Test Run


start_date end_date omit_times disable_forecasts update_packages help
2017-01-24 2017-01-25 FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE


Using the following packages from /a/discovery/r-library: bsts (0.6.5), data.table (1.10.0), data.tree (0.7.0), devtools (1.12.0), forecast (7.3), ISOcodes (2016.12.09), knitr (1.15.1), optparse (1.3.2), ortiz (0.0.2), plyr (1.8.4), polloi (0.1.7), Rcpp (0.12.9), testthat (1.0.2), tidyverse (1.1.0), uaparser (0.2.0), wmf (0.2.6), yaml (2.1.14)


Report 1 of 43

Homepage visits, SPARQL & LDF endpoint requests

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “basic_usage” from the metrics/wdqs module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/wdqs/basic_usage 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    path    http_success    is_automata events
2017-01-24  /   FALSE   FALSE   37
2017-01-24  /bigdata/namespace/wdq/sparql   FALSE   FALSE   766
2017-01-24  /bigdata/namespace/wdq/sparql   TRUE    TRUE    115531
2017-01-24  /   TRUE    TRUE    256
2017-01-24  /bigdata/ldf    TRUE    TRUE    165
2017-01-24  /bigdata/namespace/wdq/sparql   TRUE    FALSE   37740
2017-01-24  /   FALSE   TRUE    157
2017-01-24  /   TRUE    FALSE   1166
2017-01-24  /bigdata/ldf    TRUE    FALSE   13102
2017-01-24  /bigdata/namespace/wdq/sparql   FALSE   TRUE    1025

It took 1m 43s to generate this report.

Report 2 of 43

Relevancy of our desktop search as measured by PaulScore

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “paulscore_approximations” from the metrics/search module.
  2. Filling in the timestamp placeholders in the SQL query.
  3. About to run the following query:
  date, event_source,
  ROUND(SUM(pow_1)/COUNT(1), 3) AS pow_1,
  ROUND(SUM(pow_2)/COUNT(1), 3) AS pow_2,
  ROUND(SUM(pow_3)/COUNT(1), 3) AS pow_3,
  ROUND(SUM(pow_4)/COUNT(1), 3) AS pow_4,
  ROUND(SUM(pow_5)/COUNT(1), 3) AS pow_5,
  ROUND(SUM(pow_6)/COUNT(1), 3) AS pow_6,
  ROUND(SUM(pow_7)/COUNT(1), 3) AS pow_7,
  ROUND(SUM(pow_8)/COUNT(1), 3) AS pow_8,
  ROUND(SUM(pow_9)/COUNT(1), 3) AS pow_9
    DATE('20170124') AS date,
    SUM(IF(event_action = 'click', POW(0.1, event_position), 0)) / SUM(IF(event_action = 'searchResultPage', 1, 0)) AS pow_1,
    SUM(IF(event_action = 'click', POW(0.2, event_position), 0)) / SUM(IF(event_action = 'searchResultPage', 1, 0)) AS pow_2,
    SUM(IF(event_action = 'click', POW(0.3, event_position), 0)) / SUM(IF(event_action = 'searchResultPage', 1, 0)) AS pow_3,
    SUM(IF(event_action = 'click', POW(0.4, event_position), 0)) / SUM(IF(event_action = 'searchResultPage', 1, 0)) AS pow_4,
    SUM(IF(event_action = 'click', POW(0.5, event_position), 0)) / SUM(IF(event_action = 'searchResultPage', 1, 0)) AS pow_5,
    SUM(IF(event_action = 'click', POW(0.6, event_position), 0)) / SUM(IF(event_action = 'searchResultPage', 1, 0)) AS pow_6,
    SUM(IF(event_action = 'click', POW(0.7, event_position), 0)) / SUM(IF(event_action = 'searchResultPage', 1, 0)) AS pow_7,
    SUM(IF(event_action = 'click', POW(0.8, event_position), 0)) / SUM(IF(event_action = 'searchResultPage', 1, 0)) AS pow_8,
    SUM(IF(event_action = 'click', POW(0.9, event_position), 0)) / SUM(IF(event_action = 'searchResultPage', 1, 0)) AS pow_9
  FROM TestSearchSatisfaction2_15922352
    timestamp >= '20170124' AND timestamp < '20170125'
    AND event_action IN ('searchResultPage', 'click')
    AND IF(event_source = 'autocomplete', event_inputLocation = 'header', TRUE)
    AND IF(event_source = 'autocomplete' AND event_action = 'click', event_position >= 0, TRUE)
  GROUP BY date, event_searchSessionId, event_source
) AS pows
GROUP BY date, event_source;


date    event_source    pow_1   pow_2   pow_3   pow_4   pow_5   pow_6   pow_7   pow_8   pow_9
2017-01-24  autocomplete    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
2017-01-24  fulltext    0.279   0.286   0.293   0.302   0.311   0.323   0.336   0.353   0.376

It took 5s to generate this report.

Report 3 of 43

Clicks and other events by users searching on mobile web

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “mobile_event_counts” from the metrics/search module.
  2. Filling in the timestamp placeholders in the SQL query.
  3. About to run the following query:
  DATE('20170124') AS date,
  CASE event_action WHEN 'click-result' THEN 'clickthroughs'
                    WHEN 'session-start' THEN 'search sessions'
                    WHEN 'impression-results' THEN 'Result pages opened'
                    END AS action,
  COUNT(*) AS events
FROM MobileWebSearch_12054448
  timestamp >= '20170124' AND timestamp < '20170125'
  AND event_action IN('click-result', 'session-start', 'impression-results')
GROUP BY date, action;


date    action  events
2017-01-24  clickthroughs   1035
2017-01-24  Result pages opened 10608
2017-01-24  search sessions 22288

It took 21s to generate this report.

Report 4 of 43

How the user initiated their search session on the Android app

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “invoke_source_counts” from the metrics/search module.
  2. Filling in the timestamp placeholders in the SQL query.
  3. About to run the following query:
  DATE('20170124') AS date,
  CASE event_source WHEN 0 THEN 'Main article toolbar'
                    WHEN 1 THEN 'Widget'
                    WHEN 2 THEN 'Share intent'
                    WHEN 3 THEN 'Process-text intent'
                    WHEN 4 THEN 'Floating search bar in the feed'
                    WHEN 5 THEN 'Voice search query'
                    END AS invoke_source,
  COUNT(*) AS events
FROM MobileWikiAppSearch_15729321
  timestamp >= '20170124' AND timestamp < '20170125'
  AND event_action = 'start'
GROUP BY date, invoke_source;


date    invoke_source   events
2017-01-24  Floating search bar in the feed 4924
2017-01-24  Main article toolbar    4515
2017-01-24  Process-text intent 19
2017-01-24  Share intent    8
2017-01-24  Voice search query  38
2017-01-24  Widget  97

It took 1s to generate this report.

Report 5 of 43

The position of the clicked search result on the Android app

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “click_position_counts” from the metrics/search module.
  2. Filling in the timestamp placeholders in the SQL query.
  3. About to run the following query:
  DATE('20170124') AS date,
  CASE WHEN (event_position + 1) < 10 THEN (event_position + 1)
       WHEN (event_position + 1) >= 10 AND (event_position + 1) < 20 THEN '10-19'
       WHEN (event_position + 1) >= 20 AND (event_position + 1) <= 100 THEN '20-100'
       WHEN (event_position + 1) > 100 THEN '100+'
       END AS click_position,
  COUNT(*) AS events
FROM MobileWikiAppSearch_15729321
  timestamp >= '20170124' AND timestamp < '20170125'
  AND event_action = 'click'
GROUP BY date, click_position;


date    click_position  events
2017-01-24  1   5703
2017-01-24  10-19   140
2017-01-24  100+    6
2017-01-24  2   1415
2017-01-24  20-100  76
2017-01-24  3   549
2017-01-24  4   208
2017-01-24  5   108
2017-01-24  6   89
2017-01-24  7   52
2017-01-24  8   32
2017-01-24  9   30

It took 1s to generate this report.

Report 6 of 43

Clicks and other events by users searching on Android and iOS apps

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “app_event_counts” from the metrics/search module.
  2. Filling in the timestamp placeholders in the SQL query.
  3. About to run the following query:
  date, action, platform, COUNT(*) AS events
    DATE('20170124') AS date,
    CASE event_action WHEN 'click' THEN 'clickthroughs'
                      WHEN 'start' THEN 'search sessions'
                      WHEN 'results' THEN 'Result pages opened'
                      END AS action,
    CASE WHEN INSTR(userAgent, 'Android') > 0 THEN 'Android'
         ELSE 'iOS' END AS platform
  FROM MobileWikiAppSearch_10641988
    timestamp >= '20170124' AND timestamp < '20170125'
    AND event_action IN ('click', 'start', 'results')
    DATE('20170124') AS date,
    CASE event_action WHEN 'click' THEN 'clickthroughs'
                      WHEN 'start' THEN 'search sessions'
                      WHEN 'results' THEN 'Result pages opened'
                      END AS action,
    CASE WHEN INSTR(userAgent, 'Android') > 0 THEN 'Android'
         ELSE 'iOS' END AS platform
  FROM MobileWikiAppSearch_15729321
    timestamp >= '20170124' AND timestamp < '20170125'
    AND event_action IN ('click', 'start', 'results')
) AS MobileWikiAppSearch
GROUP BY date, action, platform;


date    action  platform    events
2017-01-24  clickthroughs   Android 9804
2017-01-24  clickthroughs   iOS 1193
2017-01-24  Result pages opened Android 33004
2017-01-24  Result pages opened iOS 8355
2017-01-24  search sessions Android 11191
2017-01-24  search sessions iOS 1409

It took 1s to generate this report.

Report 7 of 43

Counts of calls made to our various APIs

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

Note: this report is configured to be “rolling” – 30 maximum number of days allowed in the final dataset.

  1. Executing report “search_api_usage” from the metrics/search module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/search/search_api_usage 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    api calls
2017-01-24  open    78655923
2017-01-24  prefix  51686047
2017-01-24  geo 766619
2017-01-24  language    14940
2017-01-24  cirrus  87966199

It took 31m 21s to generate this report.

Report 8 of 43

How long users last on pages they arrived at from the search results page, computed like median lethal dose in toxicology

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “sample_page_visit_ld” from the metrics/search module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/search/sample_page_visit_ld 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    LD10    LD25    LD50    LD75    LD90    LD95    LD99
2017-01-24  45  55  195 390 NA  NA  NA

It took 1m 49s to generate this report.

Report 9 of 43

User-perceived load times when searching on mobile web

Note: this report is configured to have one row per day.

  1. Executing report “mobile_load_times” from the metrics/search module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/search/mobile_load_times 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    Median  95th percentile 99th percentile
2017-01-24  335 1059.3  2549.88

It took 3m 33s to generate this report.

Report 10 of 43

User-perceived load times when searching on desktop

Note: this report is configured to have one row per day.

  1. Executing report “desktop_load_times” from the metrics/search module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/search/desktop_load_times 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    Median  95th percentile 99th percentile
2017-01-24  669 3093    10186.6

It took 1m 45s to generate this report.

Report 11 of 43

Clicks and other events by users searching on desktop

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “desktop_event_counts” from the metrics/search module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/search/desktop_event_counts 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    action  events
2017-01-24  clickthroughs   4920
2017-01-24  Result pages opened 17231
2017-01-24  search sessions 7584

It took 48s to generate this report.

Report 12 of 43

Zero results rate (ZRR) of searches with suggestions

Note: this report is configured to have one row per day.

  1. Executing report “cirrus_suggestion_breakdown_with_automata” from the metrics/search module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/search/cirrus_suggestion_breakdown_with_automata 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    rate
2017-01-24  0.2086

It took 41m 0s to generate this report.

Report 13 of 43

Zero results rate (ZRR) of searches with suggestions, excluding known bots/tools

Note: this report is configured to have one row per day.

  1. Executing report “cirrus_suggestion_breakdown_no_automata” from the metrics/search module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/search/cirrus_suggestion_breakdown_no_automata 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    rate
2017-01-24  0.149

It took 25m 22s to generate this report.

Report 14 of 43

Zero results rate (ZRR) broken down by full-text vs. prefix searches

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “cirrus_query_breakdowns_with_automata” from the metrics/search module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/search/cirrus_query_breakdowns_with_automata 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    query_type  rate
2017-01-24  comp_suggest    0.2521
2017-01-24  full_text   0.1926
2017-01-24  more_like   0.0088
2017-01-24  prefix  0.2262
2017-01-24  regex   0.7946
2017-01-24  GeoData_spatial_search  0.3703

It took 34m 19s to generate this report.

Report 15 of 43

Zero results rate (ZRR) broken down by full-text vs. prefix searches, excluding known bots/tools

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “cirrus_query_breakdowns_no_automata” from the metrics/search module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/search/cirrus_query_breakdowns_no_automata 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    query_type  rate
2017-01-24  comp_suggest    0.2342
2017-01-24  full_text   0.1434
2017-01-24  more_like   0.0087
2017-01-24  prefix  0.1842
2017-01-24  regex   0.8041
2017-01-24  GeoData_spatial_search  0.2153

It took 29m 31s to generate this report.

Report 16 of 43

Overall zero results rate (ZRR)

Note: this report is configured to have one row per day.

  1. Executing report “cirrus_query_aggregates_with_automata” from the metrics/search module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/search/cirrus_query_aggregates_with_automata 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    rate
2017-01-24  0.2229

It took 17m 39s to generate this report.

Report 17 of 43

Zero results rate (ZRR), excluding known bots/tools

Note: this report is configured to have one row per day.

  1. Executing report “cirrus_query_aggregates_no_automata” from the metrics/search module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/search/cirrus_query_aggregates_no_automata 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    rate
2017-01-24  0.2008

It took 30m 56s to generate this report.

Report 18 of 43

Zero results and total searches broken down by language-project pairs (e.g. German Wikiquote ZRR vs. French Wikibooks ZRR)

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

Note: this report is configured to be “rolling” – 30 maximum number of days allowed in the final dataset.

