contact_id first_name last_name nick_name street_address supplemental_address_1 supplemental_address_2 city state_province postal_code country voterbase_id tsmart_sample_id tsmart_full_address tsmart_city tsmart_state tsmart_zip tsmart_zip4 tb.new_mover_flg voterbase_dob deceased_flag_date_of_death Household Income Range Household Income Range_key Household Net Worth Household Net Worth_key xpg.donor_contributes_to_charities tb.charitable_contrib_decile Discretionary Income Amount Discretionary Income Decile Family Composition Code Family Composition vf_party party_score_rollup Occupation Occupation_key voterbase_gender 11363866 Our Guru super duper big house on the left up the drive Springfield Texas T3X 2AS US New Texas 90210 9999 19761228 19761228 Retired 11863262 Civi Person me 52 Medium House on the right NULL Another City Texas T3X 2AS US MD-1234567 my address Baltimore MD 21212 1234 19460605 $100,000 - $124,999 G $750,000 - $999,999 J 16 8 29 2 D Couple with children No Party DEMOCRAT Male