Wikimedia Commons MediaWiki 1.23wmf1 first-letter Media Special Talk User User talk Commons Commons talk File File talk MediaWiki MediaWiki talk Template Template talk Help Help talk Category Category talk Creator Creator talk TimedText TimedText talk Sequence Sequence talk Institution Institution talk Campaign Campaign talk Module Module talk Translations Translations talk MediaWiki:Lang 8 5154171 15848203 2008-11-07T15:31:04Z ABF 96246 per [[Commons:Administrators'_noticeboard#MediaWiki:Lang]] en 132vgcjgm2eh6byg07vvb8e3d26dum3 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/aa 8 5717088 17671819 2009-01-14T23:10:44Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'aa' aa q99m67jh0skxn3y61pbogqe32v0r19z wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/ab 8 5717091 17671824 2009-01-14T23:10:55Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'ab' ab phbce4exwcst2t3d0hqd8k81nc27kd8 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/ace 8 5717092 17671826 2009-01-14T23:11:05Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'ace' ace pa3x1lwacg146lnkv8vxc0hk83eor68 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/ae 8 5717095 17671830 2009-01-14T23:11:16Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'ae' ae 3kz8u3frvpb7i7tt0dib61ub0bhxzir wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/af 8 5238390 16156673 2008-11-20T12:58:53Z Multichill 115072 af af oio106u1mtjziwmquqhsx8stzmkf1ru wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/ak 8 5717097 17671834 2009-01-14T23:11:25Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'ak' ak 0iqjtaccds0sjordt5qb0dr82y16umo wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/aln 8 5717098 17671836 2009-01-14T23:11:33Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'aln' aln nt4xyq8uqmffy3dmjgzltjhatpy99cf wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/als 8 5238392 16156677 2008-11-20T12:59:00Z Multichill 115072 als als p6l8brsdnjb8a5r3e374iaeo7zvmkas wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/am 8 5717099 17671839 2009-01-14T23:11:42Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'am' am hmlbyxxctoq45ps6kadbkgctupyh7wv wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/an 8 5717102 17671844 2009-01-14T23:11:51Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'an' an pzgiozh7cfimzym8trwfnx87f5d88bs wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/ang 8 5717104 17671849 2009-01-14T23:12:00Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'ang' ang gq3rhhtoxtnccl32rvg051aec21hidk wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/ar 8 5158158 15871491 2008-11-08T07:12:13Z SterkeBak 248948 ar ar 46qsys55o8v6jntg3o76k25baxinf85 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/arc 8 5717105 17671854 2009-01-14T23:12:09Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'arc' arc 2phashx7ub6qae491l46e3sleip2zsw wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/arn 8 5717107 17671859 2009-01-14T23:12:18Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'arn' arn bee3sbebdvguor8tv6l6wgkaclz5gz8 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/arv 8 5717109 17671863 2009-01-14T23:12:32Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'arv' arv 8sskdcsll1as3dcasgly70mu6wqkdxt wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/arz 8 5717110 17671866 2009-01-14T23:12:41Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'arz' arz 8tqgqxgdyiyarji9uyg7s0udfua3xvo wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/as 8 5717111 17671867 2009-01-14T23:12:51Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'as' as q2axtoe0xlhhvekeqfvsgelbpxvyna8 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/ast 8 5238395 16156680 2008-11-20T12:59:07Z Multichill 115072 ast ast mp22qqftuzm1toevryyybws3m54rbs1 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/av 8 5717113 17671872 2009-01-14T23:13:00Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'av' av gg2kwjjx886uotlk5v7ikacrcuwwhzv wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/avk 8 5717114 17671874 2009-01-14T23:13:09Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'avk' avk ncsd6gnn9zgjhm5petsdpkizlwhjli3 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/ay 8 5717115 17671878 2009-01-14T23:13:18Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'ay' ay t45jp9ii7isjeuxnifar41th0fdejfe wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/az 8 5717116 17671881 2009-01-14T23:13:27Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'az' az gu7jrqmgpt51uf54qtclucbnzfzd0y5 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/ba 8 5717118 17671884 2009-01-14T23:13:37Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'ba' ba cm94mrpwstj1j54wzngyh67hf9xolg9 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/bar 