] with your username and password as usual.\nTo use OpenID in the future, you can [[Special:OpenIDConvert|convert your account to OpenID]] after you have logged in normally.", "openid-openids-were-not-merged": "OpenID(s) were not merged when merging the user accounts.", "prefs-openid-show-openid": "OpenID URL on your user page", "prefs-openid-userinfo-update-on-login": "OpenID user information update", "openid-show-openid-url-on-userpage-user": "Show your OpenID URL on your user page.", "openid-show-openid-url-on-userpage-always": "Your OpenID is always shown on your user page when you visit it.", "openid-show-openid-url-on-userpage-never": "Your OpenID is never shown on your user page.", "openid-trusted-sites-delete-all-confirmation-question": "By clicking the \"{{int:openid-trusted-sites-delete-confirmation-button-text}}\" button, you will remove all trusted sites from your user profile.", "openid-trusted-sites-delete-all-confirmation-success-text": "All sites you previously trusted were successfully removed from your user profile.", "openid-provider-label-other-username": "Enter your $1 username", "action-openid-dashboard-admin": "access the OpenID administrator dashboard", "openid-dashboard-title-admin": "OpenID dashboard (administrator)", "openid-empty-param-error": "Please fill in your username respectively your OpenID URL." "congresslookup-text": "
Call your elected officials.

Tell them you are their constituent, and you oppose SOPA and PIPA.


SOPA and PIPA would put the burden on website owners to police user-contributed material and call for the unnecessary blocking of entire sites. Small sites won't have sufficient resources to defend themselves. Big media companies may seek to cut off funding sources for their foreign competitors, even if copyright isn't being infringed. Foreign sites will be blacklisted, which means they won't show up in major search engines. SOPA and PIPA would build a framework for future restrictions and suppression.


In a world in which politicians regulate the Internet based on the influence of big money, Wikipedia — and sites like it — cannot survive.


Congress says it's trying to protect the rights of copyright owners, but the \"cure\" that SOPA and PIPA represent is worse than the disease. SOPA and PIPA are not the answer: they would fatally damage the free and open Internet.

" "newusermessage-desc": "Adds a message to newly created user's talk pages", "newuseredit-summary": "Adding [[{{int:newusermessage-template}}|welcome message]] to new user's talk page", "newusermessage-editor": "New user message", "zero-config-admins": "Parameter \"$1\" must be an existing user account", "group-zeroadmin-member": "{{GENDER:$1|Zero administrator}}", "group-surveyadmin-member": "{{GENDER:$1|survey administrator}}", "survey-special-label-minpages": "Minimum amount of pages the user needs to visit before getting the survey", "editpagetracking-desc": "Records the first time each user views the edit page" "translate-fs-userpage-title": "Create your user page", "translate-fs-permissions-title": "Request translator permissions", "translate-fs-intro": "Welcome to the {{SITENAME}} first steps wizard.\nYou will be guided through the process of becoming a translator step by step.\nIn the end you will be able to translate interface messages of all supported projects at {{SITENAME}}.", "translate-fs-userpage-level-5": "I am a professional translator of", "translate-fs-userpage-submit": "Create your userpage", "translate-fs-userpage-done": "Well done! You now have an user page.", "translate-fs-permissions-help": "Now you need to place a request to be added to the translator group.\nSelect the primary language you are going to translate to.\n\nYou can mention other languages and other remarks in textbox below.", "translate-fs-target-text": "Congratulations!\nYou can now start translating.\n\nDo not be afraid if it still feels new and confusing to you.\nAt [[Project list]] there is an overview of projects you can contribute translations to.\nMost of the projects have a short description page with a \"''Translate this project''\" link, that will take you to a page which lists all untranslated messages.\nA list of all message groups with the [[Special:LanguageStats|current translation state for a language]] is also available.\n\nIf you feel that you need to understand more before you start translating, you can read the [[FAQ|Frequently asked questions]].\nUnfortunately documentation can be out of date sometimes.\nIf there is something that you think you should be able to do, but cannot find out how, do not hesitate to ask it at the [[Support|support page]].\n\nYou can also contact fellow translators of the same language at [[Portal:$1|your language portal]]'s [[Portal_talk:$1|talk page]].\nIf you have not already done so, [[Special:Preferences|change your user interface language to the language you want to translate in]], so that the wiki is able to show the most relevant links for you.", "stalkerlog-desc": "Adds [[Special:Log/stalkerlog|a log]] of user logins and logouts", "stalkerlog-log-text": "This is a log of user logins and logouts." "prefstats-counters": "* $1 {{PLURAL:$1|user has|users have}} enabled this preference since preference statistics were activated\n** $2 {{PLURAL:$2|user still has|users still have}} it enabled\n** $3 {{PLURAL:$3|user has|users have}} disabled it since", "prefstats-counters-expensive": "* $1 {{PLURAL:$1|user has|users have}} enabled this preference since preference statistics were activated\n** $2 {{PLURAL:$2|user still has|users still have}} it enabled\n** $3 {{PLURAL:$3|user has|users have}} disabled it since\n* In total, $4 {{PLURAL:$4|user has|users have}} this preference set", "group-Ex_Administrator-member": "{{GENDER:$1|ex administrator}}", "group-Ex_Bureaucrat-member": "{{GENDER:$1|ex bureaucrat}}", "group-botadmin": "Bots with administrator rights", "group-botadmin-member": "{{GENDER:$1|bot with administrator rights}}", "grouppage-botadmin": "{{ns:project}}:Bots with administrator rights", "group-confirmed-member": "{{GENDER:$1|confirmed user}}", "group-flood-member": "{{GENDER:$1|bot user}}", "group-inactive-member": "{{GENDER:$1|inactive user}}", "group-trusted-member": "{{GENDER:$1|trusted user}}", "group-centralnoticeadmin-member": "{{GENDER:$1|central notice administrator}}", "group-oauthadmin-member": "{{GENDER:$1|OAuth administrator}}", "group-sysadmin-member": "{{GENDER:$1|system administrator}}", "group-translationadmin-member": "{{GENDER:$1|translation administrator}}", "mwoauth-grant-checkuser": "Access checkuser data", "wikimedia-upload-nolicenses": "Uploading files to this wiki is not enabled. Please [[commons:Special:UploadWizard|upload to Wikimedia Commons]].