"","uniqueSparqlId","sparql","Cluster" "1",8,"prefix schema: SELECT * WHERE { schema:dateModified ?y}",1 "2",348,"\n SELECT ?urls WHERE { \n { wd:Q21980377 p:P856 [wikibase:rank wikibase:PreferredRank; ps:P856 ?urls]. } \n } \n",1 "3",398,"SELECT ?p WHERE { ?p rdf:type wikibase:Property; wikibase:propertyType wikibase:ExternalId } \n #TOOL: mix-n-match",1 "4",509,"\n PREFIX q: \n SELECT DISTINCT ?s WHERE { \n BIND (p:P348 as ?prop) \n ?s ?prop ?st . \n # One claim with point-in-time \n ?st q:P585 ?t . \n # Normal rank \n ?st wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank. \n ?st a wikibase:BestRank . \n # Another claim \n ?s ?prop ?st2 . \n FILTER(?st2 != ?st) \n # with a point-in-time time \n ?st2 q:P585 ?t3 . \n # and it's not a dead person \n OPTIONAL { ?s wdt:P570 ?d } \n FILTER(!bound(?d)) \n # and not abolished \n OPTIONAL { ?s wdt:P576 ?ab } \n FILTER(!bound(?ab)) \n # st2 is normal rank and normal is best \n # ?st2 wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank. \n # ?st2 a wikibase:BestRank . \n \n } LIMIT 20 \n",1 "5",544,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1559739 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "6",548,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q350420 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "7",610,"SELECT distinct ?gsid ?orcid ?repec ?nobelid ?ssrn ?tw ?scopus WHERE { \n OPTIONAL {wd: wdt:P1960 ?gsid}. \n OPTIONAL {wd: wdt:P496 ?orcid}. \n OPTIONAL {wd: wdt:P2428 ?repec}. \n #OPTIONAL {wd: wdt:P213 ?isni}. \n OPTIONAL {wd: wdt:P3188 ?nobelid}. \n OPTIONAL {wd: wdt:P3747 ?ssrn}. \n OPTIONAL {wd: wdt:P2002 ?tw}. \n OPTIONAL {wd: wdt:P1153 ?scopus}. \n \n }",1 "8",633,"SELECT ?item WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?item wdt:P21 wd:Q6581072 . \n ?item wdt:P106 wd:Q1028181 . \n ?item wdt:P569 ?time0 . \n FILTER ( ?time0 >= """"1930-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime && ?time0 <= """"1935-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime ) \n } \n LIMIT 10 \n #TOOL: legacy code",1 "9",847,"SELECT ?wiki WHERE { ?wiki wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q33120876 . ?wiki wdt:P856 ?site . FILTER REGEX(STR(?site), """"https://ru.wikipedia.org/"""") }",1 "10",920,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1781960 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "11",937,"SELECT ?wiki WHERE { ?wiki wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q33120876 . ?wiki wdt:P856 ?site . FILTER REGEX(STR(?site), """"https://hy.wikipedia.org/"""") }",1 "12",1041,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?coord ?commons ?website ?img ?lang ?langcode \n WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q182676 . \n ?item wdt:P17 wd:Q38 . \n ?item wdt:P625 ?coord \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P373 ?commons } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P856 ?website } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?img } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art schema:about ?item ; \n schema:inLanguage ?langcode . \n BIND(IF(?langcode in ('en', 'it', 'fr', 'de'),?art,?langcode) AS ?lang) \n } \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en,de,fr,it"""". } \n } \n ORDER BY ?item ASC(?langcode) ASC(?lang) DESC(?coord) ASC(?commons) DESC(?website) ASC(?img)",1 "13",1113,"SELECT ?s \n WHERE { \n ?s wdt:P646 """"/m/02gy9n"""" . \n } \n",1 "14",1154,"#Whose birthday is today? \n #Whose birthday is today? \n SELECT ?entity ?entityLabel (YEAR(?date) as ?year) ?date \n WHERE \n { \n BIND(MONTH(NOW()) AS ?nowMonth) \n BIND(DAY(NOW()) AS ?nowDay) \n \n ?entity wdt:P569 ?date . \n FILTER (MONTH(?date) = ?nowMonth && DAY(?date) = ?nowDay && YEAR(?date) < 1850) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { \n bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" . \n } \n } \n ORDER BY DESC(?desc) \n LIMIT 5",1 "15",1220,"SELECT DISTINCT ?subject WHERE { ?subject wdt:P846 '6' . \n }",1 "16",1496,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q518099 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "17",1568,"SELECT ?s \n WHERE { \n ?s wdt:P646 """"/m/03g09t"""" . \n } \n",1 "18",2015,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"CU"""" . }",1 "19",2042,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"CN"""" . }",1 "20",2150,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q737050 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "21",2170,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1432333 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "22",2192,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1235699 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "23",2469,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q449797 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "24",2488,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q721558 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "25",2652,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1763226 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "26",2723,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1555424 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "27",3027,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q24589 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "28",3269,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?coord ?commons ?website ?img ?lang ?langcode \n WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q2298412 . \n ?item wdt:P625 ?coord \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P373 ?commons } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P856 ?website } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?img } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art schema:about ?item ; \n schema:inLanguage ?langcode . \n BIND(IF(?langcode in ('en', 'it', 'fr', 'de'),?art,?langcode) AS ?lang) \n } \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en,de,fr,it"""". } \n } \n ORDER BY ?item ASC(?langcode) ASC(?lang) DESC(?coord) ASC(?commons) DESC(?website) ASC(?img)",1 "29",3839,"SELECT ?OSM_key ?formatter_URL WHERE { \n { ?item wdt:P1282 ?OSM_key. } \n FILTER(STRSTARTS(?OSM_key, 'Key:')) . \n \n { \n { ?item wdt:P1630 ?formatter_URL. } \n UNION \n { ?item wdt:P3303 ?formatter_URL. } \n } \n } \n",1 "30",4344,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"ZZ"""" . }",1 "31",4397,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"US"""" . }",1 "32",4399,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"ID"""" . }",1 "33",4443,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"PH"""" . }",1 "34",4577,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q550957 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "35",4603,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q254527 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "36",4609,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"A"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"A"""" . } }",1 "37",4615,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q396649 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "38",4751,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"PA"""" . }",1 "39",4884,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q887379 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "40",5337,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q195609 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "41",5414,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q3366565 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "42",5523,"\n SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { \n ?wikidata (wdt:P106/wdt:P279*) wd:Q36834. \n } \n",1 "43",5551,"SELECT ?s \n WHERE { \n ?s wdt:P2671 """"/g/11ft60zvc2"""" . \n } \n",1 "44",5758,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q365406 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "45",5815,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q3431866 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "46",6577,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q3395013 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "47",6600,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q4353611 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "48",7207,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q4937863 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "49",7323,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q2734782 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "50",7339,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q735742 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "51",7465,"SELECT * WHERE { ?work wdt:P236 """"0005-6219"""" }",1 "52",7753,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?coord ?commons ?website ?img ?lang ?langcode \n WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q515 . \n ?item wdt:P17 wd:Q38 . \n ?item wdt:P1082 ?pop . \n ?item wdt:P625 ?coord \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P373 ?commons } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P856 ?website } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?img } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art schema:about ?item ; \n schema:inLanguage ?langcode . \n BIND(IF(?langcode in ('en', 'it', 'fr', 'de'),?art,?langcode) AS ?lang) \n } \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en,de,fr,it"""". } \n } \n ORDER BY ?item ASC(?langcode) ASC(?lang) DESC(?coord) ASC(?commons) DESC(?website) ASC(?img)",1 "53",7846,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"SB"""" . }",1 "54",8153,"SELECT ?item WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?item wdt:P21 wd:Q6581072 . \n ?item wdt:P106 wd:Q1028181 . \n ?item wdt:P569 ?time0 . \n FILTER ( ?time0 >= """"1920-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime && ?time0 <= """"1940-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime ) \n } \n LIMIT 10 \n #TOOL: legacy code",1 "55",8167,"SELECT ?urls WHERE { \n { wd:Q21980377 p:P856 [wikibase:rank wikibase:PreferredRank; ps:P856 ?urls]. } \n }",1 "56",8611,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1770151 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "57",8707,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?pic ?commonName WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P225 """"Homo"""". \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?pic. } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1843 ?commonName FILTER (lang(?commonName) = 'en'). } \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } \n } \n LIMIT 10",1 "58",8834,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q291194 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "59",8975,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q2427845 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "60",9193,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q291054 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "61",9646,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q3305524 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "62",9774,"SELECT * WHERE { ?work wdt:P236 """"1176-6166"""" }",1 "63",10073,"SELECT DISTINCT ?q ?name WHERE {VALUES ?q { } . ?article wdt:P50 ?q; wdt:P2093 ?name . } \n #TOOL: legacy code",1 "64",10087,"SELECT ?item WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?item wdt:P21 wd:Q6581072 . \n ?item wdt:P106 wd:Q1028181 . \n ?item wdt:P569 ?time0 . \n FILTER ( ?time0 >= """"1780-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime && ?time0 <= """"1783-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime ) \n } \n LIMIT 10 \n #TOOL: legacy code",1 "65",10096,"SELECT ?s \n WHERE { \n ?s wdt:P646 """"/m/03w43x"""" . \n } \n",1 "66",10197,"SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?pic ?commonName WHERE { \n { ?item wdt:P685 """"9606"""". } \n UNION \n { ?item wdt:P225 """"Homo sapiens"""". } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?pic. } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1843 ?commonName FILTER (lang(?commonName) = 'en'). } \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } \n } \n LIMIT 10",1 "67",10277,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q4945608 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "68",10319,"SELECT ?OpenStreetMap_Relations_ID WHERE { \n wd:Q93189 wdt:P402 ?OpenStreetMap_Relations_ID. \n }",1 "69",10346,"SELECT DISTINCT ?type WHERE { wd:Q16503 wdt:P31 ?childClass . ?childClass wdt:P279* ?type }",1 "70",10986,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q577311 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "71",11013,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q263276 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "72",11030,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q703091 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "73",11072,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q313872 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "74",11164,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q3364485 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "75",11361,"\n SELECT ?rel ?item ?rel2 ?to_item { \n wd:Q17 ?rel ?item \n OPTIONAL { ?item ?rel2 ?to_item } \n FILTER regex (str(?item), '^((?!statement).)*$') . \n FILTER regex (str(?item), '^((?!https).)*$') . \n } LIMIT 1500 \n",1 "76",11675,"SELECT * \n WHERE \n { \n ?label \n } \n",1 "77",11800,"\n SELECT DISTINCT ?person ?dob ?dod ?linkcount WHERE { \n ?person wdt:P31 wd:Q5. \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {{ ?person wdt:P31 wd:Q21070568 }}. \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {{ ?person wdt:P31 wd:Q13002315 }}. \n { ?person wdt:P19/wdt:P131*/wdt:P17? wd:Q34 } \n #[ignore citizenship] UNION { ?person wdt:P27 wd:Q34 }. \n . \n ?person wdt:P569 ?dob ; \n wdt:P570 ?dod. \n FILTER(datatype(?dob)=xsd:dateTime \n && datatype(?dod)=xsd:dateTime \n && ?dob >= """"1800-01-01T00:00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime \n && ?dob <= """"1960-01-01T00:00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime). \n ?person wikibase:sitelinks ?linkcount. hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true. \n # FILTER(?linkcount > 3). \n }",1 "78",11821,"SELECT ?item WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?item wdt:P21 wd:Q6581072 . \n ?item wdt:P106 wd:Q1028181 . \n ?item wdt:P569 ?time0 . \n FILTER ( ?time0 >= """"1780-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime && ?time0 <= """"1782-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime ) \n } \n LIMIT 10 \n #TOOL: legacy code",1 "79",11856,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"MU"""" . }",1 "80",11931,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"AU"""" . }",1 "81",11934,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"PG"""" . }",1 "82",12260,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q279248 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "83",13134,"SELECT ?s \n WHERE { \n ?s wdt:P646 """"/m/01jwgf"""" . \n } \n",1 "84",13493,"SELECT ?p WHERE { ?p rdf:type wikibase:Property; wikibase:propertyType wikibase:WikibaseItem } \n #TOOL: mix-n-match",1 "85",13560,"SELECT ?artwork \n WHERE \n { \n # ?artwork instance of painting is painting \n ?artwork wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 ; \n # image has image \n wdt:P18 ?image ; \n # inception has inception date \n # wdt:P571 ?inception ; # not necessarrily \n # creator has creator \n wdt:P170 ?creator . \n \n OPTIONAL { ?artwork wdt:P195 ?collection } # Optionally with a collection \n \n FILTER(?collection not in (wd:Q190804)). # collection not in rijk \n \n # add label \n # SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE]"""". } \n } \n",1 "86",13858,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q3307830 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "87",13861,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q5619104 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "88",14589,"SELECT ?simbad ?item { ?item wdt:P3083 ?simbad VALUES ?simbad {}}",1 "89",14618,"SELECT ?OpenStreetMap_Relations_ID WHERE { \n wd:Q380448 wdt:P402 ?OpenStreetMap_Relations_ID. \n }",1 "90",14691,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1884568 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "91",14830,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?pic ?commonName WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P225 """"Geospiza fortis"""". \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?pic. } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1843 ?commonName FILTER (lang(?commonName) = 'en'). } \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } \n } \n LIMIT 10",1 "92",15300,"SELECT DISTINCT ?item \n WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P570 ?date . \n BIND(NOW() - ?date AS ?days) . \n FILTER(?days >= 0 && ?days <= 5) . \n FILTER EXISTS {?w schema:about ?item . ?w schema:isPartOf } \n }",1 "93",15346,"SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?pic ?commonName WHERE { \n { ?item wdt:P685 """"9596"""". } \n UNION \n { ?item wdt:P225 """"Pan"""". } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?pic. } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1843 ?commonName FILTER (lang(?commonName) = 'en'). } \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } \n } \n LIMIT 10",1 "94",15480,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"HN"""" . }",1 "95",15529,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"DM"""" . }",1 "96",15556,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"ZA"""" . }",1 "97",15588,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q4351832 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "98",16050,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P1047 """"wojtyla"""". }",1 "99",17117,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q982287 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "100",17217,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q455372 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "101",17482,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q348142 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "102",17521,"SELECT DISTINCT ?type WHERE { wd:Q5296 wdt:P31 ?childClass . ?childClass wdt:P279* ?type }",1 "103",18071,"\n SELECT \n ?number_of_corecipients \n ?award ?awardLabel ?awardDescription \n WITH { \n SELECT DISTINCT ?award (COUNT(?recipient) AS ?number_of_corecipients) WHERE { \n ?recipient wdt:P166 wd:Q35637 . \n ?recipient wdt:P166 ?award . \n FILTER (?award != wd:Q35637) \n } \n GROUP BY ?award \n } AS %result \n WHERE { \n INCLUDE %result \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,da,de,es,fr,jp,no,ru,sv,zh"""" . } \n } \n ORDER BY DESC(?number_of_corecipients) \n",1 "104",18147,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q3051704 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "105",18165,"SELECT ?item WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?item wdt:P21 wd:Q6581072 . \n ?item wdt:P106 wd:Q1028181 . \n ?item wdt:P569 ?time0 . \n FILTER ( ?time0 >= """"1911-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime && ?time0 <= """"1912-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime ) \n } \n LIMIT 10 \n #TOOL: legacy code",1 "106",18381,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q466623 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "107",18565,"SELECT ?item WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?item wdt:P21 wd:Q6581072 . \n ?item wdt:P106 wd:Q1028181 . \n ?item wdt:P569 ?time0 . \n FILTER ( ?time0 >= """"1921-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime && ?time0 <= """"1923-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime ) \n } \n LIMIT 10 \n #TOOL: legacy code",1 "108",18754,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q233732 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "109",19013,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"NC"""" . }",1 "110",19151,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"MY"""" . }",1 "111",19445,"\n SELECT ?item ?prefix ?regex ?suffix ?url WHERE { \n { \n ?item p:P1630 [ps:P1630 ?url]. \n } UNION { \n ?item p:P3303 [ps:P3303 ?url]. \n } UNION { \n ?item p:P7250 [ps:P7250 ?url]. \n } \n ?item wdt:P1793 ?regex. \n \n BIND( strbefore( ?url, """"$1"""" ) as ?prefix ) \n BIND( strafter( ?url, """"$1"""" ) as ?suffix ) \n } ORDER BY DESC(strlen(str(?prefix))) \n",1 "112",19509,"SELECT ?item WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?item wdt:P21 wd:Q6581072 . \n ?item wdt:P106 wd:Q1028181 . \n ?item wdt:P569 ?time0 . \n FILTER ( ?time0 >= """"1910-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime && ?time0 <= """"1905-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime ) \n } \n LIMIT 10 \n #TOOL: legacy code",1 "113",19682,"SELECT DISTINCT ?wikidata_id \n WHERE { \n ?wikidata_id wdt:P31 wd:Q7187 ; \n wdt:P703 ?species . \n VALUES (?species) { (wd:Q15978631) (wd:Q83310) (wd:Q184224) } . \n ?wikidata_id rdfs:label """"SHH""""@en . \n }",1 "114",19695,"SELECT ?depicts WHERE { \n ?depicts wdt:P31*/wdt:P279* ?nsfw . \n VALUES ?depicts {wd:} \n VALUES ?nsfw {wd:Q291 wd:Q608 wd:Q5880 wd:Q5887 wd:Q9103 wd:Q10791 wd:Q10816 wd:Q40446 wd:Q42165 wd:Q124490 wd:Q133993 wd:Q174471 wd:Q181001 wd:Q188641 wd:Q650891 wd:Q673203 wd:Q843533 wd:Q844482 wd:Q1058795 wd:Q1406501 wd:Q2148678 wd:Q2192288 wd:Q3258546 wd:Q4620674 wd:Q11722446} \n }",1 "115",19750,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q178282 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "116",19760,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q242166 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "117",19875,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1351410 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "118",20007,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"CA"""" . }",1 "119",20092,"SELECT ?wiki WHERE { ?wiki wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q33120876 . ?wiki wdt:P856 ?site . FILTER REGEX(STR(?site), """"https://be.wikipedia.org/"""") }",1 "120",20122,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1377955 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "121",20284,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1499968 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "122",20418,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q517138 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "123",20645,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"MX"""" . }",1 "124",20814,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q472845 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "125",20843,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q3440487 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "126",21076,"SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { \n { ?item(wdt:P31/wdt:P279*)wd:Q507619 } UNION { ?item(wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q1631129 } \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } \n }",1 "127",21119,"SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription ?coord ?von ?bis (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?instance; separator=""""|"""") as ?instances) where { ?item (wdt:P17|wdt:P19|wdt:P20|wdt:P27|wdt:P36|wdt:P119|wdt:P131|wdt:P159|wdt:P180|wdt:P189|wdt:P276|wdt:P279|wdt:P291|wdt:P361|wdt:P551|wdt:P740|wdt:P915|wdt:P840|wdt:P921|wdt:P937|wdt:P1001|wdt:P1071|wdt:P1269|wdt:P1376|wdt:P1416|wdt:P2341|wdt:P2541|wdt:P2647|wdt:P2650)/(wdt:P31*|wdt:P361*|wdt:P131*|wdt:P279*) wd:Q329618 . ?item wdt:P625 ?coord. ?item wdt:P31 ?instance. ?position_statement ps:P625 ?coord. OPTIONAL { ?position_statement pq:P580 ?v} OPTIONAL { ?position_statement pq:P582 ?b} bind(YEAR(?v) as ?von). bind(YEAR(?b) as ?bis). 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BIND (now() - ?publication_date as ?publication_range) FILTER (?publication_range < 1000) } ORDER BY DESC(?date_update)",1 "154",32352,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q434113 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "155",32618,"SELECT DISTINCT ?artwork ?artworkLabel ?location ?image WHERE { ?artwork wdt:P136/wdt:P279* ?genre ; wdt:P625 ?location ; wdt:P170 ?creator . 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?OpenStreetMap_Relations_ID. \n }",1 "266",67213,"\n SELECT ?film ?IMDb_ID WHERE { \n OPTIONAL { ?film wdt:P345 ?IMDb_ID. } \n FILTER(?IMDb_ID = """"None"""") \n } \n LIMIT 1 \n",1 "267",67223,"SELECT DISTINCT ?type WHERE { wd:Q4580256 wdt:P31 ?childClass . ?childClass wdt:P279* ?type }",1 "268",67501,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q382709 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "269",67610,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"BT"""" . }",1 "270",67807,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"FJ"""" . }",1 "271",68268,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"JP"""" . }",1 "272",68493,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"HT"""" . }",1 "273",68716,"SELECT ?s \n WHERE { \n ?s wdt:P646 """"/m/0bm3b"""" . \n } \n",1 "274",68899,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q699801 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "275",70565,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q361802 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "276",70893,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"IT"""" . }",1 "277",70894,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"AO"""" . }",1 "278",70926,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1770551 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "279",71762,"ASK { VALUES ?classes { wd:Q12737077 wd:Q28640 wd:Q17305127}. wd:Q134737 wdt:P31/wdt:P279* ?classes}",1 "280",71840,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q272405 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "281",71892,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"AT"""" . }",1 "282",73134,"SELECT ?s \n WHERE { \n ?s wdt:P2671 """"/g/11h6m3_vsj"""" . \n } \n",1 "283",73752,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"NO"""" . }",1 "284",74035,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"LY"""" . }",1 "285",74045,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q238443 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "286",74430,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q981368 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "287",75546,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P1047 """"patn"""". }",1 "288",75575,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P1047 """"re"""". }",1 "289",75752,"\n SELECT ?item ?article WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P1151 ?p. \n ?article schema:about ?p . \n ?article schema:isPartOf .} \n",1 "290",76096,"SELECT ?urls WHERE { \n { wd:Q21980377 p:P856 [wikibase:rank wikibase:PreferredRank; ps:P856 ?urls]. } \n } \n \n",1 "291",76171,"#TOOL:SQID Python Helper \n SELECT ?cl ?clLabel ?c \n WITH { SELECT ?cl (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE { \n ?i wdt:P31 ?cl \n } GROUP BY ?cl \n } AS %classes \n WHERE { \n INCLUDE %classes \n SERVICE wikibase:label { \n bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" . \n ?cl rdfs:label ?clLabel . \n } \n }",1 "292",76594,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q3434101 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "293",76604,"\n PREFIX xsd: \n \n SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?dod ?fecha_de_nacimiento ?sexo_o_g_nero ?pa_s_de_nacionalidad ?modified WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P570 ?dod. \n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5. \n ?item schema:dateModified ?modified \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"es,en,it,fr,de,cs,[AUTO_LANGUAGE]"""". } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P569 ?fecha_de_nacimiento. } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P21 ?sexo_o_g_nero. } \n \n FILTER(?dod > """"2017-12-31T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime) \n FILTER(?dod < (NOW())) \n FILTER (?modified > """"2020-04-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime) \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P27 ?pa_s_de_nacionalidad. } \n } \n ORDER BY DESC(?modified) DESC(?dod) ?item \n \n",1 "294",76785,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q5559534 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "295",76970,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q3048218 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "296",76977,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"RU"""" . }",1 "297",77044,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"UZ"""" . }",1 "298",77120,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"MA"""" . }",1 "299",77211,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q993866 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "300",77453,"SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?LabelEN ?page_title \n WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P4478 ?witch . \n ?article schema:about ?item ; schema:isPartOf ; schema:name ?page_title . \n ?item rdfs:label ?LabelEN filter (lang(?LabelEN) = """"en"""") . \n }",1 "301",77678,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"VU"""" . }",1 "302",78262,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"NP"""" . }",1 "303",78281,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q126373 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "304",78310,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q2483144 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "305",78360,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q4244039 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "306",78367,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?coord ?commons ?website ?img ?lang ?langcode \n WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q134447 . \n ?item wdt:P625 ?coord \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P373 ?commons } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P856 ?website } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?img } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art schema:about ?item ; \n schema:inLanguage ?langcode . \n BIND(IF(?langcode in ('en', 'it', 'fr', 'de'),?art,?langcode) AS ?lang) \n } \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en,de,fr,it"""". } \n } \n ORDER BY ?item ASC(?langcode) ASC(?lang) DESC(?coord) ASC(?commons) DESC(?website) ASC(?img)",1 "307",78431,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q726556 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "308",78491,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q970159 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "309",78693,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q5588344 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "310",78760,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q372210 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "311",78857,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"HR"""" . }",1 "312",79482,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1332619 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "313",79879,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"BG"""" . }",1 "314",80305,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q4354819 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "315",81246,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q2895825 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "316",81407,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q192618 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "317",81413,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q406191 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "318",81457,"SELECT DISTINCT ?wikidata_id \n WHERE { \n ?wikidata_id wdt:P31 wd:Q7187 ; \n wdt:P703 ?species . \n VALUES (?species) { (wd:Q15978631) (wd:Q83310) (wd:Q184224) } . \n ?wikidata_id rdfs:label """"CHRNA3""""@en . \n }",1 "319",83214,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q865173 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "320",83468,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q562846 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "321",83547,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q4733562 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "322",83684,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"CD"""" . }",1 "323",84815,"PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX xsd: \n SELECT ?VAR0 ?VAR1 \n WHERE { \n ?VAR0 wdt:P569 """"1957-12-13T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime . \n ?VAR0 wdt:P19 . \n SERVICE \n { ?VAR1 ?VAR0 . \n } \n } \n LIMIT 10000",1 "324",85112,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q548809 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "325",85690,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"AF"""" . }",1 "326",85696,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"JO"""" . }",1 "327",86492,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"TM"""" . }",1 "328",87301,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1641719 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "329",87549,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q2652009 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "330",87800,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"GY"""" . }",1 "331",88006,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"SI"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"SI"""" . } }",1 "332",88025,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"BC"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"BC"""" . } }",1 "333",88319,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"BR"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"BR"""" . } }",1 "334",88435,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"BI"""" . }",1 "335",88615,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q692166 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "336",88727,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"BK"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"BK"""" . } }",1 "337",88834,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q747922 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "338",88990,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"BM"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"BM"""" . } }",1 "339",89369,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"BISH"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"BISH"""" . } }",1 "340",89591,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q5646006 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "341",89909,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q3374305 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "342",90109,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q4564231 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "343",90809,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P225 """"Carex wahuensis"""" . }",1 "344",91377,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"GB"""" . }",1 "345",91702,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q937985 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "346",92203,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q2780845 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "347",92591,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q2652023 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "348",93220,"ASK { VALUES ?classes { wd:Q483394 wd:Q11921029 wd:Q1406161 wd:Q968159 wd:Q1792644 wd:Q17155032 wd:Q17955 wd:Q3030248}. wd:Q9730 wdt:P31/wdt:P279* ?classes}",1 "349",93821,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"CM"""" . }",1 "350",93822,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q2546274 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "351",94256,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q53701 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "352",94632,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q644739 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "353",94638,"SELECT ?s \n WHERE { \n ?s wdt:P646 """"/m/07yst1"""" . \n } \n",1 "354",94803,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT ?id ?item ?mrt WHERE {?item p:P1628 ?s . \n ?s ps:P1628 ?id . \n OPTIONAL {?s pq:P4390 ?mrt} \n }",1 "355",95633,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q531174 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "356",96084,"SELECT DISTINCT ?alias \n WHERE { \n rdfs:label ?name ; \n skos:altLabel ?alias . \n FILTER(LANG(?name) = """"en"""" && LANG(?alias) = """"en""""). \n }",1 "357",96168,"\n PREFIX xsd: \n \n SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?dod ?fecha_de_nacimiento ?sexo_o_g_nero ?pa_s_de_nacionalidad ?modified WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P570 ?dod. \n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5. \n ?item schema:dateModified ?modified \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"es,en,it,fr,de,cs,[AUTO_LANGUAGE]"""". } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P569 ?fecha_de_nacimiento. } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P21 ?sexo_o_g_nero. } \n \n FILTER(?dod > """"2017-12-31T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime) \n FILTER(?dod < (NOW())) \n FILTER (?modified > """"2020-04-02T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime) \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P27 ?pa_s_de_nacionalidad. } \n } \n ORDER BY DESC(?modified) DESC(?dod) ?item \n \n",1 "358",96715,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q374792 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "359",97212,"SELECT ?formatterUrl ?formatConstraints WHERE { { BIND(wd:P1476 AS ?property) } OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatterUrl. } OPTIONAL { ?property p:P2302 ?constraints . ?constraints ps:P2302 wd:Q21502404. ?constraints pq:P1793 ?formatConstraints }}",1 "360",97282,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q349389 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "361",97489,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q709865 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "362",98115,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q3365440 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "363",98499,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"BAB"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"BAB"""" . } }",1 "364",98541,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"PR"""" . }",1 "365",98947,"ASK { VALUES ?classes { wd:Q483394 wd:Q11921029 wd:Q1406161 wd:Q968159 wd:Q1792644 wd:Q17155032 wd:Q17955 wd:Q3030248}. wd:Q11399 wdt:P31/wdt:P279* ?classes}",1 "366",99307,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"BKL"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"BKL"""" . } }",1 "367",100974,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P225 """"Polyscias oahuensis"""" . }",1 "368",102377,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1372544 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "369",102799,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q5795196 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "370",103247,"PREFIX schema: \n SELECT * { ?url schema:about ; schema:inLanguage ?lang }",1 "371",103261,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"FK"""" . }",1 "372",103535,"SELECT ?s \n WHERE { \n ?s wdt:P646 """"/m/0c015tr"""" . \n } \n",1 "373",104304,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q692141 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "374",104552,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q3365030 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "375",105411,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1807100 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "376",107560,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q353605 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "377",107938,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q792251 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "378",108025,"SELECT ?item WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?item wdt:P21 wd:Q6581072 . \n ?item wdt:P106 wd:Q1028181 . \n ?item wdt:P569 ?time0 . \n FILTER ( ?time0 >= """"1960-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime && ?time0 <= """"1965-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime ) \n } \n LIMIT 10 \n #TOOL: legacy code",1 "379",108951,"SELECT ?s \n WHERE { \n ?s wdt:P646 """"/m/02hrmwh"""" . \n } \n",1 "380",109578,"ASK { VALUES ?classes { wd:Q483394 wd:Q11921029 wd:Q1406161 wd:Q968159 wd:Q1792644 wd:Q17155032 wd:Q17955 wd:Q3030248}. wd:Q37073 wdt:P31/wdt:P279* ?classes}",1 "381",109914,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q174878 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "382",110749,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q3424771 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "383",111396,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q920087 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "384",114558,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q52570 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "385",114652,"SELECT DISTINCT ?wikidata_id \n WHERE { \n ?wikidata_id wdt:P31 wd:Q7187 ; \n wdt:P703 ?species . \n VALUES (?species) { (wd:Q15978631) (wd:Q83310) (wd:Q184224) } . \n ?wikidata_id rdfs:label """"Shh""""@en . \n }",1 "386",114753,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q592840 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "387",114885,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q2465899 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "388",115357,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"TO"""" . }",1 "389",118095,"SELECT DISTINCT ?alias \n WHERE { \n rdfs:label ?name ; \n skos:altLabel ?alias . \n FILTER(LANG(?name) = """"en"""" && LANG(?alias) = """"en""""). \n }",1 "390",118906,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1347211 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "391",119073,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q722274 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "392",119345,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"TZ"""" . }",1 "393",120132,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"SL"""" . }",1 "394",120777,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q475614 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "395",121604,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q369024 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "396",121673,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1606973 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "397",121827,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q374845 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "398",122059,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q2734017 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "399",122262,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"WS"""" . }",1 "400",123670,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q4564197 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "401",123806,"SELECT ?item WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?item wdt:P21 wd:Q6581072 . \n ?item wdt:P106 wd:Q1028181 . \n ?item wdt:P569 ?time0 . \n FILTER ( ?time0 >= """"1917-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime && ?time0 <= """"1905-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime ) \n } \n LIMIT 10 \n #TOOL: legacy code",1 "402",123807,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"GA"""" . }",1 "403",126976,"SELECT DISTINCT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q8441}",1 "404",127656,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"JM"""" . }",1 "405",127824,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"MG"""" . }",1 "406",128601,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1336970 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "407",128728,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"RE"""" . }",1 "408",128744,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"CF"""" . }",1 "409",128749,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q5621141 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "410",128989,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q3567227 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "411",129808,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q3270019 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "412",131614,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1807222 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "413",132925,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q2843692 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "414",133567,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"MW"""" . }",1 "415",133652,"ASK { VALUES ?classes { wd:Q483394 wd:Q11921029 wd:Q1406161 wd:Q968159 wd:Q1792644 wd:Q17155032 wd:Q17955 wd:Q3030248}. wd:Q1132127 wdt:P31/wdt:P279* ?classes}",1 "416",134080,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q232402 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "417",135087,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q282512 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "418",135557,"\n select ?sitelinks ?itemLabel ?itemDescription ?item \n with { \n select distinct $item \n where { \n values ?item_class {wd:Q36180 wd:Q36834 wd:Q152182 wd:Q175301 wd:Q191633 wd:Q266569 wd:Q333634 wd:Q381353 wd:Q474968 wd:Q482980 wd:Q487596 wd:Q551835 wd:Q623386 wd:Q658404 wd:Q715301 wd:Q764233 wd:Q1020593 wd:Q1114448 wd:Q1136290 wd:Q1144638 wd:Q1153051 wd:Q1310805 wd:Q1415090 wd:Q1525676 wd:Q1544133 wd:Q1568338 wd:Q1749303 wd:Q1944996 wd:Q1945168 wd:Q2136129 wd:Q2330979 wd:Q2443288 wd:Q2662892 wd:Q2872380 wd:Q2906862 wd:Q2981640 wd:Q3064032 wd:Q3153626 wd:Q3285832 wd:Q3285854 wd:Q3589290 wd:Q3589292 wd:Q3922505 wd:Q4110598 wd:Q4233718 wd:Q4421425 wd:Q4765165 wd:Q4853732 wd:Q4938203 wd:Q5689489 wd:Q6508397 wd:Q6624723 wd:Q6806538 wd:Q7596574 wd:Q8246794 wd:Q10297252 wd:Q11500768 wd:Q12144794 wd:Q12318182 wd:Q12406482 wd:Q12912932 wd:Q14466416 wd:Q15735983 wd:Q15949613 wd:Q15979013 wd:Q15994170 wd:Q16254673 wd:Q16637669 wd:Q17098559 wd:Q17125263 wd:Q18844224 wd:Q19839393 wd:Q19968968 wd:Q20532870 wd:Q21140478 wd:Q21680663 wd:Q21680699 wd:Q21680731 wd:Q22811127 wd:Q24262584 wd:Q24387326 wd:Q25502757 wd:Q25936100 wd:Q26203955 wd:Q26260814 wd:Q28007056 wd:Q28007138 wd:Q28008159 wd:Q28032020 wd:Q28077818 wd:Q28122926 wd:Q28122965 wd:Q28225718 wd:Q28771895 wd:Q28798045 wd:Q28798293 wd:Q28813302 wd:Q28834881 wd:Q28860540 wd:Q28912945 wd:Q28949645 wd:Q29018053 wd:Q29047452 wd:Q36988860 wd:Q37495867 wd:Q37868118 wd:Q38094429 wd:Q41078682 wd:Q41685600 wd:Q42298217 wd:Q42361191 wd:Q42405008 wd:Q42889533 wd:Q43155099 wd:Q45353837 wd:Q45353897 wd:Q47517854} \n ?item wdt:P106 ?item_class; wdt:P21 wd:Q6581072; wdt:P31 wd:Q5. \n minus { \n ?article schema:about ?item; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n minus {?item wdt:P106 wd:Q488111.} \n minus {?item wdt:P106 wd:Q852857.} \n } \n } as %subquery \n where { \n include %subquery \n bind(xsd:integer(substr(str(?item), 33)) as ?num). \n ?item wikibase:sitelinks ?sitelinks \n service wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'de,en,ceb,sv,de,fr,nl,ru,it,es,pl,war,vi,ja,zh,ar,pt,uk,fa,ca,sr,no,id,ko,fi,hu,sh,cs,ro,zh-min-nan,eu,tr,ms,eo,arz,hy,he,bg,da,ce,azb,sk,kk,min,hr,et,lt,be,el,sl,gl,simple,az,ur,nn,hi,th,ka,uz,la,ta,vo,cy,mk,ast,lv,tg,mg,af,tt,oc,bn,bs,zh-yue,ky,sq,new,tl,te,be-tarask,ml,br,pms,nds,su,sw,ht,lb,jv,sco,mr,pnb,ga,szl,ba,is,my,fy,cv,lmo,an,ne,pa,yo,bar,wuu,io,gu,ku,als,scn,kn,ckb,bpy,vec,ia,qu,mn,bat-smg,wa,or,si,cdo,gd,yi,am,nap,ilo,bug,diq,xmf,hsb,mai,map-bms,nv,fo,sd,mzn,li,eml,sah,os,sa,ps,frr,ace,mrj,zh-classical,bcl,mhr,hif,hak,roa-tara,pam,nso,km,hyw,se,rue,mi,crh,vls,bh,shn,nah,nds-nl,sc,as,vep,gan,ab,glk,myv,bo,co,so,tk,fiu-vro,lrc,kv,csb,sn,gv,udm,ie,ha,zea,pcd,ay,gor,kab,nrm,ug,lez,stq,kw,haw,lfn,mwl,gn,lij,gom,rm,lo,lad,frp,mt,koi,fur,olo,dsb,dty,ang,ext,ln,cbk-zam,dv,bjn,sat,ksh,gag,pfl,pi,pag,ban,av,bxr,tyv,xal,krc,pap,za,kaa,pdc,rw,szy,to,arc,nov,kl,jam,tpi,kbp,kbd,na,tet,ig,zu,wo,ki,tcy,inh,jbo,roa-rup,bi,lbe,kg,ty,mdf,lg,atj,srn,xh,gcr,got,ltg,fj,sm,chr,ak,pih,om,tn,cu,tw,st,ts,rmy,bm,chy,rn,tum,nqo,ny,ch,mnw,ss,pnt,ady,iu,ks,ve,ee,ik,sg,ff,ti,dz,din,cr,ng,cho,kj,mh,ho,ii,aa,mus,hz,kr'.} \n } \n order by desc(?sitelinks) asc(?num) \n",1 "419",135733,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q154759 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "420",136973,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q1566335 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "421",137045,"\n PREFIX xsd: \n \n SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?dod ?fecha_de_nacimiento ?sexo_o_g_nero ?pa_s_de_nacionalidad ?modified WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P570 ?dod. \n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5. \n ?item schema:dateModified ?modified \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"es,en,it,fr,de,cs,[AUTO_LANGUAGE]"""". } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P569 ?fecha_de_nacimiento. } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P21 ?sexo_o_g_nero. } \n \n FILTER(?dod > """"2017-12-31T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime) \n FILTER(?dod < (NOW())) \n FILTER (?modified > """"2020-04-03T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime) \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P27 ?pa_s_de_nacionalidad. } \n } \n ORDER BY DESC(?modified) DESC(?dod) ?item \n \n",1 "422",137978,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q1287976. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "423",138081,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q88526063. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "424",138719,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1893049 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "425",139450,"SELECT DISTINCT ?wikidata_id \n WHERE { \n ?wikidata_id wdt:P31 wd:Q7187 ; \n wdt:P703 ?species . \n VALUES (?species) { (wd:Q15978631) (wd:Q83310) (wd:Q184224) } . \n ?wikidata_id rdfs:label """"Rgma""""@en . \n }",1 "426",140460,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q728169 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "427",140464,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q87808896. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "428",140961,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q3132075. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "429",141184,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q7425706. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "430",141913,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q7328634. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "431",142051,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q116760 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "432",142270,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1551603 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "433",142279,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q990650 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "434",142484,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q1379218 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "435",142789,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q4084007. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "436",142849,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q4981979 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "437",143089,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q3367968 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "438",144129,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q734935 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "439",144175,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q167112 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "440",144588,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q1346651 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "441",144695,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q910373. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "442",145228,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q5780309 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "443",145517,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q5956119 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "444",146539,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q924485 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "445",146880,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q6707971. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "446",147204,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q81469926 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "447",147255,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q2613121 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "448",147287,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q1710489 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "449",148013,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q16187593. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "450",148135,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q13512620. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "451",148705,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q4953847 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "452",149054,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q89277337. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "453",149697,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q4380150 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "454",149901,"SELECT ?item WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?item wdt:P21 wd:Q6581072 . \n ?item wdt:P106 wd:Q1028181 . \n ?item wdt:P569 ?time0 . \n FILTER ( ?time0 >= """"1940-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime && ?time0 <= """"1945-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime ) \n } \n LIMIT 10 \n #TOOL: legacy code",1 "455",149987,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q462791 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "456",150196,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?coord ?commons ?website ?img ?lang ?langcode \n WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q44782 . \n ?item wdt:P17 ?nazione . \n VALUES ?nazione { wd:Q38 wd:Q1028 wd:Q262 wd:Q948 wd:Q79 wd:Q41 } . \n ?item wdt:P625 ?coord \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P373 ?commons } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P856 ?website } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?img } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art schema:about ?item ; \n schema:inLanguage ?langcode . \n BIND(IF(?langcode in ('en', 'it', 'fr', 'de'),?art,?langcode) AS ?lang) \n } \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en,de,fr,it"""". } \n } \n ORDER BY ?item ASC(?langcode) ASC(?lang) DESC(?coord) ASC(?commons) DESC(?website) ASC(?img)",1 "457",150395,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q55955 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "458",150602,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q380741 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "459",151257,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q19366161. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "460",151294,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q6196047 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "461",151535,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q29455061. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "462",151763,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q7680573. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "463",152649,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q946991 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "464",153536,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1146839 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "465",153601,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q4564143 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "466",153890,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q47189661 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "467",153973,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q20014799. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "468",154228,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q206685. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "469",155930,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1644551 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "470",156272,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q5368048. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "471",156597,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q983802 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "472",158306,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q16543407. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "473",158593,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q4757445. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "474",158606,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q762719 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "475",159054,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q97351 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "476",159402,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1609721 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "477",159836,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q6092879. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "478",160049,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q949505 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "479",160486,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q206685 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "480",160734,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q18643796 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "481",161152,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q88458722. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "482",161565,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q2386112 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "483",161967,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q12791982. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "484",162033,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q4564133 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "485",162069,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q20995210 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "486",163173,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q87747460 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "487",163525,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1354094 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "488",163557,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q7145015 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "489",164420,"SELECT ?product ?image WHERE { \n ?product wdt:P279 wd:Q17116319. \n OPTIONAL { ?product wdt:P18 ?image. } \n }",1 "490",164553,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1376243 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "491",165166,"SELECT ?item WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?item wdt:P21 wd:Q6581072 . \n ?item wdt:P106 wd:Q1028181 . \n ?item wdt:P569 ?time0 . \n FILTER ( ?time0 >= """"1900-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime && ?time0 <= """"1905-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime ) \n } \n LIMIT 10 \n #TOOL: legacy code",1 "492",165839,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q476144 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "493",165950,"SELECT ?item WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?item wdt:P21 wd:Q6581072 . \n ?item wdt:P106 wd:Q1028181 . \n ?item wdt:P569 ?time0 . \n FILTER ( ?time0 >= """"1929-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime && ?time0 <= """"1905-01-01T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime ) \n } \n LIMIT 10 \n #TOOL: legacy code",1 "494",168048,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1353820 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "495",170881,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q3101218 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "496",170985,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q4940969 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "497",171263,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q377822 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "498",171274,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q91518 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "499",172045,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q2790177. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "500",173486,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q3557305 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "501",173543,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q4566686 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "502",173997,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q2159408. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "503",174094,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q12624992 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "504",174162,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q6115035. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "505",175347,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q3166974 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "506",175465,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q8013680 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "507",175595,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q270882 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "508",176133,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q239881 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "509",176634,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q3384248 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "510",177117,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q3189161. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "511",177163,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q12744335. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "512",177334,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q984349 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "513",177801,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1342656 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "514",178229,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q4585247 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "515",178445,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q2386430. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "516",179816,"SELECT DISTINCT ?wikidata_id \n WHERE { \n ?wikidata_id wdt:P31 wd:Q7187 ; \n wdt:P703 ?species . \n VALUES (?species) { (wd:Q15978631) (wd:Q83310) (wd:Q184224) } . \n ?wikidata_id rdfs:label """"shh""""@en . \n }",1 "517",180193,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1041066 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "518",181372,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q4095066. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "519",181740,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q2485846 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "520",181863,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q10263911. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "521",182324,"ASK { VALUES ?classes { wd:Q38829}. wd:Q210826 wdt:P31/wdt:P279* ?classes}",1 "522",183374,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q382939 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "523",185333,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q1608655. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "524",186604,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q9249708. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "525",186625,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q861720 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "526",186943,"ASK { VALUES ?classes { wd:Q1792644 wd:Q32880}. wd:Q186363 wdt:P31/wdt:P279* ?classes}",1 "527",187776,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q15053596. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "528",187817,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q1120454. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "529",188259,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1370639 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "530",188659,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q3017697. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "531",190253,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q8201895 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "532",190444,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q8008071. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "533",190665,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q2094472 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "534",191002,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q905812 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "535",191233,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q940865 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "536",191993,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q9183523. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "537",192112,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q451749. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "538",192177,"SELECT DISTINCT ?type WHERE { wd:Q84267466 wdt:P31 ?childClass . ?childClass wdt:P279* ?type }",1 "539",193239,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q762719. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "540",193411,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q29078945. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "541",193516,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q15942433. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "542",194196,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1973981 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "543",194576,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1798787 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "544",196176,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q3352137 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "545",196204,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q89108362. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "546",196428,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q16207611. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "547",197961,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q2417983 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "548",198293,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q48548 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "549",198961,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q212163 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "550",199297,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q4981944 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "551",199299,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q5572078 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "552",199974,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q959104 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "553",201458,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q2449603 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "554",201472,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q2004859 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "555",202164,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q89388934 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "556",202568,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q949169 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "557",202931,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1340413 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "558",203071,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q1346651. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "559",204094,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q3489416 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "560",204122,"SELECT DISTINCT ?alias \n WHERE { \n rdfs:label ?name ; \n skos:altLabel ?alias . \n FILTER(LANG(?name) = """"en"""" && LANG(?alias) = """"en""""). \n }",1 "561",205105,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q1566335. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "562",205406,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q722261 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "563",205418,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q3309267 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "564",206771,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT * WHERE { \n ?item ?prop . \n ?item ?prop . \n }",1 "565",207337,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q11814198. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "566",207613,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1811681 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "567",210195,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q2709688 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "568",211162,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q3189161 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "569",211399,"SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?pic ?commonName WHERE { \n { ?item wdt:P685 """"1437010"""". } \n UNION \n { ?item wdt:P225 """"Boreoeutheria"""". } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?pic. } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1843 ?commonName FILTER (lang(?commonName) = 'en'). } \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } \n } \n LIMIT 10",1 "570",211530,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q4566251 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "571",211811,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q24038729. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "572",212504,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q3763590. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "573",212680,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q454136. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "574",213444,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q3358580 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "575",217182,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q2159408 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "576",217973,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT ?id ?item ?mrt WHERE {?item p:P1709 ?s . \n ?s ps:P1709 ?id . \n OPTIONAL {?s pq:P4390 ?mrt} \n }",1 "577",218866,"PREFIX owl: \n PREFIX rdfs: \n PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n \n SELECT * WHERE { \n FILTER (false) \n OPTIONAL { \n BIND(""""WikidataID"""" AS ?Property) \n ?Entity owl:sameAs? ?Value . \n BIND(wikibase:WikibaseItem AS ?ValueType) \n OPTIONAL { \n ?Value rdfs:label ?ValueLabel . \n FILTER (lang(?ValueLabel) = """"en"""") \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?Value schema:description ?ValueDescription . \n FILTER (lang(?ValueDescription) = """"en"""") \n } \n } \n }",1 "578",219696,"SELECT ?q ?qLabel WHERE { \n VALUES ?q { wd:Q27339392 } . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language '[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en'. } \n } \n #TOOL: legacy code",1 "579",219766,"\n PREFIX xsd: \n \n SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?dod ?fecha_de_nacimiento ?sexo_o_g_nero ?pa_s_de_nacionalidad ?modified WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P570 ?dod. \n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5. \n ?item schema:dateModified ?modified \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"es,en,it,fr,de,cs,[AUTO_LANGUAGE]"""". } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P569 ?fecha_de_nacimiento. } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P21 ?sexo_o_g_nero. } \n \n FILTER(?dod > """"2017-12-31T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime) \n FILTER(?dod < (NOW())) \n FILTER (?modified > """"2020-04-05T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime) \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P27 ?pa_s_de_nacionalidad. } \n } \n ORDER BY DESC(?modified) DESC(?dod) ?item \n \n",1 "580",219963,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q3770370 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "581",220028,"SELECT * WHERE { ?work wdt:P236 """"0024-0672"""" }",1 "582",220578,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q97351. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "583",222157,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q4166434. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "584",222168,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q88489966. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "585",223089,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { VALUES (?item) {(wd:Q3305213)} SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". }}",1 "586",223907,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q4750403. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "587",228474,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q940383 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "588",230934,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q2661773 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "589",236753,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q56309401. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "590",236903,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q89499451. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "591",241993,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q217160. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "592",243047,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q16225974. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "593",245537,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q25652776 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "594",247617,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q734434 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "595",248615,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q9255937 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "596",249393,"SELECT DISTINCT ?type WHERE { wd:Q3907246 wdt:P31 ?childClass . ?childClass wdt:P279* ?type }",1 "597",251944,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q1008502 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "598",252147,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1357638 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "599",254968,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q921072 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "600",257863,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q14541195 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "601",260166,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q3300656. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "602",261114,"\n PREFIX xsd: \n \n SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?dod ?fecha_de_nacimiento ?sexo_o_g_nero ?pa_s_de_nacionalidad ?modified WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P570 ?dod. \n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5. \n ?item schema:dateModified ?modified \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"es,en,it,fr,de,cs,[AUTO_LANGUAGE]"""". } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P569 ?fecha_de_nacimiento. } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P21 ?sexo_o_g_nero. } \n \n FILTER(?dod > """"2017-12-31T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime) \n FILTER(?dod < (NOW())) \n FILTER (?modified > """"2020-04-06T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime) \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P27 ?pa_s_de_nacionalidad. } \n } \n ORDER BY DESC(?modified) DESC(?dod) ?item \n \n",1 "603",261772,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q6055988 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "604",261820,"SELECT ?isdead WHERE { \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } \n optional { wd:Q180589 wdt:P570 ?dod }. \n BIND(if(bound(?dod), """"yes"""", """"no"""") as ?isdead) \n } \n",1 "605",262459,"SELECT DISTINCT ?alias \n WHERE { \n rdfs:label ?name ; \n skos:altLabel ?alias . \n FILTER(LANG(?name) = """"en"""" && LANG(?alias) = """"en""""). \n }",1 "606",262478,"ASK { VALUES ?classes { wd:Q214609 wd:Q2095 wd:Q11344 wd:Q79529 wd:Q4936952 wd:Q25403900}. wd:Q40089 wdt:P31?/wdt:P279* ?classes}",1 "607",263922,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q3547896 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "608",264254,"SELECT DISTINCT ?wikidata_id \n WHERE { \n ?wikidata_id wdt:P31 wd:Q7187 ; \n wdt:P703 ?species . \n VALUES (?species) { (wd:Q15978631) (wd:Q83310) (wd:Q184224) } . \n ?wikidata_id rdfs:label """"RGMA""""@en . \n }",1 "609",264384,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q3487737 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "610",264480,"SELECT DISTINCT ?alias \n WHERE { \n rdfs:label ?name ; \n skos:altLabel ?alias . \n FILTER(LANG(?name) = """"en"""" && LANG(?alias) = """"en""""). \n }",1 "611",266010,"SELECT DISTINCT ?alias \n WHERE { \n rdfs:label ?name ; \n skos:altLabel ?alias . \n FILTER(LANG(?name) = """"en"""" && LANG(?alias) = """"en""""). \n }",1 "612",267180,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q7179168. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "613",273149,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q11453575. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "614",273708,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q690395 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "615",275073,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1291425 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "616",277063,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q921268 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "617",278572,"SELECT * WHERE { ?work wdt:P236 """"0375-0183"""" }",1 "618",279115,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1383256 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "619",284714,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q17630645 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "620",289506,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q1285568. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "621",296375,"SELECT DISTINCT ?wikidata_id \n WHERE { \n ?wikidata_id wdt:P31 wd:Q7187 ; \n wdt:P703 ?species . \n VALUES (?species) { (wd:Q15978631) (wd:Q83310) (wd:Q184224) } . \n ?wikidata_id rdfs:label """"Chrna3""""@en . \n }",1 "622",301250,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q4193953 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "623",302467,"SELECT DISTINCT ?wikidata_id \n WHERE { \n ?wikidata_id wdt:P31 wd:Q7187 ; \n wdt:P703 ?species . \n VALUES (?species) { (wd:Q15978631) (wd:Q83310) (wd:Q184224) } . \n ?wikidata_id rdfs:label """"chrna3""""@en . \n }",1 "624",303752,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q3391766. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "625",306007,"SELECT ?coord WHERE { OPTIONAL{wd:Q220 wdt:P625 ?coord. wd:Q220 wdt:P31 ?l_type. FILTER(?l_type != wd:Q5107)} OPTIONAL{wd:Q220 wdt:P159 ?l. ?l wdt:P625 ?coord. ?l wdt:P31 ?l_type. FILTER(?l_type != wd:Q5107)} }",1 "626",309208,"SELECT ?coord WHERE { OPTIONAL{wd:Q1308 wdt:P625 ?coord. wd:Q1308 wdt:P31 ?l_type. FILTER(?l_type != wd:Q5107)} OPTIONAL{wd:Q1308 wdt:P159 ?l. ?l wdt:P625 ?coord. ?l wdt:P31 ?l_type. FILTER(?l_type != wd:Q5107)} }",1 "627",309931,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q4720226 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "628",313070,"SELECT ?coord WHERE { OPTIONAL{wd:Q334 wdt:P625 ?coord. wd:Q334 wdt:P31 ?l_type. FILTER(?l_type != wd:Q5107)} OPTIONAL{wd:Q334 wdt:P159 ?l. ?l wdt:P625 ?coord. ?l wdt:P31 ?l_type. FILTER(?l_type != wd:Q5107)} }",1 "629",317915,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P50 wd:Q700555 . \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "630",319395,"SELECT ?coord WHERE { OPTIONAL{wd:Q30 wdt:P625 ?coord. wd:Q30 wdt:P31 ?l_type. FILTER(?l_type != wd:Q5107)} OPTIONAL{wd:Q30 wdt:P159 ?l. ?l wdt:P625 ?coord. ?l wdt:P31 ?l_type. FILTER(?l_type != wd:Q5107)} }",1 "631",321942,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q1400205 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "632",322711,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q6370402. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "633",322796,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q16641293. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "634",342058,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q267724. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "635",342942,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q6166387. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "636",348353,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q828227 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "637",358817,"\n SELECT DISTINCT ?prop ?propLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?prop wikibase:directClaim wdt:P921 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""", """"en-US"""", """"en-GB"""" . } \n } \n",1 "638",358833,"\n SELECT DISTINCT ?prop ?propLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?prop wikibase:directClaim wdt:P495 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""", """"en-US"""", """"en-GB"""" . } \n } \n",1 "639",371462,"SELECT DISTINCT ?pmid1 \n WHERE { ?work ?virus ; \n ?pmid1 . \n FILTER (?virus = ) } \n LIMIT 1",1 "640",372912,"\n SELECT DISTINCT ?prop ?propLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?prop wikibase:directClaim wdt:P301 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""", """"en-US"""", """"en-GB"""" . } \n } \n",1 "641",372919,"\n SELECT DISTINCT ?prop ?propLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?prop wikibase:directClaim wdt:P131 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""", """"en-US"""", """"en-GB"""" . } \n } \n",1 "642",386397,"\n SELECT DISTINCT ?prop ?propLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?prop wikibase:directClaim wdt:P971 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""", """"en-US"""", """"en-GB"""" . } \n } \n",1 "643",397741,"\n SELECT DISTINCT ?prop ?propLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?prop wikibase:directClaim wdt:P17 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""", """"en-US"""", """"en-GB"""" . } \n } \n",1 "644",409625,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT * WHERE {?item wdt:P496 """"None""""}",1 "645",414618,"\n SELECT DISTINCT ?prop ?propLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?prop wikibase:directClaim wdt:P361 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""", """"en-US"""", """"en-GB"""" . } \n } \n",1 "646",416114,"SELECT * WHERE { ?work wdt:P236 """"0161-8202"""" }",1 "647",417136,"SELECT DISTINCT ?pmidWD \n WHERE { ?work ?virus ; \n ?pmidWD . \n FILTER (?virus = ) } \n LIMIT 10",1 "648",417224,"SELECT DISTINCT ?pmid \n WHERE { ?work ?virus ; \n ?pmid . \n FILTER (?virus = ) \n FILTER ( contains( ?pmid, """"14670965"""") ) }",1 "649",418363,"#defaultView:Map \n SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel (CONCAT(STR(MAX(?cases)),"""" cases"""") AS ?numCases) (CONCAT(STR(MAX(?deaths)),"""" deaths"""") AS ?numDeaths) ?coord \n WHERE \n { \n ?item p:P31 [ ps:P31 wd:Q3241045 ; pq:P642 wd:Q84263196 ] . \n ?item wdt:P1120 ?deaths . \n ?item wdt:P1603 ?cases . \n ?item wdt:P625 ?coord . \n ?item rdfs:label ?itemLabel . \n FILTER(LANG(?itemLabel)=""""en"""") \n } GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel ?coord",1 "650",419203,"SELECT * WHERE { ?work wdt:P236 """"0524-4994"""" }",1 "651",419322,"\n PREFIX xsd: \n \n SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?dod ?fecha_de_nacimiento ?sexo_o_g_nero ?pa_s_de_nacionalidad ?modified WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P570 ?dod. \n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5. \n ?item schema:dateModified ?modified \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"es,en,it,fr,de,cs,[AUTO_LANGUAGE]"""". } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P569 ?fecha_de_nacimiento. } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P21 ?sexo_o_g_nero. } \n \n FILTER(?dod > """"2017-12-31T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime) \n FILTER(?dod < (NOW())) \n FILTER (?modified > """"2020-04-09T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime) \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P27 ?pa_s_de_nacionalidad. } \n } \n ORDER BY DESC(?modified) DESC(?dod) ?item \n \n",1 "652",420018,"SELECT ?item WHERE{ ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q4167410 }",1 "653",420458,"SELECT DISTINCT ?pmidWD \n WHERE { ?work ?virus ; \n ?pmidWD . \n FILTER (?virus = ) }",1 "654",422594,"\n prefix schema: \n SELECT * WHERE { \n schema:about ?item . \n } \n",1 "655",425252,"#defaultView:Graph \n SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?pic ?linkTo \n WHERE \n { \n SERVICE gas:service { \n gas:program gas:gasClass """"com.bigdata.rdf.graph.analytics.SSSP"""" ; \n gas:in wd:Q84263196; \n gas:out ?item ; \n gas:out1 ?depth ; \n gas:maxIterations 3 ; \n gas:linkType wdt:P924 . \n } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P924 ?linkTo } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?pic } \n SERVICE wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n }",1 "656",427009,"SELECT ?wt WHERE { wd:Q5040021 wdt:P2949 ?wt }",1 "657",436746,"SELECT ?item ?item2 WHERE{ ?item wdt:P629 ?item2. minus { ?item rdf:type wikibase:Property } minus { ?item rdf:type ontolex:LexicalEntry } }",1 "658",436858,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q3529057. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "659",449410,"SELECT ?item ?item2 WHERE{ ?item wdt:P747 ?item2. minus { ?item rdf:type wikibase:Property } minus { ?item rdf:type ontolex:LexicalEntry } }",1 "660",449493,"#defaultView:BubbleChart \n SELECT ?countryLabel (MAX(?numDeaths) AS ?numOfDeaths) \n WHERE { \n ?x p:P31 [ ps:P31 wd:Q3241045 ; pq:P642 wd:Q84263196 ] . \n ?x wdt:P276 ?country . ?country wdt:P31 wd:Q6256 . \n ?x p:P1120 [ ps:P1120 ?numDeaths ] . \n ?country rdfs:label ?countryLabel . \n FILTER(LANG(?countryLabel)=""""en"""") \n } GROUP BY ?countryLabel",1 "661",460357,"# COVID19-related scholarly articles \n SELECT ?date ?venue ?title ?url \n { \n ?s wdt:P921 wd:Q84263196 . \n { { ?s wdt:P31 wd:Q580922 } UNION { ?s wdt:P31 wd:Q13442814 } } \n ?s rdfs:label ?title . \n FILTER(LANG(?title)=""""en"""") \n # doi \n ?s wdt:P356 ?doi . \n BIND(IRI(CONCAT(""""https://doi.org/"""",STR(?doi))) AS ?url) \n # date \n ?s wdt:P577 ?date . \n # venue \n ?s wdt:P1433 ?venueRes . \n # get EN labels \n ?venueRes rdfs:label ?venue . \n FILTER(LANG(?venue)=""""en"""") \n } ORDER BY DESC(?date)",1 "662",466092,"SELECT DISTINCT ?pmid1 \n WHERE { ?work ?virus ; \n ?pmid1 . \n FILTER (?virus = ) }",1 "663",466533,"SELECT ?item ?item2 WHERE{ ?item wdt:P1889 ?item2. minus { ?item rdf:type wikibase:Property } minus { ?item rdf:type ontolex:LexicalEntry } }",1 "664",467779,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q82799 }",1 "665",469799,"SELECT ?OpenStreetMap_Relations_ID WHERE { \n wd:Q975485 wdt:P402 ?OpenStreetMap_Relations_ID. \n }",1 "666",484610,"SELECT DISTINCT ?pmidWD \n WHERE { ?work ?virus ; \n ?pmidWD . \n FILTER (?virus = ) } \n LIMIT 1",1 "667",489315,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q23960977 wdt:P279 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "668",489913,"ASK { VALUES ?classes { wd:Q483394 wd:Q11921029 wd:Q1406161 wd:Q968159 wd:Q1792644 wd:Q17155032 wd:Q17955 wd:Q3030248}. wd:Q131578 wdt:P31/wdt:P279* ?classes}",1 "669",490008,"\n PREFIX xsd: \n \n SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?dod ?fecha_de_nacimiento ?sexo_o_g_nero ?pa_s_de_nacionalidad ?modified WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P570 ?dod. \n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5. \n ?item schema:dateModified ?modified \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"es,en,it,fr,de,cs,[AUTO_LANGUAGE]"""". } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P569 ?fecha_de_nacimiento. } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P21 ?sexo_o_g_nero. } \n \n FILTER(?dod > """"2017-12-31T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime) \n FILTER(?dod < (NOW())) \n FILTER (?modified > """"2020-04-11T00:00:00Z""""^^xsd:dateTime) \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P27 ?pa_s_de_nacionalidad. } \n } \n ORDER BY DESC(?modified) DESC(?dod) ?item \n \n",1 "670",490016,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q2135465 wdt:P31 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "671",490704,"SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription ?yob ?yod \n WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5; \n wdt:P19 wd:Q1204. \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P569 ?dob. BIND(YEAR(?dob) AS ?yob) } # mae P569 yn y golofn yn rhoi'r dyddiad llawn \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P570 ?dod. BIND(YEAR(?dod) AS ?yod) } # mae P570 yn y golofn yn rhoi'r dyddiad llawn \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"cy,en"""". } \n } \n ORDER BY DESC (?item) \n LIMIT 10 \n #TOOL: legacy code",1 "672",491661,"ASK { VALUES ?classes { wd:Q618123 wd:Q1964689}. wd:Q1490 wdt:P31/wdt:P279* ?classes}",1 "673",492720,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q35120 wdt:P31 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "674",495890,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q19361238 wdt:P31 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "675",496900,"SELECT ?s \n WHERE { \n ?s wdt:P646 """"/m/03c31"""" . \n } \n",1 "676",497024,"SELECT * WHERE { ?work wdt:P236 """"2304-7550"""" }",1 "677",499073,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q1914636 wdt:P31 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "678",499267,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q215627 wdt:P31 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "679",499963,"SELECT ?coord WHERE { OPTIONAL{wd:Q43 wdt:P625 ?coord. wd:Q43 wdt:P31 ?l_type. FILTER(?l_type != wd:Q5107)} OPTIONAL{wd:Q43 wdt:P159 ?l. ?l wdt:P625 ?coord. ?l wdt:P31 ?l_type. FILTER(?l_type != wd:Q5107)} }",1 "680",503362,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q1347367 wdt:P31 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "681",503611,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q1190554 wdt:P279 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "682",504942,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q1151067 wdt:P31 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "683",505000,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q1150070 wdt:P31 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "684",505163,"SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription ?yob ?yod \n WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5; \n wdt:P19 wd:Q173. \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P569 ?dob. BIND(YEAR(?dob) AS ?yob) } # mae P569 yn y golofn yn rhoi'r dyddiad llawn \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P570 ?dod. BIND(YEAR(?dod) AS ?yod) } # mae P570 yn y golofn yn rhoi'r dyddiad llawn \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"cy,en"""". } \n } \n ORDER BY DESC (?item) \n LIMIT 10 \n #TOOL: legacy code",1 "685",505481,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q16195218. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "686",505557,"SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription ?yob ?yod \n WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5; \n wdt:P19 wd:Q156291. \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P569 ?dob. BIND(YEAR(?dob) AS ?yob) } # mae P569 yn y golofn yn rhoi'r dyddiad llawn \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P570 ?dod. BIND(YEAR(?dod) AS ?yod) } # mae P570 yn y golofn yn rhoi'r dyddiad llawn \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"cy,en"""". } \n } \n ORDER BY DESC (?item) \n LIMIT 10 \n #TOOL: legacy code",1 "687",505565,"SELECT ?s \n WHERE { \n ?s wdt:P646 """"/m/03y18t"""" . \n } \n",1 "688",505745,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q35120 wdt:P279 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "689",506021,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q16686448 wdt:P31 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "690",516237,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q151885 wdt:P31 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "691",516676,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q33104279 wdt:P31 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "692",519508,"SELECT ?coord WHERE { OPTIONAL{wd:Q84 wdt:P625 ?coord. wd:Q84 wdt:P31 ?l_type. FILTER(?l_type != wd:Q5107)} OPTIONAL{wd:Q84 wdt:P159 ?l. ?l wdt:P625 ?coord. ?l wdt:P31 ?l_type. FILTER(?l_type != wd:Q5107)} }",1 "693",519572,"SELECT ?coord WHERE { OPTIONAL{wd:Q142 wdt:P625 ?coord. wd:Q142 wdt:P31 ?l_type. FILTER(?l_type != wd:Q5107)} OPTIONAL{wd:Q142 wdt:P159 ?l. ?l wdt:P625 ?coord. ?l wdt:P31 ?l_type. FILTER(?l_type != wd:Q5107)} }",1 "694",524248,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q20937557 wdt:P31 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "695",524805,"SELECT ?coord WHERE { OPTIONAL{wd:Q2 wdt:P625 ?coord. wd:Q2 wdt:P31 ?l_type. FILTER(?l_type != wd:Q5107)} OPTIONAL{wd:Q2 wdt:P159 ?l. ?l wdt:P625 ?coord. ?l wdt:P31 ?l_type. FILTER(?l_type != wd:Q5107)} }",1 "696",526055,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q7184903 wdt:P31 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "697",526761,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q1456832 wdt:P31 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "698",526831,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q1347367 wdt:P279 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "699",527294,"SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P161 wd:Q3659817. \n ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n }",1 "700",532309,"SELECT ?wiki WHERE { ?wiki wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q33120876 . ?wiki wdt:P856 ?site . FILTER REGEX(STR(?site), """"https://de.wikipedia.org/"""") }",1 "701",533616,"SELECT ?q ?qLabel WHERE { \n VALUES ?q { wd:Q21521434 } . \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language '[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en'. } \n } \n #TOOL: legacy code",1 "702",534887,"\n SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?commonsSiteLink ?commonsCat WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P836 'E04003204' . \n OPTIONAL { ?commonsSiteLink schema:about ?item ; \n schema:isPartOf } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P373 ?commonsCat } \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } \n } \n",1 "703",538246,"SELECT ?coord WHERE { OPTIONAL{wd:Q38 wdt:P625 ?coord. wd:Q38 wdt:P31 ?l_type. FILTER(?l_type != wd:Q5107)} OPTIONAL{wd:Q38 wdt:P159 ?l. ?l wdt:P625 ?coord. ?l wdt:P31 ?l_type. FILTER(?l_type != wd:Q5107)} }",1 "704",538945,"SELECT ?OpenStreetMap_Relations_ID WHERE { \n wd:Q214863 wdt:P402 ?OpenStreetMap_Relations_ID. \n }",1 "705",539579,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q16889133 wdt:P279 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "706",541118,"\n SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?commonsSiteLink ?commonsCat WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P836 'E04003095' . \n OPTIONAL { ?commonsSiteLink schema:about ?item ; \n schema:isPartOf } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P373 ?commonsCat } \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } \n } \n",1 "707",545226,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q11862829 wdt:P31 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "708",551073,"SELECT DISTINCT ?alias \n WHERE { \n rdfs:label ?name ; \n skos:altLabel ?alias . \n FILTER(LANG(?name) = """"en"""" && LANG(?alias) = """"en""""). \n }",1 "709",555572,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q23959932 wdt:P31 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "710",556128,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"UG"""" . }",1 "711",556657,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"MM"""" . }",1 "712",557085,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"SG"""" . }",1 "713",557320,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"NL"""" . }",1 "714",557500,"SELECT * WHERE { ?work wdt:P236 """"0007-9723"""" }",1 "715",558647,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"SE"""" . }",1 "716",558755,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"NA"""" . }",1 "717",558936,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"CH"""" . }",1 "718",559420,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"UA"""" . }",1 "719",559489,"\n SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?commonsSiteLink ?commonsCat WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P836 'E04003159' . \n OPTIONAL { ?commonsSiteLink schema:about ?item ; \n schema:isPartOf } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P373 ?commonsCat } \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } \n } \n",1 "720",559587,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"HK"""" . }",1 "721",559806,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"TW"""" . }",1 "722",561695,"SELECT * WHERE { ?work wdt:P236 """"0067-8546"""" }",1 "723",562015,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"GQ"""" . }",1 "724",562935,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q3249551 wdt:P31 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "725",563311,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P225 """"Ranunculus auricomus"""" . }",1 "726",563491,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q149086 wdt:P31 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "727",563504,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"SR"""" . }",1 "728",563569,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"SN"""" . }",1 "729",563879,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"ZW"""" . }",1 "730",563999,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"SY"""" . }",1 "731",564063,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"LR"""" . }",1 "732",564823,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"ZM"""" . }",1 "733",564826,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"NG"""" . }",1 "734",564828,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"BN"""" . }",1 "735",564833,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"KE"""" . }",1 "736",564879,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"MQ"""" . }",1 "737",568078,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q23958852 wdt:P279 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "738",568341,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"GF"""" . }",1 "739",568980,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"PK"""" . }",1 "740",569432,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q1190554 wdt:P31 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "741",569682,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"PT"""" . }",1 "742",570000,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"ST"""" . }",1 "743",570773,"SELECT DISTINCT ?wikidata_id \n WHERE { \n ?wikidata_id wdt:P31 wd:Q7187 ; \n wdt:P703 ?species . \n VALUES (?species) { (wd:Q15978631) (wd:Q83310) (wd:Q184224) } . \n ?wikidata_id rdfs:label """"nrxn3""""@en . \n }",1 "744",570826,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"GH"""" . }",1 "745",570977,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"BS"""" . }",1 "746",571012,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"AQ"""" . }",1 "747",571075,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"CZ"""" . }",1 "748",571388,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"RO"""" . }",1 "749",571428,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"IL"""" . }",1 "750",572454,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"GP"""" . }",1 "751",573341,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"TT"""" . }",1 "752",573496,"\n SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?commonsSiteLink ?commonsCat WHERE { \n ?item wdt:P836 'E04003187' . \n OPTIONAL { ?commonsSiteLink schema:about ?item ; \n schema:isPartOf } \n OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P373 ?commonsCat } \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } \n } \n",1 "753",573606,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"VI"""" . }",1 "754",573637,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"CV"""" . }",1 "755",575025,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"BD"""" . }",1 "756",576613,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"EG"""" . }",1 "757",580082,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"HU"""" . }",1 "758",580140,"\n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE \n { \n wd:Q49848 wdt:P279 ?o . \n ?o rdfs:label ?label . \n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') . \n } \n LIMIT 15",1 "759",585257,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"DZ"""" . }",1 "760",585588,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"YE"""" . }",1 "761",587182,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"E"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"E"""" . } }",1 "762",587704,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"LA"""" . }",1 "763",588060,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"SA"""" . }",1 "764",588588,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"F"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"F"""" . } }",1 "765",589279,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"FI"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"FI"""" . } }",1 "766",589345,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"FHI"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"FHI"""" . } }",1 "767",589393,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"FR"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"FR"""" . } }",1 "768",589406,"# SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n # WHERE \n # { \n # ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q146 . \n # SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n # } \n SELECT ?person ?personLabel ?personDescription ?lnameLabel ?dob ?dod ?countryLabel ?birthCity ?birthCountry WHERE { \n ?person wdt:P31 wd:Q5. \n #?person wdt:P106 wd:Q49757. # Poet \n #?person wdt:P27 wd:Q668. # Country of Citizenship: India \n ?person wdt:P140 wd:Q9089. # Religion: Hinduism \n ?person wdt:P27 ?country. \n #?item wdt:P106 ?occupation. \n #?person wdt:P21 wd:Q6581072. # Gender \n #?person wdt:P21 wd:Q6581097. \n #?person rdfs:label ?name filter (lang(?name) = """"en"""") \n OPTIONAL { ?person wdt:P734 ?lname. } \n OPTIONAL { ?person wdt:P569 ?dob. } \n OPTIONAL { ?person wdt:P570 ?dod. } \n OPTIONAL { ?person wdt:P27 ?nationality. } \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } LIMIT 100 OFFSET 4800",1 "769",589551,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"FLAS"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"FLAS"""" . } }",1 "770",589780,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"RW"""" . }",1 "771",589790,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"SD"""" . }",1 "772",589943,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"MZ"""" . }",1 "773",590048,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"BRI"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"BRI"""" . } }",1 "774",590217,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"CAS"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"CAS"""" . } }",1 "775",590260,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"CANB"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"CANB"""" . } }",1 "776",590362,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"SK"""" . }",1 "777",590376,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"CM"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"CM"""" . } }",1 "778",590802,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"CTES"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"CTES"""" . } }",1 "779",590846,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"DUKE"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"DUKE"""" . } }",1 "780",590863,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"DNA"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"DNA"""" . } }",1 "781",590868,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"DAO"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"DAO"""" . } }",1 "782",592060,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"LB"""" . }",1 "783",593647,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"COL"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"COL"""" . } }",1 "784",593686,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"COI"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"COI"""" . } }",1 "785",594140,"# SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n # WHERE \n # { \n # ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q146 . \n # SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n # } \n SELECT ?person ?personLabel ?personDescription ?lnameLabel ?dob ?dod ?countryLabel ?birthCity ?birthCountry WHERE { \n ?person wdt:P31 wd:Q5. \n #?person wdt:P106 wd:Q49757. # Poet \n #?person wdt:P27 wd:Q668. # Country of Citizenship: India \n ?person wdt:P140 wd:Q9089. # Religion: Hinduism \n ?person wdt:P27 ?country. \n #?item wdt:P106 ?occupation. \n #?person wdt:P21 wd:Q6581072. # Gender \n #?person wdt:P21 wd:Q6581097. \n #?person rdfs:label ?name filter (lang(?name) = """"en"""") \n OPTIONAL { ?person wdt:P734 ?lname. } \n OPTIONAL { ?person wdt:P569 ?dob. } \n OPTIONAL { ?person wdt:P570 ?dod. } \n OPTIONAL { ?person wdt:P27 ?nationality. } \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } LIMIT 100 OFFSET 4700",1 "786",594195,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"CORD"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"CORD"""" . } }",1 "787",594240,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"COLO"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"COLO"""" . } }",1 "788",595078,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"ERE"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"ERE"""" . } }",1 "789",595107,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"EA"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"EA"""" . } }",1 "790",595132,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"NI"""" . }",1 "791",595267,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"ENCB"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"ENCB"""" . } }",1 "792",595343,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"ETH"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"ETH"""" . } }",1 "793",595455,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 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"903",761041,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"JBRJ"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"JBRJ"""" . } }",1 "904",763098,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P297 """"ME"""" . }",1 "905",763518,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"RB"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"RB"""" . } }",1 "906",789956,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"US"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"US"""" . } }",1 "907",790199,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"S"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"S"""" . } }",1 "908",790681,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"SAM"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"SAM"""" . } }",1 "909",790696,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"SAV"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"SAV"""" . } }",1 "910",790699,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"SEL"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"SEL"""" . } }",1 "911",790711,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"SBT"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"SBT"""" . } }",1 "912",790880,"SELECT ?item 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"921",794291,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"TOGO"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"TOGO"""" . } }",1 "922",794406,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"U"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"U"""" . } }",1 "923",794537,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"UBT"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"UBT"""" . } }",1 "924",795482,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"W"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"W"""" . } }",1 "925",795491,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"VEN"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"VEN"""" . } }",1 "926",797710,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"VT"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"VT"""" . } }",1 "927",797966,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"WIS"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"WIS"""" . } }",1 "928",799597,"SELECT * WHERE { ?work wdt:P236 """"0036-1488"""" }",1 "929",799619,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"SP"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"SP"""" . } }",1 "930",799621,"SELECT ?item 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"937",808305,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"YBI"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"YBI"""" . } }",1 "938",808307,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"YU"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"YU"""" . } }",1 "939",808317,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"WTU"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"WTU"""" . } }",1 "940",808339,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"WU"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"WU"""" . } }",1 "941",808461,"SELECT ?item WHERE { { ?item wdt:P5818 """"YA"""" . } UNION { ?item wdt:P5858 """"YA"""" . } }",1 "942",820802,"PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX bd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription (SAMPLE(?DR) AS ?DRSample) (SAMPLE(?article) AS ?articleSample) \n WHERE \n { ?article schema:about ?item ; \n schema:inLanguage """"en"""" ; \n schema:isPartOf \n FILTER ( ?item = ) \n OPTIONAL \n { ?item wdt:P569 ?DR } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?item wdt:P570 ?RIP } \n SERVICE wikibase:label \n { bd:serviceParam \n wikibase:language """"en"""" \n } \n } \n GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription",1 "943",833049,"\n SELECT ?item ?itemLabel \n WHERE { \n wd:Q9893 wdt:P279 ?item. \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } \n } \n",1 "944",1596,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured nitrogen-fixing eubacterium \'Ice aggregate 3.4\'' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured nitrogen-fixing eubacterium \'Ice aggregate 3.4\''@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "945",6298,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified soil organism R6-116' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified soil organism R6-116'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "946",8973,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'marine obligately oligotrophic bacterium POO-9' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'marine obligately oligotrophic bacterium POO-9'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "947",9054,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified marine eubacterium clone HT1205' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified marine eubacterium clone HT1205'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "948",9208,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Oligoporus lacteus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Oligoporus lacteus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "949",10146,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Kennedya yellow mosaic virus (strain Jervis Bay)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Kennedya yellow mosaic virus (strain Jervis Bay)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "950",11986,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Reginella hippocrepis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Reginella hippocrepis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "951",12071,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'rape rhizosphere bacterium tsb092' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'rape rhizosphere bacterium tsb092'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "952",13418,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pKO Scrambler 905' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pKO Scrambler 905'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "953",13846,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Phyllachora sp. \'R.T.Hanlin BF96-9\'' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Phyllachora sp. \'R.T.Hanlin BF96-9\''@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "954",14120,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cacospongia scalaris' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cacospongia scalaris'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "955",14241,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured alpha proteobacterium GT17-2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured alpha proteobacterium GT17-2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "956",14421,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Influenza B virus (B/Singapore/222/79)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Influenza B virus (B/Singapore/222/79)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "957",15176,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Dermocybe cinnamomeolutea' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Dermocybe cinnamomeolutea'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "958",18887,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified beta proteobacterium Vm6' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified beta proteobacterium Vm6'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "959",19633,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Thelephoraceae sp. \'Taylor #11\'' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Thelephoraceae sp. \'Taylor #11\''@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "960",20933,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Human rotavirus strain L5' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Human rotavirus strain L5'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "961",21774,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultivated soil bacterium clone S002' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultivated soil bacterium clone S002'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "962",23104,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Asterochloris erici' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Asterochloris erici'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "963",24766,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Plasmid pRL765' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Plasmid pRL765'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "964",27164,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Parrhinotermes queenslandicus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Parrhinotermes queenslandicus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "965",30330,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Nesogalaxias neocaledonicus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Nesogalaxias neocaledonicus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "966",30565,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'rape rhizosphere bacterium m9040' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'rape rhizosphere bacterium m9040'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "967",30693,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium TIHP368-66' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium TIHP368-66'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "968",31648,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Nocardia pseudosporangifera' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Nocardia pseudosporangifera'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "969",33098,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Caldicellulosiruptor naganoensis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Caldicellulosiruptor naganoensis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "970",34063,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bovine respiratory syncytial virus strain snook' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bovine respiratory syncytial virus strain snook'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "971",35239,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Calothrix sp. PCC 7103' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Calothrix sp. PCC 7103'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "972",35778,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Reovirus S4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Reovirus S4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "973",39324,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Mammalian orthoreovirus 3 Dearing' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Mammalian orthoreovirus 3 Dearing'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "974",41098,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured termite gut bacterium Cd3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured termite gut bacterium Cd3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "975",41468,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Mougeotia sp. UTEX LB 758' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Mougeotia sp. UTEX LB 758'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "976",41717,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Chironomus agilis2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Chironomus agilis2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "977",43268,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured delta proteobacterium Sva0447' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured delta proteobacterium Sva0447'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "978",44604,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Elbe River snow isolate Iso39' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Elbe River snow isolate Iso39'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "979",44645,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium TIHP302-36' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium TIHP302-36'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "980",44728,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bumilleriopsis filiformis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bumilleriopsis filiformis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "981",44740,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Penicillium sp. RMF 6016' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Penicillium sp. RMF 6016'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "982",44798,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Trigonella spinosum' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Trigonella spinosum'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "983",45057,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Alytes sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Alytes sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "984",45200,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'marine CFB-group bacterium MBIC04442' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'marine CFB-group bacterium MBIC04442'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "985",45710,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium (human infant) N1A' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium (human infant) N1A'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "986",48429,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bidens populifolia x Bidens conjuncta' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bidens populifolia x Bidens conjuncta'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "987",48592,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'ice core clone 142-12' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'ice core clone 142-12'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "988",48799,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured soil bacterium C043' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured soil bacterium C043'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "989",48808,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Saccharopolyspora sp. \'CIBE C21\'' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Saccharopolyspora sp. \'CIBE C21\''@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "990",49201,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured low G+C Gram-positive bacterium 307ev' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured low G+C Gram-positive bacterium 307ev'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "991",49249,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured delta proteobacterium B2M65' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured delta proteobacterium B2M65'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "992",49451,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Orthoprosopa griseus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Orthoprosopa griseus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "993",49921,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Ice core clone 101-19' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ice core clone 101-19'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "994",50210,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured archaeon Cas18#1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon Cas18#1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon var. Cas18#1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "995",50301,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Pterobryopsis orientalis subsp. yuennanensis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pterobryopsis orientalis subsp. yuennanensis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "996",51616,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured methanogenic archaeon NS-TS235-C290' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured methanogenic archaeon NS-TS235-C290'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "997",51724,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterial symbiont of Hodotermes mossambicus Hm1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterial symbiont of Hodotermes mossambicus Hm1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "998",51749,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured CFB group bacterium CtaxMed-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured CFB group bacterium CtaxMed-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "999",51819,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'proteobacterium CFS-6' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'proteobacterium CFS-6'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1000",52346,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'grassland soil clone sl3_609' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'grassland soil clone sl3_609'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1001",52693,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Gimnomera cuneiventris' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Gimnomera cuneiventris'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1002",52716,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured rumen bacterium 4C28d-22' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured rumen bacterium 4C28d-22'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1003",52935,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Spondylus crassisquamatus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Spondylus crassisquamatus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1004",53150,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'metal-contaminated soil clone K20-71' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'metal-contaminated soil clone K20-71'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1005",53296,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured marine bacterium ZD0409' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured marine bacterium ZD0409'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1006",53325,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Didymocystis inermis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Didymocystis inermis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1007",53605,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured CFB group bacterium CtaxMed-37' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured CFB group bacterium CtaxMed-37'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1008",53753,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified eubacterium clone BSV85' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified eubacterium clone BSV85'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1009",54680,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Ziziphus sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ziziphus sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1010",54712,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Hyphomonas sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Hyphomonas sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1011",56888,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Desulfotomaculum sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Desulfotomaculum sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1012",56974,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Loeseneriella sp. Chase 2095' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Loeseneriella sp. Chase 2095'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1013",56988,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured deep-sea autotrophic bacterium ORI-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured deep-sea autotrophic bacterium ORI-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1014",57046,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Neotyphodium sp. \'BAFC 57\'' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Neotyphodium sp. \'BAFC 57\''@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1015",57054,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Corynebacterium sp. MTcory8W' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Corynebacterium sp. MTcory8W'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1016",57777,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Dermocarpella sp. PCC 7326' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Dermocarpella sp. PCC 7326'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1017",59311,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'xylene oxygenase expression vector pSPZ3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'xylene oxygenase expression vector pSPZ3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1018",59325,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Echovirus 6 strain Charles' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Echovirus 6 strain Charles'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1019",59357,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured beta proteobacterium CSP9' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured beta proteobacterium CSP9'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1020",59419,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Sansevieria mexicana' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Sansevieria mexicana'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1021",59434,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Avian reovirus strain S1133' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Avian reovirus strain S1133'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1022",59462,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured insect microflora 9' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured insect microflora 9'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1023",60730,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Streptomyces goraiensis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Streptomyces goraiensis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1024",60775,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Human papillomavirus unidentified type (ICPX1)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Human papillomavirus unidentified type (ICPX1)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1025",60984,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Potato virus X (strain UK3)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Potato virus X (strain UK3)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1026",61219,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Streptococcus mutans serotype C' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Streptococcus mutans serotype C'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1027",61255,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured soil bacterium S058' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured soil bacterium S058'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1028",61294,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'FBJ murine osteosarcoma virus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'FBJ murine osteosarcoma virus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1029",61376,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Influenza A virus (A/Yokohama/C5/85(H3N2))' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Influenza A virus (A/Yokohama/C5/85(H3N2))'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1030",61390,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified rumen bacterium RFN86' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified rumen bacterium RFN86'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1031",61633,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Visvesvaria algerae' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Visvesvaria algerae'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1032",61673,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Treponema clone RFS106p' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Treponema clone RFS106p'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1033",62318,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Synurus palmatopinnatifidus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Synurus palmatopinnatifidus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1034",62356,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Curtobacterium sp. VKM Ac-1376' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Curtobacterium sp. VKM Ac-1376'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1035",62388,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Megaplasmid pSym-a' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Megaplasmid pSym-a'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1036",62424,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured CFB group bacterium EBAC391' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured CFB group bacterium EBAC391'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1037",62609,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Enterovirus M-327' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Enterovirus M-327'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1038",62662,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Mortierella formosensis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Mortierella formosensis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1039",62853,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Nostoc sp. PCC 8009' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Nostoc sp. PCC 8009'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1040",62866,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (ZAIRE 3 ISOLATE)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (ZAIRE 3 ISOLATE)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1041",63388,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bryometopus sphagni' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bryometopus sphagni'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1042",63491,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Acidocella sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Acidocella sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1043",63623,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Grimpoteuthis sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Grimpoteuthis sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1044",64242,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Longipeditermes longipes' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Longipeditermes longipes'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1045",64881,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Saccharum hybrid cultivar LCP 85-384' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Saccharum hybrid cultivar LCP 85-384'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1046",65059,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Athenaea sp. Bohs 91' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Athenaea sp. Bohs 91'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1047",65437,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pKO Scrambler 910' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pKO Scrambler 910'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1048",65459,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Oesophagostomum stephanostomum' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Oesophagostomum stephanostomum'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1049",65474,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured marine bacterium S1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured marine bacterium S1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1050",65504,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Hebeloma pusillum icg 8' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Hebeloma pusillum icg 8'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1051",65599,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured rumen bacterium 90cARRO' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured rumen bacterium 90cARRO'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1052",65644,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Equine rotavirus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Equine rotavirus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1053",65931,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Aeromonas sp. \'CDC 9017-79\'' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Aeromonas sp. \'CDC 9017-79\''@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1054",65970,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Treponema clone CFS199p' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Treponema clone CFS199p'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1055",66353,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured vent bacterium ML-14a' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured vent bacterium ML-14a'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1056",67291,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'agricultural soil bacterium SC-I-31' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'agricultural soil bacterium SC-I-31'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1057",68056,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured freshwater bacterium LCK-20' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured freshwater bacterium LCK-20'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1058",69593,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'agricultural soil bacterium SC-I-49' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'agricultural soil bacterium SC-I-49'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1059",70500,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured beta proteobacterium CSB20' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured beta proteobacterium CSB20'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1060",70514,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'grassland soil clone sl1_210' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'grassland soil clone sl1_210'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1061",70575,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Saccharum sp. clone IMP 2886' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Saccharum sp. clone IMP 2886'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1062",71047,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'grassland soil clone sl2_703' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'grassland soil clone sl2_703'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1063",71246,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Achlya caroliniana' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Achlya caroliniana'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1064",71263,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium DCM-FREE-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium DCM-FREE-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1065",71325,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Vermicularia knorri' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Vermicularia knorri'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1066",71353,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cactodera milleri' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cactodera milleri'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1067",71718,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured rape rhizosphere bacterium wr0024' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured rape rhizosphere bacterium wr0024'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1068",71754,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Exoprosopa stellifera' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Exoprosopa stellifera'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1069",71790,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Symbiodinium sp. PeA8 0/2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Symbiodinium sp. PeA8 0/2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1070",71792,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Tsukamurella columbiensis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Tsukamurella columbiensis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1071",71872,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Mnium sp. Chiang 31128' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Mnium sp. Chiang 31128'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1072",72120,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured compost bacterium 4-13' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured compost bacterium 4-13'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1073",72620,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Russulaceae sp. Type T' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Russulaceae sp. Type T'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1074",72716,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Rhodococcus sp. MB1 \'Bresler 1999\'' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Rhodococcus sp. MB1 \'Bresler 1999\''@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1075",72737,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Halobacillus sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Halobacillus sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1076",72799,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Tobacco mosaic virus (strain O)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Tobacco mosaic virus (strain O)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1077",72875,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Escherichia clone MT9' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Escherichia clone MT9'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1078",73806,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Duganella clone MTseq15' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Duganella clone MTseq15'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1079",74066,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Ganoderma japonicum' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ganoderma japonicum'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1080",74742,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Human parainfluenza virus 2 (strain Toshiba)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Human parainfluenza virus 2 (strain Toshiba)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1081",74771,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Human parainfluenza virus 4b' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Human parainfluenza virus 4b'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1082",74803,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Goniopora sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Goniopora sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1083",75802,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Chiasmus sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Chiasmus sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1084",76012,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'enrichment culture clone ECC44' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'enrichment culture clone ECC44'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1085",77052,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Halenia sp. Gonzales 3562' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Halenia sp. Gonzales 3562'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1086",77524,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Ordonez' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Ordonez'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1087",77594,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Hog cholera virus strain \'VRI 4425\'' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Hog cholera virus strain \'VRI 4425\''@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1088",77739,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Inonotus circinatus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Inonotus circinatus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1089",77996,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Hydnophytum sp. Danao 1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Hydnophytum sp. Danao 1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1090",78099,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium (human infant) P36H' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium (human infant) P36H'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1091",78575,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'rhizosphere soil bacterium RSI-36' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'rhizosphere soil bacterium RSI-36'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1092",78591,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured rumen bacterium 4C0d-5' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured rumen bacterium 4C0d-5'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1093",79234,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Avocado sunblotch viroid Sc' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Avocado sunblotch viroid Sc'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1094",79304,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Prevotella sp. oral clone AA016' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Prevotella sp. oral clone AA016'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1095",79576,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Acleotrema sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Acleotrema sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1096",79688,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Gossypium arboreum x Gossypium thurberi' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Gossypium arboreum x Gossypium thurberi'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1097",79819,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured rumen bacterium jw26RRI' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured rumen bacterium jw26RRI'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1098",79854,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium MB10g-RC7' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium MB10g-RC7'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1099",79941,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured alpha proteobacterium 144ev' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured alpha proteobacterium 144ev'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1100",80533,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured sludge bacterium S47' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured sludge bacterium S47'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1101",80535,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Fusarium sp. NRRL 13265' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Fusarium sp. NRRL 13265'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1102",80607,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Phytomonas sp. isolate Alp1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Phytomonas sp. isolate Alp1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1103",80616,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Treponema clone CFS149p' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Treponema clone CFS149p'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1104",80697,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'humic substances-degrading bacterium HS407' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'humic substances-degrading bacterium HS407'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1105",81629,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured low G+C Gram-positive bacterium 225ev' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured low G+C Gram-positive bacterium 225ev'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1106",81631,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured alpha proteobacterium GT05' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured alpha proteobacterium GT05'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1107",81703,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Plasposon pTnMod-Cm\'OTc' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Plasposon pTnMod-Cm\'OTc'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1108",81728,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Nasutitermes takasagoensis symbiont MNt1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Nasutitermes takasagoensis symbiont MNt1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1109",81750,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured sludge bacterium S43' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured sludge bacterium S43'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1110",81822,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Liporrhopalum gibbosae' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Liporrhopalum gibbosae'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1111",82449,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'mastodon intestinal bacterium AN-22-6' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'mastodon intestinal bacterium AN-22-6'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1112",82534,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bovine herpesvirus type 1.1 (strain P8-2)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bovine herpesvirus type 1.1 (strain P8-2)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1113",82588,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Streptoalloteichus sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Streptoalloteichus sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1114",83626,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'agricultural soil bacterium SI-15' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'agricultural soil bacterium SI-15'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1115",83712,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Selenomonas flueggei-like sp. clone AH132' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Selenomonas flueggei-like sp. clone AH132'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1116",83807,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Selenomonas-like sp. oral clone DM071' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Selenomonas-like sp. oral clone DM071'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1117",84530,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Flammulina mexicana' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Flammulina