  1. Executing report “cirrus_langproj_breakdown_with_automata” from the metrics/search module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/search/cirrus_langproj_breakdown_with_automata 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    language    project zero_results    total
2017-01-24  Bosnian Wiktionary  40  57
2017-01-24  Danish  Wikipedia   65166   266186
2017-01-24  Lower Sorbian   Wikipedia   348 523
2017-01-24  Finnish Wikimedia Chapter   26  29
2017-01-24  West Frisian    Wikipedia   375 2349
2017-01-24  Latvian Wikipedia   11136   49068
2017-01-24  Moldovan    Wikipedia   34  65
2017-01-24  Ndonga  Wikipedia   6   7
2017-01-24  Azerbaijani Wikipedia   22318   78802
2017-01-24  Bambara Wikipedia   155 221
2017-01-24  Breton  Wikipedia   755 2754
2017-01-24  Czech   Wikibooks   279 432
2017-01-24  English Wikiquote   14670   44780
2017-01-24  Estonian    Wikipedia   16770   97009
2017-01-24  Faroese Wikipedia   300 863
2017-01-24  Armenian    Wikisource  368 768
2017-01-24  Armenian    Wiktionary  264 1223
2017-01-24  Latin   Wikisource  65  195
2017-01-24  Latin   Wiktionary  172 492
2017-01-24  Marathi Wikipedia   30337   56628
2017-01-24  Dutch Low Saxon Wikipedia   352 617
2017-01-24  Polish  Wikisource  1100    2907
2017-01-24  Simple English  Wikipedia   53345   153663
2017-01-24  Sinhalese   Wikipedia   6935    16890
2017-01-24  NA  Sources wiki    1991    3518
2017-01-24  Swedish Wikiversity 25  49
2017-01-24  Tamil   Wikiquote   2   2
2017-01-24  Turkish Wikipedia   166059  877277
2017-01-24  Vietnamese  Wikipedia   85199   334036
2017-01-24  Walloon Wikipedia   112 505
2017-01-24  NA  Wikidata    597169  889816
2017-01-24  Afrikaans   Wikipedia   7511    20790
2017-01-24  Akan    Wikipedia   41  72
2017-01-24  Persian Wikinews    39  251
2017-01-24  French  Wikinews    1689    3070
2017-01-24  Hebrew  Wikipedia   158173  534310
2017-01-24  Hebrew  Wiktionary  3275    8832
2017-01-24  Hindi   Wiktionary  1950    4823
2017-01-24  NA  Incubator for new wikis 1683    2444
2017-01-24  Italian Wikiquote   2272    12291
2017-01-24  Karakalpak  Wikipedia   153 238
2017-01-24  Kongo   Wikipedia   123 156
2017-01-24  Greenlandic Wikipedia   155 242
2017-01-24  Kannada Wikipedia   15184   27633
2017-01-24  Macedonian  Wikipedia   11518   34261
2017-01-24  Northern Sami   Wikipedia   54993   55413
2017-01-24  Mingrelian  Wikipedia   227 590
2017-01-24  Southern Azerbaijani    Wikipedia   190 721
2017-01-24  NA  Wikimedia Commons   355024  997469
2017-01-24  Esperanto   Wiktionary  19  118
2017-01-24  French  Wikipedia   1125171 5103408
2017-01-24  Gujarati    Wikipedia   7759    14661
2017-01-24  Armenian    Wikibooks   40  67
2017-01-24  Interlingua Wikipedia   261 784
2017-01-24  Ido Wikipedia   92  469
2017-01-24  Italian Wiktionary  3019    16309
2017-01-24  Norwegian (Bokmal)  Wikisource  27  46
2017-01-24  Norwegian (Bokmal)  Wiktionary  1136    5853
2017-01-24  Palatinate German   Wikipedia   112 216
2017-01-24  Russian Wikipedia   1253764 5387941
2017-01-24  Tamil   Wikipedia   43475   79746
2017-01-24  Vietnamese  Wiktionary  1535    8133
2017-01-24  Acehnese    Wikipedia   277 469
2017-01-24  Banjar  Wikipedia   126 233
2017-01-24  Spanish Wikivoyage  289 621
2017-01-24  Finnish Wikivoyage  10  42
2017-01-24  Irish   Wikipedia   375 1442
2017-01-24  Scottish Gaelic Wikipedia   129 476
2017-01-24  Inuktitut   Wikipedia   154 178
2017-01-24  Jamaican Patois Wikipedia   183 345
2017-01-24  Korean  Wikinews    18  21
2017-01-24  Korean  Wikiversity 13  16
2017-01-24  Lingala Wikipedia   97  148
2017-01-24  Mirandese   Wikipedia   141 216
2017-01-24  Newar   Wikipedia   669 1338
2017-01-24  Picard  Wikipedia   192 442
2017-01-24  Western Punjabi Wikipedia   103 426
2017-01-24  Portuguese  Wikivoyage  255 665
2017-01-24  Russian Wiktionary  15642   195901
2017-01-24  Albanian    Wikipedia   36277   97307
2017-01-24  Swedish Wikipedia   148162  988286
2017-01-24  Tamil   Wikibooks   84  122
2017-01-24  Bengali Wikipedia   39248   142267
2017-01-24  Dzongkha    Wikipedia   62  86
2017-01-24  Persian Wikibooks   737 1147
2017-01-24  French  Wikivoyage  1446    2804
2017-01-24  Gothic  Wikipedia   91  99
2017-01-24  Italian Wikibooks   1600    2744
2017-01-24  Japanese    Wikipedia   635918  2908823
2017-01-24  Karachay-Balkar Wikipedia   108 142
2017-01-24  Kirghiz Wikipedia   4108    12259
2017-01-24  Lak Wikipedia   129 163
2017-01-24  Banyumasan  Wikipedia   83  142
2017-01-24  Dutch   Wiktionary  1982    13479
2017-01-24  NA  Wikimedia Outreach  70  1302
2017-01-24  Polish  Wikibooks   1163    2302
2017-01-24  Polish  Wikivoyage  160 442
2017-01-24  Romanian    Wikipedia   104996  392856
2017-01-24  Yiddish Wikipedia   199 739
2017-01-24  Zeelandic   Wikipedia   125 315
2017-01-24  Tibetan Wikipedia   416 954
2017-01-24  Cheyenne    Wikipedia   95  101
2017-01-24  English Wiktionary  79450   673172
2017-01-24  NA  Wikimedia Foundation wiki   10751   14333
2017-01-24  Icelandic   Wikipedia   3958    14969
2017-01-24  Italian Wikisource  5293    7717
2017-01-24  Maltese Wikipedia   165 468
2017-01-24  Russian Wikiversity 665 1061
2017-01-24  Chinese Wikivoyage  98  172
2017-01-24  Belarusian  Wikibooks   1   1
2017-01-24  Bosnian Wikipedia   6330    27886
2017-01-24  Welsh   Wikipedia   1851    6507
2017-01-24  Spanish Wikiquote   2686    9554
2017-01-24  Hindi   Wikipedia   132170  266448
2017-01-24  Croatian    Wikibooks   106 136
2017-01-24  Indonesian  Wikipedia   215680  701930
2017-01-24  Luxembourgish   Wikipedia   481 3008
2017-01-24  Lezgian Wikipedia   118 210
2017-01-24  Polish  Wikipedia   450884  1913793
2017-01-24  Romansh Wikipedia   248 456
2017-01-24  Tarantino   Wikipedia   93  104
2017-01-24  Sicilian    Wikipedia   273 1176
2017-01-24  Aragonese   Wikipedia   327 1303
2017-01-24  Aramaic Wikipedia   100 147
2017-01-24  Samogitian  Wikipedia   82  140
2017-01-24  Crimean Tatar   Wikipedia   398 610
2017-01-24  French  Wikisource  7458    18738
2017-01-24  Hindi   Wikibooks   1271    1472
2017-01-24  Italian Wikiversity 879 1801
2017-01-24  Japanese    Wiktionary  2149    13745
2017-01-24  Javanese    Wiktionary  427 1577
2017-01-24  Maori   Wikipedia   86  213
2017-01-24  Nauruan Wikipedia   103 147
2017-01-24  Serbian Wikipedia   26982   143196
2017-01-24  Swedish Wiktionary  3422    34278
2017-01-24  Vietnamese  Wikiquote   148 291
2017-01-24  Bulgarian   Wikipedia   42329   183925
2017-01-24  Bulgarian   Wikibooks   59  130
2017-01-24  German  Wikipedia   1945858 10059882
2017-01-24  English Wikipedia   11672026    59175769
2017-01-24  Spanish Wiktionary  39935   64946
2017-01-24  Finnish Wikipedia   108098  632901
2017-01-24  Igbo    Wikipedia   11192   12333
2017-01-24  Kurdish (Kurmanji)  Wikipedia   602 3674
2017-01-24  Cornish Wikipedia   82  166
2017-01-24  Luxembourgish   Wiktionary  7   25
2017-01-24  Lombard Wikipedia   78  526
2017-01-24  Lithuanian  Wikipedia   19430   104650
2017-01-24  Moksha  Wikipedia   87  91
2017-01-24  Malayalam   Wikipedia   30016   82812
2017-01-24  Oriya   Wikipedia   1418    3515
2017-01-24  Russian Wikimedia Chapter   239 342
2017-01-24  Tagalog Wikipedia   84013   219439
2017-01-24  Tok Pisin   Wikipedia   165 266
2017-01-24  Afrikaans   Wiktionary  734 1539
2017-01-24  English Wikibooks   25957   51524
2017-01-24  Persian Wiktionary  514 1545
2017-01-24  Fiji Hindi  Wikipedia   536 1192
2017-01-24  Italian Wikivoyage  178 1033
2017-01-24  Georgian    Wikipedia   48557   124125
2017-01-24  Korean  Wikipedia   143039  504524
2017-01-24  Kirghiz Wiktionary  0   2
2017-01-24  Lao Wiktionary  1   3
2017-01-24  Nahuatl Wikipedia   103 277
2017-01-24  Dutch   Wikimedia Chapter   62  217
2017-01-24  Novial  Wikipedia   121 167
2017-01-24  Occitan Wikipedia   249 2094
2017-01-24  Polish  Wikimedia Chapter   56  162
2017-01-24  Polish  Wiktionary  6660    48397
2017-01-24  Portuguese  Wikisource  750 1960
2017-01-24  Portuguese  Wiktionary  5685    15059
2017-01-24  Sindhi  Wikipedia   355 898
2017-01-24  Classical Chinese   Wikipedia   563 1078
2017-01-24  Chinese Wikipedia   534095  1510742
2017-01-24  Belarusian  Wiktionary  51  65
2017-01-24  Catalan Wikinews    47  61
2017-01-24  Greek   Wiktionary  13235   78237
2017-01-24  Gujarati    Wikisource  25  44
2017-01-24  Javanese    Wikipedia   915 3235
2017-01-24  Minangkabau Wikipedia   183 438
2017-01-24  Norwegian (Nynorsk) Wikipedia   3075    15162
2017-01-24  Slovak  Wiktionary  73  178
2017-01-24  Breton  Wikisource  649 665
2017-01-24  Czech   Wikiversity 39  89
2017-01-24  Welsh   Wiktionary  8   58
2017-01-24  Macedonian  Wikibooks   61  97
2017-01-24  Slovak  Wikipedia   60972   184773
2017-01-24  Slovenian   Wikisource  181 791
2017-01-24  Tongan  Wikipedia   89  117
2017-01-24  Extremaduran    Wikipedia   97  186
2017-01-24  Voro    Wikipedia   101 177
2017-01-24  Manx    Wikipedia   69  201
2017-01-24  Hebrew  Wikibooks   1392    2068
2017-01-24  Latgalian   Wikipedia   101 161
2017-01-24  Macedonian  Wikisource  10  14
2017-01-24  Portuguese  Wikiquote   700 2158
2017-01-24  Sanskrit    Wikipedia   1930    4638
2017-01-24  Slovenian   Wikiquote   15  48
2017-01-24  Silesian    Wikipedia   147 395
2017-01-24  Chinese Wikiquote   495 795
2017-01-24  Croatian    Wikipedia   33810   137233
2017-01-24  Mongolian   Wikipedia   5045    14755
2017-01-24  Zhuang  Wikipedia   132 160
2017-01-24  Alemannic   Wikipedia   506 2298
2017-01-24  Arabic  Wiktionary  2241    5152
2017-01-24  Aymara  Wikipedia   195 295
2017-01-24  Azerbaijani Wikisource  306 592
2017-01-24  Azerbaijani Wiktionary  70  307
2017-01-24  Chavacano   Wikipedia   102 110
2017-01-24  Cebuano Wikipedia   3049    4606
2017-01-24  Czech   Wikipedia   231247  1101768
2017-01-24  Danish  Wikiquote   152 196
2017-01-24  English Wikivoyage  9266    25479
2017-01-24  Gan Wikipedia   120 375
2017-01-24  Ilokano Wikipedia   221 362
2017-01-24  Dutch   Wikipedia   358863  1605244
2017-01-24  Eastern Punjabi Wikipedia   1439    3784
2017-01-24  Russian Wikinews    109 396
2017-01-24  Venetian    Wikipedia   166 687
2017-01-24  Yoruba  Wikipedia   121 255
2017-01-24  Icelandic   Wikibooks   37  103
2017-01-24  Chichewa    Wikipedia   25  80
2017-01-24  Quechua Wikipedia   80  242
2017-01-24  Xhosa   Wikipedia   48  159
2017-01-24  Afrikaans   Wikiquote   6   15
2017-01-24  Arabic  Wikimedia Chapter   4   4
2017-01-24  Assamese    Wikibooks   6   6
2017-01-24  Bashkir Wikipedia   662 1737
2017-01-24  Bihari  Wikipedia   267 692
2017-01-24  Chechen Wikipedia   224 558
2017-01-24  Franco-Provencal    Wikipedia   214 331
2017-01-24  French  Wiktionary  24513   169297
2017-01-24  Khmer   Wiktionary  176 483
2017-01-24  Oriya   Wiktionary  13  20
2017-01-24  Sicilian    Wiktionary  228 624
2017-01-24  Telugu  Wiktionary  501 2693
2017-01-24  Uyghur  Wikipedia   247 487
2017-01-24  Volapuk Wikipedia   75  182
2017-01-24  Arabic  Wikiversity 367 779
2017-01-24  Avar    Wikipedia   162 227
2017-01-24  German  Wikivoyage  917 5259
2017-01-24  French  Wikiversity 2752    5110
2017-01-24  Italian Wikipedia   628819  3547830
2017-01-24  Kannada Wikisource  86  101
2017-01-24  Turkmen Wikipedia   644 1277
2017-01-24  Twi Wikipedia   78  112
2017-01-24  Venda   Wikipedia   16  44
2017-01-24  Catalan Wikipedia   68987   264986
2017-01-24  Chamorro    Wikipedia   43  62
2017-01-24  Persian Wikipedia   226901  919136
2017-01-24  Upper Sorbian   Wiktionary  5   15
2017-01-24  Kabyle  Wikipedia   253 554
2017-01-24  Sundanese   Wikiquote   10  21
2017-01-24  Thai    Wikipedia   105093  300505
2017-01-24  Buginese    Wikipedia   84  100
2017-01-24  Czech   Wikisource  512 1305
2017-01-24  French  Wikiquote   2350    5003
2017-01-24  Hungarian   Wiktionary  566 2159
2017-01-24  Indonesian  Wikiquote   539 914
2017-01-24  Nuosu   Wikipedia   7   7
2017-01-24  Neapolitan  Wikipedia   252 666
2017-01-24  NA  Test Wikipedia  50  150
2017-01-24  Tigrinya    Wikipedia   95  143
2017-01-24  NA  Wikimania 2014  12  24
2017-01-24  Egyptian Arabic Wikipedia   3266    12254
2017-01-24  Greek   Wikibooks   74  104
2017-01-24  French  Wikibooks   3397    6315
2017-01-24  Japanese    Wikiquote   153 200
2017-01-24  Khmer   Wikipedia   2130    5687
2017-01-24  Kanuri  Wikipedia   57  57
2017-01-24  Kirghiz Wikibooks   187 224
2017-01-24  Romanian    Wikisource  1245    2781
2017-01-24  Serbian Wikiquote   24  33
2017-01-24  Arabic  Wikipedia   770038  3283545
2017-01-24  Catalan Wikibooks   78  138
2017-01-24  Cherokee    Wikipedia   253 343
2017-01-24  German  Wikiversity 475 939
2017-01-24  Ewe Wikipedia   134 173
2017-01-24  Greek   Wikipedia   94897   279825
2017-01-24  Spanish Wikipedia   2613496 9035153
2017-01-24  Spanish Wikisource  3612    7623
2017-01-24  Croatian    Wiktionary  573 1126
2017-01-24  Ladino  Wikipedia   246 537
2017-01-24  Lithuanian  Wikibooks   51  81
2017-01-24  Slovak  Wikibooks   19  20
2017-01-24  Tajik   Wikipedia   1312    3694
2017-01-24  NA  Wikimania 2017  42  76
2017-01-24  Assamese    Wikipedia   706 2280
2017-01-24  Norman  Wikipedia   145 266
2017-01-24  Sakha   Wikipedia   312 866
2017-01-24  NA  Strategy wiki   13  27
2017-01-24  Swedish Wikivoyage  1   29
2017-01-24  Uyghur  Wiktionary  7   9
2017-01-24  Abkhazian   Wikipedia   134 151
2017-01-24  Greek   Wikiquote   254 445
2017-01-24  Friulian    Wikipedia   103 304
2017-01-24  Scottish Gaelic Wiktionary  37  73
2017-01-24  Croatian    Wikiquote   83  149
2017-01-24  Korean  Wikiquote   60  71
2017-01-24  Limburgish  Wikipedia   206 604
2017-01-24  Lithuanian  Wiktionary  427 1230
2017-01-24  Marathi Wiktionary  32  64
2017-01-24  Swedish Wikinews    67  95
2017-01-24  Urdu    Wikipedia   10275   35952
2017-01-24  Chinese Wikisource  2657    4406
2017-01-24  German  Wikinews    127 233
2017-01-24  English Wikiversity 3460    8616
2017-01-24  Basque  Wikipedia   15186   47455
2017-01-24  Finnish Wikiquote   305 1243
2017-01-24  Hungarian   Wikipedia   76087   385389
2017-01-24  NA  MediaWiki   14692   27871
2017-01-24  Aromanian   Wikipedia   72  123
2017-01-24  Slovak  Wikiquote   123 374
2017-01-24  Yiddish Wiktionary  20  22
2017-01-24  Gujarati    Wikiquote   23  34
2017-01-24  Upper Sorbian   Wikipedia   879 2251
2017-01-24  Korean  Wikisource  404 786
2017-01-24  Norwegian (Bokmal)  Wikipedia   103591  446425
2017-01-24  Navajo  Wikipedia   25  86
2017-01-24  Eastern Punjabi Wiktionary  6   13
2017-01-24  Kinyarwanda Wikipedia   248 458
2017-01-24  Serbo-Croatian  Wiktionary  56  336
2017-01-24  Volapuk Wiktionary  6   46
2017-01-24  Pennsylvania German Wikipedia   218 477
2017-01-24  Swati   Wikipedia   112 143
2017-01-24  Tajik   Wiktionary  89  191
2017-01-24  Hausa   Wikipedia   275 362
2017-01-24  Hausa   Wiktionary  7   7
2017-01-24  Italian Wikinews    231 565
2017-01-24  Japanese    Wikisource  435 631
2017-01-24  Meadow Mari Wikipedia   113 340
2017-01-24  Norwegian (Nynorsk) Wikiquote   24  31
2017-01-24  Swedish Wikisource  177 378
2017-01-24  Thai    Wiktionary  1087    5181
2017-01-24  Wu  Wikipedia   293 629
2017-01-24  Czech   Wiktionary  9133    26202
2017-01-24  Indonesian  Wiktionary  1095    3398
2017-01-24  Oromo   Wikipedia   221 348
2017-01-24  Turkish Wikiquote   840 3879
2017-01-24  Danish  Wikibooks   20  53
2017-01-24  Finnish Wikinews    2   6
2017-01-24  Hill Mari   Wikipedia   71  138
2017-01-24  Spanish (Mexico)    Wikimedia Chapter   75  104
2017-01-24  Papiamentu  Wikipedia   181 310
2017-01-24  Pali    Wikipedia   105 108
2017-01-24  Amharic Wikipedia   926 1896
2017-01-24  Asturian    Wikipedia   647 1917
2017-01-24  Kashubian   Wikipedia   153 349
2017-01-24  Czech   Wikiquote   450 1024
2017-01-24  Divehi  Wikipedia   118 255
2017-01-24  Finnish Wikiversity 80  132
2017-01-24  Gujarati    Wiktionary  31  45
2017-01-24  Hawaiian    Wikipedia   130 174
2017-01-24  Sesotho Wiktionary  4   7
2017-01-24  Bislama Wikipedia   104 142
2017-01-24  Fula    Wikipedia   49  62
2017-01-24  Lojban  Wikipedia   137 181
2017-01-24  Kurdish (Kurmanji)  Wikiquote   6   6
2017-01-24  Latin   Wikipedia   2665    9338
2017-01-24  Haitian Wikipedia   325 819
2017-01-24  Japanese    Wikinews    26  78
2017-01-24  Luganda Wikipedia   68  152
2017-01-24  Malayalam   Wikibooks   102 111
2017-01-24  Norwegian (Bokmal)  Wikimedia Chapter   69  104
2017-01-24  Albanian    Wikiquote   129 167
2017-01-24  Saterland Frisian   Wikipedia   342 637
2017-01-24  Walloon Wiktionary  36  99
2017-01-24  Chinese Wiktionary  1411    5673
2017-01-24  Galician    Wikipedia   5446    23834
2017-01-24  Malayalam   Wikisource  613 962
2017-01-24  West Flemish    Wikipedia   133 471
2017-01-24  Bosnian Wikiquote   66  143
2017-01-24  Czech   Wikinews    9   26
2017-01-24  Spanish Wikiversity 1842    3140
2017-01-24  Kapampangan Wikipedia   180 466
2017-01-24  Samoan  Wikipedia   100 156
2017-01-24  Somali  Wikipedia   1769    4771
2017-01-24  Telugu  Wikibooks   36  41
2017-01-24  Thai    Wikisource  415 661
2017-01-24  Kalmyk  Wikipedia   94  147
2017-01-24  Azerbaijani Wikiquote   361 840
2017-01-24  German  Wiktionary  17961   167432
2017-01-24  Emilian-Romagnol    Wikipedia   120 308
2017-01-24  Galician    Wiktionary  71  389
2017-01-24  Goan Konkani    Wikipedia   97  209
2017-01-24  NA  Meta wiki   8677    17437
2017-01-24  Tuvan   Wikipedia   92  125
2017-01-24  Portuguese  Wikipedia   729622  3622723
2017-01-24  Kirundi Wikipedia   13  18
2017-01-24  Tajik   Wikibooks   83  117
2017-01-24  Bengali Wikibooks   157 203
2017-01-24  Breton  Wikimedia Chapter   36  49
2017-01-24  Herero  Wikipedia   3   3
2017-01-24  Kannada Wiktionary  453 2244
2017-01-24  Nepali  Wikibooks   6   7
2017-01-24  Romanian    Wikibooks   96  181
2017-01-24  NA  Wikispecies 1970    9957
2017-01-24  Tetum   Wikipedia   146 198
2017-01-24  Vepsian Wikipedia   149 252
2017-01-24  Chuvash Wikipedia   96  418
2017-01-24  Northern Luri   Wikipedia   89  161
2017-01-24  Malagasy    Wikibooks   4   6
2017-01-24  Ossetian    Wikipedia   117 288
2017-01-24  Ukrainian   Wikimedia Chapter   23  100
2017-01-24  Wolof   Wikipedia   164 303
2017-01-24  Cantonese   Wikipedia   3620    5883
2017-01-24  Central Bicolano    Wikipedia   228 519
2017-01-24  Bulgarian   Wikisource  5   15
2017-01-24  English Wikisource  6592    18037
2017-01-24  Hungarian   Wikisource  36  131
2017-01-24  Marshallese Wikipedia   21  22
2017-01-24  Mazandarani Wikipedia   108 434
2017-01-24  Low Saxon   Wiktionary  6   9
2017-01-24  Sanskrit    Wikisource  373 639
2017-01-24  Turkmen Wiktionary  7   29
2017-01-24  Venetian    Wikisource  84  106
2017-01-24  Arabic  Wikisource  3885    8211
2017-01-24  Greek   Wikiversity 173 297
2017-01-24  Estonian    Wikiquote   54  101
2017-01-24  Kazakh  Wikipedia   29369   97192
2017-01-24  Marathi Wikibooks   17  18
2017-01-24  Chinese Wikibooks   323 492
2017-01-24  NA  Wikitech    391 691
2017-01-24  Nepali  Wikipedia   5572    13271
2017-01-24  Norwegian (Bokmal)  Wikiquote   24  50
2017-01-24  Swahili Wiktionary  145 332
2017-01-24  Telugu  Wikipedia   19022   40660
2017-01-24  Ukrainian   Wiktionary  985 2188
2017-01-24  NA  Check user wiki 1   6
2017-01-24  Pangasinan  Wikipedia   189 258
2017-01-24  Sango   Wikipedia   11  29
2017-01-24  Sundanese   Wikipedia   700 2292
2017-01-24  Telugu  Wikisource  198 290
2017-01-24  Vietnamese  Wikibooks   11  31
2017-01-24  NA  Wikimania 2016  20  26
2017-01-24  Bengali Wiktionary  170 295
2017-01-24  Esperanto   Wikibooks   0   14
2017-01-24  Low Saxon   Wikipedia   431 1586
2017-01-24  Occitan Wikibooks   13  16
2017-01-24  Livvi-Karelian  Wikipedia   59  100
2017-01-24  Serbian Wikinews    4   11
2017-01-24  Afrikaans   Wikibooks   15  16
2017-01-24  Malay   Wiktionary  118 228
2017-01-24  Dutch   Wikinews    38  151
2017-01-24  Northern Sotho  Wikipedia   128 241
2017-01-24  Slovenian   Wiktionary  29  92
2017-01-24  Chinese Wikinews    214 331
2017-01-24  English Wikinews    3560    9085
2017-01-24  Spanish Wikibooks   7235    11370
2017-01-24  Gagauz  Wikipedia   285 466
2017-01-24  Russian Wikibooks   773 1332
2017-01-24  Swahili Wikipedia   4384    10902
2017-01-24  NA  10th Anniversary of Wikipedia   0   2
2017-01-24  Anglo-Saxon Wikipedia   549 1045
2017-01-24  Choctaw Wikipedia   4   4
2017-01-24  Hakka   Wikipedia   99  256
2017-01-24  Hungarian   Wikiquote   434 654
2017-01-24  Serbian Wikisource  197 543
2017-01-24  Corsican    Wiktionary  103 182
2017-01-24  Croatian    Wikisource  50  113
2017-01-24  Kazakh  Wikibooks   179 286
2017-01-24  Buryat  Wikipedia   163 215
2017-01-24  Erzya   Wikipedia   114 178
2017-01-24  Scots   Wikipedia   531 2637
2017-01-24  Ukrainian   Wikisource  489 757
2017-01-24  Vietnamese  Wikisource  45  173
2017-01-24  Armenian    Wikipedia   20396   60145
2017-01-24  Georgian    Wiktionary  221 405
2017-01-24  Khmer   Wikibooks   142 173
2017-01-24  Tatar   Wikipedia   322 1882
2017-01-24  Danish  Wikimedia Chapter   21  30
2017-01-24  Kazakh  Wikiquote   14  35
2017-01-24  Polish  Wikinews    140 307
2017-01-24  Sardinian   Wikipedia   204 361
2017-01-24  Simple English  Wikiquote   65  81
2017-01-24  German  Wikiquote   1986    5133
2017-01-24  Guarani Wikipedia   213 490
2017-01-24  Nepali  Wiktionary  32  57
2017-01-24  Tamil   Wikinews    44  93
2017-01-24  Tsonga  Wiktionary  4   7
2017-01-24  Anglo-Saxon Wiktionary  6   13
2017-01-24  Esperanto   Wikipedia   1711    8200
2017-01-24  Japanese    Wikibooks   1792    2940
2017-01-24  Romani  Wikipedia   187 243
2017-01-24  Urdu    Wikibooks   14  33
2017-01-24  Urdu    Wiktionary  35  69
2017-01-24  Arabic  Wikibooks   2167    4118
2017-01-24  Zazaki  Wikipedia   194 624
2017-01-24  Hebrew  Wikisource  2224    5952
2017-01-24  Dutch   Wikibooks   892 1419
2017-01-24  NA  Office wiki 179 764
2017-01-24  Russian Wikivoyage  226 628
2017-01-24  Slovenian   Wikipedia   13756   64300
2017-01-24  Belarusian  Wikiquote   8   29
2017-01-24  Kurdish (Sorani)    Wikipedia   4112    12831
2017-01-24  Danish  Wiktionary  347 1200
2017-01-24  German  Wikibooks   7207    12574
2017-01-24  Estonian    Wiktionary  140 431
2017-01-24  Basque  Wikiquote   15  23
2017-01-24  Indonesian  Wikibooks   1309    2055
2017-01-24  Indonesian  Wikisource  58  127
2017-01-24  Ligurian    Wikipedia   113 206
2017-01-24  Malay   Wikibooks   20  25
2017-01-24  Burmese Wikipedia   3567    9404
2017-01-24  Swedish Wikibooks   111 195
2017-01-24  Dutch   Arbitration Committee wiki  0   1
2017-01-24  Belarusian  Wikipedia   2046    8828
2017-01-24  Cree    Wikipedia   17  19
2017-01-24  Hebrew  Wikinews    8   17
2017-01-24  Mongolian   Wiktionary  53  209
2017-01-24  Norfolk Wikipedia   124 165
2017-01-24  Russian Wikisource  3207    8255
2017-01-24  Breton  Wiktionary  140 510
2017-01-24  Min Dong    Wikipedia   126 202
2017-01-24  Finnish Wikibooks   259 525
2017-01-24  Interlingua Wiktionary  4   9
2017-01-24  Dutch   Wikiquote   1002    1508
2017-01-24  Portuguese  Wikiversity 594 1284
2017-01-24  Rusyn   Wikipedia   123 239
2017-01-24  Bavarian    Wikipedia   556 2437
2017-01-24  Romanian    Wikinews    34  46
2017-01-24  Sindhi  Wiktionary  7   10
2017-01-24  Thai    Wikibooks   534 906
2017-01-24  Tswana  Wikipedia   364 547
2017-01-24  Twi Wiktionary  10  10
2017-01-24  Catalan Wikisource  62  151
2017-01-24  Korean  Wiktionary  741 2453
2017-01-24  Albanian    Wiktionary  516 1626
2017-01-24  Uzbek   Wiktionary  48  452
2017-01-24  Arabic  Wikinews    1215    2358
2017-01-24  Corsican    Wikipedia   141 232
2017-01-24  Esperanto   Wikisource  72  144
2017-01-24  Portuguese  Wikibooks   3992    8550
2017-01-24  Assamese    Wiktionary  5   5
2017-01-24  Hungarian   Wikibooks   220 444
2017-01-24  Inuktitut   Wiktionary  4   4
2017-01-24  NA  Historic wiki   8   23
2017-01-24  Serbo-Croatian  Wikipedia   8578    46040
2017-01-24  Tamil   Wiktionary  1460    7871
2017-01-24  Zulu    Wikipedia   141 247
2017-01-24  Bosnian Wikibooks   53  66
2017-01-24  Greek   Wikivoyage  121 200
2017-01-24  Malay   Wikipedia   23471   78527
2017-01-24  Dutch   Wikisource  114 256
2017-01-24  Slovenian   Wikiversity 41  54
2017-01-24  Tswana  Wiktionary  1   1
2017-01-24  Uzbek   Wikibooks   31  35
2017-01-24  Komi-Permyak    Wikipedia   101 126
2017-01-24  Occitan Wiktionary  53  170
2017-01-24  Afar    Wikipedia   3115    3125
2017-01-24  Hebrew  Wikiquote   917 2840
2017-01-24  Kikuyu  Wikipedia   122 143
2017-01-24  Sundanese   Wiktionary  13  22
2017-01-24  Swedish Wikiquote   138 285
2017-01-24  Turkish Wikinews    59  109
2017-01-24  Komi    Wikipedia   69  154
2017-01-24  Maltese Wiktionary  7   9
2017-01-24  Romanian    Wiktionary  832 2322
2017-01-24  Sesotho Wikipedia   816 928
2017-01-24  Turkish Wikimedia Chapter   22  24
2017-01-24  Bengali Wikisource  366 566
2017-01-24  NA  Collaboration wiki  20  29
2017-01-24  Inupiak Wikipedia   99  125
2017-01-24  Maithili    Wikipedia   108 258
2017-01-24  Vietnamese  Wikivoyage  2   17
2017-01-24  Bambara Wiktionary  19  19
2017-01-24  Catalan Wikiquote   138 567
2017-01-24  Persian Wikisource  757 1226
2017-01-24  Albanian    Wikibooks   366 565
2017-01-24  Belarusian  Wikisource  58  116
2017-01-24  Greek   Wikisource  169 375
2017-01-24  Ukrainian   Wikipedia   103055  416654
2017-01-24  Cherokee    Wiktionary  9   21
2017-01-24  Ukrainian   Wikiquote   251 609
2017-01-24  Arabic  Wikiquote   1306    2372
2017-01-24  Azerbaijani Wikibooks   117 206
2017-01-24  Old Church Slavonic Wikipedia   96  133
2017-01-24  Macedonian  Wiktionary  5   7
2017-01-24  Catalan Wiktionary  952 6369
2017-01-24  Ido Wiktionary  118 1587
2017-01-24  Kabardian   Wikipedia   74  129
2017-01-24  Lao Wikipedia   442 958
2017-01-24  Latvian Wiktionary  60  260
2017-01-24  Tigrinya    Wiktionary  24  33
2017-01-24  Zulu    Wiktionary  15  19
2017-01-24  Finnish Wiktionary  1671    14198
2017-01-24  Sanskrit    Wiktionary  462 1011
2017-01-24  Tatar   Wiktionary  2   3
2017-01-24  Corsican    Wikimedia Chapter   16  31
2017-01-24  Shona   Wikipedia   337 751
2017-01-24  Tahitian    Wikipedia   101 129
2017-01-24  Interlingue Wikipedia   95  179
2017-01-24  Ripuarian   Wikipedia   250 571
2017-01-24  Oriya   Wikisource  7   15
2017-01-24  Basque  Wiktionary  14  46
2017-01-24  Interlingue Wiktionary  1   1
2017-01-24  Kirghiz Wikiquote   72  89
2017-01-24  Piedmontese Wikipedia   64  92
2017-01-24  Pashto  Wikipedia   356 1059
2017-01-24  Swahili Wikibooks   2   2
2017-01-24  Urdu    Wikiquote   13  13
2017-01-24  Fijian  Wikipedia   94  103
2017-01-24  Georgian    Wikiquote   449 690
2017-01-24  NA  Login wiki  64  72
2017-01-24  Norwegian (Bokmal)  Wikibooks   48  69
2017-01-24  Simple English  Wiktionary  805 5627
2017-01-24  Tulu    Wikipedia   107 171
2017-01-24  Udmurt  Wikipedia   86  162
2017-01-24  Guarani Wiktionary  5   14
2017-01-24  Limburgish  Wiktionary  78  105
2017-01-24  Belarusian  Wikimedia Chapter   30  66
2017-01-24  Spanish Wikinews    252 590
2017-01-24  Bishnupriya Manipuri    Wikipedia   35  118
2017-01-24  Finnish Wikisource  64  155
2017-01-24  Serbian Wiktionary  217 1204
2017-01-24  Asturian    Wiktionary  6   21
2017-01-24  Estonian    Wikisource  77  119
2017-01-24  Malayalam   Wikiquote   115 177
2017-01-24  Marathi Wikisource  66  109
2017-01-24  Portuguese  Wikinews    809 2522
2017-01-24  Tamil   Wikisource  499 659
2017-01-24  Turkish Wiktionary  1184    7334
2017-01-24  Tsonga  Wikipedia   18  63
2017-01-24  Faroese Wiktionary  12  12
2017-01-24  Pontic  Wikipedia   108 137
2017-01-24  Telugu  Wikiquote   9   12
2017-01-24  Yiddish Wikisource  0   4
2017-01-24  Armenian    Wikiquote   156 222
2017-01-24  Gilaki  Wikipedia   160 338
2017-01-24  Icelandic   Wiktionary  181 996
2017-01-24  Nahuatl Wiktionary  1   1
2017-01-24  Norwegian (Nynorsk) Wiktionary  26  109
2017-01-24  Western Punjabi Wiktionary  6   6
2017-01-24  Quechua Wiktionary  1   3
2017-01-24  Sinhalese   Wiktionary  28  45
2017-01-24  Asturian    Wikibooks   8   8
2017-01-24  Burmese Wiktionary  24  70
2017-01-24  Sanskrit    Wikibooks   8   13
2017-01-24  Northern Sami   Wikimedia Chapter   86  225
2017-01-24  Simple English  Wikibooks   15  20
2017-01-24  Alemannic   Wikibooks   1   1
2017-01-24  Hebrew  Wikivoyage  209 336
2017-01-24  Malagasy    Wikipedia   263 745
2017-01-24  Uzbek   Wikipedia   10925   33061
2017-01-24  NA  Board wiki  14  21
2017-01-24  NA  Chapters Committee  10  19
2017-01-24  North Frisian   Wikipedia   68  146
2017-01-24  Kashmiri    Wikipedia   19  25
2017-01-24  Marathi Wikiquote   27  27
2017-01-24  Turkish Wikisource  172 365
2017-01-24  Waray   Wikipedia   3014    4693
2017-01-24  Bulgarian   Wikiquote   349 754
2017-01-24  Irish   Wiktionary  15  32
2017-01-24  Manx    Wiktionary  1   5
2017-01-24  Malagasy    Wiktionary  9   55
2017-01-24  Tok Pisin   Wiktionary  6   14
2017-01-24  Esperanto   Wikiquote   13  14
2017-01-24  Malayalam   Wiktionary  592 1215
2017-01-24  Pashto  Wiktionary  8   10
2017-01-24  NA  Wikimedia OTRS system   19  27
2017-01-24  Romanian    Wikiquote   145 224
2017-01-24  Catalan Wikimedia Chapter   93  101
2017-01-24  German  Wikisource  2226    4882
2017-01-24  Greek   Wikinews    21  63
2017-01-24  Galician    Wikisource  21  29
2017-01-24  Kannada Wikiquote   3   6
2017-01-24  Persian Wikiquote   657 1667
2017-01-24  Tagalog Wikibooks   5413    8688
2017-01-24  Dutch   Wikivoyage  18  93
2017-01-24  Sinhalese   Wikibooks   47  69
2017-01-24  Aymara  Wiktionary  8   10
2017-01-24  Tumbuka Wikipedia   31  40
2017-01-24  Sranan  Wikipedia   109 124
2017-01-24  Polish  Wikiquote   2474    7325
2017-01-24  Tagalog Wiktionary  1706    3756
2017-01-24  Kurdish (Kurmanji)  Wiktionary  340 5715
2017-01-24  Persian Wikivoyage  219 482
2017-01-24  Latin   Wikiquote   17  250
2017-01-24  Russian Wikiquote   2782    8638
2017-01-24  Ukrainian   Wikinews    7   20
2017-01-24  Welsh   Wikiquote   0   1
2017-01-24  Hindi   Wikiquote   206 224
2017-01-24  Ukrainian   Wikibooks   37  43
2017-01-24  Kazakh  Wiktionary  52  72
2017-01-24  Samoan  Wiktionary  1   1
2017-01-24  Thai    Wikiquote   151 192
2017-01-24  NA  Incubator for Wikiversities 112 167
2017-01-24  Adyghe  Wikipedia   70  96
2017-01-24  Anglo-Saxon Wikisource  12  12
2017-01-24  Georgian    Wikibooks   66  74
2017-01-24  Tatar   Wikibooks   18  45
2017-01-24  Slovenian   Wikibooks   6   11
2017-01-24  Assamese    Wikisource  136391  136398
2017-01-24  Wolof   Wikiquote   5   8
2017-01-24  Kuanyama    Wikipedia   2   2
2017-01-24  Bulgarian   Wiktionary  578 2740
2017-01-24  West Frisian    Wiktionary  5   22
2017-01-24  Hiri Motu   Wikipedia   9   9
2017-01-24  Muscogee    Wikipedia   30  32
2017-01-24  Shona   Wiktionary  0   2
2017-01-24  Danish  Wikisource  9   18
2017-01-24  Serbian Wikibooks   70  81
2017-01-24  Ukrainian   Wikivoyage  100 139
2017-01-24  Amharic Wiktionary  5   16
2017-01-24  Breton  Wikiquote   0   3
2017-01-24  Korean  Wikibooks   71  90
2017-01-24  Wolof   Wiktionary  27  42
2017-01-24  Lithuanian  Wikisource  13  28
2017-01-24  Sanskrit    Wikiquote   96  136
2017-01-24  Tatar   Wikiquote   4   5
2017-01-24  Icelandic   Wikiquote   11  21
2017-01-24  Japanese    Wikiversity 52  77
2017-01-24  Burmese Wikibooks   38  38
2017-01-24  Lithuanian  Wikiquote   103 185
2017-01-24  Galician    Wikiquote   4   9
2017-01-24  Greenlandic Wiktionary  8   11
2017-01-24  Eastern Punjabi Wikibooks   1   1
2017-01-24  Sardinian   Wiktionary  1   1
2017-01-24  Abkhazian   Wiktionary  1   1
2017-01-24  Maori   Wiktionary  1   3
2017-01-24  Sango   Wiktionary  0   1
2017-01-24  Turkish Wikibooks   115 200
2017-01-24  Sundanese   Wikibooks   2   2
2017-01-24  Bihari  Wiktionary  5   5
2017-01-24  Somali  Wiktionary  4   32
2017-01-24  Haitian Wikisource  62  89
2017-01-24  Lojban  Wiktionary  3   3
2017-01-24  Aragonese   Wiktionary  2   3
2017-01-24  Divehi  Wiktionary  2   4
2017-01-24  Sakha   Wikisource  0   3
2017-01-24  Uzbek   Wikiquote   2   2
2017-01-24  Thai    Wikinews    4   4
2017-01-24  Kashubian   Wiktionary  3   6
2017-01-24  Kinyarwanda Wiktionary  2   11
2017-01-24  Fijian  Wiktionary  2   2
2017-01-24  Galician    Wikibooks   14  21
2017-01-24  Afar    Wikibooks   3   3
2017-01-24  Latvian Wikibooks   1   1
2017-01-24  Zulu    Wikibooks   1   1
2017-01-24  Venetian    Wiktionary  2   4
2017-01-24  Kannada Wikibooks   1   1
2017-01-24  Cornish Wiktionary  1   1
2017-01-24  Romanian    Wikivoyage  10  11

It took 21m 57s to generate this report.