\n\nTo be able to use this special page to upload to this wiki, an administrator needs to add one or more license options to the page [[MediaWiki:Licenses]].\n\nUse the following format: * Template name|Label. Use any text to enable uploading without license options." "wikimedia-createacct-helpusername": "[[{{MediaWiki:createacct-helpusername-url}}|(help me choose)]]", "contactpage-license-request-group": "Wikimedia chapter, thematic organization, or user group & title (if any) *", "openstackmanager-noownedprojects": "You are not administrator for any projects.", "openstackmanager-ownedprojects": "You are an administrator for {{PLURAL:$1|this project|these projects}}:", "openstackmanager-nonovacred-admincreate": "There were no Nova credentials found for your user account.\nPlease ask a Nova administrator to create credentials for you.", "openstackmanager-noaccount2": "You cannot complete the action requested as your user account is not in the project $1.", "openstackmanager-servicegrouprecursewarning": "Beware! Adding a service user to this group will allow all members of that group to access this group.\nIt will also allow access to members of any group added to that group, and so on.\nMake sure you trust everyone and know what you are doing before selecting anything in the \"{{int:openstackmanager-serviceuser}}\" section.", "openstackmanager-serviceuser": "Service user", "openstackmanager-configureproject-serviceuserhome": "Service user homedir pattern", "openstackmanager-configureproject-serviceuserinfo": "(In the homedir pattern, %u will be replaced by the username and %p with \"$1\".)", "openstackmanager-failedtoaddneedsloginright": "Failed to add $1 to $2.\nThis needs user $1 to have the \"loginviashell\" right.", "protectsite-desc": "Allows a site administrator to temporarily block various site modifications", "randomfeatureduser-desc": "Adds <randomfeatureduser> parser hook to display a random featured user along with some data", "uls-desc": "Gives the user several ways to select a language and to adjust language settings", "ext-uls-webfonts-select-for-ui-info": "Font used for user interface", "onlinestatus-desc": "Add a preference to show if the user is currently present or not on the wiki", "onlinestatus-subtitle-offline": "This user is currently offline", "onlinestatus-subtitle-online": "This user is currently online", "onlinestatus-toggles-explain": "This allows you to show to other users if you are actually online or not by viewing your user page.", "onlinestatus-toggles-show": "Show online status on my user page", "automaticboardwelcome-desc": "Automatically posts [[MediaWiki:User-board-welcome-message|a welcome message]] on new users' user boards after account creation" "poll-category-user": "Polls by user $1", "dynamicsidebar-desc": "Provides dynamic sidebars based on user pages, groups, and categories" "stopforumspam-checkbox": "Send user information to stopforumspam.com", "rt-badowner": "Invalid owner (o) arg: must be a valid username.\nYou tried: '''$1'''", "educationprogram-desc": "Facilitates educational programs by adding various interfaces to manage courses, institutions and the various education user roles", "ep-addstudents-instructions": "Type the usernames of the students you want to add. Press Enter after each one, or click on the menu that appears. You can also paste a list of usernames.\n\nClick \"{{int:ep-addstudents-btn}}\" when you're done.", "ep-addstudents-invalid-users": "{{PLURAL:$1|This user doesn't|These users don't}} exist: $2.", "ep-student-none": "There is no student with user name \"$1\". See the [[Special:Students|list of all students]].", "ep-instructor-addition-invalid-user": "There is no user with name $1, so no one has been added to course $2", "ep-instructor-add-text": "You are adding an instructor for course $1. Enter the username of the instructor and a brief description why this person is being added.", "ep-online-addition-invalid-user": "There is no user with name $1, so no one has been added to course $2", "ep-online-add-text": "You are adding an Online volunteer for course $1. Enter the username of the Online volunteer and a brief description why this person is being added.", "ep-campus-addition-invalid-user": "There is no user with name $1, so no one has been added to course $2", "ep-campus-add-text": "You are adding a Campus volunteer for course $1. Enter the username of the Campus volunteer and a brief description why this person is being added.", "ep-enlist-invalid-user-args": "You need to either provide the username or the userid parameter", "ep-enlist-invalid-user": "The provided user id or name is not valid and can therefore not be associated as instructor or volunteer with the specified course", "ep-timeline-users-edit-user": "{{PLURAL:$5|{{GENDER:$6|$1}}|$1}} edited the user page of '''[[$2|$3]]'''.", "ep-timeline-users-edit-user-self": "$1 edited {{GENDER:$6|his|her|their}} '''[[$2|user page]]'''.", "ep-timeline-users-create-user": "{{GENDER:$6|$1}} created the user page of '''[[$2|$3]]'''.", "ep-timeline-users-create-user-self": "$1 created {{GENDER:$6|his|her|their}} '''[[$2|user page]]'''.", "ses-desc": "A MediaWiki extension built on top of Semantic Forms allowing to populate a user page with semantic data at signup