mexicana'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1118",84639,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Stalita stygia' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Stalita stygia'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1119",84713,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Paraurostyla viridis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Paraurostyla viridis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1120",85003,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Macrocopturus cincticollis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Macrocopturus cincticollis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1121",85203,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Gnatholebias hoignei' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Gnatholebias hoignei'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1122",85322,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Arthrobacter aureus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Arthrobacter aureus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1123",86911,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Chilodus sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Chilodus sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1124",87110,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Trypanosoma cyclops' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Trypanosoma cyclops'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1125",87118,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured flavobacterium DGGE band PSBAC-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured flavobacterium DGGE band PSBAC-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1126",88062,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Influenza A virus (A/Netherlands/021/94 (H3N2))' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Influenza A virus (A/Netherlands/021/94 (H3N2))'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1127",88162,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Human herpesvirus 5 (strain 4654)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Human herpesvirus 5 (strain 4654)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1128",88174,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Treponema clone RFS3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Treponema clone RFS3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1129",88267,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Plasmid RK2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Plasmid RK2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1130",88298,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified sulfate-reducing bacterium A01' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified sulfate-reducing bacterium A01'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1131",88500,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Treponema clone HsPySp15' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Treponema clone HsPySp15'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1132",88663,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Phytomonas sp. isolate Hart11' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Phytomonas sp. isolate Hart11'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1133",88794,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Silene abyssinica' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Silene abyssinica'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1134",89220,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Sorghum bunchy shoot phytoplasma' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Sorghum bunchy shoot phytoplasma'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1135",89232,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Myxidium lieberkuehni' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Myxidium lieberkuehni'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1136",89282,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultivated soil bacterium clone S025' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultivated soil bacterium clone S025'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1137",89328,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Tuber borchii symbiont b-10RA' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Tuber borchii symbiont b-10RA'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1138",89373,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Weissella sp. LMG 17707' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Weissella sp. LMG 17707'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1139",89469,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Influenza A virus (A/Netherlands/344/93 (H3N2))' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Influenza A virus (A/Netherlands/344/93 (H3N2))'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1140",89502,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified oil field bacterium DVIB128' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified oil field bacterium DVIB128'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1141",89559,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Verosphacella ebrachia' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Verosphacella ebrachia'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1142",89697,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Taraxacum andorriense' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Taraxacum andorriense'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1143",89883,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified rumen bacterium JW21' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified rumen bacterium JW21'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1144",89941,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Trichosanthes sp. Bac Kan 8-98' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Trichosanthes sp. Bac Kan 8-98'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1145",89974,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Marina sp. Lavin 5341' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Marina sp. Lavin 5341'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1146",89980,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Microcystis cf. aeruginosa NIVA-CYA 144' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Microcystis cf. aeruginosa NIVA-CYA 144'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1147",90007,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Spirogyra sp. SVCK 253' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Spirogyra sp. SVCK 253'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1148",90139,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium SUR-ATT-12' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium SUR-ATT-12'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1149",90220,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Plasmid pMON234' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Plasmid pMON234'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1150",90279,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultivated soil bacterium clone S113' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultivated soil bacterium clone S113'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1151",90631,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cryptarrhena sp. Chase O-307' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cryptarrhena sp. Chase O-307'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1152",90897,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Wigglesworthia glossinidia endosymbiont of Glossina austeni' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Wigglesworthia glossinidia endosymbiont of Glossina austeni'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1153",91129,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cintractia cf. limitata MP 1310' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cintractia cf. limitata MP 1310'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1154",91755,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Influenza A virus (A/South Australia/54/97(H3N2))' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Influenza A virus (A/South Australia/54/97(H3N2))'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1155",91890,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Gambusia caymanensis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Gambusia caymanensis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1156",92188,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Sporothrix africana' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Sporothrix africana'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1157",92701,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Spondylus hystrix' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Spondylus hystrix'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1158",92719,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium VC2.1 Bac22' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium VC2.1 Bac22'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1159",93447,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Streblosa aff. myriocarpa \'Nielsen 517\'' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Streblosa aff. myriocarpa \'Nielsen 517\''@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1160",93527,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Sendai virus (strain Enders)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Sendai virus (strain Enders)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1161",93723,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'leotialean sp. cl 3-34' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'leotialean sp. cl 3-34'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1162",93772,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured atmospheric bacterium APB3B-G' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured atmospheric bacterium APB3B-G'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1163",93794,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured CFB-group bacterium 42ev' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured CFB-group bacterium 42ev'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1164",93856,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Plasmid pAM77' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Plasmid pAM77'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1165",93888,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Streptomyces viridogenes' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Streptomyces viridogenes'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1166",94126,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured low G+C Gram-positive bacterium 7ev' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured low G+C Gram-positive bacterium 7ev'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1167",94333,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Reptile calicivirus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Reptile calicivirus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1168",94452,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Dactylellina haptospora' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Dactylellina haptospora'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1169",94549,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Curtobacterium sp. VKM Ac-1811' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Curtobacterium sp. VKM Ac-1811'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1170",94623,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'ice core clone 142-9' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'ice core clone 142-9'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1171",94652,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Human rotavirus B strain CAL-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Human rotavirus B strain CAL-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1172",94799,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Labena sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Labena sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1173",94809,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured beta proteobacterium LV3L' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured beta proteobacterium LV3L'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1174",94840,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Helicoon sessile' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Helicoon sessile'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1175",94971,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Opalina ranarum associated fungus Sc' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Opalina ranarum associated fungus Sc'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1176",95055,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Blacus sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Blacus sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1177",95082,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium UPB C3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium UPB C3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1178",95276,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified oil field bacterium OCEA2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified oil field bacterium OCEA2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1179",95321,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Actinomyces sp. oral clone AG004' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Actinomyces sp. oral clone AG004'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1180",95613,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Passionfruit woodiness virus (strain severe)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Passionfruit woodiness virus (strain severe)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1181",95688,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium VC2.1 Bac39' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium VC2.1 Bac39'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1182",95712,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified eubacterium clone ESH210B' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified eubacterium clone ESH210B'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1183",96482,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Triticum turgidum subsp. durum x Hordeum chilense' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Triticum turgidum subsp. durum x Hordeum chilense'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1184",96484,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Myrsine ferruginea' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Myrsine ferruginea'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1185",96986,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'agricultural soil bacterium SC-I-16' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'agricultural soil bacterium SC-I-16'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1186",97071,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured delta proteobacterium TIHP302-12' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured delta proteobacterium TIHP302-12'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1187",97968,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Salix sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Salix sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1188",98242,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Influenza A virus (A/New Jersey/4/1985(H3N2))' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Influenza A virus (A/New Jersey/4/1985(H3N2))'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1189",98258,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified eubacterium clone BSV43' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified eubacterium clone BSV43'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1190",98297,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Grosmannia radiaticola' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Grosmannia radiaticola'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1191",98367,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Torrenticola queenslandica' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Torrenticola queenslandica'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1192",98427,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cucumber mosaic virus (strain O)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cucumber mosaic virus (strain O)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1193",98433,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Treponema clone RFS55p' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Treponema clone RFS55p'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1194",98512,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Ehrlichia-like sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ehrlichia-like sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1195",98695,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Canine parvovirus strain CPV-D CORNELL 320' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Canine parvovirus strain CPV-D CORNELL 320'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1196",99149,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Influenza A virus (A/New_Jersey/10/95(H3N2))' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Influenza A virus (A/New_Jersey/10/95(H3N2))'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1197",99202,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Influenza A virus (A/Russia/31/93(H3N2))' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Influenza A virus (A/Russia/31/93(H3N2))'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1198",99222,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Amazonian soil bacterium P3b' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Amazonian soil bacterium P3b'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1199",99255,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Plasmid pDU1358' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Plasmid pDU1358'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1200",99356,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Candida sp. HA 174' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Candida sp. HA 174'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1201",99456,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured insect microflora 1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured insect microflora 1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1202",99932,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Chesapeake Bay isolate 6d' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Chesapeake Bay isolate 6d'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1203",100890,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Anisopappus oliverianus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Anisopappus oliverianus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1204",101210,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured pozol bacterium #2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured pozol bacterium #2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1205",101234,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured marine cyanobacterium MBE9' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured marine cyanobacterium MBE9'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1206",101438,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured beta proteobacterium Band07967' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured beta proteobacterium Band07967'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1207",101884,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Fusarium sp. NRRL 25807' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Fusarium sp. NRRL 25807'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1208",101959,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured beta proteobacterium CSP13' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured beta proteobacterium CSP13'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1209",101996,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop '[Pseudomonas] cissicola' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel '[Pseudomonas] cissicola'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1210",102096,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1211",102316,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Newcastle disease virus (STRAIN AUSTRALIA-VICTORIA/32)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Newcastle disease virus (STRAIN AUSTRALIA-VICTORIA/32)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1212",102362,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium WkA20' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium WkA20'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1213",102415,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Russuloid fungal sp. 28MR' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Russuloid fungal sp. 28MR'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1214",103014,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Plasmid pNG2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Plasmid pNG2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1215",104410,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Deinococcus sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Deinococcus sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1216",104605,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured archaeon Cas19#3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon Cas19#3'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon var. Cas19#3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1217",105485,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Ophioceras tenuisporum' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ophioceras tenuisporum'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1218",105506,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified soil organism R6-103' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified soil organism R6-103'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1219",105554,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'H7N8 subtype' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'H7N8 subtype'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1220",105590,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium SUR-FREE-20' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium SUR-FREE-20'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1221",105647,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Symbiodinium muscatinei' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Symbiodinium muscatinei'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1222",105683,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cortinarius marylandensis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cortinarius marylandensis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1223",105695,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Trypanosoma godfreyi' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Trypanosoma godfreyi'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1224",105734,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Taimyr hantavirus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Taimyr hantavirus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1225",105809,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Suillus umbrinus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Suillus umbrinus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1226",105856,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Paeonia clusii subsp. rhodia' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Paeonia clusii subsp. rhodia'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1227",105891,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Plasmodium falciparum TAK 9' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Plasmodium falciparum TAK 9'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1228",106095,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'salal mycorrhizal fungus UBCtra43' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'salal mycorrhizal fungus UBCtra43'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1229",106225,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Streptomyces cyanocolor' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Streptomyces cyanocolor'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1230",106524,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'grassland soil clone sl1_104' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'grassland soil clone sl1_104'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1231",106536,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured ammonia-oxidizing bacterium MPN1-AG-FT-B' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured ammonia-oxidizing bacterium MPN1-AG-FT-B'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1232",106723,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured soil bacterium C0139' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured soil bacterium C0139'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1233",106838,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Enterococcus faecalis subsp. liquefaciens' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Enterococcus faecalis subsp. liquefaciens'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1234",106851,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Kwoniella dendrophila' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Kwoniella dendrophila'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1235",107072,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Fusarium nectrioides' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Fusarium nectrioides'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1236",107091,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'endosymbiont of Acanthamoeba sp. (Hungarian isolate)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'endosymbiont of Acanthamoeba sp. (Hungarian isolate)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1237",107108,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Saccostrea commercialis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Saccostrea commercialis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1238",107310,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bufo bufo United Kingdom iridovirus 2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bufo bufo United Kingdom iridovirus 2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1239",107335,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Williopsis beijerinckii' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Williopsis beijerinckii'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1240",107747,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Crepidotus applanatus var. globigera' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Crepidotus applanatus var. globigera'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1241",108212,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Coleochaete sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Coleochaete sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1242",109280,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured vent bacterium ML-3a' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured vent bacterium ML-3a'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1243",110222,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Euparagonimus cenocopiosus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Euparagonimus cenocopiosus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1244",110255,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Candida antillancae' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Candida antillancae'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1245",110333,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Babesia ovis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Babesia ovis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1246",110442,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified eubacterium clone BSV77' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified eubacterium clone BSV77'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1247",110513,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Influenza A virus (A/Hong Kong/427/1998(H1N1))' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Influenza A virus (A/Hong Kong/427/1998(H1N1))'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1248",110660,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'grassland soil clone saf2_224' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'grassland soil clone saf2_224'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1249",110706,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'mixed culture haloarchaeon CLI-257' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'mixed culture haloarchaeon CLI-257'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1250",110750,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Acinetobacter sp. 10095(LUH 1469)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Acinetobacter sp. 10095(LUH 1469)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1251",110777,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured deep-sea autotrophic bacterium OTI-12' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured deep-sea autotrophic bacterium OTI-12'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1252",110817,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified eubacterium clone BSV46' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified eubacterium clone BSV46'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1253",110912,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured delta proteobacterium DSS71' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured delta proteobacterium DSS71'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1254",111171,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Artemisia herba-alba (type 1)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Artemisia herba-alba (type 1)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1255",111286,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium #0319-2F3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium #0319-2F3'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. #0319-2F3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1256",111325,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured archaeon Cas14#6' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon Cas14#6'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon var. Cas14#6'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1257",111333,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium #0319-7F6' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium #0319-7F6'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. #0319-7F6'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1258",111362,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium (human infant) N62B' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium (human infant) N62B'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1259",111565,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Human papillomavirus type 20' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Human papillomavirus type 20'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1260",111829,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified bacterium sp. sbr-gs25' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified bacterium sp. sbr-gs25'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1261",112209,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured rape rhizosphere bacterium wr0114' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured rape rhizosphere bacterium wr0114'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1262",112229,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified activated sludge bacterium AI491' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified activated sludge bacterium AI491'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1263",112731,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured alpha proteobacterium B2M51' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured alpha proteobacterium B2M51'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1264",112871,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'bacterium Irt-JG1-64' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'bacterium Irt-JG1-64'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1265",112915,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Actinoplanes kinshanensis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Actinoplanes kinshanensis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1266",112922,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Greenland glacial ice fungus IM135-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Greenland glacial ice fungus IM135-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1267",113147,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Orpinomyces joyonii' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Orpinomyces joyonii'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1268",113260,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Human parainfluenza 3 virus (strain TEX/545/80)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Human parainfluenza 3 virus (strain TEX/545/80)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1269",113297,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'rhizosphere soil bacterium RSC-II-95' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'rhizosphere soil bacterium RSC-II-95'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1270",113564,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified eubacterium clone PS#2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified eubacterium clone PS#2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1271",113903,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'rape rhizosphere bacterium m9035' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'rape rhizosphere bacterium m9035'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1272",114444,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Plasmid R1-19' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Plasmid R1-19'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1273",114487,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Greenland glacial ice fungus IM571-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Greenland glacial ice fungus IM571-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1274",114672,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'metal-contaminated soil clone K20-65' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'metal-contaminated soil clone K20-65'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1275",114829,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'RV-Edible frog' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'RV-Edible frog'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1276",115284,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Ophiotaenia grandis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ophiotaenia grandis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1277",115474,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured CFB group bacterium kpj167rc' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured CFB group bacterium kpj167rc'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1278",116528,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified oral bacterium SH4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified oral bacterium SH4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1279",116898,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Coemansia braziliensis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Coemansia braziliensis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1280",116947,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Influenza A virus (A/Netherlands/877/91 (H3N2))' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Influenza A virus (A/Netherlands/877/91 (H3N2))'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1281",117064,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'humic substances enrichment clone E6' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'humic substances enrichment clone E6'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1282",117069,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Mycobacterium sp. IMVS B76676' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Mycobacterium sp. IMVS B76676'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1283",117116,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured type I methanotroph R17' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured type I methanotroph R17'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1284",117261,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Polychalma multicava' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Polychalma multicava'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1285",117412,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Tetrahymena setosa' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Tetrahymena setosa'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1286",117754,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Simocybe americana' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Simocybe americana'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1287",117805,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Flexibacter maritimus-like bacterium S3C18' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Flexibacter maritimus-like bacterium S3C18'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1288",118688,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'humic substances enrichment clone A38' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'humic substances enrichment clone A38'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1289",118703,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured marine eubacterium HstpL94' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured marine eubacterium HstpL94'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1290",118759,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Carteria olivieri' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Carteria olivieri'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1291",118823,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Pseudomonas pavonaceae' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pseudomonas pavonaceae'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1292",118927,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium #0319-7G1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium #0319-7G1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. #0319-7G1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1293",120002,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop '[Clostridium] cocleatum' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel '[Clostridium] cocleatum'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1294",121051,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Trebouxia jamesii \'letharii\' sp. 3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Trebouxia jamesii \'letharii\' sp. 3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1295",121441,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing planctomycete GR-WP33-66' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing planctomycete GR-WP33-66'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1296",121675,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Treponema clone RFS95p' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Treponema clone RFS95p'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1297",122127,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Scedosporium sp. NCPF 7282' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Scedosporium sp. NCPF 7282'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1298",122312,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Syntrophorhabdaceae bacterium SHD-127' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Syntrophorhabdaceae bacterium SHD-127'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1299",122505,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'eubacterial soil DNA clone S-37' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'eubacterial soil DNA clone S-37'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1300",122510,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Talaromyces aerugineus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Talaromyces aerugineus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1301",122633,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'humic substances enrichment clone E1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'humic substances enrichment clone E1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1302",122651,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'bacterium CBS4-9' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'bacterium CBS4-9'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1303",122652,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cutaneotrichosporon terricola' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cutaneotrichosporon terricola'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1304",123048,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured low G+C gram positive bacterium n35r' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured low G+C gram positive bacterium n35r'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1305",123137,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured rumen bacterium 6C3d-11' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured rumen bacterium 6C3d-11'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1306",123573,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'psychrophilic sulfate-reducing bacterium LSv53' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'psychrophilic sulfate-reducing bacterium LSv53'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1307",124231,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Amasa versicolor' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Amasa versicolor'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1308",124260,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Leucoscypha oroarctica' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Leucoscypha oroarctica'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1309",124276,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Apteronotus sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Apteronotus sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1310",125244,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'rhizosphere soil bacterium RSC-II-6' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'rhizosphere soil bacterium RSC-II-6'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1311",125342,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Treponema clone RFS44p' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Treponema clone RFS44p'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1312",125513,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bovine viral diarrhea virus-1 isolate V360' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bovine viral diarrhea virus-1 isolate V360'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1313",125820,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured rape rhizosphere bacterium wr0052' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured rape rhizosphere bacterium wr0052'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1314",125893,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop '[Clostridium] xylanolyticum' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel '[Clostridium] xylanolyticum'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1315",127002,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Adenocystis utricularis f. longissima' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Adenocystis utricularis f. longissima'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1316",127129,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Trichosporon japonicum' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Trichosporon japonicum'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1317",127342,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bovine viral diarrhea virus 2 C413' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bovine viral diarrhea virus 2 C413'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1318",127444,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Amazonian soil bacterium P8' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Amazonian soil bacterium P8'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1319",127629,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Dactylellina appendiculata' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Dactylellina appendiculata'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1320",127688,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Oxytricha sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Oxytricha sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1321",128340,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'chlamydia-associated clinical sample 39-T' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'chlamydia-associated clinical sample 39-T'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1322",128942,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified eubacterium clone pCON11' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified eubacterium clone pCON11'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1323",129166,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Wolbachia endosymbiont of Liposthenes glechomae' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Wolbachia endosymbiont of Liposthenes glechomae'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1324",129373,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'soil DNB bacterium G14119' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'soil DNB bacterium G14119'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1325",130053,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Puccinia graminis f. sp. avenae' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Puccinia graminis f. sp. avenae'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1326",131084,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Alvinella pompejana symbiont apg68' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Alvinella pompejana symbiont apg68'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1327",131209,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured compost bacterium 4-28' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured compost bacterium 4-28'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1328",131378,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Mazzaella cornucopiae' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Mazzaella cornucopiae'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1329",131769,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium Px2-DGGE band c' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium Px2-DGGE band c'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1330",131893,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Human calicivirus strain BAV/2.1/98/DEU' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Human calicivirus strain BAV/2.1/98/DEU'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1331",132130,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured ammonia-oxidizing bacterium MPN1-SC-NTNF-C1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured ammonia-oxidizing bacterium MPN1-SC-NTNF-C1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1332",132556,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured atmospheric bacterium RM2B-6' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured atmospheric bacterium RM2B-6'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1333",132675,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium Px2-DGGE band a' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium Px2-DGGE band a'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1334",133123,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Treponema clone CFS178p' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Treponema clone CFS178p'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1335",134079,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'TOL plasmid' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'TOL plasmid'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1336",134146,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Halomonas sp. TAG C2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Halomonas sp. TAG C2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1337",134395,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured alpha proteobacterium GT14-3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured alpha proteobacterium GT14-3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1338",134890,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Influenza A virus (A/duck/Hokkaido/10/85(H3))' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Influenza A virus (A/duck/Hokkaido/10/85(H3))'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1339",134965,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Poliovirus type 3 (strains P3/LEON/37 AND P3/LEON 12A[1]B)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Poliovirus type 3 (strains P3/LEON/37 AND P3/LEON 12A[1]B)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1340",135081,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'agricultural soil bacterium SC-I-59' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'agricultural soil bacterium SC-I-59'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1341",135085,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Atribacteria bacterium clone OPB72' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Atribacteria bacterium clone OPB72'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1342",135548,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Ice core clone 105-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ice core clone 105-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1343",135595,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Opalina ranarum associated fungus Gp' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Opalina ranarum associated fungus Gp'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1344",135650,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured vent bacterium ML-2e' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured vent bacterium ML-2e'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1345",135943,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Influenza A virus (A/chicken/Queensland/667/95(H7N3))' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Influenza A virus (A/chicken/Queensland/667/95(H7N3))'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1346",136332,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Vector pUC4K' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Vector pUC4K'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1347",136694,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Diphyllobothrium sp. (Japanese isolate)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Diphyllobothrium sp. (Japanese isolate)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1348",137501,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Fusarium udum' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Fusarium udum'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1349",137587,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Aplanes androgynus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Aplanes androgynus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1350",137921,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured sludge bacterium A22' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured sludge bacterium A22'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1351",137922,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium #0319-7D8' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium #0319-7D8'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. #0319-7D8'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1352",138006,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured epsilon proteobacterium KTc1160' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured epsilon proteobacterium KTc1160'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1353",138026,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'grassland soil clone saf3_221' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'grassland soil clone saf3_221'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1354",138042,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured marine eubacterium OTU_C' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured marine eubacterium OTU_C'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1355",138304,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Acoela sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Acoela sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1356",138901,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified rumen bacterium RF30' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified rumen bacterium RF30'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1357",139408,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Audouinella macrospora' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Audouinella macrospora'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1358",139621,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium (human infant) L1C' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium (human infant) L1C'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1359",139723,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Grammadenia sp. Stahl 1579' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Grammadenia sp. Stahl 1579'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1360",139843,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured delta proteobacterium B2M17' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured delta proteobacterium B2M17'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1361",139929,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Treponema clone RFS101p' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Treponema clone RFS101p'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1362",140025,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Meloidogyne nataliei' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Meloidogyne nataliei'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1363",140219,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'North Sea bacterium 13-15' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'North Sea bacterium 13-15'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1364",140363,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop '2,4-D degrading bacterium B6-9' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel '2,4-D degrading bacterium B6-9'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1365",140434,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Epilobium concinnum' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Epilobium concinnum'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1366",140615,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Paramecium duboscqui' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Paramecium duboscqui'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1367",141009,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bovine viral diarrhea virus strain 839-' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bovine viral diarrhea virus strain 839-'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1368",141522,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Phormidium sp. IAM M-99' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Phormidium sp. IAM M-99'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1369",142604,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Rotavirus G1 strain 1992A' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Rotavirus G1 strain 1992A'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1370",143294,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Calonectria ovata' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Calonectria ovata'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1371",143686,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Dialister sp. oral clone BS095' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Dialister sp. oral clone BS095'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1372",143962,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified bacterium sp. sbr-gs10' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified bacterium sp. sbr-gs10'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1373",144466,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium #2464-1B3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium #2464-1B3'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. #2464-1B3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1374",144504,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified rumen bacterium 12-128' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified rumen bacterium 12-128'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1375",144524,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'secondary endosymbiont of Macrosiphum rosae' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'secondary endosymbiont of Macrosiphum rosae'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1376",144763,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Influenza A virus (A/psittacine/Italy/1/91(H7N2))' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Influenza A virus (A/psittacine/Italy/1/91(H7N2))'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1377",144956,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Phytophthora glovera' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Phytophthora glovera'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1378",146080,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Inocutis rheades' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Inocutis rheades'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1379",146590,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured vent bacterium ML-16' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured vent bacterium ML-16'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1380",147610,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured alpha proteobacterium Kmlps6-15' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured alpha proteobacterium Kmlps6-15'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1381",147748,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Taraxacum (sect. Hamata) sp. 632' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Taraxacum (sect. Hamata) sp. 632'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1382",147812,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Streptomyces vulgaris' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Streptomyces vulgaris'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1383",148125,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Human Endogenous Retrovirus K1,2-10' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Human Endogenous Retrovirus K1,2-10'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1384",148994,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium CHAB-VI-14' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium CHAB-VI-14'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1385",149169,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Synechocystis integration vector pKW1188' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Synechocystis integration vector pKW1188'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1386",149184,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Hegeter politus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Hegeter politus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1387",149345,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Solemya pusilla gill symbiont' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Solemya pusilla gill symbiont'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1388",149405,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Aphanomyces piscicida' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Aphanomyces piscicida'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1389",149445,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Gordius sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Gordius sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1390",149660,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'H1N2 subtype' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'H1N2 subtype'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1391",149972,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Baculovirus transfer vector pBacPAK-His2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Baculovirus transfer vector pBacPAK-His2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1392",150105,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Mouse mammary tumor virus (STRAIN BR6)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Mouse mammary tumor virus (STRAIN BR6)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1393",150846,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Haemorrhagic kidney syndrome virus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Haemorrhagic kidney syndrome virus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1394",152070,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Hypsibius sp. \'Moon 1997\'' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Hypsibius sp. \'Moon 1997\''@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1395",153097,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Phytomonas sp. isolate EM1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Phytomonas sp. isolate EM1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1396",153618,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'endophyte RDb1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'endophyte RDb1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1397",153808,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified oral bacterium SH56' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified oral bacterium SH56'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1398",153970,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured alpha proteobacterium GT09-2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured alpha proteobacterium GT09-2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1399",154125,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Amanita verrucosivolva' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Amanita verrucosivolva'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1400",154332,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Pelargonium anceps' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pelargonium anceps'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1401",154567,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Stylaria sp. \'Aguinaldo, 1997\'' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Stylaria sp. \'Aguinaldo, 1997\''@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1402",154652,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Licaria cannella' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Licaria cannella'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1403",154911,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Fusarium striatum' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Fusarium striatum'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1404",155201,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured ammonia-oxidizing bacterium DGGE-AG-TF-C1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured ammonia-oxidizing bacterium DGGE-AG-TF-C1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1405",155393,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured marine delta proteobacterium DHB-39' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured marine delta proteobacterium DHB-39'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1406",155593,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified rumen bacterium RC4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified rumen bacterium RC4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1407",155661,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Boletoid fungal sp. MFC-10' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Boletoid fungal sp. MFC-10'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1408",155716,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured beta proteobacterium USS17' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured beta proteobacterium USS17'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1409",155913,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium (human infant) P36G' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium (human infant) P36G'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1410",156395,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified soil organism R6-48' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified soil organism R6-48'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1411",156475,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'rhizosphere soil bacterium RSI-19' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'rhizosphere soil bacterium RSI-19'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1412",156508,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium WkA03' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium WkA03'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1413",157048,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Small round structured virus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Small round structured virus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1414",157244,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Hemiramphus sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Hemiramphus sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1415",157558,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Brassica insularis subsp. insularis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Brassica insularis subsp. insularis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1416",157942,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Proteocephalus san-bernardensis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Proteocephalus san-bernardensis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1417",158023,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Glugea plecoglossi' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Glugea plecoglossi'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1418",158633,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Polyangium thaxteri' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Polyangium thaxteri'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1419",159046,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Ice core clone 36-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ice core clone 36-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1420",159154,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured rape rhizosphere bacterium wr0091' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured rape rhizosphere bacterium wr0091'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1421",159451,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Pantoea agglomerans pv. gypsophilae' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pantoea agglomerans pv. gypsophilae'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1422",159595,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Hypopterygium muelleri' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Hypopterygium muelleri'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1423",159661,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Culex pipiens x Culex quinquefasciatus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Culex pipiens x Culex quinquefasciatus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1424",161129,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Desulfomicrobium sp. \'Scale 7m\'' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Desulfomicrobium sp. \'Scale 7m\''@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1425",161356,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultivated soil bacterium clone S005' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultivated soil bacterium clone S005'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1426",161478,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bradyrhizobium sp. LMG 10676' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bradyrhizobium sp. LMG 10676'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1427",162042,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Rotavirus 5 serotype G2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Rotavirus 5 serotype G2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1428",162206,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified marine eubacterium clone HT1198' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified marine eubacterium clone HT1198'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1429",162629,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Xanthonema debile' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Xanthonema debile'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1430",163879,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Actinoplanes sarveparensis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Actinoplanes sarveparensis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1431",163890,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured maize root bacterium Zmrc265' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured maize root bacterium Zmrc265'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1432",163955,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Chrysophyceae gen. sp. 7ACH3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Chrysophyceae gen. sp. 7ACH3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1433",164001,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured low G+C Gram-positive bacterium 108ev' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured low G+C Gram-positive bacterium 108ev'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1434",164067,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'bacterium 2BP-7' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'bacterium 2BP-7'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1435",164132,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Korotnewia semenkewitchi' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Korotnewia semenkewitchi'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1436",164196,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium 187ev' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium 187ev'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1437",164272,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'potato plant root bacterium RC-III-90' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'potato plant root bacterium RC-III-90'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1438",164347,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Newcastle disease virus (strain GAM61)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Newcastle disease virus (strain GAM61)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1439",164554,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Helictochloa pratensis subsp. pratensis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Helictochloa pratensis subsp. pratensis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1440",165066,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured soil bacterium PBS-III-9' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured soil bacterium PBS-III-9'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1441",165352,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Poterioochromonas malhamensis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Poterioochromonas malhamensis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1442",165484,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Plasmid pCI411' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Plasmid pCI411'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1443",165685,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Fusarium sp. NRRL 25346' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Fusarium sp. NRRL 25346'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1444",165689,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Chrysosporium submersum' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Chrysosporium submersum'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1445",165729,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured delta proteobacterium Sva1036' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured delta proteobacterium Sva1036'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1446",165905,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Asterina amurensis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Asterina amurensis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1447",166354,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'rape rhizosphere bacterium cse095' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'rape rhizosphere bacterium cse095'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1448",166542,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Peripatoides sp. Herbert Forest1.1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Peripatoides sp. Herbert Forest1.1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1449",166569,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Methanohalophilus sp. strain HCM6' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Methanohalophilus sp. strain HCM6'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1450",166615,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Pleurochloridella botrydiopsis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pleurochloridella botrydiopsis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1451",168099,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Gregarina