Report 19 of 43

Zero results and total searches broken down by language-project pairs (e.g. German Wikiquote ZRR vs. French Wikibooks ZRR), excluding known bots/tools

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

Note: this report is configured to be “rolling” – 30 maximum number of days allowed in the final dataset.

  1. Executing report “cirrus_langproj_breakdown_no_automata” from the metrics/search module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/search/cirrus_langproj_breakdown_no_automata 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    language    project zero_results    total
2017-01-24  Bosnian Wiktionary  30  44
2017-01-24  Finnish Wikimedia Chapter   26  29
2017-01-24  Moldovan    Wikipedia   32  59
2017-01-24  Ndonga  Wikipedia   4   5
2017-01-24  Azerbaijani Wikipedia   22298   78658
2017-01-24  Breton  Wikipedia   512 1990
2017-01-24  Czech   Wikibooks   279 432
2017-01-24  Estonian    Wikipedia   16120   83252
2017-01-24  Faroese Wikipedia   291 845
2017-01-24  Armenian    Wikisource  368 768
2017-01-24  Latin   Wikisource  65  195
2017-01-24  Dutch Low Saxon Wikipedia   341 603
2017-01-24  Polish  Wikisource  967 2772
2017-01-24  Simple English  Wikipedia   52853   151700
2017-01-24  Sinhalese   Wikipedia   6895    16829
2017-01-24  Swedish Wikiversity 20  35
2017-01-24  Tamil   Wikiquote   2   2
2017-01-24  Turkish Wikipedia   97449   694158
2017-01-24  Vietnamese  Wikipedia   49472   230873
2017-01-24  Walloon Wikipedia   106 484
2017-01-24  NA  Wikidata    558882  835710
2017-01-24  Akan    Wikipedia   30  61
2017-01-24  French  Wikinews    1664    3003
2017-01-24  Hebrew  Wikipedia   138662  504005
2017-01-24  Hindi   Wiktionary  1901    4722
2017-01-24  Italian Wikiquote   2265    12194
2017-01-24  Karakalpak  Wikipedia   150 232
2017-01-24  Greenlandic Wikipedia   152 236
2017-01-24  Kannada Wikipedia   15142   27567
2017-01-24  Macedonian  Wikipedia   11299   33733
2017-01-24  Mingrelian  Wikipedia   221 580
2017-01-24  Southern Azerbaijani    Wikipedia   190 721
2017-01-24  NA  Wikimedia Commons   343250  968577
2017-01-24  Esperanto   Wiktionary  15  108
2017-01-24  French  Wikipedia   1027421 4606582
2017-01-24  Gujarati    Wikipedia   7553    14427
2017-01-24  Armenian    Wikibooks   40  67
2017-01-24  Interlingua Wikipedia   255 770
2017-01-24  Ido Wikipedia   60  309
2017-01-24  Norwegian (Bokmal)  Wikisource  27  46
2017-01-24  Vietnamese  Wiktionary  1099    7321
2017-01-24  Banjar  Wikipedia   122 228
2017-01-24  Finnish Wikivoyage  10  42
2017-01-24  Scottish Gaelic Wikipedia   123 440
2017-01-24  Inuktitut   Wikipedia   120 144
2017-01-24  Jamaican Patois Wikipedia   183 345
2017-01-24  Korean  Wikiversity 12  15
2017-01-24  Lingala Wikipedia   93  141
2017-01-24  Newar   Wikipedia   661 1306
2017-01-24  Picard  Wikipedia   189 439
2017-01-24  Portuguese  Wikivoyage  232 638
2017-01-24  Swedish Wikipedia   127033  930160
2017-01-24  Bengali Wikipedia   38323   138944
2017-01-24  Dzongkha    Wikipedia   58  82
2017-01-24  Persian Wikibooks   737 1144
2017-01-24  Gothic  Wikipedia   87  95
2017-01-24  Japanese    Wikipedia   478186  2458335
2017-01-24  Karachay-Balkar Wikipedia   102 136
2017-01-24  Lak Wikipedia   124 156
2017-01-24  Banyumasan  Wikipedia   80  137
2017-01-24  Dutch   Wiktionary  1966    13400
2017-01-24  NA  Wikimedia Outreach  70  1302
2017-01-24  Polish  Wikibooks   1162    2299
2017-01-24  Polish  Wikivoyage  160 442
2017-01-24  Romanian    Wikipedia   95221   364557
2017-01-24  Yiddish Wikipedia   195 716
2017-01-24  Tibetan Wikipedia   410 924
2017-01-24  NA  Wikimedia Foundation wiki   10734   14300
2017-01-24  Icelandic   Wikipedia   2985    13257
2017-01-24  Italian Wikisource  3490    5831
2017-01-24  Maltese Wikipedia   161 457
2017-01-24  Russian Wikiversity 665 1061
2017-01-24  Chinese Wikivoyage  96  170
2017-01-24  Belarusian  Wikibooks   1   1
2017-01-24  Welsh   Wikipedia   1841    6426
2017-01-24  Spanish Wikiquote   2517    8133
2017-01-24  Hindi   Wikipedia   129673  262966
2017-01-24  Croatian    Wikibooks   106 136
2017-01-24  Indonesian  Wikipedia   184136  610133
2017-01-24  Luxembourgish   Wikipedia   470 2937
2017-01-24  Lezgian Wikipedia   113 202
2017-01-24  Polish  Wikipedia   359784  1690587
2017-01-24  Romansh Wikipedia   244 451
2017-01-24  Tarantino   Wikipedia   90  100
2017-01-24  Sicilian    Wikipedia   269 1160
2017-01-24  Aragonese   Wikipedia   312 1234
2017-01-24  Aramaic Wikipedia   96  141
2017-01-24  Samogitian  Wikipedia   77  130
2017-01-24  French  Wikisource  7022    17918
2017-01-24  Hindi   Wikibooks   1265    1466
2017-01-24  Javanese    Wiktionary  427 1577
2017-01-24  Maori   Wikipedia   80  197
2017-01-24  Nauruan Wikipedia   99  142
2017-01-24  Serbian Wikipedia   26581   141459
2017-01-24  Vietnamese  Wikiquote   144 280
2017-01-24  Bulgarian   Wikibooks   58  129
2017-01-24  German  Wikipedia   1447095 8675787
2017-01-24  English Wikipedia   8080784 48322641
2017-01-24  Spanish Wiktionary  5095    22607
2017-01-24  Finnish Wikipedia   75501   566142
2017-01-24  Igbo    Wikipedia   11170   12310
2017-01-24  Kurdish (Kurmanji)  Wikipedia   507 3519
2017-01-24  Cornish Wikipedia   78  157
2017-01-24  Luxembourgish   Wiktionary  6   24
2017-01-24  Lombard Wikipedia   75  517
2017-01-24  Oriya   Wikipedia   1412    3501
2017-01-24  Russian Wikimedia Chapter   239 342
2017-01-24  Tagalog Wikipedia   83715   218557
2017-01-24  Tok Pisin   Wikipedia   162 263
2017-01-24  Afrikaans   Wiktionary  730 1533
2017-01-24  English Wikibooks   25692   50209
2017-01-24  Persian Wiktionary  422 1344
2017-01-24  Italian Wikivoyage  173 1004
2017-01-24  Lao Wiktionary  0   2
2017-01-24  Nahuatl Wikipedia   99  265
2017-01-24  Dutch   Wikimedia Chapter   62  217
2017-01-24  Novial  Wikipedia   114 153
2017-01-24  Occitan Wikipedia   228 2004
2017-01-24  Polish  Wikimedia Chapter   56  162
2017-01-24  Polish  Wiktionary  6420    47947
2017-01-24  Portuguese  Wikisource  597 1795
2017-01-24  Sindhi  Wikipedia   324 862
2017-01-24  Chinese Wikipedia   271479  1090280
2017-01-24  Belarusian  Wiktionary  42  52
2017-01-24  Catalan Wikinews    45  55
2017-01-24  Greek   Wiktionary  13173   78021
2017-01-24  Gujarati    Wikisource  25  44
2017-01-24  Javanese    Wikipedia   791 3048
2017-01-24  Minangkabau Wikipedia   179 432
2017-01-24  Slovak  Wiktionary  68  168
2017-01-24  Czech   Wikiversity 39  89
2017-01-24  Macedonian  Wikibooks   60  94
2017-01-24  Extremaduran    Wikipedia   94  182
2017-01-24  Voro    Wikipedia   91  162
2017-01-24  Hebrew  Wikibooks   1392    2068
2017-01-24  Macedonian  Wikisource  8   12
2017-01-24  Sanskrit    Wikipedia   1928    4630
2017-01-24  Slovenian   Wikiquote   15  47
2017-01-24  Croatian    Wikipedia   24022   120872
2017-01-24  Mongolian   Wikipedia   5004    14682
2017-01-24  Zhuang  Wikipedia   91  105
2017-01-24  Alemannic   Wikipedia   503 2279
2017-01-24  Arabic  Wiktionary  1622    3817
2017-01-24  Aymara  Wikipedia   153 250
2017-01-24  Azerbaijani Wikisource  306 592
2017-01-24  Chavacano   Wikipedia   98  105
2017-01-24  Cebuano Wikipedia   538 2010
2017-01-24  Czech   Wikipedia   205730  1024699
2017-01-24  Danish  Wikiquote   152 196
2017-01-24  Gan Wikipedia   116 366
2017-01-24  Ilokano Wikipedia   216 353
2017-01-24  Italian Wiktionary  2871    15927
2017-01-24  Dutch   Wikipedia   270775  1359104
2017-01-24  Russian Wikinews    109 335
2017-01-24  Venetian    Wikipedia   163 671
2017-01-24  Yoruba  Wikipedia   102 220
2017-01-24  Spanish Wikivoyage  273 603
2017-01-24  Icelandic   Wikibooks   37  103
2017-01-24  Quechua Wikipedia   43  186
2017-01-24  Tamil   Wikibooks   83  121
2017-01-24  Xhosa   Wikipedia   44  154
2017-01-24  Afrikaans   Wikiquote   6   15
2017-01-24  Arabic  Wikimedia Chapter   4   4
2017-01-24  Bihari  Wikipedia   261 682
2017-01-24  Franco-Provencal    Wikipedia   198 300
2017-01-24  French  Wiktionary  23787   164830
2017-01-24  Khmer   Wiktionary  176 483
2017-01-24  Korean  Wikipedia   74041   395125
2017-01-24  Sicilian    Wiktionary  228 623
2017-01-24  Telugu  Wiktionary  474 2612
2017-01-24  Uyghur  Wikipedia   192 428
2017-01-24  Arabic  Wikiversity 367 779
2017-01-24  Avar    Wikipedia   157 222
2017-01-24  German  Wikivoyage  915 5251
2017-01-24  Italian Wikipedia   528615  3246439
2017-01-24  Kannada Wikisource  84  99
2017-01-24  Turkmen Wikipedia   631 1262
2017-01-24  Twi Wikipedia   66  100
2017-01-24  Venda   Wikipedia   13  41
2017-01-24  Chamorro    Wikipedia   40  59
2017-01-24  Thai    Wikipedia   65115   229294
2017-01-24  Buginese    Wikipedia   81  97
2017-01-24  Czech   Wikisource  512 1305
2017-01-24  West Frisian    Wikipedia   361 2272
2017-01-24  Indonesian  Wikiquote   522 884
2017-01-24  Nuosu   Wikipedia   4   4
2017-01-24  Italian Wikiversity 796 1606
2017-01-24  Neapolitan  Wikipedia   246 648
2017-01-24  NA  Test Wikipedia  45  140
2017-01-24  Greek   Wikibooks   72  101
2017-01-24  French  Wikibooks   3365    6249
2017-01-24  Japanese    Wikiquote   146 190
2017-01-24  Kanuri  Wikipedia   54  54
2017-01-24  Kirghiz Wikibooks   187 224
2017-01-24  Serbian Wikiquote   24  33
2017-01-24  Arabic  Wikipedia   398474  1571573
2017-01-24  Catalan Wikibooks   78  135
2017-01-24  Cherokee    Wikipedia   177 237
2017-01-24  German  Wikiversity 257 537
2017-01-24  Greek   Wikipedia   68015   238997
2017-01-24  Spanish Wikisource  3478    7463
2017-01-24  Croatian    Wiktionary  518 970
2017-01-24  Lithuanian  Wikibooks   51  80
2017-01-24  Slovak  Wikibooks   19  20
2017-01-24  Albanian    Wikipedia   36113   96821
2017-01-24  NA  Wikimania 2017  42  76
2017-01-24  Assamese    Wikipedia   702 2275
2017-01-24  Sakha   Wikipedia   306 847
2017-01-24  NA  Strategy wiki   13  27
2017-01-24  Swedish Wikivoyage  1   26
2017-01-24  Uyghur  Wiktionary  7   9
2017-01-24  Abkhazian   Wikipedia   103 119
2017-01-24  Acehnese    Wikipedia   253 430
2017-01-24  Breton  Wikisource  316 332
2017-01-24  Greek   Wikiquote   202 363
2017-01-24  Scottish Gaelic Wiktionary  35  71
2017-01-24  Croatian    Wikiquote   83  149
2017-01-24  Korean  Wikiquote   59  70
2017-01-24  Limburgish  Wikipedia   204 593
2017-01-24  Lithuanian  Wiktionary  420 1211
2017-01-24  Marathi Wiktionary  31  63
2017-01-24  Swedish Wikinews    17  35
2017-01-24  Urdu    Wikipedia   10216   35818
2017-01-24  Chinese Wikisource  2491    4232
2017-01-24  English Wikiversity 3108    7789
2017-01-24  Finnish Wikiquote   305 1243
2017-01-24  NA  MediaWiki   14682   27849
2017-01-24  Portuguese  Wikiquote   684 2122
2017-01-24  Slovak  Wikiquote   123 374
2017-01-24  Yiddish Wiktionary  16  17
2017-01-24  Chinese Wikiquote   465 754
2017-01-24  Gujarati    Wikiquote   23  29
2017-01-24  Upper Sorbian   Wikipedia   549 1677
2017-01-24  Korean  Wikisource  403 785
2017-01-24  Navajo  Wikipedia   22  83
2017-01-24  Eastern Punjabi Wiktionary  5   12
2017-01-24  Kinyarwanda Wikipedia   243 453
2017-01-24  Serbo-Croatian  Wiktionary  54  334
2017-01-24  Volapuk Wiktionary  6   46
2017-01-24  Pennsylvania German Wikipedia   216 475
2017-01-24  Swati   Wikipedia   104 134
2017-01-24  Tajik   Wiktionary  85  185
2017-01-24  Hausa   Wikipedia   253 339
2017-01-24  Hausa   Wiktionary  7   7
2017-01-24  Japanese    Wikisource  277 435
2017-01-24  Meadow Mari Wikipedia   105 319
2017-01-24  Norwegian (Nynorsk) Wikiquote   24  31
2017-01-24  Palatinate German   Wikipedia   110 214
2017-01-24  Swedish Wikisource  170 367
2017-01-24  Wu  Wikipedia   242 575
2017-01-24  Chechen Wikipedia   217 539
2017-01-24  Czech   Wiktionary  9106    26114
2017-01-24  Indonesian  Wiktionary  1085    3356
2017-01-24  Korean  Wikinews    17  20
2017-01-24  Oromo   Wikipedia   214 340
2017-01-24  Turkish Wikiquote   837 3863
2017-01-24  Danish  Wikibooks   16  49
2017-01-24  Finnish Wikinews    2   6
2017-01-24  Hill Mari   Wikipedia   66  124
2017-01-24  Spanish (Mexico)    Wikimedia Chapter   75  104
2017-01-24  Papiamentu  Wikipedia   178 304
2017-01-24  Pali    Wikipedia   98  101
2017-01-24  Amharic Wikipedia   799 1744
2017-01-24  Kashubian   Wikipedia   150 343
2017-01-24  Czech   Wikiquote   450 1024
2017-01-24  Divehi  Wikipedia   112 217
2017-01-24  Finnish Wikiversity 80  132
2017-01-24  Gujarati    Wiktionary  31  41
2017-01-24  Hawaiian    Wikipedia   125 168
2017-01-24  Kabyle  Wikipedia   250 549
2017-01-24  Sesotho Wiktionary  4   7
2017-01-24  Bislama Wikipedia   100 137
2017-01-24  Fula    Wikipedia   29  41
2017-01-24  Lojban  Wikipedia   131 173
2017-01-24  Kurdish (Kurmanji)  Wikiquote   6   6
2017-01-24  Latin   Wikipedia   2364    8753
2017-01-24  Latvian Wikipedia   10995   46361
2017-01-24  English Wikiquote   14476   44165
2017-01-24  Haitian Wikipedia   318 801
2017-01-24  Japanese    Wikinews    26  74
2017-01-24  Luganda Wikipedia   64  148
2017-01-24  Malayalam   Wikibooks   100 107
2017-01-24  Norwegian (Bokmal)  Wikimedia Chapter   69  104
2017-01-24  Romanian    Wikisource  1245    2776
2017-01-24  Albanian    Wikiquote   129 167
2017-01-24  Saterland Frisian   Wikipedia   290 554
2017-01-24  Walloon Wiktionary  36  99
2017-01-24  Chinese Wiktionary  1149    5083
2017-01-24  Galician    Wikipedia   4994    22769
2017-01-24  Malayalam   Wikisource  613 961
2017-01-24  Norwegian (Nynorsk) Wikipedia   2912    14429
2017-01-24  West Flemish    Wikipedia   131 464
2017-01-24  Bosnian Wikiquote   66  143
2017-01-24  Czech   Wikinews    9   26
2017-01-24  Spanish Wikiversity 1841    3124
2017-01-24  Kapampangan Wikipedia   176 460
2017-01-24  Samoan  Wikipedia   96  151
2017-01-24  Somali  Wikipedia   1729    4655
2017-01-24  Telugu  Wikibooks   35  40
2017-01-24  Thai    Wikisource  411 657
2017-01-24  Kalmyk  Wikipedia   91  102
2017-01-24  Azerbaijani Wikiquote   361 840
2017-01-24  Danish  Wikipedia   37421   201265
2017-01-24  German  Wiktionary  17537   165845
2017-01-24  Emilian-Romagnol    Wikipedia   114 298
2017-01-24  Galician    Wiktionary  66  379
2017-01-24  Goan Konkani    Wikipedia   96  206
2017-01-24  NA  Meta wiki   8673    17430
2017-01-24  Tuvan   Wikipedia   90  115
2017-01-24  Italian Wikibooks   1558    2669
2017-01-24  Portuguese  Wikipedia   646929  3247826
2017-01-24  Kirundi Wikipedia   11  16
2017-01-24  Aromanian   Wikipedia   70  121
2017-01-24  NA  Sources wiki    1934    3368
2017-01-24  Tajik   Wikibooks   83  117
2017-01-24  Tongan  Wikipedia   87  114
2017-01-24  Bengali Wikibooks   145 189
2017-01-24  Breton  Wikimedia Chapter   36  49
2017-01-24  English Wikivoyage  5054    18412
2017-01-24  Herero  Wikipedia   1   1
2017-01-24  NA  Incubator for new wikis 1680    2439
2017-01-24  Kannada Wiktionary  426 2201
2017-01-24  Romanian    Wikibooks   96  177
2017-01-24  NA  Wikispecies 1892    9773
2017-01-24  Tetum   Wikipedia   141 192
2017-01-24  Vepsian Wikipedia   146 247
2017-01-24  Catalan Wikipedia   56499   240315
2017-01-24  Chuvash Wikipedia   92  403
2017-01-24  Northern Luri   Wikipedia   88  159
2017-01-24  Malagasy    Wikibooks   4   6
2017-01-24  Ossetian    Wikipedia   110 275
2017-01-24  Russian Wikipedia   911840  4650215
2017-01-24  Ukrainian   Wikimedia Chapter   23  100
2017-01-24  Wolof   Wikipedia   161 300
2017-01-24  Cantonese   Wikipedia   1079    3283
2017-01-24  Azerbaijani Wiktionary  66  303
2017-01-24  Central Bicolano    Wikipedia   224 505
2017-01-24  Bulgarian   Wikisource  5   15
2017-01-24  English Wikisource  6309    17404
2017-01-24  Hungarian   Wikisource  36  131
2017-01-24  Marshallese Wikipedia   19  20
2017-01-24  Mazandarani Wikipedia   105 431
2017-01-24  Low Saxon   Wiktionary  1   1
2017-01-24  Sanskrit    Wikisource  373 639
2017-01-24  Turkmen Wiktionary  6   28
2017-01-24  Venetian    Wikisource  84  106
2017-01-24  Arabic  Wikisource  3883    8206
2017-01-24  Greek   Wikiversity 171 295
2017-01-24  Estonian    Wikiquote   52  97
2017-01-24  Kazakh  Wikipedia   28414   95334
2017-01-24  Marathi Wikibooks   17  18
2017-01-24  Chichewa    Wikipedia   19  74
2017-01-24  Swedish Wiktionary  3363    34198
2017-01-24  NA  Wikitech    391 691
2017-01-24  Norwegian (Bokmal)  Wikiquote   24  50
2017-01-24  Oriya   Wiktionary  11  14
2017-01-24  Telugu  Wikipedia   18846   40364
2017-01-24  Bosnian Wikipedia   6276    27592
2017-01-24  NA  Check user wiki 1   6
2017-01-24  Spanish Wikipedia   2423133 8154981
2017-01-24  Pangasinan  Wikipedia   184 253
2017-01-24  Sango   Wikipedia   9   27
2017-01-24  Sundanese   Wikipedia   691 2273
2017-01-24  Telugu  Wikisource  198 290
2017-01-24  Vietnamese  Wikibooks   7   23
2017-01-24  NA  Wikimania 2016  20  26
2017-01-24  Zeelandic   Wikipedia   113 299
2017-01-24  Bengali Wiktionary  124 217
2017-01-24  Esperanto   Wikibooks   0   14
2017-01-24  Japanese    Wiktionary  2052    12937
2017-01-24  Occitan Wikibooks   13  16
2017-01-24  Serbian Wikinews    4   11
2017-01-24  Sundanese   Wikiquote   8   19
2017-01-24  Afrikaans   Wikibooks   15  16
2017-01-24  Basque  Wikipedia   14218   45715
2017-01-24  Malay   Wiktionary  114 219
2017-01-24  Dutch   Wikinews    38  151
2017-01-24  Northern Sotho  Wikipedia   124 235
2017-01-24  Tajik   Wikipedia   1267    3604
2017-01-24  Tigrinya    Wikipedia   93  140
2017-01-24  Chinese Wikinews    174 259
2017-01-24  English Wikinews    3362    8670
2017-01-24  Spanish Wikibooks   7234    11333
2017-01-24  Gagauz  Wikipedia   276 445
2017-01-24  Norwegian (Bokmal)  Wikipedia   76095   382405
2017-01-24  Portuguese  Wiktionary  2131    10716
2017-01-24  Russian Wikibooks   773 1331
2017-01-24  Swahili Wikipedia   4378    10877
2017-01-24  NA  10th Anniversary of Wikipedia   0   2
2017-01-24  Anglo-Saxon Wikipedia   539 1032
2017-01-24  Hakka   Wikipedia   96  245
2017-01-24  Hungarian   Wikiquote   434 654
2017-01-24  Serbian Wikisource  197 543
2017-01-24  Corsican    Wiktionary  101 180
2017-01-24  Croatian    Wikisource  50  113
2017-01-24  Kazakh  Wikibooks   179 286
2017-01-24  Thai    Wiktionary  1058    5110
2017-01-24  Buryat  Wikipedia   156 204
2017-01-24  Friulian    Wikipedia   100 294
2017-01-24  Erzya   Wikipedia   108 170
2017-01-24  Scots   Wikipedia   525 2585
2017-01-24  Ukrainian   Wikisource  489 757
2017-01-24  German  Wikinews    127 232
2017-01-24  Fiji Hindi  Wikipedia   532 1183
2017-01-24  Armenian    Wikipedia   20285   59880
2017-01-24  Khmer   Wikibooks   142 173
2017-01-24  Tamil   Wikipedia   42639   78770
2017-01-24  Tatar   Wikipedia   316 1805
2017-01-24  Asturian    Wikipedia   643 1903
2017-01-24  Danish  Wikimedia Chapter   21  30
2017-01-24  Kazakh  Wikiquote   14  35
2017-01-24  Polish  Wikinews    140 304
2017-01-24  Sardinian   Wikipedia   199 356
2017-01-24  Simple English  Wikiquote   65  81
2017-01-24  German  Wikiquote   1973    5119
2017-01-24  Persian Wikipedia   209486  884866
2017-01-24  Guarani Wikipedia   175 447
2017-01-24  Nepali  Wiktionary  31  55
2017-01-24  Tamil   Wikinews    44  93
2017-01-24  Tsonga  Wiktionary  4   7
2017-01-24  Anglo-Saxon Wiktionary  1   7
2017-01-24  Esperanto   Wikipedia   1551    7625
2017-01-24  Hungarian   Wiktionary  496 2017
2017-01-24  Japanese    Wikibooks   1735    2833
2017-01-24  Romani  Wikipedia   149 187
2017-01-24  Urdu    Wikibooks   14  33
2017-01-24  Urdu    Wiktionary  34  66
2017-01-24  Arabic  Wikibooks   2167    4109
2017-01-24  Zazaki  Wikipedia   189 612
2017-01-24  French  Wikiversity 2695    5006
2017-01-24  Hebrew  Wikisource  2224    5952
2017-01-24  Dutch   Wikibooks   892 1418
2017-01-24  NA  Office wiki 179 764
2017-01-24  Russian Wikivoyage  226 628
2017-01-24  Belarusian  Wikiquote   8   29
2017-01-24  Danish  Wiktionary  132 896
2017-01-24  Estonian    Wiktionary  138 422
2017-01-24  Basque  Wikiquote   15  23
2017-01-24  Indonesian  Wikibooks   1304    2033
2017-01-24  Indonesian  Wikisource  57  112
2017-01-24  Ligurian    Wikipedia   109 200
2017-01-24  Malay   Wikibooks   20  25
2017-01-24  Burmese Wikipedia   3533    9342
2017-01-24  Swedish Wikibooks   107 184
2017-01-24  Dutch   Arbitration Committee wiki  0   1
2017-01-24  Belarusian  Wikipedia   2041    8060
2017-01-24  Cree    Wikipedia   13  15
2017-01-24  English Wiktionary  65361   640961
2017-01-24  French  Wikiquote   2266    4893
2017-01-24  Hebrew  Wikinews    8   17
2017-01-24  Mongolian   Wiktionary  53  209
2017-01-24  Norfolk Wikipedia   122 163
2017-01-24  Russian Wikisource  3076    8121
2017-01-24  Breton  Wiktionary  138 507
2017-01-24  Min Dong    Wikipedia   123 185
2017-01-24  Finnish Wikibooks   258 523
2017-01-24  Interlingua Wiktionary  4   5
2017-01-24  Dutch   Wikiquote   1002    1508
2017-01-24  Portuguese  Wikiversity 591 1263
2017-01-24  Rusyn   Wikipedia   120 231
2017-01-24  Slovenian   Wiktionary  21  81
2017-01-24  Bavarian    Wikipedia   552 2423
2017-01-24  Hungarian   Wikipedia   63364   361485
2017-01-24  Romanian    Wikinews    34  46
2017-01-24  Sindhi  Wiktionary  7   10
2017-01-24  Thai    Wikibooks   530 901
2017-01-24  Tswana  Wikipedia   362 545
2017-01-24  Twi Wiktionary  10  10
2017-01-24  Bulgarian   Wikipedia   38955   173775
2017-01-24  Catalan Wikisource  59  148
2017-01-24  Korean  Wiktionary  653 2279
2017-01-24  Malayalam   Wikipedia   29978   82659
2017-01-24  Albanian    Wiktionary  514 1613
2017-01-24  Uzbek   Wiktionary  46  450
2017-01-24  Arabic  Wikinews    1213    2350
2017-01-24  Italian Wikinews    231 558
2017-01-24  Georgian    Wikipedia   48093   123324
2017-01-24  Corsican    Wikipedia   138 210
2017-01-24  Esperanto   Wikisource  72  144
2017-01-24  Portuguese  Wikibooks   3975    8468
2017-01-24  Hungarian   Wikibooks   220 444
2017-01-24  Georgian    Wiktionary  214 395
2017-01-24  Nepali  Wikipedia   5549    13240
2017-01-24  NA  Historic wiki   8   23
2017-01-24  Slovak  Wikipedia   26262   119925
2017-01-24  Ukrainian   Wiktionary  969 2168
2017-01-24  Zulu    Wikipedia   137 242
2017-01-24  Bosnian Wikibooks   53  66
2017-01-24  Greek   Wikivoyage  121 200
2017-01-24  Kirghiz Wikipedia   3989    11717
2017-01-24  Latgalian   Wikipedia   99  158
2017-01-24  Malay   Wikipedia   20660   73279
2017-01-24  Dutch   Wikisource  113 255
2017-01-24  Slovenian   Wikiversity 41  54
2017-01-24  Silesian    Wikipedia   143 387
2017-01-24  Tswana  Wiktionary  1   1
2017-01-24  Uzbek   Wikibooks   31  35
2017-01-24  Komi-Permyak    Wikipedia   96  114
2017-01-24  Low Saxon   Wikipedia   292 1209
2017-01-24  Occitan Wiktionary  50  165
2017-01-24  Volapuk Wikipedia   73  174
2017-01-24  Afar    Wikipedia   3094    3103
2017-01-24  Hebrew  Wikiquote   917 2840
2017-01-24  Sundanese   Wiktionary  12  21
2017-01-24  Swedish Wikiquote   131 273
2017-01-24  Turkish Wikinews    58  100
2017-01-24  Komi    Wikipedia   66  138
2017-01-24  Latin   Wiktionary  141 441
2017-01-24  Maltese Wiktionary  1   1
2017-01-24  Romanian    Wiktionary  392 1755
2017-01-24  Sesotho Wikipedia   810 921
2017-01-24  Turkish Wikimedia Chapter   22  24
2017-01-24  Bashkir Wikipedia   656 1692
2017-01-24  Bengali Wikisource  354 552
2017-01-24  NA  Collaboration wiki  20  29
2017-01-24  Inupiak Wikipedia   96  122
2017-01-24  Maithili    Wikipedia   108 256
2017-01-24  Vietnamese  Wikivoyage  1   15
2017-01-24  Bambara Wiktionary  19  19
2017-01-24  Catalan Wikiquote   138 567
2017-01-24  Persian Wikisource  727 1189
2017-01-24  Albanian    Wikibooks   365 564
2017-01-24  Belarusian  Wikisource  58  116
2017-01-24  Greek   Wikisource  167 373
2017-01-24  Cherokee    Wiktionary  7   19
2017-01-24  Hebrew  Wiktionary  3254    8712
2017-01-24  Norman  Wikipedia   142 257
2017-01-24  Ukrainian   Wikiquote   251 609
2017-01-24  Arabic  Wikiquote   1304    2369
2017-01-24  Egyptian Arabic Wikipedia   3213    12171
2017-01-24  Azerbaijani Wikibooks   117 206
2017-01-24  Cheyenne    Wikipedia   92  98
2017-01-24  Old Church Slavonic Wikipedia   93  128
2017-01-24  Macedonian  Wiktionary  2   2
2017-01-24  Catalan Wiktionary  905 6306
2017-01-24  Ewe Wikipedia   124 162
2017-01-24  Ido Wiktionary  109 1576
2017-01-24  Kabardian   Wikipedia   70  125
2017-01-24  Lao Wikipedia   438 954
2017-01-24  Latvian Wiktionary  52  229
2017-01-24  Russian Wiktionary  15188   194229
2017-01-24  Tigrinya    Wiktionary  24  33
2017-01-24  Zulu    Wiktionary  15  18
2017-01-24  Sanskrit    Wiktionary  461 1010
2017-01-24  Tatar   Wiktionary  2   2
2017-01-24  Corsican    Wikimedia Chapter   16  31
2017-01-24  Slovenian   Wikipedia   13333   63030
2017-01-24  Shona   Wikipedia   335 747
2017-01-24  Tahitian    Wikipedia   99  125
2017-01-24  Vietnamese  Wikisource  44  163
2017-01-24  Kurdish (Sorani)    Wikipedia   3934    12404
2017-01-24  Interlingue Wikipedia   92  173
2017-01-24  Ripuarian   Wikipedia   244 564
2017-01-24  Basque  Wiktionary  10  37
2017-01-24  Kirghiz Wikiquote   72  89
2017-01-24  Piedmontese Wikipedia   60  88
2017-01-24  Pashto  Wikipedia   330 1027
2017-01-24  Swahili Wikibooks   2   2
2017-01-24  Fijian  Wikipedia   92  101
2017-01-24  Georgian    Wikiquote   449 690
2017-01-24  NA  Login wiki  64  72
2017-01-24  Norwegian (Bokmal)  Wikibooks   48  69
2017-01-24  Simple English  Wiktionary  799 5617
2017-01-24  Tulu    Wikipedia   106 170
2017-01-24  Udmurt  Wikipedia   80  150
2017-01-24  Lower Sorbian   Wikipedia   173 259
2017-01-24  Guarani Wiktionary  3   12
2017-01-24  Limburgish  Wiktionary  78  105
2017-01-24  Belarusian  Wikimedia Chapter   30  66
2017-01-24  Spanish Wikinews    251 573
2017-01-24  Khmer   Wikipedia   2070    5594
2017-01-24  Bishnupriya Manipuri    Wikipedia   31  103
2017-01-24  Finnish Wikisource  64  155
2017-01-24  Ladino  Wikipedia   213 491
2017-01-24  Serbian Wiktionary  216 1202
2017-01-24  Asturian    Wiktionary  3   18
2017-01-24  Estonian    Wikisource  77  119
2017-01-24  Malayalam   Wikiquote   114 176
2017-01-24  Marathi Wikisource  66  109
2017-01-24  Portuguese  Wikinews    792 2487
2017-01-24  Serbo-Croatian  Wikipedia   8393    45427
2017-01-24  Tamil   Wikisource  496 656
2017-01-24  Tsonga  Wikipedia   16  60
2017-01-24  Pontic  Wikipedia   105 131
2017-01-24  Slovenian   Wikisource  169 631
2017-01-24  Telugu  Wikiquote   8   10
2017-01-24  Yiddish Wikisource  0   4
2017-01-24  Armenian    Wikiquote   156 222
2017-01-24  Gilaki  Wikipedia   157 335
2017-01-24  Icelandic   Wiktionary  180 994
2017-01-24  Norwegian (Nynorsk) Wiktionary  26  107
2017-01-24  Western Punjabi Wiktionary  6   6
2017-01-24  Quechua Wiktionary  1   2
2017-01-24  Sinhalese   Wiktionary  27  44
2017-01-24  Asturian    Wikibooks   8   8
2017-01-24  Bambara Wikipedia   153 217
2017-01-24  Crimean Tatar   Wikipedia   391 598
2017-01-24  Marathi Wikipedia   29975   56050
2017-01-24  Burmese Wiktionary  24  70
2017-01-24  Sanskrit    Wikibooks   8   13
2017-01-24  Northern Sami   Wikimedia Chapter   86  225
2017-01-24  Simple English  Wikibooks   15  20
2017-01-24  German  Wikibooks   7207    12572
2017-01-24  Hebrew  Wikivoyage  209 336
2017-01-24  Malagasy    Wikipedia   260 736
2017-01-24  Uzbek   Wikipedia   10248   31829
2017-01-24  NA  Board wiki  14  21
2017-01-24  NA  Chapters Committee  10  19
2017-01-24  North Frisian   Wikipedia   64  142
2017-01-24  Kashmiri    Wikipedia   17  23
2017-01-24  Marathi Wikiquote   27  27
2017-01-24  Mirandese   Wikipedia   119 172
2017-01-24  Turkish Wikisource  172 357
2017-01-24  Ukrainian   Wikipedia   87810   388056
2017-01-24  Waray   Wikipedia   523 2193
2017-01-24  Bulgarian   Wikiquote   349 754
2017-01-24  Manx    Wiktionary  1   5
2017-01-24  Malagasy    Wiktionary  8   54
2017-01-24  Tok Pisin   Wiktionary  6   14
2017-01-24  Esperanto   Wikiquote   13  14
2017-01-24  Malayalam   Wiktionary  525 1113
2017-01-24  Pashto  Wiktionary  8   9
2017-01-24  Finnish Wiktionary  1368    13682
2017-01-24  NA  Wikimedia OTRS system   19  27
2017-01-24  Romanian    Wikiquote   142 221
2017-01-24  Catalan Wikimedia Chapter   93  101
2017-01-24  German  Wikisource  2095    4751
2017-01-24  Greek   Wikinews    21  63
2017-01-24  Galician    Wikisource  21  29
2017-01-24  Persian Wikiquote   656 1665
2017-01-24  Tamil   Wiktionary  1428    7729
2017-01-24  Tagalog Wikibooks   5413    8687
2017-01-24  Afrikaans   Wikipedia   7447    20633
2017-01-24  Dutch   Wikivoyage  18  93
2017-01-24  Sinhalese   Wikibooks   46  67
2017-01-24  Aymara  Wiktionary  5   7
2017-01-24  Tumbuka Wikipedia   28  37
2017-01-24  Sranan  Wikipedia   106 121
2017-01-24  Polish  Wikiquote   2474    7313
2017-01-24  Tagalog Wiktionary  1706    3756
2017-01-24  Chinese Wikibooks   309 459
2017-01-24  Kurdish (Kurmanji)  Wiktionary  330 5705
2017-01-24  Oriya   Wikisource  7   10
2017-01-24  Eastern Punjabi Wikipedia   1411    3731
2017-01-24  Swahili Wiktionary  137 317
2017-01-24  Persian Wikivoyage  217 480
2017-01-24  Latin   Wikiquote   17  250
2017-01-24  Russian Wikiquote   2782    8637
2017-01-24  Ukrainian   Wikinews    6   18
2017-01-24  Urdu    Wikiquote   10  10
2017-01-24  Welsh   Wikiquote   0   1
2017-01-24  Hindi   Wikiquote   201 219
2017-01-24  Turkish Wiktionary  1116    7144
2017-01-24  Ukrainian   Wikibooks   37  43
2017-01-24  Lithuanian  Wikipedia   18591   83106
2017-01-24  Nepali  Wikibooks   5   6
2017-01-24  Armenian    Wiktionary  252 1186
2017-01-24  Persian Wikinews    31  82
2017-01-24  Kongo   Wikipedia   120 152
2017-01-24  Kikuyu  Wikipedia   120 139
2017-01-24  Northern Sami   Wikipedia   206 425
2017-01-24  Norwegian (Bokmal)  Wiktionary  1133    5845
2017-01-24  Thai    Wikiquote   147 188
2017-01-24  Irish   Wikipedia   356 1372
2017-01-24  Western Punjabi Wikipedia   91  401
2017-01-24  French  Wikivoyage  1420    2754
2017-01-24  Livvi-Karelian  Wikipedia   59  99
2017-01-24  Adyghe  Wikipedia   70  96
2017-01-24  Anglo-Saxon Wikisource  12  12
2017-01-24  Georgian    Wikibooks   66  74
2017-01-24  Moksha  Wikipedia   85  88
2017-01-24  Tatar   Wikibooks   18  45
2017-01-24  Kirghiz Wiktionary  0   1
2017-01-24  Classical Chinese   Wikipedia   492 976
2017-01-24  Welsh   Wiktionary  5   37
2017-01-24  Irish   Wiktionary  13  25
2017-01-24  Manx    Wikipedia   67  194
2017-01-24  Kannada Wikiquote   0   3
2017-01-24  Slovenian   Wikibooks   6   11
2017-01-24  Wolof   Wikiquote   5   8
2017-01-24  Upper Sorbian   Wiktionary  1   6
2017-01-24  Bulgarian   Wiktionary  570 2728
2017-01-24  NA  Wikimania 2014  9   16
2017-01-24  West Frisian    Wiktionary  4   20
2017-01-24  Danish  Wikisource  9   18
2017-01-24  Serbian Wikibooks   69  80
2017-01-24  Ukrainian   Wikivoyage  100 139
2017-01-24  Kazakh  Wiktionary  52  71
2017-01-24  Breton  Wikiquote   0   3
2017-01-24  Korean  Wikibooks   71  89
2017-01-24  Wolof   Wiktionary  27  42
2017-01-24  Assamese    Wikisource  66857   66864
2017-01-24  Lithuanian  Wikisource  13  28
2017-01-24  NA  Incubator for Wikiversities 112 165
2017-01-24  Sanskrit    Wikiquote   96  136
2017-01-24  Choctaw Wikipedia   2   2
2017-01-24  Icelandic   Wikiquote   11  21
2017-01-24  Japanese    Wikiversity 46  66
2017-01-24  Burmese Wikibooks   38  38
2017-01-24  Lithuanian  Wikiquote   103 185
2017-01-24  Galician    Wikiquote   4   9
2017-01-24  Greenlandic Wiktionary  5   7
2017-01-24  Sardinian   Wiktionary  1   1
2017-01-24  Amharic Wiktionary  2   12
2017-01-24  Abkhazian   Wiktionary  1   1
2017-01-24  Sango   Wiktionary  0   1
2017-01-24  Somali  Wiktionary  4   32
2017-01-24  Haitian Wikisource  62  89
2017-01-24  Faroese Wiktionary  4   4
2017-01-24  Turkish Wikibooks   113 196
2017-01-24  Divehi  Wiktionary  0   1
2017-01-24  Sakha   Wikisource  0   3
2017-01-24  Kashubian   Wiktionary  1   2
2017-01-24  Galician    Wikibooks   14  21
2017-01-24  Afar    Wikibooks   3   3
2017-01-24  Latvian Wikibooks   1   1
2017-01-24  Zulu    Wikibooks   1   1
2017-01-24  Hiri Motu   Wikipedia   5   5
2017-01-24  Muscogee    Wikipedia   26  28
2017-01-24  Venetian    Wiktionary  0   1
2017-01-24  Kinyarwanda Wiktionary  0   7
2017-01-24  Romanian    Wikivoyage  10  11
2017-01-24  Sundanese   Wikibooks   1   1