time", "ses-createforbidden": "Current user is not allowed to create accounts.", "ses-throttlehit": "The maximum number of new user accounts per day has been exceeded for this IP address." "visualeditor-help-label": "Read the user guide", "visualeditor-savedialog-identify-anon": "Do you want to save this page as an anonymous user instead? Your IP address will be recorded in this page's edit history.", "group-tmxadmin-member": "{{GENDER:$1|TMX administrator}}", "userthrottle-desc": "Throttle user creation" "onlinestatusbar-desc": "Status bar which shows whether a user is online on their user page", "onlinestatusbar-used": "Display your online status on your user pages", "onlinestatusbar-hide": "Hide the status bar on user pages in order to use just the magic word (For advanced users)", "onlinestatusbar-purge": "Purge user page everytime when you login or logout", "onlinestatusbar-tooltip-online": "{{GENDER:$1|This user}} is now online", "onlinestatusbar-tooltip-busy": "{{GENDER:$1|This user}} is busy and may be unavailable", "onlinestatusbar-tooltip-away": "{{GENDER:$1|This user}} is idle and may be unavailable", "onlinestatusbar-tooltip-offline": "{{GENDER:$1|This user}} is offline", "onlinestatusbar-tooltip-unknown": "Status of {{GENDER:$1|this user}} is unknown" "ethereditor-kick-button": "Kick user", "ethereditor-connected": "$1 connected {{PLURAL:$1|user|users}}", "wikibase-blockeduser-tooltip-message": "You do not have permission to edit because your username or IP address has been blocked.", "wikibase-mylanguagefallbackchain-babel": "You can edit it by putting {{#babel: }} on {{GENDER:$1|your}} [[Special:MyPage|user page]].", "contributionscores-desc": "Polls the wiki database for highest [[Special:ContributionScores|user contribution volume]]", "contributionscores-invalidusername": "Invalid username", "bs-userpreferences-link-text": "More user settings", "bs-userpreferences-link-title": "Display your personal user settings", "bs-exception-view-admin-hint": "Please contact your system administrator.", "bs-readonly": "The database is currently locked to new entries and other modifications, probably for routine database maintenance, after which it will be back to normal. The administrator who locked it offered this explanation: $1", "bs-imageofotheruser": "You are not allowed to upload an image for another user.", "swl-email-propschanged-long": "One or more properties you watch at '''$1''' have been changed by {{GENDER:$2|user}} '''$2''' at $4 on $5. You can view these and other changes on [$3 your semantic watchlist].", "swl-err-userid-xor-groupids": "Either the userid or the groupids parameter needs to be specified, but not both." "article-creation-desc": "Adds a more user-friendly article creation pageflow.", "ac-hover-tooltip-body-login": "", "ac-landing-login-required": "In order to create an article, you need to have a {{SITENAME}} user account.", "abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-mobile": "Whether or not a user is editing through the mobile interface", "mobile-frontend-changeslist-ip": "Anonymous user", "mobile-frontend-diffview-anonymous": "Anonymous user", "mobile-frontend-editor-error-conflict": "Error, another user has edited this page.", "mobile-frontend-last-modified-with-user-days": "[$4 Last {{GENDER:$1|edited}} {{PLURAL:$3|$3 day|$3 days}} ago] by {{PLURAL:$5|[$6 $2]|0=an anonymous user}}", "mobile-frontend-last-modified-with-user-hours": "[$4 Last {{GENDER:$1|edited}} {{PLURAL:$3|$3 hour|$3 hours}} ago] by {{PLURAL:$5|[$6 $2]|0=an anonymous user}}", "mobile-frontend-last-modified-with-user-just-now": "[$3 Last {{GENDER:$1|edited}}] just now by {{PLURAL:$4|[$5 $2]|0=an anonymous user}}", "mobile-frontend-last-modified-with-user-minutes": "[$4 Last {{GENDER:$1|edited}} {{PLURAL:$3|$3 minute|$3 minutes}} ago] by {{PLURAL:$5|[$6 $2]|0=an anonymous user}}", "mobile-frontend-last-modified-with-user-months": "[$4 Last {{GENDER:$1|edited}} {{PLURAL:$3|$3 month|$3 months}} ago] by {{PLURAL:$5|[$6 $2]|0=an anonymous user}}", "mobile-frontend-last-modified-with-user-seconds": "[$4 Last {{GENDER:$1|edited}} {{PLURAL:$3|$3 second|$3 seconds}} ago] by {{PLURAL:$5|[$6 $2]|0=an anonymous user}}", "mobile-frontend-last-modified-with-user-years": "[$4 Last {{GENDER:$1|edited}} {{PLURAL:$3|$3 year|$3 years}} ago] by {{PLURAL:$5|[$6 $2]|0=an anonymous user}}", "mobile-frontend-profile-noargs": "No username was given. Please provide a username to view a profile.", "mobile-frontend-profile-nouser": "No user with this name exists. Usernames are case sensitive so please check if it has been typed correctly.", "mobile-frontend-profile-userpage-link": "Visit user page.", "mobile-frontend-talk-reply-info": "Note your reply will be automatically signed with your username.", "group-checkuser-global-member": "{{GENDER:$1|global check user}}", "group-sysadmin-global-member": "{{GENDER:$1|global system administrator}}", "group-sysop-global-member": "{{GENDER:$1|global administrator}}", "globalusergroups-desc": "Allows using defined local user groups as global groups" "requestaccount-loginnotice": "To obtain a user account, you must '''[[Special:RequestAccount|request one]]'''.", "right-lookupcredentials": "View [[Special:UserCredentials|user credentials]]" "usercredentials-leg": "Lookup confirmed credentials for a user", "usercredentials-text": "Below are the validated credentials of the selected user account.", "usercredentials-badid": "No credentials found for this user.\nCheck that the name is spelled correctly." "confirmaccount-list2": "Below is a list recently rejected account requests which may automatically be deleted once several days old.\nThey can still be approved into accounts, though you may want to first consult the rejecting administrator before doing so.", "confirmaccount-text": "This is a pending request for a user account at '''{{SITENAME}}'''.\n\nCarefully review the below information.\nIf you are approving this request, use the position dropdown to set the account status of the user.