caledia' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Gregarina caledia'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1452",168261,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured marine bacterium pM-68' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured marine bacterium pM-68'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1453",168317,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Trypanosoma sp. Ruru 3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Trypanosoma sp. Ruru 3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1454",168471,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Influenza A virus (A/Sydney/1/1987(H3N2))' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Influenza A virus (A/Sydney/1/1987(H3N2))'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1455",168517,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured beta proteobacterium 184ev' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured beta proteobacterium 184ev'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1456",168563,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Curvularia verruculosa' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Curvularia verruculosa'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1457",169055,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured type I methanotroph R5' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured type I methanotroph R5'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1458",169473,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured soil bacterium PRR-1A' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured soil bacterium PRR-1A'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1459",170286,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'chlamydia-associated clinical sample 698-G' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'chlamydia-associated clinical sample 698-G'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1460",170323,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Fusarium sp. NRRL 22574' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Fusarium sp. NRRL 22574'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1461",171269,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Corethron criophilum' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Corethron criophilum'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1462",171484,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Streptomyces pentaticus subsp. jenensis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Streptomyces pentaticus subsp. jenensis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1463",171522,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Boletus sp. cl 1-17' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Boletus sp. cl 1-17'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1464",172465,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Fusarium illudens' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Fusarium illudens'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1465",173041,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Nitrobacter sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Nitrobacter sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1466",173098,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'marine snow associated bacterium Adriatic52' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'marine snow associated bacterium Adriatic52'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1467",173402,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified beta proteobacterium Vm4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified beta proteobacterium Vm4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1468",173522,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Simian immunodeficiency virus (AGM266 ISOLATE)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Simian immunodeficiency virus (AGM266 ISOLATE)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1469",173807,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Gracilariopsis sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Gracilariopsis sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1470",173822,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Crater Lake bacterium CL0-99' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Crater Lake bacterium CL0-99'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1471",174148,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bodo uncinatus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bodo uncinatus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1472",174532,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Lewinella sp. QSSC9L-2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Lewinella sp. QSSC9L-2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1473",174673,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium B2M52' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium B2M52'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1474",174733,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Chorella virus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Chorella virus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1475",175032,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Plasmid pHKK702' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Plasmid pHKK702'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1476",175839,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'ericoid mycorrhizal sp. D01' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'ericoid mycorrhizal sp. D01'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1477",176164,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured soil bacterium S072' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured soil bacterium S072'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1478",176486,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured soil bacterium PBS-III-32' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured soil bacterium PBS-III-32'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1479",176594,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured rape rhizosphere bacterium wr0037' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured rape rhizosphere bacterium wr0037'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1480",176733,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium VC2.1 Bac9' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium VC2.1 Bac9'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1481",177254,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured marine gamma proteobacterium AY-86' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured marine gamma proteobacterium AY-86'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1482",177473,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Corynebacterium sp. MTcory11W' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Corynebacterium sp. MTcory11W'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1483",178749,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Mexican potato purple top phytoplasma' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Mexican potato purple top phytoplasma'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1484",178783,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Ascosphaera aggregata' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ascosphaera aggregata'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1485",178853,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Scenedesmus acutus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Scenedesmus acutus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1486",179834,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Dermabacter sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Dermabacter sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1487",180744,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Vibrio cf. splendidus CH-B125' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Vibrio cf. splendidus CH-B125'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1488",180997,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Lecithopyge rastellus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Lecithopyge rastellus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1489",181187,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified soil organism R6-73' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified soil organism R6-73'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1490",181298,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Golden hamster intracisternal A-particle H18' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Golden hamster intracisternal A-particle H18'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1491",181358,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cyclonexis annularis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cyclonexis annularis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1492",181553,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured rumen bacterium 3C3d-3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured rumen bacterium 3C3d-3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1493",181631,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Trichormus azollae' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Trichormus azollae'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1494",182083,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'grassland soil clone sl3_824' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'grassland soil clone sl3_824'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1495",182182,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Pasture soil clone HPS-52' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pasture soil clone HPS-52'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1496",183354,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'rape rhizosphere bacterium m9018' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'rape rhizosphere bacterium m9018'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1497",184083,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified soil organism R6-52' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified soil organism R6-52'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1498",184327,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured CFB group bacterium B2M45' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured CFB group bacterium B2M45'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1499",184422,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified soil organism R6-50' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified soil organism R6-50'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1500",184430,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Trichodesmium sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Trichodesmium sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1501",184612,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Plasmid RSF1030' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Plasmid RSF1030'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1502",184913,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Human herpesvirus 6 (strain Uganda-1102)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Human herpesvirus 6 (strain Uganda-1102)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1503",184964,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium DGGE band PSBAC-8' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium DGGE band PSBAC-8'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1504",184977,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Baicalia dybowskiana' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Baicalia dybowskiana'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1505",185097,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'leaf litter fungal sp. 20/2-29' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'leaf litter fungal sp. 20/2-29'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1506",185164,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Papaya ringspot virus (strain P / mutant HA)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Papaya ringspot virus (strain P / mutant HA)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1507",185280,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Influenza A virus (A/Netherlands/977/92 (H3N2))' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Influenza A virus (A/Netherlands/977/92 (H3N2))'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1508",185428,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Navel orange infectious mottling virus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Navel orange infectious mottling virus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1509",185524,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Prochlorococcus marinus str. MIT 9302' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Prochlorococcus marinus str. MIT 9302'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1510",185659,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Plasmid pWW53' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Plasmid pWW53'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1511",185691,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Narcissus hispanicus subsp. bujei' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Narcissus hispanicus subsp. bujei'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1512",186615,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cryptopleura callophylloides' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cryptopleura callophylloides'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1513",187085,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Theiler\'s encephalomyelitis virus (STRAIN BEAN 8386)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Theiler\'s encephalomyelitis virus (STRAIN BEAN 8386)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1514",187732,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Mycetarotes senticosus symbiont 070892-11' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Mycetarotes senticosus symbiont 070892-11'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1515",187910,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured insect microflora 12' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured insect microflora 12'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1516",188144,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Imantonia rotunda' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Imantonia rotunda'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1517",188202,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Encephalitozoon hellem' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Encephalitozoon hellem'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1518",188309,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bosmina sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bosmina sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1519",188483,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Maregrosso' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Maregrosso'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1520",188636,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'secondary endosymbiont of Aphalaroida inermis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'secondary endosymbiont of Aphalaroida inermis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1521",189009,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Natronoanaerobium aggerbacterium' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Natronoanaerobium aggerbacterium'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1522",189116,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Mesobuthus tamulus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Mesobuthus tamulus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1523",189208,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured rumen bacterium 6C3d-12' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured rumen bacterium 6C3d-12'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1524",189485,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified oil field bacterium DBAC25' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified oil field bacterium DBAC25'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1525",189578,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Influenza A virus (A/Goose/Hong Kong/w355/97 (H5N1))' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Influenza A virus (A/Goose/Hong Kong/w355/97 (H5N1))'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1526",189675,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Hepatitis C virus (isolate 1)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Hepatitis C virus (isolate 1)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1527",190304,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium TIHP368-12b' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium TIHP368-12b'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1528",191714,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'primary endosymbiont of Trioza magnoliae' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'primary endosymbiont of Trioza magnoliae'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1529",191722,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Triticum durum x Triticosecale sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Triticum durum x Triticosecale sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1530",191949,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Pseudonocardia sp. \'CIBE O1\'' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pseudonocardia sp. \'CIBE O1\''@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1531",192099,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Chlamydomonas sp. \'Chile J\'' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Chlamydomonas sp. \'Chile J\''@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1532",192192,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified oral bacterium AP60-48' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified oral bacterium AP60-48'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1533",192460,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured delta proteobacterium B2M33' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured delta proteobacterium B2M33'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1534",192798,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Tubularia sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Tubularia sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1535",192862,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Pimelia mauritanica' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pimelia mauritanica'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1536",193936,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured marine eubacterium HstpL58' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured marine eubacterium HstpL58'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1537",194946,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Wolbachia endosymbiont of Drosophila simulans' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Wolbachia endosymbiont of Drosophila simulans'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1538",194959,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Dengue virus 2 China/D2-04' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Dengue virus 2 China/D2-04'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1539",194960,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Echovirus E19' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Echovirus E19'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1540",195369,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Gymnothorax leucostigma' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Gymnothorax leucostigma'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1541",195653,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Ice core clone 114-9' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ice core clone 114-9'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1542",196318,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'mixed culture haloarchaeon YE.LI-230' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'mixed culture haloarchaeon YE.LI-230'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1543",196481,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Hexamita sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Hexamita sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1544",196731,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Chrysolina mesatlantica' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Chrysolina mesatlantica'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1545",196811,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Antheraea pernyi x Antherea roylei' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Antheraea pernyi x Antherea roylei'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1546",197330,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Attelabus analis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Attelabus analis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1547",197353,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Tetrasporopsis fuscescens' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Tetrasporopsis fuscescens'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1548",197418,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured beta proteobacterium b4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured beta proteobacterium b4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1549",197779,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured rumen bacterium 4C0d-16' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured rumen bacterium 4C0d-16'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1550",197934,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Wolbachia endosymbiont of Rhinophoridae unid.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Wolbachia endosymbiont of Rhinophoridae unid.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1551",198012,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured manure pit bacterium P6OTU2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured manure pit bacterium P6OTU2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1552",198226,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Aquarius distanti' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Aquarius distanti'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1553",198328,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Hastula cinera' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Hastula cinera'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1554",198678,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Microcystis clone 05' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Microcystis clone 05'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1555",199542,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop '[Desulfotomaculum] guttoideum' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel '[Desulfotomaculum] guttoideum'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1556",199688,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Palm lethal yellowing phytoplasma' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Palm lethal yellowing phytoplasma'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1557",200204,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Tobacco apical stunt virus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Tobacco apical stunt virus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1558",200618,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Wolbachia endosymbiont of Diplolepis nodulosa' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Wolbachia endosymbiont of Diplolepis nodulosa'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1559",201601,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium VC2.1 Bac28' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium VC2.1 Bac28'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1560",201655,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Colpoda spiralis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Colpoda spiralis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1561",202046,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Reticulitermes speratus parabasalian symbiont clone Rs7' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Reticulitermes speratus parabasalian symbiont clone Rs7'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1562",202086,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured beta proteobacterium Band06953' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured beta proteobacterium Band06953'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1563",203118,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified eubacterium clone LGB#21' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified eubacterium clone LGB#21'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1564",203129,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Halobates poseidon' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Halobates poseidon'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1565",203223,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'rhizosphere soil bacterium RSC-II-36' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'rhizosphere soil bacterium RSC-II-36'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1566",205016,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured maize root bacterium Zmrc89' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured maize root bacterium Zmrc89'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1567",205286,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Pyrenomonas salina' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pyrenomonas salina'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1568",205405,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'epacrid root isolate E2-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'epacrid root isolate E2-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1569",205497,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Canine parvovirus strain B' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Canine parvovirus strain B'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1570",205575,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Measles virus strain Edmonston-B' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Measles virus strain Edmonston-B'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1571",205706,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Wuchereria kalimantani' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Wuchereria kalimantani'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1572",206249,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Influenza A virus (A/chicken/FPV/Weybridge(H7N7))' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Influenza A virus (A/chicken/FPV/Weybridge(H7N7))'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1573",206295,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Abronia sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Abronia sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1574",206673,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Russian Spring-Summer encephalitis virus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Russian Spring-Summer encephalitis virus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1575",207202,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'grassland soil clone saf3_021' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'grassland soil clone saf3_021'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1576",207757,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Syntrophorhabdaceae bacterium WsCH54' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Syntrophorhabdaceae bacterium WsCH54'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1577",207850,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Centaurea kartschiana subsp. dalmatica' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Centaurea kartschiana subsp. dalmatica'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1578",208250,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'marine snow associated bacterium AdriaticR25' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'marine snow associated bacterium AdriaticR25'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1579",208346,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Daphnia arenata' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Daphnia arenata'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1580",208382,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified marine eubacterium clone HT1196' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified marine eubacterium clone HT1196'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1581",209166,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Thermoproteus tenax virus 1 (STRAIN VT3)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Thermoproteus tenax virus 1 (STRAIN VT3)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1582",209616,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'benzene mineralizing consortium clone SB-21' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'benzene mineralizing consortium clone SB-21'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1583",209648,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Acanthamoeba stevensoni' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Acanthamoeba stevensoni'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1584",209715,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Hemicentrotus sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Hemicentrotus sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1585",210555,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Dentiscutata cerradensis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Dentiscutata cerradensis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1586",211150,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Peliosanthes arisanensis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Peliosanthes arisanensis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1587",211366,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified oral bacterium RP55-58' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified oral bacterium RP55-58'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1588",212061,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cordyceps tenuipes' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cordyceps tenuipes'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1589",212190,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cryptosporidium meleagridis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cryptosporidium meleagridis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1590",212817,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cryptosporidium serpentis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cryptosporidium serpentis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1591",213192,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Border disease virus strain V3196/1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Border disease virus strain V3196/1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1592",213247,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Xerocomus sp. cl 1-18' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Xerocomus sp. cl 1-18'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1593",213528,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'marine eubacterium \'DDGE band 3\'' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'marine eubacterium \'DDGE band 3\''@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1594",213844,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Pneumocystis carinii f. sp. suis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pneumocystis carinii f. sp. suis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1595",214069,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured human oral bacterium A63' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured human oral bacterium A63'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1596",214314,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Tachyoryctes sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Tachyoryctes sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1597",214621,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Dalbergia sp. Hughes 1237' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Dalbergia sp. Hughes 1237'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1598",214853,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured compost bacterium 5-18' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured compost bacterium 5-18'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1599",215336,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Baicaliella humerosa' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Baicaliella humerosa'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1600",215470,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Lysobacter sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Lysobacter sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1601",215921,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'ice core clone 142-11' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'ice core clone 142-11'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1602",216880,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Caenorhabditis sonorae' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Caenorhabditis sonorae'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1603",217946,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Sagitta marri' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Sagitta marri'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1604",218374,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'White tip die-back phytoplasma' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'White tip die-back phytoplasma'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1605",219666,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium CHAB-III-7' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium CHAB-III-7'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1606",222240,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Alphamyces chaetifer' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Alphamyces chaetifer'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1607",222824,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium #0319-7H8' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium #0319-7H8'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. #0319-7H8'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1608",223325,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Ice core clone 101-5' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ice core clone 101-5'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1609",224035,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Arthrobacter sp. \'SMCC ZAT262\'' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Arthrobacter sp. \'SMCC ZAT262\''@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1610",224977,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured delta proteobacterium Sva1033' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured delta proteobacterium Sva1033'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1611",226779,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Astrammina triangularis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Astrammina triangularis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1612",226938,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Mycocepurus smithi symbiont S6' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Mycocepurus smithi symbiont S6'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1613",230435,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Brevistachys subsimplex' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Brevistachys subsimplex'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1614",232458,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Ateles sp. haplotype Afr19' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ateles sp. haplotype Afr19'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1615",232470,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured soil bacterium C0111' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured soil bacterium C0111'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1616",236344,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified rumen bacterium 30-29' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified rumen bacterium 30-29'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1617",236447,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Rhabdolichops sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Rhabdolichops sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1618",238004,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1619",244297,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Measles virus strain Edmonston-Zagreb' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Measles virus strain Edmonston-Zagreb'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1620",252108,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Microbacterium sp. VKM Ac-1781' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Microbacterium sp. VKM Ac-1781'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1621",257276,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Ficus odoardi' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ficus odoardi'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1622",260864,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Pochonia chlamydosporia var. catenulata' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pochonia chlamydosporia var. catenulata'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1623",261324,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured low G+C Gram-positive bacterium 248ev' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured low G+C Gram-positive bacterium 248ev'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1624",271901,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Pesotum erubescens' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pesotum erubescens'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1625",275933,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Norellia striolata' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Norellia striolata'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1626",278084,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Begonia formosana x Begonia aptera' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Begonia formosana x Begonia aptera'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1627",279883,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Treponema clone CFS195p' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Treponema clone CFS195p'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1628",282125,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cauliflower mosaic virus (STRAIN BBC)' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cauliflower mosaic virus (STRAIN BBC)'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1629",285431,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Newcastle disease virus strain BOR74' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Newcastle disease virus strain BOR74'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1630",289331,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured beta proteobacterium SCICEX 96B-3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured beta proteobacterium SCICEX 96B-3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1631",291042,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Desulfovibrio oryzae' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Desulfovibrio oryzae'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1632",291826,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'rhizosphere soil bacterium RSI-24' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'rhizosphere soil bacterium RSI-24'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1633",292665,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured rumen bacterium 4C28d-18' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured rumen bacterium 4C28d-18'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1634",296479,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bauhinia sp. Doyle s.n.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bauhinia sp. Doyle s.n.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1635",296708,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Plasmid pEX102' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Plasmid pEX102'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1636",299132,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Coxsackievirus A15' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Coxsackievirus A15'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1637",302541,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'potato plant root bacterium RC-III-9' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'potato plant root bacterium RC-III-9'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1638",303742,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Kockovaella fuzhouensis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Kockovaella fuzhouensis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1639",311367,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium SUR-ATT-16' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured gamma proteobacterium SUR-ATT-16'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1640",339240,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Schwanniomyces polymorphus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Schwanniomyces polymorphus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1641",341001,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Antarctic bacterium LB3-47' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Antarctic bacterium LB3-47'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1642",390884,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Carex sp. Hahn 9954' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Carex sp. Hahn 9954'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1643",432278,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Leptospira sp. Hond Utrecht IV' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Leptospira sp. Hond Utrecht IV'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1644",440604,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Avian myelocytomatosis virus CMII' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Avian myelocytomatosis virus CMII'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",2 "1645",489100,"SELECT DISTINCT ?organization WHERE { VALUES ?organization { wd:Q558192 } { ?organization p:P31/ps:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q43229 . } UNION { ?organization p:P31/ps:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q783794 . } }",2 "1646",795745,"SELECT DISTINCT ?organization WHERE { VALUES ?organization { wd:Q2000000933 } { ?organization p:P31/ps:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q43229 . } UNION { ?organization p:P31/ps:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q783794 . } }",2 "1647",150,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified actinomycete S13A' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified actinomycete S13A'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified actinomycete var. S13A'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1648",8042,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium WB16.3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium WB16.3'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. WB16.3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1649",9016,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Peridinium foliaceum endosymbiont' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Peridinium foliaceum endosymbiont'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Peridinium foliaceum var. endosymbiont'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1650",9029,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured archaeon ST1-4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon ST1-4'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon var. ST1-4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1651",9149,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Acidiphilium sp. MBIC4287' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Acidiphilium sp. MBIC4287'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Acidiphilium sp. var. MBIC4287'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1652",9176,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Moritella sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Moritella sp.'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Moritella var. sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1653",9196,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Rhodopseudomonas sp. B29' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Rhodopseudomonas sp. B29'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Rhodopseudomonas sp. var. B29'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1654",9353,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium B1-12' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium B1-12'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. B1-12'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1655",13545,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium WR110' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium WR110'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. WR110'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1656",14162,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Photobacterium sp. KT0248' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Photobacterium sp. KT0248'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Photobacterium sp. var. KT0248'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1657",18901,"\n SELECT DISTINCT ?aspect \n WHERE { \n { [] wdt:P50 wd:Q35637 . BIND(""""author"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { [] wdt:P166 wd:Q35637 . BIND(""""award"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { [] wdt:P17 wd:Q35637 . BIND(""""country"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { [] wdt:P972 wd:Q35637 . BIND(""""catalogue"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { wd:Q35637 wdt:P159? / wdt:P625 [] . BIND(""""location"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { [] wdt:P1416 | wdt:P108 wd:Q35637 . BIND(""""organization"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { [] wdt:P123 wd:Q35637 . BIND(""""publisher"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { [] wdt:P872 wd:Q35637 . BIND(""""printer"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { [] wdt:P179 wd:Q35637 . BIND(""""series"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { [] wdt:P859 wd:Q35637 . BIND(""""sponsor"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { [] wdt:P921 wd:Q35637 . BIND(""""topic"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { [] wdt:P4510 wd:Q35637 . BIND(""""use"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { [] wdt:P1433 wd:Q35637 . BIND(""""venue"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { wd:Q35637 wdt:P235 [] . BIND(""""chemical"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { wd:Q35637 ^wdt:P31/wdt:P235 [] . BIND(""""chemical-class"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { wd:Q35637 wdt:P644 [] . BIND(""""gene"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { wd:Q35637 wdt:P50 | wdt:P2093 [] . BIND(""""work"""" AS ?aspect) } \n } \n",3 "1658",24752,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Clostridium sp. MCF-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Clostridium sp. MCF-1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Clostridium sp. var. MCF-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1659",27187,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Shuttle vector pJIR1457' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Shuttle vector pJIR1457'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Shuttle vector var. pJIR1457'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1660",27434,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified spirochete OPS96A' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified spirochete OPS96A'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified spirochete var. OPS96A'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1661",28805,"\n SELECT ?count ?description \n WHERE { \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {?s ?p ?o} } BIND(""""Total number of triples"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {?p a wikibase:Property} } BIND(""""Total number of properties"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P50 []} } BIND(""""Links from works to authors"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P69 []} } BIND(""""Links from people to where they were educated"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P108 []} } BIND(""""Links from people to employers"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P166 []} } BIND(""""Links from people to awards"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P212 []} } BIND(""""ISBN 13 book numbers"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P225 []} } BIND(""""Taxon names"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P234 []} } BIND(""""InChIs"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P236 []} } BIND(""""ISSNs"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P496 []} } BIND(""""ORCIDs"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P625 []} } BIND(""""Geolocations"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P638 []} } BIND(""""Protein Data Bank IDs"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P686 []} } BIND(""""Gene Ontology IDs"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P698 []} } BIND(""""PubMed ID"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P818 []} } BIND(""""arXiv IDs"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P859 []} } BIND(""""Links to sponsors"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P921 []} } BIND(""""Links from works to their main subjects"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P932 []} } BIND(""""Items with a PubMed Central ID"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P356 []} } BIND(""""Items with a DOI"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P1416 []} } BIND(""""Links from people to their affiliations"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P2093 []} } BIND(""""Author name strings"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P2427 []} } BIND(""""Items with a GRID ID"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P2860 []} } BIND(""""Citations"""" AS ?d)} UNION \n { {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P31 wd:Q13442814.} } BIND(""""Scholarly articles"""" AS ?d)} \n BIND (?c AS ?count) \n BIND (?d AS ?description) \n } \n ORDER BY DESC(?c) \n",3 "1662",30499,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'sugarcane isolate 74-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'sugarcane isolate 74-1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'sugarcane isolate var. 74-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1663",30521,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Acaulospora sp. Aco4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Acaulospora sp. Aco4'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Acaulospora sp. var. Aco4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1664",30633,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bartonella sp. pl7302nc' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bartonella sp. pl7302nc'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bartonella sp. var. pl7302nc'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1665",30707,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'saltmarsh clone LCP-5' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'saltmarsh clone LCP-5'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'saltmarsh clone var. LCP-5'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1666",32362,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured cryptomonad VICYA-2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured cryptomonad VICYA-2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured cryptomonad var. VICYA-2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1667",37503,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium oxSCC-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium oxSCC-1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. oxSCC-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1668",37637,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Evaniella sp. JC121' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Evaniella sp. JC121'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Evaniella sp. var. JC121'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1669",37667,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Protorhabditis sp. DF5055' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Protorhabditis sp. DF5055'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Protorhabditis sp. var. DF5055'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1670",41685,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Dendrobium x delicatum' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Dendrobium x delicatum'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Dendrobium x var. delicatum'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1671",44581,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Lumbriculus sp. WG' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Lumbriculus sp. WG'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Lumbriculus sp. var. WG'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1672",44776,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Streptomyces sp. IM-1808' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Streptomyces sp. IM-1808'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Streptomyces sp. var. IM-1808'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1673",44786,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured archaeon SL1-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon SL1-1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon var. SL1-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1674",44821,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Tomosvaryella sp. A' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Tomosvaryella sp. A'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Tomosvaryella sp. var. A'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1675",44845,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Desulfovibrio sp. IrT-JG1-71' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Desulfovibrio sp. IrT-JG1-71'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Desulfovibrio sp. var. IrT-JG1-71'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1676",48287,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'haloarchaeon str. T3.6' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'haloarchaeon str. T3.6'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'haloarchaeon str. var. T3.6'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1677",48293,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium SP4-3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium SP4-3'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. SP4-3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1678",48377,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured proteobacterium pmoA-MO3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured proteobacterium pmoA-MO3'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured proteobacterium var. pmoA-MO3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1679",48380,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Lactobacillus sp. L26' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Lactobacillus sp. L26'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Lactobacillus sp. var. L26'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1680",48426,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Enterobacteria phage phiR73' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Enterobacteria phage phiR73'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Enterobacteria phage var. phiR73'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1681",48544,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured actinobacterium WB021' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured actinobacterium WB021'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured actinobacterium var. WB021'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1682",48564,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'fungal clone UUF-46' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'fungal clone UUF-46'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'fungal clone var. UUF-46'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1683",49694,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium WCHA1-16' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium WCHA1-16'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. WCHA1-16'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1684",49913,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium KC203' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium KC203'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. KC203'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1685",49925,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Chlamydiales CRG13' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Chlamydiales CRG13'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Chlamydiales var. CRG13'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1686",50124,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Gyrinus sp. VLS-1999' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Gyrinus sp. VLS-1999'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Gyrinus sp. var. VLS-1999'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1687",51146,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium PM33' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium PM33'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. PM33'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1688",51788,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium A2-K1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium A2-K1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. A2-K1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1689",52836,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium Bulk4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium Bulk4'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. Bulk4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1690",53326,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium GR-WP33-14' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium GR-WP33-14'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. GR-WP33-14'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1691",53429,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bacillus sp. 169' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. 169'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. var. 169'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1692",53595,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Pseudocordylus microlepidotus namaquensis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pseudocordylus microlepidotus namaquensis'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pseudocordylus microlepidotus var. namaquensis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1693",53628,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Frankia sp. FE31' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Frankia sp. FE31'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Frankia sp. var. FE31'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1694",54252,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured archaeon SYA-94' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon SYA-94'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon var. SYA-94'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1695",54340,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium NR1617' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium NR1617'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. NR1617'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1696",56774,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Psychrobacter sp. QSSC5-4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Psychrobacter sp. QSSC5-4'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Psychrobacter sp. var. QSSC5-4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1697",57319,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Thelephoraceae sp. NG128' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Thelephoraceae sp. NG128'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Thelephoraceae sp. var. NG128'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1698",57951,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified Clostridiaceae pDH-D' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified Clostridiaceae pDH-D'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified Clostridiaceae var. pDH-D'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1699",58283,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured microbium BHD3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured microbium BHD3'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured microbium var. BHD3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1700",58334,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified archaeon LMA238' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified archaeon LMA238'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified archaeon var. LMA238'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1701",58609,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium 1405-22' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium 1405-22'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. 1405-22'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1702",58688,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured spirochete Nn408' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured spirochete Nn408'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured spirochete var. Nn408'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1703",59208,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bacillus sp. B-23284' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. B-23284'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. var. B-23284'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1704",59300,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Ectocarpus virus 63126' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ectocarpus virus 63126'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ectocarpus virus var. 63126'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1705",59431,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium MS1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium MS1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. MS1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1706",60873,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Micromonospora sp. IM-6875' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Micromonospora sp. IM-6875'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Micromonospora sp. var. IM-6875'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1707",60930,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Frankia sp. ACN14a-tsr' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Frankia sp. ACN14a-tsr'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Frankia sp. var. ACN14a-tsr'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1708",62274,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Sinorhizobium sp. M6' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Sinorhizobium sp. M6'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Sinorhizobium sp. var. M6'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1709",63080,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'xylarialean sp. MS1065' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'xylarialean sp. MS1065'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'xylarialean sp. var. MS1065'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1710",63324,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pPAC4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pPAC4'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pPAC4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1711",63458,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Desulfovibrio sp. EX265' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Desulfovibrio sp. EX265'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Desulfovibrio sp. var. EX265'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1712",63470,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'environmental clone OCS56' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'environmental clone OCS56'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'environmental clone var. OCS56'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1713",63572,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Chlorella sp. Jsh' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Chlorella sp. Jsh'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Chlorella sp. var. Jsh'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1714",63730,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Actinoplanes sp. IM-2601' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Actinoplanes sp. IM-2601'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Actinoplanes sp. var. IM-2601'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1715",63787,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'slope strain DI4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'slope strain DI4'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'slope strain var. DI4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1716",63813,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Microbispora sp. IM-2878' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Microbispora sp. IM-2878'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Microbispora sp. var. IM-2878'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1717",64018,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bradyrhizobium sp. BC-C2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bradyrhizobium sp. BC-C2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bradyrhizobium sp. var. BC-C2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1718",64038,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'marine psychrophile ACAM210' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'marine psychrophile ACAM210'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'marine psychrophile var. ACAM210'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1719",64199,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Ganoderma sp. JM98/339' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ganoderma sp. JM98/339'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ganoderma sp. var. JM98/339'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1720",64668,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bacillus sp. 4.2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. 4.2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. var. 4.2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1721",64916,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium wA20' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium wA20'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. wA20'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1722",65070,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bacillus sp. Y' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. Y'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. var. Y'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1723",65934,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Trichinella sp. T6' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Trichinella sp. T6'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Trichinella sp. var. T6'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1724",66032,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Spatulifer cf. maringaensis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Spatulifer cf. maringaensis'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Spatulifer cf. var. maringaensis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1725",67917,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Escallonia x langleyensis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Escallonia x langleyensis'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Escallonia x var. langleyensis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1726",70583,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Hydrogenophilus HT' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Hydrogenophilus HT'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Hydrogenophilus var. HT'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1727",70700,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Desulfurococcus sp. Tok' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Desulfurococcus sp. Tok'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Desulfurococcus sp. var. Tok'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1728",70701,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'planctomycete str. 567' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'planctomycete str. 567'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'planctomycete str. var. 567'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1729",70782,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium TRA3-20' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium TRA3-20'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. TRA3-20'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1730",71227,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured actinobacterium 120ev' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured actinobacterium 120ev'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured actinobacterium var. 120ev'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1731",71356,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bacillus sp. IDA465' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. IDA465'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. var. IDA465'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1732",72774,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Verrucomicrobia EV109' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Verrucomicrobia EV109'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Verrucomicrobia var. EV109'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1733",72860,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bacillus sp. 17-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. 17-1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. var. 17-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1734",73795,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified eubacterium 97R6' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified eubacterium 97R6'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified eubacterium var. 97R6'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1735",74180,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium FukuS56' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium FukuS56'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. FukuS56'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1736",74675,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Thelephoraceae sp. C.t.-7' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Thelephoraceae sp. C.t.-7'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Thelephoraceae sp. var. C.t.