Java Plug-in 1.6.0_02 Verwendung der JRE-Version 1.6.0_02 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM Home-Verzeichnis des Benutzers = C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator ---------------------------------------------------- c: Konsole löschen f: Objekte in Finalisierungswarteschlange finalisieren g: Speicherbereinigung h: Diese Hilfemeldung anzeigen l: ClassLoader-Liste ausgeben m: Speicherbelegung anzeigen o: Protokollierung auslösen p: Proxy-Konfiguration neu laden q: Konsole ausblenden r: Richtlinien-Konfiguration neu laden s: System- und Bereitstellungseigenschaften ausgeben t: Threadliste ausgeben v: Thread-Stack ausgeben x: ClassLoader-Cache löschen 0-5: Trace-Stufe auf setzen ---------------------------------------------------- init() param "url" has string value "" param "seekable" has enum value "1" (true) param "live" has enum value "0" (auto) param "duration" has double value "175.0" param "audio" has boolean value "true" param "video" has boolean value "true" param "statusHeight" has int value "18" param "autoPlay" has boolean value "true" param "showStatus" has enum value "1" (show) param "hideTimeout" has int value "0" param "keepAspect" has boolean value "true" param "bufferSize" has int value "200" param "bufferLow" has int value "10" param "bufferHigh" has int value "70" param "debug" has int value "3" param "userId" has string value "null" param "password" has string value "null" [INFO] build info: Built on 2007-08-22 16:46:57 GMT (version in stripped mode. [INFO] revision: $Revision: 4170 $ [INFO] Document base: start() [INFO] registered plugin: com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc [INFO] registered plugin: com.fluendo.plugin.VideoSink [INFO] registered plugin: com.fluendo.plugin.AudioSinkJ2 [INFO] registered plugin: com.fluendo.plugin.AudioSinkSA [INFO] registered plugin: com.fluendo.plugin.Queue [INFO] registered plugin: com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux [INFO] registered plugin: com.fluendo.plugin.TheoraDec [INFO] registered plugin: com.fluendo.plugin.VorbisDec [INFO] create element: Element: [httpsrc] [INFO] setting User-Agent Cortado/ Sun/1.6.0_02 Mozilla/4.0 (Windows XP 5.1) [INFO] create element: Element: [audiosink] [INFO] using high quality javax.sound backend [INFO] create element: Element: [videosink] [INFO] reading from url [INFO] parsing as abslute URL [INFO] trying to open at offset 0 [INFO] opened [INFO] contentLength: 8735597 [INFO] server contentType: application/ogg [Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@148aa23] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [INFO] entering status thread [INFO] using typefind contentType: application/ogg [INFO] create element: Element: [demux] [INFO] create element: Element: [buffer] [INFO] PAUSE: we are buffering [Message]: Pad: buffer:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1ce2dd4] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [INFO] ogg: got discont [INFO] new stream 19672, mime video/x-theora [INFO] new stream 4247, mime audio/x-vorbis [INFO] PLAY: we finished buffering [INFO] pad added Pad: demux:serial_19672 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@e45076] [INFO] create element: Element: [v_queue] [INFO] create element: Element: [videodec] [Message]: Pad: v_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1827284] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [INFO] pad added Pad: demux:serial_4247 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@e91f5d] [INFO] create element: Element: [a_queue] [INFO] create element: Element: [audiodec] [Message]: Pad: a_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1c92535] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [INFO] all streams detected [INFO] theora: got discont [INFO] vorbis: got discont [INFO] vorbis rate: 44100 [INFO] vorbis channels: 2 [INFO] theora dimension: 640x480 [INFO] theora offset: 0,0 [INFO] theora frame: 640,480 [INFO] theora aspect: 1/1 [INFO] theora framerate: 30000/1001 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No line matching interface SourceDataLine supporting format PCM_SIGNED 44100.0 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, big-endian is supported. at javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem.getLine(Unknown Source) at Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.AudioSink$RingBuffer.acquire(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.AudioSink.setCapsFunc(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Sink$1.setCapsFunc(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.setCaps(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.chain(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.push(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.VorbisDec$2.chainFunc(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.chain(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.push(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1.taskFunc(Unknown Source) at Source) at Source) [Message]: Element: [audiosink] type: ERROR, Unknown problem opening audio device [INFO] got EOS Pad: audiodec:sink [com.fluendo.plugin.VorbisDec$2@5e179a] [INFO] Pad: audiosink:sink [com.fluendo.jst.Sink$1@15fadcf] got EOS [INFO] Element: [pipeline] got EOS from sink: Element: [audiosink] [INFO] video pad removed Pad: :serial_19672 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@e45076] [INFO] audio pad removed Pad: :serial_4247 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@e91f5d] [INFO] cleanup [Message]: Pad: a_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1c92535] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: not-negotiated, flow stopped [Message]: Pad: v_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1827284] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, flow stopped [Message]: Pad: buffer:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1ce2dd4] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, flow stopped [Message]: Pad: a_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1c92535] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: v_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1827284] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: buffer:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1ce2dd4] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@148aa23] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, reason: wrong-state [Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@148aa23] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [INFO] create element: Element: [httpsrc] [INFO] setting User-Agent Cortado/ Sun/1.6.0_02 Mozilla/4.0 (Windows XP 5.1) [INFO] create element: Element: [audiosink] [INFO] using high quality javax.sound backend [INFO] create element: Element: [videosink] [INFO] reading from url [INFO] parsing as abslute URL [INFO] trying to open at offset 0 [INFO] opened [INFO] contentLength: 8735597 [INFO] server contentType: application/ogg [Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@5973ea] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [INFO] using typefind contentType: application/ogg [INFO] create element: Element: [demux] [INFO] create element: Element: [buffer] [INFO] PAUSE: we are buffering [Message]: Pad: buffer:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@f8968f] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [INFO] ogg: got discont [INFO] new stream 19672, mime video/x-theora [INFO] new stream 4247, mime audio/x-vorbis [INFO] pad added Pad: demux:serial_19672 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@182da3d] [INFO] create element: Element: [v_queue] [INFO] create element: Element: [videodec] [INFO] pad added Pad: demux:serial_4247 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@497934] [INFO] create element: Element: [a_queue] [INFO] create element: Element: [audiodec] [INFO] all streams detected [INFO] theora: got discont [INFO] theora dimension: 640x480 [INFO] theora offset: 0,0 [INFO] theora frame: 640,480 [INFO] theora aspect: 1/1 [INFO] theora framerate: 30000/1001 [Message]: Pad: v_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@12d96f2] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [Message]: Pad: a_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@adb1d4] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [INFO] vorbis: got discont [INFO] vorbis rate: 44100 [INFO] vorbis channels: 2 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No line matching interface SourceDataLine supporting format PCM_SIGNED 44100.0 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, big-endian is supported. at javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem.getLine(Unknown Source) at Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.AudioSink$RingBuffer.acquire(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.AudioSink.setCapsFunc(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Sink$1.setCapsFunc(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.setCaps(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.chain(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.push(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.VorbisDec$2.chainFunc(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.chain(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.push(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1.taskFunc(Unknown Source) at Source) at Source) [INFO] got EOS Pad: audiodec:sink [com.fluendo.plugin.VorbisDec$2@1901437] [INFO] Pad: audiosink:sink [com.fluendo.jst.Sink$1@1f6226] got EOS [INFO] Element: [pipeline] got EOS from sink: Element: [audiosink] [INFO] ogg: got EOS [INFO] got EOS: Pad: v_queue:sink [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$2@64ea66] [INFO] got EOS: Pad: a_queue:sink [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$2@158f9d3] [Message]: Element: [audiosink] type: ERROR, Unknown problem opening audio device [INFO] got EOS: Pad: buffer:sink [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$2@1afae45] [INFO] video pad removed Pad: :serial_19672 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@182da3d] [INFO] audio pad removed Pad: :serial_4247 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@497934] [INFO] cleanup [Message]: Pad: a_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@adb1d4] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: not-negotiated, flow stopped [Message]: Pad: buffer:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@f8968f] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: not-negotiated, flow stopped [Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@5973ea] type: ERROR, error: not-negotiated [Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@5973ea] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: not-negotiated, reason: not-negotiated [Message]: Pad: v_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@12d96f2] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, flow stopped [Message]: Pad: a_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@adb1d4] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: v_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@12d96f2] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: buffer:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@f8968f] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@5973ea] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping stop() [INFO] exit status thread stoped init() param "url" has string value "" param "seekable" has enum value "1" (true) param "live" has enum value "0" (auto) param "duration" has double value "175.0" param "audio" has boolean value "true" param "video" has boolean value "true" param "statusHeight" has int value "18" param "autoPlay" has boolean value "true" param "showStatus" has enum value "1" (show) param "hideTimeout" has int value "0" param "keepAspect" has boolean value "true" param "bufferSize" has int value "200" param "bufferLow" has int value "10" param "bufferHigh" has int value "70" param "debug" has int value "3" param "userId" has string value "null" param "password" has string value "null" [INFO] build info: Built on 2007-08-22 16:46:57 GMT (version in stripped mode. [INFO] revision: $Revision: 4170 $ [INFO] Document base: start() [INFO] create element: Element: [httpsrc] [INFO] setting User-Agent Cortado/ Sun/1.6.0_02 Mozilla/4.0 (Windows XP 5.1) [INFO] create element: Element: [audiosink] [INFO] using high quality javax.sound backend [INFO] create element: Element: [videosink] [INFO] reading from url [INFO] parsing as abslute URL [INFO] trying to open at offset 0 [INFO] opened [INFO] contentLength: 8735597 [INFO] server contentType: application/ogg [INFO] entering status thread [Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@e1899b] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [INFO] using typefind contentType: application/ogg [INFO] create element: Element: [demux] [INFO] create element: Element: [buffer] [INFO] PAUSE: we are buffering [Message]: Pad: buffer:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1d6f122] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [INFO] ogg: got discont [INFO] new stream 19672, mime video/x-theora [INFO] new stream 4247, mime audio/x-vorbis [INFO] pad added Pad: demux:serial_19672 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@589e56] [INFO] create element: Element: [v_queue] [INFO] create element: Element: [videodec] [INFO] pad added Pad: demux:serial_4247 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@1a7508a] [INFO] create element: Element: [a_queue] [INFO] create element: Element: [audiodec] [INFO] all streams detected [Message]: Pad: v_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1a28362] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [INFO] theora: got discont [INFO] vorbis: got discont [INFO] vorbis rate: 44100 [INFO] vorbis channels: 2 [Message]: Pad: a_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@125844f] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No line matching interface SourceDataLine supporting format PCM_SIGNED 44100.0 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, big-endian is supported. at javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem.getLine(Unknown Source) at Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.AudioSink$RingBuffer.acquire(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.AudioSink.setCapsFunc(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Sink$1.setCapsFunc(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.setCaps(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.chain(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.push(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.VorbisDec$2.chainFunc(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.chain(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.push(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1.taskFunc(Unknown Source) at Source) at Source) [INFO] got EOS Pad: audiodec:sink [com.fluendo.plugin.VorbisDec$2@7a1576] [INFO] Pad: audiosink:sink [com.fluendo.jst.Sink$1@1171b26] got EOS [INFO] Element: [pipeline] got EOS from sink: Element: [audiosink] [INFO] theora dimension: 640x480 [INFO] theora offset: 0,0 [INFO] theora frame: 640,480 [INFO] theora aspect: 1/1 [INFO] theora framerate: 30000/1001 [Message]: Element: [audiosink] type: ERROR, Unknown problem opening audio device [INFO] video pad removed Pad: :serial_19672 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@589e56] [INFO] audio pad removed Pad: :serial_4247 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@1a7508a] [INFO] cleanup [Message]: Pad: a_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@125844f] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: not-negotiated, flow stopped [Message]: Pad: a_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@125844f] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: buffer:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1d6f122] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, flow stopped [Message]: Pad: v_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1a28362] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, flow stopped [Message]: Pad: v_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1a28362] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: buffer:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1d6f122] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@e1899b] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@e1899b] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, reason: wrong-state stop() [INFO] exit status thread stoped init() param "url" has string value "" param "seekable" has enum value "1" (true) param "live" has enum value "0" (auto) param "duration" has double value "175.0" param "audio" has boolean value "true" param "video" has boolean value "true" param "statusHeight" has int value "18" param "autoPlay" has boolean value "true" param "showStatus" has enum value "1" (show) param "hideTimeout" has int value "0" param "keepAspect" has boolean value "true" param "bufferSize" has int value "200" param "bufferLow" has int value "10" param "bufferHigh" has int value "70" param "debug" has int value "3" param "userId" has string value "null" param "password" has string value "null" [INFO] build info: Built on 2007-08-22 16:46:57 GMT (version in stripped mode. [INFO] revision: $Revision: 4170 $ [INFO] Document base: start() [INFO] registered plugin: com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc [INFO] registered plugin: com.fluendo.plugin.VideoSink [INFO] registered plugin: com.fluendo.plugin.AudioSinkJ2 [INFO] registered plugin: com.fluendo.plugin.AudioSinkSA [INFO] registered plugin: com.fluendo.plugin.Queue [INFO] registered plugin: com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux [INFO] registered plugin: com.fluendo.plugin.TheoraDec [INFO] registered plugin: com.fluendo.plugin.VorbisDec [INFO] create element: Element: [httpsrc] [INFO] setting User-Agent Cortado/ Sun/1.6.0_02 Mozilla/4.0 (Windows XP 5.1) [INFO] create element: Element: [audiosink] [INFO] using high quality javax.sound backend [INFO] create element: Element: [videosink] [INFO] reading from url [INFO] parsing as abslute URL [INFO] trying to open at offset 0 [INFO] opened [INFO] contentLength: 8735597 [INFO] server contentType: application/ogg [INFO] entering status thread [INFO] using typefind contentType: application/ogg [INFO] create element: Element: [demux] [INFO] create element: Element: [buffer] [INFO] ogg: got discont [INFO] new stream 19672, mime video/x-theora [INFO] new stream 4247, mime audio/x-vorbis [Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@995a79] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [INFO] PAUSE: we are buffering [Message]: Pad: buffer:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@14835fb] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [INFO] PLAY: we finished buffering [INFO] pad added Pad: demux:serial_19672 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@1343ed0] [INFO] create element: Element: [v_queue] [INFO] create element: Element: [videodec] [Message]: Pad: v_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@10b9279] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [INFO] pad added Pad: demux:serial_4247 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@16614e7] [INFO] create element: Element: [a_queue] [INFO] create element: Element: [audiodec] [Message]: Pad: a_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@29ce8c] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [INFO] all streams detected [INFO] theora: got discont [INFO] vorbis: got discont [INFO] vorbis rate: 44100 [INFO] vorbis channels: 2 [INFO] theora dimension: 640x480 [INFO] theora offset: 0,0 [INFO] theora frame: 640,480 [INFO] theora aspect: 1/1 [INFO] theora framerate: 30000/1001 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No line matching interface SourceDataLine supporting format PCM_SIGNED 44100.0 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, big-endian is supported. at javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem.getLine(Unknown Source) at Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.AudioSink$RingBuffer.acquire(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.AudioSink.setCapsFunc(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Sink$1.setCapsFunc(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.setCaps(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.chain(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.push(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.VorbisDec$2.chainFunc(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.chain(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.push(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1.taskFunc(Unknown Source) at Source) at Source) [INFO] got EOS Pad: audiodec:sink [com.fluendo.plugin.VorbisDec$2@33f0de] [INFO] Pad: audiosink:sink [com.fluendo.jst.Sink$1@ab444] got EOS [INFO] Element: [pipeline] got EOS from sink: Element: [audiosink] [Message]: Element: [audiosink] type: ERROR, Unknown problem opening audio device [INFO] video pad removed Pad: :serial_19672 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@1343ed0] [INFO] audio pad removed Pad: :serial_4247 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@16614e7] [INFO] cleanup [Message]: Pad: a_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@29ce8c] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: not-negotiated, flow stopped [Message]: Pad: a_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@29ce8c] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: buffer:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@14835fb] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, flow stopped [Message]: Pad: v_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@10b9279] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: v_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@10b9279] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, flow