\nEdits made to the application biography will not affect any permanent credential storage.\nNote that you can choose to create the account under a different username.\nUse this only to avoid collisions with other names.\n\nIf you simply leave this page without confirming or denying this request, it will remain pending.", "confirmaccount-acc": "Account request confirmed successfully;\n\tcreated new user account [[User:$1|$1]].", "confirmaccount-summary": "Creating user page for new user.", "confirmaccount-email-body3": "Sorry, your request for an account \"$1\" has been rejected on {{SITENAME}}.\n\nThere are several ways this can happen.\nYou may not have filled out the form correctly, did not provide adequate length in your responses, or otherwise failed to meet some policy criteria.\nThere may be contact lists on site that you can use if you want to know more about user account policy.", "confirmaccount-email-body4": "Sorry, your request for an account \"$1\" has been rejected on {{SITENAME}}.\n\n$2\n\nThere may be contact lists on site that you can use if you want to know more about user account policy.", "confirmaccount-email-body5": "Before your request for an account \"$1\" can be accepted on {{SITENAME}} you must first provide some additional information.\n\n$2\n\nThere may be contact lists on site that you can use if you want to know more about user account policy." "requestaccount-text": "'''Complete and submit the following form to request a user account'''.\n\nMake sure that you first read the [[{{MediaWiki:Requestaccount-page}}|Terms of Service]] before requesting an account.\n\nOnce the account is approved, you will be emailed a notification message and the account will be usable at [[Special:UserLogin|login]].", "requestaccount-bio-text-i": "'''Your biography will be set as the initial content for your userpage.'''\nMake sure you are comfortable publishing such information.", "page-creation-email-body": "Dear $1,\n\nThis is a notification from {{SITENAME}} that a new page $2 has been {{GENDER:$3|created}} by user $3.\n\nYou can see it at\n$4\n\nThe text of the page is:\n$5\n\nYour friendly {{SITENAME}} notification system.\n\nTo change your email notification settings, visit\n{{canonicalurl:{{#special:Preferences}}}}" "newusernotifsubj": "New user notification for $1", "newusernotif-desc": "Sends email notification when user accounts are created", "newusernotifbody": "Hello $1,\n\nA new user account, $2, has been created on $3 at $4." "sacl-property-visibility-wl-user": "Visible to user", "sacl-property-editable-wl-user": "Editable by user" "securesessions-desc": "Makes user sessions and session authentication more secure", "mwoauth-consumer-grantshelp": "Each grant gives access to listed user rights that a user account already has. See the [[Special:OAuth/grants|table of grants]] for more information.", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-propose-text": "Developers should use the form below to propose a new OAuth consumer (see the [//www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:OAuth extension documentation] for more details). After submitting this form, you will receive a token that your application will use to identify itself to MediaWiki. An OAuth administrator will need to approve your application before it can be authorized by other users.\n\nA few recommendations and remarks:\n* Try to use as few grants as possible. Avoid grants that are not actually needed now.\n* Versions are of the form \"major.minor.release\" (the last two being optional) and increase as grant changes are needed.\n* Please provide a public RSA key (in PEM format) if possible; otherwise a (less secure) secret token will have to be used.\n* Use the JSON restrictions field to limit access of this consumer to IP addresses in those CIDR ranges.\n* You can use a project ID to restrict the consumer to a single project on this site (use \"*\" for all projects).\n* The email address provided must match that of your account (which must have been confirmed).", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-search-publisher": "consumers by this user", "mwoauthserver-insufficient-rights": "Your account is not allowed to use Connected Apps, contact your site administrator to find out why.\n\nInsufficient OAuth user rights, [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:OAuth/Errors#E007 E007]", "mwoauth-invalid-authorization-invalid-user": "The authorization headers in your request are for a user that does not exist here", "mwoauth-invalid-authorization-wrong-user": "The authorization headers in your request are for a different user", "mwoauth-invalid-authorization-blocked-user": "The authorization headers in your request are for a user who is blocked", "mwoauth-grant-editinterface": "Edit the MediaWiki namespace and user CSS/JavaScript", "mwoauth-grant-editmycssjs": "Edit your own user CSS/JavaScript", "mwoauth-grant-editmyoptions": "Edit your own user preferences", "mwoauth-listgrantrights-summary": "The following is a list of OAuth grants, with their associated access to user rights. Users can authorize applications to use their account, but with limited permissions based on the grants the user gave to the application. An application acting on behalf of a user cannot actually use rights that the user does not have however.\nThere may be [[{{MediaWiki:Listgrouprights-helppage}}|additional information]] about individual rights.", "logentry-massmessage-skipnouser": "Delivery of \"$4\" to $3 was skipped because user account does not exist", "revcs-hidehistory-user": "Hide username/IP address of the history entry", "revcs-history-hidden-user": "(username hidden)", "communityhiring-usernames": "Feel free to tell us your usernames on the projects you work on: (Optional)", "antispoof-desc": "Blocks the creation of accounts with mixed-script, confusing and similar usernames", "antispoof-conflict-top": "The name \"$1\" is too similar to the following {{PLURAL:$2|username|usernames}}:", "antispoof-name-illegal": "The name \"$1\" is not allowed to prevent confusing or spoofed usernames: $2.\nPlease choose another name.", "group-contestadmin-member": "{{GENDER:$1|contest administrator}}", "contest-prefs-showtoplink": "Show a link to [[Special:MyContests|My Contests]] in the user menu.", "contest-welcome-js-off": "The contest user interface uses JavaScript. Your browser does not support JavaScript or JavaScript is disabled.", "selectcategory-desc": "Allows the user to select from existing categories when editing a page", "ow_please_proved_dmid": "It seems your input is missing a \"?dmid=\" (dmid=Defined Meaning ID)