It took 21m 28s to generate this report.

Report 20 of 43

User-perceived load times when searching on Android and iOS apps

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “app_load_times” from the metrics/search module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/search/app_load_times 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    platform    Median  95th percentile 99th percentile
2017-01-24  Android 423 1416    4475.94
2017-01-24  iOS 673 1971    5949.5

It took 14m 6s to generate this report.

Report 21 of 43

Clicks to Wikipedia mobile apps and list of apps

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “app_link_clicks” from the metrics/portal module.
  2. Filling in the timestamp placeholders in the SQL query.
  3. About to run the following query:
  DATE('20170124') AS `date`,
         INSTR(userAgent, 'Android') > 0
         OR INSTR(userAgent, 'Mobile') > 0
         OR INSTR(userAgent, 'iOS') > 0
         OR INSTR(userAgent, 'Phone') > 0
       ) THEN 'Mobile'
       ELSE 'Desktop' END AS device,
  CASE WHEN INSTR(event_destination, 'itunes.apple.com') > 0 THEN 'iOS App link'
       WHEN INSTR(event_destination, 'play.google.com') > 0 THEN 'Android app link'
       ELSE 'List of apps' END AS clicked,
  COUNT(*) AS clicks
FROM WikipediaPortal_15890769
  timestamp >= '20170124' AND timestamp < '20170125'
  AND event_cohort = 'baseline'
  AND event_event_type = 'clickthrough'
  AND event_section_used = 'other projects'
  AND (
    INSTR(event_destination, 'itunes.apple.com') > 0
    OR INSTR(event_destination, 'play.google.com') > 0
    OR event_destination = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wikipedia_mobile_applications'
GROUP BY `date`, device, clicked;


date    device  clicked clicks
2017-01-24  Mobile  Android app link    2
2017-01-24  Mobile  iOS App link    4

It took 1s to generate this report.

Report 22 of 43

Wikipedia.org Portal visitors’ browsers

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “user_agent_data” from the metrics/portal module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/portal/user_agent_data 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    browser version percent
2017-01-24  Chrome  55  25.43
2017-01-24  Firefox 50  5.93
2017-01-24  Mobile Safari   10  8.02
2017-01-24  Android 4   2.73
2017-01-24  Chrome Mobile   55  5.04
2017-01-24  Safari  10  4.67
2017-01-24  Mobile Safari   8   0.5
2017-01-24  Firefox Mobile  50  0.67
2017-01-24  Firefox 24  1.73
2017-01-24  Mobile Safari   9   1.13
2017-01-24  Chrome  49  1.25
2017-01-24  Chrome Mobile   30  2.39
2017-01-24  Edge    14  1.96
2017-01-24  IE  11  9.55
2017-01-24  Samsung Internet    4   1.26
2017-01-24  Safari  9   1.68
2017-01-24  Samsung Internet    3   0.62
2017-01-24  Firefox 45  0.66
2017-01-24  Firefox 38  1.56
2017-01-24  Firefox 31  0.74
2017-01-24  Chrome Mobile iOS   55  0.66
2017-01-24  Chrome  54  0.67
2017-01-24  IE  8   0.93
2017-01-24  Chrome  30  0.51
2017-01-24  IE Mobile   10  0.66
2017-01-24  Chrome Mobile   54  0.75
2017-01-24  Chrome  53  0.54

It took 16s to generate this report.

Report 23 of 43

Pageviews broken down by referrer class (e.g. internal vs external)

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “referer_data” from the metrics/portal module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/portal/referer_data 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


sh: 0: Can't open modules/metrics/portal/referer_data

It took 1s to generate this report.

Report 24 of 43

Wikipedia.org Portal pageviews, broken down by high-volume clients vs. low-volume clients

Note: this report is configured to have one row per day.

  1. Executing report “pageviews” from the metrics/portal module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/portal/pageviews 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


sh: 0: Can't open modules/metrics/portal/pageviews

It took 1s to generate this report.

Report 25 of 43

Most common action performed on Wikipedia.org Portal per user session

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “most_common_per_visit” from the metrics/portal module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/portal/most_common_per_visit 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    section_used    visits
2017-01-24  other projects  69
2017-01-24  primary links   1242
2017-01-24  search  4102
2017-01-24  secondary links 39

It took 4s to generate this report.

Report 26 of 43

Most common action performed on Wikipedia.org Portal per user session, broken down by country

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

Note: this report is configured to be “rolling” – 60 maximum number of days allowed in the final dataset.