-7'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1737",75000,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium WkA01' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium WkA01'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. WkA01'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1738",75025,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Eucomonympha sp. HsL3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Eucomonympha sp. HsL3'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Eucomonympha sp. var. HsL3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1739",75813,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Leptospira sp. Kremastos' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Leptospira sp. Kremastos'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Leptospira sp. var. Kremastos'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1740",75992,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium NR1623' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium NR1623'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. NR1623'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1741",76196,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified eubacterium RB12' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified eubacterium RB12'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified eubacterium var. RB12'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1742",76945,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Wolbachia sp. MB35' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Wolbachia sp. MB35'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Wolbachia sp. var. MB35'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1743",77086,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Thiomicrospira sp. JB-B2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Thiomicrospira sp. JB-B2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Thiomicrospira sp. var. JB-B2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1744",77437,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Enterobacteria phage M11' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Enterobacteria phage M11'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Enterobacteria phage var. M11'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1745",77697,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pESC-TRP' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pESC-TRP'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pESC-TRP'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1746",77755,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Kineococcus-like bacterium AS3635' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Kineococcus-like bacterium AS3635'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Kineococcus-like bacterium var. AS3635'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1747",77784,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium KC502' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium KC502'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. KC502'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1748",77934,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Rhodoferax sp. P230' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Rhodoferax sp. P230'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Rhodoferax sp. var. P230'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1749",78101,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium WFeA1-02' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium WFeA1-02'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. WFeA1-02'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1750",78181,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Pleistophora sp. PA' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pleistophora sp. PA'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pleistophora sp. var. PA'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1751",79328,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Vibrio sp. V4.BP.13' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Vibrio sp. V4.BP.13'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Vibrio sp. var. V4.BP.13'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1752",79372,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium WR128' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium WR128'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. WR128'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1753",79540,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector cLHYGpk' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector cLHYGpk'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. cLHYGpk'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1754",79641,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'alpha proteobacterium ISHR1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'alpha proteobacterium ISHR1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'alpha proteobacterium var. ISHR1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1755",79873,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Untyped enterovirus CT87-7122' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Untyped enterovirus CT87-7122'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Untyped enterovirus var. CT87-7122'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1756",81603,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Streptomyces sp. IM-7363' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Streptomyces sp. IM-7363'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Streptomyces sp. var. IM-7363'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1757",81616,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Vibrio sp. TK327' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Vibrio sp. TK327'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Vibrio sp. var. TK327'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1758",81663,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Acrosiphonia sp. AH/Sk/BI/Bm' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Acrosiphonia sp. AH/Sk/BI/Bm'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Acrosiphonia sp. var. AH/Sk/BI/Bm'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1759",81776,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bacillus sp. 170' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. 170'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. var. 170'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1760",82136,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured archaeon WCHD3-16' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon WCHD3-16'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon var. WCHD3-16'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1761",82487,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Paecilomyces sp. KACC40221' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Paecilomyces sp. KACC40221'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Paecilomyces sp. var. KACC40221'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1762",82570,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Red seabream iridovirus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Red seabream iridovirus'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Red seabream var. iridovirus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1763",84894,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Hantavirus HTN/Far East/4382' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Hantavirus HTN/Far East/4382'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Hantavirus HTN/Far var. East/4382'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1764",85420,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified actinomycete U63030' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified actinomycete U63030'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified actinomycete var. U63030'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1765",85456,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'fungal clone UUF-124' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'fungal clone UUF-124'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'fungal clone var. UUF-124'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1766",86868,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pBGS9+' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pBGS9+'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pBGS9+'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1767",87001,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Peripatus sp. Per2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Peripatus sp. Per2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Peripatus sp. var. Per2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1768",87002,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Vibrio sp. ANG.HOH' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Vibrio sp. ANG.HOH'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Vibrio sp. var. ANG.HOH'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1769",88165,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Nocardioides sp. KP7' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Nocardioides sp. KP7'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Nocardioides sp. var. KP7'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1770",88852,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Alcaligenes sp. 2AV' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Alcaligenes sp. 2AV'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Alcaligenes sp. var. 2AV'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1771",89348,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Rhodoplanes sp. Tok2tar1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Rhodoplanes sp. Tok2tar1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Rhodoplanes sp. var. Tok2tar1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1772",89379,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium SJA-109' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium SJA-109'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. SJA-109'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1773",89489,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Rhizobium sp. SH2672' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Rhizobium sp. SH2672'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Rhizobium sp. var. SH2672'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1774",89739,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pCMVTAG5b' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pCMVTAG5b'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pCMVTAG5b'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1775",89964,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Brevibacillus sp. YB13' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Brevibacillus sp. YB13'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Brevibacillus sp. var. YB13'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1776",90623,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium TRB82' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium TRB82'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. TRB82'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1777",90874,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured archaeon 2C30' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon 2C30'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon var. 2C30'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1778",90964,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Pleurocera acuta acuta' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pleurocera acuta acuta'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pleurocera acuta var. acuta'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1779",91169,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Simian adenovirus 10' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Simian adenovirus 10'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Simian adenovirus var. 10'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1780",91307,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Acinetobacter sp. OL7' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Acinetobacter sp. OL7'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Acinetobacter sp. var. OL7'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1781",91319,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium WR8102' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium WR8102'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. WR8102'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1782",91438,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Agrobacterium kpc36' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Agrobacterium kpc36'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Agrobacterium var. kpc36'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1783",91494,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured spirochete Rsa419' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured spirochete Rsa419'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured spirochete var. Rsa419'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1784",91859,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium KC518' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium KC518'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. KC518'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1785",92211,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured archaeon ACA17-9cm' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon ACA17-9cm'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon var. ACA17-9cm'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1786",92657,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium A5-K1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium A5-K1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. A5-K1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1787",92855,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Borrelia sp. LV5' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Borrelia sp. LV5'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Borrelia sp. var. LV5'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1788",93450,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pi-VX' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pi-VX'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pi-VX'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1789",93700,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium ZII-2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium ZII-2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. ZII-2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1790",94170,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Streptomyces sp. IM-7256' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Streptomyces sp. IM-7256'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Streptomyces sp. var. IM-7256'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1791",94398,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium ARFS-30' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium ARFS-30'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. ARFS-30'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1792",94425,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Acinetobacter sp. M-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Acinetobacter sp. M-1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Acinetobacter sp. var. M-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1793",94492,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified eubacterium 157R6' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified eubacterium 157R6'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified eubacterium var. 157R6'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1794",94535,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Clostridium sp. T7' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Clostridium sp. T7'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Clostridium sp. var. T7'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1795",94767,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Lactobacillus sp. L32' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Lactobacillus sp. L32'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Lactobacillus sp. var. L32'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1796",94913,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Enterobacteria phage Ac3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Enterobacteria phage Ac3'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Enterobacteria phage var. Ac3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1797",95002,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Kineococcus-like bacterium AS3630' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Kineococcus-like bacterium AS3630'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Kineococcus-like bacterium var. AS3630'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1798",95355,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Methylobacterium sp. HO1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Methylobacterium sp. HO1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Methylobacterium sp. var. HO1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1799",96230,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium BIWA129' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium BIWA129'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. BIWA129'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1800",97945,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium Riz6E2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium Riz6E2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. Riz6E2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1801",98204,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium WR132' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium WR132'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. WR132'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1802",98397,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Glomus sp. Glo2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Glomus sp. Glo2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Glomus sp. var. Glo2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1803",98412,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Tipula iridescent virus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Tipula iridescent virus'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Tipula iridescent var. virus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1804",98891,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Gymnodinium cf. pulchellum' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Gymnodinium cf. pulchellum'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Gymnodinium cf. var. pulchellum'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1805",99021,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium SP15-10' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium SP15-10'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. SP15-10'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1806",99189,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Cellulophaga SIC.B8008' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Cellulophaga SIC.B8008'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Cellulophaga var. SIC.B8008'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1807",99190,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Enterobacteria phage SC1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Enterobacteria phage SC1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Enterobacteria phage var. SC1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1808",100822,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Frankia sp. EaI2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Frankia sp. EaI2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Frankia sp. var. EaI2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1809",100881,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium KC425' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium KC425'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. KC425'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1810",100941,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Sympiesis sp. RDB-1999' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Sympiesis sp. RDB-1999'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Sympiesis sp. var. RDB-1999'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1811",101266,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured sulfate-reducer HMS-13' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured sulfate-reducer HMS-13'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured sulfate-reducer var. HMS-13'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1812",101421,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium OSW4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium OSW4'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. OSW4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1813",101635,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified Thermus OPS8A' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified Thermus OPS8A'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified Thermus var. OPS8A'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1814",101784,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Microcystis cf. flos-aquae' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Microcystis cf. flos-aquae'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Microcystis cf. var. flos-aquae'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1815",101885,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Symbiodinium sp. Mc6' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Symbiodinium sp. Mc6'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Symbiodinium sp. var. Mc6'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1816",102309,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified eubacterium RFLP144' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified eubacterium RFLP144'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified eubacterium var. RFLP144'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1817",102618,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bacillus sp. PD498' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. PD498'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. var. PD498'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1818",102684,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bluetongue virus 16' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bluetongue virus 16'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bluetongue virus var. 16'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1819",104225,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop '2,4-D-degrading bacterium 027' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel '2,4-D-degrading bacterium 027'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel '2,4-D-degrading bacterium var. 027'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1820",104390,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Treponema sp. 1:4:292' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Treponema sp. 1:4:292'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Treponema sp. var. 1:4:292'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1821",104455,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'sulfur-oxidizing bacterium OBII5' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'sulfur-oxidizing bacterium OBII5'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'sulfur-oxidizing bacterium var. OBII5'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1822",104659,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Sulfurospirillum sp. SM-5' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Sulfurospirillum sp. SM-5'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Sulfurospirillum sp. var. SM-5'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1823",105375,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium WR828' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium WR828'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. WR828'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1824",105526,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Glycine aff. tabacina' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Glycine aff. tabacina'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Glycine aff. var. tabacina'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1825",105765,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pGFP-C3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pGFP-C3'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pGFP-C3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1826",105836,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Metopus palaeformis endosymbiont' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Metopus palaeformis endosymbiont'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Metopus palaeformis var. endosymbiont'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1827",105904,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Amsacta albistriga nucleopolyhedrovirus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Amsacta albistriga nucleopolyhedrovirus'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Amsacta albistriga var. nucleopolyhedrovirus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1828",106639,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Aspilodemon sp. RDB-2000' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Aspilodemon sp. RDB-2000'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Aspilodemon sp. var. RDB-2000'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1829",106890,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bradyrhizobium sp. Mm4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bradyrhizobium sp. Mm4'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bradyrhizobium sp. var. Mm4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1830",107300,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Pseudomonas sp. BA231' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pseudomonas sp. BA231'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pseudomonas sp. var. BA231'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1831",107356,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'bacterium str. 47083' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'bacterium str. 47083'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'bacterium str. var. 47083'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1832",107370,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pGEM-3Z' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pGEM-3Z'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pGEM-3Z'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1833",107411,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Clostridium botulinum D' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Clostridium botulinum D'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Clostridium botulinum var. D'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1834",107440,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Roseobacter kpc14f' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Roseobacter kpc14f'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Roseobacter var. kpc14f'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1835",107462,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Coho salmon aquareovirus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Coho salmon aquareovirus'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Coho salmon var. aquareovirus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1836",107580,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Borrelia sp. TM1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Borrelia sp. TM1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Borrelia sp. var. TM1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1837",107760,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bovine adenovirus 4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bovine adenovirus 4'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bovine adenovirus var. 4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1838",108173,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Anabaena sp. D0746' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Anabaena sp. D0746'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Anabaena sp. var. D0746'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1839",108238,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium WCHB1-89' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium WCHB1-89'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. WCHB1-89'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1840",108288,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured actinomycete GT34-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured actinomycete GT34-1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured actinomycete var. GT34-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1841",108401,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bryopsis sp. D' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bryopsis sp. D'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bryopsis sp. var. D'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1842",108529,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium BAC5' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium BAC5'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. BAC5'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1843",108570,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'methanogenic symbiont RS105' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'methanogenic symbiont RS105'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'methanogenic symbiont var. RS105'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1844",108596,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Chlamydiales CRG7' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Chlamydiales CRG7'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Chlamydiales var. CRG7'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1845",109101,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Fibularhizoctonia sp. TMB' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Fibularhizoctonia sp. TMB'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Fibularhizoctonia sp. var. TMB'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1846",109421,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cellvibrio sp. R-4001' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cellvibrio sp. R-4001'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cellvibrio sp. var. R-4001'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1847",109433,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pUNI70' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pUNI70'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pUNI70'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1848",109438,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Acaulospora sp. vaacau4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Acaulospora sp. vaacau4'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Acaulospora sp. var. vaacau4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1849",109984,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium A17-K2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium A17-K2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. A17-K2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1850",110046,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Capillaria sp. 4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Capillaria sp. 4'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Capillaria sp. var. 4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1851",110890,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Frankia sp. FE155' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Frankia sp. FE155'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Frankia sp. var. FE155'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1852",110906,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Nodulisporium sp. ATCC74245' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Nodulisporium sp. ATCC74245'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Nodulisporium sp. var. ATCC74245'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1853",111098,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Shuttle vector pCRR1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Shuttle vector pCRR1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Shuttle vector var. pCRR1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1854",111826,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Mytilus sp. AU4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Mytilus sp. AU4'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Mytilus sp. var. AU4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1855",112683,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Minuria sp. TL1713' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Minuria sp. TL1713'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Minuria sp. var. TL1713'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1856",113091,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured verrucomicrobium DEV010' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured verrucomicrobium DEV010'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured verrucomicrobium var. DEV010'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1857",113402,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Simian rotavirus A/SA11-SEM' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Simian rotavirus A/SA11-SEM'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Simian rotavirus var. A/SA11-SEM'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1858",114049,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Desulfovibrio sp. TBP-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Desulfovibrio sp. TBP-1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Desulfovibrio sp. var. TBP-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1859",114298,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Sinorhizobium sp. C4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Sinorhizobium sp. C4'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Sinorhizobium sp. var. C4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1860",114470,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Frankia sp. ArI3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Frankia sp. ArI3'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Frankia sp. var. ArI3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1861",114566,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Verrucomicrobia EV151' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Verrucomicrobia EV151'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Verrucomicrobia var. EV151'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1862",114731,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pSOS' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pSOS'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pSOS'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1863",114845,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Porcine adenovirus 5' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Porcine adenovirus 5'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Porcine adenovirus var. 5'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1864",114847,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bombus hypnorum calidus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bombus hypnorum calidus'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bombus hypnorum var. calidus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1865",114975,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured archaeon APA1-0cm' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon APA1-0cm'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon var. APA1-0cm'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1866",115368,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Smittium cf. phytotelmatum' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Smittium cf. phytotelmatum'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Smittium cf. var. phytotelmatum'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1867",116559,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Sycoscapter sp. 406' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Sycoscapter sp. 406'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Sycoscapter sp. var. 406'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1868",116757,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Leptospirillum sp. LA' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Leptospirillum sp. LA'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Leptospirillum sp. var. LA'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1869",116804,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Eucharis x grandiflora' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Eucharis x grandiflora'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Eucharis x var. grandiflora'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1870",116896,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Limnodynastes dumerilii insularis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Limnodynastes dumerilii insularis'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Limnodynastes dumerilii var. insularis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1871",116965,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Coffea sp. Nkoumbala' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Coffea sp. Nkoumbala'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Coffea sp. var. Nkoumbala'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1872",117123,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Expression vector pGH/F2.2-327' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Expression vector pGH/F2.2-327'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Expression vector var. pGH/F2.2-327'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1873",117166,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pBSL167' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pBSL167'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pBSL167'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1874",117213,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Lymnaeidae gen. sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Lymnaeidae gen. sp.'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Lymnaeidae gen. var. sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1875",117252,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pKF4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pKF4'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pKF4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1876",117990,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pGFP-C1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pGFP-C1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pGFP-C1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1877",118467,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'haloarchaeon str. PIG.8' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'haloarchaeon str. PIG.8'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'haloarchaeon str. var. PIG.8'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1878",119451,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium adhufec218' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium adhufec218'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. adhufec218'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1879",120374,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Atta sexdens sexdens' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Atta sexdens sexdens'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Atta sexdens var. sexdens'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1880",121621,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium NR1621' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium NR1621'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. NR1621'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1881",122304,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Methylomonas sp. LW16' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Methylomonas sp. LW16'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Methylomonas sp. var. LW16'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1882",122586,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Mytilus sp. CH2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Mytilus sp. CH2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Mytilus sp. var. CH2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1883",122587,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bacillus sp. C-3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. C-3'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. var. C-3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1884",122627,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Haplochromis sp. HT-8924' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Haplochromis sp. HT-8924'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Haplochromis sp. var. HT-8924'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1885",122742,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Halobacteriales MT12' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Halobacteriales MT12'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Halobacteriales var. MT12'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1886",122834,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Trebouxia sp. Mayrhofer13.747' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Trebouxia sp. Mayrhofer13.747'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Trebouxia sp. var. Mayrhofer13.747'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1887",122962,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium NIC007' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium NIC007'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. NIC007'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1888",124532,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Aquaspirillum BIWA98' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Aquaspirillum BIWA98'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Aquaspirillum var. BIWA98'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1889",125317,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Acinetobacter sp. KL-9' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Acinetobacter sp. KL-9'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Acinetobacter sp. var. KL-9'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1890",125498,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured planctomycete clone30' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured planctomycete clone30'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured planctomycete var. clone30'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1891",126102,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium Riz76' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium Riz76'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. Riz76'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1892",127153,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'alpha proteobacterium 15s.b.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'alpha proteobacterium 15s.b.'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'alpha proteobacterium var. 15s.b.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1893",127425,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium ECS45' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium ECS45'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. ECS45'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1894",127730,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium ZI-13' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium ZI-13'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. ZI-13'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1895",127828,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Euplectrus sp. RDB-1999' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Euplectrus sp. RDB-1999'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Euplectrus sp. var. RDB-1999'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1896",128038,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Thermus sp. EPA6' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Thermus sp. EPA6'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Thermus sp. var. EPA6'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1897",128245,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Wolbachia sp. wMic' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Wolbachia sp. wMic'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Wolbachia sp. var. wMic'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1898",129107,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured crenarchaeote pBRKC108' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured crenarchaeote pBRKC108'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured crenarchaeote var. pBRKC108'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1899",129244,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium 20-45:1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium 20-45:1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. 20-45:1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1900",129889,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Parapsilocephala sp. BMW-1999a' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Parapsilocephala sp. BMW-1999a'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Parapsilocephala sp. var. BMW-1999a'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1901",130135,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Tricharina sp. RPC-19' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Tricharina sp. RPC-19'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Tricharina sp. var. RPC-19'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1902",130882,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bacillus sp. 8-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. 8-1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. var. 8-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1903",131146,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Leptospira sp. Zanoni' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Leptospira sp. Zanoni'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Leptospira sp. var. Zanoni'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1904",131186,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Treponema sp. II:C:T1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Treponema sp. II:C:T1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Treponema sp. var. II:C:T1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1905",131315,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector M13tsp3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector M13tsp3'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. M13tsp3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1906",131819,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Expression vector pPK121' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Expression vector pPK121'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Expression vector var. pPK121'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1907",132178,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium SY2-85' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium SY2-85'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. SY2-85'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1908",132289,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Pseudomonas sp. CFPBD' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pseudomonas sp. CFPBD'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pseudomonas sp. var. CFPBD'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1909",132816,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'alpha proteobacterium MC-4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'alpha proteobacterium MC-4'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'alpha proteobacterium var. MC-4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1910",133124,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Rhodococcus RC1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Rhodococcus RC1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Rhodococcus var. RC1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1911",133267,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'beta proteobacterium A0640' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'beta proteobacterium A0640'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'beta proteobacterium var. A0640'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1912",133268,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Gordonia sp. SCNU1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Gordonia sp. SCNU1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Gordonia sp. var. SCNU1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1913",133432,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured sulfate-reducer HMS-36' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured sulfate-reducer HMS-36'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured sulfate-reducer var. HMS-36'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1914",133478,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Frankia sp. FE169' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Frankia sp. FE169'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Frankia sp. var. FE169'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1915",133510,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium WR1111' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium WR1111'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. WR1111'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1916",133699,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Echinostoma sp. LCerc-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Echinostoma sp. LCerc-1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Echinostoma sp. var. LCerc-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1917",134061,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Candidatus Liberibacter africanus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Candidatus Liberibacter africanus'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Candidatus Liberibacter var. africanus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1918",134423,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured archaeon ST1-8' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon ST1-8'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon var. ST1-8'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1919",134849,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'eukaryote clone OLI11345' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'eukaryote clone OLI11345'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'eukaryote clone var. OLI11345'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1920",134990,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium KC510' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium KC510'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. KC510'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1921",135176,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop '[Nectria] haematococca mpVI' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel '[Nectria] haematococca mpVI'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel '[Nectria] haematococca var. mpVI'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1922",135503,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Glycine sp. G1827' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Glycine sp. G1827'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Glycine sp. var. G1827'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1923",135537,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Ruegeria CtaxMed-54' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Ruegeria CtaxMed-54'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Ruegeria var. CtaxMed-54'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1924",136209,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'gamma proteobacterium B9-12' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'gamma proteobacterium B9-12'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'gamma proteobacterium var. B9-12'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1925",136290,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium WR894' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium WR894'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. WR894'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1926",136631,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pSP65' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pSP65'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pSP65'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1927",136677,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Nitrosomonas C1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Nitrosomonas C1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Nitrosomonas var. C1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1928",136865,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium WD256' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium WD256'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. WD256'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1929",136923,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Plagiopyla nasuta symbiont' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Plagiopyla nasuta symbiont'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Plagiopyla nasuta var. symbiont'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1930",137125,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium 696O' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium 696O'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. 696O'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1931",137140,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pRAJ275' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pRAJ275'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pRAJ275'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1932",137410,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium KC430' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium KC430'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. KC430'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1933",137585,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Mesorhizobium sp. DWO366' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Mesorhizobium sp. DWO366'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Mesorhizobium sp. var. DWO366'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1934",137920,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Porcine parvovirus Kresse' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Porcine parvovirus Kresse'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Porcine parvovirus var. Kresse'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1935",138162,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector p(C2AT)19' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector p(C2AT)19'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. p(C2AT)19'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1936",138431,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'fungal clone UUF-39' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'fungal clone UUF-39'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'fungal clone var. UUF-39'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1937",138451,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector p34S-Tc' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector p34S-Tc'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. p34S-Tc'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1938",138778,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified eubacterium 89R6' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified eubacterium 89R6'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified eubacterium var. 89R6'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1939",138920,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Gyrinomimus cf. myersi' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Gyrinomimus cf. myersi'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Gyrinomimus cf. var. myersi'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1940",139244,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured crenarchaeote ME-450_20' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured crenarchaeote ME-450_20'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured crenarchaeote var. ME-450_20'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1941",139809,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Marinobacter sp. Trimyema-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Marinobacter sp. Trimyema-1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Marinobacter sp. var. Trimyema-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1942",139849,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured archaeon HA25' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon HA25'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon var. HA25'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1943",140737,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified bacterium ZF1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified bacterium ZF1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified bacterium var. ZF1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1944",141063,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'environmental clone CC-7' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'environmental clone CC-7'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'environmental clone var. CC-7'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1945",141156,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Halomonas sp. MBIC2031' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Halomonas sp. MBIC2031'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Halomonas sp. var. MBIC2031'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1946",141624,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Clostridium a8r' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Clostridium a8r'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Clostridium var. a8r'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1947",142477,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Hoplocrepis sp. RDB-1999' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Hoplocrepis sp. RDB-1999'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Hoplocrepis sp. var. RDB-1999'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1948",145476,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Capillaria sp. 2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Capillaria sp. 2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Capillaria sp. var. 2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1949",146966,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium SY1-49' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium SY1-49'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. SY1-49'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1950",147213,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Dietzia sp. R30' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Dietzia sp. R30'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Dietzia sp. var. R30'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1951",147404,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Ischnura posita posita' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ischnura posita posita'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ischnura posita var. posita'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1952",148021,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured spirochete Nn415' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured spirochete Nn415'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured spirochete var. Nn415'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1953",149032,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Vestimentiferan symbiont TW-3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Vestimentiferan symbiont TW-3'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Vestimentiferan symbiont var. TW-3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1954",149082,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Ulva sp. SY0107' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ulva sp. SY0107'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ulva sp. var. SY0107'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1955",149213,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified cytophagales groupA' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified cytophagales groupA'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified cytophagales var. groupA'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1956",149597,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Pestivirus sp. Bison-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pestivirus sp. Bison-1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pestivirus sp. var. Bison-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1957",149633,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bacillus sp. LU11' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. LU11'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. var. LU11'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1958",149661,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Trypanosoma sp. H26' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Trypanosoma sp. H26'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Trypanosoma sp. var. H26'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1959",149890,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium SA22' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium SA22'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. SA22'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1960",150694,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium Riz1081' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium Riz1081'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. Riz1081'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1961",151018,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium KC204' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium KC204'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. KC204'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1962",151701,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Gliocladium sp. FI-360' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Gliocladium sp. FI-360'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Gliocladium sp. var. FI-360'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1963",151830,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Frankia sp. FE164' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Frankia sp. FE164'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Frankia sp. var. FE164'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1964",152067,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium CHA3-125' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium CHA3-125'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. CHA3-125'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1965",152161,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium GR-Sh1-148' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium GR-Sh1-148'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. GR-Sh1-148'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1966",152404,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pZR80' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pZR80'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pZR80'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1967",152418,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector yGALset986' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector yGALset986'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. yGALset986'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1968",152541,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pTH19cs5' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pTH19cs5'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pTH19cs5'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1969",152545,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Carabus maiyasanus shigaraki' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Carabus maiyasanus shigaraki'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Carabus maiyasanus var. shigaraki'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1970",152685,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pINIIIompA3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pINIIIompA3'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pINIIIompA3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1971",152847,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium ACE-33' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium ACE-33'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. ACE-33'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1972",153418,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium Riz1036' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium Riz1036'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. Riz1036'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1973",153553,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'alpha proteobacterium RSppiC2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'alpha proteobacterium RSppiC2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'alpha proteobacterium var. RSppiC2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1974",154007,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Symbiodinium sp. S14Z' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Symbiodinium sp. S14Z'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Symbiodinium sp. var. S14Z'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1975",154451,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bradyrhizobium sp. Cj3-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bradyrhizobium sp. Cj3-1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bradyrhizobium sp. var. Cj3-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1976",154972,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Rhodoplanes sp. HMD01017' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Rhodoplanes sp. HMD01017'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Rhodoplanes sp. var. HMD01017'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1977",155173,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Nonomuraea sp. IM-1409' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Nonomuraea sp. IM-1409'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Nonomuraea sp. var. IM-1409'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1978",155598,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Streptomyces sp. IM-7138' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Streptomyces sp. IM-7138'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Streptomyces sp. var. IM-7138'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1979",156144,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium gp4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium gp4'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. gp4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1980",157009,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured archaeon SYA-39' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon SYA-39'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon var. SYA-39'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1981",157255,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Murine leukemia-related retroviruses' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Murine leukemia-related retroviruses'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Murine leukemia-related var. retroviruses'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1982",157467,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Vannuccia sp. THRL1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Vannuccia sp. THRL1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Vannuccia sp. var. THRL1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1983",157599,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Abelia x grandiflora' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Abelia x grandiflora'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Abelia x var. grandiflora'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1984",157874,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Micromonospora sp. IM-7705' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Micromonospora sp. IM-7705'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Micromonospora sp. var. IM-7705'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1985",158030,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium Car166' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium Car166'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. Car166'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1986",158108,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Shuttle vector YEp352' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Shuttle vector YEp352'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Shuttle vector var. YEp352'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1987",158185,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Staphylococcus sp. ST94' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Staphylococcus sp. ST94'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Staphylococcus sp. var. ST94'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1988",158365,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Candidatus Arsenophonus triatominarum' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Candidatus Arsenophonus triatominarum'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Candidatus Arsenophonus var. triatominarum'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1989",158437,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium ACE-9' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium ACE-9'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. ACE-9'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1990",159017,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured proteobacterium 59H11' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured proteobacterium 59H11'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured proteobacterium var. 59H11'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1991",159330,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Glossina morsitans centralis' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Glossina morsitans centralis'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Glossina morsitans var. centralis'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1992",159375,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Chiasmus sp. Ah4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Chiasmus sp. Ah4'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Chiasmus sp. var. Ah4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1993",160041,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pUC58' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pUC58'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pUC58'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1994",160841,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium BG10.1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium BG10.1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. BG10.1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1995",161073,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Lachnaia sp. DEH-1995' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Lachnaia sp. DEH-1995'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Lachnaia sp. var. DEH-1995'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1996",161336,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium A19-K1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium A19-K1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. A19-K1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1997",161342,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pKF17c' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pKF17c'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pKF17c'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1998",162096,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Eurythoe sp. AMW4444' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Eurythoe sp. AMW4444'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Eurythoe sp. var. AMW4444'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "1999",162172,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Methylomicrobium pAMC421' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Methylomicrobium pAMC421'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Methylomicrobium var. pAMC421'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2000",162194,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Acidobacterium UA3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Acidobacterium UA3'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Acidobacterium var. UA3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2001",162554,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Lactobacillus sp. L44' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Lactobacillus sp. L44'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Lactobacillus sp. var. L44'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2002",162617,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Pseudomonas sp. CAFB-naph-5' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pseudomonas sp. CAFB-naph-5'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pseudomonas sp. var. CAFB-naph-5'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2003",162666,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Desulfotomaculum sp. ASRB-Zg' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Desulfotomaculum sp. ASRB-Zg'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Desulfotomaculum sp. var. ASRB-Zg'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2004",162807,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium E2-K1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium E2-K1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. E2-K1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2005",162963,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Pseudoalteromonas sp. Etwt1.M7p-a' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pseudoalteromonas sp. Etwt1.M7p-a'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pseudoalteromonas sp. var. Etwt1.M7p-a'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2006",163020,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Oscheius sp. BW282' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Oscheius sp. BW282'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Oscheius sp. var. BW282'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2007",163128,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium SHA-7' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium SHA-7'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. SHA-7'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2008",163293,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium GKS2-15' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium GKS2-15'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. GKS2-15'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2009",163368,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium Geo-144' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium Geo-144'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. Geo-144'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2010",163833,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pRS426' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pRS426'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pRS426'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2011",163846,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Geophagus cf. proximus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Geophagus cf. proximus'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Geophagus cf. var. proximus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2012",165200,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium GR-WP33-28' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium GR-WP33-28'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. GR-WP33-28'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2013",165270,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Macropanesthia sp. QMa1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Macropanesthia sp. QMa1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Macropanesthia sp. var. QMa1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2014",166242,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Rabies virus HEP-FLURY' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Rabies virus HEP-FLURY'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Rabies virus var. HEP-FLURY'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2015",166425,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium WB12' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium WB12'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. WB12'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2016",166558,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Leuconostoc phage P37' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Leuconostoc phage P37'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Leuconostoc phage var. P37'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2017",167546,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium S321195C' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium S321195C'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. S321195C'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2018",168324,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured actinobacterium QSSC8L-12' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured actinobacterium QSSC8L-12'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured actinobacterium var. QSSC8L-12'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2019",168360,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Botryosphaeria sp. 82' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Botryosphaeria sp. 82'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Botryosphaeria sp. var. 82'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2020",169665,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium pA32' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium pA32'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. pA32'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2021",169912,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Herbaspirillum CtaxMed-3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Herbaspirillum CtaxMed-3'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Herbaspirillum var. CtaxMed-3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2022",170792,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pKODT' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pKODT'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pKODT'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2023",171051,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium GT16-2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium GT16-2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. GT16-2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2024",173440,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium P25-5' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium P25-5'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. P25-5'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2025",173450,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Ninox squamipila hypogramma' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ninox squamipila hypogramma'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ninox squamipila var. hypogramma'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2026",173517,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured actinomycete GT34-2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured actinomycete GT34-2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured actinomycete var. GT34-2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2027",173700,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Sphaerotilus sp. IF5' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Sphaerotilus sp. IF5'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Sphaerotilus sp. var. IF5'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2028",174208,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'sulfur-oxidizing bacterium OAII2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'sulfur-oxidizing bacterium OAII2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'sulfur-oxidizing bacterium var. OAII2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2029",175084,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium GKS2-155' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium GKS2-155'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. GKS2-155'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2030",175173,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured crenarchaeote TRC23-31' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured crenarchaeote TRC23-31'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured crenarchaeote var. TRC23-31'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2031",175317,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium KC105' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium KC105'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. KC105'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2032",175500,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium MR2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium MR2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. MR2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2033",176053,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured crenarchaeote ODPB-A9' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured crenarchaeote ODPB-A9'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured crenarchaeote var. ODPB-A9'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2034",176066,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium MK14' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium MK14'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. MK14'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2035",176254,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Frankia sp. FE151' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Frankia sp. FE151'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Frankia sp. var. FE151'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2036",176563,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium 404-5' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium 404-5'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. 