sunxi-mw@de1:/srv/http/$ php maintenance/update.php --quick MediaWiki 1.21alpha Updater Going to run database updates for sunxi Depending on the size of your database this may take a while! ...sequence ipblocks_ipb_id_seq already exists. ...sequence revision_rev_id_seq already exists. ...sequence text_old_id_seq already exists. ...sequence recentchanges_rc_id_seq already exists. ...sequence logging_log_id_seq already exists. ...sequence page_restrictions_pr_id_seq already exists. ...sequence uploadstash_us_id_seq already exists. ...sequence category_cat_id_seq already exists. ...category table already exists. table already exists. ...querycachetwo table already exists. ...page_props table already exists. ...page_restrictions table already exists. ...profiling table already exists. ...protected_titles table already exists. ...redirect table already exists. ...updatelog table already exists. ...change_tag table already exists. ...tag_summary table already exists. ...valid_tag table already exists. ...user_properties table already exists. ...log_search table already exists. ...l10n_cache table already exists. ...iwlinks table already exists. ...msg_resource table already exists. ...msg_resource_links table already exists. ...module_deps table already exists. ...uploadstash table already exists. ...user_former_groups table already exists. ...config table already exists. ...external_user table already exists. ...obsolete table 'archive2' does not exist ...column 'updatelog.ul_value' already exists ...column 'archive.ar_deleted' already exists ...column 'archive.ar_len' already exists ...column 'archive.ar_page_id' already exists ...column 'archive.ar_parent_id' already exists ...column 'categorylinks.cl_sortkey_prefix' already exists ...column 'categorylinks.cl_collation' already exists ...column 'categorylinks.cl_type' already exists ...column 'image.img_sha1' already exists ...column 'ipblocks.ipb_allow_usertalk' already exists ...column 'ipblocks.ipb_anon_only' already exists ...column 'ipblocks.ipb_by_text' already exists ...column 'ipblocks.ipb_block_email' already exists ...column 'ipblocks.ipb_create_account' already exists ...column 'ipblocks.ipb_deleted' already exists ...column 'ipblocks.ipb_enable_autoblock' already exists ...column 'ipblocks.ipb_parent_block_id' already exists ...column 'filearchive.fa_deleted' already exists ...column 'logging.log_deleted' already exists ...column 'logging.log_id' already exists ...column 'logging.log_params' already exists ...column 'mwuser.user_editcount' already exists ...column 'mwuser.user_newpass_time' already exists ...column 'oldimage.oi_deleted' already exists ...column 'oldimage.oi_major_mime' already exists ...column 'oldimage.oi_media_type' already exists ...column 'oldimage.oi_metadata' already exists ...column 'oldimage.oi_minor_mime' already exists ...column 'oldimage.oi_sha1' already exists ...column 'page_restrictions.pr_id' already exists ...column 'profiling.pf_memory' already exists ...column 'recentchanges.rc_deleted' already exists ...column 'recentchanges.rc_log_action' already exists ...column 'recentchanges.rc_log_type' already exists ...column 'recentchanges.rc_logid' already exists ...column 'recentchanges.rc_new_len' already exists ...column 'recentchanges.rc_old_len' already exists ...column 'recentchanges.rc_params' already exists ...column 'redirect.rd_interwiki' already exists ...column 'redirect.rd_fragment' already exists ...column 'revision.rev_deleted' already exists ...column 'revision.rev_len' already exists ...column 'revision.rev_parent_id' already exists ...column 'site_stats.ss_active_users' already exists ...column 'user_newtalk.user_last_timestamp' already exists ...column 'logging.log_user_text' already exists ...column 'logging.log_page' already exists ...column 'interwiki.iw_api' already exists ...column 'interwiki.iw_wikiid' already exists ...column 'revision.rev_sha1' already exists ...column 'archive.ar_sha1' already exists ...column 'uploadstash.us_chunk_inx' already exists ...column 'job.job_timestamp' already exists ...column 'archive.ar_deleted' is already of type 'smallint' ...column 'archive.ar_minor_edit' is already of type 'smallint' ...column 'filearchive.fa_deleted' is already of type 'smallint' ...column 'filearchive.fa_height' is already of type 'integer' ...column 'filearchive.fa_metadata' is already of type 'bytea' ...column 'filearchive.fa_size' is already of type 'integer' ...column 'filearchive.fa_width' is already of type 'integer' ...column 'filearchive.fa_storage_group' is already of type 'text' ...column 'filearchive.fa_storage_key' is already of type 'text' ...column 'image.img_metadata' is already of type 'bytea' ...column 'image.img_size' is already of type 'integer' ...column 