  1. Executing report “most_common_country” from the metrics/portal module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/portal/most_common_country 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    section_used    country visits  proportion
2017-01-24  other projects  Algeria 1   0.0145
2017-01-24  other projects  Angola  8   0.1159
2017-01-24  other projects  Azerbaijan  1   0.0145
2017-01-24  other projects  Bangladesh  1   0.0145
2017-01-24  other projects  Canada  1   0.0145
2017-01-24  other projects  China   2   0.029
2017-01-24  other projects  Colombia    2   0.029
2017-01-24  other projects  Czechia 1   0.0145
2017-01-24  other projects  Egypt   1   0.0145
2017-01-24  other projects  Ethiopia    1   0.0145
2017-01-24  other projects  Germany 2   0.029
2017-01-24  other projects  Hong Kong   1   0.0145
2017-01-24  other projects  India   7   0.1014
2017-01-24  other projects  Indonesia   1   0.0145
2017-01-24  other projects  Iran, Islamic Republic of   4   0.058
2017-01-24  other projects  Korea, Republic of  1   0.0145
2017-01-24  other projects  Macedonia, Republic of  1   0.0145
2017-01-24  other projects  Mali    1   0.0145
2017-01-24  other projects  Myanmar 1   0.0145
2017-01-24  other projects  Nepal   2   0.029
2017-01-24  other projects  Pakistan    8   0.1159
2017-01-24  other projects  Russian Federation  2   0.029
2017-01-24  other projects  Senegal 1   0.0145
2017-01-24  other projects  South Africa    1   0.0145
2017-01-24  other projects  Sri Lanka   2   0.029
2017-01-24  other projects  Thailand    2   0.029
2017-01-24  other projects  Turkey  1   0.0145
2017-01-24  other projects  Ukraine 2   0.029
2017-01-24  other projects  U.S. (Midwest)  2   0.029
2017-01-24  other projects  U.S. (Pacific)  2   0.029
2017-01-24  other projects  U.S. (South)    4   0.058
2017-01-24  other projects  U.S. (West) 1   0.0145
2017-01-24  other projects  Viet Nam    1   0.0145
2017-01-24  primary links   Albania 1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Algeria 6   0.0048
2017-01-24  primary links   Angola  19  0.0153
2017-01-24  primary links   Antigua and Barbuda 1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Argentina   10  0.0081
2017-01-24  primary links   Armenia 1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Aruba   1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Australia   8   0.0064
2017-01-24  primary links   Austria 19  0.0153
2017-01-24  primary links   Bahamas 2   0.0016
2017-01-24  primary links   Bahrain 1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Bangladesh  11  0.0089
2017-01-24  primary links   Belarus 2   0.0016
2017-01-24  primary links   Belgium 6   0.0048
2017-01-24  primary links   Brazil  25  0.0201
2017-01-24  primary links   Bulgaria    1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Cambodia    1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Canada  46  0.037
2017-01-24  primary links   Chile   4   0.0032
2017-01-24  primary links   China   30  0.0242
2017-01-24  primary links   Congo   1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Costa Rica  1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Curacao 1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Czechia 8   0.0064
2017-01-24  primary links   Denmark 10  0.0081
2017-01-24  primary links   Dominican Republic  1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Egypt   3   0.0024
2017-01-24  primary links   El Salvador 2   0.0016
2017-01-24  primary links   Estonia 1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Finland 8   0.0064
2017-01-24  primary links   France  16  0.0129
2017-01-24  primary links   Georgia 5   0.004
2017-01-24  primary links   Germany 100 0.0805
2017-01-24  primary links   Ghana   1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Greece  6   0.0048
2017-01-24  primary links   Guinea  1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Hong Kong   9   0.0072
2017-01-24  primary links   Hungary 3   0.0024
2017-01-24  primary links   Iceland 2   0.0016
2017-01-24  primary links   India   30  0.0242
2017-01-24  primary links   Indonesia   16  0.0129
2017-01-24  primary links   Iran, Islamic Republic of   5   0.004
2017-01-24  primary links   Iraq    1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Ireland 3   0.0024
2017-01-24  primary links   Israel  6   0.0048
2017-01-24  primary links   Italy   15  0.0121
2017-01-24  primary links   Japan   6   0.0048
2017-01-24  primary links   Kazakhstan  1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Korea, Republic of  5   0.004
2017-01-24  primary links   Kyrgyzstan  5   0.004
2017-01-24  primary links   Lao People's Democratic Republic    1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Latvia  2   0.0016
2017-01-24  primary links   Lebanon 2   0.0016
2017-01-24  primary links   Lithuania   3   0.0024
2017-01-24  primary links   Luxembourg  1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Macedonia, Republic of  2   0.0016
2017-01-24  primary links   Malaysia    7   0.0056
2017-01-24  primary links   Mauritania  1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Mexico  25  0.0201
2017-01-24  primary links   Morocco 3   0.0024
2017-01-24  primary links   Myanmar 2   0.0016
2017-01-24  primary links   Nepal   1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Netherlands 23  0.0185
2017-01-24  primary links   New Zealand 1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Norway  5   0.004
2017-01-24  primary links   Oman    1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Other   1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Pakistan    15  0.0121
2017-01-24  primary links   Panama  2   0.0016
2017-01-24  primary links   Peru    4   0.0032
2017-01-24  primary links   Philippines 4   0.0032
2017-01-24  primary links   Poland  9   0.0072
2017-01-24  primary links   Portugal    3   0.0024
2017-01-24  primary links   Qatar   1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Romania 7   0.0056
2017-01-24  primary links   Russian Federation  24  0.0193
2017-01-24  primary links   Singapore   2   0.0016
2017-01-24  primary links   Slovakia    6   0.0048
2017-01-24  primary links   Slovenia    1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   South Africa    3   0.0024
2017-01-24  primary links   Spain   21  0.0169
2017-01-24  primary links   Sudan   1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Sweden  17  0.0137
2017-01-24  primary links   Switzerland 17  0.0137
2017-01-24  primary links   Taiwan, Province of China   5   0.004
2017-01-24  primary links   Thailand    2   0.0016
2017-01-24  primary links   Tunisia 1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Turkey  3   0.0024
2017-01-24  primary links   Uganda  1   8e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Ukraine 11  0.0089
2017-01-24  primary links   United Arab Emirates    4   0.0032
2017-01-24  primary links   United Kingdom  56  0.0451
2017-01-24  primary links   Uruguay 2   0.0016
2017-01-24  primary links   U.S. (Midwest)  91  0.0733
2017-01-24  primary links   U.S. (Northeast)    90  0.0725
2017-01-24  primary links   U.S. (Other)    2   0.0016
2017-01-24  primary links   U.S. (Pacific)  93  0.0749
2017-01-24  primary links   U.S. (South)    149 0.12
2017-01-24  primary links   U.S. (West) 44  0.0354
2017-01-24  primary links   Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of   2   0.0016
2017-01-24  primary links   Viet Nam    1   8e-04
2017-01-24  search  Afghanistan 1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Albania 3   7e-04
2017-01-24  search  Algeria 9   0.0022
2017-01-24  search  Angola  83  0.0202
2017-01-24  search  Antigua and Barbuda 1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Argentina   17  0.0041
2017-01-24  search  Armenia 1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Australia   42  0.0102
2017-01-24  search  Austria 17  0.0041
2017-01-24  search  Azerbaijan  3   7e-04
2017-01-24  search  Bahamas 1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Bangladesh  14  0.0034
2017-01-24  search  Barbados    1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Belarus 3   7e-04
2017-01-24  search  Belgium 7   0.0017
2017-01-24  search  Belize  1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Bosnia and Herzegovina  3   7e-04
2017-01-24  search  Brazil  28  0.0068
2017-01-24  search  Brunei Darussalam   1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Bulgaria    5   0.0012
2017-01-24  search  Cambodia    1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Cameroon    1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Canada  180 0.0439
2017-01-24  search  Chile   1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  China   42  0.0102
2017-01-24  search  Colombia    4   0.001
2017-01-24  search  Congo, The Democratic Republic of the   1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Costa Rica  1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Cote d'Ivoire   1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Croatia 3   7e-04
2017-01-24  search  Cuba    3   7e-04
2017-01-24  search  Czechia 17  0.0041
2017-01-24  search  Denmark 12  0.0029
2017-01-24  search  Dominican Republic  1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Ecuador 6   0.0015
2017-01-24  search  Egypt   4   0.001
2017-01-24  search  El Salvador 5   0.0012
2017-01-24  search  Estonia 6   0.0015
2017-01-24  search  Finland 6   0.0015
2017-01-24  search  France  33  0.008
2017-01-24  search  Germany 85  0.0207
2017-01-24  search  Ghana   3   7e-04
2017-01-24  search  Greece  7   0.0017
2017-01-24  search  Guatemala   8   0.002
2017-01-24  search  Honduras    2   5e-04
2017-01-24  search  Hong Kong   6   0.0015
2017-01-24  search  Hungary 9   0.0022
2017-01-24  search  Iceland 3   7e-04
2017-01-24  search  India   104 0.0254
2017-01-24  search  Indonesia   21  0.0051
2017-01-24  search  Iran, Islamic Republic of   13  0.0032
2017-01-24  search  Iraq    1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Ireland 18  0.0044
2017-01-24  search  Israel  4   0.001
2017-01-24  search  Italy   18  0.0044
2017-01-24  search  Jamaica 1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Japan   11  0.0027
2017-01-24  search  Kazakhstan  2   5e-04
2017-01-24  search  Kenya   3   7e-04
2017-01-24  search  Korea, Republic of  13  0.0032
2017-01-24  search  Kuwait  3   7e-04
2017-01-24  search  Latvia  3   7e-04
2017-01-24  search  Lebanon 2   5e-04
2017-01-24  search  Lithuania   4   0.001
2017-01-24  search  Luxembourg  1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Macedonia, Republic of  2   5e-04
2017-01-24  search  Malaysia    20  0.0049
2017-01-24  search  Maldives    1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Malta   3   7e-04
2017-01-24  search  Mauritania  1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Mauritius   1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Mexico  23  0.0056
2017-01-24  search  Moldova, Republic of    3   7e-04
2017-01-24  search  Monaco  1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Mongolia    5   0.0012
2017-01-24  search  Morocco 17  0.0041
2017-01-24  search  Myanmar 5   0.0012
2017-01-24  search  Nepal   7   0.0017
2017-01-24  search  Netherlands 74  0.018
2017-01-24  search  New Zealand 8   0.002
2017-01-24  search  Nigeria 12  0.0029
2017-01-24  search  Norway  29  0.0071
2017-01-24  search  Other   9   0.0022
2017-01-24  search  Pakistan    14  0.0034
2017-01-24  search  Panama  3   7e-04
2017-01-24  search  Peru    6   0.0015
2017-01-24  search  Philippines 35  0.0085
2017-01-24  search  Poland  18  0.0044
2017-01-24  search  Portugal    1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Qatar   3   7e-04
2017-01-24  search  Romania 8   0.002
2017-01-24  search  Russian Federation  41  0.01
2017-01-24  search  Saudi Arabia    2   5e-04
2017-01-24  search  Serbia  2   5e-04
2017-01-24  search  Singapore   11  0.0027
2017-01-24  search  Slovakia    7   0.0017
2017-01-24  search  Somalia 1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  South Africa    21  0.0051
2017-01-24  search  Spain   23  0.0056
2017-01-24  search  Sri Lanka   1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Sweden  22  0.0054
2017-01-24  search  Switzerland 33  0.008
2017-01-24  search  Taiwan, Province of China   6   0.0015
2017-01-24  search  Tanzania, United Republic of    1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Thailand    4   0.001
2017-01-24  search  Tunisia 2   5e-04
2017-01-24  search  Turkey  10  0.0024
2017-01-24  search  Uganda  1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Ukraine 14  0.0034
2017-01-24  search  United Arab Emirates    10  0.0024
2017-01-24  search  United Kingdom  233 0.0568
2017-01-24  search  U.S. (Midwest)  517 0.126
2017-01-24  search  U.S. (Northeast)    527 0.1285
2017-01-24  search  U.S. (Other)    6   0.0015
2017-01-24  search  U.S. (Pacific)  406 0.099
2017-01-24  search  U.S. (South)    783 0.1909
2017-01-24  search  U.S. (West) 172 0.0419
2017-01-24  search  Uzbekistan  2   5e-04
2017-01-24  search  Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of   1   2e-04
2017-01-24  search  Viet Nam    6   0.0015
2017-01-24  search  Yemen   4   0.001
2017-01-24  search  Zimbabwe    10  0.0024
2017-01-24  secondary links Algeria 1   0.0256
2017-01-24  secondary links Canada  1   0.0256
2017-01-24  secondary links China   1   0.0256
2017-01-24  secondary links Ecuador 1   0.0256
2017-01-24  secondary links Egypt   1   0.0256
2017-01-24  secondary links Germany 3   0.0769
2017-01-24  secondary links Hong Kong   2   0.0513
2017-01-24  secondary links India   5   0.1282
2017-01-24  secondary links Indonesia   1   0.0256
2017-01-24  secondary links Iran, Islamic Republic of   1   0.0256
2017-01-24  secondary links Mongolia    1   0.0256
2017-01-24  secondary links Morocco 1   0.0256
2017-01-24  secondary links Myanmar 3   0.0769
2017-01-24  secondary links Netherlands 2   0.0513
2017-01-24  secondary links Norway  1   0.0256
2017-01-24  secondary links Pakistan    3   0.0769
2017-01-24  secondary links South Africa    3   0.0769
2017-01-24  secondary links Spain   1   0.0256
2017-01-24  secondary links Sweden  1   0.0256
2017-01-24  secondary links Thailand    1   0.0256
2017-01-24  secondary links United Kingdom  1   0.0256
2017-01-24  secondary links U.S. (Northeast)    1   0.0256
2017-01-24  secondary links U.S. (South)    2   0.0513
2017-01-24  secondary links Uzbekistan  1   0.0256

It took 4s to generate this report.

Report 27 of 43

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

Note: this report is configured to be “rolling” – 60 maximum number of days allowed in the final dataset.

  1. Executing report “last_action_country” from the metrics/portal module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/portal/last_action_country 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    section_used    country events  proportion
2017-01-24  no action   Afghanistan 2   6e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Albania 5   0.0015
2017-01-24  no action   Algeria 24  0.0074
2017-01-24  no action   Angola  56  0.0173
2017-01-24  no action   Argentina   17  0.0053
2017-01-24  no action   Armenia 4   0.0012
2017-01-24  no action   Australia   45  0.0139
2017-01-24  no action   Austria 17  0.0053
2017-01-24  no action   Azerbaijan  2   6e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Bahrain 1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Bangladesh  24  0.0074
2017-01-24  no action   Belarus 10  0.0031
2017-01-24  no action   Belgium 10  0.0031
2017-01-24  no action   Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Bosnia and Herzegovina  1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Brazil  44  0.0136
2017-01-24  no action   Bulgaria    3   9e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Burkina Faso    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Cambodia    6   0.0019
2017-01-24  no action   Cameroon    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Canada  75  0.0232
2017-01-24  no action   Cayman Islands  1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Central African Republic    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Chile   10  0.0031
2017-01-24  no action   China   28  0.0087
2017-01-24  no action   Colombia    17  0.0053
2017-01-24  no action   Congo   2   6e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Costa Rica  3   9e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Cote d'Ivoire   3   9e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Croatia 4   0.0012
2017-01-24  no action   Cuba    2   6e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Czechia 22  0.0068
2017-01-24  no action   Denmark 7   0.0022
2017-01-24  no action   Dominican Republic  4   0.0012
2017-01-24  no action   Ecuador 2   6e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Egypt   26  0.008
2017-01-24  no action   El Salvador 3   9e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Estonia 3   9e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Ethiopia    3   9e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Faroe Islands   1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Fiji    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Finland 9   0.0028
2017-01-24  no action   France  61  0.0189
2017-01-24  no action   Gabon   3   9e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Georgia 9   0.0028
2017-01-24  no action   Germany 175 0.0541
2017-01-24  no action   Ghana   5   0.0015
2017-01-24  no action   Greece  9   0.0028
2017-01-24  no action   Grenada 1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Guatemala   2   6e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Guernsey    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Guinea  1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Hong Kong   12  0.0037
2017-01-24  no action   Hungary 5   0.0015
2017-01-24  no action   India   174 0.0538
2017-01-24  no action   Indonesia   37  0.0114
2017-01-24  no action   Iran, Islamic Republic of   12  0.0037
2017-01-24  no action   Iraq    6   0.0019
2017-01-24  no action   Ireland 8   0.0025
2017-01-24  no action   Israel  29  0.009
2017-01-24  no action   Italy   24  0.0074
2017-01-24  no action   Jamaica 2   6e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Japan   21  0.0065
2017-01-24  no action   Jordan  2   6e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Kazakhstan  6   0.0019
2017-01-24  no action   Kenya   7   0.0022
2017-01-24  no action   Korea, Republic of  13  0.004
2017-01-24  no action   Kuwait  4   0.0012
2017-01-24  no action   Lao People's Democratic Republic    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Lebanon 4   0.0012
2017-01-24  no action   Libya   2   6e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Luxembourg  4   0.0012
2017-01-24  no action   Macedonia, Republic of  4   0.0012
2017-01-24  no action   Madagascar  2   6e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Malaysia    14  0.0043
2017-01-24  no action   Maldives    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Martinique  1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Mauritania  1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Mexico  70  0.0217
2017-01-24  no action   Moldova, Republic of    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Mongolia    5   0.0015
2017-01-24  no action   Morocco 18  0.0056
2017-01-24  no action   Myanmar 5   0.0015
2017-01-24  no action   Namibia 1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Nepal   4   0.0012
2017-01-24  no action   Netherlands 28  0.0087
2017-01-24  no action   New Zealand 2   6e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Nicaragua   2   6e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Nigeria 11  0.0034
2017-01-24  no action   Norway  12  0.0037
2017-01-24  no action   Oman    3   9e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Other   2   6e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Pakistan    27  0.0084
2017-01-24  no action   Panama  7   0.0022
2017-01-24  no action   Paraguay    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Peru    10  0.0031
2017-01-24  no action   Philippines 18  0.0056
2017-01-24  no action   Poland  11  0.0034
2017-01-24  no action   Portugal    8   0.0025
2017-01-24  no action   Romania 15  0.0046
2017-01-24  no action   Russian Federation  69  0.0213
2017-01-24  no action   Rwanda  1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Saint Vincent and the Grenadines    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Saudi Arabia    5   0.0015
2017-01-24  no action   Senegal 1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Serbia  5   0.0015
2017-01-24  no action   Singapore   5   0.0015
2017-01-24  no action   Slovakia    6   0.0019
2017-01-24  no action   Somalia 1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   South Africa    35  0.0108
2017-01-24  no action   Spain   43  0.0133
2017-01-24  no action   Sri Lanka   2   6e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Sudan   2   6e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Suriname    2   6e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Sweden  18  0.0056
2017-01-24  no action   Switzerland 33  0.0102
2017-01-24  no action   Taiwan, Province of China   18  0.0056
2017-01-24  no action   Tanzania, United Republic of    4   0.0012
2017-01-24  no action   Thailand    25  0.0077
2017-01-24  no action   Tunisia 3   9e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Turkey  19  0.0059
2017-01-24  no action   Uganda  1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Ukraine 37  0.0114
2017-01-24  no action   United Arab Emirates    7   0.0022
2017-01-24  no action   United Kingdom  331 0.1024
2017-01-24  no action   U.S. (Midwest)  212 0.0656
2017-01-24  no action   U.S. (Northeast)    228 0.0705
2017-01-24  no action   U.S. (Other)    3   9e-04
2017-01-24  no action   U.S. (Pacific)  262 0.081
2017-01-24  no action   U.S. (South)    317 0.0981
2017-01-24  no action   U.S. (West) 70  0.0217
2017-01-24  no action   Uzbekistan  1   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of   7   0.0022
2017-01-24  no action   Viet Nam    33  0.0102
2017-01-24  no action   Yemen   1   3e-04
2017-01-24  other projects  Algeria 1   0.0263
2017-01-24  other projects  Angola  5   0.1316
2017-01-24  other projects  Azerbaijan  1   0.0263
2017-01-24  other projects  Bangladesh  1   0.0263
2017-01-24  other projects  China   1   0.0263
2017-01-24  other projects  Czechia 1   0.0263
2017-01-24  other projects  Germany 1   0.0263
2017-01-24  other projects  India   3   0.0789
2017-01-24  other projects  Indonesia   1   0.0263
2017-01-24  other projects  Iran, Islamic Republic of   2   0.0526
2017-01-24  other projects  Korea, Republic of  1   0.0263
2017-01-24  other projects  Mali    1   0.0263
2017-01-24  other projects  Nepal   2   0.0526
2017-01-24  other projects  Pakistan    4   0.1053
2017-01-24  other projects  Russian Federation  2   0.0526
2017-01-24  other projects  South Africa    2   0.0526
2017-01-24  other projects  Thailand    2   0.0526
2017-01-24  other projects  Turkey  1   0.0263
2017-01-24  other projects  Ukraine 1   0.0263
2017-01-24  other projects  U.S. (Midwest)  1   0.0263
2017-01-24  other projects  U.S. (Pacific)  1   0.0263
2017-01-24  other projects  U.S. (South)    1   0.0263
2017-01-24  other projects  U.S. (West) 1   0.0263
2017-01-24  other projects  Viet Nam    1   0.0263
2017-01-24  primary links   Albania 1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Algeria 3   0.003
2017-01-24  primary links   Angola  17  0.0171
2017-01-24  primary links   Antigua and Barbuda 1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Argentina   10  0.0101
2017-01-24  primary links   Armenia 1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Aruba   1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Australia   8   0.0081
2017-01-24  primary links   Austria 16  0.0161
2017-01-24  primary links   Bahamas 1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Bahrain 1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Bangladesh  2   0.002
2017-01-24  primary links   Belarus 1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Belgium 4   0.004
2017-01-24  primary links   Brazil  14  0.0141
2017-01-24  primary links   Bulgaria    1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Cambodia    1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Canada  41  0.0413
2017-01-24  primary links   Chile   3   0.003
2017-01-24  primary links   China   21  0.0212
2017-01-24  primary links   Costa Rica  1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Curacao 1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Czechia 6   0.006
2017-01-24  primary links   Denmark 7   0.0071
2017-01-24  primary links   Dominican Republic  1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Egypt   3   0.003
2017-01-24  primary links   El Salvador 2   0.002
2017-01-24  primary links   Estonia 1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Finland 6   0.006
2017-01-24  primary links   France  14  0.0141
2017-01-24  primary links   Georgia 4   0.004
2017-01-24  primary links   Germany 85  0.0857
2017-01-24  primary links   Ghana   1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Greece  5   0.005
2017-01-24  primary links   Guinea  1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Hong Kong   5   0.005
2017-01-24  primary links   Hungary 3   0.003
2017-01-24  primary links   Iceland 2   0.002
2017-01-24  primary links   India   14  0.0141
2017-01-24  primary links   Indonesia   14  0.0141
2017-01-24  primary links   Iran, Islamic Republic of   1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Ireland 3   0.003
2017-01-24  primary links   Israel  6   0.006
2017-01-24  primary links   Italy   13  0.0131
2017-01-24  primary links   Japan   5   0.005
2017-01-24  primary links   Kazakhstan  1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Korea, Republic of  3   0.003
2017-01-24  primary links   Kyrgyzstan  2   0.002
2017-01-24  primary links   Latvia  2   0.002
2017-01-24  primary links   Lebanon 1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Lithuania   3   0.003
2017-01-24  primary links   Luxembourg  1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Macedonia, Republic of  1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Malaysia    5   0.005
2017-01-24  primary links   Mexico  16  0.0161
2017-01-24  primary links   Morocco 2   0.002
2017-01-24  primary links   Myanmar 2   0.002
2017-01-24  primary links   Netherlands 13  0.0131
2017-01-24  primary links   New Zealand 1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Norway  3   0.003
2017-01-24  primary links   Oman    1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Other   1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Pakistan    6   0.006
2017-01-24  primary links   Panama  2   0.002
2017-01-24  primary links   Peru    4   0.004
2017-01-24  primary links   Philippines 3   0.003
2017-01-24  primary links   Poland  7   0.0071
2017-01-24  primary links   Portugal    3   0.003
2017-01-24  primary links   Qatar   1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Romania 6   0.006
2017-01-24  primary links   Russian Federation  21  0.0212
2017-01-24  primary links   Singapore   2   0.002
2017-01-24  primary links   Slovakia    5   0.005
2017-01-24  primary links   Slovenia    1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   South Africa    1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Spain   18  0.0181
2017-01-24  primary links   Sudan   1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Sweden  15  0.0151
2017-01-24  primary links   Switzerland 14  0.0141
2017-01-24  primary links   Taiwan, Province of China   2   0.002
2017-01-24  primary links   Thailand    1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Tunisia 1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Turkey  3   0.003
2017-01-24  primary links   Uganda  1   0.001
2017-01-24  primary links   Ukraine 8   0.0081
2017-01-24  primary links   United Arab Emirates    3   0.003
2017-01-24  primary links   United Kingdom  47  0.0474
2017-01-24  primary links   Uruguay 2   0.002
2017-01-24  primary links   U.S. (Midwest)  79  0.0796
2017-01-24  primary links   U.S. (Northeast)    79  0.0796
2017-01-24  primary links   U.S. (Other)    2   0.002
2017-01-24  primary links   U.S. (Pacific)  74  0.0746
2017-01-24  primary links   U.S. (South)    132 0.1331
2017-01-24  primary links   U.S. (West) 36  0.0363
2017-01-24  primary links   Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of   2   0.002
2017-01-24  search  Afghanistan 1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Albania 2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Algeria 6   0.0019
2017-01-24  search  Angola  55  0.0173
2017-01-24  search  Antigua and Barbuda 1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Argentina   12  0.0038
2017-01-24  search  Armenia 1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Australia   36  0.0113
2017-01-24  search  Austria 11  0.0035
2017-01-24  search  Azerbaijan  3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Bahamas 1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Bangladesh  8   0.0025
2017-01-24  search  Barbados    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Belarus 2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Belgium 6   0.0019
2017-01-24  search  Belize  1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Bosnia and Herzegovina  2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Brazil  26  0.0082
2017-01-24  search  Brunei Darussalam   1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Bulgaria    5   0.0016
2017-01-24  search  Cambodia    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Cameroon    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Canada  136 0.0427
2017-01-24  search  Chile   1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  China   33  0.0104
2017-01-24  search  Colombia    3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Congo, The Democratic Republic of the   1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Costa Rica  1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Cote d'Ivoire   1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Croatia 2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Cuba    2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Czechia 12  0.0038
2017-01-24  search  Denmark 7   0.0022
2017-01-24  search  Dominican Republic  1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Ecuador 4   0.0013
2017-01-24  search  Egypt   4   0.0013
2017-01-24  search  El Salvador 2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Estonia 6   0.0019
2017-01-24  search  Finland 6   0.0019
2017-01-24  search  France  26  0.0082
2017-01-24  search  Germany 69  0.0217
2017-01-24  search  Ghana   3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Greece  4   0.0013
2017-01-24  search  Guatemala   2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Honduras    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Hong Kong   5   0.0016
2017-01-24  search  Hungary 7   0.0022
2017-01-24  search  Iceland 3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  India   57  0.0179
2017-01-24  search  Indonesia   16  0.005
2017-01-24  search  Iran, Islamic Republic of   6   0.0019
2017-01-24  search  Iraq    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Ireland 18  0.0057
2017-01-24  search  Israel  4   0.0013
2017-01-24  search  Italy   14  0.0044
2017-01-24  search  Jamaica 1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Japan   8   0.0025
2017-01-24  search  Kazakhstan  2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Kenya   3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Korea, Republic of  9   0.0028
2017-01-24  search  Kuwait  3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Latvia  3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Lebanon 2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Lithuania   3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Luxembourg  1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Macedonia, Republic of  2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Malaysia    14  0.0044
2017-01-24  search  Malta   3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Mauritius   1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Mexico  18  0.0057
2017-01-24  search  Moldova, Republic of    2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Monaco  1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Mongolia    3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Morocco 15  0.0047
2017-01-24  search  Myanmar 4   0.0013
2017-01-24  search  Nepal   4   0.0013
2017-01-24  search  Netherlands 19  0.006
2017-01-24  search  New Zealand 7   0.0022
2017-01-24  search  Nigeria 10  0.0031
2017-01-24  search  Norway  24  0.0075
2017-01-24  search  Other   7   0.0022
2017-01-24  search  Pakistan    8   0.0025
2017-01-24  search  Panama  2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Peru    5   0.0016
2017-01-24  search  Philippines 28  0.0088
2017-01-24  search  Poland  14  0.0044
2017-01-24  search  Portugal    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Qatar   3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Romania 7   0.0022
2017-01-24  search  Russian Federation  31  0.0097
2017-01-24  search  Saudi Arabia    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Serbia  2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Singapore   10  0.0031
2017-01-24  search  Slovakia    5   0.0016
2017-01-24  search  Somalia 1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  South Africa    6   0.0019
2017-01-24  search  Spain   19  0.006
2017-01-24  search  Sri Lanka   1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Sweden  16  0.005
2017-01-24  search  Switzerland 27  0.0085
2017-01-24  search  Taiwan, Province of China   4   0.0013
2017-01-24  search  Tanzania, United Republic of    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Thailand    3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Tunisia 2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Turkey  7   0.0022
2017-01-24  search  Uganda  1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Ukraine 7   0.0022
2017-01-24  search  United Arab Emirates    6   0.0019
2017-01-24  search  United Kingdom  191 0.06
2017-01-24  search  U.S. (Midwest)  436 0.137
2017-01-24  search  U.S. (Northeast)    445 0.1398
2017-01-24  search  U.S. (Other)    6   0.0019
2017-01-24  search  U.S. (Pacific)  309 0.0971
2017-01-24  search  U.S. (South)    630 0.1979
2017-01-24  search  U.S. (West) 123 0.0386
2017-01-24  search  Uzbekistan  2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of   1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Viet Nam    6   0.0019
2017-01-24  search  Zimbabwe    6   0.0019
2017-01-24  secondary links Algeria 1   0.04
2017-01-24  secondary links Canada  1   0.04
2017-01-24  secondary links Ecuador 1   0.04
2017-01-24  secondary links Egypt   1   0.04
2017-01-24  secondary links Germany 1   0.04
2017-01-24  secondary links Hong Kong   1   0.04
2017-01-24  secondary links India   4   0.16
2017-01-24  secondary links Indonesia   1   0.04
2017-01-24  secondary links Iran, Islamic Republic of   1   0.04
2017-01-24  secondary links Mongolia    1   0.04
2017-01-24  secondary links Morocco 1   0.04
2017-01-24  secondary links Myanmar 1   0.04
2017-01-24  secondary links Netherlands 2   0.08
2017-01-24  secondary links Pakistan    1   0.04
2017-01-24  secondary links South Africa    1   0.04
2017-01-24  secondary links Spain   1   0.04
2017-01-24  secondary links Sweden  1   0.04
2017-01-24  secondary links Thailand    1   0.04
2017-01-24  secondary links U.S. (Northeast)    1   0.04
2017-01-24  secondary links U.S. (South)    1   0.04
2017-01-24  secondary links Uzbekistan  1   0.04

It took 3s to generate this report.

