ApiResult.php: * Introduced ApiResult::$mSize which keeps track of the result size. * Introduced ApiResult::size() which calculates an array's size (which is the sum of the strlen()s of its elements). * ApiResult::addValue() now checks that the result size stays below $wgAPIMaxResultSize. If the item won't fit, it won't be added and addValue() will return false. Callers should check the return value and set a query-continue if it's false. * Closed the back door that is ApiResult::getData(): callers can't manipulate the data array directly anymore so they can't bypass the result size limit. * Added ApiResult::setIndexedTagName_internal() which will call setIndexedTagName() on an array already in the result. This is needed for the 'new' order of adding results, which means addValue()ing one result at a time until you hit the limit or run out, then calling this function to set the tag name. * Added ApiResult::disableSizeCheck() and enableSizeCheck() which disable and enable size checking in addValue(). This is used for stuff like query-continue elements and warnings which shouldn't count towards the result size. * Added ApiResult::unsetValue() which removes an element from the result and decreases $mSize. ApiBase.php: * Like ApiResult::getData(), ApiBase::getResultData() no longer returns a reference. * Use ApiResult::disableSizeCheck() in ApiBase::setWarning() ApiQueryBase.php: * Added ApiQueryBase::addPageSubItem(), which adds page subitems one item at a time. * addPageSubItem() and addPageSubItems() now return whether the subitem fit in the result. * Use ApiResult::disableSizeCheck() in setContinueEnumParameter() ApiMain.php: * Use ApiResult::disableSizeCheck() in ApiMain::substituteResultWithError() * Use getParameter() rather than $mRequest to obtain requestid DefaultSettings.php: * Added $wgAPIMaxResultSize, with a default value of 16 MB ApiQuery*.php: * Added results one at a time, and set a query-continue if the result is full. ApiQueryLangLinks.php and friends: * Migrated from addPageSubItems() to addPageSubItem(). This eliminates the need for $lastId. ApiQueryAllLinks.php, ApiQueryWatchlist.php, ApiQueryAllimages.php, ApiQuerySearch.php: * Renamed $data to something more appropriate ($pageids, $ids or $titles) ApiQuerySiteinfo.php: * Abuse siprop as a query-continue parameter and set it to all props that couldn't be processed. ApiQueryRandom.php: * Doesn't do continuations, because the result is supposed to be random. * Be smart enough to not run the second query if the results of the first didn't fit. ApiQueryImageInfo.php, ApiQueryRevisions.php, ApiQueryCategoryInfo.php, ApiQueryInfo.php: * Added continue parameter which basically skips the first so many items ApiQueryBacklinks.php: * Throw the result in a big array first and addValue() that one element at a time if necessary ** This is necessary because the results aren't retrieved in order * Introduced $this->pageMap to map namespace and title to page ID * Rewritten extractRowInfo() and extractRedirRowInfo() a little * Declared all private member variables explicitly ApiQueryDeletedrevs.php: * Use a pagemap just like in Backlinks * Introduced fake page IDs and keep track of them so we know where to add what ApiQueryAllmessages.php: * Add amfrom to facilitate query-continue ApiQueryUsers.php: * Rewrite: put the getOtherUsersInfo() code in execute()