const wrmap = ""; class BaseEvent { /** * @param {string} type Type. */ constructor(type) { this.propagationStopped; this.defaultPrevented; this.type = type; = null; } /** * Prevent default. This means that no emulated `click`, `singleclick` or `doubleclick` events * will be fired. * @api */ preventDefault() { this.defaultPrevented = true; } /** * Stop event propagation. * @api */ stopPropagation() { this.propagationStopped = true; } } const Event = BaseEvent; const ObjectEventType = { /** * Triggered when a property is changed. * @event module:ol/Object.ObjectEvent#propertychange * @api */ PROPERTYCHANGE: "propertychange" }; class Disposable { constructor() { this.disposed = false; } /** * Clean up. */ dispose() { if (!this.disposed) { this.disposed = true; this.disposeInternal(); } } /** * Extension point for disposable objects. * @protected */ disposeInternal() { } } const Disposable$1 = Disposable; function binarySearch(haystack, needle, comparator) { let mid, cmp; comparator = comparator || ascending; let low = 0; let high = haystack.length; let found = false; while (low < high) { mid = low + (high - low >> 1); cmp = +comparator(haystack[mid], needle); if (cmp < 0) { low = mid + 1; } else { high = mid; found = !cmp; } } return found ? low : ~low; } function ascending(a, b) { return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0; } function linearFindNearest(arr, target, direction) { if (arr[0] <= target) { return 0; } const n = arr.length; if (target <= arr[n - 1]) { return n - 1; } if (typeof direction === "function") { for (let i = 1; i < n; ++i) { const candidate = arr[i]; if (candidate === target) { return i; } if (candidate < target) { if (direction(target, arr[i - 1], candidate) > 0) { return i - 1; } return i; } } return n - 1; } if (direction > 0) { for (let i = 1; i < n; ++i) { if (arr[i] < target) { return i - 1; } } return n - 1; } if (direction < 0) { for (let i = 1; i < n; ++i) { if (arr[i] <= target) { return i; } } return n - 1; } for (let i = 1; i < n; ++i) { if (arr[i] == target) { return i; } if (arr[i] < target) { if (arr[i - 1] - target < target - arr[i]) { return i - 1; } return i; } } return n - 1; } function reverseSubArray(arr, begin, end) { while (begin < end) { const tmp = arr[begin]; arr[begin] = arr[end]; arr[end] = tmp; ++begin; --end; } } function extend$2(arr, data) { const extension = Array.isArray(data) ? data : [data]; const length = extension.length; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { arr[arr.length] = extension[i]; } } function equals$2(arr1, arr2) { const len1 = arr1.length; if (len1 !== arr2.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < len1; i++) { if (arr1[i] !== arr2[i]) { return false; } } return true; } function isSorted(arr, func, strict) { const compare = func || ascending; return arr.every(function(currentVal, index) { if (index === 0) { return true; } const res = compare(arr[index - 1], currentVal); return !(res > 0 || strict && res === 0); }); } function TRUE() { return true; } function FALSE() { return false; } function VOID() { } function memoizeOne(fn) { let called = false; let lastResult; let lastArgs; let lastThis; return function() { const nextArgs =; if (!called || this !== lastThis || !equals$2(nextArgs, lastArgs)) { called = true; lastThis = this; lastArgs = nextArgs; lastResult = fn.apply(this, arguments); } return lastResult; }; } function clear(object) { for (const property in object) { delete object[property]; } } function isEmpty$1(object) { let property; for (property in object) { return false; } return !property; } class Target extends Disposable$1 { /** * @param {*} [target] Default event target for dispatched events. */ constructor(target) { super(); this.eventTarget_ = target; this.pendingRemovals_ = null; this.dispatching_ = null; this.listeners_ = null; } /** * @param {string} type Type. * @param {import("../events.js").Listener} listener Listener. */ addEventListener(type, listener) { if (!type || !listener) { return; } const listeners = this.listeners_ || (this.listeners_ = {}); const listenersForType = listeners[type] || (listeners[type] = []); if (!listenersForType.includes(listener)) { listenersForType.push(listener); } } /** * Dispatches an event and calls all listeners listening for events * of this type. The event parameter can either be a string or an * Object with a `type` property. * * @param {import("./Event.js").default|string} event Event object. * @return {boolean|undefined} `false` if anyone called preventDefault on the * event object or if any of the listeners returned false. * @api */ dispatchEvent(event) { const isString = typeof event === "string"; const type = isString ? event : event.type; const listeners = this.listeners_ && this.listeners_[type]; if (!listeners) { return; } const evt = isString ? new Event(event) : ( /** @type {Event} */ event ); if (! { = this.eventTarget_ || this; } const dispatching = this.dispatching_ || (this.dispatching_ = {}); const pendingRemovals = this.pendingRemovals_ || (this.pendingRemovals_ = {}); if (!(type in dispatching)) { dispatching[type] = 0; pendingRemovals[type] = 0; } ++dispatching[type]; let propagate; for (let i = 0, ii = listeners.length; i < ii; ++i) { if ("handleEvent" in listeners[i]) { propagate = /** @type {import("../events.js").ListenerObject} */ listeners[i].handleEvent(evt); } else { propagate = /** @type {import("../events.js").ListenerFunction} */ listeners[i].call(this, evt); } if (propagate === false || evt.propagationStopped) { propagate = false; break; } } if (--dispatching[type] === 0) { let pr = pendingRemovals[type]; delete pendingRemovals[type]; while (pr--) { this.removeEventListener(type, VOID); } delete dispatching[type]; } return propagate; } /** * Clean up. */ disposeInternal() { this.listeners_ && clear(this.listeners_); } /** * Get the listeners for a specified event type. Listeners are returned in the * order that they will be called in. * * @param {string} type Type. * @return {Array|undefined} Listeners. */ getListeners(type) { return this.listeners_ && this.listeners_[type] || void 0; } /** * @param {string} [type] Type. If not provided, * `true` will be returned if this event target has any listeners. * @return {boolean} Has listeners. */ hasListener(type) { if (!this.listeners_) { return false; } return type ? type in this.listeners_ : Object.keys(this.listeners_).length > 0; } /** * @param {string} type Type. * @param {import("../events.js").Listener} listener Listener. */ removeEventListener(type, listener) { const listeners = this.listeners_ && this.listeners_[type]; if (listeners) { const index = listeners.indexOf(listener); if (index !== -1) { if (this.pendingRemovals_ && type in this.pendingRemovals_) { listeners[index] = VOID; ++this.pendingRemovals_[type]; } else { listeners.splice(index, 1); if (listeners.length === 0) { delete this.listeners_[type]; } } } } } } const EventTarget = Target; const EventType = { /** * Generic change event. Triggered when the revision counter is increased. * @event module:ol/events/Event~BaseEvent#change * @api */ CHANGE: "change", /** * Generic error event. Triggered when an error occurs. * @event module:ol/events/Event~BaseEvent#error * @api */ ERROR: "error", BLUR: "blur", CLEAR: "clear", CONTEXTMENU: "contextmenu", CLICK: "click", DBLCLICK: "dblclick", DRAGENTER: "dragenter", DRAGOVER: "dragover", DROP: "drop", FOCUS: "focus", KEYDOWN: "keydown", KEYPRESS: "keypress", LOAD: "load", RESIZE: "resize", TOUCHMOVE: "touchmove", WHEEL: "wheel" }; function listen(target, type, listener, thisArg, once) { if (thisArg && thisArg !== target) { listener = listener.bind(thisArg); } if (once) { const originalListener = listener; listener = function() { target.removeEventListener(type, listener); originalListener.apply(this, arguments); }; } const eventsKey = { target, type, listener }; target.addEventListener(type, listener); return eventsKey; } function listenOnce(target, type, listener, thisArg) { return listen(target, type, listener, thisArg, true); } function unlistenByKey(key) { if (key && {, key.listener); clear(key); } } class Observable extends EventTarget { constructor() { super(); this.on = /** @type {ObservableOnSignature} */ this.onInternal; this.once = /** @type {ObservableOnSignature} */ this.onceInternal; this.un = /** @type {ObservableOnSignature} */ this.unInternal; this.revision_ = 0; } /** * Increases the revision counter and dispatches a 'change' event. * @api */ changed() { ++this.revision_; this.dispatchEvent(EventType.CHANGE); } /** * Get the version number for this object. Each time the object is modified, * its version number will be incremented. * @return {number} Revision. * @api */ getRevision() { return this.revision_; } /** * @param {string|Array} type Type. * @param {function((Event|import("./events/Event").default)): ?} listener Listener. * @return {import("./events.js").EventsKey|Array} Event key. * @protected */ onInternal(type, listener) { if (Array.isArray(type)) { const len = type.length; const keys = new Array(len); for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) { keys[i] = listen(this, type[i], listener); } return keys; } return listen( this, /** @type {string} */ type, listener ); } /** * @param {string|Array} type Type. * @param {function((Event|import("./events/Event").default)): ?} listener Listener. * @return {import("./events.js").EventsKey|Array} Event key. * @protected */ onceInternal(type, listener) { let key; if (Array.isArray(type)) { const len = type.length; key = new Array(len); for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) { key[i] = listenOnce(this, type[i], listener); } } else { key = listenOnce( this, /** @type {string} */ type, listener ); } listener.ol_key = key; return key; } /** * Unlisten for a certain type of event. * @param {string|Array} type Type. * @param {function((Event|import("./events/Event").default)): ?} listener Listener. * @protected */ unInternal(type, listener) { const key = ( /** @type {Object} */ listener.ol_key ); if (key) { unByKey(key); } else if (Array.isArray(type)) { for (let i = 0, ii = type.length; i < ii; ++i) { this.removeEventListener(type[i], listener); } } else { this.removeEventListener(type, listener); } } } Observable.prototype.on; Observable.prototype.once; Observable.prototype.un; function unByKey(key) { if (Array.isArray(key)) { for (let i = 0, ii = key.length; i < ii; ++i) { unlistenByKey(key[i]); } } else { unlistenByKey( /** @type {import("./events.js").EventsKey} */ key ); } } const Observable$1 = Observable; function abstract() { throw new Error("Unimplemented abstract method."); } let uidCounter_ = 0; function getUid(obj) { return obj.ol_uid || (obj.ol_uid = String(++uidCounter_)); } class ObjectEvent extends Event { /** * @param {string} type The event type. * @param {string} key The property name. * @param {*} oldValue The old value for `key`. */ constructor(type, key, oldValue) { super(type); this.key = key; this.oldValue = oldValue; } } class BaseObject extends Observable$1 { /** * @param {Object} [values] An object with key-value pairs. */ constructor(values) { super(); this.on; this.once; this.un; getUid(this); this.values_ = null; if (values !== void 0) { this.setProperties(values); } } /** * Gets a value. * @param {string} key Key name. * @return {*} Value. * @api */ get(key) { let value; if (this.values_ && this.values_.hasOwnProperty(key)) { value = this.values_[key]; } return value; } /** * Get a list of object property names. * @return {Array} List of property names. * @api */ getKeys() { return this.values_ && Object.keys(this.values_) || []; } /** * Get an object of all property names and values. * @return {Object} Object. * @api */ getProperties() { return this.values_ && Object.assign({}, this.values_) || {}; } /** * Get an object of all property names and values. * @return {Object?} Object. */ getPropertiesInternal() { return this.values_; } /** * @return {boolean} The object has properties. */ hasProperties() { return !!this.values_; } /** * @param {string} key Key name. * @param {*} oldValue Old value. */ notify(key, oldValue) { let eventType; eventType = `change:${key}`; if (this.hasListener(eventType)) { this.dispatchEvent(new ObjectEvent(eventType, key, oldValue)); } eventType = ObjectEventType.PROPERTYCHANGE; if (this.hasListener(eventType)) { this.dispatchEvent(new ObjectEvent(eventType, key, oldValue)); } } /** * @param {string} key Key name. * @param {import("./events.js").Listener} listener Listener. */ addChangeListener(key, listener) { this.addEventListener(`change:${key}`, listener); } /** * @param {string} key Key name. * @param {import("./events.js").Listener} listener Listener. */ removeChangeListener(key, listener) { this.removeEventListener(`change:${key}`, listener); } /** * Sets a value. * @param {string} key Key name. * @param {*} value Value. * @param {boolean} [silent] Update without triggering an event. * @api */ set(key, value, silent) { const values = this.values_ || (this.values_ = {}); if (silent) { values[key] = value; } else { const oldValue = values[key]; values[key] = value; if (oldValue !== value) { this.notify(key, oldValue); } } } /** * Sets a collection of key-value pairs. Note that this changes any existing * properties and adds new ones (it does not remove any existing properties). * @param {Object} values Values. * @param {boolean} [silent] Update without triggering an event. * @api */ setProperties(values, silent) { for (const key in values) { this.set(key, values[key], silent); } } /** * Apply any properties from another object without triggering events. * @param {BaseObject} source The source object. * @protected */ applyProperties(source) { if (!source.values_) { return; } Object.assign(this.values_ || (this.values_ = {}), source.values_); } /** * Unsets a property. * @param {string} key Key name. * @param {boolean} [silent] Unset without triggering an event. * @api */ unset(key, silent) { if (this.values_ && key in this.values_) { const oldValue = this.values_[key]; delete this.values_[key]; if (isEmpty$1(this.values_)) { this.values_ = null; } if (!silent) { this.notify(key, oldValue); } } } } const BaseObject$1 = BaseObject; const CollectionEventType = { /** * Triggered when an item is added to the collection. * @event module:ol/Collection.CollectionEvent#add * @api */ ADD: "add", /** * Triggered when an item is removed from the collection. * @event module:ol/Collection.CollectionEvent#remove * @api */ REMOVE: "remove" }; const Property$3 = { LENGTH: "length" }; class CollectionEvent extends Event { /** * @param {import("./CollectionEventType.js").default} type Type. * @param {T} element Element. * @param {number} index The index of the added or removed element. */ constructor(type, element, index) { super(type); this.element = element; this.index = index; } } class Collection extends BaseObject$1 { /** * @param {Array} [array] Array. * @param {Options} [options] Collection options. */ constructor(array, options) { super(); this.on; this.once; this.un; options = options || {}; this.unique_ = !!options.unique; this.array_ = array ? array : []; if (this.unique_) { for (let i = 0, ii = this.array_.length; i < ii; ++i) { this.assertUnique_(this.array_[i], i); } } this.updateLength_(); } /** * Remove all elements from the collection. * @api */ clear() { while (this.getLength() > 0) { this.pop(); } } /** * Add elements to the collection. This pushes each item in the provided array * to the end of the collection. * @param {!Array} arr Array. * @return {Collection} This collection. * @api */ extend(arr) { for (let i = 0, ii = arr.length; i < ii; ++i) { this.push(arr[i]); } return this; } /** * Iterate over each element, calling the provided callback. * @param {function(T, number, Array): *} f The function to call * for every element. This function takes 3 arguments (the element, the * index and the array). The return value is ignored. * @api */ forEach(f) { const array = this.array_; for (let i = 0, ii = array.length; i < ii; ++i) { f(array[i], i, array); } } /** * Get a reference to the underlying Array object. Warning: if the array * is mutated, no events will be dispatched by the collection, and the * collection's "length" property won't be in sync with the actual length * of the array. * @return {!Array} Array. * @api */ getArray() { return this.array_; } /** * Get the element at the provided index. * @param {number} index Index. * @return {T} Element. * @api */ item(index) { return this.array_[index]; } /** * Get the length of this collection. * @return {number} The length of the array. * @observable * @api */ getLength() { return this.get(Property$3.LENGTH); } /** * Insert an element at the provided index. * @param {number} index Index. * @param {T} elem Element. * @api */ insertAt(index, elem) { if (index < 0 || index > this.getLength()) { throw new Error("Index out of bounds: " + index); } if (this.unique_) { this.assertUnique_(elem); } this.array_.splice(index, 0, elem); this.updateLength_(); this.dispatchEvent( new CollectionEvent(CollectionEventType.ADD, elem, index) ); } /** * Remove the last element of the collection and return it. * Return `undefined` if the collection is empty. * @return {T|undefined} Element. * @api */ pop() { return this.removeAt(this.getLength() - 1); } /** * Insert the provided element at the end of the collection. * @param {T} elem Element. * @return {number} New length of the collection. * @api */ push(elem) { if (this.unique_) { this.assertUnique_(elem); } const n = this.getLength(); this.insertAt(n, elem); return this.getLength(); } /** * Remove the first occurrence of an element from the collection. * @param {T} elem Element. * @return {T|undefined} The removed element or undefined if none found. * @api */ remove(elem) { const arr = this.array_; for (let i = 0, ii = arr.length; i < ii; ++i) { if (arr[i] === elem) { return this.removeAt(i); } } return void 0; } /** * Remove the element at the provided index and return it. * Return `undefined` if the collection does not contain this index. * @param {number} index Index. * @return {T|undefined} Value. * @api */ removeAt(index) { if (index < 0 || index >= this.getLength()) { return void 0; } const prev = this.array_[index]; this.array_.splice(index, 1); this.updateLength_(); this.dispatchEvent( /** @type {CollectionEvent} */ new CollectionEvent(CollectionEventType.REMOVE, prev, index) ); return prev; } /** * Set the element at the provided index. * @param {number} index Index. * @param {T} elem Element. * @api */ setAt(index, elem) { const n = this.getLength(); if (index >= n) { this.insertAt(index, elem); return; } if (index < 0) { throw new Error("Index out of bounds: " + index); } if (this.unique_) { this.assertUnique_(elem, index); } const prev = this.array_[index]; this.array_[index] = elem; this.dispatchEvent( /** @type {CollectionEvent} */ new CollectionEvent(CollectionEventType.REMOVE, prev, index) ); this.dispatchEvent( /** @type {CollectionEvent} */ new CollectionEvent(CollectionEventType.ADD, elem, index) ); } /** * @private */ updateLength_() { this.set(Property$3.LENGTH, this.array_.length); } /** * @private * @param {T} elem Element. * @param {number} [except] Optional index to ignore. */ assertUnique_(elem, except) { for (let i = 0, ii = this.array_.length; i < ii; ++i) { if (this.array_[i] === elem && i !== except) { throw new Error("Duplicate item added to a unique collection"); } } } } const Collection$1 = Collection; const ua = typeof navigator !== "undefined" && typeof navigator.userAgent !== "undefined" ? navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() : ""; const FIREFOX = ua.includes("firefox"); const SAFARI = ua.includes("safari") && !ua.includes("chrom"); SAFARI && (ua.includes("version/15.4") || /cpu (os|iphone os) 15_4 like mac os x/.test(ua)); const WEBKIT = ua.includes("webkit") && !ua.includes("edge"); const MAC = ua.includes("macintosh"); const DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO = typeof devicePixelRatio !== "undefined" ? devicePixelRatio : 1; const WORKER_OFFSCREEN_CANVAS = typeof WorkerGlobalScope !== "undefined" && typeof OffscreenCanvas !== "undefined" && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope; const IMAGE_DECODE = typeof Image !== "undefined" && Image.prototype.decode; const PASSIVE_EVENT_LISTENERS = function() { let passive = false; try { const options = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", { get: function() { passive = true; } }); window.addEventListener("_", null, options); window.removeEventListener("_", null, options); } catch (error) { } return passive; }(); function assert(assertion, errorMessage) { if (!assertion) { throw new Error(errorMessage); } } new Array(6); function create() { return [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]; } function set(transform2, a, b, c, d, e, f) { transform2[0] = a; transform2[1] = b; transform2[2] = c; transform2[3] = d; transform2[4] = e; transform2[5] = f; return transform2; } function setFromArray(transform1, transform2) { transform1[0] = transform2[0]; transform1[1] = transform2[1]; transform1[2] = transform2[2]; transform1[3] = transform2[3]; transform1[4] = transform2[4]; transform1[5] = transform2[5]; return transform1; } function apply(transform2, coordinate) { const x = coordinate[0]; const y = coordinate[1]; coordinate[0] = transform2[0] * x + transform2[2] * y + transform2[4]; coordinate[1] = transform2[1] * x + transform2[3] * y + transform2[5]; return coordinate; } function makeScale(target, x, y) { return set(target, x, 0, 0, y, 0, 0); } function compose(transform2, dx1, dy1, sx, sy, angle, dx2, dy2) { const sin = Math.sin(angle); const cos = Math.cos(angle); transform2[0] = sx * cos; transform2[1] = sy * sin; transform2[2] = -sx * sin; transform2[3] = sy * cos; transform2[4] = dx2 * sx * cos - dy2 * sx * sin + dx1; transform2[5] = dx2 * sy * sin + dy2 * sy * cos + dy1; return transform2; } function makeInverse(target, source) { const det = determinant(source); assert(det !== 0, "Transformation matrix cannot be inverted"); const a = source[0]; const b = source[1]; const c = source[2]; const d = source[3]; const e = source[4]; const f = source[5]; target[0] = d / det; target[1] = -b / det; target[2] = -c / det; target[3] = a / det; target[4] = (c * f - d * e) / det; target[5] = -(a * f - b * e) / det; return target; } function determinant(mat) { return mat[0] * mat[3] - mat[1] * mat[2]; } let transformStringDiv; function toString$1(mat) { const transformString = "matrix(" + mat.join(", ") + ")"; if (WORKER_OFFSCREEN_CANVAS) { return transformString; } const node = transformStringDiv || (transformStringDiv = document.createElement("div")); = transformString; return; } const Relationship = { UNKNOWN: 0, INTERSECTING: 1, ABOVE: 2, RIGHT: 4, BELOW: 8, LEFT: 16 }; function boundingExtent(coordinates2) { const extent = createEmpty(); for (let i = 0, ii = coordinates2.length; i < ii; ++i) { extendCoordinate(extent, coordinates2[i]); } return extent; } function _boundingExtentXYs(xs, ys, dest) { const minX = Math.min.apply(null, xs); const minY = Math.min.apply(null, ys); const maxX = Math.max.apply(null, xs); const maxY = Math.max.apply(null, ys); return createOrUpdate$2(minX, minY, maxX, maxY, dest); } function buffer(extent, value, dest) { if (dest) { dest[0] = extent[0] - value; dest[1] = extent[1] - value; dest[2] = extent[2] + value; dest[3] = extent[3] + value; return dest; } return [ extent[0] - value, extent[1] - value, extent[2] + value, extent[3] + value ]; } function clone(extent, dest) { if (dest) { dest[0] = extent[0]; dest[1] = extent[1]; dest[2] = extent[2]; dest[3] = extent[3]; return dest; } return extent.slice(); } function closestSquaredDistanceXY(extent, x, y) { let dx, dy; if (x < extent[0]) { dx = extent[0] - x; } else if (extent[2] < x) { dx = x - extent[2]; } else { dx = 0; } if (y < extent[1]) { dy = extent[1] - y; } else if (extent[3] < y) { dy = y - extent[3]; } else { dy = 0; } return dx * dx + dy * dy; } function containsCoordinate(extent, coordinate) { return containsXY(extent, coordinate[0], coordinate[1]); } function containsExtent(extent1, extent2) { return extent1[0] <= extent2[0] && extent2[2] <= extent1[2] && extent1[1] <= extent2[1] && extent2[3] <= extent1[3]; } function containsXY(extent, x, y) { return extent[0] <= x && x <= extent[2] && extent[1] <= y && y <= extent[3]; } function coordinateRelationship(extent, coordinate) { const minX = extent[0]; const minY = extent[1]; const maxX = extent[2]; const maxY = extent[3]; const x = coordinate[0]; const y = coordinate[1]; let relationship = Relationship.UNKNOWN; if (x < minX) { relationship = relationship | Relationship.LEFT; } else if (x > maxX) { relationship = relationship | Relationship.RIGHT; } if (y < minY) { relationship = relationship | Relationship.BELOW; } else if (y > maxY) { relationship = relationship | Relationship.ABOVE; } if (relationship === Relationship.UNKNOWN) { relationship = Relationship.INTERSECTING; } return relationship; } function createEmpty() { return [Infinity, Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity]; } function createOrUpdate$2(minX, minY, maxX, maxY, dest) { if (dest) { dest[0] = minX; dest[1] = minY; dest[2] = maxX; dest[3] = maxY; return dest; } return [minX, minY, maxX, maxY]; } function createOrUpdateEmpty(dest) { return createOrUpdate$2(Infinity, Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity, dest); } function createOrUpdateFromCoordinate(coordinate, dest) { const x = coordinate[0]; const y = coordinate[1]; return createOrUpdate$2(x, y, x, y, dest); } function createOrUpdateFromFlatCoordinates(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, dest) { const extent = createOrUpdateEmpty(dest); return extendFlatCoordinates(extent, flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride); } function equals$1(extent1, extent2) { return extent1[0] == extent2[0] && extent1[2] == extent2[2] && extent1[1] == extent2[1] && extent1[3] == extent2[3]; } function extend$1(extent1, extent2) { if (extent2[0] < extent1[0]) { extent1[0] = extent2[0]; } if (extent2[2] > extent1[2]) { extent1[2] = extent2[2]; } if (extent2[1] < extent1[1]) { extent1[1] = extent2[1]; } if (extent2[3] > extent1[3]) { extent1[3] = extent2[3]; } return extent1; } function extendCoordinate(extent, coordinate) { if (coordinate[0] < extent[0]) { extent[0] = coordinate[0]; } if (coordinate[0] > extent[2]) { extent[2] = coordinate[0]; } if (coordinate[1] < extent[1]) { extent[1] = coordinate[1]; } if (coordinate[1] > extent[3]) { extent[3] = coordinate[1]; } } function extendFlatCoordinates(extent, flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride) { for (; offset < end; offset += stride) { extendXY(extent, flatCoordinates[offset], flatCoordinates[offset + 1]); } return extent; } function extendXY(extent, x, y) { extent[0] = Math.min(extent[0], x); extent[1] = Math.min(extent[1], y); extent[2] = Math.max(extent[2], x); extent[3] = Math.max(extent[3], y); } function forEachCorner(extent, callback) { let val; val = callback(getBottomLeft(extent)); if (val) { return val; } val = callback(getBottomRight(extent)); if (val) { return val; } val = callback(getTopRight(extent)); if (val) { return val; } val = callback(getTopLeft(extent)); if (val) { return val; } return false; } function getArea(extent) { let area = 0; if (!isEmpty(extent)) { area = getWidth(extent) * getHeight(extent); } return area; } function getBottomLeft(extent) { return [extent[0], extent[1]]; } function getBottomRight(extent) { return [extent[2], extent[1]]; } function getCenter(extent) { return [(extent[0] + extent[2]) / 2, (extent[1] + extent[3]) / 2]; } function getCorner(extent, corner) { let coordinate; if (corner === "bottom-left") { coordinate = getBottomLeft(extent); } else if (corner === "bottom-right") { coordinate = getBottomRight(extent); } else if (corner === "top-left") { coordinate = getTopLeft(extent); } else if (corner === "top-right") { coordinate = getTopRight(extent); } else { throw new Error("Invalid corner"); } return coordinate; } function getForViewAndSize(center, resolution, rotation, size, dest) { const [x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3] = getRotatedViewport( center, resolution, rotation, size ); return createOrUpdate$2( Math.min(x0, x1, x2, x3), Math.min(y0, y1, y2, y3), Math.max(x0, x1, x2, x3), Math.max(y0, y1, y2, y3), dest ); } function getRotatedViewport(center, resolution, rotation, size) { const dx = resolution * size[0] / 2; const dy = resolution * size[1] / 2; const cosRotation = Math.cos(rotation); const sinRotation = Math.sin(rotation); const xCos = dx * cosRotation; const xSin = dx * sinRotation; const yCos = dy * cosRotation; const ySin = dy * sinRotation; const x = center[0]; const y = center[1]; return [ x - xCos + ySin, y - xSin - yCos, x - xCos - ySin, y - xSin + yCos, x + xCos - ySin, y + xSin + yCos, x + xCos + ySin, y + xSin - yCos, x - xCos + ySin, y - xSin - yCos ]; } function getHeight(extent) { return extent[3] - extent[1]; } function getIntersection(extent1, extent2, dest) { const intersection = dest ? dest : createEmpty(); if (intersects$1(extent1, extent2)) { if (extent1[0] > extent2[0]) { intersection[0] = extent1[0]; } else { intersection[0] = extent2[0]; } if (extent1[1] > extent2[1]) { intersection[1] = extent1[1]; } else { intersection[1] = extent2[1]; } if (extent1[2] < extent2[2]) { intersection[2] = extent1[2]; } else { intersection[2] = extent2[2]; } if (extent1[3] < extent2[3]) { intersection[3] = extent1[3]; } else { intersection[3] = extent2[3]; } } else { createOrUpdateEmpty(intersection); } return intersection; } function getTopLeft(extent) { return [extent[0], extent[3]]; } function getTopRight(extent) { return [extent[2], extent[3]]; } function getWidth(extent) { return extent[2] - extent[0]; } function intersects$1(extent1, extent2) { return extent1[0] <= extent2[2] && extent1[2] >= extent2[0] && extent1[1] <= extent2[3] && extent1[3] >= extent2[1]; } function isEmpty(extent) { return extent[2] < extent[0] || extent[3] < extent[1]; } function returnOrUpdate(extent, dest) { if (dest) { dest[0] = extent[0]; dest[1] = extent[1]; dest[2] = extent[2]; dest[3] = extent[3]; return dest; } return extent; } function intersectsSegment(extent, start, end) { let intersects2 = false; const startRel = coordinateRelationship(extent, start); const endRel = coordinateRelationship(extent, end); if (startRel === Relationship.INTERSECTING || endRel === Relationship.INTERSECTING) { intersects2 = true; } else { const minX = extent[0]; const minY = extent[1]; const maxX = extent[2]; const maxY = extent[3]; const startX = start[0]; const startY = start[1]; const endX = end[0]; const endY = end[1]; const slope = (endY - startY) / (endX - startX); let x, y; if (!!(endRel & Relationship.ABOVE) && !(startRel & Relationship.ABOVE)) { x = endX - (endY - maxY) / slope; intersects2 = x >= minX && x <= maxX; } if (!intersects2 && !!(endRel & Relationship.RIGHT) && !(startRel & Relationship.RIGHT)) { y = endY - (endX - maxX) * slope; intersects2 = y >= minY && y <= maxY; } if (!intersects2 && !!(endRel & Relationship.BELOW) && !(startRel & Relationship.BELOW)) { x = endX - (endY - minY) / slope; intersects2 = x >= minX && x <= maxX; } if (!intersects2 && !!(endRel & Relationship.LEFT) && !(startRel & Relationship.LEFT)) { y = endY - (endX - minX) * slope; intersects2 = y >= minY && y <= maxY; } } return intersects2; } function applyTransform(extent, transformFn, dest, stops) { if (isEmpty(extent)) { return createOrUpdateEmpty(dest); } let coordinates2 = []; if (stops > 1) { const width = extent[2] - extent[0]; const height = extent[3] - extent[1]; for (let i = 0; i < stops; ++i) { coordinates2.push( extent[0] + width * i / stops, extent[1], extent[2], extent[1] + height * i / stops, extent[2] - width * i / stops, extent[3], extent[0], extent[3] - height * i / stops ); } } else { coordinates2 = [ extent[0], extent[1], extent[2], extent[1], extent[2], extent[3], extent[0], extent[3] ]; } transformFn(coordinates2, coordinates2, 2); const xs = []; const ys = []; for (let i = 0, l = coordinates2.length; i < l; i += 2) { xs.push(coordinates2[i]); ys.push(coordinates2[i + 1]); } return _boundingExtentXYs(xs, ys, dest); } function wrapX$2(extent, projection) { const projectionExtent = projection.getExtent(); const center = getCenter(extent); if (projection.canWrapX() && (center[0] < projectionExtent[0] || center[0] >= projectionExtent[2])) { const worldWidth = getWidth(projectionExtent); const worldsAway = Math.floor( (center[0] - projectionExtent[0]) / worldWidth ); const offset = worldsAway * worldWidth; extent[0] -= offset; extent[2] -= offset; } return extent; } function wrapAndSliceX(extent, projection) { if (projection.canWrapX()) { const projectionExtent = projection.getExtent(); if (!isFinite(extent[0]) || !isFinite(extent[2])) { return [[projectionExtent[0], extent[1], projectionExtent[2], extent[3]]]; } wrapX$2(extent, projection); const worldWidth = getWidth(projectionExtent); if (getWidth(extent) > worldWidth) { return [[projectionExtent[0], extent[1], projectionExtent[2], extent[3]]]; } if (extent[0] < projectionExtent[0]) { return [ [extent[0] + worldWidth, extent[1], projectionExtent[2], extent[3]], [projectionExtent[0], extent[1], extent[2], extent[3]] ]; } if (extent[2] > projectionExtent[2]) { return [ [extent[0], extent[1], projectionExtent[2], extent[3]], [projectionExtent[0], extent[1], extent[2] - worldWidth, extent[3]] ]; } } return [extent]; } function clamp(value, min, max) { return Math.min(Math.max(value, min), max); } function squaredSegmentDistance(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2) { const dx = x2 - x1; const dy = y2 - y1; if (dx !== 0 || dy !== 0) { const t = ((x - x1) * dx + (y - y1) * dy) / (dx * dx + dy * dy); if (t > 1) { x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } else if (t > 0) { x1 += dx * t; y1 += dy * t; } } return squaredDistance(x, y, x1, y1); } function squaredDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) { const dx = x2 - x1; const dy = y2 - y1; return dx * dx + dy * dy; } function solveLinearSystem(mat) { const n = mat.length; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { let maxRow = i; let maxEl = Math.abs(mat[i][i]); for (let r = i + 1; r < n; r++) { const absValue = Math.abs(mat[r][i]); if (absValue > maxEl) { maxEl = absValue; maxRow = r; } } if (maxEl === 0) { return null; } const tmp = mat[maxRow]; mat[maxRow] = mat[i]; mat[i] = tmp; for (let j = i + 1; j < n; j++) { const coef = -mat[j][i] / mat[i][i]; for (let k = i; k < n + 1; k++) { if (i == k) { mat[j][k] = 0; } else { mat[j][k] += coef * mat[i][k]; } } } } const x = new Array(n); for (let l = n - 1; l >= 0; l--) { x[l] = mat[l][n] / mat[l][l]; for (let m = l - 1; m >= 0; m--) { mat[m][n] -= mat[m][l] * x[l]; } } return x; } function toRadians(angleInDegrees) { return angleInDegrees * Math.PI / 180; } function modulo(a, b) { const r = a % b; return r * b < 0 ? r + b : r; } function lerp(a, b, x) { return a + x * (b - a); } function toFixed(n, decimals) { const factor = Math.pow(10, decimals); return Math.round(n * factor) / factor; } function floor(n, decimals) { return Math.floor(toFixed(n, decimals)); } function ceil(n, decimals) { return Math.ceil(toFixed(n, decimals)); } const HEX_COLOR_RE_ = /^#([a-f0-9]{3}|[a-f0-9]{4}(?:[a-f0-9]{2}){0,2})$/i; const NAMED_COLOR_RE_ = /^([a-z]*)$|^hsla?\(.*\)$/i; function asString(color) { if (typeof color === "string") { return color; } return toString(color); } function fromNamed(color) { const el = document.createElement("div"); = color; if ( !== "") { document.body.appendChild(el); const rgb = getComputedStyle(el).color; document.body.removeChild(el); return rgb; } return ""; } const fromString = function() { const MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 1024; const cache2 = {}; let cacheSize = 0; return ( /** * @param {string} s String. * @return {Color} Color. */ function(s) { let color; if (cache2.hasOwnProperty(s)) { color = cache2[s]; } else { if (cacheSize >= MAX_CACHE_SIZE) { let i = 0; for (const key in cache2) { if ((i++ & 3) === 0) { delete cache2[key]; --cacheSize; } } } color = fromStringInternal_(s); cache2[s] = color; ++cacheSize; } return color; } ); }(); function asArray(color) { if (Array.isArray(color)) { return color; } return fromString(color); } function fromStringInternal_(s) { let r, g, b, a, color; if (NAMED_COLOR_RE_.exec(s)) { s = fromNamed(s); } if (HEX_COLOR_RE_.exec(s)) { const n = s.length - 1; let d; if (n <= 4) { d = 1; } else { d = 2; } const hasAlpha = n === 4 || n === 8; r = parseInt(s.substr(1 + 0 * d, d), 16); g = parseInt(s.substr(1 + 1 * d, d), 16); b = parseInt(s.substr(1 + 2 * d, d), 16); if (hasAlpha) { a = parseInt(s.substr(1 + 3 * d, d), 16); } else { a = 255; } if (d == 1) { r = (r << 4) + r; g = (g << 4) + g; b = (b << 4) + b; if (hasAlpha) { a = (a << 4) + a; } } color = [r, g, b, a / 255]; } else if (s.startsWith("rgba(")) { color = s.slice(5, -1).split(",").map(Number); normalize(color); } else if (s.startsWith("rgb(")) { color = s.slice(4, -1).split(",").map(Number); color.push(1); normalize(color); } else { throw new Error("Invalid color"); } return color; } function normalize(color) { color[0] = clamp(color[0] + 0.5 | 0, 0, 255); color[1] = clamp(color[1] + 0.5 | 0, 0, 255); color[2] = clamp(color[2] + 0.5 | 0, 0, 255); color[3] = clamp(color[3], 0, 1); return color; } function toString(color) { let r = color[0]; if (r != (r | 0)) { r = r + 0.5 | 0; } let g = color[1]; if (g != (g | 0)) { g = g + 0.5 | 0; } let b = color[2]; if (b != (b | 0)) { b = b + 0.5 | 0; } const a = color[3] === void 0 ? 1 : Math.round(color[3] * 100) / 100; return "rgba(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + "," + a + ")"; } class IconImageCache { constructor() { this.cache_ = {}; this.cacheSize_ = 0; this.maxCacheSize_ = 32; } /** * FIXME empty description for jsdoc */ clear() { this.cache_ = {}; this.cacheSize_ = 0; } /** * @return {boolean} Can expire cache. */ canExpireCache() { return this.cacheSize_ > this.maxCacheSize_; } /** * FIXME empty description for jsdoc */ expire() { if (this.canExpireCache()) { let i = 0; for (const key in this.cache_) { const iconImage = this.cache_[key]; if ((i++ & 3) === 0 && !iconImage.hasListener()) { delete this.cache_[key]; --this.cacheSize_; } } } } /** * @param {string} src Src. * @param {?string} crossOrigin Cross origin. * @param {import("../color.js").Color} color Color. * @return {import("./IconImage.js").default} Icon image. */ get(src, crossOrigin, color) { const key = getKey$1(src, crossOrigin, color); return key in this.cache_ ? this.cache_[key] : null; } /** * @param {string} src Src. * @param {?string} crossOrigin Cross origin. * @param {import("../color.js").Color} color Color. * @param {import("./IconImage.js").default} iconImage Icon image. */ set(src, crossOrigin, color, iconImage) { const key = getKey$1(src, crossOrigin, color); this.cache_[key] = iconImage; ++this.cacheSize_; } /** * Set the cache size of the icon cache. Default is `32`. Change this value when * your map uses more than 32 different icon images and you are not caching icon * styles on the application level. * @param {number} maxCacheSize Cache max size. * @api */ setSize(maxCacheSize) { this.maxCacheSize_ = maxCacheSize; this.expire(); } } function getKey$1(src, crossOrigin, color) { const colorString = color ? asString(color) : "null"; return crossOrigin + ":" + src + ":" + colorString; } const shared = new IconImageCache(); const LayerProperty = { OPACITY: "opacity", VISIBLE: "visible", EXTENT: "extent", Z_INDEX: "zIndex", MAX_RESOLUTION: "maxResolution", MIN_RESOLUTION: "minResolution", MAX_ZOOM: "maxZoom", MIN_ZOOM: "minZoom", SOURCE: "source", MAP: "map" }; class BaseLayer extends BaseObject$1 { /** * @param {Options} options Layer options. */ constructor(options) { super(); this.on; this.once; this.un; this.background_ = options.background; const properties = Object.assign({}, options); if (typeof === "object") { delete; Object.assign(properties,; } properties[LayerProperty.OPACITY] = options.opacity !== void 0 ? options.opacity : 1; assert( typeof properties[LayerProperty.OPACITY] === "number", "Layer opacity must be a number" ); properties[LayerProperty.VISIBLE] = options.visible !== void 0 ? options.visible : true; properties[LayerProperty.Z_INDEX] = options.zIndex; properties[LayerProperty.MAX_RESOLUTION] = options.maxResolution !== void 0 ? options.maxResolution : Infinity; properties[LayerProperty.MIN_RESOLUTION] = options.minResolution !== void 0 ? options.minResolution : 0; properties[LayerProperty.MIN_ZOOM] = options.minZoom !== void 0 ? options.minZoom : -Infinity; properties[LayerProperty.MAX_ZOOM] = options.maxZoom !== void 0 ? options.maxZoom : Infinity; this.className_ = properties.className !== void 0 ? properties.className : "ol-layer"; delete properties.className; this.setProperties(properties); this.state_ = null; } /** * Get the background for this layer. * @return {BackgroundColor|false} Layer background. */ getBackground() { return this.background_; } /** * @return {string} CSS class name. */ getClassName() { return this.className_; } /** * This method is not meant to be called by layers or layer renderers because the state * is incorrect if the layer is included in a layer group. * * @param {boolean} [managed] Layer is managed. * @return {import("./Layer.js").State} Layer state. */ getLayerState(managed) { const state = this.state_ || /** @type {?} */ { layer: this, managed: managed === void 0 ? true : managed }; const zIndex = this.getZIndex(); state.opacity = clamp(Math.round(this.getOpacity() * 100) / 100, 0, 1); state.visible = this.getVisible(); state.extent = this.getExtent(); state.zIndex = zIndex === void 0 && !state.managed ? Infinity : zIndex; state.maxResolution = this.getMaxResolution(); state.minResolution = Math.max(this.getMinResolution(), 0); state.minZoom = this.getMinZoom(); state.maxZoom = this.getMaxZoom(); this.state_ = state; return state; } /** * @abstract * @param {Array} [array] Array of layers (to be * modified in place). * @return {Array} Array of layers. */ getLayersArray(array) { return abstract(); } /** * @abstract * @param {Array} [states] Optional list of layer * states (to be modified in place). * @return {Array} List of layer states. */ getLayerStatesArray(states) { return abstract(); } /** * Return the {@link module:ol/extent~Extent extent} of the layer or `undefined` if it * will be visible regardless of extent. * @return {import("../extent.js").Extent|undefined} The layer extent. * @observable * @api */ getExtent() { return ( /** @type {import("../extent.js").Extent|undefined} */ this.get(LayerProperty.EXTENT) ); } /** * Return the maximum resolution of the layer. Returns Infinity if * the layer has no maximum resolution set. * @return {number} The maximum resolution of the layer. * @observable * @api */ getMaxResolution() { return ( /** @type {number} */ this.get(LayerProperty.MAX_RESOLUTION) ); } /** * Return the minimum resolution of the layer. Returns 0 if * the layer has no minimum resolution set. * @return {number} The minimum resolution of the layer. * @observable * @api */ getMinResolution() { return ( /** @type {number} */ this.get(LayerProperty.MIN_RESOLUTION) ); } /** * Return the minimum zoom level of the layer. Returns -Infinity if * the layer has no minimum zoom set. * @return {number} The minimum zoom level of the layer. * @observable * @api */ getMinZoom() { return ( /** @type {number} */ this.get(LayerProperty.MIN_ZOOM) ); } /** * Return the maximum zoom level of the layer. Returns Infinity if * the layer has no maximum zoom set. * @return {number} The maximum zoom level of the layer. * @observable * @api */ getMaxZoom() { return ( /** @type {number} */ this.get(LayerProperty.MAX_ZOOM) ); } /** * Return the opacity of the layer (between 0 and 1). * @return {number} The opacity of the layer. * @observable * @api */ getOpacity() { return ( /** @type {number} */ this.get(LayerProperty.OPACITY) ); } /** * @abstract * @return {import("../source/Source.js").State} Source state. */ getSourceState() { return abstract(); } /** * Return the value of this layer's `visible` property. To find out whether the layer * is visible on a map, use `isVisible()` instead. * @return {boolean} The value of the `visible` property of the layer. * @observable * @api */ getVisible() { return ( /** @type {boolean} */ this.get(LayerProperty.VISIBLE) ); } /** * Return the Z-index of the layer, which is used to order layers before * rendering. Returns undefined if the layer is unmanaged. * @return {number|undefined} The Z-index of the layer. * @observable * @api */ getZIndex() { return ( /** @type {number|undefined} */ this.get(LayerProperty.Z_INDEX) ); } /** * Sets the background color. * @param {BackgroundColor} [background] Background color. */ setBackground(background) { this.background_ = background; this.changed(); } /** * Set the extent at which the layer is visible. If `undefined`, the layer * will be visible at all extents. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent|undefined} extent The extent of the layer. * @observable * @api */ setExtent(extent) { this.set(LayerProperty.EXTENT, extent); } /** * Set the maximum resolution at which the layer is visible. * @param {number} maxResolution The maximum resolution of the layer. * @observable * @api */ setMaxResolution(maxResolution) { this.set(LayerProperty.MAX_RESOLUTION, maxResolution); } /** * Set the minimum resolution at which the layer is visible. * @param {number} minResolution The minimum resolution of the layer. * @observable * @api */ setMinResolution(minResolution) { this.set(LayerProperty.MIN_RESOLUTION, minResolution); } /** * Set the maximum zoom (exclusive) at which the layer is visible. * Note that the zoom levels for layer visibility are based on the * view zoom level, which may be different from a tile source zoom level. * @param {number} maxZoom The maximum zoom of the layer. * @observable * @api */ setMaxZoom(maxZoom) { this.set(LayerProperty.MAX_ZOOM, maxZoom); } /** * Set the minimum zoom (inclusive) at which the layer is visible. * Note that the zoom levels for layer visibility are based on the * view zoom level, which may be different from a tile source zoom level. * @param {number} minZoom The minimum zoom of the layer. * @observable * @api */ setMinZoom(minZoom) { this.set(LayerProperty.MIN_ZOOM, minZoom); } /** * Set the opacity of the layer, allowed values range from 0 to 1. * @param {number} opacity The opacity of the layer. * @observable * @api */ setOpacity(opacity) { assert(typeof opacity === "number", "Layer opacity must be a number"); this.set(LayerProperty.OPACITY, opacity); } /** * Set the visibility of the layer (`true` or `false`). * @param {boolean} visible The visibility of the layer. * @observable * @api */ setVisible(visible) { this.set(LayerProperty.VISIBLE, visible); } /** * Set Z-index of the layer, which is used to order layers before rendering. * The default Z-index is 0. * @param {number} zindex The z-index of the layer. * @observable * @api */ setZIndex(zindex) { this.set(LayerProperty.Z_INDEX, zindex); } /** * Clean up. */ disposeInternal() { if (this.state_) { this.state_.layer = null; this.state_ = null; } super.disposeInternal(); } } const BaseLayer$1 = BaseLayer; const RenderEventType = { /** * Triggered before a layer is rendered. * @event module:ol/render/Event~RenderEvent#prerender * @api */ PRERENDER: "prerender", /** * Triggered after a layer is rendered. * @event module:ol/render/Event~RenderEvent#postrender * @api */ POSTRENDER: "postrender", /** * Triggered before layers are composed. When dispatched by the map, the event object will not have * a `context` set. When dispatched by a layer, the event object will have a `context` set. Only * WebGL layers currently dispatch this event. * @event module:ol/render/Event~RenderEvent#precompose * @api */ PRECOMPOSE: "precompose", /** * Triggered after layers are composed. When dispatched by the map, the event object will not have * a `context` set. When dispatched by a layer, the event object will have a `context` set. Only * WebGL layers currently dispatch this event. * @event module:ol/render/Event~RenderEvent#postcompose * @api */ POSTCOMPOSE: "postcompose", /** * Triggered when rendering is complete, i.e. all sources and tiles have * finished loading for the current viewport, and all tiles are faded in. * The event object will not have a `context` set. * @event module:ol/render/Event~RenderEvent#rendercomplete * @api */ RENDERCOMPLETE: "rendercomplete" }; const ViewHint = { ANIMATING: 0, INTERACTING: 1 }; const ViewProperty = { CENTER: "center", RESOLUTION: "resolution", ROTATION: "rotation" }; const DEFAULT_MAX_ZOOM = 42; const DEFAULT_TILE_SIZE = 256; const METERS_PER_UNIT$1 = { // use the radius of the Normal sphere "radians": 6370997 / (2 * Math.PI), "degrees": 2 * Math.PI * 6370997 / 360, "ft": 0.3048, "m": 1, "us-ft": 1200 / 3937 }; class Projection { /** * @param {Options} options Projection options. */ constructor(options) { this.code_ = options.code; this.units_ = /** @type {import("./Units.js").Units} */ options.units; this.extent_ = options.extent !== void 0 ? options.extent : null; this.worldExtent_ = options.worldExtent !== void 0 ? options.worldExtent : null; this.axisOrientation_ = options.axisOrientation !== void 0 ? options.axisOrientation : "enu"; this.global_ = !== void 0 ? : false; this.canWrapX_ = !!(this.global_ && this.extent_); this.getPointResolutionFunc_ = options.getPointResolution; this.defaultTileGrid_ = null; this.metersPerUnit_ = options.metersPerUnit; } /** * @return {boolean} The projection is suitable for wrapping the x-axis */ canWrapX() { return this.canWrapX_; } /** * Get the code for this projection, e.g. 'EPSG:4326'. * @return {string} Code. * @api */ getCode() { return this.code_; } /** * Get the validity extent for this projection. * @return {import("../extent.js").Extent} Extent. * @api */ getExtent() { return this.extent_; } /** * Get the units of this projection. * @return {import("./Units.js").Units} Units. * @api */ getUnits() { return this.units_; } /** * Get the amount of meters per unit of this projection. If the projection is * not configured with `metersPerUnit` or a units identifier, the return is * `undefined`. * @return {number|undefined} Meters. * @api */ getMetersPerUnit() { return this.metersPerUnit_ || METERS_PER_UNIT$1[this.units_]; } /** * Get the world extent for this projection. * @return {import("../extent.js").Extent} Extent. * @api */ getWorldExtent() { return this.worldExtent_; } /** * Get the axis orientation of this projection. * Example values are: * enu - the default easting, northing, elevation. * neu - northing, easting, up - useful for "lat/long" geographic coordinates, * or south orientated transverse mercator. * wnu - westing, northing, up - some planetary coordinate systems have * "west positive" coordinate systems * @return {string} Axis orientation. * @api */ getAxisOrientation() { return this.axisOrientation_; } /** * Is this projection a global projection which spans the whole world? * @return {boolean} Whether the projection is global. * @api */ isGlobal() { return this.global_; } /** * Set if the projection is a global projection which spans the whole world * @param {boolean} global Whether the projection is global. * @api */ setGlobal(global) { this.global_ = global; this.canWrapX_ = !!(global && this.extent_); } /** * @return {import("../tilegrid/TileGrid.js").default} The default tile grid. */ getDefaultTileGrid() { return this.defaultTileGrid_; } /** * @param {import("../tilegrid/TileGrid.js").default} tileGrid The default tile grid. */ setDefaultTileGrid(tileGrid) { this.defaultTileGrid_ = tileGrid; } /** * Set the validity extent for this projection. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @api */ setExtent(extent) { this.extent_ = extent; this.canWrapX_ = !!(this.global_ && extent); } /** * Set the world extent for this projection. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} worldExtent World extent * [minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat]. * @api */ setWorldExtent(worldExtent) { this.worldExtent_ = worldExtent; } /** * Set the getPointResolution function (see {@link module:ol/proj.getPointResolution} * for this projection. * @param {function(number, import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate):number} func Function * @api */ setGetPointResolution(func) { this.getPointResolutionFunc_ = func; } /** * Get the custom point resolution function for this projection (if set). * @return {function(number, import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate):number|undefined} The custom point * resolution function (if set). */ getPointResolutionFunc() { return this.getPointResolutionFunc_; } } const Projection$1 = Projection; const RADIUS$1 = 6378137; const HALF_SIZE = Math.PI * RADIUS$1; const EXTENT$1 = [-HALF_SIZE, -HALF_SIZE, HALF_SIZE, HALF_SIZE]; const WORLD_EXTENT = [-180, -85, 180, 85]; const MAX_SAFE_Y = RADIUS$1 * Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 2)); class EPSG3857Projection extends Projection$1 { /** * @param {string} code Code. */ constructor(code) { super({ code, units: "m", extent: EXTENT$1, global: true, worldExtent: WORLD_EXTENT, getPointResolution: function(resolution, point) { return resolution / Math.cosh(point[1] / RADIUS$1); } }); } } const PROJECTIONS$1 = [ new EPSG3857Projection("EPSG:3857"), new EPSG3857Projection("EPSG:102100"), new EPSG3857Projection("EPSG:102113"), new EPSG3857Projection("EPSG:900913"), new EPSG3857Projection(""), new EPSG3857Projection("") ]; function fromEPSG4326(input, output, dimension) { const length = input.length; dimension = dimension > 1 ? dimension : 2; if (output === void 0) { if (dimension > 2) { output = input.slice(); } else { output = new Array(length); } } for (let i = 0; i < length; i += dimension) { output[i] = HALF_SIZE * input[i] / 180; let y = RADIUS$1 * Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI * (+input[i + 1] + 90) / 360)); if (y > MAX_SAFE_Y) { y = MAX_SAFE_Y; } else if (y < -MAX_SAFE_Y) { y = -MAX_SAFE_Y; } output[i + 1] = y; } return output; } function toEPSG4326(input, output, dimension) { const length = input.length; dimension = dimension > 1 ? dimension : 2; if (output === void 0) { if (dimension > 2) { output = input.slice(); } else { output = new Array(length); } } for (let i = 0; i < length; i += dimension) { output[i] = 180 * input[i] / HALF_SIZE; output[i + 1] = 360 * Math.atan(Math.exp(input[i + 1] / RADIUS$1)) / Math.PI - 90; } return output; } const RADIUS = 6378137; const EXTENT = [-180, -90, 180, 90]; const METERS_PER_UNIT = Math.PI * RADIUS / 180; class EPSG4326Projection extends Projection$1 { /** * @param {string} code Code. * @param {string} [axisOrientation] Axis orientation. */ constructor(code, axisOrientation) { super({ code, units: "degrees", extent: EXTENT, axisOrientation, global: true, metersPerUnit: METERS_PER_UNIT, worldExtent: EXTENT }); } } const PROJECTIONS = [ new EPSG4326Projection("CRS:84"), new EPSG4326Projection("EPSG:4326", "neu"), new EPSG4326Projection("urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"), new EPSG4326Projection("urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:2:84"), new EPSG4326Projection(""), new EPSG4326Projection("", "neu"), new EPSG4326Projection("", "neu") ]; let cache = {}; function get$3(code) { return cache[code] || cache[code.replace(/urn:(x-)?ogc:def:crs:EPSG:(.*:)?(\w+)$/, "EPSG:$3")] || null; } function add$2(code, projection) { cache[code] = projection; } let transforms = {}; function add$1(source, destination, transformFn) { const sourceCode = source.getCode(); const destinationCode = destination.getCode(); if (!(sourceCode in transforms)) { transforms[sourceCode] = {}; } transforms[sourceCode][destinationCode] = transformFn; } function get$2(sourceCode, destinationCode) { let transform2; if (sourceCode in transforms && destinationCode in transforms[sourceCode]) { transform2 = transforms[sourceCode][destinationCode]; } return transform2; } function add(coordinate, delta) { coordinate[0] += +delta[0]; coordinate[1] += +delta[1]; return coordinate; } function equals(coordinate1, coordinate2) { let equals2 = true; for (let i = coordinate1.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (coordinate1[i] != coordinate2[i]) { equals2 = false; break; } } return equals2; } function rotate$1(coordinate, angle) { const cosAngle = Math.cos(angle); const sinAngle = Math.sin(angle); const x = coordinate[0] * cosAngle - coordinate[1] * sinAngle; const y = coordinate[1] * cosAngle + coordinate[0] * sinAngle; coordinate[0] = x; coordinate[1] = y; return coordinate; } function scale$2(coordinate, scale2) { coordinate[0] *= scale2; coordinate[1] *= scale2; return coordinate; } function wrapX$1(coordinate, projection) { if (projection.canWrapX()) { const worldWidth = getWidth(projection.getExtent()); const worldsAway = getWorldsAway(coordinate, projection, worldWidth); if (worldsAway) { coordinate[0] -= worldsAway * worldWidth; } } return coordinate; } function getWorldsAway(coordinate, projection, sourceExtentWidth) { const projectionExtent = projection.getExtent(); let worldsAway = 0; if (projection.canWrapX() && (coordinate[0] < projectionExtent[0] || coordinate[0] > projectionExtent[2])) { sourceExtentWidth = sourceExtentWidth || getWidth(projectionExtent); worldsAway = Math.floor( (coordinate[0] - projectionExtent[0]) / sourceExtentWidth ); } return worldsAway; } const DEFAULT_RADIUS = 63710088e-1; function getDistance(c1, c2, radius) { radius = radius || DEFAULT_RADIUS; const lat1 = toRadians(c1[1]); const lat2 = toRadians(c2[1]); const deltaLatBy2 = (lat2 - lat1) / 2; const deltaLonBy2 = toRadians(c2[0] - c1[0]) / 2; const a = Math.sin(deltaLatBy2) * Math.sin(deltaLatBy2) + Math.sin(deltaLonBy2) * Math.sin(deltaLonBy2) * Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2); return 2 * radius * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a)); } const levels = { info: 1, warn: 2, error: 3, none: 4 }; let level =; function warn(...args) { if (level > levels.warn) { return; } console.warn(...args); } let showCoordinateWarning = true; function disableCoordinateWarning(disable2) { const hide = disable2 === void 0 ? true : disable2; showCoordinateWarning = !hide; } function cloneTransform(input, output) { if (output !== void 0) { for (let i = 0, ii = input.length; i < ii; ++i) { output[i] = input[i]; } output = output; } else { output = input.slice(); } return output; } function identityTransform(input, output) { if (output !== void 0 && input !== output) { for (let i = 0, ii = input.length; i < ii; ++i) { output[i] = input[i]; } input = output; } return input; } function addProjection(projection) { add$2(projection.getCode(), projection); add$1(projection, projection, cloneTransform); } function addProjections(projections) { projections.forEach(addProjection); } function get$1(projectionLike) { return typeof projectionLike === "string" ? get$3( /** @type {string} */ projectionLike ) : ( /** @type {Projection} */ projectionLike || null ); } function getPointResolution(projection, resolution, point, units) { projection = get$1(projection); let pointResolution; const getter = projection.getPointResolutionFunc(); if (getter) { pointResolution = getter(resolution, point); if (units && units !== projection.getUnits()) { const metersPerUnit = projection.getMetersPerUnit(); if (metersPerUnit) { pointResolution = pointResolution * metersPerUnit / METERS_PER_UNIT$1[units]; } } } else { const projUnits = projection.getUnits(); if (projUnits == "degrees" && !units || units == "degrees") { pointResolution = resolution; } else { const toEPSG43262 = getTransformFromProjections( projection, get$1("EPSG:4326") ); if (toEPSG43262 === identityTransform && projUnits !== "degrees") { pointResolution = resolution * projection.getMetersPerUnit(); } else { let vertices = [ point[0] - resolution / 2, point[1], point[0] + resolution / 2, point[1], point[0], point[1] - resolution / 2, point[0], point[1] + resolution / 2 ]; vertices = toEPSG43262(vertices, vertices, 2); const width = getDistance(vertices.slice(0, 2), vertices.slice(2, 4)); const height = getDistance(vertices.slice(4, 6), vertices.slice(6, 8)); pointResolution = (width + height) / 2; } const metersPerUnit = units ? METERS_PER_UNIT$1[units] : projection.getMetersPerUnit(); if (metersPerUnit !== void 0) { pointResolution /= metersPerUnit; } } } return pointResolution; } function addEquivalentProjections(projections) { addProjections(projections); projections.forEach(function(source) { projections.forEach(function(destination) { if (source !== destination) { add$1(source, destination, cloneTransform); } }); }); } function addEquivalentTransforms(projections1, projections2, forwardTransform, inverseTransform) { projections1.forEach(function(projection1) { projections2.forEach(function(projection2) { add$1(projection1, projection2, forwardTransform); add$1(projection2, projection1, inverseTransform); }); }); } function createProjection(projection, defaultCode) { if (!projection) { return get$1(defaultCode); } if (typeof projection === "string") { return get$1(projection); } return ( /** @type {Projection} */ projection ); } function fromLonLat(coordinate, projection) { disableCoordinateWarning(); return transform( coordinate, "EPSG:4326", projection !== void 0 ? projection : "EPSG:3857" ); } function equivalent(projection1, projection2) { if (projection1 === projection2) { return true; } const equalUnits = projection1.getUnits() === projection2.getUnits(); if (projection1.getCode() === projection2.getCode()) { return equalUnits; } const transformFunc = getTransformFromProjections(projection1, projection2); return transformFunc === cloneTransform && equalUnits; } function getTransformFromProjections(sourceProjection, destinationProjection) { const sourceCode = sourceProjection.getCode(); const destinationCode = destinationProjection.getCode(); let transformFunc = get$2(sourceCode, destinationCode); if (!transformFunc) { transformFunc = identityTransform; } return transformFunc; } function getTransform(source, destination) { const sourceProjection = get$1(source); const destinationProjection = get$1(destination); return getTransformFromProjections(sourceProjection, destinationProjection); } function transform(coordinate, source, destination) { const transformFunc = getTransform(source, destination); return transformFunc(coordinate, void 0, coordinate.length); } function transformExtent(extent, source, destination, stops) { const transformFunc = getTransform(source, destination); return applyTransform(extent, transformFunc, void 0, stops); } function toUserCoordinate(coordinate, sourceProjection) { { return coordinate; } } function fromUserCoordinate(coordinate, destProjection) { { if (showCoordinateWarning && !equals(coordinate, [0, 0]) && coordinate[0] >= -180 && coordinate[0] <= 180 && coordinate[1] >= -90 && coordinate[1] <= 90) { showCoordinateWarning = false; warn( "Call useGeographic() from ol/proj once to work with [longitude, latitude] coordinates." ); } return coordinate; } } function toUserExtent(extent, sourceProjection) { { return extent; } } function fromUserExtent(extent, destProjection) { { return extent; } } function addCommon() { addEquivalentProjections(PROJECTIONS$1); addEquivalentProjections(PROJECTIONS); addEquivalentTransforms( PROJECTIONS, PROJECTIONS$1, fromEPSG4326, toEPSG4326 ); } addCommon(); function createExtent(extent, onlyCenter, smooth) { return ( /** * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate|undefined} center Center. * @param {number|undefined} resolution Resolution. * @param {import("./size.js").Size} size Viewport size; unused if `onlyCenter` was specified. * @param {boolean} [isMoving] True if an interaction or animation is in progress. * @param {Array} [centerShift] Shift between map center and viewport center. * @return {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate|undefined} Center. */ function(center, resolution, size, isMoving, centerShift) { if (!center) { return void 0; } if (!resolution && !onlyCenter) { return center; } const viewWidth = onlyCenter ? 0 : size[0] * resolution; const viewHeight = onlyCenter ? 0 : size[1] * resolution; const shiftX = centerShift ? centerShift[0] : 0; const shiftY = centerShift ? centerShift[1] : 0; let minX = extent[0] + viewWidth / 2 + shiftX; let maxX = extent[2] - viewWidth / 2 + shiftX; let minY = extent[1] + viewHeight / 2 + shiftY; let maxY = extent[3] - viewHeight / 2 + shiftY; if (minX > maxX) { minX = (maxX + minX) / 2; maxX = minX; } if (minY > maxY) { minY = (maxY + minY) / 2; maxY = minY; } let x = clamp(center[0], minX, maxX); let y = clamp(center[1], minY, maxY); if (isMoving && smooth && resolution) { const ratio = 30 * resolution; x += -ratio * Math.log(1 + Math.max(0, minX - center[0]) / ratio) + ratio * Math.log(1 + Math.max(0, center[0] - maxX) / ratio); y += -ratio * Math.log(1 + Math.max(0, minY - center[1]) / ratio) + ratio * Math.log(1 + Math.max(0, center[1] - maxY) / ratio); } return [x, y]; } ); } function none$1(center) { return center; } function getViewportClampedResolution(resolution, maxExtent, viewportSize, showFullExtent) { const xResolution = getWidth(maxExtent) / viewportSize[0]; const yResolution = getHeight(maxExtent) / viewportSize[1]; if (showFullExtent) { return Math.min(resolution, Math.max(xResolution, yResolution)); } return Math.min(resolution, Math.min(xResolution, yResolution)); } function getSmoothClampedResolution(resolution, maxResolution, minResolution) { let result = Math.min(resolution, maxResolution); const ratio = 50; result *= Math.log(1 + ratio * Math.max(0, resolution / maxResolution - 1)) / ratio + 1; if (minResolution) { result = Math.max(result, minResolution); result /= Math.log(1 + ratio * Math.max(0, minResolution / resolution - 1)) / ratio + 1; } return clamp(result, minResolution / 2, maxResolution * 2); } function createSnapToResolutions(resolutions, smooth, maxExtent, showFullExtent) { smooth = smooth !== void 0 ? smooth : true; return ( /** * @param {number|undefined} resolution Resolution. * @param {number} direction Direction. * @param {import("./size.js").Size} size Viewport size. * @param {boolean} [isMoving] True if an interaction or animation is in progress. * @return {number|undefined} Resolution. */ function(resolution, direction, size, isMoving) { if (resolution !== void 0) { const maxResolution = resolutions[0]; const minResolution = resolutions[resolutions.length - 1]; const cappedMaxRes = maxExtent ? getViewportClampedResolution( maxResolution, maxExtent, size, showFullExtent ) : maxResolution; if (isMoving) { if (!smooth) { return clamp(resolution, minResolution, cappedMaxRes); } return getSmoothClampedResolution( resolution, cappedMaxRes, minResolution ); } const capped = Math.min(cappedMaxRes, resolution); const z = Math.floor(linearFindNearest(resolutions, capped, direction)); if (resolutions[z] > cappedMaxRes && z < resolutions.length - 1) { return resolutions[z + 1]; } return resolutions[z]; } return void 0; } ); } function createSnapToPower(power, maxResolution, minResolution, smooth, maxExtent, showFullExtent) { smooth = smooth !== void 0 ? smooth : true; minResolution = minResolution !== void 0 ? minResolution : 0; return ( /** * @param {number|undefined} resolution Resolution. * @param {number} direction Direction. * @param {import("./size.js").Size} size Viewport size. * @param {boolean} [isMoving] True if an interaction or animation is in progress. * @return {number|undefined} Resolution. */ function(resolution, direction, size, isMoving) { if (resolution !== void 0) { const cappedMaxRes = maxExtent ? getViewportClampedResolution( maxResolution, maxExtent, size, showFullExtent ) : maxResolution; if (isMoving) { if (!smooth) { return clamp(resolution, minResolution, cappedMaxRes); } return getSmoothClampedResolution( resolution, cappedMaxRes, minResolution ); } const tolerance = 1e-9; const minZoomLevel = Math.ceil( Math.log(maxResolution / cappedMaxRes) / Math.log(power) - tolerance ); const offset = -direction * (0.5 - tolerance) + 0.5; const capped = Math.min(cappedMaxRes, resolution); const cappedZoomLevel = Math.floor( Math.log(maxResolution / capped) / Math.log(power) + offset ); const zoomLevel = Math.max(minZoomLevel, cappedZoomLevel); const newResolution = maxResolution / Math.pow(power, zoomLevel); return clamp(newResolution, minResolution, cappedMaxRes); } return void 0; } ); } function createMinMaxResolution(maxResolution, minResolution, smooth, maxExtent, showFullExtent) { smooth = smooth !== void 0 ? smooth : true; return ( /** * @param {number|undefined} resolution Resolution. * @param {number} direction Direction. * @param {import("./size.js").Size} size Viewport size. * @param {boolean} [isMoving] True if an interaction or animation is in progress. * @return {number|undefined} Resolution. */ function(resolution, direction, size, isMoving) { if (resolution !== void 0) { const cappedMaxRes = maxExtent ? getViewportClampedResolution( maxResolution, maxExtent, size, showFullExtent ) : maxResolution; if (!smooth || !isMoving) { return clamp(resolution, minResolution, cappedMaxRes); } return getSmoothClampedResolution( resolution, cappedMaxRes, minResolution ); } return void 0; } ); } function disable(rotation) { if (rotation !== void 0) { return 0; } return void 0; } function none(rotation) { if (rotation !== void 0) { return rotation; } return void 0; } function createSnapToN(n) { const theta = 2 * Math.PI / n; return ( /** * @param {number|undefined} rotation Rotation. * @param {boolean} [isMoving] True if an interaction or animation is in progress. * @return {number|undefined} Rotation. */ function(rotation, isMoving) { if (isMoving) { return rotation; } if (rotation !== void 0) { rotation = Math.floor(rotation / theta + 0.5) * theta; return rotation; } return void 0; } ); } function createSnapToZero(tolerance) { tolerance = tolerance || toRadians(5); return ( /** * @param {number|undefined} rotation Rotation. * @param {boolean} [isMoving] True if an interaction or animation is in progress. * @return {number|undefined} Rotation. */ function(rotation, isMoving) { if (isMoving) { return rotation; } if (rotation !== void 0) { if (Math.abs(rotation) <= tolerance) { return 0; } return rotation; } return void 0; } ); } function easeIn(t) { return Math.pow(t, 3); } function easeOut(t) { return 1 - easeIn(1 - t); } function inAndOut(t) { return 3 * t * t - 2 * t * t * t; } function linear(t) { return t; } function transform2D(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, transform2, dest) { dest = dest ? dest : []; let i = 0; for (let j = offset; j < end; j += stride) { const x = flatCoordinates[j]; const y = flatCoordinates[j + 1]; dest[i++] = transform2[0] * x + transform2[2] * y + transform2[4]; dest[i++] = transform2[1] * x + transform2[3] * y + transform2[5]; } if (dest && dest.length != i) { dest.length = i; } return dest; } function rotate(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, angle, anchor, dest) { dest = dest ? dest : []; const cos = Math.cos(angle); const sin = Math.sin(angle); const anchorX = anchor[0]; const anchorY = anchor[1]; let i = 0; for (let j = offset; j < end; j += stride) { const deltaX = flatCoordinates[j] - anchorX; const deltaY = flatCoordinates[j + 1] - anchorY; dest[i++] = anchorX + deltaX * cos - deltaY * sin; dest[i++] = anchorY + deltaX * sin + deltaY * cos; for (let k = j + 2; k < j + stride; ++k) { dest[i++] = flatCoordinates[k]; } } if (dest && dest.length != i) { dest.length = i; } return dest; } function scale$1(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, sx, sy, anchor, dest) { dest = dest ? dest : []; const anchorX = anchor[0]; const anchorY = anchor[1]; let i = 0; for (let j = offset; j < end; j += stride) { const deltaX = flatCoordinates[j] - anchorX; const deltaY = flatCoordinates[j + 1] - anchorY; dest[i++] = anchorX + sx * deltaX; dest[i++] = anchorY + sy * deltaY; for (let k = j + 2; k < j + stride; ++k) { dest[i++] = flatCoordinates[k]; } } if (dest && dest.length != i) { dest.length = i; } return dest; } function translate(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, deltaX, deltaY, dest) { dest = dest ? dest : []; let i = 0; for (let j = offset; j < end; j += stride) { dest[i++] = flatCoordinates[j] + deltaX; dest[i++] = flatCoordinates[j + 1] + deltaY; for (let k = j + 2; k < j + stride; ++k) { dest[i++] = flatCoordinates[k]; } } if (dest && dest.length != i) { dest.length = i; } return dest; } const tmpTransform = create(); class Geometry extends BaseObject$1 { constructor() { super(); this.extent_ = createEmpty(); this.extentRevision_ = -1; this.simplifiedGeometryMaxMinSquaredTolerance = 0; this.simplifiedGeometryRevision = 0; this.simplifyTransformedInternal = memoizeOne(function(revision, squaredTolerance, transform2) { if (!transform2) { return this.getSimplifiedGeometry(squaredTolerance); } const clone2 = this.clone(); clone2.applyTransform(transform2); return clone2.getSimplifiedGeometry(squaredTolerance); }); } /** * Get a transformed and simplified version of the geometry. * @abstract * @param {number} squaredTolerance Squared tolerance. * @param {import("../proj.js").TransformFunction} [transform] Optional transform function. * @return {Geometry} Simplified geometry. */ simplifyTransformed(squaredTolerance, transform2) { return this.simplifyTransformedInternal( this.getRevision(), squaredTolerance, transform2 ); } /** * Make a complete copy of the geometry. * @abstract * @return {!Geometry} Clone. */ clone() { return abstract(); } /** * @abstract * @param {number} x X. * @param {number} y Y. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} closestPoint Closest point. * @param {number} minSquaredDistance Minimum squared distance. * @return {number} Minimum squared distance. */ closestPointXY(x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance) { return abstract(); } /** * @param {number} x X. * @param {number} y Y. * @return {boolean} Contains (x, y). */ containsXY(x, y) { const coord = this.getClosestPoint([x, y]); return coord[0] === x && coord[1] === y; } /** * Return the closest point of the geometry to the passed point as * {@link module:ol/coordinate~Coordinate coordinate}. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} point Point. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} [closestPoint] Closest point. * @return {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} Closest point. * @api */ getClosestPoint(point, closestPoint) { closestPoint = closestPoint ? closestPoint : [NaN, NaN]; this.closestPointXY(point[0], point[1], closestPoint, Infinity); return closestPoint; } /** * Returns true if this geometry includes the specified coordinate. If the * coordinate is on the boundary of the geometry, returns false. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate. * @return {boolean} Contains coordinate. * @api */ intersectsCoordinate(coordinate) { return this.containsXY(coordinate[0], coordinate[1]); } /** * @abstract * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @protected * @return {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. */ computeExtent(extent) { return abstract(); } /** * Get the extent of the geometry. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} [extent] Extent. * @return {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @api */ getExtent(extent) { if (this.extentRevision_ != this.getRevision()) { const extent2 = this.computeExtent(this.extent_); if (isNaN(extent2[0]) || isNaN(extent2[1])) { createOrUpdateEmpty(extent2); } this.extentRevision_ = this.getRevision(); } return returnOrUpdate(this.extent_, extent); } /** * Rotate the geometry around a given coordinate. This modifies the geometry * coordinates in place. * @abstract * @param {number} angle Rotation angle in radians. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} anchor The rotation center. * @api */ rotate(angle, anchor) { abstract(); } /** * Scale the geometry (with an optional origin). This modifies the geometry * coordinates in place. * @abstract * @param {number} sx The scaling factor in the x-direction. * @param {number} [sy] The scaling factor in the y-direction (defaults to sx). * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} [anchor] The scale origin (defaults to the center * of the geometry extent). * @api */ scale(sx, sy, anchor) { abstract(); } /** * Create a simplified version of this geometry. For linestrings, this uses * the [Douglas Peucker]( * algorithm. For polygons, a quantization-based * simplification is used to preserve topology. * @param {number} tolerance The tolerance distance for simplification. * @return {Geometry} A new, simplified version of the original geometry. * @api */ simplify(tolerance) { return this.getSimplifiedGeometry(tolerance * tolerance); } /** * Create a simplified version of this geometry using the Douglas Peucker * algorithm. * See * @abstract * @param {number} squaredTolerance Squared tolerance. * @return {Geometry} Simplified geometry. */ getSimplifiedGeometry(squaredTolerance) { return abstract(); } /** * Get the type of this geometry. * @abstract * @return {Type} Geometry type. */ getType() { return abstract(); } /** * Apply a transform function to the coordinates of the geometry. * The geometry is modified in place. * If you do not want the geometry modified in place, first `clone()` it and * then use this function on the clone. * @abstract * @param {import("../proj.js").TransformFunction} transformFn Transform function. * Called with a flat array of geometry coordinates. */ applyTransform(transformFn) { abstract(); } /** * Test if the geometry and the passed extent intersect. * @abstract * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @return {boolean} `true` if the geometry and the extent intersect. */ intersectsExtent(extent) { return abstract(); } /** * Translate the geometry. This modifies the geometry coordinates in place. If * instead you want a new geometry, first `clone()` this geometry. * @abstract * @param {number} deltaX Delta X. * @param {number} deltaY Delta Y. * @api */ translate(deltaX, deltaY) { abstract(); } /** * Transform each coordinate of the geometry from one coordinate reference * system to another. The geometry is modified in place. * For example, a line will be transformed to a line and a circle to a circle. * If you do not want the geometry modified in place, first `clone()` it and * then use this function on the clone. * * @param {import("../proj.js").ProjectionLike} source The current projection. Can be a * string identifier or a {@link module:ol/proj/Projection~Projection} object. * @param {import("../proj.js").ProjectionLike} destination The desired projection. Can be a * string identifier or a {@link module:ol/proj/Projection~Projection} object. * @return {Geometry} This geometry. Note that original geometry is * modified in place. * @api */ transform(source, destination) { const sourceProj = get$1(source); const transformFn = sourceProj.getUnits() == "tile-pixels" ? function(inCoordinates, outCoordinates, stride) { const pixelExtent = sourceProj.getExtent(); const projectedExtent = sourceProj.getWorldExtent(); const scale2 = getHeight(projectedExtent) / getHeight(pixelExtent); compose( tmpTransform, projectedExtent[0], projectedExtent[3], scale2, -scale2, 0, 0, 0 ); transform2D( inCoordinates, 0, inCoordinates.length, stride, tmpTransform, outCoordinates ); return getTransform(sourceProj, destination)( inCoordinates, outCoordinates, stride ); } : getTransform(sourceProj, destination); this.applyTransform(transformFn); return this; } } const Geometry$1 = Geometry; class SimpleGeometry extends Geometry$1 { constructor() { super(); this.layout = "XY"; this.stride = 2; this.flatCoordinates = null; } /** * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @protected * @return {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. */ computeExtent(extent) { return createOrUpdateFromFlatCoordinates( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.flatCoordinates.length, this.stride, extent ); } /** * @abstract * @return {Array<*> | null} Coordinates. */ getCoordinates() { return abstract(); } /** * Return the first coordinate of the geometry. * @return {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} First coordinate. * @api */ getFirstCoordinate() { return this.flatCoordinates.slice(0, this.stride); } /** * @return {Array} Flat coordinates. */ getFlatCoordinates() { return this.flatCoordinates; } /** * Return the last coordinate of the geometry. * @return {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} Last point. * @api */ getLastCoordinate() { return this.flatCoordinates.slice( this.flatCoordinates.length - this.stride ); } /** * Return the {@link import("./Geometry.js").GeometryLayout layout} of the geometry. * @return {import("./Geometry.js").GeometryLayout} Layout. * @api */ getLayout() { return this.layout; } /** * Create a simplified version of this geometry using the Douglas Peucker algorithm. * @param {number} squaredTolerance Squared tolerance. * @return {SimpleGeometry} Simplified geometry. */ getSimplifiedGeometry(squaredTolerance) { if (this.simplifiedGeometryRevision !== this.getRevision()) { this.simplifiedGeometryMaxMinSquaredTolerance = 0; this.simplifiedGeometryRevision = this.getRevision(); } if (squaredTolerance < 0 || this.simplifiedGeometryMaxMinSquaredTolerance !== 0 && squaredTolerance <= this.simplifiedGeometryMaxMinSquaredTolerance) { return this; } const simplifiedGeometry = this.getSimplifiedGeometryInternal(squaredTolerance); const simplifiedFlatCoordinates = simplifiedGeometry.getFlatCoordinates(); if (simplifiedFlatCoordinates.length < this.flatCoordinates.length) { return simplifiedGeometry; } this.simplifiedGeometryMaxMinSquaredTolerance = squaredTolerance; return this; } /** * @param {number} squaredTolerance Squared tolerance. * @return {SimpleGeometry} Simplified geometry. * @protected */ getSimplifiedGeometryInternal(squaredTolerance) { return this; } /** * @return {number} Stride. */ getStride() { return this.stride; } /** * @param {import("./Geometry.js").GeometryLayout} layout Layout. * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates. */ setFlatCoordinates(layout, flatCoordinates) { this.stride = getStrideForLayout(layout); this.layout = layout; this.flatCoordinates = flatCoordinates; } /** * @abstract * @param {!Array<*>} coordinates Coordinates. * @param {import("./Geometry.js").GeometryLayout} [layout] Layout. */ setCoordinates(coordinates2, layout) { abstract(); } /** * @param {import("./Geometry.js").GeometryLayout|undefined} layout Layout. * @param {Array<*>} coordinates Coordinates. * @param {number} nesting Nesting. * @protected */ setLayout(layout, coordinates2, nesting) { let stride; if (layout) { stride = getStrideForLayout(layout); } else { for (let i = 0; i < nesting; ++i) { if (coordinates2.length === 0) { this.layout = "XY"; this.stride = 2; return; } coordinates2 = /** @type {Array} */ coordinates2[0]; } stride = coordinates2.length; layout = getLayoutForStride(stride); } this.layout = layout; this.stride = stride; } /** * Apply a transform function to the coordinates of the geometry. * The geometry is modified in place. * If you do not want the geometry modified in place, first `clone()` it and * then use this function on the clone. * @param {import("../proj.js").TransformFunction} transformFn Transform function. * Called with a flat array of geometry coordinates. * @api */ applyTransform(transformFn) { if (this.flatCoordinates) { transformFn(this.flatCoordinates, this.flatCoordinates, this.stride); this.changed(); } } /** * Rotate the geometry around a given coordinate. This modifies the geometry * coordinates in place. * @param {number} angle Rotation angle in counter-clockwise radians. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} anchor The rotation center. * @api */ rotate(angle, anchor) { const flatCoordinates = this.getFlatCoordinates(); if (flatCoordinates) { const stride = this.getStride(); rotate( flatCoordinates, 0, flatCoordinates.length, stride, angle, anchor, flatCoordinates ); this.changed(); } } /** * Scale the geometry (with an optional origin). This modifies the geometry * coordinates in place. * @param {number} sx The scaling factor in the x-direction. * @param {number} [sy] The scaling factor in the y-direction (defaults to sx). * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} [anchor] The scale origin (defaults to the center * of the geometry extent). * @api */ scale(sx, sy, anchor) { if (sy === void 0) { sy = sx; } if (!anchor) { anchor = getCenter(this.getExtent()); } const flatCoordinates = this.getFlatCoordinates(); if (flatCoordinates) { const stride = this.getStride(); scale$1( flatCoordinates, 0, flatCoordinates.length, stride, sx, sy, anchor, flatCoordinates ); this.changed(); } } /** * Translate the geometry. This modifies the geometry coordinates in place. If * instead you want a new geometry, first `clone()` this geometry. * @param {number} deltaX Delta X. * @param {number} deltaY Delta Y. * @api */ translate(deltaX, deltaY) { const flatCoordinates = this.getFlatCoordinates(); if (flatCoordinates) { const stride = this.getStride(); translate( flatCoordinates, 0, flatCoordinates.length, stride, deltaX, deltaY, flatCoordinates ); this.changed(); } } } function getLayoutForStride(stride) { let layout; if (stride == 2) { layout = "XY"; } else if (stride == 3) { layout = "XYZ"; } else if (stride == 4) { layout = "XYZM"; } return ( /** @type {import("./Geometry.js").GeometryLayout} */ layout ); } function getStrideForLayout(layout) { let stride; if (layout == "XY") { stride = 2; } else if (layout == "XYZ" || layout == "XYM") { stride = 3; } else if (layout == "XYZM") { stride = 4; } return ( /** @type {number} */ stride ); } function transformGeom2D(simpleGeometry, transform2, dest) { const flatCoordinates = simpleGeometry.getFlatCoordinates(); if (!flatCoordinates) { return null; } const stride = simpleGeometry.getStride(); return transform2D( flatCoordinates, 0, flatCoordinates.length, stride, transform2, dest ); } const SimpleGeometry$1 = SimpleGeometry; function assignClosest(flatCoordinates, offset1, offset2, stride, x, y, closestPoint) { const x1 = flatCoordinates[offset1]; const y1 = flatCoordinates[offset1 + 1]; const dx = flatCoordinates[offset2] - x1; const dy = flatCoordinates[offset2 + 1] - y1; let offset; if (dx === 0 && dy === 0) { offset = offset1; } else { const t = ((x - x1) * dx + (y - y1) * dy) / (dx * dx + dy * dy); if (t > 1) { offset = offset2; } else if (t > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < stride; ++i) { closestPoint[i] = lerp( flatCoordinates[offset1 + i], flatCoordinates[offset2 + i], t ); } closestPoint.length = stride; return; } else { offset = offset1; } } for (let i = 0; i < stride; ++i) { closestPoint[i] = flatCoordinates[offset + i]; } closestPoint.length = stride; } function maxSquaredDelta(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, max) { let x1 = flatCoordinates[offset]; let y1 = flatCoordinates[offset + 1]; for (offset += stride; offset < end; offset += stride) { const x2 = flatCoordinates[offset]; const y2 = flatCoordinates[offset + 1]; const squaredDelta = squaredDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2); if (squaredDelta > max) { max = squaredDelta; } x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } return max; } function arrayMaxSquaredDelta(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, max) { for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) { const end = ends[i]; max = maxSquaredDelta(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, max); offset = end; } return max; } function multiArrayMaxSquaredDelta(flatCoordinates, offset, endss, stride, max) { for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) { const ends = endss[i]; max = arrayMaxSquaredDelta(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, max); offset = ends[ends.length - 1]; } return max; } function assignClosestPoint(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, maxDelta, isRing, x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance, tmpPoint) { if (offset == end) { return minSquaredDistance; } let i, squaredDistance$1; if (maxDelta === 0) { squaredDistance$1 = squaredDistance( x, y, flatCoordinates[offset], flatCoordinates[offset + 1] ); if (squaredDistance$1 < minSquaredDistance) { for (i = 0; i < stride; ++i) { closestPoint[i] = flatCoordinates[offset + i]; } closestPoint.length = stride; return squaredDistance$1; } return minSquaredDistance; } tmpPoint = tmpPoint ? tmpPoint : [NaN, NaN]; let index = offset + stride; while (index < end) { assignClosest( flatCoordinates, index - stride, index, stride, x, y, tmpPoint ); squaredDistance$1 = squaredDistance(x, y, tmpPoint[0], tmpPoint[1]); if (squaredDistance$1 < minSquaredDistance) { minSquaredDistance = squaredDistance$1; for (i = 0; i < stride; ++i) { closestPoint[i] = tmpPoint[i]; } closestPoint.length = stride; index += stride; } else { index += stride * Math.max( (Math.sqrt(squaredDistance$1) - Math.sqrt(minSquaredDistance)) / maxDelta | 0, 1 ); } } if (isRing) { assignClosest( flatCoordinates, end - stride, offset, stride, x, y, tmpPoint ); squaredDistance$1 = squaredDistance(x, y, tmpPoint[0], tmpPoint[1]); if (squaredDistance$1 < minSquaredDistance) { minSquaredDistance = squaredDistance$1; for (i = 0; i < stride; ++i) { closestPoint[i] = tmpPoint[i]; } closestPoint.length = stride; } } return minSquaredDistance; } function assignClosestArrayPoint(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, maxDelta, isRing, x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance, tmpPoint) { tmpPoint = tmpPoint ? tmpPoint : [NaN, NaN]; for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) { const end = ends[i]; minSquaredDistance = assignClosestPoint( flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, maxDelta, isRing, x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance, tmpPoint ); offset = end; } return minSquaredDistance; } function assignClosestMultiArrayPoint(flatCoordinates, offset, endss, stride, maxDelta, isRing, x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance, tmpPoint) { tmpPoint = tmpPoint ? tmpPoint : [NaN, NaN]; for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) { const ends = endss[i]; minSquaredDistance = assignClosestArrayPoint( flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, maxDelta, isRing, x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance, tmpPoint ); offset = ends[ends.length - 1]; } return minSquaredDistance; } function deflateCoordinate(flatCoordinates, offset, coordinate, stride) { for (let i = 0, ii = coordinate.length; i < ii; ++i) { flatCoordinates[offset++] = coordinate[i]; } return offset; } function deflateCoordinates(flatCoordinates, offset, coordinates2, stride) { for (let i = 0, ii = coordinates2.length; i < ii; ++i) { const coordinate = coordinates2[i]; for (let j = 0; j < stride; ++j) { flatCoordinates[offset++] = coordinate[j]; } } return offset; } function deflateCoordinatesArray(flatCoordinates, offset, coordinatess, stride, ends) { ends = ends ? ends : []; let i = 0; for (let j = 0, jj = coordinatess.length; j < jj; ++j) { const end = deflateCoordinates( flatCoordinates, offset, coordinatess[j], stride ); ends[i++] = end; offset = end; } ends.length = i; return ends; } function deflateMultiCoordinatesArray(flatCoordinates, offset, coordinatesss, stride, endss) { endss = endss ? endss : []; let i = 0; for (let j = 0, jj = coordinatesss.length; j < jj; ++j) { const ends = deflateCoordinatesArray( flatCoordinates, offset, coordinatesss[j], stride, endss[i] ); if (ends.length === 0) { ends[0] = offset; } endss[i++] = ends; offset = ends[ends.length - 1]; } endss.length = i; return endss; } function douglasPeucker(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, squaredTolerance, simplifiedFlatCoordinates, simplifiedOffset) { const n = (end - offset) / stride; if (n < 3) { for (; offset < end; offset += stride) { simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = flatCoordinates[offset]; simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = flatCoordinates[offset + 1]; } return simplifiedOffset; } const markers = new Array(n); markers[0] = 1; markers[n - 1] = 1; const stack = [offset, end - stride]; let index = 0; while (stack.length > 0) { const last = stack.pop(); const first = stack.pop(); let maxSquaredDistance = 0; const x1 = flatCoordinates[first]; const y1 = flatCoordinates[first + 1]; const x2 = flatCoordinates[last]; const y2 = flatCoordinates[last + 1]; for (let i = first + stride; i < last; i += stride) { const x = flatCoordinates[i]; const y = flatCoordinates[i + 1]; const squaredDistance2 = squaredSegmentDistance(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2); if (squaredDistance2 > maxSquaredDistance) { index = i; maxSquaredDistance = squaredDistance2; } } if (maxSquaredDistance > squaredTolerance) { markers[(index - offset) / stride] = 1; if (first + stride < index) { stack.push(first, index); } if (index + stride < last) { stack.push(index, last); } } } for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (markers[i]) { simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = flatCoordinates[offset + i * stride]; simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = flatCoordinates[offset + i * stride + 1]; } } return simplifiedOffset; } function douglasPeuckerArray(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, squaredTolerance, simplifiedFlatCoordinates, simplifiedOffset, simplifiedEnds) { for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) { const end = ends[i]; simplifiedOffset = douglasPeucker( flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, squaredTolerance, simplifiedFlatCoordinates, simplifiedOffset ); simplifiedEnds.push(simplifiedOffset); offset = end; } return simplifiedOffset; } function snap(value, tolerance) { return tolerance * Math.round(value / tolerance); } function quantize(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, tolerance, simplifiedFlatCoordinates, simplifiedOffset) { if (offset == end) { return simplifiedOffset; } let x1 = snap(flatCoordinates[offset], tolerance); let y1 = snap(flatCoordinates[offset + 1], tolerance); offset += stride; simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = x1; simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = y1; let x2, y2; do { x2 = snap(flatCoordinates[offset], tolerance); y2 = snap(flatCoordinates[offset + 1], tolerance); offset += stride; if (offset == end) { simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = x2; simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = y2; return simplifiedOffset; } } while (x2 == x1 && y2 == y1); while (offset < end) { const x3 = snap(flatCoordinates[offset], tolerance); const y3 = snap(flatCoordinates[offset + 1], tolerance); offset += stride; if (x3 == x2 && y3 == y2) { continue; } const dx1 = x2 - x1; const dy1 = y2 - y1; const dx2 = x3 - x1; const dy2 = y3 - y1; if (dx1 * dy2 == dy1 * dx2 && (dx1 < 0 && dx2 < dx1 || dx1 == dx2 || dx1 > 0 && dx2 > dx1) && (dy1 < 0 && dy2 < dy1 || dy1 == dy2 || dy1 > 0 && dy2 > dy1)) { x2 = x3; y2 = y3; continue; } simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = x2; simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = y2; x1 = x2; y1 = y2; x2 = x3; y2 = y3; } simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = x2; simplifiedFlatCoordinates[simplifiedOffset++] = y2; return simplifiedOffset; } function quantizeArray(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, tolerance, simplifiedFlatCoordinates, simplifiedOffset, simplifiedEnds) { for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) { const end = ends[i]; simplifiedOffset = quantize( flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, tolerance, simplifiedFlatCoordinates, simplifiedOffset ); simplifiedEnds.push(simplifiedOffset); offset = end; } return simplifiedOffset; } function quantizeMultiArray(flatCoordinates, offset, endss, stride, tolerance, simplifiedFlatCoordinates, simplifiedOffset, simplifiedEndss) { for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) { const ends = endss[i]; const simplifiedEnds = []; simplifiedOffset = quantizeArray( flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, tolerance, simplifiedFlatCoordinates, simplifiedOffset, simplifiedEnds ); simplifiedEndss.push(simplifiedEnds); offset = ends[ends.length - 1]; } return simplifiedOffset; } function inflateCoordinates(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, coordinates2) { coordinates2 = coordinates2 !== void 0 ? coordinates2 : []; let i = 0; for (let j = offset; j < end; j += stride) { coordinates2[i++] = flatCoordinates.slice(j, j + stride); } coordinates2.length = i; return coordinates2; } function inflateCoordinatesArray(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, coordinatess) { coordinatess = coordinatess !== void 0 ? coordinatess : []; let i = 0; for (let j = 0, jj = ends.length; j < jj; ++j) { const end = ends[j]; coordinatess[i++] = inflateCoordinates( flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, coordinatess[i] ); offset = end; } coordinatess.length = i; return coordinatess; } function inflateMultiCoordinatesArray(flatCoordinates, offset, endss, stride, coordinatesss) { coordinatesss = coordinatesss !== void 0 ? coordinatesss : []; let i = 0; for (let j = 0, jj = endss.length; j < jj; ++j) { const ends = endss[j]; coordinatesss[i++] = ends.length === 1 && ends[0] === offset ? [] : inflateCoordinatesArray( flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, coordinatesss[i] ); offset = ends[ends.length - 1]; } coordinatesss.length = i; return coordinatesss; } function linearRing(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride) { let twiceArea = 0; let x1 = flatCoordinates[end - stride]; let y1 = flatCoordinates[end - stride + 1]; for (; offset < end; offset += stride) { const x2 = flatCoordinates[offset]; const y2 = flatCoordinates[offset + 1]; twiceArea += y1 * x2 - x1 * y2; x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } return twiceArea / 2; } function linearRings(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride) { let area = 0; for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) { const end = ends[i]; area += linearRing(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride); offset = end; } return area; } function linearRingss$1(flatCoordinates, offset, endss, stride) { let area = 0; for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) { const ends = endss[i]; area += linearRings(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride); offset = ends[ends.length - 1]; } return area; } class LinearRing extends SimpleGeometry$1 { /** * @param {Array|Array} coordinates Coordinates. * For internal use, flat coordinates in combination with `layout` are also accepted. * @param {import("./Geometry.js").GeometryLayout} [layout] Layout. */ constructor(coordinates2, layout) { super(); this.maxDelta_ = -1; this.maxDeltaRevision_ = -1; if (layout !== void 0 && !Array.isArray(coordinates2[0])) { this.setFlatCoordinates( layout, /** @type {Array} */ coordinates2 ); } else { this.setCoordinates( /** @type {Array} */ coordinates2, layout ); } } /** * Make a complete copy of the geometry. * @return {!LinearRing} Clone. * @api */ clone() { return new LinearRing(this.flatCoordinates.slice(), this.layout); } /** * @param {number} x X. * @param {number} y Y. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} closestPoint Closest point. * @param {number} minSquaredDistance Minimum squared distance. * @return {number} Minimum squared distance. */ closestPointXY(x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance) { if (minSquaredDistance < closestSquaredDistanceXY(this.getExtent(), x, y)) { return minSquaredDistance; } if (this.maxDeltaRevision_ != this.getRevision()) { this.maxDelta_ = Math.sqrt( maxSquaredDelta( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.flatCoordinates.length, this.stride, 0 ) ); this.maxDeltaRevision_ = this.getRevision(); } return assignClosestPoint( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.flatCoordinates.length, this.stride, this.maxDelta_, true, x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance ); } /** * Return the area of the linear ring on projected plane. * @return {number} Area (on projected plane). * @api */ getArea() { return linearRing( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.flatCoordinates.length, this.stride ); } /** * Return the coordinates of the linear ring. * @return {Array} Coordinates. * @api */ getCoordinates() { return inflateCoordinates( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.flatCoordinates.length, this.stride ); } /** * @param {number} squaredTolerance Squared tolerance. * @return {LinearRing} Simplified LinearRing. * @protected */ getSimplifiedGeometryInternal(squaredTolerance) { const simplifiedFlatCoordinates = []; simplifiedFlatCoordinates.length = douglasPeucker( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.flatCoordinates.length, this.stride, squaredTolerance, simplifiedFlatCoordinates, 0 ); return new LinearRing(simplifiedFlatCoordinates, "XY"); } /** * Get the type of this geometry. * @return {import("./Geometry.js").Type} Geometry type. * @api */ getType() { return "LinearRing"; } /** * Test if the geometry and the passed extent intersect. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @return {boolean} `true` if the geometry and the extent intersect. * @api */ intersectsExtent(extent) { return false; } /** * Set the coordinates of the linear ring. * @param {!Array} coordinates Coordinates. * @param {import("./Geometry.js").GeometryLayout} [layout] Layout. * @api */ setCoordinates(coordinates2, layout) { this.setLayout(layout, coordinates2, 1); if (!this.flatCoordinates) { this.flatCoordinates = []; } this.flatCoordinates.length = deflateCoordinates( this.flatCoordinates, 0, coordinates2, this.stride ); this.changed(); } } const LinearRing$1 = LinearRing; class Point extends SimpleGeometry$1 { /** * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} coordinates Coordinates. * @param {import("./Geometry.js").GeometryLayout} [layout] Layout. */ constructor(coordinates2, layout) { super(); this.setCoordinates(coordinates2, layout); } /** * Make a complete copy of the geometry. * @return {!Point} Clone. * @api */ clone() { const point = new Point(this.flatCoordinates.slice(), this.layout); point.applyProperties(this); return point; } /** * @param {number} x X. * @param {number} y Y. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} closestPoint Closest point. * @param {number} minSquaredDistance Minimum squared distance. * @return {number} Minimum squared distance. */ closestPointXY(x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance) { const flatCoordinates = this.flatCoordinates; const squaredDistance$1 = squaredDistance( x, y, flatCoordinates[0], flatCoordinates[1] ); if (squaredDistance$1 < minSquaredDistance) { const stride = this.stride; for (let i = 0; i < stride; ++i) { closestPoint[i] = flatCoordinates[i]; } closestPoint.length = stride; return squaredDistance$1; } return minSquaredDistance; } /** * Return the coordinate of the point. * @return {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} Coordinates. * @api */ getCoordinates() { return !this.flatCoordinates ? [] : this.flatCoordinates.slice(); } /** * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @protected * @return {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. */ computeExtent(extent) { return createOrUpdateFromCoordinate(this.flatCoordinates, extent); } /** * Get the type of this geometry. * @return {import("./Geometry.js").Type} Geometry type. * @api */ getType() { return "Point"; } /** * Test if the geometry and the passed extent intersect. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @return {boolean} `true` if the geometry and the extent intersect. * @api */ intersectsExtent(extent) { return containsXY(extent, this.flatCoordinates[0], this.flatCoordinates[1]); } /** * @param {!Array<*>} coordinates Coordinates. * @param {import("./Geometry.js").GeometryLayout} [layout] Layout. * @api */ setCoordinates(coordinates2, layout) { this.setLayout(layout, coordinates2, 0); if (!this.flatCoordinates) { this.flatCoordinates = []; } this.flatCoordinates.length = deflateCoordinate( this.flatCoordinates, 0, coordinates2, this.stride ); this.changed(); } } const OlPoint = Point; function linearRingContainsExtent(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, extent) { const outside = forEachCorner( extent, /** * @param {import("../../coordinate.js").Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate. * @return {boolean} Contains (x, y). */ function(coordinate) { return !linearRingContainsXY( flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, coordinate[0], coordinate[1] ); } ); return !outside; } function linearRingContainsXY(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, x, y) { let wn = 0; let x1 = flatCoordinates[end - stride]; let y1 = flatCoordinates[end - stride + 1]; for (; offset < end; offset += stride) { const x2 = flatCoordinates[offset]; const y2 = flatCoordinates[offset + 1]; if (y1 <= y) { if (y2 > y && (x2 - x1) * (y - y1) - (x - x1) * (y2 - y1) > 0) { wn++; } } else if (y2 <= y && (x2 - x1) * (y - y1) - (x - x1) * (y2 - y1) < 0) { wn--; } x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } return wn !== 0; } function linearRingsContainsXY(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, x, y) { if (ends.length === 0) { return false; } if (!linearRingContainsXY(flatCoordinates, offset, ends[0], stride, x, y)) { return false; } for (let i = 1, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) { if (linearRingContainsXY(flatCoordinates, ends[i - 1], ends[i], stride, x, y)) { return false; } } return true; } function linearRingssContainsXY(flatCoordinates, offset, endss, stride, x, y) { if (endss.length === 0) { return false; } for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) { const ends = endss[i]; if (linearRingsContainsXY(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, x, y)) { return true; } offset = ends[ends.length - 1]; } return false; } function getInteriorPointOfArray(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, flatCenters, flatCentersOffset, dest) { let i, ii, x, x1, x2, y1, y2; const y = flatCenters[flatCentersOffset + 1]; const intersections = []; for (let r = 0, rr = ends.length; r < rr; ++r) { const end = ends[r]; x1 = flatCoordinates[end - stride]; y1 = flatCoordinates[end - stride + 1]; for (i = offset; i < end; i += stride) { x2 = flatCoordinates[i]; y2 = flatCoordinates[i + 1]; if (y <= y1 && y2 <= y || y1 <= y && y <= y2) { x = (y - y1) / (y2 - y1) * (x2 - x1) + x1; intersections.push(x); } x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } } let pointX = NaN; let maxSegmentLength = -Infinity; intersections.sort(ascending); x1 = intersections[0]; for (i = 1, ii = intersections.length; i < ii; ++i) { x2 = intersections[i]; const segmentLength = Math.abs(x2 - x1); if (segmentLength > maxSegmentLength) { x = (x1 + x2) / 2; if (linearRingsContainsXY(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, x, y)) { pointX = x; maxSegmentLength = segmentLength; } } x1 = x2; } if (isNaN(pointX)) { pointX = flatCenters[flatCentersOffset]; } if (dest) { dest.push(pointX, y, maxSegmentLength); return dest; } return [pointX, y, maxSegmentLength]; } function getInteriorPointsOfMultiArray(flatCoordinates, offset, endss, stride, flatCenters) { let interiorPoints = []; for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) { const ends = endss[i]; interiorPoints = getInteriorPointOfArray( flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, flatCenters, 2 * i, interiorPoints ); offset = ends[ends.length - 1]; } return interiorPoints; } function forEach(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, callback) { let ret; offset += stride; for (; offset < end; offset += stride) { ret = callback( flatCoordinates.slice(offset - stride, offset), flatCoordinates.slice(offset, offset + stride) ); if (ret) { return ret; } } return false; } function intersectsLineString(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, extent) { const coordinatesExtent = extendFlatCoordinates( createEmpty(), flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride ); if (!intersects$1(extent, coordinatesExtent)) { return false; } if (containsExtent(extent, coordinatesExtent)) { return true; } if (coordinatesExtent[0] >= extent[0] && coordinatesExtent[2] <= extent[2]) { return true; } if (coordinatesExtent[1] >= extent[1] && coordinatesExtent[3] <= extent[3]) { return true; } return forEach( flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, /** * @param {import("../../coordinate.js").Coordinate} point1 Start point. * @param {import("../../coordinate.js").Coordinate} point2 End point. * @return {boolean} `true` if the segment and the extent intersect, * `false` otherwise. */ function(point1, point2) { return intersectsSegment(extent, point1, point2); } ); } function intersectsLineStringArray(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, extent) { for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) { if (intersectsLineString(flatCoordinates, offset, ends[i], stride, extent)) { return true; } offset = ends[i]; } return false; } function intersectsLinearRing(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, extent) { if (intersectsLineString(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, extent)) { return true; } if (linearRingContainsXY( flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, extent[0], extent[1] )) { return true; } if (linearRingContainsXY( flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, extent[0], extent[3] )) { return true; } if (linearRingContainsXY( flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, extent[2], extent[1] )) { return true; } if (linearRingContainsXY( flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, extent[2], extent[3] )) { return true; } return false; } function intersectsLinearRingArray(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, extent) { if (!intersectsLinearRing(flatCoordinates, offset, ends[0], stride, extent)) { return false; } if (ends.length === 1) { return true; } for (let i = 1, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) { if (linearRingContainsExtent( flatCoordinates, ends[i - 1], ends[i], stride, extent )) { if (!intersectsLineString( flatCoordinates, ends[i - 1], ends[i], stride, extent )) { return false; } } } return true; } function intersectsLinearRingMultiArray(flatCoordinates, offset, endss, stride, extent) { for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) { const ends = endss[i]; if (intersectsLinearRingArray(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, extent)) { return true; } offset = ends[ends.length - 1]; } return false; } function coordinates(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride) { while (offset < end - stride) { for (let i = 0; i < stride; ++i) { const tmp = flatCoordinates[offset + i]; flatCoordinates[offset + i] = flatCoordinates[end - stride + i]; flatCoordinates[end - stride + i] = tmp; } offset += stride; end -= stride; } } function linearRingIsClockwise(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride) { let edge = 0; let x1 = flatCoordinates[end - stride]; let y1 = flatCoordinates[end - stride + 1]; for (; offset < end; offset += stride) { const x2 = flatCoordinates[offset]; const y2 = flatCoordinates[offset + 1]; edge += (x2 - x1) * (y2 + y1); x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } return edge === 0 ? void 0 : edge > 0; } function linearRingsAreOriented(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, right) { right = right !== void 0 ? right : false; for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) { const end = ends[i]; const isClockwise = linearRingIsClockwise( flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride ); if (i === 0) { if (right && isClockwise || !right && !isClockwise) { return false; } } else { if (right && !isClockwise || !right && isClockwise) { return false; } } offset = end; } return true; } function linearRingssAreOriented(flatCoordinates, offset, endss, stride, right) { for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) { const ends = endss[i]; if (!linearRingsAreOriented(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, right)) { return false; } if (ends.length) { offset = ends[ends.length - 1]; } } return true; } function orientLinearRings(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, right) { right = right !== void 0 ? right : false; for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) { const end = ends[i]; const isClockwise = linearRingIsClockwise( flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride ); const reverse = i === 0 ? right && isClockwise || !right && !isClockwise : right && !isClockwise || !right && isClockwise; if (reverse) { coordinates(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride); } offset = end; } return offset; } function orientLinearRingsArray(flatCoordinates, offset, endss, stride, right) { for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) { offset = orientLinearRings( flatCoordinates, offset, endss[i], stride, right ); } return offset; } class Polygon extends SimpleGeometry$1 { /** * @param {!Array>|!Array} coordinates * Array of linear rings that define the polygon. The first linear ring of the * array defines the outer-boundary or surface of the polygon. Each subsequent * linear ring defines a hole in the surface of the polygon. A linear ring is * an array of vertices' coordinates where the first coordinate and the last are * equivalent. (For internal use, flat coordinates in combination with * `layout` and `ends` are also accepted.) * @param {import("./Geometry.js").GeometryLayout} [layout] Layout. * @param {Array} [ends] Ends (for internal use with flat coordinates). */ constructor(coordinates2, layout, ends) { super(); this.ends_ = []; this.flatInteriorPointRevision_ = -1; this.flatInteriorPoint_ = null; this.maxDelta_ = -1; this.maxDeltaRevision_ = -1; this.orientedRevision_ = -1; this.orientedFlatCoordinates_ = null; if (layout !== void 0 && ends) { this.setFlatCoordinates( layout, /** @type {Array} */ coordinates2 ); this.ends_ = ends; } else { this.setCoordinates( /** @type {Array>} */ coordinates2, layout ); } } /** * Append the passed linear ring to this polygon. * @param {LinearRing} linearRing Linear ring. * @api */ appendLinearRing(linearRing2) { if (!this.flatCoordinates) { this.flatCoordinates = linearRing2.getFlatCoordinates().slice(); } else { extend$2(this.flatCoordinates, linearRing2.getFlatCoordinates()); } this.ends_.push(this.flatCoordinates.length); this.changed(); } /** * Make a complete copy of the geometry. * @return {!Polygon} Clone. * @api */ clone() { const polygon = new Polygon( this.flatCoordinates.slice(), this.layout, this.ends_.slice() ); polygon.applyProperties(this); return polygon; } /** * @param {number} x X. * @param {number} y Y. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} closestPoint Closest point. * @param {number} minSquaredDistance Minimum squared distance. * @return {number} Minimum squared distance. */ closestPointXY(x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance) { if (minSquaredDistance < closestSquaredDistanceXY(this.getExtent(), x, y)) { return minSquaredDistance; } if (this.maxDeltaRevision_ != this.getRevision()) { this.maxDelta_ = Math.sqrt( arrayMaxSquaredDelta( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.ends_, this.stride, 0 ) ); this.maxDeltaRevision_ = this.getRevision(); } return assignClosestArrayPoint( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.ends_, this.stride, this.maxDelta_, true, x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance ); } /** * @param {number} x X. * @param {number} y Y. * @return {boolean} Contains (x, y). */ containsXY(x, y) { return linearRingsContainsXY( this.getOrientedFlatCoordinates(), 0, this.ends_, this.stride, x, y ); } /** * Return the area of the polygon on projected plane. * @return {number} Area (on projected plane). * @api */ getArea() { return linearRings( this.getOrientedFlatCoordinates(), 0, this.ends_, this.stride ); } /** * Get the coordinate array for this geometry. This array has the structure * of a GeoJSON coordinate array for polygons. * * @param {boolean} [right] Orient coordinates according to the right-hand * rule (counter-clockwise for exterior and clockwise for interior rings). * If `false`, coordinates will be oriented according to the left-hand rule * (clockwise for exterior and counter-clockwise for interior rings). * By default, coordinate orientation will depend on how the geometry was * constructed. * @return {Array>} Coordinates. * @api */ getCoordinates(right) { let flatCoordinates; if (right !== void 0) { flatCoordinates = this.getOrientedFlatCoordinates().slice(); orientLinearRings(flatCoordinates, 0, this.ends_, this.stride, right); } else { flatCoordinates = this.flatCoordinates; } return inflateCoordinatesArray(flatCoordinates, 0, this.ends_, this.stride); } /** * @return {Array} Ends. */ getEnds() { return this.ends_; } /** * @return {Array} Interior point. */ getFlatInteriorPoint() { if (this.flatInteriorPointRevision_ != this.getRevision()) { const flatCenter = getCenter(this.getExtent()); this.flatInteriorPoint_ = getInteriorPointOfArray( this.getOrientedFlatCoordinates(), 0, this.ends_, this.stride, flatCenter, 0 ); this.flatInteriorPointRevision_ = this.getRevision(); } return this.flatInteriorPoint_; } /** * Return an interior point of the polygon. * @return {Point} Interior point as XYM coordinate, where M is the * length of the horizontal intersection that the point belongs to. * @api */ getInteriorPoint() { return new OlPoint(this.getFlatInteriorPoint(), "XYM"); } /** * Return the number of rings of the polygon, this includes the exterior * ring and any interior rings. * * @return {number} Number of rings. * @api */ getLinearRingCount() { return this.ends_.length; } /** * Return the Nth linear ring of the polygon geometry. Return `null` if the * given index is out of range. * The exterior linear ring is available at index `0` and the interior rings * at index `1` and beyond. * * @param {number} index Index. * @return {LinearRing|null} Linear ring. * @api */ getLinearRing(index) { if (index < 0 || this.ends_.length <= index) { return null; } return new LinearRing$1( this.flatCoordinates.slice( index === 0 ? 0 : this.ends_[index - 1], this.ends_[index] ), this.layout ); } /** * Return the linear rings of the polygon. * @return {Array} Linear rings. * @api */ getLinearRings() { const layout = this.layout; const flatCoordinates = this.flatCoordinates; const ends = this.ends_; const linearRings2 = []; let offset = 0; for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) { const end = ends[i]; const linearRing2 = new LinearRing$1( flatCoordinates.slice(offset, end), layout ); linearRings2.push(linearRing2); offset = end; } return linearRings2; } /** * @return {Array} Oriented flat coordinates. */ getOrientedFlatCoordinates() { if (this.orientedRevision_ != this.getRevision()) { const flatCoordinates = this.flatCoordinates; if (linearRingsAreOriented(flatCoordinates, 0, this.ends_, this.stride)) { this.orientedFlatCoordinates_ = flatCoordinates; } else { this.orientedFlatCoordinates_ = flatCoordinates.slice(); this.orientedFlatCoordinates_.length = orientLinearRings( this.orientedFlatCoordinates_, 0, this.ends_, this.stride ); } this.orientedRevision_ = this.getRevision(); } return this.orientedFlatCoordinates_; } /** * @param {number} squaredTolerance Squared tolerance. * @return {Polygon} Simplified Polygon. * @protected */ getSimplifiedGeometryInternal(squaredTolerance) { const simplifiedFlatCoordinates = []; const simplifiedEnds = []; simplifiedFlatCoordinates.length = quantizeArray( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.ends_, this.stride, Math.sqrt(squaredTolerance), simplifiedFlatCoordinates, 0, simplifiedEnds ); return new Polygon(simplifiedFlatCoordinates, "XY", simplifiedEnds); } /** * Get the type of this geometry. * @return {import("./Geometry.js").Type} Geometry type. * @api */ getType() { return "Polygon"; } /** * Test if the geometry and the passed extent intersect. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @return {boolean} `true` if the geometry and the extent intersect. * @api */ intersectsExtent(extent) { return intersectsLinearRingArray( this.getOrientedFlatCoordinates(), 0, this.ends_, this.stride, extent ); } /** * Set the coordinates of the polygon. * @param {!Array>} coordinates Coordinates. * @param {import("./Geometry.js").GeometryLayout} [layout] Layout. * @api */ setCoordinates(coordinates2, layout) { this.setLayout(layout, coordinates2, 2); if (!this.flatCoordinates) { this.flatCoordinates = []; } const ends = deflateCoordinatesArray( this.flatCoordinates, 0, coordinates2, this.stride, this.ends_ ); this.flatCoordinates.length = ends.length === 0 ? 0 : ends[ends.length - 1]; this.changed(); } } const Polygon$1 = Polygon; function fromExtent(extent) { if (isEmpty(extent)) { throw new Error("Cannot create polygon from empty extent"); } const minX = extent[0]; const minY = extent[1]; const maxX = extent[2]; const maxY = extent[3]; const flatCoordinates = [ minX, minY, minX, maxY, maxX, maxY, maxX, minY, minX, minY ]; return new Polygon(flatCoordinates, "XY", [flatCoordinates.length]); } const DEFAULT_MIN_ZOOM = 0; class View extends BaseObject$1 { /** * @param {ViewOptions} [options] View options. */ constructor(options) { super(); this.on; this.once; this.un; options = Object.assign({}, options); this.hints_ = [0, 0]; this.animations_ = []; this.updateAnimationKey_; this.projection_ = createProjection(options.projection, "EPSG:3857"); this.viewportSize_ = [100, 100]; this.targetCenter_ = null; this.targetResolution_; this.targetRotation_; this.nextCenter_ = null; this.nextResolution_; this.nextRotation_; this.cancelAnchor_ = void 0; if (options.projection) { disableCoordinateWarning(); } if ( { = fromUserCoordinate(, this.projection_); } if (options.extent) { options.extent = fromUserExtent(options.extent, this.projection_); } this.applyOptions_(options); } /** * Set up the view with the given options. * @param {ViewOptions} options View options. */ applyOptions_(options) { const properties = Object.assign({}, options); for (const key in ViewProperty) { delete properties[key]; } this.setProperties(properties, true); const resolutionConstraintInfo = createResolutionConstraint(options); this.maxResolution_ = resolutionConstraintInfo.maxResolution; this.minResolution_ = resolutionConstraintInfo.minResolution; this.zoomFactor_ = resolutionConstraintInfo.zoomFactor; this.resolutions_ = options.resolutions; this.padding_ = options.padding; this.minZoom_ = resolutionConstraintInfo.minZoom; const centerConstraint = createCenterConstraint(options); const resolutionConstraint = resolutionConstraintInfo.constraint; const rotationConstraint = createRotationConstraint(options); this.constraints_ = { center: centerConstraint, resolution: resolutionConstraint, rotation: rotationConstraint }; this.setRotation(options.rotation !== void 0 ? options.rotation : 0); this.setCenterInternal( !== void 0 ? : null ); if (options.resolution !== void 0) { this.setResolution(options.resolution); } else if (options.zoom !== void 0) { this.setZoom(options.zoom); } } /** * Padding (in css pixels). * If the map viewport is partially covered with other content (overlays) along * its edges, this setting allows to shift the center of the viewport away from that * content. The order of the values in the array is top, right, bottom, left. * The default is no padding, which is equivalent to `[0, 0, 0, 0]`. * @type {Array|undefined} * @api */ get padding() { return this.padding_; } set padding(padding) { let oldPadding = this.padding_; this.padding_ = padding; const center = this.getCenterInternal(); if (center) { const newPadding = padding || [0, 0, 0, 0]; oldPadding = oldPadding || [0, 0, 0, 0]; const resolution = this.getResolution(); const offsetX = resolution / 2 * (newPadding[3] - oldPadding[3] + oldPadding[1] - newPadding[1]); const offsetY = resolution / 2 * (newPadding[0] - oldPadding[0] + oldPadding[2] - newPadding[2]); this.setCenterInternal([center[0] + offsetX, center[1] - offsetY]); } } /** * Get an updated version of the view options used to construct the view. The * current resolution (or zoom), center, and rotation are applied to any stored * options. The provided options can be used to apply new min/max zoom or * resolution limits. * @param {ViewOptions} newOptions New options to be applied. * @return {ViewOptions} New options updated with the current view state. */ getUpdatedOptions_(newOptions) { const options = this.getProperties(); if (options.resolution !== void 0) { options.resolution = this.getResolution(); } else { options.zoom = this.getZoom(); } = this.getCenterInternal(); options.rotation = this.getRotation(); return Object.assign({}, options, newOptions); } /** * Animate the view. The view's center, zoom (or resolution), and rotation * can be animated for smooth transitions between view states. For example, * to animate the view to a new zoom level: * * view.animate({zoom: view.getZoom() + 1}); * * By default, the animation lasts one second and uses in-and-out easing. You * can customize this behavior by including `duration` (in milliseconds) and * `easing` options (see {@link module:ol/easing}). * * To chain together multiple animations, call the method with multiple * animation objects. For example, to first zoom and then pan: * * view.animate({zoom: 10}, {center: [0, 0]}); * * If you provide a function as the last argument to the animate method, it * will get called at the end of an animation series. The callback will be * called with `true` if the animation series completed on its own or `false` * if it was cancelled. * * Animations are cancelled by user interactions (e.g. dragging the map) or by * calling `view.setCenter()`, `view.setResolution()`, or `view.setRotation()` * (or another method that calls one of these). * * @param {...(AnimationOptions|function(boolean): void)} var_args Animation * options. Multiple animations can be run in series by passing multiple * options objects. To run multiple animations in parallel, call the method * multiple times. An optional callback can be provided as a final * argument. The callback will be called with a boolean indicating whether * the animation completed without being cancelled. * @api */ animate(var_args) { if (this.isDef() && !this.getAnimating()) { this.resolveConstraints(0); } const args = new Array(arguments.length); for (let i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { let options = arguments[i]; if ( { options = Object.assign({}, options); = fromUserCoordinate(, this.getProjection() ); } if (options.anchor) { options = Object.assign({}, options); options.anchor = fromUserCoordinate( options.anchor, this.getProjection() ); } args[i] = options; } this.animateInternal.apply(this, args); } /** * @param {...(AnimationOptions|function(boolean): void)} var_args Animation options. */ animateInternal(var_args) { let animationCount = arguments.length; let callback; if (animationCount > 1 && typeof arguments[animationCount - 1] === "function") { callback = arguments[animationCount - 1]; --animationCount; } let i = 0; for (; i < animationCount && !this.isDef(); ++i) { const state = arguments[i]; if ( { this.setCenterInternal(; } if (state.zoom !== void 0) { this.setZoom(state.zoom); } else if (state.resolution) { this.setResolution(state.resolution); } if (state.rotation !== void 0) { this.setRotation(state.rotation); } } if (i === animationCount) { if (callback) { animationCallback(callback, true); } return; } let start =; let center = this.targetCenter_.slice(); let resolution = this.targetResolution_; let rotation = this.targetRotation_; const series = []; for (; i < animationCount; ++i) { const options = ( /** @type {AnimationOptions} */ arguments[i] ); const animation = { start, complete: false, anchor: options.anchor, duration: options.duration !== void 0 ? options.duration : 1e3, easing: options.easing || inAndOut, callback }; if ( { animation.sourceCenter = center; animation.targetCenter =; center = animation.targetCenter; } if (options.zoom !== void 0) { animation.sourceResolution = resolution; animation.targetResolution = this.getResolutionForZoom(options.zoom); resolution = animation.targetResolution; } else if (options.resolution) { animation.sourceResolution = resolution; animation.targetResolution = options.resolution; resolution = animation.targetResolution; } if (options.rotation !== void 0) { animation.sourceRotation = rotation; const delta = modulo(options.rotation - rotation + Math.PI, 2 * Math.PI) - Math.PI; animation.targetRotation = rotation + delta; rotation = animation.targetRotation; } if (isNoopAnimation(animation)) { animation.complete = true; } else { start += animation.duration; } series.push(animation); } this.animations_.push(series); this.setHint(ViewHint.ANIMATING, 1); this.updateAnimations_(); } /** * Determine if the view is being animated. * @return {boolean} The view is being animated. * @api */ getAnimating() { return this.hints_[ViewHint.ANIMATING] > 0; } /** * Determine if the user is interacting with the view, such as panning or zooming. * @return {boolean} The view is being interacted with. * @api */ getInteracting() { return this.hints_[ViewHint.INTERACTING] > 0; } /** * Cancel any ongoing animations. * @api */ cancelAnimations() { this.setHint(ViewHint.ANIMATING, -this.hints_[ViewHint.ANIMATING]); let anchor; for (let i = 0, ii = this.animations_.length; i < ii; ++i) { const series = this.animations_[i]; if (series[0].callback) { animationCallback(series[0].callback, false); } if (!anchor) { for (let j = 0, jj = series.length; j < jj; ++j) { const animation = series[j]; if (!animation.complete) { anchor = animation.anchor; break; } } } } this.animations_.length = 0; this.cancelAnchor_ = anchor; this.nextCenter_ = null; this.nextResolution_ = NaN; this.nextRotation_ = NaN; } /** * Update all animations. */ updateAnimations_() { if (this.updateAnimationKey_ !== void 0) { cancelAnimationFrame(this.updateAnimationKey_); this.updateAnimationKey_ = void 0; } if (!this.getAnimating()) { return; } const now =; let more = false; for (let i = this.animations_.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const series = this.animations_[i]; let seriesComplete = true; for (let j = 0, jj = series.length; j < jj; ++j) { const animation = series[j]; if (animation.complete) { continue; } const elapsed = now - animation.start; let fraction = animation.duration > 0 ? elapsed / animation.duration : 1; if (fraction >= 1) { animation.complete = true; fraction = 1; } else { seriesComplete = false; } const progress = animation.easing(fraction); if (animation.sourceCenter) { const x0 = animation.sourceCenter[0]; const y0 = animation.sourceCenter[1]; const x1 = animation.targetCenter[0]; const y1 = animation.targetCenter[1]; this.nextCenter_ = animation.targetCenter; const x = x0 + progress * (x1 - x0); const y = y0 + progress * (y1 - y0); this.targetCenter_ = [x, y]; } if (animation.sourceResolution && animation.targetResolution) { const resolution = progress === 1 ? animation.targetResolution : animation.sourceResolution + progress * (animation.targetResolution - animation.sourceResolution); if (animation.anchor) { const size = this.getViewportSize_(this.getRotation()); const constrainedResolution = this.constraints_.resolution( resolution, 0, size, true ); this.targetCenter_ = this.calculateCenterZoom( constrainedResolution, animation.anchor ); } this.nextResolution_ = animation.targetResolution; this.targetResolution_ = resolution; this.applyTargetState_(true); } if (animation.sourceRotation !== void 0 && animation.targetRotation !== void 0) { const rotation = progress === 1 ? modulo(animation.targetRotation + Math.PI, 2 * Math.PI) - Math.PI : animation.sourceRotation + progress * (animation.targetRotation - animation.sourceRotation); if (animation.anchor) { const constrainedRotation = this.constraints_.rotation( rotation, true ); this.targetCenter_ = this.calculateCenterRotate( constrainedRotation, animation.anchor ); } this.nextRotation_ = animation.targetRotation; this.targetRotation_ = rotation; } this.applyTargetState_(true); more = true; if (!animation.complete) { break; } } if (seriesComplete) { this.animations_[i] = null; this.setHint(ViewHint.ANIMATING, -1); this.nextCenter_ = null; this.nextResolution_ = NaN; this.nextRotation_ = NaN; const callback = series[0].callback; if (callback) { animationCallback(callback, true); } } } this.animations_ = this.animations_.filter(Boolean); if (more && this.updateAnimationKey_ === void 0) { this.updateAnimationKey_ = requestAnimationFrame( this.updateAnimations_.bind(this) ); } } /** * @param {number} rotation Target rotation. * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} anchor Rotation anchor. * @return {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate|undefined} Center for rotation and anchor. */ calculateCenterRotate(rotation, anchor) { let center; const currentCenter = this.getCenterInternal(); if (currentCenter !== void 0) { center = [currentCenter[0] - anchor[0], currentCenter[1] - anchor[1]]; rotate$1(center, rotation - this.getRotation()); add(center, anchor); } return center; } /** * @param {number} resolution Target resolution. * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} anchor Zoom anchor. * @return {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate|undefined} Center for resolution and anchor. */ calculateCenterZoom(resolution, anchor) { let center; const currentCenter = this.getCenterInternal(); const currentResolution = this.getResolution(); if (currentCenter !== void 0 && currentResolution !== void 0) { const x = anchor[0] - resolution * (anchor[0] - currentCenter[0]) / currentResolution; const y = anchor[1] - resolution * (anchor[1] - currentCenter[1]) / currentResolution; center = [x, y]; } return center; } /** * Returns the current viewport size. * @private * @param {number} [rotation] Take into account the rotation of the viewport when giving the size * @return {import("./size.js").Size} Viewport size or `[100, 100]` when no viewport is found. */ getViewportSize_(rotation) { const size = this.viewportSize_; if (rotation) { const w = size[0]; const h = size[1]; return [ Math.abs(w * Math.cos(rotation)) + Math.abs(h * Math.sin(rotation)), Math.abs(w * Math.sin(rotation)) + Math.abs(h * Math.cos(rotation)) ]; } return size; } /** * Stores the viewport size on the view. The viewport size is not read every time from the DOM * to avoid performance hit and layout reflow. * This should be done on map size change. * Note: the constraints are not resolved during an animation to avoid stopping it * @param {import("./size.js").Size} [size] Viewport size; if undefined, [100, 100] is assumed */ setViewportSize(size) { this.viewportSize_ = Array.isArray(size) ? size.slice() : [100, 100]; if (!this.getAnimating()) { this.resolveConstraints(0); } } /** * Get the view center. * @return {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate|undefined} The center of the view. * @observable * @api */ getCenter() { const center = this.getCenterInternal(); if (!center) { return center; } return toUserCoordinate(center, this.getProjection()); } /** * Get the view center without transforming to user projection. * @return {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate|undefined} The center of the view. */ getCenterInternal() { return ( /** @type {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate|undefined} */ this.get(ViewProperty.CENTER) ); } /** * @return {Constraints} Constraints. */ getConstraints() { return this.constraints_; } /** * @return {boolean} Resolution constraint is set */ getConstrainResolution() { return this.get("constrainResolution"); } /** * @param {Array} [hints] Destination array. * @return {Array} Hint. */ getHints(hints) { if (hints !== void 0) { hints[0] = this.hints_[0]; hints[1] = this.hints_[1]; return hints; } return this.hints_.slice(); } /** * Calculate the extent for the current view state and the passed size. * The size is the pixel dimensions of the box into which the calculated extent * should fit. In most cases you want to get the extent of the entire map, * that is `map.getSize()`. * @param {import("./size.js").Size} [size] Box pixel size. If not provided, the size * of the map that uses this view will be used. * @return {import("./extent.js").Extent} Extent. * @api */ calculateExtent(size) { const extent = this.calculateExtentInternal(size); return toUserExtent(extent, this.getProjection()); } /** * @param {import("./size.js").Size} [size] Box pixel size. If not provided, * the map's last known viewport size will be used. * @return {import("./extent.js").Extent} Extent. */ calculateExtentInternal(size) { size = size || this.getViewportSizeMinusPadding_(); const center = ( /** @type {!import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} */ this.getCenterInternal() ); assert(center, "The view center is not defined"); const resolution = ( /** @type {!number} */ this.getResolution() ); assert(resolution !== void 0, "The view resolution is not defined"); const rotation = ( /** @type {!number} */ this.getRotation() ); assert(rotation !== void 0, "The view rotation is not defined"); return getForViewAndSize(center, resolution, rotation, size); } /** * Get the maximum resolution of the view. * @return {number} The maximum resolution of the view. * @api */ getMaxResolution() { return this.maxResolution_; } /** * Get the minimum resolution of the view. * @return {number} The minimum resolution of the view. * @api */ getMinResolution() { return this.minResolution_; } /** * Get the maximum zoom level for the view. * @return {number} The maximum zoom level. * @api */ getMaxZoom() { return ( /** @type {number} */ this.getZoomForResolution(this.minResolution_) ); } /** * Set a new maximum zoom level for the view. * @param {number} zoom The maximum zoom level. * @api */ setMaxZoom(zoom) { this.applyOptions_(this.getUpdatedOptions_({ maxZoom: zoom })); } /** * Get the minimum zoom level for the view. * @return {number} The minimum zoom level. * @api */ getMinZoom() { return ( /** @type {number} */ this.getZoomForResolution(this.maxResolution_) ); } /** * Set a new minimum zoom level for the view. * @param {number} zoom The minimum zoom level. * @api */ setMinZoom(zoom) { this.applyOptions_(this.getUpdatedOptions_({ minZoom: zoom })); } /** * Set whether the view should allow intermediary zoom levels. * @param {boolean} enabled Whether the resolution is constrained. * @api */ setConstrainResolution(enabled) { this.applyOptions_(this.getUpdatedOptions_({ constrainResolution: enabled })); } /** * Get the view projection. * @return {import("./proj/Projection.js").default} The projection of the view. * @api */ getProjection() { return this.projection_; } /** * Get the view resolution. * @return {number|undefined} The resolution of the view. * @observable * @api */ getResolution() { return ( /** @type {number|undefined} */ this.get(ViewProperty.RESOLUTION) ); } /** * Get the resolutions for the view. This returns the array of resolutions * passed to the constructor of the View, or undefined if none were given. * @return {Array|undefined} The resolutions of the view. * @api */ getResolutions() { return this.resolutions_; } /** * Get the resolution for a provided extent (in map units) and size (in pixels). * @param {import("./extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @param {import("./size.js").Size} [size] Box pixel size. * @return {number} The resolution at which the provided extent will render at * the given size. * @api */ getResolutionForExtent(extent, size) { return this.getResolutionForExtentInternal( fromUserExtent(extent, this.getProjection()), size ); } /** * Get the resolution for a provided extent (in map units) and size (in pixels). * @param {import("./extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @param {import("./size.js").Size} [size] Box pixel size. * @return {number} The resolution at which the provided extent will render at * the given size. */ getResolutionForExtentInternal(extent, size) { size = size || this.getViewportSizeMinusPadding_(); const xResolution = getWidth(extent) / size[0]; const yResolution = getHeight(extent) / size[1]; return Math.max(xResolution, yResolution); } /** * Return a function that returns a value between 0 and 1 for a * resolution. Exponential scaling is assumed. * @param {number} [power] Power. * @return {function(number): number} Resolution for value function. */ getResolutionForValueFunction(power) { power = power || 2; const maxResolution = this.getConstrainedResolution(this.maxResolution_); const minResolution = this.minResolution_; const max = Math.log(maxResolution / minResolution) / Math.log(power); return ( /** * @param {number} value Value. * @return {number} Resolution. */ function(value) { const resolution = maxResolution / Math.pow(power, value * max); return resolution; } ); } /** * Get the view rotation. * @return {number} The rotation of the view in radians. * @observable * @api */ getRotation() { return ( /** @type {number} */ this.get(ViewProperty.ROTATION) ); } /** * Return a function that returns a resolution for a value between * 0 and 1. Exponential scaling is assumed. * @param {number} [power] Power. * @return {function(number): number} Value for resolution function. */ getValueForResolutionFunction(power) { const logPower = Math.log(power || 2); const maxResolution = this.getConstrainedResolution(this.maxResolution_); const minResolution = this.minResolution_; const max = Math.log(maxResolution / minResolution) / logPower; return ( /** * @param {number} resolution Resolution. * @return {number} Value. */ function(resolution) { const value = Math.log(maxResolution / resolution) / logPower / max; return value; } ); } /** * Returns the size of the viewport minus padding. * @private * @param {number} [rotation] Take into account the rotation of the viewport when giving the size * @return {import("./size.js").Size} Viewport size reduced by the padding. */ getViewportSizeMinusPadding_(rotation) { let size = this.getViewportSize_(rotation); const padding = this.padding_; if (padding) { size = [ size[0] - padding[1] - padding[3], size[1] - padding[0] - padding[2] ]; } return size; } /** * @return {State} View state. */ getState() { const projection = this.getProjection(); const resolution = this.getResolution(); const rotation = this.getRotation(); let center = ( /** @type {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} */ this.getCenterInternal() ); const padding = this.padding_; if (padding) { const reducedSize = this.getViewportSizeMinusPadding_(); center = calculateCenterOn( center, this.getViewportSize_(), [reducedSize[0] / 2 + padding[3], reducedSize[1] / 2 + padding[0]], resolution, rotation ); } return { center: center.slice(0), projection: projection !== void 0 ? projection : null, resolution, nextCenter: this.nextCenter_, nextResolution: this.nextResolution_, nextRotation: this.nextRotation_, rotation, zoom: this.getZoom() }; } /** * @return {ViewStateLayerStateExtent} Like `FrameState`, but just `viewState` and `extent`. */ getViewStateAndExtent() { return { viewState: this.getState(), extent: this.calculateExtent() }; } /** * Get the current zoom level. This method may return non-integer zoom levels * if the view does not constrain the resolution, or if an interaction or * animation is underway. * @return {number|undefined} Zoom. * @api */ getZoom() { let zoom; const resolution = this.getResolution(); if (resolution !== void 0) { zoom = this.getZoomForResolution(resolution); } return zoom; } /** * Get the zoom level for a resolution. * @param {number} resolution The resolution. * @return {number|undefined} The zoom level for the provided resolution. * @api */ getZoomForResolution(resolution) { let offset = this.minZoom_ || 0; let max, zoomFactor; if (this.resolutions_) { const nearest = linearFindNearest(this.resolutions_, resolution, 1); offset = nearest; max = this.resolutions_[nearest]; if (nearest == this.resolutions_.length - 1) { zoomFactor = 2; } else { zoomFactor = max / this.resolutions_[nearest + 1]; } } else { max = this.maxResolution_; zoomFactor = this.zoomFactor_; } return offset + Math.log(max / resolution) / Math.log(zoomFactor); } /** * Get the resolution for a zoom level. * @param {number} zoom Zoom level. * @return {number} The view resolution for the provided zoom level. * @api */ getResolutionForZoom(zoom) { if (this.resolutions_) { if (this.resolutions_.length <= 1) { return 0; } const baseLevel = clamp( Math.floor(zoom), 0, this.resolutions_.length - 2 ); const zoomFactor = this.resolutions_[baseLevel] / this.resolutions_[baseLevel + 1]; return this.resolutions_[baseLevel] / Math.pow(zoomFactor, clamp(zoom - baseLevel, 0, 1)); } return this.maxResolution_ / Math.pow(this.zoomFactor_, zoom - this.minZoom_); } /** * Fit the given geometry or extent based on the given map size and border. * The size is pixel dimensions of the box to fit the extent into. * In most cases you will want to use the map size, that is `map.getSize()`. * Takes care of the map angle. * @param {import("./geom/SimpleGeometry.js").default|import("./extent.js").Extent} geometryOrExtent The geometry or * extent to fit the view to. * @param {FitOptions} [options] Options. * @api */ fit(geometryOrExtent, options) { let geometry; assert( Array.isArray(geometryOrExtent) || typeof /** @type {?} */ geometryOrExtent.getSimplifiedGeometry === "function", "Invalid extent or geometry provided as `geometry`" ); if (Array.isArray(geometryOrExtent)) { assert( !isEmpty(geometryOrExtent), "Cannot fit empty extent provided as `geometry`" ); const extent = fromUserExtent(geometryOrExtent, this.getProjection()); geometry = fromExtent(extent); } else if (geometryOrExtent.getType() === "Circle") { const extent = fromUserExtent( geometryOrExtent.getExtent(), this.getProjection() ); geometry = fromExtent(extent); geometry.rotate(this.getRotation(), getCenter(extent)); } else { { geometry = geometryOrExtent; } } this.fitInternal(geometry, options); } /** * Calculate rotated extent * @param {import("./geom/SimpleGeometry.js").default} geometry The geometry. * @return {import("./extent").Extent} The rotated extent for the geometry. */ rotatedExtentForGeometry(geometry) { const rotation = this.getRotation(); const cosAngle = Math.cos(rotation); const sinAngle = Math.sin(-rotation); const coords = geometry.getFlatCoordinates(); const stride = geometry.getStride(); let minRotX = Infinity; let minRotY = Infinity; let maxRotX = -Infinity; let maxRotY = -Infinity; for (let i = 0, ii = coords.length; i < ii; i += stride) { const rotX = coords[i] * cosAngle - coords[i + 1] * sinAngle; const rotY = coords[i] * sinAngle + coords[i + 1] * cosAngle; minRotX = Math.min(minRotX, rotX); minRotY = Math.min(minRotY, rotY); maxRotX = Math.max(maxRotX, rotX); maxRotY = Math.max(maxRotY, rotY); } return [minRotX, minRotY, maxRotX, maxRotY]; } /** * @param {import("./geom/SimpleGeometry.js").default} geometry The geometry. * @param {FitOptions} [options] Options. */ fitInternal(geometry, options) { options = options || {}; let size = options.size; if (!size) { size = this.getViewportSizeMinusPadding_(); } const padding = options.padding !== void 0 ? options.padding : [0, 0, 0, 0]; const nearest = options.nearest !== void 0 ? options.nearest : false; let minResolution; if (options.minResolution !== void 0) { minResolution = options.minResolution; } else if (options.maxZoom !== void 0) { minResolution = this.getResolutionForZoom(options.maxZoom); } else { minResolution = 0; } const rotatedExtent = this.rotatedExtentForGeometry(geometry); let resolution = this.getResolutionForExtentInternal(rotatedExtent, [ size[0] - padding[1] - padding[3], size[1] - padding[0] - padding[2] ]); resolution = isNaN(resolution) ? minResolution : Math.max(resolution, minResolution); resolution = this.getConstrainedResolution(resolution, nearest ? 0 : 1); const rotation = this.getRotation(); const sinAngle = Math.sin(rotation); const cosAngle = Math.cos(rotation); const centerRot = getCenter(rotatedExtent); centerRot[0] += (padding[1] - padding[3]) / 2 * resolution; centerRot[1] += (padding[0] - padding[2]) / 2 * resolution; const centerX = centerRot[0] * cosAngle - centerRot[1] * sinAngle; const centerY = centerRot[1] * cosAngle + centerRot[0] * sinAngle; const center = this.getConstrainedCenter([centerX, centerY], resolution); const callback = options.callback ? options.callback : VOID; if (options.duration !== void 0) { this.animateInternal( { resolution, center, duration: options.duration, easing: options.easing }, callback ); } else { this.targetResolution_ = resolution; this.targetCenter_ = center; this.applyTargetState_(false, true); animationCallback(callback, true); } } /** * Center on coordinate and view position. * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate. * @param {import("./size.js").Size} size Box pixel size. * @param {import("./pixel.js").Pixel} position Position on the view to center on. * @api */ centerOn(coordinate, size, position) { this.centerOnInternal( fromUserCoordinate(coordinate, this.getProjection()), size, position ); } /** * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate. * @param {import("./size.js").Size} size Box pixel size. * @param {import("./pixel.js").Pixel} position Position on the view to center on. */ centerOnInternal(coordinate, size, position) { this.setCenterInternal( calculateCenterOn( coordinate, size, position, this.getResolution(), this.getRotation() ) ); } /** * Calculates the shift between map and viewport center. * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} center Center. * @param {number} resolution Resolution. * @param {number} rotation Rotation. * @param {import("./size.js").Size} size Size. * @return {Array|undefined} Center shift. */ calculateCenterShift(center, resolution, rotation, size) { let centerShift; const padding = this.padding_; if (padding && center) { const reducedSize = this.getViewportSizeMinusPadding_(-rotation); const shiftedCenter = calculateCenterOn( center, size, [reducedSize[0] / 2 + padding[3], reducedSize[1] / 2 + padding[0]], resolution, rotation ); centerShift = [ center[0] - shiftedCenter[0], center[1] - shiftedCenter[1] ]; } return centerShift; } /** * @return {boolean} Is defined. */ isDef() { return !!this.getCenterInternal() && this.getResolution() !== void 0; } /** * Adds relative coordinates to the center of the view. Any extent constraint will apply. * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} deltaCoordinates Relative value to add. * @api */ adjustCenter(deltaCoordinates) { const center = toUserCoordinate(this.targetCenter_, this.getProjection()); this.setCenter([ center[0] + deltaCoordinates[0], center[1] + deltaCoordinates[1] ]); } /** * Adds relative coordinates to the center of the view. Any extent constraint will apply. * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} deltaCoordinates Relative value to add. */ adjustCenterInternal(deltaCoordinates) { const center = this.targetCenter_; this.setCenterInternal([ center[0] + deltaCoordinates[0], center[1] + deltaCoordinates[1] ]); } /** * Multiply the view resolution by a ratio, optionally using an anchor. Any resolution * constraint will apply. * @param {number} ratio The ratio to apply on the view resolution. * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} [anchor] The origin of the transformation. * @api */ adjustResolution(ratio, anchor) { anchor = anchor && fromUserCoordinate(anchor, this.getProjection()); this.adjustResolutionInternal(ratio, anchor); } /** * Multiply the view resolution by a ratio, optionally using an anchor. Any resolution * constraint will apply. * @param {number} ratio The ratio to apply on the view resolution. * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} [anchor] The origin of the transformation. */ adjustResolutionInternal(ratio, anchor) { const isMoving = this.getAnimating() || this.getInteracting(); const size = this.getViewportSize_(this.getRotation()); const newResolution = this.constraints_.resolution( this.targetResolution_ * ratio, 0, size, isMoving ); if (anchor) { this.targetCenter_ = this.calculateCenterZoom(newResolution, anchor); } this.targetResolution_ *= ratio; this.applyTargetState_(); } /** * Adds a value to the view zoom level, optionally using an anchor. Any resolution * constraint will apply. * @param {number} delta Relative value to add to the zoom level. * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} [anchor] The origin of the transformation. * @api */ adjustZoom(delta, anchor) { this.adjustResolution(Math.pow(this.zoomFactor_, -delta), anchor); } /** * Adds a value to the view rotation, optionally using an anchor. Any rotation * constraint will apply. * @param {number} delta Relative value to add to the zoom rotation, in radians. * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} [anchor] The rotation center. * @api */ adjustRotation(delta, anchor) { if (anchor) { anchor = fromUserCoordinate(anchor, this.getProjection()); } this.adjustRotationInternal(delta, anchor); } /** * @param {number} delta Relative value to add to the zoom rotation, in radians. * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} [anchor] The rotation center. */ adjustRotationInternal(delta, anchor) { const isMoving = this.getAnimating() || this.getInteracting(); const newRotation = this.constraints_.rotation( this.targetRotation_ + delta, isMoving ); if (anchor) { this.targetCenter_ = this.calculateCenterRotate(newRotation, anchor); } this.targetRotation_ += delta; this.applyTargetState_(); } /** * Set the center of the current view. Any extent constraint will apply. * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate|undefined} center The center of the view. * @observable * @api */ setCenter(center) { this.setCenterInternal( center ? fromUserCoordinate(center, this.getProjection()) : center ); } /** * Set the center using the view projection (not the user projection). * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate|undefined} center The center of the view. */ setCenterInternal(center) { this.targetCenter_ = center; this.applyTargetState_(); } /** * @param {import("./ViewHint.js").default} hint Hint. * @param {number} delta Delta. * @return {number} New value. */ setHint(hint, delta) { this.hints_[hint] += delta; this.changed(); return this.hints_[hint]; } /** * Set the resolution for this view. Any resolution constraint will apply. * @param {number|undefined} resolution The resolution of the view. * @observable * @api */ setResolution(resolution) { this.targetResolution_ = resolution; this.applyTargetState_(); } /** * Set the rotation for this view. Any rotation constraint will apply. * @param {number} rotation The rotation of the view in radians. * @observable * @api */ setRotation(rotation) { this.targetRotation_ = rotation; this.applyTargetState_(); } /** * Zoom to a specific zoom level. Any resolution constrain will apply. * @param {number} zoom Zoom level. * @api */ setZoom(zoom) { this.setResolution(this.getResolutionForZoom(zoom)); } /** * Recompute rotation/resolution/center based on target values. * Note: we have to compute rotation first, then resolution and center considering that * parameters can influence one another in case a view extent constraint is present. * @param {boolean} [doNotCancelAnims] Do not cancel animations. * @param {boolean} [forceMoving] Apply constraints as if the view is moving. * @private */ applyTargetState_(doNotCancelAnims, forceMoving) { const isMoving = this.getAnimating() || this.getInteracting() || forceMoving; const newRotation = this.constraints_.rotation( this.targetRotation_, isMoving ); const size = this.getViewportSize_(newRotation); const newResolution = this.constraints_.resolution( this.targetResolution_, 0, size, isMoving ); const newCenter = this.targetCenter_, newResolution, size, isMoving, this.calculateCenterShift( this.targetCenter_, newResolution, newRotation, size ) ); if (this.get(ViewProperty.ROTATION) !== newRotation) { this.set(ViewProperty.ROTATION, newRotation); } if (this.get(ViewProperty.RESOLUTION) !== newResolution) { this.set(ViewProperty.RESOLUTION, newResolution); this.set("zoom", this.getZoom(), true); } if (!newCenter || !this.get(ViewProperty.CENTER) || !equals(this.get(ViewProperty.CENTER), newCenter)) { this.set(ViewProperty.CENTER, newCenter); } if (this.getAnimating() && !doNotCancelAnims) { this.cancelAnimations(); } this.cancelAnchor_ = void 0; } /** * If any constraints need to be applied, an animation will be triggered. * This is typically done on interaction end. * Note: calling this with a duration of 0 will apply the constrained values straight away, * without animation. * @param {number} [duration] The animation duration in ms. * @param {number} [resolutionDirection] Which direction to zoom. * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} [anchor] The origin of the transformation. */ resolveConstraints(duration, resolutionDirection, anchor) { duration = duration !== void 0 ? duration : 200; const direction = resolutionDirection || 0; const newRotation = this.constraints_.rotation(this.targetRotation_); const size = this.getViewportSize_(newRotation); const newResolution = this.constraints_.resolution( this.targetResolution_, direction, size ); const newCenter = this.targetCenter_, newResolution, size, false, this.calculateCenterShift( this.targetCenter_, newResolution, newRotation, size ) ); if (duration === 0 && !this.cancelAnchor_) { this.targetResolution_ = newResolution; this.targetRotation_ = newRotation; this.targetCenter_ = newCenter; this.applyTargetState_(); return; } anchor = anchor || (duration === 0 ? this.cancelAnchor_ : void 0); this.cancelAnchor_ = void 0; if (this.getResolution() !== newResolution || this.getRotation() !== newRotation || !this.getCenterInternal() || !equals(this.getCenterInternal(), newCenter)) { if (this.getAnimating()) { this.cancelAnimations(); } this.animateInternal({ rotation: newRotation, center: newCenter, resolution: newResolution, duration, easing: easeOut, anchor }); } } /** * Notify the View that an interaction has started. * The view state will be resolved to a stable one if needed * (depending on its constraints). * @api */ beginInteraction() { this.resolveConstraints(0); this.setHint(ViewHint.INTERACTING, 1); } /** * Notify the View that an interaction has ended. The view state will be resolved * to a stable one if needed (depending on its constraints). * @param {number} [duration] Animation duration in ms. * @param {number} [resolutionDirection] Which direction to zoom. * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} [anchor] The origin of the transformation. * @api */ endInteraction(duration, resolutionDirection, anchor) { anchor = anchor && fromUserCoordinate(anchor, this.getProjection()); this.endInteractionInternal(duration, resolutionDirection, anchor); } /** * Notify the View that an interaction has ended. The view state will be resolved * to a stable one if needed (depending on its constraints). * @param {number} [duration] Animation duration in ms. * @param {number} [resolutionDirection] Which direction to zoom. * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} [anchor] The origin of the transformation. */ endInteractionInternal(duration, resolutionDirection, anchor) { if (!this.getInteracting()) { return; } this.setHint(ViewHint.INTERACTING, -1); this.resolveConstraints(duration, resolutionDirection, anchor); } /** * Get a valid position for the view center according to the current constraints. * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate|undefined} targetCenter Target center position. * @param {number} [targetResolution] Target resolution. If not supplied, the current one will be used. * This is useful to guess a valid center position at a different zoom level. * @return {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate|undefined} Valid center position. */ getConstrainedCenter(targetCenter, targetResolution) { const size = this.getViewportSize_(this.getRotation()); return targetCenter, targetResolution || this.getResolution(), size ); } /** * Get a valid zoom level according to the current view constraints. * @param {number|undefined} targetZoom Target zoom. * @param {number} [direction=0] Indicate which resolution should be used * by a renderer if the view resolution does not match any resolution of the tile source. * If 0, the nearest resolution will be used. If 1, the nearest lower resolution * will be used. If -1, the nearest higher resolution will be used. * @return {number|undefined} Valid zoom level. */ getConstrainedZoom(targetZoom, direction) { const targetRes = this.getResolutionForZoom(targetZoom); return this.getZoomForResolution( this.getConstrainedResolution(targetRes, direction) ); } /** * Get a valid resolution according to the current view constraints. * @param {number|undefined} targetResolution Target resolution. * @param {number} [direction=0] Indicate which resolution should be used * by a renderer if the view resolution does not match any resolution of the tile source. * If 0, the nearest resolution will be used. If 1, the nearest lower resolution * will be used. If -1, the nearest higher resolution will be used. * @return {number|undefined} Valid resolution. */ getConstrainedResolution(targetResolution, direction) { direction = direction || 0; const size = this.getViewportSize_(this.getRotation()); return this.constraints_.resolution(targetResolution, direction, size); } } function animationCallback(callback, returnValue) { setTimeout(function() { callback(returnValue); }, 0); } function createCenterConstraint(options) { if (options.extent !== void 0) { const smooth = options.smoothExtentConstraint !== void 0 ? options.smoothExtentConstraint : true; return createExtent(options.extent, options.constrainOnlyCenter, smooth); } const projection = createProjection(options.projection, "EPSG:3857"); if (options.multiWorld !== true && projection.isGlobal()) { const extent = projection.getExtent().slice(); extent[0] = -Infinity; extent[2] = Infinity; return createExtent(extent, false, false); } return none$1; } function createResolutionConstraint(options) { let resolutionConstraint; let maxResolution; let minResolution; const defaultMaxZoom = 28; const defaultZoomFactor = 2; let minZoom = options.minZoom !== void 0 ? options.minZoom : DEFAULT_MIN_ZOOM; let maxZoom = options.maxZoom !== void 0 ? options.maxZoom : defaultMaxZoom; const zoomFactor = options.zoomFactor !== void 0 ? options.zoomFactor : defaultZoomFactor; const multiWorld = options.multiWorld !== void 0 ? options.multiWorld : false; const smooth = options.smoothResolutionConstraint !== void 0 ? options.smoothResolutionConstraint : true; const showFullExtent = options.showFullExtent !== void 0 ? options.showFullExtent : false; const projection = createProjection(options.projection, "EPSG:3857"); const projExtent = projection.getExtent(); let constrainOnlyCenter = options.constrainOnlyCenter; let extent = options.extent; if (!multiWorld && !extent && projection.isGlobal()) { constrainOnlyCenter = false; extent = projExtent; } if (options.resolutions !== void 0) { const resolutions = options.resolutions; maxResolution = resolutions[minZoom]; minResolution = resolutions[maxZoom] !== void 0 ? resolutions[maxZoom] : resolutions[resolutions.length - 1]; if (options.constrainResolution) { resolutionConstraint = createSnapToResolutions( resolutions, smooth, !constrainOnlyCenter && extent, showFullExtent ); } else { resolutionConstraint = createMinMaxResolution( maxResolution, minResolution, smooth, !constrainOnlyCenter && extent, showFullExtent ); } } else { const size = !projExtent ? ( // use an extent that can fit the whole world if need be 360 * METERS_PER_UNIT$1.degrees / projection.getMetersPerUnit() ) : Math.max(getWidth(projExtent), getHeight(projExtent)); const defaultMaxResolution = size / DEFAULT_TILE_SIZE / Math.pow(defaultZoomFactor, DEFAULT_MIN_ZOOM); const defaultMinResolution = defaultMaxResolution / Math.pow(defaultZoomFactor, defaultMaxZoom - DEFAULT_MIN_ZOOM); maxResolution = options.maxResolution; if (maxResolution !== void 0) { minZoom = 0; } else { maxResolution = defaultMaxResolution / Math.pow(zoomFactor, minZoom); } minResolution = options.minResolution; if (minResolution === void 0) { if (options.maxZoom !== void 0) { if (options.maxResolution !== void 0) { minResolution = maxResolution / Math.pow(zoomFactor, maxZoom); } else { minResolution = defaultMaxResolution / Math.pow(zoomFactor, maxZoom); } } else { minResolution = defaultMinResolution; } } maxZoom = minZoom + Math.floor( Math.log(maxResolution / minResolution) / Math.log(zoomFactor) ); minResolution = maxResolution / Math.pow(zoomFactor, maxZoom - minZoom); if (options.constrainResolution) { resolutionConstraint = createSnapToPower( zoomFactor, maxResolution, minResolution, smooth, !constrainOnlyCenter && extent, showFullExtent ); } else { resolutionConstraint = createMinMaxResolution( maxResolution, minResolution, smooth, !constrainOnlyCenter && extent, showFullExtent ); } } return { constraint: resolutionConstraint, maxResolution, minResolution, minZoom, zoomFactor }; } function createRotationConstraint(options) { const enableRotation = options.enableRotation !== void 0 ? options.enableRotation : true; if (enableRotation) { const constrainRotation = options.constrainRotation; if (constrainRotation === void 0 || constrainRotation === true) { return createSnapToZero(); } if (constrainRotation === false) { return none; } if (typeof constrainRotation === "number") { return createSnapToN(constrainRotation); } return none; } return disable; } function isNoopAnimation(animation) { if (animation.sourceCenter && animation.targetCenter) { if (!equals(animation.sourceCenter, animation.targetCenter)) { return false; } } if (animation.sourceResolution !== animation.targetResolution) { return false; } if (animation.sourceRotation !== animation.targetRotation) { return false; } return true; } function calculateCenterOn(coordinate, size, position, resolution, rotation) { const cosAngle = Math.cos(-rotation); let sinAngle = Math.sin(-rotation); let rotX = coordinate[0] * cosAngle - coordinate[1] * sinAngle; let rotY = coordinate[1] * cosAngle + coordinate[0] * sinAngle; rotX += (size[0] / 2 - position[0]) * resolution; rotY += (position[1] - size[1] / 2) * resolution; sinAngle = -sinAngle; const centerX = rotX * cosAngle - rotY * sinAngle; const centerY = rotY * cosAngle + rotX * sinAngle; return [centerX, centerY]; } const OlView = View; class Layer extends BaseLayer$1 { /** * @param {Options} options Layer options. */ constructor(options) { const baseOptions = Object.assign({}, options); delete baseOptions.source; super(baseOptions); this.on; this.once; this.un; this.mapPrecomposeKey_ = null; this.mapRenderKey_ = null; this.sourceChangeKey_ = null; this.renderer_ = null; this.sourceReady_ = false; this.rendered = false; if (options.render) { this.render = options.render; } if ( { this.setMap(; } this.addChangeListener( LayerProperty.SOURCE, this.handleSourcePropertyChange_ ); const source = options.source ? ( /** @type {SourceType} */ options.source ) : null; this.setSource(source); } /** * @param {Array} [array] Array of layers (to be modified in place). * @return {Array} Array of layers. */ getLayersArray(array) { array = array ? array : []; array.push(this); return array; } /** * @param {Array} [states] Optional list of layer states (to be modified in place). * @return {Array} List of layer states. */ getLayerStatesArray(states) { states = states ? states : []; states.push(this.getLayerState()); return states; } /** * Get the layer source. * @return {SourceType|null} The layer source (or `null` if not yet set). * @observable * @api */ getSource() { return ( /** @type {SourceType} */ this.get(LayerProperty.SOURCE) || null ); } /** * @return {SourceType|null} The source being rendered. */ getRenderSource() { return this.getSource(); } /** * @return {import("../source/Source.js").State} Source state. */ getSourceState() { const source = this.getSource(); return !source ? "undefined" : source.getState(); } /** * @private */ handleSourceChange_() { this.changed(); if (this.sourceReady_ || this.getSource().getState() !== "ready") { return; } this.sourceReady_ = true; this.dispatchEvent("sourceready"); } /** * @private */ handleSourcePropertyChange_() { if (this.sourceChangeKey_) { unlistenByKey(this.sourceChangeKey_); this.sourceChangeKey_ = null; } this.sourceReady_ = false; const source = this.getSource(); if (source) { this.sourceChangeKey_ = listen( source, EventType.CHANGE, this.handleSourceChange_, this ); if (source.getState() === "ready") { this.sourceReady_ = true; setTimeout(() => { this.dispatchEvent("sourceready"); }, 0); } } this.changed(); } /** * @param {import("../pixel").Pixel} pixel Pixel. * @return {Promise>} Promise that resolves with * an array of features. */ getFeatures(pixel) { if (!this.renderer_) { return Promise.resolve([]); } return this.renderer_.getFeatures(pixel); } /** * @param {import("../pixel").Pixel} pixel Pixel. * @return {Uint8ClampedArray|Uint8Array|Float32Array|DataView|null} Pixel data. */ getData(pixel) { if (!this.renderer_ || !this.rendered) { return null; } return this.renderer_.getData(pixel); } /** * The layer is visible on the map view, i.e. within its min/max resolution or zoom and * extent, not set to `visible: false`, and not inside a layer group that is set * to `visible: false`. * @param {View|import("../View.js").ViewStateLayerStateExtent} [view] View or {@link import("../Map.js").FrameState}. * Only required when the layer is not added to a map. * @return {boolean} The layer is visible in the map view. * @api */ isVisible(view) { let frameState; const map = this.getMapInternal(); if (!view && map) { view = map.getView(); } if (view instanceof OlView) { frameState = { viewState: view.getState(), extent: view.calculateExtent() }; } else { frameState = view; } if (!frameState.layerStatesArray && map) { frameState.layerStatesArray = map.getLayerGroup().getLayerStatesArray(); } let layerState; if (frameState.layerStatesArray) { layerState = frameState.layerStatesArray.find( (layerState2) => layerState2.layer === this ); } else { layerState = this.getLayerState(); } const layerExtent = this.getExtent(); return inView(layerState, frameState.viewState) && (!layerExtent || intersects$1(layerExtent, frameState.extent)); } /** * Get the attributions of the source of this layer for the given view. * @param {View|import("../View.js").ViewStateLayerStateExtent} [view] View or {@link import("../Map.js").FrameState}. * Only required when the layer is not added to a map. * @return {Array} Attributions for this layer at the given view. * @api */ getAttributions(view) { if (!this.isVisible(view)) { return []; } let getAttributions; const source = this.getSource(); if (source) { getAttributions = source.getAttributions(); } if (!getAttributions) { return []; } const frameState = view instanceof OlView ? view.getViewStateAndExtent() : view; let attributions = getAttributions(frameState); if (!Array.isArray(attributions)) { attributions = [attributions]; } return attributions; } /** * In charge to manage the rendering of the layer. One layer type is * bounded with one layer renderer. * @param {?import("../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. * @param {HTMLElement} target Target which the renderer may (but need not) use * for rendering its content. * @return {HTMLElement|null} The rendered element. */ render(frameState, target) { const layerRenderer = this.getRenderer(); if (layerRenderer.prepareFrame(frameState)) { this.rendered = true; return layerRenderer.renderFrame(frameState, target); } return null; } /** * Called when a layer is not visible during a map render. */ unrender() { this.rendered = false; } /** * For use inside the library only. * @param {import("../Map.js").default|null} map Map. */ setMapInternal(map) { if (!map) { this.unrender(); } this.set(LayerProperty.MAP, map); } /** * For use inside the library only. * @return {import("../Map.js").default|null} Map. */ getMapInternal() { return this.get(LayerProperty.MAP); } /** * Sets the layer to be rendered on top of other layers on a map. The map will * not manage this layer in its layers collection. This * is useful for temporary layers. To remove an unmanaged layer from the map, * use `#setMap(null)`. * * To add the layer to a map and have it managed by the map, use * {@link module:ol/Map~Map#addLayer} instead. * @param {import("../Map.js").default|null} map Map. * @api */ setMap(map) { if (this.mapPrecomposeKey_) { unlistenByKey(this.mapPrecomposeKey_); this.mapPrecomposeKey_ = null; } if (!map) { this.changed(); } if (this.mapRenderKey_) { unlistenByKey(this.mapRenderKey_); this.mapRenderKey_ = null; } if (map) { this.mapPrecomposeKey_ = listen( map, RenderEventType.PRECOMPOSE, function(evt) { const renderEvent = ( /** @type {import("../render/Event.js").default} */ evt ); const layerStatesArray = renderEvent.frameState.layerStatesArray; const layerState = this.getLayerState(false); assert( !layerStatesArray.some(function(arrayLayerState) { return arrayLayerState.layer === layerState.layer; }), "A layer can only be added to the map once. Use either `layer.setMap()` or `map.addLayer()`, not both." ); layerStatesArray.push(layerState); }, this ); this.mapRenderKey_ = listen(this, EventType.CHANGE, map.render, map); this.changed(); } } /** * Set the layer source. * @param {SourceType|null} source The layer source. * @observable * @api */ setSource(source) { this.set(LayerProperty.SOURCE, source); } /** * Get the renderer for this layer. * @return {RendererType|null} The layer renderer. */ getRenderer() { if (!this.renderer_) { this.renderer_ = this.createRenderer(); } return this.renderer_; } /** * @return {boolean} The layer has a renderer. */ hasRenderer() { return !!this.renderer_; } /** * Create a renderer for this layer. * @return {RendererType} A layer renderer. * @protected */ createRenderer() { return null; } /** * Clean up. */ disposeInternal() { if (this.renderer_) { this.renderer_.dispose(); delete this.renderer_; } this.setSource(null); super.disposeInternal(); } } function inView(layerState, viewState) { if (!layerState.visible) { return false; } const resolution = viewState.resolution; if (resolution < layerState.minResolution || resolution >= layerState.maxResolution) { return false; } const zoom = viewState.zoom; return zoom > layerState.minZoom && zoom <= layerState.maxZoom; } const Layer$1 = Layer; class MapRenderer extends Disposable$1 { /** * @param {import("../Map.js").default} map Map. */ constructor(map) { super(); this.map_ = map; } /** * @abstract * @param {import("../render/EventType.js").default} type Event type. * @param {import("../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. */ dispatchRenderEvent(type, frameState) { abstract(); } /** * @param {import("../Map.js").FrameState} frameState FrameState. * @protected */ calculateMatrices2D(frameState) { const viewState = frameState.viewState; const coordinateToPixelTransform = frameState.coordinateToPixelTransform; const pixelToCoordinateTransform = frameState.pixelToCoordinateTransform; compose( coordinateToPixelTransform, frameState.size[0] / 2, frameState.size[1] / 2, 1 / viewState.resolution, -1 / viewState.resolution, -viewState.rotation,[0],[1] ); makeInverse(pixelToCoordinateTransform, coordinateToPixelTransform); } /** * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate. * @param {import("../Map.js").FrameState} frameState FrameState. * @param {number} hitTolerance Hit tolerance in pixels. * @param {boolean} checkWrapped Check for wrapped geometries. * @param {import("./vector.js").FeatureCallback} callback Feature callback. * @param {S} thisArg Value to use as `this` when executing `callback`. * @param {function(this: U, import("../layer/Layer.js").default): boolean} layerFilter Layer filter * function, only layers which are visible and for which this function * returns `true` will be tested for features. By default, all visible * layers will be tested. * @param {U} thisArg2 Value to use as `this` when executing `layerFilter`. * @return {T|undefined} Callback result. * @template S,T,U */ forEachFeatureAtCoordinate(coordinate, frameState, hitTolerance, checkWrapped, callback, thisArg, layerFilter, thisArg2) { let result; const viewState = frameState.viewState; function forEachFeatureAtCoordinate(managed, feature, layer, geometry) { return, feature, managed ? layer : null, geometry); } const projection = viewState.projection; const translatedCoordinate = wrapX$1(coordinate.slice(), projection); const offsets = [[0, 0]]; if (projection.canWrapX() && checkWrapped) { const projectionExtent = projection.getExtent(); const worldWidth = getWidth(projectionExtent); offsets.push([-worldWidth, 0], [worldWidth, 0]); } const layerStates = frameState.layerStatesArray; const numLayers = layerStates.length; const matches = ( /** @type {Array>} */ [] ); const tmpCoord = []; for (let i = 0; i < offsets.length; i++) { for (let j = numLayers - 1; j >= 0; --j) { const layerState = layerStates[j]; const layer = layerState.layer; if (layer.hasRenderer() && inView(layerState, viewState) &&, layer)) { const layerRenderer = layer.getRenderer(); const source = layer.getSource(); if (layerRenderer && source) { const coordinates2 = source.getWrapX() ? translatedCoordinate : coordinate; const callback2 = forEachFeatureAtCoordinate.bind( null, layerState.managed ); tmpCoord[0] = coordinates2[0] + offsets[i][0]; tmpCoord[1] = coordinates2[1] + offsets[i][1]; result = layerRenderer.forEachFeatureAtCoordinate( tmpCoord, frameState, hitTolerance, callback2, matches ); } if (result) { return result; } } } } if (matches.length === 0) { return void 0; } const order = 1 / matches.length; matches.forEach((m, i) => m.distanceSq += i * order); matches.sort((a, b) => a.distanceSq - b.distanceSq); matches.some((m) => { return result = m.callback(m.feature, m.layer, m.geometry); }); return result; } /** * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate. * @param {import("../Map.js").FrameState} frameState FrameState. * @param {number} hitTolerance Hit tolerance in pixels. * @param {boolean} checkWrapped Check for wrapped geometries. * @param {function(this: U, import("../layer/Layer.js").default): boolean} layerFilter Layer filter * function, only layers which are visible and for which this function * returns `true` will be tested for features. By default, all visible * layers will be tested. * @param {U} thisArg Value to use as `this` when executing `layerFilter`. * @return {boolean} Is there a feature at the given coordinate? * @template U */ hasFeatureAtCoordinate(coordinate, frameState, hitTolerance, checkWrapped, layerFilter, thisArg) { const hasFeature = this.forEachFeatureAtCoordinate( coordinate, frameState, hitTolerance, checkWrapped, TRUE, this, layerFilter, thisArg ); return hasFeature !== void 0; } /** * @return {import("../Map.js").default} Map. */ getMap() { return this.map_; } /** * Render. * @abstract * @param {?import("../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. */ renderFrame(frameState) { abstract(); } /** * @param {import("../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. */ flushDeclutterItems(frameState) { } /** * @param {import("../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. * @protected */ scheduleExpireIconCache(frameState) { if (shared.canExpireCache()) { frameState.postRenderFunctions.push(expireIconCache); } } } function expireIconCache(map, frameState) { shared.expire(); } const MapRenderer$1 = MapRenderer; class RenderEvent extends Event { /** * @param {import("./EventType.js").default} type Type. * @param {import("../transform.js").Transform} [inversePixelTransform] Transform for * CSS pixels to rendered pixels. * @param {import("../Map.js").FrameState} [frameState] Frame state. * @param {?(CanvasRenderingContext2D|WebGLRenderingContext)} [context] Context. */ constructor(type, inversePixelTransform, frameState, context) { super(type); this.inversePixelTransform = inversePixelTransform; this.frameState = frameState; this.context = context; } } const RenderEvent$1 = RenderEvent; const CLASS_HIDDEN = "ol-hidden"; const CLASS_SELECTABLE = "ol-selectable"; const CLASS_UNSELECTABLE = "ol-unselectable"; const CLASS_CONTROL = "ol-control"; const CLASS_COLLAPSED = "ol-collapsed"; const fontRegEx = new RegExp( [ "^\\s*(?=(?:(?:[-a-z]+\\s*){0,2}(italic|oblique))?)", "(?=(?:(?:[-a-z]+\\s*){0,2}(small-caps))?)", "(?=(?:(?:[-a-z]+\\s*){0,2}(bold(?:er)?|lighter|[1-9]00 ))?)", "(?:(?:normal|\\1|\\2|\\3)\\s*){0,3}((?:xx?-)?", "(?:small|large)|medium|smaller|larger|[\\.\\d]+(?:\\%|in|[cem]m|ex|p[ctx]))", "(?:\\s*\\/\\s*(normal|[\\.\\d]+(?:\\%|in|[cem]m|ex|p[ctx])?))", `?\\s*([-,\\"\\'\\sa-z]+?)\\s*$` ].join(""), "i" ); const fontRegExMatchIndex = [ "style", "variant", "weight", "size", "lineHeight", "family" ]; const getFontParameters = function(fontSpec) { const match = fontSpec.match(fontRegEx); if (!match) { return null; } const style = ( /** @type {FontParameters} */ { lineHeight: "normal", size: "1.2em", style: "normal", weight: "normal", variant: "normal" } ); for (let i = 0, ii = fontRegExMatchIndex.length; i < ii; ++i) { const value = match[i + 1]; if (value !== void 0) { style[fontRegExMatchIndex[i]] = value; } } style.families =,\s?/); return style; }; function createCanvasContext2D(width, height, canvasPool2, settings) { let canvas; if (canvasPool2 && canvasPool2.length) { canvas = canvasPool2.shift(); } else if (WORKER_OFFSCREEN_CANVAS) { canvas = new OffscreenCanvas(width || 300, height || 300); } else { canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); } if (width) { canvas.width = width; } if (height) { canvas.height = height; } return ( /** @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D} */ canvas.getContext("2d", settings) ); } function releaseCanvas(context) { const canvas = context.canvas; canvas.width = 1; canvas.height = 1; context.clearRect(0, 0, 1, 1); } function outerWidth(element) { let width = element.offsetWidth; const style = getComputedStyle(element); width += parseInt(style.marginLeft, 10) + parseInt(style.marginRight, 10); return width; } function outerHeight(element) { let height = element.offsetHeight; const style = getComputedStyle(element); height += parseInt(style.marginTop, 10) + parseInt(style.marginBottom, 10); return height; } function replaceNode(newNode, oldNode) { const parent = oldNode.parentNode; if (parent) { parent.replaceChild(newNode, oldNode); } } function removeNode(node) { return node && node.parentNode ? node.parentNode.removeChild(node) : null; } function removeChildren(node) { while (node.lastChild) { node.removeChild(node.lastChild); } } function replaceChildren(node, children) { const oldChildren = node.childNodes; for (let i = 0; true; ++i) { const oldChild = oldChildren[i]; const newChild = children[i]; if (!oldChild && !newChild) { break; } if (oldChild === newChild) { continue; } if (!oldChild) { node.appendChild(newChild); continue; } if (!newChild) { node.removeChild(oldChild); --i; continue; } node.insertBefore(newChild, oldChild); } } const defaultFont = "10px sans-serif"; const defaultFillStyle = "#000"; const defaultLineCap = "round"; const defaultLineDash = []; const defaultLineDashOffset = 0; const defaultLineJoin = "round"; const defaultMiterLimit = 10; const defaultStrokeStyle = "#000"; const defaultTextAlign = "center"; const defaultTextBaseline = "middle"; const defaultPadding = [0, 0, 0, 0]; const defaultLineWidth = 1; const checkedFonts = new BaseObject$1(); let measureContext = null; let measureFont; const textHeights = {}; const registerFont = function() { const retries = 100; const size = "32px "; const referenceFonts = ["monospace", "serif"]; const len = referenceFonts.length; const text = "wmytzilWMYTZIL@#/&?$%10"; let interval, referenceWidth; function isAvailable(fontStyle, fontWeight, fontFamily) { let available = true; for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) { const referenceFont = referenceFonts[i]; referenceWidth = measureTextWidth( fontStyle + " " + fontWeight + " " + size + referenceFont, text ); if (fontFamily != referenceFont) { const width = measureTextWidth( fontStyle + " " + fontWeight + " " + size + fontFamily + "," + referenceFont, text ); available = available && width != referenceWidth; } } if (available) { return true; } return false; } function check() { let done = true; const fonts = checkedFonts.getKeys(); for (let i = 0, ii = fonts.length; i < ii; ++i) { const font = fonts[i]; if (checkedFonts.get(font) < retries) { if (isAvailable.apply(this, font.split("\n"))) { clear(textHeights); measureContext = null; measureFont = void 0; checkedFonts.set(font, retries); } else { checkedFonts.set(font, checkedFonts.get(font) + 1, true); done = false; } } } if (done) { clearInterval(interval); interval = void 0; } } return function(fontSpec) { const font = getFontParameters(fontSpec); if (!font) { return; } const families = font.families; for (let i = 0, ii = families.length; i < ii; ++i) { const family = families[i]; const key = + "\n" + font.weight + "\n" + family; if (checkedFonts.get(key) === void 0) { checkedFonts.set(key, retries, true); if (!isAvailable(, font.weight, family)) { checkedFonts.set(key, 0, true); if (interval === void 0) { interval = setInterval(check, 32); } } } } }; }(); const measureTextHeight = function() { let measureElement; return function(fontSpec) { let height = textHeights[fontSpec]; if (height == void 0) { if (WORKER_OFFSCREEN_CANVAS) { const font = getFontParameters(fontSpec); const metrics = measureText(fontSpec, "Žg"); const lineHeight = isNaN(Number(font.lineHeight)) ? 1.2 : Number(font.lineHeight); height = lineHeight * (metrics.actualBoundingBoxAscent + metrics.actualBoundingBoxDescent); } else { if (!measureElement) { measureElement = document.createElement("div"); measureElement.innerHTML = "M"; = "0"; = "none"; = "auto"; = "0"; = "none"; = "absolute"; = "block"; = "-99999px"; } = fontSpec; document.body.appendChild(measureElement); height = measureElement.offsetHeight; document.body.removeChild(measureElement); } textHeights[fontSpec] = height; } return height; }; }(); function measureText(font, text) { if (!measureContext) { measureContext = createCanvasContext2D(1, 1); } if (font != measureFont) { measureContext.font = font; measureFont = measureContext.font; } return measureContext.measureText(text); } function measureTextWidth(font, text) { return measureText(font, text).width; } function measureAndCacheTextWidth(font, text, cache2) { if (text in cache2) { return cache2[text]; } const width = text.split("\n").reduce((prev, curr) => Math.max(prev, measureTextWidth(font, curr)), 0); cache2[text] = width; return width; } function getTextDimensions(baseStyle, chunks) { const widths = []; const heights = []; const lineWidths = []; let width = 0; let lineWidth = 0; let height = 0; let lineHeight = 0; for (let i = 0, ii = chunks.length; i <= ii; i += 2) { const text = chunks[i]; if (text === "\n" || i === ii) { width = Math.max(width, lineWidth); lineWidths.push(lineWidth); lineWidth = 0; height += lineHeight; continue; } const font = chunks[i + 1] || baseStyle.font; const currentWidth = measureTextWidth(font, text); widths.push(currentWidth); lineWidth += currentWidth; const currentHeight = measureTextHeight(font); heights.push(currentHeight); lineHeight = Math.max(lineHeight, currentHeight); } return { width, height, widths, heights, lineWidths }; } function drawImageOrLabel(context, transform2, opacity, labelOrImage, originX, originY, w, h, x, y, scale2) {; if (opacity !== 1) { context.globalAlpha *= opacity; } if (transform2) { context.transform.apply(context, transform2); } if ( /** @type {*} */ labelOrImage.contextInstructions ) { context.translate(x, y); context.scale(scale2[0], scale2[1]); executeLabelInstructions( /** @type {Label} */ labelOrImage, context ); } else if (scale2[0] < 0 || scale2[1] < 0) { context.translate(x, y); context.scale(scale2[0], scale2[1]); context.drawImage( /** @type {HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLImageElement|HTMLVideoElement} */ labelOrImage, originX, originY, w, h, 0, 0, w, h ); } else { context.drawImage( /** @type {HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLImageElement|HTMLVideoElement} */ labelOrImage, originX, originY, w, h, x, y, w * scale2[0], h * scale2[1] ); } context.restore(); } function executeLabelInstructions(label, context) { const contextInstructions = label.contextInstructions; for (let i = 0, ii = contextInstructions.length; i < ii; i += 2) { if (Array.isArray(contextInstructions[i + 1])) { context[contextInstructions[i]].apply( context, contextInstructions[i + 1] ); } else { context[contextInstructions[i]] = contextInstructions[i + 1]; } } } class CompositeMapRenderer extends MapRenderer$1 { /** * @param {import("../Map.js").default} map Map. */ constructor(map) { super(map); this.fontChangeListenerKey_ = listen( checkedFonts, ObjectEventType.PROPERTYCHANGE, map.redrawText.bind(map) ); this.element_ = document.createElement("div"); const style =; style.position = "absolute"; style.width = "100%"; style.height = "100%"; style.zIndex = "0"; this.element_.className = CLASS_UNSELECTABLE + " ol-layers"; const container = map.getViewport(); container.insertBefore(this.element_, container.firstChild || null); this.children_ = []; this.renderedVisible_ = true; this.declutterLayers_ = []; } /** * @param {import("../render/EventType.js").default} type Event type. * @param {import("../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. */ dispatchRenderEvent(type, frameState) { const map = this.getMap(); if (map.hasListener(type)) { const event = new RenderEvent$1(type, void 0, frameState); map.dispatchEvent(event); } } disposeInternal() { unlistenByKey(this.fontChangeListenerKey_); this.element_.parentNode.removeChild(this.element_); super.disposeInternal(); } /** * Render. * @param {?import("../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. */ renderFrame(frameState) { if (!frameState) { if (this.renderedVisible_) { = "none"; this.renderedVisible_ = false; } return; } this.calculateMatrices2D(frameState); this.dispatchRenderEvent(RenderEventType.PRECOMPOSE, frameState); const layerStatesArray = frameState.layerStatesArray.sort(function(a, b) { return a.zIndex - b.zIndex; }); const viewState = frameState.viewState; this.children_.length = 0; const declutterLayers = this.declutterLayers_; declutterLayers.length = 0; let previousElement = null; for (let i = 0, ii = layerStatesArray.length; i < ii; ++i) { const layerState = layerStatesArray[i]; frameState.layerIndex = i; const layer = layerState.layer; const sourceState = layer.getSourceState(); if (!inView(layerState, viewState) || sourceState != "ready" && sourceState != "undefined") { layer.unrender(); continue; } const element = layer.render(frameState, previousElement); if (!element) { continue; } if (element !== previousElement) { this.children_.push(element); previousElement = element; } if ("getDeclutter" in layer) { declutterLayers.push( /** @type {import("../layer/BaseVector.js").default} */ layer ); } } this.flushDeclutterItems(frameState); replaceChildren(this.element_, this.children_); this.dispatchRenderEvent(RenderEventType.POSTCOMPOSE, frameState); if (!this.renderedVisible_) { = ""; this.renderedVisible_ = true; } this.scheduleExpireIconCache(frameState); } /** * @param {import("../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. */ flushDeclutterItems(frameState) { const layers = this.declutterLayers_; for (let i = layers.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { layers[i].renderDeclutter(frameState); } layers.length = 0; } } const CompositeMapRenderer$1 = CompositeMapRenderer; class GroupEvent extends Event { /** * @param {EventType} type The event type. * @param {BaseLayer} layer The layer. */ constructor(type, layer) { super(type); this.layer = layer; } } const Property$2 = { LAYERS: "layers" }; class LayerGroup extends BaseLayer$1 { /** * @param {Options} [options] Layer options. */ constructor(options) { options = options || {}; const baseOptions = ( /** @type {Options} */ Object.assign({}, options) ); delete baseOptions.layers; let layers = options.layers; super(baseOptions); this.on; this.once; this.un; this.layersListenerKeys_ = []; this.listenerKeys_ = {}; this.addChangeListener(Property$2.LAYERS, this.handleLayersChanged_); if (layers) { if (Array.isArray(layers)) { layers = new Collection$1(layers.slice(), { unique: true }); } else { assert( typeof /** @type {?} */ layers.getArray === "function", "Expected `layers` to be an array or a `Collection`" ); } } else { layers = new Collection$1(void 0, { unique: true }); } this.setLayers(layers); } /** * @private */ handleLayerChange_() { this.changed(); } /** * @private */ handleLayersChanged_() { this.layersListenerKeys_.forEach(unlistenByKey); this.layersListenerKeys_.length = 0; const layers = this.getLayers(); this.layersListenerKeys_.push( listen(layers, CollectionEventType.ADD, this.handleLayersAdd_, this), listen(layers, CollectionEventType.REMOVE, this.handleLayersRemove_, this) ); for (const id in this.listenerKeys_) { this.listenerKeys_[id].forEach(unlistenByKey); } clear(this.listenerKeys_); const layersArray = layers.getArray(); for (let i = 0, ii = layersArray.length; i < ii; i++) { const layer = layersArray[i]; this.registerLayerListeners_(layer); this.dispatchEvent(new GroupEvent("addlayer", layer)); } this.changed(); } /** * @param {BaseLayer} layer The layer. */ registerLayerListeners_(layer) { const listenerKeys = [ listen( layer, ObjectEventType.PROPERTYCHANGE, this.handleLayerChange_, this ), listen(layer, EventType.CHANGE, this.handleLayerChange_, this) ]; if (layer instanceof LayerGroup) { listenerKeys.push( listen(layer, "addlayer", this.handleLayerGroupAdd_, this), listen(layer, "removelayer", this.handleLayerGroupRemove_, this) ); } this.listenerKeys_[getUid(layer)] = listenerKeys; } /** * @param {GroupEvent} event The layer group event. */ handleLayerGroupAdd_(event) { this.dispatchEvent(new GroupEvent("addlayer", event.layer)); } /** * @param {GroupEvent} event The layer group event. */ handleLayerGroupRemove_(event) { this.dispatchEvent(new GroupEvent("removelayer", event.layer)); } /** * @param {import("../Collection.js").CollectionEvent} collectionEvent CollectionEvent. * @private */ handleLayersAdd_(collectionEvent) { const layer = collectionEvent.element; this.registerLayerListeners_(layer); this.dispatchEvent(new GroupEvent("addlayer", layer)); this.changed(); } /** * @param {import("../Collection.js").CollectionEvent} collectionEvent CollectionEvent. * @private */ handleLayersRemove_(collectionEvent) { const layer = collectionEvent.element; const key = getUid(layer); this.listenerKeys_[key].forEach(unlistenByKey); delete this.listenerKeys_[key]; this.dispatchEvent(new GroupEvent("removelayer", layer)); this.changed(); } /** * Returns the {@link module:ol/Collection~Collection collection} of {@link module:ol/layer/Layer~Layer layers} * in this group. * @return {!Collection} Collection of * {@link module:ol/layer/Base~BaseLayer layers} that are part of this group. * @observable * @api */ getLayers() { return ( /** @type {!Collection} */ this.get(Property$2.LAYERS) ); } /** * Set the {@link module:ol/Collection~Collection collection} of {@link module:ol/layer/Layer~Layer layers} * in this group. * @param {!Collection} layers Collection of * {@link module:ol/layer/Base~BaseLayer layers} that are part of this group. * @observable * @api */ setLayers(layers) { const collection = this.getLayers(); if (collection) { const currentLayers = collection.getArray(); for (let i = 0, ii = currentLayers.length; i < ii; ++i) { this.dispatchEvent(new GroupEvent("removelayer", currentLayers[i])); } } this.set(Property$2.LAYERS, layers); } /** * @param {Array} [array] Array of layers (to be modified in place). * @return {Array} Array of layers. */ getLayersArray(array) { array = array !== void 0 ? array : []; this.getLayers().forEach(function(layer) { layer.getLayersArray(array); }); return array; } /** * Get the layer states list and use this groups z-index as the default * for all layers in this and nested groups, if it is unset at this point. * If dest is not provided and this group's z-index is undefined * 0 is used a the default z-index. * @param {Array} [dest] Optional list * of layer states (to be modified in place). * @return {Array} List of layer states. */ getLayerStatesArray(dest) { const states = dest !== void 0 ? dest : []; const pos = states.length; this.getLayers().forEach(function(layer) { layer.getLayerStatesArray(states); }); const ownLayerState = this.getLayerState(); let defaultZIndex = ownLayerState.zIndex; if (!dest && ownLayerState.zIndex === void 0) { defaultZIndex = 0; } for (let i = pos, ii = states.length; i < ii; i++) { const layerState = states[i]; layerState.opacity *= ownLayerState.opacity; layerState.visible = layerState.visible && ownLayerState.visible; layerState.maxResolution = Math.min( layerState.maxResolution, ownLayerState.maxResolution ); layerState.minResolution = Math.max( layerState.minResolution, ownLayerState.minResolution ); layerState.minZoom = Math.max(layerState.minZoom, ownLayerState.minZoom); layerState.maxZoom = Math.min(layerState.maxZoom, ownLayerState.maxZoom); if (ownLayerState.extent !== void 0) { if (layerState.extent !== void 0) { layerState.extent = getIntersection( layerState.extent, ownLayerState.extent ); } else { layerState.extent = ownLayerState.extent; } } if (layerState.zIndex === void 0) { layerState.zIndex = defaultZIndex; } } return states; } /** * @return {import("../source/Source.js").State} Source state. */ getSourceState() { return "ready"; } } const LayerGroup$1 = LayerGroup; class MapEvent extends Event { /** * @param {string} type Event type. * @param {import("./Map.js").default} map Map. * @param {?import("./Map.js").FrameState} [frameState] Frame state. */ constructor(type, map, frameState) { super(type); = map; this.frameState = frameState !== void 0 ? frameState : null; } } const MapEvent$1 = MapEvent; class MapBrowserEvent extends MapEvent$1 { /** * @param {string} type Event type. * @param {import("./Map.js").default} map Map. * @param {EVENT} originalEvent Original event. * @param {boolean} [dragging] Is the map currently being dragged? * @param {import("./Map.js").FrameState} [frameState] Frame state. * @param {Array} [activePointers] Active pointers. */ constructor(type, map, originalEvent, dragging, frameState, activePointers) { super(type, map, frameState); this.originalEvent = originalEvent; this.pixel_ = null; this.coordinate_ = null; this.dragging = dragging !== void 0 ? dragging : false; this.activePointers = activePointers; } /** * The map pixel relative to the viewport corresponding to the original event. * @type {import("./pixel.js").Pixel} * @api */ get pixel() { if (!this.pixel_) { this.pixel_ =; } return this.pixel_; } set pixel(pixel) { this.pixel_ = pixel; } /** * The coordinate corresponding to the original browser event. This will be in the user * projection if one is set. Otherwise it will be in the view projection. * @type {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} * @api */ get coordinate() { if (!this.coordinate_) { this.coordinate_ =; } return this.coordinate_; } set coordinate(coordinate) { this.coordinate_ = coordinate; } /** * Prevents the default browser action. * See * @api */ preventDefault() { super.preventDefault(); if ("preventDefault" in this.originalEvent) { this.originalEvent.preventDefault(); } } /** * Prevents further propagation of the current event. * See * @api */ stopPropagation() { super.stopPropagation(); if ("stopPropagation" in this.originalEvent) { this.originalEvent.stopPropagation(); } } } const MapBrowserEvent$1 = MapBrowserEvent; const MapBrowserEventType = { /** * A true single click with no dragging and no double click. Note that this * event is delayed by 250 ms to ensure that it is not a double click. * @event module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent#singleclick * @api */ SINGLECLICK: "singleclick", /** * A click with no dragging. A double click will fire two of this. * @event module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent#click * @api */ CLICK: EventType.CLICK, /** * A true double click, with no dragging. * @event module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent#dblclick * @api */ DBLCLICK: EventType.DBLCLICK, /** * Triggered when a pointer is dragged. * @event module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent#pointerdrag * @api */ POINTERDRAG: "pointerdrag", /** * Triggered when a pointer is moved. Note that on touch devices this is * triggered when the map is panned, so is not the same as mousemove. * @event module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent#pointermove * @api */ POINTERMOVE: "pointermove", POINTERDOWN: "pointerdown", POINTERUP: "pointerup", POINTEROVER: "pointerover", POINTEROUT: "pointerout", POINTERENTER: "pointerenter", POINTERLEAVE: "pointerleave", POINTERCANCEL: "pointercancel" }; const PointerEventType = { POINTERMOVE: "pointermove", POINTERDOWN: "pointerdown", POINTERUP: "pointerup", POINTEROVER: "pointerover", POINTEROUT: "pointerout", POINTERENTER: "pointerenter", POINTERLEAVE: "pointerleave", POINTERCANCEL: "pointercancel" }; class MapBrowserEventHandler extends EventTarget { /** * @param {import("./Map.js").default} map The map with the viewport to listen to events on. * @param {number} [moveTolerance] The minimal distance the pointer must travel to trigger a move. */ constructor(map, moveTolerance) { super(map); this.map_ = map; this.clickTimeoutId_; this.emulateClicks_ = false; this.dragging_ = false; this.dragListenerKeys_ = []; this.moveTolerance_ = moveTolerance === void 0 ? 1 : moveTolerance; this.down_ = null; const element = this.map_.getViewport(); this.activePointers_ = []; this.trackedTouches_ = {}; this.element_ = element; this.pointerdownListenerKey_ = listen( element, PointerEventType.POINTERDOWN, this.handlePointerDown_, this ); this.originalPointerMoveEvent_; this.relayedListenerKey_ = listen( element, PointerEventType.POINTERMOVE, this.relayMoveEvent_, this ); this.boundHandleTouchMove_ = this.handleTouchMove_.bind(this); this.element_.addEventListener( EventType.TOUCHMOVE, this.boundHandleTouchMove_, PASSIVE_EVENT_LISTENERS ? { passive: false } : false ); } /** * @param {PointerEvent} pointerEvent Pointer * event. * @private */ emulateClick_(pointerEvent) { let newEvent = new MapBrowserEvent$1( MapBrowserEventType.CLICK, this.map_, pointerEvent ); this.dispatchEvent(newEvent); if (this.clickTimeoutId_ !== void 0) { clearTimeout(this.clickTimeoutId_); this.clickTimeoutId_ = void 0; newEvent = new MapBrowserEvent$1( MapBrowserEventType.DBLCLICK, this.map_, pointerEvent ); this.dispatchEvent(newEvent); } else { this.clickTimeoutId_ = setTimeout(() => { this.clickTimeoutId_ = void 0; const newEvent2 = new MapBrowserEvent$1( MapBrowserEventType.SINGLECLICK, this.map_, pointerEvent ); this.dispatchEvent(newEvent2); }, 250); } } /** * Keeps track on how many pointers are currently active. * * @param {PointerEvent} pointerEvent Pointer * event. * @private */ updateActivePointers_(pointerEvent) { const event = pointerEvent; const id = event.pointerId; if (event.type == MapBrowserEventType.POINTERUP || event.type == MapBrowserEventType.POINTERCANCEL) { delete this.trackedTouches_[id]; for (const pointerId in this.trackedTouches_) { if (this.trackedTouches_[pointerId].target !== { delete this.trackedTouches_[pointerId]; break; } } } else if (event.type == MapBrowserEventType.POINTERDOWN || event.type == MapBrowserEventType.POINTERMOVE) { this.trackedTouches_[id] = event; } this.activePointers_ = Object.values(this.trackedTouches_); } /** * @param {PointerEvent} pointerEvent Pointer * event. * @private */ handlePointerUp_(pointerEvent) { this.updateActivePointers_(pointerEvent); const newEvent = new MapBrowserEvent$1( MapBrowserEventType.POINTERUP, this.map_, pointerEvent, void 0, void 0, this.activePointers_ ); this.dispatchEvent(newEvent); if (this.emulateClicks_ && !newEvent.defaultPrevented && !this.dragging_ && this.isMouseActionButton_(pointerEvent)) { this.emulateClick_(this.down_); } if (this.activePointers_.length === 0) { this.dragListenerKeys_.forEach(unlistenByKey); this.dragListenerKeys_.length = 0; this.dragging_ = false; this.down_ = null; } } /** * @param {PointerEvent} pointerEvent Pointer * event. * @return {boolean} If the left mouse button was pressed. * @private */ isMouseActionButton_(pointerEvent) { return pointerEvent.button === 0; } /** * @param {PointerEvent} pointerEvent Pointer * event. * @private */ handlePointerDown_(pointerEvent) { this.emulateClicks_ = this.activePointers_.length === 0; this.updateActivePointers_(pointerEvent); const newEvent = new MapBrowserEvent$1( MapBrowserEventType.POINTERDOWN, this.map_, pointerEvent, void 0, void 0, this.activePointers_ ); this.dispatchEvent(newEvent); this.down_ = new PointerEvent(pointerEvent.type, pointerEvent); Object.defineProperty(this.down_, "target", { writable: false, value: }); if (this.dragListenerKeys_.length === 0) { const doc = this.map_.getOwnerDocument(); this.dragListenerKeys_.push( listen( doc, MapBrowserEventType.POINTERMOVE, this.handlePointerMove_, this ), listen(doc, MapBrowserEventType.POINTERUP, this.handlePointerUp_, this), /* Note that the listener for `pointercancel is set up on * `pointerEventHandler_` and not `documentPointerEventHandler_` like * the `pointerup` and `pointermove` listeners. * * The reason for this is the following: `TouchSource.vacuumTouches_()` * issues `pointercancel` events, when there was no `touchend` for a * `touchstart`. Now, let's say a first `touchstart` is registered on * `pointerEventHandler_`. The `documentPointerEventHandler_` is set up. * But `documentPointerEventHandler_` doesn't know about the first * `touchstart`. If there is no `touchend` for the `touchstart`, we can * only receive a `touchcancel` from `pointerEventHandler_`, because it is * only registered there. */ listen( this.element_, MapBrowserEventType.POINTERCANCEL, this.handlePointerUp_, this ) ); if (this.element_.getRootNode && this.element_.getRootNode() !