Report 28 of 43

Number of times users switched the language of the search box on Wikipedia.org Portal

Note: this report is configured to have one row per day.

  1. Executing report “language_switching” from the metrics/portal module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/portal/language_switching 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    sessions    switched
2017-01-24  7446    97

It took 3s to generate this report.

Report 29 of 43

The language of the Wikipedia that the Portal visitors went to

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “language_destination” from the metrics/portal module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/portal/language_destination 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    prefix  clicks  sessions    search  primary secondary
2017-01-24  ar  40  29  28  8   4
2017-01-24  az  2   2   1   0   1
2017-01-24  bg  1   1   1   0   0
2017-01-24  bi  1   1   0   0   1
2017-01-24  bn  1   1   0   0   1
2017-01-24  bo  2   1   0   0   2
2017-01-24  bs  1   1   0   0   1
2017-01-24  cdo 2   1   0   0   2
2017-01-24  ceb 1   1   0   0   1
2017-01-24  ckb 1   1   0   0   1
2017-01-24  crh 2   1   0   0   2
2017-01-24  cs  19  18  15  4   0
2017-01-24  csb 2   1   0   0   2
2017-01-24  da  5   3   2   3   0
2017-01-24  de  223 203 101 122 0
2017-01-24  el  8   6   4   3   1
2017-01-24  en  4394    3716    3571    821 2
2017-01-24  es  142 120 79  63  0
2017-01-24  et  1   1   1   0   0
2017-01-24  eu  1   1   0   0   1
2017-01-24  fa  19  10  13  5   1
2017-01-24  fi  7   7   4   3   0
2017-01-24  fr  86  73  48  38  0
2017-01-24  he  2   2   0   2   0
2017-01-24  hi  3   3   2   0   1
2017-01-24  hu  8   6   7   0   1
2017-01-24  id  12  11  3   8   1
2017-01-24  is  1   1   0   1   0
2017-01-24  it  55  40  24  31  0
2017-01-24  ja  22  20  5   13  4
2017-01-24  ka  1   1   0   1   0
2017-01-24  kbd 2   1   0   0   2
2017-01-24  kk  1   1   1   0   0
2017-01-24  kn  1   1   0   0   1
2017-01-24  ko  6   5   5   1   0
2017-01-24  ku  1   1   0   0   1
2017-01-24  lg  2   1   0   0   2
2017-01-24  lmo 2   1   0   0   2
2017-01-24  lt  1   1   0   1   0
2017-01-24  map-bms 1   1   0   0   1
2017-01-24  mhr 1   1   0   0   1
2017-01-24  mn  1   1   0   0   1
2017-01-24  mr  2   2   0   0   2
2017-01-24  my  1   1   1   0   0
2017-01-24  nl  20  19  9   10  1
2017-01-24  nn  1   1   1   0   0
2017-01-24  no  5   5   4   0   1
2017-01-24  pa  1   1   0   0   1
2017-01-24  pdc 2   1   0   0   2
2017-01-24  pl  42  33  23  17  2
2017-01-24  pt  155 110 112 43  0
2017-01-24  ro  4   3   3   1   0
2017-01-24  ru  105 84  55  49  1
2017-01-24  sa  2   1   0   0   2
2017-01-24  sk  7   6   2   5   0
2017-01-24  sr  3   2   3   0   0
2017-01-24  sv  25  21  16  8   1
2017-01-24  ta  3   1   1   2   0
2017-01-24  th  3   3   1   2   0
2017-01-24  tr  6   5   6   0   0
2017-01-24  uk  3   3   3   0   0
2017-01-24  ur  4   2   2   0   2
2017-01-24  uz  1   1   0   0   1
2017-01-24  vi  3   3   3   0   0
2017-01-24  zh  91  57  32  58  1
2017-01-24  zh-yue  2   1   0   0   2

It took 6s to generate this report.

Report 30 of 43

Action performed on Wikipedia.org Portal on each user’s initial visit, broken down by country

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

Note: this report is configured to be “rolling” – 60 maximum number of days allowed in the final dataset.

  1. Executing report “first_visits_country” from the metrics/portal module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/portal/first_visits_country 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    section_used    country sessions    proportion
2017-01-24  no action   Afghanistan 3   4e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Albania 6   8e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Algeria 35  0.0047
2017-01-24  no action   Angola  132 0.0177
2017-01-24  no action   Antigua and Barbuda 2   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Argentina   39  0.0052
2017-01-24  no action   Armenia 5   7e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Aruba   1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Australia   89  0.012
2017-01-24  no action   Austria 44  0.0059
2017-01-24  no action   Azerbaijan  6   8e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Bahamas 2   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Bahrain 2   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Bangladesh  35  0.0047
2017-01-24  no action   Barbados    1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Belarus 13  0.0017
2017-01-24  no action   Belgium 20  0.0027
2017-01-24  no action   Belize  1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Bosnia and Herzegovina  3   4e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Brazil  84  0.0113
2017-01-24  no action   Brunei Darussalam   1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Bulgaria    9   0.0012
2017-01-24  no action   Burkina Faso    1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Cambodia    8   0.0011
2017-01-24  no action   Cameroon    2   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Canada  253 0.034
2017-01-24  no action   Cayman Islands  1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Central African Republic    1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Chile   14  0.0019
2017-01-24  no action   China   82  0.011
2017-01-24  no action   Colombia    20  0.0027
2017-01-24  no action   Congo   2   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Congo, The Democratic Republic of the   1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Costa Rica  5   7e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Cote d'Ivoire   4   5e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Croatia 6   8e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Cuba    4   5e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Curacao 1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Czechia 40  0.0054
2017-01-24  no action   Denmark 21  0.0028
2017-01-24  no action   Dominican Republic  6   8e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Ecuador 7   9e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Egypt   32  0.0043
2017-01-24  no action   El Salvador 7   9e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Estonia 10  0.0013
2017-01-24  no action   Ethiopia    3   4e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Faroe Islands   1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Fiji    1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Finland 20  0.0027
2017-01-24  no action   France  101 0.0136
2017-01-24  no action   Gabon   3   4e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Georgia 13  0.0017
2017-01-24  no action   Germany 331 0.0445
2017-01-24  no action   Ghana   9   0.0012
2017-01-24  no action   Greece  18  0.0024
2017-01-24  no action   Grenada 1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Guatemala   4   5e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Guernsey    1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Guinea  2   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Honduras    1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Hong Kong   23  0.0031
2017-01-24  no action   Hungary 15  0.002
2017-01-24  no action   Iceland 5   7e-04
2017-01-24  no action   India   248 0.0333
2017-01-24  no action   Indonesia   67  0.009
2017-01-24  no action   Iran, Islamic Republic of   22  0.003
2017-01-24  no action   Iraq    7   9e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Ireland 29  0.0039
2017-01-24  no action   Israel  39  0.0052
2017-01-24  no action   Italy   51  0.0068
2017-01-24  no action   Jamaica 3   4e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Japan   33  0.0044
2017-01-24  no action   Jordan  2   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Kazakhstan  9   0.0012
2017-01-24  no action   Kenya   10  0.0013
2017-01-24  no action   Korea, Republic of  26  0.0035
2017-01-24  no action   Kuwait  7   9e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Kyrgyzstan  2   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Lao People's Democratic Republic    1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Latvia  5   7e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Lebanon 7   9e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Libya   2   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Lithuania   6   8e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Luxembourg  6   8e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Macedonia, Republic of  7   9e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Madagascar  2   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Malaysia    33  0.0044
2017-01-24  no action   Maldives    1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Mali    1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Malta   3   4e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Martinique  1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Mauritania  1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Mauritius   1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Mexico  104 0.014
2017-01-24  no action   Moldova, Republic of    3   4e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Monaco  1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Mongolia    9   0.0012
2017-01-24  no action   Morocco 36  0.0048
2017-01-24  no action   Myanmar 12  0.0016
2017-01-24  no action   Namibia 1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Nepal   10  0.0013
2017-01-24  no action   Netherlands 62  0.0083
2017-01-24  no action   New Zealand 10  0.0013
2017-01-24  no action   Nicaragua   2   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Nigeria 21  0.0028
2017-01-24  no action   Norway  39  0.0052
2017-01-24  no action   Oman    4   5e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Other   10  0.0013
2017-01-24  no action   Pakistan    45  0.006
2017-01-24  no action   Panama  11  0.0015
2017-01-24  no action   Paraguay    1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Peru    19  0.0026
2017-01-24  no action   Philippines 49  0.0066
2017-01-24  no action   Poland  32  0.0043
2017-01-24  no action   Portugal    12  0.0016
2017-01-24  no action   Qatar   4   5e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Romania 28  0.0038
2017-01-24  no action   Russian Federation  123 0.0165
2017-01-24  no action   Rwanda  1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Saint Vincent and the Grenadines    1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Saudi Arabia    6   8e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Senegal 1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Serbia  7   9e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Singapore   17  0.0023
2017-01-24  no action   Slovakia    16  0.0021
2017-01-24  no action   Slovenia    1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Somalia 2   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   South Africa    43  0.0058
2017-01-24  no action   Spain   81  0.0109
2017-01-24  no action   Sri Lanka   3   4e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Sudan   3   4e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Suriname    2   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Sweden  50  0.0067
2017-01-24  no action   Switzerland 74  0.0099
2017-01-24  no action   Taiwan, Province of China   24  0.0032
2017-01-24  no action   Tanzania, United Republic of    5   7e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Thailand    32  0.0043
2017-01-24  no action   Tunisia 6   8e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Turkey  30  0.004
2017-01-24  no action   Uganda  3   4e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Ukraine 53  0.0071
2017-01-24  no action   United Arab Emirates    16  0.0021
2017-01-24  no action   United Kingdom  569 0.0764
2017-01-24  no action   Uruguay 2   3e-04
2017-01-24  no action   U.S. (Midwest)  726 0.0975
2017-01-24  no action   U.S. (Northeast)    752 0.101
2017-01-24  no action   U.S. (Other)    10  0.0013
2017-01-24  no action   U.S. (Pacific)  647 0.0869
2017-01-24  no action   U.S. (South)    1079    0.1449
2017-01-24  no action   U.S. (West) 229 0.0308
2017-01-24  no action   Uzbekistan  4   5e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of   10  0.0013
2017-01-24  no action   Viet Nam    40  0.0054
2017-01-24  no action   Yemen   1   1e-04
2017-01-24  no action   Zimbabwe    6   8e-04
2017-01-24  other projects  Algeria 1   0.0213
2017-01-24  other projects  Angola  5   0.1064
2017-01-24  other projects  Azerbaijan  1   0.0213
2017-01-24  other projects  China   1   0.0213
2017-01-24  other projects  Ethiopia    1   0.0213
2017-01-24  other projects  Germany 1   0.0213
2017-01-24  other projects  India   5   0.1064
2017-01-24  other projects  Indonesia   1   0.0213
2017-01-24  other projects  Iran, Islamic Republic of   4   0.0851
2017-01-24  other projects  Macedonia, Republic of  1   0.0213
2017-01-24  other projects  Mali    1   0.0213
2017-01-24  other projects  Myanmar 1   0.0213
2017-01-24  other projects  Nepal   2   0.0426
2017-01-24  other projects  Pakistan    4   0.0851
2017-01-24  other projects  Russian Federation  2   0.0426
2017-01-24  other projects  Senegal 1   0.0213
2017-01-24  other projects  South Africa    1   0.0213
2017-01-24  other projects  Sri Lanka   1   0.0213
2017-01-24  other projects  Thailand    1   0.0213
2017-01-24  other projects  Turkey  1   0.0213
2017-01-24  other projects  Ukraine 5   0.1064
2017-01-24  other projects  U.S. (Midwest)  2   0.0426
2017-01-24  other projects  U.S. (Pacific)  1   0.0213
2017-01-24  other projects  U.S. (South)    3   0.0638
2017-01-24  primary links   Algeria 6   0.0056
2017-01-24  primary links   Angola  18  0.0169
2017-01-24  primary links   Antigua and Barbuda 1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Argentina   9   0.0084
2017-01-24  primary links   Aruba   1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Australia   10  0.0094
2017-01-24  primary links   Austria 14  0.0131
2017-01-24  primary links   Bahamas 1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Bahrain 1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Bangladesh  7   0.0066
2017-01-24  primary links   Belarus 2   0.0019
2017-01-24  primary links   Belgium 4   0.0038
2017-01-24  primary links   Brazil  12  0.0113
2017-01-24  primary links   Bulgaria    1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Cambodia    1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Canada  40  0.0375
2017-01-24  primary links   Chile   4   0.0038
2017-01-24  primary links   China   32  0.03
2017-01-24  primary links   Congo   1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Costa Rica  1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Curacao 1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Czechia 8   0.0075
2017-01-24  primary links   Denmark 8   0.0075
2017-01-24  primary links   Dominican Republic  1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Egypt   1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   El Salvador 2   0.0019
2017-01-24  primary links   Estonia 1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Finland 7   0.0066
2017-01-24  primary links   France  16  0.015
2017-01-24  primary links   Georgia 5   0.0047
2017-01-24  primary links   Germany 90  0.0844
2017-01-24  primary links   Ghana   1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Greece  6   0.0056
2017-01-24  primary links   Guinea  3   0.0028
2017-01-24  primary links   Hong Kong   7   0.0066
2017-01-24  primary links   Hungary 2   0.0019
2017-01-24  primary links   Iceland 2   0.0019
2017-01-24  primary links   India   19  0.0178
2017-01-24  primary links   Indonesia   18  0.0169
2017-01-24  primary links   Iran, Islamic Republic of   6   0.0056
2017-01-24  primary links   Iraq    1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Ireland 3   0.0028
2017-01-24  primary links   Israel  6   0.0056
2017-01-24  primary links   Italy   12  0.0113
2017-01-24  primary links   Japan   6   0.0056
2017-01-24  primary links   Kazakhstan  2   0.0019
2017-01-24  primary links   Korea, Republic of  2   0.0019
2017-01-24  primary links   Kyrgyzstan  2   0.0019
2017-01-24  primary links   Lao People's Democratic Republic    1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Latvia  2   0.0019
2017-01-24  primary links   Lebanon 2   0.0019
2017-01-24  primary links   Lithuania   2   0.0019
2017-01-24  primary links   Luxembourg  1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Macedonia, Republic of  1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Malaysia    6   0.0056
2017-01-24  primary links   Mauritania  1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Mexico  20  0.0188
2017-01-24  primary links   Morocco 3   0.0028
2017-01-24  primary links   Myanmar 2   0.0019
2017-01-24  primary links   Nepal   1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Netherlands 15  0.0141
2017-01-24  primary links   New Zealand 1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Norway  2   0.0019
2017-01-24  primary links   Oman    1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Other   1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Pakistan    7   0.0066
2017-01-24  primary links   Panama  1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Peru    4   0.0038
2017-01-24  primary links   Philippines 4   0.0038
2017-01-24  primary links   Poland  7   0.0066
2017-01-24  primary links   Portugal    3   0.0028
2017-01-24  primary links   Qatar   1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Romania 6   0.0056
2017-01-24  primary links   Russian Federation  21  0.0197
2017-01-24  primary links   Singapore   2   0.0019
2017-01-24  primary links   Slovakia    5   0.0047
2017-01-24  primary links   Slovenia    1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Spain   20  0.0188
2017-01-24  primary links   Sudan   1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Sweden  14  0.0131
2017-01-24  primary links   Switzerland 14  0.0131
2017-01-24  primary links   Taiwan, Province of China   2   0.0019
2017-01-24  primary links   Thailand    1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Tunisia 1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   Turkey  3   0.0028
2017-01-24  primary links   Ukraine 9   0.0084
2017-01-24  primary links   United Arab Emirates    3   0.0028
2017-01-24  primary links   United Kingdom  48  0.045
2017-01-24  primary links   Uruguay 2   0.0019
2017-01-24  primary links   U.S. (Midwest)  82  0.0769
2017-01-24  primary links   U.S. (Northeast)    83  0.0779
2017-01-24  primary links   U.S. (Other)    1   9e-04
2017-01-24  primary links   U.S. (Pacific)  76  0.0713
2017-01-24  primary links   U.S. (South)    138 0.1295
2017-01-24  primary links   U.S. (West) 37  0.0347
2017-01-24  primary links   Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of   2   0.0019
2017-01-24  primary links   Viet Nam    1   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Afghanistan 1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Albania 2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Algeria 5   0.0015
2017-01-24  search  Angola  66  0.0193
2017-01-24  search  Antigua and Barbuda 1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Argentina   15  0.0044
2017-01-24  search  Armenia 1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Australia   37  0.0108
2017-01-24  search  Austria 13  0.0038
2017-01-24  search  Azerbaijan  3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Bahamas 1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Bangladesh  15  0.0044
2017-01-24  search  Barbados    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Belarus 4   0.0012
2017-01-24  search  Belgium 7   0.002
2017-01-24  search  Belize  1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Bosnia and Herzegovina  2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Brazil  25  0.0073
2017-01-24  search  Brunei Darussalam   1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Bulgaria    5   0.0015
2017-01-24  search  Cambodia    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Cameroon    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Canada  149 0.0435
2017-01-24  search  Chile   1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  China   40  0.0117
2017-01-24  search  Colombia    3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Congo, The Democratic Republic of the   1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Costa Rica  1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Cote d'Ivoire   1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Croatia 2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Cuba    2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Czechia 14  0.0041
2017-01-24  search  Denmark 7   0.002
2017-01-24  search  Dominican Republic  1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Ecuador 5   0.0015
2017-01-24  search  Egypt   4   0.0012
2017-01-24  search  El Salvador 3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Estonia 5   0.0015
2017-01-24  search  Finland 6   0.0018
2017-01-24  search  France  30  0.0088
2017-01-24  search  Germany 72  0.021
2017-01-24  search  Ghana   3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Greece  5   0.0015
2017-01-24  search  Guatemala   3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Honduras    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Hong Kong   6   0.0018
2017-01-24  search  Hungary 7   0.002
2017-01-24  search  Iceland 3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  India   87  0.0254
2017-01-24  search  Indonesia   17  0.005
2017-01-24  search  Iran, Islamic Republic of   7   0.002
2017-01-24  search  Iraq    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Ireland 18  0.0053
2017-01-24  search  Israel  4   0.0012
2017-01-24  search  Italy   15  0.0044
2017-01-24  search  Jamaica 1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Japan   11  0.0032
2017-01-24  search  Kazakhstan  2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Kenya   3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Korea, Republic of  12  0.0035
2017-01-24  search  Kuwait  3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Latvia  3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Lebanon 2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Lithuania   4   0.0012
2017-01-24  search  Luxembourg  1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Macedonia, Republic of  2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Malaysia    16  0.0047
2017-01-24  search  Maldives    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Malta   3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Mauritius   2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Mexico  20  0.0058
2017-01-24  search  Moldova, Republic of    2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Mongolia    5   0.0015
2017-01-24  search  Morocco 13  0.0038
2017-01-24  search  Myanmar 3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Nepal   4   0.0012
2017-01-24  search  Netherlands 28  0.0082
2017-01-24  search  New Zealand 8   0.0023
2017-01-24  search  Nigeria 10  0.0029
2017-01-24  search  Norway  27  0.0079
2017-01-24  search  Other   8   0.0023
2017-01-24  search  Pakistan    10  0.0029
2017-01-24  search  Panama  2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Peru    5   0.0015
2017-01-24  search  Philippines 30  0.0088
2017-01-24  search  Poland  17  0.005
2017-01-24  search  Portugal    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Qatar   3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Romania 7   0.002
2017-01-24  search  Russian Federation  34  0.0099
2017-01-24  search  Saudi Arabia    2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Serbia  2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Singapore   10  0.0029
2017-01-24  search  Slovakia    5   0.0015
2017-01-24  search  Somalia 1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  South Africa    7   0.002
2017-01-24  search  Spain   23  0.0067
2017-01-24  search  Sri Lanka   1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Sweden  18  0.0053
2017-01-24  search  Switzerland 30  0.0088
2017-01-24  search  Taiwan, Province of China   5   0.0015
2017-01-24  search  Tanzania, United Republic of    1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Thailand    3   9e-04
2017-01-24  search  Tunisia 2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Turkey  9   0.0026
2017-01-24  search  Uganda  1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Ukraine 9   0.0026
2017-01-24  search  United Arab Emirates    6   0.0018
2017-01-24  search  United Kingdom  210 0.0614
2017-01-24  search  U.S. (Midwest)  461 0.1347
2017-01-24  search  U.S. (Northeast)    452 0.1321
2017-01-24  search  U.S. (Other)    6   0.0018
2017-01-24  search  U.S. (Pacific)  336 0.0982
2017-01-24  search  U.S. (South)    639 0.1867
2017-01-24  search  U.S. (West) 131 0.0383
2017-01-24  search  Uzbekistan  2   6e-04
2017-01-24  search  Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of   1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Viet Nam    6   0.0018
2017-01-24  search  Yemen   1   3e-04
2017-01-24  search  Zimbabwe    7   0.002
2017-01-24  secondary links Algeria 1   0.0357
2017-01-24  secondary links Canada  1   0.0357
2017-01-24  secondary links China   1   0.0357
2017-01-24  secondary links Egypt   1   0.0357
2017-01-24  secondary links Germany 1   0.0357
2017-01-24  secondary links Hong Kong   1   0.0357
2017-01-24  secondary links India   5   0.1786
2017-01-24  secondary links Indonesia   1   0.0357
2017-01-24  secondary links Morocco 1   0.0357
2017-01-24  secondary links Myanmar 2   0.0714
2017-01-24  secondary links Netherlands 3   0.1071
2017-01-24  secondary links Norway  1   0.0357
2017-01-24  secondary links Pakistan    1   0.0357
2017-01-24  secondary links South Africa    1   0.0357
2017-01-24  secondary links Spain   1   0.0357
2017-01-24  secondary links Sweden  1   0.0357
2017-01-24  secondary links Thailand    1   0.0357
2017-01-24  secondary links United Kingdom  1   0.0357
2017-01-24  secondary links U.S. (Northeast)    1   0.0357
2017-01-24  secondary links U.S. (South)    1   0.0357
2017-01-24  secondary links Uzbekistan  1   0.0357

It took 3s to generate this report.

Report 31 of 43

Wikipedia.org Portal visitors’ dwell-time metrics

Note: this report is configured to have one row per day.

  1. Executing report “dwell_metrics” from the metrics/portal module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/portal/dwell_metrics 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    Median  95th percentile 99th percentile
2017-01-24  8   210.45  754.74

It took 3s to generate this report.

Report 32 of 43

Sampled traffic to Wikipedia.org Portal from top 10 countries

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “country_data” from the metrics/portal module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/portal/country_data 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    country events
2017-01-24  U.S. (West) 527
2017-01-24  U.S. (South)    2279
2017-01-24  U.S. (Pacific)  1340
2017-01-24  U.S. (Other)    18
2017-01-24  U.S. (Northeast)    1516
2017-01-24  U.S. (Midwest)  1470
2017-01-24  United Kingdom  952
2017-01-24  Russia  216
2017-01-24  Philippines 112
2017-01-24  Other   4343
2017-01-24  India   516
2017-01-24  Germany 575
2017-01-24  France  164
2017-01-24  China   200
2017-01-24  Canada  558
2017-01-24  Australia   174

It took 3s to generate this report.

Report 33 of 43

Clicks to Wikimedia projects from Wikipedia.org Portal

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “clickthrough_sisterprojects” from the metrics/portal module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/portal/clickthrough_sisterprojects 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    destination users   clicks
2017-01-24  commons.wikimedia.org   12  12
2017-01-24  mediawiki.org   4   4
2017-01-24  meta.wikimedia.org  4   4
2017-01-24  species.wikimedia.org   2   2
2017-01-24  wikibooks.org   11  11
2017-01-24  wikidata.org    6   6
2017-01-24  wikimediafoundation.org 1   1
2017-01-24  wikinews.org    1   1
2017-01-24  wikiquote.org   4   5
2017-01-24  wikisource.org  7   10
2017-01-24  wikiversity.org 1   3
2017-01-24  wikivoyage.org  2   2
2017-01-24  wiktionary.org  10  10

It took 3s to generate this report.

Report 34 of 43

Last action (no action vs clickthrough) by Wikipedia.org Portal visitors

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “clickthrough_rate” from the metrics/portal module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/portal/clickthrough_rate 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    type    events
2017-01-24  clickthrough    5669
2017-01-24  landing 9291

It took 3s to generate this report.

Report 35 of 43

Action performed on Wikipedia.org Portal on each user’s initial visit

Note: this report is configured to have one row per day.

  1. Executing report “clickthrough_firstvisit” from the metrics/portal module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/portal/clickthrough_firstvisit 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    no action   primary links   search  secondary links other languages other projects
2017-01-24  0.62    0.0888  0.285   0.0023  0   0.0039

It took 3s to generate this report.

Report 36 of 43

Last action (no action vs clickthrough) by Wikipedia.org Portal visitors, broken down by section

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “clickthrough_breakdown” from the metrics/portal module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/portal/clickthrough_breakdown 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    section_used    events
2017-01-24  no action   3233
2017-01-24  other projects  38
2017-01-24  primary links   992
2017-01-24  search  3183
2017-01-24  secondary links 25

It took 3s to generate this report.

Report 37 of 43

Sampled traffic to Wikipedia.org Portal, broken down by country

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

Note: this report is configured to be “rolling” – 60 maximum number of days allowed in the final dataset.

