window.onload = function () { /** * Try to catch errors in modules which don't do their own error handling. * Based partially on some raven.js () plugins. * @class mw.errorLogging * @singleton */ ( function ( mw, $ ) { 'use strict'; mw.errorLogging = { /** * Fired via mw.track when an error is not handled by local code and is caught by global * error logging. * * @event errorLogging_exception * @param {Error|Mixed} e The error that was thrown. Usually an Error object, but * in Javascript any value can be used with 'throw' so no guarantees. * @param {string} source Name of the function which threw the error. */ /** * Wrap a function in a try-catch block and report any errors. * @param {Function} fn * @param {string} name Name of the function, for logging * @return {Mixed} */ wrap: function ( fn, name ) { var wrappedFn; if ( !$.isFunction( fn ) ) { return fn; } // use named function expression so this is easy to identify in the stack trace wrappedFn = function mediawikiErrorLoggingWrapper() { try { return mw.errorLogging.safeApply( fn, this, arguments ); } catch ( e ) { mw.track( 'errorLogging.exception', { exception: e, source: name } ); throw e; } }; // raven.js needs these // jscs:disable disallowDanglingUnderscores wrappedFn.__raven__ = true; wrappedFn.__inner__ = fn; // jscs:enable disallowDanglingUnderscores return wrappedFn; }, /** * Decorates a function so that it executes a callback on its arguments before * executing the function itself. * @private * @param {Function} fn * @param {Function} callback Callback to invoke when the decorated function is called. * @param {Array} callback.args Arguments with which the decorated function has been called. * Changes in the arguments will effect the original function. * @return {Function} The decorated function */ decorateWithArgsCallback: function ( fn, callback ) { var _; // return ( _ = function mediaWikiErrorLoggingDecoratedFunction() { var args = [] arguments ); callback( args ); return mw.errorLogging.safeApply( fn, this, args ); } ); }, /** * Call a function with the given context and args. Works around an IE8 limitation * (Function.apply does not work with certain native functions). * @private * @param {Function} fn * @param {Mixed} context * @param {Array} args * @return {Mixed} */ safeApply: function ( fn, context, args ) { if ( !fn.apply ) { // IE8 host object compatibility return fn, context, args ); } return fn.apply( context, args ); }, /** * Decorate async functions to wrap their callbacks. * @param {Object} window The window object * @param {Object} $ The jQuery object */ register: function ( window, $ ) { var registerFlag = mw.config.get( 'wgJavascriptErrorLoggingSamplingRate'), samplingRate = parseInt( registerFlag, 10 ); // Only register if the feature flag is set to true or some integer N; in the latter // case, only register for one in every N page load. The extra negation is there to // deal with NaN. if ( registerFlag !== true && ( !samplingRate || Math.random() > 1 / samplingRate ) ) { return; } $.each( ['setTimeout', 'setInterval'], function ( _, name ) { window[name] = mw.errorLogging.decorateWithArgsCallback( window[name], function ( args ) { if ( args[0] ) { args[0] = mw.errorLogging.wrap( args[0], name ); } } ); } ); $.fn.ready = mw.errorLogging.decorateWithArgsCallback( $.fn.ready, function ( args ) { if ( args[0] ) { args[0] = mw.errorLogging.wrap( args[0], '$.ready' ); } } ); $.event.add = mw.errorLogging.decorateWithArgsCallback( $.event.add, function ( args ) { var handler, wrappedHandler; // $.event.add can be called with a config object instead of a handler if ( args[2] && args[2].handler ) { handler = args[2].handler; wrappedHandler = mw.errorLogging.wrap( handler, '$.event.add' ); args[2].handler = wrappedHandler; } else if ( args[2] ) { handler = args[2]; wrappedHandler = mw.errorLogging.wrap( handler, '$.event.add' ); args[2] = wrappedHandler; } // emulate jQuery.proxy() behavior wrappedHandler.guid = handler.guid = handler.guid || $.guid++; } ); // There is no easy way to access user callbacks in $.ajax as it uses a promise // mechanism; instead we replace the XHR object with a proxy and use that to wrap the // internal jQuery callback that handles the onreadystatechange event. This will miss // some things such as JSONP requests, but still get most things. $.ajax = mw.errorLogging.decorateWithArgsCallback( $.ajax, function ( args ) { var options, finalOptions; if ( typeof args[0] === 'object' ) { options = args[0] || ( args[0] = {} ); } else { options = args[1] || ( args[1] = {} ); } finalOptions = $.ajaxSetup( {}, options ); options.xhr = function mediaWikiErrorLoggingDecoratedXhrFactory() { var proxyXhr = {}, realXhr = this ), xhrProperties = ['readyState', 'status', 'responseText', 'statusText'].concat( finalOptions.xhrFields || [] ), xhrMethods = ['open', 'overrideMimeType', 'setRequestHeader', 'getAllResponseHeaders', 'send', 'abort']; try { // IE 8 throws if defineProperty is used on non-DOM objects $.each( xhrProperties, function ( _, prop ) { Object.defineProperty( proxyXhr, prop, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function () { return realXhr[prop]; }, set: function ( val ) { realXhr[prop] = val; } } ); } ); $.each( xhrMethods, function ( _, method ) { if ( realXhr[method] ) { proxyXhr[method] = function () { var context = this === proxyXhr ? realXhr : this; return mw.errorLogging.safeApply( realXhr[method], context, arguments ); }; } } ); Object.defineProperty( proxyXhr, 'onreadystatechange', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function () { return realXhr.onreadystatechange; }, set: function ( val ) { realXhr.onreadystatechange = mw.errorLogging.wrap( val, 'xhr.onreadystatechange' ); } } ); return proxyXhr; } catch ( e ) { return realXhr; } }; } ); } }; }( mediaWiki, jQuery ) ); mw.config.set( 'wgJavascriptErrorLoggingSamplingRate', 1 ); mw.errorLogging.register( window, $ ); ve.trackSubscribe( 'trace.' + jsbench.stage + '.', function ( topic ) { switch ( topic.split( '.' ).pop() ) { case 'enter': console.profile(); break; case 'exit': console.profileEnd(); break; } } ); // Don't show the welcome dialog. localStorage.clear() localStorage.setItem( 've-beta-welcome-dialog', 1 ); // Wait 200ms for any load handlers to run, then start VE. setTimeout( function () { { preventDefault: $.noop } ); }, 200 ); };