\nPlease contact a server administrator.", "ow_please_proved_dc1": "It seems your input is missing a \"?dc1=\" (dc1=dataset context 1, dataset to copy FROM)
\nPlease contact a server administrator.", "ow_please_proved_dc2": "It seems your input is missing a \"?dc2=\" (dc2=dataset context 2, dataset to copy TO)
\nPlease contact a server administrator.", "ow_db_consistency_not_found": "


\nThere is an issue with database consistency, no valid data can be found that is connected to this defined meaning ID.\nIt might be lost.\nPlease contact the server operator or administrator.", "popups-desc": "Displays hovercards with summaries of page contents when the user hovers over a page link", "accesscontrol-desc": "Enables group access restriction on a page by user basis", "accesscontrol-move-users": "Deny_user_by_include", "accesscontrol-redirect-users": "Deny_user", "initial_text": "This page helps user to harvest lexicon' entities using minimal metadata set

", "mw-ui-feature-user-count": "{{PLURAL:$1|One user is|$1 users are|0=No users are}} trying this feature.", "betafeatures-desc": "Lets user enable or disable features on the wiki that are still not ready for prime-time", "replacetext_docu": "To replace one text string with another across all regular pages on this wiki, enter the two pieces of text here and then hit \"{{int:replacetext_continue}}\".\nYou will then be shown a list of pages that contain the search text, and you can choose the ones in which you want to replace it.\nYour name will appear in page histories as the user responsible for any changes.", "securepoll-need-admin": "You need to be an election administrator to perform this action.", "securepoll-api-no-user": "No user was found with the given ID.", "cleanchanges-showuserlinks": "Show user links", "markashelpful-desc": "Provides a user interface to mark comments as helpful", "globalblocking-block-ipinvalid": "The IP address ($1) you entered is invalid.\nPlease note that you cannot enter a user name!", "globalblocking-list-intro": "This is a list of all global blocks which are currently in effect.\nSome blocks are marked as locally disabled: this means that they apply on other sites, but a local administrator has decided to disable them on this wiki.", "globalblocking-unblock-ipinvalid": "The IP address ($1) you entered is invalid.\nPlease note that you cannot enter a user name!", "globalblocking-ipblocked": "'''Your IP address has been blocked on all wikis.'''\n\nThe block was made by $1 ($2).\nThe reason given is ''$3''.\n\n* Start of block: $4\n* Expiry of block: $5\n\nYou can contact $1 to discuss the block.\nYou cannot use the \"{{int:emailuser}}\" feature unless a valid email address is specified in your [[Special:Preferences|account preferences]] and you have not been blocked from using it.\nYour current IP address is $6.\nPlease include all above details in any queries you make.", "globalblocking-ipblocked-xff": "'''One or more proxy servers used by your request is globally blocked'''\n\nThe block was made by $1 ($2).\nThe reason given is ''$3''.\n\n* Start of block: $4\n* Expiry of block: $5\n\nYou can contact $1 to discuss the block.\nYou cannot use the \"{{int:emailuser}}\" feature unless a valid email address is specified in your [[Special:Preferences|account preferences]] and you have not been blocked from using it.\nThe blocked proxy address was $6.\nPlease include all above details in any queries you make.", "globalblocking-blocked-nopassreset": "You cannot reset user's passwords because you are blocked globally.", "userfunctions-desc": "Enhance parser with user functions" "securepasswords-username": "be different from your username", "deletebatch-help": "Delete a batch of pages.\nYou can either perform a single delete, or delete pages listed in a file.\nChoose a user that will be shown in deletion logs.\nUploaded files should contain page name and optional reason, separated by a \"|\" character in each line.", "genderize-desc": "Genderized user links to user pages, user page titles, and user namespace tabs" "reassignedits": "Reassign user edits", "reassignedits-desc": "Allows reassigning edits from an old user to a new one", "reassignedits-error-invalid": "The username \"$1\" is invalid.", "reassignedits-new": "New username", "reassignedits-old": "Old username", "reassignedits-summary": "Reassign edits from an old user to a new one.", "reassignedits-updatelog-title": "Update username in log titles", "reassignedits-updatelog-user": "Update performing user in logs", "right-reassignedits": "Reassign edits from an old user to a new one" "gur-desc": "Easy [[Special:GlobalUserRights|global user rights]] administration", "right-userrights-global": "Manage global user rights" "moodbar-feedback-edit-summary": "Response to [[Special:FeedbackDashboard/$1|user feedback]]: $2", "moodbar-user-user": "Registered user", "moodbar-enotif-body": "Hello $1!\n\nWelcome to {{SITENAME}}, and thanks for your [$2 feedback]. Another {{SITENAME}} user, [$3 $6], wrote the following response:\n\n $4\n\nView this message on your [$5 talk page].\n\nWhat is a talk page?\nYour user talk page is the page that other {{SITENAME}} editors use to communicate with you. You can respond by clicking \"Edit\", moving the cursor below the comment, typing your response and four tildes (~~~~) to sign, and saving. All pages in {{SITENAME}} have talk pages, and they're used for many different purposes. It takes a while to get the hang of it, but is pretty easy once you're used to it.