  1. Executing report “all_country_data” from the metrics/portal module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/portal/all_country_data 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    country events  ctr n_visit ctr_visit   n_session   ctr_session
2017-01-24  Zimbabwe    21  0.5238  10  1   6   1
2017-01-24  Yemen   9   0.4444  5   0.8 1   1
2017-01-24  Viet Nam    52  0.1538  44  0.1818  40  0.2
2017-01-24  Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of   14  0.2143  11  0.2727  10  0.3
2017-01-24  Uzbekistan  7   0.4286  4   0.75    4   0.75
2017-01-24  U.S. (West) 527 0.4118  311 0.6977  230 0.7565
2017-01-24  U.S. (South)    2279    0.4164  1341    0.6987  1081    0.7475
2017-01-24  U.S. (Pacific)  1340    0.3821  834 0.6007  647 0.6461
2017-01-24  U.S. (Other)    18  0.4444  11  0.7273  11  0.7273
2017-01-24  U.S. (Northeast)    1516    0.4096  899 0.6874  753 0.7384
2017-01-24  U.S. (Midwest)  1470    0.4177  860 0.7093  728 0.7637
2017-01-24  Uruguay 4   0.5 2   1   2   1
2017-01-24  United Kingdom  952 0.312   657 0.4399  569 0.4569
2017-01-24  United Arab Emirates    39  0.359   25  0.56    16  0.625
2017-01-24  Ukraine 98  0.3061  68  0.3971  53  0.4151
2017-01-24  Uganda  6   0.3333  4   0.5 3   0.6667
2017-01-24  Turkey  47  0.2979  33  0.4242  30  0.4333
2017-01-24  Tunisia 9   0.3333  6   0.5 6   0.5
2017-01-24  Thailand    54  0.1667  45  0.1778  32  0.2188
2017-01-24  Tanzania, United Republic of    6   0.1667  5   0.2 5   0.2
2017-01-24  Taiwan, Province of China   44  0.25    34  0.3235  24  0.3333
2017-01-24  Switzerland 145 0.3448  96  0.5208  74  0.6081
2017-01-24  Sweden  104 0.3846  64  0.625   50  0.7
2017-01-24  Suriname    3   0   3   0   2   0
2017-01-24  Sudan   4   0.25    3   0.3333  3   0.3333
2017-01-24  Sri Lanka   11  0.2727  8   0.375   3   0.6667
2017-01-24  Spain   136 0.3456  89  0.5056  81  0.5185
2017-01-24  South Africa    126 0.4048  78  0.3462  45  0.2667
2017-01-24  Somalia 3   0.3333  2   0.5 2   0.5
2017-01-24  Slovenia    2   0.5 1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  Slovakia    33  0.3939  20  0.65    16  0.625
2017-01-24  Singapore   31  0.4194  18  0.7222  17  0.7059
2017-01-24  Serbia  10  0.2 8   0.25    7   0.2857
2017-01-24  Senegal 3   0.3333  2   0.5 1   1
2017-01-24  Saudi Arabia    18  0.1111  16  0.125   6   0.3333
2017-01-24  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines    1   0   1   0   1   0
2017-01-24  Rwanda  1   0   1   0   1   0
2017-01-24  Russian Federation  216 0.3194  147 0.4558  123 0.4715
2017-01-24  Romania 46  0.3261  31  0.4839  28  0.4643
2017-01-24  Qatar   8   0.5 4   1   4   1
2017-01-24  Portugal    18  0.2222  14  0.2857  12  0.3333
2017-01-24  Poland  66  0.4394  39  0.6923  32  0.75
2017-01-24  Philippines 112 0.3571  72  0.5417  49  0.6735
2017-01-24  Peru    31  0.3226  21  0.4762  19  0.5263
2017-01-24  Paraguay    1   0   1   0   1   0
2017-01-24  Panama  21  0.2381  16  0.3125  11  0.3636
2017-01-24  Pakistan    115 0.3478  76  0.5263  46  0.5652
2017-01-24  Other   23  0.4348  13  0.7692  10  0.9
2017-01-24  Oman    5   0.2 4   0.25    4   0.25
2017-01-24  Norway  84  0.4167  50  0.7 39  0.8462
2017-01-24  Nigeria 37  0.3243  25  0.48    21  0.5238
2017-01-24  Nicaragua   2   0   2   0   2   0
2017-01-24  New Zealand 20  0.45    11  0.8182  10  0.9
2017-01-24  Netherlands 236 0.4576  136 0.7279  62  0.7581
2017-01-24  Nepal   24  0.4167  14  0.7143  10  0.7
2017-01-24  Namibia 1   0   1   0   1   0
2017-01-24  Myanmar 28  0.4286  16  0.6875  12  0.5833
2017-01-24  Morocco 66  0.3182  45  0.4667  36  0.5278
2017-01-24  Mongolia    17  0.3529  11  0.5455  9   0.5556
2017-01-24  Monaco  3   0.3333  2   0.5 1   1
2017-01-24  Moldova, Republic of    7   0.4286  4   0.75    3   0.6667
2017-01-24  Mexico  169 0.284   122 0.3934  104 0.4038
2017-01-24  Mauritius   3   0.6667  1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  Mauritania  5   0.4 3   0.6667  1   1
2017-01-24  Martinique  1   0   1   0   1   0
2017-01-24  Malta   6   0.5 3   1   3   1
2017-01-24  Mali    2   0.5 1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  Maldives    3   0.3333  2   0.5 1   1
2017-01-24  Malaysia    70  0.4 44  0.6136  33  0.7273
2017-01-24  Madagascar  2   0   2   0   2   0
2017-01-24  Macedonia, Republic of  18  0.2778  13  0.3846  7   0.5714
2017-01-24  Luxembourg  11  0.1818  9   0.2222  6   0.3333
2017-01-24  Lithuania   14  0.5 7   1   6   1
2017-01-24  Libya   3   0   3   0   2   0
2017-01-24  Lebanon 12  0.3333  8   0.5 7   0.5714
2017-01-24  Latvia  10  0.5 5   1   5   1
2017-01-24  Lao People's Democratic Republic    3   0.3333  2   0.5 1   1
2017-01-24  Kyrgyzstan  10  0.5 5   1   2   1
2017-01-24  Kuwait  10  0.3 7   0.4286  7   0.4286
2017-01-24  Korea, Republic of  52  0.3654  33  0.5758  26  0.5769
2017-01-24  Kenya   14  0.2143  11  0.2727  10  0.3
2017-01-24  Kazakhstan  14  0.2857  10  0.3 9   0.3333
2017-01-24  Jordan  2   0   2   0   2   0
2017-01-24  Japan   54  0.3148  37  0.4324  34  0.4706
2017-01-24  Jamaica 4   0.25    3   0.3333  3   0.3333
2017-01-24  Italy   102 0.3235  69  0.4783  51  0.5882
2017-01-24  Israel  49  0.2041  39  0.2564  39  0.2564
2017-01-24  Ireland 52  0.4038  31  0.6774  29  0.7241
2017-01-24  Iraq    12  0.1667  10  0.2 7   0.2857
2017-01-24  Iran, Islamic Republic of   66  0.3939  41  0.561   22  0.7273
2017-01-24  Indonesia   131 0.3664  87  0.4483  69  0.4928
2017-01-24  India   516 0.3663  333 0.4294  252 0.4127
2017-01-24  Iceland 10  0.5 5   1   5   1
2017-01-24  Hungary 32  0.375   20  0.6 15  0.6667
2017-01-24  Hong Kong   51  0.3922  31  0.5806  23  0.5652
2017-01-24  Honduras    4   0.5 2   1   1   1
2017-01-24  Guinea  5   0.6 2   0.5 2   0.5
2017-01-24  Guernsey    1   0   1   0   1   0
2017-01-24  Guatemala   18  0.4444  10  0.8 4   0.75
2017-01-24  Grenada 1   0   1   0   1   0
2017-01-24  Greece  36  0.3611  23  0.5652  18  0.6111
2017-01-24  Ghana   13  0.3077  9   0.4444  9   0.4444
2017-01-24  Germany 575 0.3339  383 0.4935  331 0.5106
2017-01-24  Georgia 19  0.2632  14  0.3571  13  0.3846
2017-01-24  Gabon   4   0   4   0   3   0
2017-01-24  France  164 0.311   113 0.4248  101 0.4257
2017-01-24  Finland 38  0.3684  25  0.56    21  0.6667
2017-01-24  Fiji    1   0   1   0   1   0
2017-01-24  Faroe Islands   1   0   1   0   1   0
2017-01-24  Ethiopia    5   0.2 4   0.25    3   0.3333
2017-01-24  Estonia 18  0.3889  11  0.6364  10  0.7
2017-01-24  El Salvador 18  0.3889  11  0.6364  7   0.7143
2017-01-24  Egypt   46  0.1957  39  0.2051  34  0.2353
2017-01-24  Ecuador 17  0.4706  9   0.7778  7   0.7143
2017-01-24  Dominican Republic  11  0.1818  9   0.2222  6   0.3333
2017-01-24  Denmark 52  0.4231  30  0.7333  21  0.7619
2017-01-24  Czechia 78  0.3333  53  0.4906  41  0.6098
2017-01-24  Curacao 2   0.5 1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  Cuba    9   0.3333  6   0.5 4   0.5
2017-01-24  Croatia 10  0.3 7   0.4286  6   0.3333
2017-01-24  Cote d'Ivoire   5   0.2 4   0.25    4   0.25
2017-01-24  Costa Rica  7   0.2857  5   0.4 5   0.4
2017-01-24  Congo, The Democratic Republic of the   2   0.5 1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  Congo   5   0.2 4   0.25    2   0.5
2017-01-24  Colombia    37  0.1622  31  0.1935  20  0.2
2017-01-24  China   200 0.495   102 0.7157  83  0.6867
2017-01-24  Chile   20  0.25    15  0.3333  14  0.3571
2017-01-24  Central African Republic    1   0   1   0   1   0
2017-01-24  Cayman Islands  1   0   1   0   1   0
2017-01-24  Canada  558 0.4247  325 0.6985  253 0.7589
2017-01-24  Cameroon    3   0.3333  2   0.5 2   0.5
2017-01-24  Cambodia    10  0.2 8   0.25    8   0.25
2017-01-24  Burkina Faso    1   0   1   0   1   0
2017-01-24  Bulgaria    15  0.4 9   0.6667  9   0.6667
2017-01-24  Brunei Darussalam   2   0.5 1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  Brazil  164 0.3354  109 0.4862  84  0.4881
2017-01-24  Bosnia and Herzegovina  7   0.4286  4   0.75    3   0.6667
2017-01-24  Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1   0   1   0   1   0
2017-01-24  Belize  2   0.5 1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  Belgium 37  0.3784  24  0.5417  20  0.6
2017-01-24  Belarus 22  0.2727  16  0.3125  13  0.3846
2017-01-24  Barbados    2   0.5 1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  Bangladesh  84  0.369   53  0.4906  35  0.4857
2017-01-24  Bahrain 5   0.2 4   0.25    2   0.5
2017-01-24  Bahamas 6   0.5 3   1   2   1
2017-01-24  Azerbaijan  12  0.3333  8   0.5 6   0.6667
2017-01-24  Austria 92  0.3913  57  0.6316  44  0.6818
2017-01-24  Australia   174 0.2989  122 0.4098  89  0.5169
2017-01-24  Aruba   2   0.5 1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  Armenia 7   0.2857  6   0.3333  6   0.3333
2017-01-24  Argentina   74  0.3649  47  0.5745  39  0.6154
2017-01-24  Antigua and Barbuda 4   0.5 2   1   2   1
2017-01-24  Angola  317 0.4006  191 0.5707  133 0.6617
2017-01-24  Algeria 72  0.3056  50  0.34    35  0.4
2017-01-24  Albania 16  0.5 10  0.4 8   0.5
2017-01-24  Afghanistan 4   0.25    3   0.3333  3   0.3333

It took 4s to generate this report.

Report 38 of 43

Counts of users broken down by feature (e.g. GeoHack)

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “users_per_feature” from the metrics/maps module.
  2. Filling in the timestamp placeholders in the SQL query.
  3. About to run the following query:
  DATE('20170124') AS date,
  event_feature AS feature,
  COUNT(DISTINCT(event_userToken))*100 AS users
FROM GeoFeatures_12914994
WHERE timestamp >= '20170124' AND timestamp < '20170125'
GROUP BY date, feature;


date    feature users
2017-01-24  GeoHack 4340900
2017-01-24  WIWOSM  180600
2017-01-24  WikiMiniAtlas   236200
2017-01-24  Wikivoyage  16700

It took 6m 0s to generate this report.

Report 39 of 43

Actions broken down by feature (e.g. GeoHack)

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “actions_per_tool” from the metrics/maps module.
  2. Filling in the timestamp placeholders in the SQL query.
  3. About to run the following query:
  DATE('20170124') AS date,
  event_feature AS feature,
  event_action AS action,
  COUNT(*) AS events
FROM GeoFeatures_12914994
WHERE timestamp >= '20170124' AND timestamp < '20170125'
GROUP BY date, feature, action;


date    feature action  events
2017-01-24  GeoHack open    54431
2017-01-24  WIWOSM  close   1330
2017-01-24  WIWOSM  interaction 437
2017-01-24  WIWOSM  open    607
2017-01-24  WikiMiniAtlas   close   1772
2017-01-24  WikiMiniAtlas   interaction 1025
2017-01-24  WikiMiniAtlas   open    2783
2017-01-24  Wikivoyage  interaction 136
2017-01-24  Wikivoyage  view    37

It took 19s to generate this report.

Report 40 of 43

Counts of users broken down by top 10 countries

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “users_by_country” from the metrics/maps module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/maps/users_by_country 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    country users
2017-01-24  DE  0.04
2017-01-24  ES  0.068
2017-01-24  FR  0.034
2017-01-24  GB  0.026
2017-01-24  IN  0.033
2017-01-24  IT  0.032
2017-01-24  Other   0.608
2017-01-24  RU  0.047
2017-01-24  UA  0.014
2017-01-24  US  0.098

It took 3m 5s to generate this report.

Report 41 of 43

Tile counts by style, zoom level, etc.

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “tile_aggregates_with_automata” from the metrics/maps module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/maps/tile_aggregates_with_automata 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    style   zoom    scale   format  cache   users   total   average median  percentile95    percentile99
2017-01-24  osm 10  1   png hit 16  232 14  3   50  141
2017-01-24  osm 10  1   png miss    14  289 21  10  80  152
2017-01-24  osm 11  1   png hit 7   202 29  7   123 162
2017-01-24  osm 11  1   png miss    19  476 25  9   58  242
2017-01-24  osm 12  1   png hit 5   136 27  6   93  110
2017-01-24  osm 12  1   png miss    16  532 33  12  110 298
2017-01-24  osm 13  1   png miss    20  685 34  12  54  375
2017-01-24  osm 14  1   png hit 4   118 30  9   87  97
2017-01-24  osm 14  1   png miss    21  732 35  12  33  408
2017-01-24  osm 15  1   png miss    23  527 23  12  33  191
2017-01-24  osm 15  2   jpeg    miss    1   14  14  14  14  14
2017-01-24  osm 16  1   png hit 9   117 13  6   47  67
2017-01-24  osm 16  1   png miss    63  1796    29  9   36  473
2017-01-24  osm 17  1   png hit 8   50  6   7   13  14
2017-01-24  osm 17  1   png miss    44  700 16  13  44  75
2017-01-24  osm 18  1   png hit 13  116 9   10  12  12
2017-01-24  osm 18  1   png miss    25  340 14  12  22  62
2017-01-24  osm 2   2   jpeg    hit 1   8   8   8   8   8
2017-01-24  osm 4   1   png hit 6   23  4   4   7   7
2017-01-24  osm 5   1   png hit 52  337 6   6   10  16
2017-01-24  osm 5   1   png miss    7   14  2   1   6   7
2017-01-24  osm 6   1   png hit 15  198 13  12  27  36
2017-01-24  osm 8   1   png hit 14  283 20  10  73  125
2017-01-24  osm 8   1   png miss    8   73  9   4   33  43
2017-01-24  osm 9   1   png hit 13  288 22  8   87  175
2017-01-24  osm-intl    0   1   png hit 980 1226    1   1   2   8
2017-01-24  osm-intl    0   1.3 png hit 13  14  1   1   2   2
2017-01-24  osm-intl    0   1.3 png miss    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    0   1.5 png hit 39  49  1   1   3   5
2017-01-24  osm-intl    0   2   png hit 67  90  1   1   3   6
2017-01-24  osm-intl    0   3   png hit 12  23  2   1   6   7
2017-01-24  osm-intl    1   1   png hit 11395   46958   4   4   5   10
2017-01-24  osm-intl    1   1.3 png hit 36  145 4   4   5   8
2017-01-24  osm-intl    1   1.5 png hit 46  193 4   4   8   8
2017-01-24  osm-intl    1   2   png hit 80  371 5   4   9   12
2017-01-24  osm-intl    1   2   png miss    3   3   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    1   2.6 png hit 1   4   4   4   4   4
2017-01-24  osm-intl    1   3   png hit 22  86  4   4   7   8
2017-01-24  osm-intl    1   3   png miss    3   4   1   1   2   2
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  1   png hit 14683   431146  29  15  93  245
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  1   png miss    6417    64324   10  4   33  82
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  1   png pass    63  72  1   1   2   2
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  1.3 png hit 221 3833    17  12  50  76
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  1.3 png miss    334 8930    27  18  70  166
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  1.5 png hit 106 1139    11  7   31  44
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  1.5 png miss    203 2833    14  12  30  44
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  2   png hit 343 5070    15  8   56  132
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  2   png miss    403 5441    14  9   45  81
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  2.6 png hit 5   51  10  9   23  24
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  2.6 png miss    21  420 20  15  67  69
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  3   png hit 80  657 8   8   16  32
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  3   png miss    135 1398    10  9   27  46
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  1   png hit 19817   476709  24  12  74  211
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  1   png miss    10068   114209  11  5   38  91
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  1   png pass    77  108 1   1   2   11
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  1.3 png hit 191 3370    18  14  49  83
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  1.3 png miss    358 10382   29  20  87  182
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  1.5 png hit 102 975 10  8   26  36
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  1.5 png miss    225 3375    15  11  42  70
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  2   png hit 353 4839    14  8   41  131
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  2   png miss    486 7057    15  9   40  102
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  2.6 png hit 4   26  6   7   10  10
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  2.6 png miss    24  354 15  10  48  59
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  3   png hit 85  800 9   6   30  36
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  3   png miss    156 1888    12  9   35  63
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  1   png hit 24693   573701  23  12  69  198
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  1   png miss    13637   194681  14  6   43  115
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  1   png pass    73  101 1   1   3   6
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  1.3 png hit 223 3568    16  12  42  73
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  1.3 png miss    524 15931   30  21  84  206
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  1.5 png hit 130 1287    10  6   35  65
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  1.5 png miss    330 8503    26  12  50  300
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  2   png hit 408 5123    13  8   33  100
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  2   png miss    673 9585    14  9   43  97
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  2   png pass    5   9   2   1   4   4
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  2.6 png miss    35  628 18  12  63  80
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  3   png hit 93  856 9   8   24  49
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  3   png miss    250 2882    12  9   30  69
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  1   png hit 25191   596115  24  12  73  201
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  1   png miss    11191   289610  26  9   56  147
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  1   png pass    79  97  1   1   3   3
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  1.3 png hit 190 2295    12  8   33  57
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  1.3 png miss    470 11782   25  17  66  189
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  1.5 png hit 120 910 8   6   20  33
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  1.5 png miss    339 7644    23  9   39  272
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  2   png hit 638 6574    10  6   30  72
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  2   png miss    813 10414   13  6   44  118
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  2.6 png hit 2   5   2   3   3   3
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  2.6 png miss    32  466 15  12  35  45
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  3   png hit 135 1176    9   7   20  30
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  3   png miss    278 3377    12  8   31  88
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  1   png hit 33377   758563  23  12  71  187
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  1   png miss    13727   367718  27  10  67  176
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  1   png pass    122 166 1   1   3   8
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  1.3 png hit 139 2065    15  12  36  60
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  1.3 png miss    426 12359   29  21  82  146
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  1.5 png hit 95  712 7   5   26  31
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  1.5 png miss    304 7017    23  10  42  326
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  2   png hit 415 5007    12  7   35  115
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  2   png miss    597 8094    14  9   43  92
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  2   png pass    2   2   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  2.6 png miss    29  435 15  12  31  45
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  3   png hit 64  623 10  8   23  59
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  3   png miss    184 2172    12  9   28  45
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  1   png hit 55167   1284260 23  14  69  157
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  1   png miss    18775   332119  18  7   49  135
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  1   png pass    156 184 1   1   2   4
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  1.3 png hit 110 1464    13  7   45  83
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  1.3 png miss    323 10089   31  24  72  200
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  1.5 png hit 76  540 7   5   19  23
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  1.5 png miss    233 5179    22  12  56  213
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  2   png hit 247 3189    13  7   36  123
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  2   png miss    439 6088    14  9   45  78
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  2   png pass    2   5   2   3   4   4
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  2.6 png hit 2   14  7   7   8   8
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  2.6 png miss    18  230 13  12  25  29
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  3   png hit 46  434 9   8   23  43
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  3   png miss    138 1613    12  9   31  51
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  1   png hit 30270   564726  19  12  53  144
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  1   png miss    11130   247141  22  9   69  182
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  1   png pass    131 141 1   1   2   2
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  1.3 png hit 50  717 14  11  32  59
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  1.3 png miss    203 7309    36  28  84  218
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  1.3 png pass    2   2   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  1.5 png hit 21  170 8   6   24  25
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  1.5 png miss    137 2909    21  14  56  134
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  2   png hit 107 2073    19  10  80  138
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  2   png miss    238 4528    19  12  58  109
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  2.6 png hit 1   2   2   2   2   2
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  2.6 png miss    8   166 21  11  51  59
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  3   png hit 13  138 11  6   34  46
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  3   png miss    74  1096    15  11  28  107
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  1   png hit 9838    195862  20  11  62  148
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  1   png miss    9708    186060  19  8   65  163
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  1   png pass    114 123 1   1   2   2
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  1.3 png hit 30  487 16  15  32  59
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  1.3 png miss    164 5911    36  24  97  165
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  1.5 png hit 11  139 13  9   31  38
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  1.5 png miss    113 3878    34  18  50  206
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  1.5 png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  2   png hit 64  1359    21  9   96  142
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  2   png miss    184 3506    19  12  59  123
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  3   png hit 11  129 12  7   36  49
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  3   png miss    51  626 12  11  30  41
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  1   png hit 6068    116438  19  9   56  137
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  1   png miss    8493    176110  21  9   69  185
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  1   png pass    92  101 1   1   2   3
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  1.3 png miss    109 4207    39  28  98  247
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  1.5 png hit 9   60  7   6   13  15
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  1.5 png miss    79  1725    22  12  79  128
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  2   png hit 39  998 26  17  82  105
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  2   png miss    115 2541    22  12  70  122
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  2.6 png miss    2   27  14  14  15  15
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  3   png hit 11  202 18  5   73  104
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  3   png miss    42  645 15  12  41  45
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   1   png hit 22350   470313  21  16  48  101
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   1   png pass    11  12  1   1   2   2
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   1.3 png hit 36  472 13  12  25  30
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   1.3 png miss    6   13  2   2   4   4
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   1.5 png hit 66  546 8   9   14  16
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   1.5 png miss    4   6   2   1   3   3
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   2   png hit 77  887 12  9   27  55
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   2   png miss    5   5   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   2.6 png hit 3   25  8   8   9   9
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   3   png hit 18  145 8   9   12  12
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   1   png hit 5863    176093  30  16  96  192
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   1   png miss    8   8   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   1.3 png hit 61  1397    23  24  46  54
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   1.3 png miss    20  58  3   2   11  18
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   1.5 png hit 94  1066    11  9   27  35
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   1.5 png miss    22  39  2   2   3   5
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   1.5 png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   2   png hit 121 2231    18  9   36  223
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   2   png miss    23  46  2   2   4   5
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   3   png hit 41  369 9   6   22  34
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   3   png miss    13  53  4   2   12  17
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   1   jpeg    hit 4   81  20  7   59  66
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   1   jpeg    miss    4   14  4   1   10  11
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   1   png hit 4861    107190  22  12  65  141
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   1   png miss    69  104 2   1   3   7
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   1.3 png hit 97  2924    30  24  88  111
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   1.3 png miss    35  205 6   3   18  40
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   1.5 png hit 136 2478    18  14  54  61
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   1.5 png miss    53  157 3   2   9   14
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   2   png hit 169 3379    20  11  72  154
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   2   png miss    51  185 4   1   13  27
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   2.6 png miss    9   123 14  10  28  30
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   3   png hit 43  415 10  7   24  50
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   3   png miss    31  139 4   2   13  37
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   3   png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   1   png hit 6657    143551  22  12  64  153
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   1   png miss    279 629 2   1   8   16
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   1   png pass    8   8   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   1.3 png hit 128 3845    30  25  78  149
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   1.3 png miss    69  464 7   3   28  47
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   1.5 png hit 123 1570    13  10  30  44
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   1.5 png miss    69  418 6   4   23  33
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   2   png hit 237 4897    21  9   63  238
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   2   png miss    96  476 5   2   15  24
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   2   png pass    2   2   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   2.6 png hit 8   96  12  12  20  20
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   2.6 png miss    11  108 10  7   29  29
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   3   png hit 60  506 8   6   23  29
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   3   png miss    41  191 5   3   9   21
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   1   png hit 7532    195388  26  13  66  159
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   1   png miss    711 2348    3   2   11  28
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   1   png pass    18  21  1   1   3   3
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   1.3 png hit 176 4434    25  24  65  115
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   1.3 png miss    112 1138    10  6   36  55
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   1.5 png hit 126 1187    9   7   23  38
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   1.5 png miss    88  640 7   5   23  38
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   2   png hit 259 4521    17  8   52  188
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   2   png miss    160 913 6   3   21  28
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   2   png pass    3   5   2   1   3   3
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   2.6 png hit 8   52  6   4   15  15
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   2.6 png miss    11  159 14  12  30  32
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   3   png hit 62  556 9   6   30  39
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   3   png miss    56  350 6   4   20  31
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   1   png hit 15458   459282  30  22  80  170
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   1   png miss    1500    6595    4   2   18  39
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   1   png pass    33  33  1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   1.3 png hit 199 5299    27  19  69  180
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   1.3 png miss    157 1954    12  7   44  62
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   1.5 png hit 114 1161    10  9   26  29
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   1.5 png miss    111 988 9   6   24  31
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   2   png hit 290 11429   39  9   54  229
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   2   png miss    208 1552    7   5   24  40
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   2   png pass    4   11  3   2   7   7
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   2.6 png miss    9   203 23  22  31  32
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   3   png hit 68  519 8   6   19  36
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   3   png miss    77  454 6   5   16  18
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   1   jpeg    miss    1   1024    1024    1024    1024    1024
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   1   png hit 11955   329329  28  15  81  195
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   1   png miss    2773    17246   6   2   19  46
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   1   png pass    37  46  1   1   3   4
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   1.3 png hit 216 5604    26  20  62  152
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   1.3 png miss    210 3503    17  11  53  97
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   1.5 png hit 129 1462    11  9   28  50
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   1.5 png miss    138 1537    11  8   27  41
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   2   png hit 298 5018    17  9   62  136
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   2   png miss    280 4791    17  6   34  49
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   2.6 png hit 6   47  8   7   16  17
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   2.6 png miss    15  310 21  15  61  67
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   3   png hit 57  485 9   6   24  37
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   3   png miss    93  804 9   7   21  35
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   1   png hit 12285   356680  29  15  88  213
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   1   png miss    4541    32669   7   3   26  57
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   1   png pass    63  83  1   1   3   5
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   1.3 png hit 208 4686    23  18  61  110
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   1.3 png miss    251 5793    23  16  66  137
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   1.3 png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   1.5 png hit 91  1117    12  9   34  42
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   1.5 png miss    140 1966    14  10  40  63
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   2   png hit 232 4056    17  9   50  137
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   2   png miss    295 3721    13  9   40  70
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   2   png pass    1   2   2   2   2   2
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   2.6 png hit 3   28  9   10  12  12
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   2.6 png miss    12  324 27  16  69  74
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   3   png hit 47  277 6   6   15  16
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   3   png miss    88  769 9   6   25  34
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 1   1   pbf miss    1   4   4   4   4   4
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 12  1   pbf miss    1   255 255 255 255 255
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 13  1   pbf hit 1   201 201 201 201 201
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 15  1   pbf miss    1   108 108 108 108 108
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 2   1   pbf hit 1   92  92  92  92  92
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 6   1   pbf miss    1   188 188 188 188 188
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 7   1   pbf hit 1   542 542 542 542 542
2017-01-24  osm 13  1   png hit 1   52  52  52  52  52
2017-01-24  osm 15  1   png hit 4   46  12  4   33  37
2017-01-24  osm 16  2   jpeg    miss    1   18  18  18  18  18
2017-01-24  osm 4   1   png miss    3   3   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm 6   1   png miss    5   33  7   3   19  21
2017-01-24  osm 7   1   png hit 13  231 18  10  58  89
2017-01-24  osm 9   1   png miss    11  173 16  5   65  89
2017-01-24  osm-intl    0   2.6 png miss    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    1   1.3 png miss    1   3   3   3   3   3
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  1.5 png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  2   png pass    3   6   2   2   3   3
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  3   png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  2.6 png hit 5   45  9   8   13  13
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  3   png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  1.3 png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  2.6 png hit 1   8   8   8   8   8
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  1.3 png hit 8   105 13  12  24  24
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   3   png miss    3   9   3   3   5   5
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   2   png pass    2   2   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   2.6 png hit 3   50  17  13  23  24
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   2.6 png miss    3   21  7   7   10  10
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   1   png pass    5   5   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   2.6 png hit 6   129 22  14  59  69
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   1   jpeg    hit 1   112 112 112 112 112
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   1.5 png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   3   png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   2   png pass    2   2   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   1   jpeg    miss    1   4095    4095    4095    4095    4095
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 13  1   pbf miss    1   244 244 244 244 244
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 14  1   pbf hit 1   55  55  55  55  55
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 16  1   pbf miss    1   51  51  51  51  51
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 2   1   pbf miss    1   16  16  16  16  16
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 3   1   pbf hit 1   220 220 220 220 220
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 7   1   pbf miss    1   257 257 257 257 257
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 8   1   pbf hit 1   312 312 312 312 312
2017-01-24  osm 10  2   jpeg    hit 1   3   3   3   3   3
2017-01-24  osm 15  2.6 png miss    1   3   3   3   3   3
2017-01-24  osm 17  2   jpeg    miss    1   8   8   8   8   8
2017-01-24  osm 7   1   png miss    9   30  3   3   8   10
2017-01-24  osm 9   2   jpeg    hit 1   6   6   6   6   6
2017-01-24  osm-intl    0   2.6 png hit 1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    1   2.6 png miss    1   4   4   4   4   4
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  2.6 png hit 1   6   6   6   6   6
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  3   png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  1.3 png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  2   png pass    2   2   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  2.6 png hit 1   12  12  12  12  12
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   1   jpeg    miss    1   32  32  32  32  32
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   1   jpeg    hit 1   128 128 128 128 128
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   2.6 png hit 3   20  7   9   9   9
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 10  1   pbf hit 1   310 310 310 310 310
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 14  1   pbf miss    1   67  67  67  67  67
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 15  1   pbf hit 1   6   6   6   6   6
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 17  1   pbf miss    1   38  38  38  38  38
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 3   1   pbf miss    1   48  48  48  48  48
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 4   1   pbf hit 1   619 619 619 619 619
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 8   1   pbf miss    1   301 301 301 301 301
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 9   1   pbf hit 1   449 449 449 449 449
2017-01-24  osm 18  2   jpeg    miss    1   18  18  18  18  18
2017-01-24  osm-intl    1   1.5 png miss    1   2   2   2   2   2
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  1   jpeg    miss    1   16256   16256   16256   16256   16256
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  2   png pass    3   4   1   1   2   2
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  3   png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  2   png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   1   png miss    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   2.6 png miss    2   15  8   8   8   8
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   1   png pass    4   4   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   1   jpeg    miss    1   64  64  64  64  64
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   1   jpeg    hit 1   480 480 480 480 480
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   1.3 png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 0   1   pbf hit 1   5   5   5   5   5
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 10  1   pbf miss    1   443 443 443 443 443
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 11  1   pbf hit 1   314 314 314 314 314
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 18  1   pbf miss    1   20  20  20  20  20
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 4   1   pbf miss    1   107 107 107 107 107
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 5   1   pbf hit 1   347 347 347 347 347
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 9   1   pbf miss    1   349 349 349 349 349
2017-01-24  osm 14  2   jpeg    miss    1   6   6   6   6   6
2017-01-24  osm-intl    0   1   png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  2   png pass    2   2   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  1   jpeg    miss    1   508 508 508 508 508
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  2.6 png miss    1   12  12  12  12  12
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   1   jpeg    miss    1   3   3   3   3   3
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   1.3 png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   1   jpeg    miss    1   240 240 240 240 240
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   1   jpeg    hit 1   2047    2047    2047    2047    2047
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 0   1   pbf miss    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 1   1   pbf hit 1   48  48  48  48  48
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 11  1   pbf miss    1   245 245 245 245 245
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 12  1   pbf hit 1   186 186 186 186 186
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 17  1   pbf hit 1   6   6   6   6   6
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 5   1   pbf miss    1   153 153 153 153 153
2017-01-24  osm-pbf 6   1   pbf hit 1   416 416 416 416 416

