Constructing reading patterns of new users


For a given time-window we construct reading sessions in which users register a new account.


We identify unique users by a standard fingerprint-technique by hashing client_ip and user_agent for desktop (and potentially mobile) users.

We first extract all users that made at least 1 request to a 'Special:CreateAccount' page.

We then filter those users for which the sesssion followed a pattern which suggests a registration-event:

  • visit the create-account page
  • not being logged in while visiting this page
  • being logged in when visiting the next page

For an example-case (1 hour):

  • there are 94 users that register
  • it takes around 30 seconds to query
In [1]:
# %load_ext autoreload
# %autoreload 2

import os, sys
import numpy as np
import datetime
from pyspark.sql import functions as F, types as T, Window
import calendar
import time
In [2]:
date_start = datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 15, 10)
date_end = datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 15, 11)

ts_start = calendar.timegm(date_start.timetuple())
ts_end = calendar.timegm(date_end.timetuple())

row_timestamp = F.unix_timestamp(F.concat(
    F.col('year'), F.lit('-'), F.col('month'), F.lit('-'), F.col('day'), 
    F.lit(' '), F.col('hour'), F.lit(':00:00')))

# hash for user-fingerprinting
user_id = F.hash(F.concat(F.col('client_ip'),F.lit('-'),F.col('user_agent'))) ## only client and user
## seems to be the default way
# user_id = F.hash(F.concat(F.col('client_ip'),F.lit('-'),F.col('user_agent'),F.lit('-'),F.col('accept_language')))

# whether request came from loggIn user: 0/1
logged_in = F.when(F.col('x_analytics_map.loggedIn')==1,1).otherwise(0)

# whether page  == Special:CreateAccount
page_create_account = F.when(F.col('pageview_info.page_title')=='Special:CreateAccount',1).otherwise(0)

w = Window.partitionBy(F.col('user_id'))
w_user_ts = Window.partitionBy().orderBy(F.col('user_id'),F.col('ts'))

# maximum number of requests per session of an individual
n_p_max = 500
In [3]:
## dataframe with all webrequest of all users that visited at least once a createaccount page
df = (
    ## select table'wmf.webrequest')
    ## user-hash as user_id
    ## select time partition
    .where(row_timestamp >= ts_start)
    .where(row_timestamp < ts_end)
    ## select wiki project
    .where(F.col('normalized_host.project_class') == "wikipedia")
    .where(F.col('normalized_host.project') == "en")
    ## only requests marked as pageviews
    .where(F.col('is_pageview') == 1)
    ## agent-type
    .where(F.col('agent_type') == "user")
    ## user: desktop/mobile/mobile app; isaac filters != mobile app
    .where(F.col('access_method') == "desktop")
    ## only traffic from inside wiki
#     .where(F.col('referer_class') == "internal")
    ## unclear yet; done by isaac
    .where(F.col('webrequest_source') ==  'text')

    ## count requests per user
    ## n_pca_by_user: number of requests to page-create-account
    ## n_p_by_user:  number of requests to pages
    .withColumn('n_pca_by_user', F.sum( F.col('page_create_account') ).over(w) )
    .withColumn('n_p_by_user', F.count(F.lit(1)).over(w) )
    ## filter: 
    ## ## user rquested at least 1 page view for create account
    .where(F.col('n_pca_by_user') >= 1 )
    ## ## user requested at most n_p_max pages in total
    .where(F.col('n_p_by_user') <= n_p_max)

    ## puts a 1 if next webrequest is also 
                F.when( F.col('user_id') == F.lag('user_id',count=-1).over(w_user_ts), F.lag('logged_in',count=-1).over(w_user_ts)).otherwise(0)   )

In [4]:
## identify user-sesssions which we identify as account-creation
## 1) visit the 'Special:CreateAccount' page
## 2) not being logged in when making that request
## 3) being logged in when visiting the next page

## for this we make an aggregation into user sessions.

## define an aggregation function on the level of users which we accept as new users
df_users = (
        ## whether there was one requst to Special:CreateAccount AND next request was logged in.
        F.max(F.when( (F.col('logged_in') == 0) & (F.col('logged_in_next') == 1) & (F.col('page_title')=='Special:CreateAccount'),1).otherwise(0))
    ## filter 
In [5]:
## use join to filter those users whose reading sessions can be considered as registration events
df_sessions =  df.join(df_users, df['user_id'] == df_users['user_id'] , "left_semi" ).select('user_id',
In [6]:
t1 = time.time()
## execute query -- here: convert to pandas. 
df_sessions = df_sessions.toPandas()
t2 = time.time()
In [24]:
## get an over on the session
user_id ts page_title logged_in
0 496025975 2019-07-15 10:06:48 Main_Page 0
1 496025975 2019-07-15 10:06:52 Portal:Science 0
2 496025975 2019-07-15 10:06:54 Portal:Science/Categories_and_Main_topics 0
3 496025975 2019-07-15 10:07:02 Category:Chemical_engineering 0
4 496025975 2019-07-15 10:07:32 Category:Artificial_intelligence 0
In [25]:
## group the dataframe by users
df_sessions_by_user = df_sessions.groupby('user_id')
users = sorted(list(df_sessions_by_user.groups.keys()))
len(users) ## number of unique users
In [28]:
## session of an individual user (change index)
user_id ts page_title logged_in
706 -2142415641 2019-07-15 10:06:52 Main_Page 0
707 -2142415641 2019-07-15 10:07:31 Special:CreateAccount 0
708 -2142415641 2019-07-15 10:07:31 Special:CreateAccount 0
709 -2142415641 2019-07-15 10:11:11 Special:CreateAccount 0
710 -2142415641 2019-07-15 10:15:11 Main_Page 1
711 -2142415641 2019-07-15 10:19:26 Special:Search 1
712 -2142415641 2019-07-15 10:21:12 Special:Search 1
713 -2142415641 2019-07-15 10:22:18 Ranganathittu_Bird_Sanctuary 1
714 -2142415641 2019-07-15 10:22:19 Ranganathittu_Bird_Sanctuary 1
715 -2142415641 2019-07-15 10:23:37 Special:UserLogout 0