== doc) { this.dragListenerKeys_.push( listen( this.element_.getRootNode(), MapBrowserEventType.POINTERUP, this.handlePointerUp_, this ) ); } } } /** * @param {PointerEvent} pointerEvent Pointer * event. * @private */ handlePointerMove_(pointerEvent) { if (this.isMoving_(pointerEvent)) { this.updateActivePointers_(pointerEvent); this.dragging_ = true; const newEvent = new MapBrowserEvent$1( MapBrowserEventType.POINTERDRAG, this.map_, pointerEvent, this.dragging_, void 0, this.activePointers_ ); this.dispatchEvent(newEvent); } } /** * Wrap and relay a pointermove event. * @param {PointerEvent} pointerEvent Pointer * event. * @private */ relayMoveEvent_(pointerEvent) { this.originalPointerMoveEvent_ = pointerEvent; const dragging = !!(this.down_ && this.isMoving_(pointerEvent)); this.dispatchEvent( new MapBrowserEvent$1( MapBrowserEventType.POINTERMOVE, this.map_, pointerEvent, dragging ) ); } /** * Flexible handling of a `touch-action: none` css equivalent: because calling * `preventDefault()` on a `pointermove` event does not stop native page scrolling * and zooming, we also listen for `touchmove` and call `preventDefault()` on it * when an interaction (currently `DragPan` handles the event. * @param {TouchEvent} event Event. * @private */ handleTouchMove_(event) { const originalEvent = this.originalPointerMoveEvent_; if ((!originalEvent || originalEvent.defaultPrevented) && (typeof event.cancelable !== "boolean" || event.cancelable === true)) { event.preventDefault(); } } /** * @param {PointerEvent} pointerEvent Pointer * event. * @return {boolean} Is moving. * @private */ isMoving_(pointerEvent) { return this.dragging_ || Math.abs(pointerEvent.clientX - this.down_.clientX) > this.moveTolerance_ || Math.abs(pointerEvent.clientY - this.down_.clientY) > this.moveTolerance_; } /** * Clean up. */ disposeInternal() { if (this.relayedListenerKey_) { unlistenByKey(this.relayedListenerKey_); this.relayedListenerKey_ = null; } this.element_.removeEventListener( EventType.TOUCHMOVE, this.boundHandleTouchMove_ ); if (this.pointerdownListenerKey_) { unlistenByKey(this.pointerdownListenerKey_); this.pointerdownListenerKey_ = null; } this.dragListenerKeys_.forEach(unlistenByKey); this.dragListenerKeys_.length = 0; this.element_ = null; super.disposeInternal(); } } const MapBrowserEventHandler$1 = MapBrowserEventHandler; const MapEventType = { /** * Triggered after a map frame is rendered. * @event module:ol/MapEvent~MapEvent#postrender * @api */ POSTRENDER: "postrender", /** * Triggered when the map starts moving. * @event module:ol/MapEvent~MapEvent#movestart * @api */ MOVESTART: "movestart", /** * Triggered after the map is moved. * @event module:ol/MapEvent~MapEvent#moveend * @api */ MOVEEND: "moveend", /** * Triggered when loading of additional map data (tiles, images, features) starts. * @event module:ol/MapEvent~MapEvent#loadstart * @api */ LOADSTART: "loadstart", /** * Triggered when loading of additional map data has completed. * @event module:ol/MapEvent~MapEvent#loadend * @api */ LOADEND: "loadend" }; const MapProperty = { LAYERGROUP: "layergroup", SIZE: "size", TARGET: "target", VIEW: "view" }; const DROP = Infinity; class PriorityQueue { /** * @param {function(T): number} priorityFunction Priority function. * @param {function(T): string} keyFunction Key function. */ constructor(priorityFunction, keyFunction) { this.priorityFunction_ = priorityFunction; this.keyFunction_ = keyFunction; this.elements_ = []; this.priorities_ = []; this.queuedElements_ = {}; } /** * FIXME empty description for jsdoc */ clear() { this.elements_.length = 0; this.priorities_.length = 0; clear(this.queuedElements_); } /** * Remove and return the highest-priority element. O(log N). * @return {T} Element. */ dequeue() { const elements = this.elements_; const priorities = this.priorities_; const element = elements[0]; if (elements.length == 1) { elements.length = 0; priorities.length = 0; } else { elements[0] = elements.pop(); priorities[0] = priorities.pop(); this.siftUp_(0); } const elementKey = this.keyFunction_(element); delete this.queuedElements_[elementKey]; return element; } /** * Enqueue an element. O(log N). * @param {T} element Element. * @return {boolean} The element was added to the queue. */ enqueue(element) { assert( !(this.keyFunction_(element) in this.queuedElements_), "Tried to enqueue an `element` that was already added to the queue" ); const priority = this.priorityFunction_(element); if (priority != DROP) { this.elements_.push(element); this.priorities_.push(priority); this.queuedElements_[this.keyFunction_(element)] = true; this.siftDown_(0, this.elements_.length - 1); return true; } return false; } /** * @return {number} Count. */ getCount() { return this.elements_.length; } /** * Gets the index of the left child of the node at the given index. * @param {number} index The index of the node to get the left child for. * @return {number} The index of the left child. * @private */ getLeftChildIndex_(index) { return index * 2 + 1; } /** * Gets the index of the right child of the node at the given index. * @param {number} index The index of the node to get the right child for. * @return {number} The index of the right child. * @private */ getRightChildIndex_(index) { return index * 2 + 2; } /** * Gets the index of the parent of the node at the given index. * @param {number} index The index of the node to get the parent for. * @return {number} The index of the parent. * @private */ getParentIndex_(index) { return index - 1 >> 1; } /** * Make this a heap. O(N). * @private */ heapify_() { let i; for (i = (this.elements_.length >> 1) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.siftUp_(i); } } /** * @return {boolean} Is empty. */ isEmpty() { return this.elements_.length === 0; } /** * @param {string} key Key. * @return {boolean} Is key queued. */ isKeyQueued(key) { return key in this.queuedElements_; } /** * @param {T} element Element. * @return {boolean} Is queued. */ isQueued(element) { return this.isKeyQueued(this.keyFunction_(element)); } /** * @param {number} index The index of the node to move down. * @private */ siftUp_(index) { const elements = this.elements_; const priorities = this.priorities_; const count = elements.length; const element = elements[index]; const priority = priorities[index]; const startIndex = index; while (index < count >> 1) { const lIndex = this.getLeftChildIndex_(index); const rIndex = this.getRightChildIndex_(index); const smallerChildIndex = rIndex < count && priorities[rIndex] < priorities[lIndex] ? rIndex : lIndex; elements[index] = elements[smallerChildIndex]; priorities[index] = priorities[smallerChildIndex]; index = smallerChildIndex; } elements[index] = element; priorities[index] = priority; this.siftDown_(startIndex, index); } /** * @param {number} startIndex The index of the root. * @param {number} index The index of the node to move up. * @private */ siftDown_(startIndex, index) { const elements = this.elements_; const priorities = this.priorities_; const element = elements[index]; const priority = priorities[index]; while (index > startIndex) { const parentIndex = this.getParentIndex_(index); if (priorities[parentIndex] > priority) { elements[index] = elements[parentIndex]; priorities[index] = priorities[parentIndex]; index = parentIndex; } else { break; } } elements[index] = element; priorities[index] = priority; } /** * FIXME empty description for jsdoc */ reprioritize() { const priorityFunction = this.priorityFunction_; const elements = this.elements_; const priorities = this.priorities_; let index = 0; const n = elements.length; let element, i, priority; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { element = elements[i]; priority = priorityFunction(element); if (priority == DROP) { delete this.queuedElements_[this.keyFunction_(element)]; } else { priorities[index] = priority; elements[index++] = element; } } elements.length = index; priorities.length = index; this.heapify_(); } } const PriorityQueue$1 = PriorityQueue; const TileState = { IDLE: 0, LOADING: 1, LOADED: 2, /** * Indicates that tile loading failed * @type {number} */ ERROR: 3, EMPTY: 4 }; class TileQueue extends PriorityQueue$1 { /** * @param {PriorityFunction} tilePriorityFunction Tile priority function. * @param {function(): ?} tileChangeCallback Function called on each tile change event. */ constructor(tilePriorityFunction, tileChangeCallback) { super( /** * @param {Array} element Element. * @return {number} Priority. */ function(element) { return tilePriorityFunction.apply(null, element); }, /** * @param {Array} element Element. * @return {string} Key. */ function(element) { return ( /** @type {import("./Tile.js").default} */ element[0].getKey() ); } ); this.boundHandleTileChange_ = this.handleTileChange.bind(this); this.tileChangeCallback_ = tileChangeCallback; this.tilesLoading_ = 0; this.tilesLoadingKeys_ = {}; } /** * @param {Array} element Element. * @return {boolean} The element was added to the queue. */ enqueue(element) { const added = super.enqueue(element); if (added) { const tile = element[0]; tile.addEventListener(EventType.CHANGE, this.boundHandleTileChange_); } return added; } /** * @return {number} Number of tiles loading. */ getTilesLoading() { return this.tilesLoading_; } /** * @param {import("./events/Event.js").default} event Event. * @protected */ handleTileChange(event) { const tile = ( /** @type {import("./Tile.js").default} */ ); const state = tile.getState(); if (state === TileState.LOADED || state === TileState.ERROR || state === TileState.EMPTY) { if (state !== TileState.ERROR) { tile.removeEventListener(EventType.CHANGE, this.boundHandleTileChange_); } const tileKey = tile.getKey(); if (tileKey in this.tilesLoadingKeys_) { delete this.tilesLoadingKeys_[tileKey]; --this.tilesLoading_; } this.tileChangeCallback_(); } } /** * @param {number} maxTotalLoading Maximum number tiles to load simultaneously. * @param {number} maxNewLoads Maximum number of new tiles to load. */ loadMoreTiles(maxTotalLoading, maxNewLoads) { let newLoads = 0; let state, tile, tileKey; while (this.tilesLoading_ < maxTotalLoading && newLoads < maxNewLoads && this.getCount() > 0) { tile = /** @type {import("./Tile.js").default} */ this.dequeue()[0]; tileKey = tile.getKey(); state = tile.getState(); if (state === TileState.IDLE && !(tileKey in this.tilesLoadingKeys_)) { this.tilesLoadingKeys_[tileKey] = true; ++this.tilesLoading_; ++newLoads; tile.load(); } } } } const TileQueue$1 = TileQueue; function getTilePriority(frameState, tile, tileSourceKey, tileCenter, tileResolution) { if (!frameState || !(tileSourceKey in frameState.wantedTiles)) { return DROP; } if (!frameState.wantedTiles[tileSourceKey][tile.getKey()]) { return DROP; } const center =; const deltaX = tileCenter[0] - center[0]; const deltaY = tileCenter[1] - center[1]; return 65536 * Math.log(tileResolution) + Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) / tileResolution; } class Control extends BaseObject$1 { /** * @param {Options} options Control options. */ constructor(options) { super(); const element = options.element; if (element && ! && ! { = "auto"; } this.element = element ? element : null; this.target_ = null; this.map_ = null; this.listenerKeys = []; if (options.render) { this.render = options.render; } if ( { this.setTarget(; } } /** * Clean up. */ disposeInternal() { removeNode(this.element); super.disposeInternal(); } /** * Get the map associated with this control. * @return {import("../Map.js").default|null} Map. * @api */ getMap() { return this.map_; } /** * Remove the control from its current map and attach it to the new map. * Pass `null` to just remove the control from the current map. * Subclasses may set up event handlers to get notified about changes to * the map here. * @param {import("../Map.js").default|null} map Map. * @api */ setMap(map) { if (this.map_) { removeNode(this.element); } for (let i = 0, ii = this.listenerKeys.length; i < ii; ++i) { unlistenByKey(this.listenerKeys[i]); } this.listenerKeys.length = 0; this.map_ = map; if (map) { const target = this.target_ ? this.target_ : map.getOverlayContainerStopEvent(); target.appendChild(this.element); if (this.render !== VOID) { this.listenerKeys.push( listen(map, MapEventType.POSTRENDER, this.render, this) ); } map.render(); } } /** * Renders the control. * @param {import("../MapEvent.js").default} mapEvent Map event. * @api */ render(mapEvent) { } /** * This function is used to set a target element for the control. It has no * effect if it is called after the control has been added to the map (i.e. * after `setMap` is called on the control). If no `target` is set in the * options passed to the control constructor and if `setTarget` is not called * then the control is added to the map's overlay container. * @param {HTMLElement|string} target Target. * @api */ setTarget(target) { this.target_ = typeof target === "string" ? document.getElementById(target) : target; } } const Control$1 = Control; class Attribution extends Control$1 { /** * @param {Options} [options] Attribution options. */ constructor(options) { options = options ? options : {}; super({ element: document.createElement("div"), render: options.render, target: }); this.ulElement_ = document.createElement("ul"); this.collapsed_ = options.collapsed !== void 0 ? options.collapsed : true; this.userCollapsed_ = this.collapsed_; this.overrideCollapsible_ = options.collapsible !== void 0; this.collapsible_ = options.collapsible !== void 0 ? options.collapsible : true; if (!this.collapsible_) { this.collapsed_ = false; } const className = options.className !== void 0 ? options.className : "ol-attribution"; const tipLabel = options.tipLabel !== void 0 ? options.tipLabel : "Attributions"; const expandClassName = options.expandClassName !== void 0 ? options.expandClassName : className + "-expand"; const collapseLabel = options.collapseLabel !== void 0 ? options.collapseLabel : "›"; const collapseClassName = options.collapseClassName !== void 0 ? options.collapseClassName : className + "-collapse"; if (typeof collapseLabel === "string") { this.collapseLabel_ = document.createElement("span"); this.collapseLabel_.textContent = collapseLabel; this.collapseLabel_.className = collapseClassName; } else { this.collapseLabel_ = collapseLabel; } const label = options.label !== void 0 ? options.label : "i"; if (typeof label === "string") { this.label_ = document.createElement("span"); this.label_.textContent = label; this.label_.className = expandClassName; } else { this.label_ = label; } const activeLabel = this.collapsible_ && !this.collapsed_ ? this.collapseLabel_ : this.label_; this.toggleButton_ = document.createElement("button"); this.toggleButton_.setAttribute("type", "button"); this.toggleButton_.setAttribute("aria-expanded", String(!this.collapsed_)); this.toggleButton_.title = tipLabel; this.toggleButton_.appendChild(activeLabel); this.toggleButton_.addEventListener( EventType.CLICK, this.handleClick_.bind(this), false ); const cssClasses = className + " " + CLASS_UNSELECTABLE + " " + CLASS_CONTROL + (this.collapsed_ && this.collapsible_ ? " " + CLASS_COLLAPSED : "") + (this.collapsible_ ? "" : " ol-uncollapsible"); const element = this.element; element.className = cssClasses; element.appendChild(this.toggleButton_); element.appendChild(this.ulElement_); this.renderedAttributions_ = []; this.renderedVisible_ = true; } /** * Collect a list of visible attributions and set the collapsible state. * @param {import("../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. * @return {Array} Attributions. * @private */ collectSourceAttributions_(frameState) { const visibleAttributions = Array.from( new Set( this.getMap().getAllLayers().flatMap((layer) => layer.getAttributions(frameState)) ) ); const collapsible = !this.getMap().getAllLayers().some( (layer) => layer.getSource() && layer.getSource().getAttributionsCollapsible() === false ); if (!this.overrideCollapsible_) { this.setCollapsible(collapsible); } return visibleAttributions; } /** * @private * @param {?import("../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. */ updateElement_(frameState) { if (!frameState) { if (this.renderedVisible_) { = "none"; this.renderedVisible_ = false; } return; } const attributions = this.collectSourceAttributions_(frameState); const visible = attributions.length > 0; if (this.renderedVisible_ != visible) { = visible ? "" : "none"; this.renderedVisible_ = visible; } if (equals$2(attributions, this.renderedAttributions_)) { return; } removeChildren(this.ulElement_); for (let i = 0, ii = attributions.length; i < ii; ++i) { const element = document.createElement("li"); element.innerHTML = attributions[i]; this.ulElement_.appendChild(element); } this.renderedAttributions_ = attributions; } /** * @param {MouseEvent} event The event to handle * @private */ handleClick_(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.handleToggle_(); this.userCollapsed_ = this.collapsed_; } /** * @private */ handleToggle_() { this.element.classList.toggle(CLASS_COLLAPSED); if (this.collapsed_) { replaceNode(this.collapseLabel_, this.label_); } else { replaceNode(this.label_, this.collapseLabel_); } this.collapsed_ = !this.collapsed_; this.toggleButton_.setAttribute("aria-expanded", String(!this.collapsed_)); } /** * Return `true` if the attribution is collapsible, `false` otherwise. * @return {boolean} True if the widget is collapsible. * @api */ getCollapsible() { return this.collapsible_; } /** * Set whether the attribution should be collapsible. * @param {boolean} collapsible True if the widget is collapsible. * @api */ setCollapsible(collapsible) { if (this.collapsible_ === collapsible) { return; } this.collapsible_ = collapsible; this.element.classList.toggle("ol-uncollapsible"); if (this.userCollapsed_) { this.handleToggle_(); } } /** * Collapse or expand the attribution according to the passed parameter. Will * not do anything if the attribution isn't collapsible or if the current * collapsed state is already the one requested. * @param {boolean} collapsed True if the widget is collapsed. * @api */ setCollapsed(collapsed) { this.userCollapsed_ = collapsed; if (!this.collapsible_ || this.collapsed_ === collapsed) { return; } this.handleToggle_(); } /** * Return `true` when the attribution is currently collapsed or `false` * otherwise. * @return {boolean} True if the widget is collapsed. * @api */ getCollapsed() { return this.collapsed_; } /** * Update the attribution element. * @param {import("../MapEvent.js").default} mapEvent Map event. * @override */ render(mapEvent) { this.updateElement_(mapEvent.frameState); } } const Attribution$1 = Attribution; class Rotate extends Control$1 { /** * @param {Options} [options] Rotate options. */ constructor(options) { options = options ? options : {}; super({ element: document.createElement("div"), render: options.render, target: }); const className = options.className !== void 0 ? options.className : "ol-rotate"; const label = options.label !== void 0 ? options.label : "⇧"; const compassClassName = options.compassClassName !== void 0 ? options.compassClassName : "ol-compass"; this.label_ = null; if (typeof label === "string") { this.label_ = document.createElement("span"); this.label_.className = compassClassName; this.label_.textContent = label; } else { this.label_ = label; this.label_.classList.add(compassClassName); } const tipLabel = options.tipLabel ? options.tipLabel : "Reset rotation"; const button = document.createElement("button"); button.className = className + "-reset"; button.setAttribute("type", "button"); button.title = tipLabel; button.appendChild(this.label_); button.addEventListener( EventType.CLICK, this.handleClick_.bind(this), false ); const cssClasses = className + " " + CLASS_UNSELECTABLE + " " + CLASS_CONTROL; const element = this.element; element.className = cssClasses; element.appendChild(button); this.callResetNorth_ = options.resetNorth ? options.resetNorth : void 0; this.duration_ = options.duration !== void 0 ? options.duration : 250; this.autoHide_ = options.autoHide !== void 0 ? options.autoHide : true; this.rotation_ = void 0; if (this.autoHide_) { this.element.classList.add(CLASS_HIDDEN); } } /** * @param {MouseEvent} event The event to handle * @private */ handleClick_(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (this.callResetNorth_ !== void 0) { this.callResetNorth_(); } else { this.resetNorth_(); } } /** * @private */ resetNorth_() { const map = this.getMap(); const view = map.getView(); if (!view) { return; } const rotation = view.getRotation(); if (rotation !== void 0) { if (this.duration_ > 0 && rotation % (2 * Math.PI) !== 0) { view.animate({ rotation: 0, duration: this.duration_, easing: easeOut }); } else { view.setRotation(0); } } } /** * Update the rotate control element. * @param {import("../MapEvent.js").default} mapEvent Map event. * @override */ render(mapEvent) { const frameState = mapEvent.frameState; if (!frameState) { return; } const rotation = frameState.viewState.rotation; if (rotation != this.rotation_) { const transform2 = "rotate(" + rotation + "rad)"; if (this.autoHide_) { const contains2 = this.element.classList.contains(CLASS_HIDDEN); if (!contains2 && rotation === 0) { this.element.classList.add(CLASS_HIDDEN); } else if (contains2 && rotation !== 0) { this.element.classList.remove(CLASS_HIDDEN); } } = transform2; } this.rotation_ = rotation; } } const Rotate$1 = Rotate; class Zoom extends Control$1 { /** * @param {Options} [options] Zoom options. */ constructor(options) { options = options ? options : {}; super({ element: document.createElement("div"), target: }); const className = options.className !== void 0 ? options.className : "ol-zoom"; const delta = !== void 0 ? : 1; const zoomInClassName = options.zoomInClassName !== void 0 ? options.zoomInClassName : className + "-in"; const zoomOutClassName = options.zoomOutClassName !== void 0 ? options.zoomOutClassName : className + "-out"; const zoomInLabel = options.zoomInLabel !== void 0 ? options.zoomInLabel : "+"; const zoomOutLabel = options.zoomOutLabel !== void 0 ? options.zoomOutLabel : "–"; const zoomInTipLabel = options.zoomInTipLabel !== void 0 ? options.zoomInTipLabel : "Zoom in"; const zoomOutTipLabel = options.zoomOutTipLabel !== void 0 ? options.zoomOutTipLabel : "Zoom out"; const inElement = document.createElement("button"); inElement.className = zoomInClassName; inElement.setAttribute("type", "button"); inElement.title = zoomInTipLabel; inElement.appendChild( typeof zoomInLabel === "string" ? document.createTextNode(zoomInLabel) : zoomInLabel ); inElement.addEventListener( EventType.CLICK, this.handleClick_.bind(this, delta), false ); const outElement = document.createElement("button"); outElement.className = zoomOutClassName; outElement.setAttribute("type", "button"); outElement.title = zoomOutTipLabel; outElement.appendChild( typeof zoomOutLabel === "string" ? document.createTextNode(zoomOutLabel) : zoomOutLabel ); outElement.addEventListener( EventType.CLICK, this.handleClick_.bind(this, -delta), false ); const cssClasses = className + " " + CLASS_UNSELECTABLE + " " + CLASS_CONTROL; const element = this.element; element.className = cssClasses; element.appendChild(inElement); element.appendChild(outElement); this.duration_ = options.duration !== void 0 ? options.duration : 250; } /** * @param {number} delta Zoom delta. * @param {MouseEvent} event The event to handle * @private */ handleClick_(delta, event) { event.preventDefault(); this.zoomByDelta_(delta); } /** * @param {number} delta Zoom delta. * @private */ zoomByDelta_(delta) { const map = this.getMap(); const view = map.getView(); if (!view) { return; } const currentZoom = view.getZoom(); if (currentZoom !== void 0) { const newZoom = view.getConstrainedZoom(currentZoom + delta); if (this.duration_ > 0) { if (view.getAnimating()) { view.cancelAnimations(); } view.animate({ zoom: newZoom, duration: this.duration_, easing: easeOut }); } else { view.setZoom(newZoom); } } } } const Zoom$1 = Zoom; function defaults$1(options) { options = options ? options : {}; const controls = new Collection$1(); const zoomControl = options.zoom !== void 0 ? options.zoom : true; if (zoomControl) { controls.push(new Zoom$1(options.zoomOptions)); } const rotateControl = options.rotate !== void 0 ? options.rotate : true; if (rotateControl) { controls.push(new Rotate$1(options.rotateOptions)); } const attributionControl = options.attribution !== void 0 ? options.attribution : true; if (attributionControl) { controls.push(new Attribution$1(options.attributionOptions)); } return controls; } const InteractionProperty = { ACTIVE: "active" }; class Interaction extends BaseObject$1 { /** * @param {InteractionOptions} [options] Options. */ constructor(options) { super(); this.on; this.once; this.un; if (options && options.handleEvent) { this.handleEvent = options.handleEvent; } this.map_ = null; this.setActive(true); } /** * Return whether the interaction is currently active. * @return {boolean} `true` if the interaction is active, `false` otherwise. * @observable * @api */ getActive() { return ( /** @type {boolean} */ this.get(InteractionProperty.ACTIVE) ); } /** * Get the map associated with this interaction. * @return {import("../Map.js").default|null} Map. * @api */ getMap() { return this.map_; } /** * Handles the {@link module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent map browser event}. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Map browser event. * @return {boolean} `false` to stop event propagation. * @api */ handleEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { return true; } /** * Activate or deactivate the interaction. * @param {boolean} active Active. * @observable * @api */ setActive(active) { this.set(InteractionProperty.ACTIVE, active); } /** * Remove the interaction from its current map and attach it to the new map. * Subclasses may set up event handlers to get notified about changes to * the map here. * @param {import("../Map.js").default|null} map Map. */ setMap(map) { this.map_ = map; } } function pan(view, delta, duration) { const currentCenter = view.getCenterInternal(); if (currentCenter) { const center = [currentCenter[0] + delta[0], currentCenter[1] + delta[1]]; view.animateInternal({ duration: duration !== void 0 ? duration : 250, easing: linear, center: view.getConstrainedCenter(center) }); } } function zoomByDelta(view, delta, anchor, duration) { const currentZoom = view.getZoom(); if (currentZoom === void 0) { return; } const newZoom = view.getConstrainedZoom(currentZoom + delta); const newResolution = view.getResolutionForZoom(newZoom); if (view.getAnimating()) { view.cancelAnimations(); } view.animate({ resolution: newResolution, anchor, duration: duration !== void 0 ? duration : 250, easing: easeOut }); } const Interaction$1 = Interaction; class DoubleClickZoom extends Interaction$1 { /** * @param {Options} [options] Options. */ constructor(options) { super(); options = options ? options : {}; this.delta_ = ? : 1; this.duration_ = options.duration !== void 0 ? options.duration : 250; } /** * Handles the {@link module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent map browser event} (if it was a * doubleclick) and eventually zooms the map. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Map browser event. * @return {boolean} `false` to stop event propagation. */ handleEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { let stopEvent = false; if (mapBrowserEvent.type == MapBrowserEventType.DBLCLICK) { const browserEvent = ( /** @type {MouseEvent} */ mapBrowserEvent.originalEvent ); const map =; const anchor = mapBrowserEvent.coordinate; const delta = browserEvent.shiftKey ? -this.delta_ : this.delta_; const view = map.getView(); zoomByDelta(view, delta, anchor, this.duration_); browserEvent.preventDefault(); stopEvent = true; } return !stopEvent; } } const DoubleClickZoom$1 = DoubleClickZoom; class PointerInteraction extends Interaction$1 { /** * @param {Options} [options] Options. */ constructor(options) { options = options ? options : {}; super( /** @type {import("./Interaction.js").InteractionOptions} */ options ); if (options.handleDownEvent) { this.handleDownEvent = options.handleDownEvent; } if (options.handleDragEvent) { this.handleDragEvent = options.handleDragEvent; } if (options.handleMoveEvent) { this.handleMoveEvent = options.handleMoveEvent; } if (options.handleUpEvent) { this.handleUpEvent = options.handleUpEvent; } if (options.stopDown) { this.stopDown = options.stopDown; } this.handlingDownUpSequence = false; this.targetPointers = []; } /** * Returns the current number of pointers involved in the interaction, * e.g. `2` when two fingers are used. * @return {number} The number of pointers. * @api */ getPointerCount() { return this.targetPointers.length; } /** * Handle pointer down events. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Event. * @return {boolean} If the event was consumed. * @protected */ handleDownEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { return false; } /** * Handle pointer drag events. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Event. * @protected */ handleDragEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { } /** * Handles the {@link module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent map browser event} and may call into * other functions, if event sequences like e.g. 'drag' or 'down-up' etc. are * detected. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Map browser event. * @return {boolean} `false` to stop event propagation. * @api */ handleEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { if (!mapBrowserEvent.originalEvent) { return true; } let stopEvent = false; this.updateTrackedPointers_(mapBrowserEvent); if (this.handlingDownUpSequence) { if (mapBrowserEvent.type == MapBrowserEventType.POINTERDRAG) { this.handleDragEvent(mapBrowserEvent); mapBrowserEvent.originalEvent.preventDefault(); } else if (mapBrowserEvent.type == MapBrowserEventType.POINTERUP) { const handledUp = this.handleUpEvent(mapBrowserEvent); this.handlingDownUpSequence = handledUp && this.targetPointers.length > 0; } } else { if (mapBrowserEvent.type == MapBrowserEventType.POINTERDOWN) { const handled = this.handleDownEvent(mapBrowserEvent); this.handlingDownUpSequence = handled; stopEvent = this.stopDown(handled); } else if (mapBrowserEvent.type == MapBrowserEventType.POINTERMOVE) { this.handleMoveEvent(mapBrowserEvent); } } return !stopEvent; } /** * Handle pointer move events. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Event. * @protected */ handleMoveEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { } /** * Handle pointer up events. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Event. * @return {boolean} If the event was consumed. * @protected */ handleUpEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { return false; } /** * This function is used to determine if "down" events should be propagated * to other interactions or should be stopped. * @param {boolean} handled Was the event handled by the interaction? * @return {boolean} Should the `down` event be stopped? */ stopDown(handled) { return handled; } /** * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Event. * @private */ updateTrackedPointers_(mapBrowserEvent) { if (mapBrowserEvent.activePointers) { this.targetPointers = mapBrowserEvent.activePointers; } } } function centroid(pointerEvents) { const length = pointerEvents.length; let clientX = 0; let clientY = 0; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { clientX += pointerEvents[i].clientX; clientY += pointerEvents[i].clientY; } return { clientX: clientX / length, clientY: clientY / length }; } const PointerInteraction$1 = PointerInteraction; function all$1(var_args) { const conditions = arguments; return function(event) { let pass = true; for (let i = 0, ii = conditions.length; i < ii; ++i) { pass = pass && conditions[i](event); if (!pass) { break; } } return pass; }; } const altShiftKeysOnly = function(mapBrowserEvent) { const originalEvent = ( /** @type {KeyboardEvent|MouseEvent|TouchEvent} */ mapBrowserEvent.originalEvent ); return originalEvent.altKey && !(originalEvent.metaKey || originalEvent.ctrlKey) && originalEvent.shiftKey; }; const focus = function(event) { const targetElement =; const activeElement =; return targetElement.contains(activeElement); }; const focusWithTabindex = function(event) { return"tabindex") ? focus(event) : true; }; const always$1 = TRUE; const click = function(mapBrowserEvent) { return mapBrowserEvent.type == MapBrowserEventType.CLICK; }; const mouseActionButton = function(mapBrowserEvent) { const originalEvent = ( /** @type {MouseEvent} */ mapBrowserEvent.originalEvent ); return originalEvent.button == 0 && !(WEBKIT && MAC && originalEvent.ctrlKey); }; const never = FALSE; const pointerMove = function(mapBrowserEvent) { return mapBrowserEvent.type == "pointermove"; }; const singleClick = function(mapBrowserEvent) { return mapBrowserEvent.type == MapBrowserEventType.SINGLECLICK; }; const noModifierKeys = function(mapBrowserEvent) { const originalEvent = ( /** @type {KeyboardEvent|MouseEvent|TouchEvent} */ mapBrowserEvent.originalEvent ); return !originalEvent.altKey && !(originalEvent.metaKey || originalEvent.ctrlKey) && !originalEvent.shiftKey; }; const platformModifierKeyOnly = function(mapBrowserEvent) { const originalEvent = ( /** @type {KeyboardEvent|MouseEvent|TouchEvent} */ mapBrowserEvent.originalEvent ); return !originalEvent.altKey && (MAC ? originalEvent.metaKey : originalEvent.ctrlKey) && !originalEvent.shiftKey; }; const platformModifierKey = function(mapBrowserEvent) { const originalEvent = ( /** @type {KeyboardEvent|MouseEvent|TouchEvent} */ mapBrowserEvent.originalEvent ); return MAC ? originalEvent.metaKey : originalEvent.ctrlKey; }; const shiftKeyOnly = function(mapBrowserEvent) { const originalEvent = ( /** @type {KeyboardEvent|MouseEvent|TouchEvent} */ mapBrowserEvent.originalEvent ); return !originalEvent.altKey && !(originalEvent.metaKey || originalEvent.ctrlKey) && originalEvent.shiftKey; }; const targetNotEditable = function(mapBrowserEvent) { const originalEvent = ( /** @type {KeyboardEvent|MouseEvent|TouchEvent} */ mapBrowserEvent.originalEvent ); const tagName = ( /** @type {Element} */ ); return tagName !== "INPUT" && tagName !== "SELECT" && tagName !== "TEXTAREA" && // `isContentEditable` is only available on `HTMLElement`, but it may also be a // different type like `SVGElement`. // @ts-ignore !; }; const mouseOnly = function(mapBrowserEvent) { const pointerEvent = ( /** @type {import("../MapBrowserEvent").default} */ mapBrowserEvent.originalEvent ); assert( pointerEvent !== void 0, "mapBrowserEvent must originate from a pointer event" ); return pointerEvent.pointerType == "mouse"; }; const primaryAction = function(mapBrowserEvent) { const pointerEvent = ( /** @type {import("../MapBrowserEvent").default} */ mapBrowserEvent.originalEvent ); assert( pointerEvent !== void 0, "mapBrowserEvent must originate from a pointer event" ); return pointerEvent.isPrimary && pointerEvent.button === 0; }; class DragPan extends PointerInteraction$1 { /** * @param {Options} [options] Options. */ constructor(options) { super({ stopDown: FALSE }); options = options ? options : {}; this.kinetic_ = options.kinetic; this.lastCentroid = null; this.lastPointersCount_; this.panning_ = false; const condition = options.condition ? options.condition : all$1(noModifierKeys, primaryAction); this.condition_ = options.onFocusOnly ? all$1(focusWithTabindex, condition) : condition; this.noKinetic_ = false; } /** * Handle pointer drag events. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Event. */ handleDragEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { const map =; if (!this.panning_) { this.panning_ = true; map.getView().beginInteraction(); } const targetPointers = this.targetPointers; const centroid$1 = map.getEventPixel(centroid(targetPointers)); if (targetPointers.length == this.lastPointersCount_) { if (this.kinetic_) { this.kinetic_.update(centroid$1[0], centroid$1[1]); } if (this.lastCentroid) { const delta = [ this.lastCentroid[0] - centroid$1[0], centroid$1[1] - this.lastCentroid[1] ]; const map2 =; const view = map2.getView(); scale$2(delta, view.getResolution()); rotate$1(delta, view.getRotation()); view.adjustCenterInternal(delta); } } else if (this.kinetic_) { this.kinetic_.begin(); } this.lastCentroid = centroid$1; this.lastPointersCount_ = targetPointers.length; mapBrowserEvent.originalEvent.preventDefault(); } /** * Handle pointer up events. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Event. * @return {boolean} If the event was consumed. */ handleUpEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { const map =; const view = map.getView(); if (this.targetPointers.length === 0) { if (!this.noKinetic_ && this.kinetic_ && this.kinetic_.end()) { const distance = this.kinetic_.getDistance(); const angle = this.kinetic_.getAngle(); const center = view.getCenterInternal(); const centerpx = map.getPixelFromCoordinateInternal(center); const dest = map.getCoordinateFromPixelInternal([ centerpx[0] - distance * Math.cos(angle), centerpx[1] - distance * Math.sin(angle) ]); view.animateInternal({ center: view.getConstrainedCenter(dest), duration: 500, easing: easeOut }); } if (this.panning_) { this.panning_ = false; view.endInteraction(); } return false; } if (this.kinetic_) { this.kinetic_.begin(); } this.lastCentroid = null; return true; } /** * Handle pointer down events. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Event. * @return {boolean} If the event was consumed. */ handleDownEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { if (this.targetPointers.length > 0 && this.condition_(mapBrowserEvent)) { const map =; const view = map.getView(); this.lastCentroid = null; if (view.getAnimating()) { view.cancelAnimations(); } if (this.kinetic_) { this.kinetic_.begin(); } this.noKinetic_ = this.targetPointers.length > 1; return true; } return false; } } const OlInteractionDragPan = DragPan; class DragRotate extends PointerInteraction$1 { /** * @param {Options} [options] Options. */ constructor(options) { options = options ? options : {}; super({ stopDown: FALSE }); this.condition_ = options.condition ? options.condition : altShiftKeysOnly; this.lastAngle_ = void 0; this.duration_ = options.duration !== void 0 ? options.duration : 250; } /** * Handle pointer drag events. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Event. */ handleDragEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { if (!mouseOnly(mapBrowserEvent)) { return; } const map =; const view = map.getView(); if (view.getConstraints().rotation === disable) { return; } const size = map.getSize(); const offset = mapBrowserEvent.pixel; const theta = Math.atan2(size[1] / 2 - offset[1], offset[0] - size[0] / 2); if (this.lastAngle_ !== void 0) { const delta = theta - this.lastAngle_; view.adjustRotationInternal(-delta); } this.lastAngle_ = theta; } /** * Handle pointer up events. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Event. * @return {boolean} If the event was consumed. */ handleUpEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { if (!mouseOnly(mapBrowserEvent)) { return true; } const map =; const view = map.getView(); view.endInteraction(this.duration_); return false; } /** * Handle pointer down events. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Event. * @return {boolean} If the event was consumed. */ handleDownEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { if (!mouseOnly(mapBrowserEvent)) { return false; } if (mouseActionButton(mapBrowserEvent) && this.condition_(mapBrowserEvent)) { const map =; map.getView().beginInteraction(); this.lastAngle_ = void 0; return true; } return false; } } const DragRotate$1 = DragRotate; class RenderBox extends Disposable$1 { /** * @param {string} className CSS class name. */ constructor(className) { super(); this.geometry_ = null; this.element_ = document.createElement("div"); = "absolute"; = "auto"; this.element_.className = "ol-box " + className; this.map_ = null; this.startPixel_ = null; this.endPixel_ = null; } /** * Clean up. */ disposeInternal() { this.setMap(null); } /** * @private */ render_() { const startPixel = this.startPixel_; const endPixel = this.endPixel_; const px = "px"; const style =; style.left = Math.min(startPixel[0], endPixel[0]) + px; = Math.min(startPixel[1], endPixel[1]) + px; style.width = Math.abs(endPixel[0] - startPixel[0]) + px; style.height = Math.abs(endPixel[1] - startPixel[1]) + px; } /** * @param {import("../Map.js").default|null} map Map. */ setMap(map) { if (this.map_) { this.map_.getOverlayContainer().removeChild(this.element_); const style =; style.left = "inherit"; = "inherit"; style.width = "inherit"; style.height = "inherit"; } this.map_ = map; if (this.map_) { this.map_.getOverlayContainer().appendChild(this.element_); } } /** * @param {import("../pixel.js").Pixel} startPixel Start pixel. * @param {import("../pixel.js").Pixel} endPixel End pixel. */ setPixels(startPixel, endPixel) { this.startPixel_ = startPixel; this.endPixel_ = endPixel; this.createOrUpdateGeometry(); this.render_(); } /** * Creates or updates the cached geometry. */ createOrUpdateGeometry() { const startPixel = this.startPixel_; const endPixel = this.endPixel_; const pixels = [ startPixel, [startPixel[0], endPixel[1]], endPixel, [endPixel[0], startPixel[1]] ]; const coordinates2 = this.map_.getCoordinateFromPixelInternal, this.map_ ); coordinates2[4] = coordinates2[0].slice(); if (!this.geometry_) { this.geometry_ = new Polygon$1([coordinates2]); } else { this.geometry_.setCoordinates([coordinates2]); } } /** * @return {import("../geom/Polygon.js").default} Geometry. */ getGeometry() { return this.geometry_; } } const RenderBox$1 = RenderBox; const DragBoxEventType = { /** * Triggered upon drag box start. * @event DragBoxEvent#boxstart * @api */ BOXSTART: "boxstart", /** * Triggered on drag when box is active. * @event DragBoxEvent#boxdrag * @api */ BOXDRAG: "boxdrag", /** * Triggered upon drag box end. * @event DragBoxEvent#boxend * @api */ BOXEND: "boxend", /** * Triggered upon drag box canceled. * @event DragBoxEvent#boxcancel * @api */ BOXCANCEL: "boxcancel" }; class DragBoxEvent extends Event { /** * @param {string} type The event type. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} coordinate The event coordinate. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Originating event. */ constructor(type, coordinate, mapBrowserEvent) { super(type); this.coordinate = coordinate; this.mapBrowserEvent = mapBrowserEvent; } } class DragBox extends PointerInteraction$1 { /** * @param {Options} [options] Options. */ constructor(options) { super(); this.on; this.once; this.un; options = options ? options : {}; this.box_ = new RenderBox$1(options.className || "ol-dragbox"); this.minArea_ = options.minArea !== void 0 ? options.minArea : 64; if (options.onBoxEnd) { this.onBoxEnd = options.onBoxEnd; } this.startPixel_ = null; this.condition_ = options.condition ? options.condition : mouseActionButton; this.boxEndCondition_ = options.boxEndCondition ? options.boxEndCondition : this.defaultBoxEndCondition; } /** * The default condition for determining whether the boxend event * should fire. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent The originating MapBrowserEvent * leading to the box end. * @param {import("../pixel.js").Pixel} startPixel The starting pixel of the box. * @param {import("../pixel.js").Pixel} endPixel The end pixel of the box. * @return {boolean} Whether or not the boxend condition should be fired. */ defaultBoxEndCondition(mapBrowserEvent, startPixel, endPixel) { const width = endPixel[0] - startPixel[0]; const height = endPixel[1] - startPixel[1]; return width * width + height * height >= this.minArea_; } /** * Returns geometry of last drawn box. * @return {import("../geom/Polygon.js").default} Geometry. * @api */ getGeometry() { return this.box_.getGeometry(); } /** * Handle pointer drag events. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Event. */ handleDragEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { this.box_.setPixels(this.startPixel_, mapBrowserEvent.pixel); this.dispatchEvent( new DragBoxEvent( DragBoxEventType.BOXDRAG, mapBrowserEvent.coordinate, mapBrowserEvent ) ); } /** * Handle pointer up events. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Event. * @return {boolean} If the event was consumed. */ handleUpEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { this.box_.setMap(null); const completeBox = this.boxEndCondition_( mapBrowserEvent, this.startPixel_, mapBrowserEvent.pixel ); if (completeBox) { this.onBoxEnd(mapBrowserEvent); } this.dispatchEvent( new DragBoxEvent( completeBox ? DragBoxEventType.BOXEND : DragBoxEventType.BOXCANCEL, mapBrowserEvent.coordinate, mapBrowserEvent ) ); return false; } /** * Handle pointer down events. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Event. * @return {boolean} If the event was consumed. */ handleDownEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { if (this.condition_(mapBrowserEvent)) { this.startPixel_ = mapBrowserEvent.pixel; this.box_.setMap(; this.box_.setPixels(this.startPixel_, this.startPixel_); this.dispatchEvent( new DragBoxEvent( DragBoxEventType.BOXSTART, mapBrowserEvent.coordinate, mapBrowserEvent ) ); return true; } return false; } /** * Function to execute just before `onboxend` is fired * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} event Event. */ onBoxEnd(event) { } } const DragBox$1 = DragBox; class DragZoom extends DragBox$1 { /** * @param {Options} [options] Options. */ constructor(options) { options = options ? options : {}; const condition = options.condition ? options.condition : shiftKeyOnly; super({ condition, className: options.className || "ol-dragzoom", minArea: options.minArea }); this.duration_ = options.duration !== void 0 ? options.duration : 200; this.out_ = options.out !== void 0 ? options.out : false; } /** * Function to execute just before `onboxend` is fired * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} event Event. */ onBoxEnd(event) { const map = this.getMap(); const view = ( /** @type {!import("../View.js").default} */ map.getView() ); let geometry = this.getGeometry(); if (this.out_) { const rotatedExtent = view.rotatedExtentForGeometry(geometry); const resolution = view.getResolutionForExtentInternal(rotatedExtent); const factor = view.getResolution() / resolution; geometry = geometry.clone(); geometry.scale(factor * factor); } view.fitInternal(geometry, { duration: this.duration_, easing: easeOut }); } } const DragZoom$1 = DragZoom; const Key = { LEFT: "ArrowLeft", UP: "ArrowUp", RIGHT: "ArrowRight", DOWN: "ArrowDown" }; class KeyboardPan extends Interaction$1 { /** * @param {Options} [options] Options. */ constructor(options) { super(); options = options || {}; this.defaultCondition_ = function(mapBrowserEvent) { return noModifierKeys(mapBrowserEvent) && targetNotEditable(mapBrowserEvent); }; this.condition_ = options.condition !== void 0 ? options.condition : this.defaultCondition_; this.duration_ = options.duration !== void 0 ? options.duration : 100; this.pixelDelta_ = options.pixelDelta !== void 0 ? options.pixelDelta : 128; } /** * Handles the {@link module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent map browser event} if it was a * `KeyEvent`, and decides the direction to pan to (if an arrow key was * pressed). * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Map browser event. * @return {boolean} `false` to stop event propagation. */ handleEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { let stopEvent = false; if (mapBrowserEvent.type == EventType.KEYDOWN) { const keyEvent = ( /** @type {KeyboardEvent} */ mapBrowserEvent.originalEvent ); const key = keyEvent.key; if (this.condition_(mapBrowserEvent) && (key == Key.DOWN || key == Key.LEFT || key == Key.RIGHT || key == Key.UP)) { const map =; const view = map.getView(); const mapUnitsDelta = view.getResolution() * this.pixelDelta_; let deltaX = 0, deltaY = 0; if (key == Key.DOWN) { deltaY = -mapUnitsDelta; } else if (key == Key.LEFT) { deltaX = -mapUnitsDelta; } else if (key == Key.RIGHT) { deltaX = mapUnitsDelta; } else { deltaY = mapUnitsDelta; } const delta = [deltaX, deltaY]; rotate$1(delta, view.getRotation()); pan(view, delta, this.duration_); keyEvent.preventDefault(); stopEvent = true; } } return !stopEvent; } } const KeyboardPan$1 = KeyboardPan; class KeyboardZoom extends Interaction$1 { /** * @param {Options} [options] Options. */ constructor(options) { super(); options = options ? options : {}; this.condition_ = options.condition ? options.condition : function(mapBrowserEvent) { return !platformModifierKey(mapBrowserEvent) && targetNotEditable(mapBrowserEvent); }; this.delta_ = ? : 1; this.duration_ = options.duration !== void 0 ? options.duration : 100; } /** * Handles the {@link module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent map browser event} if it was a * `KeyEvent`, and decides whether to zoom in or out (depending on whether the * key pressed was '+' or '-'). * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Map browser event. * @return {boolean} `false` to stop event propagation. */ handleEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { let stopEvent = false; if (mapBrowserEvent.type == EventType.KEYDOWN || mapBrowserEvent.type == EventType.KEYPRESS) { const keyEvent = ( /** @type {KeyboardEvent} */ mapBrowserEvent.originalEvent ); const key = keyEvent.key; if (this.condition_(mapBrowserEvent) && (key === "+" || key === "-")) { const map =; const delta = key === "+" ? this.delta_ : -this.delta_; const view = map.getView(); zoomByDelta(view, delta, void 0, this.duration_); keyEvent.preventDefault(); stopEvent = true; } } return !stopEvent; } } const KeyboardZoom$1 = KeyboardZoom; class Kinetic { /** * @param {number} decay Rate of decay (must be negative). * @param {number} minVelocity Minimum velocity (pixels/millisecond). * @param {number} delay Delay to consider to calculate the kinetic * initial values (milliseconds). */ constructor(decay, minVelocity, delay) { this.decay_ = decay; this.minVelocity_ = minVelocity; this.delay_ = delay; this.points_ = []; this.angle_ = 0; this.initialVelocity_ = 0; } /** * FIXME empty description for jsdoc */ begin() { this.points_.length = 0; this.angle_ = 0; this.initialVelocity_ = 0; } /** * @param {number} x X. * @param {number} y Y. */ update(x, y) { this.points_.push(x, y,; } /** * @return {boolean} Whether we should do kinetic animation. */ end() { if (this.points_.length < 6) { return false; } const delay = - this.delay_; const lastIndex = this.points_.length - 3; if (this.points_[lastIndex + 2] < delay) { return false; } let firstIndex = lastIndex - 3; while (firstIndex > 0 && this.points_[firstIndex + 2] > delay) { firstIndex -= 3; } const duration = this.points_[lastIndex + 2] - this.points_[firstIndex + 2]; if (duration < 1e3 / 60) { return false; } const dx = this.points_[lastIndex] - this.points_[firstIndex]; const dy = this.points_[lastIndex + 1] - this.points_[firstIndex + 1]; this.angle_ = Math.atan2(dy, dx); this.initialVelocity_ = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) / duration; return this.initialVelocity_ > this.minVelocity_; } /** * @return {number} Total distance travelled (pixels). */ getDistance() { return (this.minVelocity_ - this.initialVelocity_) / this.decay_; } /** * @return {number} Angle of the kinetic panning animation (radians). */ getAngle() { return this.angle_; } } const Kinetic$1 = Kinetic; class MouseWheelZoom extends Interaction$1 { /** * @param {Options} [options] Options. */ constructor(options) { options = options ? options : {}; super( /** @type {import("./Interaction.js").InteractionOptions} */ options ); this.totalDelta_ = 0; this.lastDelta_ = 0; this.maxDelta_ = options.maxDelta !== void 0 ? options.maxDelta : 1; this.duration_ = options.duration !== void 0 ? options.duration : 250; this.timeout_ = options.timeout !== void 0 ? options.timeout : 80; this.useAnchor_ = options.useAnchor !== void 0 ? options.useAnchor : true; this.constrainResolution_ = options.constrainResolution !== void 0 ? options.constrainResolution : false; const condition = options.condition ? options.condition : always$1; this.condition_ = options.onFocusOnly ? all$1(focusWithTabindex, condition) : condition; this.lastAnchor_ = null; this.startTime_ = void 0; this.timeoutId_; this.mode_ = void 0; this.trackpadEventGap_ = 400; this.trackpadTimeoutId_; this.deltaPerZoom_ = 300; } /** * @private */ endInteraction_() { this.trackpadTimeoutId_ = void 0; const map = this.getMap(); if (!map) { return; } const view = map.getView(); view.endInteraction( void 0, this.lastDelta_ ? this.lastDelta_ > 0 ? 1 : -1 : 0, this.lastAnchor_ ); } /** * Handles the {@link module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent map browser event} (if it was a mousewheel-event) and eventually * zooms the map. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Map browser event. * @return {boolean} `false` to stop event propagation. */ handleEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { if (!this.condition_(mapBrowserEvent)) { return true; } const type = mapBrowserEvent.type; if (type !== EventType.WHEEL) { return true; } const map =; const wheelEvent = ( /** @type {WheelEvent} */ mapBrowserEvent.originalEvent ); wheelEvent.preventDefault(); if (this.useAnchor_) { this.lastAnchor_ = mapBrowserEvent.coordinate; } let delta; if (mapBrowserEvent.type == EventType.WHEEL) { delta = wheelEvent.deltaY; if (FIREFOX && wheelEvent.deltaMode === WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_PIXEL) { delta /= DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO; } if (wheelEvent.deltaMode === WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_LINE) { delta *= 40; } } if (delta === 0) { return false; } this.lastDelta_ = delta; const now =; if (this.startTime_ === void 0) { this.startTime_ = now; } if (!this.mode_ || now - this.startTime_ > this.trackpadEventGap_) { this.mode_ = Math.abs(delta) < 4 ? "trackpad" : "wheel"; } const view = map.getView(); if (this.mode_ === "trackpad" && !(view.getConstrainResolution() || this.constrainResolution_)) { if (this.trackpadTimeoutId_) { clearTimeout(this.trackpadTimeoutId_); } else { if (view.getAnimating()) { view.cancelAnimations(); } view.beginInteraction(); } this.trackpadTimeoutId_ = setTimeout( this.endInteraction_.bind(this), this.timeout_ ); view.adjustZoom(-delta / this.deltaPerZoom_, this.lastAnchor_); this.startTime_ = now; return false; } this.totalDelta_ += delta; const timeLeft = Math.max(this.timeout_ - (now - this.startTime_), 0); clearTimeout(this.timeoutId_); this.timeoutId_ = setTimeout( this.handleWheelZoom_.bind(this, map), timeLeft ); return false; } /** * @private * @param {import("../Map.js").default} map Map. */ handleWheelZoom_(map) { const view = map.getView(); if (view.getAnimating()) { view.cancelAnimations(); } let delta = -clamp( this.totalDelta_, -this.maxDelta_ * this.deltaPerZoom_, this.maxDelta_ * this.deltaPerZoom_ ) / this.deltaPerZoom_; if (view.getConstrainResolution() || this.constrainResolution_) { delta = delta ? delta > 0 ? 1 : -1 : 0; } zoomByDelta(view, delta, this.lastAnchor_, this.duration_); this.mode_ = void 0; this.totalDelta_ = 0; this.lastAnchor_ = null; this.startTime_ = void 0; this.timeoutId_ = void 0; } /** * Enable or disable using the mouse's location as an anchor when zooming * @param {boolean} useAnchor true to zoom to the mouse's location, false * to zoom to the center of the map * @api */ setMouseAnchor(useAnchor) { this.useAnchor_ = useAnchor; if (!useAnchor) { this.lastAnchor_ = null; } } } const OlInteractionMouseWheelZoom = MouseWheelZoom; class PinchRotate extends PointerInteraction$1 { /** * @param {Options} [options] Options. */ constructor(options) { options = options ? options : {}; const pointerOptions = ( /** @type {import("./Pointer.js").Options} */ options ); if (!pointerOptions.stopDown) { pointerOptions.stopDown = FALSE; } super(pointerOptions); this.anchor_ = null; this.lastAngle_ = void 0; this.rotating_ = false; this.rotationDelta_ = 0; this.threshold_ = options.threshold !== void 0 ? options.threshold : 0.3; this.duration_ = options.duration !== void 0 ? options.duration : 250; } /** * Handle pointer drag events. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Event. */ handleDragEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { let rotationDelta = 0; const touch0 = this.targetPointers[0]; const touch1 = this.targetPointers[1]; const angle = Math.atan2( touch1.clientY - touch0.clientY, touch1.clientX - touch0.clientX ); if (this.lastAngle_ !== void 0) { const delta = angle - this.lastAngle_; this.rotationDelta_ += delta; if (!this.rotating_ && Math.abs(this.rotationDelta_) > this.threshold_) { this.rotating_ = true; } rotationDelta = delta; } this.lastAngle_ = angle; const map =; const view = map.getView(); if (view.getConstraints().rotation === disable) { return; } this.anchor_ = map.getCoordinateFromPixelInternal( map.getEventPixel(centroid(this.targetPointers)) ); if (this.rotating_) { map.render(); view.adjustRotationInternal(rotationDelta, this.anchor_); } } /** * Handle pointer up events. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Event. * @return {boolean} If the event was consumed. */ handleUpEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { if (this.targetPointers.length < 2) { const map =; const view = map.getView(); view.endInteraction(this.duration_); return false; } return true; } /** * Handle pointer down events. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Event. * @return {boolean} If the event was consumed. */ handleDownEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { if (this.targetPointers.length >= 2) { const map =; this.anchor_ = null; this.lastAngle_ = void 0; this.rotating_ = false; this.rotationDelta_ = 0; if (!this.handlingDownUpSequence) { map.getView().beginInteraction(); } return true; } return false; } } const PinchRotate$1 = PinchRotate; class PinchZoom extends PointerInteraction$1 { /** * @param {Options} [options] Options. */ constructor(options) { options = options ? options : {}; const pointerOptions = ( /** @type {import("./Pointer.js").Options} */ options ); if (!pointerOptions.stopDown) { pointerOptions.stopDown = FALSE; } super(pointerOptions); this.anchor_ = null; this.duration_ = options.duration !== void 0 ? options.duration : 400; this.lastDistance_ = void 0; this.lastScaleDelta_ = 1; } /** * Handle pointer drag events. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Event. */ handleDragEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { let scaleDelta = 1; const touch0 = this.targetPointers[0]; const touch1 = this.targetPointers[1]; const dx = touch0.clientX - touch1.clientX; const dy = touch0.clientY - touch1.clientY; const distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); if (this.lastDistance_ !== void 0) { scaleDelta = this.lastDistance_ / distance; } this.lastDistance_ = distance; const map =; const view = map.getView(); if (scaleDelta != 1) { this.lastScaleDelta_ = scaleDelta; } this.anchor_ = map.getCoordinateFromPixelInternal( map.getEventPixel(centroid(this.targetPointers)) ); map.render(); view.adjustResolutionInternal(scaleDelta, this.anchor_); } /** * Handle pointer up events. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Event. * @return {boolean} If the event was consumed. */ handleUpEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { if (this.targetPointers.length < 2) { const map =; const view = map.getView(); const direction = this.lastScaleDelta_ > 1 ? 1 : -1; view.endInteraction(this.duration_, direction); return false; } return true; } /** * Handle pointer down events. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Event. * @return {boolean} If the event was consumed. */ handleDownEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { if (this.targetPointers.length >= 2) { const map =; this.anchor_ = null; this.lastDistance_ = void 0; this.lastScaleDelta_ = 1; if (!this.handlingDownUpSequence) { map.getView().beginInteraction(); } return true; } return false; } } const PinchZoom$1 = PinchZoom; function defaults(options) { options = options ? options : {}; const interactions = new Collection$1(); const kinetic = new Kinetic$1(-5e-3, 0.05, 100); const altShiftDragRotate = options.altShiftDragRotate !== void 0 ? options.altShiftDragRotate : true; if (altShiftDragRotate) { interactions.push(new DragRotate$1()); } const doubleClickZoom = options.doubleClickZoom !== void 0 ? options.doubleClickZoom : true; if (doubleClickZoom) { interactions.push( new DoubleClickZoom$1({ delta: options.zoomDelta, duration: options.zoomDuration }) ); } const dragPan = options.dragPan !== void 0 ? options.dragPan : true; if (dragPan) { interactions.push( new OlInteractionDragPan({ onFocusOnly: options.onFocusOnly, kinetic }) ); } const pinchRotate = options.pinchRotate !== void 0 ? options.pinchRotate : true; if (pinchRotate) { interactions.push(new PinchRotate$1()); } const pinchZoom = options.pinchZoom !== void 0 ? options.pinchZoom : true; if (pinchZoom) { interactions.push( new PinchZoom$1({ duration: options.zoomDuration }) ); } const keyboard = options.keyboard !== void 0 ? options.keyboard : true; if (keyboard) { interactions.push(new KeyboardPan$1()); interactions.push( new KeyboardZoom$1({ delta: options.zoomDelta, duration: options.zoomDuration }) ); } const mouseWheelZoom = options.mouseWheelZoom !== void 0 ? options.mouseWheelZoom : true; if (mouseWheelZoom) { interactions.push( new OlInteractionMouseWheelZoom({ onFocusOnly: options.onFocusOnly, duration: options.zoomDuration }) ); } const shiftDragZoom = options.shiftDragZoom !== void 0 ? options.shiftDragZoom : true; if (shiftDragZoom) { interactions.push( new DragZoom$1({ duration: options.zoomDuration }) ); } return interactions; } function hasArea(size) { return size[0] > 0 && size[1] > 0; } function scale(size, ratio, dest) { if (dest === void 0) { dest = [0, 0]; } dest[0] = size[0] * ratio + 0.5 | 0; dest[1] = size[1] * ratio + 0.5 | 0; return dest; } function toSize(size, dest) { if (Array.isArray(size)) { return size; } if (dest === void 0) { dest = [size, size]; } else { dest[0] = size; dest[1] = size; } return dest; } function removeLayerMapProperty(layer) { if (layer instanceof Layer$1) { layer.setMapInternal(null); return; } if (layer instanceof LayerGroup$1) { layer.getLayers().forEach(removeLayerMapProperty); } } function setLayerMapProperty(layer, map) { if (layer instanceof Layer$1) { layer.setMapInternal(map); return; } if (layer instanceof LayerGroup$1) { const layers = layer.getLayers().getArray(); for (let i = 0, ii = layers.length; i < ii; ++i) { setLayerMapProperty(layers[i], map); } } } class Map extends BaseObject$1 { /** * @param {MapOptions} [options] Map options. */ constructor(options) { super(); options = options || {}; this.on; this.once; this.un; const optionsInternal = createOptionsInternal(options); this.renderComplete_; this.loaded_ = true; this.boundHandleBrowserEvent_ = this.handleBrowserEvent.bind(this); this.maxTilesLoading_ = options.maxTilesLoading !== void 0 ? options.maxTilesLoading : 16; this.pixelRatio_ = options.pixelRatio !== void 0 ? options.pixelRatio : DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO; this.postRenderTimeoutHandle_; this.animationDelayKey_; this.animationDelay_ = this.animationDelay_.bind(this); this.coordinateToPixelTransform_ = create(); this.pixelToCoordinateTransform_ = create(); this.frameIndex_ = 0; this.frameState_ = null; this.previousExtent_ = null; this.viewPropertyListenerKey_ = null; this.viewChangeListenerKey_ = null; this.layerGroupPropertyListenerKeys_ = null; this.viewport_ = document.createElement("div"); this.viewport_.className = "ol-viewport" + ("ontouchstart" in window ? " ol-touch" : ""); = "relative"; = "hidden"; = "100%"; = "100%"; this.overlayContainer_ = document.createElement("div"); = "absolute"; = "0"; = "100%"; = "100%"; = "none"; this.overlayContainer_.className = "ol-overlaycontainer"; this.viewport_.appendChild(this.overlayContainer_); this.overlayContainerStopEvent_ = document.createElement("div"); = "absolute"; = "0"; = "100%"; = "100%"; = "none"; this.overlayContainerStopEvent_.className = "ol-overlaycontainer-stopevent"; this.viewport_.appendChild(this.overlayContainerStopEvent_); this.mapBrowserEventHandler_ = null; this.moveTolerance_ = options.moveTolerance; this.keyboardEventTarget_ = optionsInternal.keyboardEventTarget; this.targetChangeHandlerKeys_ = null; this.targetElement_ = null; this.resizeObserver_ = new ResizeObserver(() => this.updateSize()); this.controls = optionsInternal.controls || defaults$1(); this.interactions = optionsInternal.interactions || defaults({ onFocusOnly: true }); this.overlays_ = optionsInternal.overlays; this.overlayIdIndex_ = {}; this.renderer_ = null; this.postRenderFunctions_ = []; this.tileQueue_ = new TileQueue$1( this.getTilePriority.bind(this), this.handleTileChange_.bind(this) ); this.addChangeListener( MapProperty.LAYERGROUP, this.handleLayerGroupChanged_ ); this.addChangeListener(MapProperty.VIEW, this.handleViewChanged_); this.addChangeListener(MapProperty.SIZE, this.handleSizeChanged_); this.addChangeListener(MapProperty.TARGET, this.handleTargetChanged_); this.setProperties(optionsInternal.values); const map = this; if (options.view && !(options.view instanceof OlView)) { options.view.then(function(viewOptions) { map.setView(new OlView(viewOptions)); }); } this.controls.addEventListener( CollectionEventType.ADD, /** * @param {import("./Collection.js").CollectionEvent} event CollectionEvent */ (event) => { event.element.setMap(this); } ); this.controls.addEventListener( CollectionEventType.REMOVE, /** * @param {import("./Collection.js").CollectionEvent} event CollectionEvent. */ (event) => { event.element.setMap(null); } ); this.interactions.addEventListener( CollectionEventType.ADD, /** * @param {import("./Collection.js").CollectionEvent} event CollectionEvent. */ (event) => { event.element.setMap(this); } ); this.interactions.addEventListener( CollectionEventType.REMOVE, /** * @param {import("./Collection.js").CollectionEvent} event CollectionEvent. */ (event) => { event.element.setMap(null); } ); this.overlays_.addEventListener( CollectionEventType.ADD, /** * @param {import("./Collection.js").CollectionEvent} event CollectionEvent. */ (event) => { this.addOverlayInternal_(event.element); } ); this.overlays_.addEventListener( CollectionEventType.REMOVE, /** * @param {import("./Collection.js").CollectionEvent} event CollectionEvent. */ (event) => { const id = event.element.getId(); if (id !== void 0) { delete this.overlayIdIndex_[id.toString()]; } event.element.setMap(null); } ); this.controls.forEach( /** * @param {import("./control/Control.js").default} control Control. */ (control) => { control.setMap(this); } ); this.interactions.forEach( /** * @param {import("./interaction/Interaction.js").default} interaction Interaction. */ (interaction) => { interaction.setMap(this); } ); this.overlays_.forEach(this.addOverlayInternal_.bind(this)); } /** * Add the given control to the map. * @param {import("./control/Control.js").default} control Control. * @api */ addControl(control) { this.getControls().push(control); } /** * Add the given interaction to the map. If you want to add an interaction * at another point of the collection use `getInteractions()` and the methods * available on {@link module:ol/Collection~Collection}. This can be used to * stop the event propagation from the handleEvent function. The interactions * get to handle the events in the reverse order of this collection. * @param {import("./interaction/Interaction.js").default} interaction Interaction to add. * @api */ addInteraction(interaction) { this.getInteractions().push(interaction); } /** * Adds the given layer to the top of this map. If you want to add a layer * elsewhere in the stack, use `getLayers()` and the methods available on * {@link module:ol/Collection~Collection}. * @param {import("./layer/Base.js").default} layer Layer. * @api */ addLayer(layer) { const layers = this.getLayerGroup().getLayers(); layers.push(layer); } /** * @param {import("./layer/Group.js").GroupEvent} event The layer add event. * @private */ handleLayerAdd_(event) { setLayerMapProperty(event.layer, this); } /** * Add the given overlay to the map. * @param {import("./Overlay.js").default} overlay Overlay. * @api */ addOverlay(overlay) { this.getOverlays().push(overlay); } /** * This deals with map's overlay collection changes. * @param {import("./Overlay.js").default} overlay Overlay. * @private */ addOverlayInternal_(overlay) { const id = overlay.getId(); if (id !== void 0) { this.overlayIdIndex_[id.toString()] = overlay; } overlay.setMap(this); } /** * * Clean up. */ disposeInternal() { this.controls.clear(); this.interactions.clear(); this.overlays_.clear(); this.resizeObserver_.disconnect(); this.setTarget(null); super.disposeInternal(); } /** * Detect features that intersect a pixel on the viewport, and execute a * callback with each intersecting feature. Layers included in the detection can * be configured through the `layerFilter` option in `options`. * @param {import("./pixel.js").Pixel} pixel Pixel. * @param {function(import("./Feature.js").FeatureLike, import("./layer/Layer.js").default, import("./geom/SimpleGeometry.js").default): T} callback Feature callback. The callback will be * called with two arguments. The first argument is one * {@link module:ol/Feature~Feature feature} or * {@link module:ol/render/Feature~RenderFeature render feature} at the pixel, the second is * the {@link module:ol/layer/Layer~Layer layer} of the feature and will be null for * unmanaged layers. To stop detection, callback functions can return a * truthy value. * @param {AtPixelOptions} [options] Optional options. * @return {T|undefined} Callback result, i.e. the return value of last * callback execution, or the first truthy callback return value. * @template T * @api */ forEachFeatureAtPixel(pixel, callback, options) { if (!this.frameState_ || !this.renderer_) { return; } const coordinate = this.getCoordinateFromPixelInternal(pixel); options = options !== void 0 ? options : {}; const hitTolerance = options.hitTolerance !== void 0 ? options.hitTolerance : 0; const layerFilter = options.layerFilter !== void 0 ? options.layerFilter : TRUE; const checkWrapped = options.checkWrapped !== false; return this.renderer_.forEachFeatureAtCoordinate( coordinate, this.frameState_, hitTolerance, checkWrapped, callback, null, layerFilter, null ); } /** * Get all features that intersect a pixel on the viewport. * @param {import("./pixel.js").Pixel} pixel Pixel. * @param {AtPixelOptions} [options] Optional options. * @return {Array} The detected features or * an empty array if none were found. * @api */ getFeaturesAtPixel(pixel, options) { const features = []; this.forEachFeatureAtPixel( pixel, function(feature) { features.push(feature); }, options ); return features; } /** * Get all layers from all layer groups. * @return {Array} Layers. * @api */ getAllLayers() { const layers = []; function addLayersFrom(layerGroup) { layerGroup.forEach(function(layer) { if (layer instanceof LayerGroup$1) { addLayersFrom(layer.getLayers()); } else { layers.push(layer); } }); } addLayersFrom(this.getLayers()); return layers; } /** * Detect if features intersect a pixel on the viewport. Layers included in the * detection can be configured through the `layerFilter` option. * @param {import("./pixel.js").Pixel} pixel Pixel. * @param {AtPixelOptions} [options] Optional options. * @return {boolean} Is there a feature at the given pixel? * @api */ hasFeatureAtPixel(pixel, options) { if (!this.frameState_ || !this.renderer_) { return false; } const coordinate = this.getCoordinateFromPixelInternal(pixel); options = options !== void 0 ? options : {}; const layerFilter = options.layerFilter !== void 0 ? options.layerFilter : TRUE; const hitTolerance = options.hitTolerance !== void 0 ? options.hitTolerance : 0; const checkWrapped = options.checkWrapped !== false; return this.renderer_.hasFeatureAtCoordinate( coordinate, this.frameState_, hitTolerance, checkWrapped, layerFilter, null ); } /** * Returns the coordinate in user projection for a browser event. * @param {MouseEvent} event Event. * @return {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} Coordinate. * @api */ getEventCoordinate(event) { return this.getCoordinateFromPixel(this.getEventPixel(event)); } /** * Returns the coordinate in view projection for a browser event. * @param {MouseEvent} event Event. * @return {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} Coordinate. */ getEventCoordinateInternal(event) { return this.getCoordinateFromPixelInternal(this.getEventPixel(event)); } /** * Returns the map pixel position for a browser event relative to the viewport. * @param {UIEvent|{clientX: number, clientY: number}} event Event. * @return {import("./pixel.js").Pixel} Pixel. * @api */ getEventPixel(event) { const viewport = this.viewport_; const viewportPosition = viewport.getBoundingClientRect(); const viewportSize = this.getSize(); const scaleX = viewportPosition.width / viewportSize[0]; const scaleY = viewportPosition.height / viewportSize[1]; const eventPosition = ( //FIXME Are we really calling this with a TouchEvent anywhere? "changedTouches" in event ? ( /** @type {TouchEvent} */ event.changedTouches[0] ) : ( /** @type {MouseEvent} */ event ) ); return [ (eventPosition.clientX - viewportPosition.left) / scaleX, (eventPosition.clientY - / scaleY ]; } /** * Get the target in which this map is rendered. * Note that this returns what is entered as an option or in setTarget: * if that was an element, it returns an element; if a string, it returns that. * @return {HTMLElement|string|undefined} The Element or id of the Element that the * map is rendered in. * @observable * @api */ getTarget() { return ( /** @type {HTMLElement|string|undefined} */ this.get(MapProperty.TARGET) ); } /** * Get the DOM element into which this map is rendered. In contrast to * `getTarget` this method always return an `Element`, or `null` if the * map has no target. * @return {HTMLElement} The element that the map is rendered in. * @api */ getTargetElement() { return this.targetElement_; } /** * Get the coordinate for a given pixel. This returns a coordinate in the * user projection. * @param {import("./pixel.js").Pixel} pixel Pixel position in the map viewport. * @return {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} The coordinate for the pixel position. * @api */ getCoordinateFromPixel(pixel) { return toUserCoordinate( this.getCoordinateFromPixelInternal(pixel), this.getView().getProjection() ); } /** * Get the coordinate for a given pixel. This returns a coordinate in the * map view projection. * @param {import("./pixel.js").Pixel} pixel Pixel position in the map viewport. * @return {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} The coordinate for the pixel position. */ getCoordinateFromPixelInternal(pixel) { const frameState = this.frameState_; if (!frameState) { return null; } return apply(frameState.pixelToCoordinateTransform, pixel.slice()); } /** * Get the map controls. Modifying this collection changes the controls * associated with the map. * @return {Collection} Controls. * @api */ getControls() { return this.controls; } /** * Get the map overlays. Modifying this collection changes the overlays * associated with the map. * @return {Collection} Overlays. * @api */ getOverlays() { return this.overlays_; } /** * Get an overlay by its identifier (the value returned by overlay.getId()). * Note that the index treats string and numeric identifiers as the same. So * `map.getOverlayById(2)` will return an overlay with id `'2'` or `2`. * @param {string|number} id Overlay identifier. * @return {import("./Overlay.js").default} Overlay. * @api */ getOverlayById(id) { const overlay = this.overlayIdIndex_[id.toString()]; return overlay !== void 0 ? overlay : null; } /** * Get the map interactions. Modifying this collection changes the interactions * associated with the map. * * Interactions are used for e.g. pan, zoom and rotate. * @return {Collection} Interactions. * @api */ getInteractions() { return this.interactions; } /** * Get the layergroup associated with this map. * @return {LayerGroup} A layer group containing the layers in this map. * @observable * @api */ getLayerGroup() { return ( /** @type {LayerGroup} */ this.get(MapProperty.LAYERGROUP) ); } /** * Clear any existing layers and add layers to the map. * @param {Array|Collection} layers The layers to be added to the map. * @api */ setLayers(layers) { const group = this.getLayerGroup(); if (layers instanceof Collection$1) { group.setLayers(layers); return; } const collection = group.getLayers(); collection.clear(); collection.extend(layers); } /** * Get the collection of layers associated with this map. * @return {!Collection} Layers. * @api */ getLayers() { const layers = this.getLayerGroup().getLayers(); return layers; } /** * @return {boolean} Layers have sources that are still loading. */ getLoadingOrNotReady() { const layerStatesArray = this.getLayerGroup().getLayerStatesArray(); for (let i = 0, ii = layerStatesArray.length; i < ii; ++i) { const state = layerStatesArray[i]; if (!state.visible) { continue; } const renderer = state.layer.getRenderer(); if (renderer && !renderer.ready) { return true; } const source = state.layer.getSource(); if (source && source.loading) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Get the pixel for a coordinate. This takes a coordinate in the user * projection and returns the corresponding pixel. * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} coordinate A map coordinate. * @return {import("./pixel.js").Pixel} A pixel position in the map viewport. * @api */ getPixelFromCoordinate(coordinate) { const viewCoordinate = fromUserCoordinate( coordinate, this.getView().getProjection() ); return this.getPixelFromCoordinateInternal(viewCoordinate); } /** * Get the pixel for a coordinate. This takes a coordinate in the map view * projection and returns the corresponding pixel. * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} coordinate A map coordinate. * @return {import("./pixel.js").Pixel} A pixel position in the map viewport. */ getPixelFromCoordinateInternal(coordinate) { const frameState = this.frameState_; if (!frameState) { return null; } return apply( frameState.coordinateToPixelTransform, coordinate.slice(0, 2) ); } /** * Get the map renderer. * @return {import("./renderer/Map.js").default|null} Renderer */ getRenderer() { return this.renderer_; } /** * Get the size of this map. * @return {import("./size.js").Size|undefined} The size in pixels of the map in the DOM. * @observable * @api */ getSize() { return ( /** @type {import("./size.js").Size|undefined} */ this.get(MapProperty.SIZE) ); } /** * Get the view associated with this map. A view manages properties such as * center and resolution. * @return {View} The view that controls this map. * @observable * @api */ getView() { return ( /** @type {View} */ this.get(MapProperty.VIEW) ); } /** * Get the element that serves as the map viewport. * @return {HTMLElement} Viewport. * @api */ getViewport() { return this.viewport_; } /** * Get the element that serves as the container for overlays. Elements added to * this container will let mousedown and touchstart events through to the map, * so clicks and gestures on an overlay will trigger {@link module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent} * events. * @return {!HTMLElement} The map's overlay container. */ getOverlayContainer() { return this.overlayContainer_; } /** * Get the element that serves as a container for overlays that don't allow * event propagation. Elements added to this container won't let mousedown and * touchstart events through to the map, so clicks and gestures on an overlay * don't trigger any {@link module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent}. * @return {!HTMLElement} The map's overlay container that stops events. */ getOverlayContainerStopEvent() { return this.overlayContainerStopEvent_; } /** * @return {!Document} The document where the map is displayed. */ getOwnerDocument() { const targetElement = this.getTargetElement(); return targetElement ? targetElement.ownerDocument : document; } /** * @param {import("./Tile.js").default} tile Tile. * @param {string} tileSourceKey Tile source key. * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} tileCenter Tile center. * @param {number} tileResolution Tile resolution. * @return {number} Tile priority. */ getTilePriority(tile, tileSourceKey, tileCenter, tileResolution) { return getTilePriority( this.frameState_, tile, tileSourceKey, tileCenter, tileResolution ); } /** * @param {UIEvent} browserEvent Browser event. * @param {string} [type] Type. */ handleBrowserEvent(browserEvent, type) { type = type || browserEvent.type; const mapBrowserEvent = new MapBrowserEvent$1(type, this, browserEvent); this.handleMapBrowserEvent(mapBrowserEvent); } /** * @param {MapBrowserEvent} mapBrowserEvent The event to handle. */ handleMapBrowserEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { if (!this.frameState_) { return; } const originalEvent = ( /** @type {PointerEvent} */ mapBrowserEvent.originalEvent ); const eventType = originalEvent.type; if (eventType === PointerEventType.POINTERDOWN || eventType === EventType.WHEEL || eventType === EventType.KEYDOWN) { const doc = this.getOwnerDocument(); const rootNode = this.viewport_.getRootNode ? this.viewport_.getRootNode() : doc; const target = ( /** @type {Node} */ ); if ( // Abort if the target is a child of the container for elements whose events are not meant // to be handled by map interactions. this.overlayContainerStopEvent_.contains(target) || // Abort if the event target is a child of the container that is no longer in the page. // It's possible for the target to no longer be in the page if it has been removed in an // event listener, this might happen in a Control that recreates it's content based on // user interaction either manually or via a render in something like !(rootNode === doc ? doc.documentElement : rootNode).contains(target) ) { return; } } mapBrowserEvent.frameState = this.frameState_; if (this.dispatchEvent(mapBrowserEvent) !== false) { const interactionsArray = this.getInteractions().getArray().slice(); for (let i = interactionsArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const interaction = interactionsArray[i]; if (interaction.getMap() !== this || !interaction.getActive() || !this.getTargetElement()) { continue; } const cont = interaction.handleEvent(mapBrowserEvent); if (!cont || mapBrowserEvent.propagationStopped) { break; } } } } /** * @protected */ handlePostRender() { const frameState = this.frameState_; const tileQueue = this.tileQueue_; if (!tileQueue.isEmpty()) { let maxTotalLoading = this.maxTilesLoading_; let maxNewLoads = maxTotalLoading; if (frameState) { const hints = frameState.viewHints; if (hints[ViewHint.ANIMATING] || hints[ViewHint.INTERACTING]) { const lowOnFrameBudget = - frameState.time > 8; maxTotalLoading = lowOnFrameBudget ? 0 : 8; maxNewLoads = lowOnFrameBudget ? 0 : 2; } } if (tileQueue.getTilesLoading() < maxTotalLoading) { tileQueue.reprioritize(); tileQueue.loadMoreTiles(maxTotalLoading, maxNewLoads); } } if (frameState && this.renderer_ && !frameState.animate) { if (this.renderComplete_ === true) { if (this.hasListener(RenderEventType.RENDERCOMPLETE)) { this.renderer_.dispatchRenderEvent( RenderEventType.RENDERCOMPLETE, frameState ); } if (this.loaded_ === false) { this.loaded_ = true; this.dispatchEvent( new MapEvent$1(MapEventType.LOADEND, this, frameState) ); } } else if (this.loaded_ === true) { this.loaded_ = false; this.dispatchEvent( new MapEvent$1(MapEventType.LOADSTART, this, frameState) ); } } const postRenderFunctions = this.postRenderFunctions_; for (let i = 0, ii = postRenderFunctions.length; i < ii; ++i) { postRenderFunctions[i](this, frameState); } postRenderFunctions.length = 0; } /** * @private */ handleSizeChanged_() { if (this.getView() && !this.getView().getAnimating()) { this.getView().resolveConstraints(0); } this.render(); } /** * @private */ handleTargetChanged_() { if (this.mapBrowserEventHandler_) { for (let i = 0, ii = this.targetChangeHandlerKeys_.length; i < ii; ++i) { unlistenByKey(this.targetChangeHandlerKeys_[i]); } this.targetChangeHandlerKeys_ = null; this.viewport_.removeEventListener( EventType.CONTEXTMENU, this.boundHandleBrowserEvent_ ); this.viewport_.removeEventListener( EventType.WHEEL, this.boundHandleBrowserEvent_ ); this.mapBrowserEventHandler_.dispose(); this.mapBrowserEventHandler_ = null; removeNode(this.viewport_); } if (this.targetElement_) { this.resizeObserver_.unobserve(this.targetElement_); const rootNode = this.targetElement_.getRootNode(); if (rootNode instanceof ShadowRoot) { this.resizeObserver_.unobserve(; } this.setSize(void 0); } const target = this.getTarget(); const targetElement = typeof target === "string" ? document.getElementById(target) : target; this.targetElement_ = targetElement; if (!targetElement) { if (this.renderer_) { clearTimeout(this.postRenderTimeoutHandle_); this.postRenderTimeoutHandle_ = void 0; this.postRenderFunctions_.length = 0; this.renderer_.dispose(); this.renderer_ = null; } if (this.animationDelayKey_) { cancelAnimationFrame(this.animationDelayKey_); this.animationDelayKey_ = void 0; } } else { targetElement.appendChild(this.viewport_); if (!this.renderer_) { this.renderer_ = new CompositeMapRenderer$1(this); } this.mapBrowserEventHandler_ = new MapBrowserEventHandler$1( this, this.moveTolerance_ ); for (const key in MapBrowserEventType) { this.mapBrowserEventHandler_.addEventListener( MapBrowserEventType[key], this.handleMapBrowserEvent.bind(this) ); } this.viewport_.addEventListener( EventType.CONTEXTMENU, this.boundHandleBrowserEvent_, false ); this.viewport_.addEventListener( EventType.WHEEL, this.boundHandleBrowserEvent_, PASSIVE_EVENT_LISTENERS ? { passive: false } : false ); const keyboardEventTarget = !this.keyboardEventTarget_ ? targetElement : this.keyboardEventTarget_; this.targetChangeHandlerKeys_ = [ listen( keyboardEventTarget, EventType.KEYDOWN, this.handleBrowserEvent, this ), listen( keyboardEventTarget, EventType.KEYPRESS, this.handleBrowserEvent, this ) ]; const rootNode = targetElement.getRootNode(); if (rootNode instanceof ShadowRoot) { this.resizeObserver_.observe(; } this.resizeObserver_.observe(targetElement); } this.updateSize(); } /** * @private */ handleTileChange_() { this.render(); } /** * @private */ handleViewPropertyChanged_() { this.render(); } /** * @private */ handleViewChanged_() { if (this.viewPropertyListenerKey_) { unlistenByKey(this.viewPropertyListenerKey_); this.viewPropertyListenerKey_ = null; } if (this.viewChangeListenerKey_) { unlistenByKey(this.viewChangeListenerKey_); this.viewChangeListenerKey_ = null; } const view = this.getView(); if (view) { this.updateViewportSize_(); this.viewPropertyListenerKey_ = listen( view, ObjectEventType.PROPERTYCHANGE, this.handleViewPropertyChanged_, this ); this.viewChangeListenerKey_ = listen( view, EventType.CHANGE, this.handleViewPropertyChanged_, this ); view.resolveConstraints(0); } this.render(); } /** * @private */ handleLayerGroupChanged_() { if (this.layerGroupPropertyListenerKeys_) { this.layerGroupPropertyListenerKeys_.forEach(unlistenByKey); this.layerGroupPropertyListenerKeys_ = null; } const layerGroup = this.getLayerGroup(); if (layerGroup) { this.handleLayerAdd_(new GroupEvent("addlayer", layerGroup)); this.layerGroupPropertyListenerKeys_ = [ listen(layerGroup, ObjectEventType.PROPERTYCHANGE, this.render, this), listen(layerGroup, EventType.CHANGE, this.render, this), listen(layerGroup, "addlayer", this.handleLayerAdd_, this), listen(layerGroup, "removelayer", this.handleLayerRemove_, this) ]; } this.render(); } /** * @return {boolean} Is rendered. */ isRendered() { return !!this.frameState_; } /** * @private */ animationDelay_() { this.animationDelayKey_ = void 0; this.renderFrame_(; } /** * Requests an immediate render in a synchronous manner. * @api */ renderSync() { if (this.animationDelayKey_) { cancelAnimationFrame(this.animationDelayKey_); } this.animationDelay_(); } /** * Redraws all text after new fonts have loaded */ redrawText() { const layerStates = this.getLayerGroup().getLayerStatesArray(); for (let i = 0, ii = layerStates.length; i < ii; ++i) { const layer = layerStates[i].layer; if (layer.hasRenderer()) { layer.getRenderer().handleFontsChanged(); } } } /** * Request a map rendering (at the next animation frame). * @api */ render() { if (this.renderer_ && this.animationDelayKey_ === void 0) { this.animationDelayKey_ = requestAnimationFrame(this.animationDelay_); } } /** * This method is meant to be called in a layer's `prerender` listener. It causes all collected * declutter items to be decluttered and rendered on the map immediately. This is useful for * layers that need to appear entirely above the decluttered items of layers lower in the layer * stack. * @api */ flushDeclutterItems() { const frameState = this.frameState_; if (!frameState) { return; } this.renderer_.flushDeclutterItems(frameState); } /** * Remove the given control from the map. * @param {import("./control/Control.js").default} control Control. * @return {import("./control/Control.js").default|undefined} The removed control (or undefined * if the control was not found). * @api */ removeControl(control) { return this.getControls().remove(control); } /** * Remove the given interaction from the map. * @param {import("./interaction/Interaction.js").default} interaction Interaction to remove. * @return {import("./interaction/Interaction.js").default|undefined} The removed interaction (or * undefined if the interaction was not found). * @api */ removeInteraction(interaction) { return this.getInteractions().remove(interaction); } /** * Removes the given layer from the map. * @param {import("./layer/Base.js").default} layer Layer. * @return {import("./layer/Base.js").default|undefined} The removed layer (or undefined if the * layer was not found). * @api */ removeLayer(layer) { const layers = this.getLayerGroup().getLayers(); return layers.remove(layer); } /** * @param {import("./layer/Group.js").GroupEvent} event The layer remove event. * @private */ handleLayerRemove_(event) { removeLayerMapProperty(event.layer); } /** * Remove the given overlay from the map. * @param {import("./Overlay.js").default} overlay Overlay. * @return {import("./Overlay.js").default|undefined} The removed overlay (or undefined * if the overlay was not found). * @api */ removeOverlay(overlay) { return this.getOverlays().remove(overlay); } /** * @param {number} time Time. * @private */ renderFrame_(time) { const size = this.getSize(); const view = this.getView(); const previousFrameState = this.frameState_; let frameState = null; if (size !== void 0 && hasArea(size) && view && view.isDef()) { const viewHints = view.getHints( this.frameState_ ? this.frameState_.viewHints : void 0 ); const viewState = view.getState(); frameState = { animate: false, coordinateToPixelTransform: this.coordinateToPixelTransform_, declutterTree: null, extent: getForViewAndSize(, viewState.resolution, viewState.rotation, size ), index: this.frameIndex_++, layerIndex: 0, layerStatesArray: this.getLayerGroup().getLayerStatesArray(), pixelRatio: this.pixelRatio_, pixelToCoordinateTransform: this.pixelToCoordinateTransform_, postRenderFunctions: [], size, tileQueue: this.tileQueue_, time, usedTiles: {}, viewState, viewHints, wantedTiles: {}, mapId: getUid(this), renderTargets: {} }; if (viewState.nextCenter && viewState.nextResolution) { const rotation = isNaN(viewState.nextRotation) ? viewState.rotation : viewState.nextRotation; frameState.nextExtent = getForViewAndSize( viewState.nextCenter, viewState.nextResolution, rotation, size ); } } this.frameState_ = frameState; this.renderer_.renderFrame(frameState); if (frameState) { if (frameState.animate) { this.render(); } Array.prototype.push.apply( this.postRenderFunctions_, frameState.postRenderFunctions ); if (previousFrameState) { const moveStart = !this.previousExtent_ || !isEmpty(this.previousExtent_) && !equals$1(frameState.extent, this.previousExtent_); if (moveStart) { this.dispatchEvent( new MapEvent$1(MapEventType.MOVESTART, this, previousFrameState) ); this.previousExtent_ = createOrUpdateEmpty(this.previousExtent_); } } const idle = this.previousExtent_ && !frameState.viewHints[ViewHint.ANIMATING] && !frameState.viewHints[ViewHint.INTERACTING] && !equals$1(frameState.extent, this.previousExtent_); if (idle) { this.dispatchEvent( new MapEvent$1(MapEventType.MOVEEND, this, frameState) ); clone(frameState.extent, this.previousExtent_); } } this.dispatchEvent(new MapEvent$1(MapEventType.POSTRENDER, this, frameState)); this.renderComplete_ = this.hasListener(MapEventType.LOADSTART) || this.hasListener(MapEventType.LOADEND) || this.hasListener(RenderEventType.RENDERCOMPLETE) ? !this.tileQueue_.getTilesLoading() && !this.tileQueue_.getCount() && !this.getLoadingOrNotReady() : void 0; if (!this.postRenderTimeoutHandle_) { this.postRenderTimeoutHandle_ = setTimeout(() => { this.postRenderTimeoutHandle_ = void 0; this.handlePostRender(); }, 0); } } /** * Sets the layergroup of this map. * @param {LayerGroup} layerGroup A layer group containing the layers in this map. * @observable * @api */ setLayerGroup(layerGroup) { const oldLayerGroup = this.getLayerGroup(); if (oldLayerGroup) { this.handleLayerRemove_(new GroupEvent("removelayer", oldLayerGroup)); } this.set(MapProperty.LAYERGROUP, layerGroup); } /** * Set the size of this map. * @param {import("./size.js").Size|undefined} size The size in pixels of the map in the DOM. * @observable * @api */ setSize(size) { this.set(MapProperty.SIZE, size); } /** * Set the target element to render this map into. * @param {HTMLElement|string} [target] The Element or id of the Element * that the map is rendered in. * @observable * @api */ setTarget(target) { this.set(MapProperty.TARGET, target); } /** * Set the view for this map. * @param {View|Promise} view The view that controls this map. * It is also possible to pass a promise that resolves to options for constructing a view. This * alternative allows view properties to be resolved by sources or other components that load * view-related metadata. * @observable * @api */ setView(view) { if (!view || view instanceof OlView) { this.set(MapProperty.VIEW, view); return; } this.set(MapProperty.VIEW, new OlView()); const map = this; view.then(function(viewOptions) { map.setView(new OlView(viewOptions)); }); } /** * Force a recalculation of the map viewport size. This should be called when * third-party code changes the size of the map viewport. * @api */ updateSize() { const targetElement = this.getTargetElement(); let size = void 0; if (targetElement) { const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(targetElement); const width = targetElement.offsetWidth - parseFloat(computedStyle["borderLeftWidth"]) - parseFloat(computedStyle["paddingLeft"]) - parseFloat(computedStyle["paddingRight"]) - parseFloat(computedStyle["borderRightWidth"]); const height = targetElement.offsetHeight - parseFloat(computedStyle["borderTopWidth"]) - parseFloat(computedStyle["paddingTop"]) - parseFloat(computedStyle["paddingBottom"]) - parseFloat(computedStyle["borderBottomWidth"]); if (!isNaN(width) && !isNaN(height)) { size = [width, height]; if (!hasArea(size) && !!(targetElement.offsetWidth || targetElement.offsetHeight || targetElement.getClientRects().length)) { warn( "No map visible because the map container's width or height are 0." ); } } } const oldSize = this.getSize(); if (size && (!oldSize || !equals$2(size, oldSize))) { this.setSize(size); this.updateViewportSize_(); } } /** * Recomputes the viewport size and save it on the view object (if any) * @private */ updateViewportSize_() { const view = this.getView(); if (view) { let size = void 0; const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(this.viewport_); if (computedStyle.width && computedStyle.height) { size = [ parseInt(computedStyle.width, 10), parseInt(computedStyle.height, 10) ]; } view.setViewportSize(size); } } } function createOptionsInternal(options) { let keyboardEventTarget = null; if (options.keyboardEventTarget !== void 0) { keyboardEventTarget = typeof options.keyboardEventTarget === "string" ? document.getElementById(options.keyboardEventTarget) : options.keyboardEventTarget; } const values = {}; const layerGroup = options.layers && typeof /** @type {?} */ options.layers.getLayers === "function" ? ( /** @type {LayerGroup} */ options.layers ) : new LayerGroup$1({ layers: ( /** @type {Collection|Array} */ options.layers ) }); values[MapProperty.LAYERGROUP] = layerGroup; values[MapProperty.TARGET] =; values[MapProperty.VIEW] = options.view instanceof OlView ? options.view : new OlView(); let controls; if (options.controls !== void 0) { if (Array.isArray(options.controls)) { controls = new Collection$1(options.controls.slice()); } else { assert( typeof /** @type {?} */ options.controls.getArray === "function", "Expected `controls` to be an array or an `ol/Collection.js`" ); controls = options.controls; } } let interactions; if (options.interactions !== void 0) { if (Array.isArray(options.interactions)) { interactions = new Collection$1(options.interactions.slice()); } else { assert( typeof /** @type {?} */ options.interactions.getArray === "function", "Expected `interactions` to be an array or an `ol/Collection.js`" ); interactions = options.interactions; } } let overlays; if (options.overlays !== void 0) { if (Array.isArray(options.overlays)) { overlays = new Collection$1(options.overlays.slice()); } else { assert( typeof /** @type {?} */ options.overlays.getArray === "function", "Expected `overlays` to be an array or an `ol/Collection.js`" ); overlays = options.overlays; } } else { overlays = new Collection$1(); } return { controls, interactions, keyboardEventTarget, overlays, values }; } const OlMap = Map; const ImageState = { IDLE: 0, LOADING: 1, LOADED: 2, ERROR: 3, EMPTY: 4 }; class ImageStyle { /** * @param {Options} options Options. */ constructor(options) { this.opacity_ = options.opacity; this.rotateWithView_ = options.rotateWithView; this.rotation_ = options.rotation; this.scale_ = options.scale; this.scaleArray_ = toSize(options.scale); this.displacement_ = options.displacement; this.declutterMode_ = options.declutterMode; } /** * Clones the style. * @return {ImageStyle} The cloned style. * @api */ clone() { const scale2 = this.getScale(); return new ImageStyle({ opacity: this.getOpacity(), scale: Array.isArray(scale2) ? scale2.slice() : scale2, rotation: this.getRotation(), rotateWithView: this.getRotateWithView(), displacement: this.getDisplacement().slice(), declutterMode: this.getDeclutterMode() }); } /** * Get the symbolizer opacity. * @return {number} Opacity. * @api */ getOpacity() { return this.opacity_; } /** * Determine whether the symbolizer rotates with the map. * @return {boolean} Rotate with map. * @api */ getRotateWithView() { return this.rotateWithView_; } /** * Get the symoblizer rotation. * @return {number} Rotation. * @api */ getRotation() { return this.rotation_; } /** * Get the symbolizer scale. * @return {number|import("../size.js").Size} Scale. * @api */ getScale() { return this.scale_; } /** * Get the symbolizer scale array. * @return {import("../size.js").Size} Scale array. */ getScaleArray() { return this.scaleArray_; } /** * Get the displacement of the shape * @return {Array} Shape's center displacement * @api */ getDisplacement() { return this.displacement_; } /** * Get the declutter mode of the shape * @return {"declutter"|"obstacle"|"none"|undefined} Shape's declutter mode * @api */ getDeclutterMode() { return this.declutterMode_; } /** * Get the anchor point in pixels. The anchor determines the center point for the * symbolizer. * @abstract * @return {Array} Anchor. */ getAnchor() { return abstract(); } /** * Get the image element for the symbolizer. * @abstract * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @return {import('../DataTile.js').ImageLike} Image element. */ getImage(pixelRatio) { return abstract(); } /** * @abstract * @return {import('../DataTile.js').ImageLike} Image element. */ getHitDetectionImage() { return abstract(); } /** * Get the image pixel ratio. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @return {number} Pixel ratio. */ getPixelRatio(pixelRatio) { return 1; } /** * @abstract * @return {import("../ImageState.js").default} Image state. */ getImageState() { return abstract(); } /** * @abstract * @return {import("../size.js").Size} Image size. */ getImageSize() { return abstract(); } /** * Get the origin of the symbolizer. * @abstract * @return {Array} Origin. */ getOrigin() { return abstract(); } /** * Get the size of the symbolizer (in pixels). * @abstract * @return {import("../size.js").Size} Size. */ getSize() { return abstract(); } /** * Set the displacement. * * @param {Array} displacement Displacement. * @api */ setDisplacement(displacement) { this.displacement_ = displacement; } /** * Set the opacity. * * @param {number} opacity Opacity. * @api */ setOpacity(opacity) { this.opacity_ = opacity; } /** * Set whether to rotate the style with the view. * * @param {boolean} rotateWithView Rotate with map. * @api */ setRotateWithView(rotateWithView) { this.rotateWithView_ = rotateWithView; } /** * Set the rotation. * * @param {number} rotation Rotation. * @api */ setRotation(rotation) { this.rotation_ = rotation; } /** * Set the scale. * * @param {number|import("../size.js").Size} scale Scale. * @api */ setScale(scale2) { this.scale_ = scale2; this.scaleArray_ = toSize(scale2); } /** * @abstract * @param {function(import("../events/Event.js").default): void} listener Listener function. */ listenImageChange(listener) { abstract(); } /** * Load not yet loaded URI. * @abstract */ load() { abstract(); } /** * @abstract * @param {function(import("../events/Event.js").default): void} listener Listener function. */ unlistenImageChange(listener) { abstract(); } } const ImageStyle$1 = ImageStyle; function asColorLike(color) { if (Array.isArray(color)) { return toString(color); } return color; } class RegularShape extends ImageStyle$1 { /** * @param {Options} options Options. */ constructor(options) { const rotateWithView = options.rotateWithView !== void 0 ? options.rotateWithView : false; super({ opacity: 1, rotateWithView, rotation: options.rotation !== void 0 ? options.rotation : 0, scale: options.scale !== void 0 ? options.scale : 1, displacement: options.displacement !== void 0 ? options.displacement : [0, 0], declutterMode: options.declutterMode }); this.canvas_ = void 0; this.hitDetectionCanvas_ = null; this.fill_ = options.fill !== void 0 ? options.fill : null; this.origin_ = [0, 0]; this.points_ = options.points; this.radius_ = options.radius !== void 0 ? options.radius : options.radius1; this.radius2_ = options.radius2; this.angle_ = options.angle !== void 0 ? options.angle : 0; this.stroke_ = options.stroke !