404-5'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2037",178147,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium ECS2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium ECS2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. ECS2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2038",178700,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified archaeon SCA1145' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified archaeon SCA1145'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified archaeon var. SCA1145'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2039",178770,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Thiomicrospira sp. Tms-MPN/Milos-CII5' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Thiomicrospira sp. Tms-MPN/Milos-CII5'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Thiomicrospira sp. var. Tms-MPN/Milos-CII5'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2040",178904,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified cryptomonad U53191' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified cryptomonad U53191'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified cryptomonad var. U53191'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2041",179104,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Barbus lacerta cyri' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Barbus lacerta cyri'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Barbus lacerta var. cyri'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2042",179352,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Chlamydiales CRG14' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Chlamydiales CRG14'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Chlamydiales var. CRG14'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2043",179435,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Icterus jamacaii strictifrons' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Icterus jamacaii strictifrons'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Icterus jamacaii var. strictifrons'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2044",179925,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pZEO-SG4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pZEO-SG4'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pZEO-SG4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2045",180676,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Ganoderma sp. PKB91/098' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ganoderma sp. PKB91/098'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ganoderma sp. var. PKB91/098'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2046",181854,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Variovorax sp. P16G933' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Variovorax sp. P16G933'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Variovorax sp. var. P16G933'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2047",182792,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Amanita sp. AK.10' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Amanita sp. AK.10'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Amanita sp. var. AK.10'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2048",182829,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'unidentified eubacterium 193R6' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified eubacterium 193R6'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'unidentified eubacterium var. 193R6'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2049",182897,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bacillus sp. RC607' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. RC607'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. var. RC607'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2050",182958,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured archaeon TA1f2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon TA1f2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon var. TA1f2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2051",183088,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium 1405-56' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium 1405-56'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. 1405-56'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2052",183173,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Haplorchoides sp. DTJL-2000' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Haplorchoides sp. DTJL-2000'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Haplorchoides sp. var. DTJL-2000'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2053",183557,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium ONG2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium ONG2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. ONG2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2054",183876,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Sericulus bakeri retrovirus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Sericulus bakeri retrovirus'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Sericulus bakeri var. retrovirus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2055",184355,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium WD276' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium WD276'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. WD276'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2056",185095,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pGFPCR' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pGFPCR'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pGFPCR'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2057",186468,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Burkholderia sp. D25' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Burkholderia sp. D25'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Burkholderia sp. var. D25'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2058",186507,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Lactobacillus sp. KC19' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Lactobacillus sp. KC19'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Lactobacillus sp. var. KC19'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2059",186777,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Alcanivorax sp. 3-1-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Alcanivorax sp. 3-1-1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Alcanivorax sp. var. 3-1-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2060",190409,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Caulobacter sp. SKA25' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Caulobacter sp. SKA25'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Caulobacter sp. var. SKA25'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2061",191730,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'haloarchaeon str. PW1.1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'haloarchaeon str. PW1.1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'haloarchaeon str. var. PW1.1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2062",191841,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cnephia sp. A' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cnephia sp. A'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cnephia sp. var. A'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2063",192175,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'European bat lyssavirus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'European bat lyssavirus'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'European bat var. lyssavirus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2064",192189,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured euryarchaeote CA-15_27' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured euryarchaeote CA-15_27'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured euryarchaeote var. CA-15_27'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2065",192243,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Nonomuraea sp. IM-3385' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Nonomuraea sp. IM-3385'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Nonomuraea sp. var. IM-3385'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2066",192666,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Ralstonia sp. D16' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ralstonia sp. D16'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ralstonia sp. var. D16'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2067",194081,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bartonella sp. nm14977co' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bartonella sp. nm14977co'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bartonella sp. var. nm14977co'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2068",195404,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Bacillus sp. B-23280' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. B-23280'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Bacillus sp. var. B-23280'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2069",195723,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pKIL109' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pKIL109'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pKIL109'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2070",196065,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Human adenovirus 19p' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Human adenovirus 19p'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Human adenovirus var. 19p'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2071",197886,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Saccharomonospora sp. 42-190' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Saccharomonospora sp. 42-190'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Saccharomonospora sp. var. 42-190'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2072",197929,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium ARFS-2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium ARFS-2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. ARFS-2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2073",198191,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Azospirillum sp. B4' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Azospirillum sp. B4'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Azospirillum sp. var. B4'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2074",198270,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium SJA-102' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium SJA-102'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. SJA-102'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2075",198323,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'acidophilic bacterium SRS2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'acidophilic bacterium SRS2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'acidophilic bacterium var. SRS2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2076",200048,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Human endogenous retrovirus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Human endogenous retrovirus'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Human endogenous var. retrovirus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2077",200200,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'soil bacterium is133' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'soil bacterium is133'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'soil bacterium var. is133'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2078",200546,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Sphingomonas sp. BL218-1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Sphingomonas sp. BL218-1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Sphingomonas sp. var. BL218-1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2079",200592,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured euryarchaeote SB95-35' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured euryarchaeote SB95-35'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured euryarchaeote var. SB95-35'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2080",201028,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium WD2110' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium WD2110'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. WD2110'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2081",201318,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cycloclasticus sp. N3-PA321' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cycloclasticus sp. N3-PA321'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cycloclasticus sp. var. N3-PA321'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2082",201735,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium pA16' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium pA16'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. pA16'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2083",202038,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured archaeon 2MT22' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon 2MT22'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon var. 2MT22'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2084",202418,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Trachypithecus auratus pyrrhus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Trachypithecus auratus pyrrhus'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Trachypithecus auratus var. pyrrhus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2085",202426,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pLACT7' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pLACT7'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pLACT7'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2086",202687,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium KC120' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium KC120'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. KC120'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2087",202871,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium NAB-8-A5' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium NAB-8-A5'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. NAB-8-A5'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2088",203449,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Azoarcus sp. T' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Azoarcus sp. T'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Azoarcus sp. var. T'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2089",204255,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium KC207' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium KC207'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. KC207'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2090",205402,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'sulfur-oxidizing bacterium ODIII6' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'sulfur-oxidizing bacterium ODIII6'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'sulfur-oxidizing bacterium var. ODIII6'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2091",207203,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Rhodococcus sp. Q15' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Rhodococcus sp. Q15'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Rhodococcus sp. var. Q15'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2092",207294,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pTH18ks5' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pTH18ks5'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pTH18ks5'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2093",207882,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'barotolerant proteobacterium LX9' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'barotolerant proteobacterium LX9'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'barotolerant proteobacterium var. LX9'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2094",207961,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium ARFS-10' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium ARFS-10'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. ARFS-10'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2095",208072,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Streptococcus sp. PSH2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Streptococcus sp. PSH2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Streptococcus sp. var. PSH2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2096",208179,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cellulomonas sp. IFO16240' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cellulomonas sp. IFO16240'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cellulomonas sp. var. IFO16240'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2097",208285,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Symbiodinium sp. Af5' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Symbiodinium sp. Af5'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Symbiodinium sp. var. Af5'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2098",209597,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'halophilic archaeon PalaeII' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'halophilic archaeon PalaeII'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'halophilic archaeon var. PalaeII'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2099",210960,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Macropanesthia sp. QMa3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Macropanesthia sp. QMa3'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Macropanesthia sp. var. QMa3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2100",211060,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Lactobacillus phage LL-H' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Lactobacillus phage LL-H'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Lactobacillus phage var. LL-H'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2101",212409,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloudy wing virus' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloudy wing virus'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloudy wing var. virus'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2102",212517,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Roseobacter CtaxPhil-27' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Roseobacter CtaxPhil-27'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Roseobacter var. CtaxPhil-27'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2103",213157,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Mitsuaria sp. 9' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Mitsuaria sp. 9'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Mitsuaria sp. var. 9'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2104",213539,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Lactobacillus sp. GTH15' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Lactobacillus sp. GTH15'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Lactobacillus sp. var. GTH15'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2105",214433,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Ephelis sp. C.penni1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ephelis sp. C.penni1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Ephelis sp. var. C.penni1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2106",214941,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Amycolatopsis sp. IM-1163' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Amycolatopsis sp. IM-1163'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Amycolatopsis sp. var. IM-1163'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2107",215259,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium 1204-39l' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium 1204-39l'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. 1204-39l'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2108",215414,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Chryseobacterium sp. FR2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Chryseobacterium sp. FR2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Chryseobacterium sp. var. FR2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2109",215835,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium pA33' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium pA33'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. pA33'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2110",219470,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium SJA-53' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium SJA-53'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. SJA-53'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2111",221167,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured archaeon TA2e12' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon TA2e12'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon var. TA2e12'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2112",223013,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured Roseobacter NAC11-6' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Roseobacter NAC11-6'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured Roseobacter var. NAC11-6'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2113",227719,"\n SELECT DISTINCT ?aspect \n WHERE { \n { [] wdt:P50 wd:Q583725 . BIND(""""author"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { [] wdt:P166 wd:Q583725 . BIND(""""award"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { [] wdt:P17 wd:Q583725 . BIND(""""country"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { [] wdt:P972 wd:Q583725 . BIND(""""catalogue"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { wd:Q583725 wdt:P159? / wdt:P625 [] . BIND(""""location"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { [] wdt:P1416 | wdt:P108 wd:Q583725 . BIND(""""organization"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { [] wdt:P123 wd:Q583725 . BIND(""""publisher"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { [] wdt:P872 wd:Q583725 . BIND(""""printer"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { [] wdt:P179 wd:Q583725 . BIND(""""series"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { [] wdt:P859 wd:Q583725 . BIND(""""sponsor"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { [] wdt:P921 wd:Q583725 . BIND(""""topic"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { [] wdt:P4510 wd:Q583725 . BIND(""""use"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { [] wdt:P1433 wd:Q583725 . BIND(""""venue"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { wd:Q583725 wdt:P235 [] . BIND(""""chemical"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { wd:Q583725 ^wdt:P31/wdt:P235 [] . BIND(""""chemical-class"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { wd:Q583725 wdt:P644 [] . BIND(""""gene"""" AS ?aspect) } \n UNION \n { wd:Q583725 wdt:P50 | wdt:P2093 [] . BIND(""""work"""" AS ?aspect) } \n } \n",3 "2114",230869,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Gymnadenia x densiflora' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Gymnadenia x densiflora'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Gymnadenia x var. densiflora'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2115",230964,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Streptococcus sp. Z1227' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Streptococcus sp. Z1227'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Streptococcus sp. var. Z1227'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2116",233100,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Western X phytoplasma' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Western X phytoplasma'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Western X var. phytoplasma'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2117",237006,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'methanogenic archaeon 3544-9' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'methanogenic archaeon 3544-9'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'methanogenic archaeon var. 3544-9'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2118",238070,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pUS1849' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pUS1849'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pUS1849'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2119",239313,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Tetraphyllidea gen. sp.' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Tetraphyllidea gen. sp.'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Tetraphyllidea gen. var. sp.'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2120",240347,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium 1404-16' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium 1404-16'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. 1404-16'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2121",242666,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium GKS2-208' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium GKS2-208'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. GKS2-208'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2122",243655,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Pseudomonas sp. 35L' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pseudomonas sp. 35L'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Pseudomonas sp. var. 35L'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2123",243960,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Scutellospora sp. SD1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Scutellospora sp. SD1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Scutellospora sp. var. SD1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2124",244035,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium WR1121' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium WR1121'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. WR1121'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2125",244526,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium WJGRT-29' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium WJGRT-29'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. WJGRT-29'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2126",244682,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Kineococcus-like bacterium AS3381' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Kineococcus-like bacterium AS3381'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Kineococcus-like bacterium var. AS3381'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2127",247183,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Neotyphodium sp. FaTG-3' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Neotyphodium sp. FaTG-3'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Neotyphodium sp. var. FaTG-3'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2128",247435,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Frankia sp. FrCcor' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Frankia sp. FrCcor'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Frankia sp. var. FrCcor'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2129",256498,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured flexibacterium Sva0755' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured flexibacterium Sva0755'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured flexibacterium var. Sva0755'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2130",256902,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium O8SH' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium O8SH'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. O8SH'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2131",261654,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Clover phyllody phytoplasma' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Clover phyllody phytoplasma'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Clover phyllody var. phytoplasma'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2132",263770,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Scutellospora sp. Scut1' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Scutellospora sp. Scut1'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Scutellospora sp. var. Scut1'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2133",265529,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Cloning vector pMAMneo' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector pMAMneo'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Cloning vector var. pMAMneo'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2134",266064,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured eubacterium WR107' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium WR107'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured eubacterium var. WR107'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2135",267958,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Legionella sp. G' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Legionella sp. G'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Legionella sp. var. G'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2136",270417,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Symbiodinium sp. AcrLor1/2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Symbiodinium sp. AcrLor1/2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Symbiodinium sp. var. AcrLor1/2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2137",270511,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Hantavirus HTN/Far East/7866' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Hantavirus HTN/Far East/7866'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Hantavirus HTN/Far var. East/7866'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2138",271508,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Psychrobacter sp. SKA18' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Psychrobacter sp. SKA18'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Psychrobacter sp. var. SKA18'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2139",271602,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium gp17' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium gp17'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. gp17'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2140",273610,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Trichoderma cf. catoptron' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Trichoderma cf. catoptron'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Trichoderma cf. var. catoptron'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2141",277520,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop '2,4-D-degrading bacterium 017' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel '2,4-D-degrading bacterium 017'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel '2,4-D-degrading bacterium var. 017'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2142",279016,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium O18E12' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium O18E12'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. O18E12'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2143",285202,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Botryosphaeria sp. 12' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Botryosphaeria sp. 12'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Botryosphaeria sp. var. 12'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2144",286165,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Thiobacillus sp. KCT001' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Thiobacillus sp. KCT001'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Thiobacillus sp. var. KCT001'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2145",295765,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured bacterium BB48' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium BB48'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured bacterium var. BB48'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2146",298252,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'uncultured archaeon BA1a2' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon BA1a2'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'uncultured archaeon var. BA1a2'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2147",300226,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Buttiauxella sp. PNBS' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Buttiauxella sp. PNBS'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Buttiauxella sp. var. PNBS'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2148",319410,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Lactococcus phage BK5-T' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Lactococcus phage BK5-T'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Lactococcus phage var. BK5-T'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2149",326453,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Leptospira sp. DQ' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Leptospira sp. DQ'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Leptospira sp. var. DQ'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2150",338680,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'delta proteobacterium RS63' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'delta proteobacterium RS63'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'delta proteobacterium var. RS63'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2151",359430,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Human astrovirus 5' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Human astrovirus 5'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Human astrovirus var. 5'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2152",368675,"SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q16521 . { { VALUES ?prop { wdt:P225 wdt:P1420 } . ?q ?prop 'Antarctic bacterium DS2-3R' } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Antarctic bacterium DS2-3R'@en } UNION { ?q skos:altLabel 'Antarctic bacterium var. DS2-3R'@en } } } \n #TOOL: legacy code",3 "2153",447,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1551603)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2154",1240,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q321959)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2155",2116,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1641769)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2156",2126,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4565983)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2157",2478,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q53305)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2158",2854,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1663471)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2159",3029,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1159057)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2160",3244,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q555960)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2161",3299,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q556005)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2162",5045,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q270895)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2163",5080,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q298317)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2164",5402,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1340413)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2165",5502,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q351841)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2166",6429,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4691673)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2167",7308,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3365030)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2168",7492,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4972683)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2169",10296,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1641805)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2170",10353,"SELECT (?smartphone_model AS ?url) ?smartphone_modelLabel (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?altLabel); separator = """","""") AS ?aliases) WHERE { \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } \n ?smartphone_model wdt:P31 wd:Q19723451. \n OPTIONAL { \n ?smartphone_model skos:altLabel ?altLabel filter (lang(?altLabel) = """"en""""). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?smartphone_model wdt:P279 ?subclass_of. \n ?subclass_of wdt:P31 ?instance_of_subclass. \n } \n FILTER(?instance_of_subclass!=wd:Q19723451 || !BOUND(?instance_of_subclass)). \n } \n group by ?smartphone_model ?smartphone_modelLabel",4 "2171",12039,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q924485)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2172",12056,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q234921)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2173",12375,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q53713)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2174",13034,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1369084)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2175",13798,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1675514)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2176",14842,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q124644)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2177",15924,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4564257)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2178",16121,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2562034)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2179",16319,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q348837)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2180",16912,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q705753)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2181",17556,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4946984)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2182",18443,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q966670)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2183",18692,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q707991)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2184",18956,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q5965577)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2185",19621,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q346924)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2186",20612,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1977942)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2187",20680,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q269242)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2188",20987,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q52951)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2189",21471,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1396614)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2190",22673,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1432333)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2191",23463,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q879616)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2192",23612,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q447789)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2193",23793,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q724386)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2194",24288,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1366530)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2195",25390,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q487460)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2196",26221,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1385460)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2197",26226,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q792878)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2198",26337,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q267217)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2199",26391,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q750802)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2200",26733,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q233732)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2201",27598,"#defaultView:Graph \n # Egocentric co-author graph for an author \n SELECT ?author1 ?author1Label ?rgb ?author2 ?author2Label \n WITH { \n SELECT (COUNT(?work) AS ?count) ?author1 ?author2 WHERE { \n # Find co-authors \n ?work wdt:P50 wd:Q24239052, ?author1, ?author2 . \n \n # Filtering \n # Only journal and conference articles, books, not (yet?) software \n # VALUES ?publication_type { wd:Q13442814 wd:Q571 wd:Q26973022} \n # ?work wdt:P31 ?publication_type . \n } \n GROUP BY ?author1 ?author2 \n ORDER BY DESC(?count) \n \n # Limit the size of the graph, to avoid overburdening the browser \n LIMIT 1000 \n } AS %authors \n WITH { \n SELECT ?author1 ?author2 ?rgb WHERE { \n INCLUDE %authors \n \n # Exclude self-links \n FILTER (?author1 != ?author2) \n \n # Color according to gender \n OPTIONAL { \n ?author1 wdt:P21 ?gender1 . \n BIND( IF(?gender1 = wd:Q6581097, """"3182BD"""", """"E6550D"""") AS ?rgb) \n } \n } \n } AS %result \n WHERE { \n INCLUDE %result \n # Label the results \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en,fr,de,ru,es,zh,jp"""". } \n }",4 "2202",28025,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q435739)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2203",28580,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1280756)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2204",30233,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q330589)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2205",30346,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q719499)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2206",30520,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1115797)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2207",30818,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1374938)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2208",31622,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3365440)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2209",32275,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q186522)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2210",32331,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q704992)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2211",32482,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q352843)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2212",32769,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4581830)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2213",33478,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1622957)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2214",33491,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q457339)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2215",34182,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q52960)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2216",34710,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q270868)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2217",34783,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q357424)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2218",35075,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2502067)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2219",36146,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q973638)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2220",36366,"SELECT ?leader ?leaderLabel ?gender ?date_of_birth ?date_of_death ?place_of_birth ?place_of_death ?cause_of_death ?place_of_burial ?father ?mother ?spouse ?child ?sibling ?party ?educated_at ?religion ?noble_family WHERE { \n ?leader wdt:P31 wd:Q5. \n ?leader p:P39 ?p. \n ?p ps:P39 wd:Q946064 \n OPTIONAL { ?leader wdt:P21 ?gender. } \n OPTIONAL { ?leader wdt:P569 ?date_of_birth. } \n OPTIONAL { ?leader wdt:P570 ?date_of_death. } \n OPTIONAL { ?leader wdt:P19 ?place_of_birth. } \n OPTIONAL { ?leader wdt:P20 ?place_of_death. } \n OPTIONAL { ?leader wdt:P509 ?cause_of_death. } \n OPTIONAL { ?leader wdt:P119 ?place_of_burial. } \n OPTIONAL { ?leader wdt:P22 ?father. } \n OPTIONAL { ?leader wdt:P25 ?mother. } \n OPTIONAL { ?leader wdt:P26 ?spouse. } \n OPTIONAL { ?leader wdt:P40 ?child. } \n OPTIONAL { ?leader wdt:P3373 ?sibling. } \n OPTIONAL { ?leader wdt:P102 ?party. } \n OPTIONAL { ?leader wdt:P69 ?educated_at. } \n OPTIONAL { ?leader wdt:P140 ?religion. } \n OPTIONAL { ?leader wdt:P53 ?noble_family. } \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n } \n ORDER BY ?start",4 "2221",36631,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4952412)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2222",36818,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q858483)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2223",38111,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q933386)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2224",39290,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4564092)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2225",39483,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1398777)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2226",40243,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2991486)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2227",40599,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1305846)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2228",40601,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q508622)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2229",40639,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1893659)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2230",40909,"SELECT DISTINCT ?label WHERE { \n wd: p:P166 ?statement. \n ?statement ps:P166 ?award. \n ?award wdt:P31 wd:Q17701409. \n ?award rdfs:label ?name. \n OPTIONAL { ?statement pq:P585 ?date. BIND(YEAR(?date) AS ?year) } \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n BIND(CONCAT(STR(?year), """" - """", str(?name) ,"""""""" ) AS ?label ). \n FILTER (LANG(?name) = """"en""""). \n } ORDER BY ASC(?awardLabel) ASC(?year)",4 "2231",41448,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3431243)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2232",43035,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1234697)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2233",44320,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2419959)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2234",45779,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q5570322)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2235",46864,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q5349635)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2236",46867,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1249876)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2237",47117,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q726010)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2238",47417,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q944344)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2239",48185,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1804445)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2240",48642,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q517138)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2241",48650,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1384083)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2242",49445,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q977052)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2243",49640,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1811681)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2244",49654,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q562541)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2245",49893,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q954811)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2246",49920,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q349524)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2247",50790,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2750266)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2248",51527,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q722287)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2249",51730,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1889882)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2250",52494,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q716897)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2251",52784,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q588369)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2252",52983,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q6193401)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2253",53031,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q311567)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2254",54303,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q192712)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2255",54493,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1351410)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2256",55354,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q312397)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2257",55779,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q955968)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2258",55909,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2471464)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2259",56704,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q692183)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2260",57412,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1809524)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2261",57671,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1606973)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2262",58159,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1117342)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2263",58367,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4564114)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2264",58803,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q338095)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2265",60666,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q192651)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2266",60716,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1984417)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2267",63351,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q509831)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2268",64369,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q5535803)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2269",65836,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4992658)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2270",66251,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q256809)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2271",66724,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q491262)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2272",68762,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2622114)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2273",69643,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q349558)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2274",70616,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1353875)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2275",70687,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q5341393)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2276",70979,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q984500)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2277",71237,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q278490)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2278",71540,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1803686)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2279",72309,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4753809)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2280",72717,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q186391)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2281",73016,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2562639)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2282",73893,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q692841)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2283",74581,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1705883)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2284",75030,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q126373)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2285",75596,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q943410)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2286",76295,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2904467)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2287",77071,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q464768)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2288",77116,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4346867)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2289",77852,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q53650)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2290",77999,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4346827)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2291",78344,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q972673)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2292",79355,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2498137)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2293",79485,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q552529)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2294",80287,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q255103)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2295",81934,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q925568)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2296",82159,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q456028)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2297",82422,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q820962)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2298",84252,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q455358)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2299",84322,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3137575)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2300",87839,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q640838)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2301",88279,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q671203)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2302",88628,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q5558892)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2303",88682,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1354118)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2304",89422,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1360365)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2305",89635,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1554753)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2306",91363,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4970064)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2307",92137,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1603685)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2308",93814,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q703091)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2309",94167,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q291054)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2310",94364,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q390558)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2311",94941,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3772927)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2312",95654,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q439249)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2313",97254,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4939691)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2314",99238,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q631295)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2315",101729,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q548809)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2316",102118,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q236656)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2317",102793,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1370639)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2318",104432,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q126377)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2319",105084,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q46479)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2320",105175,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q931625)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2321",105247,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2039914)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2322",107783,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q722274)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2323",107932,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3990818)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2324",108380,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q380738)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2325",109192,"SELECT DISTINCT ?label WHERE { \n wd:Q82069695 p:P166 ?statement. \n ?statement ps:P166 ?award. \n ?award wdt:P31 wd:Q17701409. \n ?award rdfs:label ?name. \n OPTIONAL { ?statement pq:P585 ?date. BIND(YEAR(?date) AS ?year) } \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n BIND(CONCAT(STR(?year), """" - """", str(?name) ,"""""""" ) AS ?label ). \n FILTER (LANG(?name) = """"en""""). \n } ORDER BY ASC(?awardLabel) ASC(?year)",4 "2326",110820,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4562653)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2327",111651,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q156797)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2328",113234,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q466623)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2329",114988,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3424771)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2330",115598,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q557375)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2331",115935,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1358507)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2332",120762,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4585247)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2333",121119,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1712821)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2334",121224,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3441822)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2335",122030,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3436579)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2336",124450,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q455088)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2337",126789,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1806076)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2338",126978,"\n SELECT ?work ?workLabel ?date (?author AS ?description) \n WITH { \n SELECT \n (MIN(?dates) AS ?date) \n ?work \n (GROUP_CONCAT(?author_label; separator=', ') AS ?author) \n WHERE { \n ?work \n wdt:P921 / (wdt:P361+ | wdt:P1269+ | (wdt:P31* / wdt:P279*) ) \n wd:Q84263196 . \n ?work wdt:P577 ?datetimes . \n BIND(xsd:date(?datetimes) AS ?dates) \n OPTIONAL { \n ?work wdt:P50 / rdfs:label ?author_label . \n FILTER(LANG(?author_label) = 'en') \n } \n } \n GROUP BY ?work \n ORDER BY DESC(?date) \n LIMIT 20 \n } AS %content { \n INCLUDE %content \n SERVICE wikibase:label { \n bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } \n } \n ORDER BY DESC(?date) \n",4 "2339",127989,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1378879)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2340",128468,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q234373)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2341",129036,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q357154)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2342",129967,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2598855)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2343",130730,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q254518)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2344",134791,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q728563)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2345",135627,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1606431)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2346",137520,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q165300)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2347",138368,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4980157)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2348",140586,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q692141)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2349",141954,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1208405)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2350",146076,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1384329)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2351",146996,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4564072)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2352",148643,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q723525)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2353",148722,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1389203)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2354",151300,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q717083)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2355",153617,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2465899)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2356",153854,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q270831)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2357",154602,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2483144)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2358",155125,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1226473)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2359",160226,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2711497)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2360",161963,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3435057)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2361",162697,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4960539)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2362",164162,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q264668)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2363",165016,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q471777)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2364",165666,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1641743)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2365",169940,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q655549)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2366",171291,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1368882)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2367",172686,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q731125)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2368",172926,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4981944)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2369",172964,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q592199)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2370",175868,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q325547)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2371",176199,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1511788)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2372",176375,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4564276)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2373",177045,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1077973)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2374",178341,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4940821)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2375",180680,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4347931)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2376",185774,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1759359)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2377",190402,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q127602)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2378",191971,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q5541979)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2379",194159,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2742465)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2380",196695,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1376243)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2381",202490,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q268382)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2382",204135,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4352374)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2383",205869,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1430959)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2384",206426,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q721360)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2385",208818,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q977938)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2386",209726,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q259176)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2387",213376,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1504920)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2388",214883,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1554787)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2389",217528,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1334926)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2390",218106,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q960765)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2391",232736,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q264921)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2392",242721,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1335883)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2393",255761,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q706560)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2394",260650,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q719778)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2395",274349,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q949169)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2396",310862,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2745777)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2397",342694,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1398058)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2398",356649,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q543295)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2399",402744,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2500064)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2400",410679,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q269226)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2401",446345,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q692818)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2402",497114,"\n