\n\nStill confused? [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Wikipedia_basics_-_Talk_pages.ogv This video] (watch on [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdeDLRsB2Es YouTube]) gives you a step-by-step overview of how talk pages work.\n\nThanks for being part of the community.\n\n-- {{SITENAME}}", "chat-user-is-moderator": "This user {{GENDER:$1|is}} a moderator", "log-description-chat": "Messages sent by MediaWikiChat, as well as user kicks", "chat-idle-minutes": "This user has been idle for {{PLURAL:$1|a minute|$1 minutes}}", "chat-idle-hours": "This user has been idle for {{PLURAL:$1|an hour|$1 hours}}", "chat-idle-more": "This user has been idle for over 24 hours", "hiderevision-text": "This should '''only''' be used for the following cases:\n* Inappropriate personal information\n*: ''home addresses and telephone numbers, social security numbers, etc''\n\n'''Abuse of this system will result in loss of privileges.'''\n\nRemoved items will not be visible to anyone through the web site, but the deletions are logged and can be restored manually by a database administrator if you make a mistake.", "articlefeedbackv5-disabled-editor-admin": "Feedback has been disabled by an administrator. Readers and editors cannot post new feedback on this page.", "articlefeedbackv5-form-discuss-user-exists": "See user talk page message", "articlefeedbackv5-form-tooltip-discuss-user": "Discuss feedback with the user who submitted it", "articlefeedbackv5-permalink-written-by-editor": "Written by a registered user", "articlefeedbackv5-permalink-written-by-reader": "Written by an anonymous user", "translationnotifications-email-body": "Hello $1,\n\nYou are receiving this email because you {{GENDER:$10|signed up}} as a translator {{PLURAL:$9|to}} $2 on {{SITENAME}}.\n\nThere is a page to translate there: $3.\nYou can translate it by clicking the following link:\n$4\n\n$5\n$6\n\n$7\n\nYour help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help {{SITENAME}} to function\nas a truly multilingual community.\n\nThank you!\n{{SITENAME}} translation coordinators\n\n----\n\nYou are receiving this email because you signed up to receive emails related to translations on {{SITENAME}}. To unsubscribe or to change your notification preferences for translations, please visit $8.", "translationnotifications-talkpage-body": "Hello $2,\n\nYou are receiving this notification because you {{GENDER:$1|signed up}} as a translator {{PLURAL:$9|to}} $3 on {{SITENAME}}.\nThe page [[$4]] is available for translation. You can translate it here:\n$5\n\n$6\n$7\n\n$8\n\nYour help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help {{SITENAME}} to function\nas a truly multilingual community.\n\nThank you!\n\n{{SITENAME}} translation coordinators", "translationnotifications-digestemail-body": "Hello $1,\n\nYou are receiving this email because you {{GENDER:$1|signed up}} as a translator to $2 on {{SITENAME}}.\n\nThere {{PLURAL:$3|is 1 page|are $3 pages}} available for translation. The details are given below.\n\n$4\n\nYour help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help {{SITENAME}} to function\nas a truly multilingual community.\n\nThank you!\n{{SITENAME}} translation administrators\n\n----\n\nYou are receiving this email because you signed up to receive emails related to translations on {{SITENAME}}. To unsubscribe or to change your notification preferences for translations, please visit <$5>.", "sportsteams-error-no-sports-message": "There are no sports in the database so you cannot update your favorite teams.\nPlease ask an admin or someone else with the 'sportsteamsmanager' user right to [[Special:SportsTeamsManager|add some sports]].", "mapeditor-parser-error": "An error occurred when parsing metadata. Ignoring user input.", "semanticformsinputs-datepicker-enableinputfield": "Should the user be able to fill the input field directly or only via the date picker?", "semanticformsinputs-datepicker-showresetbutton": "Should a reset button be shown? This is the only way for the user to erase the input field if it is disabled for direct input.", "semanticformsinputs-timepicker-enableinputfield": "Should the user be able to fill the input field directly or only via the date picker?", "semanticformsinputs-timepicker-showresetbutton": "Should a reset button be shown? This is the only way for the user to erase the input field if it is disabled for direct input.", "semanticformsinputs-menuselect-enableinputfield": "Should the user be able to fill the input field directly?" "cvext-setup-user-cant": "The user does not have the permission to create a conference on this wiki. By default, only the users that belong to the admin(sysop) group have the right to initiate one unless changed otherwise by the admin.", "cvext-submissions-nolink": "No submissions or proposals exist in our database for this user. Want to create one ?. Follow the links given below", "cvext-passedit-missing": "The passport with the given username does not exist in the database", "cvext-authoredit-missing": "The author with this username does not exist in the database", "cvext-orgedit-missing": "The organizer with the username $1 does not exist in the database", "cvext-orgdel-missing": "The organizer with this username $1 does not exist for the conference $2", "pageblock-desc": "Enables per-page/user restrictions", "pageblock": "Restrict user", "pageblock-legend": "Restrict user", "pageblock-form-edit": "Restrict user from editing", "pageblock-form-move": "Restrict user from moving", "group-gwtoolset-member": "{{GENDER:$1|GWToolset user}}", "gwtoolset-no-comment": "user_options['comment'] not set.", "gwtoolset-no-save-as-batch": "user_options['save-as-batch-job'] not set.", "gwtoolset-no-reupload-media": "user_options['gwtoolset-reupload-media'] not set.", "gwtoolset-no-user": "No user object provided.", "gwtoolset-permission-not-given": "Make sure that you are logged in or contact an administrator in order to be granted permission to view this page ($1).", "gwtoolset-user-blocked": "Your user account is currently blocked. Please contact an administrator in order to correct the blocking issue.", "hsts-desc": "HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) on a per-user basis", "sharedcssjs-desc": "Enables fetching of global wiki and user CSS and JS from a central wiki", "centralauth-merge-welcome": "'''Your user account has not yet been migrated to the unified login system of {{int:Centralauth-groupname}}.'''