== void 0 ? options.stroke : null; this.size_ = null; this.renderOptions_ = null; this.render(); } /** * Clones the style. * @return {RegularShape} The cloned style. * @api */ clone() { const scale2 = this.getScale(); const style = new RegularShape({ fill: this.getFill() ? this.getFill().clone() : void 0, points: this.getPoints(), radius: this.getRadius(), radius2: this.getRadius2(), angle: this.getAngle(), stroke: this.getStroke() ? this.getStroke().clone() : void 0, rotation: this.getRotation(), rotateWithView: this.getRotateWithView(), scale: Array.isArray(scale2) ? scale2.slice() : scale2, displacement: this.getDisplacement().slice(), declutterMode: this.getDeclutterMode() }); style.setOpacity(this.getOpacity()); return style; } /** * Get the anchor point in pixels. The anchor determines the center point for the * symbolizer. * @return {Array} Anchor. * @api */ getAnchor() { const size = this.size_; if (!size) { return null; } const displacement = this.getDisplacement(); const scale2 = this.getScaleArray(); return [ size[0] / 2 - displacement[0] / scale2[0], size[1] / 2 + displacement[1] / scale2[1] ]; } /** * Get the angle used in generating the shape. * @return {number} Shape's rotation in radians. * @api */ getAngle() { return this.angle_; } /** * Get the fill style for the shape. * @return {import("./Fill.js").default} Fill style. * @api */ getFill() { return this.fill_; } /** * Set the fill style. * @param {import("./Fill.js").default} fill Fill style. * @api */ setFill(fill) { this.fill_ = fill; this.render(); } /** * @return {HTMLCanvasElement} Image element. */ getHitDetectionImage() { if (!this.hitDetectionCanvas_) { this.createHitDetectionCanvas_(this.renderOptions_); } return this.hitDetectionCanvas_; } /** * Get the image icon. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @return {HTMLCanvasElement} Image or Canvas element. * @api */ getImage(pixelRatio) { let image = this.canvas_[pixelRatio]; if (!image) { const renderOptions = this.renderOptions_; const context = createCanvasContext2D( renderOptions.size * pixelRatio, renderOptions.size * pixelRatio ); this.draw_(renderOptions, context, pixelRatio); image = context.canvas; this.canvas_[pixelRatio] = image; } return image; } /** * Get the image pixel ratio. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @return {number} Pixel ratio. */ getPixelRatio(pixelRatio) { return pixelRatio; } /** * @return {import("../size.js").Size} Image size. */ getImageSize() { return this.size_; } /** * @return {import("../ImageState.js").default} Image state. */ getImageState() { return ImageState.LOADED; } /** * Get the origin of the symbolizer. * @return {Array} Origin. * @api */ getOrigin() { return this.origin_; } /** * Get the number of points for generating the shape. * @return {number} Number of points for stars and regular polygons. * @api */ getPoints() { return this.points_; } /** * Get the (primary) radius for the shape. * @return {number} Radius. * @api */ getRadius() { return this.radius_; } /** * Get the secondary radius for the shape. * @return {number|undefined} Radius2. * @api */ getRadius2() { return this.radius2_; } /** * Get the size of the symbolizer (in pixels). * @return {import("../size.js").Size} Size. * @api */ getSize() { return this.size_; } /** * Get the stroke style for the shape. * @return {import("./Stroke.js").default} Stroke style. * @api */ getStroke() { return this.stroke_; } /** * Set the stroke style. * @param {import("./Stroke.js").default} stroke Stroke style. * @api */ setStroke(stroke) { this.stroke_ = stroke; this.render(); } /** * @param {function(import("../events/Event.js").default): void} listener Listener function. */ listenImageChange(listener) { } /** * Load not yet loaded URI. */ load() { } /** * @param {function(import("../events/Event.js").default): void} listener Listener function. */ unlistenImageChange(listener) { } /** * Calculate additional canvas size needed for the miter. * @param {string} lineJoin Line join * @param {number} strokeWidth Stroke width * @param {number} miterLimit Miter limit * @return {number} Additional canvas size needed * @private */ calculateLineJoinSize_(lineJoin, strokeWidth, miterLimit) { if (strokeWidth === 0 || this.points_ === Infinity || lineJoin !== "bevel" && lineJoin !== "miter") { return strokeWidth; } let r1 = this.radius_; let r2 = this.radius2_ === void 0 ? r1 : this.radius2_; if (r1 < r2) { const tmp = r1; r1 = r2; r2 = tmp; } const points = this.radius2_ === void 0 ? this.points_ : this.points_ * 2; const alpha = 2 * Math.PI / points; const a = r2 * Math.sin(alpha); const b = Math.sqrt(r2 * r2 - a * a); const d = r1 - b; const e = Math.sqrt(a * a + d * d); const miterRatio = e / a; if (lineJoin === "miter" && miterRatio <= miterLimit) { return miterRatio * strokeWidth; } const k = strokeWidth / 2 / miterRatio; const l = strokeWidth / 2 * (d / e); const maxr = Math.sqrt((r1 + k) * (r1 + k) + l * l); const bevelAdd = maxr - r1; if (this.radius2_ === void 0 || lineJoin === "bevel") { return bevelAdd * 2; } const aa = r1 * Math.sin(alpha); const bb = Math.sqrt(r1 * r1 - aa * aa); const dd = r2 - bb; const ee = Math.sqrt(aa * aa + dd * dd); const innerMiterRatio = ee / aa; if (innerMiterRatio <= miterLimit) { const innerLength = innerMiterRatio * strokeWidth / 2 - r2 - r1; return 2 * Math.max(bevelAdd, innerLength); } return bevelAdd * 2; } /** * @return {RenderOptions} The render options * @protected */ createRenderOptions() { let lineCap = defaultLineCap; let lineJoin = defaultLineJoin; let miterLimit = 0; let lineDash = null; let lineDashOffset = 0; let strokeStyle; let strokeWidth = 0; if (this.stroke_) { strokeStyle = this.stroke_.getColor(); if (strokeStyle === null) { strokeStyle = defaultStrokeStyle; } strokeStyle = asColorLike(strokeStyle); strokeWidth = this.stroke_.getWidth(); if (strokeWidth === void 0) { strokeWidth = defaultLineWidth; } lineDash = this.stroke_.getLineDash(); lineDashOffset = this.stroke_.getLineDashOffset(); lineJoin = this.stroke_.getLineJoin(); if (lineJoin === void 0) { lineJoin = defaultLineJoin; } lineCap = this.stroke_.getLineCap(); if (lineCap === void 0) { lineCap = defaultLineCap; } miterLimit = this.stroke_.getMiterLimit(); if (miterLimit === void 0) { miterLimit = defaultMiterLimit; } } const add2 = this.calculateLineJoinSize_(lineJoin, strokeWidth, miterLimit); const maxRadius = Math.max(this.radius_, this.radius2_ || 0); const size = Math.ceil(2 * maxRadius + add2); return { strokeStyle, strokeWidth, size, lineCap, lineDash, lineDashOffset, lineJoin, miterLimit }; } /** * @protected */ render() { this.renderOptions_ = this.createRenderOptions(); const size = this.renderOptions_.size; this.canvas_ = {}; this.size_ = [size, size]; } /** * @private * @param {RenderOptions} renderOptions Render options. * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context The rendering context. * @param {number} pixelRatio The pixel ratio. */ draw_(renderOptions, context, pixelRatio) { context.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio); context.translate(renderOptions.size / 2, renderOptions.size / 2); this.createPath_(context); if (this.fill_) { let color = this.fill_.getColor(); if (color === null) { color = defaultFillStyle; } context.fillStyle = asColorLike(color); context.fill(); } if (this.stroke_) { context.strokeStyle = renderOptions.strokeStyle; context.lineWidth = renderOptions.strokeWidth; if (renderOptions.lineDash) { context.setLineDash(renderOptions.lineDash); context.lineDashOffset = renderOptions.lineDashOffset; } context.lineCap = renderOptions.lineCap; context.lineJoin = renderOptions.lineJoin; context.miterLimit = renderOptions.miterLimit; context.stroke(); } } /** * @private * @param {RenderOptions} renderOptions Render options. */ createHitDetectionCanvas_(renderOptions) { if (this.fill_) { let color = this.fill_.getColor(); let opacity = 0; if (typeof color === "string") { color = asArray(color); } if (color === null) { opacity = 1; } else if (Array.isArray(color)) { opacity = color.length === 4 ? color[3] : 1; } if (opacity === 0) { const context = createCanvasContext2D( renderOptions.size, renderOptions.size ); this.hitDetectionCanvas_ = context.canvas; this.drawHitDetectionCanvas_(renderOptions, context); } } if (!this.hitDetectionCanvas_) { this.hitDetectionCanvas_ = this.getImage(1); } } /** * @private * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context The context to draw in. */ createPath_(context) { let points = this.points_; const radius = this.radius_; if (points === Infinity) { context.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); } else { const radius2 = this.radius2_ === void 0 ? radius : this.radius2_; if (this.radius2_ !== void 0) { points *= 2; } const startAngle = this.angle_ - Math.PI / 2; const step = 2 * Math.PI / points; for (let i = 0; i < points; i++) { const angle0 = startAngle + i * step; const radiusC = i % 2 === 0 ? radius : radius2; context.lineTo(radiusC * Math.cos(angle0), radiusC * Math.sin(angle0)); } context.closePath(); } } /** * @private * @param {RenderOptions} renderOptions Render options. * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context The context. */ drawHitDetectionCanvas_(renderOptions, context) { context.translate(renderOptions.size / 2, renderOptions.size / 2); this.createPath_(context); context.fillStyle = defaultFillStyle; context.fill(); if (this.stroke_) { context.strokeStyle = renderOptions.strokeStyle; context.lineWidth = renderOptions.strokeWidth; if (renderOptions.lineDash) { context.setLineDash(renderOptions.lineDash); context.lineDashOffset = renderOptions.lineDashOffset; } context.lineJoin = renderOptions.lineJoin; context.miterLimit = renderOptions.miterLimit; context.stroke(); } } } const RegularShape$1 = RegularShape; class CircleStyle extends RegularShape$1 { /** * @param {Options} [options] Options. */ constructor(options) { options = options ? options : { radius: 5 }; super({ points: Infinity, fill: options.fill, radius: options.radius, stroke: options.stroke, scale: options.scale !== void 0 ? options.scale : 1, rotation: options.rotation !== void 0 ? options.rotation : 0, rotateWithView: options.rotateWithView !== void 0 ? options.rotateWithView : false, displacement: options.displacement !== void 0 ? options.displacement : [0, 0], declutterMode: options.declutterMode }); } /** * Clones the style. * @return {CircleStyle} The cloned style. * @api */ clone() { const scale2 = this.getScale(); const style = new CircleStyle({ fill: this.getFill() ? this.getFill().clone() : void 0, stroke: this.getStroke() ? this.getStroke().clone() : void 0, radius: this.getRadius(), scale: Array.isArray(scale2) ? scale2.slice() : scale2, rotation: this.getRotation(), rotateWithView: this.getRotateWithView(), displacement: this.getDisplacement().slice(), declutterMode: this.getDeclutterMode() }); style.setOpacity(this.getOpacity()); return style; } /** * Set the circle radius. * * @param {number} radius Circle radius. * @api */ setRadius(radius) { this.radius_ = radius; this.render(); } } const Circle = CircleStyle; class Fill { /** * @param {Options} [options] Options. */ constructor(options) { options = options || {}; this.color_ = options.color !== void 0 ? options.color : null; } /** * Clones the style. The color is not cloned if it is an {@link module:ol/colorlike~ColorLike}. * @return {Fill} The cloned style. * @api */ clone() { const color = this.getColor(); return new Fill({ color: Array.isArray(color) ? color.slice() : color || void 0 }); } /** * Get the fill color. * @return {import("../color.js").Color|import("../colorlike.js").ColorLike|null} Color. * @api */ getColor() { return this.color_; } /** * Set the color. * * @param {import("../color.js").Color|import("../colorlike.js").ColorLike|null} color Color. * @api */ setColor(color) { this.color_ = color; } } const Fill$1 = Fill; class Stroke { /** * @param {Options} [options] Options. */ constructor(options) { options = options || {}; this.color_ = options.color !== void 0 ? options.color : null; this.lineCap_ = options.lineCap; this.lineDash_ = options.lineDash !== void 0 ? options.lineDash : null; this.lineDashOffset_ = options.lineDashOffset; this.lineJoin_ = options.lineJoin; this.miterLimit_ = options.miterLimit; this.width_ = options.width; } /** * Clones the style. * @return {Stroke} The cloned style. * @api */ clone() { const color = this.getColor(); return new Stroke({ color: Array.isArray(color) ? color.slice() : color || void 0, lineCap: this.getLineCap(), lineDash: this.getLineDash() ? this.getLineDash().slice() : void 0, lineDashOffset: this.getLineDashOffset(), lineJoin: this.getLineJoin(), miterLimit: this.getMiterLimit(), width: this.getWidth() }); } /** * Get the stroke color. * @return {import("../color.js").Color|import("../colorlike.js").ColorLike} Color. * @api */ getColor() { return this.color_; } /** * Get the line cap type for the stroke. * @return {CanvasLineCap|undefined} Line cap. * @api */ getLineCap() { return this.lineCap_; } /** * Get the line dash style for the stroke. * @return {Array|null} Line dash. * @api */ getLineDash() { return this.lineDash_; } /** * Get the line dash offset for the stroke. * @return {number|undefined} Line dash offset. * @api */ getLineDashOffset() { return this.lineDashOffset_; } /** * Get the line join type for the stroke. * @return {CanvasLineJoin|undefined} Line join. * @api */ getLineJoin() { return this.lineJoin_; } /** * Get the miter limit for the stroke. * @return {number|undefined} Miter limit. * @api */ getMiterLimit() { return this.miterLimit_; } /** * Get the stroke width. * @return {number|undefined} Width. * @api */ getWidth() { return this.width_; } /** * Set the color. * * @param {import("../color.js").Color|import("../colorlike.js").ColorLike} color Color. * @api */ setColor(color) { this.color_ = color; } /** * Set the line cap. * * @param {CanvasLineCap|undefined} lineCap Line cap. * @api */ setLineCap(lineCap) { this.lineCap_ = lineCap; } /** * Set the line dash. * * @param {Array|null} lineDash Line dash. * @api */ setLineDash(lineDash) { this.lineDash_ = lineDash; } /** * Set the line dash offset. * * @param {number|undefined} lineDashOffset Line dash offset. * @api */ setLineDashOffset(lineDashOffset) { this.lineDashOffset_ = lineDashOffset; } /** * Set the line join. * * @param {CanvasLineJoin|undefined} lineJoin Line join. * @api */ setLineJoin(lineJoin) { this.lineJoin_ = lineJoin; } /** * Set the miter limit. * * @param {number|undefined} miterLimit Miter limit. * @api */ setMiterLimit(miterLimit) { this.miterLimit_ = miterLimit; } /** * Set the width. * * @param {number|undefined} width Width. * @api */ setWidth(width) { this.width_ = width; } } const OlStroke = Stroke; class Style { /** * @param {Options} [options] Style options. */ constructor(options) { options = options || {}; this.geometry_ = null; this.geometryFunction_ = defaultGeometryFunction; if (options.geometry !== void 0) { this.setGeometry(options.geometry); } this.fill_ = options.fill !== void 0 ? options.fill : null; this.image_ = options.image !== void 0 ? options.image : null; this.renderer_ = options.renderer !== void 0 ? options.renderer : null; this.hitDetectionRenderer_ = options.hitDetectionRenderer !== void 0 ? options.hitDetectionRenderer : null; this.stroke_ = options.stroke !== void 0 ? options.stroke : null; this.text_ = options.text !== void 0 ? options.text : null; this.zIndex_ = options.zIndex; } /** * Clones the style. * @return {Style} The cloned style. * @api */ clone() { let geometry = this.getGeometry(); if (geometry && typeof geometry === "object") { geometry = /** @type {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} */ geometry.clone(); } return new Style({ geometry, fill: this.getFill() ? this.getFill().clone() : void 0, image: this.getImage() ? this.getImage().clone() : void 0, renderer: this.getRenderer(), stroke: this.getStroke() ? this.getStroke().clone() : void 0, text: this.getText() ? this.getText().clone() : void 0, zIndex: this.getZIndex() }); } /** * Get the custom renderer function that was configured with * {@link #setRenderer} or the `renderer` constructor option. * @return {RenderFunction|null} Custom renderer function. * @api */ getRenderer() { return this.renderer_; } /** * Sets a custom renderer function for this style. When set, `fill`, `stroke` * and `image` options of the style will be ignored. * @param {RenderFunction|null} renderer Custom renderer function. * @api */ setRenderer(renderer) { this.renderer_ = renderer; } /** * Sets a custom renderer function for this style used * in hit detection. * @param {RenderFunction|null} renderer Custom renderer function. * @api */ setHitDetectionRenderer(renderer) { this.hitDetectionRenderer_ = renderer; } /** * Get the custom renderer function that was configured with * {@link #setHitDetectionRenderer} or the `hitDetectionRenderer` constructor option. * @return {RenderFunction|null} Custom renderer function. * @api */ getHitDetectionRenderer() { return this.hitDetectionRenderer_; } /** * Get the geometry to be rendered. * @return {string|import("../geom/Geometry.js").default|GeometryFunction} * Feature property or geometry or function that returns the geometry that will * be rendered with this style. * @api */ getGeometry() { return this.geometry_; } /** * Get the function used to generate a geometry for rendering. * @return {!GeometryFunction} Function that is called with a feature * and returns the geometry to render instead of the feature's geometry. * @api */ getGeometryFunction() { return this.geometryFunction_; } /** * Get the fill style. * @return {import("./Fill.js").default} Fill style. * @api */ getFill() { return this.fill_; } /** * Set the fill style. * @param {import("./Fill.js").default} fill Fill style. * @api */ setFill(fill) { this.fill_ = fill; } /** * Get the image style. * @return {import("./Image.js").default} Image style. * @api */ getImage() { return this.image_; } /** * Set the image style. * @param {import("./Image.js").default} image Image style. * @api */ setImage(image) { this.image_ = image; } /** * Get the stroke style. * @return {import("./Stroke.js").default} Stroke style. * @api */ getStroke() { return this.stroke_; } /** * Set the stroke style. * @param {import("./Stroke.js").default} stroke Stroke style. * @api */ setStroke(stroke) { this.stroke_ = stroke; } /** * Get the text style. * @return {import("./Text.js").default} Text style. * @api */ getText() { return this.text_; } /** * Set the text style. * @param {import("./Text.js").default} text Text style. * @api */ setText(text) { this.text_ = text; } /** * Get the z-index for the style. * @return {number|undefined} ZIndex. * @api */ getZIndex() { return this.zIndex_; } /** * Set a geometry that is rendered instead of the feature's geometry. * * @param {string|import("../geom/Geometry.js").default|GeometryFunction} geometry * Feature property or geometry or function returning a geometry to render * for this style. * @api */ setGeometry(geometry) { if (typeof geometry === "function") { this.geometryFunction_ = geometry; } else if (typeof geometry === "string") { this.geometryFunction_ = function(feature) { return ( /** @type {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} */ feature.get(geometry) ); }; } else if (!geometry) { this.geometryFunction_ = defaultGeometryFunction; } else if (geometry !== void 0) { this.geometryFunction_ = function() { return ( /** @type {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} */ geometry ); }; } this.geometry_ = geometry; } /** * Set the z-index. * * @param {number|undefined} zIndex ZIndex. * @api */ setZIndex(zIndex) { this.zIndex_ = zIndex; } } function toFunction(obj) { let styleFunction; if (typeof obj === "function") { styleFunction = obj; } else { let styles; if (Array.isArray(obj)) { styles = obj; } else { assert( typeof /** @type {?} */ obj.getZIndex === "function", "Expected an `Style` or an array of `Style`" ); const style = ( /** @type {Style} */ obj ); styles = [style]; } styleFunction = function() { return styles; }; } return styleFunction; } let defaultStyles = null; function createDefaultStyle(feature, resolution) { if (!defaultStyles) { const fill = new Fill$1({ color: "rgba(255,255,255,0.4)" }); const stroke = new OlStroke({ color: "#3399CC", width: 1.25 }); defaultStyles = [ new Style({ image: new Circle({ fill, stroke, radius: 5 }), fill, stroke }) ]; } return defaultStyles; } function createEditingStyle() { const styles = {}; const white = [255, 255, 255, 1]; const blue = [0, 153, 255, 1]; const width = 3; styles["Polygon"] = [ new Style({ fill: new Fill$1({ color: [255, 255, 255, 0.5] }) }) ]; styles["MultiPolygon"] = styles["Polygon"]; styles["LineString"] = [ new Style({ stroke: new OlStroke({ color: white, width: width + 2 }) }), new Style({ stroke: new OlStroke({ color: blue, width }) }) ]; styles["MultiLineString"] = styles["LineString"]; styles["Circle"] = styles["Polygon"].concat(styles["LineString"]); styles["Point"] = [ new Style({ image: new Circle({ radius: width * 2, fill: new Fill$1({ color: blue }), stroke: new OlStroke({ color: white, width: width / 2 }) }), zIndex: Infinity }) ]; styles["MultiPoint"] = styles["Point"]; styles["GeometryCollection"] = styles["Polygon"].concat( styles["LineString"], styles["Point"] ); return styles; } function defaultGeometryFunction(feature) { return feature.getGeometry(); } const DEFAULT_FILL_COLOR = "#333"; class Text { /** * @param {Options} [options] Options. */ constructor(options) { options = options || {}; this.font_ = options.font; this.rotation_ = options.rotation; this.rotateWithView_ = options.rotateWithView; this.scale_ = options.scale; this.scaleArray_ = toSize(options.scale !== void 0 ? options.scale : 1); this.text_ = options.text; this.textAlign_ = options.textAlign; this.justify_ = options.justify; this.repeat_ = options.repeat; this.textBaseline_ = options.textBaseline; this.fill_ = options.fill !== void 0 ? options.fill : new Fill$1({ color: DEFAULT_FILL_COLOR }); this.maxAngle_ = options.maxAngle !== void 0 ? options.maxAngle : Math.PI / 4; this.placement_ = options.placement !== void 0 ? options.placement : "point"; this.overflow_ = !!options.overflow; this.stroke_ = options.stroke !== void 0 ? options.stroke : null; this.offsetX_ = options.offsetX !== void 0 ? options.offsetX : 0; this.offsetY_ = options.offsetY !== void 0 ? options.offsetY : 0; this.backgroundFill_ = options.backgroundFill ? options.backgroundFill : null; this.backgroundStroke_ = options.backgroundStroke ? options.backgroundStroke : null; this.padding_ = options.padding === void 0 ? null : options.padding; } /** * Clones the style. * @return {Text} The cloned style. * @api */ clone() { const scale2 = this.getScale(); return new Text({ font: this.getFont(), placement: this.getPlacement(), repeat: this.getRepeat(), maxAngle: this.getMaxAngle(), overflow: this.getOverflow(), rotation: this.getRotation(), rotateWithView: this.getRotateWithView(), scale: Array.isArray(scale2) ? scale2.slice() : scale2, text: this.getText(), textAlign: this.getTextAlign(), justify: this.getJustify(), textBaseline: this.getTextBaseline(), fill: this.getFill() ? this.getFill().clone() : void 0, stroke: this.getStroke() ? this.getStroke().clone() : void 0, offsetX: this.getOffsetX(), offsetY: this.getOffsetY(), backgroundFill: this.getBackgroundFill() ? this.getBackgroundFill().clone() : void 0, backgroundStroke: this.getBackgroundStroke() ? this.getBackgroundStroke().clone() : void 0, padding: this.getPadding() || void 0 }); } /** * Get the `overflow` configuration. * @return {boolean} Let text overflow the length of the path they follow. * @api */ getOverflow() { return this.overflow_; } /** * Get the font name. * @return {string|undefined} Font. * @api */ getFont() { return this.font_; } /** * Get the maximum angle between adjacent characters. * @return {number} Angle in radians. * @api */ getMaxAngle() { return this.maxAngle_; } /** * Get the label placement. * @return {TextPlacement} Text placement. * @api */ getPlacement() { return this.placement_; } /** * Get the repeat interval of the text. * @return {number|undefined} Repeat interval in pixels. * @api */ getRepeat() { return this.repeat_; } /** * Get the x-offset for the text. * @return {number} Horizontal text offset. * @api */ getOffsetX() { return this.offsetX_; } /** * Get the y-offset for the text. * @return {number} Vertical text offset. * @api */ getOffsetY() { return this.offsetY_; } /** * Get the fill style for the text. * @return {import("./Fill.js").default} Fill style. * @api */ getFill() { return this.fill_; } /** * Determine whether the text rotates with the map. * @return {boolean|undefined} Rotate with map. * @api */ getRotateWithView() { return this.rotateWithView_; } /** * Get the text rotation. * @return {number|undefined} Rotation. * @api */ getRotation() { return this.rotation_; } /** * Get the text scale. * @return {number|import("../size.js").Size|undefined} Scale. * @api */ getScale() { return this.scale_; } /** * Get the symbolizer scale array. * @return {import("../size.js").Size} Scale array. */ getScaleArray() { return this.scaleArray_; } /** * Get the stroke style for the text. * @return {import("./Stroke.js").default} Stroke style. * @api */ getStroke() { return this.stroke_; } /** * Get the text to be rendered. * @return {string|Array|undefined} Text. * @api */ getText() { return this.text_; } /** * Get the text alignment. * @return {CanvasTextAlign|undefined} Text align. * @api */ getTextAlign() { return this.textAlign_; } /** * Get the justification. * @return {TextJustify|undefined} Justification. * @api */ getJustify() { return this.justify_; } /** * Get the text baseline. * @return {CanvasTextBaseline|undefined} Text baseline. * @api */ getTextBaseline() { return this.textBaseline_; } /** * Get the background fill style for the text. * @return {import("./Fill.js").default} Fill style. * @api */ getBackgroundFill() { return this.backgroundFill_; } /** * Get the background stroke style for the text. * @return {import("./Stroke.js").default} Stroke style. * @api */ getBackgroundStroke() { return this.backgroundStroke_; } /** * Get the padding for the text. * @return {Array|null} Padding. * @api */ getPadding() { return this.padding_; } /** * Set the `overflow` property. * * @param {boolean} overflow Let text overflow the path that it follows. * @api */ setOverflow(overflow) { this.overflow_ = overflow; } /** * Set the font. * * @param {string|undefined} font Font. * @api */ setFont(font) { this.font_ = font; } /** * Set the maximum angle between adjacent characters. * * @param {number} maxAngle Angle in radians. * @api */ setMaxAngle(maxAngle) { this.maxAngle_ = maxAngle; } /** * Set the x offset. * * @param {number} offsetX Horizontal text offset. * @api */ setOffsetX(offsetX) { this.offsetX_ = offsetX; } /** * Set the y offset. * * @param {number} offsetY Vertical text offset. * @api */ setOffsetY(offsetY) { this.offsetY_ = offsetY; } /** * Set the text placement. * * @param {TextPlacement} placement Placement. * @api */ setPlacement(placement) { this.placement_ = placement; } /** * Set the repeat interval of the text. * @param {number|undefined} [repeat] Repeat interval in pixels. * @api */ setRepeat(repeat) { this.repeat_ = repeat; } /** * Set whether to rotate the text with the view. * * @param {boolean} rotateWithView Rotate with map. * @api */ setRotateWithView(rotateWithView) { this.rotateWithView_ = rotateWithView; } /** * Set the fill. * * @param {import("./Fill.js").default} fill Fill style. * @api */ setFill(fill) { this.fill_ = fill; } /** * Set the rotation. * * @param {number|undefined} rotation Rotation. * @api */ setRotation(rotation) { this.rotation_ = rotation; } /** * Set the scale. * * @param {number|import("../size.js").Size|undefined} scale Scale. * @api */ setScale(scale2) { this.scale_ = scale2; this.scaleArray_ = toSize(scale2 !== void 0 ? scale2 : 1); } /** * Set the stroke. * * @param {import("./Stroke.js").default} stroke Stroke style. * @api */ setStroke(stroke) { this.stroke_ = stroke; } /** * Set the text. * * @param {string|Array|undefined} text Text. * @api */ setText(text) { this.text_ = text; } /** * Set the text alignment. * * @param {CanvasTextAlign|undefined} textAlign Text align. * @api */ setTextAlign(textAlign) { this.textAlign_ = textAlign; } /** * Set the justification. * * @param {TextJustify|undefined} justify Justification. * @api */ setJustify(justify) { this.justify_ = justify; } /** * Set the text baseline. * * @param {CanvasTextBaseline|undefined} textBaseline Text baseline. * @api */ setTextBaseline(textBaseline) { this.textBaseline_ = textBaseline; } /** * Set the background fill. * * @param {import("./Fill.js").default} fill Fill style. * @api */ setBackgroundFill(fill) { this.backgroundFill_ = fill; } /** * Set the background stroke. * * @param {import("./Stroke.js").default} stroke Stroke style. * @api */ setBackgroundStroke(stroke) { this.backgroundStroke_ = stroke; } /** * Set the padding (`[top, right, bottom, left]`). * * @param {Array|null} padding Padding. * @api */ setPadding(padding) { this.padding_ = padding; } } const OlText = Text; function listenImage(image, loadHandler, errorHandler) { const img = ( /** @type {HTMLImageElement} */ image ); let listening = true; let decoding = false; let loaded = false; const listenerKeys = [ listenOnce(img, EventType.LOAD, function() { loaded = true; if (!decoding) { loadHandler(); } }) ]; if (img.src && IMAGE_DECODE) { decoding = true; img.decode().then(function() { if (listening) { loadHandler(); } }).catch(function(error) { if (listening) { if (loaded) { loadHandler(); } else { errorHandler(); } } }); } else { listenerKeys.push(listenOnce(img, EventType.ERROR, errorHandler)); } return function unlisten() { listening = false; listenerKeys.forEach(unlistenByKey); }; } function load(image, src) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { function handleLoad() { unlisten(); resolve(image); } function handleError() { unlisten(); reject(new Error("Image load error")); } function unlisten() { image.removeEventListener("load", handleLoad); image.removeEventListener("error", handleError); } image.addEventListener("load", handleLoad); image.addEventListener("error", handleError); if (src) { image.src = src; } }); } function decodeFallback(image, src) { if (src) { image.src = src; } return IMAGE_DECODE ? new Promise( (resolve, reject) => image.decode().then(() => resolve(image), reject) ) : load(image); } let taintedTestContext = null; class IconImage extends EventTarget { /** * @param {HTMLImageElement|HTMLCanvasElement|ImageBitmap} image Image. * @param {string|undefined} src Src. * @param {?string} crossOrigin Cross origin. * @param {import("../ImageState.js").default} imageState Image state. * @param {import("../color.js").Color} color Color. */ constructor(image, src, crossOrigin, imageState, color) { super(); this.hitDetectionImage_ = null; this.image_ = image; this.crossOrigin_ = crossOrigin; this.canvas_ = {}; this.color_ = color; this.imageState_ = imageState === void 0 ? ImageState.IDLE : imageState; this.size_ = image && image.width && image.height ? [image.width, image.height] : null; this.src_ = src; this.tainted_; } /** * @private */ initializeImage_() { this.image_ = new Image(); if (this.crossOrigin_ !== null) { this.image_.crossOrigin = this.crossOrigin_; } } /** * @private * @return {boolean} The image canvas is tainted. */ isTainted_() { if (this.tainted_ === void 0 && this.imageState_ === ImageState.LOADED) { if (!taintedTestContext) { taintedTestContext = createCanvasContext2D(1, 1, void 0, { willReadFrequently: true }); } taintedTestContext.drawImage(this.image_, 0, 0); try { taintedTestContext.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1); this.tainted_ = false; } catch (e) { taintedTestContext = null; this.tainted_ = true; } } return this.tainted_ === true; } /** * @private */ dispatchChangeEvent_() { this.dispatchEvent(EventType.CHANGE); } /** * @private */ handleImageError_() { this.imageState_ = ImageState.ERROR; this.dispatchChangeEvent_(); } /** * @private */ handleImageLoad_() { this.imageState_ = ImageState.LOADED; this.size_ = [this.image_.width, this.image_.height]; this.dispatchChangeEvent_(); } /** * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @return {HTMLImageElement|HTMLCanvasElement|ImageBitmap} Image or Canvas element or image bitmap. */ getImage(pixelRatio) { if (!this.image_) { this.initializeImage_(); } this.replaceColor_(pixelRatio); return this.canvas_[pixelRatio] ? this.canvas_[pixelRatio] : this.image_; } /** * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @return {number} Image or Canvas element. */ getPixelRatio(pixelRatio) { this.replaceColor_(pixelRatio); return this.canvas_[pixelRatio] ? pixelRatio : 1; } /** * @return {import("../ImageState.js").default} Image state. */ getImageState() { return this.imageState_; } /** * @return {HTMLImageElement|HTMLCanvasElement|ImageBitmap} Image element. */ getHitDetectionImage() { if (!this.image_) { this.initializeImage_(); } if (!this.hitDetectionImage_) { if (this.isTainted_()) { const width = this.size_[0]; const height = this.size_[1]; const context = createCanvasContext2D(width, height); context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); this.hitDetectionImage_ = context.canvas; } else { this.hitDetectionImage_ = this.image_; } } return this.hitDetectionImage_; } /** * Get the size of the icon (in pixels). * @return {import("../size.js").Size} Image size. */ getSize() { return this.size_; } /** * @return {string|undefined} Image src. */ getSrc() { return this.src_; } /** * Load not yet loaded URI. */ load() { if (this.imageState_ !== ImageState.IDLE) { return; } if (!this.image_) { this.initializeImage_(); } this.imageState_ = ImageState.LOADING; try { if (this.src_ !== void 0) { this.image_.src = this.src_; } } catch (e) { this.handleImageError_(); } if (this.image_ instanceof HTMLImageElement) { decodeFallback(this.image_, this.src_).then((image) => { this.image_ = image; this.handleImageLoad_(); }).catch(this.handleImageError_.bind(this)); } } /** * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @private */ replaceColor_(pixelRatio) { if (!this.color_ || this.canvas_[pixelRatio] || this.imageState_ !== ImageState.LOADED) { return; } const image = this.image_; const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = Math.ceil(image.width * pixelRatio); canvas.height = Math.ceil(image.height * pixelRatio); const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio); ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0); ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "multiply"; ctx.fillStyle = asString(this.color_); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width / pixelRatio, canvas.height / pixelRatio); ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-in"; ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0); this.canvas_[pixelRatio] = canvas; } } function get(image, cacheKey, crossOrigin, imageState, color) { let iconImage = cacheKey === void 0 ? void 0 : shared.get(cacheKey, crossOrigin, color); if (!iconImage) { iconImage = new IconImage( image, image instanceof HTMLImageElement ? image.src || void 0 : cacheKey, crossOrigin, imageState, color ); shared.set(cacheKey, crossOrigin, color, iconImage); } return iconImage; } function calculateScale(width, height, wantedWidth, wantedHeight) { if (wantedWidth !== void 0 && wantedHeight !== void 0) { return [wantedWidth / width, wantedHeight / height]; } if (wantedWidth !== void 0) { return wantedWidth / width; } if (wantedHeight !== void 0) { return wantedHeight / height; } return 1; } class Icon extends ImageStyle$1 { /** * @param {Options} [options] Options. */ constructor(options) { options = options || {}; const opacity = options.opacity !== void 0 ? options.opacity : 1; const rotation = options.rotation !== void 0 ? options.rotation : 0; const scale2 = options.scale !== void 0 ? options.scale : 1; const rotateWithView = options.rotateWithView !== void 0 ? options.rotateWithView : false; super({ opacity, rotation, scale: scale2, displacement: options.displacement !== void 0 ? options.displacement : [0, 0], rotateWithView, declutterMode: options.declutterMode }); this.anchor_ = options.anchor !== void 0 ? options.anchor : [0.5, 0.5]; this.normalizedAnchor_ = null; this.anchorOrigin_ = options.anchorOrigin !== void 0 ? options.anchorOrigin : "top-left"; this.anchorXUnits_ = options.anchorXUnits !== void 0 ? options.anchorXUnits : "fraction"; this.anchorYUnits_ = options.anchorYUnits !== void 0 ? options.anchorYUnits : "fraction"; this.crossOrigin_ = options.crossOrigin !== void 0 ? options.crossOrigin : null; const image = options.img !== void 0 ? options.img : null; let cacheKey = options.src; assert( !(cacheKey !== void 0 && image), "`image` and `src` cannot be provided at the same time" ); if ((cacheKey === void 0 || cacheKey.length === 0) && image) { cacheKey = /** @type {HTMLImageElement} */ image.src || getUid(image); } assert( cacheKey !== void 0 && cacheKey.length > 0, "A defined and non-empty `src` or `image` must be provided" ); assert( !((options.width !== void 0 || options.height !== void 0) && options.scale !== void 0), "`width` or `height` cannot be provided together with `scale`" ); let imageState; if (options.src !== void 0) { imageState = ImageState.IDLE; } else if (image !== void 0) { if (image instanceof HTMLImageElement) { if (image.complete) { imageState = image.src ? ImageState.LOADED : ImageState.IDLE; } else { imageState = ImageState.LOADING; } } else { imageState = ImageState.LOADED; } } this.color_ = options.color !== void 0 ? asArray(options.color) : null; this.iconImage_ = get( image, /** @type {string} */ cacheKey, this.crossOrigin_, imageState, this.color_ ); this.offset_ = options.offset !== void 0 ? options.offset : [0, 0]; this.offsetOrigin_ = options.offsetOrigin !== void 0 ? options.offsetOrigin : "top-left"; this.origin_ = null; this.size_ = options.size !== void 0 ? options.size : null; if (options.width !== void 0 || options.height !== void 0) { let width, height; if (options.size) { [width, height] = options.size; } else { const image2 = this.getImage(1); if (image2.width && image2.height) { width = image2.width; height = image2.height; } else if (image2 instanceof HTMLImageElement) { this.initialOptions_ = options; const onload = () => { this.unlistenImageChange(onload); if (!this.initialOptions_) { return; } const imageSize = this.iconImage_.getSize(); this.setScale( calculateScale( imageSize[0], imageSize[1], options.width, options.height ) ); }; this.listenImageChange(onload); return; } } if (width !== void 0) { this.setScale( calculateScale(width, height, options.width, options.height) ); } } } /** * Clones the style. The underlying Image/HTMLCanvasElement is not cloned. * @return {Icon} The cloned style. * @api */ clone() { let scale2, width, height; if (this.initialOptions_) { width = this.initialOptions_.width; height = this.initialOptions_.height; } else { scale2 = this.getScale(); scale2 = Array.isArray(scale2) ? scale2.slice() : scale2; } return new Icon({ anchor: this.anchor_.slice(), anchorOrigin: this.anchorOrigin_, anchorXUnits: this.anchorXUnits_, anchorYUnits: this.anchorYUnits_, color: this.color_ && this.color_.slice ? this.color_.slice() : this.color_ || void 0, crossOrigin: this.crossOrigin_, offset: this.offset_.slice(), offsetOrigin: this.offsetOrigin_, opacity: this.getOpacity(), rotateWithView: this.getRotateWithView(), rotation: this.getRotation(), scale: scale2, width, height, size: this.size_ !== null ? this.size_.slice() : void 0, src: this.getSrc(), displacement: this.getDisplacement().slice(), declutterMode: this.getDeclutterMode() }); } /** * Get the anchor point in pixels. The anchor determines the center point for the * symbolizer. * @return {Array} Anchor. * @api */ getAnchor() { let anchor = this.normalizedAnchor_; if (!anchor) { anchor = this.anchor_; const size = this.getSize(); if (this.anchorXUnits_ == "fraction" || this.anchorYUnits_ == "fraction") { if (!size) { return null; } anchor = this.anchor_.slice(); if (this.anchorXUnits_ == "fraction") { anchor[0] *= size[0]; } if (this.anchorYUnits_ == "fraction") { anchor[1] *= size[1]; } } if (this.anchorOrigin_ != "top-left") { if (!size) { return null; } if (anchor === this.anchor_) { anchor = this.anchor_.slice(); } if (this.anchorOrigin_ == "top-right" || this.anchorOrigin_ == "bottom-right") { anchor[0] = -anchor[0] + size[0]; } if (this.anchorOrigin_ == "bottom-left" || this.anchorOrigin_ == "bottom-right") { anchor[1] = -anchor[1] + size[1]; } } this.normalizedAnchor_ = anchor; } const displacement = this.getDisplacement(); const scale2 = this.getScaleArray(); return [ anchor[0] - displacement[0] / scale2[0], anchor[1] + displacement[1] / scale2[1] ]; } /** * Set the anchor point. The anchor determines the center point for the * symbolizer. * * @param {Array} anchor Anchor. * @api */ setAnchor(anchor) { this.anchor_ = anchor; this.normalizedAnchor_ = null; } /** * Get the icon color. * @return {import("../color.js").Color} Color. * @api */ getColor() { return this.color_; } /** * Get the image icon. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @return {HTMLImageElement|HTMLCanvasElement|ImageBitmap} Image or Canvas element. If the Icon * style was configured with `src` or with a not let loaded `img`, an `ImageBitmap` will be returned. * @api */ getImage(pixelRatio) { return this.iconImage_.getImage(pixelRatio); } /** * Get the pixel ratio. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @return {number} The pixel ratio of the image. * @api */ getPixelRatio(pixelRatio) { return this.iconImage_.getPixelRatio(pixelRatio); } /** * @return {import("../size.js").Size} Image size. */ getImageSize() { return this.iconImage_.getSize(); } /** * @return {import("../ImageState.js").default} Image state. */ getImageState() { return this.iconImage_.getImageState(); } /** * @return {HTMLImageElement|HTMLCanvasElement|ImageBitmap} Image element. */ getHitDetectionImage() { return this.iconImage_.getHitDetectionImage(); } /** * Get the origin of the symbolizer. * @return {Array} Origin. * @api */ getOrigin() { if (this.origin_) { return this.origin_; } let offset = this.offset_; if (this.offsetOrigin_ != "top-left") { const size = this.getSize(); const iconImageSize = this.iconImage_.getSize(); if (!size || !iconImageSize) { return null; } offset = offset.slice(); if (this.offsetOrigin_ == "top-right" || this.offsetOrigin_ == "bottom-right") { offset[0] = iconImageSize[0] - size[0] - offset[0]; } if (this.offsetOrigin_ == "bottom-left" || this.offsetOrigin_ == "bottom-right") { offset[1] = iconImageSize[1] - size[1] - offset[1]; } } this.origin_ = offset; return this.origin_; } /** * Get the image URL. * @return {string|undefined} Image src. * @api */ getSrc() { return this.iconImage_.getSrc(); } /** * Get the size of the icon (in pixels). * @return {import("../size.js").Size} Image size. * @api */ getSize() { return !this.size_ ? this.iconImage_.getSize() : this.size_; } /** * Get the width of the icon (in pixels). Will return undefined when the icon image is not yet loaded. * @return {number} Icon width (in pixels). * @api */ getWidth() { const scale2 = this.getScaleArray(); if (this.size_) { return this.size_[0] * scale2[0]; } if (this.iconImage_.getImageState() == ImageState.LOADED) { return this.iconImage_.getSize()[0] * scale2[0]; } return void 0; } /** * Get the height of the icon (in pixels). Will return undefined when the icon image is not yet loaded. * @return {number} Icon height (in pixels). * @api */ getHeight() { const scale2 = this.getScaleArray(); if (this.size_) { return this.size_[1] * scale2[1]; } if (this.iconImage_.getImageState() == ImageState.LOADED) { return this.iconImage_.getSize()[1] * scale2[1]; } return void 0; } /** * Set the scale. * * @param {number|import("../size.js").Size} scale Scale. * @api */ setScale(scale2) { delete this.initialOptions_; super.setScale(scale2); } /** * @param {function(import("../events/Event.js").default): void} listener Listener function. */ listenImageChange(listener) { this.iconImage_.addEventListener(EventType.CHANGE, listener); } /** * Load not yet loaded URI. * When rendering a feature with an icon style, the vector renderer will * automatically call this method. However, you might want to call this * method yourself for preloading or other purposes. * @api */ load() { this.iconImage_.load(); } /** * @param {function(import("../events/Event.js").default): void} listener Listener function. */ unlistenImageChange(listener) { this.iconImage_.removeEventListener(EventType.CHANGE, listener); } } const OlIcon = Icon; class Feature extends BaseObject$1 { /** * @param {Geometry|ObjectWithGeometry} [geometryOrProperties] * You may pass a Geometry object directly, or an object literal containing * properties. If you pass an object literal, you may include a Geometry * associated with a `geometry` key. */ constructor(geometryOrProperties) { super(); this.on; this.once; this.un; this.id_ = void 0; this.geometryName_ = "geometry"; this.style_ = null; this.styleFunction_ = void 0; this.geometryChangeKey_ = null; this.addChangeListener(this.geometryName_, this.handleGeometryChanged_); if (geometryOrProperties) { if (typeof /** @type {?} */ geometryOrProperties.getSimplifiedGeometry === "function") { const geometry = ( /** @type {Geometry} */ geometryOrProperties ); this.setGeometry(geometry); } else { const properties = geometryOrProperties; this.setProperties(properties); } } } /** * Clone this feature. If the original feature has a geometry it * is also cloned. The feature id is not set in the clone. * @return {Feature} The clone. * @api */ clone() { const clone2 = ( /** @type {Feature} */ new Feature(this.hasProperties() ? this.getProperties() : null) ); clone2.setGeometryName(this.getGeometryName()); const geometry = this.getGeometry(); if (geometry) { clone2.setGeometry( /** @type {Geometry} */ geometry.clone() ); } const style = this.getStyle(); if (style) { clone2.setStyle(style); } return clone2; } /** * Get the feature's default geometry. A feature may have any number of named * geometries. The "default" geometry (the one that is rendered by default) is * set when calling {@link module:ol/Feature~Feature#setGeometry}. * @return {Geometry|undefined} The default geometry for the feature. * @api * @observable */ getGeometry() { return ( /** @type {Geometry|undefined} */ this.get(this.geometryName_) ); } /** * Get the feature identifier. This is a stable identifier for the feature and * is either set when reading data from a remote source or set explicitly by * calling {@link module:ol/Feature~Feature#setId}. * @return {number|string|undefined} Id. * @api */ getId() { return this.id_; } /** * Get the name of the feature's default geometry. By default, the default * geometry is named `geometry`. * @return {string} Get the property name associated with the default geometry * for this feature. * @api */ getGeometryName() { return this.geometryName_; } /** * Get the feature's style. Will return what was provided to the * {@link module:ol/Feature~Feature#setStyle} method. * @return {import("./style/Style.js").StyleLike|undefined} The feature style. * @api */ getStyle() { return this.style_; } /** * Get the feature's style function. * @return {import("./style/Style.js").StyleFunction|undefined} Return a function * representing the current style of this feature. * @api */ getStyleFunction() { return this.styleFunction_; } /** * @private */ handleGeometryChange_() { this.changed(); } /** * @private */ handleGeometryChanged_() { if (this.geometryChangeKey_) { unlistenByKey(this.geometryChangeKey_); this.geometryChangeKey_ = null; } const geometry = this.getGeometry(); if (geometry) { this.geometryChangeKey_ = listen( geometry, EventType.CHANGE, this.handleGeometryChange_, this ); } this.changed(); } /** * Set the default geometry for the feature. This will update the property * with the name returned by {@link module:ol/Feature~Feature#getGeometryName}. * @param {Geometry|undefined} geometry The new geometry. * @api * @observable */ setGeometry(geometry) { this.set(this.geometryName_, geometry); } /** * Set the style for the feature to override the layer style. This can be a * single style object, an array of styles, or a function that takes a * resolution and returns an array of styles. To unset the feature style, call * `setStyle()` without arguments or a falsey value. * @param {import("./style/Style.js").StyleLike} [style] Style for this feature. * @api * @fires module:ol/events/Event~BaseEvent#event:change */ setStyle(style) { this.style_ = style; this.styleFunction_ = !style ? void 0 : createStyleFunction(style); this.changed(); } /** * Set the feature id. The feature id is considered stable and may be used when * requesting features or comparing identifiers returned from a remote source. * The feature id can be used with the * {@link module:ol/source/Vector~VectorSource#getFeatureById} method. * @param {number|string|undefined} id The feature id. * @api * @fires module:ol/events/Event~BaseEvent#event:change */ setId(id) { this.id_ = id; this.changed(); } /** * Set the property name to be used when getting the feature's default geometry. * When calling {@link module:ol/Feature~Feature#getGeometry}, the value of the property with * this name will be returned. * @param {string} name The property name of the default geometry. * @api */ setGeometryName(name) { this.removeChangeListener(this.geometryName_, this.handleGeometryChanged_); this.geometryName_ = name; this.addChangeListener(this.geometryName_, this.handleGeometryChanged_); this.handleGeometryChanged_(); } } function createStyleFunction(obj) { if (typeof obj === "function") { return obj; } let styles; if (Array.isArray(obj)) { styles = obj; } else { assert( typeof /** @type {?} */ obj.getZIndex === "function", "Expected an `ol/style/Style` or an array of `ol/style/Style.js`" ); const style = ( /** @type {import("./style/Style.js").default} */ obj ); styles = [style]; } return function() { return styles; }; } const Feature$1 = Feature; class GeometryCollection extends Geometry$1 { /** * @param {Array} [geometries] Geometries. */ constructor(geometries) { super(); this.geometries_ = geometries ? geometries : null; this.changeEventsKeys_ = []; this.listenGeometriesChange_(); } /** * @private */ unlistenGeometriesChange_() { this.changeEventsKeys_.forEach(unlistenByKey); this.changeEventsKeys_.length = 0; } /** * @private */ listenGeometriesChange_() { if (!this.geometries_) { return; } for (let i = 0, ii = this.geometries_.length; i < ii; ++i) { this.changeEventsKeys_.push( listen(this.geometries_[i], EventType.CHANGE, this.changed, this) ); } } /** * Make a complete copy of the geometry. * @return {!GeometryCollection} Clone. * @api */ clone() { const geometryCollection = new GeometryCollection(null); geometryCollection.setGeometries(this.geometries_); geometryCollection.applyProperties(this); return geometryCollection; } /** * @param {number} x X. * @param {number} y Y. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} closestPoint Closest point. * @param {number} minSquaredDistance Minimum squared distance. * @return {number} Minimum squared distance. */ closestPointXY(x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance) { if (minSquaredDistance < closestSquaredDistanceXY(this.getExtent(), x, y)) { return minSquaredDistance; } const geometries = this.geometries_; for (let i = 0, ii = geometries.length; i < ii; ++i) { minSquaredDistance = geometries[i].closestPointXY( x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance ); } return minSquaredDistance; } /** * @param {number} x X. * @param {number} y Y. * @return {boolean} Contains (x, y). */ containsXY(x, y) { const geometries = this.geometries_; for (let i = 0, ii = geometries.length; i < ii; ++i) { if (geometries[i].containsXY(x, y)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @protected * @return {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. */ computeExtent(extent) { createOrUpdateEmpty(extent); const geometries = this.geometries_; for (let i = 0, ii = geometries.length; i < ii; ++i) { extend$1(extent, geometries[i].getExtent()); } return extent; } /** * Return the geometries that make up this geometry collection. * @return {Array} Geometries. * @api */ getGeometries() { return cloneGeometries(this.geometries_); } /** * @return {Array} Geometries. */ getGeometriesArray() { return this.geometries_; } /** * @return {Array} Geometries. */ getGeometriesArrayRecursive() { let geometriesArray = []; const geometries = this.geometries_; for (let i = 0, ii = geometries.length; i < ii; ++i) { if (geometries[i].getType() === this.getType()) { geometriesArray = geometriesArray.concat( /** @type {GeometryCollection} */ geometries[i].getGeometriesArrayRecursive() ); } else { geometriesArray.push(geometries[i]); } } return geometriesArray; } /** * Create a simplified version of this geometry using the Douglas Peucker algorithm. * @param {number} squaredTolerance Squared tolerance. * @return {GeometryCollection} Simplified GeometryCollection. */ getSimplifiedGeometry(squaredTolerance) { if (this.simplifiedGeometryRevision !== this.getRevision()) { this.simplifiedGeometryMaxMinSquaredTolerance = 0; this.simplifiedGeometryRevision = this.getRevision(); } if (squaredTolerance < 0 || this.simplifiedGeometryMaxMinSquaredTolerance !== 0 && squaredTolerance < this.simplifiedGeometryMaxMinSquaredTolerance) { return this; } const simplifiedGeometries = []; const geometries = this.geometries_; let simplified = false; for (let i = 0, ii = geometries.length; i < ii; ++i) { const geometry = geometries[i]; const simplifiedGeometry = geometry.getSimplifiedGeometry(squaredTolerance); simplifiedGeometries.push(simplifiedGeometry); if (simplifiedGeometry !== geometry) { simplified = true; } } if (simplified) { const simplifiedGeometryCollection = new GeometryCollection(null); simplifiedGeometryCollection.setGeometriesArray(simplifiedGeometries); return simplifiedGeometryCollection; } this.simplifiedGeometryMaxMinSquaredTolerance = squaredTolerance; return this; } /** * Get the type of this geometry. * @return {import("./Geometry.js").Type} Geometry type. * @api */ getType() { return "GeometryCollection"; } /** * Test if the geometry and the passed extent intersect. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @return {boolean} `true` if the geometry and the extent intersect. * @api */ intersectsExtent(extent) { const geometries = this.geometries_; for (let i = 0, ii = geometries.length; i < ii; ++i) { if (geometries[i].intersectsExtent(extent)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @return {boolean} Is empty. */ isEmpty() { return this.geometries_.length === 0; } /** * Rotate the geometry around a given coordinate. This modifies the geometry * coordinates in place. * @param {number} angle Rotation angle in radians. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} anchor The rotation center. * @api */ rotate(angle, anchor) { const geometries = this.geometries_; for (let i = 0, ii = geometries.length; i < ii; ++i) { geometries[i].rotate(angle, anchor); } this.changed(); } /** * Scale the geometry (with an optional origin). This modifies the geometry * coordinates in place. * @abstract * @param {number} sx The scaling factor in the x-direction. * @param {number} [sy] The scaling factor in the y-direction (defaults to sx). * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} [anchor] The scale origin (defaults to the center * of the geometry extent). * @api */ scale(sx, sy, anchor) { if (!anchor) { anchor = getCenter(this.getExtent()); } const geometries = this.geometries_; for (let i = 0, ii = geometries.length; i < ii; ++i) { geometries[i].scale(sx, sy, anchor); } this.changed(); } /** * Set the geometries that make up this geometry collection. * @param {Array} geometries Geometries. * @api */ setGeometries(geometries) { this.setGeometriesArray(cloneGeometries(geometries)); } /** * @param {Array} geometries Geometries. */ setGeometriesArray(geometries) { this.unlistenGeometriesChange_(); this.geometries_ = geometries; this.listenGeometriesChange_(); this.changed(); } /** * Apply a transform function to the coordinates of the geometry. * The geometry is modified in place. * If you do not want the geometry modified in place, first `clone()` it and * then use this function on the clone. * @param {import("../proj.js").TransformFunction} transformFn Transform function. * Called with a flat array of geometry coordinates. * @api */ applyTransform(transformFn) { const geometries = this.geometries_; for (let i = 0, ii = geometries.length; i < ii; ++i) { geometries[i].applyTransform(transformFn); } this.changed(); } /** * Translate the geometry. This modifies the geometry coordinates in place. If * instead you want a new geometry, first `clone()` this geometry. * @param {number} deltaX Delta X. * @param {number} deltaY Delta Y. * @api */ translate(deltaX, deltaY) { const geometries = this.geometries_; for (let i = 0, ii = geometries.length; i < ii; ++i) { geometries[i].translate(deltaX, deltaY); } this.changed(); } /** * Clean up. */ disposeInternal() { this.unlistenGeometriesChange_(); super.disposeInternal(); } } function cloneGeometries(geometries) { const clonedGeometries = []; for (let i = 0, ii = geometries.length; i < ii; ++i) { clonedGeometries.push(geometries[i].clone()); } return clonedGeometries; } const GeometryCollection$1 = GeometryCollection; class FeatureFormat { constructor() { this.dataProjection = void 0; this.defaultFeatureProjection = void 0; this.supportedMediaTypes = null; } /** * Adds the data projection to the read options. * @param {Document|Element|Object|string} source Source. * @param {ReadOptions} [options] Options. * @return {ReadOptions|undefined} Options. * @protected */ getReadOptions(source, options) { if (options) { let dataProjection = options.dataProjection ? get$1(options.dataProjection) : this.readProjection(source); if (options.extent && dataProjection && dataProjection.getUnits() === "tile-pixels") { dataProjection = get$1(dataProjection); dataProjection.setWorldExtent(options.extent); } options = { dataProjection, featureProjection: options.featureProjection }; } return this.adaptOptions(options); } /** * Sets the `dataProjection` on the options, if no `dataProjection` * is set. * @param {WriteOptions|ReadOptions|undefined} options * Options. * @protected * @return {WriteOptions|ReadOptions|undefined} * Updated options. */ adaptOptions(options) { return Object.assign( { dataProjection: this.dataProjection, featureProjection: this.defaultFeatureProjection }, options ); } /** * @abstract * @return {Type} The format type. */ getType() { return abstract(); } /** * Read a single feature from a source. * * @abstract * @param {Document|Element|Object|string} source Source. * @param {ReadOptions} [options] Read options. * @return {import("../Feature.js").FeatureLike} Feature. */ readFeature(source, options) { return abstract(); } /** * Read all features from a source. * * @abstract * @param {Document|Element|ArrayBuffer|Object|string} source Source. * @param {ReadOptions} [options] Read options. * @return {Array} Features. */ readFeatures(source, options) { return abstract(); } /** * Read a single geometry from a source. * * @abstract * @param {Document|Element|Object|string} source Source. * @param {ReadOptions} [options] Read options. * @return {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} Geometry. */ readGeometry(source, options) { return abstract(); } /** * Read the projection from a source. * * @abstract * @param {Document|Element|Object|string} source Source. * @return {import("../proj/Projection.js").default|undefined} Projection. */ readProjection(source) { return abstract(); } /** * Encode a feature in this format. * * @abstract * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature Feature. * @param {WriteOptions} [options] Write options. * @return {string|ArrayBuffer} Result. */ writeFeature(feature, options) { return abstract(); } /** * Encode an array of features in this format. * * @abstract * @param {Array} features Features. * @param {WriteOptions} [options] Write options. * @return {string|ArrayBuffer} Result. */ writeFeatures(features, options) { return abstract(); } /** * Write a single geometry in this format. * * @abstract * @param {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} geometry Geometry. * @param {WriteOptions} [options] Write options. * @return {string|ArrayBuffer} Result. */ writeGeometry(geometry, options) { return abstract(); } } function transformGeometryWithOptions(geometry, write, options) { const featureProjection = options ? get$1(options.featureProjection) : null; const dataProjection = options ? get$1(options.dataProjection) : null; let transformed; if (featureProjection && dataProjection && !equivalent(featureProjection, dataProjection)) { transformed = (write ? geometry.clone() : geometry).transform( write ? featureProjection : dataProjection, write ? dataProjection : featureProjection ); } else { transformed = geometry; } if (write && options && /** @type {WriteOptions} */ options.decimals !== void 0) { const power = Math.pow( 10, /** @type {WriteOptions} */ options.decimals ); const transform2 = function(coordinates2) { for (let i = 0, ii = coordinates2.length; i < ii; ++i) { coordinates2[i] = Math.round(coordinates2[i] * power) / power; } return coordinates2; }; if (transformed === geometry) { transformed = geometry.clone(); } transformed.applyTransform(transform2); } return transformed; } class JSONFeature extends FeatureFormat { constructor() { super(); } /** * @return {import("./Feature.js").Type} Format. */ getType() { return "json"; } /** * Read a feature. Only works for a single feature. Use `readFeatures` to * read a feature collection. * * @param {ArrayBuffer|Document|Element|Object|string} source Source. * @param {import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions} [options] Read options. * @return {import("../Feature.js").default} Feature. * @api */ readFeature(source, options) { return this.readFeatureFromObject( getObject(source), this.getReadOptions(source, options) ); } /** * Read all features. Works with both a single feature and a feature * collection. * * @param {ArrayBuffer|Document|Element|Object|string} source Source. * @param {import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions} [options] Read options. * @return {Array} Features. * @api */ readFeatures(source, options) { return this.readFeaturesFromObject( getObject(source), this.getReadOptions(source, options) ); } /** * @abstract * @param {Object} object Object. * @param {import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions} [options] Read options. * @protected * @return {import("../Feature.js").default} Feature. */ readFeatureFromObject(object, options) { return abstract(); } /** * @abstract * @param {Object} object Object. * @param {import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions} [options] Read options. * @protected * @return {Array} Features. */ readFeaturesFromObject(object, options) { return abstract(); } /** * Read a geometry. * * @param {ArrayBuffer|Document|Element|Object|string} source Source. * @param {import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions} [options] Read options. * @return {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} Geometry. * @api */ readGeometry(source, options) { return this.readGeometryFromObject( getObject(source), this.getReadOptions(source, options) ); } /** * @abstract * @param {Object} object Object. * @param {import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions} [options] Read options. * @protected * @return {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} Geometry. */ readGeometryFromObject(object, options) { return abstract(); } /** * Read the projection. * * @param {ArrayBuffer|Document|Element|Object|string} source Source. * @return {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} Projection. * @api */ readProjection(source) { return this.readProjectionFromObject(getObject(source)); } /** * @abstract * @param {Object} object Object. * @protected * @return {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} Projection. */ readProjectionFromObject(object) { return abstract(); } /** * Encode a feature as string. * * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature Feature. * @param {import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions} [options] Write options. * @return {string} Encoded feature. * @api */ writeFeature(feature, options) { return JSON.stringify(this.writeFeatureObject(feature, options)); } /** * @abstract * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature Feature. * @param {import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions} [options] Write options. * @return {Object} Object. */ writeFeatureObject(feature, options) { return abstract(); } /** * Encode an array of features as string. * * @param {Array} features Features. * @param {import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions} [options] Write options. * @return {string} Encoded features. * @api */ writeFeatures(features, options) { return JSON.stringify(this.writeFeaturesObject(features, options)); } /** * @abstract * @param {Array} features Features. * @param {import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions} [options] Write options. * @return {Object} Object. */ writeFeaturesObject(features, options) { return abstract(); } /** * Encode a geometry as string. * * @param {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} geometry Geometry. * @param {import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions} [options] Write options. * @return {string} Encoded geometry. * @api */ writeGeometry(geometry, options) { return JSON.stringify(this.writeGeometryObject(geometry, options)); } /** * @abstract * @param {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} geometry Geometry. * @param {import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions} [options] Write options. * @return {Object} Object. */ writeGeometryObject(geometry, options) { return abstract(); } } function getObject(source) { if (typeof source === "string") { const object = JSON.parse(source); return object ? ( /** @type {Object} */ object ) : null; } if (source !== null) { return source; } return null; } const JSONFeature$1 = JSONFeature; function interpolatePoint(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, fraction, dest, dimension) { let o, t; const n = (end - offset) / stride; if (n === 1) { o = offset; } else if (n === 2) { o = offset; t = fraction; } else if (n !== 0) { let x1 = flatCoordinates[offset]; let y1 = flatCoordinates[offset + 1]; let length = 0; const cumulativeLengths = [0]; for (let i = offset + stride; i < end; i += stride) { const x2 = flatCoordinates[i]; const y2 = flatCoordinates[i + 1]; length += Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)); cumulativeLengths.push(length); x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } const target = fraction * length; const index = binarySearch(cumulativeLengths, target); if (index < 0) { t = (target - cumulativeLengths[-index - 2]) / (cumulativeLengths[-index - 1] - cumulativeLengths[-index - 2]); o = offset + (-index - 2) * stride; } else { o = offset + index * stride; } } dimension = dimension > 1 ? dimension : 2; dest = dest ? dest : new Array(dimension); for (let i = 0; i < dimension; ++i) { dest[i] = o === void 0 ? NaN : t === void 0 ? flatCoordinates[o + i] : lerp(flatCoordinates[o + i], flatCoordinates[o + stride + i], t); } return dest; } function lineStringCoordinateAtM(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, m, extrapolate) { if (end == offset) { return null; } let coordinate; if (m < flatCoordinates[offset + stride - 1]) { if (extrapolate) { coordinate = flatCoordinates.slice(offset, offset + stride); coordinate[stride - 1] = m; return coordinate; } return null; } if (flatCoordinates[end - 1] < m) { if (extrapolate) { coordinate = flatCoordinates.slice(end - stride, end); coordinate[stride - 1] = m; return coordinate; } return null; } if (m == flatCoordinates[offset + stride - 1]) { return flatCoordinates.slice(offset, offset + stride); } let lo = offset / stride; let hi = end / stride; while (lo < hi) { const mid = lo + hi >> 1; if (m < flatCoordinates[(mid + 1) * stride - 1]) { hi = mid; } else { lo = mid + 1; } } const m0 = flatCoordinates[lo * stride - 1]; if (m == m0) { return flatCoordinates.slice((lo - 1) * stride, (lo - 1) * stride + stride); } const m1 = flatCoordinates[(lo + 1) * stride - 1]; const t = (m - m0) / (m1 - m0); coordinate = []; for (let i = 0; i < stride - 1; ++i) { coordinate.push( lerp( flatCoordinates[(lo - 1) * stride + i], flatCoordinates[lo * stride + i], t ) ); } coordinate.push(m); return coordinate; } function lineStringsCoordinateAtM(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, m, extrapolate, interpolate) { if (interpolate) { return lineStringCoordinateAtM( flatCoordinates, offset, ends[ends.length - 1], stride, m, extrapolate ); } let coordinate; if (m < flatCoordinates[stride - 1]) { if (extrapolate) { coordinate = flatCoordinates.slice(0, stride); coordinate[stride - 1] = m; return coordinate; } return null; } if (flatCoordinates[flatCoordinates.length - 1] < m) { if (extrapolate) { coordinate = flatCoordinates.slice(flatCoordinates.length - stride); coordinate[stride - 1] = m; return coordinate; } return null; } for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) { const end = ends[i]; if (offset == end) { continue; } if (m < flatCoordinates[offset + stride - 1]) { return null; } if (m <= flatCoordinates[end - 1]) { return lineStringCoordinateAtM( flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, m, false ); } offset = end; } return null; } function lineStringLength(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride) { let x1 = flatCoordinates[offset]; let y1 = flatCoordinates[offset + 1]; let length = 0; for (let i = offset + stride; i < end; i += stride) { const x2 = flatCoordinates[i]; const y2 = flatCoordinates[i + 1]; length += Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)); x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } return length; } class LineString extends SimpleGeometry$1 { /** * @param {Array|Array} coordinates Coordinates. * For internal use, flat coordinates in combination with `layout` are also accepted. * @param {import("./Geometry.js").GeometryLayout} [layout] Layout. */ constructor(coordinates2, layout) { super(); this.flatMidpoint_ = null; this.flatMidpointRevision_ = -1; this.maxDelta_ = -1; this.maxDeltaRevision_ = -1; if (layout !== void 0 && !Array.isArray(coordinates2[0])) { this.setFlatCoordinates( layout, /** @type {Array} */ coordinates2 ); } else { this.setCoordinates( /** @type {Array} */ coordinates2, layout ); } } /** * Append the passed coordinate to the coordinates of the linestring. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate. * @api */ appendCoordinate(coordinate) { if (!this.flatCoordinates) { this.flatCoordinates = coordinate.slice(); } else { extend$2(this.flatCoordinates, coordinate); } this.changed(); } /** * Make a complete copy of the geometry. * @return {!LineString} Clone. * @api */ clone() { const lineString = new LineString( this.flatCoordinates.slice(), this.layout ); lineString.applyProperties(this); return lineString; } /** * @param {number} x X. * @param {number} y Y. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} closestPoint Closest point. * @param {number} minSquaredDistance Minimum squared distance. * @return {number} Minimum squared distance. */ closestPointXY(x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance) { if (minSquaredDistance < closestSquaredDistanceXY(this.getExtent(), x, y)) { return minSquaredDistance; } if (this.maxDeltaRevision_ != this.getRevision()) { this.maxDelta_ = Math.sqrt( maxSquaredDelta( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.flatCoordinates.length, this.stride, 0 ) ); this.maxDeltaRevision_ = this.getRevision(); } return assignClosestPoint( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.flatCoordinates.length, this.stride, this.maxDelta_, false, x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance ); } /** * Iterate over each segment, calling the provided callback. * If the callback returns a truthy value the function returns that * value immediately. Otherwise the function returns `false`. * * @param {function(this: S, import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate, import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate): T} callback Function * called for each segment. The function will receive two arguments, the start and end coordinates of the segment. * @return {T|boolean} Value. * @template T,S * @api */ forEachSegment(callback) { return forEach( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.flatCoordinates.length, this.stride, callback ); } /** * Returns the coordinate at `m` using linear interpolation, or `null` if no * such coordinate exists. * * `extrapolate` controls extrapolation beyond the range of Ms in the * MultiLineString. If `extrapolate` is `true` then Ms less than the first * M will return the first coordinate and Ms greater than the last M will * return the last coordinate. * * @param {number} m M. * @param {boolean} [extrapolate] Extrapolate. Default is `false`. * @return {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate|null} Coordinate. * @api */ getCoordinateAtM(m, extrapolate) { if (this.layout != "XYM" && this.layout != "XYZM") { return null; } extrapolate = extrapolate !== void 0 ? extrapolate : false; return lineStringCoordinateAtM( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.flatCoordinates.length, this.stride, m, extrapolate ); } /** * Return the coordinates of the linestring. * @return {Array} Coordinates. * @api */ getCoordinates() { return inflateCoordinates( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.flatCoordinates.length, this.stride ); } /** * Return the coordinate at the provided fraction along the linestring. * The `fraction` is a number between 0 and 1, where 0 is the start of the * linestring and 1 is the end. * @param {number} fraction Fraction. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} [dest] Optional coordinate whose values will * be modified. If not provided, a new coordinate will be returned. * @return {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} Coordinate of the interpolated point. * @api */ getCoordinateAt(fraction, dest) { return interpolatePoint( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.flatCoordinates.length, this.stride, fraction, dest, this.stride ); } /** * Return the length of the linestring on projected plane. * @return {number} Length (on projected plane). * @api */ getLength() { return lineStringLength( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.flatCoordinates.length, this.stride ); } /** * @return {Array} Flat midpoint. */ getFlatMidpoint() { if (this.flatMidpointRevision_ != this.getRevision()) { this.flatMidpoint_ = this.getCoordinateAt(0.5, this.flatMidpoint_); this.flatMidpointRevision_ = this.getRevision(); } return this.flatMidpoint_; } /** * @param {number} squaredTolerance Squared tolerance. * @return {LineString} Simplified LineString. * @protected */ getSimplifiedGeometryInternal(squaredTolerance) { const simplifiedFlatCoordinates = []; simplifiedFlatCoordinates.length = douglasPeucker( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.flatCoordinates.length, this.stride, squaredTolerance, simplifiedFlatCoordinates, 0 ); return new LineString(simplifiedFlatCoordinates, "XY"); } /** * Get the type of this geometry. * @return {import("./Geometry.js").Type} Geometry type. * @api */ getType() { return "LineString"; } /** * Test if the geometry and the passed extent intersect. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @return {boolean} `true` if the geometry and the extent intersect. * @api */ intersectsExtent(extent) { return intersectsLineString( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.flatCoordinates.length, this.stride, extent ); } /** * Set the coordinates of the linestring. * @param {!Array} coordinates Coordinates. * @param {import("./Geometry.js").GeometryLayout} [layout] Layout. * @api */ setCoordinates(coordinates2, layout) { this.setLayout(layout, coordinates2, 1); if (!this.flatCoordinates) { this.flatCoordinates = []; } this.flatCoordinates.length = deflateCoordinates( this.flatCoordinates, 0, coordinates2, this.stride ); this.changed(); } } const LineString$1 = LineString; class MultiLineString extends SimpleGeometry$1 { /** * @param {Array|LineString>|Array} coordinates * Coordinates or LineString geometries. (For internal use, flat coordinates in * combination with `layout` and `ends` are also accepted.) * @param {import("./Geometry.js").GeometryLayout} [layout] Layout. * @param {Array} [ends] Flat coordinate ends for internal use. */ constructor(coordinates2, layout, ends) { super(); this.ends_ = []; this.maxDelta_ = -1; this.maxDeltaRevision_ = -1; if (Array.isArray(coordinates2[0])) { this.setCoordinates( /** @type {Array>} */ coordinates2, layout ); } else if (layout !== void 0 && ends) { this.setFlatCoordinates( layout, /** @type {Array} */ coordinates2 ); this.ends_ = ends; } else { let layout2 = this.getLayout(); const lineStrings = ( /** @type {Array} */ coordinates2 ); const flatCoordinates = []; const ends2 = []; for (let i = 0, ii = lineStrings.length; i < ii; ++i) { const lineString = lineStrings[i]; if (i === 0) { layout2 = lineString.getLayout(); } extend$2(flatCoordinates, lineString.getFlatCoordinates()); ends2.push(flatCoordinates.length); } this.setFlatCoordinates(layout2, flatCoordinates); this.ends_ = ends2; } } /** * Append the passed linestring to the multilinestring. * @param {LineString} lineString LineString. * @api */ appendLineString(lineString) { if (!this.flatCoordinates) { this.flatCoordinates = lineString.getFlatCoordinates().slice(); } else { extend$2(this.flatCoordinates, lineString.getFlatCoordinates().slice()); } this.ends_.push(this.flatCoordinates.length); this.changed(); } /** * Make a complete copy of the geometry. * @return {!MultiLineString} Clone. * @api */ clone() { const multiLineString = new MultiLineString( this.flatCoordinates.slice(), this.layout, this.ends_.slice() ); multiLineString.applyProperties(this); return multiLineString; } /** * @param {number} x X. * @param {number} y Y. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} closestPoint Closest point. * @param {number} minSquaredDistance Minimum squared distance. * @return {number} Minimum squared distance. */ closestPointXY(x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance) { if (minSquaredDistance < closestSquaredDistanceXY(this.getExtent(), x, y)) { return minSquaredDistance; } if (this.maxDeltaRevision_ != this.getRevision()) { this.maxDelta_ = Math.sqrt( arrayMaxSquaredDelta( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.ends_, this.stride, 0 ) ); this.maxDeltaRevision_ = this.getRevision(); } return assignClosestArrayPoint( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.ends_, this.stride, this.maxDelta_, false, x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance ); } /** * Returns the coordinate at `m` using linear interpolation, or `null` if no * such coordinate exists. * * `extrapolate` controls extrapolation beyond the range of Ms in the * MultiLineString. If `extrapolate` is `true` then Ms less than the first * M will return the first coordinate and Ms greater than the last M will * return the last coordinate. * * `interpolate` controls interpolation between consecutive LineStrings * within the MultiLineString. If `interpolate` is `true` the coordinates * will be linearly interpolated between the last coordinate of one LineString * and the first coordinate of the next LineString. If `interpolate` is * `false` then the function will return `null` for Ms falling between * LineStrings. * * @param {number} m M. * @param {boolean} [extrapolate] Extrapolate. Default is `false`. * @param {boolean} [interpolate] Interpolate. Default is `false`. * @return {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate|null} Coordinate. * @api */ getCoordinateAtM(m, extrapolate, interpolate) { if (this.layout != "XYM" && this.layout != "XYZM" || this.flatCoordinates.length === 0) { return null; } extrapolate = extrapolate !== void 0 ? extrapolate : false; interpolate = interpolate !== void 0 ? interpolate : false; return lineStringsCoordinateAtM( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.ends_, this.stride, m, extrapolate, interpolate ); } /** * Return the coordinates of the multilinestring. * @return {Array>} Coordinates. * @api */ getCoordinates() { return inflateCoordinatesArray( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.ends_, this.stride ); } /** * @return {Array} Ends. */ getEnds() { return this.ends_; } /** * Return the linestring at the specified index. * @param {number} index Index. * @return {LineString} LineString. * @api */ getLineString(index) { if (index < 0 || this.ends_.length <= index) { return null; } return new LineString$1( this.flatCoordinates.slice( index === 0 ? 0 : this.ends_[index - 1], this.ends_[index] ), this.layout ); } /** * Return the linestrings of this multilinestring. * @return {Array} LineStrings. * @api */ getLineStrings() { const flatCoordinates = this.flatCoordinates; const ends = this.ends_; const layout = this.layout; const lineStrings = []; let offset = 0; for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) { const end = ends[i]; const lineString = new LineString$1( flatCoordinates.slice(offset, end), layout ); lineStrings.push(lineString); offset = end; } return lineStrings; } /** * @return {Array} Flat midpoints. */ getFlatMidpoints() { const midpoints = []; const flatCoordinates = this.flatCoordinates; let offset = 0; const ends = this.ends_; const stride = this.stride; for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) { const end = ends[i]; const midpoint = interpolatePoint( flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, 0.5 ); extend$2(midpoints, midpoint); offset = end; } return midpoints; } /** * @param {number} squaredTolerance Squared tolerance. * @return {MultiLineString} Simplified MultiLineString. * @protected */ getSimplifiedGeometryInternal(squaredTolerance) { const simplifiedFlatCoordinates = []; const simplifiedEnds = []; simplifiedFlatCoordinates.length = douglasPeuckerArray( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.ends_, this.stride, squaredTolerance, simplifiedFlatCoordinates, 0, simplifiedEnds ); return new MultiLineString(simplifiedFlatCoordinates, "XY", simplifiedEnds); } /** * Get the type of this geometry. * @return {import("./Geometry.js").Type} Geometry type. * @api */ getType() { return "MultiLineString"; } /** * Test if the geometry and the passed extent intersect. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @return {boolean} `true` if the geometry and the extent intersect. * @api */ intersectsExtent(extent) { return intersectsLineStringArray( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.ends_, this.stride, extent ); } /** * Set the coordinates of the multilinestring. * @param {!Array>} coordinates Coordinates. * @param {import("./Geometry.js").GeometryLayout} [layout] Layout. * @api */ setCoordinates(coordinates2, layout) { this.setLayout(layout, coordinates2, 2); if (!this.flatCoordinates) { this.flatCoordinates = []; } const ends = deflateCoordinatesArray( this.flatCoordinates, 0, coordinates2, this.stride, this.ends_ ); this.flatCoordinates.length = ends.length === 0 ? 0 : ends[ends.length - 1]; this.changed(); } } const MultiLineString$1 = MultiLineString; class MultiPoint extends SimpleGeometry$1 { /** * @param {Array|Array} coordinates Coordinates. * For internal use, flat coordinates in combination with `layout` are also accepted. * @param {import("./Geometry.js").GeometryLayout} [layout] Layout. */ constructor(coordinates2, layout) { super(); if (layout && !Array.isArray(coordinates2[0])) { this.setFlatCoordinates( layout, /** @type {Array} */ coordinates2 ); } else { this.setCoordinates( /** @type {Array} */ coordinates2, layout ); } } /** * Append the passed point to this multipoint. * @param {Point} point Point. * @api */ appendPoint(point) { if (!this.flatCoordinates) { this.flatCoordinates = point.getFlatCoordinates().slice(); } else { extend$2(this.flatCoordinates, point.getFlatCoordinates()); } this.changed(); } /** * Make a complete copy of the geometry. * @return {!MultiPoint} Clone. * @api */ clone() { const multiPoint = new MultiPoint( this.flatCoordinates.slice(), this.layout ); multiPoint.applyProperties(this); return multiPoint; } /** * @param {number} x X. * @param {number} y Y. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} closestPoint Closest point. * @param {number} minSquaredDistance Minimum squared distance. * @return {number} Minimum squared distance. */ closestPointXY(x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance) { if (minSquaredDistance < closestSquaredDistanceXY(this.getExtent(), x, y)) { return minSquaredDistance; } const flatCoordinates = this.flatCoordinates; const stride = this.stride; for (let i = 0, ii = flatCoordinates.length; i < ii; i += stride) { const squaredDistance$1 = squaredDistance( x, y, flatCoordinates[i], flatCoordinates[i + 1] ); if (squaredDistance$1 < minSquaredDistance) { minSquaredDistance = squaredDistance$1; for (let j = 0; j < stride; ++j) { closestPoint[j] = flatCoordinates[i + j]; } closestPoint.length = stride; } } return minSquaredDistance; } /** * Return the coordinates of the multipoint. * @return {Array} Coordinates. * @api */ getCoordinates() { return inflateCoordinates( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.flatCoordinates.length, this.stride ); } /** * Return the point at the specified index. * @param {number} index Index. * @return {Point} Point. * @api */ getPoint(index) { const n = !this.flatCoordinates ? 0 : this.flatCoordinates.length / this.stride; if (index < 0 || n <= index) { return null; } return new OlPoint( this.flatCoordinates.slice( index * this.stride, (index + 1) * this.stride ), this.layout ); } /** * Return the points of this multipoint. * @return {Array} Points. * @api */ getPoints() { const flatCoordinates = this.flatCoordinates; const layout = this.layout; const stride = this.stride; const points = []; for (let i = 0, ii = flatCoordinates.length; i < ii; i += stride) { const point = new OlPoint(flatCoordinates.slice(i, i + stride), layout); points.push(point); } return points; } /** * Get the type of this geometry. * @return {import("./Geometry.js").Type} Geometry type. * @api */ getType() { return "MultiPoint"; } /** * Test if the geometry and the passed extent intersect. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @return {boolean} `true` if the geometry and the extent intersect. * @api */ intersectsExtent(extent) { const flatCoordinates = this.flatCoordinates; const stride = this.stride; for (let i = 0, ii = flatCoordinates.length; i < ii; i += stride) { const x = flatCoordinates[i]; const y = flatCoordinates[i + 1]; if (containsXY(extent, x, y)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Set the coordinates of the multipoint. * @param {!Array} coordinates Coordinates. * @param {import("./Geometry.js").GeometryLayout} [layout] Layout. * @api */ setCoordinates(coordinates2, layout) { this.setLayout(layout, coordinates2, 1); if (!this.flatCoordinates) { this.flatCoordinates = []; } this.flatCoordinates.length = deflateCoordinates( this.flatCoordinates, 0, coordinates2, this.stride ); this.changed(); } } const MultiPoint$1 = MultiPoint; function linearRingss(flatCoordinates, offset, endss, stride) { const flatCenters = []; let extent = createEmpty(); for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) { const ends = endss[i]; extent = createOrUpdateFromFlatCoordinates( flatCoordinates, offset, ends[0], stride ); flatCenters.push((extent[0] + extent[2]) / 2, (extent[1] + extent[3]) / 2); offset = ends[ends.length - 1]; } return flatCenters; } class MultiPolygon extends SimpleGeometry$1 { /** * @param {Array>|Polygon>|Array} coordinates Coordinates. * For internal use, flat coordinates in combination with `layout` and `endss` are also accepted. * @param {import("./Geometry.js").GeometryLayout} [layout] Layout. * @param {Array>} [endss] Array of ends for internal use with flat coordinates. */ constructor(coordinates2, layout, endss) { super(); this.endss_ = []; this.flatInteriorPointsRevision_ = -1; this.flatInteriorPoints_ = null; this.maxDelta_ = -1; this.maxDeltaRevision_ = -1; this.orientedRevision_ = -1; this.orientedFlatCoordinates_ = null; if (!endss && !Array.isArray(coordinates2[0])) { let thisLayout = this.getLayout(); const polygons = ( /** @type {Array} */ coordinates2 ); const flatCoordinates = []; const thisEndss = []; for (let i = 0, ii = polygons.length; i < ii; ++i) { const polygon = polygons[i]; if (i === 0) { thisLayout = polygon.getLayout(); } const offset = flatCoordinates.length; const ends = polygon.getEnds(); for (let j = 0, jj = ends.length; j < jj; ++j) { ends[j] += offset; } extend$2(flatCoordinates, polygon.getFlatCoordinates()); thisEndss.push(ends); } layout = thisLayout; coordinates2 = flatCoordinates; endss = thisEndss; } if (layout !== void 0 && endss) { this.setFlatCoordinates( layout, /** @type {Array} */ coordinates2 ); this.endss_ = endss; } else { this.setCoordinates( /** @type {Array>>} */ coordinates2, layout ); } } /** * Append the passed polygon to this multipolygon. * @param {Polygon} polygon Polygon. * @api */ appendPolygon(polygon) { let ends; if (!this.flatCoordinates) { this.flatCoordinates = polygon.getFlatCoordinates().slice(); ends = polygon.getEnds().slice(); this.endss_.push(); } else { const offset = this.flatCoordinates.length; extend$2(this.flatCoordinates, polygon.getFlatCoordinates()); ends = polygon.getEnds().slice(); for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) { ends[i] += offset; } } this.endss_.push(ends); this.changed(); } /** * Make a complete copy of the geometry. * @return {!MultiPolygon} Clone. * @api */ clone() { const len = this.endss_.length; const newEndss = new Array(len); for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) { newEndss[i] = this.endss_[i].slice(); } const multiPolygon = new MultiPolygon( this.flatCoordinates.slice(), this.layout, newEndss ); multiPolygon.applyProperties(this); return multiPolygon; } /** * @param {number} x X. * @param {number} y Y. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} closestPoint Closest point. * @param {number} minSquaredDistance Minimum squared distance. * @return {number} Minimum squared distance. */ closestPointXY(x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance) { if (minSquaredDistance < closestSquaredDistanceXY(this.getExtent(), x, y)) { return minSquaredDistance; } if (this.maxDeltaRevision_ != this.getRevision()) { this.maxDelta_ = Math.sqrt( multiArrayMaxSquaredDelta( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.endss_, this.stride, 0 ) ); this.maxDeltaRevision_ = this.getRevision(); } return assignClosestMultiArrayPoint( this.getOrientedFlatCoordinates(), 0, this.endss_, this.stride, this.maxDelta_, true, x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance ); } /** * @param {number} x X. * @param {number} y Y. * @return {boolean} Contains (x, y). */ containsXY(x, y) { return linearRingssContainsXY( this.getOrientedFlatCoordinates(), 0, this.endss_, this.stride, x, y ); } /** * Return the area of the multipolygon on projected plane. * @return {number} Area (on projected plane). * @api */ getArea() { return linearRingss$1( this.getOrientedFlatCoordinates(), 0, this.endss_, this.stride ); } /** * Get the coordinate array for this geometry. This array has the structure * of a GeoJSON coordinate array for multi-polygons. * * @param {boolean} [right] Orient coordinates according to the right-hand * rule (counter-clockwise for exterior and clockwise for interior rings). * If `false`, coordinates will be oriented according to the left-hand rule * (clockwise for exterior and counter-clockwise for interior rings). * By default, coordinate orientation will depend on how the geometry was * constructed. * @return {Array>>} Coordinates. * @api */ getCoordinates(right) { let flatCoordinates; if (right !== void 0) { flatCoordinates = this.getOrientedFlatCoordinates().slice(); orientLinearRingsArray( flatCoordinates, 0, this.endss_, this.stride, right ); } else { flatCoordinates = this.flatCoordinates; } return inflateMultiCoordinatesArray( flatCoordinates, 0, this.endss_, this.stride ); } /** * @return {Array>} Endss. */ getEndss() { return this.endss_; } /** * @return {Array} Flat interior points. */ getFlatInteriorPoints() { if (this.flatInteriorPointsRevision_ != this.getRevision()) { const flatCenters = linearRingss( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.endss_, this.stride ); this.flatInteriorPoints_ = getInteriorPointsOfMultiArray( this.getOrientedFlatCoordinates(), 0, this.endss_, this.stride, flatCenters ); this.flatInteriorPointsRevision_ = this.getRevision(); } return this.flatInteriorPoints_; } /** * Return the interior points as {@link module:ol/geom/MultiPoint~MultiPoint multipoint}. * @return {MultiPoint} Interior points as XYM coordinates, where M is * the length of the horizontal intersection that the point belongs to. * @api */ getInteriorPoints() { return new MultiPoint$1(this.getFlatInteriorPoints().slice(), "XYM"); } /** * @return {Array} Oriented flat coordinates. */ getOrientedFlatCoordinates() { if (this.orientedRevision_ != this.getRevision()) { const flatCoordinates = this.flatCoordinates; if (linearRingssAreOriented(flatCoordinates, 0, this.endss_, this.stride)) { this.orientedFlatCoordinates_ = flatCoordinates; } else { this.orientedFlatCoordinates_ = flatCoordinates.slice(); this.orientedFlatCoordinates_.length = orientLinearRingsArray( this.orientedFlatCoordinates_, 0, this.endss_, this.stride ); } this.orientedRevision_ = this.getRevision(); } return this.orientedFlatCoordinates_; } /** * @param {number} squaredTolerance Squared tolerance. * @return {MultiPolygon} Simplified MultiPolygon. * @protected */ getSimplifiedGeometryInternal(squaredTolerance) { const simplifiedFlatCoordinates = []; const simplifiedEndss = []; simplifiedFlatCoordinates.length = quantizeMultiArray( this.flatCoordinates, 0, this.endss_, this.stride, Math.sqrt(squaredTolerance), simplifiedFlatCoordinates, 0, simplifiedEndss ); return new MultiPolygon(simplifiedFlatCoordinates, "XY", simplifiedEndss); } /** * Return the polygon at the specified index. * @param {number} index Index. * @return {Polygon} Polygon. * @api */ getPolygon(index) { if (index < 0 || this.endss_.length <= index) { return null; } let offset; if (index === 0) { offset = 0; } else { const prevEnds = this.endss_[index - 1]; offset = prevEnds[prevEnds.length - 1]; } const ends = this.endss_[index].slice(); const end = ends[ends.length - 1]; if (offset !== 0) { for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) { ends[i] -= offset; } } return new Polygon$1( this.flatCoordinates.slice(offset, end), this.layout, ends ); } /** * Return the polygons of this multipolygon. * @return {Array} Polygons. * @api */ getPolygons() { const layout = this.layout; const flatCoordinates = this.flatCoordinates; const endss = this.endss_; const polygons = []; let offset = 0; for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) { const ends = endss[i].slice(); const end = ends[ends.length - 1]; if (offset !== 0) { for (let j = 0, jj = ends.length; j < jj; ++j) { ends[j] -= offset; } } const polygon = new Polygon$1( flatCoordinates.slice(offset, end), layout, ends ); polygons.push(polygon); offset = end; } return polygons; } /** * Get the type of this geometry. * @return {import("./Geometry.js").Type} Geometry type. * @api */ getType() { return "MultiPolygon"; } /** * Test if the geometry and the passed extent intersect. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @return {boolean} `true` if the geometry and the extent intersect. * @api */ intersectsExtent(extent) { return intersectsLinearRingMultiArray( this.getOrientedFlatCoordinates(), 0, this.endss_, this.stride, extent ); } /** * Set the coordinates of the multipolygon. * @param {!Array>>} coordinates Coordinates. * @param {import("./Geometry.js").GeometryLayout} [layout] Layout. * @api */ setCoordinates(coordinates2, layout) { this.setLayout(layout, coordinates2, 3); if (!this.flatCoordinates) { this.flatCoordinates = []; } const endss = deflateMultiCoordinatesArray( this.flatCoordinates, 0, coordinates2, this.stride, this.endss_ ); if (endss.length === 0) { this.flatCoordinates.length = 0; } else { const lastEnds = endss[endss.length - 1]; this.flatCoordinates.length = lastEnds.length === 0 ? 0 : lastEnds[lastEnds.length - 1]; } this.changed(); } } const MultiPolygon$1 = MultiPolygon; class GeoJSON extends JSONFeature$1 { /** * @param {Options} [options] Options. */ constructor(options) { options = options ? options : {}; super(); this.dataProjection = get$1( options.dataProjection ? options.dataProjection : "EPSG:4326" ); if (options.featureProjection) { this.defaultFeatureProjection = get$1(options.featureProjection); } this.geometryName_ = options.geometryName; this.extractGeometryName_ = options.extractGeometryName; this.supportedMediaTypes = [ "application/geo+json", "application/vnd.geo+json" ]; } /** * @param {Object} object Object. * @param {import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions} [options] Read options. * @protected * @return {import("../Feature.js").default} Feature. */ readFeatureFromObject(object, options) { let geoJSONFeature = null; if (object["type"] === "Feature") { geoJSONFeature = /** @type {GeoJSONFeature} */ object; } else { geoJSONFeature = { "type": "Feature", "geometry": ( /** @type {GeoJSONGeometry} */ object ), "properties": null }; } const geometry = readGeometry(geoJSONFeature["geometry"], options); const feature = new Feature$1(); if (this.geometryName_) { feature.setGeometryName(this.geometryName_); } else if (this.extractGeometryName_ && "geometry_name" in geoJSONFeature !== void 0) { feature.setGeometryName(geoJSONFeature["geometry_name"]); } feature.setGeometry(geometry); if ("id" in geoJSONFeature) { feature.setId(geoJSONFeature["id"]); } if (geoJSONFeature["properties"]) { feature.setProperties(geoJSONFeature["properties"], true); } return feature; } /** * @param {Object} object Object. * @param {import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions} [options] Read options. * @protected * @return {Array} Features. */ readFeaturesFromObject(object, options) { const geoJSONObject = ( /** @type {GeoJSONObject} */ object ); let features = null; if (geoJSONObject["type"] === "FeatureCollection") { const geoJSONFeatureCollection = ( /** @type {GeoJSONFeatureCollection} */ object ); features = []; const geoJSONFeatures = geoJSONFeatureCollection["features"]; for (let i = 0, ii = geoJSONFeatures.length; i < ii; ++i) { features.push(this.readFeatureFromObject(geoJSONFeatures[i], options)); } } else { features = [this.readFeatureFromObject(object, options)]; } return features; } /** * @param {GeoJSONGeometry} object Object. * @param {import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions} [options] Read options. * @protected * @return {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} Geometry. */ readGeometryFromObject(object, options) { return readGeometry(object, options); } /** * @param {Object} object Object. * @protected * @return {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} Projection. */ readProjectionFromObject(object) { const crs = object["crs"]; let projection; if (crs) { if (crs["type"] == "name") { projection = get$1(crs["properties"]["name"]); } else if (crs["type"] === "EPSG") { projection = get$1("EPSG:" + crs["properties"]["code"]); } else { throw new Error("Unknown SRS type"); } } else { projection = this.dataProjection; } return ( /** @type {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} */ projection ); } /** * Encode a feature as a GeoJSON Feature object. * * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature Feature. * @param {import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions} [options] Write options. * @return {GeoJSONFeature} Object. * @api */ writeFeatureObject(feature, options) { options = this.adaptOptions(options); const object = { "type": "Feature", geometry: null, properties: null }; const id = feature.getId(); if (id !== void 0) { = id; } if (!feature.hasProperties()) { return object; } const properties = feature.getProperties(); const geometry = feature.getGeometry(); if (geometry) { object.geometry = writeGeometry(geometry, options); delete properties[feature.getGeometryName()]; } if (!isEmpty$1(properties)) { = properties; } return object; } /** * Encode an array of features as a GeoJSON object. * * @param {Array} features Features. * @param {import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions} [options] Write options. * @return {GeoJSONFeatureCollection} GeoJSON Object. * @api */ writeFeaturesObject(features, options) { options = this.adaptOptions(options); const objects = []; for (let i = 0, ii = features.length; i < ii; ++i) { objects.push(this.writeFeatureObject(features[i], options)); } return { type: "FeatureCollection", features: objects }; } /** * Encode a geometry as a GeoJSON object. * * @param {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} geometry Geometry. * @param {import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions} [options] Write options. * @return {GeoJSONGeometry|GeoJSONGeometryCollection} Object. * @api */ writeGeometryObject(geometry, options) { return writeGeometry(geometry, this.adaptOptions(options)); } } function readGeometry(object, options) { if (!object) { return null; } let geometry; switch (object["type"]) { case "Point": { geometry = readPointGeometry( /** @type {GeoJSONPoint} */ object ); break; } case "LineString": { geometry = readLineStringGeometry( /** @type {GeoJSONLineString} */ object ); break; } case "Polygon": { geometry = readPolygonGeometry( /** @type {GeoJSONPolygon} */ object ); break; } case "MultiPoint": { geometry = readMultiPointGeometry( /** @type {GeoJSONMultiPoint} */ object ); break; } case "MultiLineString": { geometry = readMultiLineStringGeometry( /** @type {GeoJSONMultiLineString} */ object ); break; } case "MultiPolygon": { geometry = readMultiPolygonGeometry( /** @type {GeoJSONMultiPolygon} */ object ); break; } case "GeometryCollection": { geometry = readGeometryCollectionGeometry( /** @type {GeoJSONGeometryCollection} */ object ); break; } default: { throw new Error("Unsupported GeoJSON type: " + object["type"]); } } return transformGeometryWithOptions(geometry, false, options); } function readGeometryCollectionGeometry(object, options) { const geometries = object["geometries"].map( /** * @param {GeoJSONGeometry} geometry Geometry. * @return {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} geometry Geometry. */ function(geometry) { return readGeometry(geometry, options); } ); return new GeometryCollection$1(geometries); } function readPointGeometry(object) { return new OlPoint(object["coordinates"]); } function readLineStringGeometry(object) { return new LineString$1(object["coordinates"]); } function readMultiLineStringGeometry(object) { return new MultiLineString$1(object["coordinates"]); } function readMultiPointGeometry(object) { return new MultiPoint$1(object["coordinates"]); } function readMultiPolygonGeometry(object) { return new MultiPolygon$1(object["coordinates"]); } function readPolygonGeometry(object) { return new Polygon$1(object["coordinates"]); } function writeGeometry(geometry, options) { geometry = transformGeometryWithOptions(geometry, true, options); const type = geometry.getType(); let geoJSON; switch (type) { case "Point": { geoJSON = writePointGeometry( /** @type {Point} */ geometry ); break; } case "LineString": { geoJSON = writeLineStringGeometry( /** @type {LineString} */ geometry ); break; } case "Polygon": { geoJSON = writePolygonGeometry( /** @type {Polygon} */ geometry, options ); break; } case "MultiPoint": { geoJSON = writeMultiPointGeometry( /** @type {MultiPoint} */ geometry ); break; } case "MultiLineString": { geoJSON = writeMultiLineStringGeometry( /** @type {MultiLineString} */ geometry ); break; } case "MultiPolygon": { geoJSON = writeMultiPolygonGeometry( /** @type {MultiPolygon} */ geometry, options ); break; } case "GeometryCollection": { geoJSON = writeGeometryCollectionGeometry( /** @type {GeometryCollection} */ geometry, options ); break; } case "Circle": { geoJSON = { type: "GeometryCollection", geometries: [] }; break; } default: { throw new Error("Unsupported geometry type: " + type); } } return geoJSON; } function writeGeometryCollectionGeometry(geometry, options) { options = Object.assign({}, options); delete options.featureProjection; const geometries = geometry.getGeometriesArray().map(function(geometry2) { return writeGeometry(geometry2, options); }); return { type: "GeometryCollection", geometries }; } function writeLineStringGeometry(geometry, options) { return { type: "LineString", coordinates: geometry.getCoordinates() }; } function writeMultiLineStringGeometry(geometry, options) { return { type: "MultiLineString", coordinates: geometry.getCoordinates() }; } function writeMultiPointGeometry(geometry, options) { return { type: "MultiPoint", coordinates: geometry.getCoordinates() }; } function writeMultiPolygonGeometry(geometry, options) { let right; if (options) { right = options.rightHanded; } return { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: geometry.getCoordinates(right) }; } function writePointGeometry(geometry, options) { return { type: "Point", coordinates: geometry.getCoordinates() }; } function writePolygonGeometry(geometry, options) { let right; if (options) { right = options.rightHanded; } return { type: "Polygon", coordinates: geometry.getCoordinates(right) }; } const OlGeoJson = GeoJSON; const Property$1 = { ELEMENT: "element", MAP: "map", OFFSET: "offset", POSITION: "position", POSITIONING: "positioning" }; class Overlay extends BaseObject$1 { /** * @param {Options} options Overlay options. */ constructor(options) { super(); this.on; this.once; this.un; this.options = options; =; this.insertFirst = options.insertFirst !