'image.img_width' is already of type 'integer' ...column 'image.img_height' is already of type 'integer' ...column 'interwiki.iw_local' is already of type 'smallint' ...column 'interwiki.iw_trans' is already of type 'smallint' ...column 'ipblocks.ipb_auto' is already of type 'smallint' ...column 'ipblocks.ipb_anon_only' is already of type 'smallint' ...column 'ipblocks.ipb_create_account' is already of type 'smallint' ...column 'ipblocks.ipb_enable_autoblock' is already of type 'smallint' ...column 'ipblocks.ipb_block_email' is already of type 'smallint' ...column 'ipblocks.ipb_address' is already of type 'text' ...column 'ipblocks.ipb_deleted' is already of type 'smallint' ...column 'mwuser.user_token' is already of type 'text' ...column 'mwuser.user_email_token' is already of type 'text' ...column 'objectcache.keyname' is already of type 'text' ...column 'oldimage.oi_height' is already of type 'integer' ...column 'oldimage.oi_metadata' is already of type 'bytea' ...column 'oldimage.oi_size' is already of type 'integer' ...column 'oldimage.oi_width' is already of type 'integer' ...column 'page.page_is_redirect' is already of type 'smallint' ...column 'page.page_is_new' is already of type 'smallint' ...column 'querycache.qc_value' is already of type 'integer' ...column 'querycachetwo.qcc_value' is already of type 'integer' ...column 'recentchanges.rc_bot' is already of type 'smallint' ...column 'recentchanges.rc_deleted' is already of type 'smallint' ...column 'recentchanges.rc_minor' is already of type 'smallint' ...column 'recentchanges.rc_new' is already of type 'smallint' ...column 'recentchanges.rc_type' is already of type 'smallint' ...column 'recentchanges.rc_patrolled' is already of type 'smallint' ...column 'revision.rev_deleted' is already of type 'smallint' ...column 'revision.rev_minor_edit' is already of type 'smallint' ...column 'templatelinks.tl_namespace' is already of type 'smallint' ...column 'user_newtalk.user_ip' is already of type 'text' ...column 'uploadstash.us_image_bits' is already of type 'smallint' ...column 'oldimage.oi_bits' is already set as NULL ...column 'oldimage.oi_timestamp' is already set as NULL ...column 'oldimage.oi_major_mime' is already set as NULL ...column 'oldimage.oi_minor_mime' is already set as NULL ...column 'image.img_metadata' is already set as NOT NULL ...column 'filearchive.fa_metadata' is already set as NOT NULL ...column 'recentchanges.rc_cur_id' is already set as NULL ...column 'oldimage.oi_deleted' is already of type 'smallint' ...index 'archive_user_text' on table 'archive' already exists ...index 'img_sha1' on table 'image' already exists ...index 'ipb_parent_block_id' on table 'ipblocks' already exists ...index 'oi_sha1' on table 'oldimage' already exists ...index 'page_mediawiki_title' on table 'page' already exists ...index 'pagelinks_title' on table 'pagelinks' already exists ...index 'rev_text_id_idx' on table 'revision' already exists ...index 'rc_timestamp_bot' on table 'recentchanges' already exists ...index 'templatelinks_from' on table 'templatelinks' already exists ...index 'wl_user' on table 'watchlist' already exists ...index 'logging_user_type_time' on table 'logging' already exists ...index 'logging_page_id_time' on table 'logging' already exists ...index 'iwl_prefix_title_from' on table 'iwlinks' already exists ...index 'job_timestamp_idx' on table 'job' already exists need to drop index 'pagelink_unique' ...index 'pagelink_unique' exists need to drop index 'cl_sortkey' ...index 'cl_sortkey' exists need to drop index 'logging_times' ...index 'logging_times' exists need to drop index 'oi_name_archive_name' ...index 'oi_name_archive_name' exists need to drop index 'oi_name_timestamp' ...index 'oi_name_timestamp' exists need to drop index 'page_main_title' ...index 'page_main_title' exists need to drop index 'page_mediawiki_title' ...index 'page_mediawiki_title' exists need to drop index 'page_project_title' ...index 'page_project_title' exists need to drop index 'page_talk_title' ...index 'page_talk_title' exists need to drop index 'page_user_title' ...index 'page_user_title' exists need to drop index 'page_utalk_title' ...index 'page_utalk_title' exists need to drop index 'ts2_page_text' ...index 'ts2_page_text' exists need to drop index 'ts2_page_title' ...index 'ts2_page_title' exists ...table 'oldimage' has correct cascading delete/update foreign key to image ...table 'page' has 'page_deleted' trigger ...constraint 'revision_rev_user_fkey' is ON DELETE RESTRICT need to drop index 'ipb_address_unique' ...index 'ipb_address_unique' exists Refreshing add_interwiki() ...done. Refreshing ts2_page_title() ...done. Rewriting tsearch2 triggers ...done. ...site_stats is populated...done. Purging caches...done. Done.