# Contest List select name, lang, start_date, end_date, createdon from contests; # Contest Info SELECT name, lang, start_date, end_date, created_by, createdon, last_update, cstatus from contests where cid=2; # Adminsitrators select user_name from ContestAdmin WHERE cid=2; # Indices SELECT index_name from IndexPages INNER JOIN ContestIndices on ContestIndices.idbp = IndexPages.idbp where ContestIndices.cid=2; # Proofread Result SELECT proofreader, proofread_time, p_revision_id, index_name, index_page from ContestIndices inner JOIN IndexPages on ContestIndices.idbp = IndexPages.idbp WHERE cid=2 and proofreader is not NULL; # Validated Result SELECT validator, validate_time, v_revision_id, index_name, index_page from ContestIndices inner JOIN IndexPages on ContestIndices.idbp = IndexPages.idbp WHERE cid=2 and validator is not NULL;