== void 0 ? options.insertFirst : true; this.stopEvent = options.stopEvent !== void 0 ? options.stopEvent : true; this.element = document.createElement("div"); this.element.className = options.className !== void 0 ? options.className : "ol-overlay-container " + CLASS_SELECTABLE; = "absolute"; = "auto"; this.autoPan = options.autoPan === true ? {} : options.autoPan || void 0; this.rendered = { transform_: "", visible: true }; this.mapPostrenderListenerKey = null; this.addChangeListener(Property$1.ELEMENT, this.handleElementChanged); this.addChangeListener(Property$1.MAP, this.handleMapChanged); this.addChangeListener(Property$1.OFFSET, this.handleOffsetChanged); this.addChangeListener(Property$1.POSITION, this.handlePositionChanged); this.addChangeListener(Property$1.POSITIONING, this.handlePositioningChanged); if (options.element !== void 0) { this.setElement(options.element); } this.setOffset(options.offset !== void 0 ? options.offset : [0, 0]); this.setPositioning(options.positioning || "top-left"); if (options.position !== void 0) { this.setPosition(options.position); } } /** * Get the DOM element of this overlay. * @return {HTMLElement|undefined} The Element containing the overlay. * @observable * @api */ getElement() { return ( /** @type {HTMLElement|undefined} */ this.get(Property$1.ELEMENT) ); } /** * Get the overlay identifier which is set on constructor. * @return {number|string|undefined} Id. * @api */ getId() { return; } /** * Get the map associated with this overlay. * @return {import("./Map.js").default|null} The map that the * overlay is part of. * @observable * @api */ getMap() { return ( /** @type {import("./Map.js").default|null} */ this.get(Property$1.MAP) || null ); } /** * Get the offset of this overlay. * @return {Array} The offset. * @observable * @api */ getOffset() { return ( /** @type {Array} */ this.get(Property$1.OFFSET) ); } /** * Get the current position of this overlay. * @return {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate|undefined} The spatial point that the overlay is * anchored at. * @observable * @api */ getPosition() { return ( /** @type {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate|undefined} */ this.get(Property$1.POSITION) ); } /** * Get the current positioning of this overlay. * @return {Positioning} How the overlay is positioned * relative to its point on the map. * @observable * @api */ getPositioning() { return ( /** @type {Positioning} */ this.get(Property$1.POSITIONING) ); } /** * @protected */ handleElementChanged() { removeChildren(this.element); const element = this.getElement(); if (element) { this.element.appendChild(element); } } /** * @protected */ handleMapChanged() { if (this.mapPostrenderListenerKey) { removeNode(this.element); unlistenByKey(this.mapPostrenderListenerKey); this.mapPostrenderListenerKey = null; } const map = this.getMap(); if (map) { this.mapPostrenderListenerKey = listen( map, MapEventType.POSTRENDER, this.render, this ); this.updatePixelPosition(); const container = this.stopEvent ? map.getOverlayContainerStopEvent() : map.getOverlayContainer(); if (this.insertFirst) { container.insertBefore(this.element, container.childNodes[0] || null); } else { container.appendChild(this.element); } this.performAutoPan(); } } /** * @protected */ render() { this.updatePixelPosition(); } /** * @protected */ handleOffsetChanged() { this.updatePixelPosition(); } /** * @protected */ handlePositionChanged() { this.updatePixelPosition(); this.performAutoPan(); } /** * @protected */ handlePositioningChanged() { this.updatePixelPosition(); } /** * Set the DOM element to be associated with this overlay. * @param {HTMLElement|undefined} element The Element containing the overlay. * @observable * @api */ setElement(element) { this.set(Property$1.ELEMENT, element); } /** * Set the map to be associated with this overlay. * @param {import("./Map.js").default|null} map The map that the * overlay is part of. Pass `null` to just remove the overlay from the current map. * @observable * @api */ setMap(map) { this.set(Property$1.MAP, map); } /** * Set the offset for this overlay. * @param {Array} offset Offset. * @observable * @api */ setOffset(offset) { this.set(Property$1.OFFSET, offset); } /** * Set the position for this overlay. If the position is `undefined` the * overlay is hidden. * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate|undefined} position The spatial point that the overlay * is anchored at. * @observable * @api */ setPosition(position) { this.set(Property$1.POSITION, position); } /** * Pan the map so that the overlay is entirely visible in the current viewport * (if necessary) using the configured autoPan parameters * @protected */ performAutoPan() { if (this.autoPan) { this.panIntoView(this.autoPan); } } /** * Pan the map so that the overlay is entirely visible in the current viewport * (if necessary). * @param {PanIntoViewOptions} [panIntoViewOptions] Options for the pan action * @api */ panIntoView(panIntoViewOptions) { const map = this.getMap(); if (!map || !map.getTargetElement() || !this.get(Property$1.POSITION)) { return; } const mapRect = this.getRect(map.getTargetElement(), map.getSize()); const element = this.getElement(); const overlayRect = this.getRect(element, [ outerWidth(element), outerHeight(element) ]); panIntoViewOptions = panIntoViewOptions || {}; const myMargin = panIntoViewOptions.margin === void 0 ? 20 : panIntoViewOptions.margin; if (!containsExtent(mapRect, overlayRect)) { const offsetLeft = overlayRect[0] - mapRect[0]; const offsetRight = mapRect[2] - overlayRect[2]; const offsetTop = overlayRect[1] - mapRect[1]; const offsetBottom = mapRect[3] - overlayRect[3]; const delta = [0, 0]; if (offsetLeft < 0) { delta[0] = offsetLeft - myMargin; } else if (offsetRight < 0) { delta[0] = Math.abs(offsetRight) + myMargin; } if (offsetTop < 0) { delta[1] = offsetTop - myMargin; } else if (offsetBottom < 0) { delta[1] = Math.abs(offsetBottom) + myMargin; } if (delta[0] !== 0 || delta[1] !== 0) { const center = ( /** @type {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} */ map.getView().getCenterInternal() ); const centerPx = map.getPixelFromCoordinateInternal(center); if (!centerPx) { return; } const newCenterPx = [centerPx[0] + delta[0], centerPx[1] + delta[1]]; const panOptions = panIntoViewOptions.animation || {}; map.getView().animateInternal({ center: map.getCoordinateFromPixelInternal(newCenterPx), duration: panOptions.duration, easing: panOptions.easing }); } } } /** * Get the extent of an element relative to the document * @param {HTMLElement} element The element. * @param {import("./size.js").Size} size The size of the element. * @return {import("./extent.js").Extent} The extent. * @protected */ getRect(element, size) { const box = element.getBoundingClientRect(); const offsetX = box.left + window.pageXOffset; const offsetY = + window.pageYOffset; return [offsetX, offsetY, offsetX + size[0], offsetY + size[1]]; } /** * Set the positioning for this overlay. * @param {Positioning} positioning how the overlay is * positioned relative to its point on the map. * @observable * @api */ setPositioning(positioning) { this.set(Property$1.POSITIONING, positioning); } /** * Modify the visibility of the element. * @param {boolean} visible Element visibility. * @protected */ setVisible(visible) { if (this.rendered.visible !== visible) { = visible ? "" : "none"; this.rendered.visible = visible; } } /** * Update pixel position. * @protected */ updatePixelPosition() { const map = this.getMap(); const position = this.getPosition(); if (!map || !map.isRendered() || !position) { this.setVisible(false); return; } const pixel = map.getPixelFromCoordinate(position); const mapSize = map.getSize(); this.updateRenderedPosition(pixel, mapSize); } /** * @param {import("./pixel.js").Pixel} pixel The pixel location. * @param {import("./size.js").Size|undefined} mapSize The map size. * @protected */ updateRenderedPosition(pixel, mapSize) { const style =; const offset = this.getOffset(); const positioning = this.getPositioning(); this.setVisible(true); const x = Math.round(pixel[0] + offset[0]) + "px"; const y = Math.round(pixel[1] + offset[1]) + "px"; let posX = "0%"; let posY = "0%"; if (positioning == "bottom-right" || positioning == "center-right" || positioning == "top-right") { posX = "-100%"; } else if (positioning == "bottom-center" || positioning == "center-center" || positioning == "top-center") { posX = "-50%"; } if (positioning == "bottom-left" || positioning == "bottom-center" || positioning == "bottom-right") { posY = "-100%"; } else if (positioning == "center-left" || positioning == "center-center" || positioning == "center-right") { posY = "-50%"; } const transform2 = `translate(${posX}, ${posY}) translate(${x}, ${y})`; if (this.rendered.transform_ != transform2) { this.rendered.transform_ = transform2; style.transform = transform2; } } /** * returns the options this Overlay has been created with * @return {Options} overlay options */ getOptions() { return this.options; } } const OlOverlay = Overlay; function quickselect(arr, k, left, right, compare) { quickselectStep(arr, k, left || 0, right || arr.length - 1, compare || defaultCompare); } function quickselectStep(arr, k, left, right, compare) { while (right > left) { if (right - left > 600) { var n = right - left + 1; var m = k - left + 1; var z = Math.log(n); var s = 0.5 * Math.exp(2 * z / 3); var sd = 0.5 * Math.sqrt(z * s * (n - s) / n) * (m - n / 2 < 0 ? -1 : 1); var newLeft = Math.max(left, Math.floor(k - m * s / n + sd)); var newRight = Math.min(right, Math.floor(k + (n - m) * s / n + sd)); quickselectStep(arr, k, newLeft, newRight, compare); } var t = arr[k]; var i = left; var j = right; swap(arr, left, k); if (compare(arr[right], t) > 0) swap(arr, left, right); while (i < j) { swap(arr, i, j); i++; j--; while (compare(arr[i], t) < 0) i++; while (compare(arr[j], t) > 0) j--; } if (compare(arr[left], t) === 0) swap(arr, left, j); else { j++; swap(arr, j, right); } if (j <= k) left = j + 1; if (k <= j) right = j - 1; } } function swap(arr, i, j) { var tmp = arr[i]; arr[i] = arr[j]; arr[j] = tmp; } function defaultCompare(a, b) { return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0; } let RBush$2 = class RBush { constructor(maxEntries = 9) { this._maxEntries = Math.max(4, maxEntries); this._minEntries = Math.max(2, Math.ceil(this._maxEntries * 0.4)); this.clear(); } all() { return this._all(, []); } search(bbox) { let node =; const result = []; if (!intersects(bbox, node)) return result; const toBBox = this.toBBox; const nodesToSearch = []; while (node) { for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { const child = node.children[i]; const childBBox = node.leaf ? toBBox(child) : child; if (intersects(bbox, childBBox)) { if (node.leaf) result.push(child); else if (contains(bbox, childBBox)) this._all(child, result); else nodesToSearch.push(child); } } node = nodesToSearch.pop(); } return result; } collides(bbox) { let node =; if (!intersects(bbox, node)) return false; const nodesToSearch = []; while (node) { for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { const child = node.children[i]; const childBBox = node.leaf ? this.toBBox(child) : child; if (intersects(bbox, childBBox)) { if (node.leaf || contains(bbox, childBBox)) return true; nodesToSearch.push(child); } } node = nodesToSearch.pop(); } return false; } load(data) { if (!(data && data.length)) return this; if (data.length < this._minEntries) { for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { this.insert(data[i]); } return this; } let node = this._build(data.slice(), 0, data.length - 1, 0); if (! { = node; } else if ( === node.height) { this._splitRoot(, node); } else { if ( < node.height) { const tmpNode =; = node; node = tmpNode; } this._insert(node, - node.height - 1, true); } return this; } insert(item) { if (item) this._insert(item, - 1); return this; } clear() { = createNode([]); return this; } remove(item, equalsFn) { if (!item) return this; let node =; const bbox = this.toBBox(item); const path = []; const indexes = []; let i, parent, goingUp; while (node || path.length) { if (!node) { node = path.pop(); parent = path[path.length - 1]; i = indexes.pop(); goingUp = true; } if (node.leaf) { const index = findItem(item, node.children, equalsFn); if (index !== -1) { node.children.splice(index, 1); path.push(node); this._condense(path); return this; } } if (!goingUp && !node.leaf && contains(node, bbox)) { path.push(node); indexes.push(i); i = 0; parent = node; node = node.children[0]; } else if (parent) { i++; node = parent.children[i]; goingUp = false; } else node = null; } return this; } toBBox(item) { return item; } compareMinX(a, b) { return a.minX - b.minX; } compareMinY(a, b) { return a.minY - b.minY; } toJSON() { return; } fromJSON(data) { = data; return this; } _all(node, result) { const nodesToSearch = []; while (node) { if (node.leaf) result.push(...node.children); else nodesToSearch.push(...node.children); node = nodesToSearch.pop(); } return result; } _build(items, left, right, height) { const N = right - left + 1; let M2 = this._maxEntries; let node; if (N <= M2) { node = createNode(items.slice(left, right + 1)); calcBBox(node, this.toBBox); return node; } if (!height) { height = Math.ceil(Math.log(N) / Math.log(M2)); M2 = Math.ceil(N / Math.pow(M2, height - 1)); } node = createNode([]); node.leaf = false; node.height = height; const N2 = Math.ceil(N / M2); const N1 = N2 * Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(M2)); multiSelect(items, left, right, N1, this.compareMinX); for (let i = left; i <= right; i += N1) { const right2 = Math.min(i + N1 - 1, right); multiSelect(items, i, right2, N2, this.compareMinY); for (let j = i; j <= right2; j += N2) { const right3 = Math.min(j + N2 - 1, right2); node.children.push(this._build(items, j, right3, height - 1)); } } calcBBox(node, this.toBBox); return node; } _chooseSubtree(bbox, node, level2, path) { while (true) { path.push(node); if (node.leaf || path.length - 1 === level2) break; let minArea = Infinity; let minEnlargement = Infinity; let targetNode; for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { const child = node.children[i]; const area = bboxArea(child); const enlargement = enlargedArea(bbox, child) - area; if (enlargement < minEnlargement) { minEnlargement = enlargement; minArea = area < minArea ? area : minArea; targetNode = child; } else if (enlargement === minEnlargement) { if (area < minArea) { minArea = area; targetNode = child; } } } node = targetNode || node.children[0]; } return node; } _insert(item, level2, isNode) { const bbox = isNode ? item : this.toBBox(item); const insertPath = []; const node = this._chooseSubtree(bbox,, level2, insertPath); node.children.push(item); extend(node, bbox); while (level2 >= 0) { if (insertPath[level2].children.length > this._maxEntries) { this._split(insertPath, level2); level2--; } else break; } this._adjustParentBBoxes(bbox, insertPath, level2); } // split overflowed node into two _split(insertPath, level2) { const node = insertPath[level2]; const M2 = node.children.length; const m = this._minEntries; this._chooseSplitAxis(node, m, M2); const splitIndex = this._chooseSplitIndex(node, m, M2); const newNode = createNode(node.children.splice(splitIndex, node.children.length - splitIndex)); newNode.height = node.height; newNode.leaf = node.leaf; calcBBox(node, this.toBBox); calcBBox(newNode, this.toBBox); if (level2) insertPath[level2 - 1].children.push(newNode); else this._splitRoot(node, newNode); } _splitRoot(node, newNode) { = createNode([node, newNode]); = node.height + 1; = false; calcBBox(, this.toBBox); } _chooseSplitIndex(node, m, M2) { let index; let minOverlap = Infinity; let minArea = Infinity; for (let i = m; i <= M2 - m; i++) { const bbox1 = distBBox(node, 0, i, this.toBBox); const bbox2 = distBBox(node, i, M2, this.toBBox); const overlap = intersectionArea(bbox1, bbox2); const area = bboxArea(bbox1) + bboxArea(bbox2); if (overlap < minOverlap) { minOverlap = overlap; index = i; minArea = area < minArea ? area : minArea; } else if (overlap === minOverlap) { if (area < minArea) { minArea = area; index = i; } } } return index || M2 - m; } // sorts node children by the best axis for split _chooseSplitAxis(node, m, M2) { const compareMinX = node.leaf ? this.compareMinX : compareNodeMinX; const compareMinY = node.leaf ? this.compareMinY : compareNodeMinY; const xMargin = this._allDistMargin(node, m, M2, compareMinX); const yMargin = this._allDistMargin(node, m, M2, compareMinY); if (xMargin < yMargin) node.children.sort(compareMinX); } // total margin of all possible split distributions where each node is at least m full _allDistMargin(node, m, M2, compare) { node.children.sort(compare); const toBBox = this.toBBox; const leftBBox = distBBox(node, 0, m, toBBox); const rightBBox = distBBox(node, M2 - m, M2, toBBox); let margin = bboxMargin(leftBBox) + bboxMargin(rightBBox); for (let i = m; i < M2 - m; i++) { const child = node.children[i]; extend(leftBBox, node.leaf ? toBBox(child) : child); margin += bboxMargin(leftBBox); } for (let i = M2 - m - 1; i >= m; i--) { const child = node.children[i]; extend(rightBBox, node.leaf ? toBBox(child) : child); margin += bboxMargin(rightBBox); } return margin; } _adjustParentBBoxes(bbox, path, level2) { for (let i = level2; i >= 0; i--) { extend(path[i], bbox); } } _condense(path) { for (let i = path.length - 1, siblings; i >= 0; i--) { if (path[i].children.length === 0) { if (i > 0) { siblings = path[i - 1].children; siblings.splice(siblings.indexOf(path[i]), 1); } else this.clear(); } else calcBBox(path[i], this.toBBox); } } }; function findItem(item, items, equalsFn) { if (!equalsFn) return items.indexOf(item); for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (equalsFn(item, items[i])) return i; } return -1; } function calcBBox(node, toBBox) { distBBox(node, 0, node.children.length, toBBox, node); } function distBBox(node, k, p, toBBox, destNode) { if (!destNode) destNode = createNode(null); destNode.minX = Infinity; destNode.minY = Infinity; destNode.maxX = -Infinity; destNode.maxY = -Infinity; for (let i = k; i < p; i++) { const child = node.children[i]; extend(destNode, node.leaf ? toBBox(child) : child); } return destNode; } function extend(a, b) { a.minX = Math.min(a.minX, b.minX); a.minY = Math.min(a.minY, b.minY); a.maxX = Math.max(a.maxX, b.maxX); a.maxY = Math.max(a.maxY, b.maxY); return a; } function compareNodeMinX(a, b) { return a.minX - b.minX; } function compareNodeMinY(a, b) { return a.minY - b.minY; } function bboxArea(a) { return (a.maxX - a.minX) * (a.maxY - a.minY); } function bboxMargin(a) { return a.maxX - a.minX + (a.maxY - a.minY); } function enlargedArea(a, b) { return (Math.max(b.maxX, a.maxX) - Math.min(b.minX, a.minX)) * (Math.max(b.maxY, a.maxY) - Math.min(b.minY, a.minY)); } function intersectionArea(a, b) { const minX = Math.max(a.minX, b.minX); const minY = Math.max(a.minY, b.minY); const maxX = Math.min(a.maxX, b.maxX); const maxY = Math.min(a.maxY, b.maxY); return Math.max(0, maxX - minX) * Math.max(0, maxY - minY); } function contains(a, b) { return a.minX <= b.minX && a.minY <= b.minY && b.maxX <= a.maxX && b.maxY <= a.maxY; } function intersects(a, b) { return b.minX <= a.maxX && b.minY <= a.maxY && b.maxX >= a.minX && b.maxY >= a.minY; } function createNode(children) { return { children, height: 1, leaf: true, minX: Infinity, minY: Infinity, maxX: -Infinity, maxY: -Infinity }; } function multiSelect(arr, left, right, n, compare) { const stack = [left, right]; while (stack.length) { right = stack.pop(); left = stack.pop(); if (right - left <= n) continue; const mid = left + Math.ceil((right - left) / n / 2) * n; quickselect(arr, mid, left, right, compare); stack.push(left, mid, mid, right); } } class RBush2 { /** * @param {number} [maxEntries] Max entries. */ constructor(maxEntries) { this.rbush_ = new RBush$2(maxEntries); this.items_ = {}; } /** * Insert a value into the RBush. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @param {T} value Value. */ insert(extent, value) { const item = { minX: extent[0], minY: extent[1], maxX: extent[2], maxY: extent[3], value }; this.rbush_.insert(item); this.items_[getUid(value)] = item; } /** * Bulk-insert values into the RBush. * @param {Array} extents Extents. * @param {Array} values Values. */ load(extents, values) { const items = new Array(values.length); for (let i = 0, l = values.length; i < l; i++) { const extent = extents[i]; const value = values[i]; const item = { minX: extent[0], minY: extent[1], maxX: extent[2], maxY: extent[3], value }; items[i] = item; this.items_[getUid(value)] = item; } this.rbush_.load(items); } /** * Remove a value from the RBush. * @param {T} value Value. * @return {boolean} Removed. */ remove(value) { const uid = getUid(value); const item = this.items_[uid]; delete this.items_[uid]; return this.rbush_.remove(item) !== null; } /** * Update the extent of a value in the RBush. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @param {T} value Value. */ update(extent, value) { const item = this.items_[getUid(value)]; const bbox = [item.minX, item.minY, item.maxX, item.maxY]; if (!equals$1(bbox, extent)) { this.remove(value); this.insert(extent, value); } } /** * Return all values in the RBush. * @return {Array} All. */ getAll() { const items = this.rbush_.all(); return { return item.value; }); } /** * Return all values in the given extent. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @return {Array} All in extent. */ getInExtent(extent) { const bbox = { minX: extent[0], minY: extent[1], maxX: extent[2], maxY: extent[3] }; const items =; return { return item.value; }); } /** * Calls a callback function with each value in the tree. * If the callback returns a truthy value, this value is returned without * checking the rest of the tree. * @param {function(T): *} callback Callback. * @return {*} Callback return value. */ forEach(callback) { return this.forEach_(this.getAll(), callback); } /** * Calls a callback function with each value in the provided extent. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @param {function(T): *} callback Callback. * @return {*} Callback return value. */ forEachInExtent(extent, callback) { return this.forEach_(this.getInExtent(extent), callback); } /** * @param {Array} values Values. * @param {function(T): *} callback Callback. * @private * @return {*} Callback return value. */ forEach_(values, callback) { let result; for (let i = 0, l = values.length; i < l; i++) { result = callback(values[i]); if (result) { return result; } } return result; } /** * @return {boolean} Is empty. */ isEmpty() { return isEmpty$1(this.items_); } /** * Remove all values from the RBush. */ clear() { this.rbush_.clear(); this.items_ = {}; } /** * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} [extent] Extent. * @return {import("../extent.js").Extent} Extent. */ getExtent(extent) { const data = this.rbush_.toJSON(); return createOrUpdate$2(data.minX, data.minY, data.maxX, data.maxY, extent); } /** * @param {RBush} rbush R-Tree. */ concat(rbush) { this.rbush_.load(rbush.rbush_.all()); for (const i in rbush.items_) { this.items_[i] = rbush.items_[i]; } } } const RBush$1 = RBush2; class Source extends BaseObject$1 { /** * @param {Options} options Source options. */ constructor(options) { super(); this.projection = get$1(options.projection); this.attributions_ = adaptAttributions(options.attributions); this.attributionsCollapsible_ = options.attributionsCollapsible !== void 0 ? options.attributionsCollapsible : true; this.loading = false; this.state_ = options.state !== void 0 ? options.state : "ready"; this.wrapX_ = options.wrapX !== void 0 ? options.wrapX : false; this.interpolate_ = !!options.interpolate; this.viewResolver = null; this.viewRejector = null; const self2 = this; this.viewPromise_ = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { self2.viewResolver = resolve; self2.viewRejector = reject; }); } /** * Get the attribution function for the source. * @return {?Attribution} Attribution function. * @api */ getAttributions() { return this.attributions_; } /** * @return {boolean} Attributions are collapsible. * @api */ getAttributionsCollapsible() { return this.attributionsCollapsible_; } /** * Get the projection of the source. * @return {import("../proj/Projection.js").default|null} Projection. * @api */ getProjection() { return this.projection; } /** * @param {import("../proj/Projection").default} [projection] Projection. * @return {Array|null} Resolutions. */ getResolutions(projection) { return null; } /** * @return {Promise} A promise for view-related properties. */ getView() { return this.viewPromise_; } /** * Get the state of the source, see {@link import("./Source.js").State} for possible states. * @return {import("./Source.js").State} State. * @api */ getState() { return this.state_; } /** * @return {boolean|undefined} Wrap X. */ getWrapX() { return this.wrapX_; } /** * @return {boolean} Use linear interpolation when resampling. */ getInterpolate() { return this.interpolate_; } /** * Refreshes the source. The source will be cleared, and data from the server will be reloaded. * @api */ refresh() { this.changed(); } /** * Set the attributions of the source. * @param {AttributionLike|undefined} attributions Attributions. * Can be passed as `string`, `Array`, {@link module:ol/source/Source~Attribution}, * or `undefined`. * @api */ setAttributions(attributions) { this.attributions_ = adaptAttributions(attributions); this.changed(); } /** * Set the state of the source. * @param {import("./Source.js").State} state State. */ setState(state) { this.state_ = state; this.changed(); } } function adaptAttributions(attributionLike) { if (!attributionLike) { return null; } if (Array.isArray(attributionLike)) { return function(frameState) { return attributionLike; }; } if (typeof attributionLike === "function") { return attributionLike; } return function(frameState) { return [attributionLike]; }; } const Source$1 = Source; const VectorEventType = { /** * Triggered when a feature is added to the source. * @event module:ol/source/Vector.VectorSourceEvent#addfeature * @api */ ADDFEATURE: "addfeature", /** * Triggered when a feature is updated. * @event module:ol/source/Vector.VectorSourceEvent#changefeature * @api */ CHANGEFEATURE: "changefeature", /** * Triggered when the clear method is called on the source. * @event module:ol/source/Vector.VectorSourceEvent#clear * @api */ CLEAR: "clear", /** * Triggered when a feature is removed from the source. * See {@link module:ol/source/Vector~VectorSource#clear source.clear()} for exceptions. * @event module:ol/source/Vector.VectorSourceEvent#removefeature * @api */ REMOVEFEATURE: "removefeature", /** * Triggered when features starts loading. * @event module:ol/source/Vector.VectorSourceEvent#featuresloadstart * @api */ FEATURESLOADSTART: "featuresloadstart", /** * Triggered when features finishes loading. * @event module:ol/source/Vector.VectorSourceEvent#featuresloadend * @api */ FEATURESLOADEND: "featuresloadend", /** * Triggered if feature loading results in an error. * @event module:ol/source/Vector.VectorSourceEvent#featuresloaderror * @api */ FEATURESLOADERROR: "featuresloaderror" }; function all(extent, resolution) { return [[-Infinity, -Infinity, Infinity, Infinity]]; } let withCredentials = false; function loadFeaturesXhr(url, format, extent, resolution, projection, success, failure) { const xhr2 = new XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", typeof url === "function" ? url(extent, resolution, projection) : url, true ); if (format.getType() == "arraybuffer") { xhr2.responseType = "arraybuffer"; } xhr2.withCredentials = withCredentials; xhr2.onload = function(event) { if (!xhr2.status || xhr2.status >= 200 && xhr2.status < 300) { const type = format.getType(); let source; if (type == "json" || type == "text") { source = xhr2.responseText; } else if (type == "xml") { source = xhr2.responseXML; if (!source) { source = new DOMParser().parseFromString( xhr2.responseText, "application/xml" ); } } else if (type == "arraybuffer") { source = /** @type {ArrayBuffer} */ xhr2.response; } if (source) { success( /** @type {Array} */ format.readFeatures(source, { extent, featureProjection: projection }), format.readProjection(source) ); } else { failure(); } } else { failure(); } }; xhr2.onerror = failure; xhr2.send(); } function xhr(url, format) { return function(extent, resolution, projection, success, failure) { const source = ( /** @type {import("./source/Vector").default} */ this ); loadFeaturesXhr( url, format, extent, resolution, projection, /** * @param {Array} features The loaded features. * @param {import("./proj/Projection.js").default} dataProjection Data * projection. */ function(features, dataProjection) { source.addFeatures(features); if (success !== void 0) { success(features); } }, /* FIXME handle error */ failure ? failure : VOID ); }; } class VectorSourceEvent extends Event { /** * @param {string} type Type. * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} [feature] Feature. * @param {Array>} [features] Features. */ constructor(type, feature, features) { super(type); this.feature = feature; this.features = features; } } class VectorSource extends Source$1 { /** * @param {Options} [options] Vector source options. */ constructor(options) { options = options || {}; super({ attributions: options.attributions, interpolate: true, projection: void 0, state: "ready", wrapX: options.wrapX !== void 0 ? options.wrapX : true }); this.on; this.once; this.un; this.loader_ = VOID; this.format_ = options.format; this.overlaps_ = options.overlaps === void 0 ? true : options.overlaps; this.url_ = options.url; if (options.loader !== void 0) { this.loader_ = options.loader; } else if (this.url_ !== void 0) { assert(this.format_, "`format` must be set when `url` is set"); this.loader_ = xhr( this.url_, /** @type {import("../format/Feature.js").default} */ this.format_ ); } this.strategy_ = options.strategy !== void 0 ? options.strategy : all; const useSpatialIndex = options.useSpatialIndex !== void 0 ? options.useSpatialIndex : true; this.featuresRtree_ = useSpatialIndex ? new RBush$1() : null; this.loadedExtentsRtree_ = new RBush$1(); this.loadingExtentsCount_ = 0; this.nullGeometryFeatures_ = {}; this.idIndex_ = {}; this.uidIndex_ = {}; this.featureChangeKeys_ = {}; this.featuresCollection_ = null; let collection; let features; if (Array.isArray(options.features)) { features = options.features; } else if (options.features) { collection = options.features; features = collection.getArray(); } if (!useSpatialIndex && collection === void 0) { collection = new Collection$1(features); } if (features !== void 0) { this.addFeaturesInternal(features); } if (collection !== void 0) { this.bindFeaturesCollection_(collection); } } /** * Add a single feature to the source. If you want to add a batch of features * at once, call {@link module:ol/source/Vector~VectorSource#addFeatures #addFeatures()} * instead. A feature will not be added to the source if feature with * the same id is already there. The reason for this behavior is to avoid * feature duplication when using bbox or tile loading strategies. * Note: this also applies if an {@link module:ol/Collection~Collection} is used for features, * meaning that if a feature with a duplicate id is added in the collection, it will * be removed from it right away. * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature Feature to add. * @api */ addFeature(feature) { this.addFeatureInternal(feature); this.changed(); } /** * Add a feature without firing a `change` event. * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature Feature. * @protected */ addFeatureInternal(feature) { const featureKey = getUid(feature); if (!this.addToIndex_(featureKey, feature)) { if (this.featuresCollection_) { this.featuresCollection_.remove(feature); } return; } this.setupChangeEvents_(featureKey, feature); const geometry = feature.getGeometry(); if (geometry) { const extent = geometry.getExtent(); if (this.featuresRtree_) { this.featuresRtree_.insert(extent, feature); } } else { this.nullGeometryFeatures_[featureKey] = feature; } this.dispatchEvent( new VectorSourceEvent(VectorEventType.ADDFEATURE, feature) ); } /** * @param {string} featureKey Unique identifier for the feature. * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature The feature. * @private */ setupChangeEvents_(featureKey, feature) { this.featureChangeKeys_[featureKey] = [ listen(feature, EventType.CHANGE, this.handleFeatureChange_, this), listen( feature, ObjectEventType.PROPERTYCHANGE, this.handleFeatureChange_, this ) ]; } /** * @param {string} featureKey Unique identifier for the feature. * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature The feature. * @return {boolean} The feature is "valid", in the sense that it is also a * candidate for insertion into the Rtree. * @private */ addToIndex_(featureKey, feature) { let valid = true; const id = feature.getId(); if (id !== void 0) { if (!(id.toString() in this.idIndex_)) { this.idIndex_[id.toString()] = feature; } else { valid = false; } } if (valid) { assert( !(featureKey in this.uidIndex_), "The passed `feature` was already added to the source" ); this.uidIndex_[featureKey] = feature; } return valid; } /** * Add a batch of features to the source. * @param {Array>} features Features to add. * @api */ addFeatures(features) { this.addFeaturesInternal(features); this.changed(); } /** * Add features without firing a `change` event. * @param {Array>} features Features. * @protected */ addFeaturesInternal(features) { const extents = []; const newFeatures = []; const geometryFeatures = []; for (let i = 0, length = features.length; i < length; i++) { const feature = features[i]; const featureKey = getUid(feature); if (this.addToIndex_(featureKey, feature)) { newFeatures.push(feature); } } for (let i = 0, length = newFeatures.length; i < length; i++) { const feature = newFeatures[i]; const featureKey = getUid(feature); this.setupChangeEvents_(featureKey, feature); const geometry = feature.getGeometry(); if (geometry) { const extent = geometry.getExtent(); extents.push(extent); geometryFeatures.push(feature); } else { this.nullGeometryFeatures_[featureKey] = feature; } } if (this.featuresRtree_) { this.featuresRtree_.load(extents, geometryFeatures); } if (this.hasListener(VectorEventType.ADDFEATURE)) { for (let i = 0, length = newFeatures.length; i < length; i++) { this.dispatchEvent( new VectorSourceEvent(VectorEventType.ADDFEATURE, newFeatures[i]) ); } } } /** * @param {!Collection>} collection Collection. * @private */ bindFeaturesCollection_(collection) { let modifyingCollection = false; this.addEventListener( VectorEventType.ADDFEATURE, /** * @param {VectorSourceEvent} evt The vector source event */ function(evt) { if (!modifyingCollection) { modifyingCollection = true; collection.push(evt.feature); modifyingCollection = false; } } ); this.addEventListener( VectorEventType.REMOVEFEATURE, /** * @param {VectorSourceEvent} evt The vector source event */ function(evt) { if (!modifyingCollection) { modifyingCollection = true; collection.remove(evt.feature); modifyingCollection = false; } } ); collection.addEventListener( CollectionEventType.ADD, /** * @param {import("../Collection.js").CollectionEvent>} evt The collection event */ (evt) => { if (!modifyingCollection) { modifyingCollection = true; this.addFeature(evt.element); modifyingCollection = false; } } ); collection.addEventListener( CollectionEventType.REMOVE, /** * @param {import("../Collection.js").CollectionEvent>} evt The collection event */ (evt) => { if (!modifyingCollection) { modifyingCollection = true; this.removeFeature(evt.element); modifyingCollection = false; } } ); this.featuresCollection_ = collection; } /** * Remove all features from the source. * @param {boolean} [fast] Skip dispatching of {@link module:ol/source/Vector.VectorSourceEvent#event:removefeature} events. * @api */ clear(fast) { if (fast) { for (const featureId in this.featureChangeKeys_) { const keys = this.featureChangeKeys_[featureId]; keys.forEach(unlistenByKey); } if (!this.featuresCollection_) { this.featureChangeKeys_ = {}; this.idIndex_ = {}; this.uidIndex_ = {}; } } else { if (this.featuresRtree_) { const removeAndIgnoreReturn = (feature) => { this.removeFeatureInternal(feature); }; this.featuresRtree_.forEach(removeAndIgnoreReturn); for (const id in this.nullGeometryFeatures_) { this.removeFeatureInternal(this.nullGeometryFeatures_[id]); } } } if (this.featuresCollection_) { this.featuresCollection_.clear(); } if (this.featuresRtree_) { this.featuresRtree_.clear(); } this.nullGeometryFeatures_ = {}; const clearEvent = new VectorSourceEvent(VectorEventType.CLEAR); this.dispatchEvent(clearEvent); this.changed(); } /** * Iterate through all features on the source, calling the provided callback * with each one. If the callback returns any "truthy" value, iteration will * stop and the function will return the same value. * Note: this function only iterate through the feature that have a defined geometry. * * @param {function(import("../Feature.js").default): T} callback Called with each feature * on the source. Return a truthy value to stop iteration. * @return {T|undefined} The return value from the last call to the callback. * @template T * @api */ forEachFeature(callback) { if (this.featuresRtree_) { return this.featuresRtree_.forEach(callback); } if (this.featuresCollection_) { this.featuresCollection_.forEach(callback); } } /** * Iterate through all features whose geometries contain the provided * coordinate, calling the callback with each feature. If the callback returns * a "truthy" value, iteration will stop and the function will return the same * value. * * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate. * @param {function(import("../Feature.js").default): T} callback Called with each feature * whose goemetry contains the provided coordinate. * @return {T|undefined} The return value from the last call to the callback. * @template T */ forEachFeatureAtCoordinateDirect(coordinate, callback) { const extent = [coordinate[0], coordinate[1], coordinate[0], coordinate[1]]; return this.forEachFeatureInExtent(extent, function(feature) { const geometry = feature.getGeometry(); if (geometry.intersectsCoordinate(coordinate)) { return callback(feature); } return void 0; }); } /** * Iterate through all features whose bounding box intersects the provided * extent (note that the feature's geometry may not intersect the extent), * calling the callback with each feature. If the callback returns a "truthy" * value, iteration will stop and the function will return the same value. * * If you are interested in features whose geometry intersects an extent, call * the {@link module:ol/source/Vector~VectorSource#forEachFeatureIntersectingExtent #forEachFeatureIntersectingExtent()} method instead. * * When `useSpatialIndex` is set to false, this method will loop through all * features, equivalent to {@link module:ol/source/Vector~VectorSource#forEachFeature #forEachFeature()}. * * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @param {function(import("../Feature.js").default): T} callback Called with each feature * whose bounding box intersects the provided extent. * @return {T|undefined} The return value from the last call to the callback. * @template T * @api */ forEachFeatureInExtent(extent, callback) { if (this.featuresRtree_) { return this.featuresRtree_.forEachInExtent(extent, callback); } if (this.featuresCollection_) { this.featuresCollection_.forEach(callback); } } /** * Iterate through all features whose geometry intersects the provided extent, * calling the callback with each feature. If the callback returns a "truthy" * value, iteration will stop and the function will return the same value. * * If you only want to test for bounding box intersection, call the * {@link module:ol/source/Vector~VectorSource#forEachFeatureInExtent #forEachFeatureInExtent()} method instead. * * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @param {function(import("../Feature.js").default): T} callback Called with each feature * whose geometry intersects the provided extent. * @return {T|undefined} The return value from the last call to the callback. * @template T * @api */ forEachFeatureIntersectingExtent(extent, callback) { return this.forEachFeatureInExtent( extent, /** * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature Feature. * @return {T|undefined} The return value from the last call to the callback. */ function(feature) { const geometry = feature.getGeometry(); if (geometry.intersectsExtent(extent)) { const result = callback(feature); if (result) { return result; } } } ); } /** * Get the features collection associated with this source. Will be `null` * unless the source was configured with `useSpatialIndex` set to `false`, or * with an {@link module:ol/Collection~Collection} as `features`. * @return {Collection>|null} The collection of features. * @api */ getFeaturesCollection() { return this.featuresCollection_; } /** * Get a snapshot of the features currently on the source in random order. The returned array * is a copy, the features are references to the features in the source. * @return {Array>} Features. * @api */ getFeatures() { let features; if (this.featuresCollection_) { features = this.featuresCollection_.getArray().slice(0); } else if (this.featuresRtree_) { features = this.featuresRtree_.getAll(); if (!isEmpty$1(this.nullGeometryFeatures_)) { extend$2(features, Object.values(this.nullGeometryFeatures_)); } } return ( /** @type {Array>} */ features ); } /** * Get all features whose geometry intersects the provided coordinate. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate. * @return {Array>} Features. * @api */ getFeaturesAtCoordinate(coordinate) { const features = []; this.forEachFeatureAtCoordinateDirect(coordinate, function(feature) { features.push(feature); }); return features; } /** * Get all features whose bounding box intersects the provided extent. Note that this returns an array of * all features intersecting the given extent in random order (so it may include * features whose geometries do not intersect the extent). * * When `useSpatialIndex` is set to false, this method will return all * features. * * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} [projection] Include features * where `extent` exceeds the x-axis bounds of `projection` and wraps around the world. * @return {Array>} Features. * @api */ getFeaturesInExtent(extent, projection) { if (this.featuresRtree_) { const multiWorld = projection && projection.canWrapX() && this.getWrapX(); if (!multiWorld) { return this.featuresRtree_.getInExtent(extent); } const extents = wrapAndSliceX(extent, projection); return [].concat( => this.featuresRtree_.getInExtent(anExtent)) ); } if (this.featuresCollection_) { return this.featuresCollection_.getArray().slice(0); } return []; } /** * Get the closest feature to the provided coordinate. * * This method is not available when the source is configured with * `useSpatialIndex` set to `false`. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate. * @param {function(import("../Feature.js").default):boolean} [filter] Feature filter function. * The filter function will receive one argument, the {@link module:ol/Feature~Feature feature} * and it should return a boolean value. By default, no filtering is made. * @return {import("../Feature.js").default} Closest feature. * @api */ getClosestFeatureToCoordinate(coordinate, filter) { const x = coordinate[0]; const y = coordinate[1]; let closestFeature = null; const closestPoint = [NaN, NaN]; let minSquaredDistance = Infinity; const extent = [-Infinity, -Infinity, Infinity, Infinity]; filter = filter ? filter : TRUE; this.featuresRtree_.forEachInExtent( extent, /** * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature Feature. */ function(feature) { if (filter(feature)) { const geometry = feature.getGeometry(); const previousMinSquaredDistance = minSquaredDistance; minSquaredDistance = geometry.closestPointXY( x, y, closestPoint, minSquaredDistance ); if (minSquaredDistance < previousMinSquaredDistance) { closestFeature = feature; const minDistance = Math.sqrt(minSquaredDistance); extent[0] = x - minDistance; extent[1] = y - minDistance; extent[2] = x + minDistance; extent[3] = y + minDistance; } } } ); return closestFeature; } /** * Get the extent of the features currently in the source. * * This method is not available when the source is configured with * `useSpatialIndex` set to `false`. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} [extent] Destination extent. If provided, no new extent * will be created. Instead, that extent's coordinates will be overwritten. * @return {import("../extent.js").Extent} Extent. * @api */ getExtent(extent) { return this.featuresRtree_.getExtent(extent); } /** * Get a feature by its identifier (the value returned by feature.getId()). * Note that the index treats string and numeric identifiers as the same. So * `source.getFeatureById(2)` will return a feature with id `'2'` or `2`. * * @param {string|number} id Feature identifier. * @return {import("../Feature.js").default|null} The feature (or `null` if not found). * @api */ getFeatureById(id) { const feature = this.idIndex_[id.toString()]; return feature !== void 0 ? feature : null; } /** * Get a feature by its internal unique identifier (using `getUid`). * * @param {string} uid Feature identifier. * @return {import("../Feature.js").default|null} The feature (or `null` if not found). */ getFeatureByUid(uid) { const feature = this.uidIndex_[uid]; return feature !== void 0 ? feature : null; } /** * Get the format associated with this source. * * @return {import("../format/Feature.js").default|undefined} The feature format. * @api */ getFormat() { return this.format_; } /** * @return {boolean} The source can have overlapping geometries. */ getOverlaps() { return this.overlaps_; } /** * Get the url associated with this source. * * @return {string|import("../featureloader.js").FeatureUrlFunction|undefined} The url. * @api */ getUrl() { return this.url_; } /** * @param {Event} event Event. * @private */ handleFeatureChange_(event) { const feature = ( /** @type {import("../Feature.js").default} */ ); const featureKey = getUid(feature); const geometry = feature.getGeometry(); if (!geometry) { if (!(featureKey in this.nullGeometryFeatures_)) { if (this.featuresRtree_) { this.featuresRtree_.remove(feature); } this.nullGeometryFeatures_[featureKey] = feature; } } else { const extent = geometry.getExtent(); if (featureKey in this.nullGeometryFeatures_) { delete this.nullGeometryFeatures_[featureKey]; if (this.featuresRtree_) { this.featuresRtree_.insert(extent, feature); } } else { if (this.featuresRtree_) { this.featuresRtree_.update(extent, feature); } } } const id = feature.getId(); if (id !== void 0) { const sid = id.toString(); if (this.idIndex_[sid] !== feature) { this.removeFromIdIndex_(feature); this.idIndex_[sid] = feature; } } else { this.removeFromIdIndex_(feature); this.uidIndex_[featureKey] = feature; } this.changed(); this.dispatchEvent( new VectorSourceEvent(VectorEventType.CHANGEFEATURE, feature) ); } /** * Returns true if the feature is contained within the source. * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature Feature. * @return {boolean} Has feature. * @api */ hasFeature(feature) { const id = feature.getId(); if (id !== void 0) { return id in this.idIndex_; } return getUid(feature) in this.uidIndex_; } /** * @return {boolean} Is empty. */ isEmpty() { if (this.featuresRtree_) { return this.featuresRtree_.isEmpty() && isEmpty$1(this.nullGeometryFeatures_); } if (this.featuresCollection_) { return this.featuresCollection_.getLength() === 0; } return true; } /** * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @param {number} resolution Resolution. * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. */ loadFeatures(extent, resolution, projection) { const loadedExtentsRtree = this.loadedExtentsRtree_; const extentsToLoad = this.strategy_(extent, resolution, projection); for (let i = 0, ii = extentsToLoad.length; i < ii; ++i) { const extentToLoad = extentsToLoad[i]; const alreadyLoaded = loadedExtentsRtree.forEachInExtent( extentToLoad, /** * @param {{extent: import("../extent.js").Extent}} object Object. * @return {boolean} Contains. */ function(object) { return containsExtent(object.extent, extentToLoad); } ); if (!alreadyLoaded) { ++this.loadingExtentsCount_; this.dispatchEvent( new VectorSourceEvent(VectorEventType.FEATURESLOADSTART) ); this, extentToLoad, resolution, projection, (features) => { --this.loadingExtentsCount_; this.dispatchEvent( new VectorSourceEvent( VectorEventType.FEATURESLOADEND, void 0, features ) ); }, () => { --this.loadingExtentsCount_; this.dispatchEvent( new VectorSourceEvent(VectorEventType.FEATURESLOADERROR) ); } ); loadedExtentsRtree.insert(extentToLoad, { extent: extentToLoad.slice() }); } } this.loading = this.loader_.length < 4 ? false : this.loadingExtentsCount_ > 0; } refresh() { this.clear(true); this.loadedExtentsRtree_.clear(); super.refresh(); } /** * Remove an extent from the list of loaded extents. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @api */ removeLoadedExtent(extent) { const loadedExtentsRtree = this.loadedExtentsRtree_; let obj; loadedExtentsRtree.forEachInExtent(extent, function(object) { if (equals$1(object.extent, extent)) { obj = object; return true; } }); if (obj) { loadedExtentsRtree.remove(obj); } } /** * Remove a single feature from the source. If you want to remove all features * at once, use the {@link module:ol/source/Vector~VectorSource#clear #clear()} method * instead. * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature Feature to remove. * @api */ removeFeature(feature) { if (!feature) { return; } const featureKey = getUid(feature); if (featureKey in this.nullGeometryFeatures_) { delete this.nullGeometryFeatures_[featureKey]; } else { if (this.featuresRtree_) { this.featuresRtree_.remove(feature); } } const result = this.removeFeatureInternal(feature); if (result) { this.changed(); } } /** * Remove feature without firing a `change` event. * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature Feature. * @return {import("../Feature.js").default|undefined} The removed feature * (or undefined if the feature was not found). * @protected */ removeFeatureInternal(feature) { const featureKey = getUid(feature); const featureChangeKeys = this.featureChangeKeys_[featureKey]; if (!featureChangeKeys) { return; } featureChangeKeys.forEach(unlistenByKey); delete this.featureChangeKeys_[featureKey]; const id = feature.getId(); if (id !== void 0) { delete this.idIndex_[id.toString()]; } delete this.uidIndex_[featureKey]; this.dispatchEvent( new VectorSourceEvent(VectorEventType.REMOVEFEATURE, feature) ); return feature; } /** * Remove a feature from the id index. Called internally when the feature id * may have changed. * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature The feature. * @return {boolean} Removed the feature from the index. * @private */ removeFromIdIndex_(feature) { let removed = false; for (const id in this.idIndex_) { if (this.idIndex_[id] === feature) { delete this.idIndex_[id]; removed = true; break; } } return removed; } /** * Set the new loader of the source. The next render cycle will use the * new loader. * @param {import("../featureloader.js").FeatureLoader} loader The loader to set. * @api */ setLoader(loader) { this.loader_ = loader; } /** * Points the source to a new url. The next render cycle will use the new url. * @param {string|import("../featureloader.js").FeatureUrlFunction} url Url. * @api */ setUrl(url) { assert(this.format_, "`format` must be set when `url` is set"); this.url_ = url; this.setLoader(xhr(url, this.format_)); } } const OlSourceVector = VectorSource; class Tile extends EventTarget { /** * @param {import("./tilecoord.js").TileCoord} tileCoord Tile coordinate. * @param {import("./TileState.js").default} state State. * @param {Options} [options] Tile options. */ constructor(tileCoord, state, options) { super(); options = options ? options : {}; this.tileCoord = tileCoord; this.state = state; this.interimTile = null; this.key = ""; this.transition_ = options.transition === void 0 ? 250 : options.transition; this.transitionStarts_ = {}; this.interpolate = !!options.interpolate; } /** * @protected */ changed() { this.dispatchEvent(EventType.CHANGE); } /** * Called by the tile cache when the tile is removed from the cache due to expiry */ release() { if (this.state === TileState.ERROR) { this.setState(TileState.EMPTY); } } /** * @return {string} Key. */ getKey() { return this.key + "/" + this.tileCoord; } /** * Get the interim tile most suitable for rendering using the chain of interim * tiles. This corresponds to the most recent tile that has been loaded, if no * such tile exists, the original tile is returned. * @return {!Tile} Best tile for rendering. */ getInterimTile() { if (!this.interimTile) { return this; } let tile = this.interimTile; do { if (tile.getState() == TileState.LOADED) { this.transition_ = 0; return tile; } tile = tile.interimTile; } while (tile); return this; } /** * Goes through the chain of interim tiles and discards sections of the chain * that are no longer relevant. */ refreshInterimChain() { if (!this.interimTile) { return; } let tile = this.interimTile; let prev = this; do { if (tile.getState() == TileState.LOADED) { tile.interimTile = null; break; } else if (tile.getState() == TileState.LOADING) { prev = tile; } else if (tile.getState() == TileState.IDLE) { prev.interimTile = tile.interimTile; } else { prev = tile; } tile = prev.interimTile; } while (tile); } /** * Get the tile coordinate for this tile. * @return {import("./tilecoord.js").TileCoord} The tile coordinate. * @api */ getTileCoord() { return this.tileCoord; } /** * @return {import("./TileState.js").default} State. */ getState() { return this.state; } /** * Sets the state of this tile. If you write your own {@link module:ol/Tile~LoadFunction tileLoadFunction} , * it is important to set the state correctly to {@link module:ol/TileState~ERROR} * when the tile cannot be loaded. Otherwise the tile cannot be removed from * the tile queue and will block other requests. * @param {import("./TileState.js").default} state State. * @api */ setState(state) { if (this.state !== TileState.ERROR && this.state > state) { throw new Error("Tile load sequence violation"); } this.state = state; this.changed(); } /** * Load the image or retry if loading previously failed. * Loading is taken care of by the tile queue, and calling this method is * only needed for preloading or for reloading in case of an error. * @abstract * @api */ load() { abstract(); } /** * Get the alpha value for rendering. * @param {string} id An id for the renderer. * @param {number} time The render frame time. * @return {number} A number between 0 and 1. */ getAlpha(id, time) { if (!this.transition_) { return 1; } let start = this.transitionStarts_[id]; if (!start) { start = time; this.transitionStarts_[id] = start; } else if (start === -1) { return 1; } const delta = time - start + 1e3 / 60; if (delta >= this.transition_) { return 1; } return easeIn(delta / this.transition_); } /** * Determine if a tile is in an alpha transition. A tile is considered in * transition if tile.getAlpha() has not yet been called or has been called * and returned 1. * @param {string} id An id for the renderer. * @return {boolean} The tile is in transition. */ inTransition(id) { if (!this.transition_) { return false; } return this.transitionStarts_[id] !== -1; } /** * Mark a transition as complete. * @param {string} id An id for the renderer. */ endTransition(id) { if (this.transition_) { this.transitionStarts_[id] = -1; } } } const Tile$1 = Tile; class ImageTile extends Tile$1 { /** * @param {import("./tilecoord.js").TileCoord} tileCoord Tile coordinate. * @param {import("./TileState.js").default} state State. * @param {string} src Image source URI. * @param {?string} crossOrigin Cross origin. * @param {import("./Tile.js").LoadFunction} tileLoadFunction Tile load function. * @param {import("./Tile.js").Options} [options] Tile options. */ constructor(tileCoord, state, src, crossOrigin, tileLoadFunction, options) { super(tileCoord, state, options); this.crossOrigin_ = crossOrigin; this.src_ = src; this.key = src; this.image_ = new Image(); if (crossOrigin !== null) { this.image_.crossOrigin = crossOrigin; } this.unlisten_ = null; this.tileLoadFunction_ = tileLoadFunction; } /** * Get the HTML image element for this tile (may be a Canvas, Image, or Video). * @return {HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLImageElement|HTMLVideoElement} Image. * @api */ getImage() { return this.image_; } /** * Sets an HTML image element for this tile (may be a Canvas or preloaded Image). * @param {HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLImageElement} element Element. */ setImage(element) { this.image_ = element; this.state = TileState.LOADED; this.unlistenImage_(); this.changed(); } /** * Tracks loading or read errors. * * @private */ handleImageError_() { this.state = TileState.ERROR; this.unlistenImage_(); this.image_ = getBlankImage(); this.changed(); } /** * Tracks successful image load. * * @private */ handleImageLoad_() { const image = ( /** @type {HTMLImageElement} */ this.image_ ); if (image.naturalWidth && image.naturalHeight) { this.state = TileState.LOADED; } else { this.state = TileState.EMPTY; } this.unlistenImage_(); this.changed(); } /** * Load the image or retry if loading previously failed. * Loading is taken care of by the tile queue, and calling this method is * only needed for preloading or for reloading in case of an error. * * To retry loading tiles on failed requests, use a custom `tileLoadFunction` * that checks for error status codes and reloads only when the status code is * 408, 429, 500, 502, 503 and 504, and only when not too many retries have been * made already: * * ```js * const retryCodes = [408, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504]; * const retries = {}; * source.setTileLoadFunction((tile, src) => { * const image = tile.getImage(); * fetch(src) * .then((response) => { * if (retryCodes.includes(response.status)) { * retries[src] = (retries[src] || 0) + 1; * if (retries[src] <= 3) { * setTimeout(() => tile.load(), retries[src] * 1000); * } * return Promise.reject(); * } * return response.blob(); * }) * .then((blob) => { * const imageUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob); * image.src = imageUrl; * setTimeout(() => URL.revokeObjectURL(imageUrl), 5000); * }) * .catch(() => tile.setState(3)); // error * }); * ``` * * @api */ load() { if (this.state == TileState.ERROR) { this.state = TileState.IDLE; this.image_ = new Image(); if (this.crossOrigin_ !== null) { this.image_.crossOrigin = this.crossOrigin_; } } if (this.state == TileState.IDLE) { this.state = TileState.LOADING; this.changed(); this.tileLoadFunction_(this, this.src_); this.unlisten_ = listenImage( this.image_, this.handleImageLoad_.bind(this), this.handleImageError_.bind(this) ); } } /** * Discards event handlers which listen for load completion or errors. * * @private */ unlistenImage_() { if (this.unlisten_) { this.unlisten_(); this.unlisten_ = null; } } } function getBlankImage() { const ctx = createCanvasContext2D(1, 1); ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0)"; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1); return ctx.canvas; } const ImageTile$1 = ImageTile; const ERROR_THRESHOLD = 0.5; const MAX_SUBDIVISION = 10; const MAX_TRIANGLE_WIDTH = 0.25; class Triangulation { /** * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} sourceProj Source projection. * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} targetProj Target projection. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} targetExtent Target extent to triangulate. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} maxSourceExtent Maximal source extent that can be used. * @param {number} errorThreshold Acceptable error (in source units). * @param {?number} destinationResolution The (optional) resolution of the destination. */ constructor(sourceProj, targetProj, targetExtent, maxSourceExtent, errorThreshold, destinationResolution) { this.sourceProj_ = sourceProj; this.targetProj_ = targetProj; let transformInvCache = {}; const transformInv = getTransform(this.targetProj_, this.sourceProj_); this.transformInv_ = function(c) { const key = c[0] + "/" + c[1]; if (!transformInvCache[key]) { transformInvCache[key] = transformInv(c); } return transformInvCache[key]; }; this.maxSourceExtent_ = maxSourceExtent; this.errorThresholdSquared_ = errorThreshold * errorThreshold; this.triangles_ = []; this.wrapsXInSource_ = false; this.canWrapXInSource_ = this.sourceProj_.canWrapX() && !!maxSourceExtent && !!this.sourceProj_.getExtent() && getWidth(maxSourceExtent) >= getWidth(this.sourceProj_.getExtent()); this.sourceWorldWidth_ = this.sourceProj_.getExtent() ? getWidth(this.sourceProj_.getExtent()) : null; this.targetWorldWidth_ = this.targetProj_.getExtent() ? getWidth(this.targetProj_.getExtent()) : null; const destinationTopLeft = getTopLeft(targetExtent); const destinationTopRight = getTopRight(targetExtent); const destinationBottomRight = getBottomRight(targetExtent); const destinationBottomLeft = getBottomLeft(targetExtent); const sourceTopLeft = this.transformInv_(destinationTopLeft); const sourceTopRight = this.transformInv_(destinationTopRight); const sourceBottomRight = this.transformInv_(destinationBottomRight); const sourceBottomLeft = this.transformInv_(destinationBottomLeft); const maxSubdivision = MAX_SUBDIVISION + (destinationResolution ? Math.max( 0, Math.ceil( Math.log2( getArea(targetExtent) / (destinationResolution * destinationResolution * 256 * 256) ) ) ) : 0); this.addQuad_( destinationTopLeft, destinationTopRight, destinationBottomRight, destinationBottomLeft, sourceTopLeft, sourceTopRight, sourceBottomRight, sourceBottomLeft, maxSubdivision ); if (this.wrapsXInSource_) { let leftBound = Infinity; this.triangles_.forEach(function(triangle, i, arr) { leftBound = Math.min( leftBound, triangle.source[0][0], triangle.source[1][0], triangle.source[2][0] ); }); this.triangles_.forEach((triangle) => { if (Math.max( triangle.source[0][0], triangle.source[1][0], triangle.source[2][0] ) - leftBound > this.sourceWorldWidth_ / 2) { const newTriangle = [ [triangle.source[0][0], triangle.source[0][1]], [triangle.source[1][0], triangle.source[1][1]], [triangle.source[2][0], triangle.source[2][1]] ]; if (newTriangle[0][0] - leftBound > this.sourceWorldWidth_ / 2) { newTriangle[0][0] -= this.sourceWorldWidth_; } if (newTriangle[1][0] - leftBound > this.sourceWorldWidth_ / 2) { newTriangle[1][0] -= this.sourceWorldWidth_; } if (newTriangle[2][0] - leftBound > this.sourceWorldWidth_ / 2) { newTriangle[2][0] -= this.sourceWorldWidth_; } const minX = Math.min( newTriangle[0][0], newTriangle[1][0], newTriangle[2][0] ); const maxX = Math.max( newTriangle[0][0], newTriangle[1][0], newTriangle[2][0] ); if (maxX - minX < this.sourceWorldWidth_ / 2) { triangle.source = newTriangle; } } }); } transformInvCache = {}; } /** * Adds triangle to the triangulation. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} a The target a coordinate. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} b The target b coordinate. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} c The target c coordinate. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} aSrc The source a coordinate. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} bSrc The source b coordinate. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} cSrc The source c coordinate. * @private */ addTriangle_(a, b, c, aSrc, bSrc, cSrc) { this.triangles_.push({ source: [aSrc, bSrc, cSrc], target: [a, b, c] }); } /** * Adds quad (points in clock-wise order) to the triangulation * (and reprojects the vertices) if valid. * Performs quad subdivision if needed to increase precision. * * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} a The target a coordinate. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} b The target b coordinate. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} c The target c coordinate. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} d The target d coordinate. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} aSrc The source a coordinate. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} bSrc The source b coordinate. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} cSrc The source c coordinate. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} dSrc The source d coordinate. * @param {number} maxSubdivision Maximal allowed subdivision of the quad. * @private */ addQuad_(a, b, c, d, aSrc, bSrc, cSrc, dSrc, maxSubdivision) { const sourceQuadExtent = boundingExtent([aSrc, bSrc, cSrc, dSrc]); const sourceCoverageX = this.sourceWorldWidth_ ? getWidth(sourceQuadExtent) / this.sourceWorldWidth_ : null; const sourceWorldWidth = ( /** @type {number} */ this.sourceWorldWidth_ ); const wrapsX = this.sourceProj_.canWrapX() && sourceCoverageX > 0.5 && sourceCoverageX < 1; let needsSubdivision = false; if (maxSubdivision > 0) { if (this.targetProj_.isGlobal() && this.targetWorldWidth_) { const targetQuadExtent = boundingExtent([a, b, c, d]); const targetCoverageX = getWidth(targetQuadExtent) / this.targetWorldWidth_; needsSubdivision = targetCoverageX > MAX_TRIANGLE_WIDTH || needsSubdivision; } if (!wrapsX && this.sourceProj_.isGlobal() && sourceCoverageX) { needsSubdivision = sourceCoverageX > MAX_TRIANGLE_WIDTH || needsSubdivision; } } if (!needsSubdivision && this.maxSourceExtent_) { if (isFinite(sourceQuadExtent[0]) && isFinite(sourceQuadExtent[1]) && isFinite(sourceQuadExtent[2]) && isFinite(sourceQuadExtent[3])) { if (!intersects$1(sourceQuadExtent, this.maxSourceExtent_)) { return; } } } let isNotFinite = 0; if (!needsSubdivision) { if (!isFinite(aSrc[0]) || !isFinite(aSrc[1]) || !isFinite(bSrc[0]) || !isFinite(bSrc[1]) || !isFinite(cSrc[0]) || !isFinite(cSrc[1]) || !isFinite(dSrc[0]) || !isFinite(dSrc[1])) { if (maxSubdivision > 0) { needsSubdivision = true; } else { isNotFinite = (!isFinite(aSrc[0]) || !isFinite(aSrc[1]) ? 8 : 0) + (!isFinite(bSrc[0]) || !isFinite(bSrc[1]) ? 4 : 0) + (!isFinite(cSrc[0]) || !isFinite(cSrc[1]) ? 2 : 0) + (!isFinite(dSrc[0]) || !isFinite(dSrc[1]) ? 1 : 0); if (isNotFinite != 1 && isNotFinite != 2 && isNotFinite != 4 && isNotFinite != 8) { return; } } } } if (maxSubdivision > 0) { if (!needsSubdivision) { const center = [(a[0] + c[0]) / 2, (a[1] + c[1]) / 2]; const centerSrc = this.transformInv_(center); let dx; if (wrapsX) { const centerSrcEstimX = (modulo(aSrc[0], sourceWorldWidth) + modulo(cSrc[0], sourceWorldWidth)) / 2; dx = centerSrcEstimX - modulo(centerSrc[0], sourceWorldWidth); } else { dx = (aSrc[0] + cSrc[0]) / 2 - centerSrc[0]; } const dy = (aSrc[1] + cSrc[1]) / 2 - centerSrc[1]; const centerSrcErrorSquared = dx * dx + dy * dy; needsSubdivision = centerSrcErrorSquared > this.errorThresholdSquared_; } if (needsSubdivision) { if (Math.abs(a[0] - c[0]) <= Math.abs(a[1] - c[1])) { const bc = [(b[0] + c[0]) / 2, (b[1] + c[1]) / 2]; const bcSrc = this.transformInv_(bc); const da = [(d[0] + a[0]) / 2, (d[1] + a[1]) / 2]; const daSrc = this.transformInv_(da); this.addQuad_( a, b, bc, da, aSrc, bSrc, bcSrc, daSrc, maxSubdivision - 1 ); this.addQuad_( da, bc, c, d, daSrc, bcSrc, cSrc, dSrc, maxSubdivision - 1 ); } else { const ab = [(a[0] + b[0]) / 2, (a[1] + b[1]) / 2]; const abSrc = this.transformInv_(ab); const cd = [(c[0] + d[0]) / 2, (c[1] + d[1]) / 2]; const cdSrc = this.transformInv_(cd); this.addQuad_( a, ab, cd, d, aSrc, abSrc, cdSrc, dSrc, maxSubdivision - 1 ); this.addQuad_( ab, b, c, cd, abSrc, bSrc, cSrc, cdSrc, maxSubdivision - 1 ); } return; } } if (wrapsX) { if (!this.canWrapXInSource_) { return; } this.wrapsXInSource_ = true; } if ((isNotFinite & 11) == 0) { this.addTriangle_(a, c, d, aSrc, cSrc, dSrc); } if ((isNotFinite & 14) == 0) { this.addTriangle_(a, c, b, aSrc, cSrc, bSrc); } if (isNotFinite) { if ((isNotFinite & 13) == 0) { this.addTriangle_(b, d, a, bSrc, dSrc, aSrc); } if ((isNotFinite & 7) == 0) { this.addTriangle_(b, d, c, bSrc, dSrc, cSrc); } } } /** * Calculates extent of the `source` coordinates from all the triangles. * * @return {import("../extent.js").Extent} Calculated extent. */ calculateSourceExtent() { const extent = createEmpty(); this.triangles_.forEach(function(triangle, i, arr) { const src = triangle.source; extendCoordinate(extent, src[0]); extendCoordinate(extent, src[1]); extendCoordinate(extent, src[2]); }); return extent; } /** * @return {Array} Array of the calculated triangles. */ getTriangles() { return this.triangles_; } } const Triangulation$1 = Triangulation; let brokenDiagonalRendering_; const canvasPool$1 = []; function drawTestTriangle(ctx, u1, v1, u2, v2) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(0, 0); ctx.lineTo(u1, v1); ctx.lineTo(u2, v2); ctx.closePath();; ctx.clip(); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, Math.max(u1, u2) + 1, Math.max(v1, v2)); ctx.restore(); } function verifyBrokenDiagonalRendering(data, offset) { return Math.abs(data[offset * 4] - 210) > 2 || Math.abs(data[offset * 4 + 3] - 0.75 * 255) > 2; } function isBrokenDiagonalRendering() { if (brokenDiagonalRendering_ === void 0) { const ctx = createCanvasContext2D(6, 6, canvasPool$1); ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter"; ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(210, 0, 0, 0.75)"; drawTestTriangle(ctx, 4, 5, 4, 0); drawTestTriangle(ctx, 4, 5, 0, 5); const data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 3, 3).data; brokenDiagonalRendering_ = verifyBrokenDiagonalRendering(data, 0) || verifyBrokenDiagonalRendering(data, 4) || verifyBrokenDiagonalRendering(data, 8); releaseCanvas(ctx); canvasPool$1.push(ctx.canvas); } return brokenDiagonalRendering_; } function calculateSourceResolution(sourceProj, targetProj, targetCenter, targetResolution) { const sourceCenter = transform(targetCenter, targetProj, sourceProj); let sourceResolution = getPointResolution( targetProj, targetResolution, targetCenter ); const targetMetersPerUnit = targetProj.getMetersPerUnit(); if (targetMetersPerUnit !== void 0) { sourceResolution *= targetMetersPerUnit; } const sourceMetersPerUnit = sourceProj.getMetersPerUnit(); if (sourceMetersPerUnit !== void 0) { sourceResolution /= sourceMetersPerUnit; } const sourceExtent = sourceProj.getExtent(); if (!sourceExtent || containsCoordinate(sourceExtent, sourceCenter)) { const compensationFactor = getPointResolution(sourceProj, sourceResolution, sourceCenter) / sourceResolution; if (isFinite(compensationFactor) && compensationFactor > 0) { sourceResolution /= compensationFactor; } } return sourceResolution; } function calculateSourceExtentResolution(sourceProj, targetProj, targetExtent, targetResolution) { const targetCenter = getCenter(targetExtent); let sourceResolution = calculateSourceResolution( sourceProj, targetProj, targetCenter, targetResolution ); if (!isFinite(sourceResolution) || sourceResolution <= 0) { forEachCorner(targetExtent, function(corner) { sourceResolution = calculateSourceResolution( sourceProj, targetProj, corner, targetResolution ); return isFinite(sourceResolution) && sourceResolution > 0; }); } return sourceResolution; } function render(width, height, pixelRatio, sourceResolution, sourceExtent, targetResolution, targetExtent, triangulation, sources, gutter, renderEdges, interpolate) { const context = createCanvasContext2D( Math.round(pixelRatio * width), Math.round(pixelRatio * height), canvasPool$1 ); if (!interpolate) { context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; } if (sources.length === 0) { return context.canvas; } context.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio); function pixelRound(value) { return Math.round(value * pixelRatio) / pixelRatio; } context.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter"; const sourceDataExtent = createEmpty(); sources.forEach(function(src, i, arr) { extend$1(sourceDataExtent, src.extent); }); const canvasWidthInUnits = getWidth(sourceDataExtent); const canvasHeightInUnits = getHeight(sourceDataExtent); const stitchContext = createCanvasContext2D( Math.round(pixelRatio * canvasWidthInUnits / sourceResolution), Math.round(pixelRatio * canvasHeightInUnits / sourceResolution), canvasPool$1 ); if (!interpolate) { stitchContext.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; } const stitchScale = pixelRatio / sourceResolution; sources.forEach(function(src, i, arr) { const xPos = src.extent[0] - sourceDataExtent[0]; const yPos = -(src.extent[3] - sourceDataExtent[3]); const srcWidth = getWidth(src.extent); const srcHeight = getHeight(src.extent); if (src.image.width > 0 && src.image.height > 0) { stitchContext.drawImage( src.image, gutter, gutter, src.image.width - 2 * gutter, src.image.height - 2 * gutter, xPos * stitchScale, yPos * stitchScale, srcWidth * stitchScale, srcHeight * stitchScale ); } }); const targetTopLeft = getTopLeft(targetExtent); triangulation.getTriangles().forEach(function(triangle, i, arr) { const source = triangle.source; const target =; let x0 = source[0][0], y0 = source[0][1]; let x1 = source[1][0], y1 = source[1][1]; let x2 = source[2][0], y2 = source[2][1]; const u0 = pixelRound((target[0][0] - targetTopLeft[0]) / targetResolution); const v0 = pixelRound( -(target[0][1] - targetTopLeft[1]) / targetResolution ); const u1 = pixelRound((target[1][0] - targetTopLeft[0]) / targetResolution); const v1 = pixelRound( -(target[1][1] - targetTopLeft[1]) / targetResolution ); const u2 = pixelRound((target[2][0] - targetTopLeft[0]) / targetResolution); const v2 = pixelRound( -(target[2][1] - targetTopLeft[1]) / targetResolution ); const sourceNumericalShiftX = x0; const sourceNumericalShiftY = y0; x0 = 0; y0 = 0; x1 -= sourceNumericalShiftX; y1 -= sourceNumericalShiftY; x2 -= sourceNumericalShiftX; y2 -= sourceNumericalShiftY; const augmentedMatrix = [ [x1, y1, 0, 0, u1 - u0], [x2, y2, 0, 0, u2 - u0], [0, 0, x1, y1, v1 - v0], [0, 0, x2, y2, v2 - v0] ]; const affineCoefs = solveLinearSystem(augmentedMatrix); if (!affineCoefs) { return; }; context.beginPath(); if (isBrokenDiagonalRendering() || !interpolate) { context.moveTo(u1, v1); const steps = 4; const ud = u0 - u1; const vd = v0 - v1; for (let step = 0; step < steps; step++) { context.lineTo( u1 + pixelRound((step + 1) * ud / steps), v1 + pixelRound(step * vd / (steps - 1)) ); if (step != steps - 1) { context.lineTo( u1 + pixelRound((step + 1) * ud / steps), v1 + pixelRound((step + 1) * vd / (steps - 1)) ); } } context.lineTo(u2, v2); } else { context.moveTo(u1, v1); context.lineTo(u0, v0); context.lineTo(u2, v2); } context.clip(); context.transform( affineCoefs[0], affineCoefs[2], affineCoefs[1], affineCoefs[3], u0, v0 ); context.translate( sourceDataExtent[0] - sourceNumericalShiftX, sourceDataExtent[3] - sourceNumericalShiftY ); context.scale( sourceResolution / pixelRatio, -sourceResolution / pixelRatio ); context.drawImage(stitchContext.canvas, 0, 0); context.restore(); }); releaseCanvas(stitchContext); canvasPool$1.push(stitchContext.canvas); if (renderEdges) {; context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"; context.strokeStyle = "black"; context.lineWidth = 1; triangulation.getTriangles().forEach(function(triangle, i, arr) { const target =; const u0 = (target[0][0] - targetTopLeft[0]) / targetResolution; const v0 = -(target[0][1] - targetTopLeft[1]) / targetResolution; const u1 = (target[1][0] - targetTopLeft[0]) / targetResolution; const v1 = -(target[1][1] - targetTopLeft[1]) / targetResolution; const u2 = (target[2][0] - targetTopLeft[0]) / targetResolution; const v2 = -(target[2][1] - targetTopLeft[1]) / targetResolution; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(u1, v1); context.lineTo(u0, v0); context.lineTo(u2, v2); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); }); context.restore(); } return context.canvas; } class ReprojTile extends Tile$1 { /** * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} sourceProj Source projection. * @param {import("../tilegrid/TileGrid.js").default} sourceTileGrid Source tile grid. * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} targetProj Target projection. * @param {import("../tilegrid/TileGrid.js").default} targetTileGrid Target tile grid. * @param {import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord} tileCoord Coordinate of the tile. * @param {import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord} wrappedTileCoord Coordinate of the tile wrapped in X. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @param {number} gutter Gutter of the source tiles. * @param {FunctionType} getTileFunction * Function returning source tiles (z, x, y, pixelRatio). * @param {number} [errorThreshold] Acceptable reprojection error (in px). * @param {boolean} [renderEdges] Render reprojection edges. * @param {boolean} [interpolate] Use linear interpolation when resampling. */ constructor(sourceProj, sourceTileGrid, targetProj, targetTileGrid, tileCoord, wrappedTileCoord, pixelRatio, gutter, getTileFunction, errorThreshold, renderEdges, interpolate) { super(tileCoord, TileState.IDLE, { interpolate: !!interpolate }); this.renderEdges_ = renderEdges !== void 0 ? renderEdges : false; this.pixelRatio_ = pixelRatio; this.gutter_ = gutter; this.canvas_ = null; this.sourceTileGrid_ = sourceTileGrid; this.targetTileGrid_ = targetTileGrid; this.wrappedTileCoord_ = wrappedTileCoord ? wrappedTileCoord : tileCoord; this.sourceTiles_ = []; this.sourcesListenerKeys_ = null; this.sourceZ_ = 0; const targetExtent = targetTileGrid.getTileCoordExtent( this.wrappedTileCoord_ ); const maxTargetExtent = this.targetTileGrid_.getExtent(); let maxSourceExtent = this.sourceTileGrid_.getExtent(); const limitedTargetExtent = maxTargetExtent ? getIntersection(targetExtent, maxTargetExtent) : targetExtent; if (getArea(limitedTargetExtent) === 0) { this.state = TileState.EMPTY; return; } const sourceProjExtent = sourceProj.getExtent(); if (sourceProjExtent) { if (!maxSourceExtent) { maxSourceExtent = sourceProjExtent; } else { maxSourceExtent = getIntersection(maxSourceExtent, sourceProjExtent); } } const targetResolution = targetTileGrid.getResolution( this.wrappedTileCoord_[0] ); const sourceResolution = calculateSourceExtentResolution( sourceProj, targetProj, limitedTargetExtent, targetResolution ); if (!isFinite(sourceResolution) || sourceResolution <= 0) { this.state = TileState.EMPTY; return; } const errorThresholdInPixels = errorThreshold !== void 0 ? errorThreshold : ERROR_THRESHOLD; this.triangulation_ = new Triangulation$1( sourceProj, targetProj, limitedTargetExtent, maxSourceExtent, sourceResolution * errorThresholdInPixels, targetResolution ); if (this.triangulation_.getTriangles().length === 0) { this.state = TileState.EMPTY; return; } this.sourceZ_ = sourceTileGrid.getZForResolution(sourceResolution); let sourceExtent = this.triangulation_.calculateSourceExtent(); if (maxSourceExtent) { if (sourceProj.canWrapX()) { sourceExtent[1] = clamp( sourceExtent[1], maxSourceExtent[1], maxSourceExtent[3] ); sourceExtent[3] = clamp( sourceExtent[3], maxSourceExtent[1], maxSourceExtent[3] ); } else { sourceExtent = getIntersection(sourceExtent, maxSourceExtent); } } if (!getArea(sourceExtent)) { this.state = TileState.EMPTY; } else { const sourceRange = sourceTileGrid.getTileRangeForExtentAndZ( sourceExtent, this.sourceZ_ ); for (let srcX = sourceRange.minX; srcX <= sourceRange.maxX; srcX++) { for (let srcY = sourceRange.minY; srcY <= sourceRange.maxY; srcY++) { const tile = getTileFunction(this.sourceZ_, srcX, srcY, pixelRatio); if (tile) { this.sourceTiles_.push(tile); } } } if (this.sourceTiles_.length === 0) { this.state = TileState.EMPTY; } } } /** * Get the HTML Canvas element for this tile. * @return {HTMLCanvasElement} Canvas. */ getImage() { return this.canvas_; } /** * @private */ reproject_() { const sources = []; this.sourceTiles_.forEach((tile) => { if (tile && tile.getState() == TileState.LOADED) { sources.push({ extent: this.sourceTileGrid_.getTileCoordExtent(tile.tileCoord), image: tile.getImage() }); } }); this.sourceTiles_.length = 0; if (sources.length === 0) { this.state = TileState.ERROR; } else { const z = this.wrappedTileCoord_[0]; const size = this.targetTileGrid_.getTileSize(z); const width = typeof size === "number" ? size : size[0]; const height = typeof size === "number" ? size : size[1]; const targetResolution = this.targetTileGrid_.getResolution(z); const sourceResolution = this.sourceTileGrid_.getResolution( this.sourceZ_ ); const targetExtent = this.targetTileGrid_.getTileCoordExtent( this.wrappedTileCoord_ ); this.canvas_ = render( width, height, this.pixelRatio_, sourceResolution, this.sourceTileGrid_.getExtent(), targetResolution, targetExtent, this.triangulation_, sources, this.gutter_, this.renderEdges_, this.interpolate ); this.state = TileState.LOADED; } this.changed(); } /** * Load not yet loaded URI. */ load() { if (this.state == TileState.IDLE) { this.state = TileState.LOADING; this.changed(); let leftToLoad = 0; this.sourcesListenerKeys_ = []; this.sourceTiles_.forEach((tile) => { const state = tile.getState(); if (state == TileState.IDLE || state == TileState.LOADING) { leftToLoad++; const sourceListenKey = listen( tile, EventType.CHANGE, function(e) { const state2 = tile.getState(); if (state2 == TileState.LOADED || state2 == TileState.ERROR || state2 == TileState.EMPTY) { unlistenByKey(sourceListenKey); leftToLoad--; if (leftToLoad === 0) { this.unlistenSources_(); this.reproject_(); } } }, this ); this.sourcesListenerKeys_.push(sourceListenKey); } }); if (leftToLoad === 0) { setTimeout(this.reproject_.bind(this), 0); } else { this.sourceTiles_.forEach(function(tile, i, arr) { const state = tile.getState(); if (state == TileState.IDLE) { tile.load(); } }); } } } /** * @private */ unlistenSources_() { this.sourcesListenerKeys_.forEach(unlistenByKey); this.sourcesListenerKeys_ = null; } /** * Remove from the cache due to expiry */ release() { if (this.canvas_) { releaseCanvas(this.canvas_.getContext("2d")); canvasPool$1.push(this.canvas_); this.canvas_ = null; } super.release(); } } const ReprojTile$1 = ReprojTile; class LRUCache { /** * @param {number} [highWaterMark] High water mark. */ constructor(highWaterMark) { this.highWaterMark = highWaterMark !== void 0 ? highWaterMark : 2048; this.count_ = 0; this.entries_ = {}; this.oldest_ = null; this.newest_ = null; } /** * @return {boolean} Can expire cache. */ canExpireCache() { return this.highWaterMark > 0 && this.getCount() > this.highWaterMark; } /** * Expire the cache. * @param {!Object} [keep] Keys to keep. To be implemented by subclasses. */ expireCache(keep) { while (this.canExpireCache()) { this.pop(); } } /** * FIXME empty description for jsdoc */ clear() { this.count_ = 0; this.entries_ = {}; this.oldest_ = null; this.newest_ = null; } /** * @param {string} key Key. * @return {boolean} Contains key. */ containsKey(key) { return this.entries_.hasOwnProperty(key); } /** * @param {function(T, string, LRUCache): ?} f The function * to call for every entry from the oldest to the newer. This function takes * 3 arguments (the entry value, the entry key and the LRUCache object). * The return value is ignored. */ forEach(f) { let entry = this.oldest_; while (entry) { f(entry.value_, entry.key_, this); entry = entry.newer; } } /** * @param {string} key Key. * @param {*} [options] Options (reserved for subclasses). * @return {T} Value. */ get(key, options) { const entry = this.entries_[key]; assert( entry !== void 0, "Tried to get a value for a key that does not exist in the cache" ); if (entry === this.newest_) { return entry.value_; } if (entry === this.oldest_) { this.oldest_ = /** @type {Entry} */ this.oldest_.newer; this.oldest_.older = null; } else { entry.newer.older = entry.older; entry.older.newer = entry.newer; } entry.newer = null; entry.older = this.newest_; this.newest_.newer = entry; this.newest_ = entry; return entry.value_; } /** * Remove an entry from the cache. * @param {string} key The entry key. * @return {T} The removed entry. */ remove(key) { const entry = this.entries_[key]; assert( entry !== void 0, "Tried to get a value for a key that does not exist in the cache" ); if (entry === this.newest_) { this.newest_ = /** @type {Entry} */ entry.older; if (this.newest_) { this.newest_.newer = null; } } else if (entry === this.oldest_) { this.oldest_ = /** @type {Entry} */ entry.newer; if (this.oldest_) { this.oldest_.older = null; } } else { entry.newer.older = entry.older; entry.older.newer = entry.newer; } delete this.entries_[key]; --this.count_; return entry.value_; } /** * @return {number} Count. */ getCount() { return this.count_; } /** * @return {Array} Keys. */ getKeys() { const keys = new Array(this.count_); let i = 0; let entry; for (entry = this.newest_; entry; entry = entry.older) { keys[i++] = entry.key_; } return keys; } /** * @return {Array} Values. */ getValues() { const values = new Array(this.count_); let i = 0; let entry; for (entry = this.newest_; entry; entry = entry.older) { values[i++] = entry.value_; } return values; } /** * @return {T} Last value. */ peekLast() { return this.oldest_.value_; } /** * @return {string} Last key. */ peekLastKey() { return this.oldest_.key_; } /** * Get the key of the newest item in the cache. Throws if the cache is empty. * @return {string} The newest key. */ peekFirstKey() { return this.newest_.key_; } /** * Return an entry without updating least recently used time. * @param {string} key Key. * @return {T} Value. */ peek(key) { if (!this.containsKey(key)) { return void 0; } return this.entries_[key].value_; } /** * @return {T} value Value. */ pop() { const entry = this.oldest_; delete this.entries_[entry.key_]; if (entry.newer) { entry.newer.older = null; } this.oldest_ = /** @type {Entry} */ entry.newer; if (!this.oldest_) { this.newest_ = null; } --this.count_; return entry.value_; } /** * @param {string} key Key. * @param {T} value Value. */ replace(key, value) { this.get(key); this.entries_[key].value_ = value; } /** * @param {string} key Key. * @param {T} value Value. */ set(key, value) { assert( !(key in this.entries_), "Tried to set a value for a key that is used already" ); const entry = { key_: key, newer: null, older: this.newest_, value_: value }; if (!this.newest_) { this.oldest_ = entry; } else { this.newest_.newer = entry; } this.newest_ = entry; this.entries_[key] = entry; ++this.count_; } /** * Set a maximum number of entries for the cache. * @param {number} size Cache size. * @api */ setSize(size) { this.highWaterMark = size; } } const LRUCache$1 = LRUCache; function createOrUpdate$1(z, x, y, tileCoord) { if (tileCoord !== void 0) { tileCoord[0] = z; tileCoord[1] = x; tileCoord[2] = y; return tileCoord; } return [z, x, y]; } function getKeyZXY(z, x, y) { return z + "/" + x + "/" + y; } function getKey(tileCoord) { return getKeyZXY(tileCoord[0], tileCoord[1], tileCoord[2]); } function fromKey(key) { return key.split("/").map(Number); } function hash(tileCoord) { return (tileCoord[1] << tileCoord[0]) + tileCoord[2]; } function withinExtentAndZ(tileCoord, tileGrid) { const z = tileCoord[0]; const x = tileCoord[1]; const y = tileCoord[2]; if (tileGrid.getMinZoom() > z || z > tileGrid.getMaxZoom()) { return false; } const tileRange = tileGrid.getFullTileRange(z); if (!tileRange) { return true; } return tileRange.containsXY(x, y); } class TileCache extends LRUCache$1 { clear() { while (this.getCount() > 0) { this.pop().release(); } super.clear(); } /** * @param {!Object} usedTiles Used tiles. */ expireCache(usedTiles) { while (this.canExpireCache()) { const tile = this.peekLast(); if (tile.getKey() in usedTiles) { break; } else { this.pop().release(); } } } /** * Prune all tiles from the cache that don't have the same z as the newest tile. */ pruneExceptNewestZ() { if (this.getCount() === 0) { return; } const key = this.peekFirstKey(); const tileCoord = fromKey(key); const z = tileCoord[0]; this.forEach((tile) => { if (tile.tileCoord[0] !== z) { this.remove(getKey(tile.tileCoord)); tile.release(); } }); } } const TileCache$1 = TileCache; const TileEventType = { /** * Triggered when a tile starts loading. * @event module:ol/source/Tile.TileSourceEvent#tileloadstart * @api */ TILELOADSTART: "tileloadstart", /** * Triggered when a tile finishes loading, either when its data is loaded, * or when loading was aborted because the tile is no longer needed. * @event module:ol/source/Tile.TileSourceEvent#tileloadend * @api */ TILELOADEND: "tileloadend", /** * Triggered if tile loading results in an error. Note that this is not the * right place to re-fetch tiles. See {@link module:ol/ImageTile~ImageTile#load} * for details. * @event module:ol/source/Tile.TileSourceEvent#tileloaderror * @api */ TILELOADERROR: "tileloaderror" }; class TileRange { /** * @param {number} minX Minimum X. * @param {number} maxX Maximum X. * @param {number} minY Minimum Y. * @param {number} maxY Maximum Y. */ constructor(minX, maxX, minY, maxY) { this.minX = minX; this.maxX = maxX; this.minY = minY; this.maxY = maxY; } /** * @param {import("./tilecoord.js").TileCoord} tileCoord Tile coordinate. * @return {boolean} Contains tile coordinate. */ contains(tileCoord) { return this.containsXY(tileCoord[1], tileCoord[2]); } /** * @param {TileRange} tileRange Tile range. * @return {boolean} Contains. */ containsTileRange(tileRange) { return this.minX <= tileRange.minX && tileRange.maxX <= this.maxX && this.minY <= tileRange.minY && tileRange.maxY <= this.maxY; } /** * @param {number} x Tile coordinate x. * @param {number} y Tile coordinate y. * @return {boolean} Contains coordinate. */ containsXY(x, y) { return this.minX <= x && x <= this.maxX && this.minY <= y && y <= this.maxY; } /** * @param {TileRange} tileRange Tile range. * @return {boolean} Equals. */ equals(tileRange) { return this.minX == tileRange.minX && this.minY == tileRange.minY && this.maxX == tileRange.maxX && this.maxY == tileRange.maxY; } /** * @param {TileRange} tileRange Tile range. */ extend(tileRange) { if (tileRange.minX < this.minX) { this.minX = tileRange.minX; } if (tileRange.maxX > this.maxX) { this.maxX = tileRange.maxX; } if (tileRange.minY < this.minY) { this.minY = tileRange.minY; } if (tileRange.maxY > this.maxY) { this.maxY = tileRange.maxY; } } /** * @return {number} Height. */ getHeight() { return this.maxY - this.minY + 1; } /** * @return {import("./size.js").Size} Size. */ getSize() { return [this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()]; } /** * @return {number} Width. */ getWidth() { return this.maxX - this.minX + 1; } /** * @param {TileRange} tileRange Tile range. * @return {boolean} Intersects. */ intersects(tileRange) { return this.minX <= tileRange.maxX && this.maxX >= tileRange.minX && this.minY <= tileRange.maxY && this.maxY >= tileRange.minY; } } function createOrUpdate(minX, maxX, minY, maxY, tileRange) { if (tileRange !== void 0) { tileRange.minX = minX; tileRange.maxX = maxX; tileRange.minY = minY; tileRange.maxY = maxY; return tileRange; } return new TileRange(minX, maxX, minY, maxY); } const TileRange$1 = TileRange; const tmpTileCoord = [0, 0, 0]; const DECIMALS = 5; class TileGrid { /** * @param {Options} options Tile grid options. */ constructor(options) { this.minZoom = options.minZoom !== void 0 ? options.minZoom : 0; this.resolutions_ = options.resolutions; assert( isSorted( this.resolutions_, function(a, b) { return b - a; }, true ), "`resolutions` must be sorted in descending order" ); let zoomFactor; if (! { for (let i = 0, ii = this.resolutions_.length - 1; i < ii; ++i) { if (!zoomFactor) { zoomFactor = this.resolutions_[i] / this.resolutions_[i + 1]; } else { if (this.resolutions_[i] / this.resolutions_[i + 1] !== zoomFactor) { zoomFactor = void 0; break; } } } } this.zoomFactor_ = zoomFactor; this.maxZoom = this.resolutions_.length - 1; this.origin_ = options.origin !== void 0 ? options.origin : null; this.origins_ = null; if ( !== void 0) { this.origins_ =; assert( this.origins_.length == this.resolutions_.length, "Number of `origins` and `resolutions` must be equal" ); } const extent = options.extent; if (extent !== void 0 && !this.origin_ && !this.origins_) { this.origin_ = getTopLeft(extent); } assert( !this.origin_ && this.origins_ || this.origin_ && !this.origins_, "Either `origin` or `origins` must be configured, never both" ); this.tileSizes_ = null; if (options.tileSizes !== void 0) { this.tileSizes_ = options.tileSizes; assert( this.tileSizes_.length == this.resolutions_.length, "Number of `tileSizes` and `resolutions` must be equal" ); } this.tileSize_ = options.tileSize !== void 0 ? options.tileSize : !this.tileSizes_ ? DEFAULT_TILE_SIZE : null; assert( !this.tileSize_ && this.tileSizes_ || this.tileSize_ && !this.tileSizes_, "Either `tileSize` or `tileSizes` must be configured, never both" ); this.extent_ = extent !== void 0 ? extent : null; this.fullTileRanges_ = null; this.tmpSize_ = [0, 0]; this.tmpExtent_ = [0, 0, 0, 0]; if (options.sizes !== void 0) { this.fullTileRanges_ =, z) { const tileRange = new TileRange$1( Math.min(0, size[0]), Math.max(size[0] - 1, -1), Math.min(0, size[1]), Math.max(size[1] - 1, -1) ); if (extent) { const restrictedTileRange = this.getTileRangeForExtentAndZ(extent, z); tileRange.minX = Math.max(restrictedTileRange.minX, tileRange.minX); tileRange.maxX = Math.min(restrictedTileRange.maxX, tileRange.maxX); tileRange.minY = Math.max(restrictedTileRange.minY, tileRange.minY); tileRange.maxY = Math.min(restrictedTileRange.maxY, tileRange.maxY); } return tileRange; }, this); } else if (extent) { this.calculateTileRanges_(extent); } } /** * Call a function with each tile coordinate for a given extent and zoom level. * * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @param {number} zoom Integer zoom level. * @param {function(import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord): void} callback Function called with each tile coordinate. * @api */ forEachTileCoord(extent, zoom, callback) { const tileRange = this.getTileRangeForExtentAndZ(extent, zoom); for (let i = tileRange.minX, ii = tileRange.maxX; i <= ii; ++i) { for (let j = tileRange.minY, jj = tileRange.maxY; j <= jj; ++j) { callback([zoom, i, j]); } } } /** * @param {import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord} tileCoord Tile coordinate. * @param {function(number, import("../TileRange.js").default): boolean} callback Callback. * @param {import("../TileRange.js").default} [tempTileRange] Temporary import("../TileRange.js").default object. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} [tempExtent] Temporary import("../extent.js").Extent object. * @return {boolean} Callback succeeded. */ forEachTileCoordParentTileRange(tileCoord, callback, tempTileRange, tempExtent) { let tileRange, x, y; let tileCoordExtent = null; let z = tileCoord[0] - 1; if (this.zoomFactor_ === 2) { x = tileCoord[1]; y = tileCoord[2]; } else { tileCoordExtent = this.getTileCoordExtent(tileCoord, tempExtent); } while (z >= this.minZoom) { if (this.zoomFactor_ === 2) { x = Math.floor(x / 2); y = Math.floor(y / 2); tileRange = createOrUpdate(x, x, y, y, tempTileRange); } else { tileRange = this.getTileRangeForExtentAndZ( tileCoordExtent, z, tempTileRange ); } if (callback(z, tileRange)) { return true; } --z; } return false; } /** * Get the extent for this tile grid, if it was configured. * @return {import("../extent.js").Extent} Extent. * @api */ getExtent() { return this.extent_; } /** * Get the maximum zoom level for the grid. * @return {number} Max zoom. * @api */ getMaxZoom() { return this.maxZoom; } /** * Get the minimum zoom level for the grid. * @return {number} Min zoom. * @api */ getMinZoom() { return this.minZoom; } /** * Get the origin for the grid at the given zoom level. * @param {number} z Integer zoom level. * @return {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} Origin. * @api */ getOrigin(z) { if (this.origin_) { return this.origin_; } return this.origins_[z]; } /** * Get the resolution for the given zoom level. * @param {number} z Integer zoom level. * @return {number} Resolution. * @api */ getResolution(z) { return this.resolutions_[z]; } /** * Get the list of resolutions for the tile grid. * @return {Array} Resolutions. * @api */ getResolutions() { return this.resolutions_; } /** * @param {import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord} tileCoord Tile coordinate. * @param {import("../TileRange.js").default} [tempTileRange] Temporary import("../TileRange.js").default object. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} [tempExtent] Temporary import("../extent.js").Extent object. * @return {import("../TileRange.js").default|null} Tile range. */ getTileCoordChildTileRange(tileCoord, tempTileRange, tempExtent) { if (tileCoord[0] < this.maxZoom) { if (this.zoomFactor_ === 2) { const minX = tileCoord[1] * 2; const minY = tileCoord[2] * 2; return createOrUpdate( minX, minX + 1, minY, minY + 1, tempTileRange ); } const tileCoordExtent = this.getTileCoordExtent( tileCoord, tempExtent || this.tmpExtent_ ); return this.getTileRangeForExtentAndZ( tileCoordExtent, tileCoord[0] + 1, tempTileRange ); } return null; } /** * @param {import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord} tileCoord Tile coordinate. * @param {number} z Integer zoom level. * @param {import("../TileRange.js").default} [tempTileRange] Temporary import("../TileRange.js").default object. * @return {import("../TileRange.js").default|null} Tile range. */ getTileRangeForTileCoordAndZ(tileCoord, z, tempTileRange) { if (z > this.maxZoom || z < this.minZoom) { return null; } const tileCoordZ = tileCoord[0]; const tileCoordX = tileCoord[1]; const tileCoordY = tileCoord[2]; if (z === tileCoordZ) { return createOrUpdate( tileCoordX, tileCoordY, tileCoordX, tileCoordY, tempTileRange ); } if (this.zoomFactor_) { const factor = Math.pow(this.zoomFactor_, z - tileCoordZ); const minX = Math.floor(tileCoordX * factor); const minY = Math.floor(tileCoordY * factor); if (z < tileCoordZ) { return createOrUpdate(minX, minX, minY, minY, tempTileRange); } const maxX = Math.floor(factor * (tileCoordX + 1)) - 1; const maxY = Math.floor(factor * (tileCoordY + 1)) - 1; return createOrUpdate(minX, maxX, minY, maxY, tempTileRange); } const tileCoordExtent = this.getTileCoordExtent(tileCoord, this.tmpExtent_); return this.getTileRangeForExtentAndZ(tileCoordExtent, z, tempTileRange); } /** * Get a tile range for the given extent and integer zoom level. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @param {number} z Integer zoom level. * @param {import("../TileRange.js").default} [tempTileRange] Temporary tile range object. * @return {import("../TileRange.js").default} Tile range. */ getTileRangeForExtentAndZ(extent, z, tempTileRange) { this.getTileCoordForXYAndZ_(extent[0], extent[3], z, false, tmpTileCoord); const minX = tmpTileCoord[1]; const minY = tmpTileCoord[2]; this.getTileCoordForXYAndZ_(extent[2], extent[1], z, true, tmpTileCoord); const maxX = tmpTileCoord[1]; const maxY = tmpTileCoord[2]; return createOrUpdate(minX, maxX, minY, maxY, tempTileRange); } /** * @param {import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord} tileCoord Tile coordinate. * @return {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} Tile center. */ getTileCoordCenter(tileCoord) { const origin = this.getOrigin(tileCoord[0]); const resolution = this.getResolution(tileCoord[0]); const tileSize = toSize(this.getTileSize(tileCoord[0]), this.tmpSize_); return [ origin[0] + (tileCoord[1] + 0.5) * tileSize[0] * resolution, origin[1] - (tileCoord[2] + 0.5) * tileSize[1] * resolution ]; } /** * Get the extent of a tile coordinate. * * @param {import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord} tileCoord Tile coordinate. * @param {import("../extent.js").Extent} [tempExtent] Temporary extent object. * @return {import("../extent.js").Extent} Extent. * @api */ getTileCoordExtent(tileCoord, tempExtent) { const origin = this.getOrigin(tileCoord[0]); const resolution = this.getResolution(tileCoord[0]); const tileSize = toSize(this.getTileSize(tileCoord[0]), this.tmpSize_); const minX = origin[0] + tileCoord[1] * tileSize[0] * resolution; const minY = origin[1] - (tileCoord[2] + 1) * tileSize[1] * resolution; const maxX = minX + tileSize[0] * resolution; const maxY = minY + tileSize[1] * resolution; return createOrUpdate$2(minX, minY, maxX, maxY, tempExtent); } /** * Get the tile coordinate for the given map coordinate and resolution. This * method considers that coordinates that intersect tile boundaries should be * assigned the higher tile coordinate. * * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate. * @param {number} resolution Resolution. * @param {import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord} [opt_tileCoord] Destination import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord object. * @return {import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord} Tile coordinate. * @api */ getTileCoordForCoordAndResolution(coordinate, resolution, opt_tileCoord) { return this.getTileCoordForXYAndResolution_( coordinate[0], coordinate[1], resolution, false, opt_tileCoord ); } /** * Note that this method should not be called for resolutions that correspond * to an integer zoom level. Instead call the `getTileCoordForXYAndZ_` method. * @param {number} x X. * @param {number} y Y. * @param {number} resolution Resolution (for a non-integer zoom level). * @param {boolean} reverseIntersectionPolicy Instead of letting edge * intersections go to the higher tile coordinate, let edge intersections * go to the lower tile coordinate. * @param {import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord} [opt_tileCoord] Temporary import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord object. * @return {import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord} Tile coordinate. * @private */ getTileCoordForXYAndResolution_(x, y, resolution, reverseIntersectionPolicy, opt_tileCoord) { const z = this.getZForResolution(resolution); const scale2 = resolution / this.getResolution(z); const origin = this.getOrigin(z); const tileSize = toSize(this.getTileSize(z), this.tmpSize_); let tileCoordX = scale2 * (x - origin[0]) / resolution / tileSize[0]; let tileCoordY = scale2 * (origin[1] - y) / resolution / tileSize[1]; if (reverseIntersectionPolicy) { tileCoordX = ceil(tileCoordX, DECIMALS) - 1; tileCoordY = ceil(tileCoordY, DECIMALS) - 1; } else { tileCoordX = floor(tileCoordX, DECIMALS); tileCoordY = floor(tileCoordY, DECIMALS); } return createOrUpdate$1(z, tileCoordX, tileCoordY, opt_tileCoord); } /** * Although there is repetition between this method and `getTileCoordForXYAndResolution_`, * they should have separate implementations. This method is for integer zoom * levels. The other method should only be called for resolutions corresponding * to non-integer zoom levels. * @param {number} x Map x coordinate. * @param {number} y Map y coordinate. * @param {number} z Integer zoom level. * @param {boolean} reverseIntersectionPolicy Instead of letting edge * intersections go to the higher tile coordinate, let edge intersections * go to the lower tile coordinate. * @param {import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord} [opt_tileCoord] Temporary import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord object. * @return {import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord} Tile coordinate. * @private */ getTileCoordForXYAndZ_(x, y, z, reverseIntersectionPolicy, opt_tileCoord) { const origin = this.getOrigin(z); const resolution = this.getResolution(z); const tileSize = toSize(this.getTileSize(z), this.tmpSize_); let tileCoordX = (x - origin[0]) / resolution / tileSize[0]; let tileCoordY = (origin[1] - y) / resolution / tileSize[1]; if (reverseIntersectionPolicy) { tileCoordX = ceil(tileCoordX, DECIMALS) - 1; tileCoordY = ceil(tileCoordY, DECIMALS) - 1; } else { tileCoordX = floor(tileCoordX, DECIMALS); tileCoordY = floor(tileCoordY, DECIMALS); } return createOrUpdate$1(z, tileCoordX, tileCoordY, opt_tileCoord); } /** * Get a tile coordinate given a map coordinate and zoom level. * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate. * @param {number} z Zoom level. * @param {import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord} [opt_tileCoord] Destination import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord object. * @return {import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord} Tile coordinate. * @api */ getTileCoordForCoordAndZ(coordinate, z, opt_tileCoord) { return this.getTileCoordForXYAndZ_( coordinate[0], coordinate[1], z, false, opt_tileCoord ); } /** * @param {import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord} tileCoord Tile coordinate. * @return {number} Tile resolution. */ getTileCoordResolution(tileCoord) { return this.resolutions_[tileCoord[0]]; } /** * Get the tile size for a zoom level. The type of the return value matches the * `tileSize` or `tileSizes` that the tile grid was configured with. To always * get an {@link import("../size.js").Size}, run the result through {@link module:ol/size.toSize}. * @param {number} z Z. * @return {number|import("../size.js").Size} Tile size. * @api */ getTileSize(z) { if (this.tileSize_) { return this.tileSize_; } return this.tileSizes_[z]; } /** * @param {number} z Zoom level. * @return {import("../TileRange.js").default} Extent tile range for the specified zoom level. */ getFullTileRange(z) { if (!this.fullTileRanges_) { return this.extent_ ? this.getTileRangeForExtentAndZ(this.extent_, z) : null; } return this.fullTileRanges_[z]; } /** * @param {number} resolution Resolution. * @param {number|import("../array.js").NearestDirectionFunction} [opt_direction] * If 0, the nearest resolution will be used. * If 1, the nearest higher resolution (lower Z) will be used. If -1, the * nearest lower resolution (higher Z) will be used. Default is 0. * Use a {@link module:ol/array~NearestDirectionFunction} for more precise control. * * For example to change tile Z at the midpoint of zoom levels * ```js * function(value, high, low) { * return value - low * Math.sqrt(high / low); * } * ``` * @return {number} Z. * @api */ getZForResolution(resolution, opt_direction) { const z = linearFindNearest( this.resolutions_, resolution, opt_direction || 0 ); return clamp(z, this.minZoom, this.maxZoom); } /** * The tile with the provided tile coordinate intersects the given viewport. * @param {import('../tilecoord.js').TileCoord} tileCoord Tile coordinate. * @param {Array} viewport Viewport as returned from {@link module:ol/extent.getRotatedViewport}. * @return {boolean} The tile with the provided tile coordinate intersects the given viewport. */ tileCoordIntersectsViewport(tileCoord, viewport) { return intersectsLinearRing( viewport, 0, viewport.length, 2, this.getTileCoordExtent(tileCoord) ); } /** * @param {!import("../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent for this tile grid. * @private */ calculateTileRanges_(extent) { const length = this.resolutions_.length; const fullTileRanges = new Array(length); for (let z = this.minZoom; z < length; ++z) { fullTileRanges[z] = this.getTileRangeForExtentAndZ(extent, z); } this.fullTileRanges_ = fullTileRanges; } } const TileGrid$1 = TileGrid; function getForProjection(projection) { let tileGrid = projection.getDefaultTileGrid(); if (!tileGrid) { tileGrid = createForProjection(projection); projection.setDefaultTileGrid(tileGrid); } return tileGrid; } function wrapX(tileGrid, tileCoord, projection) { const z = tileCoord[0]; const center = tileGrid.getTileCoordCenter(tileCoord); const projectionExtent = extentFromProjection(projection); if (!containsCoordinate(projectionExtent, center)) { const worldWidth = getWidth(projectionExtent); const worldsAway = Math.ceil( (projectionExtent[0] - center[0]) / worldWidth ); center[0] += worldWidth * worldsAway; return tileGrid.getTileCoordForCoordAndZ(center, z); } return tileCoord; } function createForExtent(extent, maxZoom, tileSize, corner) { corner = corner !== void 0 ? corner : "top-left"; const resolutions = resolutionsFromExtent(extent, maxZoom, tileSize); return new TileGrid$1({ extent, origin: getCorner(extent, corner), resolutions, tileSize }); } function resolutionsFromExtent(extent, maxZoom, tileSize, maxResolution) { maxZoom = maxZoom !== void 0 ? maxZoom : DEFAULT_MAX_ZOOM; tileSize = toSize(tileSize !== void 0 ? tileSize : DEFAULT_TILE_SIZE); const height = getHeight(extent); const width = getWidth(extent); maxResolution = maxResolution > 0 ? maxResolution : Math.max(width / tileSize[0], height / tileSize[1]); const length = maxZoom + 1; const resolutions = new Array(length); for (let z = 0; z < length; ++z) { resolutions[z] = maxResolution / Math.pow(2, z); } return resolutions; } function createForProjection(projection, maxZoom, tileSize, corner) { const extent = extentFromProjection(projection); return createForExtent(extent, maxZoom, tileSize, corner); } function extentFromProjection(projection) { projection = get$1(projection); let extent = projection.getExtent(); if (!extent) { const half = 180 * METERS_PER_UNIT$1.degrees / projection.getMetersPerUnit(); extent = createOrUpdate$2(-half, -half, half, half); } return extent; } class TileSource extends Source$1 { /** * @param {Options} options SourceTile source options. */ constructor(options) { super({ attributions: options.attributions, attributionsCollapsible: options.attributionsCollapsible, projection: options.projection, state: options.state, wrapX: options.wrapX, interpolate: options.interpolate }); this.on; this.once; this.un; this.opaque_ = options.opaque !== void 0 ? options.opaque : false; this.tilePixelRatio_ = options.tilePixelRatio !== void 0 ? options.tilePixelRatio : 1; this.tileGrid = options.tileGrid !== void 0 ? options.tileGrid : null; const tileSize = [256, 256]; if (this.tileGrid) { toSize(this.tileGrid.getTileSize(this.tileGrid.getMinZoom()), tileSize); } this.tileCache = new TileCache$1(options.cacheSize || 0); this.tmpSize = [0, 0]; this.key_ = options.key || ""; this.tileOptions = { transition: options.transition, interpolate: options.interpolate }; this.zDirection = options.zDirection ? options.zDirection : 0; } /** * @return {boolean} Can expire cache. */ canExpireCache() { return this.tileCache.canExpireCache(); } /** * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @param {!Object} usedTiles Used tiles. */ expireCache(projection, usedTiles) { const tileCache = this.getTileCacheForProjection(projection); if (tileCache) { tileCache.expireCache(usedTiles); } } /** * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @param {number} z Zoom level. * @param {import("../TileRange.js").default} tileRange Tile range. * @param {function(import("../Tile.js").default):(boolean|void)} callback Called with each * loaded tile. If the callback returns `false`, the tile will not be * considered loaded. * @return {boolean} The tile range is fully covered with loaded tiles. */ forEachLoadedTile(projection, z, tileRange, callback) { const tileCache = this.getTileCacheForProjection(projection); if (!tileCache) { return false; } let covered = true; let tile, tileCoordKey, loaded; for (let x = tileRange.minX; x <= tileRange.maxX; ++x) { for (let y = tileRange.minY; y <= tileRange.maxY; ++y) { tileCoordKey = getKeyZXY(z, x, y); loaded = false; if (tileCache.containsKey(tileCoordKey)) { tile = /** @type {!import("../Tile.js").default} */ tileCache.get(tileCoordKey); loaded = tile.getState() === TileState.LOADED; if (loaded) { loaded = callback(tile) !== false; } } if (!loaded) { covered = false; } } } return covered; } /** * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @return {number} Gutter. */ getGutterForProjection(projection) { return 0; } /** * Return the key to be used for all tiles in the source. * @return {string} The key for all tiles. */ getKey() { return this.key_; } /** * Set the value to be used as the key for all tiles in the source. * @param {string} key The key for tiles. * @protected */ setKey(key) { if (this.key_ !== key) { this.key_ = key; this.changed(); } } /** * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @return {boolean} Opaque. */ getOpaque(projection) { return this.opaque_; } /** * @param {import("../proj/Projection").default} [projection] Projection. * @return {Array|null} Resolutions. */ getResolutions(projection) { const tileGrid = projection ? this.getTileGridForProjection(projection) : this.tileGrid; if (!tileGrid) { return null; } return tileGrid.getResolutions(); } /** * @abstract * @param {number} z Tile coordinate z. * @param {number} x Tile coordinate x. * @param {number} y Tile coordinate y. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @return {!import("../Tile.js").default} Tile. */ getTile(z, x, y, pixelRatio, projection) { return abstract(); } /** * Return the tile grid of the tile source. * @return {import("../tilegrid/TileGrid.js").default|null} Tile grid. * @api */ getTileGrid() { return this.tileGrid; } /** * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @return {!import("../tilegrid/TileGrid.js").default} Tile grid. */ getTileGridForProjection(projection) { if (!this.tileGrid) { return getForProjection(projection); } return this.tileGrid; } /** * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @return {import("../TileCache.js").default} Tile cache. * @protected */ getTileCacheForProjection(projection) { const sourceProjection = this.getProjection(); assert( sourceProjection === null || equivalent(sourceProjection, projection), "A VectorTile source can only be rendered if it has a projection compatible with the view projection." ); return this.tileCache; } /** * Get the tile pixel ratio for this source. Subclasses may override this * method, which is meant to return a supported pixel ratio that matches the * provided `pixelRatio` as close as possible. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @return {number} Tile pixel ratio. */ getTilePixelRatio(pixelRatio) { return this.tilePixelRatio_; } /** * @param {number} z Z. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @return {import("../size.js").Size} Tile size. */ getTilePixelSize(z, pixelRatio, projection) { const tileGrid = this.getTileGridForProjection(projection); const tilePixelRatio = this.getTilePixelRatio(pixelRatio); const tileSize = toSize(tileGrid.getTileSize(z), this.tmpSize); if (tilePixelRatio == 1) { return tileSize; } return scale(tileSize, tilePixelRatio, this.tmpSize); } /** * Returns a tile coordinate wrapped around the x-axis. When the tile coordinate * is outside the resolution and extent range of the tile grid, `null` will be * returned. * @param {import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord} tileCoord Tile coordinate. * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} [projection] Projection. * @return {import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord} Tile coordinate to be passed to the tileUrlFunction or * null if no tile URL should be created for the passed `tileCoord`. */ getTileCoordForTileUrlFunction(tileCoord, projection) { projection = projection !== void 0 ? projection : this.getProjection(); const tileGrid = this.getTileGridForProjection(projection); if (this.getWrapX() && projection.isGlobal()) { tileCoord = wrapX(tileGrid, tileCoord, projection); } return withinExtentAndZ(tileCoord, tileGrid) ? tileCoord : null; } /** * Remove all cached tiles from the source. The next render cycle will fetch new tiles. * @api */ clear() { this.tileCache.clear(); } refresh() { this.clear(); super.refresh(); } /** * Increases the cache size if needed * @param {number} tileCount Minimum number of tiles needed. * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. */ updateCacheSize(tileCount, projection) { const tileCache = this.getTileCacheForProjection(projection); if (tileCount > tileCache.highWaterMark) { tileCache.highWaterMark = tileCount; } } /** * Marks a tile coord as being used, without triggering a load. * @abstract * @param {number} z Tile coordinate z. * @param {number} x Tile coordinate x. * @param {number} y Tile coordinate y. * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. */ useTile(z, x, y, projection) { } } class TileSourceEvent extends Event { /** * @param {string} type Type. * @param {import("../Tile.js").default} tile The tile. */ constructor(type, tile) { super(type); this.tile = tile; } } const TileSource$1 = TileSource; function createFromTemplate(template, tileGrid) { const zRegEx = /\{z\}/g; const xRegEx = /\{x\}/g; const yRegEx = /\{y\}/g; const dashYRegEx = /\{-y\}/g; return ( /** * @param {import("./tilecoord.js").TileCoord} tileCoord Tile Coordinate. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @param {import("./proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @return {string|undefined} Tile URL. */ function(tileCoord, pixelRatio, projection) { if (!tileCoord) { return void 0; } return template.replace(zRegEx, tileCoord[0].toString()).replace(xRegEx, tileCoord[1].toString()).replace(yRegEx, tileCoord[2].toString()).replace(dashYRegEx, function() { const z = tileCoord[0]; const range = tileGrid.getFullTileRange(z); assert( range, "The {-y} placeholder requires a tile grid with extent" ); const y = range.getHeight() - tileCoord[2] - 1; return y.toString(); }); } ); } function createFromTemplates(templates, tileGrid) { const len = templates.length; const tileUrlFunctions = new Array(len); for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) { tileUrlFunctions[i] = createFromTemplate(templates[i], tileGrid); } return createFromTileUrlFunctions(tileUrlFunctions); } function createFromTileUrlFunctions(tileUrlFunctions) { if (tileUrlFunctions.length === 1) { return tileUrlFunctions[0]; } return ( /** * @param {import("./tilecoord.js").TileCoord} tileCoord Tile Coordinate. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @param {import("./proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @return {string|undefined} Tile URL. */ function(tileCoord, pixelRatio, projection) { if (!tileCoord) { return void 0; } const h = hash(tileCoord); const index = modulo(h, tileUrlFunctions.length); return tileUrlFunctions[index](tileCoord, pixelRatio, projection); } ); } function expandUrl(url) { const urls = []; let match = /\{([a-z])-([a-z])\}/.exec(url); if (match) { const startCharCode = match[1].charCodeAt(0); const stopCharCode = match[2].charCodeAt(0); let charCode; for (charCode = startCharCode; charCode <= stopCharCode; ++charCode) { urls.push(url.replace(match[0], String.fromCharCode(charCode))); } return urls; } match = /\{(\d+)-(\d+)\}/.exec(url); if (match) { const stop = parseInt(match[2], 10); for (let i = parseInt(match[1], 10); i <= stop; i++) { urls.push(url.replace(match[0], i.toString())); } return urls; } urls.push(url); return urls; } class UrlTile extends TileSource$1 { /** * @param {Options} options Image tile options. */ constructor(options) { super({ attributions: options.attributions, cacheSize: options.cacheSize, opaque: options.opaque, projection: options.projection, state: options.state, tileGrid: options.tileGrid, tilePixelRatio: options.tilePixelRatio, wrapX: options.wrapX, transition: options.transition, interpolate: options.interpolate, key: options.key, attributionsCollapsible: options.attributionsCollapsible, zDirection: options.zDirection }); this.generateTileUrlFunction_ = this.tileUrlFunction === UrlTile.prototype.tileUrlFunction; this.tileLoadFunction = options.tileLoadFunction; if (options.tileUrlFunction) { this.tileUrlFunction = options.tileUrlFunction; } this.urls = null; if (options.urls) { this.setUrls(options.urls); } else if (options.url) { this.setUrl(options.url); } this.tileLoadingKeys_ = {}; } /** * Return the tile load function of the source. * @return {import("../Tile.js").LoadFunction} TileLoadFunction * @api */ getTileLoadFunction() { return this.tileLoadFunction; } /** * Return the tile URL function of the source. * @return {import("../Tile.js").UrlFunction} TileUrlFunction * @api */ getTileUrlFunction() { return Object.getPrototypeOf(this).tileUrlFunction === this.tileUrlFunction ? this.tileUrlFunction.bind(this) : this.tileUrlFunction; } /** * Return the URLs used for this source. * When a tileUrlFunction is used instead of url or urls, * null will be returned. * @return {!Array|null} URLs. * @api */ getUrls() { return this.urls; } /** * Handle tile change events. * @param {import("../events/Event.js").default} event Event. * @protected */ handleTileChange(event) { const tile = ( /** @type {import("../Tile.js").default} */ ); const uid = getUid(tile); const tileState = tile.getState(); let type; if (tileState == TileState.LOADING) { this.tileLoadingKeys_[uid] = true; type = TileEventType.TILELOADSTART; } else if (uid in this.tileLoadingKeys_) { delete this.tileLoadingKeys_[uid]; type = tileState == TileState.ERROR ? TileEventType.TILELOADERROR : tileState == TileState.LOADED ? TileEventType.TILELOADEND : void 0; } if (type != void 0) { this.dispatchEvent(new TileSourceEvent(type, tile)); } } /** * Set the tile load function of the source. * @param {import("../Tile.js").LoadFunction} tileLoadFunction Tile load function. * @api */ setTileLoadFunction(tileLoadFunction) { this.tileCache.clear(); this.tileLoadFunction = tileLoadFunction; this.changed(); } /** * Set the tile URL function of the source. * @param {import("../Tile.js").UrlFunction} tileUrlFunction Tile URL function. * @param {string} [key] Optional new tile key for the source. * @api */ setTileUrlFunction(tileUrlFunction, key) { this.tileUrlFunction = tileUrlFunction; this.tileCache.pruneExceptNewestZ(); if (typeof key !== "undefined") { this.setKey(key); } else { this.changed(); } } /** * Set the URL to use for requests. * @param {string} url URL. * @api */ setUrl(url) { const urls = expandUrl(url); this.urls = urls; this.setUrls(urls); } /** * Set the URLs to use for requests. * @param {Array} urls URLs. * @api */ setUrls(urls) { this.urls = urls; const key = urls.join("\n"); if (this.generateTileUrlFunction_) { this.setTileUrlFunction(createFromTemplates(urls, this.tileGrid), key); } else { this.setKey(key); } } /** * @param {import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord} tileCoord Tile coordinate. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @return {string|undefined} Tile URL. */ tileUrlFunction(tileCoord, pixelRatio, projection) { return void 0; } /** * Marks a tile coord as being used, without triggering a load. * @param {number} z Tile coordinate z. * @param {number} x Tile coordinate x. * @param {number} y Tile coordinate y. */ useTile(z, x, y) { const tileCoordKey = getKeyZXY(z, x, y); if (this.tileCache.containsKey(tileCoordKey)) { this.tileCache.get(tileCoordKey); } } } const UrlTile$1 = UrlTile; class TileImage extends UrlTile$1 { /** * @param {!Options} options Image tile options. */ constructor(options) { super({ attributions: options.attributions, cacheSize: options.cacheSize, opaque: options.opaque, projection: options.projection, state: options.state, tileGrid: options.tileGrid, tileLoadFunction: options.tileLoadFunction ? options.tileLoadFunction : defaultTileLoadFunction, tilePixelRatio: options.tilePixelRatio, tileUrlFunction: options.tileUrlFunction, url: options.url, urls: options.urls, wrapX: options.wrapX, transition: options.transition, interpolate: options.interpolate !== void 0 ? options.interpolate : true, key: options.key, attributionsCollapsible: options.attributionsCollapsible, zDirection: options.zDirection }); this.crossOrigin = options.crossOrigin !== void 0 ? options.crossOrigin : null; this.tileClass = options.tileClass !== void 0 ? options.tileClass : ImageTile$1; this.tileCacheForProjection = {}; this.tileGridForProjection = {}; this.reprojectionErrorThreshold_ = options.reprojectionErrorThreshold; this.renderReprojectionEdges_ = false; } /** * @return {boolean} Can expire cache. */ canExpireCache() { if (this.tileCache.canExpireCache()) { return true; } for (const key in this.tileCacheForProjection) { if (this.tileCacheForProjection[key].canExpireCache()) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @param {!Object} usedTiles Used tiles. */ expireCache(projection, usedTiles) { const usedTileCache = this.getTileCacheForProjection(projection); this.tileCache.expireCache( this.tileCache == usedTileCache ? usedTiles : {} ); for (const id in this.tileCacheForProjection) { const tileCache = this.tileCacheForProjection[id]; tileCache.expireCache(tileCache == usedTileCache ? usedTiles : {}); } } /** * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @return {number} Gutter. */ getGutterForProjection(projection) { if (this.getProjection() && projection && !equivalent(this.getProjection(), projection)) { return 0; } return this.getGutter(); } /** * @return {number} Gutter. */ getGutter() { return 0; } /** * Return the key to be used for all tiles in the source. * @return {string} The key for all tiles. */ getKey() { let key = super.getKey(); if (!this.getInterpolate()) { key += ":disable-interpolation"; } return key; } /** * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @return {boolean} Opaque. */ getOpaque(projection) { if (this.getProjection() && projection && !equivalent(this.getProjection(), projection)) { return false; } return super.getOpaque(projection); } /** * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @return {!import("../tilegrid/TileGrid.js").default} Tile grid. */ getTileGridForProjection(projection) { const thisProj = this.getProjection(); if (this.tileGrid && (!thisProj || equivalent(thisProj, projection))) { return this.tileGrid; } const projKey = getUid(projection); if (!(projKey in this.tileGridForProjection)) { this.tileGridForProjection[projKey] = getForProjection(projection); } return this.tileGridForProjection[projKey]; } /** * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @return {import("../TileCache.js").default} Tile cache. */ getTileCacheForProjection(projection) { const thisProj = this.getProjection(); if (!thisProj || equivalent(thisProj, projection)) { return this.tileCache; } const projKey = getUid(projection); if (!(projKey in this.tileCacheForProjection)) { this.tileCacheForProjection[projKey] = new TileCache$1( this.tileCache.highWaterMark ); } return this.tileCacheForProjection[projKey]; } /** * @param {number} z Tile coordinate z. * @param {number} x Tile coordinate x. * @param {number} y Tile coordinate y. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @param {string} key The key set on the tile. * @return {!ImageTile} Tile. * @private */ createTile_(z, x, y, pixelRatio, projection, key) { const tileCoord = [z, x, y]; const urlTileCoord = this.getTileCoordForTileUrlFunction( tileCoord, projection ); const tileUrl = urlTileCoord ? this.tileUrlFunction(urlTileCoord, pixelRatio, projection) : void 0; const tile = new this.tileClass( tileCoord, tileUrl !== void 0 ? TileState.IDLE : TileState.EMPTY, tileUrl !== void 0 ? tileUrl : "", this.crossOrigin, this.tileLoadFunction, this.tileOptions ); tile.key = key; tile.addEventListener(EventType.CHANGE, this.handleTileChange.bind(this)); return tile; } /** * @param {number} z Tile coordinate z. * @param {number} x Tile coordinate x. * @param {number} y Tile coordinate y. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @return {!(ImageTile|ReprojTile)} Tile. */ getTile(z, x, y, pixelRatio, projection) { const sourceProjection = this.getProjection(); if (!sourceProjection || !projection || equivalent(sourceProjection, projection)) { return this.getTileInternal( z, x, y, pixelRatio, sourceProjection || projection ); } const cache2 = this.getTileCacheForProjection(projection); const tileCoord = [z, x, y]; let tile; const tileCoordKey = getKey(tileCoord); if (cache2.containsKey(tileCoordKey)) { tile = cache2.get(tileCoordKey); } const key = this.getKey(); if (tile && tile.key == key) { return tile; } const sourceTileGrid = this.getTileGridForProjection(sourceProjection); const targetTileGrid = this.getTileGridForProjection(projection); const wrappedTileCoord = this.getTileCoordForTileUrlFunction( tileCoord, projection ); const newTile = new ReprojTile$1( sourceProjection, sourceTileGrid, projection, targetTileGrid, tileCoord, wrappedTileCoord, this.getTilePixelRatio(pixelRatio), this.getGutter(), (z2, x2, y2, pixelRatio2) => this.getTileInternal(z2, x2, y2, pixelRatio2, sourceProjection), this.reprojectionErrorThreshold_, this.renderReprojectionEdges_, this.getInterpolate() ); newTile.key = key; if (tile) { newTile.interimTile = tile; newTile.refreshInterimChain(); cache2.replace(tileCoordKey, newTile); } else { cache2.set(tileCoordKey, newTile); } return newTile; } /** * @param {number} z Tile coordinate z. * @param {number} x Tile coordinate x. * @param {number} y Tile coordinate y. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @param {!import("../proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @return {!ImageTile} Tile. * @protected */ getTileInternal(z, x, y, pixelRatio, projection) { let tile = null; const tileCoordKey = getKeyZXY(z, x, y); const key = this.getKey(); if (!this.tileCache.containsKey(tileCoordKey)) { tile = this.createTile_(z, x, y, pixelRatio, projection, key); this.tileCache.set(tileCoordKey, tile); } else { tile = this.tileCache.get(tileCoordKey); if (tile.key != key) { const interimTile = tile; tile = this.createTile_(z, x, y, pixelRatio, projection, key); if (interimTile.getState() == TileState.IDLE) { tile.interimTile = interimTile.interimTile; } else { tile.interimTile = interimTile; } tile.refreshInterimChain(); this.tileCache.replace(tileCoordKey, tile); } } return tile; } /** * Sets whether to render reprojection edges or not (usually for debugging). * @param {boolean} render Render the edges. * @api */ setRenderReprojectionEdges(render2) { if (this.renderReprojectionEdges_ == render2) { return; } this.renderReprojectionEdges_ = render2; for (const id in this.tileCacheForProjection) { this.tileCacheForProjection[id].clear(); } this.changed(); } /** * Sets the tile grid to use when reprojecting the tiles to the given * projection instead of the default tile grid for the projection. * * This can be useful when the default tile grid cannot be created * (e.g. projection has no extent defined) or * for optimization reasons (custom tile size, resolutions, ...). * * @param {import("../proj.js").ProjectionLike} projection Projection. * @param {import("../tilegrid/TileGrid.js").default} tilegrid Tile grid to use for the projection. * @api */ setTileGridForProjection(projection, tilegrid) { const proj = get$1(projection); if (proj) { const projKey = getUid(proj); if (!(projKey in this.tileGridForProjection)) { this.tileGridForProjection[projKey] = tilegrid; } } } clear() { super.clear(); for (const id in this.tileCacheForProjection) { this.tileCacheForProjection[id].clear(); } } } function defaultTileLoadFunction(imageTile, src) { imageTile.getImage().src = src; } const TileImage$1 = TileImage; function appendParams(uri, params) { const keyParams = []; Object.keys(params).forEach(function(k) { if (params[k] !== null && params[k] !== void 0) { keyParams.push(k + "=" + encodeURIComponent(params[k])); } }); const qs = keyParams.join("&"); uri = uri.replace(/[?&]$/, ""); uri += uri.includes("?") ? "&" : "?"; return uri + qs; } class WMTSTileGrid extends TileGrid$1 { /** * @param {Options} options WMTS options. */ constructor(options) { super({ extent: options.extent, origin: options.origin, origins:, resolutions: options.resolutions, tileSize: options.tileSize, tileSizes: options.tileSizes, sizes: options.sizes }); this.matrixIds_ = options.matrixIds; } /** * @param {number} z Z. * @return {string} MatrixId.. */ getMatrixId(z) { return this.matrixIds_[z]; } /** * Get the list of matrix identifiers. * @return {Array} MatrixIds. * @api */ getMatrixIds() { return this.matrixIds_; } } function createFromCapabilitiesMatrixSet(matrixSet, extent, matrixLimits) { const resolutions = []; const matrixIds = []; const origins = []; const tileSizes = []; const sizes = []; matrixLimits = matrixLimits !== void 0 ? matrixLimits : []; const supportedCRSPropName = "SupportedCRS"; const matrixIdsPropName = "TileMatrix"; const identifierPropName = "Identifier"; const scaleDenominatorPropName = "ScaleDenominator"; const topLeftCornerPropName = "TopLeftCorner"; const tileWidthPropName = "TileWidth"; const tileHeightPropName = "TileHeight"; const code = matrixSet[supportedCRSPropName]; const projection = get$1(code); const metersPerUnit = projection.getMetersPerUnit(); const switchOriginXY = projection.getAxisOrientation().substr(0, 2) == "ne"; matrixSet[matrixIdsPropName].sort(function(a, b) { return b[scaleDenominatorPropName] - a[scaleDenominatorPropName]; }); matrixSet[matrixIdsPropName].forEach(function(elt) { let matrixAvailable; if (matrixLimits.length > 0) { matrixAvailable = matrixLimits.find(function(elt_ml) { if (elt[identifierPropName] == elt_ml[matrixIdsPropName]) { return true; } if (!elt[identifierPropName].includes(":")) { return matrixSet[identifierPropName] + ":" + elt[identifierPropName] === elt_ml[matrixIdsPropName]; } return false; }); } else { matrixAvailable = true; } if (matrixAvailable) { matrixIds.push(elt[identifierPropName]); const resolution = elt[scaleDenominatorPropName] * 28e-5 / metersPerUnit; const tileWidth = elt[tileWidthPropName]; const tileHeight = elt[tileHeightPropName]; if (switchOriginXY) { origins.push([ elt[topLeftCornerPropName][1], elt[topLeftCornerPropName][0] ]); } else { origins.push(elt[topLeftCornerPropName]); } resolutions.push(resolution); tileSizes.push( tileWidth == tileHeight ? tileWidth : [tileWidth, tileHeight] ); sizes.push([elt["MatrixWidth"], elt["MatrixHeight"]]); } }); return new WMTSTileGrid({ extent, origins, resolutions, matrixIds, tileSizes, sizes }); } class WMTS extends TileImage$1 { /** * @param {Options} options WMTS options. */ constructor(options) { const requestEncoding = options.requestEncoding !== void 0 ? options.requestEncoding : "KVP"; const tileGrid = options.tileGrid; let urls = options.urls; if (urls === void 0 && options.url !== void 0) { urls = expandUrl(options.url); } super({ attributions: options.attributions, attributionsCollapsible: options.attributionsCollapsible, cacheSize: options.cacheSize, crossOrigin: options.crossOrigin, interpolate: options.interpolate, projection: options.projection, reprojectionErrorThreshold: options.reprojectionErrorThreshold, tileClass: options.tileClass, tileGrid, tileLoadFunction: options.tileLoadFunction, tilePixelRatio: options.tilePixelRatio, urls, wrapX: options.wrapX !== void 0 ? options.wrapX : false, transition: options.transition, zDirection: options.zDirection }); this.version_ = options.version !== void 0 ? options.version : "1.0.0"; this.format_ = options.format !== void 0 ? options.format : "image/jpeg"; this.dimensions_ = options.dimensions !== void 0 ? options.dimensions : {}; this.layer_ = options.layer; this.matrixSet_ = options.matrixSet; this.style_ =; this.requestEncoding_ = requestEncoding; this.setKey(this.getKeyForDimensions_()); if (urls && urls.length > 0) { this.tileUrlFunction = createFromTileUrlFunctions( ); } } /** * Set the URLs to use for requests. * URLs may contain OGC conform URL Template Variables: {TileMatrix}, {TileRow}, {TileCol}. * @param {Array} urls URLs. */ setUrls(urls) { this.urls = urls; const key = urls.join("\n"); this.setTileUrlFunction( createFromTileUrlFunctions( ), key ); } /** * Get the dimensions, i.e. those passed to the constructor through the * "dimensions" option, and possibly updated using the updateDimensions * method. * @return {!Object} Dimensions. * @api */ getDimensions() { return this.dimensions_; } /** * Return the image format of the WMTS source. * @return {string} Format. * @api */ getFormat() { return this.format_; } /** * Return the layer of the WMTS source. * @return {string} Layer. * @api */ getLayer() { return this.layer_; } /** * Return the matrix set of the WMTS source. * @return {string} MatrixSet. * @api */ getMatrixSet() { return this.matrixSet_; } /** * Return the request encoding, either "KVP" or "REST". * @return {RequestEncoding} Request encoding. * @api */ getRequestEncoding() { return this.requestEncoding_; } /** * Return the style of the WMTS source. * @return {string} Style. * @api */ getStyle() { return this.style_; } /** * Return the version of the WMTS source. * @return {string} Version. * @api */ getVersion() { return this.version_; } /** * @private * @return {string} The key for the current dimensions. */ getKeyForDimensions_() { const res = this.urls ? this.urls.slice(0) : []; for (const key in this.dimensions_) { res.push(key + "-" + this.dimensions_[key]); } return res.join("/"); } /** * Update the dimensions. * @param {Object} dimensions Dimensions. * @api */ updateDimensions(dimensions) { Object.assign(this.dimensions_, dimensions); this.setKey(this.getKeyForDimensions_()); } /** * @param {string} template Template. * @return {import("../Tile.js").UrlFunction} Tile URL function. */ createFromWMTSTemplate(template) { const requestEncoding = this.requestEncoding_; const context = { "layer": this.layer_, "style": this.style_, "tilematrixset": this.matrixSet_ }; if (requestEncoding == "KVP") { Object.assign(context, { "Service": "WMTS", "Request": "GetTile", "Version": this.version_, "Format": this.format_ }); } template = requestEncoding == "KVP" ? appendParams(template, context) : template.replace(/\{(\w+?)\}/g, function(m, p) { return p.toLowerCase() in context ? context[p.toLowerCase()] : m; }); const tileGrid = ( /** @type {import("../tilegrid/WMTS.js").default} */ this.tileGrid ); const dimensions = this.dimensions_; return ( /** * @param {import("../tilecoord.js").TileCoord} tileCoord Tile coordinate. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @return {string|undefined} Tile URL. */ function(tileCoord, pixelRatio, projection) { if (!tileCoord) { return void 0; } const localContext = { "TileMatrix": tileGrid.getMatrixId(tileCoord[0]), "TileCol": tileCoord[1], "TileRow": tileCoord[2] }; Object.assign(localContext, dimensions); let url = template; if (requestEncoding == "KVP") { url = appendParams(url, localContext); } else { url = url.replace(/\{(\w+?)\}/g, function(m, p) { return localContext[p]; }); } return url; } ); } } const OlSourceWmts = WMTS; function optionsFromCapabilities(wmtsCap, config) { const layers = wmtsCap["Contents"]["Layer"]; const l = layers.find(function(elt) { return elt["Identifier"] == config["layer"]; }); if (!l) { return null; } const tileMatrixSets = wmtsCap["Contents"]["TileMatrixSet"]; let idx; if (l["TileMatrixSetLink"].length > 1) { if ("projection" in config) { idx = l["TileMatrixSetLink"].findIndex(function(elt) { const tileMatrixSet = tileMatrixSets.find(function(el) { return el["Identifier"] == elt["TileMatrixSet"]; }); const supportedCRS = tileMatrixSet["SupportedCRS"]; const proj1 = get$1(supportedCRS); const proj2 = get$1(config["projection"]); if (proj1 && proj2) { return equivalent(proj1, proj2); } return supportedCRS == config["projection"]; }); } else { idx = l["TileMatrixSetLink"].findIndex(function(elt) { return elt["TileMatrixSet"] == config["matrixSet"]; }); } } else { idx = 0; } if (idx < 0) { idx = 0; } const matrixSet = ( /** @type {string} */ l["TileMatrixSetLink"][idx]["TileMatrixSet"] ); const matrixLimits = ( /** @type {Array} */ l["TileMatrixSetLink"][idx]["TileMatrixSetLimits"] ); let format = ( /** @type {string} */ l["Format"][0] ); if ("format" in config) { format = config["format"]; } idx = l["Style"].findIndex(function(elt) { if ("style" in config) { return elt["Title"] == config["style"]; } return elt["isDefault"]; }); if (idx < 0) { idx = 0; } const style = ( /** @type {string} */ l["Style"][idx]["Identifier"] ); const dimensions = {}; if ("Dimension" in l) { l["Dimension"].forEach(function(elt, index, array) { const key = elt["Identifier"]; let value = elt["Default"]; if (value === void 0) { value = elt["Value"][0]; } dimensions[key] = value; }); } const matrixSets = wmtsCap["Contents"]["TileMatrixSet"]; const matrixSetObj = matrixSets.find(function(elt) { return elt["Identifier"] == matrixSet; }); let projection; const code = matrixSetObj["SupportedCRS"]; if (code) { projection = get$1(code); } if ("projection" in config) { const projConfig = get$1(config["projection"]); if (projConfig) { if (!projection || equivalent(projConfig, projection)) { projection = projConfig; } } } let wrapX2 = false; const switchXY = projection.getAxisOrientation().substr(0, 2) == "ne"; let matrix = matrixSetObj.TileMatrix[0]; let selectedMatrixLimit = { MinTileCol: 0, MinTileRow: 0, // subtract one to end up at tile top left MaxTileCol: matrix.MatrixWidth - 1, MaxTileRow: matrix.MatrixHeight - 1 }; if (matrixLimits) { selectedMatrixLimit = matrixLimits[matrixLimits.length - 1]; const m = matrixSetObj.TileMatrix.find( (tileMatrixValue) => tileMatrixValue.Identifier === selectedMatrixLimit.TileMatrix || matrixSetObj.Identifier + ":" + tileMatrixValue.Identifier === selectedMatrixLimit.TileMatrix ); if (m) { matrix = m; } } const resolution = matrix.ScaleDenominator * 28e-5 / projection.getMetersPerUnit(); const origin = switchXY ? [matrix.TopLeftCorner[1], matrix.TopLeftCorner[0]] : matrix.TopLeftCorner; const tileSpanX = matrix.TileWidth * resolution; const tileSpanY = matrix.TileHeight * resolution; let matrixSetExtent = matrixSetObj["BoundingBox"]; if (matrixSetExtent && switchXY) { matrixSetExtent = [ matrixSetExtent[1], matrixSetExtent[0], matrixSetExtent[3], matrixSetExtent[2] ]; } let extent = [ origin[0] + tileSpanX * selectedMatrixLimit.MinTileCol, // add one to get proper bottom/right coordinate origin[1] - tileSpanY * (1 + selectedMatrixLimit.MaxTileRow), origin[0] + tileSpanX * (1 + selectedMatrixLimit.MaxTileCol), origin[1] - tileSpanY * selectedMatrixLimit.MinTileRow ]; if (matrixSetExtent !== void 0 && !containsExtent(matrixSetExtent, extent)) { const wgs84BoundingBox = l["WGS84BoundingBox"]; const wgs84ProjectionExtent = get$1("EPSG:4326").getExtent(); extent = matrixSetExtent; if (wgs84BoundingBox) { wrapX2 = wgs84BoundingBox[0] === wgs84ProjectionExtent[0] && wgs84BoundingBox[2] === wgs84ProjectionExtent[2]; } else { const wgs84MatrixSetExtent = transformExtent( matrixSetExtent, matrixSetObj["SupportedCRS"], "EPSG:4326" ); wrapX2 = wgs84MatrixSetExtent[0] - 1e-10 <= wgs84ProjectionExtent[0] && wgs84MatrixSetExtent[2] + 1e-10 >= wgs84ProjectionExtent[2]; } } const tileGrid = createFromCapabilitiesMatrixSet( matrixSetObj, extent, matrixLimits ); const urls = []; let requestEncoding = config["requestEncoding"]; requestEncoding = requestEncoding !== void 0 ? requestEncoding : ""; if ("OperationsMetadata" in wmtsCap && "GetTile" in wmtsCap["OperationsMetadata"]) { const gets = wmtsCap["OperationsMetadata"]["GetTile"]["DCP"]["HTTP"]["Get"]; for (let i = 0, ii = gets.length; i < ii; ++i) { if (gets[i]["Constraint"]) { const constraint = gets[i]["Constraint"].find(function(element) { return element["name"] == "GetEncoding"; }); const encodings = constraint["AllowedValues"]["Value"]; if (requestEncoding === "") { requestEncoding = encodings[0]; } if (requestEncoding === "KVP") { if (encodings.includes("KVP")) { urls.push( /** @type {string} */ gets[i]["href"] ); } } else { break; } } else if (gets[i]["href"]) { requestEncoding = "KVP"; urls.push( /** @type {string} */ gets[i]["href"] ); } } } if (urls.length === 0) { requestEncoding = "REST"; l["ResourceURL"].forEach(function(element) { if (element["resourceType"] === "tile") { format = element["format"]; urls.push( /** @type {string} */ element["template"] ); } }); } return { urls, layer: config["layer"], matrixSet, format, projection, requestEncoding, tileGrid, style, dimensions, wrapX: wrapX2, crossOrigin: config["crossOrigin"] }; } function getAllTextContent(node, normalizeWhitespace) { return getAllTextContent_(node, normalizeWhitespace, []).join(""); } function getAllTextContent_(node, normalizeWhitespace, accumulator) { if (node.nodeType == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE || node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { if (normalizeWhitespace) { accumulator.push(String(node.nodeValue).replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/g, "")); } else { accumulator.push(node.nodeValue); } } else { let n; for (n = node.firstChild; n; n = n.nextSibling) { getAllTextContent_(n, normalizeWhitespace, accumulator); } } return accumulator; } function isDocument(object) { return "documentElement" in object; } function parse$1(xml) { return new DOMParser().parseFromString(xml, "application/xml"); } function makeArrayPusher(valueReader, thisArg) { return ( /** * @param {Element} node Node. * @param {Array<*>} objectStack Object stack. */ function(node, objectStack) { const value = thisArg !== void 0 ? thisArg : this, node, objectStack ); if (value !== void 0) { const array = ( /** @type {Array<*>} */ objectStack[objectStack.length - 1] ); array.push(value); } } ); } function makeObjectPropertyPusher(valueReader, property, thisArg) { return ( /** * @param {Element} node Node. * @param {Array<*>} objectStack Object stack. */ function(node, objectStack) { const value = thisArg !== void 0 ? thisArg : this, node, objectStack ); if (value !== void 0) { const object = ( /** @type {!Object} */ objectStack[objectStack.length - 1] ); const name = property !== void 0 ? property : node.localName; let array; if (name in object) { array = object[name]; } else { array = []; object[name] = array; } array.push(value); } } ); } function makeObjectPropertySetter(valueReader, property, thisArg) { return ( /** * @param {Element} node Node. * @param {Array<*>} objectStack Object stack. */ function(node, objectStack) { const value = thisArg !== void 0 ? thisArg : this, node, objectStack ); if (value !== void 0) { const object = ( /** @type {!Object} */ objectStack[objectStack.length - 1] ); const name = property !== void 0 ? property : node.localName; object[name] = value; } } ); } function makeStructureNS(namespaceURIs, structure, structureNS) { structureNS = structureNS !== void 0 ? structureNS : {}; let i, ii; for (i = 0, ii = namespaceURIs.length; i < ii; ++i) { structureNS[namespaceURIs[i]] = structure; } return structureNS; } function parseNode(parsersNS, node, objectStack, thisArg) { let n; for (n = node.firstElementChild; n; n = n.nextElementSibling) { const parsers2 = parsersNS[n.namespaceURI]; if (parsers2 !== void 0) { const parser = parsers2[n.localName]; if (parser !== void 0) {, n, objectStack); } } } } function pushParseAndPop(object, parsersNS, node, objectStack, thisArg) { objectStack.push(object); parseNode(parsersNS, node, objectStack, thisArg); return ( /** @type {T} */ objectStack.pop() ); } class XML { /** * Read the source document. * * @param {Document|Element|string} source The XML source. * @return {Object} An object representing the source. * @api */ read(source) { if (!source) { return null; } if (typeof source === "string") { const doc = parse$1(source); return this.readFromDocument(doc); } if (isDocument(source)) { return this.readFromDocument( /** @type {Document} */ source ); } return this.readFromNode( /** @type {Element} */ source ); } /** * @param {Document} doc Document. * @return {Object} Object */ readFromDocument(doc) { for (let n = doc.firstChild; n; n = n.nextSibling) { if (n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { return this.readFromNode( /** @type {Element} */ n ); } } return null; } /** * @abstract * @param {Element} node Node. * @return {Object} Object */ readFromNode(node) { } } const XML$1 = XML; const NAMESPACE_URI = ""; function readHref(node) { return node.getAttributeNS(NAMESPACE_URI, "href"); } function readDecimal(node) { const s = getAllTextContent(node, false); return readDecimalString(s); } function readDecimalString(string) { const m = /^\s*([+\-]?\d*\.?\d+(?:e[+\-]?\d+)?)\s*$/i.exec(string); if (m) { return parseFloat(m[1]); } return void 0; } function readPositiveInteger(node) { const s = getAllTextContent(node, false); return readNonNegativeIntegerString(s); } function readNonNegativeIntegerString(string) { const m = /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/.exec(string); if (m) { return parseInt(m[1], 10); } return void 0; } function readString(node) { return getAllTextContent(node, false).trim(); } const NAMESPACE_URIS$1 = [null, ""]; const PARSERS$1 = makeStructureNS(NAMESPACE_URIS$1, { "ServiceIdentification": makeObjectPropertySetter(readServiceIdentification), "ServiceProvider": makeObjectPropertySetter(readServiceProvider), "OperationsMetadata": makeObjectPropertySetter(readOperationsMetadata) }); class OWS extends XML$1 { constructor() { super(); } /** * @param {Element} node Node. * @return {Object} Object */ readFromNode(node) { const owsObject = pushParseAndPop({}, PARSERS$1, node, []); return owsObject ? owsObject : null; } } const ADDRESS_PARSERS = makeStructureNS(NAMESPACE_URIS$1, { "DeliveryPoint": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString), "City": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString), "AdministrativeArea": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString), "PostalCode": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString), "Country": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString), "ElectronicMailAddress": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString) }); const ALLOWED_VALUES_PARSERS = makeStructureNS(NAMESPACE_URIS$1, { "Value": makeObjectPropertyPusher(readValue) }); const CONSTRAINT_PARSERS = makeStructureNS(NAMESPACE_URIS$1, { "AllowedValues": makeObjectPropertySetter(readAllowedValues) }); const CONTACT_INFO_PARSERS = makeStructureNS(NAMESPACE_URIS$1, { "Phone": makeObjectPropertySetter(readPhone), "Address": makeObjectPropertySetter(readAddress) }); const DCP_PARSERS = makeStructureNS(NAMESPACE_URIS$1, { "HTTP": makeObjectPropertySetter(readHttp) }); const HTTP_PARSERS = makeStructureNS(NAMESPACE_URIS$1, { "Get": makeObjectPropertyPusher(readGet), "Post": void 0 // TODO }); const OPERATION_PARSERS = makeStructureNS(NAMESPACE_URIS$1, { "DCP": makeObjectPropertySetter(readDcp) }); const OPERATIONS_METADATA_PARSERS = makeStructureNS(NAMESPACE_URIS$1, { "Operation": readOperation }); const PHONE_PARSERS = makeStructureNS(NAMESPACE_URIS$1, { "Voice": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString), "Facsimile": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString) }); const REQUEST_METHOD_PARSERS = makeStructureNS(NAMESPACE_URIS$1, { "Constraint": makeObjectPropertyPusher(readConstraint) }); const SERVICE_CONTACT_PARSERS = makeStructureNS(NAMESPACE_URIS$1, { "IndividualName": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString), "PositionName": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString), "ContactInfo": makeObjectPropertySetter(readContactInfo) }); const SERVICE_IDENTIFICATION_PARSERS = makeStructureNS(NAMESPACE_URIS$1, { "Abstract": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString), "AccessConstraints": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString), "Fees": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString), "Title": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString), "ServiceTypeVersion": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString), "ServiceType": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString) }); const SERVICE_PROVIDER_PARSERS = makeStructureNS(NAMESPACE_URIS$1, { "ProviderName": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString), "ProviderSite": makeObjectPropertySetter(readHref), "ServiceContact": makeObjectPropertySetter(readServiceContact) }); function readAddress(node, objectStack) { return pushParseAndPop({}, ADDRESS_PARSERS, node, objectStack); } function readAllowedValues(node, objectStack) { return pushParseAndPop({}, ALLOWED_VALUES_PARSERS, node, objectStack); } function readConstraint(node, objectStack) { const name = node.getAttribute("name"); if (!name) { return void 0; } return pushParseAndPop({ "name": name }, CONSTRAINT_PARSERS, node, objectStack); } function readContactInfo(node, objectStack) { return pushParseAndPop({}, CONTACT_INFO_PARSERS, node, objectStack); } function readDcp(node, objectStack) { return pushParseAndPop({}, DCP_PARSERS, node, objectStack); } function readGet(node, objectStack) { const href = readHref(node); if (!href) { return void 0; } return pushParseAndPop( { "href": href }, REQUEST_METHOD_PARSERS, node, objectStack ); } function readHttp(node, objectStack) { return pushParseAndPop({}, HTTP_PARSERS, node, objectStack); } function readOperation(node, objectStack) { const name = node.getAttribute("name"); const value = pushParseAndPop({}, OPERATION_PARSERS, node, objectStack); if (!value) { return void 0; } const object = ( /** @type {Object} */ objectStack[objectStack.length - 1] ); object[name] = value; } function readOperationsMetadata(node, objectStack) { return pushParseAndPop({}, OPERATIONS_METADATA_PARSERS, node, objectStack); } function readPhone(node, objectStack) { return pushParseAndPop({}, PHONE_PARSERS, node, objectStack); } function readServiceIdentification(node, objectStack) { return pushParseAndPop({}, SERVICE_IDENTIFICATION_PARSERS, node, objectStack); } function readServiceContact(node, objectStack) { return pushParseAndPop({}, SERVICE_CONTACT_PARSERS, node, objectStack); } function readServiceProvider(node, objectStack) { return pushParseAndPop({}, SERVICE_PROVIDER_PARSERS, node, objectStack); } function readValue(node, objectStack) { return readString(node); } const OWS$1 = OWS; const NAMESPACE_URIS = [null, ""]; const OWS_NAMESPACE_URIS = [null, ""]; const PARSERS = makeStructureNS(NAMESPACE_URIS, { "Contents": makeObjectPropertySetter(readContents) }); class WMTSCapabilities extends XML$1 { constructor() { super(); this.owsParser_ = new OWS$1(); } /** * @param {Element} node Node. * @return {Object} Object */ readFromNode(node) { let version = node.getAttribute("version"); if (version) { version = version.trim(); } let WMTSCapabilityObject = this.owsParser_.readFromNode(node); if (!WMTSCapabilityObject) { return null; } WMTSCapabilityObject["version"] = version; WMTSCapabilityObject = pushParseAndPop( WMTSCapabilityObject, PARSERS, node, [] ); return WMTSCapabilityObject ? WMTSCapabilityObject : null; } } const CONTENTS_PARSERS = makeStructureNS(NAMESPACE_URIS, { "Layer": makeObjectPropertyPusher(readLayer), "TileMatrixSet": makeObjectPropertyPusher(readTileMatrixSet) }); const LAYER_PARSERS = makeStructureNS( NAMESPACE_URIS, { "Style": makeObjectPropertyPusher(readStyle), "Format": makeObjectPropertyPusher(readString), "TileMatrixSetLink": makeObjectPropertyPusher(readTileMatrixSetLink), "Dimension": makeObjectPropertyPusher(readDimensions), "ResourceURL": makeObjectPropertyPusher(readResourceUrl) }, makeStructureNS(OWS_NAMESPACE_URIS, { "Title": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString), "Abstract": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString), "WGS84BoundingBox": makeObjectPropertySetter(readBoundingBox), "Identifier": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString) }) ); const STYLE_PARSERS = makeStructureNS( NAMESPACE_URIS, { "LegendURL": makeObjectPropertyPusher(readLegendUrl) }, makeStructureNS(OWS_NAMESPACE_URIS, { "Title": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString), "Identifier": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString) }) ); const TMS_LINKS_PARSERS = makeStructureNS(NAMESPACE_URIS, { "TileMatrixSet": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString), "TileMatrixSetLimits": makeObjectPropertySetter(readTileMatrixLimitsList) }); const TMS_LIMITS_LIST_PARSERS = makeStructureNS(NAMESPACE_URIS, { "TileMatrixLimits": makeArrayPusher(readTileMatrixLimits) }); const TMS_LIMITS_PARSERS = makeStructureNS(NAMESPACE_URIS, { "TileMatrix": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString), "MinTileRow": makeObjectPropertySetter(readPositiveInteger), "MaxTileRow": makeObjectPropertySetter(readPositiveInteger), "MinTileCol": makeObjectPropertySetter(readPositiveInteger), "MaxTileCol": makeObjectPropertySetter(readPositiveInteger) }); const DIMENSION_PARSERS = makeStructureNS( NAMESPACE_URIS, { "Default": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString), "Value": makeObjectPropertyPusher(readString) }, makeStructureNS(OWS_NAMESPACE_URIS, { "Identifier": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString) }) ); const WGS84_BBOX_READERS = makeStructureNS(OWS_NAMESPACE_URIS, { "LowerCorner": makeArrayPusher(readCoordinates), "UpperCorner": makeArrayPusher(readCoordinates) }); const TMS_PARSERS = makeStructureNS( NAMESPACE_URIS, { "WellKnownScaleSet": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString), "TileMatrix": makeObjectPropertyPusher(readTileMatrix) }, makeStructureNS(OWS_NAMESPACE_URIS, { "SupportedCRS": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString), "Identifier": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString), "BoundingBox": makeObjectPropertySetter(readBoundingBox) }) ); const TM_PARSERS = makeStructureNS( NAMESPACE_URIS, { "TopLeftCorner": makeObjectPropertySetter(readCoordinates), "ScaleDenominator": makeObjectPropertySetter(readDecimal), "TileWidth": makeObjectPropertySetter(readPositiveInteger), "TileHeight": makeObjectPropertySetter(readPositiveInteger), "MatrixWidth": makeObjectPropertySetter(readPositiveInteger), "MatrixHeight": makeObjectPropertySetter(readPositiveInteger) }, makeStructureNS(OWS_NAMESPACE_URIS, { "Identifier": makeObjectPropertySetter(readString) }) ); function readContents(node, objectStack) { return pushParseAndPop({}, CONTENTS_PARSERS, node, objectStack); } function readLayer(node, objectStack) { return pushParseAndPop({}, LAYER_PARSERS, node, objectStack); } function readTileMatrixSet(node, objectStack) { return pushParseAndPop({}, TMS_PARSERS, node, objectStack); } function readStyle(node, objectStack) { const style = pushParseAndPop({}, STYLE_PARSERS, node, objectStack); if (!style) { return void 0; } const isDefault = node.getAttribute("isDefault") === "true"; style["isDefault"] = isDefault; return style; } function readTileMatrixSetLink(node, objectStack) { return pushParseAndPop({}, TMS_LINKS_PARSERS, node, objectStack); } function readDimensions(node, objectStack) { return pushParseAndPop({}, DIMENSION_PARSERS, node, objectStack); } function readResourceUrl(node, objectStack) { const format = node.getAttribute("format"); const template = node.getAttribute("template"); const resourceType = node.getAttribute("resourceType"); const resource = {}; if (format) { resource["format"] = format; } if (template) { resource["template"] = template; } if (resourceType) { resource["resourceType"] = resourceType; } return resource; } function readBoundingBox(node, objectStack) { const coordinates2 = pushParseAndPop( [], WGS84_BBOX_READERS, node, objectStack ); if (coordinates2.length != 2) { return void 0; } return boundingExtent(coordinates2); } function readLegendUrl(node, objectStack) { const legend = {}; legend["format"] = node.getAttribute("format"); legend["href"] = readHref(node); return legend; } function readCoordinates(node, objectStack) { const coordinates2 = readString(node).split(/\s+/); if (!coordinates2 || coordinates2.length != 2) { return void 0; } const x = +coordinates2[0]; const y = +coordinates2[1]; if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) { return void 0; } return [x, y]; } function readTileMatrix(node, objectStack) { return pushParseAndPop({}, TM_PARSERS, node, objectStack); } function readTileMatrixLimitsList(node, objectStack) { return pushParseAndPop([], TMS_LIMITS_LIST_PARSERS, node, objectStack); } function readTileMatrixLimits(node, objectStack) { return pushParseAndPop({}, TMS_LIMITS_PARSERS, node, objectStack); } const OlFormatWmtsCapabilities = WMTSCapabilities; let numTypes = 0; const BooleanType = 1 << numTypes++; const NumberType = 1 << numTypes++; const StringType = 1 << numTypes++; const ColorType = 1 << numTypes++; const NumberArrayType = 1 << numTypes++; const AnyType = Math.pow(2, numTypes) - 1; const typeNames = { [BooleanType]: "boolean", [NumberType]: "number", [StringType]: "string", [ColorType]: "color", [NumberArrayType]: "number[]" }; const namedTypes = Object.keys(typeNames).map(Number).sort(ascending); function typeName(type) { const names = []; for (const namedType of namedTypes) { if (includesType(type, namedType)) { names.push(typeNames[namedType]); } } if (names.length === 0) { return "untyped"; } if (names.length < 3) { return names.join(" or "); } return names.slice(0, -1).join(", ") + ", or " + names[names.length - 1]; } function includesType(broad, specific) { return (broad & specific) === specific; } function overlapsType(oneType, otherType) { return !!(oneType & otherType); } class LiteralExpression { /** * @param {number} type The value type. * @param {LiteralValue} value The literal value. */ constructor(type, value) { this.type = type; this.value = value; } } class CallExpression { /** * @param {number} type The return type. * @param {string} operator The operator. * @param {...Expression} args The arguments. */ constructor(type, operator, ...args) { this.type = type; this.operator = operator; this.args = args; } } function newParsingContext() { return { variables: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), properties: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set() }; } function parse(encoded, context) { switch (typeof encoded) { case "boolean": { return new LiteralExpression(BooleanType, encoded); } case "number": { return new LiteralExpression(NumberType, encoded); } case "string": { return new LiteralExpression(StringType, encoded); } } if (!Array.isArray(encoded)) { throw new Error("Expression must be an array or a primitive value"); } if (encoded.length === 0) { throw new Error("Empty expression"); } if (typeof encoded[0] === "string") { return parseCallExpression(encoded, context); } for (const item of encoded) { if (typeof item !== "number") { throw new Error("Expected an array of numbers"); } } let type = NumberArrayType; if (encoded.length === 3 || encoded.length === 4) { type |= ColorType; } return new LiteralExpression(type, encoded); } const Ops = { Number: "number", String: "string", Get: "get", Var: "var", Any: "any", All: "all", Not: "!", Resolution: "resolution", Equal: "==", NotEqual: "!=", GreaterThan: ">", GreaterThanOrEqualTo: ">=", LessThan: "<", LessThanOrEqualTo: "<=", Multiply: "*", Divide: "/", Add: "+", Subtract: "-", Clamp: "clamp", Mod: "%", Pow: "^", Abs: "abs", Floor: "floor", Ceil: "ceil", Round: "round", Sin: "sin", Cos: "cos", Atan: "atan", Sqrt: "sqrt", Match: "match" }; const parsers = { [Ops.Number]: createParser(withArgs(1, Infinity, AnyType), NumberType), [Ops.String]: createParser(withArgs(1, Infinity, AnyType), StringType), [Ops.Get]: createParser(withGetArgs, AnyType), [Ops.Var]: createParser(withVarArgs, AnyType), [Ops.Resolution]: createParser(withNoArgs, NumberType), [Ops.Any]: createParser(withArgs(2, Infinity, BooleanType), BooleanType), [Ops.All]: createParser(withArgs(2, Infinity, BooleanType), BooleanType), [Ops.Not]: createParser(withArgs(1, 1, BooleanType), BooleanType), [Ops.Equal]: createParser(withArgs(2, 2, AnyType), BooleanType), [Ops.NotEqual]: createParser(withArgs(2, 2, AnyType), BooleanType), [Ops.GreaterThan]: createParser(withArgs(2, 2, AnyType), BooleanType), [Ops.GreaterThanOrEqualTo]: createParser( withArgs(2, 2, AnyType), BooleanType ), [Ops.LessThan]: createParser(withArgs(2, 2, AnyType), BooleanType), [Ops.LessThanOrEqualTo]: createParser(withArgs(2, 2, AnyType), BooleanType), [Ops.Multiply]: createParser(withArgs(2, Infinity, NumberType), NumberType), [Ops.Divide]: createParser(withArgs(2, 2, NumberType), NumberType), [Ops.Add]: createParser(withArgs(2, Infinity, NumberType), NumberType), [Ops.Subtract]: createParser(withArgs(2, 2, NumberType), NumberType), [Ops.Clamp]: createParser(withArgs(3, 3, NumberType), NumberType), [Ops.Mod]: createParser(withArgs(2, 2, NumberType), NumberType), [Ops.Pow]: createParser(withArgs(2, 2, NumberType), NumberType), [Ops.Abs]: createParser(withArgs(1, 1, NumberType), NumberType), [Ops.Floor]: createParser(withArgs(1, 1, NumberType), NumberType), [Ops.Ceil]: createParser(withArgs(1, 1, NumberType), NumberType), [Ops.Round]: createParser(withArgs(1, 1, NumberType), NumberType), [Ops.Sin]: createParser(withArgs(1, 1, NumberType), NumberType), [Ops.Cos]: createParser(withArgs(1, 1, NumberType), NumberType), [Ops.Atan]: createParser(withArgs(1, 2, NumberType), NumberType), [Ops.Sqrt]: createParser(withArgs(1, 1, NumberType), NumberType), [Ops.Match]: createParser( withArgs(4, Infinity, StringType | NumberType), AnyType ) }; function withGetArgs(encoded, context) { if (encoded.length !== 2) { throw new Error("Expected 1 argument for get operation"); } const arg = parse(encoded[1], context); if (!(arg instanceof LiteralExpression)) { throw new Error("Expected a literal argument for get operation"); } if (typeof arg.value !== "string") { throw new Error("Expected a string argument for get operation"); }; return [arg]; } function withVarArgs(encoded, context) { if (encoded.length !== 2) { throw new Error("Expected 1 argument for var operation"); } const arg = parse(encoded[1], context); if (!(arg instanceof LiteralExpression)) { throw new Error("Expected a literal argument for var operation"); } if (typeof arg.value !== "string") { throw new Error("Expected a string argument for get operation"); } context.variables.add(arg.value); return [arg]; } function withNoArgs(encoded, context) { const operation = encoded[0]; if (encoded.length !== 1) { throw new Error(`Expected no arguments for ${operation} operation`); } return []; } function withArgs(minArgs, maxArgs, argType) { return function(encoded, context) { const operation = encoded[0]; const argCount = encoded.length - 1; if (minArgs === maxArgs) { if (argCount !== minArgs) { const plural = minArgs === 1 ? "" : "s"; throw new Error( `Expected ${minArgs} argument${plural} for operation ${operation}, got ${argCount}` ); } } else if (argCount < minArgs || argCount > maxArgs) { throw new Error( `Expected ${minArgs} to ${maxArgs} arguments for operation ${operation}, got ${argCount}` ); } const args = new Array(argCount); for (let i = 0; i < argCount; ++i) { const expression = parse(encoded[i + 1], context); if (!overlapsType(argType, expression.type)) { const gotType = typeName(argType); const expectedType = typeName(expression.type); throw new Error( `Unexpected type for argument ${i} of ${operation} operation : got ${gotType} but expected ${expectedType}` ); } args[i] = expression; } return args; }; } function createParser(argValidator, returnType) { return function(encoded, context) { const operator = encoded[0]; const args = argValidator(encoded, context); return new CallExpression(returnType, operator, ...args); }; } function parseCallExpression(encoded, context) { const operator = encoded[0]; const parser = parsers[operator]; if (!parser) { throw new Error(`Unknown operator: ${operator}`); } return parser(encoded, context); } function newEvaluationContext() { return { variables: {}, properties: {}, resolution: NaN }; } function buildExpression(encoded, type, context) { const expression = parse(encoded, context); if (!overlapsType(type, expression.type)) { const expected = typeName(type); const actual = typeName(expression.type); throw new Error( `Expected expression to be of type ${expected}, got ${actual}` ); } return compileExpression(expression); } function compileExpression(expression, context) { if (expression instanceof LiteralExpression) { return function() { return expression.value; }; } const operator = expression.operator; switch (operator) { case Ops.Number: case Ops.String: { return compileAssertionExpression(expression); } case Ops.Get: case Ops.Var: { return compileAccessorExpression(expression); } case Ops.Resolution: { return (context2) => context2.resolution; } case Ops.Any: case Ops.All: case Ops.Not: { return compileLogicalExpression(expression); } case Ops.Equal: case Ops.NotEqual: case Ops.LessThan: case Ops.LessThanOrEqualTo: case Ops.GreaterThan: case Ops.GreaterThanOrEqualTo: { return compileComparisonExpression(expression); } case Ops.Multiply: case Ops.Divide: case Ops.Add: case Ops.Subtract: case Ops.Clamp: case Ops.Mod: case Ops.Pow: case Ops.Abs: case Ops.Floor: case Ops.Ceil: case Ops.Round: case Ops.Sin: case Ops.Cos: case Ops.Atan: case Ops.Sqrt: { return compileNumericExpression(expression); } case Ops.Match: { return compileMatchExpression(expression); } default: { throw new Error(`Unsupported operator ${operator}`); } } } function compileAssertionExpression(expression, context) { const type = expression.operator; const length = expression.args.length; const args = new Array(length); for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { args[i] = compileExpression(expression.args[i]); } switch (type) { case Ops.Number: case Ops.String: { return (context2) => { for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { const value = args[i](context2); if (typeof value === type) { return value; } } throw new Error(`Expected one of the values to be a ${type}`); }; } default: { throw new Error(`Unsupported assertion operator ${type}`); } } } function compileAccessorExpression(expression, context) { const nameExpression = expression.args[0]; if (!(nameExpression instanceof LiteralExpression)) { throw new Error("Expected literal name"); } const name = nameExpression.value; if (typeof name !== "string") { throw new Error("Expected string name"); } switch (expression.operator) { case Ops.Get: { return (context2) =>[name]; } case Ops.Var: { return (context2) => context2.variables[name]; } default: { throw new Error(`Unsupported accessor operator ${expression.operator}`); } } } function compileComparisonExpression(expression, context) { const op = expression.operator; const left = compileExpression(expression.args[0]); const right = compileExpression(expression.args[1]); switch (op) { case Ops.Equal: { return (context2) => left(context2) === right(context2); } case Ops.NotEqual: { return (context2) => left(context2) !== right(context2); } case Ops.LessThan: { return (context2) => left(context2) < right(context2); } case Ops.LessThanOrEqualTo: { return (context2) => left(context2) <= right(context2); } case Ops.GreaterThan: { return (context2) => left(context2) > right(context2); } case Ops.GreaterThanOrEqualTo: { return (context2) => left(context2) >= right(context2); } default: { throw new Error(`Unsupported comparison operator ${op}`); } } } function compileLogicalExpression(expression, context) { const op = expression.operator; const length = expression.args.length; const args = new Array(length); for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { args[i] = compileExpression(expression.args[i]); } switch (op) { case Ops.Any: { return (context2) => { for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if (args[i](context2)) { return true; } } return false; }; } case Ops.All: { return (context2) => { for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if (!args[i](context2)) { return false; } } return true; }; } case Ops.Not: { return (context2) => !args[0](context2); } default: { throw new Error(`Unsupported logical operator ${op}`); } } } function compileNumericExpression(expression, context) { const op = expression.operator; const length = expression.args.length; const args = new Array(length); for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { args[i] = compileExpression(expression.args[i]); } switch (op) { case Ops.Multiply: { return (context2) => { let value = 1; for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { value *= args[i](context2); } return value; }; } case Ops.Divide: { return (context2) => args[0](context2) / args[1](context2); } case Ops.Add: { return (context2) => { let value = 0; for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { value += args[i](context2); } return value; }; } case Ops.Subtract: { return (context2) => args[0](context2) - args[1](context2); } case Ops.Clamp: { return (context2) => { const value = args[0](context2); const min = args[1](context2); if (value < min) { return min; } const max = args[2](context2); if (value > max) { return max; } return value; }; } case Ops.Mod: { return (context2) => args[0](context2) % args[1](context2); } case Ops.Pow: { return (context2) => Math.pow(args[0](context2), args[1](context2)); } case Ops.Abs: { return (context2) => Math.abs(args[0](context2)); } case Ops.Floor: { return (context2) => Math.floor(args[0](context2)); } case Ops.Ceil: { return (context2) => Math.ceil(args[0](context2)); } case Ops.Round: { return (context2) => Math.round(args[0](context2)); } case Ops.Sin: { return (context2) => Math.sin(args[0](context2)); } case Ops.Cos: { return (context2) => Math.cos(args[0](context2)); } case Ops.Atan: { if (length === 2) { return (context2) => Math.atan2(args[0](context2), args[1](context2)); } return (context2) => Math.atan(args[0](context2)); } case Ops.Sqrt: { return (context2) => Math.sqrt(args[0](context2)); } default: { throw new Error(`Unsupported numeric operator ${op}`); } } } function compileMatchExpression(expression, context) { const length = expression.args.length; const args = new Array(length); for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { args[i] = compileExpression(expression.args[i]); } return (context2) => { const value = args[0](context2); for (let i = 1; i < length; i += 2) { if (value === args[i](context2)) { return args[i + 1](context2); } } return args[length - 1](context2); }; } function always(context) { return true; } function rulesToStyleFunction(rules) { const parsingContext = newParsingContext(); const evaluator = buildRuleSet(rules, parsingContext); const evaluationContext = newEvaluationContext(); return function(feature, resolution) { = feature.getPropertiesInternal(); evaluationContext.resolution = resolution; return evaluator(evaluationContext); }; } function flatStylesToStyleFunction(flatStyles) { const parsingContext = newParsingContext(); const length = flatStyles.length; const evaluators = new Array(length); for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { evaluators[i] = buildStyle(flatStyles[i], parsingContext); } const evaluationContext = newEvaluationContext(); const styles = new Array(length); return function(feature, resolution) { = feature.getPropertiesInternal(); evaluationContext.resolution = resolution; for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { styles[i] = evaluators[i](evaluationContext); } return styles; }; } function buildRuleSet(rules, context) { const length = rules.length; const compiledRules = new Array(length); for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { const rule = rules[i]; const filter = "filter" in rule ? buildExpression(rule.filter, BooleanType, context) : always; let styles; if (Array.isArray( { const styleLength =; styles = new Array(styleLength); for (let j = 0; j < styleLength; ++j) { styles[j] = buildStyle([j], context); } } else { styles = [buildStyle(, context)]; } compiledRules[i] = { filter, styles }; } return function(context2) { const styles = []; let someMatched = false; for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { const filterEvaluator = compiledRules[i].filter; if (!filterEvaluator(context2)) { continue; } if (rules[i].else && someMatched) { continue; } someMatched = true; for (const styleEvaluator of compiledRules[i].styles) { const style = styleEvaluator(context2); if (!style) { continue; } styles.push(style); } } return styles; }; } function buildStyle(flatStyle, context) { const evaluateFill = buildFill(flatStyle, "", context); const evaluateStroke = buildStroke(flatStyle, "", context); const evaluateText = buildText(flatStyle, context); const evaluateImage = buildImage(flatStyle, context); const evaluateZIndex = numberEvaluator(flatStyle, "z-index", context); const style = new Style(); return function(context2) { let empty = true; if (evaluateFill) { const fill = evaluateFill(context2); if (fill) { empty = false; } style.setFill(fill); } if (evaluateStroke) { const stroke = evaluateStroke(context2); if (stroke) { empty = false; } style.setStroke(stroke); } if (evaluateText) { const text = evaluateText(context2); if (text) { empty = false; } style.setText(text); } if (evaluateImage) { const image = evaluateImage(context2); if (image) { empty = false; } style.setImage(image); } if (evaluateZIndex) { style.setZIndex(evaluateZIndex(context2)); } if (empty) { return null; } return style; }; } function buildFill(flatStyle, prefix, context) { const evaluateColor = colorLikeEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "fill-color", context ); if (!evaluateColor) { return null; } const fill = new Fill$1(); return function(context2) { const color = evaluateColor(context2); if (color === "none") { return null; } fill.setColor(color); return fill; }; } function buildStroke(flatStyle, prefix, context) { const evaluateWidth = numberEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "stroke-width", context ); const evaluateColor = colorLikeEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "stroke-color", context ); if (!evaluateWidth && !evaluateColor) { return null; } const evaluateLineCap = stringEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "stroke-line-cap", context ); const evaluateLineJoin = stringEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "stroke-line-join", context ); const evaluateLineDash = numberArrayEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "stroke-line-dash", context ); const evaluateLineDashOffset = numberEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "stroke-line-dash-offset", context ); const evaluateMiterLimit = numberEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "stroke-miter-limit", context ); const stroke = new OlStroke(); return function(context2) { if (evaluateColor) { const color = evaluateColor(context2); if (color === "none") { return null; } stroke.setColor(color); } if (evaluateWidth) { stroke.setWidth(evaluateWidth(context2)); } if (evaluateLineCap) { const lineCap = evaluateLineCap(context2); if (lineCap !== "butt" && lineCap !== "round" && lineCap !== "square") { throw new Error("Expected butt, round, or square line cap"); } stroke.setLineCap(lineCap); } if (evaluateLineJoin) { const lineJoin = evaluateLineJoin(context2); if (lineJoin !== "bevel" && lineJoin !== "round" && lineJoin !== "miter") { throw new Error("Expected bevel, round, or miter line join"); } stroke.setLineJoin(lineJoin); } if (evaluateLineDash) { stroke.setLineDash(evaluateLineDash(context2)); } if (evaluateLineDashOffset) { stroke.setLineDashOffset(evaluateLineDashOffset(context2)); } if (evaluateMiterLimit) { stroke.setMiterLimit(evaluateMiterLimit(context2)); } return stroke; }; } function buildText(flatStyle, context) { const prefix = "text-"; const evaluateValue = stringEvaluator(flatStyle, prefix + "value", context); if (!evaluateValue) { return null; } const evaluateFill = buildFill(flatStyle, prefix, context); const evaluateBackgroundFill = buildFill( flatStyle, prefix + "background-", context ); const evaluateStroke = buildStroke(flatStyle, prefix, context); const evaluateBackgroundStroke = buildStroke( flatStyle, prefix + "background-", context ); const evaluateFont = stringEvaluator(flatStyle, prefix + "font", context); const evaluateMaxAngle = numberEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "max-angle", context ); const evaluateOffsetX = numberEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "offset-x", context ); const evaluateOffsetY = numberEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "offset-y", context ); const evaluateOverflow = booleanEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "overflow", context ); const evaluatePlacement = stringEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "placement", context ); const evaluateRepeat = numberEvaluator(flatStyle, prefix + "repeat", context); const evaluateScale = sizeLikeEvaluator(flatStyle, prefix + "scale", context); const evaluateRotateWithView = booleanEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "rotate-with-view", context ); const evaluateRotation = numberEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "rotation", context ); const evaluateAlign = stringEvaluator(flatStyle, prefix + "align", context); const evaluateJustify = stringEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "justify", context ); const evaluateBaseline = stringEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "baseline", context ); const evaluatePadding = numberArrayEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "padding", context ); const text = new OlText({}); return function(context2) { text.setText(evaluateValue(context2)); if (evaluateFill) { text.setFill(evaluateFill(context2)); } if (evaluateBackgroundFill) { text.setBackgroundFill(evaluateBackgroundFill(context2)); } if (evaluateStroke) { text.setStroke(evaluateStroke(context2)); } if (evaluateBackgroundStroke) { text.setBackgroundStroke(evaluateBackgroundStroke(context2)); } if (evaluateFont) { text.setFont(evaluateFont(context2)); } if (evaluateMaxAngle) { text.setMaxAngle(evaluateMaxAngle(context2)); } if (evaluateOffsetX) { text.setOffsetX(evaluateOffsetX(context2)); } if (evaluateOffsetY) { text.setOffsetY(evaluateOffsetY(context2)); } if (evaluateOverflow) { text.setOverflow(evaluateOverflow(context2)); } if (evaluatePlacement) { const placement = evaluatePlacement(context2); if (placement !== "point" && placement !== "line") { throw new Error("Expected point or line for text-placement"); } text.setPlacement(placement); } if (evaluateRepeat) { text.setRepeat(evaluateRepeat(context2)); } if (evaluateScale) { text.setScale(evaluateScale(context2)); } if (evaluateRotateWithView) { text.setRotateWithView(evaluateRotateWithView(context2)); } if (evaluateRotation) { text.setRotation(evaluateRotation(context2)); } if (evaluateAlign) { const textAlign = evaluateAlign(context2); if (textAlign !== "left" && textAlign !== "center" && textAlign !== "right" && textAlign !== "end" && textAlign !== "start") { throw new Error( "Expected left, right, center, start, or end for text-align" ); } text.setTextAlign(textAlign); } if (evaluateJustify) { const justify = evaluateJustify(context2); if (justify !== "left" && justify !== "right" && justify !== "center") { throw new Error("Expected left, right, or center for text-justify"); } text.setJustify(justify); } if (evaluateBaseline) { const textBaseline = evaluateBaseline(context2); if (textBaseline !== "bottom" && textBaseline !== "top" && textBaseline !== "middle" && textBaseline !== "alphabetic" && textBaseline !== "hanging") { throw new Error( "Expected bottom, top, middle, alphabetic, or hanging for text-baseline" ); } text.setTextBaseline(textBaseline); } if (evaluatePadding) { text.setPadding(evaluatePadding(context2)); } return text; }; } function buildImage(flatStyle, context) { if ("icon-src" in flatStyle) { return buildIcon(flatStyle, context); } if ("shape-points" in flatStyle) { return buildShape(flatStyle, context); } if ("circle-radius" in flatStyle) { return buildCircle(flatStyle, context); } return null; } function buildIcon(flatStyle, context) { const prefix = "icon-"; const srcName = prefix + "src"; const src = requireString(flatStyle[srcName], srcName); const evaluateAnchor = coordinateEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "anchor", context ); const evaluateScale = sizeLikeEvaluator(flatStyle, prefix + "scale", context); const evaluateOpacity = numberEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "opacity", context ); const evaluateDisplacement = coordinateEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "displacement", context ); const evaluateRotation = numberEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "rotation", context ); const evaluateRotateWithView = booleanEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "rotate-with-view", context ); const anchorOrigin = optionalIconOrigin(flatStyle, prefix + "anchor-origin"); const anchorXUnits = optionalIconAnchorUnits( flatStyle, prefix + "anchor-x-units" ); const anchorYUnits = optionalIconAnchorUnits( flatStyle, prefix + "anchor-y-units" ); const color = optionalColorLike(flatStyle, prefix + "color"); const crossOrigin = optionalString(flatStyle, prefix + "cross-origin"); const offset = optionalNumberArray(flatStyle, prefix + "offset"); const offsetOrigin = optionalIconOrigin(flatStyle, prefix + "offset-origin"); const width = optionalNumber(flatStyle, prefix + "width"); const height = optionalNumber(flatStyle, prefix + "height"); const size = optionalSize(flatStyle, prefix + "size"); const declutterMode = optionalDeclutterMode(flatStyle, prefix + "declutter"); const icon = new OlIcon({ src, anchorOrigin, anchorXUnits, anchorYUnits, color, crossOrigin, offset, offsetOrigin, height, width, size, declutterMode }); return function(context2) { if (evaluateOpacity) { icon.setOpacity(evaluateOpacity(context2)); } if (evaluateDisplacement) { icon.setDisplacement(evaluateDisplacement(context2)); } if (evaluateRotation) { icon.setRotation(evaluateRotation(context2)); } if (evaluateRotateWithView) { icon.setRotateWithView(evaluateRotateWithView(context2)); } if (evaluateScale) { icon.setScale(evaluateScale(context2)); } if (evaluateAnchor) { icon.setAnchor(evaluateAnchor(context2)); } return icon; }; } function buildShape(flatStyle, context) { const prefix = "shape-"; const pointsName = prefix + "points"; const points = requireNumber(flatStyle[pointsName], pointsName); const evaluateFill = buildFill(flatStyle, prefix, context); const evaluateStroke = buildStroke(flatStyle, prefix, context); const evaluateScale = sizeLikeEvaluator(flatStyle, prefix + "scale", context); const evaluateDisplacement = coordinateEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "displacement", context ); const evaluateRotation = numberEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "rotation", context ); const evaluateRotateWithView = booleanEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "rotate-with-view", context ); const radius = optionalNumber(flatStyle, prefix + "radius"); const radius1 = optionalNumber(flatStyle, prefix + "radius1"); const radius2 = optionalNumber(flatStyle, prefix + "radius2"); const angle = optionalNumber(flatStyle, prefix + "angle"); const declutterMode = optionalDeclutterMode( flatStyle, prefix + "declutter-mode" ); const shape = new RegularShape$1({ points, radius, radius1, radius2, angle, declutterMode }); return function(context2) { if (evaluateFill) { shape.setFill(evaluateFill(context2)); } if (evaluateStroke) { shape.setStroke(evaluateStroke(context2)); } if (evaluateDisplacement) { shape.setDisplacement(evaluateDisplacement(context2)); } if (evaluateRotation) { shape.setRotation(evaluateRotation(context2)); } if (evaluateRotateWithView) { shape.setRotateWithView(evaluateRotateWithView(context2)); } if (evaluateScale) { shape.setScale(evaluateScale(context2)); } return shape; }; } function buildCircle(flatStyle, context) { const prefix = "circle-"; const evaluateFill = buildFill(flatStyle, prefix, context); const evaluateStroke = buildStroke(flatStyle, prefix, context); const evaluateRadius = numberEvaluator(flatStyle, prefix + "radius", context); const evaluateScale = sizeLikeEvaluator(flatStyle, prefix + "scale", context); const evaluateDisplacement = coordinateEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "displacement", context ); const evaluateRotation = numberEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "rotation", context ); const evaluateRotateWithView = booleanEvaluator( flatStyle, prefix + "rotate-with-view", context ); const declutterMode = optionalDeclutterMode( flatStyle, prefix + "declutter-mode" ); const circle = new Circle({ radius: 5, // this is arbitrary, but required - the evaluated radius is used below declutterMode }); return function(context2) { if (evaluateRadius) { circle.setRadius(evaluateRadius(context2)); } if (evaluateFill) { circle.setFill(evaluateFill(context2)); } if (evaluateStroke) { circle.setStroke(evaluateStroke(context2)); } if (evaluateDisplacement) { circle.setDisplacement(evaluateDisplacement(context2)); } if (evaluateRotation) { circle.setRotation(evaluateRotation(context2)); } if (evaluateRotateWithView) { circle.setRotateWithView(evaluateRotateWithView(context2)); } if (evaluateScale) { circle.setScale(evaluateScale(context2)); } return circle; }; } function numberEvaluator(flatStyle, name, context) { if (!(name in flatStyle)) { return void 0; } const evaluator = buildExpression(flatStyle[name], NumberType, context); return function(context2) { return requireNumber(evaluator(context2), name); }; } function stringEvaluator(flatStyle, name, context) { if (!(name in flatStyle)) { return null; } const evaluator = buildExpression(flatStyle[name], StringType, context); return function(context2) { return requireString(evaluator(context2), name); }; } function booleanEvaluator(flatStyle, name, context) { if (!(name in flatStyle)) { return null; } const evaluator = buildExpression(flatStyle[name], BooleanType, context); return function(context2) { const value = evaluator(context2); if (typeof value !== "boolean") { throw new Error(`Expected a boolean for ${name}`); } return value; }; } function colorLikeEvaluator(flatStyle, name, context) { if (!(name in flatStyle)) { return null; } const evaluator = buildExpression( flatStyle[name], ColorType | StringType, context ); return function(context2) { return requireColorLike(evaluator(context2), name); }; } function numberArrayEvaluator(flatStyle, name, context) { if (!(name in flatStyle)) { return null; } const evaluator = buildExpression(flatStyle[name], NumberArrayType, context); return function(context2) { return requireNumberArray(evaluator(context2), name); }; } function coordinateEvaluator(flatStyle, name, context) { if (!(name in flatStyle)) { return null; } const evaluator = buildExpression(flatStyle[name], NumberArrayType, context); return function(context2) { const array = requireNumberArray(evaluator(context2), name); if (array.length !== 2) { throw new Error(`Expected two numbers for ${name}`); } return array; }; } function sizeLikeEvaluator(flatStyle, name, context) { if (!(name in flatStyle)) { return null; } const evaluator = buildExpression( flatStyle[name], NumberArrayType | NumberType, context ); return function(context2) { return requireSizeLike(evaluator(context2), name); }; } function optionalNumber(flatStyle, property) { const value = flatStyle[property]; if (value === void 0) { return void 0; } if (typeof value !== "number") { throw new Error(`Expected a number for ${property}`); } return value; } function optionalSize(flatStyle, property) { const encoded = flatStyle[property]; if (encoded === void 0) { return void 0; } if (typeof encoded === "number") { return toSize(encoded); } if (!Array.isArray(encoded)) { throw new Error(`Expected a number or size array for ${property}`); } if (encoded.length !== 2 || typeof encoded[0] !== "number" || typeof encoded[1] !== "number") { throw new Error(`Expected a number or size array for ${property}`); } return encoded; } function optionalString(flatStyle, property) { const encoded = flatStyle[property]; if (encoded === void 0) { return void 0; } if (typeof encoded !== "string") { throw new Error(`Expected a string for ${property}`); } return encoded; } function optionalIconOrigin(flatStyle, property) { const encoded = flatStyle[property]; if (encoded === void 0) { return void 0; } if (encoded !== "bottom-left" && encoded !== "bottom-right" && encoded !== "top-left" && encoded !== "top-right") { throw new Error( `Expected bottom-left, bottom-right, top-left, or top-right for ${property}` ); } return encoded; } function optionalIconAnchorUnits(flatStyle, property) { const encoded = flatStyle[property]; if (encoded === void 0) { return void 0; } if (encoded !== "pixels" && encoded !== "fraction") { throw new Error(`Expected pixels or fraction for ${property}`); } return encoded; } function optionalNumberArray(flatStyle, property) { const encoded = flatStyle[property]; if (encoded === void 0) { return void 0; } return requireNumberArray(encoded, property); } function optionalDeclutterMode(flatStyle, property) { const encoded = flatStyle[property]; if (encoded === void 0) { return void 0; } if (typeof encoded !== "string") { throw new Error(`Expected a string for ${property}`); } if (encoded !== "declutter" && encoded !== "obstacle" && encoded !== "none") { throw new Error(`Expected declutter, obstacle, or none for ${property}`); } return encoded; } function optionalColorLike(flatStyle, property) { const encoded = flatStyle[property]; if (encoded === void 0) { return void 0; } return requireColorLike(encoded, property); } function requireNumberArray(value, property) { if (!Array.isArray(value)) { throw new Error(`Expected an array for ${property}`); } const length = value.length; for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if (typeof value[i] !== "number") { throw new Error(`Expected an array of numbers for ${property}`); } } return value; } function requireString(value, property) { if (typeof value !== "string") { throw new Error(`Expected a string for ${property}`); } return value; } function requireNumber(value, property) { if (typeof value !== "number") { throw new Error(`Expected a number for ${property}`); } return value; } function requireColorLike(value, property) { if (typeof value === "string") { return value; } const array = requireNumberArray(value, property); const length = array.length; if (length < 3 || length > 4) { throw new Error(`Expected a color with 3 or 4 values for ${property}`); } return array; } function requireSizeLike(value, property) { if (typeof value === "number") { return value; } const size = requireNumberArray(value, property); if (size.length !== 2) { throw new Error(`Expected an array of two numbers for ${property}`); } return size; } const Property = { RENDER_ORDER: "renderOrder" }; class BaseVectorLayer extends Layer$1 { /** * @param {Options} [options] Options. */ constructor(options) { options = options ? options : {}; const baseOptions = Object.assign({}, options); delete; delete baseOptions.renderBuffer; delete baseOptions.updateWhileAnimating; delete baseOptions.updateWhileInteracting; super(baseOptions); this.declutter_ = options.declutter !== void 0 ? options.declutter : false; this.renderBuffer_ = options.renderBuffer !== void 0 ? options.renderBuffer : 100; this.style_ = null; this.styleFunction_ = void 0; this.setStyle(; this.updateWhileAnimating_ = options.updateWhileAnimating !== void 0 ? options.updateWhileAnimating : false; this.updateWhileInteracting_ = options.updateWhileInteracting !== void 0 ? options.updateWhileInteracting : false; } /** * @return {boolean} Declutter. */ getDeclutter() { return this.declutter_; } /** * Get the topmost feature that intersects the given pixel on the viewport. Returns a promise * that resolves with an array of features. The array will either contain the topmost feature * when a hit was detected, or it will be empty. * * The hit detection algorithm used for this method is optimized for performance, but is less * accurate than the one used in [map.getFeaturesAtPixel()]{@link import("../Map.js").default#getFeaturesAtPixel}. * Text is not considered, and icons are only represented by their bounding box instead of the exact * image. * * @param {import("../pixel.js").Pixel} pixel Pixel. * @return {Promise>} Promise that resolves with an array of features. * @api */ getFeatures(pixel) { return super.getFeatures(pixel); } /** * @return {number|undefined} Render buffer. */ getRenderBuffer() { return this.renderBuffer_; } /** * @return {function(import("../Feature.js").default, import("../Feature.js").default): number|null|undefined} Render * order. */ getRenderOrder() { return ( /** @type {import("../render.js").OrderFunction|null|undefined} */ this.get(Property.RENDER_ORDER) ); } /** * Get the style for features. This returns whatever was passed to the `style` * option at construction or to the `setStyle` method. * @return {import("../style/Style.js").StyleLike|null|undefined} Layer style. * @api */ getStyle() { return this.style_; } /** * Get the style function. * @return {import("../style/Style.js").StyleFunction|undefined} Layer style function. * @api */ getStyleFunction() { return this.styleFunction_; } /** * @return {boolean} Whether the rendered layer should be updated while * animating. */ getUpdateWhileAnimating() { return this.updateWhileAnimating_; } /** * @return {boolean} Whether the rendered layer should be updated while * interacting. */ getUpdateWhileInteracting() { return this.updateWhileInteracting_; } /** * Render declutter items for this layer * @param {import("../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. */ renderDeclutter(frameState) { if (!frameState.declutterTree) { frameState.declutterTree = new RBush$2(9); } this.getRenderer().renderDeclutter(frameState); } /** * @param {import("../render.js").OrderFunction|null|undefined} renderOrder * Render order. */ setRenderOrder(renderOrder) { this.set(Property.RENDER_ORDER, renderOrder); } /** * Set the style for features. This can be a single style object, an array * of styles, or a function that takes a feature and resolution and returns * an array of styles. If set to `null`, the layer has no style (a `null` style), * so only features that have their own styles will be rendered in the layer. Call * `setStyle()` without arguments to reset to the default style. See * [the ol/style/Style module]{@link module:ol/style/Style~Style} for information on the default style. * * If your layer has a static style, you can use [flat style]{@link module:ol/style/flat~FlatStyle} object * literals instead of using the `Style` and symbolizer constructors (`Fill`, `Stroke`, etc.): * ```js * vectorLayer.setStyle({ * "fill-color": "yellow", * "stroke-color": "black", * "stroke-width": 4 * }) * ``` * * @param {import("../style/Style.js").StyleLike|import("../style/flat.js").FlatStyleLike|null} [style] Layer style. * @api */ setStyle(style) { this.style_ = toStyleLike(style); this.styleFunction_ = style === null ? void 0 : toFunction(this.style_); this.changed(); } } function toStyleLike(style) { if (style === void 0) { return createDefaultStyle; } if (!style) { return null; } if (typeof style === "function") { return style; } if (style instanceof Style) { return style; } if (!Array.isArray(style)) { return flatStylesToStyleFunction([style]); } if (style.length === 0) { return []; } const length = style.length; const first = style[0]; if (first instanceof Style) { const styles = new Array(length); for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { const candidate = style[i]; if (!(candidate instanceof Style)) { throw new Error("Expected a list of style instances"); } styles[i] = candidate; } return styles; } if ("style" in first) { const rules = new Array(length); for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { const candidate = style[i]; if (!("style" in candidate)) { throw new Error("Expected a list of rules with a style property"); } rules[i] = candidate; } return rulesToStyleFunction(rules); } const flatStyles = ( /** @type {Array} */ style ); return flatStylesToStyleFunction(flatStyles); } const BaseVectorLayer$1 = BaseVectorLayer; const Instruction = { BEGIN_GEOMETRY: 0, BEGIN_PATH: 1, CIRCLE: 2, CLOSE_PATH: 3, CUSTOM: 4, DRAW_CHARS: 5, DRAW_IMAGE: 6, END_GEOMETRY: 7, FILL: 8, MOVE_TO_LINE_TO: 9, SET_FILL_STYLE: 10, SET_STROKE_STYLE: 11, STROKE: 12 }; const fillInstruction = [Instruction.FILL]; const strokeInstruction = [Instruction.STROKE]; const beginPathInstruction = [Instruction.BEGIN_PATH]; const closePathInstruction = [Instruction.CLOSE_PATH]; const CanvasInstruction = Instruction; class VectorContext { /** * Render a geometry with a custom renderer. * * @param {import("../geom/SimpleGeometry.js").default} geometry Geometry. * @param {import("../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. * @param {Function} renderer Renderer. * @param {Function} hitDetectionRenderer Renderer. */ drawCustom(geometry, feature, renderer, hitDetectionRenderer) { } /** * Render a geometry. * * @param {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} geometry The geometry to render. */ drawGeometry(geometry) { } /** * Set the rendering style. * * @param {import("../style/Style.js").default} style The rendering style. */ setStyle(style) { } /** * @param {import("../geom/Circle.js").default} circleGeometry Circle geometry. * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature Feature. */ drawCircle(circleGeometry, feature) { } /** * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature Feature. * @param {import("../style/Style.js").default} style Style. */ drawFeature(feature, style) { } /** * @param {import("../geom/GeometryCollection.js").default} geometryCollectionGeometry Geometry collection. * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature Feature. */ drawGeometryCollection(geometryCollectionGeometry, feature) { } /** * @param {import("../geom/LineString.js").default|import("./Feature.js").default} lineStringGeometry Line string geometry. * @param {import("../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. */ drawLineString(lineStringGeometry, feature) { } /** * @param {import("../geom/MultiLineString.js").default|import("./Feature.js").default} multiLineStringGeometry MultiLineString geometry. * @param {import("../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. */ drawMultiLineString(multiLineStringGeometry, feature) { } /** * @param {import("../geom/MultiPoint.js").default|import("./Feature.js").default} multiPointGeometry MultiPoint geometry. * @param {import("../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. */ drawMultiPoint(multiPointGeometry, feature) { } /** * @param {import("../geom/MultiPolygon.js").default} multiPolygonGeometry MultiPolygon geometry. * @param {import("../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. */ drawMultiPolygon(multiPolygonGeometry, feature) { } /** * @param {import("../geom/Point.js").default|import("./Feature.js").default} pointGeometry Point geometry. * @param {import("../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. */ drawPoint(pointGeometry, feature) { } /** * @param {import("../geom/Polygon.js").default|import("./Feature.js").default} polygonGeometry Polygon geometry. * @param {import("../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. */ drawPolygon(polygonGeometry, feature) { } /** * @param {import("../geom/SimpleGeometry.js").default|import("./Feature.js").default} geometry Geometry. * @param {import("../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. */ drawText(geometry, feature) { } /** * @param {import("../style/Fill.js").default} fillStyle Fill style. * @param {import("../style/Stroke.js").default} strokeStyle Stroke style. */ setFillStrokeStyle(fillStyle, strokeStyle) { } /** * @param {import("../style/Image.js").default} imageStyle Image style. * @param {import("../render/canvas.js").DeclutterImageWithText} [declutterImageWithText] Shared data for combined decluttering with a text style. */ setImageStyle(imageStyle, declutterImageWithText) { } /** * @param {import("../style/Text.js").default} textStyle Text style. * @param {import("../render/canvas.js").DeclutterImageWithText} [declutterImageWithText] Shared data for combined decluttering with an image style. */ setTextStyle(textStyle, declutterImageWithText) { } } const VectorContext$1 = VectorContext; class CanvasBuilder extends VectorContext$1 { /** * @param {number} tolerance Tolerance. * @param {import("../../extent.js").Extent} maxExtent Maximum extent. * @param {number} resolution Resolution. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. */ constructor(tolerance, maxExtent, resolution, pixelRatio) { super(); this.tolerance = tolerance; this.maxExtent = maxExtent; this.pixelRatio = pixelRatio; this.maxLineWidth = 0; this.resolution = resolution; this.beginGeometryInstruction1_ = null; this.beginGeometryInstruction2_ = null; this.bufferedMaxExtent_ = null; this.instructions = []; this.coordinates = []; this.tmpCoordinate_ = []; this.hitDetectionInstructions = []; this.state = /** @type {import("../canvas.js").FillStrokeState} */ {}; } /** * @protected * @param {Array} dashArray Dash array. * @return {Array} Dash array with pixel ratio applied */ applyPixelRatio(dashArray) { const pixelRatio = this.pixelRatio; return pixelRatio == 1 ? dashArray : { return dash * pixelRatio; }); } /** * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates. * @param {number} stride Stride. * @protected * @return {number} My end */ appendFlatPointCoordinates(flatCoordinates, stride) { const extent = this.getBufferedMaxExtent(); const tmpCoord = this.tmpCoordinate_; const coordinates2 = this.coordinates; let myEnd = coordinates2.length; for (let i = 0, ii = flatCoordinates.length; i < ii; i += stride) { tmpCoord[0] = flatCoordinates[i]; tmpCoord[1] = flatCoordinates[i + 1]; if (containsCoordinate(extent, tmpCoord)) { coordinates2[myEnd++] = tmpCoord[0]; coordinates2[myEnd++] = tmpCoord[1]; } } return myEnd; } /** * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates. * @param {number} offset Offset. * @param {number} end End. * @param {number} stride Stride. * @param {boolean} closed Last input coordinate equals first. * @param {boolean} skipFirst Skip first coordinate. * @protected * @return {number} My end. */ appendFlatLineCoordinates(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, closed, skipFirst) { const coordinates2 = this.coordinates; let myEnd = coordinates2.length; const extent = this.getBufferedMaxExtent(); if (skipFirst) { offset += stride; } let lastXCoord = flatCoordinates[offset]; let lastYCoord = flatCoordinates[offset + 1]; const nextCoord = this.tmpCoordinate_; let skipped = true; let i, lastRel, nextRel; for (i = offset + stride; i < end; i += stride) { nextCoord[0] = flatCoordinates[i]; nextCoord[1] = flatCoordinates[i + 1]; nextRel = coordinateRelationship(extent, nextCoord); if (nextRel !== lastRel) { if (skipped) { coordinates2[myEnd++] = lastXCoord; coordinates2[myEnd++] = lastYCoord; skipped = false; } coordinates2[myEnd++] = nextCoord[0]; coordinates2[myEnd++] = nextCoord[1]; } else if (nextRel === Relationship.INTERSECTING) { coordinates2[myEnd++] = nextCoord[0]; coordinates2[myEnd++] = nextCoord[1]; skipped = false; } else { skipped = true; } lastXCoord = nextCoord[0]; lastYCoord = nextCoord[1]; lastRel = nextRel; } if (closed && skipped || i === offset + stride) { coordinates2[myEnd++] = lastXCoord; coordinates2[myEnd++] = lastYCoord; } return myEnd; } /** * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates. * @param {number} offset Offset. * @param {Array} ends Ends. * @param {number} stride Stride. * @param {Array} builderEnds Builder ends. * @return {number} Offset. */ drawCustomCoordinates_(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride, builderEnds) { for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) { const end = ends[i]; const builderEnd = this.appendFlatLineCoordinates( flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, false, false ); builderEnds.push(builderEnd); offset = end; } return offset; } /** * @param {import("../../geom/SimpleGeometry.js").default} geometry Geometry. * @param {import("../../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. * @param {Function} renderer Renderer. * @param {Function} hitDetectionRenderer Renderer. */ drawCustom(geometry, feature, renderer, hitDetectionRenderer) { this.beginGeometry(geometry, feature); const type = geometry.getType(); const stride = geometry.getStride(); const builderBegin = this.coordinates.length; let flatCoordinates, builderEnd, builderEnds, builderEndss; let offset; switch (type) { case "MultiPolygon": flatCoordinates = /** @type {import("../../geom/MultiPolygon.js").default} */ geometry.getOrientedFlatCoordinates(); builderEndss = []; const endss = ( /** @type {import("../../geom/MultiPolygon.js").default} */ geometry.getEndss() ); offset = 0; for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) { const myEnds = []; offset = this.drawCustomCoordinates_( flatCoordinates, offset, endss[i], stride, myEnds ); builderEndss.push(myEnds); } this.instructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.CUSTOM, builderBegin, builderEndss, geometry, renderer, inflateMultiCoordinatesArray ]); this.hitDetectionInstructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.CUSTOM, builderBegin, builderEndss, geometry, hitDetectionRenderer || renderer, inflateMultiCoordinatesArray ]); break; case "Polygon": case "MultiLineString": builderEnds = []; flatCoordinates = type == "Polygon" ? ( /** @type {import("../../geom/Polygon.js").default} */ geometry.getOrientedFlatCoordinates() ) : geometry.getFlatCoordinates(); offset = this.drawCustomCoordinates_( flatCoordinates, 0, /** @type {import("../../geom/Polygon.js").default|import("../../geom/MultiLineString.js").default} */ geometry.getEnds(), stride, builderEnds ); this.instructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.CUSTOM, builderBegin, builderEnds, geometry, renderer, inflateCoordinatesArray ]); this.hitDetectionInstructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.CUSTOM, builderBegin, builderEnds, geometry, hitDetectionRenderer || renderer, inflateCoordinatesArray ]); break; case "LineString": case "Circle": flatCoordinates = geometry.getFlatCoordinates(); builderEnd = this.appendFlatLineCoordinates( flatCoordinates, 0, flatCoordinates.length, stride, false, false ); this.instructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.CUSTOM, builderBegin, builderEnd, geometry, renderer, inflateCoordinates ]); this.hitDetectionInstructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.CUSTOM, builderBegin, builderEnd, geometry, hitDetectionRenderer || renderer, inflateCoordinates ]); break; case "MultiPoint": flatCoordinates = geometry.getFlatCoordinates(); builderEnd = this.appendFlatPointCoordinates(flatCoordinates, stride); if (builderEnd > builderBegin) { this.instructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.CUSTOM, builderBegin, builderEnd, geometry, renderer, inflateCoordinates ]); this.hitDetectionInstructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.CUSTOM, builderBegin, builderEnd, geometry, hitDetectionRenderer || renderer, inflateCoordinates ]); } break; case "Point": flatCoordinates = geometry.getFlatCoordinates(); this.coordinates.push(flatCoordinates[0], flatCoordinates[1]); builderEnd = this.coordinates.length; this.instructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.CUSTOM, builderBegin, builderEnd, geometry, renderer ]); this.hitDetectionInstructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.CUSTOM, builderBegin, builderEnd, geometry, hitDetectionRenderer || renderer ]); break; } this.endGeometry(feature); } /** * @protected * @param {import("../../geom/Geometry").default|import("../Feature.js").default} geometry The geometry. * @param {import("../../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. */ beginGeometry(geometry, feature) { this.beginGeometryInstruction1_ = [ CanvasInstruction.BEGIN_GEOMETRY, feature, 0, geometry ]; this.instructions.push(this.beginGeometryInstruction1_); this.beginGeometryInstruction2_ = [ CanvasInstruction.BEGIN_GEOMETRY, feature, 0, geometry ]; this.hitDetectionInstructions.push(this.beginGeometryInstruction2_); } /** * @return {import("../canvas.js").SerializableInstructions} the serializable instructions. */ finish() { return { instructions: this.instructions, hitDetectionInstructions: this.hitDetectionInstructions, coordinates: this.coordinates }; } /** * Reverse the hit detection instructions. */ reverseHitDetectionInstructions() { const hitDetectionInstructions = this.hitDetectionInstructions; hitDetectionInstructions.reverse(); let i; const n = hitDetectionInstructions.length; let instruction; let type; let begin = -1; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { instruction = hitDetectionInstructions[i]; type = /** @type {import("./Instruction.js").default} */ instruction[0]; if (type == CanvasInstruction.END_GEOMETRY) { begin = i; } else if (type == CanvasInstruction.BEGIN_GEOMETRY) { instruction[2] = i; reverseSubArray(this.hitDetectionInstructions, begin, i); begin = -1; } } } /** * @param {import("../../style/Fill.js").default} fillStyle Fill style. * @param {import("../../style/Stroke.js").default} strokeStyle Stroke style. */ setFillStrokeStyle(fillStyle, strokeStyle) { const state = this.state; if (fillStyle) { const fillStyleColor = fillStyle.getColor(); state.fillStyle = asColorLike( fillStyleColor ? fillStyleColor : defaultFillStyle ); } else { state.fillStyle = void 0; } if (strokeStyle) { const strokeStyleColor = strokeStyle.getColor(); state.strokeStyle = asColorLike( strokeStyleColor ? strokeStyleColor : defaultStrokeStyle ); const strokeStyleLineCap = strokeStyle.getLineCap(); state.lineCap = strokeStyleLineCap !== void 0 ? strokeStyleLineCap : defaultLineCap; const strokeStyleLineDash = strokeStyle.getLineDash(); state.lineDash = strokeStyleLineDash ? strokeStyleLineDash.slice() : defaultLineDash; const strokeStyleLineDashOffset = strokeStyle.getLineDashOffset(); state.lineDashOffset = strokeStyleLineDashOffset ? strokeStyleLineDashOffset : defaultLineDashOffset; const strokeStyleLineJoin = strokeStyle.getLineJoin(); state.lineJoin = strokeStyleLineJoin !== void 0 ? strokeStyleLineJoin : defaultLineJoin; const strokeStyleWidth = strokeStyle.getWidth(); state.lineWidth = strokeStyleWidth !== void 0 ? strokeStyleWidth : defaultLineWidth; const strokeStyleMiterLimit = strokeStyle.getMiterLimit(); state.miterLimit = strokeStyleMiterLimit !== void 0 ? strokeStyleMiterLimit : defaultMiterLimit; if (state.lineWidth > this.maxLineWidth) { this.maxLineWidth = state.lineWidth; this.bufferedMaxExtent_ = null; } } else { state.strokeStyle = void 0; state.lineCap = void 0; state.lineDash = null; state.lineDashOffset = void 0; state.lineJoin = void 0; state.lineWidth = void 0; state.miterLimit = void 0; } } /** * @param {import("../canvas.js").FillStrokeState} state State. * @return {Array<*>} Fill instruction. */ createFill(state) { const fillStyle = state.fillStyle; const fillInstruction2 = [CanvasInstruction.SET_FILL_STYLE, fillStyle]; if (typeof fillStyle !== "string") { fillInstruction2.push(true); } return fillInstruction2; } /** * @param {import("../canvas.js").FillStrokeState} state State. */ applyStroke(state) { this.instructions.push(this.createStroke(state)); } /** * @param {import("../canvas.js").FillStrokeState} state State. * @return {Array<*>} Stroke instruction. */ createStroke(state) { return [ CanvasInstruction.SET_STROKE_STYLE, state.strokeStyle, state.lineWidth * this.pixelRatio, state.lineCap, state.lineJoin, state.miterLimit, this.applyPixelRatio(state.lineDash), state.lineDashOffset * this.pixelRatio ]; } /** * @param {import("../canvas.js").FillStrokeState} state State. * @param {function(this:CanvasBuilder, import("../canvas.js").FillStrokeState):Array<*>} createFill Create fill. */ updateFillStyle(state, createFill) { const fillStyle = state.fillStyle; if (typeof fillStyle !== "string" || state.currentFillStyle != fillStyle) { if (fillStyle !== void 0) { this.instructions.push(, state)); } state.currentFillStyle = fillStyle; } } /** * @param {import("../canvas.js").FillStrokeState} state State. * @param {function(this:CanvasBuilder, import("../canvas.js").FillStrokeState): void} applyStroke Apply stroke. */ updateStrokeStyle(state, applyStroke) { const strokeStyle = state.strokeStyle; const lineCap = state.lineCap; const lineDash = state.lineDash; const lineDashOffset = state.lineDashOffset; const lineJoin = state.lineJoin; const lineWidth = state.lineWidth; const miterLimit = state.miterLimit; if (state.currentStrokeStyle != strokeStyle || state.currentLineCap != lineCap || lineDash != state.currentLineDash && !equals$2(state.currentLineDash, lineDash) || state.currentLineDashOffset != lineDashOffset || state.currentLineJoin != lineJoin || state.currentLineWidth != lineWidth || state.currentMiterLimit != miterLimit) { if (strokeStyle !== void 0) {, state); } state.currentStrokeStyle = strokeStyle; state.currentLineCap = lineCap; state.currentLineDash = lineDash; state.currentLineDashOffset = lineDashOffset; state.currentLineJoin = lineJoin; state.currentLineWidth = lineWidth; state.currentMiterLimit = miterLimit; } } /** * @param {import("../../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. */ endGeometry(feature) { this.beginGeometryInstruction1_[2] = this.instructions.length; this.beginGeometryInstruction1_ = null; this.beginGeometryInstruction2_[2] = this.hitDetectionInstructions.length; this.beginGeometryInstruction2_ = null; const endGeometryInstruction = [CanvasInstruction.END_GEOMETRY, feature]; this.instructions.push(endGeometryInstruction); this.hitDetectionInstructions.push(endGeometryInstruction); } /** * Get the buffered rendering extent. Rendering will be clipped to the extent * provided to the constructor. To account for symbolizers that may intersect * this extent, we calculate a buffered extent (e.g. based on stroke width). * @return {import("../../extent.js").Extent} The buffered rendering extent. * @protected */ getBufferedMaxExtent() { if (!this.bufferedMaxExtent_) { this.bufferedMaxExtent_ = clone(this.maxExtent); if (this.maxLineWidth > 0) { const width = this.resolution * (this.maxLineWidth + 1) / 2; buffer(this.bufferedMaxExtent_, width, this.bufferedMaxExtent_); } } return this.bufferedMaxExtent_; } } const Builder = CanvasBuilder; class CanvasImageBuilder extends Builder { /** * @param {number} tolerance Tolerance. * @param {import("../../extent.js").Extent} maxExtent Maximum extent. * @param {number} resolution Resolution. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. */ constructor(tolerance, maxExtent, resolution, pixelRatio) { super(tolerance, maxExtent, resolution, pixelRatio); this.hitDetectionImage_ = null; this.image_ = null; this.imagePixelRatio_ = void 0; this.anchorX_ = void 0; this.anchorY_ = void 0; this.height_ = void 0; this.opacity_ = void 0; this.originX_ = void 0; this.originY_ = void 0; this.rotateWithView_ = void 0; this.rotation_ = void 0; this.scale_ = void 0; this.width_ = void 0; this.declutterMode_ = void 0; this.declutterImageWithText_ = void 0; } /** * @param {import("../../geom/Point.js").default|import("../Feature.js").default} pointGeometry Point geometry. * @param {import("../../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. */ drawPoint(pointGeometry, feature) { if (!this.image_) { return; } this.beginGeometry(pointGeometry, feature); const flatCoordinates = pointGeometry.getFlatCoordinates(); const stride = pointGeometry.getStride(); const myBegin = this.coordinates.length; const myEnd = this.appendFlatPointCoordinates(flatCoordinates, stride); this.instructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.DRAW_IMAGE, myBegin, myEnd, this.image_, // Remaining arguments to DRAW_IMAGE are in alphabetical order this.anchorX_ * this.imagePixelRatio_, this.anchorY_ * this.imagePixelRatio_, Math.ceil(this.height_ * this.imagePixelRatio_), this.opacity_, this.originX_ * this.imagePixelRatio_, this.originY_ * this.imagePixelRatio_, this.rotateWithView_, this.rotation_, [ this.scale_[0] * this.pixelRatio / this.imagePixelRatio_, this.scale_[1] * this.pixelRatio / this.imagePixelRatio_ ], Math.ceil(this.width_ * this.imagePixelRatio_), this.declutterMode_, this.declutterImageWithText_ ]); this.hitDetectionInstructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.DRAW_IMAGE, myBegin, myEnd, this.hitDetectionImage_, // Remaining arguments to DRAW_IMAGE are in alphabetical order this.anchorX_, this.anchorY_, this.height_, 1, this.originX_, this.originY_, this.rotateWithView_, this.rotation_, this.scale_, this.width_, this.declutterMode_, this.declutterImageWithText_ ]); this.endGeometry(feature); } /** * @param {import("../../geom/MultiPoint.js").default|import("../Feature.js").default} multiPointGeometry MultiPoint geometry. * @param {import("../../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. */ drawMultiPoint(multiPointGeometry, feature) { if (!this.image_) { return; } this.beginGeometry(multiPointGeometry, feature); const flatCoordinates = multiPointGeometry.getFlatCoordinates(); const stride = multiPointGeometry.getStride(); const myBegin = this.coordinates.length; const myEnd = this.appendFlatPointCoordinates(flatCoordinates, stride); this.instructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.DRAW_IMAGE, myBegin, myEnd, this.image_, // Remaining arguments to DRAW_IMAGE are in alphabetical order this.anchorX_ * this.imagePixelRatio_, this.anchorY_ * this.imagePixelRatio_, Math.ceil(this.height_ * this.imagePixelRatio_), this.opacity_, this.originX_ * this.imagePixelRatio_, this.originY_ * this.imagePixelRatio_, this.rotateWithView_, this.rotation_, [ this.scale_[0] * this.pixelRatio / this.imagePixelRatio_, this.scale_[1] * this.pixelRatio / this.imagePixelRatio_ ], Math.ceil(this.width_ * this.imagePixelRatio_), this.declutterMode_, this.declutterImageWithText_ ]); this.hitDetectionInstructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.DRAW_IMAGE, myBegin, myEnd, this.hitDetectionImage_, // Remaining arguments to DRAW_IMAGE are in alphabetical order this.anchorX_, this.anchorY_, this.height_, 1, this.originX_, this.originY_, this.rotateWithView_, this.rotation_, this.scale_, this.width_, this.declutterMode_, this.declutterImageWithText_ ]); this.endGeometry(feature); } /** * @return {import("../canvas.js").SerializableInstructions} the serializable instructions. */ finish() { this.reverseHitDetectionInstructions(); this.anchorX_ = void 0; this.anchorY_ = void 0; this.hitDetectionImage_ = null; this.image_ = null; this.imagePixelRatio_ = void 0; this.height_ = void 0; this.scale_ = void 0; this.opacity_ = void 0; this.originX_ = void 0; this.originY_ = void 0; this.rotateWithView_ = void 0; this.rotation_ = void 0; this.width_ = void 0; return super.finish(); } /** * @param {import("../../style/Image.js").default} imageStyle Image style. * @param {Object} [sharedData] Shared data. */ setImageStyle(imageStyle, sharedData) { const anchor = imageStyle.getAnchor(); const size = imageStyle.getSize(); const origin = imageStyle.getOrigin(); this.imagePixelRatio_ = imageStyle.getPixelRatio(this.pixelRatio); this.anchorX_ = anchor[0]; this.anchorY_ = anchor[1]; this.hitDetectionImage_ = imageStyle.getHitDetectionImage(); this.image_ = imageStyle.getImage(this.pixelRatio); this.height_ = size[1]; this.opacity_ = imageStyle.getOpacity(); this.originX_ = origin[0]; this.originY_ = origin[1]; this.rotateWithView_ = imageStyle.getRotateWithView(); this.rotation_ = imageStyle.getRotation(); this.scale_ = imageStyle.getScaleArray(); this.width_ = size[0]; this.declutterMode_ = imageStyle.getDeclutterMode(); this.declutterImageWithText_ = sharedData; } } const ImageBuilder = CanvasImageBuilder; class CanvasLineStringBuilder extends Builder { /** * @param {number} tolerance Tolerance. * @param {import("../../extent.js").Extent} maxExtent Maximum extent. * @param {number} resolution Resolution. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. */ constructor(tolerance, maxExtent, resolution, pixelRatio) { super(tolerance, maxExtent, resolution, pixelRatio); } /** * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates. * @param {number} offset Offset. * @param {number} end End. * @param {number} stride Stride. * @private * @return {number} end. */ drawFlatCoordinates_(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride) { const myBegin = this.coordinates.length; const myEnd = this.appendFlatLineCoordinates( flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, false, false ); const moveToLineToInstruction = [ CanvasInstruction.MOVE_TO_LINE_TO, myBegin, myEnd ]; this.instructions.push(moveToLineToInstruction); this.hitDetectionInstructions.push(moveToLineToInstruction); return end; } /** * @param {import("../../geom/LineString.js").default|import("../Feature.js").default} lineStringGeometry Line string geometry. * @param {import("../../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. */ drawLineString(lineStringGeometry, feature) { const state = this.state; const strokeStyle = state.strokeStyle; const lineWidth = state.lineWidth; if (strokeStyle === void 0 || lineWidth === void 0) { return; } this.updateStrokeStyle(state, this.applyStroke); this.beginGeometry(lineStringGeometry, feature); this.hitDetectionInstructions.push( [ CanvasInstruction.SET_STROKE_STYLE, state.strokeStyle, state.lineWidth, state.lineCap, state.lineJoin, state.miterLimit, defaultLineDash, defaultLineDashOffset ], beginPathInstruction ); const flatCoordinates = lineStringGeometry.getFlatCoordinates(); const stride = lineStringGeometry.getStride(); this.drawFlatCoordinates_( flatCoordinates, 0, flatCoordinates.length, stride ); this.hitDetectionInstructions.push(strokeInstruction); this.endGeometry(feature); } /** * @param {import("../../geom/MultiLineString.js").default|import("../Feature.js").default} multiLineStringGeometry MultiLineString geometry. * @param {import("../../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. */ drawMultiLineString(multiLineStringGeometry, feature) { const state = this.state; const strokeStyle = state.strokeStyle; const lineWidth = state.lineWidth; if (strokeStyle === void 0 || lineWidth === void 0) { return; } this.updateStrokeStyle(state, this.applyStroke); this.beginGeometry(multiLineStringGeometry, feature); this.hitDetectionInstructions.push( [ CanvasInstruction.SET_STROKE_STYLE, state.strokeStyle, state.lineWidth, state.lineCap, state.lineJoin, state.miterLimit, defaultLineDash, defaultLineDashOffset ], beginPathInstruction ); const ends = multiLineStringGeometry.getEnds(); const flatCoordinates = multiLineStringGeometry.getFlatCoordinates(); const stride = multiLineStringGeometry.getStride(); let offset = 0; for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) { offset = this.drawFlatCoordinates_( flatCoordinates, offset, /** @type {number} */ ends[i], stride ); } this.hitDetectionInstructions.push(strokeInstruction); this.endGeometry(feature); } /** * @return {import("../canvas.js").SerializableInstructions} the serializable instructions. */ finish() { const state = this.state; if (state.lastStroke != void 0 && state.lastStroke != this.coordinates.length) { this.instructions.push(strokeInstruction); } this.reverseHitDetectionInstructions(); this.state = null; return super.finish(); } /** * @param {import("../canvas.js").FillStrokeState} state State. */ applyStroke(state) { if (state.lastStroke != void 0 && state.lastStroke != this.coordinates.length) { this.instructions.push(strokeInstruction); state.lastStroke = this.coordinates.length; } state.lastStroke = 0; super.applyStroke(state); this.instructions.push(beginPathInstruction); } } const LineStringBuilder = CanvasLineStringBuilder; class CanvasPolygonBuilder extends Builder { /** * @param {number} tolerance Tolerance. * @param {import("../../extent.js").Extent} maxExtent Maximum extent. * @param {number} resolution Resolution. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. */ constructor(tolerance, maxExtent, resolution, pixelRatio) { super(tolerance, maxExtent, resolution, pixelRatio); } /** * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates. * @param {number} offset Offset. * @param {Array} ends Ends. * @param {number} stride Stride. * @private * @return {number} End. */ drawFlatCoordinatess_(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride) { const state = this.state; const fill = state.fillStyle !== void 0; const stroke = state.strokeStyle !== void 0; const numEnds = ends.length; this.instructions.push(beginPathInstruction); this.hitDetectionInstructions.push(beginPathInstruction); for (let i = 0; i < numEnds; ++i) { const end = ends[i]; const myBegin = this.coordinates.length; const myEnd = this.appendFlatLineCoordinates( flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, true, !stroke ); const moveToLineToInstruction = [ CanvasInstruction.MOVE_TO_LINE_TO, myBegin, myEnd ]; this.instructions.push(moveToLineToInstruction); this.hitDetectionInstructions.push(moveToLineToInstruction); if (stroke) { this.instructions.push(closePathInstruction); this.hitDetectionInstructions.push(closePathInstruction); } offset = end; } if (fill) { this.instructions.push(fillInstruction); this.hitDetectionInstructions.push(fillInstruction); } if (stroke) { this.instructions.push(strokeInstruction); this.hitDetectionInstructions.push(strokeInstruction); } return offset; } /** * @param {import("../../geom/Circle.js").default} circleGeometry Circle geometry. * @param {import("../../Feature.js").default} feature Feature. */ drawCircle(circleGeometry, feature) { const state = this.state; const fillStyle = state.fillStyle; const strokeStyle = state.strokeStyle; if (fillStyle === void 0 && strokeStyle === void 0) { return; } this.setFillStrokeStyles_(); this.beginGeometry(circleGeometry, feature); if (state.fillStyle !== void 0) { this.hitDetectionInstructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.SET_FILL_STYLE, defaultFillStyle ]); } if (state.strokeStyle !== void 0) { this.hitDetectionInstructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.SET_STROKE_STYLE, state.strokeStyle, state.lineWidth, state.lineCap, state.lineJoin, state.miterLimit, defaultLineDash, defaultLineDashOffset ]); } const flatCoordinates = circleGeometry.getFlatCoordinates(); const stride = circleGeometry.getStride(); const myBegin = this.coordinates.length; this.appendFlatLineCoordinates( flatCoordinates, 0, flatCoordinates.length, stride, false, false ); const circleInstruction = [CanvasInstruction.CIRCLE, myBegin]; this.instructions.push(beginPathInstruction, circleInstruction); this.hitDetectionInstructions.push(beginPathInstruction, circleInstruction); if (state.fillStyle !== void 0) { this.instructions.push(fillInstruction); this.hitDetectionInstructions.push(fillInstruction); } if (state.strokeStyle !== void 0) { this.instructions.push(strokeInstruction); this.hitDetectionInstructions.push(strokeInstruction); } this.endGeometry(feature); } /** * @param {import("../../geom/Polygon.js").default|import("../Feature.js").default} polygonGeometry Polygon geometry. * @param {import("../../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. */ drawPolygon(polygonGeometry, feature) { const state = this.state; const fillStyle = state.fillStyle; const strokeStyle = state.strokeStyle; if (fillStyle === void 0 && strokeStyle === void 0) { return; } this.setFillStrokeStyles_(); this.beginGeometry(polygonGeometry, feature); if (state.fillStyle !== void 0) { this.hitDetectionInstructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.SET_FILL_STYLE, defaultFillStyle ]); } if (state.strokeStyle !== void 0) { this.hitDetectionInstructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.SET_STROKE_STYLE, state.strokeStyle, state.lineWidth, state.lineCap, state.lineJoin, state.miterLimit, defaultLineDash, defaultLineDashOffset ]); } const ends = polygonGeometry.getEnds(); const flatCoordinates = polygonGeometry.getOrientedFlatCoordinates(); const stride = polygonGeometry.getStride(); this.drawFlatCoordinatess_( flatCoordinates, 0, /** @type {Array} */ ends, stride ); this.endGeometry(feature); } /** * @param {import("../../geom/MultiPolygon.js").default} multiPolygonGeometry MultiPolygon geometry. * @param {import("../../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. */ drawMultiPolygon(multiPolygonGeometry, feature) { const state = this.state; const fillStyle = state.fillStyle; const strokeStyle = state.strokeStyle; if (fillStyle === void 0 && strokeStyle === void 0) { return; } this.setFillStrokeStyles_(); this.beginGeometry(multiPolygonGeometry, feature); if (state.fillStyle !== void 0) { this.hitDetectionInstructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.SET_FILL_STYLE, defaultFillStyle ]); } if (state.strokeStyle !== void 0) { this.hitDetectionInstructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.SET_STROKE_STYLE, state.strokeStyle, state.lineWidth, state.lineCap, state.lineJoin, state.miterLimit, defaultLineDash, defaultLineDashOffset ]); } const endss = multiPolygonGeometry.getEndss(); const flatCoordinates = multiPolygonGeometry.getOrientedFlatCoordinates(); const stride = multiPolygonGeometry.getStride(); let offset = 0; for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) { offset = this.drawFlatCoordinatess_( flatCoordinates, offset, endss[i], stride ); } this.endGeometry(feature); } /** * @return {import("../canvas.js").SerializableInstructions} the serializable instructions. */ finish() { this.reverseHitDetectionInstructions(); this.state = null; const tolerance = this.tolerance; if (tolerance !== 0) { const coordinates2 = this.coordinates; for (let i = 0, ii = coordinates2.length; i < ii; ++i) { coordinates2[i] = snap(coordinates2[i], tolerance); } } return super.finish(); } /** * @private */ setFillStrokeStyles_() { const state = this.state; const fillStyle = state.fillStyle; if (fillStyle !== void 0) { this.updateFillStyle(state, this.createFill); } if (state.strokeStyle !== void 0) { this.updateStrokeStyle(state, this.applyStroke); } } } const PolygonBuilder = CanvasPolygonBuilder; function lineChunk(chunkLength, flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride) { const chunks = []; let cursor = offset; let chunkM = 0; let currentChunk = flatCoordinates.slice(offset, 2); while (chunkM < chunkLength && cursor + stride < end) { const [x1, y1] = currentChunk.slice(-2); const x2 = flatCoordinates[cursor + stride]; const y2 = flatCoordinates[cursor + stride + 1]; const segmentLength = Math.sqrt( (x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1) ); chunkM += segmentLength; if (chunkM >= chunkLength) { const m = (chunkLength - chunkM + segmentLength) / segmentLength; const x = lerp(x1, x2, m); const y = lerp(y1, y2, m); currentChunk.push(x, y); chunks.push(currentChunk); currentChunk = [x, y]; if (chunkM == chunkLength) { cursor += stride; } chunkM = 0; } else if (chunkM < chunkLength) { currentChunk.push( flatCoordinates[cursor + stride], flatCoordinates[cursor + stride + 1] ); cursor += stride; } else { const missing = segmentLength - chunkM; const x = lerp(x1, x2, missing / segmentLength); const y = lerp(y1, y2, missing / segmentLength); currentChunk.push(x, y); chunks.push(currentChunk); currentChunk = [x, y]; chunkM = 0; cursor += stride; } } if (chunkM > 0) { chunks.push(currentChunk); } return chunks; } function matchingChunk(maxAngle, flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride) { let chunkStart = offset; let chunkEnd = offset; let chunkM = 0; let m = 0; let start = offset; let acos, i, m12, m23, x1, y1, x12, y12, x23, y23; for (i = offset; i < end; i += stride) { const x2 = flatCoordinates[i]; const y2 = flatCoordinates[i + 1]; if (x1 !== void 0) { x23 = x2 - x1; y23 = y2 - y1; m23 = Math.sqrt(x23 * x23 + y23 * y23); if (x12 !== void 0) { m += m12; acos = Math.acos((x12 * x23 + y12 * y23) / (m12 * m23)); if (acos > maxAngle) { if (m > chunkM) { chunkM = m; chunkStart = start; chunkEnd = i; } m = 0; start = i - stride; } } m12 = m23; x12 = x23; y12 = y23; } x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } m += m23; return m > chunkM ? [start, i] : [chunkStart, chunkEnd]; } const TEXT_ALIGN = { "left": 0, "center": 0.5, "right": 1, "top": 0, "middle": 0.5, "hanging": 0.2, "alphabetic": 0.8, "ideographic": 0.8, "bottom": 1 }; class CanvasTextBuilder extends Builder { /** * @param {number} tolerance Tolerance. * @param {import("../../extent.js").Extent} maxExtent Maximum extent. * @param {number} resolution Resolution. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. */ constructor(tolerance, maxExtent, resolution, pixelRatio) { super(tolerance, maxExtent, resolution, pixelRatio); this.labels_ = null; this.text_ = ""; this.textOffsetX_ = 0; this.textOffsetY_ = 0; this.textRotateWithView_ = void 0; this.textRotation_ = 0; this.textFillState_ = null; this.fillStates = {}; this.fillStates[defaultFillStyle] = { fillStyle: defaultFillStyle }; this.textStrokeState_ = null; this.strokeStates = {}; this.textState_ = /** @type {import("../canvas.js").TextState} */ {}; this.textStates = {}; this.textKey_ = ""; this.fillKey_ = ""; this.strokeKey_ = ""; this.declutterImageWithText_ = void 0; } /** * @return {import("../canvas.js").SerializableInstructions} the serializable instructions. */ finish() { const instructions = super.finish(); instructions.textStates = this.textStates; instructions.fillStates = this.fillStates; instructions.strokeStates = this.strokeStates; return instructions; } /** * @param {import("../../geom/SimpleGeometry.js").default|import("../Feature.js").default} geometry Geometry. * @param {import("../../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. */ drawText(geometry, feature) { const fillState = this.textFillState_; const strokeState = this.textStrokeState_; const textState = this.textState_; if (this.text_ === "" || !textState || !fillState && !strokeState) { return; } const coordinates2 = this.coordinates; let begin = coordinates2.length; const geometryType = geometry.getType(); let flatCoordinates = null; let stride = geometry.getStride(); if (textState.placement === "line" && (geometryType == "LineString" || geometryType == "MultiLineString" || geometryType == "Polygon" || geometryType == "MultiPolygon")) { if (!intersects$1(this.getBufferedMaxExtent(), geometry.getExtent())) { return; } let ends; flatCoordinates = geometry.getFlatCoordinates(); if (geometryType == "LineString") { ends = [flatCoordinates.length]; } else if (geometryType == "MultiLineString") { ends = /** @type {import("../../geom/MultiLineString.js").default} */ geometry.getEnds(); } else if (geometryType == "Polygon") { ends = /** @type {import("../../geom/Polygon.js").default} */ geometry.getEnds().slice(0, 1); } else if (geometryType == "MultiPolygon") { const endss = ( /** @type {import("../../geom/MultiPolygon.js").default} */ geometry.getEndss() ); ends = []; for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) { ends.push(endss[i][0]); } } this.beginGeometry(geometry, feature); const repeat = textState.repeat; const textAlign = repeat ? void 0 : textState.textAlign; let flatOffset = 0; for (let o = 0, oo = ends.length; o < oo; ++o) { let chunks; if (repeat) { chunks = lineChunk( repeat * this.resolution, flatCoordinates, flatOffset, ends[o], stride ); } else { chunks = [flatCoordinates.slice(flatOffset, ends[o])]; } for (let c = 0, cc = chunks.length; c < cc; ++c) { const chunk = chunks[c]; let chunkBegin = 0; let chunkEnd = chunk.length; if (textAlign == void 0) { const range = matchingChunk( textState.maxAngle, chunk, 0, chunk.length, 2 ); chunkBegin = range[0]; chunkEnd = range[1]; } for (let i = chunkBegin; i < chunkEnd; i += stride) { coordinates2.push(chunk[i], chunk[i + 1]); } const end = coordinates2.length; flatOffset = ends[o]; this.drawChars_(begin, end); begin = end; } } this.endGeometry(feature); } else { let geometryWidths = textState.overflow ? null : []; switch (geometryType) { case "Point": case "MultiPoint": flatCoordinates = /** @type {import("../../geom/MultiPoint.js").default} */ geometry.getFlatCoordinates(); break; case "LineString": flatCoordinates = /** @type {import("../../geom/LineString.js").default} */ geometry.getFlatMidpoint(); break; case "Circle": flatCoordinates = /** @type {import("../../geom/Circle.js").default} */ geometry.getCenter(); break; case "MultiLineString": flatCoordinates = /** @type {import("../../geom/MultiLineString.js").default} */ geometry.getFlatMidpoints(); stride = 2; break; case "Polygon": flatCoordinates = /** @type {import("../../geom/Polygon.js").default} */ geometry.getFlatInteriorPoint(); if (!textState.overflow) { geometryWidths.push(flatCoordinates[2] / this.resolution); } stride = 3; break; case "MultiPolygon": const interiorPoints = ( /** @type {import("../../geom/MultiPolygon.js").default} */ geometry.getFlatInteriorPoints() ); flatCoordinates = []; for (let i = 0, ii = interiorPoints.length; i < ii; i += 3) { if (!textState.overflow) { geometryWidths.push(interiorPoints[i + 2] / this.resolution); } flatCoordinates.push(interiorPoints[i], interiorPoints[i + 1]); } if (flatCoordinates.length === 0) { return; } stride = 2; break; } const end = this.appendFlatPointCoordinates(flatCoordinates, stride); if (end === begin) { return; } if (geometryWidths && (end - begin) / 2 !== flatCoordinates.length / stride) { let beg = begin / 2; geometryWidths = geometryWidths.filter((w, i) => { const keep = coordinates2[(beg + i) * 2] === flatCoordinates[i * stride] && coordinates2[(beg + i) * 2 + 1] === flatCoordinates[i * stride + 1]; if (!keep) { --beg; } return keep; }); } this.saveTextStates_(); if (textState.backgroundFill || textState.backgroundStroke) { this.setFillStrokeStyle( textState.backgroundFill, textState.backgroundStroke ); if (textState.backgroundFill) { this.updateFillStyle(this.state, this.createFill); } if (textState.backgroundStroke) { this.updateStrokeStyle(this.state, this.applyStroke); this.hitDetectionInstructions.push(this.createStroke(this.state)); } } this.beginGeometry(geometry, feature); let padding = textState.padding; if (padding != defaultPadding && (textState.scale[0] < 0 || textState.scale[1] < 0)) { let p0 = textState.padding[0]; let p12 = textState.padding[1]; let p22 = textState.padding[2]; let p32 = textState.padding[3]; if (textState.scale[0] < 0) { p12 = -p12; p32 = -p32; } if (textState.scale[1] < 0) { p0 = -p0; p22 = -p22; } padding = [p0, p12, p22, p32]; } const pixelRatio = this.pixelRatio; this.instructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.DRAW_IMAGE, begin, end, null, NaN, NaN, NaN, 1, 0, 0, this.textRotateWithView_, this.textRotation_, [1, 1], NaN, void 0, this.declutterImageWithText_, padding == defaultPadding ? defaultPadding : { return p * pixelRatio; }), !!textState.backgroundFill, !!textState.backgroundStroke, this.text_, this.textKey_, this.strokeKey_, this.fillKey_, this.textOffsetX_, this.textOffsetY_, geometryWidths ]); const scale2 = 1 / pixelRatio; const currentFillStyle = this.state.fillStyle; if (textState.backgroundFill) { this.state.fillStyle = defaultFillStyle; this.hitDetectionInstructions.push(this.createFill(this.state)); } this.hitDetectionInstructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.DRAW_IMAGE, begin, end, null, NaN, NaN, NaN, 1, 0, 0, this.textRotateWithView_, this.textRotation_, [scale2, scale2], NaN, void 0, this.declutterImageWithText_, padding, !!textState.backgroundFill, !!textState.backgroundStroke, this.text_, this.textKey_, this.strokeKey_, this.fillKey_ ? defaultFillStyle : this.fillKey_, this.textOffsetX_, this.textOffsetY_, geometryWidths ]); if (textState.backgroundFill) { this.state.fillStyle = currentFillStyle; this.hitDetectionInstructions.push(this.createFill(this.state)); } this.endGeometry(feature); } } /** * @private */ saveTextStates_() { const strokeState = this.textStrokeState_; const textState = this.textState_; const fillState = this.textFillState_; const strokeKey = this.strokeKey_; if (strokeState) { if (!(strokeKey in this.strokeStates)) { this.strokeStates[strokeKey] = { strokeStyle: strokeState.strokeStyle, lineCap: strokeState.lineCap, lineDashOffset: strokeState.lineDashOffset, lineWidth: strokeState.lineWidth, lineJoin: strokeState.lineJoin, miterLimit: strokeState.miterLimit, lineDash: strokeState.lineDash }; } } const textKey = this.textKey_; if (!(textKey in this.textStates)) { this.textStates[textKey] = { font: textState.font, textAlign: textState.textAlign || defaultTextAlign, justify: textState.justify, textBaseline: textState.textBaseline || defaultTextBaseline, scale: textState.scale }; } const fillKey = this.fillKey_; if (fillState) { if (!(fillKey in this.fillStates)) { this.fillStates[fillKey] = { fillStyle: fillState.fillStyle }; } } } /** * @private * @param {number} begin Begin. * @param {number} end End. */ drawChars_(begin, end) { const strokeState = this.textStrokeState_; const textState = this.textState_; const strokeKey = this.strokeKey_; const textKey = this.textKey_; const fillKey = this.fillKey_; this.saveTextStates_(); const pixelRatio = this.pixelRatio; const baseline = TEXT_ALIGN[textState.textBaseline]; const offsetY = this.textOffsetY_ * pixelRatio; const text = this.text_; const strokeWidth = strokeState ? strokeState.lineWidth * Math.abs(textState.scale[0]) / 2 : 0; this.instructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.DRAW_CHARS, begin, end, baseline, textState.overflow, fillKey, textState.maxAngle, pixelRatio, offsetY, strokeKey, strokeWidth * pixelRatio, text, textKey, 1 ]); this.hitDetectionInstructions.push([ CanvasInstruction.DRAW_CHARS, begin, end, baseline, textState.overflow, fillKey ? defaultFillStyle : fillKey, textState.maxAngle, pixelRatio, offsetY, strokeKey, strokeWidth * pixelRatio, text, textKey, 1 / pixelRatio ]); } /** * @param {import("../../style/Text.js").default} textStyle Text style. * @param {Object} [sharedData] Shared data. */ setTextStyle(textStyle, sharedData) { let textState, fillState, strokeState; if (!textStyle) { this.text_ = ""; } else { const textFillStyle = textStyle.getFill(); if (!textFillStyle) { fillState = null; this.textFillState_ = fillState; } else { fillState = this.textFillState_; if (!fillState) { fillState = /** @type {import("../canvas.js").FillState} */ {}; this.textFillState_ = fillState; } fillState.fillStyle = asColorLike( textFillStyle.getColor() || defaultFillStyle ); } const textStrokeStyle = textStyle.getStroke(); if (!textStrokeStyle) { strokeState = null; this.textStrokeState_ = strokeState; } else { strokeState = this.textStrokeState_; if (!strokeState) { strokeState = /** @type {import("../canvas.js").StrokeState} */ {}; this.textStrokeState_ = strokeState; } const lineDash = textStrokeStyle.getLineDash(); const lineDashOffset = textStrokeStyle.getLineDashOffset(); const lineWidth = textStrokeStyle.getWidth(); const miterLimit = textStrokeStyle.getMiterLimit(); strokeState.lineCap = textStrokeStyle.getLineCap() || defaultLineCap; strokeState.lineDash = lineDash ? lineDash.slice() : defaultLineDash; strokeState.lineDashOffset = lineDashOffset === void 0 ? defaultLineDashOffset : lineDashOffset; strokeState.lineJoin = textStrokeStyle.getLineJoin() || defaultLineJoin; strokeState.lineWidth = lineWidth === void 0 ? defaultLineWidth : lineWidth; strokeState.miterLimit = miterLimit === void 0 ? defaultMiterLimit : miterLimit; strokeState.strokeStyle = asColorLike( textStrokeStyle.getColor() || defaultStrokeStyle ); } textState = this.textState_; const font = textStyle.getFont() || defaultFont; registerFont(font); const textScale = textStyle.getScaleArray(); textState.overflow = textStyle.getOverflow(); textState.font = font; textState.maxAngle = textStyle.getMaxAngle(); textState.placement = textStyle.getPlacement(); textState.textAlign = textStyle.getTextAlign(); textState.repeat = textStyle.getRepeat(); textState.justify = textStyle.getJustify(); textState.textBaseline = textStyle.getTextBaseline() || defaultTextBaseline; textState.backgroundFill = textStyle.getBackgroundFill(); textState.backgroundStroke = textStyle.getBackgroundStroke(); textState.padding = textStyle.getPadding() || defaultPadding; textState.scale = textScale === void 0 ? [1, 1] : textScale; const textOffsetX = textStyle.getOffsetX(); const textOffsetY = textStyle.getOffsetY(); const textRotateWithView = textStyle.getRotateWithView(); const textRotation = textStyle.getRotation(); this.text_ = textStyle.getText() || ""; this.textOffsetX_ = textOffsetX === void 0 ? 0 : textOffsetX; this.textOffsetY_ = textOffsetY === void 0 ? 0 : textOffsetY; this.textRotateWithView_ = textRotateWithView === void 0 ? false : textRotateWithView; this.textRotation_ = textRotation === void 0 ? 0 : textRotation; this.strokeKey_ = strokeState ? (typeof strokeState.strokeStyle == "string" ? strokeState.strokeStyle : getUid(strokeState.strokeStyle)) + strokeState.lineCap + strokeState.lineDashOffset + "|" + strokeState.lineWidth + strokeState.lineJoin + strokeState.miterLimit + "[" + strokeState.lineDash.join() + "]" : ""; this.textKey_ = textState.font + textState.scale + (textState.textAlign || "?") + (textState.repeat || "?") + (textState.justify || "?") + (textState.textBaseline || "?"); this.fillKey_ = fillState ? typeof fillState.fillStyle == "string" ? fillState.fillStyle : "|" + getUid(fillState.fillStyle) : ""; } this.declutterImageWithText_ = sharedData; } } const BATCH_CONSTRUCTORS = { "Circle": PolygonBuilder, "Default": Builder, "Image": ImageBuilder, "LineString": LineStringBuilder, "Polygon": PolygonBuilder, "Text": CanvasTextBuilder }; class BuilderGroup { /** * @param {number} tolerance Tolerance. * @param {import("../../extent.js").Extent} maxExtent Max extent. * @param {number} resolution Resolution. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. */ constructor(tolerance, maxExtent, resolution, pixelRatio) { this.tolerance_ = tolerance; this.maxExtent_ = maxExtent; this.pixelRatio_ = pixelRatio; this.resolution_ = resolution; this.buildersByZIndex_ = {}; } /** * @return {!Object>} The serializable instructions */ finish() { const builderInstructions = {}; for (const zKey in this.buildersByZIndex_) { builderInstructions[zKey] = builderInstructions[zKey] || {}; const builders = this.buildersByZIndex_[zKey]; for (const builderKey in builders) { const builderInstruction = builders[builderKey].finish(); builderInstructions[zKey][builderKey] = builderInstruction; } } return builderInstructions; } /** * @param {number|undefined} zIndex Z index. * @param {import("../canvas.js").BuilderType} builderType Replay type. * @return {import("../VectorContext.js").default} Replay. */ getBuilder(zIndex, builderType) { const zIndexKey = zIndex !== void 0 ? zIndex.toString() : "0"; let replays = this.buildersByZIndex_[zIndexKey]; if (replays === void 0) { replays = {}; this.buildersByZIndex_[zIndexKey] = replays; } let replay = replays[builderType]; if (replay === void 0) { const Constructor = BATCH_CONSTRUCTORS[builderType]; replay = new Constructor( this.tolerance_, this.maxExtent_, this.resolution_, this.pixelRatio_ ); replays[builderType] = replay; } return replay; } } const CanvasBuilderGroup = BuilderGroup; class LayerRenderer extends Observable$1 { /** * @param {LayerType} layer Layer. */ constructor(layer) { super(); this.ready = true; this.boundHandleImageChange_ = this.handleImageChange_.bind(this); this.layer_ = layer; this.declutterExecutorGroup = null; } /** * Asynchronous layer level hit detection. * @param {import("../pixel.js").Pixel} pixel Pixel. * @return {Promise>} Promise that resolves with * an array of features. */ getFeatures(pixel) { return abstract(); } /** * @param {import("../pixel.js").Pixel} pixel Pixel. * @return {Uint8ClampedArray|Uint8Array|Float32Array|DataView|null} Pixel data. */ getData(pixel) { return null; } /** * Determine whether render should be called. * @abstract * @param {import("../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. * @return {boolean} Layer is ready to be rendered. */ prepareFrame(frameState) { return abstract(); } /** * Render the layer. * @abstract * @param {import("../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. * @param {HTMLElement|null} target Target that may be used to render content to. * @return {HTMLElement|null} The rendered element. */ renderFrame(frameState, target) { return abstract(); } /** * @param {Object>} tiles Lookup of loaded tiles by zoom level. * @param {number} zoom Zoom level. * @param {import("../Tile.js").default} tile Tile. * @return {boolean|void} If `false`, the tile will not be considered loaded. */ loadedTileCallback(tiles, zoom, tile) { if (!tiles[zoom]) { tiles[zoom] = {}; } tiles[zoom][tile.tileCoord.toString()] = tile; return void 0; } /** * Create a function that adds loaded tiles to the tile lookup. * @param {import("../source/Tile.js").default} source Tile source. * @param {import("../proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection of the tiles. * @param {Object>} tiles Lookup of loaded tiles by zoom level. * @return {function(number, import("../TileRange.js").default):boolean} A function that can be * called with a zoom level and a tile range to add loaded tiles to the lookup. * @protected */ createLoadedTileFinder(source, projection, tiles) { return ( /** * @param {number} zoom Zoom level. * @param {import("../TileRange.js").default} tileRange Tile range. * @return {boolean} The tile range is fully loaded. */ (zoom, tileRange) => { const callback = this.loadedTileCallback.bind(this, tiles, zoom); return source.forEachLoadedTile(projection, zoom, tileRange, callback); } ); } /** * @abstract * @param {import("../coordinate.js").Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate. * @param {import("../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. * @param {number} hitTolerance Hit tolerance in pixels. * @param {import("./vector.js").FeatureCallback} callback Feature callback. * @param {Array>} matches The hit detected matches with tolerance. * @return {T|undefined} Callback result. * @template T */ forEachFeatureAtCoordinate(coordinate, frameState, hitTolerance, callback, matches) { return void 0; } /** * @return {LayerType} Layer. */ getLayer() { return this.layer_; } /** * Perform action necessary to get the layer rendered after new fonts have loaded * @abstract */ handleFontsChanged() { } /** * Handle changes in image state. * @param {import("../events/Event.js").default} event Image change event. * @private */ handleImageChange_(event) { const image = ( /** @type {import("../Image.js").default} */ ); if (image.getState() === ImageState.LOADED || image.getState() === ImageState.ERROR) { this.renderIfReadyAndVisible(); } } /** * Load the image if not already loaded, and register the image change * listener if needed. * @param {import("../Image.js").default} image Image. * @return {boolean} `true` if the image is already loaded, `false` otherwise. * @protected */ loadImage(image) { let imageState = image.getState(); if (imageState != ImageState.LOADED && imageState != ImageState.ERROR) { image.addEventListener(EventType.CHANGE, this.boundHandleImageChange_); } if (imageState == ImageState.IDLE) { image.load(); imageState = image.getState(); } return imageState == ImageState.LOADED; } /** * @protected */ renderIfReadyAndVisible() { const layer = this.getLayer(); if (layer && layer.getVisible() && layer.getSourceState() === "ready") { layer.changed(); } } /** * Clean up. */ disposeInternal() { delete this.layer_; super.disposeInternal(); } } const LayerRenderer$1 = LayerRenderer; const canvasPool = []; let pixelContext = null; function createPixelContext() { pixelContext = createCanvasContext2D(1, 1, void 0, { willReadFrequently: true }); } class CanvasLayerRenderer extends LayerRenderer$1 { /** * @param {LayerType} layer Layer. */ constructor(layer) { super(layer); this.container = null; this.renderedResolution; this.tempTransform = create(); this.pixelTransform = create(); this.inversePixelTransform = create(); this.context = null; this.containerReused = false; this.pixelContext_ = null; this.frameState = null; } /** * @param {import('../../DataTile.js').ImageLike} image Image. * @param {number} col The column index. * @param {number} row The row index. * @return {Uint8ClampedArray|null} The image data. */ getImageData(image, col, row) { if (!pixelContext) { createPixelContext(); } pixelContext.clearRect(0, 0, 1, 1); let data; try { pixelContext.drawImage(image, col, row, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1); data = pixelContext.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data; } catch (err) { pixelContext = null; return null; } return data; } /** * @param {import('../../Map.js').FrameState} frameState Frame state. * @return {string} Background color. */ getBackground(frameState) { const layer = this.getLayer(); let background = layer.getBackground(); if (typeof background === "function") { background = background(frameState.viewState.resolution); } return background || void 0; } /** * Get a rendering container from an existing target, if compatible. * @param {HTMLElement} target Potential render target. * @param {string} transform CSS Transform. * @param {string} [backgroundColor] Background color. */ useContainer(target, transform2, backgroundColor) { const layerClassName = this.getLayer().getClassName(); let container, context; if (target && target.className === layerClassName && (!backgroundColor || target && && equals$2( asArray(, asArray(backgroundColor) ))) { const canvas = target.firstElementChild; if (canvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) { context = canvas.getContext("2d"); } } if (context && === transform2) { this.container = target; this.context = context; this.containerReused = true; } else if (this.containerReused) { this.container = null; this.context = null; this.containerReused = false; } else if (this.container) { = null; } if (!this.container) { container = document.createElement("div"); container.className = layerClassName; let style =; style.position = "absolute"; style.width = "100%"; style.height = "100%"; context = createCanvasContext2D(); const canvas = context.canvas; container.appendChild(canvas); style =; style.position = "absolute"; style.left = "0"; style.transformOrigin = "top left"; this.container = container; this.context = context; } if (!this.containerReused && backgroundColor && ! { = backgroundColor; } } /** * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context Context. * @param {import("../../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. * @param {import("../../extent.js").Extent} extent Clip extent. * @protected */ clipUnrotated(context, frameState, extent) { const topLeft = getTopLeft(extent); const topRight = getTopRight(extent); const bottomRight = getBottomRight(extent); const bottomLeft = getBottomLeft(extent); apply(frameState.coordinateToPixelTransform, topLeft); apply(frameState.coordinateToPixelTransform, topRight); apply(frameState.coordinateToPixelTransform, bottomRight); apply(frameState.coordinateToPixelTransform, bottomLeft); const inverted = this.inversePixelTransform; apply(inverted, topLeft); apply(inverted, topRight); apply(inverted, bottomRight); apply(inverted, bottomLeft);; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(Math.round(topLeft[0]), Math.round(topLeft[1])); context.lineTo(Math.round(topRight[0]), Math.round(topRight[1])); context.lineTo(Math.round(bottomRight[0]), Math.round(bottomRight[1])); context.lineTo(Math.round(bottomLeft[0]), Math.round(bottomLeft[1])); context.clip(); } /** * @param {import("../../render/EventType.js").default} type Event type. * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context Context. * @param {import("../../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. * @private */ dispatchRenderEvent_(type, context, frameState) { const layer = this.getLayer(); if (layer.hasListener(type)) { const event = new RenderEvent$1( type, this.inversePixelTransform, frameState, context ); layer.dispatchEvent(event); } } /** * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context Context. * @param {import("../../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. * @protected */ preRender(context, frameState) { this.frameState = frameState; this.dispatchRenderEvent_(RenderEventType.PRERENDER, context, frameState); } /** * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context Context. * @param {import("../../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. * @protected */ postRender(context, frameState) { this.dispatchRenderEvent_(RenderEventType.POSTRENDER, context, frameState); } /** * Creates a transform for rendering to an element that will be rotated after rendering. * @param {import("../../coordinate.js").Coordinate} center Center. * @param {number} resolution Resolution. * @param {number} rotation Rotation. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @param {number} width Width of the rendered element (in pixels). * @param {number} height Height of the rendered element (in pixels). * @param {number} offsetX Offset on the x-axis in view coordinates. * @protected * @return {!import("../../transform.js").Transform} Transform. */ getRenderTransform(center, resolution, rotation, pixelRatio, width, height, offsetX) { const dx1 = width / 2; const dy1 = height / 2; const sx = pixelRatio / resolution; const sy = -sx; const dx2 = -center[0] + offsetX; const dy2 = -center[1]; return compose( this.tempTransform, dx1, dy1, sx, sy, -rotation, dx2, dy2 ); } /** * Clean up. */ disposeInternal() { delete this.frameState; super.disposeInternal(); } } const CanvasLayerRenderer$1 = CanvasLayerRenderer; function drawTextOnPath(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, text, startM, maxAngle, scale2, measureAndCacheTextWidth2, font, cache2, rotation) { let x2 = flatCoordinates[offset]; let y2 = flatCoordinates[offset + 1]; let x1 = 0; let y1 = 0; let segmentLength = 0; let segmentM = 0; function advance() { x1 = x2; y1 = y2; offset += stride; x2 = flatCoordinates[offset]; y2 = flatCoordinates[offset + 1]; segmentM += segmentLength; segmentLength = Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)); } do { advance(); } while (offset < end - stride && segmentM + segmentLength < startM); let interpolate = segmentLength === 0 ? 0 : (startM - segmentM) / segmentLength; const beginX = lerp(x1, x2, interpolate); const beginY = lerp(y1, y2, interpolate); const startOffset = offset - stride; const startLength = segmentM; const endM = startM + scale2 * measureAndCacheTextWidth2(font, text, cache2); while (offset < end - stride && segmentM + segmentLength < endM) { advance(); } interpolate = segmentLength === 0 ? 0 : (endM - segmentM) / segmentLength; const endX = lerp(x1, x2, interpolate); const endY = lerp(y1, y2, interpolate); let reverse; if (rotation) { const flat = [beginX, beginY, endX, endY]; rotate(flat, 0, 4, 2, rotation, flat, flat); reverse = flat[0] > flat[2]; } else { reverse = beginX > endX; } const PI = Math.PI; const result = []; const singleSegment = startOffset + stride === offset; offset = startOffset; segmentLength = 0; segmentM = startLength; x2 = flatCoordinates[offset]; y2 = flatCoordinates[offset + 1]; let previousAngle; if (singleSegment) { advance(); previousAngle = Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1); if (reverse) { previousAngle += previousAngle > 0 ? -PI : PI; } const x = (endX + beginX) / 2; const y = (endY + beginY) / 2; result[0] = [x, y, (endM - startM) / 2, previousAngle, text]; return result; } text = text.replace(/\n/g, " "); for (let i = 0, ii = text.length; i < ii; ) { advance(); let angle = Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1); if (reverse) { angle += angle > 0 ? -PI : PI; } if (previousAngle !== void 0) { let delta = angle - previousAngle; delta += delta > PI ? -2 * PI : delta < -PI ? 2 * PI : 0; if (Math.abs(delta) > maxAngle) { return null; } } previousAngle = angle; const iStart = i; let charLength = 0; for (; i < ii; ++i) { const index = reverse ? ii - i - 1 : i; const len = scale2 * measureAndCacheTextWidth2(font, text[index], cache2); if (offset + stride < end && segmentM + segmentLength < startM + charLength + len / 2) { break; } charLength += len; } if (i === iStart) { continue; } const chars = reverse ? text.substring(ii - iStart, ii - i) : text.substring(iStart, i); interpolate = segmentLength === 0 ? 0 : (startM + charLength / 2 - segmentM) / segmentLength; const x = lerp(x1, x2, interpolate); const y = lerp(y1, y2, interpolate); result.push([x, y, charLength / 2, angle, chars]); startM += charLength; } return result; } const tmpExtent = createEmpty(); const p1 = []; const p2 = []; const p3 = []; const p4 = []; function getDeclutterBox(replayImageOrLabelArgs) { return replayImageOrLabelArgs[3].declutterBox; } const rtlRegEx = new RegExp( /* eslint-disable prettier/prettier */ "[" + String.fromCharCode(1425) + "-" + String.fromCharCode(2303) + String.fromCharCode(64285) + "-" + String.fromCharCode(65023) + String.fromCharCode(65136) + "-" + String.fromCharCode(65276) + String.fromCharCode(67584) + "-" + String.fromCharCode(69631) + String.fromCharCode(124928) + "-" + String.fromCharCode(126975) + "]" /* eslint-enable prettier/prettier */ ); function horizontalTextAlign(text, align) { if (align === "start") { align = rtlRegEx.test(text) ? "right" : "left"; } else if (align === "end") { align = rtlRegEx.test(text) ? "left" : "right"; } return TEXT_ALIGN[align]; } function createTextChunks(acc, line, i) { if (i > 0) { acc.push("\n", ""); } acc.push(line, ""); return acc; } class Executor { /** * @param {number} resolution Resolution. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @param {boolean} overlaps The replay can have overlapping geometries. * @param {import("../canvas.js").SerializableInstructions} instructions The serializable instructions */ constructor(resolution, pixelRatio, overlaps, instructions) { this.overlaps = overlaps; this.pixelRatio = pixelRatio; this.resolution = resolution; this.alignFill_; this.instructions = instructions.instructions; this.coordinates = instructions.coordinates; this.coordinateCache_ = {}; this.renderedTransform_ = create(); this.hitDetectionInstructions = instructions.hitDetectionInstructions; this.pixelCoordinates_ = null; this.viewRotation_ = 0; this.fillStates = instructions.fillStates || {}; this.strokeStates = instructions.strokeStates || {}; this.textStates = instructions.textStates || {}; this.widths_ = {}; this.labels_ = {}; } /** * @param {string|Array} text Text. * @param {string} textKey Text style key. * @param {string} fillKey Fill style key. * @param {string} strokeKey Stroke style key. * @return {import("../canvas.js").Label} Label. */ createLabel(text, textKey, fillKey, strokeKey) { const key = text + textKey + fillKey + strokeKey; if (this.labels_[key]) { return this.labels_[key]; } const strokeState = strokeKey ? this.strokeStates[strokeKey] : null; const fillState = fillKey ? this.fillStates[fillKey] : null; const textState = this.textStates[textKey]; const pixelRatio = this.pixelRatio; const scale2 = [ textState.scale[0] * pixelRatio, textState.scale[1] * pixelRatio ]; const textIsArray = Array.isArray(text); const align = textState.justify ? TEXT_ALIGN[textState.justify] : horizontalTextAlign( Array.isArray(text) ? text[0] : text, textState.textAlign || defaultTextAlign ); const strokeWidth = strokeKey && strokeState.lineWidth ? strokeState.lineWidth : 0; const chunks = textIsArray ? text : text.split("\n").reduce(createTextChunks, []); const { width, height, widths, heights, lineWidths } = getTextDimensions( textState, chunks ); const renderWidth = width + strokeWidth; const contextInstructions = []; const w = (renderWidth + 2) * scale2[0]; const h = (height + strokeWidth) * scale2[1]; const label = { width: w < 0 ? Math.floor(w) : Math.ceil(w), height: h < 0 ? Math.floor(h) : Math.ceil(h), contextInstructions }; if (scale2[0] != 1 || scale2[1] != 1) { contextInstructions.push("scale", scale2); } if (strokeKey) { contextInstructions.push("strokeStyle", strokeState.strokeStyle); contextInstructions.push("lineWidth", strokeWidth); contextInstructions.push("lineCap", strokeState.lineCap); contextInstructions.push("lineJoin", strokeState.lineJoin); contextInstructions.push("miterLimit", strokeState.miterLimit); contextInstructions.push("setLineDash", [strokeState.lineDash]); contextInstructions.push("lineDashOffset", strokeState.lineDashOffset); } if (fillKey) { contextInstructions.push("fillStyle", fillState.fillStyle); } contextInstructions.push("textBaseline", "middle"); contextInstructions.push("textAlign", "center"); const leftRight = 0.5 - align; let x = align * renderWidth + leftRight * strokeWidth; const strokeInstructions = []; const fillInstructions = []; let lineHeight = 0; let lineOffset = 0; let widthHeightIndex = 0; let lineWidthIndex = 0; let previousFont; for (let i = 0, ii = chunks.length; i < ii; i += 2) { const text2 = chunks[i]; if (text2 === "\n") { lineOffset += lineHeight; lineHeight = 0; x = align * renderWidth + leftRight * strokeWidth; ++lineWidthIndex; continue; } const font = chunks[i + 1] || textState.font; if (font !== previousFont) { if (strokeKey) { strokeInstructions.push("font", font); } if (fillKey) { fillInstructions.push("font", font); } previousFont = font; } lineHeight = Math.max(lineHeight, heights[widthHeightIndex]); const fillStrokeArgs = [ text2, x + leftRight * widths[widthHeightIndex] + align * (widths[widthHeightIndex] - lineWidths[lineWidthIndex]), 0.5 * (strokeWidth + lineHeight) + lineOffset ]; x += widths[widthHeightIndex]; if (strokeKey) { strokeInstructions.push("strokeText", fillStrokeArgs); } if (fillKey) { fillInstructions.push("fillText", fillStrokeArgs); } ++widthHeightIndex; } Array.prototype.push.apply(contextInstructions, strokeInstructions); Array.prototype.push.apply(contextInstructions, fillInstructions); this.labels_[key] = label; return label; } /** * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context Context. * @param {import("../../coordinate.js").Coordinate} p1 1st point of the background box. * @param {import("../../coordinate.js").Coordinate} p2 2nd point of the background box. * @param {import("../../coordinate.js").Coordinate} p3 3rd point of the background box. * @param {import("../../coordinate.js").Coordinate} p4 4th point of the background box. * @param {Array<*>} fillInstruction Fill instruction. * @param {Array<*>} strokeInstruction Stroke instruction. */ replayTextBackground_(context, p12, p22, p32, p42, fillInstruction2, strokeInstruction2) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo.apply(context, p12); context.lineTo.apply(context, p22); context.lineTo.apply(context, p32); context.lineTo.apply(context, p42); context.lineTo.apply(context, p12); if (fillInstruction2) { this.alignFill_ = /** @type {boolean} */ fillInstruction2[2]; this.fill_(context); } if (strokeInstruction2) { this.setStrokeStyle_( context, /** @type {Array<*>} */ strokeInstruction2 ); context.stroke(); } } /** * @private * @param {number} sheetWidth Width of the sprite sheet. * @param {number} sheetHeight Height of the sprite sheet. * @param {number} centerX X. * @param {number} centerY Y. * @param {number} width Width. * @param {number} height Height. * @param {number} anchorX Anchor X. * @param {number} anchorY Anchor Y. * @param {number} originX Origin X. * @param {number} originY Origin Y. * @param {number} rotation Rotation. * @param {import("../../size.js").Size} scale Scale. * @param {boolean} snapToPixel Snap to pixel. * @param {Array} padding Padding. * @param {boolean} fillStroke Background fill or stroke. * @param {import("../../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. * @return {ImageOrLabelDimensions} Dimensions for positioning and decluttering the image or label. */ calculateImageOrLabelDimensions_(sheetWidth, sheetHeight, centerX, centerY, width, height, anchorX, anchorY, originX, originY, rotation, scale2, snapToPixel, padding, fillStroke, feature) { anchorX *= scale2[0]; anchorY *= scale2[1]; let x = centerX - anchorX; let y = centerY - anchorY; const w = width + originX > sheetWidth ? sheetWidth - originX : width; const h = height + originY > sheetHeight ? sheetHeight - originY : height; const boxW = padding[3] + w * scale2[0] + padding[1]; const boxH = padding[0] + h * scale2[1] + padding[2]; const boxX = x - padding[3]; const boxY = y - padding[0]; if (fillStroke || rotation !== 0) { p1[0] = boxX; p4[0] = boxX; p1[1] = boxY; p2[1] = boxY; p2[0] = boxX + boxW; p3[0] = p2[0]; p3[1] = boxY + boxH; p4[1] = p3[1]; } let transform2; if (rotation !== 0) { transform2 = compose( create(), centerX, centerY, 1, 1, rotation, -centerX, -centerY ); apply(transform2, p1); apply(transform2, p2); apply(transform2, p3); apply(transform2, p4); createOrUpdate$2( Math.min(p1[0], p2[0], p3[0], p4[0]), Math.min(p1[1], p2[1], p3[1], p4[1]), Math.max(p1[0], p2[0], p3[0], p4[0]), Math.max(p1[1], p2[1], p3[1], p4[1]), tmpExtent ); } else { createOrUpdate$2( Math.min(boxX, boxX + boxW), Math.min(boxY, boxY + boxH), Math.max(boxX, boxX + boxW), Math.max(boxY, boxY + boxH), tmpExtent ); } if (snapToPixel) { x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); } return { drawImageX: x, drawImageY: y, drawImageW: w, drawImageH: h, originX, originY, declutterBox: { minX: tmpExtent[0], minY: tmpExtent[1], maxX: tmpExtent[2], maxY: tmpExtent[3], value: feature }, canvasTransform: transform2, scale: scale2 }; } /** * @private * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context Context. * @param {number} contextScale Scale of the context. * @param {import("../canvas.js").Label|HTMLImageElement|HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLVideoElement} imageOrLabel Image. * @param {ImageOrLabelDimensions} dimensions Dimensions. * @param {number} opacity Opacity. * @param {Array<*>} fillInstruction Fill instruction. * @param {Array<*>} strokeInstruction Stroke instruction. * @return {boolean} The image or label was rendered. */ replayImageOrLabel_(context, contextScale, imageOrLabel, dimensions, opacity, fillInstruction2, strokeInstruction2) { const fillStroke = !!(fillInstruction2 || strokeInstruction2); const box = dimensions.declutterBox; const canvas = context.canvas; const strokePadding = strokeInstruction2 ? strokeInstruction2[2] * dimensions.scale[0] / 2 : 0; const intersects2 = box.minX - strokePadding <= canvas.width / contextScale && box.maxX + strokePadding >= 0 && box.minY - strokePadding <= canvas.height / contextScale && box.maxY + strokePadding >= 0; if (intersects2) { if (fillStroke) { this.replayTextBackground_( context, p1, p2, p3, p4, /** @type {Array<*>} */ fillInstruction2, /** @type {Array<*>} */ strokeInstruction2 ); } drawImageOrLabel( context, dimensions.canvasTransform, opacity, imageOrLabel, dimensions.originX, dimensions.originY, dimensions.drawImageW, dimensions.drawImageH, dimensions.drawImageX, dimensions.drawImageY, dimensions.scale ); } return true; } /** * @private * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context Context. */ fill_(context) { if (this.alignFill_) { const origin = apply(this.renderedTransform_, [0, 0]); const repeatSize = 512 * this.pixelRatio;; context.translate(origin[0] % repeatSize, origin[1] % repeatSize); context.rotate(this.viewRotation_); } context.fill(); if (this.alignFill_) { context.restore(); } } /** * @private * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context Context. * @param {Array<*>} instruction Instruction. */ setStrokeStyle_(context, instruction) { context["strokeStyle"] = /** @type {import("../../colorlike.js").ColorLike} */ instruction[1]; context.lineWidth = /** @type {number} */ instruction[2]; context.lineCap = /** @type {CanvasLineCap} */ instruction[3]; context.lineJoin = /** @type {CanvasLineJoin} */ instruction[4]; context.miterLimit = /** @type {number} */ instruction[5]; context.lineDashOffset = /** @type {number} */ instruction[7]; context.setLineDash( /** @type {Array} */ instruction[6] ); } /** * @private * @param {string|Array} text The text to draw. * @param {string} textKey The key of the text state. * @param {string} strokeKey The key for the stroke state. * @param {string} fillKey The key for the fill state. * @return {{label: import("../canvas.js").Label, anchorX: number, anchorY: number}} The text image and its anchor. */ drawLabelWithPointPlacement_(text, textKey, strokeKey, fillKey) { const textState = this.textStates[textKey]; const label = this.createLabel(text, textKey, fillKey, strokeKey); const strokeState = this.strokeStates[strokeKey]; const pixelRatio = this.pixelRatio; const align = horizontalTextAlign( Array.isArray(text) ? text[0] : text, textState.textAlign || defaultTextAlign ); const baseline = TEXT_ALIGN[textState.textBaseline || defaultTextBaseline]; const strokeWidth = strokeState && strokeState.lineWidth ? strokeState.lineWidth : 0; const width = label.width / pixelRatio - 2 * textState.scale[0]; const anchorX = align * width + 2 * (0.5 - align) * strokeWidth; const anchorY = baseline * label.height / pixelRatio + 2 * (0.5 - baseline) * strokeWidth; return { label, anchorX, anchorY }; } /** * @private * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context Context. * @param {number} contextScale Scale of the context. * @param {import("../../transform.js").Transform} transform Transform. * @param {Array<*>} instructions Instructions array. * @param {boolean} snapToPixel Snap point symbols and text to integer pixels. * @param {FeatureCallback} [featureCallback] Feature callback. * @param {import("../../extent.js").Extent} [hitExtent] Only check * features that intersect this extent. * @param {import("rbush").default} [declutterTree] Declutter tree. * @return {T|undefined} Callback result. * @template T */ execute_(context, contextScale, transform2, instructions, snapToPixel, featureCallback, hitExtent, declutterTree) { let pixelCoordinates; if (this.pixelCoordinates_ && equals$2(transform2, this.renderedTransform_)) { pixelCoordinates = this.pixelCoordinates_; } else { if (!this.pixelCoordinates_) { this.pixelCoordinates_ = []; } pixelCoordinates = transform2D( this.coordinates, 0, this.coordinates.length, 2, transform2, this.pixelCoordinates_ ); setFromArray(this.renderedTransform_, transform2); } let i = 0; const ii = instructions.length; let d = 0; let dd; let anchorX, anchorY, prevX, prevY, roundX, roundY, image, text, textKey, strokeKey, fillKey; let pendingFill = 0; let pendingStroke = 0; let lastFillInstruction = null; let lastStrokeInstruction = null; const coordinateCache = this.coordinateCache_; const viewRotation = this.viewRotation_; const viewRotationFromTransform = Math.round(Math.atan2(-transform2[1], transform2[0]) * 1e12) / 1e12; const state = ( /** @type {import("../../render.js").State} */ { context, pixelRatio: this.pixelRatio, resolution: this.resolution, rotation: viewRotation } ); const batchSize = this.instructions != instructions || this.overlaps ? 0 : 200; let feature; let x, y, currentGeometry; while (i < ii) { const instruction = instructions[i]; const type = ( /** @type {import("./Instruction.js").default} */ instruction[0] ); switch (type) { case CanvasInstruction.BEGIN_GEOMETRY: feature = /** @type {import("../../Feature.js").FeatureLike} */ instruction[1]; currentGeometry = instruction[3]; if (!feature.getGeometry()) { i = /** @type {number} */ instruction[2]; } else if (hitExtent !== void 0 && !intersects$1(hitExtent, currentGeometry.getExtent())) { i = /** @type {number} */ instruction[2] + 1; } else { ++i; } break; case CanvasInstruction.BEGIN_PATH: if (pendingFill > batchSize) { this.fill_(context); pendingFill = 0; } if (pendingStroke > batchSize) { context.stroke(); pendingStroke = 0; } if (!pendingFill && !pendingStroke) { context.beginPath(); prevX = NaN; prevY = NaN; } ++i; break; case CanvasInstruction.CIRCLE: d = /** @type {number} */ instruction[1]; const x1 = pixelCoordinates[d]; const y1 = pixelCoordinates[d + 1]; const x2 = pixelCoordinates[d + 2]; const y2 = pixelCoordinates[d + 3]; const dx = x2 - x1; const dy = y2 - y1; const r = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); context.moveTo(x1 + r, y1); context.arc(x1, y1, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true); ++i; break; case CanvasInstruction.CLOSE_PATH: context.closePath(); ++i; break; case CanvasInstruction.CUSTOM: d = /** @type {number} */ instruction[1]; dd = instruction[2]; const geometry = ( /** @type {import("../../geom/SimpleGeometry.js").default} */ instruction[3] ); const renderer = instruction[4]; const fn = instruction.length == 6 ? instruction[5] : void 0; state.geometry = geometry; state.feature = feature; if (!(i in coordinateCache)) { coordinateCache[i] = []; } const coords = coordinateCache[i]; if (fn) { fn(pixelCoordinates, d, dd, 2, coords); } else { coords[0] = pixelCoordinates[d]; coords[1] = pixelCoordinates[d + 1]; coords.length = 2; } renderer(coords, state); ++i; break; case CanvasInstruction.DRAW_IMAGE: d = /** @type {number} */ instruction[1]; dd = /** @type {number} */ instruction[2]; image = /** @type {HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLVideoElement|HTMLImageElement} */ instruction[3]; anchorX = /** @type {number} */ instruction[4]; anchorY = /** @type {number} */ instruction[5]; let height = ( /** @type {number} */ instruction[6] ); const opacity = ( /** @type {number} */ instruction[7] ); const originX = ( /** @type {number} */ instruction[8] ); const originY = ( /** @type {number} */ instruction[9] ); const rotateWithView = ( /** @type {boolean} */ instruction[10] ); let rotation = ( /** @type {number} */ instruction[11] ); const scale2 = ( /** @type {import("../../size.js").Size} */ instruction[12] ); let width = ( /** @type {number} */ instruction[13] ); const declutterMode = ( /** @type {"declutter"|"obstacle"|"none"|undefined} */ instruction[14] ); const declutterImageWithText = ( /** @type {import("../canvas.js").DeclutterImageWithText} */ instruction[15] ); if (!image && instruction.length >= 20) { text = /** @type {string} */ instruction[19]; textKey = /** @type {string} */ instruction[20]; strokeKey = /** @type {string} */ instruction[21]; fillKey = /** @type {string} */ instruction[22]; const labelWithAnchor = this.drawLabelWithPointPlacement_( text, textKey, strokeKey, fillKey ); image = labelWithAnchor.label; instruction[3] = image; const textOffsetX = ( /** @type {number} */ instruction[23] ); anchorX = (labelWithAnchor.anchorX - textOffsetX) * this.pixelRatio; instruction[4] = anchorX; const textOffsetY = ( /** @type {number} */ instruction[24] ); anchorY = (labelWithAnchor.anchorY - textOffsetY) * this.pixelRatio; instruction[5] = anchorY; height = image.height; instruction[6] = height; width = image.width; instruction[13] = width; } let geometryWidths; if (instruction.length > 25) { geometryWidths = /** @type {number} */ instruction[25]; } let padding, backgroundFill, backgroundStroke; if (instruction.length > 17) { padding = /** @type {Array} */ instruction[16]; backgroundFill = /** @type {boolean} */ instruction[17]; backgroundStroke = /** @type {boolean} */ instruction[18]; } else { padding = defaultPadding; backgroundFill = false; backgroundStroke = false; } if (rotateWithView && viewRotationFromTransform) { rotation += viewRotation; } else if (!rotateWithView && !viewRotationFromTransform) { rotation -= viewRotation; } let widthIndex = 0; for (; d < dd; d += 2) { if (geometryWidths && geometryWidths[widthIndex++] < width / this.pixelRatio) { continue; } const dimensions = this.calculateImageOrLabelDimensions_( image.width, image.height, pixelCoordinates[d], pixelCoordinates[d + 1], width, height, anchorX, anchorY, originX, originY, rotation, scale2, snapToPixel, padding, backgroundFill || backgroundStroke, feature ); const args = [ context, contextScale, image, dimensions, opacity, backgroundFill ? ( /** @type {Array<*>} */ lastFillInstruction ) : null, backgroundStroke ? ( /** @type {Array<*>} */ lastStrokeInstruction ) : null ]; if (declutterTree) { if (declutterMode === "none") { continue; } else if (declutterMode === "obstacle") { declutterTree.insert(dimensions.declutterBox); continue; } else { let imageArgs; let imageDeclutterBox; if (declutterImageWithText) { const index = dd - d; if (!declutterImageWithText[index]) { declutterImageWithText[index] = args; continue; } imageArgs = declutterImageWithText[index]; delete declutterImageWithText[index]; imageDeclutterBox = getDeclutterBox(imageArgs); if (declutterTree.collides(imageDeclutterBox)) { continue; } } if (declutterTree.collides(dimensions.declutterBox)) { continue; } if (imageArgs) { declutterTree.insert(imageDeclutterBox); this.replayImageOrLabel_.apply(this, imageArgs); } declutterTree.insert(dimensions.declutterBox); } } this.replayImageOrLabel_.apply(this, args); } ++i; break; case CanvasInstruction.DRAW_CHARS: const begin = ( /** @type {number} */ instruction[1] ); const end = ( /** @type {number} */ instruction[2] ); const baseline = ( /** @type {number} */ instruction[3] ); const overflow = ( /** @type {number} */ instruction[4] ); fillKey = /** @type {string} */ instruction[5]; const maxAngle = ( /** @type {number} */ instruction[6] ); const measurePixelRatio = ( /** @type {number} */ instruction[7] ); const offsetY = ( /** @type {number} */ instruction[8] ); strokeKey = /** @type {string} */ instruction[9]; const strokeWidth = ( /** @type {number} */ instruction[10] ); text = /** @type {string} */ instruction[11]; textKey = /** @type {string} */ instruction[12]; const pixelRatioScale = [ /** @type {number} */ instruction[13], /** @type {number} */ instruction[13] ]; const textState = this.textStates[textKey]; const font = textState.font; const textScale = [ textState.scale[0] * measurePixelRatio, textState.scale[1] * measurePixelRatio ]; let cachedWidths; if (font in this.widths_) { cachedWidths = this.widths_[font]; } else { cachedWidths = {}; this.widths_[font] = cachedWidths; } const pathLength = lineStringLength(pixelCoordinates, begin, end, 2); const textLength = Math.abs(textScale[0]) * measureAndCacheTextWidth(font, text, cachedWidths); if (overflow || textLength <= pathLength) { const textAlign = this.textStates[textKey].textAlign; const startM = (pathLength - textLength) * horizontalTextAlign(text, textAlign); const parts = drawTextOnPath( pixelCoordinates, begin, end, 2, text, startM, maxAngle, Math.abs(textScale[0]), measureAndCacheTextWidth, font, cachedWidths, viewRotationFromTransform ? 0 : this.viewRotation_ ); drawChars: if (parts) { const replayImageOrLabelArgs = []; let c, cc, chars, label, part; if (strokeKey) { for (c = 0, cc = parts.length; c < cc; ++c) { part = parts[c]; chars = /** @type {string} */ part[4]; label = this.createLabel(chars, textKey, "", strokeKey); anchorX = /** @type {number} */ part[2] + (textScale[0] < 0 ? -strokeWidth : strokeWidth); anchorY = baseline * label.height + (0.5 - baseline) * 2 * strokeWidth * textScale[1] / textScale[0] - offsetY; const dimensions = this.calculateImageOrLabelDimensions_( label.width, label.height, part[0], part[1], label.width, label.height, anchorX, anchorY, 0, 0, part[3], pixelRatioScale, false, defaultPadding, false, feature ); if (declutterTree && declutterTree.collides(dimensions.declutterBox)) { break drawChars; } replayImageOrLabelArgs.push([ context, contextScale, label, dimensions, 1, null, null ]); } } if (fillKey) { for (c = 0, cc = parts.length; c < cc; ++c) { part = parts[c]; chars = /** @type {string} */ part[4]; label = this.createLabel(chars, textKey, fillKey, ""); anchorX = /** @type {number} */ part[2]; anchorY = baseline * label.height - offsetY; const dimensions = this.calculateImageOrLabelDimensions_( label.width, label.height, part[0], part[1], label.width, label.height, anchorX, anchorY, 0, 0, part[3], pixelRatioScale, false, defaultPadding, false, feature ); if (declutterTree && declutterTree.collides(dimensions.declutterBox)) { break drawChars; } replayImageOrLabelArgs.push([ context, contextScale, label, dimensions, 1, null, null ]); } } if (declutterTree) { declutterTree.load(; } for (let i2 = 0, ii2 = replayImageOrLabelArgs.length; i2 < ii2; ++i2) { this.replayImageOrLabel_.apply(this, replayImageOrLabelArgs[i2]); } } } ++i; break; case CanvasInstruction.END_GEOMETRY: if (featureCallback !== void 0) { feature = /** @type {import("../../Feature.js").FeatureLike} */ instruction[1]; const result = featureCallback(feature, currentGeometry); if (result) { return result; } } ++i; break; case CanvasInstruction.FILL: if (batchSize) { pendingFill++; } else { this.fill_(context); } ++i; break; case CanvasInstruction.MOVE_TO_LINE_TO: d = /** @type {number} */ instruction[1]; dd = /** @type {number} */ instruction[2]; x = pixelCoordinates[d]; y = pixelCoordinates[d + 1]; roundX = x + 0.5 | 0; roundY = y + 0.5 | 0; if (roundX !== prevX || roundY !== prevY) { context.moveTo(x, y); prevX = roundX; prevY = roundY; } for (d += 2; d < dd; d += 2) { x = pixelCoordinates[d]; y = pixelCoordinates[d + 1]; roundX = x + 0.5 | 0; roundY = y + 0.5 | 0; if (d == dd - 2 || roundX !== prevX || roundY !== prevY) { context.lineTo(x, y); prevX = roundX; prevY = roundY; } } ++i; break; case CanvasInstruction.SET_FILL_STYLE: lastFillInstruction = instruction; this.alignFill_ = instruction[2]; if (pendingFill) { this.fill_(context); pendingFill = 0; if (pendingStroke) { context.stroke(); pendingStroke = 0; } } context.fillStyle = /** @type {import("../../colorlike.js").ColorLike} */ instruction[1]; ++i; break; case CanvasInstruction.SET_STROKE_STYLE: lastStrokeInstruction = instruction; if (pendingStroke) { context.stroke(); pendingStroke = 0; } this.setStrokeStyle_( context, /** @type {Array<*>} */ instruction ); ++i; break; case CanvasInstruction.STROKE: if (batchSize) { pendingStroke++; } else { context.stroke(); } ++i; break; default: ++i; break; } } if (pendingFill) { this.fill_(context); } if (pendingStroke) { context.stroke(); } return void 0; } /** * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context Context. * @param {number} contextScale Scale of the context. * @param {import("../../transform.js").Transform} transform Transform. * @param {number} viewRotation View rotation. * @param {boolean} snapToPixel Snap point symbols and text to integer pixels. * @param {import("rbush").default} [declutterTree] Declutter tree. */ execute(context, contextScale, transform2, viewRotation, snapToPixel, declutterTree) { this.viewRotation_ = viewRotation; this.execute_( context, contextScale, transform2, this.instructions, snapToPixel, void 0, void 0, declutterTree ); } /** * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context Context. * @param {import("../../transform.js").Transform} transform Transform. * @param {number} viewRotation View rotation. * @param {FeatureCallback} [featureCallback] Feature callback. * @param {import("../../extent.js").Extent} [hitExtent] Only check * features that intersect this extent. * @return {T|undefined} Callback result. * @template T */ executeHitDetection(context, transform2, viewRotation, featureCallback, hitExtent) { this.viewRotation_ = viewRotation; return this.execute_( context, 1, transform2, this.hitDetectionInstructions, true, featureCallback, hitExtent ); } } const Executor$1 = Executor; const ORDER = ["Polygon", "Circle", "LineString", "Image", "Text", "Default"]; class ExecutorGroup { /** * @param {import("../../extent.js").Extent} maxExtent Max extent for clipping. When a * `maxExtent` was set on the Builder for this executor group, the same `maxExtent` * should be set here, unless the target context does not exceed that extent (which * can be the case when rendering to tiles). * @param {number} resolution Resolution. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @param {boolean} overlaps The executor group can have overlapping geometries. * @param {!Object>} allInstructions * The serializable instructions. * @param {number} [renderBuffer] Optional rendering buffer. */ constructor(maxExtent, resolution, pixelRatio, overlaps, allInstructions, renderBuffer) { this.maxExtent_ = maxExtent; this.overlaps_ = overlaps; this.pixelRatio_ = pixelRatio; this.resolution_ = resolution; this.renderBuffer_ = renderBuffer; this.executorsByZIndex_ = {}; this.hitDetectionContext_ = null; this.hitDetectionTransform_ = create(); this.createExecutors_(allInstructions); } /** * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context Context. * @param {import("../../transform.js").Transform} transform Transform. */ clip(context, transform2) { const flatClipCoords = this.getClipCoords(transform2); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(flatClipCoords[0], flatClipCoords[1]); context.lineTo(flatClipCoords[2], flatClipCoords[3]); context.lineTo(flatClipCoords[4], flatClipCoords[5]); context.lineTo(flatClipCoords[6], flatClipCoords[7]); context.clip(); } /** * Create executors and populate them using the provided instructions. * @private * @param {!Object>} allInstructions The serializable instructions */ createExecutors_(allInstructions) { for (const zIndex in allInstructions) { let executors = this.executorsByZIndex_[zIndex]; if (executors === void 0) { executors = {}; this.executorsByZIndex_[zIndex] = executors; } const instructionByZindex = allInstructions[zIndex]; for (const builderType in instructionByZindex) { const instructions = instructionByZindex[builderType]; executors[builderType] = new Executor$1( this.resolution_, this.pixelRatio_, this.overlaps_, instructions ); } } } /** * @param {Array} executors Executors. * @return {boolean} Has executors of the provided types. */ hasExecutors(executors) { for (const zIndex in this.executorsByZIndex_) { const candidates = this.executorsByZIndex_[zIndex]; for (let i = 0, ii = executors.length; i < ii; ++i) { if (executors[i] in candidates) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * @param {import("../../coordinate.js").Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate. * @param {number} resolution Resolution. * @param {number} rotation Rotation. * @param {number} hitTolerance Hit tolerance in pixels. * @param {function(import("../../Feature.js").FeatureLike, import("../../geom/SimpleGeometry.js").default, number): T} callback Feature callback. * @param {Array} declutteredFeatures Decluttered features. * @return {T|undefined} Callback result. * @template T */ forEachFeatureAtCoordinate(coordinate, resolution, rotation, hitTolerance, callback, declutteredFeatures) { hitTolerance = Math.round(hitTolerance); const contextSize = hitTolerance * 2 + 1; const transform2 = compose( this.hitDetectionTransform_, hitTolerance + 0.5, hitTolerance + 0.5, 1 / resolution, -1 / resolution, -rotation, -coordinate[0], -coordinate[1] ); const newContext = !this.hitDetectionContext_; if (newContext) { this.hitDetectionContext_ = createCanvasContext2D( contextSize, contextSize, void 0, { willReadFrequently: true } ); } const context = this.hitDetectionContext_; if (context.canvas.width !== contextSize || context.canvas.height !== contextSize) { context.canvas.width = contextSize; context.canvas.height = contextSize; } else if (!newContext) { context.clearRect(0, 0, contextSize, contextSize); } let hitExtent; if (this.renderBuffer_ !== void 0) { hitExtent = createEmpty(); extendCoordinate(hitExtent, coordinate); buffer( hitExtent, resolution * (this.renderBuffer_ + hitTolerance), hitExtent ); } const indexes = getPixelIndexArray(hitTolerance); let builderType; function featureCallback(feature, geometry) { const imageData = context.getImageData( 0, 0, contextSize, contextSize ).data; for (let i2 = 0, ii = indexes.length; i2 < ii; i2++) { if (imageData[indexes[i2]] > 0) { if (!declutteredFeatures || builderType !== "Image" && builderType !== "Text" || declutteredFeatures.includes(feature)) { const idx = (indexes[i2] - 3) / 4; const x = hitTolerance - idx % contextSize; const y = hitTolerance - (idx / contextSize | 0); const result2 = callback(feature, geometry, x * x + y * y); if (result2) { return result2; } } context.clearRect(0, 0, contextSize, contextSize); break; } } return void 0; } const zs = Object.keys(this.executorsByZIndex_).map(Number); zs.sort(ascending); let i, j, executors, executor, result; for (i = zs.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const zIndexKey = zs[i].toString(); executors = this.executorsByZIndex_[zIndexKey]; for (j = ORDER.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) { builderType = ORDER[j]; executor = executors[builderType]; if (executor !== void 0) { result = executor.executeHitDetection( context, transform2, rotation, featureCallback, hitExtent ); if (result) { return result; } } } } return void 0; } /** * @param {import("../../transform.js").Transform} transform Transform. * @return {Array|null} Clip coordinates. */ getClipCoords(transform2) { const maxExtent = this.maxExtent_; if (!maxExtent) { return null; } const minX = maxExtent[0]; const minY = maxExtent[1]; const maxX = maxExtent[2]; const maxY = maxExtent[3]; const flatClipCoords = [minX, minY, minX, maxY, maxX, maxY, maxX, minY]; transform2D(flatClipCoords, 0, 8, 2, transform2, flatClipCoords); return flatClipCoords; } /** * @return {boolean} Is empty. */ isEmpty() { return isEmpty$1(this.executorsByZIndex_); } /** * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context Context. * @param {number} contextScale Scale of the context. * @param {import("../../transform.js").Transform} transform Transform. * @param {number} viewRotation View rotation. * @param {boolean} snapToPixel Snap point symbols and test to integer pixel. * @param {Array} [builderTypes] Ordered replay types to replay. * Default is {@link module:ol/render/replay~ORDER} * @param {import("rbush").default} [declutterTree] Declutter tree. */ execute(context, contextScale, transform2, viewRotation, snapToPixel, builderTypes, declutterTree) { const zs = Object.keys(this.executorsByZIndex_).map(Number); zs.sort(ascending); if (this.maxExtent_) {; this.clip(context, transform2); } builderTypes = builderTypes ? builderTypes : ORDER; let i, ii, j, jj, replays, replay; if (declutterTree) { zs.reverse(); } for (i = 0, ii = zs.length; i < ii; ++i) { const zIndexKey = zs[i].toString(); replays = this.executorsByZIndex_[zIndexKey]; for (j = 0, jj = builderTypes.length; j < jj; ++j) { const builderType = builderTypes[j]; replay = replays[builderType]; if (replay !== void 0) { replay.execute( context, contextScale, transform2, viewRotation, snapToPixel, declutterTree ); } } } if (this.maxExtent_) { context.restore(); } } } const circlePixelIndexArrayCache = {}; function getPixelIndexArray(radius) { if (circlePixelIndexArrayCache[radius] !== void 0) { return circlePixelIndexArrayCache[radius]; } const size = radius * 2 + 1; const maxDistanceSq = radius * radius; const distances = new Array(maxDistanceSq + 1); for (let i = 0; i <= radius; ++i) { for (let j = 0; j <= radius; ++j) { const distanceSq = i * i + j * j; if (distanceSq > maxDistanceSq) { break; } let distance = distances[distanceSq]; if (!distance) { distance = []; distances[distanceSq] = distance; } distance.push(((radius + i) * size + (radius + j)) * 4 + 3); if (i > 0) { distance.push(((radius - i) * size + (radius + j)) * 4 + 3); } if (j > 0) { distance.push(((radius + i) * size + (radius - j)) * 4 + 3); if (i > 0) { distance.push(((radius - i) * size + (radius - j)) * 4 + 3); } } } } const pixelIndex = []; for (let i = 0, ii = distances.length; i < ii; ++i) { if (distances[i]) { pixelIndex.push(...distances[i]); } } circlePixelIndexArrayCache[radius] = pixelIndex; return pixelIndex; } const ExecutorGroup$1 = ExecutorGroup; class CanvasImmediateRenderer extends VectorContext$1 { /** * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context Context. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @param {import("../../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @param {import("../../transform.js").Transform} transform Transform. * @param {number} viewRotation View rotation. * @param {number} [squaredTolerance] Optional squared tolerance for simplification. * @param {import("../../proj.js").TransformFunction} [userTransform] Transform from user to view projection. */ constructor(context, pixelRatio, extent, transform2, viewRotation, squaredTolerance, userTransform) { super(); this.context_ = context; this.pixelRatio_ = pixelRatio; this.extent_ = extent; this.transform_ = transform2; this.transformRotation_ = transform2 ? toFixed(Math.atan2(transform2[1], transform2[0]), 10) : 0; this.viewRotation_ = viewRotation; this.squaredTolerance_ = squaredTolerance; this.userTransform_ = userTransform; this.contextFillState_ = null; this.contextStrokeState_ = null; this.contextTextState_ = null; this.fillState_ = null; this.strokeState_ = null; this.image_ = null; this.imageAnchorX_ = 0; this.imageAnchorY_ = 0; this.imageHeight_ = 0; this.imageOpacity_ = 0; this.imageOriginX_ = 0; this.imageOriginY_ = 0; this.imageRotateWithView_ = false; this.imageRotation_ = 0; this.imageScale_ = [0, 0]; this.imageWidth_ = 0; this.text_ = ""; this.textOffsetX_ = 0; this.textOffsetY_ = 0; this.textRotateWithView_ = false; this.textRotation_ = 0; this.textScale_ = [0, 0]; this.textFillState_ = null; this.textStrokeState_ = null; this.textState_ = null; this.pixelCoordinates_ = []; this.tmpLocalTransform_ = create(); } /** * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates. * @param {number} offset Offset. * @param {number} end End. * @param {number} stride Stride. * @private */ drawImages_(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride) { if (!this.image_) { return; } const pixelCoordinates = transform2D( flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, this.transform_, this.pixelCoordinates_ ); const context = this.context_; const localTransform = this.tmpLocalTransform_; const alpha = context.globalAlpha; if (this.imageOpacity_ != 1) { context.globalAlpha = alpha * this.imageOpacity_; } let rotation = this.imageRotation_; if (this.transformRotation_ === 0) { rotation -= this.viewRotation_; } if (this.imageRotateWithView_) { rotation += this.viewRotation_; } for (let i = 0, ii = pixelCoordinates.length; i < ii; i += 2) { const x = pixelCoordinates[i] - this.imageAnchorX_; const y = pixelCoordinates[i + 1] - this.imageAnchorY_; if (rotation !== 0 || this.imageScale_[0] != 1 || this.imageScale_[1] != 1) { const centerX = x + this.imageAnchorX_; const centerY = y + this.imageAnchorY_; compose( localTransform, centerX, centerY, 1, 1, rotation, -centerX, -centerY );; context.transform.apply(context, localTransform); context.translate(centerX, centerY); context.scale(this.imageScale_[0], this.imageScale_[1]); context.drawImage( this.image_, this.imageOriginX_, this.imageOriginY_, this.imageWidth_, this.imageHeight_, -this.imageAnchorX_, -this.imageAnchorY_, this.imageWidth_, this.imageHeight_ ); context.restore(); } else { context.drawImage( this.image_, this.imageOriginX_, this.imageOriginY_, this.imageWidth_, this.imageHeight_, x, y, this.imageWidth_, this.imageHeight_ ); } } if (this.imageOpacity_ != 1) { context.globalAlpha = alpha; } } /** * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates. * @param {number} offset Offset. * @param {number} end End. * @param {number} stride Stride. * @private */ drawText_(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride) { if (!this.textState_ || this.text_ === "") { return; } if (this.textFillState_) { this.setContextFillState_(this.textFillState_); } if (this.textStrokeState_) { this.setContextStrokeState_(this.textStrokeState_); } this.setContextTextState_(this.textState_); const pixelCoordinates = transform2D( flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, this.transform_, this.pixelCoordinates_ ); const context = this.context_; let rotation = this.textRotation_; if (this.transformRotation_ === 0) { rotation -= this.viewRotation_; } if (this.textRotateWithView_) { rotation += this.viewRotation_; } for (; offset < end; offset += stride) { const x = pixelCoordinates[offset] + this.textOffsetX_; const y = pixelCoordinates[offset + 1] + this.textOffsetY_; if (rotation !== 0 || this.textScale_[0] != 1 || this.textScale_[1] != 1) {; context.translate(x - this.textOffsetX_, y - this.textOffsetY_); context.rotate(rotation); context.translate(this.textOffsetX_, this.textOffsetY_); context.scale(this.textScale_[0], this.textScale_[1]); if (this.textStrokeState_) { context.strokeText(this.text_, 0, 0); } if (this.textFillState_) { context.fillText(this.text_, 0, 0); } context.restore(); } else { if (this.textStrokeState_) { context.strokeText(this.text_, x, y); } if (this.textFillState_) { context.fillText(this.text_, x, y); } } } } /** * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates. * @param {number} offset Offset. * @param {number} end End. * @param {number} stride Stride. * @param {boolean} close Close. * @private * @return {number} end End. */ moveToLineTo_(flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, close) { const context = this.context_; const pixelCoordinates = transform2D( flatCoordinates, offset, end, stride, this.transform_, this.pixelCoordinates_ ); context.moveTo(pixelCoordinates[0], pixelCoordinates[1]); let length = pixelCoordinates.length; if (close) { length -= 2; } for (let i = 2; i < length; i += 2) { context.lineTo(pixelCoordinates[i], pixelCoordinates[i + 1]); } if (close) { context.closePath(); } return end; } /** * @param {Array} flatCoordinates Flat coordinates. * @param {number} offset Offset. * @param {Array} ends Ends. * @param {number} stride Stride. * @private * @return {number} End. */ drawRings_(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride) { for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) { offset = this.moveToLineTo_( flatCoordinates, offset, ends[i], stride, true ); } return offset; } /** * Render a circle geometry into the canvas. Rendering is immediate and uses * the current fill and stroke styles. * * @param {import("../../geom/Circle.js").default} geometry Circle geometry. * @api */ drawCircle(geometry) { if (this.squaredTolerance_) { geometry = /** @type {import("../../geom/Circle.js").default} */ geometry.simplifyTransformed( this.squaredTolerance_, this.userTransform_ ); } if (!intersects$1(this.extent_, geometry.getExtent())) { return; } if (this.fillState_ || this.strokeState_) { if (this.fillState_) { this.setContextFillState_(this.fillState_); } if (this.strokeState_) { this.setContextStrokeState_(this.strokeState_); } const pixelCoordinates = transformGeom2D( geometry, this.transform_, this.pixelCoordinates_ ); const dx = pixelCoordinates[2] - pixelCoordinates[0]; const dy = pixelCoordinates[3] - pixelCoordinates[1]; const radius = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); const context = this.context_; context.beginPath(); context.arc( pixelCoordinates[0], pixelCoordinates[1], radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI ); if (this.fillState_) { context.fill(); } if (this.strokeState_) { context.stroke(); } } if (this.text_ !== "") { this.drawText_(geometry.getCenter(), 0, 2, 2); } } /** * Set the rendering style. Note that since this is an immediate rendering API, * any `zIndex` on the provided style will be ignored. * * @param {import("../../style/Style.js").default} style The rendering style. * @api */ setStyle(style) { this.setFillStrokeStyle(style.getFill(), style.getStroke()); this.setImageStyle(style.getImage()); this.setTextStyle(style.getText()); } /** * @param {import("../../transform.js").Transform} transform Transform. */ setTransform(transform2) { this.transform_ = transform2; } /** * Render a geometry into the canvas. Call * {@link module:ol/render/canvas/Immediate~CanvasImmediateRenderer#setStyle renderer.setStyle()} first to set the rendering style. * * @param {import("../../geom/Geometry.js").default|import("../Feature.js").default} geometry The geometry to render. * @api */ drawGeometry(geometry) { const type = geometry.getType(); switch (type) { case "Point": this.drawPoint( /** @type {import("../../geom/Point.js").default} */ geometry ); break; case "LineString": this.drawLineString( /** @type {import("../../geom/LineString.js").default} */ geometry ); break; case "Polygon": this.drawPolygon( /** @type {import("../../geom/Polygon.js").default} */ geometry ); break; case "MultiPoint": this.drawMultiPoint( /** @type {import("../../geom/MultiPoint.js").default} */ geometry ); break; case "MultiLineString": this.drawMultiLineString( /** @type {import("../../geom/MultiLineString.js").default} */ geometry ); break; case "MultiPolygon": this.drawMultiPolygon( /** @type {import("../../geom/MultiPolygon.js").default} */ geometry ); break; case "GeometryCollection": this.drawGeometryCollection( /** @type {import("../../geom/GeometryCollection.js").default} */ geometry ); break; case "Circle": this.drawCircle( /** @type {import("../../geom/Circle.js").default} */ geometry ); break; } } /** * Render a feature into the canvas. Note that any `zIndex` on the provided * style will be ignored - features are rendered immediately in the order that * this method is called. If you need `zIndex` support, you should be using an * {@link module:ol/layer/Vector~VectorLayer} instead. * * @param {import("../../Feature.js").default} feature Feature. * @param {import("../../style/Style.js").default} style Style. * @api */ drawFeature(feature, style) { const geometry = style.getGeometryFunction()(feature); if (!geometry) { return; } this.setStyle(style); this.drawGeometry(geometry); } /** * Render a GeometryCollection to the canvas. Rendering is immediate and * uses the current styles appropriate for each geometry in the collection. * * @param {import("../../geom/GeometryCollection.js").default} geometry Geometry collection. */ drawGeometryCollection(geometry) { const geometries = geometry.getGeometriesArray(); for (let i = 0, ii = geometries.length; i < ii; ++i) { this.drawGeometry(geometries[i]); } } /** * Render a Point geometry into the canvas. Rendering is immediate and uses * the current style. * * @param {import("../../geom/Point.js").default|import("../Feature.js").default} geometry Point geometry. */ drawPoint(geometry) { if (this.squaredTolerance_) { geometry = /** @type {import("../../geom/Point.js").default} */ geometry.simplifyTransformed( this.squaredTolerance_, this.userTransform_ ); } const flatCoordinates = geometry.getFlatCoordinates(); const stride = geometry.getStride(); if (this.image_) { this.drawImages_(flatCoordinates, 0, flatCoordinates.length, stride); } if (this.text_ !