76 messages of 1449 are not translated to ja, but exist in en: * tog-nolangconversion * january-gen * february-gen * march-gen * april-gen * may-gen * june-gen * july-gen * august-gen * september-gen * october-gen * november-gen * december-gen * faq * ok * pagetitle * feedlinks * sqlhidden * blocked-mailpassword * throttled-mailpassword * image_sample * revdelete-nooldid-text * newpageletter * boteditletter * sectionlink * upload-proto-error * upload-proto-error-text * upload-file-error * upload-file-error-text * upload-misc-error * upload-misc-error-text * upload-curl-error6 * upload-curl-error6-text * upload-curl-error28 * upload-curl-error28-text * statistics-mostpopular * deadendpagestext * data * isbn * allpagesbadtitle * enotif_mailer * undeleterevision-missing * proxyblocker * sorbs * rightsnone * accesskey-search * accesskey-minoredit * accesskey-save * accesskey-preview * accesskey-compareselectedversions * accesskey-watch * category-media-count * Common.js * metadata-fields * exif-fnumber-format * exif-focallength-format * exif-photometricinterpretation-2 * exif-photometricinterpretation-6 * exif-xyresolution-i * exif-xyresolution-c * exif-colorspace-1 * exif-componentsconfiguration-1 * exif-componentsconfiguration-2 * exif-componentsconfiguration-3 * exif-componentsconfiguration-4 * exif-componentsconfiguration-5 * exif-componentsconfiguration-6 * exif-lightsource-20 * exif-lightsource-21 * exif-lightsource-22 * exif-lightsource-23 * confirmemail_subject * unit-pixel * displaytitle * imgmultigo * imgmultigotopre 5 messages of 1378 in ja don't use some variables while en uses them: * pagecategories * userstatstext * linkshere * nolinkshere * confirmemail_sendfailed