Start command line script updateSpecialPages.php Main cache: FakeMemCachedClient Message cache: MediaWikiBagOStuff Parser cache: MediaWikiBagOStuff Unstubbing $wgParser on call of $wgParser->setFunctionHook from efEditCount Unstubbing $wgContLang on call of $wgContLang->getMagic from MagicWord::load Language::loadLocalisation(): got localisation for de from source Language::loadLocalisation(): got localisation for en from source Unstubbing $wgMessageCache on call of $wgMessageCache->addMessages from efEditCountMsgs Fully initialised Unstubbing $wgOut on call of $wgOut->disable from unknown Connecting to localhost david_wiki... Connected LoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Ancientpages SQL: DELETE /* AncientPagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Ancientpages' SQL: SELECT /* AncientPagesPage::recache */ 'Ancientpages' as type, page_namespace as namespace, page_title as title, EXTRACT(epoch FROM rev_timestamp) as value FROM page, revision WHERE page_namespace=0 AND page_is_redirect=0 AND page_latest=rev_id ORDER BY value LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: INSERT /* AncientPagesPage::recache */ INTO querycache (qc_type,qc_namespace,qc_title,qc_value) VALUES ('Ancientpages','0','Devel_(David)','1210083193'),('Ancientpages','0','Numbers_(David)','1210083336'),('Ancientpages','0','TPO_Weblog','1210859585'),('Ancientpages','0','Hauptseite','1211966520') SQL ERROR (ignored): ERROR: syntax error at or near "," at character 154 SQL: DELETE /* AncientPagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Ancientpages' SQL: INSERT /* AncientPagesPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Ancientpages','2008-06-05 17:14:14 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group BrokenRedirects SQL: DELETE /* BrokenRedirectsPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'BrokenRedirects' SQL: SELECT /* BrokenRedirectsPage::recache */ 'BrokenRedirects' AS type, p1.page_namespace AS namespace, p1.page_title AS title, rd_namespace, rd_title FROM redirect AS rd JOIN page p1 ON (rd.rd_from=p1.page_id) LEFT JOIN page AS p2 ON (rd_namespace=p2.page_namespace AND rd_title=p2.page_title ) WHERE rd_namespace >= 0 AND p2.page_namespace IS NULL LIMIT 1000 OFFSET SQL: DELETE /* BrokenRedirectsPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'BrokenRedirects' SQL: INSERT /* BrokenRedirectsPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('BrokenRedirects','2008-06-05 17:14:14 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Deadendpages SQL: DELETE /* DeadendPagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Deadendpages' SQL: SELECT /* DeadendPagesPage::recache */ 'Deadendpages' as type, page_namespace AS namespace, page_title as title, page_title AS value FROM page LEFT JOIN pagelinks ON page_id = pl_from WHERE pl_from IS NULL AND page_namespace = 0 AND page_is_redirect = 0 ORDER BY value LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: INSERT /* DeadendPagesPage::recache */ INTO querycache (qc_type,qc_namespace,qc_title,qc_value) VALUES ('Deadendpages','0','TPO_Weblog','TPO_Weblog') SQL ERROR (ignored): ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "TPO_Weblog" SQL: DELETE /* DeadendPagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Deadendpages' SQL: INSERT /* DeadendPagesPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Deadendpages','2008-06-05 17:14:14 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Disambiguations SQL: DELETE /* DisambiguationsPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Disambiguations' SQL: SELECT /* MediaWikiBagOStuff::_doquery */ value,exptime FROM objectcache WHERE keyname='david_wiki:messages:de' SQL: SELECT /* MediaWikiBagOStuff::_doquery */ value,exptime FROM objectcache WHERE keyname='david_wiki:messages:de:status' SQL: DELETE /* MediaWikiBagOStuff::_doquery */ FROM objectcache WHERE keyname='david_wiki:messages:de:status' SQL: INSERT /* MediaWikiBagOStuff::_doinsert */ INTO objectcache (keyname,value,exptime) VALUES ('david_wiki:messages:de:status','+\\2662\\267R\\312\\311OL\\311\\314KW\\262\\006\\000','2008-06-05 17:15:14 GMT') SQL: DELETE /* MediaWikiBagOStuff::_doquery */ FROM objectcache WHERE keyname='david_wiki:messages:de:status' MessageCache::load: Loading de... got from global cache SQL: SELECT /* DisambiguationsPage::recache */ 'Disambiguations' AS "type", pb.page_namespace AS namespace, pb.page_title AS title, la.pl_from AS value FROM templatelinks AS lb, page AS