\n\nIf you choose to migrate your accounts, you will be able to use the same username and password to log in to all wikis of {{int:Centralauth-groupname}} in all available languages.\n\nIf someone else has already taken your username on another site this will not disturb them, but it will give you a chance to work it out with them or with an administrator later.", "centralauth-merge-dryrun-home": "The migration system could not confirm that you are the owner of the home wiki account for your username.\n\nAnother wiki was determined as the home account for your username; follow the link below and log in there to finish your account migration.", "centralauth-not-owner-text": "The username \"$1\" was automatically assigned to the owner of the account on $2.\n\nIf this is you, you can finish the login unification process simply by typing the master password for that account here:", "centralauth-merge-method-primary-desc": "This is the wiki at which the account was initially merged.\nNote that it may differ from the real home wiki of that user.", "centralauth-merge-method-password-desc": "Indicates that the local account was merged because the user specified a valid password for it.", "centralauth-merge-method-login-desc": "Indicates that the local account was created automatically when the user logged in.", "centralauth-admin-lookup-ro": "View user information", "centralauth-admin-lookup-rw": "Manage user account", "centralauth-admin-no-unified": "No unified account for this username.", "centralauth-admin-delete-description": "Deleting the global account will delete any global preferences, unattach all local accounts, and leave the global name free for another user to take.\nAll local accounts will continue to exist.\nThe passwords for local accounts created before the merge will revert to their pre-merge values.", "centralauth-state-mismatch": "Error: An edit conflict for this user was detected. Please verify your change and try again.", "centralauth-admin-status-reasons": "* Common lock reasons\n** vandalism-only account\n** spam-only account\n* Common lock-and-hide reasons\n** abusive user name\n** inappropriate personal information", "centralauth-admin-multi-username": "Enter one or more usernames, separated by new-line", "centralauth-admin-multi-notfound": "Search returned no usernames.", "centralauth-admin-multi-searchprefix": "Or, search for usernames with a prefix", "centralauth-account-exists": "Cannot create account: the requested username is already taken in the unified login system.", "centralauth-account-exists-reset": "The username $1 is not registered on this wiki, but you can reset its password on [[Special:CentralAuth/$1|a wiki where it is]].", "centralauth-centralautologin-logged-in": "You are centrally logged in as $1. Reload the page to apply your user settings.", "centralauth-centralautologin-logged-in-nouser": "You are centrally logged in. Reload the page to apply your user settings.", "centralauth-globalgroupmembership-badknownwiki": "The global account '''$1''' is not active on the wiki you specified ('' $2 '').\nYou may be attempting to assign rights to the wrong user!", "abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-global-user-groups": "Global groups that the user is in", "centrallogin": "Central user log in", "centralauth-error-token-wronguser": "The token does not match with your session username.\nSomeone might be trying to log you in under a malicious account.\nIf you are just trying to log in as another user, please log out first.", "mwa-error-wrong-token": "A login token submission error occurred. Please retry, and contact an administrator if this fails.", "abusefilter-disallowed": "This action has been automatically identified as harmful, and therefore disallowed.\nIf you believe your action was constructive, please inform an administrator of what you were trying to do.\nA brief description of the abuse rule which your action matched is: $1", "abusefilter-blocked-display": "This action has been automatically identified as harmful,\nand you have been prevented from executing it.\nIn addition, to protect {{SITENAME}}, your user account and all associated IP addresses have been blocked from editing.\nIf this has occurred in error, please contact an administrator.\nA brief description of the abuse rule which your action matched is: $1", "abusefilter-degrouped": "This action has been automatically identified as harmful.\nConsequently, it has been disallowed, and, since your account is suspected of being compromised, all rights have been revoked.\nIf you believe this to have been in error, please contact a bureaucrat with an explanation of this action, and your rights may be restored.\nA brief description of the abuse rule which your action matched is: $1", "abusefilter-log-linkoncontribs-text": "Abuse log for this user", "abusefilter-reautoconfirm-none": "That user has not had {{GENDER:$1|his|her|their}} autoconfirmed status suspended.", "abusefilter-edit-action-warn": "Trigger these actions after giving the user a warning", "abusefilter-edit-action-disallow": "Prevent the user from performing the action in question", "abusefilter-edit-action-blockautopromote": "Revoke the user's autoconfirmed status", "abusefilter-edit-action-degroup": "Remove the user from all privileged groups", "abusefilter-edit-action-block": "Block the user and/or IP address from editing", "abusefilter-edit-action-throttle": "Trigger actions only if the user trips a rate limit", "abusefilter-edit-action-rangeblock": "Block the /16 range from which the user originates", "abusefilter-edit-restricted": "You cannot edit this filter, because it contains one or more restricted actions.