8 5717120 17671889 2009-01-14T23:13:46Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'bar' bar bjhlo6dxh5wivnszm93u4b78fheiy4t wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/bat-smg 8 5717123 17671894 2009-01-14T23:13:56Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'bat-smg' bat-smg i9oxwe99xr4iwfk456v2k2lfp60rhkj wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/bcc 8 5717124 17671897 2009-01-14T23:14:05Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'bcc' bcc r5mqojgwqlrd2wksavbggz6vjaj681j wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/bcl 8 5717125 17671899 2009-01-14T23:14:13Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'bcl' bcl 6r93m8zp4a6z19505xjuo9929r0ef77 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/bcr 8 5717127 17671901 2009-01-14T23:14:22Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'bcr' bcr ct596umgnpuc399zb1uxratgd0n6o8o wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/be 8 5717151 17671951 2009-01-14T23:16:37Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'be' be hsy7a69kzki5tw8pojytxg3kvjic9d1 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/be-tarask 8 5717148 17671944 2009-01-14T23:16:28Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'be-tarask' be-tarask dxci9quaig3y1wr78icraxbvgxqseiq wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/be-x-old 8 18089973 65612927 2012-01-18T20:34:38Z Zolo 165717 created. It is the same as be-tarask, but we have both "be-tarask" and "be-x-old" in the language selector. be-x-old t2hm0xznof85ko3ute5grv8nf7rfam2 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/bg 8 5238396 16156681 2008-11-20T12:59:13Z Multichill 115072 bg bg f2cigruy349dwom7xzhpa9zjb95nvd9 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/bh 8 5717147 17671938 2009-01-14T23:16:12Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'bh' bh cu6r4br0rrr0komfawo5faxun6jqttz wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/bi 8 5717145 17671934 2009-01-14T23:16:03Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'bi' bi jxxnq3zptb1ft54xoa462a2iea9tlti wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/bm 8 5717144 17671929 2009-01-14T23:15:54Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'bm' bm jg2wkfv42tbkeqjhe9kfc9g36ft7q0n wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/bn 8 5717142 17671925 2009-01-14T23:15:43Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'bn' bn 314p5k9zys4kgowgj5r1j4tbkaez1r4 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/bo 8 5717139 17671920 2009-01-14T23:15:34Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'bo' bo pqal4jz44ps0x3a7qs5ky2iys9ef9wv wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/bpy 8 5717137 17671916 2009-01-14T23:15:24Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'bpy' bpy ms2pldlh2pc35a8smg06ar3xb52sic3 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/br 8 5717136 17671914 2009-01-14T23:15:16Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'br' br 7bpu7bcl83023xvu36ezxvrf5rnai3x wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/bs 8 5717135 17671912 2009-01-14T23:15:07Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'bs' bs sepdi2pl4z03adjivx62i4gqdifc41v wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/bto 8 5717134 17671911 2009-01-14T23:14:58Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'bto' bto 2d1gdj1q3330vw8u8w7evyssil40os4 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/bug 8 5717133 17671910 2009-01-14T23:14:49Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'bug' bug c7j8eo3zef4u4givhszavda8pl2m380 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/bxr 8 5717128 17671903 2009-01-14T23:14:31Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'bxr' bxr fwrqm17qur9oypg0fmm4p6fbtsojkpe wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/byp 8 5717132 17671909 2009-01-14T23:14:40Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'byp' byp skon036itfn79pydszb31wvyt91xns8 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/ca 8 5237667 16154119 2008-11-20T10:04:18Z Multichill 115072 ca ca 3aubzblt8s0mzep6vci9pnhdqe615q6 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/cbk-zam 8 5717156 17671970 2009-01-14T23:17:17Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'cbk-zam' cbk-zam oroeecbsffvn7juv1lmu8bgpcdkc6ld wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/cdo 8 5717159 17671975 2009-01-14T23:17:27Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'cdo' cdo 6zf0uxu3jcf1ccaveobkw351z9pgrbf wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/ce 8 5717160 17671979 2009-01-14T23:17:38Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'ce' ce l2aoyn89lep7u4c2t2svgqm83jdvbd6 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/ceb 8 5717162 