stopped [Message]: Pad: buffer:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@14835fb] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@995a79] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@995a79] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, reason: wrong-state stop() [INFO] exit status thread stoped init() param "url" has string value "" param "seekable" has enum value "1" (true) param "live" has enum value "0" (auto) param "duration" has double value "175.0" param "audio" has boolean value "true" param "video" has boolean value "true" param "statusHeight" has int value "18" param "autoPlay" has boolean value "true" param "showStatus" has enum value "1" (show) param "hideTimeout" has int value "0" param "keepAspect" has boolean value "true" param "bufferSize" has int value "200" param "bufferLow" has int value "10" param "bufferHigh" has int value "70" param "debug" has int value "3" param "userId" has string value "null" param "password" has string value "null" [INFO] build info: Built on 2007-08-22 16:46:57 GMT (version in stripped mode. [INFO] revision: $Revision: 4170 $ [INFO] Document base: start() [INFO] create element: Element: [httpsrc] [INFO] setting User-Agent Cortado/ Sun/1.6.0_02 Mozilla/4.0 (Windows XP 5.1) [INFO] create element: Element: [audiosink] [INFO] using high quality javax.sound backend [INFO] create element: Element: [videosink] [INFO] reading from url [INFO] parsing as abslute URL [INFO] trying to open at offset 0 [INFO] opened [INFO] contentLength: 8735597 [INFO] server contentType: application/ogg [INFO] entering status thread [INFO] using typefind contentType: application/ogg [INFO] create element: Element: [demux] [INFO] create element: Element: [buffer] [Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@8046f4] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [INFO] PAUSE: we are buffering [Message]: Pad: buffer:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1bbd7b2] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [INFO] ogg: got discont [INFO] new stream 19672, mime video/x-theora [INFO] new stream 4247, mime audio/x-vorbis [INFO] pad added Pad: demux:serial_19672 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@18a8ce2] [INFO] create element: Element: [v_queue] [INFO] create element: Element: [videodec] [INFO] pad added Pad: demux:serial_4247 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@b40ec4] [INFO] create element: Element: [a_queue] [INFO] create element: Element: [audiodec] [INFO] all streams detected [INFO] theora: got discont [INFO] vorbis: got discont [INFO] vorbis rate: 44100 [INFO] vorbis channels: 2 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No line matching interface SourceDataLine supporting format PCM_SIGNED 44100.0 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, big-endian is supported. at javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem.getLine(Unknown Source) at Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.AudioSink$RingBuffer.acquire(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.AudioSink.setCapsFunc(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Sink$1.setCapsFunc(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.setCaps(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.chain(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.push(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.VorbisDec$2.chainFunc(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.chain(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.push(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1.taskFunc(Unknown Source) at Source) at Source) [INFO] got EOS Pad: audiodec:sink [com.fluendo.plugin.VorbisDec$2@1682598] [INFO] Pad: audiosink:sink [com.fluendo.jst.Sink$1@7c3885] got EOS [INFO] Element: [pipeline] got EOS from sink: Element: [audiosink] [INFO] ogg: got EOS [INFO] got EOS: Pad: v_queue:sink [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$2@162e295] [INFO] got EOS: Pad: a_queue:sink [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$2@109de5b] [Message]: Pad: v_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@a45536] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [Message]: Pad: a_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@d66426] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [INFO] PLAY: we finished buffering [Message]: Element: [audiosink] type: ERROR, Unknown problem opening audio device [INFO] got EOS: Pad: buffer:sink [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$2@f30494] [INFO] theora dimension: 640x480 [INFO] theora offset: 0,0 [INFO] theora frame: 640,480 [INFO] theora aspect: 1/1 [INFO] theora framerate: 30000/1001 [INFO] video pad removed Pad: :serial_19672 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@18a8ce2] [INFO] audio pad removed Pad: :serial_4247 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@b40ec4] [INFO] cleanup [Message]: Pad: a_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@d66426] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: not-negotiated, flow stopped [Message]: Pad: buffer:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1bbd7b2] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: not-negotiated, flow stopped [Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@8046f4] type: ERROR, error: not-negotiated [Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@8046f4] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: not-negotiated, reason: not-negotiated [Message]: Pad: a_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@d66426] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: v_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@a45536] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: buffer:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1bbd7b2] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@8046f4] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping stop() [INFO] exit status thread stoped init() param "url" has string value "" param "seekable" has enum value "1" (true) param "live" has enum value "0" (auto) param "duration" has double value "175.0" param "audio" has boolean value "true" param "video" has boolean value "true" param "statusHeight" has int value "18" param "autoPlay" has boolean value "true" param "showStatus" has enum value "1" (show) param "hideTimeout" has int value "0" param "keepAspect" has boolean value "true" param "bufferSize" has int value "200" param "bufferLow" has int value "10" param "bufferHigh" has int value "70" param "debug" has int value "3" param "userId" has string value "null" param "password" has string value "null" [INFO] build info: Built on 2007-08-22 16:46:57 GMT (version in stripped mode. [INFO] revision: $Revision: 4170 $ [INFO] Document base: start() [INFO] create element: Element: [httpsrc] [INFO] setting User-Agent Cortado/ Sun/1.6.0_02 Mozilla/4.0 (Windows XP 5.1) [INFO] create element: Element: [audiosink] [INFO] using high quality javax.sound backend [INFO] create element: Element: [videosink] [INFO] reading from url [INFO] parsing as abslute URL [INFO] trying to open at offset 0 [INFO] opened [INFO] contentLength: 8735597 [INFO] server contentType: application/ogg [INFO] entering status thread [INFO] using typefind contentType: application/ogg [INFO] create element: Element: [demux] [INFO] create element: Element: [buffer] [Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@933bcb] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [INFO] PAUSE: we are buffering [Message]: Pad: buffer:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1dec1dd] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [INFO] ogg: got discont [INFO] new stream 19672, mime video/x-theora [INFO] new stream 4247, mime audio/x-vorbis [INFO] pad added Pad: demux:serial_19672 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@1dee400] [INFO] create element: Element: [v_queue] [INFO] create element: Element: [videodec] [INFO] pad added Pad: demux:serial_4247 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@b3319f] [INFO] create element: Element: [a_queue] [INFO] create element: Element: [audiodec] [INFO] all streams detected [INFO] theora: got discont [INFO] vorbis: got discont [INFO] vorbis rate: 44100 [INFO] vorbis channels: 2 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No line matching interface SourceDataLine supporting format PCM_SIGNED 44100.0 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, big-endian is supported. [Message]: Pad: v_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1d88db7] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [Message]: Pad: a_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@402af3] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [INFO] theora dimension: 640x480 [INFO] theora offset: 0,0 [INFO] theora frame: 640,480 [INFO] theora aspect: 1/1 [INFO] theora framerate: 30000/1001 at javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem.getLine(Unknown Source) at Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.AudioSink$RingBuffer.acquire(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.AudioSink.setCapsFunc(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Sink$1.setCapsFunc(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.setCaps(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.chain(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.push(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.VorbisDec$2.chainFunc(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.chain(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.push(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1.taskFunc(Unknown Source) at Source) at Source) [Message]: Element: [audiosink] type: ERROR, Unknown problem opening audio device [INFO] got EOS Pad: audiodec:sink [com.fluendo.plugin.VorbisDec$2@a89ce3] [INFO] Pad: audiosink:sink [com.fluendo.jst.Sink$1@1d439fe] got EOS [INFO] Element: [pipeline] got EOS from sink: Element: [audiosink] [INFO] video pad removed Pad: :serial_19672 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@1dee400] [INFO] audio pad removed Pad: :serial_4247 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@b3319f] [INFO] cleanup [Message]: Pad: a_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@402af3] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: not-negotiated, flow stopped [Message]: Pad: v_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1d88db7] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, flow stopped [Message]: Pad: a_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@402af3] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: buffer:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1dec1dd] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, flow stopped [Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@933bcb] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, reason: wrong-state [Message]: Pad: v_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1d88db7] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: buffer:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1dec1dd] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@933bcb] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping stop() [INFO] exit status thread stoped init() param "url" has string value "" param "seekable" has enum value "1" (true) param "live" has enum value "0" (auto) param "duration" has double value "175.0" param "audio" has boolean value "true" param "video" has boolean value "true" param "statusHeight" has int value "18" param "autoPlay" has boolean value "true" param "showStatus" has enum value "1" (show) param "hideTimeout" has int value "0" param "keepAspect" has boolean value "true" param "bufferSize" has int value "200" param "bufferLow" has int value "10" param "bufferHigh" has int value "70" param "debug" has int value "3" param "userId" has string value "null" param "password" has string value "null" [INFO] build info: Built on 2007-08-22 16:46:57 GMT (version in stripped mode. [INFO] revision: $Revision: 4170 $ [INFO] Document base: start() [INFO] create element: Element: [httpsrc] [INFO] setting User-Agent Cortado/ Sun/1.6.0_02 Mozilla/4.0 (Windows XP 5.1) [INFO] create element: Element: [audiosink] [INFO] using high quality javax.sound backend [INFO] create element: Element: [videosink] [INFO] reading from url [INFO] parsing as abslute URL [INFO] trying to open at offset 0 [INFO] opened [INFO] contentLength: 8735597 [INFO] server contentType: application/ogg [INFO] entering status thread [INFO] using typefind contentType: application/ogg [INFO] create element: Element: [demux] [INFO] create element: Element: [buffer] [INFO] ogg: got discont [INFO] new stream 19672, mime video/x-theora [INFO] new stream 4247, mime audio/x-vorbis [INFO] pad added Pad: demux:serial_19672 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@6397eb] [INFO] create element: Element: [v_queue] [INFO] create element: Element: [videodec] [INFO] pad added Pad: demux:serial_4247 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@1b01afa] [INFO] create element: Element: [a_queue] [INFO] create element: Element: [audiodec] [Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@1c8efd1] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [INFO] PAUSE: we are buffering [INFO] all streams detected [Message]: Pad: buffer:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1684706] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [Message]: Pad: v_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1c8ef56] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating [INFO] theora: got discont [INFO] vorbis: got discont [INFO] vorbis rate: 44100 [INFO] vorbis channels: 2 [Message]: Pad: a_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1d0d124] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No line matching interface SourceDataLine supporting format PCM_SIGNED 44100.0 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, big-endian is supported. at javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem.getLine(Unknown Source) at Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.AudioSink$RingBuffer.acquire(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.AudioSink.setCapsFunc(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Sink$1.setCapsFunc(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.setCaps(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.chain(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.push(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.VorbisDec$2.chainFunc(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.chain(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.jst.Pad.push(Unknown Source) at com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1.taskFunc(Unknown Source) at Source) at Source) [INFO] got EOS Pad: audiodec:sink [com.fluendo.plugin.VorbisDec$2@6214f5] [INFO] Pad: audiosink:sink [com.fluendo.jst.Sink$1@14e113b] got EOS [INFO] Element: [pipeline] got EOS from sink: Element: [audiosink] [Message]: Element: [audiosink] type: ERROR, Unknown problem opening audio device [INFO] theora dimension: 640x480 [INFO] theora offset: 0,0 [INFO] theora frame: 640,480 [INFO] theora aspect: 1/1 [INFO] theora framerate: 30000/1001 [INFO] video pad removed Pad: :serial_19672 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@6397eb] [INFO] audio pad removed Pad: :serial_4247 [com.fluendo.plugin.OggDemux$OggStream@1b01afa] [INFO] cleanup [Message]: Pad: a_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1d0d124] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: not-negotiated, flow stopped [Message]: Pad: a_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1d0d124] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: v_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1c8ef56] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, flow stopped [Message]: Pad: v_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1c8ef56] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: buffer:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1684706] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: buffer:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@1684706] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, flow stopped [Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@1c8efd1] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, stopping [Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@1c8efd1] type: STREAM_STATUS, stop, reason: wrong-state, reason: wrong-state