\nPlease ask a user with permission to add restricted actions to make the change for you.", "abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-editcount": "Edit count of user", "abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-age": "Age of user account", "abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-name": "Name of user account", "abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-groups": "Groups (including implicit) user is in", "abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-rights": "Rights that a user has", "abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-blocked": "Whether user is blocked", "abusefilter-test-user": "Changes by user:", "fan-addfan-title": "Create a userbox", "fan-createfor": "Create a userbox for $1", "fan-createfannotloggedin": "You must log-in to create a userbox.", "fanbox-instructions": "Choose a title for the userbox, add text (or an image) and color to the left and right side and press create! It's that easy!", "fanbox-userdoesnotexist": "The user you are trying to view does not exist.", "fanbox-summary-new": "new userbox", "fanbox-summary-update": "update userbox", "fan-addfan-exists": "The title for your userbox already exists. Please choose another title for the userbox.", "f-count": "$1 has $2 {{PLURAL:$2|userbox|userboxes}}.", "fanbox-remove-fanbox": "Remove this box from your userpage?", "fanbox-add-fanbox": "Add this box to your userpage?", "fanbox-add-fanbox-login": "Want to add this to your userpage? [[Special:UserLogin|Login.]]", "fanbox-successful-add": "You have successfully added this userbox to your userpage.", "fanbox-successful-remove": "You have successfully removed this userbox from your userpage.", "fanbox-top-list-is-empty": "There are no top userboxes yet. [[Special:UserBoxes|Create a userbox!]]" "tog-riched_disable_ns_user": "Disable rich editor within the \"{{ns:user}}\" namespace", "tog-riched_disable_ns_user_talk": "Disable rich editor within the \"{{ns:user_talk}}\" namespace", "pdf_prince_error_not_installed": "The PrinceXML PDF creation software is not installed correctly. Please contact an administrator.", "pdf_prince_error": "The PDF creation software was not able to create the PDF. If the problem persists, please contact an administrator." "batchuserrights": "Batch user rights", "batchuserrights-intro": "This page will let you add a group to multiple users at once.\nFor security reasons, the list of addable groups is set in the extension configuration and cannot be changed from within the wiki.\nPlease ask a system administrator if you need to allow batch-adding of other groups.", "batchuserrights-add-groups": "Adding {{PLURAL:$1|one user|$1 users}} to the following {{PLURAL:$2|group|groups}}: $3.", "batchuserrights-userload-error": "Could not load the user \"'''$1'''\".", "batchuserrights-no-groups": "You did not choose any groups.\nThis will not accomplish anything.\nThe rest of the page will be allowed to run just so that you can easily see if any of the usernames could not be loaded.", "right-viewallusers": "View all users in [[Special:ListUsers|the user list]]" "adminlinks_createuser": "Create a user", "userpageviewtracker-desc": "[[Special:UserPageViewTracker|Tracks the page views per page per user]] and displays it" "al-nosuchuser": "There is no user by the name \"$1\".\nUser names are case sensitive.\nCheck your spelling.", "communitytwitter-unknown-error": "Your account is not set up or an unknown error occurred.\n\nIn case you think you should have access, please contact an administrator.", "communitytwitter-logged-in-as": "Logged in as user '''{{GENDER:$1|$1}}'''.", "communitytwitter-unknown-error-request": "An error occurred during the communication with Twitter. Please contact your MediaWiki administrator for assistance.", "communitytwitter-access-error": "You do not have the necessary permissions to use Community Twitter. Use of Community Twitter is limited to users in {{PLURAL:$2|the group|one of the following groups}}: $1. See the [[$3|list of group rights]] or contact your MediaWiki administrator for more information.", "sl-user-not-exist": "There is no $1 user.", "prefswitch-jswarning": "Remember that with the skin change, your [[User:$1/$2.js|$2 JavaScript]] will need to be copied to [[{{ns:user}}:$1/vector.js]] to continue working.", "prefswitch-csswarning": "Your [[User:$1/$2.css|custom $2 styles]] will no longer be applied. You can add custom CSS for vector in [[{{ns:user}}:$1/vector.css]].", "ui-feedback-desc": "This extension allows Users to give feedback about the user interface", "ui-feedback-anonym-help": "Check this box if you don't want to share your username. Please note that we will not be able to keep you updated on your submitted issue if you choose to remain anonymous.", "ui-feedback-notify-help": "Check this box if you want us to leave you a note on your userpage when we work on your issue.", "ui-feedback-special-tooltip-notify": "This user wants to be notified about status changes", "useroptionstats-desc": "[[Special:UserOptionStats|Special page]] for reporting on MediaWiki user option usage", "uos-choose": "Choose one of the following user options: $1", "uos-choose-hidden": "Choose one of the following hidden user options: $1", "uos-title": "Distribution of values of user option $1" "dpl_log_11": "Error: Cannot perform logical operations on the Uncategorized pages (f.e. with the 'category' parameter) because the $0 view does not exist on the database! Help: have the database administrator execute this query: $1.", "dpl_log_17": "Warning: Add* parameters ('adduser', 'addeditdate', etc.)' and 'includepage' have no effect with 'mode=category'. Only the page namespace/title can be viewed in this mode.",