SELECT ?wd ?wdLabel ?ps_ ?ps_Label { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3442188)} \n \n ?person ?p ?statement . \n ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . \n ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. \n ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. \n # ?wd rdfs:label ?wdLabel. \n # FILTER(LANG(?wdLabel) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?wdLabel), """"en"""")) \n # ?ps_ rdfs:label ?ps_Label. \n # FILTER(LANG(?ps_Label) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?ps_Label), """"en"""")) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" } \n } ORDER BY ?wd ?statement \n",4 "2403",18257,"# SPARQL request to get software information \n # \n # It's nested: while the inner request gathers information \n # for each version of specific software item, outer one aggregates \n # versions for each software project \n # \n # You may paste this into https://query.wikidata.org to play with the query \n SELECT \n ?project \n ?projectLabel \n ?projectDescription \n ?versions \n ?websites \n ?licenses \n ?repology_projects \n WHERE { \n { \n SELECT \n # the following query returns (versions) x (websites) x (license) x (repology_projects) \n # entries which are then grouped by project, and we always need DISTINCT below to remove \n # duplicates \n ?project \n ( \n # concatenate all versions \n GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT \n # append flags to each version \n CONCAT( \n ?version, \n ?versionSuffixes \n ); separator='<90><9e>' \n ) \n AS ?versions \n ) \n (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?website; separator='<90><9e>') as ?websites) \n (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?license; separator='<90><9e>') as ?licenses) \n (SAMPLE(?repology_projects) as ?repology_projects) \n WHERE { \n { \n SELECT \n ?project \n ?version \n ( \n CONCAT( \n GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?versionRankSuffix; separator=''), \n GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?versionTypeSuffix; separator=''), \n GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?versionOSSuffix; separator=''), \n GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?versionPlatformSuffix; separator=''), \n GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?downloadLinkConcatenable; separator='') \n ) \n as ?versionSuffixes \n ) \n (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?repology_project; separator='<90><9e>') as ?repology_projects) \n WHERE { \n ?project wdt:P6931 ?repology_project . \n \n # Versions for specific project \n ?project p:P348 ?versionItem . \n \n # Version number \n ?versionItem ps:P348 ?version . \n \n # Version rank \n ?versionItem wikibase:rank ?versionRank . \n \n FILTER (?versionRank != wikibase:DeprecatedRank) \n \n BIND( \n IF( \n ?versionRank = wikibase:PreferredRank, \n '|R', \n '' \n ) \n AS ?versionRankSuffix \n ) \n \n # Version type (stable, unstable, ...) \n # we reduce it to just two flags which indicate \n # whether there's stable or unstable types \n OPTIONAL { \n ?versionItem pq:P548 ?versionTypeItem . \n BIND( \n IF( \n ?versionTypeItem = wd:Q2804309 || # stable version \n ?versionTypeItem = wd:Q15726348 || # long-term support version \n ?versionTypeItem = wd:Q18434478 || # maintenance version \n ?versionTypeItem = wd:Q20631656 || # release \n ?versionTypeItem = wd:Q48028851 || # patch version \n ?versionTypeItem = wd:Q55567596, # bug-fix version \n '|S', \n '|U' \n ) \n AS ?versionTypeSuffix \n ) \n } \n # remove these (non-)versions completely \n FILTER (COALESCE(?versionTypeItem != wd:Q3133388, TRUE)) # trunk \n \n # Version os \n # See VLC package; there's different versioning schemas for different OSes \n # and we need to filter out e.g. iOS releases \n # As with version types, we reduct this to just two flags: where there was \n # Linux release and whether there were non-Linux release. When parsing, we'll \n # ignore versions with OS defined, but no Linux \n OPTIONAL { \n ?versionItem pq:P306 ?versionOSItem . \n BIND( \n IF( \n ?versionOSItem = wd:Q388, # Linux \n '|O', \n '|o' \n ) \n AS ?versionOSSuffix \n ) \n } \n # same for platform \n # we go blacklist way here though as people use too much unrelated stuff \n # as platform (hardware platforms, operating systems, gui toolkits etc) \n OPTIONAL { \n ?versionItem pq:P400 ?versionPlatformItem . \n BIND( \n CONCAT( \n # blacklist \n IF( \n ?versionPlatformItem = wd:Q189210 || # web application \n ?versionPlatformItem = wd:Q4885200 || # Windows Phone \n ?versionPlatformItem = wd:Q14116 || # macOS \n ?versionPlatformItem = wd:Q1406 || # Microsoft Windows \n ?versionPlatformItem = wd:Q94 || # Android \n ?versionPlatformItem = wd:Q48493 || # iOS \n ?versionPlatformItem = wd:Q2766 || # iPhone \n ?versionPlatformItem = wd:Q2796, # iPad \n '|p', \n '' \n ), \n # whitelist \n IF( \n ?versionPlatformItem = wd:Q388, # Linux \n '|P', \n '' \n ) \n ) \n AS ?versionPlatformSuffix \n ) \n } \n \n # download links \n OPTIONAL { \n ?versionItem pq:P4945 ?downloadLink . \n \n BIND(CONCAT('|', STR(?downloadLink)) AS ?downloadLinkConcatenable) \n } \n } \n GROUP BY ?project ?version \n } \n \n # Licenses, resolved to labels (e.g. human readable names) \n OPTIONAL { \n ?project wdt:P275 ?licenseItem . \n ?licenseItem rdfs:label ?license . \n FILTER (LANG(?license) = 'en') \n } \n \n # Websites \n OPTIONAL { ?project wdt:P856 ?website . } \n } \n GROUP BY ?project \n } \n \n # provides ?projectLabel and ?projectDescription \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'en'. } \n } \n",5 "2404",845,"PREFIX p: \n PREFIX pq: \n PREFIX ps: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?position ?positionStart ?positionEnd ?positionChairPerson \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1925-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1930-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n ?human p:P39 ?positions \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions ps:P39 ?position } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P580 ?positionStart } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P582 ?positionEnd } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P488 ?positionChairPerson } \n } \n",6 "2405",1172,"PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?lastName ?givenName ?aliasName ?gender ?placeOfBirth ?citizenship ?dob ?spouse ?father ?mother ?children ?siblings ?descriptionEn ?occupations ?politicalParties ?websiteLinks ?facebook ?twitter \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1925-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1930-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?human wdt:P21 ?gender \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P734 ?lastName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P735 ?givenName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P1559 ?aliasName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P27 ?citizenship } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P19 ?placeOfBirth } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P26 ?spouse } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P22 ?father } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P25 ?mother } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P40 ?children } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P3373 ?siblings } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human schema:description ?descriptionEn \n FILTER ( lang(?descriptionEn) = """"en"""" ) \n } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P106 ?occupations } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P102 ?politicalParties } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P856 ?websiteLinks } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P2013 ?facebook } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:2002 ?twitter } \n } \n",6 "2406",1801,"PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?lastName ?givenName ?aliasName ?gender ?placeOfBirth ?citizenship ?dob ?spouse ?father ?mother ?children ?siblings ?descriptionEn ?occupations ?politicalParties ?websiteLinks ?facebook ?twitter \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1990-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1995-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?human wdt:P21 ?gender \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P734 ?lastName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P735 ?givenName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P1559 ?aliasName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P27 ?citizenship } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P19 ?placeOfBirth } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P26 ?spouse } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P22 ?father } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P25 ?mother } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P40 ?children } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P3373 ?siblings } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human schema:description ?descriptionEn \n FILTER ( lang(?descriptionEn) = """"en"""" ) \n } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P106 ?occupations } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P102 ?politicalParties } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P856 ?websiteLinks } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P2013 ?facebook } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:2002 ?twitter } \n } \n",6 "2407",2038,"PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?lastName ?givenName ?aliasName ?gender ?placeOfBirth ?citizenship ?dob ?spouse ?father ?mother ?children ?siblings ?descriptionEn ?occupations ?politicalParties ?websiteLinks ?facebook ?twitter \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1945-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1950-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?human wdt:P21 ?gender \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P734 ?lastName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P735 ?givenName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P1559 ?aliasName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P27 ?citizenship } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P19 ?placeOfBirth } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P26 ?spouse } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P22 ?father } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P25 ?mother } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P40 ?children } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P3373 ?siblings } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human schema:description ?descriptionEn \n FILTER ( lang(?descriptionEn) = """"en"""" ) \n } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P106 ?occupations } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P102 ?politicalParties } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P856 ?websiteLinks } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P2013 ?facebook } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:2002 ?twitter } \n } \n",6 "2408",2278,"PREFIX p: \n PREFIX pq: \n PREFIX ps: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?position ?positionStart ?positionEnd ?positionChairPerson \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1960-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1965-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n ?human p:P39 ?positions \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions ps:P39 ?position } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P580 ?positionStart } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P582 ?positionEnd } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P488 ?positionChairPerson } \n } \n",6 "2409",4840,"PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX p: \n PREFIX pq: \n PREFIX bd: \n PREFIX ps: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wds: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX wdv: \n PREFIX rdfs: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT DISTINCT ?editionLabel ?urlLienWikisource ?ark ?badge \n WHERE \n { ?urlLienWikisource \n schema:about ?edition ; \n schema:isPartOf \n OPTIONAL \n { ?urlLienWikisource \n wikibase:badge ?badge \n } \n SERVICE wikibase:label \n { bd:serviceParam \n wikibase:language """"fr,en"""" \n } \n ?edition wdt:P4258 ?ark \n } \n",6 "2410",5855,"PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?lastName ?givenName ?aliasName ?gender ?placeOfBirth ?citizenship ?dob ?spouse ?father ?mother ?children ?siblings ?descriptionEn ?occupations ?politicalParties ?websiteLinks ?facebook ?twitter \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"2005-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"2010-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?human wdt:P21 ?gender \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P734 ?lastName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P735 ?givenName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P1559 ?aliasName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P27 ?citizenship } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P19 ?placeOfBirth } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P26 ?spouse } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P22 ?father } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P25 ?mother } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P40 ?children } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P3373 ?siblings } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human schema:description ?descriptionEn \n FILTER ( lang(?descriptionEn) = """"en"""" ) \n } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P106 ?occupations } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P102 ?politicalParties } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P856 ?websiteLinks } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P2013 ?facebook } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:2002 ?twitter } \n } \n",6 "2411",6972,"PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?lastName ?givenName ?aliasName ?gender ?placeOfBirth ?citizenship ?dob ?spouse ?father ?mother ?children ?siblings ?descriptionEn ?occupations ?politicalParties ?websiteLinks ?facebook ?twitter \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1975-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?human wdt:P21 ?gender \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P734 ?lastName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P735 ?givenName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P1559 ?aliasName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P27 ?citizenship } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P19 ?placeOfBirth } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P26 ?spouse } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P22 ?father } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P25 ?mother } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P40 ?children } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P3373 ?siblings } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human schema:description ?descriptionEn \n FILTER ( lang(?descriptionEn) = """"en"""" ) \n } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P106 ?occupations } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P102 ?politicalParties } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P856 ?websiteLinks } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P2013 ?facebook } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:2002 ?twitter } \n } \n",6 "2412",7139,"PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?lastName ?givenName ?aliasName ?gender ?placeOfBirth ?citizenship ?dob ?spouse ?father ?mother ?children ?siblings ?descriptionEn ?occupations ?politicalParties ?websiteLinks ?facebook ?twitter \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1975-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1980-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?human wdt:P21 ?gender \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P734 ?lastName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P735 ?givenName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P1559 ?aliasName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P27 ?citizenship } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P19 ?placeOfBirth } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P26 ?spouse } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P22 ?father } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P25 ?mother } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P40 ?children } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P3373 ?siblings } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human schema:description ?descriptionEn \n FILTER ( lang(?descriptionEn) = """"en"""" ) \n } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P106 ?occupations } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P102 ?politicalParties } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P856 ?websiteLinks } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P2013 ?facebook } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:2002 ?twitter } \n } \n",6 "2413",7430,"PREFIX p: \n PREFIX pq: \n PREFIX ps: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?position ?positionStart ?positionEnd ?positionChairPerson \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"2000-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"2005-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n ?human p:P39 ?positions \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions ps:P39 ?position } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P580 ?positionStart } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P582 ?positionEnd } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P488 ?positionChairPerson } \n } \n",6 "2414",10654,"PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?lastName ?givenName ?aliasName ?gender ?placeOfBirth ?citizenship ?dob ?spouse ?father ?mother ?children ?siblings ?descriptionEn ?occupations ?politicalParties ?websiteLinks ?facebook ?twitter \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1950-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1955-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?human wdt:P21 ?gender \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P734 ?lastName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P735 ?givenName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P1559 ?aliasName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P27 ?citizenship } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P19 ?placeOfBirth } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P26 ?spouse } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P22 ?father } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P25 ?mother } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P40 ?children } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P3373 ?siblings } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human schema:description ?descriptionEn \n FILTER ( lang(?descriptionEn) = """"en"""" ) \n } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P106 ?occupations } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P102 ?politicalParties } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P856 ?websiteLinks } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P2013 ?facebook } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:2002 ?twitter } \n } \n",6 "2415",11376,"PREFIX p: \n PREFIX pq: \n PREFIX ps: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?position ?positionStart ?positionEnd ?positionChairPerson \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1930-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1935-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n ?human p:P39 ?positions \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions ps:P39 ?position } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P580 ?positionStart } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P582 ?positionEnd } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P488 ?positionChairPerson } \n } \n",6 "2416",12723,"PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?lastName ?givenName ?aliasName ?gender ?placeOfBirth ?citizenship ?dob ?spouse ?father ?mother ?children ?siblings ?descriptionEn ?occupations ?politicalParties ?websiteLinks ?facebook ?twitter \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1980-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1985-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?human wdt:P21 ?gender \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P734 ?lastName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P735 ?givenName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P1559 ?aliasName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P27 ?citizenship } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P19 ?placeOfBirth } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P26 ?spouse } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P22 ?father } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P25 ?mother } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P40 ?children } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P3373 ?siblings } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human schema:description ?descriptionEn \n FILTER ( lang(?descriptionEn) = """"en"""" ) \n } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P106 ?occupations } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P102 ?politicalParties } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P856 ?websiteLinks } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P2013 ?facebook } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:2002 ?twitter } \n } \n",6 "2417",13868,"PREFIX p: \n PREFIX pq: \n PREFIX ps: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?position ?positionStart ?positionEnd ?positionChairPerson \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1945-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1950-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n ?human p:P39 ?positions \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions ps:P39 ?position } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P580 ?positionStart } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P582 ?positionEnd } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P488 ?positionChairPerson } \n } \n",6 "2418",15831,"PREFIX p: \n PREFIX pq: \n PREFIX ps: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?position ?positionStart ?positionEnd ?positionChairPerson \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1965-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n ?human p:P39 ?positions \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions ps:P39 ?position } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P580 ?positionStart } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P582 ?positionEnd } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P488 ?positionChairPerson } \n } \n",6 "2419",16396,"PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?lastName ?givenName ?aliasName ?gender ?placeOfBirth ?citizenship ?dob ?spouse ?father ?mother ?children ?siblings ?descriptionEn ?occupations ?politicalParties ?websiteLinks ?facebook ?twitter \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1960-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1965-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?human wdt:P21 ?gender \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P734 ?lastName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P735 ?givenName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P1559 ?aliasName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P27 ?citizenship } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P19 ?placeOfBirth } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P26 ?spouse } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P22 ?father } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P25 ?mother } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P40 ?children } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P3373 ?siblings } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human schema:description ?descriptionEn \n FILTER ( lang(?descriptionEn) = """"en"""" ) \n } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P106 ?occupations } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P102 ?politicalParties } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P856 ?websiteLinks } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P2013 ?facebook } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:2002 ?twitter } \n } \n",6 "2420",17850,"PREFIX p: \n PREFIX pq: \n PREFIX ps: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?position ?positionStart ?positionEnd ?positionChairPerson \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1920-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1925-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n ?human p:P39 ?positions \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions ps:P39 ?position } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P580 ?positionStart } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P582 ?positionEnd } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P488 ?positionChairPerson } \n } \n",6 "2421",17934,"PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?lastName ?givenName ?aliasName ?gender ?placeOfBirth ?citizenship ?dob ?spouse ?father ?mother ?children ?siblings ?descriptionEn ?occupations ?politicalParties ?websiteLinks ?facebook ?twitter \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1965-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?human wdt:P21 ?gender \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P734 ?lastName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P735 ?givenName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P1559 ?aliasName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P27 ?citizenship } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P19 ?placeOfBirth } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P26 ?spouse } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P22 ?father } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P25 ?mother } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P40 ?children } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P3373 ?siblings } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human schema:description ?descriptionEn \n FILTER ( lang(?descriptionEn) = """"en"""" ) \n } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P106 ?occupations } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P102 ?politicalParties } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P856 ?websiteLinks } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P2013 ?facebook } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:2002 ?twitter } \n } \n",6 "2422",19143,"PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?lastName ?givenName ?aliasName ?gender ?placeOfBirth ?citizenship ?dob ?spouse ?father ?mother ?children ?siblings ?descriptionEn ?occupations ?politicalParties ?websiteLinks ?facebook ?twitter \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1930-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1935-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?human wdt:P21 ?gender \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P734 ?lastName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P735 ?givenName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P1559 ?aliasName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P27 ?citizenship } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P19 ?placeOfBirth } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P26 ?spouse } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P22 ?father } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P25 ?mother } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P40 ?children } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P3373 ?siblings } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human schema:description ?descriptionEn \n FILTER ( lang(?descriptionEn) = """"en"""" ) \n } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P106 ?occupations } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P102 ?politicalParties } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P856 ?websiteLinks } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P2013 ?facebook } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:2002 ?twitter } \n } \n",6 "2423",19365,"PREFIX p: \n PREFIX pq: \n PREFIX ps: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?position ?positionStart ?positionEnd ?positionChairPerson \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1990-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1995-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n ?human p:P39 ?positions \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions ps:P39 ?position } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P580 ?positionStart } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P582 ?positionEnd } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P488 ?positionChairPerson } \n } \n",6 "2424",21998,"PREFIX p: \n PREFIX pq: \n PREFIX ps: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?position ?positionStart ?positionEnd ?positionChairPerson \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1975-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n ?human p:P39 ?positions \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions ps:P39 ?position } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P580 ?positionStart } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P582 ?positionEnd } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P488 ?positionChairPerson } \n } \n",6 "2425",25793,"PREFIX p: \n PREFIX pq: \n PREFIX ps: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?position ?positionStart ?positionEnd ?positionChairPerson \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1985-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1990-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n ?human p:P39 ?positions \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions ps:P39 ?position } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P580 ?positionStart } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P582 ?positionEnd } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P488 ?positionChairPerson } \n } \n",6 "2426",27747,"PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?lastName ?givenName ?aliasName ?gender ?placeOfBirth ?citizenship ?dob ?spouse ?father ?mother ?children ?siblings ?descriptionEn ?occupations ?politicalParties ?websiteLinks ?facebook ?twitter \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1940-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1945-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?human wdt:P21 ?gender \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P734 ?lastName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P735 ?givenName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P1559 ?aliasName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P27 ?citizenship } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P19 ?placeOfBirth } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P26 ?spouse } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P22 ?father } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P25 ?mother } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P40 ?children } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P3373 ?siblings } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human schema:description ?descriptionEn \n FILTER ( lang(?descriptionEn) = """"en"""" ) \n } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P106 ?occupations } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P102 ?politicalParties } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P856 ?websiteLinks } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P2013 ?facebook } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:2002 ?twitter } \n } \n",6 "2427",31934,"PREFIX p: \n PREFIX pq: \n PREFIX ps: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?position ?positionStart ?positionEnd ?positionChairPerson \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1995-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"2000-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n ?human p:P39 ?positions \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions ps:P39 ?position } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P580 ?positionStart } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P582 ?positionEnd } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P488 ?positionChairPerson } \n } \n",6 "2428",36900,"PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?lastName ?givenName ?aliasName ?gender ?placeOfBirth ?citizenship ?dob ?spouse ?father ?mother ?children ?siblings ?descriptionEn ?occupations ?politicalParties ?websiteLinks ?facebook ?twitter \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1920-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1925-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?human wdt:P21 ?gender \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P734 ?lastName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P735 ?givenName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P1559 ?aliasName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P27 ?citizenship } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P19 ?placeOfBirth } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P26 ?spouse } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P22 ?father } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P25 ?mother } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P40 ?children } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P3373 ?siblings } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human schema:description ?descriptionEn \n FILTER ( lang(?descriptionEn) = """"en"""" ) \n } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P106 ?occupations } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P102 ?politicalParties } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P856 ?websiteLinks } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P2013 ?facebook } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:2002 ?twitter } \n } \n",6 "2429",41715,"PREFIX p: \n PREFIX pq: \n PREFIX ps: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?position ?positionStart ?positionEnd ?positionChairPerson \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1950-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1955-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n ?human p:P39 ?positions \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions ps:P39 ?position } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P580 ?positionStart } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P582 ?positionEnd } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P488 ?positionChairPerson } \n } \n",6 "2430",42114,"PREFIX p: \n PREFIX pq: \n PREFIX ps: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?position ?positionStart ?positionEnd ?positionChairPerson \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"2005-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"2010-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n ?human p:P39 ?positions \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions ps:P39 ?position } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P580 ?positionStart } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P582 ?positionEnd } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P488 ?positionChairPerson } \n } \n",6 "2431",43351,"PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?lastName ?givenName ?aliasName ?gender ?placeOfBirth ?citizenship ?dob ?spouse ?father ?mother ?children ?siblings ?descriptionEn ?occupations ?politicalParties ?websiteLinks ?facebook ?twitter \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"2000-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"2005-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?human wdt:P21 ?gender \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P734 ?lastName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P735 ?givenName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P1559 ?aliasName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P27 ?citizenship } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P19 ?placeOfBirth } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P26 ?spouse } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P22 ?father } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P25 ?mother } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P40 ?children } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P3373 ?siblings } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human schema:description ?descriptionEn \n FILTER ( lang(?descriptionEn) = """"en"""" ) \n } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P106 ?occupations } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P102 ?politicalParties } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P856 ?websiteLinks } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P2013 ?facebook } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:2002 ?twitter } \n } \n",6 "2432",52036,"PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?lastName ?givenName ?aliasName ?gender ?placeOfBirth ?citizenship ?dob ?spouse ?father ?mother ?children ?siblings ?descriptionEn ?occupations ?politicalParties ?websiteLinks ?facebook ?twitter \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1935-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1940-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?human wdt:P21 ?gender \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P734 ?lastName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P735 ?givenName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P1559 ?aliasName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P27 ?citizenship } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P19 ?placeOfBirth } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P26 ?spouse } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P22 ?father } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P25 ?mother } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P40 ?children } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P3373 ?siblings } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human schema:description ?descriptionEn \n FILTER ( lang(?descriptionEn) = """"en"""" ) \n } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P106 ?occupations } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P102 ?politicalParties } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P856 ?websiteLinks } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P2013 ?facebook } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:2002 ?twitter } \n } \n",6 "2433",56119,"PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?lastName ?givenName ?aliasName ?gender ?placeOfBirth ?citizenship ?dob ?spouse ?father ?mother ?children ?siblings ?descriptionEn ?occupations ?politicalParties ?websiteLinks ?facebook ?twitter \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1955-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1960-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?human wdt:P21 ?gender \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P734 ?lastName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P735 ?givenName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P1559 ?aliasName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P27 ?citizenship } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P19 ?placeOfBirth } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P26 ?spouse } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P22 ?father } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P25 ?mother } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P40 ?children } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P3373 ?siblings } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human schema:description ?descriptionEn \n FILTER ( lang(?descriptionEn) = """"en"""" ) \n } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P106 ?occupations } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P102 ?politicalParties } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P856 ?websiteLinks } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P2013 ?facebook } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:2002 ?twitter } \n } \n",6 "2434",64222,"PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?lastName ?givenName ?aliasName ?gender ?placeOfBirth ?citizenship ?dob ?spouse ?father ?mother ?children ?siblings ?descriptionEn ?occupations ?politicalParties ?websiteLinks ?facebook ?twitter \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1985-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1990-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?human wdt:P21 ?gender \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P734 ?lastName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P735 ?givenName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P1559 ?aliasName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P27 ?citizenship } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P19 ?placeOfBirth } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P26 ?spouse } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P22 ?father } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P25 ?mother } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P40 ?children } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P3373 ?siblings } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human schema:description ?descriptionEn \n FILTER ( lang(?descriptionEn) = """"en"""" ) \n } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P106 ?occupations } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P102 ?politicalParties } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P856 ?websiteLinks } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P2013 ?facebook } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:2002 ?twitter } \n } \n",6 "2435",65121,"PREFIX p: \n PREFIX pq: \n PREFIX ps: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?position ?positionStart ?positionEnd ?positionChairPerson \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1935-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1940-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n ?human p:P39 ?positions \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions ps:P39 ?position } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P580 ?positionStart } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P582 ?positionEnd } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P488 ?positionChairPerson } \n } \n",6 "2436",68751,"PREFIX p: \n PREFIX pq: \n PREFIX ps: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?position ?positionStart ?positionEnd ?positionChairPerson \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1955-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1960-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n ?human p:P39 ?positions \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions ps:P39 ?position } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P580 ?positionStart } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P582 ?positionEnd } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P488 ?positionChairPerson } \n } \n",6 "2437",77213,"PREFIX p: \n PREFIX pq: \n PREFIX ps: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?position ?positionStart ?positionEnd ?positionChairPerson \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1975-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1980-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n ?human p:P39 ?positions \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions ps:P39 ?position } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P580 ?positionStart } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P582 ?positionEnd } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P488 ?positionChairPerson } \n } \n",6 "2438",85104,"PREFIX p: \n PREFIX pq: \n PREFIX ps: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?position ?positionStart ?positionEnd ?positionChairPerson \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1940-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1945-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n ?human p:P39 ?positions \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions ps:P39 ?position } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P580 ?positionStart } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P582 ?positionEnd } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P488 ?positionChairPerson } \n } \n",6 "2439",93478,"PREFIX p: \n PREFIX pq: \n PREFIX ps: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?position ?positionStart ?positionEnd ?positionChairPerson \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1980-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"1985-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n ?human p:P39 ?positions \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions ps:P39 ?position } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P580 ?positionStart } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P582 ?positionEnd } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?positions pq:P488 ?positionChairPerson } \n } \n",6 "2440",129039,"PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX hint: \n PREFIX xsd: \n PREFIX wd: \n \n SELECT ?human ?lastName ?givenName ?aliasName ?gender ?placeOfBirth ?citizenship ?dob ?spouse ?father ?mother ?children ?siblings ?descriptionEn ?occupations ?politicalParties ?websiteLinks ?facebook ?twitter \n WHERE \n { { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q82955 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q372436 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q193391 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q16533 } \n UNION \n { ?human wdt:P106 wd:Q121998 } \n ?human wdt:P569 ?dob . \n hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true \n FILTER ( ( """"1995-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob ) && ( ?dob < """"2000-01-01T00:00:00+00:00""""^^xsd:dateTime ) ) \n ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n ?human wdt:P21 ?gender \n FILTER NOT EXISTS {?human wdt:P570 ?dod } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P734 ?lastName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P735 ?givenName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P1559 ?aliasName } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P27 ?citizenship } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P19 ?placeOfBirth } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P26 ?spouse } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P22 ?father } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P25 ?mother } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P40 ?children } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P3373 ?siblings } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human schema:description ?descriptionEn \n FILTER ( lang(?descriptionEn) = """"en"""" ) \n } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P106 ?occupations } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P102 ?politicalParties } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P856 ?websiteLinks } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:P2013 ?facebook } \n OPTIONAL \n { ?human wdt:2002 ?twitter } \n } \n",6 "2441",139539,"PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n PREFIX wikibase: \n PREFIX p: \n PREFIX ps: \n PREFIX pq: \n PREFIX rdfs: \n PREFIX bd: \n \n #Recent Events \n SELECT ?event ?date ?article \n WHERE \n { \n # find events \n ?event wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q1190554. \n # with a point in time or start date \n ?event wdt:P585 ?date. \n \n ?article schema:about ?event . \n ?article schema:isPartOf . \n \n # events on the same day \n FILTER (datatype(?date) = xsd:dateTime && month(?date) = month(now()) && day(?date) = day(now()) ) \n } ORDER by DESC(?date) \n # limit to 10 results so we don't timeout \n LIMIT 5",6 "2442",225,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q10856 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2443",7017,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q185237 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2444",7546,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q681374 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2445",7553,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q7556 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2446",7833,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q899266 } \n LIMIT 10 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2447",15787,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q25565 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2448",18881,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q214462 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2449",27122,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q43624 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2450",28255,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q25439 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2451",28365,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q211670 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2452",48616,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q21744 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2453",63304,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q408457 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2454",63359,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q187014 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2455",64422,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q461021 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2456",67355,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q1331029 } \n LIMIT 10 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2457",72452,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q26381 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2458",74734,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q1147371 } \n LIMIT 10 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2459",76950,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q647533 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2460",78600,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q26623 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2461",82102,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q188854 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2462",83013,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q28486 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2463",86285,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q26375 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2464",89141,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q8327 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2465",99537,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q168473 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2466",102667,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q208221 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2467",104435,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q839859 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2468",106022,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q160835 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2469",106124,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q29858 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2470",111344,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q39861 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2471",112121,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q26050 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2472",113653,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q26617 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2473",125128,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q732881 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2474",136491,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q26012 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2475",150867,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q371086 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2476",165418,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q217478 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2477",170013,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q748220 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2478",176732,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q27244 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2479",177037,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q831743 } \n LIMIT 10 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2480",183418,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q205943 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2481",187909,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q25510 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2482",190634,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q200989 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2483",194545,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q26626 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2484",197787,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q193404 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2485",200208,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q211601 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2486",201513,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q739200 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2487",259011,"SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432. ?item wdt:P171 ?sub0 . ?sub0 (wdt:P171)* wd:Q8154335 } \n LIMIT 15 \n #TOOL: legacy code",7 "2488",404,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4969542)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2489",831,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4355683)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2490",982,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q466623)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2491",1022,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2619687)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2492",1042,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q126373)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2493",2303,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q536967)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2494",3213,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q958571)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2495",4869,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q514209)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2496",5142,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1806042)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2497",5469,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q717083)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2498",5670,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q593395)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2499",5826,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q129173)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2500",5874,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2485846)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2501",6542,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2424080)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2502",7435,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2562639)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2503",8461,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4565899)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2504",9230,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2561633)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2505",10080,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q949169)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2506",10092,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q686398)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2507",12632,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1086510)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2508",12644,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q640838)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2509",13514,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1354118)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2510",14566,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q5572072)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2511",14807,"\n PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n #Tool: PBB_core fastrun \n \n SELECT ?article WHERE { \n ?cid wdt:P351 '1017'. \n ?cid wdt:P703 wd:Q15978631 . \n OPTIONAL { ?cid rdfs:label ?label filter (lang(?label) = """"en"""") .} \n ?article schema:about ?cid . \n ?article schema:inLanguage """"en"""" . \n FILTER (SUBSTR(str(?article), 1, 25) = """"https://en.wikipedia.org/"""") . \n FILTER (SUBSTR(str(?article), 1, 38) != """"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template"""") \n } \n limit 1 \n",8 "2512",15194,"PREFIX pmcore: \n CONSTRUCT { \n ?uri rdfs:label ?label ; \n pmcore:alias ?alias ; \n pmcore:description ?description ; \n pmcore:thumbnailURL ?image ; \n rdf:type ?type \n } \n WHERE { \n BIND ( AS ?uri) \n ?uri rdfs:label ?label \n FILTER (lang(?label) = """""""" || lang(?label) = 'fr' || lang(?label) = 'en') \n OPTIONAL { \n ?uri schema:description ?description \n FILTER (lang(?description) = """""""" || lang(?description) = 'fr' || lang(?description) = 'en') \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?uri skos:altLabel ?alias \n FILTER (lang(?alias) = """""""" || lang(?alias) = 'fr' || lang(?alias) = 'en') \n } \n OPTIONAL { ?uri wdt:P18 ?image } \n OPTIONAL { ?uri wdt:P31?/wdt:P279* ?type } \n } \n",8 "2513",15337,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1663468)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2514",15351,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2467071)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2515",16349,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q949531)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2516",16404,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q449797)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2517",16836,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1894900)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2518",17000,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q770555)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2519",17058,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q170741)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2520",17322,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1604937)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2521",17344,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2261928)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2522",17378,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4272889)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2523",18691,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4935467)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2524",18749,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q439832)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2525",20022,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q924485)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2526",20025,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4984195)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2527",20332,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q742191)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2528",21495,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1555418)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2529",22499,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3295350)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2530",22644,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2827030)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2531",23082,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3362758)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2532",23083,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q455358)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2533",23359,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4945608)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2534",23516,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2833545)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2535",24713,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q459284)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2536",24755,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q792260)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2537",26732,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q537819)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2538",26805,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1570437)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2539",26858,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1332537)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2540",27112,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q817219)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2541",27524,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1351410)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2542",27541,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2678788)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2543",27685,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q134641)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2544",28775,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1581399)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2545",30723,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1069138)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2546",30838,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1682340)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2547",31091,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1504920)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2548",31220,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1641805)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2549",31514,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q462273)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2550",32390,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q980879)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2551",32481,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q323700)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2552",32533,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1358507)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2553",32657,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3425327)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2554",33364,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q365406)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2555",33999,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q592199)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2556",34400,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1304066)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2557",38587,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q330061)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2558",39844,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2598873)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2559",40407,"PREFIX pmcore: \n CONSTRUCT { \n ?uri rdfs:label ?label ; \n pmcore:alias ?alias ; \n pmcore:description ?description ; \n pmcore:thumbnailURL ?image ; \n rdf:type ?type \n } \n WHERE { \n BIND ( AS ?uri) \n ?uri rdfs:label ?label \n FILTER (lang(?label) = """""""" || lang(?label) = 'fr' || lang(?label) = 'en') \n OPTIONAL { \n ?uri schema:description ?description \n FILTER (lang(?description) = """""""" || lang(?description) = 'fr' || lang(?description) = 'en') \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?uri skos:altLabel ?alias \n FILTER (lang(?alias) = """""""" || lang(?alias) = 'fr' || lang(?alias) = 'en') \n } \n OPTIONAL { ?uri wdt:P18 ?image } \n OPTIONAL { ?uri wdt:P31?/wdt:P279* ?type } \n } \n",8 "2560",40521,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q517894)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2561",40836,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3374305)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2562",41973,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1822069)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2563",42826,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q249792)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2564",43361,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3366565)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2565",43434,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2598831)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2566",43498,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4895524)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2567",44042,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q233732)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2568",44683,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q366814)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2569",44801,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q779834)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2570",44979,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1894406)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2571",45081,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q330545)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2572",45285,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4933819)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2573",45851,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q983802)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2574",45997,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q524190)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2575",46346,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1041127)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2576",46519,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q725260)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2577",47307,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1606431)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2578",47434,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1356488)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2579",47469,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q920113)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2580",47513,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4948953)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2581",48777,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1234697)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2582",49036,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4564133)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2583",49300,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q879616)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2584",49604,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q436803)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2585",49919,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4352309)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2586",51580,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q532510)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2587",51662,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q380876)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2588",51689,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1368895)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2589",52055,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q254518)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2590",53528,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q179493)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2591",54495,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1806107)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2592",55158,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q5629885)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2593",55528,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q675849)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2594",55939,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q165300)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2595",56070,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3083032)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2596",56298,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q354112)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2597",56677,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2660424)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2598",57413,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2706401)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2599",57559,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4564240)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2600",57607,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q704463)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2601",57913,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q110111)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2602",58052,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1377542)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2603",59165,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3431233)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2604",59683,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1351187)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2605",59840,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1536229)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2606",60790,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4565983)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2607",61008,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q80956)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2608",61360,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q641517)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2609",62655,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3352137)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2610",63081,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1733262)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2611",63140,"\n PREFIX schema: \n PREFIX wd: \n PREFIX wdt: \n \n #Tool: PBB_core fastrun \n \n SELECT ?article WHERE { \n ?cid wdt:P351 '59272'. \n ?cid wdt:P703 wd:Q15978631 . \n OPTIONAL { ?cid rdfs:label ?label filter (lang(?label) = """"en"""") .