17671984 2009-01-14T23:17:46Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'ceb' ceb 36jshlzaol2az7lbos5aierqndflneg wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/ch 8 5717164 17671988 2009-01-14T23:17:55Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'ch' ch 8fht0dgt71287horh4xookwqdaoglo9 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/cho 8 5717165 17671991 2009-01-14T23:18:07Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'cho' cho aka0x1280bsyiuns6zll5ok6dovqi3g wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/chr 8 5717166 17671996 2009-01-14T23:18:18Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'chr' chr 9kuocy4hgx3hrwng4wrp9tpni5w6fdh wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/chy 8 5717168 17672001 2009-01-14T23:18:26Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'chy' chy 3z50h78bzfh7brtkd0ksd2y0qx2wx9l wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/co 8 5717169 17672007 2009-01-14T23:18:38Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'co' co fvccdfruk8ik4wqtwanfc5pqgivm0zj wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/cop 8 5717172 17672012 2009-01-14T23:18:47Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'cop' cop 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dz a9uo4bxoqoqmvgodu6x5r2ra5sw4fhh wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/ee 8 5717206 17672103 2009-01-14T23:21:51Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'ee' ee 3nhdtuf0qux3xjml43kgtwzvghm0z17 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/el 8 5238397 16156684 2008-11-20T12:59:19Z Multichill 115072 el el 98ppqmkg95tbjj7dp3vatg5q9xip3yf wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/eml 8 5717202 17672097 2009-01-14T23:21:42Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'eml' eml p7u0gygkg7ax2aqydr4w75tycs0t8f9 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/en-gb 8 5782448 17899474 2009-01-24T19:20:00Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'en-gb' en-gb j94gyk2l2zxfuuge3yhllfiirl1q341 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/eo 8 5237680 16154150 2008-11-20T10:06:35Z Multichill 115072 eo eo sldmijh9q1jlxvysbr8u77am1bbhsea wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/es 8 5158160 15871498 2008-11-08T07:13:09Z SterkeBak 248948 es es 157ydsveoqidndmz2q4jmtppvsw3zxb wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/et 8 5717198 17672085 2009-01-14T23:21:03Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'et' et jcy52g4e8ifkefn8y8a2tvgsrmyanun wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/eu 8 5717196 17672079 2009-01-14T23:20:55Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'eu' eu ba15h1s2dypaxxc0ila9d4ot7irkaxq wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/ext 8 5717195 17672076 2009-01-14T23:20:49Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'ext' ext 2qiilyk4vaps6jqpxenv152t3h6gjos wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/fa 8 5238398 16156685 2008-11-20T12:59:26Z Multichill 115072 fa fa 3w9ch82kz0si1n2qt447ktsbu2na081 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/ff 8 5717194 17672072 2009-01-14T23:20:41Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'ff' ff rqhguiaic8zs39pzuznlo4fshrsi7r0 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/fi 8 5237665 16154115 2008-11-20T10:04:01Z Multichill 115072 fi fi ciblcy7tzamyiizrscogkyszmdpag76 wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/fiu-vro 8 5717191 17672065 2009-01-14T23:20:23Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'fiu-vro' 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'frr' frr lu86hhw7dkrm6da5u75smlcsdt6zb1o wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/fur 8 5717182 17672046 2009-01-14T23:19:53Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'fur' fur o61t4v1moilcrrpvdzmjpnue9t8256x wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/fy 8 5717181 17672042 2009-01-14T23:19:45Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'fy' fy g29pr6l61zzjv1bmtetho6800ajmnre wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/ga 8 5717245 17672194 2009-01-14T23:24:48Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'ga' ga deebrn0qqg5okv6384u9lukvdicqpvv wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/gag 8 5717266 17672279 2009-01-14T23:28:22Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'gag' gag 6dvrb0a88vdfg58mb1tfw1hdm876wxh wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/gan 8 5717267 17672283 2009-01-14T23:28:31Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'gan' gan ljnae6ffo65ag8tlgiicz7s7j05u4ha wikitext text/x-wiki MediaWiki:Lang/gd 8 5717269 17672288 2009-01-14T23:28:40Z Slomox 770 [[COM:AES|←]]Created page with 'gd' gd 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