pb, pagelinks AS la, page AS pa WHERE (lb.tl_namespace=10 AND lb.tl_title='Begriffsklärung') AND pa.page_id = la.pl_from AND pa.page_namespace = 0 AND pb.page_id = lb.tl_from AND pb.page_namespace = la.pl_namespace AND pb.page_title = la.pl_title ORDER BY lb.tl_namespace, lb.tl_title LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: DELETE /* DisambiguationsPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Disambiguations' SQL: INSERT /* DisambiguationsPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Disambiguations','2008-06-05 17:14:14 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group DoubleRedirects SQL: DELETE /* DoubleRedirectsPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'DoubleRedirects' SQL: SELECT /* DoubleRedirectsPage::recache */ 'DoubleRedirects' as type, pa.page_namespace as namespace, pa.page_title as title, pb.page_namespace as nsb, pb.page_title as tb, pc.page_namespace as nsc, pc.page_title as tc FROM redirect AS ra, redirect AS rb, page AS pa, page AS pb, page AS pc WHERE ra.rd_from=pa.page_id AND ra.rd_namespace=pb.page_namespace AND ra.rd_title=pb.page_title AND rb.rd_from=pb.page_id AND rb.rd_namespace=pc.page_namespace AND rb.rd_title=pc.page_title LIMIT 1000 OFFSET SQL: DELETE /* DoubleRedirectsPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'DoubleRedirects' SQL: INSERT /* DoubleRedirectsPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('DoubleRedirects','2008-06-05 17:14:14 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Listredirects SQL: DELETE /* ListredirectsPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Listredirects' SQL: SELECT /* ListredirectsPage::recache */ 'Listredirects' AS type, page_title AS title, page_namespace AS namespace, 0 AS value FROM page WHERE page_is_redirect = 1 ORDER BY value LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: INSERT /* ListredirectsPage::recache */ INTO querycache (qc_type,qc_namespace,qc_title,qc_value) VALUES ('Listredirects','4','Über_DavidWiki','0'),('Listredirects','0','Tpo_weblog','0') SQL ERROR (ignored): ERROR: syntax error at or near "," at character 149 SQL: DELETE /* ListredirectsPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Listredirects' SQL: INSERT /* ListredirectsPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Listredirects','2008-06-05 17:14:14 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Lonelypages SQL: DELETE /* LonelyPagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Lonelypages' SQL: SELECT /* LonelyPagesPage::recache */ 'Lonelypages' AS type, page_namespace AS namespace, page_title AS title, page_title AS value FROM page LEFT JOIN pagelinks ON page_namespace=pl_namespace AND page_title=pl_title WHERE pl_namespace IS NULL AND page_namespace=0 AND page_is_redirect=0 ORDER BY value LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: DELETE /* LonelyPagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Lonelypages' SQL: INSERT /* LonelyPagesPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Lonelypages','2008-06-05 17:14:14 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Longpages SQL: DELETE /* LongPagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Longpages' SQL: SELECT /* LongPagesPage::recache */ 'Longpages' as type, page_namespace as namespace, page_title as title, page_len AS value FROM page WHERE page_namespace IN ('0') AND page_is_redirect=0 ORDER BY value DESC LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: INSERT /* LongPagesPage::recache */ INTO querycache (qc_type,qc_namespace,qc_title,qc_value) VALUES ('Longpages','0','Hauptseite','2235'),('Longpages','0','TPO_Weblog','698'),('Longpages','0','Numbers_(David)','279'),('Longpages','0','Devel_(David)','222') SQL ERROR (ignored): ERROR: syntax error at or near "," at character 139 SQL: DELETE /* LongPagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Longpages' SQL: INSERT /* LongPagesPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Longpages','2008-06-05 17:14:14 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Mostcategories SQL: DELETE /* MostcategoriesPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Mostcategories' SQL: /* MostcategoriesPage::recache */ SELECT 'Mostcategories' as type, page_namespace as namespace, page_title as title, COUNT(*) as value FROM categorylinks LEFT JOIN page ON cl_from = page_id WHERE page_namespace = 0 GROUP BY 1,2,3 HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ORDER BY value DESC LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: