-- Postgres Version -- author: Sebastian Fiedler -- date: 2013-11-29 -- set Schemata SET search_path = mediawiki; CREATE TABLE "Vote" ( -- Internal ID to identify between different vote tags on different pages vote_id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, -- Username (if any) of the person who voted username varchar(255) NOT NULL default '0', -- User ID of the person who voted vote_user_id integer NOT NULL default '0', -- ID of the page where the vote tag is in vote_page_id integer NOT NULL default '0', -- Value of the vote (ranging from 1 to 5) vote_value char(1) NOT NULL default '', -- Timestamp when the vote was cast vote_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, -- IP address of the user who voted vote_ip varchar(45) NOT NULL default '' ) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/; CREATE INDEX vote_page_id_index ON "Vote" (vote_page_id); CREATE INDEX valueidx ON "Vote" (vote_value); CREATE INDEX usernameidx ON "Vote" (username); CREATE INDEX vote_date ON "Vote" (vote_date); -- set rights to the wikiuser, replace wikiuser with your defined database username if is not wikiuser -- replace mediawiki if you use an other schema ALTER TABLE mediawiki."Vote" OWNER TO wikiuser;