It took 3m 1s to generate this report.

Report 42 of 43

Tile counts by style, zoom level, etc., excluding those made by bots/tools

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “tile_aggregates_no_automata” from the metrics/maps module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/maps/tile_aggregates_no_automata 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    style   zoom    scale   format  cache   users   total   average median  percentile95    percentile99
2017-01-24  osm 10  1   png hit 16  232 14  3   50  141
2017-01-24  osm 10  1   png miss    14  289 21  10  80  152
2017-01-24  osm 11  1   png hit 7   202 29  7   123 162
2017-01-24  osm 11  1   png miss    19  476 25  9   58  242
2017-01-24  osm 12  1   png hit 5   136 27  6   93  110
2017-01-24  osm 12  1   png miss    16  532 33  12  110 298
2017-01-24  osm 13  1   png miss    20  685 34  12  54  375
2017-01-24  osm 14  1   png hit 4   118 30  9   87  97
2017-01-24  osm 14  1   png miss    21  732 35  12  33  408
2017-01-24  osm 15  1   png miss    23  527 23  12  33  191
2017-01-24  osm 15  2   jpeg    miss    1   14  14  14  14  14
2017-01-24  osm 16  1   png hit 9   117 13  6   47  67
2017-01-24  osm 16  1   png miss    63  1796    29  9   36  473
2017-01-24  osm 17  1   png hit 8   50  6   7   13  14
2017-01-24  osm 17  1   png miss    44  700 16  13  44  75
2017-01-24  osm 18  1   png hit 13  116 9   10  12  12
2017-01-24  osm 18  1   png miss    25  340 14  12  22  62
2017-01-24  osm 2   2   jpeg    hit 1   8   8   8   8   8
2017-01-24  osm 4   1   png hit 6   23  4   4   7   7
2017-01-24  osm 5   1   png hit 52  337 6   6   10  16
2017-01-24  osm 5   1   png miss    7   14  2   1   6   7
2017-01-24  osm 6   1   png hit 15  198 13  12  27  36
2017-01-24  osm 8   1   png hit 14  283 20  10  73  125
2017-01-24  osm 8   1   png miss    8   73  9   4   33  43
2017-01-24  osm 9   1   png hit 13  288 22  8   87  175
2017-01-24  osm-intl    0   1   png hit 969 1214    1   1   2   8
2017-01-24  osm-intl    0   1.3 png hit 13  14  1   1   2   2
2017-01-24  osm-intl    0   1.3 png miss    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    0   1.5 png hit 38  48  1   1   3   5
2017-01-24  osm-intl    0   2   png hit 66  89  1   1   3   6
2017-01-24  osm-intl    0   3   png hit 12  23  2   1   6   7
2017-01-24  osm-intl    1   1   png hit 11383   46911   4   4   5   10
2017-01-24  osm-intl    1   1.3 png hit 36  145 4   4   5   8
2017-01-24  osm-intl    1   1.5 png hit 46  193 4   4   8   8
2017-01-24  osm-intl    1   2   png hit 80  371 5   4   9   12
2017-01-24  osm-intl    1   2   png miss    3   3   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    1   2.6 png hit 1   4   4   4   4   4
2017-01-24  osm-intl    1   3   png hit 22  86  4   4   7   8
2017-01-24  osm-intl    1   3   png miss    3   4   1   1   2   2
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  1   png hit 13778   403504  29  15  91  246
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  1   png miss    5826    56576   10  4   31  81
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  1   png pass    49  56  1   1   2   2
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  1.3 png hit 221 3833    17  12  50  76
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  1.3 png miss    334 8930    27  18  70  166
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  1.5 png hit 106 1139    11  7   31  44
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  1.5 png miss    203 2833    14  12  30  44
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  2   png hit 342 4918    14  8   46  126
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  2   png miss    402 5324    13  9   42  76
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  2.6 png hit 5   51  10  9   23  24
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  2.6 png miss    21  420 20  15  67  69
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  3   png hit 80  657 8   8   16  32
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  3   png miss    135 1398    10  9   27  46
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  1   png hit 18947   449739  24  12  72  208
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  1   png miss    9358    101994  11  5   35  85
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  1   png pass    59  86  1   1   3   11
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  1.3 png hit 190 3369    18  14  49  83
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  1.3 png miss    358 10382   29  20  87  182
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  1.5 png hit 102 975 10  8   26  36
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  1.5 png miss    225 3375    15  11  42  70
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  2   png hit 352 4838    14  8   42  132
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  2   png miss    485 7017    14  9   40  102
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  2.6 png hit 4   26  6   7   10  10
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  2.6 png miss    23  353 15  10  50  59
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  3   png hit 85  800 9   6   30  36
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  3   png miss    156 1888    12  9   35  63
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  1   png hit 23803   547038  23  12  68  194
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  1   png miss    12794   176701  14  6   40  107
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  1   png pass    66  82  1   1   3   4
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  1.3 png hit 223 3568    16  12  42  73
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  1.3 png miss    524 15931   30  21  84  206
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  1.5 png hit 130 1287    10  6   35  65
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  1.5 png miss    330 8503    26  12  50  300
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  2   png hit 408 5123    13  8   33  100
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  2   png miss    672 9579    14  9   43  97
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  2   png pass    5   9   2   1   4   4
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  2.6 png miss    33  625 19  12  64  81
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  3   png hit 93  856 9   8   24  49
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  3   png miss    250 2882    12  9   30  69
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  1   png hit 24129   563505  23  12  71  195
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  1   png miss    10012   260183  26  9   51  141
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  1   png pass    58  72  1   1   3   3
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  1.3 png hit 190 2295    12  8   33  57
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  1.3 png miss    470 11782   25  17  66  189
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  1.5 png hit 120 910 8   6   20  33
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  1.5 png miss    339 7644    23  9   39  272
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  2   png hit 637 6572    10  6   30  72
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  2   png miss    813 10414   13  6   44  118
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  2.6 png hit 2   5   2   3   3   3
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  2.6 png miss    30  458 15  12  37  45
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  3   png hit 135 1176    9   7   20  30
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  3   png miss    278 3377    12  8   31  88
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  1   png hit 30880   660203  21  11  66  169
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  1   png miss    10797   279449  26  9   58  167
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  1   png pass    80  98  1   1   2   5
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  1.3 png hit 139 2065    15  12  36  60
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  1.3 png miss    426 12359   29  21  82  146
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  1.5 png hit 95  712 7   5   26  31
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  1.5 png miss    304 7017    23  10  42  326
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  2   png hit 415 5007    12  7   35  115
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  2   png miss    597 8094    14  9   43  92
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  2   png pass    2   2   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  2.6 png miss    26  420 16  13  31  46
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  3   png hit 64  623 10  8   23  59
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  3   png miss    184 2172    12  9   28  45
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  1   png hit 54010   1243496 23  14  69  152
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  1   png miss    17313   279747  16  6   45  118
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  1   png pass    136 160 1   1   2   4
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  1.3 png hit 110 1464    13  7   45  83
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  1.3 png miss    323 10089   31  24  72  200
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  1.5 png hit 76  540 7   5   19  23
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  1.5 png miss    233 5179    22  12  56  213
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  2   png hit 247 3189    13  7   36  123
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  2   png miss    439 6088    14  9   45  78
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  2   png pass    2   5   2   3   4   4
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  2.6 png hit 2   14  7   7   8   8
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  2.6 png miss    17  229 13  12  25  29
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  3   png hit 46  434 9   8   23  43
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  3   png miss    138 1613    12  9   31  51
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  1   png hit 28324   523042  18  12  51  140
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  1   png miss    9100    192453  21  8   61  176
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  1   png pass    113 121 1   1   2   2
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  1.3 png hit 50  717 14  11  32  59
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  1.3 png miss    203 7309    36  28  84  218
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  1.3 png pass    2   2   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  1.5 png hit 21  170 8   6   24  25
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  1.5 png miss    137 2909    21  14  56  134
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  2   png hit 107 2073    19  10  80  138
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  2   png miss    238 4528    19  12  58  109
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  2.6 png hit 1   2   2   2   2   2
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  2.6 png miss    8   166 21  11  51  59
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  3   png hit 13  138 11  6   34  46
2017-01-24  osm-intl    16  3   png miss    74  1096    15  11  28  107
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  1   png hit 9291    174188  19  11  57  129
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  1   png miss    8838    146844  17  7   55  148
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  1   png pass    101 110 1   1   2   2
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  1.3 png hit 30  487 16  15  32  59
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  1.3 png miss    164 5911    36  24  97  165
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  1.5 png hit 11  139 13  9   31  38
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  1.5 png miss    113 3878    34  18  50  206
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  1.5 png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  2   png hit 64  1359    21  9   96  142
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  2   png miss    184 3506    19  12  59  123
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  3   png hit 11  129 12  7   36  49
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  3   png miss    51  626 12  11  30  41
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  1   png hit 5668    96403   17  9   52  117
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  1   png miss    7855    140905  18  9   58  172
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  1   png pass    84  90  1   1   2   2
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  1.3 png miss    109 4207    39  28  98  247
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  1.5 png hit 9   60  7   6   13  15
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  1.5 png miss    79  1725    22  12  79  128
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  2   png hit 39  998 26  17  82  105
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  2   png miss    115 2541    22  12  70  122
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  2.6 png miss    2   27  14  14  15  15
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  3   png hit 11  202 18  5   73  104
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  3   png miss    42  645 15  12  41  45
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   1   png hit 3708    56761   15  12  18  38
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   1.3 png hit 36  472 13  12  25  30
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   1.3 png miss    6   13  2   2   4   4
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   1.5 png hit 66  546 8   9   14  16
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   1.5 png miss    4   6   2   1   3   3
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   2   png hit 76  871 11  9   27  55
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   2   png miss    5   5   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   2.6 png hit 3   25  8   8   9   9
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   3   png hit 18  145 8   9   12  12
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   1   png hit 2744    52669   19  14  48  72
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   1   png miss    4   4   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   1.3 png hit 61  1397    23  24  46  54
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   1.3 png miss    20  58  3   2   11  18
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   1.5 png hit 94  1066    11  9   27  35
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   1.5 png miss    22  39  2   2   3   5
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   1.5 png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   2   png hit 120 2213    18  9   37  224
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   2   png miss    23  46  2   2   4   5
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   3   png hit 41  369 9   6   22  34
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   3   png miss    13  53  4   2   12  17
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   1   jpeg    miss    2   2   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   1   png hit 3371    75336   22  15  62  113
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   1   png miss    52  71  1   1   3   4
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   1.3 png hit 97  2924    30  24  88  111
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   1.3 png miss    35  205 6   3   18  40
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   1.5 png hit 136 2478    18  14  54  61
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   1.5 png miss    53  157 3   2   9   14
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   2   png hit 167 3362    20  11  73  157
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   2   png miss    51  185 4   1   13  27
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   2.6 png miss    9   123 14  10  28  30
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   3   png hit 43  415 10  7   24  50
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   3   png miss    31  139 4   2   13  37
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   3   png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   1   png hit 5297    108700  21  12  54  116
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   1   png miss    227 492 2   1   8   12
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   1   png pass    7   7   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   1.3 png hit 128 3845    30  25  78  149
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   1.3 png miss    69  464 7   3   28  47
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   1.5 png hit 123 1570    13  10  30  44
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   1.5 png miss    69  418 6   4   23  33
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   2   png hit 234 4870    21  9   63  240
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   2   png miss    96  476 5   2   15  24
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   2   png pass    2   2   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   2.6 png hit 8   96  12  12  20  20
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   2.6 png miss    11  108 10  7   29  29
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   3   png hit 60  506 8   6   23  29
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   3   png miss    41  191 5   3   9   21
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   1   png hit 6111    134225  22  14  58  122
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   1   png miss    607 1945    3   2   11  25
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   1.3 png hit 176 4434    25  24  65  115
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   1.3 png miss    112 1138    10  6   36  55
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   1.5 png hit 126 1187    9   7   23  38
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   1.5 png miss    88  640 7   5   23  38
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   2   png hit 257 4505    18  8   52  191
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   2   png miss    160 913 6   3   21  28
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   2   png pass    3   5   2   1   3   3
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   2.6 png hit 8   52  6   4   15  15
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   2.6 png miss    11  159 14  12  30  32
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   3   png hit 62  556 9   6   30  39
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   3   png miss    56  350 6   4   20  31
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   1   png hit 14245   426005  30  24  77  163
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   1   png miss    1315    5774    4   2   19  38
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   1   png pass    27  27  1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   1.3 png hit 199 5299    27  19  69  180
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   1.3 png miss    157 1954    12  7   44  62
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   1.5 png hit 114 1161    10  9   26  29
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   1.5 png miss    111 988 9   6   24  31
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   2   png hit 288 11417   40  9   54  230
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   2   png miss    206 1543    7   5   24  40
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   2   png pass    4   11  3   2   7   7
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   2.6 png miss    9   203 23  22  31  32
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   3   png hit 68  519 8   6   19  36
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   3   png miss    77  454 6   5   16  18
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   1   png hit 10832   295615  27  16  79  182
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   1   png miss    2451    13515   6   2   18  43
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   1   png pass    27  35  1   1   3   4
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   1.3 png hit 216 5604    26  20  62  152
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   1.3 png miss    210 3503    17  11  53  97
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   1.5 png hit 129 1462    11  9   28  50
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   1.5 png miss    138 1537    11  8   27  41
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   2   png hit 295 4919    17  8   61  138
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   2   png miss    276 2461    9   6   33  47
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   2.6 png hit 6   47  8   7   16  17
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   2.6 png miss    15  310 21  15  61  67
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   3   png hit 57  485 9   6   24  37
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   3   png miss    93  804 9   7   21  35
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   1   png hit 11304   326145  29  15  86  210
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   1   png miss    4090    28549   7   3   25  55
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   1   png pass    44  62  1   1   4   6
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   1.3 png hit 208 4686    23  18  61  110
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   1.3 png miss    251 5793    23  16  66  137
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   1.3 png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   1.5 png hit 91  1117    12  9   34  42
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   1.5 png miss    140 1966    14  10  40  63
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   2   png hit 230 4039    18  9   51  138
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   2   png miss    293 3691    13  9   40  70
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   2   png pass    1   2   2   2   2   2
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   2.6 png hit 3   28  9   10  12  12
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   2.6 png miss    11  320 29  16  70  74
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   3   png hit 47  277 6   6   15  16
2017-01-24  osm-intl    9   3   png miss    88  769 9   6   25  34
2017-01-24  osm 13  1   png hit 1   52  52  52  52  52
2017-01-24  osm 15  1   png hit 4   46  12  4   33  37
2017-01-24  osm 16  2   jpeg    miss    1   18  18  18  18  18
2017-01-24  osm 4   1   png miss    3   3   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm 6   1   png miss    5   33  7   3   19  21
2017-01-24  osm 7   1   png hit 13  231 18  10  58  89
2017-01-24  osm 9   1   png miss    11  173 16  5   65  89
2017-01-24  osm-intl    0   2.6 png miss    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    1   1.3 png miss    1   3   3   3   3   3
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  1.5 png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  2   png pass    3   6   2   2   3   3
2017-01-24  osm-intl    11  3   png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  2.6 png hit 5   45  9   8   13  13
2017-01-24  osm-intl    12  3   png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  1.3 png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  2.6 png hit 1   8   8   8   8   8
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  1.3 png hit 8   105 13  12  24  24
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   3   png miss    3   9   3   3   5   5
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   2   png pass    2   2   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   2.6 png hit 3   50  17  13  23  24
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   2.6 png miss    3   21  7   7   10  10
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   1   png pass    5   5   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   2.6 png hit 6   129 22  14  59  69
2017-01-24  osm-intl    6   1   png pass    10  10  1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   1.5 png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   3   png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    8   2   png pass    2   2   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm 10  2   jpeg    hit 1   3   3   3   3   3
2017-01-24  osm 15  2.6 png miss    1   3   3   3   3   3
2017-01-24  osm 17  2   jpeg    miss    1   8   8   8   8   8
2017-01-24  osm 7   1   png miss    9   30  3   3   8   10
2017-01-24  osm 9   2   jpeg    hit 1   6   6   6   6   6
2017-01-24  osm-intl    0   2.6 png hit 1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    1   2.6 png miss    1   4   4   4   4   4
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  2.6 png hit 1   6   6   6   6   6
2017-01-24  osm-intl    14  3   png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  1.3 png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  2   png pass    2   2   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  2.6 png hit 1   12  12  12  12  12
2017-01-24  osm-intl    4   1   jpeg    hit 2   3   2   2   2   2
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   2.6 png hit 3   20  7   9   9   9
2017-01-24  osm 18  2   jpeg    miss    1   18  18  18  18  18
2017-01-24  osm-intl    1   1.5 png miss    1   2   2   2   2   2
2017-01-24  osm-intl    13  2   png pass    3   4   1   1   2   2
2017-01-24  osm-intl    15  3   png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    18  2   png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   1   png miss    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    2   2.6 png miss    2   15  8   8   8   8
2017-01-24  osm-intl    7   1.3 png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm 14  2   jpeg    miss    1   6   6   6   6   6
2017-01-24  osm-intl    0   1   png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    10  2   png pass    2   2   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    17  2.6 png miss    1   12  12  12  12  12
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   1   jpeg    miss    1   3   3   3   3   3
2017-01-24  osm-intl    3   1   png pass    3   3   1   1   1   1
2017-01-24  osm-intl    5   1.3 png pass    1   1   1   1   1   1

It took 3m 26s to generate this report.

Report 43 of 43

Pageviews broken down by referrer class (e.g. internal vs external) and search engine

Note: this report is configured to allow more than one row per day.

  1. Executing report “referer_data” from the metrics/external_traffic module.
  2. About to run the following command: sh modules/metrics/external_traffic/referer_data 2017-01-24 2017-01-25


date    is_search   referer_class   search_engine   access_method   pageviews
2017-01-24  FALSE   none    none    mobile web  89145080
2017-01-24  TRUE    external (search engine)    DuckDuckGo  mobile web  187615
2017-01-24  FALSE   none    none    desktop 180500281
2017-01-24  TRUE    external (search engine)    DuckDuckGo  desktop 625176
2017-01-24  FALSE   internal    none    desktop 129675337
2017-01-24  FALSE   internal    none    mobile web  43124567
2017-01-24  TRUE    external (search engine)    Google  mobile web  119443993
2017-01-24  TRUE    external (search engine)    Google  desktop 115090153
2017-01-24  FALSE   external    none    desktop 9259826
2017-01-24  TRUE    external (search engine)    Yahoo   desktop 4978167
2017-01-24  TRUE    external (search engine)    Baidu   mobile web  121744
2017-01-24  TRUE    external (search engine)    Bing    mobile web  1666292
2017-01-24  TRUE    external (search engine)    Yandex  mobile web  1768471
2017-01-24  TRUE    external (search engine)    Baidu   desktop 257842
2017-01-24  FALSE   external    none    mobile web  4187473
2017-01-24  TRUE    external (search engine)    Yahoo   mobile web  5283228
2017-01-24  TRUE    external (search engine)    Bing    desktop 5733057
2017-01-24  TRUE    external (search engine)    Yandex  desktop 4859449

It took 39m 54s to generate this report.

Summary Statistics

Here are this run’s times:

module report type time_elapsed
metrics/portal pageviews script 1s
metrics/portal referer_data script 1s
metrics/portal app_link_clicks sql 1s
metrics/search click_position_counts sql 1s
metrics/search invoke_source_counts sql 1s
metrics/search app_event_counts sql 1s
metrics/portal clickthrough_rate script 3s
metrics/portal country_data script 3s
metrics/portal clickthrough_sisterprojects script 3s
metrics/portal language_switching script 3s
metrics/portal last_action_country script 3s
metrics/portal clickthrough_breakdown script 3s
metrics/portal dwell_metrics script 3s
metrics/portal clickthrough_firstvisit script 3s
metrics/portal first_visits_country script 3s
metrics/portal most_common_country script 4s
metrics/portal most_common_per_visit script 4s
metrics/portal all_country_data script 4s
metrics/search paulscore_approximations sql 5s
metrics/portal language_destination script 6s
metrics/portal user_agent_data script 16s
metrics/maps actions_per_tool sql 19s
metrics/search mobile_event_counts sql 21s
metrics/search desktop_event_counts script 48s
metrics/wdqs basic_usage script 1m 43s
metrics/search desktop_load_times script 1m 45s
metrics/search sample_page_visit_ld script 1m 49s
metrics/maps tile_aggregates_with_automata script 3m 1s
metrics/maps users_by_country script 3m 5s
metrics/maps tile_aggregates_no_automata script 3m 26s
metrics/search mobile_load_times script 3m 33s
metrics/maps users_per_feature sql 6m 0s
metrics/search app_load_times script 14m 6s
metrics/search cirrus_query_aggregates_with_automata script 17m 39s
metrics/search cirrus_langproj_breakdown_no_automata script 21m 28s
metrics/search cirrus_langproj_breakdown_with_automata script 21m 57s
metrics/search cirrus_suggestion_breakdown_no_automata script 25m 22s
metrics/search cirrus_query_breakdowns_no_automata script 29m 31s
metrics/search cirrus_query_aggregates_no_automata script 30m 56s
metrics/search search_api_usage script 31m 21s
metrics/search cirrus_query_breakdowns_with_automata script 34m 19s
metrics/external_traffic referer_data script 39m 54s
metrics/search cirrus_suggestion_breakdown_with_automata script 41m 0s