DELETE /* MostcategoriesPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Mostcategories' SQL: INSERT /* MostcategoriesPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Mostcategories','2008-06-05 17:14:14 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Mostimages SQL: DELETE /* MostimagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Mostimages' SQL: /* MostimagesPage::recache */ SELECT 'Mostimages' as type, 6 as namespace, il_to as title, COUNT(*) as value FROM imagelinks GROUP BY 1,2,3 HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ORDER BY value DESC LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: DELETE /* MostimagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Mostimages' SQL: INSERT /* MostimagesPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Mostimages','2008-06-05 17:14:15 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Mostlinkedcategories SQL: DELETE /* MostlinkedCategoriesPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Mostlinkedcategories' SQL: /* MostlinkedCategoriesPage::recache */ SELECT 'Mostlinkedcategories' as type, 14 as namespace, cl_to as title, COUNT(*) as value FROM categorylinks GROUP BY 1,2,3 ORDER BY value DESC LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: DELETE /* MostlinkedCategoriesPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Mostlinkedcategories' SQL: INSERT /* MostlinkedCategoriesPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Mostlinkedcategories','2008-06-05 17:14:15 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Mostlinkedtemplates SQL: DELETE /* SpecialMostlinkedtemplates::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Mostlinkedtemplates' SQL: SELECT /* SpecialMostlinkedtemplates::recache */ 'Mostlinkedtemplates' AS type, 10 AS namespace, tl_title AS title, COUNT(*) AS value FROM templatelinks WHERE tl_namespace = 10 GROUP BY 1, 2, 3 ORDER BY value DESC LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: INSERT /* SpecialMostlinkedtemplates::recache */ INTO querycache (qc_type,qc_namespace,qc_title,qc_value) VALUES ('Mostlinkedtemplates','10','Navigation-Hilfe','10'),('Mostlinkedtemplates','10','Navigation-David','5') SQL ERROR (ignored): ERROR: syntax error at or near "," at character 167 SQL: DELETE /* SpecialMostlinkedtemplates::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Mostlinkedtemplates' SQL: INSERT /* SpecialMostlinkedtemplates::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Mostlinkedtemplates','2008-06-05 17:14:15 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Mostlinked SQL: DELETE /* MostlinkedPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Mostlinked' SQL: SELECT /* MostlinkedPage::recache */ 'Mostlinked' AS type, pl_namespace AS namespace, pl_title AS title, COUNT(*) AS value, page_namespace FROM pagelinks LEFT JOIN page ON pl_namespace=page_namespace AND pl_title=page_title GROUP BY 1,2,3,5 HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ORDER BY value DESC LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: INSERT /* MostlinkedPage::recache */ INTO querycache (qc_type,qc_namespace,qc_title,qc_value) VALUES ('Mostlinked','2','David','16'),('Mostlinked','12','Hilfe','15'),('Mostlinked','12','FAQ','12'),('Mostlinked','12','Verschieben','11'),('Mostlinked','12','Diskussion','10'),('Mostlinked','12','Mathematische_Formeln','10'),('Mostlinked','13','FAQ','10'),('Mostlinked','12','Redirect','10'),('Mostlinked','12','Neue_Seiten_erstellen','10'),('Mostlinked','12','Vorlagen','10'),('Mostlinked','12','Link SQL ERROR (ignored): ERROR: syntax error at or near "," at character 134 SQL: DELETE /* MostlinkedPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Mostlinked' SQL: INSERT /* MostlinkedPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Mostlinked','2008-06-05 17:14:15 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Mostrevisions SQL: DELETE /* MostrevisionsPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Mostrevisions' SQL: /* MostrevisionsPage::recache */ SELECT 'Mostrevisions' as type, page_namespace as namespace, page_title as title, COUNT(*) as value FROM revision JOIN page ON page_id = rev_page WHERE page_namespace = 0 GROUP BY 1,2,3 HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ORDER BY value DESC LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: INSERT /* MostrevisionsPage::recache */ INTO querycache (qc_type,qc_namespace,qc_title,qc_value) VALUES ('Mostrevisions','0','Hauptseite','18'),('Mostrevisions','0','Tpo_weblog','7'),('Mostrevisions','0','Numbers_(David)','2') SQL ERROR (ignored): ERROR: syntax error at or near "," at character 145 SQL: DELETE /* MostrevisionsPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Mostrevisions' SQL: INSERT /* MostrevisionsPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Mostrevisions','2008-06-05 17:14:15 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Fewestrevisions SQL: DELETE /* FewestrevisionsPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Fewestrevisions' SQL: SELECT /* FewestrevisionsPage::recache */ 'Fewestrevisions' as type, page_namespace as namespace, page_title as title, COUNT(*) as value FROM revision JOIN page ON page_id = rev_page WHERE page_namespace = 0 GROUP BY 1,2,3 HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ORDER BY value LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: INSERT /* FewestrevisionsPage::recache */ INTO querycache (qc_type,qc_namespace,qc_title,qc_value) VALUES ('Fewestrevisions','0','Numbers_(David)','2'),('Fewestrevisions','0','Tpo_weblog','7'),('Fewestrevisions','0','Hauptseite','18') SQL ERROR (ignored): ERROR: syntax error at or near "," at character 153 SQL: DELETE /* FewestrevisionsPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Fewestrevisions' SQL: INSERT /* FewestrevisionsPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Fewestrevisions','2008-06-05 17:14:15 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Shortpages SQL: DELETE /* ShortPagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Shortpages' SQL: SELECT /* ShortPagesPage::recache */ 'Shortpages' as type, page_namespace as namespace, page_title as title, page_len AS value FROM page WHERE page_namespace IN ('0') AND page_is_redirect=0 ORDER BY value LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: INSERT /* ShortPagesPage::recache */ INTO querycache (qc_type,qc_namespace,qc_title,qc_value) VALUES ('Shortpages','0','Devel_(David)','222'),('Shortpages','0','Numbers_(David)','279'),('Shortpages','0','TPO_Weblog','698'),('Shortpages','0','Hauptseite','2235') SQL ERROR (ignored): ERROR: syntax error at or near "," at character 143 SQL: DELETE /* ShortPagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Shortpages' SQL: INSERT /* ShortPagesPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Shortpages','2008-06-05 17:14:15 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Uncategorizedcategories SQL: DELETE /* UncategorizedCategoriesPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Uncategorizedcategories' SQL: /* UncategorizedCategoriesPage::recache */ SELECT 'Uncategorizedcategories' as type, page_namespace AS namespace, page_title AS title, page_title AS value FROM page LEFT JOIN categorylinks ON page_id=cl_from WHERE cl_from IS NULL AND page_namespace=14 AND page_is_redirect=0 ORDER BY value LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: DELETE /* UncategorizedCategoriesPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Uncategorizedcategories' SQL: INSERT /* UncategorizedCategoriesPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Uncategorizedcategories','2008-06-05 17:14:15 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Uncategorizedpages SQL: DELETE /* UncategorizedPagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Uncategorizedpages' SQL: /* UncategorizedPagesPage::recache */ SELECT 'Uncategorizedpages' as type, page_namespace AS namespace, page_title AS title, page_title AS value FROM page LEFT JOIN categorylinks ON page_id=cl_from WHERE cl_from IS NULL AND page_namespace=0 AND page_is_redirect=0 ORDER BY value LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: INSERT /* UncategorizedPagesPage::recache */ INTO querycache (qc_type,qc_namespace,qc_title,qc_value) VALUES ('Uncategorizedpages','0','Devel_(David)','Devel_(David)'),('Uncategorizedpages','0','Hauptseite','Hauptseite'),('Uncategorizedpages','0','Numbers_(David)','Numbers_(David)'),('Uncategorizedpages','0','TPO_Weblog','TPO_Weblog') SQL ERROR (ignored): ERROR: syntax error at or near "," at character 169 SQL: DELETE /* UncategorizedPagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Uncategorizedpages' SQL: INSERT /* UncategorizedPagesPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Uncategorizedpages','2008-06-05 17:14:15 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Uncategorizedimages SQL: DELETE /* UncategorizedImagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Uncategorizedimages' SQL: SELECT /* UncategorizedImagesPage::recache */ 'Uncategorizedimages' AS type, page_namespace AS namespace, page_title AS title, page_title AS value FROM page LEFT JOIN categorylinks ON page_id = cl_from WHERE cl_from IS NULL AND page_namespace = 6 AND page_is_redirect = 0 ORDER BY value LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: DELETE /* UncategorizedImagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Uncategorizedimages' SQL: INSERT /* UncategorizedImagesPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Uncategorizedimages','2008-06-05 17:14:15 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Uncategorizedtemplates SQL: DELETE /* UncategorizedTemplatesPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Uncategorizedtemplates' SQL: /* UncategorizedTemplatesPage::recache */ SELECT 'Uncategorizedtemplates' as type, page_namespace AS namespace, page_title AS title, page_title AS value FROM page LEFT JOIN categorylinks ON page_id=cl_from WHERE cl_from IS NULL AND page_namespace=10 AND page_is_redirect=0 ORDER BY value LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: INSERT /* UncategorizedTemplatesPage::recache */ INTO querycache (qc_type,qc_namespace,qc_title,qc_value) VALUES ('Uncategorizedtemplates','10','Navigation-David','Navigation-David'),('Uncategorizedtemplates','10','Navigation-Hilfe','Navigation-Hilfe') SQL ERROR (ignored): ERROR: syntax error at or near "," at character 184 SQL: DELETE /* UncategorizedTemplatesPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Uncategorizedtemplates' SQL: INSERT /* UncategorizedTemplatesPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Uncategorizedtemplates','2008-06-05 17:14:15 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Unusedcategories SQL: DELETE /* UnusedCategoriesPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Unusedcategories' SQL: SELECT /* UnusedCategoriesPage::recache */ 'Unusedcategories' as type, 14 as namespace, page_title as title, page_title as value FROM page LEFT JOIN categorylinks ON page_title=cl_to WHERE cl_from IS NULL AND page_namespace = 14 AND page_is_redirect = 0 ORDER BY value DESC LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: DELETE /* UnusedCategoriesPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Unusedcategories' SQL: INSERT /* UnusedCategoriesPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Unusedcategories','2008-06-05 17:14:15 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Unusedimages SQL: DELETE /* UnusedimagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Unusedimages' SQL: SELECT /* UnusedimagesPage::recache */ 'Unusedimages' as type, 6 as namespace, img_name as title, img_timestamp as value, img_user, img_user_text, img_description FROM image LEFT JOIN imagelinks ON img_name=il_to WHERE il_to IS NULL ORDER BY value LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: DELETE /* UnusedimagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Unusedimages' SQL: INSERT /* UnusedimagesPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Unusedimages','2008-06-05 17:14:15 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Wantedcategories SQL: DELETE /* WantedCategoriesPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Wantedcategories' SQL: /* WantedCategoriesPage::recache */ SELECT 'Wantedcategories' as type, 14 as namespace, cl_to as title, COUNT(*) as value FROM categorylinks LEFT JOIN page ON cl_to = page_title AND page_namespace = 14 WHERE page_title IS NULL GROUP BY 1,2,3 ORDER BY value DESC LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: DELETE /* WantedCategoriesPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Wantedcategories' SQL: INSERT /* WantedCategoriesPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Wantedcategories','2008-06-05 17:14:15 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Wantedpages SQL: DELETE /* WantedPagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Wantedpages' SQL: SELECT /* WantedPagesPage::recache */ 'Wantedpages' AS type, pl_namespace AS namespace, pl_title AS title, COUNT(*) AS value FROM pagelinks LEFT JOIN page AS pg1 ON pl_namespace = pg1.page_namespace AND pl_title = pg1.page_title LEFT JOIN page AS pg2 ON pl_from = pg2.page_id WHERE pg1.page_namespace IS NULL AND pl_namespace NOT IN ( 2, 3 ) AND pg2.page_namespace != 8 GROUP BY 1,2,3 HAVING COUNT(*) > 0 ORDER BY value DESC L SQL: DELETE /* WantedPagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Wantedpages' SQL: INSERT /* WantedPagesPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Wantedpages','2008-06-05 17:14:15 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Unwatchedpages SQL: DELETE /* UnwatchedpagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Unwatchedpages' SQL: /* UnwatchedpagesPage::recache */ SELECT 'Unwatchedpages' as type, page_namespace as namespace, page_title as title, page_namespace as value FROM page LEFT JOIN watchlist ON wl_namespace = page_namespace AND page_title = wl_title WHERE wl_title IS NULL AND page_is_redirect = 0 AND page_namespace<>8 ORDER BY value LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: INSERT /* UnwatchedpagesPage::recache */ INTO querycache (qc_type,qc_namespace,qc_title,qc_value) VALUES ('Unwatchedpages','0','Devel_(David)','0'),('Unwatchedpages','0','Hauptseite','0'),('Unwatchedpages','0','Numbers_(David)','0'),('Unwatchedpages','0','TPO_Weblog','0'),('Unwatchedpages','1','TPO_Weblog','1'),('Unwatchedpages','2','David','2'),('Unwatchedpages','2','David/Fragen','2'),('Unwatchedpages','2','David/Linkliste','2'),('Unwatchedpages','2','David/Notizen','2'),('Unwatchedpages','2' SQL ERROR (ignored): ERROR: syntax error at or near "," at character 149 SQL: DELETE /* UnwatchedpagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Unwatchedpages' SQL: INSERT /* UnwatchedpagesPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Unwatchedpages','2008-06-05 17:14:15 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Unusedtemplates SQL: DELETE /* UnusedtemplatesPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Unusedtemplates' SQL: SELECT /* UnusedtemplatesPage::recache */ 'Unusedtemplates' AS type, page_title AS title, page_namespace AS namespace, 0 AS value FROM page LEFT JOIN templatelinks ON page_namespace = tl_namespace AND page_title = tl_title WHERE page_namespace = 10 AND tl_from IS NULL AND page_is_redirect = 0 ORDER BY value LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: DELETE /* UnusedtemplatesPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Unusedtemplates' SQL: INSERT /* UnusedtemplatesPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Unusedtemplates','2008-06-05 17:14:15 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Withoutinterwiki SQL: DELETE /* WithoutInterwikiPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Withoutinterwiki' SQL: SELECT /* WithoutInterwikiPage::recache */ 'Withoutinterwiki' AS type, page_namespace AS namespace, page_title AS title, page_title AS value FROM page LEFT JOIN langlinks ON ll_from = page_id WHERE ll_title IS NULL AND page_namespace=0 AND page_is_redirect = 0 ORDER BY value LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: INSERT /* WithoutInterwikiPage::recache */ INTO querycache (qc_type,qc_namespace,qc_title,qc_value) VALUES ('Withoutinterwiki','0','Devel_(David)','Devel_(David)'),('Withoutinterwiki','0','Hauptseite','Hauptseite'),('Withoutinterwiki','0','Numbers_(David)','Numbers_(David)'),('Withoutinterwiki','0','TPO_Weblog','TPO_Weblog') SQL ERROR (ignored): ERROR: syntax error at or near "," at character 165 SQL: DELETE /* WithoutInterwikiPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Withoutinterwiki' SQL: INSERT /* WithoutInterwikiPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Withoutinterwiki','2008-06-05 17:14:15 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yetLoadBalancer::getConnection: using server localhost for group Popularpages SQL: DELETE /* PopularPagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache WHERE qc_type = 'Popularpages' SQL: SELECT /* PopularPagesPage::recache */ 'Popularpages' as type, page_namespace as namespace, page_title as title, page_counter as value FROM page WHERE page_is_redirect=0 AND page_namespace=0 ORDER BY value DESC LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0 SQL: INSERT /* PopularPagesPage::recache */ INTO querycache (qc_type,qc_namespace,qc_title,qc_value) VALUES ('Popularpages','0','Hauptseite','262'),('Popularpages','0','TPO_Weblog','27'),('Popularpages','0','Devel_(David)','16'),('Popularpages','0','Numbers_(David)','13') SQL ERROR (ignored): ERROR: syntax error at or near "," at character 144 SQL: DELETE /* PopularPagesPage::recache */ FROM querycache_info WHERE qci_type = 'Popularpages' SQL: INSERT /* PopularPagesPage::recache */ INTO querycache_info (qci_type,qci_timestamp) VALUES ('Popularpages','2008-06-05 17:14:15 GMT') Function ping() not written for DatabasePostgres.php yet