} \n ?article schema:about ?cid . \n ?article schema:inLanguage """"en"""" . \n FILTER (SUBSTR(str(?article), 1, 25) = """"https://en.wikipedia.org/"""") . \n FILTER (SUBSTR(str(?article), 1, 38) != """"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template"""") \n } \n limit 1 \n",8 "2612",63573,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q726590)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2613",63584,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2398652)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2614",66162,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q93137)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2615",66236,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4711363)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2616",66301,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q314683)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2617",67705,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2111705)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2618",68211,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4564197)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2619",68257,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q53713)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2620",69132,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q958508)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2621",69147,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2652435)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2622",70622,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q679339)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2623",70705,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1036927)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2624",71081,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2617380)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2625",71155,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3434407)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2626",71500,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3051704)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2627",72015,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q196860)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2628",72546,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4691677)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2629",72796,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1777441)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2630",73004,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q273950)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2631",73296,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2622114)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2632",73718,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2630555)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2633",74546,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q934956)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2634",75880,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q722639)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2635",76017,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q273661)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2636",76988,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1398777)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2637",77257,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1355276)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2638",77967,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q201226)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2639",79497,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1773610)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2640",80376,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q803934)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2641",81344,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q238443)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2642",81402,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1359986)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2643",81466,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q55767)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2644",81742,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1280756)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2645",83308,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2034582)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2646",83512,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q563389)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2647",84016,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q174998)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2648",84434,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4990097)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2649",85326,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4974655)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2650",86002,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q206820)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2651",87057,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3351959)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2652",87193,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4348813)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2653",87307,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q52951)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2654",87554,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q930614)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2655",87764,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q984349)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2656",89108,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2417983)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2657",90429,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2760093)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2658",91697,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q497831)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2659",93345,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1317501)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2660",94376,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q314511)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2661",94604,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3487936)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2662",94649,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q53650)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2663",97625,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q442186)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2664",100483,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q762949)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2665",100485,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q298317)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2666",101655,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4940821)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2667",104371,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1992288)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2668",105096,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2629792)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2669",107673,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q990671)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2670",107858,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q293284)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2671",108822,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4981607)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2672",110652,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q361802)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2673",113049,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q491167)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2674",114413,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2741172)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2675",114688,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1551603)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2676",116236,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q707785)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2677",116286,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q52964)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2678",116385,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q919838)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2679",116727,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q457339)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2680",118886,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q5713109)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2681",120417,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1804462)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2682",121536,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4992066)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2683",122052,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q185743)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2684",122822,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4956862)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2685",127261,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q270882)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2686",128711,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1610352)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2687",129238,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q983492)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2688",129541,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q677755)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2689",130965,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1342555)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2690",131459,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1336804)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2691",132020,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1804486)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2692",133060,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3270019)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2693",133847,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q717232)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2694",134033,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q368377)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2695",134256,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q152850)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2696",134933,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q981304)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2697",135475,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q221778)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2698",137141,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q445497)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2699",138073,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q711658)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2700",138803,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2835063)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2701",139095,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q707991)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2702",140137,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q526271)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2703",140523,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1811234)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2704",141007,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q719804)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2705",141065,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q335872)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2706",141344,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q737050)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2707",143661,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4983741)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2708",145215,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2991486)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2709",145486,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q562846)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2710",145792,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q713384)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2711",145885,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q43247)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2712",147129,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1157173)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2713",148922,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q53660)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2714",150009,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3433268)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2715",150220,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2449636)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2716",150837,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q968672)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2717",152848,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q918402)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2718",157344,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q201749)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2719",157387,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4753809)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2720",157651,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4990686)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2721",160338,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4979792)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2722",161601,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q52972)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2723",162422,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q449514)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2724",163406,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q437019)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2725",165638,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1376944)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2726",165897,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2564070)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2727",166353,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1398058)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2728",166407,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q287784)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2729",167116,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q640405)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2730",168717,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1644551)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2731",169720,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3435057)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2732",171562,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3362309)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2733",172961,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q692627)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2734",174352,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q52958)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2735",177319,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q330411)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2736",179322,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q270919)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2737",183800,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1764988)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2738",184183,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q905812)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2739",188614,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3499134)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2740",192429,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4767086)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2741",192457,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4994507)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2742",193615,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q705960)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2743",195034,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q927383)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2744",198940,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q357738)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2745",199411,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q127602)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2746",200167,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4352389)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2747",200292,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1370178)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2748",202732,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2467058)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2749",205805,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q205420)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2750",206419,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4981944)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2751",206680,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q171445)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2752",207463,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q250909)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2753",208337,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2006412)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2754",210221,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3109655)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2755",211744,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q703091)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2756",213272,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q5588344)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2757",214820,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1291425)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2758",216018,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q4990085)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2759",221348,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q918519)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2760",229655,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2991490)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2761",237803,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q270831)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2762",243787,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q233951)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2763",249508,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1338477)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2764",252148,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q781842)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2765",256148,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q517138)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2766",262210,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q692818)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2767",262978,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q52570)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2768",273074,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1623050)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2769",281174,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3133277)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2770",281465,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1890556)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2771",281481,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1555412)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2772",301656,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q2602035)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2773",315511,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3358972)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2774",323292,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q1440099)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2775",376249,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3495578)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2776",389175,"\n SELECT ?label_sv ?label_en ?art_sv ?art_en { \n VALUES (?person) {(wd:Q3378645)} \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_en. \n FILTER(LANG(?label_en) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_en), """"en"""")). \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n FILTER(LANG(?label_sv) = """"""""||LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label_sv), """"sv"""")). \n ?person rdfs:label ?label_sv. \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_sv schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?art_en schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf . \n } \n } \n",8 "2777",1194,"SELECT DISTINCT \n ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst \n ?Statens_Museum_for_KunstLabel \n ?creator \n ?creatorLabel \n ?creatorLabel_en \n ?depicts \n ?depictsLabel \n ?depictsLabel_en \n ?theme \n ?themeLabel \n ?themeLabel_en \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_DA \n ?CreatorWikipediaName_DA \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_EN \n ?CreatorWikipediaName_EN \n ?WikipediaLink_DA \n ?WikipediaName_DA \n ?WikipediaLink_EN \n ?WikipediaName_EN \n \n \n WHERE { \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"da,en"""". } \n \n ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P195 wd:Q671384; \n wdt:P217 """"KMSsp162"""". \n \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P170 ?creator. \n ?creator rdfs:label ?creatorLabel_en filter (lang(?creatorLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P180 ?depicts. \n ?depicts rdfs:label ?depictsLabel_en filter (lang(?depictsLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P921 ?theme. \n ?theme rdfs:label ?themeLabel_en filter (lang(?themeLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?CreatorWikipediaLink_DA schema:about ?creator; schema:inLanguage """"da""""; schema:name ?CreatorWikipediaName_DA . \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_EN schema:about ?creator; schema:inLanguage """"en""""; schema:name ?CreatorWikipediaName_EN . } \n OPTIONAL { ?WikipediaLink_DA schema:about ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst; schema:inLanguage """"da""""; schema:name ?WikipediaName_DA . \n ?WikipediaLink_EN schema:about ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst; schema:inLanguage """"en""""; schema:name ?WikipediaName_EN . } \n \n \n } \n LIMIT 100",9 "2778",9640,"SELECT DISTINCT \n ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst \n ?Statens_Museum_for_KunstLabel \n ?creator \n ?creatorLabel \n ?creatorLabel_en \n ?depicts \n ?depictsLabel \n ?depictsLabel_en \n ?theme \n ?themeLabel \n ?themeLabel_en \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_DA \n ?CreatorWikipediaName_DA \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_EN \n ?CreatorWikipediaName_EN \n ?WikipediaLink_DA \n ?WikipediaName_DA \n ?WikipediaLink_EN \n ?WikipediaName_EN \n \n \n WHERE { \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"da,en"""". } \n \n ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P195 wd:Q671384; \n wdt:P217 """"KMS8808"""". \n \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P170 ?creator. \n ?creator rdfs:label ?creatorLabel_en filter (lang(?creatorLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P180 ?depicts. \n ?depicts rdfs:label ?depictsLabel_en filter (lang(?depictsLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P921 ?theme. \n ?theme rdfs:label ?themeLabel_en filter (lang(?themeLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?CreatorWikipediaLink_DA schema:about ?creator; schema:inLanguage """"da""""; schema:name ?CreatorWikipediaName_DA . \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_EN schema:about ?creator; schema:inLanguage """"en""""; schema:name ?CreatorWikipediaName_EN . } \n OPTIONAL { ?WikipediaLink_DA schema:about ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst; schema:inLanguage """"da""""; schema:name ?WikipediaName_DA . \n ?WikipediaLink_EN schema:about ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst; schema:inLanguage """"en""""; schema:name ?WikipediaName_EN . } \n \n \n } \n LIMIT 100",9 "2779",13682,"SELECT DISTINCT \n ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst \n ?Statens_Museum_for_KunstLabel \n ?creator \n ?creatorLabel \n ?creatorLabel_en \n ?depicts \n ?depictsLabel \n ?depictsLabel_en \n ?theme \n ?themeLabel \n ?themeLabel_en \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_DA \n ?CreatorWikipediaName_DA \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_EN \n ?CreatorWikipediaName_EN \n ?WikipediaLink_DA \n ?WikipediaName_DA \n ?WikipediaLink_EN \n ?WikipediaName_EN \n \n \n WHERE { \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"da,en"""". } \n \n ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P195 wd:Q671384; \n wdt:P217 """"KMS3032"""". \n \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P170 ?creator. \n ?creator rdfs:label ?creatorLabel_en filter (lang(?creatorLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P180 ?depicts. \n ?depicts rdfs:label ?depictsLabel_en filter (lang(?depictsLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P921 ?theme. \n ?theme rdfs:label ?themeLabel_en filter (lang(?themeLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?CreatorWikipediaLink_DA schema:about ?creator; schema:inLanguage """"da""""; schema:name ?CreatorWikipediaName_DA . \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_EN schema:about ?creator; schema:inLanguage """"en""""; schema:name ?CreatorWikipediaName_EN . } \n OPTIONAL { ?WikipediaLink_DA schema:about ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst; schema:inLanguage """"da""""; schema:name ?WikipediaName_DA . \n ?WikipediaLink_EN schema:about ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst; schema:inLanguage """"en""""; schema:name ?WikipediaName_EN . } \n \n \n } \n LIMIT 100",9 "2780",14450,"SELECT DISTINCT \n ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst \n ?Statens_Museum_for_KunstLabel \n ?creator \n ?creatorLabel \n ?creatorLabel_en \n ?depicts \n ?depictsLabel \n ?depictsLabel_en \n ?theme \n ?themeLabel \n ?themeLabel_en \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_DA \n ?CreatorWikipediaName_DA \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_EN \n ?CreatorWikipediaName_EN \n ?WikipediaLink_DA \n ?WikipediaName_DA \n ?WikipediaLink_EN \n ?WikipediaName_EN \n \n \n WHERE { \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"da,en"""". } \n \n ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P195 wd:Q671384; \n wdt:P217 """"KMS8800"""". \n \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P170 ?creator. \n ?creator rdfs:label ?creatorLabel_en filter (lang(?creatorLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P180 ?depicts. \n ?depicts rdfs:label ?depictsLabel_en filter (lang(?depictsLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P921 ?theme. \n ?theme rdfs:label ?themeLabel_en filter (lang(?themeLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?CreatorWikipediaLink_DA schema:about ?creator; schema:inLanguage """"da""""; schema:name ?CreatorWikipediaName_DA . \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_EN schema:about ?creator; schema:inLanguage """"en""""; schema:name ?CreatorWikipediaName_EN . } \n OPTIONAL { ?WikipediaLink_DA schema:about ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst; schema:inLanguage """"da""""; schema:name ?WikipediaName_DA . \n ?WikipediaLink_EN schema:about ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst; schema:inLanguage """"en""""; schema:name ?WikipediaName_EN . } \n \n \n } \n LIMIT 100",9 "2781",15582,"SELECT DISTINCT \n ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst \n ?Statens_Museum_for_KunstLabel \n ?creator \n ?creatorLabel \n ?creatorLabel_en \n ?depicts \n ?depictsLabel \n ?depictsLabel_en \n ?theme \n ?themeLabel \n ?themeLabel_en \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_DA \n ?CreatorWikipediaName_DA \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_EN \n ?CreatorWikipediaName_EN \n ?WikipediaLink_DA \n ?WikipediaName_DA \n ?WikipediaLink_EN \n ?WikipediaName_EN \n \n \n WHERE { \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"da,en"""". } \n \n ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P195 wd:Q671384; \n wdt:P217 """"DEP108"""". \n \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P170 ?creator. \n ?creator rdfs:label ?creatorLabel_en filter (lang(?creatorLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P180 ?depicts. \n ?depicts rdfs:label ?depictsLabel_en filter (lang(?depictsLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P921 ?theme. \n ?theme rdfs:label ?themeLabel_en filter (lang(?themeLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?CreatorWikipediaLink_DA schema:about ?creator; schema:inLanguage """"da""""; schema:name ?CreatorWikipediaName_DA . \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_EN schema:about ?creator; schema:inLanguage """"en""""; schema:name ?CreatorWikipediaName_EN . } \n OPTIONAL { ?WikipediaLink_DA schema:about ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst; schema:inLanguage """"da""""; schema:name ?WikipediaName_DA . \n ?WikipediaLink_EN schema:about ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst; schema:inLanguage """"en""""; schema:name ?WikipediaName_EN . } \n \n \n } \n LIMIT 100",9 "2782",18195,"SELECT DISTINCT \n ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst \n ?Statens_Museum_for_KunstLabel \n ?creator \n ?creatorLabel \n ?creatorLabel_en \n ?depicts \n ?depictsLabel \n ?depictsLabel_en \n ?theme \n ?themeLabel \n ?themeLabel_en \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_DA \n ?CreatorWikipediaName_DA \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_EN \n ?CreatorWikipediaName_EN \n ?WikipediaLink_DA \n ?WikipediaName_DA \n ?WikipediaLink_EN \n ?WikipediaName_EN \n \n \n WHERE { \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"da,en"""". } \n \n ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P195 wd:Q671384; \n wdt:P217 """"KKS1989-199"""". \n \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P170 ?creator. \n ?creator rdfs:label ?creatorLabel_en filter (lang(?creatorLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P180 ?depicts. \n ?depicts rdfs:label ?depictsLabel_en filter (lang(?depictsLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P921 ?theme. \n ?theme rdfs:label ?themeLabel_en filter (lang(?themeLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?CreatorWikipediaLink_DA schema:about ?creator; schema:inLanguage """"da""""; schema:name ?CreatorWikipediaName_DA . \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_EN schema:about ?creator; schema:inLanguage """"en""""; schema:name ?CreatorWikipediaName_EN . } \n OPTIONAL { ?WikipediaLink_DA schema:about ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst; schema:inLanguage """"da""""; schema:name ?WikipediaName_DA . \n ?WikipediaLink_EN schema:about ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst; schema:inLanguage """"en""""; schema:name ?WikipediaName_EN . } \n \n \n } \n LIMIT 100",9 "2783",22908,"SELECT DISTINCT \n ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst \n ?Statens_Museum_for_KunstLabel \n ?creator \n ?creatorLabel \n ?creatorLabel_en \n ?depicts \n ?depictsLabel \n ?depictsLabel_en \n ?theme \n ?themeLabel \n ?themeLabel_en \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_DA \n ?CreatorWikipediaName_DA \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_EN \n ?CreatorWikipediaName_EN \n ?WikipediaLink_DA \n ?WikipediaName_DA \n ?WikipediaLink_EN \n ?WikipediaName_EN \n \n \n WHERE { \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"da,en"""". } \n \n ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P195 wd:Q671384; \n wdt:P217 """"KMS8801"""". \n \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P170 ?creator. \n ?creator rdfs:label ?creatorLabel_en filter (lang(?creatorLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P180 ?depicts. \n ?depicts rdfs:label ?depictsLabel_en filter (lang(?depictsLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P921 ?theme. \n ?theme rdfs:label ?themeLabel_en filter (lang(?themeLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?CreatorWikipediaLink_DA schema:about ?creator; schema:inLanguage """"da""""; schema:name ?CreatorWikipediaName_DA . \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_EN schema:about ?creator; schema:inLanguage """"en""""; schema:name ?CreatorWikipediaName_EN . } \n OPTIONAL { ?WikipediaLink_DA schema:about ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst; schema:inLanguage """"da""""; schema:name ?WikipediaName_DA . \n ?WikipediaLink_EN schema:about ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst; schema:inLanguage """"en""""; schema:name ?WikipediaName_EN . } \n \n \n } \n LIMIT 100",9 "2784",31034,"SELECT DISTINCT \n ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst \n ?Statens_Museum_for_KunstLabel \n ?creator \n ?creatorLabel \n ?creatorLabel_en \n ?depicts \n ?depictsLabel \n ?depictsLabel_en \n ?theme \n ?themeLabel \n ?themeLabel_en \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_DA \n ?CreatorWikipediaName_DA \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_EN \n ?CreatorWikipediaName_EN \n ?WikipediaLink_DA \n ?WikipediaName_DA \n ?WikipediaLink_EN \n ?WikipediaName_EN \n \n \n WHERE { \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"da,en"""". } \n \n ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P195 wd:Q671384; \n wdt:P217 """"KMS1078"""". \n \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P170 ?creator. \n ?creator rdfs:label ?creatorLabel_en filter (lang(?creatorLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P180 ?depicts. \n ?depicts rdfs:label ?depictsLabel_en filter (lang(?depictsLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P921 ?theme. \n ?theme rdfs:label ?themeLabel_en filter (lang(?themeLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?CreatorWikipediaLink_DA schema:about ?creator; schema:inLanguage """"da""""; schema:name ?CreatorWikipediaName_DA . \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_EN schema:about ?creator; schema:inLanguage """"en""""; schema:name ?CreatorWikipediaName_EN . } \n OPTIONAL { ?WikipediaLink_DA schema:about ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst; schema:inLanguage """"da""""; schema:name ?WikipediaName_DA . \n ?WikipediaLink_EN schema:about ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst; schema:inLanguage """"en""""; schema:name ?WikipediaName_EN . } \n \n \n } \n LIMIT 100",9 "2785",44329,"SELECT DISTINCT \n ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst \n ?Statens_Museum_for_KunstLabel \n ?creator \n ?creatorLabel \n ?creatorLabel_en \n ?depicts \n ?depictsLabel \n ?depictsLabel_en \n ?theme \n ?themeLabel \n ?themeLabel_en \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_DA \n ?CreatorWikipediaName_DA \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_EN \n ?CreatorWikipediaName_EN \n ?WikipediaLink_DA \n ?WikipediaName_DA \n ?WikipediaLink_EN \n ?WikipediaName_EN \n \n \n WHERE { \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"da,en"""". } \n \n ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P195 wd:Q671384; \n wdt:P217 """"KMS8839"""". \n \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P170 ?creator. \n ?creator rdfs:label ?creatorLabel_en filter (lang(?creatorLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P180 ?depicts. \n ?depicts rdfs:label ?depictsLabel_en filter (lang(?depictsLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P921 ?theme. \n ?theme rdfs:label ?themeLabel_en filter (lang(?themeLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?CreatorWikipediaLink_DA schema:about ?creator; schema:inLanguage """"da""""; schema:name ?CreatorWikipediaName_DA . \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_EN schema:about ?creator; schema:inLanguage """"en""""; schema:name ?CreatorWikipediaName_EN . } \n OPTIONAL { ?WikipediaLink_DA schema:about ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst; schema:inLanguage """"da""""; schema:name ?WikipediaName_DA . \n ?WikipediaLink_EN schema:about ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst; schema:inLanguage """"en""""; schema:name ?WikipediaName_EN . } \n \n \n } \n LIMIT 100",9 "2786",65265,"SELECT DISTINCT \n ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst \n ?Statens_Museum_for_KunstLabel \n ?creator \n ?creatorLabel \n ?creatorLabel_en \n ?depicts \n ?depictsLabel \n ?depictsLabel_en \n ?theme \n ?themeLabel \n ?themeLabel_en \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_DA \n ?CreatorWikipediaName_DA \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_EN \n ?CreatorWikipediaName_EN \n ?WikipediaLink_DA \n ?WikipediaName_DA \n ?WikipediaLink_EN \n ?WikipediaName_EN \n \n \n WHERE { \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"da,en"""". } \n \n ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P195 wd:Q671384; \n wdt:P217 """"KMS3638"""". \n \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P170 ?creator. \n ?creator rdfs:label ?creatorLabel_en filter (lang(?creatorLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P180 ?depicts. \n ?depicts rdfs:label ?depictsLabel_en filter (lang(?depictsLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst wdt:P921 ?theme. \n ?theme rdfs:label ?themeLabel_en filter (lang(?themeLabel_en) = """"en""""). } \n OPTIONAL { ?CreatorWikipediaLink_DA schema:about ?creator; schema:inLanguage """"da""""; schema:name ?CreatorWikipediaName_DA . \n ?CreatorWikipediaLink_EN schema:about ?creator; schema:inLanguage """"en""""; schema:name ?CreatorWikipediaName_EN . } \n OPTIONAL { ?WikipediaLink_DA schema:about ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst; schema:inLanguage """"da""""; schema:name ?WikipediaName_DA . \n ?WikipediaLink_EN schema:about ?Statens_Museum_for_Kunst; schema:inLanguage """"en""""; schema:name ?WikipediaName_EN . } \n \n \n } \n LIMIT 100",9 "2787",73,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P646) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2788",139,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P351) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2789",206,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P639) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2790",809,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P7859) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2791",1115,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P5587) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2792",1384,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P244) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2793",1561,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P213) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2794",1612,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1017) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2795",1645,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1871) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2796",1663,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P214) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2797",1713,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1296) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2798",1744,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P227) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2799",1853,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P950) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2800",1909,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P3916) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2801",2490,"\n PREFIX entity: \n PREFIX rdf: \n PREFIX hint: \n \n #Data of Douglas Adams \n #added before 2016-10 \n #partial results \n SELECT ?propUrl ?propLabel ?valUrl ?valLabel ?picture WHERE { \n hint:Query hint:optimizer """"None"""". \n { \n BIND(entity:Q64 AS ?valUrl) \n BIND(""""N/A"""" AS ?propUrl) \n BIND(""""identity""""@ru AS ?propLabel) \n } \n UNION \n { \n entity:Q64 ?propUrl ?valUrl. \n ?property ?ref ?propUrl. \n ?property rdf:type wikibase:Property. \n ?property rdfs:label ?propLabel. \n } \n ?valUrl rdfs:label ?valLabel. \n OPTIONAL { ?valUrl wdt:P18 ?picture. } \n FILTER((LANG(?valLabel)) = """"ru"""") \n FILTER((LANG(?propLabel)) = """"ru"""") \n } \n LIMIT 1000",10 "2802",2491,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P3417) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2803",2635,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P806) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2804",2646,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P6766) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2805",2674,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P4964) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2806",2697,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P595) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2807",2869,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2003) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2808",2905,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2949) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2809",3136,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P5586) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2810",3252,"SELECT DISTINCT ?label ?gnd WHERE { \n ?person wdt:P31 wd:Q5. \n ?person p:P166 ?statement. \n ?person rdfs:label ?name. \n ?statement ps:P166 wd:Q47170. \n OPTIONAL { ?statement pq:P585 ?date. BIND(YEAR(?date) AS ?year)}. \n OPTIONAL { ?person wdt:P227 ?gnd}. \n BIND(CONCAT(STR(?name), """" ("""", str(?year) ,"""")"""" ) AS ?label ). \n FILTER (LANG(?name) = """"en""""). \n } ORDER BY ASC(?awardLabel) DESC(?year)",10 "2811",3345,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P665) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2812",3414,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1566) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2813",3519,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1417) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2814",3725,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1207) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2815",3755,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P5573) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2816",3951,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P594) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2817",4171,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P345) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2818",4444,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2002) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2819",4616,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2115) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2820",4887,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P982) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2821",5104,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1616) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2822",5144,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P245) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2823",5303,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P352) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2824",5383,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P305) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2825",5810,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P5437) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2826",5867,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P5019) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2827",6119,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2163) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2828",6276,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P268) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2829",6454,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P356) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2830",6616,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P672) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2831",7592,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P704) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2832",8501,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P592) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2833",9219,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P6552) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2834",9555,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P590) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2835",9701,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2427) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2836",10083,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P3612) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2837",10515,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P5361) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2838",10741,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2326) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2839",11115,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P7902) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2840",11363,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P4527) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2841",11608,"SELECT DISTINCT ?state ?stateLabel ?id WHERE { \n ?state wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q3624078; \n p:P463 ?memberOfStatement. \n ?memberOfStatement a wikibase:BestRank; \n ps:P463 wd:Q1065. \n MINUS { ?memberOfStatement pq:P582 ?endTime. } \n MINUS { ?state wdt:P576|wdt:P582 ?end. } \n BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?state), STR(wd:)) AS ?id) \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""". } \n } ORDER BY ?stateLabel",10 "2842",11899,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P691) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2843",11956,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P774) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2844",11960,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P3500) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2845",12414,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P637) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2846",12579,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2892) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2847",12684,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P638) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2848",12811,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P402) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2849",12874,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1937) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2850",13408,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P267) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2851",13547,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P6698) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2852",13995,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P300) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2853",14528,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P3221) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2854",15207,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P906) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2855",16225,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P6366) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2856",16643,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2926) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2857",16895,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P6671) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2858",17073,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P442) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2859",17456,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P486) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2860",18016,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1014) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2861",18399,"SELECT distinct ?item ?itemLabel ?investigationDate \n ?residenceLabel ?residenceCoords ?sexLabel ?link ?occupationLabel ?socialClassificationLabel \n ?placeOfDeathLabel ?placeOfDeathCoords ?mannerOfDeathLabel ?detentionLocationLabel ?detentionLocationCoords \n WHERE \n { \n ?item wdt:P4478 ?witch . \n ?item wdt:P551 ?residence . \n ?residence wdt:P625 ?residenceCoords . \n optional { ?item wdt:P21 ?sex } . \n ?item wdt:P4478 ?link . \n optional { ?item wdt:P106 ?occupation .} \n optional { ?item wdt:P3716 ?socialClassification .} \n optional { \n ?item wdt:P20 ?placeOfDeath . \n ?placeOfDeath wdt:P625 ?placeOfDeathCoords .} \n optional { ?item wdt:P1196 ?mannerOfDeath .} \n optional { ?item p:P793 ?significantEventStatement . \n ?significantEventStatement ps:P793 wd:Q66458810 . \n OPTIONAL {?significantEventStatement pq:P585 ?investigationPoint }. \n OPTIONAL {?significantEventStatement pq:P580 ?investigationStart } \n } \n BIND(IF(BOUND(?investigationPoint), ?investigationPoint, ?investigationStart) as ?investigationDate) \n optional { ?item wdt:P2632 ?detentionLocation . \n ?detentionLocation wdt:P625 ?detentionLocationCoords .} \n \n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } \n }",10 "2862",18694,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P5034) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2863",18810,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P349) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2864",19548,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P5905) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2865",20063,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P949) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2866",20498,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P3117) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2867",20697,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P683) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2868",21363,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P3219) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2869",21417,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P6782) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2870",22521,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P705) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2871",22883,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P3153) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2872",23075,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P3225) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2873",23625,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P661) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2874",23736,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1315) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2875",23762,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P3827) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2876",24239,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2924) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2877",24480,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P699) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2878",24695,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2600) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2879",25039,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1266) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2880",25106,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1245) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2881",26845,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1741) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2882",26920,"SELECT ?id ?label ?description WHERE { hint:Query hint:optimizer """"None"""". { SELECT DISTINCT ?id WHERE { ?id wdt:P1424 ?p. } LIMIT 100 } ?id rdfs:label ?label. ?id schema:description ?description. FILTER((LANG(?label)) = """"en"""") FILTER((LANG(?description)) = """"en"""") } LIMIT 100",10 "2883",27788,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1225) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2884",27993,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P7829) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2885",28000,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1819) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2886",28466,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2605) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2887",28681,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P6404) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2888",28996,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P5400) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2889",29137,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1997) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2890",29197,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P220) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2891",29524,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P429) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2892",30311,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1667) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2893",30894,"\n PREFIX entity: \n PREFIX rdf: \n PREFIX hint: \n \n #Data of Douglas Adams \n #added before 2016-10 \n #partial results \n SELECT ?propUrl ?propLabel ?valUrl ?valLabel ?picture WHERE { \n hint:Query hint:optimizer """"None"""". \n { \n BIND(entity:Q64 AS ?valUrl) \n BIND(""""N/A"""" AS ?propUrl) \n BIND(""""identity""""@en AS ?propLabel) \n } \n UNION \n { \n entity:Q64 ?propUrl ?valUrl. \n ?property ?ref ?propUrl. \n ?property rdf:type wikibase:Property. \n ?property rdfs:label ?propLabel. \n } \n ?valUrl rdfs:label ?valLabel. \n OPTIONAL { ?valUrl wdt:P18 ?picture. } \n FILTER((LANG(?valLabel)) = """"en"""") \n FILTER((LANG(?propLabel)) = """"en"""") \n } \n LIMIT 1000",10 "2894",32137,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P4159) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2895",32744,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P662) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2896",32894,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P3345) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2897",33038,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P3762) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2898",33163,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1466) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2899",33374,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P535) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2900",33464,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P374) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2901",34015,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1309) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2902",34092,"#defaultView:BarChart \n SELECT \n (STR(?year_) AS ?year) \n (COUNT(?work) AS ?number_of_publications) \n \n # Work type used to color the bar chart \n ?type \n WITH { \n # Find works with the topic. Also report the year \n SELECT \n ?work (MIN(?years) AS ?year_) (1 AS ?dummy) (SAMPLE(?article_type_) AS ?article_type) \n WHERE { \n ?work wdt:P921 / (wdt:P31*/wdt:P279* | wdt:P361+ | wdt:P1269+) wd:Q81068910 . \n ?work wdt:P577 ?dates . \n BIND(YEAR(?dates) AS ?years) . \n \n ?work wdt:P31 ?article_type_ . \n } \n GROUP BY ?work \n } AS %works \n WITH { \n SELECT ?year_ WHERE { \n # default values = 0 \n ?year_item wdt:P31 wd:Q577 . \n ?year_item wdt:P585 ?date . \n BIND(YEAR(?date) AS ?year_) \n } \n } AS %default_counts \n WITH { \n # Find earliest publication year \n SELECT (MIN(?year_) AS ?earliest_year) WHERE { \n INCLUDE %works \n } \n GROUP BY ?dummy \n } AS %earliest \n WHERE { \n { \n INCLUDE %works \n ?article_type rdfs:label ?type . FILTER (LANG(?type) = """"en"""") \n } \n UNION \n { \n INCLUDE %default_counts \n BIND(""""_"""" AS ?type) \n } \n INCLUDE %earliest \n BIND(YEAR(NOW()) AS ?this_year) \n FILTER (?year_ >= ?earliest_year && ?year_ <= ?this_year && ?year_ >= YEAR(""""1900-01-01""""^^xsd:dateTime)) \n } \n GROUP BY ?year_ ?type \n ORDER BY ?year",10 "2903",34651,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P882) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2904",34678,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P3154) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2905",35179,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P3365) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2906",35225,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P652) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2907",36096,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2604) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2908",36205,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P6832) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2909",37139,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P715) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2910",37394,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P686) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2911",37801,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2519) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2912",37942,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1006) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2913",39585,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P3241) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2914",39994,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P7818) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2915",40110,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2581) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2916",40347,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2013) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2917",41886,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P764) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2918",42786,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P772) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2919",43078,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2788) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2920",43948,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2588) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2921",44732,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P4839) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2922",45319,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P648) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2923",45357,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P902) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2924",45647,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1711) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2925",45811,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P7704) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2926",46550,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P439) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2927",50158,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P698) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2928",50755,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P4212) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2929",50980,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P269) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2930",51722,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2566) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2931",51835,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P4672) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2932",53163,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2387) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2933",54817,"\n PREFIX wdt: \n SELECT ?id \n ?author \n ?description \n (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?workWithYears; separator=""""###"""") AS ?works) \n (SAMPLE(?birthDate) AS ?birthDate) \n (SAMPLE(?deathDate) AS ?deathDate) \n (min(?workStartingYear) AS ?minThingDate) \n (max(?workEndingYear) AS ?maxThingDate) \n (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?occupation; separator=""""###"""") AS ?occupations) \n (SAMPLE(?immagine) as ?immagine) \n (SAMPLE(?itwikipedia) as ?itwikipedia) \n (SAMPLE(?viafurl) as ?viafurl) \n WHERE { \n \n # Setting up services \n SERVICE wikibase:label { \n bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"it,en"""". \n ?id rdfs:label ?author . \n ?id schema:description ?description . \n ?occupationID rdfs:label ?occupation \n } \n \n # Select a single agent \n VALUES ?id { \n \n } \n \n # Get only people as Agent \n ?id wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . \n \n # Get see also for creator property \n wd:P170 wdt:P1659 ?seeAlsoCreator . \n BIND(URI(REPLACE(STR(?seeAlsoCreator), """"entity"""", """"prop/direct"""")) AS ?creatorBinded) \n \n # Select all types of works produced by the given author \n OPTIONAL { \n \n {?workID ?creatorBinded ?id} \n UNION \n {?workID wdt:P170 ?id} \n \n # Get see also for inception property \n wd:P571 wdt:P1659 ?seeAlsoInception . \n BIND(URI(REPLACE(STR(?seeAlsoInception), """"entity"""", """"prop/direct"""")) AS ?inceptionBinded) \n # Get work inception \n OPTIONAL { \n {?workID ?inceptionBinded ?workStartingDate} \n UNION \n {?workID wdt:P571 ?workStartingDate} \n BIND(year(?workStartingDate) AS ?workStartingYear) \n } \n \n # Get see also for dissolved property \n wd:P576 wdt:P1659 ?seeAlsoDissolved . \n BIND(URI(REPLACE(STR(?seeAlsoDissolved), """"entity"""", """"prop/direct"""")) AS ?dissolvedBinded) \n # Get work inception \n OPTIONAL { \n {?workID ?dissolvedBinded ?workEndingDate} \n UNION \n {?workID wdt:P576 ?workEndingDate} \n BIND(year(?workEndingDate) AS ?workEndingYear) \n } \n \n SERVICE wikibase:label { \n bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"it,en"""". \n ?workID rdfs:label ?work . \n } \n } \n \n BIND( \n CONCAT( \n IF(BOUND(?workStartingDate), STRBEFORE(STR(?workStartingDate), """"-"""") , """"""""), \n IF(BOUND(?workStartingDate) && BOUND(?workEndingDate), """" - """", """"""""), \n IF(BOUND(?workEndingDate), STRBEFORE(STR(?workEndingDate), """"-""""), """"""""), \n IF(BOUND(?workStartingDate) || BOUND(?workEndingDate), """" ~ """", """"""""), \n IF(BOUND(?work), ?work, """""""") \n ) \n as ?workWithYears \n ) \n \n # Get agent dates \n OPTIONAL { \n ?id wdt:P569 ?birthDate \n } \n OPTIONAL { \n ?id wdt:P570 ?deathDate \n } \n \n # Get agent occupations \n OPTIONAL { \n ?id wdt:P106 ?occupationID \n } \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?id wdt:P18 ?immagine . \n } \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?itwikipedia schema:about ?id . \n FILTER(CONTAINS(STR(?itwikipedia), 'it.wikipedia.org')) \n } \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?id wdt:P214 ?viaf \n BIND(concat('https://viaf.org/viaf/', ?viaf) as ?viafurl) \n } \n \n } \n GROUP BY ?id ?author ?description",10 "2934",58923,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P6573) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2935",60368,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P3569) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2936",62434,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P4638) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2937",62934,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P635) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2938",64333,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P901) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2939",69697,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P7033) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2940",71027,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P998) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2941",72555,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1320) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2942",73488,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1195)(wd:P1163)(wd:P178)(wd:P144)(wd:P4152)(wd:P973)(wd:P1343)(wd:P348)(wd:P577)(wd:P2748)(wd:P3266)(wd:P3381)(wd:P31)(wd:P279)(wd:P3294)(wd:P4153)(wd:P2210)(wd:P854) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2943",82229,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2168) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2944",84239,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P409) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2945",84684,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1273) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2946",90121,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1394) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2947",92408,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P5270) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2948",92696,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P5534) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2949",94059,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1051) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2950",94586,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2503) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2951",94646,"SELECT ?companyLabel ?rootLabel ?tickerLabel ?exchangeNameLabel WHERE { ?entity wdt:P646 """""""" . ?entity wdt:P176* ?manufacturer . ?manufacturer wdt:P1366* ?company . { ?company p:P414 ?exchange } UNION { ?company wdt:P127+ / wdt:P1366* ?root . ?root p:P414 ?exchange } UNION { ?company wdt:P749+ / wdt:P1366* ?root . ?root p:P414 ?exchange } . VALUES ?exchanges { wd:Q13677 wd:Q82059 } . ?exchange ps:P414 ?exchanges . ?exchange pq:P249 ?ticker . ?exchange ps:P414 ?exchangeName . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?company wdt:P31 / wdt:P279* wd:Q11032 } . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?company wdt:P31 / wdt:P279* wd:Q192283 } . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?company wdt:P31 / wdt:P279* wd:Q1684600 } . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?company wdt:P31 / wdt:P279* wd:Q14350 } . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?company wdt:P31 / wdt:P279* wd:Q1616075 } . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?company wdt:P31 / wdt:P279* wd:Q2001305 } . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"en"""" . } } GROUP BY ?companyLabel ?rootLabel ?tickerLabel ?exchangeNameLabel ORDER BY ?companyLabel ?rootLabel ?tickerLabel ?exchangeNameLabel",10 "2952",94751,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P6849) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2953",95942,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P6058) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2954",97575,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2253) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2955",99453,"\n SELECT ?id \n ?thing \n ?description \n ?classLabel \n (SAMPLE(DISTINCT ?thingStartingYear) AS ?thingStartingDates) \n (SAMPLE(DISTINCT ?thingEndingYear) AS ?thingEndingDates) \n (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?agentLabel; separator=""""###"""") AS ?agents) \n (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?materialLabel; separator=""""###"""") AS ?materials) \n (SAMPLE(?immagine) as ?immagine) \n (SAMPLE(?itwikipedia) as ?itwikipedia) \n (SAMPLE(DISTINCT ?locationLabel) AS ?locations) \n WHERE { \n \n # Setting up services \n SERVICE wikibase:label { \n bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"it,en"""". \n ?id rdfs:label ?thing . \n ?id schema:description ?description . \n ?class rdfs:label ?classLabel . \n ?agent rdfs:label ?agentLabel . \n ?location rdfs:label ?locationLabel . \n } \n \n VALUES ?id { \n \n } \n \n # Get thing class \n OPTIONAL { \n ?id wdt:P31 ?class \n } \n \n # Get see also for creator property \n wd:P170 wdt:P1659 ?seeAlsoCreator . \n BIND(URI(REPLACE(STR(?seeAlsoCreator), """"entity"""", """"prop/direct"""")) AS ?creatorBinded) \n \n # Select all types of works produced by the given author \n OPTIONAL { \n \n {?id ?creatorBinded ?agent} \n UNION \n {?id wdt:P170 ?agent} \n \n # Get see also for inception property \n wd:P571 wdt:P1659 ?seeAlsoInception . \n BIND(URI(REPLACE(STR(?seeAlsoInception), """"entity"""", """"prop/direct"""")) AS ?inceptionBinded) \n # Get work inception \n OPTIONAL { \n {?id ?inceptionBinded ?thingStartingDate} \n UNION \n {?id wdt:P571 ?thingStartingDate} \n BIND(YEAR(?thingStartingDate) AS ?thingStartingYear) \n } \n \n # Get see also for dissolved property \n wd:P576 wdt:P1659 ?seeAlsoDissolved . \n BIND(URI(REPLACE(STR(?seeAlsoDissolved), """"entity"""", """"prop/direct"""")) AS ?dissolvedBinded) \n # Get work inception \n OPTIONAL { \n {?id ?dissolvedBinded ?thingEndingDate} \n UNION \n {?id wdt:P576 ?thingEndingDate} \n BIND(YEAR(?thingEndingDate) AS ?thingEndingYear) \n } \n \n } \n \n # Get see also for material used \n wd:P186 wdt:P1659 ?seeAlsoMaterial . \n BIND(URI(REPLACE(STR(?seeAlsoMaterial), """"entity"""", """"prop/direct"""")) AS ?materialBinded) \n # Get material used \n OPTIONAL { \n {?id ?materialBinded ?material} \n UNION \n {?id wdt:P186 ?material} \n } \n \n # Get location \n OPTIONAL { \n ?id wdt:P276 ?location \n } \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?id wdt:P18 ?immagine . \n } \n \n OPTIONAL { \n ?itwikipedia schema:about ?id . \n FILTER(CONTAINS(STR(?itwikipedia), 'it.wikipedia.org')) \n } \n \n } GROUP BY ?id ?thing ?description ?classLabel",10 "2956",99746,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P3987) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2957",99775,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2347) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2958",100776,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2192) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2959",101775,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P782) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2960",102097,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P3430) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2961",102393,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P4293) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2962",107929,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1015) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2963",109584,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P7832) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2964",109590,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1936) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2965",110550,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P5198) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2966",111575,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P721) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2967",112737,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1005) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2968",115105,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1284) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2969",115410,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1580) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2970",119434,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P605) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2971",121096,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P3222) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2972",130002,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P4342) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2973",132156,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1281) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2974",133413,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1653) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2975",133492,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P6689) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2976",136723,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P6262) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2977",141544,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P271) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2978",142741,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P4156) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2979",148721,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P932) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2980",155487,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2977) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2981",157136,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P234) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2982",167745,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1627) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2983",169070,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1280) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2984",170970,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2019) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2985",175169,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1953) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2986",176109,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P3509) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2987",179731,"#defaultView:BarChart \n # Inspired from LEGOLAS - http://abel.lis.illinois.edu/legolas/ \n # Shubhanshu Mishra, Vetle Torvik \n select ?year (count(?work) as ?number_of_publications) ?role where { \n { \n select (str(?year_) as ?year) (0 as ?pages) (""""_"""" as ?role) where { \n # default values = 0 \n ?year_item wdt:P31 wd:Q577 . \n ?year_item wdt:P585 ?date . \n bind(year(?date) as ?year_) \n { \n select (min(?year_) as ?earliest_year) (max(?year_) as ?latest_year) where { \n ?work wdt:P50 wd:Q87761491 . \n ?work wdt:P577 ?publication_date . \n bind(year(?publication_date) as ?year_) \n } \n } \n bind(year(now())+1 as ?next_year) \n filter (?year_ >= ?earliest_year && ?year_ <= ?latest_year) \n } \n } \n union { \n { \n select ?work (min(?years) as ?year) (count(?coauthors) as ?number_of_authors) ?author_number where { \n ?work (p:P50|p:P2093) ?author_statement . \n ?author_statement ps:P50 wd:Q87761491 . \n optional { ?author_statement pq:P1545 ?author_number . } \n ?work (wdt:P50|wdt:P2093) ?coauthors . \n ?work wdt:P577 ?dates . \n bind(str(year(?dates)) as ?years) . \n } \n group by ?work ?author_number \n } \n bind(coalesce(if(?number_of_authors = 1, \n 'Solo author', \n if(xsd:integer(?author_number) = 1, \n 'First author', \n if(xsd:integer(?author_number) = ?number_of_authors, \n 'Last author', \n 'Middle author'))), 'Unknown') \n as ?role) \n } \n } \n group by ?year ?role \n order by ?year",10 "2988",179970,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P3984) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2989",185903,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P4359) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2990",186463,"\n PREFIX entity: \n PREFIX rdf: \n PREFIX hint: \n \n #Data of Douglas Adams \n #added before 2016-10 \n #partial results \n SELECT ?propUrl ?propLabel ?valUrl ?valLabel ?picture WHERE { \n hint:Query hint:optimizer """"None"""". \n { \n BIND(entity:Q64 AS ?valUrl) \n BIND(""""N/A"""" AS ?propUrl) \n BIND(""""identity""""@uk AS ?propLabel) \n } \n UNION \n { \n entity:Q64 ?propUrl ?valUrl. \n ?property ?ref ?propUrl. \n ?property rdf:type wikibase:Property. \n ?property rdfs:label ?propLabel. \n } \n ?valUrl rdfs:label ?valLabel. \n OPTIONAL { ?valUrl wdt:P18 ?picture. } \n FILTER((LANG(?valLabel)) = """"uk"""") \n FILTER((LANG(?propLabel)) = """"uk"""") \n } \n LIMIT 1000",10 "2991",188166,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1816) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2992",189200,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P5247) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2993",193918,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P3120) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2994",212095,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P3743) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2995",214714,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2397) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2996",222554,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P508) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2997",226449,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1368) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2998",232577,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P549) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "2999",288015,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P2174) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10 "3000",342211,"#Tool: wdi_core fastrun \n SELECT (STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'entity/') as ?id) ?property ?propertyType ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?propertyAltLabel (STRAFTER(STR(?propertyType), '#') as ?value_type) ?formatter_url WHERE { VALUES (?property) { (wd:P1263) } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1630 ?formatter_url. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language """"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"""". } } ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?property), 'P')))",10