== "") { this.drawText_(flatCoordinates, 0, flatCoordinates.length, stride); } } /** * Render a MultiPoint geometry into the canvas. Rendering is immediate and * uses the current style. * * @param {import("../../geom/MultiPoint.js").default|import("../Feature.js").default} geometry MultiPoint geometry. */ drawMultiPoint(geometry) { if (this.squaredTolerance_) { geometry = /** @type {import("../../geom/MultiPoint.js").default} */ geometry.simplifyTransformed( this.squaredTolerance_, this.userTransform_ ); } const flatCoordinates = geometry.getFlatCoordinates(); const stride = geometry.getStride(); if (this.image_) { this.drawImages_(flatCoordinates, 0, flatCoordinates.length, stride); } if (this.text_ !== "") { this.drawText_(flatCoordinates, 0, flatCoordinates.length, stride); } } /** * Render a LineString into the canvas. Rendering is immediate and uses * the current style. * * @param {import("../../geom/LineString.js").default|import("../Feature.js").default} geometry LineString geometry. */ drawLineString(geometry) { if (this.squaredTolerance_) { geometry = /** @type {import("../../geom/LineString.js").default} */ geometry.simplifyTransformed( this.squaredTolerance_, this.userTransform_ ); } if (!intersects$1(this.extent_, geometry.getExtent())) { return; } if (this.strokeState_) { this.setContextStrokeState_(this.strokeState_); const context = this.context_; const flatCoordinates = geometry.getFlatCoordinates(); context.beginPath(); this.moveToLineTo_( flatCoordinates, 0, flatCoordinates.length, geometry.getStride(), false ); context.stroke(); } if (this.text_ !== "") { const flatMidpoint = geometry.getFlatMidpoint(); this.drawText_(flatMidpoint, 0, 2, 2); } } /** * Render a MultiLineString geometry into the canvas. Rendering is immediate * and uses the current style. * * @param {import("../../geom/MultiLineString.js").default|import("../Feature.js").default} geometry MultiLineString geometry. */ drawMultiLineString(geometry) { if (this.squaredTolerance_) { geometry = /** @type {import("../../geom/MultiLineString.js").default} */ geometry.simplifyTransformed( this.squaredTolerance_, this.userTransform_ ); } const geometryExtent = geometry.getExtent(); if (!intersects$1(this.extent_, geometryExtent)) { return; } if (this.strokeState_) { this.setContextStrokeState_(this.strokeState_); const context = this.context_; const flatCoordinates = geometry.getFlatCoordinates(); let offset = 0; const ends = ( /** @type {Array} */ geometry.getEnds() ); const stride = geometry.getStride(); context.beginPath(); for (let i = 0, ii = ends.length; i < ii; ++i) { offset = this.moveToLineTo_( flatCoordinates, offset, ends[i], stride, false ); } context.stroke(); } if (this.text_ !== "") { const flatMidpoints = geometry.getFlatMidpoints(); this.drawText_(flatMidpoints, 0, flatMidpoints.length, 2); } } /** * Render a Polygon geometry into the canvas. Rendering is immediate and uses * the current style. * * @param {import("../../geom/Polygon.js").default|import("../Feature.js").default} geometry Polygon geometry. */ drawPolygon(geometry) { if (this.squaredTolerance_) { geometry = /** @type {import("../../geom/Polygon.js").default} */ geometry.simplifyTransformed( this.squaredTolerance_, this.userTransform_ ); } if (!intersects$1(this.extent_, geometry.getExtent())) { return; } if (this.strokeState_ || this.fillState_) { if (this.fillState_) { this.setContextFillState_(this.fillState_); } if (this.strokeState_) { this.setContextStrokeState_(this.strokeState_); } const context = this.context_; context.beginPath(); this.drawRings_( geometry.getOrientedFlatCoordinates(), 0, /** @type {Array} */ geometry.getEnds(), geometry.getStride() ); if (this.fillState_) { context.fill(); } if (this.strokeState_) { context.stroke(); } } if (this.text_ !== "") { const flatInteriorPoint = geometry.getFlatInteriorPoint(); this.drawText_(flatInteriorPoint, 0, 2, 2); } } /** * Render MultiPolygon geometry into the canvas. Rendering is immediate and * uses the current style. * @param {import("../../geom/MultiPolygon.js").default} geometry MultiPolygon geometry. */ drawMultiPolygon(geometry) { if (this.squaredTolerance_) { geometry = /** @type {import("../../geom/MultiPolygon.js").default} */ geometry.simplifyTransformed( this.squaredTolerance_, this.userTransform_ ); } if (!intersects$1(this.extent_, geometry.getExtent())) { return; } if (this.strokeState_ || this.fillState_) { if (this.fillState_) { this.setContextFillState_(this.fillState_); } if (this.strokeState_) { this.setContextStrokeState_(this.strokeState_); } const context = this.context_; const flatCoordinates = geometry.getOrientedFlatCoordinates(); let offset = 0; const endss = geometry.getEndss(); const stride = geometry.getStride(); context.beginPath(); for (let i = 0, ii = endss.length; i < ii; ++i) { const ends = endss[i]; offset = this.drawRings_(flatCoordinates, offset, ends, stride); } if (this.fillState_) { context.fill(); } if (this.strokeState_) { context.stroke(); } } if (this.text_ !== "") { const flatInteriorPoints = geometry.getFlatInteriorPoints(); this.drawText_(flatInteriorPoints, 0, flatInteriorPoints.length, 2); } } /** * @param {import("../canvas.js").FillState} fillState Fill state. * @private */ setContextFillState_(fillState) { const context = this.context_; const contextFillState = this.contextFillState_; if (!contextFillState) { context.fillStyle = fillState.fillStyle; this.contextFillState_ = { fillStyle: fillState.fillStyle }; } else { if (contextFillState.fillStyle != fillState.fillStyle) { contextFillState.fillStyle = fillState.fillStyle; context.fillStyle = fillState.fillStyle; } } } /** * @param {import("../canvas.js").StrokeState} strokeState Stroke state. * @private */ setContextStrokeState_(strokeState) { const context = this.context_; const contextStrokeState = this.contextStrokeState_; if (!contextStrokeState) { context.lineCap = strokeState.lineCap; context.setLineDash(strokeState.lineDash); context.lineDashOffset = strokeState.lineDashOffset; context.lineJoin = strokeState.lineJoin; context.lineWidth = strokeState.lineWidth; context.miterLimit = strokeState.miterLimit; context.strokeStyle = strokeState.strokeStyle; this.contextStrokeState_ = { lineCap: strokeState.lineCap, lineDash: strokeState.lineDash, lineDashOffset: strokeState.lineDashOffset, lineJoin: strokeState.lineJoin, lineWidth: strokeState.lineWidth, miterLimit: strokeState.miterLimit, strokeStyle: strokeState.strokeStyle }; } else { if (contextStrokeState.lineCap != strokeState.lineCap) { contextStrokeState.lineCap = strokeState.lineCap; context.lineCap = strokeState.lineCap; } if (!equals$2(contextStrokeState.lineDash, strokeState.lineDash)) { context.setLineDash( contextStrokeState.lineDash = strokeState.lineDash ); } if (contextStrokeState.lineDashOffset != strokeState.lineDashOffset) { contextStrokeState.lineDashOffset = strokeState.lineDashOffset; context.lineDashOffset = strokeState.lineDashOffset; } if (contextStrokeState.lineJoin != strokeState.lineJoin) { contextStrokeState.lineJoin = strokeState.lineJoin; context.lineJoin = strokeState.lineJoin; } if (contextStrokeState.lineWidth != strokeState.lineWidth) { contextStrokeState.lineWidth = strokeState.lineWidth; context.lineWidth = strokeState.lineWidth; } if (contextStrokeState.miterLimit != strokeState.miterLimit) { contextStrokeState.miterLimit = strokeState.miterLimit; context.miterLimit = strokeState.miterLimit; } if (contextStrokeState.strokeStyle != strokeState.strokeStyle) { contextStrokeState.strokeStyle = strokeState.strokeStyle; context.strokeStyle = strokeState.strokeStyle; } } } /** * @param {import("../canvas.js").TextState} textState Text state. * @private */ setContextTextState_(textState) { const context = this.context_; const contextTextState = this.contextTextState_; const textAlign = textState.textAlign ? textState.textAlign : defaultTextAlign; if (!contextTextState) { context.font = textState.font; context.textAlign = textAlign; context.textBaseline = textState.textBaseline; this.contextTextState_ = { font: textState.font, textAlign, textBaseline: textState.textBaseline }; } else { if (contextTextState.font != textState.font) { contextTextState.font = textState.font; context.font = textState.font; } if (contextTextState.textAlign != textAlign) { contextTextState.textAlign = textAlign; context.textAlign = textAlign; } if (contextTextState.textBaseline != textState.textBaseline) { contextTextState.textBaseline = textState.textBaseline; context.textBaseline = textState.textBaseline; } } } /** * Set the fill and stroke style for subsequent draw operations. To clear * either fill or stroke styles, pass null for the appropriate parameter. * * @param {import("../../style/Fill.js").default} fillStyle Fill style. * @param {import("../../style/Stroke.js").default} strokeStyle Stroke style. */ setFillStrokeStyle(fillStyle, strokeStyle) { if (!fillStyle) { this.fillState_ = null; } else { const fillStyleColor = fillStyle.getColor(); this.fillState_ = { fillStyle: asColorLike( fillStyleColor ? fillStyleColor : defaultFillStyle ) }; } if (!strokeStyle) { this.strokeState_ = null; } else { const strokeStyleColor = strokeStyle.getColor(); const strokeStyleLineCap = strokeStyle.getLineCap(); const strokeStyleLineDash = strokeStyle.getLineDash(); const strokeStyleLineDashOffset = strokeStyle.getLineDashOffset(); const strokeStyleLineJoin = strokeStyle.getLineJoin(); const strokeStyleWidth = strokeStyle.getWidth(); const strokeStyleMiterLimit = strokeStyle.getMiterLimit(); const lineDash = strokeStyleLineDash ? strokeStyleLineDash : defaultLineDash; this.strokeState_ = { lineCap: strokeStyleLineCap !== void 0 ? strokeStyleLineCap : defaultLineCap, lineDash: this.pixelRatio_ === 1 ? lineDash : => n * this.pixelRatio_), lineDashOffset: (strokeStyleLineDashOffset ? strokeStyleLineDashOffset : defaultLineDashOffset) * this.pixelRatio_, lineJoin: strokeStyleLineJoin !== void 0 ? strokeStyleLineJoin : defaultLineJoin, lineWidth: (strokeStyleWidth !== void 0 ? strokeStyleWidth : defaultLineWidth) * this.pixelRatio_, miterLimit: strokeStyleMiterLimit !== void 0 ? strokeStyleMiterLimit : defaultMiterLimit, strokeStyle: asColorLike( strokeStyleColor ? strokeStyleColor : defaultStrokeStyle ) }; } } /** * Set the image style for subsequent draw operations. Pass null to remove * the image style. * * @param {import("../../style/Image.js").default} imageStyle Image style. */ setImageStyle(imageStyle) { let imageSize; if (!imageStyle || !(imageSize = imageStyle.getSize())) { this.image_ = null; return; } const imagePixelRatio = imageStyle.getPixelRatio(this.pixelRatio_); const imageAnchor = imageStyle.getAnchor(); const imageOrigin = imageStyle.getOrigin(); this.image_ = imageStyle.getImage(this.pixelRatio_); this.imageAnchorX_ = imageAnchor[0] * imagePixelRatio; this.imageAnchorY_ = imageAnchor[1] * imagePixelRatio; this.imageHeight_ = imageSize[1] * imagePixelRatio; this.imageOpacity_ = imageStyle.getOpacity(); this.imageOriginX_ = imageOrigin[0]; this.imageOriginY_ = imageOrigin[1]; this.imageRotateWithView_ = imageStyle.getRotateWithView(); this.imageRotation_ = imageStyle.getRotation(); const imageScale = imageStyle.getScaleArray(); this.imageScale_ = [ imageScale[0] * this.pixelRatio_ / imagePixelRatio, imageScale[1] * this.pixelRatio_ / imagePixelRatio ]; this.imageWidth_ = imageSize[0] * imagePixelRatio; } /** * Set the text style for subsequent draw operations. Pass null to * remove the text style. * * @param {import("../../style/Text.js").default} textStyle Text style. */ setTextStyle(textStyle) { if (!textStyle) { this.text_ = ""; } else { const textFillStyle = textStyle.getFill(); if (!textFillStyle) { this.textFillState_ = null; } else { const textFillStyleColor = textFillStyle.getColor(); this.textFillState_ = { fillStyle: asColorLike( textFillStyleColor ? textFillStyleColor : defaultFillStyle ) }; } const textStrokeStyle = textStyle.getStroke(); if (!textStrokeStyle) { this.textStrokeState_ = null; } else { const textStrokeStyleColor = textStrokeStyle.getColor(); const textStrokeStyleLineCap = textStrokeStyle.getLineCap(); const textStrokeStyleLineDash = textStrokeStyle.getLineDash(); const textStrokeStyleLineDashOffset = textStrokeStyle.getLineDashOffset(); const textStrokeStyleLineJoin = textStrokeStyle.getLineJoin(); const textStrokeStyleWidth = textStrokeStyle.getWidth(); const textStrokeStyleMiterLimit = textStrokeStyle.getMiterLimit(); this.textStrokeState_ = { lineCap: textStrokeStyleLineCap !== void 0 ? textStrokeStyleLineCap : defaultLineCap, lineDash: textStrokeStyleLineDash ? textStrokeStyleLineDash : defaultLineDash, lineDashOffset: textStrokeStyleLineDashOffset ? textStrokeStyleLineDashOffset : defaultLineDashOffset, lineJoin: textStrokeStyleLineJoin !== void 0 ? textStrokeStyleLineJoin : defaultLineJoin, lineWidth: textStrokeStyleWidth !== void 0 ? textStrokeStyleWidth : defaultLineWidth, miterLimit: textStrokeStyleMiterLimit !== void 0 ? textStrokeStyleMiterLimit : defaultMiterLimit, strokeStyle: asColorLike( textStrokeStyleColor ? textStrokeStyleColor : defaultStrokeStyle ) }; } const textFont = textStyle.getFont(); const textOffsetX = textStyle.getOffsetX(); const textOffsetY = textStyle.getOffsetY(); const textRotateWithView = textStyle.getRotateWithView(); const textRotation = textStyle.getRotation(); const textScale = textStyle.getScaleArray(); const textText = textStyle.getText(); const textTextAlign = textStyle.getTextAlign(); const textTextBaseline = textStyle.getTextBaseline(); this.textState_ = { font: textFont !== void 0 ? textFont : defaultFont, textAlign: textTextAlign !== void 0 ? textTextAlign : defaultTextAlign, textBaseline: textTextBaseline !== void 0 ? textTextBaseline : defaultTextBaseline }; this.text_ = textText !== void 0 ? Array.isArray(textText) ? textText.reduce((acc, t, i) => acc += i % 2 ? " " : t, "") : textText : ""; this.textOffsetX_ = textOffsetX !== void 0 ? this.pixelRatio_ * textOffsetX : 0; this.textOffsetY_ = textOffsetY !== void 0 ? this.pixelRatio_ * textOffsetY : 0; this.textRotateWithView_ = textRotateWithView !== void 0 ? textRotateWithView : false; this.textRotation_ = textRotation !== void 0 ? textRotation : 0; this.textScale_ = [ this.pixelRatio_ * textScale[0], this.pixelRatio_ * textScale[1] ]; } } } const CanvasImmediateRenderer$1 = CanvasImmediateRenderer; const HIT_DETECT_RESOLUTION = 0.5; function createHitDetectionImageData(size, transforms2, features, styleFunction, extent, resolution, rotation) { const width = size[0] * HIT_DETECT_RESOLUTION; const height = size[1] * HIT_DETECT_RESOLUTION; const context = createCanvasContext2D(width, height); context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; const canvas = context.canvas; const renderer = new CanvasImmediateRenderer$1( context, HIT_DETECT_RESOLUTION, extent, null, rotation ); const featureCount = features.length; const indexFactor = Math.floor((256 * 256 * 256 - 1) / featureCount); const featuresByZIndex = {}; for (let i = 1; i <= featureCount; ++i) { const feature = features[i - 1]; const featureStyleFunction = feature.getStyleFunction() || styleFunction; if (!featureStyleFunction) { continue; } let styles = featureStyleFunction(feature, resolution); if (!styles) { continue; } if (!Array.isArray(styles)) { styles = [styles]; } const index = i * indexFactor; const color = index.toString(16).padStart(7, "#00000"); for (let j = 0, jj = styles.length; j < jj; ++j) { const originalStyle = styles[j]; const geometry = originalStyle.getGeometryFunction()(feature); if (!geometry || !intersects$1(extent, geometry.getExtent())) { continue; } const style = originalStyle.clone(); const fill = style.getFill(); if (fill) { fill.setColor(color); } const stroke = style.getStroke(); if (stroke) { stroke.setColor(color); stroke.setLineDash(null); } style.setText(void 0); const image = originalStyle.getImage(); if (image) { const imgSize = image.getImageSize(); if (!imgSize) { continue; } const imgContext = createCanvasContext2D( imgSize[0], imgSize[1], void 0, { alpha: false } ); const img = imgContext.canvas; imgContext.fillStyle = color; imgContext.fillRect(0, 0, img.width, img.height); style.setImage( new OlIcon({ img, anchor: image.getAnchor(), anchorXUnits: "pixels", anchorYUnits: "pixels", offset: image.getOrigin(), opacity: 1, size: image.getSize(), scale: image.getScale(), rotation: image.getRotation(), rotateWithView: image.getRotateWithView() }) ); } const zIndex = style.getZIndex() || 0; let byGeometryType = featuresByZIndex[zIndex]; if (!byGeometryType) { byGeometryType = {}; featuresByZIndex[zIndex] = byGeometryType; byGeometryType["Polygon"] = []; byGeometryType["Circle"] = []; byGeometryType["LineString"] = []; byGeometryType["Point"] = []; } const type = geometry.getType(); if (type === "GeometryCollection") { const geometries = ( /** @type {import("../../geom/GeometryCollection.js").default} */ geometry.getGeometriesArrayRecursive() ); for (let i2 = 0, ii = geometries.length; i2 < ii; ++i2) { const geometry2 = geometries[i2]; byGeometryType[geometry2.getType().replace("Multi", "")].push( geometry2, style ); } } else { byGeometryType[type.replace("Multi", "")].push(geometry, style); } } } const zIndexKeys = Object.keys(featuresByZIndex).map(Number).sort(ascending); for (let i = 0, ii = zIndexKeys.length; i < ii; ++i) { const byGeometryType = featuresByZIndex[zIndexKeys[i]]; for (const type in byGeometryType) { const geomAndStyle = byGeometryType[type]; for (let j = 0, jj = geomAndStyle.length; j < jj; j += 2) { renderer.setStyle(geomAndStyle[j + 1]); for (let k = 0, kk = transforms2.length; k < kk; ++k) { renderer.setTransform(transforms2[k]); renderer.drawGeometry(geomAndStyle[j]); } } } } return context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); } function hitDetect(pixel, features, imageData) { const resultFeatures = []; if (imageData) { const x = Math.floor(Math.round(pixel[0]) * HIT_DETECT_RESOLUTION); const y = Math.floor(Math.round(pixel[1]) * HIT_DETECT_RESOLUTION); const index = (clamp(x, 0, imageData.width - 1) + clamp(y, 0, imageData.height - 1) * imageData.width) * 4; const r =[index]; const g =[index + 1]; const b =[index + 2]; const i = b + 256 * (g + 256 * r); const indexFactor = Math.floor((256 * 256 * 256 - 1) / features.length); if (i && i % indexFactor === 0) { resultFeatures.push(features[i / indexFactor - 1]); } } return resultFeatures; } const SIMPLIFY_TOLERANCE = 0.5; const GEOMETRY_RENDERERS = { "Point": renderPointGeometry, "LineString": renderLineStringGeometry, "Polygon": renderPolygonGeometry, "MultiPoint": renderMultiPointGeometry, "MultiLineString": renderMultiLineStringGeometry, "MultiPolygon": renderMultiPolygonGeometry, "GeometryCollection": renderGeometryCollectionGeometry, "Circle": renderCircleGeometry }; function defaultOrder(feature1, feature2) { return parseInt(getUid(feature1), 10) - parseInt(getUid(feature2), 10); } function getSquaredTolerance(resolution, pixelRatio) { const tolerance = getTolerance(resolution, pixelRatio); return tolerance * tolerance; } function getTolerance(resolution, pixelRatio) { return SIMPLIFY_TOLERANCE * resolution / pixelRatio; } function renderCircleGeometry(builderGroup, geometry, style, feature, declutterBuilderGroup) { const fillStyle = style.getFill(); const strokeStyle = style.getStroke(); if (fillStyle || strokeStyle) { const circleReplay = builderGroup.getBuilder(style.getZIndex(), "Circle"); circleReplay.setFillStrokeStyle(fillStyle, strokeStyle); circleReplay.drawCircle(geometry, feature); } const textStyle = style.getText(); if (textStyle && textStyle.getText()) { const textReplay = (declutterBuilderGroup || builderGroup).getBuilder( style.getZIndex(), "Text" ); textReplay.setTextStyle(textStyle); textReplay.drawText(geometry, feature); } } function renderFeature(replayGroup, feature, style, squaredTolerance, listener, transform2, declutterBuilderGroup) { let loading = false; const imageStyle = style.getImage(); if (imageStyle) { const imageState = imageStyle.getImageState(); if (imageState == ImageState.LOADED || imageState == ImageState.ERROR) { imageStyle.unlistenImageChange(listener); } else { if (imageState == ImageState.IDLE) { imageStyle.load(); } imageStyle.listenImageChange(listener); loading = true; } } renderFeatureInternal( replayGroup, feature, style, squaredTolerance, transform2, declutterBuilderGroup ); return loading; } function renderFeatureInternal(replayGroup, feature, style, squaredTolerance, transform2, declutterBuilderGroup) { const geometry = style.getGeometryFunction()(feature); if (!geometry) { return; } const simplifiedGeometry = geometry.simplifyTransformed( squaredTolerance, transform2 ); const renderer = style.getRenderer(); if (renderer) { renderGeometry(replayGroup, simplifiedGeometry, style, feature); } else { const geometryRenderer = GEOMETRY_RENDERERS[simplifiedGeometry.getType()]; geometryRenderer( replayGroup, simplifiedGeometry, style, feature, declutterBuilderGroup ); } } function renderGeometry(replayGroup, geometry, style, feature) { if (geometry.getType() == "GeometryCollection") { const geometries = ( /** @type {import("../geom/GeometryCollection.js").default} */ geometry.getGeometries() ); for (let i = 0, ii = geometries.length; i < ii; ++i) { renderGeometry(replayGroup, geometries[i], style, feature); } return; } const replay = replayGroup.getBuilder(style.getZIndex(), "Default"); replay.drawCustom( /** @type {import("../geom/SimpleGeometry.js").default} */ geometry, feature, style.getRenderer(), style.getHitDetectionRenderer() ); } function renderGeometryCollectionGeometry(replayGroup, geometry, style, feature, declutterBuilderGroup) { const geometries = geometry.getGeometriesArray(); let i, ii; for (i = 0, ii = geometries.length; i < ii; ++i) { const geometryRenderer = GEOMETRY_RENDERERS[geometries[i].getType()]; geometryRenderer( replayGroup, geometries[i], style, feature, declutterBuilderGroup ); } } function renderLineStringGeometry(builderGroup, geometry, style, feature, declutterBuilderGroup) { const strokeStyle = style.getStroke(); if (strokeStyle) { const lineStringReplay = builderGroup.getBuilder( style.getZIndex(), "LineString" ); lineStringReplay.setFillStrokeStyle(null, strokeStyle); lineStringReplay.drawLineString(geometry, feature); } const textStyle = style.getText(); if (textStyle && textStyle.getText()) { const textReplay = (declutterBuilderGroup || builderGroup).getBuilder( style.getZIndex(), "Text" ); textReplay.setTextStyle(textStyle); textReplay.drawText(geometry, feature); } } function renderMultiLineStringGeometry(builderGroup, geometry, style, feature, declutterBuilderGroup) { const strokeStyle = style.getStroke(); if (strokeStyle) { const lineStringReplay = builderGroup.getBuilder( style.getZIndex(), "LineString" ); lineStringReplay.setFillStrokeStyle(null, strokeStyle); lineStringReplay.drawMultiLineString(geometry, feature); } const textStyle = style.getText(); if (textStyle && textStyle.getText()) { const textReplay = (declutterBuilderGroup || builderGroup).getBuilder( style.getZIndex(), "Text" ); textReplay.setTextStyle(textStyle); textReplay.drawText(geometry, feature); } } function renderMultiPolygonGeometry(builderGroup, geometry, style, feature, declutterBuilderGroup) { const fillStyle = style.getFill(); const strokeStyle = style.getStroke(); if (strokeStyle || fillStyle) { const polygonReplay = builderGroup.getBuilder(style.getZIndex(), "Polygon"); polygonReplay.setFillStrokeStyle(fillStyle, strokeStyle); polygonReplay.drawMultiPolygon(geometry, feature); } const textStyle = style.getText(); if (textStyle && textStyle.getText()) { const textReplay = (declutterBuilderGroup || builderGroup).getBuilder( style.getZIndex(), "Text" ); textReplay.setTextStyle(textStyle); textReplay.drawText(geometry, feature); } } function renderPointGeometry(builderGroup, geometry, style, feature, declutterBuilderGroup) { const imageStyle = style.getImage(); const textStyle = style.getText(); let declutterImageWithText; if (imageStyle) { if (imageStyle.getImageState() != ImageState.LOADED) { return; } let imageBuilderGroup = builderGroup; if (declutterBuilderGroup) { const declutterMode = imageStyle.getDeclutterMode(); if (declutterMode !== "none") { imageBuilderGroup = declutterBuilderGroup; if (declutterMode === "obstacle") { const imageReplay2 = builderGroup.getBuilder( style.getZIndex(), "Image" ); imageReplay2.setImageStyle(imageStyle, declutterImageWithText); imageReplay2.drawPoint(geometry, feature); } else if (textStyle && textStyle.getText()) { declutterImageWithText = {}; } } } const imageReplay = imageBuilderGroup.getBuilder( style.getZIndex(), "Image" ); imageReplay.setImageStyle(imageStyle, declutterImageWithText); imageReplay.drawPoint(geometry, feature); } if (textStyle && textStyle.getText()) { let textBuilderGroup = builderGroup; if (declutterBuilderGroup) { textBuilderGroup = declutterBuilderGroup; } const textReplay = textBuilderGroup.getBuilder(style.getZIndex(), "Text"); textReplay.setTextStyle(textStyle, declutterImageWithText); textReplay.drawText(geometry, feature); } } function renderMultiPointGeometry(builderGroup, geometry, style, feature, declutterBuilderGroup) { const imageStyle = style.getImage(); const textStyle = style.getText(); let declutterImageWithText; if (imageStyle) { if (imageStyle.getImageState() != ImageState.LOADED) { return; } let imageBuilderGroup = builderGroup; if (declutterBuilderGroup) { const declutterMode = imageStyle.getDeclutterMode(); if (declutterMode !== "none") { imageBuilderGroup = declutterBuilderGroup; if (declutterMode === "obstacle") { const imageReplay2 = builderGroup.getBuilder( style.getZIndex(), "Image" ); imageReplay2.setImageStyle(imageStyle, declutterImageWithText); imageReplay2.drawMultiPoint(geometry, feature); } else if (textStyle && textStyle.getText()) { declutterImageWithText = {}; } } } const imageReplay = imageBuilderGroup.getBuilder( style.getZIndex(), "Image" ); imageReplay.setImageStyle(imageStyle, declutterImageWithText); imageReplay.drawMultiPoint(geometry, feature); } if (textStyle && textStyle.getText()) { let textBuilderGroup = builderGroup; if (declutterBuilderGroup) { textBuilderGroup = declutterBuilderGroup; } const textReplay = textBuilderGroup.getBuilder(style.getZIndex(), "Text"); textReplay.setTextStyle(textStyle, declutterImageWithText); textReplay.drawText(geometry, feature); } } function renderPolygonGeometry(builderGroup, geometry, style, feature, declutterBuilderGroup) { const fillStyle = style.getFill(); const strokeStyle = style.getStroke(); if (fillStyle || strokeStyle) { const polygonReplay = builderGroup.getBuilder(style.getZIndex(), "Polygon"); polygonReplay.setFillStrokeStyle(fillStyle, strokeStyle); polygonReplay.drawPolygon(geometry, feature); } const textStyle = style.getText(); if (textStyle && textStyle.getText()) { const textReplay = (declutterBuilderGroup || builderGroup).getBuilder( style.getZIndex(), "Text" ); textReplay.setTextStyle(textStyle); textReplay.drawText(geometry, feature); } } class CanvasVectorLayerRenderer extends CanvasLayerRenderer$1 { /** * @param {import("../../layer/BaseVector.js").default} vectorLayer Vector layer. */ constructor(vectorLayer) { super(vectorLayer); this.boundHandleStyleImageChange_ = this.handleStyleImageChange_.bind(this); this.animatingOrInteracting_; this.hitDetectionImageData_ = null; this.renderedFeatures_ = null; this.renderedRevision_ = -1; this.renderedResolution_ = NaN; this.renderedExtent_ = createEmpty(); this.wrappedRenderedExtent_ = createEmpty(); this.renderedRotation_; this.renderedCenter_ = null; this.renderedProjection_ = null; this.renderedRenderOrder_ = null; this.replayGroup_ = null; this.replayGroupChanged = true; this.declutterExecutorGroup = null; this.clipping = true; this.compositionContext_ = null; this.opacity_ = 1; } /** * @param {ExecutorGroup} executorGroup Executor group. * @param {import("../../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. * @param {import("rbush").default} [declutterTree] Declutter tree. */ renderWorlds(executorGroup, frameState, declutterTree) { const extent = frameState.extent; const viewState = frameState.viewState; const center =; const resolution = viewState.resolution; const projection = viewState.projection; const rotation = viewState.rotation; const projectionExtent = projection.getExtent(); const vectorSource = this.getLayer().getSource(); const pixelRatio = frameState.pixelRatio; const viewHints = frameState.viewHints; const snapToPixel = !(viewHints[ViewHint.ANIMATING] || viewHints[ViewHint.INTERACTING]); const context = this.compositionContext_; const width = Math.round(frameState.size[0] * pixelRatio); const height = Math.round(frameState.size[1] * pixelRatio); const multiWorld = vectorSource.getWrapX() && projection.canWrapX(); const worldWidth = multiWorld ? getWidth(projectionExtent) : null; const endWorld = multiWorld ? Math.ceil((extent[2] - projectionExtent[2]) / worldWidth) + 1 : 1; let world = multiWorld ? Math.floor((extent[0] - projectionExtent[0]) / worldWidth) : 0; do { const transform2 = this.getRenderTransform( center, resolution, rotation, pixelRatio, width, height, world * worldWidth ); executorGroup.execute( context, 1, transform2, rotation, snapToPixel, void 0, declutterTree ); } while (++world < endWorld); } setupCompositionContext_() { if (this.opacity_ !== 1) { const compositionContext = createCanvasContext2D( this.context.canvas.width, this.context.canvas.height, canvasPool ); this.compositionContext_ = compositionContext; } else { this.compositionContext_ = this.context; } } releaseCompositionContext_() { if (this.opacity_ !== 1) { const alpha = this.context.globalAlpha; this.context.globalAlpha = this.opacity_; this.context.drawImage(this.compositionContext_.canvas, 0, 0); this.context.globalAlpha = alpha; releaseCanvas(this.compositionContext_); canvasPool.push(this.compositionContext_.canvas); this.compositionContext_ = null; } } /** * Render declutter items for this layer * @param {import("../../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. */ renderDeclutter(frameState) { if (this.declutterExecutorGroup) { this.setupCompositionContext_(); this.renderWorlds( this.declutterExecutorGroup, frameState, frameState.declutterTree ); this.releaseCompositionContext_(); } } /** * Render the layer. * @param {import("../../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. * @param {HTMLElement|null} target Target that may be used to render content to. * @return {HTMLElement|null} The rendered element. */ renderFrame(frameState, target) { const pixelRatio = frameState.pixelRatio; const layerState = frameState.layerStatesArray[frameState.layerIndex]; makeScale(this.pixelTransform, 1 / pixelRatio, 1 / pixelRatio); makeInverse(this.inversePixelTransform, this.pixelTransform); const canvasTransform = toString$1(this.pixelTransform); this.useContainer(target, canvasTransform, this.getBackground(frameState)); const context = this.context; const canvas = context.canvas; const replayGroup = this.replayGroup_; const declutterExecutorGroup = this.declutterExecutorGroup; let render2 = replayGroup && !replayGroup.isEmpty() || declutterExecutorGroup && !declutterExecutorGroup.isEmpty(); if (!render2) { const hasRenderListeners = this.getLayer().hasListener(RenderEventType.PRERENDER) || this.getLayer().hasListener(RenderEventType.POSTRENDER); if (!hasRenderListeners) { return null; } } const width = Math.round(frameState.size[0] * pixelRatio); const height = Math.round(frameState.size[1] * pixelRatio); if (canvas.width != width || canvas.height != height) { canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; if ( !== canvasTransform) { = canvasTransform; } } else if (!this.containerReused) { context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); } this.preRender(context, frameState); const viewState = frameState.viewState; viewState.projection; this.opacity_ = layerState.opacity; this.setupCompositionContext_(); let clipped = false; if (render2 && layerState.extent && this.clipping) { const layerExtent = fromUserExtent(layerState.extent); render2 = intersects$1(layerExtent, frameState.extent); clipped = render2 && !containsExtent(layerExtent, frameState.extent); if (clipped) { this.clipUnrotated(this.compositionContext_, frameState, layerExtent); } } if (render2) { this.renderWorlds(replayGroup, frameState); } if (clipped) { this.compositionContext_.restore(); } this.releaseCompositionContext_(); this.postRender(context, frameState); if (this.renderedRotation_ !== viewState.rotation) { this.renderedRotation_ = viewState.rotation; this.hitDetectionImageData_ = null; } return this.container; } /** * Asynchronous layer level hit detection. * @param {import("../../pixel.js").Pixel} pixel Pixel. * @return {Promise>} Promise * that resolves with an array of features. */ getFeatures(pixel) { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (!this.hitDetectionImageData_ && !this.animatingOrInteracting_) { const size = [this.context.canvas.width, this.context.canvas.height]; apply(this.pixelTransform, size); const center = this.renderedCenter_; const resolution = this.renderedResolution_; const rotation = this.renderedRotation_; const projection = this.renderedProjection_; const extent = this.wrappedRenderedExtent_; const layer = this.getLayer(); const transforms2 = []; const width = size[0] * HIT_DETECT_RESOLUTION; const height = size[1] * HIT_DETECT_RESOLUTION; transforms2.push( this.getRenderTransform( center, resolution, rotation, HIT_DETECT_RESOLUTION, width, height, 0 ).slice() ); const source = layer.getSource(); const projectionExtent = projection.getExtent(); if (source.getWrapX() && projection.canWrapX() && !containsExtent(projectionExtent, extent)) { let startX = extent[0]; const worldWidth = getWidth(projectionExtent); let world = 0; let offsetX; while (startX < projectionExtent[0]) { --world; offsetX = worldWidth * world; transforms2.push( this.getRenderTransform( center, resolution, rotation, HIT_DETECT_RESOLUTION, width, height, offsetX ).slice() ); startX += worldWidth; } world = 0; startX = extent[2]; while (startX > projectionExtent[2]) { ++world; offsetX = worldWidth * world; transforms2.push( this.getRenderTransform( center, resolution, rotation, HIT_DETECT_RESOLUTION, width, height, offsetX ).slice() ); startX -= worldWidth; } } this.hitDetectionImageData_ = createHitDetectionImageData( size, transforms2, this.renderedFeatures_, layer.getStyleFunction(), extent, resolution, rotation ); } resolve( hitDetect(pixel, this.renderedFeatures_, this.hitDetectionImageData_) ); }); } /** * @param {import("../../coordinate.js").Coordinate} coordinate Coordinate. * @param {import("../../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. * @param {number} hitTolerance Hit tolerance in pixels. * @param {import("../vector.js").FeatureCallback} callback Feature callback. * @param {Array>} matches The hit detected matches with tolerance. * @return {T|undefined} Callback result. * @template T */ forEachFeatureAtCoordinate(coordinate, frameState, hitTolerance, callback, matches) { if (!this.replayGroup_) { return void 0; } const resolution = frameState.viewState.resolution; const rotation = frameState.viewState.rotation; const layer = this.getLayer(); const features = {}; const featureCallback = function(feature, geometry, distanceSq) { const key = getUid(feature); const match = features[key]; if (!match) { if (distanceSq === 0) { features[key] = true; return callback(feature, layer, geometry); } matches.push( features[key] = { feature, layer, geometry, distanceSq, callback } ); } else if (match !== true && distanceSq < match.distanceSq) { if (distanceSq === 0) { features[key] = true; matches.splice(matches.lastIndexOf(match), 1); return callback(feature, layer, geometry); } match.geometry = geometry; match.distanceSq = distanceSq; } return void 0; }; let result; const executorGroups = [this.replayGroup_]; if (this.declutterExecutorGroup) { executorGroups.push(this.declutterExecutorGroup); } executorGroups.some((executorGroup) => { return result = executorGroup.forEachFeatureAtCoordinate( coordinate, resolution, rotation, hitTolerance, featureCallback, executorGroup === this.declutterExecutorGroup && frameState.declutterTree ? frameState.declutterTree.all().map((item) => item.value) : null ); }); return result; } /** * Perform action necessary to get the layer rendered after new fonts have loaded */ handleFontsChanged() { const layer = this.getLayer(); if (layer.getVisible() && this.replayGroup_) { layer.changed(); } } /** * Handle changes in image style state. * @param {import("../../events/Event.js").default} event Image style change event. * @private */ handleStyleImageChange_(event) { this.renderIfReadyAndVisible(); } /** * Determine whether render should be called. * @param {import("../../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. * @return {boolean} Layer is ready to be rendered. */ prepareFrame(frameState) { const vectorLayer = this.getLayer(); const vectorSource = vectorLayer.getSource(); if (!vectorSource) { return false; } const animating = frameState.viewHints[ViewHint.ANIMATING]; const interacting = frameState.viewHints[ViewHint.INTERACTING]; const updateWhileAnimating = vectorLayer.getUpdateWhileAnimating(); const updateWhileInteracting = vectorLayer.getUpdateWhileInteracting(); if (this.ready && !updateWhileAnimating && animating || !updateWhileInteracting && interacting) { this.animatingOrInteracting_ = true; return true; } this.animatingOrInteracting_ = false; const frameStateExtent = frameState.extent; const viewState = frameState.viewState; const projection = viewState.projection; const resolution = viewState.resolution; const pixelRatio = frameState.pixelRatio; const vectorLayerRevision = vectorLayer.getRevision(); const vectorLayerRenderBuffer = vectorLayer.getRenderBuffer(); let vectorLayerRenderOrder = vectorLayer.getRenderOrder(); if (vectorLayerRenderOrder === void 0) { vectorLayerRenderOrder = defaultOrder; } const center =; const extent = buffer( frameStateExtent, vectorLayerRenderBuffer * resolution ); const renderedExtent = extent.slice(); const loadExtents = [extent.slice()]; const projectionExtent = projection.getExtent(); if (vectorSource.getWrapX() && projection.canWrapX() && !containsExtent(projectionExtent, frameState.extent)) { const worldWidth = getWidth(projectionExtent); const gutter = Math.max(getWidth(extent) / 2, worldWidth); extent[0] = projectionExtent[0] - gutter; extent[2] = projectionExtent[2] + gutter; wrapX$1(center, projection); const loadExtent = wrapX$2(loadExtents[0], projection); if (loadExtent[0] < projectionExtent[0] && loadExtent[2] < projectionExtent[2]) { loadExtents.push([ loadExtent[0] + worldWidth, loadExtent[1], loadExtent[2] + worldWidth, loadExtent[3] ]); } else if (loadExtent[0] > projectionExtent[0] && loadExtent[2] > projectionExtent[2]) { loadExtents.push([ loadExtent[0] - worldWidth, loadExtent[1], loadExtent[2] - worldWidth, loadExtent[3] ]); } } if (this.ready && this.renderedResolution_ == resolution && this.renderedRevision_ == vectorLayerRevision && this.renderedRenderOrder_ == vectorLayerRenderOrder && containsExtent(this.wrappedRenderedExtent_, extent)) { if (!equals$2(this.renderedExtent_, renderedExtent)) { this.hitDetectionImageData_ = null; this.renderedExtent_ = renderedExtent; } this.renderedCenter_ = center; this.replayGroupChanged = false; return true; } this.replayGroup_ = null; const replayGroup = new CanvasBuilderGroup( getTolerance(resolution, pixelRatio), extent, resolution, pixelRatio ); let declutterBuilderGroup; if (this.getLayer().getDeclutter()) { declutterBuilderGroup = new CanvasBuilderGroup( getTolerance(resolution, pixelRatio), extent, resolution, pixelRatio ); } let userTransform; { for (let i = 0, ii = loadExtents.length; i < ii; ++i) { vectorSource.loadFeatures(loadExtents[i], resolution, projection); } } const squaredTolerance = getSquaredTolerance(resolution, pixelRatio); let ready = true; const render2 = ( /** * @param {import("../../Feature.js").default} feature Feature. */ (feature) => { let styles; const styleFunction = feature.getStyleFunction() || vectorLayer.getStyleFunction(); if (styleFunction) { styles = styleFunction(feature, resolution); } if (styles) { const dirty = this.renderFeature( feature, squaredTolerance, styles, replayGroup, userTransform, declutterBuilderGroup ); ready = ready && !dirty; } } ); const userExtent = toUserExtent(extent); const features = vectorSource.getFeaturesInExtent(userExtent); if (vectorLayerRenderOrder) { features.sort(vectorLayerRenderOrder); } for (let i = 0, ii = features.length; i < ii; ++i) { render2(features[i]); } this.renderedFeatures_ = features; this.ready = ready; const replayGroupInstructions = replayGroup.finish(); const executorGroup = new ExecutorGroup$1( extent, resolution, pixelRatio, vectorSource.getOverlaps(), replayGroupInstructions, vectorLayer.getRenderBuffer() ); if (declutterBuilderGroup) { this.declutterExecutorGroup = new ExecutorGroup$1( extent, resolution, pixelRatio, vectorSource.getOverlaps(), declutterBuilderGroup.finish(), vectorLayer.getRenderBuffer() ); } this.renderedResolution_ = resolution; this.renderedRevision_ = vectorLayerRevision; this.renderedRenderOrder_ = vectorLayerRenderOrder; this.renderedExtent_ = renderedExtent; this.wrappedRenderedExtent_ = extent; this.renderedCenter_ = center; this.renderedProjection_ = projection; this.replayGroup_ = executorGroup; this.hitDetectionImageData_ = null; this.replayGroupChanged = true; return true; } /** * @param {import("../../Feature.js").default} feature Feature. * @param {number} squaredTolerance Squared render tolerance. * @param {import("../../style/Style.js").default|Array} styles The style or array of styles. * @param {import("../../render/canvas/BuilderGroup.js").default} builderGroup Builder group. * @param {import("../../proj.js").TransformFunction} [transform] Transform from user to view projection. * @param {import("../../render/canvas/BuilderGroup.js").default} [declutterBuilderGroup] Builder for decluttering. * @return {boolean} `true` if an image is loading. */ renderFeature(feature, squaredTolerance, styles, builderGroup, transform2, declutterBuilderGroup) { if (!styles) { return false; } let loading = false; if (Array.isArray(styles)) { for (let i = 0, ii = styles.length; i < ii; ++i) { loading = renderFeature( builderGroup, feature, styles[i], squaredTolerance, this.boundHandleStyleImageChange_, transform2, declutterBuilderGroup ) || loading; } } else { loading = renderFeature( builderGroup, feature, styles, squaredTolerance, this.boundHandleStyleImageChange_, transform2, declutterBuilderGroup ); } return loading; } } const CanvasVectorLayerRenderer$1 = CanvasVectorLayerRenderer; class VectorLayer extends BaseVectorLayer$1 { /** * @param {import("./BaseVector.js").Options} [options] Options. */ constructor(options) { super(options); } createRenderer() { return new CanvasVectorLayerRenderer$1(this); } } const OlLayerVector = VectorLayer; const TileProperty = { PRELOAD: "preload", USE_INTERIM_TILES_ON_ERROR: "useInterimTilesOnError" }; class BaseTileLayer extends Layer$1 { /** * @param {Options} [options] Tile layer options. */ constructor(options) { options = options ? options : {}; const baseOptions = Object.assign({}, options); delete baseOptions.preload; delete baseOptions.useInterimTilesOnError; super(baseOptions); this.on; this.once; this.un; this.setPreload(options.preload !== void 0 ? options.preload : 0); this.setUseInterimTilesOnError( options.useInterimTilesOnError !== void 0 ? options.useInterimTilesOnError : true ); } /** * Return the level as number to which we will preload tiles up to. * @return {number} The level to preload tiles up to. * @observable * @api */ getPreload() { return ( /** @type {number} */ this.get(TileProperty.PRELOAD) ); } /** * Set the level as number to which we will preload tiles up to. * @param {number} preload The level to preload tiles up to. * @observable * @api */ setPreload(preload) { this.set(TileProperty.PRELOAD, preload); } /** * Whether we use interim tiles on error. * @return {boolean} Use interim tiles on error. * @observable * @api */ getUseInterimTilesOnError() { return ( /** @type {boolean} */ this.get(TileProperty.USE_INTERIM_TILES_ON_ERROR) ); } /** * Set whether we use interim tiles on error. * @param {boolean} useInterimTilesOnError Use interim tiles on error. * @observable * @api */ setUseInterimTilesOnError(useInterimTilesOnError) { this.set(TileProperty.USE_INTERIM_TILES_ON_ERROR, useInterimTilesOnError); } /** * Get data for a pixel location. The return type depends on the source data. For image tiles, * a four element RGBA array will be returned. For data tiles, the array length will match the * number of bands in the dataset. For requests outside the layer extent, `null` will be returned. * Data for a image tiles can only be retrieved if the source's `crossOrigin` property is set. * * ```js * // display layer data on every pointer move * map.on('pointermove', (event) => { * console.log(layer.getData(event.pixel)); * }); * ``` * @param {import("../pixel").Pixel} pixel Pixel. * @return {Uint8ClampedArray|Uint8Array|Float32Array|DataView|null} Pixel data. * @api */ getData(pixel) { return super.getData(pixel); } } const BaseTileLayer$1 = BaseTileLayer; class CanvasTileLayerRenderer extends CanvasLayerRenderer$1 { /** * @param {LayerType} tileLayer Tile layer. */ constructor(tileLayer) { super(tileLayer); this.extentChanged = true; this.renderedExtent_ = null; this.renderedPixelRatio; this.renderedProjection = null; this.renderedRevision; this.renderedTiles = []; this.newTiles_ = false; this.tmpExtent = createEmpty(); this.tmpTileRange_ = new TileRange$1(0, 0, 0, 0); } /** * @protected * @param {import("../../Tile.js").default} tile Tile. * @return {boolean} Tile is drawable. */ isDrawableTile(tile) { const tileLayer = this.getLayer(); const tileState = tile.getState(); const useInterimTilesOnError = tileLayer.getUseInterimTilesOnError(); return tileState == TileState.LOADED || tileState == TileState.EMPTY || tileState == TileState.ERROR && !useInterimTilesOnError; } /** * @param {number} z Tile coordinate z. * @param {number} x Tile coordinate x. * @param {number} y Tile coordinate y. * @param {import("../../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. * @return {!import("../../Tile.js").default} Tile. */ getTile(z, x, y, frameState) { const pixelRatio = frameState.pixelRatio; const projection = frameState.viewState.projection; const tileLayer = this.getLayer(); const tileSource = tileLayer.getSource(); let tile = tileSource.getTile(z, x, y, pixelRatio, projection); if (tile.getState() == TileState.ERROR) { if (tileLayer.getUseInterimTilesOnError() && tileLayer.getPreload() > 0) { this.newTiles_ = true; } } if (!this.isDrawableTile(tile)) { tile = tile.getInterimTile(); } return tile; } /** * @param {import("../../pixel.js").Pixel} pixel Pixel. * @return {Uint8ClampedArray} Data at the pixel location. */ getData(pixel) { const frameState = this.frameState; if (!frameState) { return null; } const layer = this.getLayer(); const coordinate = apply( frameState.pixelToCoordinateTransform, pixel.slice() ); const layerExtent = layer.getExtent(); if (layerExtent) { if (!containsCoordinate(layerExtent, coordinate)) { return null; } } const pixelRatio = frameState.pixelRatio; const projection = frameState.viewState.projection; const viewState = frameState.viewState; const source = layer.getRenderSource(); const tileGrid = source.getTileGridForProjection(viewState.projection); const tilePixelRatio = source.getTilePixelRatio(frameState.pixelRatio); for (let z = tileGrid.getZForResolution(viewState.resolution); z >= tileGrid.getMinZoom(); --z) { const tileCoord = tileGrid.getTileCoordForCoordAndZ(coordinate, z); const tile = source.getTile( z, tileCoord[1], tileCoord[2], pixelRatio, projection ); if (!(tile instanceof ImageTile$1 || tile instanceof ReprojTile$1) || tile instanceof ReprojTile$1 && tile.getState() === TileState.EMPTY) { return null; } if (tile.getState() !== TileState.LOADED) { continue; } const tileOrigin = tileGrid.getOrigin(z); const tileSize = toSize(tileGrid.getTileSize(z)); const tileResolution = tileGrid.getResolution(z); const col = Math.floor( tilePixelRatio * ((coordinate[0] - tileOrigin[0]) / tileResolution - tileCoord[1] * tileSize[0]) ); const row = Math.floor( tilePixelRatio * ((tileOrigin[1] - coordinate[1]) / tileResolution - tileCoord[2] * tileSize[1]) ); const gutter = Math.round( tilePixelRatio * source.getGutterForProjection(viewState.projection) ); return this.getImageData(tile.getImage(), col + gutter, row + gutter); } return null; } /** * @param {Object>} tiles Lookup of loaded tiles by zoom level. * @param {number} zoom Zoom level. * @param {import("../../Tile.js").default} tile Tile. * @return {boolean|void} If `false`, the tile will not be considered loaded. */ loadedTileCallback(tiles, zoom, tile) { if (this.isDrawableTile(tile)) { return super.loadedTileCallback(tiles, zoom, tile); } return false; } /** * Determine whether render should be called. * @param {import("../../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. * @return {boolean} Layer is ready to be rendered. */ prepareFrame(frameState) { return !!this.getLayer().getSource(); } /** * Render the layer. * @param {import("../../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. * @param {HTMLElement} target Target that may be used to render content to. * @return {HTMLElement} The rendered element. */ renderFrame(frameState, target) { const layerState = frameState.layerStatesArray[frameState.layerIndex]; const viewState = frameState.viewState; const projection = viewState.projection; const viewResolution = viewState.resolution; const viewCenter =; const rotation = viewState.rotation; const pixelRatio = frameState.pixelRatio; const tileLayer = this.getLayer(); const tileSource = tileLayer.getSource(); const sourceRevision = tileSource.getRevision(); const tileGrid = tileSource.getTileGridForProjection(projection); const z = tileGrid.getZForResolution(viewResolution, tileSource.zDirection); const tileResolution = tileGrid.getResolution(z); let extent = frameState.extent; const resolution = frameState.viewState.resolution; const tilePixelRatio = tileSource.getTilePixelRatio(pixelRatio); const width = Math.round(getWidth(extent) / resolution * pixelRatio); const height = Math.round(getHeight(extent) / resolution * pixelRatio); const layerExtent = layerState.extent && fromUserExtent(layerState.extent); if (layerExtent) { extent = getIntersection( extent, fromUserExtent(layerState.extent) ); } const dx = tileResolution * width / 2 / tilePixelRatio; const dy = tileResolution * height / 2 / tilePixelRatio; const canvasExtent = [ viewCenter[0] - dx, viewCenter[1] - dy, viewCenter[0] + dx, viewCenter[1] + dy ]; const tileRange = tileGrid.getTileRangeForExtentAndZ(extent, z); const tilesToDrawByZ = {}; tilesToDrawByZ[z] = {}; const findLoadedTiles = this.createLoadedTileFinder( tileSource, projection, tilesToDrawByZ ); const tmpExtent2 = this.tmpExtent; const tmpTileRange = this.tmpTileRange_; this.newTiles_ = false; const viewport = rotation ? getRotatedViewport(, resolution, rotation, frameState.size ) : void 0; for (let x = tileRange.minX; x <= tileRange.maxX; ++x) { for (let y = tileRange.minY; y <= tileRange.maxY; ++y) { if (rotation && !tileGrid.tileCoordIntersectsViewport([z, x, y], viewport)) { continue; } const tile = this.getTile(z, x, y, frameState); if (this.isDrawableTile(tile)) { const uid = getUid(this); if (tile.getState() == TileState.LOADED) { tilesToDrawByZ[z][tile.tileCoord.toString()] = tile; let inTransition = tile.inTransition(uid); if (inTransition && layerState.opacity !== 1) { tile.endTransition(uid); inTransition = false; } if (!this.newTiles_ && (inTransition || !this.renderedTiles.includes(tile))) { this.newTiles_ = true; } } if (tile.getAlpha(uid, frameState.time) === 1) { continue; } } const childTileRange = tileGrid.getTileCoordChildTileRange( tile.tileCoord, tmpTileRange, tmpExtent2 ); let covered = false; if (childTileRange) { covered = findLoadedTiles(z + 1, childTileRange); } if (!covered) { tileGrid.forEachTileCoordParentTileRange( tile.tileCoord, findLoadedTiles, tmpTileRange, tmpExtent2 ); } } } const canvasScale = tileResolution / viewResolution * pixelRatio / tilePixelRatio; compose( this.pixelTransform, frameState.size[0] / 2, frameState.size[1] / 2, 1 / pixelRatio, 1 / pixelRatio, rotation, -width / 2, -height / 2 ); const canvasTransform = toString$1(this.pixelTransform); this.useContainer(target, canvasTransform, this.getBackground(frameState)); const context = this.context; const canvas = context.canvas; makeInverse(this.inversePixelTransform, this.pixelTransform); compose( this.tempTransform, width / 2, height / 2, canvasScale, canvasScale, 0, -width / 2, -height / 2 ); if (canvas.width != width || canvas.height != height) { canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; } else if (!this.containerReused) { context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); } if (layerExtent) { this.clipUnrotated(context, frameState, layerExtent); } if (!tileSource.getInterpolate()) { context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; } this.preRender(context, frameState); this.renderedTiles.length = 0; let zs = Object.keys(tilesToDrawByZ).map(Number); zs.sort(ascending); let clips, clipZs, currentClip; if (layerState.opacity === 1 && (!this.containerReused || tileSource.getOpaque(frameState.viewState.projection))) { zs = zs.reverse(); } else { clips = []; clipZs = []; } for (let i = zs.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const currentZ = zs[i]; const currentTilePixelSize = tileSource.getTilePixelSize( currentZ, pixelRatio, projection ); const currentResolution = tileGrid.getResolution(currentZ); const currentScale = currentResolution / tileResolution; const dx2 = currentTilePixelSize[0] * currentScale * canvasScale; const dy2 = currentTilePixelSize[1] * currentScale * canvasScale; const originTileCoord = tileGrid.getTileCoordForCoordAndZ( getTopLeft(canvasExtent), currentZ ); const originTileExtent = tileGrid.getTileCoordExtent(originTileCoord); const origin = apply(this.tempTransform, [ tilePixelRatio * (originTileExtent[0] - canvasExtent[0]) / tileResolution, tilePixelRatio * (canvasExtent[3] - originTileExtent[3]) / tileResolution ]); const tileGutter = tilePixelRatio * tileSource.getGutterForProjection(projection); const tilesToDraw = tilesToDrawByZ[currentZ]; for (const tileCoordKey in tilesToDraw) { const tile = ( /** @type {import("../../ImageTile.js").default} */ tilesToDraw[tileCoordKey] ); const tileCoord = tile.tileCoord; const xIndex = originTileCoord[1] - tileCoord[1]; const nextX = Math.round(origin[0] - (xIndex - 1) * dx2); const yIndex = originTileCoord[2] - tileCoord[2]; const nextY = Math.round(origin[1] - (yIndex - 1) * dy2); const x = Math.round(origin[0] - xIndex * dx2); const y = Math.round(origin[1] - yIndex * dy2); const w = nextX - x; const h = nextY - y; const transition = z === currentZ; const inTransition = transition && tile.getAlpha(getUid(this), frameState.time) !== 1; let contextSaved = false; if (!inTransition) { if (clips) { currentClip = [x, y, x + w, y, x + w, y + h, x, y + h]; for (let i2 = 0, ii = clips.length; i2 < ii; ++i2) { if (z !== currentZ && currentZ < clipZs[i2]) { const clip = clips[i2]; if (intersects$1( [x, y, x + w, y + h], [clip[0], clip[3], clip[4], clip[7]] )) { if (!contextSaved) {; contextSaved = true; } context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(currentClip[0], currentClip[1]); context.lineTo(currentClip[2], currentClip[3]); context.lineTo(currentClip[4], currentClip[5]); context.lineTo(currentClip[6], currentClip[7]); context.moveTo(clip[6], clip[7]); context.lineTo(clip[4], clip[5]); context.lineTo(clip[2], clip[3]); context.lineTo(clip[0], clip[1]); context.clip(); } } } clips.push(currentClip); clipZs.push(currentZ); } else { context.clearRect(x, y, w, h); } } this.drawTileImage( tile, frameState, x, y, w, h, tileGutter, transition ); if (clips && !inTransition) { if (contextSaved) { context.restore(); } this.renderedTiles.unshift(tile); } else { this.renderedTiles.push(tile); } this.updateUsedTiles(frameState.usedTiles, tileSource, tile); } } this.renderedRevision = sourceRevision; this.renderedResolution = tileResolution; this.extentChanged = !this.renderedExtent_ || !equals$1(this.renderedExtent_, canvasExtent); this.renderedExtent_ = canvasExtent; this.renderedPixelRatio = pixelRatio; this.renderedProjection = projection; this.manageTilePyramid( frameState, tileSource, tileGrid, pixelRatio, projection, extent, z, tileLayer.getPreload() ); this.scheduleExpireCache(frameState, tileSource); this.postRender(context, frameState); if (layerState.extent) { context.restore(); } context.imageSmoothingEnabled = true; if (canvasTransform !== { = canvasTransform; } return this.container; } /** * @param {import("../../ImageTile.js").default} tile Tile. * @param {import("../../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. * @param {number} x Left of the tile. * @param {number} y Top of the tile. * @param {number} w Width of the tile. * @param {number} h Height of the tile. * @param {number} gutter Tile gutter. * @param {boolean} transition Apply an alpha transition. */ drawTileImage(tile, frameState, x, y, w, h, gutter, transition) { const image = this.getTileImage(tile); if (!image) { return; } const uid = getUid(this); const layerState = frameState.layerStatesArray[frameState.layerIndex]; const alpha = layerState.opacity * (transition ? tile.getAlpha(uid, frameState.time) : 1); const alphaChanged = alpha !== this.context.globalAlpha; if (alphaChanged) {; this.context.globalAlpha = alpha; } this.context.drawImage( image, gutter, gutter, image.width - 2 * gutter, image.height - 2 * gutter, x, y, w, h ); if (alphaChanged) { this.context.restore(); } if (alpha !== layerState.opacity) { frameState.animate = true; } else if (transition) { tile.endTransition(uid); } } /** * @return {HTMLCanvasElement} Image */ getImage() { const context = this.context; return context ? context.canvas : null; } /** * Get the image from a tile. * @param {import("../../ImageTile.js").default} tile Tile. * @return {HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLImageElement|HTMLVideoElement} Image. * @protected */ getTileImage(tile) { return tile.getImage(); } /** * @param {import("../../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. * @param {import("../../source/Tile.js").default} tileSource Tile source. * @protected */ scheduleExpireCache(frameState, tileSource) { if (tileSource.canExpireCache()) { const postRenderFunction = (function(tileSource2, map, frameState2) { const tileSourceKey = getUid(tileSource2); if (tileSourceKey in frameState2.usedTiles) { tileSource2.expireCache( frameState2.viewState.projection, frameState2.usedTiles[tileSourceKey] ); } }).bind(null, tileSource); frameState.postRenderFunctions.push( /** @type {import("../../Map.js").PostRenderFunction} */ postRenderFunction ); } } /** * @param {!Object>} usedTiles Used tiles. * @param {import("../../source/Tile.js").default} tileSource Tile source. * @param {import('../../Tile.js').default} tile Tile. * @protected */ updateUsedTiles(usedTiles, tileSource, tile) { const tileSourceKey = getUid(tileSource); if (!(tileSourceKey in usedTiles)) { usedTiles[tileSourceKey] = {}; } usedTiles[tileSourceKey][tile.getKey()] = true; } /** * Manage tile pyramid. * This function performs a number of functions related to the tiles at the * current zoom and lower zoom levels: * - registers idle tiles in frameState.wantedTiles so that they are not * discarded by the tile queue * - enqueues missing tiles * @param {import("../../Map.js").FrameState} frameState Frame state. * @param {import("../../source/Tile.js").default} tileSource Tile source. * @param {import("../../tilegrid/TileGrid.js").default} tileGrid Tile grid. * @param {number} pixelRatio Pixel ratio. * @param {import("../../proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @param {import("../../extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @param {number} currentZ Current Z. * @param {number} preload Load low resolution tiles up to `preload` levels. * @param {function(import("../../Tile.js").default):void} [tileCallback] Tile callback. * @protected */ manageTilePyramid(frameState, tileSource, tileGrid, pixelRatio, projection, extent, currentZ, preload, tileCallback) { const tileSourceKey = getUid(tileSource); if (!(tileSourceKey in frameState.wantedTiles)) { frameState.wantedTiles[tileSourceKey] = {}; } const wantedTiles = frameState.wantedTiles[tileSourceKey]; const tileQueue = frameState.tileQueue; const minZoom = tileGrid.getMinZoom(); const rotation = frameState.viewState.rotation; const viewport = rotation ? getRotatedViewport(, frameState.viewState.resolution, rotation, frameState.size ) : void 0; let tileCount = 0; let tile, tileRange, tileResolution, x, y, z; for (z = minZoom; z <= currentZ; ++z) { tileRange = tileGrid.getTileRangeForExtentAndZ(extent, z, tileRange); tileResolution = tileGrid.getResolution(z); for (x = tileRange.minX; x <= tileRange.maxX; ++x) { for (y = tileRange.minY; y <= tileRange.maxY; ++y) { if (rotation && !tileGrid.tileCoordIntersectsViewport([z, x, y], viewport)) { continue; } if (currentZ - z <= preload) { ++tileCount; tile = tileSource.getTile(z, x, y, pixelRatio, projection); if (tile.getState() == TileState.IDLE) { wantedTiles[tile.getKey()] = true; if (!tileQueue.isKeyQueued(tile.getKey())) { tileQueue.enqueue([ tile, tileSourceKey, tileGrid.getTileCoordCenter(tile.tileCoord), tileResolution ]); } } if (tileCallback !== void 0) { tileCallback(tile); } } else { tileSource.useTile(z, x, y, projection); } } } } tileSource.updateCacheSize(tileCount, projection); } } const CanvasTileLayerRenderer$1 = CanvasTileLayerRenderer; class TileLayer extends BaseTileLayer$1 { /** * @param {import("./BaseTile.js").Options} [options] Tile layer options. */ constructor(options) { super(options); } createRenderer() { return new CanvasTileLayerRenderer$1(this); } } const OlLayerTile = TileLayer; const SelectEventType = { /** * Triggered when feature(s) has been (de)selected. * @event SelectEvent#select * @api */ SELECT: "select" }; class SelectEvent extends Event { /** * @param {SelectEventType} type The event type. * @param {Array} selected Selected features. * @param {Array} deselected Deselected features. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Associated * {@link module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent}. */ constructor(type, selected, deselected, mapBrowserEvent) { super(type); this.selected = selected; this.deselected = deselected; this.mapBrowserEvent = mapBrowserEvent; } } const originalFeatureStyles = {}; class Select extends Interaction$1 { /** * @param {Options} [options] Options. */ constructor(options) { super(); this.on; this.once; this.un; options = options ? options : {}; this.boundAddFeature_ = this.addFeature_.bind(this); this.boundRemoveFeature_ = this.removeFeature_.bind(this); this.condition_ = options.condition ? options.condition : singleClick; this.addCondition_ = options.addCondition ? options.addCondition : never; this.removeCondition_ = options.removeCondition ? options.removeCondition : never; this.toggleCondition_ = options.toggleCondition ? options.toggleCondition : shiftKeyOnly; this.multi_ = options.multi ? options.multi : false; this.filter_ = options.filter ? options.filter : TRUE; this.hitTolerance_ = options.hitTolerance ? options.hitTolerance : 0; this.style_ = !== void 0 ? : getDefaultStyleFunction(); this.features_ = options.features || new Collection$1(); let layerFilter; if (options.layers) { if (typeof options.layers === "function") { layerFilter = options.layers; } else { const layers = options.layers; layerFilter = function(layer) { return layers.includes(layer); }; } } else { layerFilter = TRUE; } this.layerFilter_ = layerFilter; this.featureLayerAssociation_ = {}; } /** * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature Feature. * @param {import("../layer/Layer.js").default} layer Layer. * @private */ addFeatureLayerAssociation_(feature, layer) { this.featureLayerAssociation_[getUid(feature)] = layer; } /** * Get the selected features. * @return {Collection} Features collection. * @api */ getFeatures() { return this.features_; } /** * Returns the Hit-detection tolerance. * @return {number} Hit tolerance in pixels. * @api */ getHitTolerance() { return this.hitTolerance_; } /** * Returns the associated {@link module:ol/layer/Vector~VectorLayer vector layer} of * a selected feature. * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature Feature * @return {import('../layer/Vector.js').default} Layer. * @api */ getLayer(feature) { return ( /** @type {import('../layer/Vector.js').default} */ this.featureLayerAssociation_[getUid(feature)] ); } /** * Hit-detection tolerance. Pixels inside the radius around the given position * will be checked for features. * @param {number} hitTolerance Hit tolerance in pixels. * @api */ setHitTolerance(hitTolerance) { this.hitTolerance_ = hitTolerance; } /** * Remove the interaction from its current map, if any, and attach it to a new * map, if any. Pass `null` to just remove the interaction from the current map. * @param {import("../Map.js").default|null} map Map. * @api */ setMap(map) { const currentMap = this.getMap(); if (currentMap && this.style_) { this.features_.forEach(this.restorePreviousStyle_.bind(this)); } super.setMap(map); if (map) { this.features_.addEventListener( CollectionEventType.ADD, this.boundAddFeature_ ); this.features_.addEventListener( CollectionEventType.REMOVE, this.boundRemoveFeature_ ); if (this.style_) { this.features_.forEach(this.applySelectedStyle_.bind(this)); } } else { this.features_.removeEventListener( CollectionEventType.ADD, this.boundAddFeature_ ); this.features_.removeEventListener( CollectionEventType.REMOVE, this.boundRemoveFeature_ ); } } /** * @param {import("../Collection.js").CollectionEvent} evt Event. * @private */ addFeature_(evt) { const feature = evt.element; if (this.style_) { this.applySelectedStyle_(feature); } if (!this.getLayer(feature)) { const layer = ( /** @type {VectorLayer} */ this.getMap().getAllLayers().find(function(layer2) { if (layer2 instanceof OlLayerVector && layer2.getSource() && layer2.getSource().hasFeature(feature)) { return layer2; } }) ); if (layer) { this.addFeatureLayerAssociation_(feature, layer); } } } /** * @param {import("../Collection.js").CollectionEvent} evt Event. * @private */ removeFeature_(evt) { if (this.style_) { this.restorePreviousStyle_(evt.element); } } /** * @return {import("../style/Style.js").StyleLike|null} Select style. */ getStyle() { return this.style_; } /** * @param {Feature} feature Feature * @private */ applySelectedStyle_(feature) { const key = getUid(feature); if (!(key in originalFeatureStyles)) { originalFeatureStyles[key] = feature.getStyle(); } feature.setStyle(this.style_); } /** * @param {Feature} feature Feature * @private */ restorePreviousStyle_(feature) { const interactions = this.getMap().getInteractions().getArray(); for (let i = interactions.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const interaction = interactions[i]; if (interaction !== this && interaction instanceof Select && interaction.getStyle() && interaction.getFeatures().getArray().lastIndexOf(feature) !== -1) { feature.setStyle(interaction.getStyle()); return; } } const key = getUid(feature); feature.setStyle(originalFeatureStyles[key]); delete originalFeatureStyles[key]; } /** * @param {Feature} feature Feature. * @private */ removeFeatureLayerAssociation_(feature) { delete this.featureLayerAssociation_[getUid(feature)]; } /** * Handles the {@link module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent map browser event} and may change the * selected state of features. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Map browser event. * @return {boolean} `false` to stop event propagation. */ handleEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { if (!this.condition_(mapBrowserEvent)) { return true; } const add2 = this.addCondition_(mapBrowserEvent); const remove = this.removeCondition_(mapBrowserEvent); const toggle = this.toggleCondition_(mapBrowserEvent); const set2 = !add2 && !remove && !toggle; const map =; const features = this.getFeatures(); const deselected = []; const selected = []; if (set2) { clear(this.featureLayerAssociation_); map.forEachFeatureAtPixel( mapBrowserEvent.pixel, /** * @param {import("../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. * @param {import("../layer/Layer.js").default} layer Layer. * @return {boolean|undefined} Continue to iterate over the features. */ (feature, layer) => { if (!(feature instanceof Feature$1) || !this.filter_(feature, layer)) { return; } this.addFeatureLayerAssociation_(feature, layer); selected.push(feature); return !this.multi_; }, { layerFilter: this.layerFilter_, hitTolerance: this.hitTolerance_ } ); for (let i = features.getLength() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const feature = features.item(i); const index = selected.indexOf(feature); if (index > -1) { selected.splice(index, 1); } else { features.remove(feature); deselected.push(feature); } } if (selected.length !== 0) { features.extend(selected); } } else { map.forEachFeatureAtPixel( mapBrowserEvent.pixel, /** * @param {import("../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. * @param {import("../layer/Layer.js").default} layer Layer. * @return {boolean|undefined} Continue to iterate over the features. */ (feature, layer) => { if (!(feature instanceof Feature$1) || !this.filter_(feature, layer)) { return; } if ((add2 || toggle) && !features.getArray().includes(feature)) { this.addFeatureLayerAssociation_(feature, layer); selected.push(feature); } else if ((remove || toggle) && features.getArray().includes(feature)) { deselected.push(feature); this.removeFeatureLayerAssociation_(feature); } return !this.multi_; }, { layerFilter: this.layerFilter_, hitTolerance: this.hitTolerance_ } ); for (let j = deselected.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) { features.remove(deselected[j]); } features.extend(selected); } if (selected.length > 0 || deselected.length > 0) { this.dispatchEvent( new SelectEvent( SelectEventType.SELECT, selected, deselected, mapBrowserEvent ) ); } return true; } } function getDefaultStyleFunction() { const styles = createEditingStyle(); extend$2(styles["Polygon"], styles["LineString"]); extend$2(styles["GeometryCollection"], styles["LineString"]); return function(feature) { if (!feature.getGeometry()) { return null; } return styles[feature.getGeometry().getType()]; }; } const OlInteractionSelect = Select; class TextFeature extends FeatureFormat { constructor() { super(); } /** * @return {import("./Feature.js").Type} Format. */ getType() { return "text"; } /** * Read the feature from the source. * * @param {Document|Element|Object|string} source Source. * @param {import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions} [options] Read options. * @return {import("../Feature.js").default} Feature. * @api */ readFeature(source, options) { return this.readFeatureFromText( getText(source), this.adaptOptions(options) ); } /** * @abstract * @param {string} text Text. * @param {import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions} [options] Read options. * @protected * @return {import("../Feature.js").default} Feature. */ readFeatureFromText(text, options) { return abstract(); } /** * Read the features from the source. * * @param {Document|Element|Object|string} source Source. * @param {import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions} [options] Read options. * @return {Array} Features. * @api */ readFeatures(source, options) { return this.readFeaturesFromText( getText(source), this.adaptOptions(options) ); } /** * @abstract * @param {string} text Text. * @param {import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions} [options] Read options. * @protected * @return {Array} Features. */ readFeaturesFromText(text, options) { return abstract(); } /** * Read the geometry from the source. * * @param {Document|Element|Object|string} source Source. * @param {import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions} [options] Read options. * @return {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} Geometry. * @api */ readGeometry(source, options) { return this.readGeometryFromText( getText(source), this.adaptOptions(options) ); } /** * @abstract * @param {string} text Text. * @param {import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions} [options] Read options. * @protected * @return {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} Geometry. */ readGeometryFromText(text, options) { return abstract(); } /** * Read the projection from the source. * * @param {Document|Element|Object|string} source Source. * @return {import("../proj/Projection.js").default|undefined} Projection. * @api */ readProjection(source) { return this.readProjectionFromText(getText(source)); } /** * @param {string} text Text. * @protected * @return {import("../proj/Projection.js").default|undefined} Projection. */ readProjectionFromText(text) { return this.dataProjection; } /** * Encode a feature as a string. * * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature Feature. * @param {import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions} [options] Write options. * @return {string} Encoded feature. * @api */ writeFeature(feature, options) { return this.writeFeatureText(feature, this.adaptOptions(options)); } /** * @abstract * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature Features. * @param {import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions} [options] Write options. * @protected * @return {string} Text. */ writeFeatureText(feature, options) { return abstract(); } /** * Encode an array of features as string. * * @param {Array} features Features. * @param {import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions} [options] Write options. * @return {string} Encoded features. * @api */ writeFeatures(features, options) { return this.writeFeaturesText(features, this.adaptOptions(options)); } /** * @abstract * @param {Array} features Features. * @param {import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions} [options] Write options. * @protected * @return {string} Text. */ writeFeaturesText(features, options) { return abstract(); } /** * Write a single geometry. * * @param {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} geometry Geometry. * @param {import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions} [options] Write options. * @return {string} Geometry. * @api */ writeGeometry(geometry, options) { return this.writeGeometryText(geometry, this.adaptOptions(options)); } /** * @abstract * @param {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} geometry Geometry. * @param {import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions} [options] Write options. * @protected * @return {string} Text. */ writeGeometryText(geometry, options) { return abstract(); } } function getText(source) { if (typeof source === "string") { return source; } return ""; } const TextFeature$1 = TextFeature; const GeometryConstructor = { "POINT": OlPoint, "LINESTRING": LineString$1, "POLYGON": Polygon$1, "MULTIPOINT": MultiPoint$1, "MULTILINESTRING": MultiLineString$1, "MULTIPOLYGON": MultiPolygon$1 }; const EMPTY = "EMPTY"; const Z = "Z"; const M = "M"; const ZM = "ZM"; const TokenType = { START: 0, TEXT: 1, LEFT_PAREN: 2, RIGHT_PAREN: 3, NUMBER: 4, COMMA: 5, EOF: 6 }; const wktTypeLookup = { Point: "POINT", LineString: "LINESTRING", Polygon: "POLYGON", MultiPoint: "MULTIPOINT", MultiLineString: "MULTILINESTRING", MultiPolygon: "MULTIPOLYGON", GeometryCollection: "GEOMETRYCOLLECTION", Circle: "CIRCLE" }; class Lexer { /** * @param {string} wkt WKT string. */ constructor(wkt) { this.wkt = wkt; this.index_ = -1; } /** * @param {string} c Character. * @return {boolean} Whether the character is alphabetic. * @private */ isAlpha_(c) { return c >= "a" && c <= "z" || c >= "A" && c <= "Z"; } /** * @param {string} c Character. * @param {boolean} [decimal] Whether the string number * contains a dot, i.e. is a decimal number. * @return {boolean} Whether the character is numeric. * @private */ isNumeric_(c, decimal) { decimal = decimal !== void 0 ? decimal : false; return c >= "0" && c <= "9" || c == "." && !decimal; } /** * @param {string} c Character. * @return {boolean} Whether the character is whitespace. * @private */ isWhiteSpace_(c) { return c == " " || c == " " || c == "\r" || c == "\n"; } /** * @return {string} Next string character. * @private */ nextChar_() { return this.wkt.charAt(++this.index_); } /** * Fetch and return the next token. * @return {Token} Next string token. */ nextToken() { const c = this.nextChar_(); const position = this.index_; let value = c; let type; if (c == "(") { type = TokenType.LEFT_PAREN; } else if (c == ",") { type = TokenType.COMMA; } else if (c == ")") { type = TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN; } else if (this.isNumeric_(c) || c == "-") { type = TokenType.NUMBER; value = this.readNumber_(); } else if (this.isAlpha_(c)) { type = TokenType.TEXT; value = this.readText_(); } else if (this.isWhiteSpace_(c)) { return this.nextToken(); } else if (c === "") { type = TokenType.EOF; } else { throw new Error("Unexpected character: " + c); } return { position, value, type }; } /** * @return {number} Numeric token value. * @private */ readNumber_() { let c; const index = this.index_; let decimal = false; let scientificNotation = false; do { if (c == ".") { decimal = true; } else if (c == "e" || c == "E") { scientificNotation = true; } c = this.nextChar_(); } while (this.isNumeric_(c, decimal) || // if we haven't detected a scientific number before, 'e' or 'E' // hint that we should continue to read !scientificNotation && (c == "e" || c == "E") || // once we know that we have a scientific number, both '-' and '+' // are allowed scientificNotation && (c == "-" || c == "+")); return parseFloat(this.wkt.substring(index, this.index_--)); } /** * @return {string} String token value. * @private */ readText_() { let c; const index = this.index_; do { c = this.nextChar_(); } while (this.isAlpha_(c)); return this.wkt.substring(index, this.index_--).toUpperCase(); } } class Parser { /** * @param {Lexer} lexer The lexer. */ constructor(lexer) { this.lexer_ = lexer; this.token_ = { position: 0, type: TokenType.START }; this.layout_ = "XY"; } /** * Fetch the next token form the lexer and replace the active token. * @private */ consume_() { this.token_ = this.lexer_.nextToken(); } /** * Tests if the given type matches the type of the current token. * @param {TokenType} type Token type. * @return {boolean} Whether the token matches the given type. */ isTokenType(type) { return this.token_.type == type; } /** * If the given type matches the current token, consume it. * @param {TokenType} type Token type. * @return {boolean} Whether the token matches the given type. */ match(type) { const isMatch = this.isTokenType(type); if (isMatch) { this.consume_(); } return isMatch; } /** * Try to parse the tokens provided by the lexer. * @return {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} The geometry. */ parse() { this.consume_(); return this.parseGeometry_(); } /** * Try to parse the dimensional info. * @return {import("../geom/Geometry.js").GeometryLayout} The layout. * @private */ parseGeometryLayout_() { let layout = "XY"; const dimToken = this.token_; if (this.isTokenType(TokenType.TEXT)) { const dimInfo = dimToken.value; if (dimInfo === Z) { layout = "XYZ"; } else if (dimInfo === M) { layout = "XYM"; } else if (dimInfo === ZM) { layout = "XYZM"; } if (layout !== "XY") { this.consume_(); } } return layout; } /** * @return {Array} A collection of geometries. * @private */ parseGeometryCollectionText_() { if (this.match(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN)) { const geometries = []; do { geometries.push(this.parseGeometry_()); } while (this.match(TokenType.COMMA)); if (this.match(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN)) { return geometries; } } throw new Error(this.formatErrorMessage_()); } /** * @return {Array} All values in a point. * @private */ parsePointText_() { if (this.match(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN)) { const coordinates2 = this.parsePoint_(); if (this.match(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN)) { return coordinates2; } } throw new Error(this.formatErrorMessage_()); } /** * @return {Array>} All points in a linestring. * @private */ parseLineStringText_() { if (this.match(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN)) { const coordinates2 = this.parsePointList_(); if (this.match(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN)) { return coordinates2; } } throw new Error(this.formatErrorMessage_()); } /** * @return {Array>>} All points in a polygon. * @private */ parsePolygonText_() { if (this.match(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN)) { const coordinates2 = this.parseLineStringTextList_(); if (this.match(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN)) { return coordinates2; } } throw new Error(this.formatErrorMessage_()); } /** * @return {Array>} All points in a multipoint. * @private */ parseMultiPointText_() { if (this.match(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN)) { let coordinates2; if (this.token_.type == TokenType.LEFT_PAREN) { coordinates2 = this.parsePointTextList_(); } else { coordinates2 = this.parsePointList_(); } if (this.match(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN)) { return coordinates2; } } throw new Error(this.formatErrorMessage_()); } /** * @return {Array>>} All linestring points * in a multilinestring. * @private */ parseMultiLineStringText_() { if (this.match(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN)) { const coordinates2 = this.parseLineStringTextList_(); if (this.match(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN)) { return coordinates2; } } throw new Error(this.formatErrorMessage_()); } /** * @return {Array>>>} All polygon points in a multipolygon. * @private */ parseMultiPolygonText_() { if (this.match(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN)) { const coordinates2 = this.parsePolygonTextList_(); if (this.match(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN)) { return coordinates2; } } throw new Error(this.formatErrorMessage_()); } /** * @return {Array} A point. * @private */ parsePoint_() { const coordinates2 = []; const dimensions = this.layout_.length; for (let i = 0; i < dimensions; ++i) { const token = this.token_; if (this.match(TokenType.NUMBER)) { coordinates2.push( /** @type {number} */ token.value ); } else { break; } } if (coordinates2.length == dimensions) { return coordinates2; } throw new Error(this.formatErrorMessage_()); } /** * @return {Array>} An array of points. * @private */ parsePointList_() { const coordinates2 = [this.parsePoint_()]; while (this.match(TokenType.COMMA)) { coordinates2.push(this.parsePoint_()); } return coordinates2; } /** * @return {Array>} An array of points. * @private */ parsePointTextList_() { const coordinates2 = [this.parsePointText_()]; while (this.match(TokenType.COMMA)) { coordinates2.push(this.parsePointText_()); } return coordinates2; } /** * @return {Array>>} An array of points. * @private */ parseLineStringTextList_() { const coordinates2 = [this.parseLineStringText_()]; while (this.match(TokenType.COMMA)) { coordinates2.push(this.parseLineStringText_()); } return coordinates2; } /** * @return {Array>>>} An array of points. * @private */ parsePolygonTextList_() { const coordinates2 = [this.parsePolygonText_()]; while (this.match(TokenType.COMMA)) { coordinates2.push(this.parsePolygonText_()); } return coordinates2; } /** * @return {boolean} Whether the token implies an empty geometry. * @private */ isEmptyGeometry_() { const isEmpty2 = this.isTokenType(TokenType.TEXT) && this.token_.value == EMPTY; if (isEmpty2) { this.consume_(); } return isEmpty2; } /** * Create an error message for an unexpected token error. * @return {string} Error message. * @private */ formatErrorMessage_() { return "Unexpected `" + this.token_.value + "` at position " + this.token_.position + " in `" + this.lexer_.wkt + "`"; } /** * @return {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} The geometry. * @private */ parseGeometry_() { const token = this.token_; if (this.match(TokenType.TEXT)) { const geomType = ( /** @type {string} */ token.value ); this.layout_ = this.parseGeometryLayout_(); const isEmpty2 = this.isEmptyGeometry_(); if (geomType == "GEOMETRYCOLLECTION") { if (isEmpty2) { return new GeometryCollection$1([]); } const geometries = this.parseGeometryCollectionText_(); return new GeometryCollection$1(geometries); } const ctor = GeometryConstructor[geomType]; if (!ctor) { throw new Error("Invalid geometry type: " + geomType); } let coordinates2; if (isEmpty2) { if (geomType == "POINT") { coordinates2 = [NaN, NaN]; } else { coordinates2 = []; } } else { switch (geomType) { case "POINT": { coordinates2 = this.parsePointText_(); break; } case "LINESTRING": { coordinates2 = this.parseLineStringText_(); break; } case "POLYGON": { coordinates2 = this.parsePolygonText_(); break; } case "MULTIPOINT": { coordinates2 = this.parseMultiPointText_(); break; } case "MULTILINESTRING": { coordinates2 = this.parseMultiLineStringText_(); break; } case "MULTIPOLYGON": { coordinates2 = this.parseMultiPolygonText_(); break; } } } return new ctor(coordinates2, this.layout_); } throw new Error(this.formatErrorMessage_()); } } class WKT extends TextFeature$1 { /** * @param {Options} [options] Options. */ constructor(options) { super(); options = options ? options : {}; this.splitCollection_ = options.splitCollection !== void 0 ? options.splitCollection : false; } /** * Parse a WKT string. * @param {string} wkt WKT string. * @return {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} * The geometry created. * @private */ parse_(wkt) { const lexer = new Lexer(wkt); const parser = new Parser(lexer); return parser.parse(); } /** * @protected * @param {string} text Text. * @param {import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions} [options] Read options. * @return {import("../Feature.js").default} Feature. */ readFeatureFromText(text, options) { const geom = this.readGeometryFromText(text, options); const feature = new Feature$1(); feature.setGeometry(geom); return feature; } /** * @param {string} text Text. * @param {import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions} [options] Read options. * @protected * @return {Array} Features. */ readFeaturesFromText(text, options) { let geometries = []; const geometry = this.readGeometryFromText(text, options); if (this.splitCollection_ && geometry.getType() == "GeometryCollection") { geometries = /** @type {GeometryCollection} */ geometry.getGeometriesArray(); } else { geometries = [geometry]; } const features = []; for (let i = 0, ii = geometries.length; i < ii; ++i) { const feature = new Feature$1(); feature.setGeometry(geometries[i]); features.push(feature); } return features; } /** * @param {string} text Text. * @param {import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions} [options] Read options. * @protected * @return {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} Geometry. */ readGeometryFromText(text, options) { const geometry = this.parse_(text); return transformGeometryWithOptions(geometry, false, options); } /** * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature Features. * @param {import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions} [options] Write options. * @protected * @return {string} Text. */ writeFeatureText(feature, options) { const geometry = feature.getGeometry(); if (geometry) { return this.writeGeometryText(geometry, options); } return ""; } /** * @param {Array} features Features. * @param {import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions} [options] Write options. * @protected * @return {string} Text. */ writeFeaturesText(features, options) { if (features.length == 1) { return this.writeFeatureText(features[0], options); } const geometries = []; for (let i = 0, ii = features.length; i < ii; ++i) { geometries.push(features[i].getGeometry()); } const collection = new GeometryCollection$1(geometries); return this.writeGeometryText(collection, options); } /** * @param {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} geometry Geometry. * @param {import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions} [options] Write options. * @protected * @return {string} Text. */ writeGeometryText(geometry, options) { return encode(transformGeometryWithOptions(geometry, true, options)); } } function encodePointGeometry(geom) { const coordinates2 = geom.getCoordinates(); if (coordinates2.length === 0) { return ""; } return coordinates2.join(" "); } function encodeMultiPointGeometry(geom) { const array = []; const components = geom.getPoints(); for (let i = 0, ii = components.length; i < ii; ++i) { array.push("(" + encodePointGeometry(components[i]) + ")"); } return array.join(","); } function encodeGeometryCollectionGeometry(geom) { const array = []; const geoms = geom.getGeometries(); for (let i = 0, ii = geoms.length; i < ii; ++i) { array.push(encode(geoms[i])); } return array.join(","); } function encodeLineStringGeometry(geom) { const coordinates2 = geom.getCoordinates(); const array = []; for (let i = 0, ii = coordinates2.length; i < ii; ++i) { array.push(coordinates2[i].join(" ")); } return array.join(","); } function encodeMultiLineStringGeometry(geom) { const array = []; const components = geom.getLineStrings(); for (let i = 0, ii = components.length; i < ii; ++i) { array.push("(" + encodeLineStringGeometry(components[i]) + ")"); } return array.join(","); } function encodePolygonGeometry(geom) { const array = []; const rings = geom.getLinearRings(); for (let i = 0, ii = rings.length; i < ii; ++i) { array.push("(" + encodeLineStringGeometry(rings[i]) + ")"); } return array.join(","); } function encodeMultiPolygonGeometry(geom) { const array = []; const components = geom.getPolygons(); for (let i = 0, ii = components.length; i < ii; ++i) { array.push("(" + encodePolygonGeometry(components[i]) + ")"); } return array.join(","); } function encodeGeometryLayout(geom) { const layout = geom.getLayout(); let dimInfo = ""; if (layout === "XYZ" || layout === "XYZM") { dimInfo += Z; } if (layout === "XYM" || layout === "XYZM") { dimInfo += M; } return dimInfo; } const GeometryEncoder = { "Point": encodePointGeometry, "LineString": encodeLineStringGeometry, "Polygon": encodePolygonGeometry, "MultiPoint": encodeMultiPointGeometry, "MultiLineString": encodeMultiLineStringGeometry, "MultiPolygon": encodeMultiPolygonGeometry, "GeometryCollection": encodeGeometryCollectionGeometry }; function encode(geom) { const type = geom.getType(); const geometryEncoder = GeometryEncoder[type]; const enc = geometryEncoder(geom); let wktType = wktTypeLookup[type]; if (typeof /** @type {?} */ geom.getFlatCoordinates === "function") { const dimInfo = encodeGeometryLayout( /** @type {import("../geom/SimpleGeometry.js").default} */ geom ); if (dimInfo.length > 0) { wktType += " " + dimInfo; } } if (enc.length === 0) { return wktType + " " + EMPTY; } return wktType + "(" + enc + ")"; } const OlFormatWkt = WKT; function init_wrmap(_, jq_map_element) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e; let EPSG4326 = get$1("EPSG:4326"); let EPSG3857 = get$1("EPSG:3857"); function createElement(tagName, attributes = {}) { let element = $(document.createElement(tagName)); for (let attribute in attributes) { element.attr(attribute, attributes[attribute]); } return element; } function appendElement(parentElement, tagName, attributes = {}) { let element = createElement(tagName, attributes); parentElement.append(element); return element; } let jq_map = $(jq_map_element); let ext_path = jq_map.attr("data-ext-path"); let img_path = ext_path + "/img"; let json_string = jq_map.children().last().text(); jq_map.empty(); let json_js = JSON.parse(json_string); let format_geojson = new OlGeoJson(); let features_all = format_geojson.readFeatures(json_js, { dataProjection: EPSG4326, featureProjection: EPSG3857 }); function get_feature_title(feature) { let title = feature.get("type"); if (title == "sledrun") return feature.get("name"); title = title.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + title.slice(1); if (feature.get("name")) title += ": " + feature.get("name"); return title; } let get_sledrun_condition = function(feature) { let condition = feature.get("condition"); if (condition === void 0) return 0; return condition; }; function sledrun_icon_style(condition, highlight) { let hl = highlight ? "h" : "n"; let src = img_path + "/marker_c_sledrun_" + condition + "n" + hl + ".png"; return new Style({ image: new OlIcon({ src, size: [17, 17], anchor: [0.5, 0.5] }) }); } function sledrun_icon_shadow_style() { return new Style({ image: new OlIcon({ src: img_path + "/marker_c_shadow.png", size: [23, 23], anchor: [0.4, 0.4] }) }); } function marker_icon_style(feature) { let src = img_path + "/marker_p_" + feature.get("type") + ".png"; return new Style({ image: new OlIcon({ src, size: [20, 34], anchor: [0.5, 1] }) }); } function point_style(feature, highlight) { let sledrun = feature.get("type") == "sledrun"; let icon_style; if (sledrun) { let condition = get_sledrun_condition(feature); icon_style = sledrun_icon_style(condition, highlight); } else icon_style = marker_icon_style(feature); if (highlight) { icon_style.setText(new OlText({ text: get_feature_title(feature), font: "icon", offsetY: 14, stroke: new OlStroke({ color: "#ddd", width: 2 }) })); } if (sledrun) { let shadow_style = sledrun_icon_shadow_style(); return [shadow_style, icon_style]; } return [icon_style]; } function style_point_function(feature, _resolution) { return point_style(feature, false); } function style_point_function_highlight(feature, _resolution) { return point_style(feature, true); } function style_path_function(feature, _resolution) { let line_color = { "rodelbahn": "#014e9a", "gehweg": "#e98401", "alternative": "#7f7fff", "lift": "#000000", "anfahrt": "#e1e100" }; let featureType = feature.get("type"); let color = feature.get("strokeColor") || line_color[featureType] || "#e7525b"; let width2 = ["lift", "anfahrt"].indexOf(feature.get("type")) >= 0 ? 3 : 6; return new Style({ stroke: new OlStroke({ color, width: width2 }) }); } function style_function(feature, resolution) { if (feature.getGeometry() instanceof OlPoint) return style_point_function(feature); return style_path_function(feature); } function style_function_highlight(feature, resolution) { if (feature.getGeometry() instanceof OlPoint) return style_point_function_highlight(feature); return style_path_function(feature); } let popup_container = document.createElement("div"); popup_container.setAttribute("class", "ol-popup"); popup_container = jq_map_element.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", popup_container); let popup_closer = document.createElement("a"); popup_closer.setAttribute("href", "#"); popup_closer.setAttribute("class", "ol-popup-closer"); popup_closer = popup_container.insertAdjacentElement("beforeend", popup_closer); let popup_content = document.createElement("div"); popup_content = popup_container.insertAdjacentElement("beforeend", popup_content); let popup_overlay = new OlOverlay({ element: popup_container, autoPan: { animation: { duration: 250 } } }); popup_closer.onclick = function() { popup_overlay.setPosition(void 0); popup_closer.blur(); return false; }; function create_popup_dom(feature) { let popup_div = createElement("div"); if (feature.get("name") !== void 0 && (feature.get("wiki") !== void 0 || feature.get("thumb_url") !== void 0)) { let h2 = appendElement(popup_div, "h2"); if (feature.get("wiki") === void 0) h2.text(feature.get("name")); else appendElement(h2, "a", { href: new mw.Title(feature.get("wiki")).getUrl({}) }).text(feature.get("name")); } if (feature.get("type") == "sledrun") { let p = appendElement(popup_div, "p").text("Rodelbahnzustand").append(createElement("br")); let wiki_title = new mw.Title(feature.get("wiki")); if (feature.get("condition") !== void 0) { let condition_text = { 1: "Sehr gut", 2: "Gut", 3: "Mittelmäßig", 4: "Schlecht", 5: "Geht nicht" }; let condition = feature.get("condition"); let year_month_day = feature.get("date_report").split("-"); p.append(createElement("a", { href: wiki_title.getUrl({}) + "#Eintr.C3.A4ge" }).text(condition_text[condition]), " "); p.append(createElement("small").text(year_month_day[2] + "." + year_month_day[1] + "."), " "); p.append(createElement("em").append(createElement("a", { href: wiki_title.getUrl({}) + "#Eintragen" }).text("Neu"))); } else { p.append(createElement("em").append(createElement("a", { href: wiki_title.getUrl({}) + "#Eintragen" }).text("Bitte eintragen"))); } } if (feature.get("wiki") !== void 0) { let a = appendElement(appendElement(popup_div, "p"), "a", { href: new mw.Title(feature.get("wiki")).getUrl({}) }); let detail_text = "Details"; if (feature.get("type") == "sledrun") detail_text += " zur Rodelbahn"; if (feature.get("type") == "gasthaus") detail_text += " zum Gasthaus"; if (feature.get("thumb_url") !== void 0) { a.append(createElement("img", { src: feature.get("thumb_url"), alt: detail_text, title: detail_text })); } else { a.text(detail_text); let api = new mw.Api(); api.get({ action: "query", prop: "pageimages", pithumbsize: "200", titles: feature.get("wiki") }).done(function(data) { var _a2; let pages = (_a2 = data == null ? void 0 : data.query) == null ? void 0 : _a2.pages; if (pages instanceof Object) { for (let pageNumber in pages) { let page = pages[pageNumber]; let thumbnail = page.thumbnail; if (thumbnail instanceof Object) { a.empty(); a.append(createElement("img", { src: thumbnail.source, alt: detail_text, title: detail_text, width: thumbnail.width, height: thumbnail.height })); popup_overlay.panIntoView(); } } } }); } } return popup_div; } let lon = ((_a = json_js.wr_properties) == null ? void 0 : _a.lon) ?? 11; let lat = ((_b = json_js.wr_properties) == null ? void 0 : ?? 47; let zoom = ((_c = json_js.wr_properties) == null ? void 0 : _c.zoom) ?? 10; let width = ((_d = json_js.wr_properties) == null ? void 0 : _d.width) ?? "100%"; let height = ((_e = == null ? void 0 : _e.height) ?? 450; jq_map.width(width); jq_map.height(height); let layer_sledrun_source = new OlSourceVector({ features: features_all }); let layer_sledrun = new OlLayerVector({ source: layer_sledrun_source, style: style_function }); let map = new OlMap({ target: jq_map[0], layers: [ layer_sledrun ], overlays: [popup_overlay], view: new OlView({ center: fromLonLat([lon, lat]), zoom }), controls: defaults$1({ attributionOptions: { collapsible: false } }), interactions: defaults({ mouseWheelZoom: false, dragPan: false }).extend([ new OlInteractionDragPan({ condition: function(event) { let dragPan = this; return dragPan.getPointerCount() === 2 || platformModifierKeyOnly(event); } }), new OlInteractionMouseWheelZoom({ condition: platformModifierKeyOnly }), new OlInteractionSelect({ condition: pointerMove, style: style_function_highlight }) ]) }); let select_click = new OlInteractionSelect({ condition: click, style: null }); map.addInteraction(select_click); select_click.on("select", function(event) { if (event.selected.length > 0) { let feature = event.selected[0]; let geometry = feature.getGeometry(); let coordinates2 = geometry.getFirstCoordinate(); let popup_dom = create_popup_dom(feature); if (popup_dom.children().length > 0) { $(popup_content).empty().append(popup_dom); popup_overlay.setPosition(coordinates2); } } }); function get_austria_feature() { let austria_wkt = "POLYGON ((9.599 47.269, 9.767 47.523, 9.986 47.442, 10.192 47.234, 10.366 47.287, 10.488 47.497, 10.814 47.477, 11.052 47.349, 11.732 47.539, 12.211 47.578, 12.269 47.656, 12.474 47.593, 12.676 47.622, 12.839 47.471, 13.039 47.436, 13.120 47.661, 12.989 47.754, 13.019 47.900, 12.864 48.130, 13.419 48.328, 13.516 48.523, 13.769 48.509, 13.867 48.699, 14.173 48.535, 14.726 48.561, 14.851 48.728, 14.983 48.751, 15.036 48.954, 15.803 48.820, 16.041 48.711, 16.374 48.694, 16.496 48.754, 16.831 48.668, 16.800 48.376, 17.050 48.001, 16.985 47.742, 16.583 47.795, 16.363 47.696, 16.605 47.538, 16.379 47.412, 16.402 47.043, 15.994 46.879, 15.914 46.732, 14.874 46.649, 14.538 46.455, 12.501 46.715, 12.213 46.957, 12.267 47.065, 12.181 47.126, 11.762 47.031, 11.220 47.018, 10.925 46.815, 10.520 46.900, 10.359 47.029, 10.134 46.899, 9.674 47.095, 9.599 47.269))"; let format = new OlFormatWkt(); let feature = format.readFeature(austria_wkt, { dataProjection: EPSG4326, featureProjection: EPSG3857 }); return feature; } let austriaFeature = get_austria_feature(); let austriaGeometry = austriaFeature.getGeometry(); function is_in_austria(feature) { let featureGeometry = feature.getGeometry(); return austriaGeometry.intersectsCoordinate(featureGeometry.getFirstCoordinate()); } let austria_only = features_all.every(is_in_austria); let capabilitiesUrl = austria_only ? "" : ""; fetch(capabilitiesUrl).then(function(response) { return response.text(); }).then(function(text) { let result = new OlFormatWmtsCapabilities().read(text); let options = optionsFromCapabilities(result, { layer: austria_only ? "bmapgrau" : "vaoausland", matrixSet: "google3857", style: "normal" }); options["attributions"] = austria_only ? 'Grundkarte:' : 'Grundkarte: OpenStreetMap'; let layer_map = new OlLayerTile({ source: new OlSourceWmts(options) }); map.getLayers().insertAt(0, layer_map); }); } function init_wrmaps() { let jq_maps = $(".wrmap"); jq_maps.each(init_wrmap); } $(init_wrmaps); //#