-- traffic per host per hour on 2022-01-27 select split(hostname, '.')[1] as host, split(hostname, '.')[2] as dc, webrequest_source, count_actual, day, hour from wmf_raw.webrequest_sequence_stats where year = 2022 and month = 1 and day = 27 -- total traffic per host for the whole day select split(hostname, '.')[1] as host, split(hostname, '.')[2] as dc, webrequest_source, sum(count_actual) as total_count from wmf_raw.webrequest_sequence_stats where year = 2022 and month = 1 and day = 27 group by hostname, webrequest_source -- average traffic per host on a given dc and source with total_traffic_by_host as ( select year, month, day, split(hostname, '.')[1] as host, split(hostname, '.')[2] as dc, webrequest_source, sum(count_actual) as total_count from wmf_raw.webrequest_sequence_stats where split(hostname, '.')[2] in ('ulsfo', 'eqiad') and ((year=2022) or (year=2021 and month > 9)) group by year, month, day, hostname, webrequest_source ) select year, month, day, dc, webrequest_source, sum(total_count) / count(distinct host) as avg_traffic_per_host, sum(total_count) as total_traffic, count(distinct host) as hosts_responding from total_traffic_by_host group by year, month, day, dc, webrequest_source order by year, month, day, dc, webrequest_source -- total requests per source per day select year, month, day, webrequest_source, sum(count_actual) as total_count from wmf_raw.webrequest_sequence_stats where ((year=2022) or (year=2021 and month > 9)) group by year, month, day, webrequest_source -- try and find variability by access_method or referer_class select split(hostname, '.')[1] as host, split(hostname, '.')[2] as dc, access_method, count(1) as pageviews from wmf.pageview_actor where year = 2022 and month = 1 and day = 27 and is_pageview group by hostname, access_method