@commons.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org Scenario Outline: Input method menu is completely visible # features/ime.feature:57 Given I visit a random page with skin and as the interface language # features/step_definitions/ime_steps.rb:66 When I open the input method menu # features/step_definitions/ime_steps.rb:17 Then I should see the input method menu is not offscreen # features/step_definitions/ime_steps.rb:70 Examples: | skin | language | | Vector | English | | Vector | Hebrew | expected: true got: false (using ==) (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError) ./features/step_definitions/ime_steps.rb:71:in `/^I should see the input method menu is not offscreen$/' features/ime.feature:60:in `Then I should see the input method menu is not offscreen' | Monobook | English |